Challenges of Quality Assessment System (Qlassic) in Construction Industry in Malaysia
Challenges of Quality Assessment System (Qlassic) in Construction Industry in Malaysia
Challenges of Quality Assessment System (Qlassic) in Construction Industry in Malaysia
Dedicated specially
To my beloved husband Muhammad Nasir Abu Bakar
and my daughter
Nur Nayli Fatini
Finally, I would like to acknowledge all the expert panels and respondents to
the questionnaire for participants in this study exercise and without them this study
will be meaningless.
3.1 Introduction 34
3.1.1 Defining the Research Objectives 35
3.1.2 Defining the Target Population 35
3.1.3 Defining the Mode of Administration 35
3.1.4 Developing Questionnaire 36
3.1.5 Designing the Sampling Approach 37
3.2 Data Analysis 37
3.2.1 Collecting and Processing the Data 38
3.2.2 Estimation and Data Analysis 39
3.3 Schematic of Research Methodology 40
4.1 Introduction 42
4.2 Questionnaire Sample Distribution 42
4.3 Questionnaire Design 44
4.3.1 Section A : Respondent’s Profile and 44
4.3.2 Section B : Advantages in Application
of QLASSIC System 45
4.3.3 Section C : Barriers in Application of
QLASSIC System 46
TC - Technical Committee
CIS - Construction Industry Standard
CIDB - Construction Industry Development Board
PWD - Public Works Department
JPN - Jabatan Perumahan Negara
REDHA - Real Estate and Housing Developers Association Malaysia
PAM - Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia
MBAM - Master Builiders Association Malaysia
HBA - National House Buyers Association
QLASSIC - Quality Assessment System
TQ - Total Quality
CONQUAS - Construction Quality Assessment System
QA/QC - Quality Assurance/Quality Check
CIMP - Construction Industry Malaysia Plan
DPM - Deputy Prime Minister
ST - Seven Strategic Thrust
M&E - Mechanical and Electrical
CPC - Certificate of Practical Completion
GFA - Gross Floor Area
ACMV - Air-conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation
Σ - Sum
α - Alpha
≤ - Less or similar
award of construction contracts based on "value for money" rather than cost
efficiency, ensuring that Construction products, especially those that are locally
manufactured, confirm to the standing Industry Standards, ensuring that skilled
labour confirm to the standing National Skills Standards and ensuring that
Construction Firms are encouraged to enhance their quality to eventually achieve
competitive advantage in the global market. With consumer sophistication as a key
driving force for quality in construction, CIDB has spearheaded a number of far-
reaching initiatives that are designed to enhance quality.
The Technical Committee (TC) team set up the Quality Assessment System
in Construction (QLASSIC) to give a level of standard that can award to the
Developers or Contractors as successful parties in construction industry. This
system or method is to measure the quality of a workmanship of a construction work
based on the relevant approved standard. QLASSIC set out the standard on quality
of workmanship for various construction elements of building and also
infrastructure works upon completion of the projects. The elements in assessments
include Structural Works, Architectural Works, and Mechanical and Electrical
Works (M&E). QLASSIC enables the quality of workmanship in construction
projects to be objectively highlighted through a scoring system. The marks are
summed up to calculate the QLASSIC Score (%) for a construction projects. The
results are derived from the site inspection that carried out on the first time
inspection within the elements of the building from upon completion of the projects.
For the works that are rectified after assessment will not be summed up into the
Hence, QLASSIC was a very familiar system among the several Developers
and Contractors. Furthermore, the parties that comply with the QLASSIC are more
advance in the development of the construction projects. There are more aware on
the quality of a workmanship and more successful in delivering the construction
projects by following the standards of quality. Therefore, an exposure to work
within the standard of quality is already in their organizations strategy. QLASSIC
was not fully implemented and applied by all Developers or Contractors in Malaysia
as there is not a compulsory requirement. Moreover, there are a small number of
Developers and Contractors that aware on the benefits of application QLASSIC in
their construction projects. In addition, it shows that there are some barriers that
make those parties not comply with QLASSIC. The barriers give the tough
challenges to CIDB in order to ensure QLASSIC is totally applied by all Developers
and Contractors in construction industry.
In order to achieve the aim of the study, the following objectives have been
In order to achieve the objectives for this study, the scope of the study will
be focusing on the challenges of QLASSIC within Developers and Contractors in
construction industry in Malaysia.
Paul P.Biemer and Lars e.Lyberg (2003), Introduction to Survey Quality, Published
by John & Sons Inc, Hoboken New Jersey
William M.Lindsay and Joseph A.Petrick (1997), Total Quality and Organization
Development, Published by St.Luice Press