Econometric Analysis W. Greene Solutions Manual
Econometric Analysis W. Greene Solutions Manual
Econometric Analysis W. Greene Solutions Manual
nj + 1= # of nodes in clique next to jth clique
Kirchoff index of this graph is computed using the following formula [2]:
PN 1
Kf = N i=2 λi
First, we need to find out the Laplacian spectra of above graph, which is inves-
tigated in [1]
Using the results of [1] , eigen values of graph cartesian product is given by
λi = µp + ηq , 1 ≤ i ≤ N, 1 ≤ p ≤ D + 1, 1≤q≤k
µp = 2 − 2 cos π(p−1)
D+1 , 1≤p≤D+1
Now, the Kirchoff Index of graphs’ cartesian product is
PD+1 1
PN 1
Kf = N i=2 π(p−1) +N i=D+2 2−2 cos π(p−1) 1≤p≤D+1
2−2 cos D+1 D+1 +k
[1] S. Pati S. Barik, R. B. Bapat. On the laplacian spectra of product graphs.
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 9:39–58, 2015.
[2] P. Van Mieghem A. Jamakovic R.E. Kooij W. Ellens, F.M. Spieksma. Effec-
tive graph resistance. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 435:2500, March