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Why Did Christianity Take Hold Student Example Essays

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Mini-Q: Why Did Christianity Take Hold In the Ancient World?

Student Work 1:

Jesus Christ is the most widely known person to ever stepped foot on earth. One third of Commented [1]: rephrase this sentence

the population practice Christianity but it went through a lot of obstacles to be what it is now.

Christianity is the religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Why did Christianity take

hold in the ancient world? It started 2000 years ago and had conflict between Roman Ideology. I

believe that Christianity took hold in the ancient world because they treated people equally and

didn’t make others feel less. It took hold for all the stories people told about Jesus after his death.

Christianity took hold because of their kindness while Roman Ideology didn’t treat everyone

equally. Roman Ideology had a different state of mind they thought peace was based of Violence

and Victory. Commented [2]: -1 violence and victory should not be

Everyone is treated equally no matter what. Everyone is seen the same in Jesus eyes. In Commented [3]: -1 Jesus's

Document C it states “ Every person, man, woman, child, slave, barbarian, no matter who, is

made in the image of God and is therefore of enormous value in the eyes of God.” This supports

my baby thesis because it shows how Jesus saw everyone equally. He thought the best of

someone even when they weren’t the best person. Jesus didn’t make someone else feel less to

please someone he treated everyone the same.

Christianity is open for everyone, and you are treated with respect. Christian Community

doesn’t discriminate against anyone. In Document D it says “ Here is a community that invites

you, which makes you an equal with all other members of that community.” This supports my

baby thesis because it shows that they are humble and nice for how they treat their people.

Another thing is you will get along with others and you care for each other. Christianity was the
Commented [4]: You explain the use of your evidence
best because of how humble and good hearted they were. very well, but you need 2-3 pieces of evidence
Christianity is better open minded because their definition for peace on earth is fair and

just. They have a good heart and think for the best. In Document E it says “There will be peace Commented [5]: You buy thesis is difficult to
understand. Reword
on earth, said Christianity, when all is fair and just. Christianity+Non Violence Justice=Peace.”

For Roman ideology is “Violence+Violence+Victory=Peace.” Roman ideology would have

made the world a bad place with the way they thought. Christianity had a better mindset and

would have made the world a better place.

Christianity took hold in the ancient time because of its great characteristics. People may

disagree and not believe in Jesus but they were loving people who took care of others. Commented [6]: Why? Explain further

Christianity is one of the best religions because of how humble they are and caring. Christianity

is open for everyone to join because they are loving and caring people. Someone who doesn’t

agree must not believe in god. Commented [7]: -1 capitalize

Executive Functioning Points: 12/12

Overall Grade: 84%

Why Did Christianity Spread Essay Rubric/Checklist

Paragraph 1
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Attention 1 pt. 1 Something that grabs the reader's attention and makes
Grabber them want to keep reading.

Background 1 pt. 1 Assume the reader does not know anything about
Info your topic. What is citizenship? What was Athens?
What was the Roman Republic?

Stating the 2 pts. 2 What is the question you will be answering? (Clue: it
question to be is on the front of the packet!!)

Thesis 3 pts. 3 Your answer to the question, i.e.

(Athens/Rome) had the better system of citizenship.

Roadmap 3 pts. 3 The main points/baby theses of your three body

paragraphs. Summarize in 1-2 sentences what the
reader will be reading.
Total Possible Points: 10
Paragraph Paragraph 2
Requirement Points Points Explanation: These explanations apply to
Main Body
Possible Rec’d paragraphs 2-4

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7 The main argument of this paragraph. Tell the
reader in the beginning of the paragraph.
Example: Athens/Rome had a better system
because citizens...

Evidence 7 pts 4 Information from the documents that supports your

baby thesis. You need 2-3 pieces of evidence, and
tell the reader where the info came from. Which
law? Which document?
“According to Document A…”
“The Athenians were more stingy with their
citizenship (Document C).”

Argument 6 pts 6 You cannot throw a piece of evidence on the page

and expect readers to know how it supports your
baby thesis. You need to show the reader how your
evidence supports your baby thesis, how they
According to Document C, “the Athenians were
more stingy with their citizenship,” this supports
my claim that… because it shows... (Document
Paragraph 3
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7

Evidence 7 pts 4 See comments above

Argument 6 pts 6
Paragraph 4
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Baby Thesis 7 pts 6

Evidence 7 pts 4

Argument 6 pts 5
Total Possible Points Per Paragraph: 20
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d
Restate Main 4 pts 4 Restate your three baby theses in 1-2 sentences.
Points This is similar to the roadmap in the introduction.

“Although” 3 pts 2 Give the perspective of someone with the

Statement opposite opinion, and give a quick statement as to
why their opinion is incorrect. 1-2 sentences
Although many people may argue that Athens has
the better system of citizenship because… this
opinion is incorrect because...

Pretty Wrap- 3 pts 2 Concluding sentence, do not just end the essay
up abruptly.
Total Possible Points: 10
Points Points
Possible Rec’d

20 pts 17 Reminders:
- There is not a space between punctuation marks and
the last word of a sentence!
Incorrect example: My name is Ms. Peabody .
Correct Example: My name is Ms. Peabody.
- There IS a space between the punctuation mark and
the beginning of the next sentence.
Incorrect example: My name is Ms. Peabody.I teach world
Correct Example: My name is Ms. Peabod y. I teach World
- Names, cities, nations are all capitalized.
REMINDER if it is capitalized in the packet, it should be
capitalized in your essay.
- DO NOT write sentences that run on and on and on
and on...
- DO NOT write sentences that are. Too short.
- When citing a quote, “Be sure you place the
parentheses within the quotation mark (Document
Student Work 2:

Why Did Christianity Grow in the Ancient World?

There are several reasons why Christianity took hold in the ancient world. Jesus was born in

Israel, he grew up and lived along with Jewish people and followed jewish law. What made him

famous among the Jewish people was the claim that he was the messiah, or the savior of the

Jews. The Romans did not like Jesus because they were afraid he would gain too much power,

so they put him on a cross and nailed him to it. That was not the end of Jesus, as he would

have his apostles (or followers) who would carry on the teachings of Christianity. In my essay,

I’m going to tell you why Christianity took hold in the ancient world. My first thesis is how every

one in Christianity is equal. My second thesis is how Christianity is very peaceful. Lastly, how it

promised eternal life in a better way than the Romans.

Everyone in Christianity is considered to be equal. In document D it says “Now the Christian Commented [8]: Remember, you need to indent the
beginning of every paragraph. Either press the space
community, as we have it particularly in the letters of Paul (one of Jesus apostles), says in bar five times, or press the tab button.

Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither male nor female, neither slave nor free…. Here is

a community that invites you, which makes you an equal with all other members of that

community.” This evidence tells me Jesus believes that everyone should deserve to be treated

equally. I can cite more evidence in document C where it says “But this religion is saying that

every person, man, woman, child, slave, barbarian, no matter who, is made in the image of God

and is therefore of enormous value in the eyes of God.” This tells me that being made in the

image of god means being a resemblance of him, and therefore everyone must be equal.

In Christianity, I would say that it is very peaceful. I can say this because in document G it says Commented [9]: Try making more of a claim or a
statement rather than saying "I would say." Instead
“I asked them whether they were Christians. If they confess to it, then I ask them a second and write something like, "Christianity is a peaceful
third time, while threatening punishment. If they persist, I order them to be led away [to

execution]. This tells me that the Romans would execute people for who they believe in, while Commented [10]: -1
You must end all quotes
i'm Christianity it is said they are peaceful and everyone is equal. I can also say it is peaceful in Also, who is speaking in this quote? give me
background info, give me context.

document E where it says “There will be peace on earth, said Roman ideology, when all is quiet Commented [11]: -1

and orderly. There will be peace on earth, said Christianity, when all is fair and just.” This tells Commented [12]: Explain this quote further.
Remember the reader does not have access to the
me that Romans still believe that violence is needed to have order, while everyone is equal and documents, you need to explain what this means.

at peace in Christianity.

I would lastly say that Christianity promised eternal life in a different and better way than the

Romans. In document B it says “one [reason] was certainly that the message was preached

here promised… immortality, a future life which would be liberation from sickness and from

disease and poverty, and individual isolation.” This tells me that Christianity promised eternal life

and also freeness from sickness and diseases, also everyone was equal. Some more evidence

to back this up is in document A where it says “There was a scholar of the law who stood up to

test [Jesus] and said, “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him,” what

is written in the law? How do you read it?” He said in reply: “You shall love the lord, your God,

with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your

neighbor as yourself.” This tells me that all you have to do to inherit eternal life in Christianity is Commented [13]: * try to keep quotes between 1-2
love god and believe in him. While in Rome, you had to win a battle, have order, then eternal * use a quote when you cannot put it in your own
words, or if it sounds better in its original format
* you can use parts of a quotes, and then summarize
life. the rest
Commented [14]: -1
God and Him need to be capitalize

Overall I think that this is why Christianity took hold in the ancient world. It tells us why people

stopped believing in the Roman mythology. Although some may have different reasons on why

Christianity took hold in the ancient world, They should look at my evidence because it tells Commented [15]: such as?
Commented [16]: this should not be capitalized
what you really need to know. There are still some other reason why Christianity took hold in the

ancient world. But these are only some of the main points.
Executive Functioning Points: 12/12
Overall Grade: 91%

Why Did Christianity Spread Essay Rubric/Checklist

Paragraph 1
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Attention 1 pt. 1 Something that grabs the reader's attention and makes
Grabber them want to keep reading.

Background 1 pt. 1 Assume the reader does not know anything about
Info your topic. What is citizenship? What was Athens?
What was the Roman Republic?

Stating the 2 pts. 2 What is the question you will be answering? (Clue: it
question to be is on the front of the packet!!)

Thesis 3 pts. 3 Your answer to the question, i.e.

(Athens/Rome) had the better system of citizenship.

Roadmap 3 pts. 3 The main points/baby theses of your three body

paragraphs. Summarize in 1-2 sentences what the
reader will be reading.
Total Possible Points: 10
Paragraph Paragraph 2
Requirement Points Points Explanation: These explanations apply to
Main Body
Possible Rec’d paragraphs 2-4

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7

Evidence 7 pts 7

Argument 6 pts 6
Paragraph 3
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7

Evidence 7 pts 6

Argument 6 pts 4
Paragraph 4
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7

Evidence 7 pts 7

Argument 6 pts 6
Total Possible Points Per Paragraph: 20

Requirement Points Points Explanation

Possible Rec’d
Restate Main 4 pts
Points 4

“Although” 3 pts 3

Pretty Wrap- 3 pts 2 Concluding sentence, do not just end the essay
up abruptly.
Total Possible Points: 10
Points Points
Possible Rec’d

20 pts 15 I did not mark all grammatical errors, but see my comments
and where you lost points , and you probably made the mistake
in other placed as well

- There is not a space between punctuation marks and
the last word of a sentence!
Incorrect example: My name is Ms. Peabody .
Correct Example: My name is Ms. Peabody.
- There IS a space between the punctuation mark and
the beginning of the next sentence.
Incorrect example: My name is Ms. Peabody.I teach world
Correct Example: My name is Ms. Peabod y. I teach World
Student Work 3: Commented [17]: -4
Christianity and Rome needs to be capitalized

Why Did Christianity Take Hold in the Ancient World? Commented [18]: I don’t see where are you talking
about ?? I don’t see rome where you highlighted
Commented [19]: _Marked as resolved_
Christianity was very powerful when it comes to religion in the ancient world. Referring Commented [20]: _Re-opened_
Commented [21]: _Marked as resolved_
back to Chapter 6 Section 3 they showed on a map how Christianity spread in the
Commented [22]: _Re-opened_
Hi London,
Rome world to A.D 500 and christianity is practiced today by about one-third of the
I highlighted the whole paragraph to indicate that you
world’s population. Why did Christianity take hold in the ancient world? Yes, Christianity forgot some to
capitalize some of the words. Read through the whole
paper, and you will
took hold in the ancient world because they were more equal , made everyone feel see where Rome and Christianity were not capitalized.
I did not highlight
every individual time you forgot to capitalize the words.
valued, and how the after was open to all. I want you to
reread and find them.
Christianity took hold in the Ancient World because according to Document B
You did a great job on your paper, but remember, you
need read over you
christianity after life were open to all. My evidence is when Document B says “One paper one more time before submitting in order catch ...
Commented [23]: -4
[reason] was certainly that the message that was preached and promised… immortality, Christianity and Rome needs to be capitalized
Commented [24]: I don’t see where are you talking
a future life which would be liberation from sickness and from disease from poverty, and about ?? I don’t see rome where you highlighted
Commented [25]: _Marked as resolved_
individual isolation. There is a future for the individual… beyond the powers of this Commented [26]: _Re-opened_
Commented [27]: _Marked as resolved_
world..” “The ancient Romans believed that when one died, one was met by Mercury, Commented [28]: _Re-opened_
Hi London, ...
the messenger god judged.” According to Document B it shows how Rome were more Commented [29]: -4
Christianity and Rome needs to be capitalized
unwilling to accept people for afterlife or has remorse instead christianity more willing to Commented [30]: I don’t see where are you talking
about ?? I don’t see rome where you highlighted
everyone no matter the circumstances of their lifestyle. Commented [31]: _Marked as resolved_
Commented [32]: _Re-opened_
Also christianity took hold in the ancient world because the christian community Commented [33]: _Marked as resolved_
Commented [34]: _Re-opened_
believed that everyone is equal. According to Document D it says “ says in Christ there Hi London, ...
Commented [35]: -4
is neither Jew nor Greek, neither male or female, neither slave nor free….” This Christianity and Rome needs to be capitalized
Commented [36]: I don’t see where are you talking
statement means everyone deserves to be treated the same .Also Document D says about ?? I don’t see rome where you highlighted
Commented [37]: _Marked as resolved_
that in Rome order to have blessings you need to be at the top of the hierarchical Commented [38]: _Re-opened_
Commented [39]: _Marked as resolved_
system. My two pieces of evidence support my thesis because it shows how christianity
Commented [40]: _Re-opened_
Hi London, ...
believed that everyone is equal and they will and Rome was very strict when it comes to

giving equality to people . Basically this make more sense to join the christianity


Lastly, christianity took hold in ancient world because christian community made

everyone feel like they were valued and like they have something to live for. According

to Document C it says “that every person, man, woman, child, slave, barbarian, no

matter who is made in the image of god and is therefore of enormous value in the eyes

of God.” Also Document C says how the gods of the ancient world were the main image

or should i say they have more royalty and cleanliness then the lower people. This tells

me how christianity gave more faith in people life to make them feel no different than

others and rome made lower class feel very unwanted than the kings and royals.

To include the christianity community was open to all, had equality, and everyone

feeled valuable. Although many people may not the christianity took hold in the ancient

world this statement is wrong because throughout all the Documents they explained Commented [41]: Would people have made that
argument? Maybe rephrase your although statement
how just christianity had basically took over because the rome was more strict. All I’m

saying is if you not apart of the christianity community your missing out!

Executive Functioning Points: 9/12

- 3 points for on time submission

Overall Grade: 85%

Why Did Christianity Spread Essay Rubric/Checklist

Paragraph 1
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Attention 1 pt. 1 Something that grabs the reader's attention and makes
Grabber them want to keep reading.

Background 1 pt. 1 Assume the reader does not know anything about
Info your topic. What is citizenship? What was Athens?
What was the Roman Republic?

Stating the 2 pts. 2 What is the question you will be answering? (Clue: it
question to be is on the front of the packet!!)

Thesis 3 pts. 3 Your answer to the question, i.e.

(Athens/Rome) had the better system of citizenship.

Roadmap 3 pts. 3 The main points/baby theses of your three body

paragraphs. Summarize in 1-2 sentences what the
reader will be reading.
Total Possible Points: 10
Paragraph Paragraph 2
Requirement Points Points Explanation: These explanations apply to
Main Body
Possible Rec’d paragraphs 2-4

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7 The main argument of this paragraph. Tell the
reader in the beginning of the paragraph.
Example: Athens/Rome had a better system
because citizens...

Evidence 7 pts 7 Information from the documents that supports your

baby thesis. You need 2-3 pieces of evidence, and
tell the reader where the info came from. Which
law? Which document?
“According to Document A…”
“The Athenians were more stingy with their
citizenship (Document C).”

Argument 6 pts 5 Explain more

You cannot throw a piece of evidence on the page
and expect readers to know how it supports your
baby thesis. You need to show the reader how your
evidence supports your baby thesis, how they
According to Document C, “the Athenians were
more stingy with their citizenship,” this supports
my claim that… because it shows... (Document
Paragraph 3
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7

Evidence 7 pts 7

Argument 6 pts 6
Paragraph 4
Requirement Points Points Explanation
Possible Rec’d

Baby Thesis 7 pts 7

Evidence 7 pts 7

Argument 6 pts 4 Explain further the meaning of your quotes

Total Possible Points Per Paragraph: 20

Requirement Points Points Explanation

Possible Rec’d
Restate Main 4 pts Restate your three baby theses in 1-2 sentences.
Points 4 This is similar to the roadmap in the introduction.

“Although” 3 pts 2 Give the perspective of someone with the

Statement opposite opinion, and give a quick statement as to
why their opinion is incorrect. 1-2 sentences
Although many people may argue that Athens has
the better system of citizenship because… this
opinion is incorrect because...

Pretty Wrap- 3 pts 2 Concluding sentence, do not just end the essay
up abruptly.
Total Possible Points: 10
Points Points
Possible Rec’d

20 pts 10 Rome, Christianity, Jew, and other similar words need to be

There is not a space between punctuation marks and the last
word of a sentence!
- Incorrect example: My name is Ms. Peabody .
Correct Example: My name is Ms. Peabody.
There IS a space between the punctuation mark and the
beginning of the next sentence.
- Incorrect example: My name is Ms. Peabody.I teach
world History
- Correct Example: My name is Ms. Peabody. I teach
World History
Names, cities, nations are all capitalized.
REMINDER if it is capitalized in the packet, it should be
capitalized in your essay.
- DO NOT write sentences that run on and on and on
and on...
- DO NOT write sentences that are. Too short.
- When citing a quote, “Be sure you place the
parentheses within the quotation mark (Document

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