3commoncandlemistakes PDF
3commoncandlemistakes PDF
3commoncandlemistakes PDF
he 3 Co
ommon And Costlyy Mista akes Almost
A t
Every Trader
T r Makees Withh Cand
dle Charts
– Andd How To Corrrect Them
By Stev
ve Nison, CMT
sident of Candlech
Pres harts.com
8 Candlecharts.com • All rrights reserveed • www.Can
You’ve probably heard of “Japanese Candlesticks” before. In the time I revealed them to the
Western world they’ve become part of every trader’s vocabulary. Japanese candle chart analysis,
so called because the lines resemble candles, has been refined by generations of use in the Far
The candle chart phenomenon has caught fire around the world with all kinds of traders, from
institutional power players to individual part-timers.
Why do candle charts attract so many traders serious about increasing profits and decreasing
risk? Because when you know how to properly use and interpret candle charts, they really work
in your favor. They’re reliable. You can count on them.
With the popularity of candles comes misuse. From my public and institutional seminars I have
found that a large percentage of those applying candlesticks (even the so called “experts”) are
using them either incorrectly or not harnessing their full potential.
This Special Report will detail the three most common mistakes traders make with candle charts.
But first let’s review how to construct the candle lines and see why candles are the top choice for
the world’s most successful traders.
“The candle charting techniques, as revealed by Mr. Nison, are the best technical tools in
my arsenal. They have enhanced every aspect of my trading.”
— Harold Yosco, NYSE Specialist
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What Are Candlesticks?
Japanese candle chart analysis, so called because the lines resemble candles, have been refined
by generations of use in the Far East. These charts are now used internationally by traders,
investors and premier financial institutions.
• Easy to understand: Anyone, from the first-time chartist to the seasoned professional
can easily harness the power of candle charts. This is because, as will be shown later, the
same data required to draw a bar chart (high, low, open and close) is used for a candle
• Provide earlier indications of market turns: Candle charts can send out reversal
signals in a few sessions, rather than the weeks often needed for a bar chart reversal
signal. Thus, market turns with candle charts will frequently be in advance of traditional
indicators. This will help you to enter and exit the market with better timing.
• Give double the information of bar charts: Candle charts not only show the trend of
the move, as does a bar chart, but, unlike bar charts, candle charts also show the force
underpinning the move.
• Enhance Western charting analysis: Any Western technical tool you now use can also
be used on a candle chart. Candle charts, however, will give you timing and trading
benefits not available with bar charts. This merging of Eastern and Western analysis will
give you a jump on those who use only traditional Western charting techniques.
• Help you preserve capital: In today’s volatile trading environment, this is of utmost
Now let’s look at how candlestick charts are created with market data:
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Constructing The Candlestick Line
high Shadow
close open
open close
The broadest part of the candlestick line is the real body. It represents the range between the
session’s open and close.
If the close is lower than the open the real body is black. The real body is white if the close is
higher than the open. The real body is white if the close is higher than the open.
The thin lines above and below the real body are called the shadows. The peak of the upper
shadow is the high of the session and the bottom of the lower shadow is the low of the session.
The color and length of the real body reveals whether the bulls or the bears are in charge. Note
that the candle lines use the same data as a bar chart (the open, high, low and close). Thus, all
Western-charting techniques can be integrated with candle chart analysis.
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Candle Mistake #1:
Not Using Western Technical Tools
Many traders think they need to abandon their current trading strategies if they’re going to use
candle charts. That is absolutely untrue.
In fact, you can enhance the effectiveness of your trading strategies by combining your current
methods with candle charts. You’ll love how simple (not to mention how powerful) it is when
you combine your own favorite market indicators with the proven effectiveness of candle charts.
East + West = Greater Winning %
Small real bodies
Before we see the power of combining candles with Western tools let’s first see the market
insights we get by using just one part of the candlestick line—the real body. For example a tall
white candle shows the bulls are in charge.
But a small real body (white or black) indicates a period in which the bulls and bears are more in
a tug of war. What this does is increase the likelihood of a market turn.
We can see on this chart in the blue circled area the small real bodies gave a warning that the
market’s trend may be losing momentum. As the Japanese phrase it, the “market is losing its
breath.” Now note the red dotted line. This would be a resistance area based on a bar chart- and
so it is with the candle chart.
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This is one of the secrets to using candles to their fullest potential- see if a candle signal confirms
a western signal. So the small real bodies at resistance give a clear signal for those who could
read the candles to vacate long positions – or sell short – or even place a bearish option trade.
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Trade management includes risk-reward analysis, protective stops, looking at the overall
technical picture and many other aspects that I detail in my more comprehensive educational
resources (I will be revealing my all time most important trade management rule at my upcoming
free web seminar you’re registered for, to be held on Tuesday, August 5th at 9:00pm Eastern.)
One of these trade management items is adapting to changing market conditions. I call this being
a “market chameleon.” As a chameleon changes its color according to its surroundings so traders
should change their market stance adapting to what the market is telling us. Like the cartoon
below there are some slow to adapt:
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Reading the market Quickly and Accurately
Bullish Engulfing
Patterns as support
Bear Stearns Collapse
The most successful traders adapt quickly to the market’s clues. And candles, once you know
how to read them correctly, let traders quickly and accurately read the “mood and manner” of the
market so they can often get into a trade before other traders jump on the new move. That is the
power of the candles –letting you quickly adapt to the clues the markets send out.
In January there was a classic bullish engulfing pattern. This relatively large white candle
compared to the much smaller (almost a doji) black candle graphically reflected the bulls had
overwhelmed the bears. Another aspect which underscored the importance of this pattern was the
very long bullish shadows. These extended long lower shadows visually displayed a strong
rejection of lower prices (isn’t it amazing how much more information we get about who is
winning the battle between the bulls and bears with candles than with a bar chart- although they
both use the same open, high, low and close data!)
Most of the candle patterns (but not all) can be used as support or resistance. And the lowest low
of the two sessions that make up the bullish engulfing pattern is one of those patterns we can use
as support (based on a close). And note how the lows of this pattern held at the green arrow in
mid March.
Now here’s where being a market chameleon comes into play. On the day of the Bear Stearns
collapse the S&P broke under the support of the bullish engulfing pattern- but what happened by
the end of that day? Right- the bears couldn’t keep prices under that support. So the market was
able to shrug off the extremely bearish news. As Bernard Baruch said “It is not the news itself,
but the market’s reaction to the news that’s important.” And this was an important sign of a
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potential major low since the market both shrugged off very bearish news and held the support,
on a close, of the bullish engulfing pattern.
So for anyone who sold on the break under the support during the day of the Bear Stearns news
should have adapted their stance by the end of the day to exit because the support at the bullish
engulfing pattern held rock solid. And for those flat on that day it was a golden opportunity to
buy (using the lows of the Bear Stearns news as a stop) and a target to the top end of the trading
range (what the Japanese call a “box” range) near 1400.
NOTE: In this chart I showed you how the lows were called with candle signals. In the upcoming
web seminar I will reveal the candle clues that signaled at the recent highs that the Dow Jones
was likely to sell off.
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Candle Mistake #3:
Trading On Every Candle Signal
Most traders don’t realize that each candle signal can have different trading implications,
depending on the market situation.
This is why trading or testing candles without using other considerations – such as adding
Western technicals as discussed in Mistake #1 above – is a financially dangerous misuse of
candles. And will surely lead to unnecessary losses.
One of my Japanese candlestick resources said it well: Adjustments to trading using a candle
signal must be made because to know where you stand is more important than pattern
recognition. In other words, you should never use candle patterns in isolation.
So when a valid candle signal appears, you must ask yourself these questions: Should you buy?
Should you sell? Or should you stand aside? This is why education on how to correctly use
candlestick charts is so vital to your success.
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One of the powerful aspects about candles is they can be used in all markets (and in all time
frames.) With this in mind let’s look at a Forex chart. Even if you do not trade Forex, the
concepts discussed here can be used in any market.
Note the rally that started with the bullish engulfing pattern shown at the green semicircle. Our
focus, however, for this example is the two bearish engulfing patterns shown in the red
semicircles at 1 and 2. Although these bearish engulfing patterns are potential top reversal
signals, savvy candle traders would act very differently with bearish engulfing pattern 1
compared to bearish engulfing pattern 2. Look at where bearish engulfing 1 was completed - at a
support area. So if you sold there you were selling at support!
Avoiding misuses of candles – like this one – would have saved you thousands of dollars.
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BONUS! Here’s one more important mistake you’ll want to make sure you avoid...
But here’s the problem. Even if you had a great entry price, whether you used candles or not,
most traders have a problem knowing when to exit. When you have the proper candle knowledge
you will know precisely how to use the candles to also give you good exit points.
Saved by the Light of the Candles
Those poor traders who
got fooled into buying
In the red circled area , based on price, Apple looked good as it was making and holding new
highs. But let’s bring the unique insights of the candle into play.
Although this stock looks healthy on the outside, based on price, think about what the candle
lines are relaying about the momentum. The series of small real bodies send out a strong signal
to exit long positions.
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And even if you were not long, by seeing these small real bodies you would know not to enter
long positions. And look how much you would have saved by avoiding being long! Again, this
highlights the value of top-quality trading education.
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Your Next Ste
A Japaneese proverb says,
s “His pootential is thhat of the fullly drawn bow
w – his timinng the releasse of
the triggeer.” The timiing of the “rrelease of thee trigger” deepends on maany factors not
n addressed in
this articlle. There aree also many important caandle patternns and tradinng tactics nott discussed ini
this basicc introductio
on, such as thhe times wheen candle siggnals shouldd be ignored. As such, doo not
trade bassed on this lim mited inform
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F Video Newsletter:
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About Steve Niison
Mr. Nisoon’s sold out seminars haave been hailed as the most
m valuablee and entertaining in the
industry. He has presented his trrading strateggies in 20 coountries to trraders from almost
a everyy
investmeent firm on how
h to applyy - and profitt from - thesee methods. He H has also lectured
l at
numerouus universitiees and was guuest speakerr at the Worlld Bank and the Federal Reserve.
He was among
a the firrst to receivee the Chartered Market Technician
T (
(CMT) desiggnation fromm the
Market Technicians
T Association
A (MTA). He was previouusly a seniorr technical annalyst at Merrill
Lynch annd senior vicce president at Daiwa seccurities. He holds
h an M.BB.A. in Finaance and
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Feedback from Steve Nison’s Students…
“I now trade for living because of Steve’s seminars.”
– Lois Meadows
“Thank you for a great seminar… You are a wonderful mentor. Now that I attended your classes
I have realized many mistakes in my candle usage. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.”
– Ilona Pokora
“Your guidance, clear teaching techniques, and genuine interest in your students have made all
the difference in the world to my trading efforts.”
– Kevin K. Chicago, IL
“I found the 2 day workshop tremendously helpful. While I felt I understood candlesticks pretty
well, nothing could replace going over example after example on the second day with the
“master” to ensure we truly had the proper understanding of how to use the candles. It just gave
me tremendous confidence. It didn’t take long to see the benefits of the workshop.”
– Barry Pearl
“Overall positive trades have increased dramatically – same dollar sized trades – weekly profit
up 25%.”
– Jim Schierhorn
“Since the seminar I have placed 23 trades, 19 were profitable. The four losers were small losses
due to the tighter stops identified using methods taught at the seminar.”
– Bud Figliola
“I want to thank Steve for helping me make an extra 8K in closed profits on three correctly
called reversal plays on options …. the week after I finished the recently ordered DVD… which
as you can see was a great investment!. I made over $1800 on some call options on RIMM that
only took me 10 mins before I closed those profits. I was 10 for 10 on correctly called reversals
on options plays that I closed last week and the other 5 this week.”
– Bill Denton
“Going over my records, I feel that I can honestly attribute over $5000 in combination of losses
prevented and profits made to my use of candle signals. What you have to realize is that 6-8
weeks ago I knew nothing about any of this, and all I ever did was lose more and more money on
bad trades. “
– Brian Jackson
“I purchased your DVD videos last week. WOW! Talk about quick delivery. Excellent material,
can’t get enough of it--I can’t take notes fast enough--great stuff!!! “
– Robert (Bob) V. Driscoll
©2008 Candlecharts.com • All rights reserved • www.Candlecharts.com
“Your candle teachings have been the key to turning my trading from frustrating to profitable.
Today by applying what I have learned from your Samarai DVD, I captured 150% profit on
Google within 1 hour. “
– Karrie Benjamin
“I’ve been debating about purchasing his DVD ‘s for some time now…I did finally break down
to order the material. My only regret, I wish I would have order these months ago.”
– Troy Roland
“The course is excellent and invaluable to me. I might add, that just about a week ago I used the
candles to confirm my usual American style techniques and bought December Gold, which has
already paid for the course more than 10 times over. I intend to recommend Mr. Nison’s course
to everyone I know.”
– Robert McGanty
“The DVD workshop video was just fantastic. Watching the video while reading along with the
Candlestick Course book was the most enlightening experience I ever had with charting. I’ve
always used bar chartsand I can’t believe how much I was missing not using candle charts.”
– Mike Vento
“Your DVDs have turned me into a great stock picker, and have kept me from loosing tons of
money. If I was writing a book on how to be a day trader or swing trader the first thing I would
say is buy STEVE NISON’S DVD WORKSHOPS. Both sets are a must!!! If your don’t you’ll
loose 10 times the cost of the tapes trying to learn these things yourself. Let me say Thanks
Again Steve”
– Mike W.Ocean City N.J.
“Although I thought I knew more than the average person after reading your books, your DVD
seminars blew me away. In a word, they were AWESOME. They are, without a doubt, the
most valuable tools I have used in my trading. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
– Tim S. West Fargo, North Dakota
“Thanks for the brilliant advanced DVD workshop. It has improved my trading 100% and
importantly stopped me getting into losing trades.”
– Robert S. United Kingdom
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