Esperanza Rising Eats Lesson Plan

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The lesson plan discusses using a KWL chart and movie trailer to help students predict events and characters in a book based on prior knowledge.

The lesson plan discusses using a 'I do, We do, You do' structure with introducing concepts as a class, then having group and class discussions.

Students will summarize what they learned through group discussions and answering the essential question. They will also summarize the strategies used to determine events and characters from the trailer.

Learning-Focused Strategies Extending Refining Lesson Plan: EATS

Name: Tessa Colgan, Olivia Denk, Emma Sidon, and Lindsey Ray Date: 2/27/19 Grade Level: 4th

Topic: Esperanza Rising Movie Trailer Context: Whole class and individual discussion

How can I use a movie trailer to predict the events and main character of a book?
What is the most important
concept in this lesson? What
skills should the students

What is the key question for

this lesson?
STRATEGY: Pass out the KWL charts.
Introduce the book, then we are going to ask students what they know about American
How will you activate your and Mexican culture in the 1920s. Students will then think out what they would like to
lesson, link to prior knowledge, learn about American and Mexican culture during that time. There will be three minutes
and promote knowledge of of individual think time and then we will transition into a whole class discussion.
key vocabulary words? Next, the students will watch the trailer, while watching the trailer student will think
about the main events and character that are featured in the movie trailer.
(Examples: KWL, a word map,
a word splash, etc.)
STRATEGIES: I Do: Teacher will introduce the book and pass out the KWL charts.
We Do: A whole class discussion on what they already know and would like to know
What instructional strategies about American and Mexican culture in the 1920s. Whole class will watch the trailer and
will you use in your lesson? take note of main characters and events in the trailer.
You Do: Students will fill out the ‘prior knowledge’ and ‘want to know’ areas of the KWL
(Examples: graphic organizer, chart on their own. Students will have group discussion then a whole class discussion on
distributed guided practice, what they learned through the trailer.
distributed summarizing,
collaborative pairs, etc.).
Students will have group and whole class discussion on what they learned through the
trailer and what they would hope to learn by reading the book. Students will summarize
How will students summarize the strategies that they used to determine the main events and characters within the
what they are learning during trailer.
the lesson and at the end?
(Examples: Ticket out the Door,
3-2-1, etc.)

Answer the EQ.

We will assess their understanding on bringing in prior knowledge and understanding

REFLECTION key events and characters in the story based on the conversations they have with their
How well did the student group and the whole class about their KWL charts.
grasp concepts in this lesson? We will reteach the strategy by choosing a couple of trailers with movies that they are
Will you use a re-teaching familiar with and have the students evaluate how different trailers use key events and
strategy after this lesson? characters.
Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

KWL Chart

Select a topic you want to research. In the first column, write what you already know
about the topic. In the second column, write what you want to know about the topic.
After you have completed your research, write what you learned in the third column.

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned


K-w-l Chart - Readwritethink

(This is where we found the KWL Chart)

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