A Case Study at Pingtung Plain PDF
A Case Study at Pingtung Plain PDF
A Case Study at Pingtung Plain PDF
Recharge systems
for protecting and enhancing
groundwater resources
© UNESCO 2006
Organisation Board
Scientific Committee
The principle objective behind UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP) has always been to develop
a solid scientific and technological base for a sound management of water resources. Both aspects of quantity
and quality of water resources are being addressed in the programme, while at the same time taking into account
protection of the environment.
The availability of quality freshwater resources is a decisive factor for sustained socio-economic development. Now,
more than ever, it is this solid scientific knowledge base that is required to support political and economic strategies
on which the future of mankind may well depend. Management Aquifer Recharge (MAR), in particular, is a flexible
model that can be applied on a number of different levels: from the smallest check dams to schemes supplying some
of the largest cities in the world with populations in their millions. MAR is being applied extensively through
traditional techniques in many parts of the world; an accumulated set of experiences from which we can still learn.
However, irrespective of the level of sophistication at which MAR is applied, scientific research is important to
evaluate the performance of different MAR systems under different conditions.
We should bear in mind the importance of groundwater in sustainable integrated water resources management,
especially in arid areas, where it forms the only source of fresh water. The IHP works with partners to compile
inventories, develop guidelines and publish good experiences to support the sound use and careful protection
of this precious resource. The use of MAR has opened up a variety of possibilities to extend inadequate groundwater
resources by increasing the rate of groundwater formation or by using the capacity of soil to improve the quality of
water. Particular focus should be given to the dissemination of information regarding practices, such as aquifer
recharge using treated water that can be employed to increase the availability of groundwater resources. There
are many uses for MAR as a means of improving the quality of our water. Increased experience in the field of water
reuse will undoubtedly help us expand water resources, while avoiding any compromise to individual health.
The series of MAR symposia has established itself as an important mechanism by which to report on state-of-the-art
techniques in managing aquifer recharge. The 5th International Symposium on Managing Artificial Recharge
of Groundwater (ISMAR-5) in Berlin, June 2005, was a welcome and timely event that allowed us to review
advancements in such techniques made in the three years following the 4th International Symposium on Artificial
Recharge of Groundwater (ISAR-4), held in Adelaide in September 2002 and also endorsed by the IHP.
I wish to thank the organizers of the symposium for their tremendous effort in contributing to IHP and congratulate
them on the symposium that was both geographically extensive and thematically wide-ranging.
Andras Szöllösi-Nagy
International Hydrological Programme
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
TOPIC 1. Recharge systems
River/lake bank filtration and pond infiltration issues
Dynamic processes during bank filtration and their impact on raw water quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
P. Eckert, H.P Rohns and R. Irmscher
Sustainability of riverbank filtration in Dresden, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
T. Fischer, K. Day and T. Grischek
Kaliningrad Water Services Improvement Project– Baseline investigation for potential for reduction and
stabilisation of organic matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Alexandra Glushchenko, Stephen D. Hart, Ole Michaelsen, Jan Wodschow Larsen,
Sergei Alexandrovich Vasin, Steffen Grünheid and Birgit Fritz
Groundwater recharge from a lined watercourse under shallow water table condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
V. Goyal, B.S. Jhorar and R.S. Malik
Artificial recharge of Baghmelak aquifer, Khouzestan province, southwest of Iran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
N. Kalantari and A. Goli
Management of river bank filtration in the Elbe River Basin near Torgau, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
M. Krüger, K. Ende and T. Grischek
Statistical description and analysis of a bank filtration system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
K. Leipnitz, B. Fritz, U. Dünnbier and T. Taute
Evaluation of the hydrochemical conditions during bank filtration and artificial recharge in Berlin . . . . . . . . . .61
G. Massmann, J. Greskowiak, C. Kohfahl, A. Knappe, B. Ohm, A. Pekdeger, J. Sültenfuß, T. Taute
Removal capacity of riverbank filtration and conclusions for the operation of water abstraction plants . . . . . . .67
Stefan Lenk, Frank Remmler, Christian Skark and Ninette Zullei-Seibert
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
ASR well field optimization in unconfined aquifers in the Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
Rolf Herrmann
Geochemical and microbial processes in the unsaturated zone at the Arrenæs artificial recharge trial plant . . .115
T.Ø. Jensen, R.L. Berg, L. Bennedsen, G. Brandt, H. Spliid
Physical and chemical interactions in an ASR cavity well in a brackish aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
R.S. Malik, D.K. Yadav, B.S. Jhorar, R.K. Jhorar and T. Streck
Windhoek, Namibia: Designing a large-scale borehole injection scheme in a fractured aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
E.C. Murray
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Applications of most recent borehole geophysical logging for aquifer characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .467
Ibrahim Shawky
T O P I C 4 . Health aspects
Pathogens and micro pollutants
Nomogram to predict water quality improvement for managed recharge of aquifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .477
Peter Dillon, Paul Pavelic, Karen Barry, Susanne Fildebrandt and Notoadmodjo Prawoto
Are there limits to cyanobacterial toxin (microcystin) elimination by sand passage? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .485
G. Grützmacher, G. Wessel, I. Chorus and H. Bartel
On the behaviour of microcystins in saturated porous medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .491
G. Grützmacher, G. Wessel, H. Bartel, I. Chorus and E. Holzbecher
Simulating bank filtration and artificial recharge on a technical scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .498
Gesche Grützmacher, Hartmut Bartel and Bernd Wiese
Separation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in different filter sands during slow sand filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .504
Ulrike Hütter and Gudrun Preuss
Influence of groundwater redox conditions on decay of enteric viruses and Cryptosporidium . . . . . . . . . . . . . .511
J. Sidhu, J. Hanna and S. Toze
Interactions of indigenous groundwater bacteria with enteric viruses during water quality improvement
by aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .518
Katrina Wall, Simon Toze and Graham O’Hara
Transport and attenuation of antibiotic residues during river bank filtration in Berlin, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . .525
B. Fanck and Th. Heberer
Occurrence, transport, attenuation and removal of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment
and their relevance for drinking water supply in urban areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529
Thomas Heberer
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
The impact of alternating redox conditions on groundwater chemistry during artificial recharge in Berlin . . . .535
G. Massmann, J. Greskowiak, U. Dünnbier, S. Zuehlke, A. Pekdeger
Fate and transport of pharmaceutical residues during bank filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541
Andy Mechlinski and Thomas Heberer
Fate of bulk organics during bank filtration of wastewater-impacted surface waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .548
Steffen Grünheid and Martin Jekel
Fate of trace organic pollutants during bank filtration and groundwater recharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .555
Steffen Grünheid and Martin Jekel
Fate of pharmaceuticals during soil infiltration leading to artificial groundwater recharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .562
T. Rauch, J. Munoz, J.E. Drewes, G. Amy and H. Choi
Removal mechanisms of effluent organic matter during soil infiltration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .568
T. Rauch and J. E. Drewes
Fate of wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) through soil aquifer treatment (SAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .573
Amy Sattler, Gary Amy and Jörg Drewes
Temperature effects on organics removal during river bank filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .581
D. Schoenheinz, H. Börnick and E. Worch
T O P I C 5 . Clogging ef fects
Characterisation of turbidity and well clogging processes in a double porosity Chalk aquifer
during the South London Artificial Recharge Scheme trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .593
Malcolm Anderson, Rachel Dewhurst, Michael Jones and Keith Baxter
Clogging processes in a bank filtration system in the littoral zone of Lake Tegel (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .599
Günter Gunkel and Anja Hoffmann
Physicochemical changes in pore water in the sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel during bank filtration . . . . . . .605
Anja Hoffmann and Günter Gunkel
Experiments to determine clogging and redevelopment effects of ASR-wells at laboratory scale . . . . . . . . . . . .611
H.M. Holländer, I. Hinz, P.-W. Boochs and M. Billib
Changes of water quality and bacterial community structure during artificial groundwater recharge
with humic lake water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .617
Reija E. Jokinen, Jörg H. Langwaldt and Jaakko A. Puhakka
Laboratory column study on the effect of ponding depth on infiltration rate during SAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .624
Paul Pavelic, Mathias Mucha, Peter Dillon and Karen Barry
Effect of grain size on biological clogging in porous media leached with synthetic nutrient solutions . . . . . . . .630
Martin Wood, Corinne Le Gal La Salle, Peter Dillon,
John Hutson, Howard Fallowfield and Stephanie Rinck-Pfeiffer
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
T O P I C 6 . Case studies
Region issues and artificial recharge case studies
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Contact addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .895
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Re c h a r g e s y s t e m s
River/lake bank filtration
and pond infiltration issues
Injection well issues, aquifer storage
and recovery
Alternative recharge systems:
subsurface dams, rainwater harvesting,
percolation tanks, ...
V Dynamic processes during bank filtration
and their impact on raw water quality
P. Eckert, H.P Rohns and R. Irmscher
Since 1870 Riverbank filtration (RBF) at the river Rhine, Germany has been used successfully by the Düsseldorf
waterworks as the first step for treating drinking water. The production wells discharge raw water from a quater-
nary aquifer with a proportion of 50 to 90% of bank filtrate. In order to achieve a profound knowledge of
the purification processes during bank filtration a research program was performed in the year 2003/2004. The
purification processes have to be well understood to design adequate treatment steps and to define specific tar-
get values on river water quality.
Temporal changes of river water quality and hydraulics influence the natural purification processes during bank
filtration. It was possible to show that the annual changes of the river water temperature trigger a string of sub-
sequent reactions within the aquifer. Flood events are accompanied by shorter travel times and a less effective
natural purification. However, even during flood events and during extreme low water, the multi protective
barrier concept including both natural and technical purification has proven to be a reliable method for drinking
water production.
Riverbank filtration; hydrochemistry, modelling.
The city of Düsseldorf is situated in the North-West of Germany, in the lower Rhine valley. The Düsseldorf water-
works supply the 600,000 inhabitants with treated bank filtrate. A multi protective barrier concept ensures the con-
stant production of high quality drinking water. Natural attenuation processes during riverbank filtration (RBF)
form the first and efficient protective barrier. The subsequent protective barrier is the raw water treatment including
ozonation, biological active filtration and active carbon adsorption.
Basic studies on hydrogeochemical processes during RBF were performed in the 1980s at Swiss rivers (Schwarzen-
bach et al., 1983; Jacobs et al., 1988; Von Gunten et al., 1991). Mass balance of oxidised organic carbon was cal-
culated by Denecke (1997) at the Rhine and by Grischek et al. (1998) at the River Elbe. Previous studies at the
Düsseldorf site revealed the hydraulic conditions and the balancing out of fluctuating river water concentration
during RBF (Schubert 2002a).
This paper presents the latest investigations with a special focus on hydrochemical reactions linked to the dynamics
of RBF. The assessment of the purification processes requires the consideration of the dynamic character of river-
bank filtration, which is linked to the varying chemical composition of the river water, the discharge of the river
and therefore the hydraulic conditions within the aquifer. The investigation period includes the extreme low water
event in the summer of 2003 and the following flood event.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
18 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
In order to assess the purification processes during riverbank filtration the monitoring of the river water together
with the groundwater between the river and the production well has been successfully applied at various sites
(Grischek et al. 1998, Schubert 2002b, Golwitz et al. 2003). In general the obtained groundwater consists of nearly
100 % infiltrated river water. Therefore, the observed groundwater chemistry is influenced only by the river water
chemistry and the hydrogeochemical processes within the aquifer. At the test site two multi-level wells are situated
between the river Rhine and the production well (Figure 1). The monitoring program includes the chemical as well
as biological parameters relevant for drinking water quality. The concentration of almost all important chemical
parameters in the river water show a significant temporal variation. In addition it was assumed that the hydrochem-
ical process were not at steady state. Therefore, the monitoring expense had to consider these temporal variations.
Because of the complexity of the hydrogeochemical processes during RBF the 1D-reaction transport model PHREE-
QC-2 (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) was applied to evaluate the obtained data. Hydrogeochemical transport model-
ling was performed successfully by van Breukelen et al. (1998), for ascertaining the validity of the proposed reaction
scheme during Rhine water infiltration in the dunes of the Amsterdam water supply.
Figure 1. Cross-Section through the aquifer and the River Rhine showing the production well Br.45
and depth oriented monitoring wells A,B and C. Zones 1 to 3 indicate the different composition of the riverbed
During the investigation period the temperature of the bank filtrate never exceeded 20 °C, while the river water
showed several weeks during the summer, temperature values higher than 25 °C (Figure 2). The absorption capa-
city of the aquifer is obvious by comparing the measured temperatures of the bank filtrate with the associated con-
servative model results. A good agreement between the modelled and measured values was obtained by considering
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 19
diffusive heat transport within the model. The calibration of the heat transport parameters enabled the modelling of
further hydrochemical processes linked to temperature.
The absorption capacity versus the temperature of the aquifer has a significant impact on the drinking water. The
mixing with the landside groundwater which showed a constant temperature of 13 °C leads to a raw water tem-
perature less than 17 °C. Despite the exceptional long period with high river water temperatures in the summer of
2003 the obtained drinking water remained cool and fresh.
measured values Rhine measured values bank filtrate
model calculation conservative transport model calculation temperature retardation
Temperature [˚C]
Jan. 03 Mrz. 03 Mai. 03 Jun. 03 Aug. 03 Okt. 03 Dez. 03 Feb. 04
The yearly changing river water temperature has a direct influence on the oxygen concentration of the river water.
While during the winter in the cold river water the oxygen concentration ranged between 11 and 13 mg/l, the con-
centration decreased to 7 mg/l in the summer due to lower solubility of oxygen in the warm river water (Figure 3).
Oxygen consumption is induced by aerobic biodegradation of organic substances during bank filtration. The dis-
agreement of the measured oxygen values of the bank filtrate with the model results while considering a fixed
consumption of 5 mg/l oxygen, indicates a more complex reaction scheme between May and December. The model
fitting process revealed that the microbial oxygen consumption is a function of the temperature and the oxygen
concentration of the infiltrating river water. During spring time the biological activity increased with the rising
temperature leading to maximum oxygen consumption of 11 mg/l. Despite of still increasing temperature during
the summer the microbial activity decreased again. Obviously the lower oxygen concentration became the limiting
factor. Nevertheless, the biological activity was so high that anaerobic conditions appeared within the aquifer over a
period of nearly three months.
The changed redox conditions are of particular interest for the drinking water treatment. During the anaerobic peri-
od additional micropollutants were already degraded within the aquifer (Schmidt et al. 2004). Only a part of the
low concentrated nitrate (7–10 mg/l) in the infiltrated river water was reduced. Because of the incomplete denitrifi-
cation no dissolved iron or manganese appeared in the raw water.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
20 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
measured values Rhine measured values bankfiltrate
model calculation fixed oxygen consumption model calculation reactive transport
Oxygen [mg/l]
Jan. 03 Mrz. 03 Mai. 03 Jun. 03 Aug. 03 Okt. 03 Dez. 03 Feb. 04
The purification capacity of riverbank filtration is obvious in the degradation of total organic carbon (TOC).
Between February and December 2003 the TOC concentration of the infiltrating river water was decreased to a level
of 1 mg / l (Figure 4). Despite varying TOC concentrations in the river water between 2 and 4 mg/l the observed
concentrations in the bank filtrate remained stable at a level of 1 mg/l. This suggests that the above described varia-
8 40
6 30
Rhine Water Level [m.a.s.l.]
5 25
TOC [mg/l]
4 20
3 15
2 10
1 5
0 0
Jan. 03 Feb. 03 Apr. 03 Mai. 03 Jul. 03 Sep. 03 Okt. 03 Dez. 03 Feb. 04 Mrz. 04
Figure 4. Rhine water level and the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration
of the river water and the bank filtrate
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 21
tions of oxygen consumption during RBF coincide with the varying TOC concentrations in the infiltrated river
water. Obviously, the microbes are able to degrade a certain range of organic carbon flux. An increase of organic car-
bon in the bank filtrate appeared only following the flood event in January 2004. During the flood event the
increase of the TOC concentration coincides with an increased hydraulic gradient within the aquifer. Therefore, the
mass flux of TOC in the infiltrating river water exceeds for a short time the microbial degradation capacity. Based
on the depth-orientated sampling the most vulnerable parts of the aquifer were detected in the high permeable grav-
el layer and in the upper part of the aquifer which was unsaturated prior to the flood event.
A more intense technical treatment of the raw water was induced following a flood event. Besides the increased
TOC-concentration, colony counts are detectable over a period of some days (Irmscher and Teermann, 2002;
Schubert, 2002b). The subsequent technical treatment including also oxidation and desinfection ensures at all times
a high drinking water quality.
The temporal variations of the river water composition are obvious in the parameters dissolved oxygen, total organ-
ic carbon and temperature. Coupled with the extreme low water of the river Rhine was an extended period with
high temperatures above 25 °C. Due to heat exchange during RBF and the mixing with groundwater the tem-
perature of the raw water in the production well never exceeded 17 °C. The temperature increase during spring
leads at first to a more efficient biological activity within the aquifer. During the summer the biological degradation
of organic carbon is then limited by the decreasing oxygen concentration of the infiltrating river water. The micro-
biological activity has, together with the varying composition of the river water, a significant impact on the quality
of the raw water. During stable hydraulic conditions the infiltrated organic carbon was decreased to a value of only
1 mg/l. Over a period of 12 weeks anaerobic conditions were observed combined with an increased degradation of
micro-pollutants. While mostly the raw water already fulfills the European Drinking Water Standard, elevated
colony counts were observed in the production wells following the flood event.
Temporal changes of river water quality and hydraulics influence the natural purification processes during bank
filtration. They have to be well understood to design and maintain adequate treatment steps and to define specific
target values on river water quality. Even during extreme low water and during flood events, the multi protective
barrier concept including both natural and technical purification has proven to be a reliable method for drinking
water production.
Denecke E. (1997). Evaluation of long-term measurements concerning the aerobic degradation performance of the
subsoil passage of a water catchment at the lower Rhine. Acta hydrochim. et Hydrobiol. 25(6), 311–318.
Gollnitz W.D., Clancy J.L., Whitteberry B.L. and Vogt J.A. (2003). RBF as a microbial treatment process. Journal
AWWA 95(12), 56–66.
Grischek T., Hiscock K.M., Metschies T., Dennis P.F. and Nestler W. (1998). Factors affecting denitrification during
infiltration of river water into a sand and gravel aquifer in Saxony, Germany. Wat. Rs., 32(2), 450–460.
Irmscher R. and Teermann I. (2002). Riverbank filtration for drinking water supply – a proven method, perfect to
face today’s challenges. Water Supply, 2(5–6), 1–8.
Jacobs L. A., Van Gunten H. R., Keil R. and Kuslys M. (1988). Geochemical changes along a river-groundwater
infiltration path: Glattfelden, Switzerland. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52(11). 2693–2706.
Parkhurst, D. and Appelo, C.A.J. (1999): Users guide to PHREEQC (version 2). US Geol. Surv. Water Resour. Inv.
99-4529, p. 312.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
22 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Schmidt C.K., Lange F. T. and Brauch H.J. (2004). Assessing the impact of different redox conditions and residence
times on the fate of organic micropollutants during Riverbank Filtration. 4th International Conference on
Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting, 13–15. Oktober 2004, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 195–205.
Schubert J. (2002a). Hydraulic aspects of riverbank filtration – field studies. J. Hydrol. 266, 145161.
Schubert J. (2002b). Water-Quality improvements with riverbank filtration at Düsseldorf Waterworks in Germany.
In: Riverbank Filtration – Improving source-water quality, C. Ray, G. Melin and R.B. Linsky (ed.), vol 43, 1st edn,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 267–277.
Schwarzenbach R. P., Giger W., Hoehn E., Schneider J. (1983). Behavior of organic compounds during infiltration of
river water to groundwater. Field studies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 17, 472–479.
Van Breukelen B., Appelo C. A. J. and Olsthoorn T. N. (1998). Hydrogeochemical transport modelling of 24 years of
Rhine water infiltration in the dunes of the Amsterdam water supply. J. Hydrol. 209, 281–296.
Von Gunten H.R., Karametaxas G., Krähenbühl U., Kuslys M., Giovanoli R. Hoehn E. and Keil R. (1991). Seasonal
biogeochemical cycles in riverborne groundwater. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55(12), 3597–3609.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Sustainability of riverbank filtration
in Dresden, Germany
Since 1875, bank filtration along the River Elbe in the city of Dresden has been an important source for public and
industrial water supply. Infiltration has been induced by pumping of wells and installation of drain pipes. Today,
some of the old systems are still in operation. Periods of poor river water quality in the 70s and 80s have been
overcome. Available historical data from water level measurements, clogging investigations and DOC analyses are
compared with results from recent investigations. Waterworks were modernized and treatment technologies
Bank filtration, Elbe River, Dresden, clogging, sustainability.
Dresden is the capital of the county of Saxony in the eastern part of Germany with a population of nearly half a mil-
lion people. The city is situated in a rift valley along the Elbe River, which is mainly filled with glacial deposits con-
sisting of gravels and coarse sands. Under normal conditions, these Quaternary deposits form an unconfined aquifer
as much as 15 m thick. The aquifer is partly overlain by a layer of meadow loam, 2–4 m thick. The deeper deposits
are marl (Turonian formation), which have a maximum thickness of about 250 m beneath the city center. A deep
aquifer beneath the marl is formed by Cretaceous sandstones (Cenomanian) and is partly artesian (Grischek et al.,
1996). The sandstones crop out at the southwestern boundary of the city whilst the northern boundary is formed
by the Lusatian overthrust (granitic massif).
The Quaternary aquifer is in direct hydraulic contact with the Elbe River. In Dresden, the mean flow of the Elbe
River ranges from 100 – 4,500 m3/s with a mean of about 300 m3/s. In general, groundwater flows from both sides
of the valley towards the river with hydraulic conductivity ranging from 0.6 – 2×10–3 m/s.
As in many cities in Europe, groundwater resources in Dresden have been used for public water supply to a large
extent with riverbank filtration (RBF) schemes along the Elbe River. At present, public water supply in Dresden is
based upon 66% surface water from reservoirs and 32% bank filtration and artificial recharge.
The first waterworks in Dresden-Saloppe was built between 1871 and 1875 on the right bank of the Elbe River.
Drain pipes were installed near the riverbank to abstract raw water. Due to geological boundary conditions, more
than 90% of the abstracted water is bank filtrate. Today, the waterworks is still in operation and produces up to
12,000 m3/d for industrial water supply.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
24 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Increasing water demand at the end of the 1880s exceeded the capacity of the waterworks in Dresden-Saloppe. In
1891 the city council assigned the building officer, Salbach, to write an expert’s report on the future water supply of
the city. Salbach proposed to build a test well at the left bank of the river, which abstracted 4,000 m3/d in 1891.
Four more wells were completed in 1893 resulting in a total water abstraction at the left bank of 20,000 m3 /d. Wells
were connected using a siphon pipe and a collector well. Between 1896 and 1898 the second waterworks, Dresden-
Tolkewitz, was constructed however further increasing water demand resulted in the construction of four more
wells and a second siphon pipe in 1901 to raise the capacity to 40,000 m3 /d. In the 20th century the number of
wells was again increased and the water treatment facilities improved. Between 1919 and 1928 a third siphon pipe
with 39 wells was built. Figure 1 shows the final system of pipes and wells at Dresden-Tolkewitz. A significant
decrease in the water demand after the reunification of Germany in 1989 allowed for the closure of the water
abstraction in April 1992 in order to plan a general reconstruction of the waterworks. After intensive construction
works, the waterworks Dresden-Tolkewitz was put into operation again in February 2000. The water treatment
technology was modernised and included a desorption chamber to remove volatile halogenated compounds (from
land-side groundwater), flocculation and filtration to remove iron and manganese, active carbon filtration to
remove organics and disinfection using chlor/chlordioxide. Raw water is abstracted from 72 wells using the sustain-
able siphon pipe system. Three pipes connect a collector well (with a pump) with vacuum well galleries. No pumps
are installed in the wells. The maximum capacity is now 35,000 m3/d. Normally, only a fraction of the full potential
is tapped with a certain volume of water continuously pumped to enhance stable redox conditions in the aquifer
between the river and the wells. This also ensures stable mixing ratios of bank filtrate, having low nitrate and
sulfate concentrations, and land-side groundwater, which has high nitrate and sulfate concentrations.
on ipe
stre pI
et WW
iRev r
WW Waterwork
s Tolk
P ction e
wll et
300 m st
Figure 1. Location map of the bank filtration scheme of waterworks Dresden-Tolkewitz, Germany
From 1908 a third waterworks, Dresden-Hosterwitz, started operation. Whilst at the beginning bank filtration was
applied, between 1928 and 1932 the main technology was shifted to artificial groundwater recharge. Pre-treated
river water was infiltrated in large basins to increase the capacity to 50,000 m3/d. Increasing water demand in the
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 25
1970s induced further expansion of the infiltration basins and treatment facilities until construction works between
1983 and 1990 resulted in a final capacity of 72,000 m3/d.
In 1946, a second raw water resource was developed when the waterworks, Dresden-Coschütz, started operation.
This waterworks produces up to 120,000 m3/d drinking water from storage reservoirs.
Now the water demand of the city of Dresden can be met either by raw water production from bank filtrate and arti-
ficially recharged groundwater or from reservoir water. These independent raw water sources are the basis for a sus-
tainable and safe water supply. In times of low demand, the recharge basins of the waterworks Dresden-Hosterwitz
are out of operation and only riverbank filtration is used.
The proportion, and thus volume, of pumped bank filtrate strongly depends on riverbed clogging. Clogging is the
formation of a layer on top of or within the riverbed which has a lower hydraulic conductivity and therefore
reduces the flow rate of the filtrate through the riverbed. It is the result of the infiltration and accumulation of both
organic and inorganic suspended solids, precipitation of carbonates, iron- and manganese-(hydr)oxides and biolog-
ical processes. At the Elbe River in Dresden, erosive conditions in the river and floods limit the formation of a clog-
ging layer by disturbing the riverbed via increased flow velocity and increased turbulence. At some parts in the river
there is a fixed ground whilst at others gravel is dominant.
Detailed research to clogging and the stability of the clogging layer in Dresden has been undertaken by Beyer and
Banscher (1976) and Heeger (1987). Due to difficulties in determining the thickness of the clogging layer, Beyer
and Banscher (1976) used a term introduced as the clogging coefficient w (Eq. 1).
dcl ∆h 1
w= = = (1)
k f,cl vi L
where w = clogging coefficient in seconds, s; dcl is the thickness of the clogging layer in metres, m; kf,cl is the
hydraulic conductivity of the clogging layer in metres per second, m/s; ∆h is head drop in metres, m; and vi is infil-
tration velocity in metres per second, m/s. This term is the reciprocal of the leakage coefficient L. Under specific
conditions, the clogging coefficient can be calculated for RBF sites using water levels in the river and two obser-
vation wells positioned between the river and the production borehole using an analytical solution by Girinsky
(Beims et al. 2000). Based on these levels and known pumping rates, the clogging coefficient can be determined for
different river stages and measuring campaigns and be compared with former data. Furthermore, Heeger (1987)
developed an empirical formula from long-term statistical analysis of water levels and related river stages and
pumping rates to calculate w-values.
Between 1914 and 1930 a significant decrease in groundwater levels at Dresden-Tolkewitz was observed and dis-
cussed as a result of riverbed clogging due to the increased infiltration rates since 1901 and clogging by suspended
materials. In the 1980s strong river water pollution caused by organics from pulp and paper mills in conjunction
with high water abstraction caused unsaturated conditions beneath the riverbed, especially at the waterworks at
Dresden-Tolkewitz. However, investigations of riverbeds using a diver chamber showed that the material respon-
sible for the pore clogging in the gravel bed consisted of up to 90% inorganic materials (Heeger 1987).
Heeger (1987) calculated a clogging coefficient, w of 7.5 × 103 s for the riverbed without bank filtration and a mean
w-value of 2 × 106 s at RBF sites in and around Dresden. The long-term process of riverbed clogging includes a
series of building and destruction phases, which overlay a mean value. During floods, with sufficient hydraulic
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
26 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
transport energy, the riverbed is eroded and the hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed is subsequently increased.
Similarly long, low-flow periods result in increasing w-values.
After improvement of river water quality in 1989–1993 the hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed increased. In
1992 similar water levels as in 1930 were observed. In 2003 groundwater flow modeling was used to analyse former
assumptions on groundwater flow towards the production wells and clogging of the riverbed. From model cali-
bration a reliable w-value of 0.1 × 106 s was determined (Table 1). Water level measurements in 2004 at low flow
conditions also indicated a slight decrease in the clogging coefficient.
1960 –1985 1.5 –2.2×106 Long term water level measurements, Heeger (1987)
Looking at the long-term operation of the waterworks, it is obvious that observed clogging of the riverbed did not
result in the closure of wells under the given conditions of an erosive river. After a period with additional organic
pollution and observed slime at the riverbed surface (assumed to act as an organic outer clogging layer) there is a
recovery of hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed and thus a slight decrease in w-values.
Results from 17 measurements in 1991/92 at a cross section at Dresden-Tolkewitz showed a mean DOC con-
centration of 6.9 mg/L in Elbe River water and 3.4 mg/L at an observation well near a production well. From that, a
reduction of DOC concentration of about 50% can be seen as effect of riverbank filtration processes. Recent inves-
tigations in 2003 at the same cross section included 7 samples. In 2003 the mean DOC concentration in Elbe River
water was 5.6 mg /L and in bank filtrate at the same observation well sampled in 1991/92 was 3.2 mg / L. The mean
DOC concentration in raw water from all wells was found to be 2.6 mg/L as a result of mixing with groundwater.
These results prove that the period of strong pollution of Elbe river water did not limit the further use of the site.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 27
DOC in mg/L
01/01/87 01/01/88 31/12/88 01/01/90 01/01/91 01/01/92 01/01/93
Figure 2. DOC concentration (mg/L) in Elbe River water 1987–1992 (Grischek, 2003)
Drain pipes at waterworks Dresden-Saloppe have been in operation for more than 130 years whilst four production
wells at waterworks Dresden-Tolkewitz had to be replaced only after 60 years. Severe clogging of the riverbed
occurred in the 1980s mainly due to high loads of organics from pulp and paper mills upstream. After improvement
of river water quality in the 1990s, no problems with clogging of the riverbed or bad taste and odor of the drinking
water have been encountered.
Raw water quality and treatment are optimized by managing specific mixing ratios of bank filtrate and land-side
groundwater. Pumping rates were reduced to get longer retention times in the aquifer and higher attenuation rates
of organic compounds. No indication of a decrease in attenuation capacity of the aquifer with time was observed
(Grischek, 2003).
Since 1875, bank filtration along the Elbe River in the city of Dresden has been an important source for public and
industrial water supply. Infiltration has been induced by pumping of wells and installation of drain pipes. Today, all
of the old systems are still in operation. Periods of poor river water quality in the 70s and 80s are overcome.
Waterworks have been modernized and treatment technologies adapted. Nevertheless, there is a periodical demand
to prove that bank filtrate is a reliable and economic raw water resource for Dresden. Long-term experiences and
results of the evaluation of historic and recent data and of investigations using modern modeling tools prove that
riverbank filtration is a sustainable water resource for water supply in Dresden.
Beims U. (2000). Groundwater flow towards channels. In: Groundwater development, Balke K.-D., Beims U., Heers
F.W., Hölting B., Homrighausen R., and Matthess G. (eds.) Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin, Stuttgart, pp. 130–139
(in German).
Beyer W., Banscher E. (1976). Exploration methodology for bank filtration sites. Z. Angewandte Geol. 22(4),
pp. 149–154 (in German).
Grischek T., Nestler W., Piechniczek D., Fischer T. (1996). Urban groundwater in Dresden, Germany. Hydrogeol. J.
4(1), pp. 48–63.
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28 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Grischek T. (2003). Zur Bewirtschaftung von Uferfiltratfassungen an der Elbe (Management of bank filtration sites along
the River Elbe). PhD thesis, Department of Forestry, Geo- and Hydrosciences, Dresden Univ. of Technology (in
Heeger D. (1987). Investigations on clogging of riverbeds. PhD thesis, Dresden Univ. of Technology (in German).
Nestler W., Socher M., Grischek T., Schwan M. (1991). Riverbank infiltration in the Upper Elbe River Valley - hydro-
chemical aspects. IAHS Publ. 202, pp. 247–356.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Kaliningrad Water Services
Improvement Project
– Baseline investigation for potential
for reduction and stabilisation of organic matter
Alexandra Glushchenko, Stephen D. Hart, Ole Michaelsen,
Jan Wodschow Larsen, Sergei Alexandrovich Vasin,
Steffen Grünheid and Birgit Fritz
As part of the international donor- and IFI-financed Kaliningrad Water and Environmental Services Rehabilitation
Project, a wellfield 30 km East of the City of Kaliningrad is being upgraded from 30,000 m3/day to 90,000 m3/day.
The wellfield relies on recharge from a system of interconnected lakes and abandoned gravel pits that are
connected to the Pregol River. The planned expansion of the wellfield will result in a large scaling up of the
existing abstraction, thus increasing the need to shed light gaps in the present understanding of the geo-
chemistry and hydrology of the area. A combination of hydrological investigations and analysis of the com-
position, sources and variability of chemical parameters is being carried out, with particular focus on organic
matter, which is critical for the design of water treatment. Organic matter as expressed by permanganate oxi-
disability presently varies at levels close to the drinking water standard. Preliminary data and modelling suggests
that there may be potential to develop the wellfield over the long term in a manner that may stabilise and reduce
organic matter.
Infiltration, Kaliningrad, organic, oxidisability, wellfield.
The Kaliningrad Water and Environmental Services Improvement Project (KWESIP) is a multi-component IFI-
cofinanced programme to improve the provision of water services to the City of Kaliningrad with a population
of approximately 500,000 and to reduce pollution of the Baltic Sea from poorly treated wastewater from the area. A
pivotal component of the KWESIP is to supplant the production of drinking water from surface water with ground-
water abstraction. The surface water sources are severely affected by pollution and frequent wind-induced intrusion
of brackish water into the Pregol River system. The so-called Eastern Wellfield and Treatment Plant – located
approximately 30 km upstream and to the East of Kaliningrad – currently provide approximately 30,000 m3/day,
relying on infiltration from a system of abandoned gravel pits and shallow lakes that are connected to the Pregol
River. The wellfield was originally established during the years 1935–1943 to supply Königsberg, when the area was
part of the former German province East Prussia, as a response to increasing demand and the lack of suitable
groundwater in the immediate area of the City.
The wellfield project aims to increase the production from the Eastern Treatment Plant to 90,000 m3/day and is
funded by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Devel-
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30 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
opment. Other projects of the KWESIP are directed at reducing leakage and water demand, so that in future the
City of Kaliningrad may rely mainly on this source of groundwater. The expansion of treatment capacity is being
implemented in parallel with development of the wellfield. However, the large increase in abstraction amplifies
some of the uncertainties regarding the future water quality, organic matter being the most critical parameter from a
treatment design point of view. This research aims to provide a better general understanding of the water quality
processes that may serve as a baseline for future management and monitoring of the wellfield. Specifically, the aim is
to understand better the main determinants of organic matter at the wellfield with a view to establishing a com-
plementary approach to infiltration and further treatment as wells as the potential for future reduction and stabil-
isation through wellfield development.
Permanganate oxidisability / COD-Mn
The Russian method for determining chemical oxygen demand in drinking water is in accordance with the method
PND F 14.2:4.154-99 for the permanganate value in oxygen equivalents. The method is based on oxidation of
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 31
matter present in the water sample by a known volume of potassium permanganate in sulphuric-acid medium
during boiling for 10 minutes. Correction for inorganic elements such as Nitrate and Ferrous iron is performed.
The relationship between the amount organic carbon and the permanganate oxidisability is only empirical and, ulti-
mately, site specific since not all organic carbon is readily oxidisable using permanganate. The method is similar to
other methods for determination of Permanganate Value / COD-Mn. Investigations of raw water and surface water
at the wellfield of COD-Mn (Danish Standard Danish standard DS275) and Non-Volatile Organic Carbon (NVOC)
showed an approximately linear relationship with a numerical ratio of approximately 1:1 between COD-Mn in mg/l
oxygen equivalents and NVOC in mg/l. The Russian drinking water standard for permanganate oxidisability is
5 mg / l.
History and description of the site
In the early 1900s, the large German concrete producer Windshild und Langelott began exploiting one of
Germany’s best gravel deposits in the flood plain of the Pregol River in East Prussia. The gravel pit was located
by the small town of Gross Lindenau, present-day Ozerki, where a concrete plant was also set up. Most of the
exploitable gravel was below the groundwater table and had to be dredged at depths of up to 20 m. In order to be
able to reach customers by water, in 1925 the company excavated a navigable channel through exploitable gravel
deposits and a shallow natural lake at its Western end, connecting the gravel pond with the Pregol River. Spurred by
the need to look further afield for suitable sources of water, the City of Königsberg was quick to accept Windshild
and Langelott’s proposal around 1935 to use its channel and the adjacent strips of land for the purpose of develop-
ing a wellfield, with a guarantee of ample recharge from the Pregol River. The company E. Bieske developed the
wellfield from 1935 until the end of the 2nd World War. A total of 26 evenly spaced wells were drilled along the
Northern bank and in 1943 an iron and manganese removal plant with a capacity of 30,000 m3 /day was commis-
Intensive gravel extraction continued during the Soviet period and the pits were enlarged considerably. The well-
field was not developed significantly other than through replacement of existing capacity until the Russian author-
ities conducted a large-scale water resource evaluation, concluding in 1982 that the greatly increased area of the
gravel pits and the size of the Pregol River source would allow for a significant upscaling of abstraction. Over the
entire history of the wellfield, some 130 wells have been constructed, along two lines on the northern and southern
side of the channel, respectively. Nevertheless, only about 30 wells are in operation today. The distance between the
most of the wells and the channel is approximately 60–70m. Attempts at increasing overall production have largely
failed. This is most likely attributable to several factors, mainly poor well construction and an environment that is
conducive to well clogging.
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32 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
The wellfield and gravel pits (see Figure 1) are situated left of the river Pregol, 30 km East of Kaliningrad. The
Pregol flows into the Kaliningrad lagoon on the Gulf of Gdansk. The wellfield is situated on a terrace at the edge of
the Pregol floodplain, above which the terrace is elevated some 5 – 9 m. The floodplain itself has a little gradient and
is rich in lakes and channels and possesses a vast system of man-made ditches and drainage channels that extends
across much of the Kaliningrad region, serving to reclaim land for agricultural purposes since the 1800s. The
channel itself is shallow, only 2–3 meters in depth, and there is little movement of the water. The large gravel pits
beyond the Eastern end of the channel have depths of up to 20 m. The channel and the small lake at its Eastern
end is separated from these pits by an embankment that is pierced by a large pipe, allowing a more or less constant
flow of water from the Eastern pit into the channel. The visual appearance of the banks of the gravel pits and
channel is clean and sandy. However, workers at the wellfield report that there is a layer of sludge at the bottom of
the channel.
The Geological structure of importance to the water abstraction at the wellfield site is quite simple. Glacial and
Fluvioglacial sediments have been deposited on the eroded surface of Middle Palaeogene strata. The middle
Paleogene provides an underlying protection against upwelling of salt water from the Cretaceous deposits below. A
relatively thick sequence of fluvioglacial deposits is present all over the site and provides the favourable basis of
water abstraction from the area. There are large areas of peat deposits in the floodplain and around the wellfield,
particularly towards the North and East, which are thought to have a heavy influence of the level of organic matter
in the ground and surface waters.
Most economic activity in the immediate vicinity of the wellfield ceased in the 1990s, including agriculture and
gravel abstraction. However, poorly treated wastewater from the town of Ozerki (old Gross Lindenau) with a popu-
lation of approx. 2,000 discharges in to the gravel pits. Moreover, virtually untreated filter backwash is discharged
from the Water Treatment Plant into the channel. Poorly treated wastewater continues to be discharged in the
Pregol River from cities upstream of the wellfield. The drainage system in the Kaliningrad region is falling into
disrepair and many areas are returning to their natural state as wetlands, which figures as a large unknown in the
general development of water quality of the Kaliningrad region.
In order to provide some verification of the feasibility of increasing abstraction to 90,000 m3/day, a single layer
hydrogeological model was prepared under this project. The available historical groundwater monitoring and
abstraction data was not strong enough for accurate calibration. Inverse calibration and a sensitivity analysis using
present groundwater levels were therefore performed in order to yield a baseline model with a lower-conservative
estimate of transmissivity of 0,007 m2/s. The estimated net precipitation of 149 mm provides only an insignificant
contribution to the abstracted volume of water.
The model suggested that the contact to the channel was weaker in the Eastern half than in the Western half. This
observation was consistent with the indication in existing geological data of the presence of a thin clayey layer
under the channel that could act as boundary. Under the prevailing high range of feasible transmissivities, it
appeared that clogging of the channel bottom or the presence of any other impermeable boundary under the
channel was unlikely to have a detrimental effect on potential yield from wellfield, because water would easily flow
in from other directions. Another important result was that travel times of the filtrate could be as low as days or
weeks in areas with good contact to channel.
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River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 33
The historical data for channel and raw water quality that could be provided by the Kaliningrad Water Company
covered the period 1984–2004. Unfortunately, for the last 15 years, measurements have been intermittent. It has
also been a period of large changes in the general level of pollution of surface waters and land-use around the well-
field as consequence of the economic upheavals with the break up of the Soviet Union. Moreover, the analytical
methods have not been applied with equal rigour throughout the period, but it is thought that the last 10 years rep-
resent a fairly consistent set of data.
Given the inconclusive hydrogeological data, some corroboration of the model findings was sought by observing
the variations of temperatures in individual production wells, as measured in April and September 2004, com-
plemented by historical raw temperature water data. These observations yielded a picture in which wells in the
Eastern half generally show an almost constant temperature of around 10 °C, whereas variation of up to a few
degrees is observed in wells of the Western half of the channel. Historical chemical data confirmed that water travel
times, as evidenced by the lag in certain peaks in concentrations of chlorides and other ions, may be as low as a
couple of weeks.
It can be seen from Figure 2.1 that oxidisability levels have become lower and less variable since the mid-1990s.
Most of the time, oxidisability in the channel varies around a level of approximately 10 mg/l. In the raw water,
levels are generally between 4 and 7 mg / l. The lower limit of 3.5 –4 mg/l oxidisability is rarely gone below and
seems to be constant over the entire period of data. As can been seen in Figures 2.2 and 2.3, the data shows a very
good match between levels of oxidisability in the North and South raw water lines, suggesting that the general level
of oxidisability is determined by a common source, probably the channel. This is consistent with the hydrogeo-
logical model that demonstrated that even if clogging of the channel is quite severe, much or most of the raw water
should originate from the channel. However, there is no clear correlation in the provided data between oxidisability
in the channel and the raw water. One possible explanation for this apparent inconsistency may be the fact that
oxidisability in the channel is measured on unfiltered samples, so that much of the measured oxidisability may be
due to particulate organic matter. Another possible explanation is that the single sampling point in the channel does
not reflect temporal and spatial variations inside the channel.
There is a correlation between channel oxidisability, BOD, Nitrate and Turbidity in the channel, as shown in
Figure 2.4, and there is a visible algal bloom in the channel from June to September. As seen in Figures 2.4 and 2.5,
nitrate is virtually depleted from the channel in summer. The data suggest that algal growth in the channel is N
limited. Phosphorous seems abundant not only in the surface water but also in the groundwater. Sampling of the
Pregol and gravel pits showed levels between 0,12 mg / l and 0,34 mg / l in June of 2004. The levels in wells were
measured between 0,15 mg / l and 0,24 mg / l. A single measurement in the channel showed only 0,022 mg / l, how-
ever. The two main probable sources are wastewater and washing out of phosphorous from previously intensively
fertilized land. There is a significant decrease in sulphate concentration in the channel during the summer months
as well as sulphate-reducing conditions at the bottom of the channel, as evidenced by high measured sulphide
levels in the channel and wells in summer. See Figure 2.6. This is probably induced by decaying organic matter with
resulting oxygen depletion at the channel bottom during the summer months.
Figure 3 shows TOC and DOC in the surface water and two wells. A breakdown of organics in the channel and
adjacent water bodies using the LC-OCD method is also shown. There is very little low-molecular weighted organic
matter present – the organic matter consists of almost entirely of humates and a minor part of polysaccharides.
Moreover the shape of the humates profile is very ‘pure’ without extended ridges. The highest level of humate is
found in the Pregol, upstream of the wellfield. The lowest surface water DOC levels are found in the gravel pits
south of the wellfield.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
34 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
35 20
25 14
mg /l
20 10
10 4
5 0
Channel South Line North Line
Channel South Line North Line
7,5 20
6,5 14
5,5 8
4,5 2
2,5 45 1,8
40 1,6
Sulphate mg/l
35 1,4
30 1,2
25 1
20 0,8
15 0,6
0,5 10 0,4
5 0,2
0 0 0
Figure 2.5. Seasonal N variation 1998 – 2004 Figure 2.6. Seasonal Sulphate variation 1998 – 2004
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 35
TOC DOC Humates
(mg/l) (mg/l)
Channel 17,4 10,4
Pregolya Upstream 10,8 9,7
West Shallow Lake 10,6 9,7 Polysaccharides Decreasing
East Gravel Pit 9,8 9,1 molecular size
South Gravel Pit West 8 7,4
South Gravel Pit East 7,8 7,4 1,5
South Bank Well 1 7,3 6,7 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
South Bank Well 2 5,9 5,6 Time (min)
Channel East Gravel Pit Pregolya Upstream
Figure 3. TOC, DOC and LC-OCD profiles of surface waters and groundwater
at the Eastern Wellfield. Samples taken on June 18th 2004
The model and temperature observations suggested different degrees of contact with the channel throughout
the wellfield. From the point of view of achievable quantity, this is unlikely have a detrimental effect because of the
high transmissivity of the aquifer and the possibility of recharge from several other surface water bodies. However, a
complex pattern with regard to water quality is likely to emerge. In the areas with good contact to the channel,
average filtrate travel times may be as low as days or weeks, whereas travel times of only a couple of months may be
encountered in other parts. Grünheid et al. (2004) have shown that optimal degradation of organic matter may
require filtrate travel times of at least 2 weeks under aerobic conditions and over 3 months under anaerobic condi-
The good correlation of fairly high-frequency variations (order of magnitude of weeks) in raw water from the North
and South bank rows of wells suggests that the overall determinant for observed variation lies in a common source,
which the model implies must be the surface water, mostly the channel. The low significance of local precipitation
precludes that ground surface infiltration should be having a significant effect. The historical data indicates an
apparent consistent minimum value of raw water oxidisability of approximately 3,5 – 4 mg / l, which is close to the
Russian drinking water standard of 5 mg / l. Fairly large variations take place, with values apparently reaching up
to 7–10 mg / l at certain times. Unfortunately, no measurements outside the wellfield area exist to give a conclusive
picture of the background level of oxidisability/organic matter. Moreover, analytical inconsistencies between surface
and raw water analyses make it difficult to determine the degree to which variation in the surface water are pre-
sently translating into variations in the raw water.
The breakdown of the dissolved organic matter in the surface water shows that it is dominated by humates, with a
minor component consisting of polysaccharides. Interestingly, the humate profiles are quite smooth and narrow,
without extended ridges representing intermediary states or light molecular fractions. This may be an indication of
a very stable nature, which may in turn be an indication that the humate is mainly of geogenic origin. Moreover, the
profiles are similar. The ubiquitous presence of peat and drained areas throughout the floodplain would be a likely
source. The DOC measurements show an increasing trend in a Northerly direction towards the Pregol River, albeit
there appears to be a separate source of organic matter in the channel at the time of observation in June of 2004 as
seen in the difference between TOC and DOC as well as the LC-OCD profiles.
Visual inspection and historical water data indicate an annual algal bloom that lasts from June to September,
depleting the channel of Nitrate. Sulphate-reducing conditions seem to exist at the bottom of the channel in
summer. Moreover, staff at the wellfield report that there is a layer of suspended sludge at the bottom of the
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
36 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
channel, suggesting a more permanent anaerobic state at the bottom of the channel. The lack of oxygen is likely to
slow down degradation of organic matter during infiltration.
The variability of oxidisability in the raw water shows that degradation inside the aquifer as well as attenuation of
variations through groundwater mixing is not sufficient to stabilise levels or consistently to bring them down to
below the standard of 5 mg / l. Some variation is attributable to the shifting operation of wells with different levels of
oxidisability. However, the correlation between the North and South raw water demonstrates that the main cause is
variation in oxidisability levels in the surface water.
The main factor determining raw water levels of oxidisability is the surface water. The channel makes an indepen-
dent contribution to DOC, but its direct significance for raw water levels has yet to be determined. The travel times
proposed by the model and evidence of anaerobic conditions in the channel and aquifer indicate that the con-
figuration of the wellfield may not optimal from the point of view of degrading organic matter.
The potential to reduce and to stabilise oxidisability and organic matter at the Eastern Wellfield depends on the
prevailing background level as well as the potential for degradation inside the aquifer. By adopting a strategy of
wellfield development that pursues an increased distance of the wells to the surface water, more groundwater
mixing and degradation and attenuation of variations of organic matter might be achieved. However, the ultimate
potential for reduction of organic matter and oxidisability is not known with any certainty. Geological variability in
the area and the limited extent of the existing geological exploration make a gradual approach to future wellfield
development desirable. Given that the observed raw water levels of oxidisability are generally above, but close to
the drinking water standard, margins may ultimately be important.
There is a need for determination of the background level of organic matter and oxidisability and for establishing
an empirical relationship between the Russian standard for oxidisability and DOC. Further investigations should
also be made into determining the underlying factors for variations in oxidisability and organic matter in the surface
water as well as establishing a more accurate water balance and hydrological understanding of a wider area. In
general, there is a need to establish a more consistent and systematic programme of ground- and surface water
monitoring if many important questions are to be addressed. The present investigations will serve as a basis for
future monitoring.
Grünheid, S., Amy, G., and Jekel, M. (2004). Removal of bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and trace organic
compounds by bank filtration. Water Research, submitted.
Huber S. and F. Frimmel (1996). Gelchromatographie mit Kohlenstoffdetektion (LC-OCD): Ein rasches und aus-
sagekräftiges Verfahren zur Charakterisierung hydrophiler organischer Wasserinhaltsstoffe (Gelchromatography
coupled with carbon detection: A fast and powerful method to characterize hydrophilic organic water con-
stituents). Vom Wasser, 86, 277–290.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Groundwater recharge
from a lined watercourse
under shallow water table condition
V. Goyal, B.S. Jhorar and R.S. Malik
The study was conducted to quantify the field groundwater recharge dynamics. Rise and fall in water table were
observed in observation wells at orthogonal distances X = 5, 25, 50 and 100 m from a 7 year old cement lined
channel (Width = 0.6 m, Water depth = 0.37 m, Design discharge = 0.23 m3/s) at different time intervals. The
initial water table was at 2.54 m depths from soil surface. The height of the bottom of the watercourse (Ho) from
the water table was 2.43 m.
Ground water rise R and groundwater fall F increased with time at all orthogonal distances X and followed the
square root time law with r2 values more than 0.95 (R = 0.0366 t1/2 + 0.03514; F = –0.0474 t1/2 + 0.0754 for 5 m).
The watercourse influencing orthogonal reach (the value of X at which rise is more than 14 % of the total rise at
5m) was 100m. Groundwater rise rate RR and falling rate FR decreased with time following inverse square root law
with r2 values equals to 0.765 for X=5m. Seepage from watercourses was mainly a horizontal infiltration phenom-
enon under shallow water table condition. The ground water rise and fall decreased with distance exponentially
with r2 value more than 0.93 (R= 0.4092 e–0.0192X and F = 0.5505 e–0.0114X ). Groundwater rise R was higher than
groundwater fall up to 100 hours and then the order was reversed i.e. fall was larger than rise at time more than
100 hours.
The practical applications are that lined watercourses contribute to the considerable seepage and ground water
recharge up to a canal reach of 100 m even in the short time interval of 170 hours.
Ground water recharge; lined watercourses; shallow water table.
In order to conserve water resources, canal and watercourses have been lined at very huge costs; covering
5,000 watercourses of 20,000 km length in state of Haryana, India alone (Master Plan, 1998). The seepage could be
an effective and eco-friendly measure for groundwater recharge in falling water table situations even after lining of
watercourses (Anonymous, 1984).
A few studies have been conducted to quantify the seepage effect and groundwater recharge from ephemeral
(Abdulrazzak and Morel-Seytoux, 1983), perennial rivers (Knappe et al., 2000) and unlined canals and water-
courses (Dillon, 1968; Nagaraj and Dewan, 1972; Phogat et al., 2000 and Malik and Richter, 2000). To our knowl-
edge little information is available (Rohwer & Stout, 1948) on quantification of groundwater recharge from lined
watercourses. Therefore, the present study was conducted to quantify the groundwater recharge dynamics from the
lined watercourse under shallow water table condition.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
38 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
A field experiment was conducted on a 7-year-old cement lined rectangular watercourse (width 2W = 0.6 m;
constant water head ho = 0.37 m; design discharge = 0.23 m3/h) situated at an outlet number – RD 5500 L of farm
canal at soil research farm CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Soil samples from different layers taken
during the installation of piezometers, were oven dried and ground gently with the pestle-mortar. The fraction
remaining above a 2 mm sieve was identified as calcite concretions. The soil passed through the sieve was analyzed
for different physico-chemical properties. Soil analysis was done with the standard methods. The relevant physico-
chemical properties up to impervious layer are given in Table 1.
Depth k
(m) EC (dS m–1) pH Texture (cm/h)
The initial water table was at 2.54 m depth from the soil surface. The height of the bottom of the watercourse Ho
from the water table was 2.43. The saturated aquifer thickness e was 11.6 m and height of the bottom of the water-
course from the soil surface hs was – 0.11 m as shown in Figure 1(a).
Water Z 0 Y
Water course
Water course
course 0
Soil surface
0 O5 X=5
h0 0
hs X
O25 X = 25
Initial water table
O50 X = 50
Rise and fall in water table were observed as a function of time t in observation wells O5, O25 , O50 and O100 placed
at watercourse orthogonal distances X = 5, 25, 50 and 100 m as shown in Figure 1(b) at different time intervals
starting from t = 2 h and 6 h for rise and fall respectively. Time t = 0 was taken just before the onset of water flow in
the channel for water table rise R; and just after the closure of water flow for water table fall F respectively. Water
table rise rate RR = dR/dt and falling rate FR = dF/dt at any time t were estimated by numerically differentiating
R and F w.r.t. t by the central finite difference method (Forsythe and Warrant, 1960).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 39
Water table rise R and fall F increased with time at all orthogonal distances X = 5, 25, 50 and 100 m (Figs. 2a and
3a). Indeed the regression line almost passed through the origin (Figs. 2b and 3b) with r2 > 0.95 and little intercept
(Eqns 1-8, Table 2). It meant that the groundwater flowed in horizontal direction during seepage from the water-
course under shallow water table condition. The square root time law had been reported to govern unsaturated hor-
izontal infiltration in capillary tube (Malik et al., 1978) and in porous media (Green and Ampt, 1911; Kirkham and
Feng, 1949; and Malik et al. 1978) after Darcy law. While observing groundwater recharge from seepage from an
ephemeral river, Abdulrazzak and Seytoux, (1983) have reported that after establishing hydraulic connection in the
soil column between saturated watercourse bed and initial water table, the infiltration rates (seepage rate) equaled
recharge rate and it was a case of horizontal groundwater flow.
0.50 0.60
(a) X=5m (b)
0.40 0.50 X = 25 m
X = 50 m
0.40 X = 100 m
R (m)
R (m)
0.00 0.00
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0
1/2 1/2
t (h) t , (h )
0.2 0.2
0.1 (a) 0.1 (b)
0 0
-0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 -0.1 0 5 10 15
F (m)
F (m)
-0.2 -0.2
-0.3 -0.3
X = 5m X = 5m
-0.4 -0.4 X = 25 m
X = 25 m
-0.5 X = 50 m -0.5 X = 50 m
X = 100 m X = 100 m
-0.6 -0.6
t (h) t 1/2, (h 1/2)
The straight line relationship between water table rise rate RR and fall rate FR; and the inverse square root of time
1/t1/2 (Eqns 9-16, Table 2) are shown in Figure 4 for rise and in Figure 5 for fall at an orthogonal distance X = 5 m.
The r2 values equals to 0.765 at X = 5 m; it verified the validity of Darcy’s law for recharge rates. However the corre-
lations were not found significant at large orthogonal distances X ≥ 25 m for the rise rate RR and fall rate FR. This
might be due to error introduced in determining the RR and FR by central finite difference method and also due to
slightly more time lag in reaching the waterfronts to X ≥ 25 m (Table 3).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
40 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Table 2. Relationship between rise and fall in water table with time and orthogonal distance
Sr Wat er Table Time (t)/ Regression equation n r2
No . Rise / Fall Distance (X)
1/2 1/2 1/2
1 Rise (R) at 5 m t , (h ) R = 0.0366 t + 0.035 1 22 0.9526*
1/2 1/2 1/2
2 Rise (R) at 25 m t , (h ) R = 0.0169 t 22 0.961*
1/2 1/2 1/2
3 Rise (R) at 50 m t , (h ) R = 0.0119 t 22 0.9771*
1/2 1/2 1/2
4 Rise (R) at 100 m t , (h ) R = 0.0047 t 22 0.9728*
1/2 1/2 1/2
5 Fall (F) at 5 m t , (h ) F = -0.0474 t + 0.0754 18 0.9825*
1/2 1/2 1/2
6 Fall (F) at 25 m t , (h ) F = -0.0393 t + 0.1167 18 0.9388*
1/2 1/2 1/2
7 Fall (F) at 50 m t , (h ) F = -0.0255 t + 0.15 8 18 0.6554*
1/2 1/2 1/2
8 Fall (F) at 100 m t , (h ) F = -0.0193 t + 0.1252 18 0.7153*
1/2 1/2 1/2
9 Rate of rise (RR) at 5 m 1/(t) , (1/h )R RR = 0.06 1/t - 0.0031 21 0.765*
1/2 1/2 1/2
10 Rate of rise (RR) at 25 m 1/(t) , (1/h )R RR = 0.0088 1/t + 0.0043 21 0.1068
1/2 1/2 1/2
11 Rate of rise (RR) at 50 m 1/(t) , (1/h )R RR = 0.014 1/t + 0.0023 21 0.2643
1/2 1/2 1/2
12 Rate of rise (RR) at 100 m 1/(t) , (1/h )R RR = 0.0136 1/t + 0.0014 21 0.228 5
1/2 1/2 1/2
13 Rate of fall (FF) at 5 m 1/(t) , (1/h )F FF = -0.0447 1/t + 0.0027 17 0.7993*
14 Rate of fall (FF) at 25 m 1/(t) 1/2 , (1/h1/2 )F FF = 0.0063 1/t 1/2 - 0.00 4 17 0.1067
1/2 1/2 1/2
15 Rate of fall (FF) at 50 m 1/(t) , (1/h )F FF = 0.0379 1/t - 0.0062 17 0.1051
1/2 1/2 1/2
16 Rate of fall (FF) at 100 m 1/(t) , (1/h )F FF = 0.0192 1/t - 0.0043 17 0.7435*
– 0.0192X
17 Rise (m) X R = 0.4092e 4 0.9683*
X – 0.0114X
18 Fall (m) F = 0.5505e 4 0.9372*
0.07 0
0.06 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
FR (m3/h)
RR (m3/h)
0.02 -0.02
0.01 -0.025
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50
1/t1/2, (1/h1/2) 1/t1/2, (1/h1/2)
Figure 4. Rise rate RR as a function of inverse square Figure 5. Fall rate FR as a function of inverse square
root time 1/t1/2 in observation well O5 root time 1/t1/2 in observation well O5
Table 3. Water table rise R and fall F at indicated orthogonal distances X from watercourse at different times
R (m) at X= F (m) at X=
Time (h) 5 25 50 100 Time (h) 5 25 50 100
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 41
Water table rise R at time t = 168 h and water table fall F at time t = 175 h were found exponentially related to
orthogonal distances X (Figure 6 a and b). The regression equations are given in Table 2 with r2 values more
than 0.93. Such exponential relations between mound height R and distance X at any time t has also been reported
by Abdulrazzak and Morel-Seytoux, (1983) for ephemeral river seepage, Phogat and Malik, (1997) for sand box
canal and Phogat et al., (2000) for farm canal.
0.5 0.6
0.4 (a) 0.5 (b)
Fa (m)
R (m)
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
X (m ) X (m )
Figure 6. (a) Water table rise R and (b) absolute fall in water table Fa
in observation wells as a function of distance X
Water table rise R of 0.49 m at X = 5 m and 0.05 m at X = 100 m in 168 hours (Table 3) implied that there was
considerable seepage even from a lined water course under field conditions because some cracks developed in
cement lined surfaces in due course of time and resulted in to preferential channel flow. The watercourse under
study was 7 year old and such high seepage may take place. The practical implication of having considerable
seepage from a 7 year old lined watercourse is that lining should be resorted only where absolutely necessary such
as sandy beds with saline ground water and there should be more frequent and effective repairs of lined water
courses. The seepage could be an effective and eco-friendly measure for groundwater recharge in falling water table
Comparison of water table rise R with absolute fall Fa (Figure 7) at X = 5 showed that groundwater rise R was
higher than groundwater fall up to 100 hours and then the order was reversed i.e. fall was larger than rise at time
more than 100 hours.
R / Fa (m)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
t (h)
It might be due to the fact that large time was taken by the advancing waterfront to reverse to receding waterfront.
This time of crossing over increases as the distances increases and may be seen in Table 3.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
42 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
• Water table rise R and fall F increased with time at all orthogonal distances X = 5, 25, 50 and 100 m with r2 >
0.95 and follows square root time law.
• Rise rate RR and fall rate FR of groundwater decreased with time following inverse square root law with r2 val-
ues more than 0.76 for X = 5 m.
• The groundwater rise R and fall F decreased with distance exponentially.
• Influencing orthogonal watercourse reach was 100 m in 168 hours leading to considerable seepage from the lined
Abdulrazzak J.M. and Morel-Seytoux H.J. (1983). Recharge from an ephemeral stream following wetting front
arrival to water table. Water Resour. Res., 19: 194–200.
Dillon G.S. (1968) Estimation of seepage losses from unlined channels. Indian J. of Power River Valley Dev. 18:
Forsythe G.E. and Warrant W.R. (1960). Finite difference methods for partial differential equations. Wiley,
Anonymous, (1984). Evaluation of benefits-Modernisation of Canals- Haryana Irrigation I Project (843-IN). Haryana
Irrigation Dep., Chandigarh, pp. 60–63.
Kirkham D. and Feng C.L. (1949). Some test of the diffusion theory and laws of capillary flow in soils. Soil Sci. 67:
Knappe, A., Hubberten H.W., Pedeger A., Dulski P. and Moller P. (2002). A multi-tracer study on bank filtration
processes in Berlin. Editor P.J. Dillon- Management of aquifer recharge for sustainability. pp 239–244.
Malik, R.S., Laroussi, Ch. and Backer L.W. (1978). Experimental investigation of the penetration coefficient in
capillary tubes. 127: 211–218.
Malik, R.S. and Richter J. (2000). Use of a 2-D numerical model for determining the field scale effects of canal posi-
tion on seepage and water table rise. Proc. Internl. confr. on Land Resource management for food, employment and
environmental Security.(ICLRM). In Lead Papers, Angkor Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Ph. 011-5700089, New Delhi, Nov
9–13. pp. 389–99
Master plan, (1998) Management of water logging and salinity problems in Haryana. High level expert committee,
Government of Haryana. pp. 42.
Nagaraj, B.S. and Dewan R.L. (1972). Theoretical and experimental aspects of the rise groundwater due to canal
irrigation. Proc. of symposium on Water logging – causes and measures for its prevention, Central Board of Irrig.
and Power, New Delhi, India Pub No. 118, pp. 69–78.
Phogat, V. and Malik R.S. (1997). Performance of an analytical model for seepage and water table rise under differ-
ent canal hydrological factors. ICID journal, 46: 105–117.
Phogat, V., Malik R.S., Kumar S. and Kuhad M.S. (2000). A simple field model to predict seepage and water table
height in canal command area. ICID journal, 49: 67–86.
Rohwer, C. and Stout O.V.P. (1948) Seepage losses from irrigation channels. Tech. Bull. 38, Colorado Agri. Expt
Station, Fort Collins, pp. 64–79.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Artificial recharge of Baghmelak aquifer,
Khouzestan province, southwest of Iran
The collected hydrogeological data indicated that in order to combat progressive depletion of groundwater level
in Baghmelak aquifer and meeting the growing demand on groundwater, establishment of artificial recharge can
be considered as a tool, which aims groundwater resource management. The success of such adoption requires the
integration of the available knowledge in many decipline. The prime importance in establishment of such engi-
neered system where surface water is put on in the ground for infiltration requires proper selection of sites.
Therefore, an integrated investigations including surface geology, well logs, infiltration test and pumping test in
vicinity of three ephemeral streams draining from the conglomerate highs were carried out. The potentials of har-
vesting storm waters, quality of available water and suspension loads have been assessed. On this background,
three sites including basin and a check dam for artificial recharge were suggested in the north and northeast of
the area where coarse alluvial thickness was remarkable. On the bases of collected data, the rate of recharge that
could be achieved at the three sites is approximately 2.2 million m3 per year.
Aquifer recharge, basin, check dam, Khouzestan, Iran, site.
With increasing population demand for more reliable supplies of water has increased. The situation is critical
in places where groundwater is the only accessible water resource and withdrawal of water is more than the rate
of recharge. Consequently groundwater deterioration and/or an imbalance in the groundwater reservoir is created
and managed aquifer recharge is an attractive option (Heinzmann and Sarfert, 1995; Viswanathan and Al-Senafy,
1998; Mousavi and Rezai, 1999; Krishnamurthy et al., 2000). A limiting factor in developing artificial recharge
of groundwater is site selection and lack of suitable site causing neglect of artificial recharge as a water management
technique (Margaret et al., 1986).Therefore, in the first stage the efficiency of any recharge project is a function of
physical characteristics of surface, sub-surface and its surrounding.
The Baghmelak agricultural plain, which is characterized as a relatively flat surface of moderately porous uncon-
solidated sediments, falls in temperate climatic condition and groundwater is often the only source of water supply
for drinking as well as agriculture. The Baghmelak aquifer is one of the promising groundwater reservoirs in
Khouzestan province in the south-west of Iran, but withdrawal of water from the aquifer is more than the rate of
recharge. The growing demand for groundwater has increased contineously since at least a decade when farmers
started drawing water from wells through mechanical pumping for agricultural activities and caused groundwater
level depletion. The increasing demand for groundwater resources for various purposes and continuos water table
drawdown (on average 7 m from 1994 to Aug 2003) in the study area necessitate integrated water resource mana-
gement and artificial recharge of groundwater might help to some extent this approach. In addition to groundwater
decline, artificial recharge site limitation is another challenge facing the study area. Due to lack of promising site in
the course and adjacent to the main ephemeral tributaries ( Galal and Paderazan) flowing in the area, investigations
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
44 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
were mostly focussed on three moderate ephemeral tributaries. Therefore, in order to augment groundwater sup-
plies of the study area to some extent an integrated studies including surface and sub-surface investigations, water
resource availability, water quality, infiltration capacity, hydrodynamic parameters were taken into account.
Based on the collected data three artificial recharge site options were selected in downstream of the Tapeh tele-
vision (1), Kayani (2) and Sharkat (3) tributaries in the northeast and the north of the area and the general location
map is depicted in Figure1. The catchment area of the above tributaries is small, but these are the only alternative,
which relatively meet requirement for artificial recharge in the area.The recharge rate that could be achieved at the
three sites is approximately 2.2 million m3 per year.The estimated cost of surface water infiltration using basins and
check dams for the first years of operation is relatively expensive but it is a reasonable way to augment groundwater
supply in the long term.
The main purpose of this study was to determine the potential sites for artificial recharge of groundwater in the
Baghmelak plain and the other objectives were:
Watertable Contour 0
ya n o un
i on
Piezometer rb
Check dam
Infiltration site
Bakhtyari Fm.
Gachsaran Fm. 0 1 2 3 4 km
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 45
31º 41’ N latitude in the northeast of Ahvaz in Khouzestan province. The average elevation of the Baghmelak plain
is 725 m and receives an average annual rainfall of 640 mm. The minimum and maximum temperature is respec-
tively 7 and 37 °C and the overall climate is temperate. The absence of high physiographic difference and presence
of the fertile soil in parts of the study area makes it agriculturally rich.
The ephemeral streams known as Tapeh television (1), Kayani (2), and Sharkat (3) are rising from Derb conglomer-
ate mountain and the former two (1 and 2) join the Gelal ephemeral stream while the later (3) is tributary of the
Paderazan ephemeral stream. The drainage system is dendritic and the summarized characteristics of the Tape tele-
vision, Kayani and Sharkat watersheds are given in Table 1.
Geological maps and field information were used to identify the lithological units, which is depicted in Figure 1.
The different rock units in the north and the northeast are Bakhtyari conglomerate formation (Pliocene), and in the
remaining parts are covered by Gachsaran gypsum formation (lower Miocene). Major structural features observed
in the northeast of the area are lineaments that are controlling the permeability of the conglomerate formation.
The Baghmelak plain in the north and the northeast is covered by Quaternary gravel, which is varying in size, and
the remaining parts are mainly sandy loam type soil. The tube well lithologs distribution indicates that the sedi-
ments are predominantly gravel but interbeded with mixed sediments at different depths. The depth to water table
ranges from 12 to 37 m, thickness of the aquifer ranges from 55 to over 75 m and the bedrock is conglomerate and
gypsum. The tube wells were constructed with a depth range from 70 to 110 m and the wells yield ranges from 17
to 45 L/s where the higher yields are found to be in the north and northeast. Groundwater movement is dominant-
ly from the northeast and northwest towards the center.The annual amount of groundwater abstraction and
recharge varies and depend on rainfall, but the estimated groundwater recharge from the alluvial plain, highly frac-
tured conglomerate in the northeast and gypsum and conglomerate formations in the northwest in the year 2003
were respectively 4.2, 3.4 and 1.7 million m3. In the same year, groundwater abstraction from 47 bore wells of the
area was about 12.5 million m3.
Infiltration test and hydraulic parameters
As infiltration (I) reflects true upper soil layer drainage capacity (Abu-Taleb 1999), therefore for each location
several infiltration tests were conducted with double- ring infiltrometer as well as surface ponds. Accurate deter-
mination of porosity is also crucial for recharge water but due to lack of facility in present investigation with respect to
nature of geological material (sandy gravel), total porosity (n) was estimated (Table 2). In order to obtain hydraulic
conductivity (K) in the selected sites inverse auger method was used. The pumping test data in alluvium were
analysed by Boulton and Strelestova method (1975) for estimation of transmissivity (T) and storage coefficient (S).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
46 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
The mean annual rainfall of the area as a whole is about 640 mm and the process of precipitation is stormy as well
as continuous rain, the former has characteristics of short duration and high intensity, while the later is of long
duration and low intensity. The runoff estimation is a prerequisite for design of infrastructures in artificial recharge
schemes, but generally undertaken tributaries do not possess runoff data. Therefore, in such circumstances if the
rainfall records of fairly long periods are available, the resulting runoff can be derived from empirical formula (Eq.
1, 2 and 3). For determination of annual run off in the study area experimental method, which is based on annual
flow deficiency (D), annual rainfall of the basin in meter (P), watershed average temperature of watershed (T ) in
degree centigrade and the run off height in meter(R), was used .The annual discharge of the three selected ephemer-
al streams is depicted in Table 3.
D=P – λ P2 (1)
λ = 1/0.8 + 0.14T (2)
R= P – D = λ P2 (3)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 47
Based on the collected data two types of planed artificial recharge including infiltration basin and check dam was
suggested to conserve the water contained in flash flood of the ephemeral streams. The Tapeh television check dams
with storage capacity of approximately 160,800 m3 was suggested across the stream. The dimension of the mason-
ry trapezoidal check dam is 60 x 3.5 x 4.5 m (Length, width and height). On the eastern side of the Kayani
ephemeral stream three infiltration basins of 350 x 100 x 2.5 m suggested. On the down stream where the width of
the Sharkat stream is reducing two infiltration basins of 250 x 150 x 2.5 m was also suggested. The average depth of
water in the basins and backwater in the check dams are respectively 2 and 3.35 m.
An analysis of evaporation records from the evaporimeter installed at the Baghmelak meteorological station indicat-
ed that the average rate of evaporation was 1.49 mm/day from December to March. Therefore, on the bases of dis-
charge time, evaporation rate from the recharge basins as well as backwater impoundment of the check dams during
annual intakes was estimated (Table 6).
Recharge estimation
The quantitative estimation of recharge rate from surface reservoirs (recharge basins and check dams) to uncon-
fined aquifer carried out through the following steps.
1. The actual design capacity of the sites (1,2 and 3) are respectively 1.7 x 105, 2.1 x 105and 1.5 x 105 m3.
2. In view of rainfall records, high intensity rainfall producing considerable run off occurs 5 to 6 times a year.
3. For computation of recharge water by the schemes, 5 flood events was taken into account.
4. It is assumed that in the first intake of the reservoirs 1 x 105, 1.3 x 10 5 and 1.1 x 105 m3 are used to saturate the
aeration zone below the recharge sites.
5. The percolated water volume of the recharge infrastructures was obtained from the difference of reservoir capac-
ities and the computed evaporation rate.
6. It is estimated that the total annual recharge water flux into groundwater storage from these three sites to be about
2.2 million m3.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
48 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
In view of tariff 2003 of planing and finance organization of Iran, the fixed costs including design, construction,
hydraulic structures and management plus miscellaneous cost of the Tape television check dams, Kayani and
Sharkat basin type of artificial recharge schemes are respectively 79 764, 80 588 and 52 882 American dollar.
Based on the surface and subsurface investigations recharge sites were selected and implementation of such infra-
structures facilitates to increase groundwater storage to some extent. The total annual recharge water is about 2.2
million m3 and mitigation of destructive floods is the side benefit. The cost of one cubic meter of infiltrated water as
compare to construction cost in the short term is expensive but it is the reasonable and economic way of storing
groundwater in the long term.
The authors would like to thank the Water and Power Organization of Khouzestan province for financial support to
conduct this study.
Abu-Talab M. F. (1999). The use of infiltration field-tests for groundwater artificial recharge. Environmental geology,
37 (1–2), 64 –72.
Boulton N.S and Strelestova T.D. (1976). The drawn near an abstraction well of longer diameter under non-steady
condition in an unconfined aquifer. Jour. Hydrol, 30, 29–46.
Heinzmann B. and Sarfert F. (1995). An integrated water management concept to ensure a safe water supply and
high drinking water quality on an ecological sound basis. Wat. Sci. Tech., 31 (8), 281–291.
Krishnamurthy J., Arul M., Venkatakrishnan J. and Manivel M. (2000). Groundwater resource development in hard
rocks terrain – an approach using remote sensing and GIS techniques. JAG, 2 (3/4), 204–215.
O'Hare M.P., Fairchild D.M., Hajali P.A., Canter L.W. (1986). Artificial recharge of groundwater. Lewis publisher,
Mousavi S.-F. and Rezai V. (1999). Evaluation of scraping treatment to restore initial infiltration capacity of three
artificial recharge projects in central Iran.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Management of river bank filtration
in the Elbe River Basin
near Torgau, Germany
M. Krüger, K. Ende and T. Grischek
A site-specific, scientifically based and long-term monitoring of bank filtrate and groundwater quality is the basis
for an effective management of bank filtration sites and for the prediction of changes in water flow and quality.
Results from a monitoring programme of more than 10 years at a bank filtration site near the city of Torgau prove
a good and sustainable quality of the pumped raw water. At all sites with long flow paths, mixing ratios of bank
filtrate and groundwater were found to be of main importance for the concentration of DOC, nitrate, sulfate,
dissolved iron and manganese in the raw water. Thus, management of bank filtration schemes should be incor-
porated into wider catchment planning in order to limit potentially polluting activities in the groundwater
recharge area.
Bank filtration, Elbe River, water management, water quality monitoring.
In Europe, over a century of experience exists in the operation and maintenance of river bank filtration (RBF)
schemes. The company ‘Fernwasserversorgung Elbaue-Ostharz GmbH (FWV)’ was founded in 1946 as a bulk water
supplier and manages four bank filtration waterworks in the Elbe River Basin near the city of Torgau, about 90 km
south of Berlin, Germany. Two other waterworks produce drinking water from groundwater and reservoir water. In
2004, the drinking water production in these six waterworks was 80 Mm³, with 37.1 Mm³ of the total production
taken from bank filtrate. The company supplies about 3 million people through a 700 km long distribution net-
The abstraction of bank filtrate is of vital importance as a raw water source for the company. As an example, the
waterworks Torgau-Ost, situated south-east of the city of Torgau, is presented in the following sections. The water-
works has a production capacity of 100,000 m3/day. The 42 production wells are located in an alluvial sand and
gravel aquifer with a thickness of 40 to 60 m, covered by a 2 to 5 m thick layer of meadow loam. The meadow loam
provides an important protection against pollution and infiltration e.g. during flood events. Due to erosive con-
ditions in the river, there is only low clogging of the riverbed. The good hydraulic connection between the River
Elbe and the adjacent aquifer ensures stable water abstraction even during low flow conditions.
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50 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
The proportions of bank filtrate and groundwater in the pumped raw water vary between 45 % and 65%. At most
wells, the mean proportion of bank filtrate is higher than 50%. Retention times of bank filtrate in the aquifer range
from 80 days to more than 300 days.
Raw water is purified by aeration and deacidification, pre-purification by sedimentation basins, and fine purification
by open sand filters (Fig. 1). Iron, manganese and carbon dioxide are the main constituents of raw water that
require treatment. These constituents are eliminated by adding hydrated lime. Prior to pumping into the public
water supply network, the water is further treated with small amounts of chlorine and chlorine dioxide to prevent
bacteriological deterioration during the transportation process to the consumer.
tube sedimen-
tation basin open sand
treated water
fluidized - dioxide
bed drier Chlorine
ment type
filter press
Supply of
Two monitoring profiles have been installed between the river and the extraction well at 300 m from the shore
(location see Fig. 5), to measure the changes of the quality of the river water along its flow paths (Nestler et al.,
1996). Next to this, sampling points are present at the landside of the wells to measure the quality of the approach-
ing groundwater inside the wider capture zone for each well group separately. Up to five sampling depths were
available at various spots (Fig. 2).
Between 1992 and 1998 intensive studies were carried out to investigate groundwater flow, retention times, the
behaviour of dissolved organic carbon, major cations and anions and relevant organic trace compounds. To dis-
tinguish between bank filtrate and groundwater, investigations included measurements of chloride, ethylen-
ediaminetetraacetate, persistent aromatic sulfonate and pharmaceutical and 18O concentrations (Nestler et al.,
1998). Since 1998 a routine monitoring programme has been established to monitor water flow and quality. The
frequency of water sampling and the extent of the hydrochemical analyses and parameter spectrum were defined
depending on retention times of bank filtrate in the aquifer. Hence, monthly, quarterly and biannual sampling is
organised for selected observation wells along the flow path.
The results of the monitoring programme allow for short-, middle- and long-term control of bank filtrate quality as
well as a quick response to extreme events. Data gained from more than 10 years of water sampling is used to show
trends in water quality of the bank filtrate and changes in water flow.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 51
1108 m 367 m
m a.s.l.
Abstraction well Observation well
90 22 I-4
I-23 River Elbe
4/2 23/2
Silt bands
Confining bed
1 m Filter Silt Coarse sand Groundwater flow direction
Membrane pump Gravel Medium sand 0 60 m
The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) figure is of primary interest at the waterworks. Up to 50 % of the decrease in
DOC concentration occurs in the first meters of the flow path (Fig. 3). A significant attenuation of DOC along the
flow path was observed for the time period 1994 to 2004. The DOC concentration in the pumped raw water was
2.2 to 2.4 mg / L (n = 140) whereas the DOC concentration in River Elbe water was about 5.5 mg / L (n = 157). Near
the river bank some changes in the attenuation of DOC can be seen in Fig. 3.
m a.s.l.
Abstraction well
90 2.2
2.4 River Elbe
80 4.0
1.8 3.4 1.2
3.0 -
3.1 - 2.7 2.9 4.3 1.5
2.3 2.5 3.3
70 0.6 2.6 3.4 4.0 3.3 0.9
1.5 2.7 3.3 1.3
2.9 3.1 4.2
60 3.0
- 2.9 2.9
0.6 2.7 1.9 1.5 0.8
2.3 2.8 3.2 1.2
1.5 3.1 2.9
Silt bands 1.0
3.2 1.1 1.5
3.0 2.4
2.7 1.7 1.5 1.2
40 2.7 1.5
1.4 3.0 - 1.2 1.0 1.2
2.7 3.3 1.5 1.4 1.5
30 Year
Confining bed 3.2 1994
2.9 2004
Figure 3. Mean DOC concentrations (mg /L), cross-section A, 1994 and 2004
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52 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Whereas the DOC concentration at observation well OW 4/1 is slightly decreasing from 4 mg/L to 3.4 mg/L (see
also Fig. 4), there is an increase at well 4/2 and 23/2. This indicates the possible changes of DOC concentrations
near the river bank. A conclusion about the relation between the hydraulic conductivity (which is higher in the
uppermost layer) and observed changes in DOC concentration can not be drawn yet. A general increase in DOC
concentration is observed for the landside groundwater but not for bank filtrate. Some changes can be explained by
the different number of exploited samples.
Results from investigations during floods are of special interest to the company to clarify the risk of floods affecting
raw water and drinking water quality. The extreme flood event in August 2002 caused a strong increase in turbidity,
organic carbon concentration, and number of microorganisms in the River Elbe water. An increase in DOC from
5 mg/l to more than 8 mg/l in river water did not affect the DOC concentration in the abstracted water (Fig. 4).
Biodegradation and mixing in the aquifer prevented an increase in DOC concentration in the raw water and an
increase in the concentration of trihalomethanes during disinfection. The quality of abstracted bank filtrate was
never at risk during the flood in August 2002 due to the design of bank filtration sites and long flow paths and
retention times (Krueger and Nitzsche, 2003).
Flood peak
DOC mg/l
Figure 4. DOC concentration (mg / L) in River Elbe water, bank filtrate, and raw water, 1994–2004.
For location of observation well 4/1 and abstraction well see Fig. 2.
The management of the waterworks depends on various limiting factors. Satisfying the fluctuating water demand is
of prime importance which, however, is often opposed to the preferred continuous operation of wells. Another
important factor is the mixing of river bank filtrate and groundwater to obtain an optimum quality with regard to
raw water treatment. The main aims of water quality management include the maximum attenuation of organic
compounds during aquifer passage and low concentrations of DOC, dissolved iron and nitrate in raw water.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 53
The resulting well management is therefore a compromise and an ongoing optimization procedure regarding
abstraction regime, quantity of abstraction, number of wells operated and the water quality of operated wells. To
obtain comparable data, the production wells situated within the sampling profiles at Torgau-Ost are operated
almost continuously. This is of advantage for lower concentrations of dissolved iron in raw water. Furthermore,
periodic well operation stimulates well clogging. The operation of the number of wells at Torgau-Ost depends on
the drinking water demand at a given time.
Due to the long distance between the wells and river bank (> 250 m), a change in the well filter depth has only
negligible effects on groundwater flow and quality (Grischek, 2003a).
The most important factor in water quality management is the selection of abstraction wells according to their land-
side groundwater catchment zone. Based on a dense net of observation wells, it was possible to identify zones
with different concentrations of DOC and dissolved iron in landside groundwater. Figure 5 shows the range of DOC
concentrations in groundwater in the catchment zones behind the wells.
Abstraction well
3.2 I
1.0 2.6 Observation
0,1 well with three
2.3* 4.4
1.0 II 3.2 sampling
0,9 depths; mean DOC
2.0 1.2 III concentration in mg/L, 1995-97
4.4 14,3
3.2 3.1
57 1.9 Elb
12 eR affected by local infiltration of
4.1* 2.72.6 iver 4.4*
surface water
1.7 1.3 1.1 IV
3.1 3.0 1.0 1.7 1 km
1.4 4.1 3.3
0.8 2.9
V VI Cross-section A
3.3 1.0 1.8 old
0.9 1.1 3.3 bra
2.8 2.7
10 Mixing water 2.8
DOC < 2.3 mg/L 0.8 VII
0.8 4.6*
Lakes 1.5 2.8 Cross-section B
Mixing water VIII IX
57 DOC 2.3...3.0 mg/L 1.6 3.2
08 2.0 3.0 3.3
4.3 1.9
2.6 1.7
5.2 5.0
Mixing water 4.8
DOC > 3 mg/L 1.5
06 45 45 45 45
71 73 75 77
The mean concentration in the mixed water (see Fig. 5) was calculated from the concentrations determined at
different depths in the aquifer. Depth-dependent groundwater sampling was a key factor in understanding ground-
water flow and quality changes in the catchment zone. The operation of Well Groups II to IV results in lower DOC
concentration in the raw water compared to the operation of Well Groups VIII and IX. Fortunately, low DOC
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54 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
concentrations are associated with low dissolved iron concentrations. Thus, the advantage of appropriately selecting
abstraction wells covers both parameters. Since the water quality change for bank filtrate was very similar in all
wells, an improvement of raw water quality can be achieved mainly by the selection of wells abstracting the propor-
tion of landside groundwater with the best quality. At the Torgau waterworks, the preferential operation of these
wells has already resulted in cost savings, especially for the removal of dissolved iron during the water treatment
process that requires iron sludge disposal (Grischek, 2003b).
Another method was chosen at the Mockritz waterworks, located north of the city of Torgau. To adapt the operation
of wells to the decreasing water demand, to allow almost continuous well operation and to use the whole aquifer as
a reactor for pre-treatment, the installed pump capacity of the wells was reduced.
A site-specific, scientifically based and long-term monitoring of bank filtrate and groundwater quality is the basis
for an effective management of bank filtration sites and the prediction of changes in water flow and quality. The
understanding of the pattern of contaminant migration and location of biogeochemical reaction zones is a prerequi-
site to an effective determination of pumping strategies to optimise the system for best quality at lowest cost. The
main aim of using river bank filtration as a pre-treatment of River Elbe water is the attenuation of organic com-
pounds and low concentrations of DOC. Long flow paths and retention times promote the attenuation of organics,
but were found to have only a relatively small effect on iron and manganese concentrations. From a water quality
point of view, continuous pumping of selected wells is preferred over periodic operation.
At all sites with long flow paths, mixing ratios of bank filtrate and groundwater were found to be of main impor-
tance for the concentration of DOC, nitrate, sulfate, dissolved iron and manganese in abstracted water. Due to
spatially varying groundwater quality within the whole catchment zone, a selection of wells having a catchment
zone with good groundwater quality at the land side offered a significant improvement in raw water quality. A
detailed investigation of groundwater flow conditions and proportions of bank filtrate in the raw water is very
important for deciding effective water quality management measures. Thus, management of bank filtration schemes
should be incorporated into wider catchment planning in order to limit potentially polluting activities in the
groundwater recharge area.
Grischek T. (2003a). Zur Bewirtschaftung von Uferfiltratfassungen an der Elbe (Management of bank filtration sites along
the River Elbe). PhD thesis, Department of Forestry, Geo- and Hydrosciences, Dresden University of Technology.
Grischek T. (2003b). Water quality management for existing riverbank filtration sites along the Elbe River in
Germany. In: Proc. 2nd Int. Riverbank Filtration Conf., G. Melin (ed.), 16–19 Sept. 2003, Cincinnati, USA,
pp. 63–68.
Krueger M. and Nitzsche I. (2003). The 100-year flood of the Elbe River in 2002 and its effects on riverbank
filtration sites. In: Proc. 2nd Int. Riverbank Filtration Conf., G. Melin (ed.), 16–19 Sept. 2003, Cincinnati, USA,
pp. 81–85.
Nestler W., Walther W., Jacobs F., Trettin R. and Freyer, K. (1998). Wassergewinnung in Talgrundwasserleitern im
Einzugsgebiet der Elbe (Water production in alluvial aquifers along the River Elbe). UFZ-Research Report 7, 203 p.
Nestler W., Nitzsche I. and Krüger M. (1996). Untersuchungen zur Beschaffenheit des Uferfiltrats in den Torgauer
Talgrundwasserleitern (Investigations into bank filtrate quality the Elbe River basin near Torgau). gwf Wasser-
Abwasser, 137(9), pp. 480–486.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Statistical description and analysis
of a bank filtration system
The transect of the bank filtration site at Lake Tegel is characterized with regards to their redox conditions using
a Cluster analysis. Four different groups of observation wells could be found, enabling the derivation of a redox
zoning with horizontal boundaries, which are moving downward during winter time. At the same site, Regression
analysis served to examine influencing variables on the reduction of the pharmaceutical Carbamazepin during
bank filtration. Two different regression models for summer and winter time were found, with each of them
including the standardized temperature and the travel time as influencing variables. Whereas during winter time
the redox conditions seem to have a significant influence on the reduction of Carbamazepin, the same influence
could not be found for the reduction of Carbamazepin during summer time.
Redox zones, pharmaceutical Carbamazepin, Berlin/Germany, Cluster analysis, Regression analysis.
The statistical analysis introduced here is part of the NASRI project of the KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin
(2001–2005). In the framework of this project, the transect of the bank filtration site at Lake Tegel was sampled and
studied intensively by different research groups. The large amount of data received was summarized in one data-
base, enabling a statistical analysis from an overall point of view.
The aim of this analysis was to complete or verify the interpretations given by the different research groups and
to uncover connections not yet examined between different variables. The variables chosen to be included in the
statistical analysis are the redox indicator variables O2, NO3, Mn, Fe, SO4, NH4 and Eh, the temperature, the
estimated travel time and the pharmaceutical Carbamazepin.
Taking seasonal differences of bank filtration processes into consideration, the complete data set was split into two
data sets, one containing bank filtrate from summer and one containing bank filtrate from winter. Summer and
winter are defined according to hydrological seasons. The statistical analysis was then carried out separately for
each of these two data sets.
Two widely used multivariate statistical methods were applied to the two data sets: a Cluster analysis and a
Regression analysis.
The aim of a Cluster analysis is to arrange multivariate data objects in groups with homogenous properties.
Differences within the groups should be as small as possible and differences between the groups should be as large
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56 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
as possible. The two fundamental steps of each Cluster analysis are the choice of a proximity measure and the
choice of a group building algorithm (see Härdle 2003, Dillon 1984 for details). In this analysis the observation
wells of the transect at the bank filtration site at Lake Tegel should be grouped with regards to their redox con-
ditions. Thus, the redox indicator variables O2, NO3, Mn, Fe, SO4, NH4 and Eh served as variables for grouping the
observation wells. For measuring the proximity between objects the squared Euclidian distance and the City
Block distance were used. The groups were built by use of the Single Linkage, Complete Linkage, Average Linkage
and Ward algorithms. For a comparison of the resulting groups, Parallel Coordinate Plots were used. Instead of
plotting observations in an orthogonal coordinate system, the Parallel Coordinate Plot uses a system of parallel
axes, where the variables are mapped onto the horizontal axis and their corresponding values on the vertical axis.
The observations for one row of the data matrix are then connected over all variables, which means that one line
represents one measurement.
A Regression analysis serves to examine connections between an endogenous variable Y and one or more exogenous
variables Xj. Assuming a linear relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables, the regression model can
be written as: Y = β 0 + β1 X 1 + ... + β p X p + u , where u is a random error term. By means of this model and with
the concentrations of Carbamazepin as endogenous variable, the reduction of Carbamazepin during bank filtration
at Lake Tegel was analyzed. The estimated travel time, standardized temperature, Eh and Dummy variables for the
redox groups S2, S3, W2 and W3 from Cluster analysis (the first group is the reference group) and for the infil-
tration year (the year 2002 is the reference group) as well as interactions between these variables were used
as exogenous variables. The influence of groundwater mixing on the reduction of Carbamazepin was tried to be
eliminated by the exclusion of observations from observation wells with a T / He-age above 6 month (see
KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin 2003). The unknown parameters β j were then estimated by ordinary least
squares (OLS). Variables are selected using backward elimination and heteroscedasticity robust t-ratios. The robust
estimation methods least trimmed squares (LTS) and least median squares (LMS) were applied to the resulting
models to examine the impact of outlying observations on the resulting regression equations.
The solution of the Cluster analysis for the summer time data is given in Figure 1. It shows a horizontal rather
than a vertical redox zoning of the transect. Figure 2 contains the Parallel Coordinate Plot for this solution. In the
first two zones O2 and NO3 are reduced wheras in the last two zones Mn and Fe are appearing in rising concen-
Figure 3 shows the solution of the Cluster analysis for the winter time data. Like for the summer time data, a
horizontal rather than a vertical redox zoning is visible. The boundaries of the redox zones derived from the
solution of the Cluster analysis for the winter time data lie below those derived from the solution of the Cluster
analysis for the summer time data. Nevertheless, the four groups built by Cluster analysis for the winter time data
show similar patterns like the groups for the summer time data, which can be seen by means of the Parallel
Coordinate Plot in Figure 4.
Regression analysis led to two different models for the summer and the winter time data. The variables included
in these models as well as their coefficients with corresponding t-ratios contain Tables 1 and 2. The coefficients of
the Regression model for the summer time data have the same sign after each estimation method, which means
they characterize quite well the influence of the exogenous variables on the reduction of Carbamazepin. By way of
comparison, the coefficients of the Regression model for the winter time data for the variables D_2003, D_W3,
D_2003*travel time and D_2003*temperature are changing their signs, estimating them by different estimation
methods. Apparently, outlying observations mainly from the infiltration year 2003 lead to the presented regression
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 57
Figure 1. Solution of the Cluster analysis for the summer time data
Figure 2. Parallel Coordinate Plot for the solution of the Cluster analysis for the summer time data
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58 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Figure 3. Solution of the Cluster analysis for the winter time data
Figure 4. Parallel Coordinate Plot for the solution of the Cluster analysis for the winter time data
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River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 59
The coefficients of the Regression model for the summer time data can be interpreted as follows: negative deviations
from the mean temperature go ahead with lower concentrations of Carbamazepin, higher concentrations of
Carbamazepin were measured in the years 2003 and 2004 compared to the year 2002 and longer travel times in the
year 2003 lead to a reduction of Carbamazepin. Notice that the coefficient for the travel time in year 2003
(D_2003*traveltime) is not significantly different from zero after the LTS- and LMS-estimation methods.
For the Regression model for the winter time data interpretations will only be given for the OLS-coefficients. As in
the summer data Regression model, negative deviations from the mean temperature go ahead with lower concen-
trations of Carbamazepin and higher concentrations of Carbamazepin were measured in the years 2003 and 2004
compared to 2002. Longer travel times lead to a reduction of Carbamazepin, with positive deviations from the mean
temperature additionally intensifying this effect. Eh as well as the Dummy variables for the redox groups W2 and
W3 from Cluster analysis have a negative effect on the concentrations of Carbamazepin. Notice that after LTS only
the coefficient for D_2004 and after LMS only the constant and the coefficients for temperature and D_2004 are
significantly different from zero.
Table 1. OLS-, LTS- and LMS-coefficients and their corresponding t-ratios of the Regression model
for the summer data set
Variable coefficients t-ratio coefficients t-ratio coefficients t-ratio
constant 340,935 16,445 272,720 9,660 258,710 10,021
temperature 57,347 3,921 64,758 3,580 56,704 3,114
D_2003 195,205 5,834 129,850 3,138 115,990 2,784
D_2004 152,293 4,344 231,870 5,347 214,000 4,902
D_2003*traveltime –3,641 –7,164 –1,326 –2,110 –1,057 –1,670
D_2004*temperature 82,688 2,369 98,697 2,287 115,240 2,652
Table 2. OLS-, LTS- and LMS-coefficients and their corresponding t-ratios of the Regression model
for the winter data set
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60 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Cluster analysis showed the horizontal proceeding of redox reactions during bank filtration with downward moving
boundaries of the corresponding redox zones during winter time. An influence of these redox conditions on the
reduction of Carbamazepin could only be found for winter time data, which indicates a microbial reduction of
Carbamazepin for low temperatures. Robust estimation methods do not support this result, so that further inves-
tigation is needed. Nevertheless, it could be proved that lower temperatures result in lower concentrations of
Carbamazepin for the summer as well as for the winter time data.
Chatterjee, S. and Price, B. (1991): Regression Analysis by Example. Wiley, New York.
Dillon, W. R. and Goldstein M. (1984): Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications. Wiley, New York.
Greene, W. H. (2003): Econometric Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Härdle, W., Simar, L. (2003): Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Judge, G.G. et al. (1988): Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics. Second Edition. Wiley, New York.
KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin (2003): Second Report, NASRI project, part 1: Hydrogeological-Hydrogeochemical
Processes during Bank Filtration and Ground Water Recharge using a Multi Tracer Approach. Not published.
Montgomery, D. C. and Peck, E. A. (1982): Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Wiley, New York.
Rousseeuw, P. J. and Leroy (1987): Robust Regression and Outlier Detection. Wiley, New York.
White, H. (1980): A Heteroscedasticity-consistent Covariance Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroscedasticity.
Econometrica 48, S. 812–838.
Wooldridge, J. M. (2003): Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach. Thomson South-Western, Ohio.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Evaluation of the hydrochemical conditions
during bank filtration
and artificial recharge in Berlin
G. Massmann, J. Greskowiak, C. Kohfahl, A. Knappe,
B. Ohm, A. Pekdeger, J. Sültenfuß, T. Taute
Hydrochemical conditions were evaluated at both bank filtration and artificial recharge sites in Berlin. All bank
filtration sites show a strong vertical age stratification. Rather than showing a typical redox zoning with more
reducing conditions in greater distance from the surface water, the redox zones are horizontally layered, with
more reducing conditions in greater depth. This is believed to be an effect of the strongly alternating ground-
water-levels and by the age stratification. The redox conditions are generally more reducing at the bank filtration
sites, mainly as a result of the longer travel times and operational differences. Redox conditions at all sites vary
seasonally in particular at the artificial recharge site, which is mainly caused by temperature changes.
Bank filtration, artificial recharge, redox conditions, biodegradation, age dating.
The drinking water for the 3.4 million inhabitants of metropolitan Berlin originates from the local groundwater
reservoirs. Production well galleries are located adjacent to the surface water system and artificial infiltration ponds,
and 70% of the abstracted groundwater is bank filtrate or artificially recharged groundwater (Pekdeger and Sommer-
von Jarmerstedt 1998). Hence, besides other factors, the quality of the abstracted water is influenced by hydro-
chemical changes occurring during the process of infiltration. Monitoring and understanding of these water quality
changes is therefore of great importance in order to ensure the sustainability of the drinking water production
The natural attenuation of contaminants during bank filtration includes the elimination of suspended solids, par-
ticles, biodegradable compounds, bacteria, viruses, and parasites as well as the partial elimination of adsorbable
compounds caused by biotic and abiotic processes such as physical filtration, biodegradation, adsorption, chemical
precipitation, and redox reactions (e.g. Hiscock and Grischek, 2002). Redox changes during infiltration are of par-
ticular importance, since they cause the appearance of the undesired metals Fe2+ and Mn2+ (Bourg and Bertin,
1993), influence the behavior of a number of organic pollutants such as pharmaceutically active substances (Holm
et al., 1995), halogenated organic compounds (Bouwer and McCarthy, 1993; Grünheid et al., 2004) and effect the
pH and calcite solution capacity (Richters et al., 2004). Several authors have found that the most significant chemi-
cal changes related to organic matter degradation take place during the first few meters of flow (e.g. Jacobs et al.,
1988; Bourg and Bertin, 1993; Doussan et al., 1997)
In the past years, several transects were installed at representative sites in Berlin, following the flow direction from
the lake or artificial recharge pond to production wells. The transects contain a number of observation wells of
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62 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
various depths, usually one below the lake, some between lake and production well, and some beyond the well
(example in Figure 1). Between May 2002 and August 2004, surface water, observation wells, and abstraction wells
have been sampled monthly and analysed for a large set of parameters within the NASRI project (KWB, 2004).
Analysis for anions and cations was done in the laboratories of the Berlin Water Company (BWB). Anions in water
were measured with ion chromatography, DX 500 (Dionex Coop.). Cations in the water were determined with an
ICP (OES) IRIS (Nicolet). The DOC measurements were carried out with a ‘high TOC’ TOC/DOC-analyzer
(Elementar). The tritium-helium age dating method uses the ratio of the concentration of radioactive tritium (3 H,
half-life 12.32y) and its decay product helium (3 He) in the groundwater to determine the groundwater age
(Schlosser 1988). The 3 H concentration in surface waters is governed by current concentration in precipitation. As
soon as the surface water infiltrates, the 3 He from 3 H-decay is trapped and accumulates in the aquifer. The analysis
and data evaluation of the groundwater samples was carried out at the noble gas laboratory at the University of
Bremen. Stute et al. (1997) and Beyerle et al. (1999) used this method to date bank-filtrates.
Age stratification of the bank filtrate
A surprising result of the travel time evaluation was the fact that the age stratification within the uppermost
unconfined, glacio-fluvial, sandy aquifer (Figure 1) is much larger than previously assumed. This is reflected in a
number of observations. While the shallower observation wells at all sites reflect the seasonal changes of the lake-
type rivers, the deeper observation wells show no seasonality at all. A determination of travel times with the peak
shifts of tracer breakthrough curves was therefore not possible for these wells. In addition, the deeper wells differ
strongly from the shallow ones with respect to some minor organic compounds, thereby reflecting the historical
changes of the surface water composition (data not shown).
Figure 1. Mean T/He ages at the transect 2 at the field site Wannsee (uncertainty 0.5y or 10%)
The 3 H / 3 He-dating finally confirmed that water abstracted from the deeper observation wells is decades rather
than months old. In contrast, the ages determined for the shallower wells were modern, which, at these sites, is
equivalent to a travel time of less than 6 months (resolution of the method). An example is given in Figure 1 for the
transect 2 at Lake Wannsee. The effective 3 H / 3 He-ages are plotted at the position of the filter screens. Production
well 3 has a mean 3 H / 3 He age of 13.6 years, which is the result of mixing of water from 3 different aquifers (the
two deeper aquifers are not shown in Figure 1) from 2 sides. The groundwater from the inland side displays a
similar age. The bank filtrate between the lake and well 3 in the upper aquifer parts has an age of less than
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 63
6 months. In the deeper parts, water ages increase up to 10.7 years. This indicates that bank filtrate must be flowing
underneath the lakes, which are therefore not water divides. Intermediate ages are thought to be the result of mix-
ing between these two sources.
The two observation wells in the shallow water are quite different from each other with respect to their hydrochem-
istry. While BEE206 closer to the shore is still aerobic, BEE205 is mostly oxygen and nitrate-free. The bottoms of
Lake Tegel and Lake Wannsee are covered with very thick layers of mud with a very low hydraulic conductivity
(Pachur and Röper, 1987). At the lake borders, the lake bottom is free of mud but the sands are strongly clogged.
Hence, with increasing distance from the shore the hydraulic conductivities decrease and the organic carbon con-
tent increases, which results in longer travel times and more reducing conditions at BEE205 in comparison to
BEE206. The vertical redox zoning may be a result of the different groundwater ages. However, it may also be
caused by re-oxidation of more reducing bank filtrate by oxygen penetrating though the permeable unsaturated
zone, possibly enhanced by the water-level fluctuations caused by the irregular pumping regime. Bourg and Bertin
(1993) investigated biogeochemical changes during bank filtration at the Lot River. They observed a similar
reduced anaerobic zone close to the river followed by aerobic conditions further along flow direction. They con-
cluded that the observed redox processes were reversible and oxidation caused by aeration through the permeable
unsaturated zone close to the river. Similarl to our findings, Richters et al (2004) describe a vertical redox zonation
at a bank filtration site near the Rhein river.
However, these zones are not immobile and redox boundaries move seasonally. The younger bank filtrate (age <
3 months) undergoes strong seasonal temperature changes of up to 25 oC, depending on the distance from the lake.
Because redox processes are microbially catalysed, these changes lead to differences in microbial activity (e.g. David
et al., 1997; Prommer and Stuyfzand, in press). As a result, oxygen and nitrate disappear at times when tem-
peratures are highest which is in summer or autumn, depending on the respective time lag to the well. It is interest-
ing to note that nitrate concentrations in the lake itself decrease to zero in summer, probably due to consumption
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64 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
by algae. The disappearance of nitrate in the observation wells therefore appears to reflect the input signal rather
than a reduction in the aquifer itself (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Time series for oxygen and nitrate in shallow observation wells
Figure 4: pond water-level (a) and groundwater level (b), infiltration rate (c) and calcium concentrations in the pond
and the two shallowest observations wells close to the pond (d)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 65
ed (grey areas, annotation 0) to fully saturated conditions (reached when the groundwater-table is ~1 m or less
below the pond; white areas, annotation) are indicated.
Detailed investigations directly below the pond showed that penetration of atmospheric oxygen from the pond
fringes during unsaturated conditions leads to rapid oxidation of filtrated labile organic matter and thus to
enhanced calcite dissolution causing bicarbonate and calcium to peak in the groundwater (Figure 4d, Massmann
et al., submitted; Greskowiak et al., in press).
Massmann et al. (in press) illustrated that the order of magnitude of the reaction velocity is similar at the bank fil-
tration and artificial recharge sites for O2 reduction but the conditions are generally more reducing at the BF site
due to longer travel times.
The infiltrating surface water undergoes hydrochemical changes during bank filtration and artificial recharge. The
redox conditions are influenced by (i) operational factors, (ii) seasonal temperature changes affecting the microbial
activity and (iii) travel times of the infiltrate. In addition, the bank filtrate is becoming increasingly older with
depth, thereby reflecting the historical changes of the surface water composition with regard to some minor water
The study was conducted within the NASRI (Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) project of
the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB gGmbH). The authors would like to thank Veolia Water and the
Berlin Water Company for financing the study. We would also like to thank Dr. Birgit Fritz from the Competence
Centre of Water in Berlin and Dr. Uwe Dünnbier and Heidi Dlubek from the Berlin Water Company for their sup-
port. We acknowledge the contributions of Elke Weiß and Silke Meier and technical staff at the Berlin Water
Company. We also thank Dr. Paul Shand for revising the manuscript.
Bouwer, E. J. and McCarty, P. L. 1983. Transformations of halogenated organic compounds under denitrification con-
ditions. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 45(4), 1295–1299.
Beyerle U., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Hofer M., Imboden D.M., Baur H., Kipfer R. (1999). Infiltration of river water to a
shallow aquifer investigated with 3H/3He, noble gases and CFCs. J. Hydrol. 220, 169–185.
Bourg A.C.M. and Bertin C. (1993). Biogeochemical processes during the infiltration of river water into an alluvial
aquifer. Environ. Sci. Technol. 27, 661–666
Champ D.R., Gulens J. and Jackson R.E. (1979). Oxidation-reduction sequences in ground water flow systems.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16, 12–23.
David M.B., Gentry L. G., Smith K. M. and Kovacic D. A. (1997). Carbon, Plant, and Temperature Control of Nitrate
Removal from Wetland Mesocosms. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 90(3 and 4), 103–112.
Doussan C., Poitevin, G., Ledoux E., Delay M. (1997). River bank filtration: Modelling of the changes in water chem-
istry with emphasis on nitrogen species. J. of Cont. Hydrol. 25, 129–156)
Grünheid, S., Schittko, S., Jekel M. (2004). Behavior of bulk organics abd tace pollutants during bank filtration and
groundwater recharge of wastewater impacted surface waters. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Water
Chemical Society, Bad Sarow, 75–80.
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66 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Greskowiak J., Prommer H., Massmann G., Johnston C.D., Nützmann G., Pekdeger A. (in press). The Impact of
Variably Saturated Conditions on Hydrogeochemical Changes during Artificial Recharge of Groundwater. Appl.
Hiscock, K. M., Grischek, T. (2002) Attenuation of groundwater pollution by bank filtration. J. Hydrol. 266, 139–144.
Holm J.V., Rügge K., Bjerg P.L., Christensen T.H., (1995). Occurrence and Distribution of Pharmaceutical Organic
Compounds in the Groundwater Downgradient of a Landfill (Grindsted, Denmark). Environ. Sci. Technol. 29(5),
Jacobs L.A., von Gunten H.R., Keil R., Kuslys M. (1988). Geochemical changes along a river-groundwater infiltra-
tion flow path: Glattfelden, Switzerland. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 52, 2693–2706.
KWB (Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin): www.kompetenzzentrum-wasser.de (accessed 2004).
Massmann G., Greskowiak J., Dünnbier U., Zuehlke S., Pekdeger A. (this volume). The impact of alternating redox
conditions on groundwater chemistry during artificial recharge in Berlin.
Massmann G., Dünnbier U., Greskowiak J., Knappe A., Pekdeger A. (in press) Investigating surface water – ground-
water interactions with the help of sewage indicators in Berlin, Germany. IAHS conference proceedings,
Groundwater Quality 2004, Waterloo Canada.
Pachur H.J. and Röper, H.(1987). Zur Paläolimnologie Berliner Seen. Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen 44, 1–150
Pekdeger A. and Sommer-von Jarmerstedt C. (1998). Einfluß der Oberflächenwassergüte auf die Trinkwasserver-
sorgung Berlins, Forschungspolitische Dialoge in Berlin. Geowissenschaft und Geotechnik, Berlin, 33–41.
Prommer H. and Stuyfzand. Identification of temperature dependent water quality changes during a deep well injec-
tion experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. And Technol., in press.
Richters L., Eckert P., Teermann I., Irmscher R. (2004). Untersuchung zur Entwicklung des pH-Wertes bei der
Uferpassage in einem Wasserwerk am Rhein. Wasser Abwasser 145(9), 640–645.
Schlosser, P., Stute, M., Doerr, H., Sonntag, C., Muennich, K.O. (1988): Tritium/3 He dating of shallow groundwater.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 89: 353–362.
Stute M., Deák J., Révész K., Böhlke J.K., Deseö É., Weppernig R., Schlosser P. (1997). Trit-ium/3He dating of river
infiltration: An example from the Danube in the Szigetkös area, Hungary. Groundwater 35, 905–911.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Removal capacity of riverbank filtration
and conclusions for the operation
of water abstraction plants
Stefan Lenk, Frank Remmler,
Christian Skark and Ninette Zullei-Seibert
Riverbank filtration (RBF) can be used as a step in water purification during drinking water abstraction and is
a sustainable, low-cost and energy efficient procedure. As a part of a joint research project of the German
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) a literature study and an inquiry among water supply companies was
made in which 33 case studies of RBF sites in middle-Europe, comprising 19 different surface water sources were
collected. By cluster and discriminant analysis four different characteristic site groups, regarding hydrochemical
and hydrogeological parameters of RBF, could be distinguished. Further consideration of the dissolved organic
carbon (DOC) degradation capacity of subsurface passage by multi-variate correlation and regression analysis
revealed as determining parameters the initial DOC concentration in the surface water, the residence time of the
riverbank filtrate in subsurface passage and the transmissivity of the adjacent aquifer. A multiple, non-
linear regression equation can explain almost 75 % of the variance in the whole sample and can be used for the
estimation of the DOC-elimination at new planned sites, as well as for optimizing operation processes of existing
abstraction plants using RBF.
Cluster analysis, DOC, removal capacity, riverbank filtration, water treatment.
The riverbank filtration (RBF) with a subsequent underground passage has been used in Europe as a close to
nature, low cost and reliable purification method for drinking water supply for more than 100 years. The RBF
induces surface water, like river or lake water, to flow downward through sediment and into a pumping well.
During this process potential contaminants are reduced from the water by various purification processes, signifi-
cantly improving the water quality. The riverbank filtration will be only an effective step for cleaning up surface
water by adaptation to the local boundary conditions of a specific site.
Investigations in the past showed for various RBF systems, that not only the behaviour of substance transport und
elimination but also the immobilization of substances in the underground depend on many hydrogeological,
hydraulic and physical-chemical factors. The specific local distinction of oxidizing and deoxidizing conditions has a
central importance.
Up to now there is a lack for purification orientated guidelines for the planning, dimensioning and operating of RBF
sites for drinking water production. Particularly the reaction of RBF to surface water with rather different concen-
trations of chemical substances than in central Europe are not well understood as well as the impact of differing
extreme climate conditions. In the project ‘Technical concepts and adjusted operational modes for an optimal adap-
tation of riverbank filtration to local boundary conditions’, as part of a joint research project of the German Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF), fundamental variables for planning, dimensioning and running water produc-
tion plants were compiled. For this reason it was referred to the long term practical experience in operating river-
bank filtrate abstraction plants, which especially prevails in Germany.
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Knowledge from literature was supplemented with a representative data inquiry among water supply companies in
Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. Thus 33 case studies of RBF sites in middle-Europe, comprising 19 dif-
ferent surface water sources were collected.
The aim of the study was to classify central European type situations of RBF sites on the basis of selected local
boundary conditions. On the background of that classification correlations should be calculated between local
boundary parameters and the regarded systems purification capacity to relevant water solutes (e.g. DOC, NO3, and
O2). All the data from the literature and the survey were interpreted using various multi-variate statistical methods.
The classification to RBF type situations was done on the base of the local boundary conditions of the sites
recorded in the survey and literature study. The following local hydrogeological site parameters were considered:
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hydraulic conductivity, thickness and transmissivity of the aquifer. Local surface water was characterized by
following parameters: temperature, pH-value and concentrations of O2, NO3, NH4, SO4, and DOC. These para-
meters determine the redox induced transformation process of substances during the infiltration and the sub-
sequent underground passage.
The classification of the middle-European RBF type situations was computed by algorithms of a hierarchic cluster
analysis. The euklidic distance was used as a proximity measure and the WARD method as a merging algorithm.
Before calculation the raw data were standardized to avoid implicit significances and to guarantee a dimensional
comparison between the single variables. The single-linkage-algorithm was used to identify data outlier, which pos-
sibly could falsify the merging process. These data were excluded from the data matrix. The quality of the calculat-
ed cluster classification was rated by T- and F-values.
Table 1. Variable values of the cluster centres and numbers of bank filtration sites
for every hydrochemical-hydrogeological cluster
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4
kf - value [m/s] 0,0083 0,0046 0,0044 0,00074
aquifer thickness [m] 11,2 17,1 8,7 33,9
T(max.) [°C] 20,6 23,9 20,6 22,6
pH-value [–] 7,9 7,7 7,7 8,1
DOC [mg /L] 3,2 4,1 4,6 6,7
O2 [mg /L] 10,1 8,9 9,7 10,5
NO3– [mg /L] 11,0 14,2 26,4 15,1
NH4+ [mg / L] 0,2 0,4 1,0 0,3
SO42– [mg / L] 46,2 63,5 85,5 104,7
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70 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
Generally the significant differences between the cluster groups justify the classification of the whole sample into
the 4 riverbank filtration site groups on the basis of the hydrochemical and hydrogeological criteria. The quality of
this classification was corroborated by the result of a discriminant analysis. In excess this analysis yielded a coef-
ficient set for the linear combination of the considered variables in order to prognosticate the classification of new
planned sites.
The reduction of organic compounds is one of the central goals of the water purification for drinking water purposes.
The RBF as a pre-treatment step in the purification process for drinking water and as a part of a multi-barrier con-
cept has essential advantages compared to the direct treatment of surface waters. Organic substances will be reduced
and degraded in the biological high active infiltration zone and in the subsequent underground passage. By this it is
possible to reduce the amounts of needed energy and chemical substances at subsequent treatment steps.
The best fitting bivariate models were used in the search for a combined multiple, non-linear regression function
explaining the capacity of the DOC-elimination. The following function can explain 74% (n = 43) of the monitored
variance in the sample regarding the DOC-elimination and referring to the whole population:
A restriction to RBF sites with a subsequent aerobic subsurface passage results in a slightly different regression
function for the objective DOC-elimination which explains 87% (n = 23) of the monitored group variance for the
These regression equations serve also as a prognosis model which can estimate the degree of DOC-elimination at
unknown sites.
The structure of the non linear functions with its logarithmic and potential terms results from the different degree
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues / Recharge systems 71
of the DOC-elimination during the infiltration and the underground passage. At the beginning of the underground
passage the more degradable DOC-fractions as a major part of the total DOC amount can be oxidized in the biolog-
ical high active infiltration respectively clogging zone. Then, on the flow path during the subsequent underground
passage the DOC-elimination decreases compared to the first centimetres and meters beyond the infiltration point.
The elimination capacity reaches a plateau level and the more poorly degradable DOC-fraction consisting
of high molecular carbon acids or anthropogenic organic trace substances begins to degrade. In that manner the
most significant reduction of the DOC concentration occurs at the beginning of the underground passage. So, only
suitable dimensioned underground passages have a sufficient elimination capacity for the refractory DOC fractions.
In a similar way the decrease of oxygen and nitrate removal in the passage between surface water and abstraction
well as well as the development of the redox environment were investigated. In partial correlation analysis was
found that the oxygen depletion during the underground passage is mainly determined by the DOC concentration
in the surface water. The higher the starting DOC concentration is the higher will be the depletion of oxygen. This
may result in anoxic conditions during the subsurface passage with oxygen concentrations below 0,5 mg / L in
the abstraction wells. Due to the highest DOC concentration in surface water the RBF sites of cluster group 4 show
the greatest proportion of anoxic subsurface environments of all regarded sites. Nitrate concentration is influenced
by the oxidation of ammonium during
3,5 the underground passage. The reverse
process, the ammonification of nitrate,
will only occur under anoxic condi-
DOC elimination [mg/L]
T = 0,1 m /s
ing abstraction plants using RBF. As an
2,5 T = 0,05 m /s example Figure 4 shows the results of
2 the computed prognosis functions
2,0 T = 0,005 m /s
(equation (1)) for the DOC-elimination
depending on the local boundary con-
ditions summarized in nomograms.
1,0 The range of the variables used for
these calculations has to be regarded:
0,5 (i) initial DOC concentration in surface
c (DOC)SW = 8,0 mg/L
waters 1,4 – 9,0 mg / L, (ii) residence
0 10 20 30 50 time 0,01 – 210 d, (iii) length of the
residence time [d] underground passage 0,15 – 310 m and
Figure 4. Nomogram for a prognosis of the DOC elimination (iv) transmissivity 0,003 – 0,230 m2 /s.
at the riverbank filtration and underground passage Outside of these ranges the used func-
on the base of equation (1) (SW = surface water, T = transmissivity) tions are not valid.
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72 Recharge systems / River/lake bank f iltration and pond inf iltration issues
By cluster and discriminant analysis the considered case studies can be classified to 4 typical site groups which
show a significant distinction of its hydrogeological site properties and the hydrochemical characteristics of the
infiltrated surface water. The discriminant analysis provides also a set of coefficients by which unknown sites can be
Essential purification processes like DOC-elimination are determined to a high extent by three parameters: the
initial DOC concentration in the surface water, the residence time of the riverbank filtrate in the subsurface passage
and the transmissivity of the aquifer. In a non-linear model DOC-elimination can be described by a multivariate
regression equation. The empirical regression function can be used in a prognostic way for the estimation of the
DOC-elimination at new planned sites. However, the range of variables used for the calculation has to be respected
in any transfer case. A sufficient residence time respectively a long travel distance presumed also a part of the
refractory DOC-fraction can be degraded.
The summary of these results can be used by engineers as a practical guideline for planning purposes, and dimen-
sioning drinking water production plants with RBF as well as to adapt them to the local situation.
This study was conducted with subsidy of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is part of
the joint research project ‘Adjusted water treatment technologies and water distribution under regional conditions’.
We appreciate the contribution of data on riverbank filtration sites by many water supply companies.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V A model study of the proposed Everglades
Restoration Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project
Christopher J. Brown and Richard Nevulis
In support of Everglades Restoration in South Florida, USA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South
Florida Water Management District are currently engaged in the execution of four ASR pilot projects located
throughout the Everglades region. It is envisioned that thorough testing of the four projects will enable the
project team to better grasp the technical uncertainties associated with implementing ASR on a grand scale. The
Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project is one of the four pilot projects planned for construction and testing starting in 2005.
A numerical model was developed to aid the project team in estimating potential performance along with eval
uating potential impacts from the Hillsboro project. The model provided reasonable estimates of ASR well draw-
downs and mounding effects, as well as a range of predicted ASR recovery efficiencies. Impacts to existing FAS
well users were deemed insignificant with only one ASR well pumping, however, simulations using the proposed
full-scale 30 well system revealed some long term design challenges. The simulations also indicated that future
refinements to the model should probably include finer resolution at the ASR well location.
ASR; aquifer; model; recharge.
The Everglades Ecosystem, located in Southern Florida, is a myriad of wetlands, marshes, cypress domes, estuaries
and coral reefs. The Everglades is a broad, flat expanse of wetlands inhabited by innumerable plants and animals.
Dubbed the ‘River of Grass’ by Marjorie Stoneman Douglas (Douglas, 1947), the Everglades is in trouble. The dis-
tribution of water, its timing, its quality and its quantity, have all been radically changed over the last 100 years
(Davis, 1994).
The Central and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Review Study (USACE and SFWMD, 1999) – developed
jointly by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) – presents a framework for Everglades restoration. Now known as the Comprehensive Everglades Resto-
ration Plan (CERP), this plan contains 68 components, including structural and operational changes to the Central
and Southern Florida (C&SF) Project. The overarching purpose of CERP is to restore the Everglades by improving
the quantity, quality, timing and delivery of water for the natural ecosystems of south Florida. A key component in
the overall restoration strategy is the provision of more dynamic storage of freshwater.
The CERP water storage strategy proposes the use of both above-ground storage reservoirs and underground stor-
age via deep wells. The deep wells proposed are Aquifer, Storage and Recovery (ASR) wells. The use of ASR is
increasing in the United States and abroad and has been documented by Pyne (1995). The CERP relies heavily upon
ASR technology to provide additional system storage. The proposed use of ASR for this project is unprecedented
with 333 large-capacity wells proposed to store over 3.8 million cubic meters of water per day.
The performance of an ASR system is a complex process that may be affected by operational design, subsurface het-
erogeneity, density-dependent flow processes, and biogeochemical processes. Numerical models can be helpful in
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74 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
simulating these complex processes. Specifically, the models are helpful in evaluating system performance, evaluat-
ing extent of drawdown or mounding effects, and identifying key uncertainties that should be explored further
through cycle-testing or other data collection efforts. Due to the technical uncertainties involved, the USACE and
the SFWMD proposed a series of ASR pilot projects to be constructed and tested prior to large-scale implementation
(USACE and SFWMD, 2004). One of the pilot projects is located in Palm Beach County, Florida USA along the
Hillsboro Canal. The Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project has a planned capacity of 19,000 cubic meters per day and will
include an associated water treatment plant designed to remove suspended solids and pathogens from the source
water prior to ASR recharge. The storage zone is located in a carbonate section of the Floridan Aquifer System
(FAS) overlain by a massive confining unit consisting of clay, silt, and mudstones, collectively referred to as the
Hawthorn Group (Miller, 1997). Figure 1 depicts the project location along with general hydrogeologic information
for the project area (SFWMD, 2001).
As part of studies supporting the ASR Pilot Projects, five separate numerical models were developed to provide
additional information regarding extent of drawdown or mounding effects at each proposed project site. System
performance could not be estimated accurately at all sites due to lack of site-specific hydrogeologic and ground-
water quality data; however, these data were available at the Hillsboro site. At the Hillsboro site, the modeling effort
included both evaluation of drawdown or mounding effects as well as estimates of system performance. The model
was intended to provide preliminary estimates of project performance.
Various investigators have undertaken modeling of ASR systems in order to explore assorted controls on system
performance. Merritt (1986), Missimer et al (2002), and Pavelic et al (2002), have all developed models of brack-
ish-water ASR projects. Khanal and Pavelic utilized conventional two-dimensional models to explore the expected
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 75
performance. Pavelic elected not to utilize a fully-density dependent model to develop performance estimates.
Merritt and Missimer utilized fully-density dependent three-dimensional models to evaluate a choice of realistic
operational scenarios and the effects of various independent variables (porosity, vertical hydraulic conductivity, den-
sity of ambient groundwater, etc.) upon system performance. Streetly (1998) and Anderson and Lowry (2004) have
investigated ASR performance in near-potable aquifers using numerical models. The Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project
model was designed for the purpose of making preliminary evaluations of system performance; however, it was
designed with the intent of converting it to a fully density-dependent model later. Ongoing efforts are in the process
of refining the Hillsboro model to incorporate newly developed aquifer data as well as providing additional model
The Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project model consists of several flow models developed from MODFLOW (McDonald and
Harbaugh, 1988) linked to contaminant transport code MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang, 1999). Due to the large
recharge / recovery rate anticipated for the Hillsboro pilot test, the model boundary included a large part of Palm
Beach County, Florida USA. The initial model grid is 64 kilometers x 64 kilometers and consists of an irregularly
spaced grid with 30 meter grid resolution at the ASR well location and 1,250 meter resolution at the model
boundary. The initial model (version 2.0) included 7 layers and included the Surficial Aquifer System, the
Hawthorn Group, the upper FAS (2), the middle confining unit, the Middle FAS, and the Lower Floridan. Initially,
smaller domains were tested to determine the artificial influences induced by the boundary conditions; however,
all smaller domains tested introduced significant induced error.
Calibration of the model included both steady-state and transient calibration efforts. The steady-state calibration
matched regional groundwater stage information available in SFWMD (1999). The transient calibration matched
observed drawdowns recorded during an aquifer performance test at three onsite monitoring wells. Figure 2 depicts
transient calibration results from two versions of the model during the development process. The figure compares
simulated drawdown versus field data collected at one observation well located 100 meters from the ASR well.
Drawdown (meters)
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Time (days)
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Ultimately, both model versions were utilized for different predictive simulations. Model version 3.0 was more
refined at the ASR well head (3 meters) and did provide slightly improved calibration results as depicted on
Figure 2, however, run times were very long. Version 2.0 was used for evaluation of regional drawdown impacts.
Version 3.0 was used for providing estimates of ASR recovery efficiency. Version 3.0 was also more stable when
investigating advection dominated transport simulations where the grid Peclet number was small and the flow gra-
dient steep. Typically, model version 2.0 experienced convergence or instability problems with similar conditions
due to 30 meter grid resolution specified at the ASR well.
The model was later verified against observed transient drawdown from another nearby ASR well located approxi-
mately 8 kilometers east of the Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project. The ‘Eastern Hillsboro’ ASR project is being jointly
developed by Palm Beach County Water Utilities and the SFWMD, and completed extensive aquifer testing in 2003.
These data provided an excellent data set to verify the model against. A full description of the calibration results is
presented in the Pilot Project Design Report (USACE and SFWMD, 2004).
The model provided reasonable estimates of ASR well drawdowns and mounding effects, as well as a range of pre-
dicted ASR recovery efficiencies. The base case simulation consisted of a steady-state simulation with a recovery rate
of 19,000 cubic meters per day at the site. The maximum drawdown at the ASR well was –33 meters, and the
1.25-meter drawdown contour was within an approximate 4,000 meter radius from the recharge well. The closest
facility to the site is the Eastern Hillsboro ASR site, approximately 8,000 meters downstream along the Hillsboro
Canal. Approximately 0.5 meters of drawdown was predicted at the location of the Eastern Hillsboro site, however,
it is not envisioned that the anticipated drawdown will impede pumping capacity at the Eastern Hillsboro site
unless both sites are pumping simultaneously. In addition, it may be useful to continuously monitor the Eastern
Hillsboro FAS wells during future cycle testing at the Hillsboro Pilot location. Data collected at both the pilot
location and Eastern Hillsboro will help to validate the numerical model and permit additional future improvements
to be made. Finally, it is noted that the drawdown contours were asymmetric, with drawdown extending further to
the west than east, which is attributed to the shallower target-zone thickness in the western direction. Following
completion of hydraulic evaluations for one ASR well, contaminant transport and mixing evaluations were com-
pleted with MT3DMS. Model simulations included advection, mixing, and hydrodynamic dispersion. As noted
by Merritt (1986), hydrodynamic dispersion was determined to be one of the most important performance variables
at the Hillsboro site.
Allowing dispersivity to range from 1 to 10 meters varied the simulated hydrodynamic dispersion. The ‘standard’
recovery efficiency of the initial test cycles was predicted to range from 3% to 15%. The recovery efficiency as
defined by Reese (2002) is expressed as the percentage of the volume of water recovered that meets regulatory stan-
dards versus the volume of water injected over a cycle of recharge and recovery. The recovery efficiency is typically
presented as a percentage from 0% (no recovery volume) to 100% (full recovery volume) as compared to a 250 mg /l
chloride standard. Since recovered water from the Hillsboro site is to be utilized for Everglades Restoration, the
recovered water will be discharged into the Hillsboro Canal. Unfortunately, the regulatory standards (Florida
Class III Surface Water Standards) for the Hillsboro Canal may be more restrictive than potable standards since the
poor condition of the Hillsboro Canal source water has already been documented (SFWMD, 2003). Whereas, the
Class III standard for specific conductivity is 1,275 umhos /cm, the source water already contains up to
750 umhos /cm. In contrast, a typical south Florida potable ASR system starts with source water with 50 mg /l chlo-
ride and can recover water until 250 mg/l chloride. It is evident that the Hillsboro ASR site is already much closer to
exceeding the pertinent regulatory standard than similar potable sites. Given the higher source-water specific con-
ductance concentration at Hillsboro and the higher ambient groundwater specific conductance values, it was
expected that recovery percentages at the site would be relatively low for a number of cycles. The modeling
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 77
completed confirmed this suspicion. The model simulations revealed that the ASR recovery efficiency at the site
would improve over subsequent recharge and recovery cycles but at a slow rate due to the brackish nature of the
storage zone. Based upon the programmed two-year cycle testing plan, recovery efficiencies are expected to range
from 25 to 40%. Cycle testing beyond the two-year duration proposed would be expected to improve the recovery
efficiency of the Hillsboro ASR site.
Following the pilot project model simulations, several simulations were conducted to explore long-term CERP
plans for the site. The CERP plan proposes 30 ASR wells to be located at the Hillsboro site in conjunction with a
6.7 km2 surface water reservoir. Model simulations using the Hillsboro Pilot model indicate that well spacing of
these 30 wells will be an important design consideration to ensure aquifer pressures are not enormous. Model runs
using a well spacing of approximately 300 meters revealed potential drawdown of 130 meters. More widely spaced
wells resulted in much lower drawdown but at reduced system recovery performance due to increased mixing.
Future efforts will need to evaluate these design features in more detail in order to develop a feasible system.
Model hydraulics for the Hillsboro Pilot project are quite challenging due to the large recharge and recovery rates
planned for operations. Model resolution is a key consideration in constructing any ASR simulator. Simulated draw-
down at the Hillsboro ASR well head is very steep using model version 2.0 with 30 meter grid resolution; however,
checks against existing analytical solutions revealed that the model could be improved through incorporation of a
finer grid resolution. Ongoing model tests of model version 3.0 confirm that 3-meter grid resolution at the ASR well
location provides both an accurate estimate of aquifer drawdown and a numerically stable model, although run
times are considerably longer. The finer grid resolution also provides more accurate estimates of recovery efficiency
of the Hillsboro ASR pilot site.
Modeling of the Hillsboro ASR Pilot project was very useful in understanding system constraints, potential impacts
to nearby users, and expected performance. The model provided realistic estimates of actual operating conditions
and was an excellent planning tool. Model predictions could be improved if additional grid resolution is included in
the model or if additional model functionality such as density-dependent capabilities, is included. These impro-
vements would likely lead to superior estimates of site performance.
A small number of model simulations of the proposed full ASR 30-well system were completed. These model simu-
lations point to future design challenges that need resolution including final well spacing and locations. For ASR
sites involving recharge of natural systems, the recovered water quality is a key-determining factor in project per-
formance. In fact, due to water quality limitations in the receiving surface water body, the actual ASR recovery effi-
ciency may be less than if the site was utilized for potable supply. The ASR pilot project at the Hillsboro site should
be completed in order for the site to provide additional site-specific field data for future design efforts. This data
could also be utilized to improve the existing numerical model of the site.
Anderson, M.P. and Lowry, C.S., 2004. An Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery for Selected Representative
Hydrogeologic Settings in Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin-Madison Groundwater Research Report
# WR03R005, 15 p.
Davis, S.M., 1994. Phosphorus inputs and vegetation sensitivity in the Everglades. In: Davis, S.M. and Ogden, J.C.
(Eds.) Everglades The Ecosystem and Its Restoration. Delray Beach, St. Lucie Press, pp. 357–378.
Douglas, M.S., 1947. Everglades: River of Grass. New York, Rinehart Press.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
78 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
McDonald, M. G., and Harbaugh, A. W., 1988. A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground water flow
model: Techniques of Water-Resources Investigation Report, v. 06-A1.
Merritt, Michael L., 1986. ‘Recovering fresh water stored in saline limestone aquifers’, Ground Water, Vol 24, Issue 4,
pp. 516–529.
Miller, J.A., 1997. Hydrogeology of Florida, in Randazzo, A.F., and Jones, D.S., The Geology of Florida, Chapter 6:
University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL, pp. 69–88.
Missimer, T.M., Guo, W., Walker, C.W. and Maliva, R.G., 2002. ‘Hydraulic and density considerations in the design
of aquifer storage and recovery systems’. Florida Water Resources Journal, February 2002, pp. 31–35.
Pavelic, P., Dillon, P.J. and Simmons, C.T. 2002. Lumped parameter estimation of initial recovery efficiency during
aquifer storage and recovery. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (Ed.) Proceedings
of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge (ISAR4), Adelaide Sept 22–26, 2002, Swets and
Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN. 90 5809 527 4, pp. 285–290.
Pyne RDG, 1995. Groundwater Recharge and Wells: A Guide to Aquifer
Storage Recovery. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.
SFWMD, 2003. Statistical Analysis for the CERP ASR Pilot Program. Prepared for the South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD) by PBS&J, Tampa, Florida, 35 p.
SFWMD, 2001. Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Floridan Aquifer System, Western Hillsboro Basin, Palm Beach
County, Florida, Technical Publication WS-8, SFWMD, West Palm Beach, FL.
SFWMD, 1999. Documentation for the Lower East Coast Floridan Aquifer Model, Resource Assessment Division,
Lower East Coast Planning Division, 1999.
Streetly, M. J., 1998, The use of modelling to predict the behavior of ASR systems, in al., Peter et al., editor, Artificial
Recharge of Groundwater: Rotterdam, A. A. Balkema, pp. 263–267.
USACE and SFWMD, 1999. Central and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Review Study, Final Integrated
Feasibility Report and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, USACE and SFWMD, Jacksonville, Florida.
USACE and SFWMD, 2004. Final Pilot Project Design Report/Environmental Impact Statement, Lake Okeechobee ASR
Pilot Project, Hillsboro ASR Pilot Project and Caloosahatchee River ASR Pilot Project, USACE and SFWMD,
September 2004, 400 p.
Zheng, C., and P. P. Wang, 1999, MT3DMS: A modular three-dimensional multi-species model for simulation of advec-
tion, dispersion and chemical reactions of contaminants in groundwater systems: documentation and user’s
guide,SERDP-99-1: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Development of fresh water sources
in some parts of the arsenic contaminated
areas of West Bengal (eastern India)
through artificial recharge:
a remote sensing and geographical
information system based approach
Debasish Das
Chronic arsenic toxicity (arsenic concentration > 0.05 mg/l) is reported from the state of West Bengal in eastern
India. In this context this present investigation in a part of Nadia district of West Bengal state, involves remote
sensing application aided by geographical information system (GIS) techniques to generate a composite map
(scale, 1:25,000) to reveal the sites for (i) artificial recharge (ii) water harvesting structure and for (iii) fresh
groundwater exploration. Older meander belts, geomorphic lows and palaeochannels /meanders (excluding that
of older meander belts) are suitable sites for artificial recharge, water harvesting structures and for fresh water
exploration respectively. Deeper aquifers present in the relatively older flood plains consisting of clay beds
are also suitable for fresh water exploration. Here the shallow aquifers are unconfined and deep aquifers are
confined. In fact, the aquifers change gradually from open to semi-confined character towards the south. The
meanders, levees and flood plains with their sediment characteristics vary from sandy, silty to clay size with
varying landcover/landuse practice are clearly discernible in the satellite imageries (IRS IC/ID LISS III and PAN
merged data) and are verified by field checks.
Arsenic toxicity, artificial recharge, composite map, GIS.
India is highly endowed in respect of water resources. The country is criss-crossed with rivers and receives high
precipitation mainly due to the south-west monsoon, which accounts for 75 per cent of the annual rainfall. The
major river basins along with the medium and minor river basins account for almost 91 per cent of the country’s
entire drainage area (Biswas, 2003). Yet, in spite of nature’s bounty, paucity of potable water is an issue of national
concern. In recent times, the practice of irrigated agriculture supported by groundwater development, which has
been proved to be the most dependable source for irrigation even during periods of water stress. Groundwater sup-
ports more than 50 per cent of the total irrigated area in India. Groundwater contributes 85 per cent of India’s rural
water supply and is significant in the drinking water sector (Kittu, 2003).
Arsenic in groundwater
Unfortunately about a million people are drinking arsenic contaminated water and over 200,000 people are suffer-
ing from arsenic related diseases in the eight districts of West Bengal State in eastern India. Apart from India, the
presence of arsenic (> 0.05 mg/ l) in ground water has been reported from several countries of the world like
the U.S.A, China, Chile, Nepal, Thailand and Bangladesh.
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80 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The first instance of arsenic toxicity in ground water of West Bengal, eastern India was reported in the year of 1978.
Arsenic contamination in groundwater beyond the permissible limit of 0.05 mg / l has been found to be present in
the shallow aquifer (20 –150 m bgl) located in the part of Bengal delta, covering the southern portion of West
Bengal state of India and Bangladesh. The higher concentration of arsenic is restricted mainly the upper delta plain
within older (abandoned) exposed meander belt. Composition of the sediment changes laterally across the delta
plain. This may explain the discontinuity of the aquifer. Sediment from shallow aquifers in the Bengal delta of
eastern India has been found to contain arsenic. Geomorphological domains with different depositional pattern
regulated the style of distribution of area with varying content of arsenic in ground water .The high arsenic zones
occur as narrow sinuous strips confined to channel deposits (Sengupta et al. 2004).
Ground water recharge movement and accumulation are governed by geomorphology, geology, soil / sediment, land
cover and land use of a region. So, the information of these aspects provides valuable clues for locating the sites for
ground water exploration, artificial recharge and water harvesting structures. Palaeochannels (early Holocene age)
situated near to the present course of the Hugli-Bhagirathi river are generally arsenic free. The convex part of the
cut off meanders is arsenic affected due to its reducing environment.
In fact, the geometry of the abandoned drainage course closely matches with the geometry of the high arsenic zones
suggesting a link between creation of such zones and the activity of the fluvial system.
Mandal et al. (1997) suggested the use of surface water stored in many ponds in the arsenic affected areas of West
Bengal state of eastern India. The average annual rainfall (a.a.r.) in the area under study is about 2,000 mm. A pilot
experiment was carried out by a group of workers in the Habra block of N-Parganas district, which is adjacent
to the present study area. The experiment lasting over a period of 90 days brought the local groundwater arsenic
level from 1.28 mg / l to 0.001 mg / l (Athavale, 2003). Different methods of artificial recharge have been practiced
in many parts of the world, but the right choice of site for artificial recharge and water harvesting structure is
important. In recent years, a number of studies have concentrated on the site selection process especially with the
help of remote sensing techniques (Sharma, 1992, Ramaswamy and Anbazhagan, 1996).
The complexity and diversity of water resources related problems demand the recording of an ever-increasing range
of different types of data with greater precision on spatial and temporal scales. In some cases, conventional methods
may take months and years for recording one parameter, whereas remote sensing makes it possible to record
not only one time data but also repetitive data. Remote sensing data have been effectively used in geological, geo-
mo rphological, groundwater and land use / land cover studies for more than two decades. Information on geology,
geomorphology and groundwater conditions are essential for water shed planning, management, and development
(Rao, 2003). Use of remote sensing with geographical information system (G.I.S.) methods is helpful in decision
making for better water management. Integrated information on geology, terrain conditions, land use / land cover,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 81
extracted from satellite imagery is useful in selection of sites for construction of reservoirs and artificial recharge
structures for improving surface and ground water resource. Multi-layer remote sensing data involving information
on morphological and morphometrical details of the terrain, rock types, soil/surface materials, drainage, land use /
land cover help in catchment characterization. This leads to better modeling of surface water resources by deter-
mining rainfall run off ratio with reasonable accuracy (Reddy, 2003). In GIS both graphic (spatial) and textual
(non-spatial) data are used.
In the above context the present study has been carried out in the area bounded by longitude 88°27’30” E and
88°37’30” E and latitude 23° N and 23°7’30” N. The objective of the present study has three main components. The
first is the identification of the site suitable for construction of artificial recharge structures using IRS data. The
second aspect is to suggest suitable locations for surface water reservoir/basins aiming towards conjunctive use of
surface and groundwater. The third objective is to identify the suitable areas for arsenic contamination free fresh
water exploration.
Three types of data sets have been used in the present study:
a. Remotely sensed data, viz. false colour composite (FCC) of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) IC / ID LISS
(Linear imaging self scanning sensor)-III and PAN merged geocoded data, scale 1:25,000 of 19 February, 2001.
Date of acquisition of remotely sensed data has been so chosen as this is the peak time of growth of winter crops
(Rabi) and dry season vegetation is an indicator of groundwater.
b. Existing map, viz. Survey of India (SOI) topographical sheets and published geological map have also been con-
c. Published bore hole data and arsenic concentration in the different wells of the study area (Sengupta et al., 2004)
have been consulted. Arsenic concentration values have been divided into two categories for subsequent GIS
analysis purpose. One is groundwater zones with greater than 0.05 mg /l arsenic (unsafe zone), another is ground-
water zone with less than 0.05 mg /l arsenic (safe zone).
It involves the following steps:
ii. Remote sensing approach: It involves preparation of thematic maps on fluvial morphology, landform, land use
and land cover through visual interpretation of satellite imageries aided by field verifications. The image interpre-
tation keys like tone, texture, colour, association, shapes, size and pattern have been used to decipher the differ-
ent units /features;
iii. GIS approach: It involves overlay analysis of different pertinent thematic layers in the GIS environment. In the
present study digitization, layer creation and analysis have been performed using the Map Info Professional ver-
sion 7.5 GIS software package. The produced composite map (Figure 1) which reveals the desired areas and sites.
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82 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The central to north-western part of the map shows the younger flood plain of Hugli river, the rest is older flood plain.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 83
Field study during the present investigation reveals that the arsenious zones are confined along the levees of these
drainage channels. Palaeochannels (early Holocene age) situated near the present course of Hugli-Bhagirathi river
(Figure 1) are generally arsenic free. The convex part of the cut off meanders (Figure 1) is arsenic affected due to its
reducing environment. In fact, the geometry of the abandoned drainage courses closely match with the geometry of
the high arsenic zones suggesting a link between creation of such zones and the activity of the fluvial system. Field
verification confirms that the arsenious zones are confined along the levees of these drainage channel. The major
drainage in the area under study, Hugli (a stretch of Bhagirathi) river has a low sinuosity value of 1.14 which is
significantly less than a meandering river with the sinuosity value of 1.50. This particular aspect has direct correla-
tion with the location and distribution of high arsenic concentration in the groundwater (Sengupta, 2002). The
arsenic concentration is mostly high (> 0.05 mg/l) in the levees of abandoned meander belt (Figure 1). The rela-
tively younger flood plains (Figure 1) do not show high concentration of arsenic in the groundwater. Again, within
the older flood plains, the formation, which is consisting of almost continuous clay bed/layer, is free from the high
arsenic concentration.
Visual interpretation of IRS data aided by field checks has been proved very useful in the mapping of the present
fluviogeomorphlogical pattern. The aquifer sediments show an upward fining cycle with variable thickness. The
sandy lithofacies are dominantly channel fill and the finer muddy lithofacies is over-bank levee deposits formed
during floods.
Arsenic laden FeOH finegrained sediments are deposited in the organic rich estuaries and wet lands of the Bengal
basin. The top part of the sequence encountered in the bore holes from the two zones, shows certain differences. In
the safe water zone, the sand and silt layers covered by a 25 –30 m thick capping of clay with occasional peat bands.
In contrast above the arsenious water zone, the clay capping is either partially preserved or totally absent. Clay
along with the peat in the upper part possibly represents a reducing environment. McArthur (2001) suggested that
the burried deposits supply arsenic to groundwater through microbial degradation. Since the microbes are more
active at the air-water interface, the sediments having higher porosity in the top of the sedimentary column will be
more suitable sites for proliferation. Now, the sandy lithofacies and muddy lithofacies or capping present here show
a marked difference in vegetal cover and crop pattern and which is clearly discernible in the standard FCC of IRS
IC / ID LISSIII and PAN merged data.
Fluviogeomorphological patterns, which are extracted through visual interpretation of the satellite data, offer clues
through sinuosity. Sinuosity (ratio of arc length and axial length) of the river channels show a direct correlation
with the location and distribution of high arsenic in groundwater. Since agricultural practice demands high volumes
of water, agricultural land use patterns guide the location of water harvesting structures. The fresh groundwater,
which can be exploited from below the thick clay capping, is to be used in conjunction with the fresh surface water
stored in the demarcated areas (Figure 1) adjoining to the agricultural field.
The surface water stored in many ponds of the West Bengal countryside becomes almost dry in summer months.
A proper watershed management approach is to be taken to make them perennial and the water can be used
after proper treatment. Information layers derived through visual interpretation of IRS IC / ID LISS III and PAN
merged data aided by field verifications have been proved useful for analysis in GIS environment aiming towards
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84 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
conjunctive use of surface and ground water. Artificial recharge of arsenic contaminated aquifers by fresh water will
reduce the arsenic level up to the safe limit through dilution. The dugwell (situated in phreatic aquifer) water is
more hygienic than surface water and, therefore, it is desirable that at least domestic water needs are to be met from
the dugwell as a source. In cases where the phreatic aquifer has arsenic above the permissible limit, the excess
arsenic will get co-precipitated with the iron on being exposed to aeration (oxidation) in the cistern of the well.
Athavale R. N. (2003). Water Harvesting and Potability of Groundwater. In: Water Harvesting and Sustainable Supply
in India, Environment and Development Series. Rawat Publication, New Delhi, India. pp. 146 –165.
Biswas D. (2003). Water Quality Management: A National concern. In: DST’s ‘S & T Inputs for Water Resources
Management’. B.B. S. Singhal and O.P. Verma (ed.), Spl. Vol. 3, Ind. Geol. Cong. Roorkee. pp. 105 –109.
Kittu N. (2003). Management of Groundwater Resources. In: DST’s ‘S & T Inputs for Water Resources Management’.
B.B. S. Singhal and O.P. Verma (ed.), Spl. Vol. 3, Ind. Geol. Cong. Roorkee. pp. 21–27.
Mandal B.K., Roychowdhury T., Samanta G., Basu G.K., Chowdhury R.P., Chand C.R., Lodh D., Karan N.K.,
Dhar R.K., Tamil D.K., Das D., Saha K.C. and Chakraborti D. (1997). Arsenic in groundwater in 7 districts of
West Bengal, India. The biggest arsenic calamity in the World. Current Science, Vol. 70. pp. 976 – 986.
McArthur J.M., Ravenscroft P., Safiulla S., Thirlwall W.F. (2001). Arsenic in groundwater: testing pollution mecha-
nism for sedimentary aquifers in Bangladesh. Water Resour. Res., 37: 109 –117.
Ramaswamy S. M. and Anbazhagan S. (1996). Integrated terrain analysis in site selection for artificial recharge in
Ayyar basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Water Resource Journal, Bangkok ST/ESCAP/SER-C/190. pp. 43 – 48.
Rao B.V.M., Arya V.S. and Chaudhury B.S. (2003). Geological, Geomorphological mapping and groundwater
prospects of Dangi watershed area using remote-sensed data. In: DST’s ‘S & T Inputs for Water Resources
Management’. B.B. S. Singhal and O.P. Verma (ed.), Spl. Vol. 3, Ind. Geol. Cong. Roorkee. pp. 153 –162.
Reddy P.R. (1999). Satellite data in sustainable development and management of groundwater resource. In: Geoinfor-
matics beyond 2000. IIRS Dehradun, India. pp. 208 –209.
Reddy P.R. and Rao D.P. (2003). Application of space technology for water resource management in India. In: DST’s
‘S & T Inputs for Water Resources Management’. B.B. S. Singhal and O.P. Verma (ed.), Spl. Vol. 3, Ind. Geol. Cong.
Roorkee. pp. 145 –152.
Sengupta S. (2002). Naturally created toxic element contamination. A case history from Indo-Gangetic delta region.
In: Emerging issues in environmental studies. UGC sponsored refresher course in environmental science.
D.K. Khan (ed.), University of Kalyani, pp. 188 –196.
Sengupta S., Mukherjee P.K., Pal T. and Shome S. (2004). Nature and origin of arsenic carriers in shallow aquifer
sediments of Bengal delta, India. Environmental Geology. 45: 1071–1081.
Sharma S. K. (1992). Remote Sensing techniques to locate areas suitable for artificial recharge of groundwater in
granitic terrain. In: Proceedings of workshop on artificial recharge of groundwater in granitic terrain. Bangalore,
India. pp. 14 – 44.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Water quality improvements during
aquifer storage and recovery at ten sites
Peter Dillon, Simon Toze, Paul Pavelic, Joanne Vanderzalm,
Karen Barry, Guang-Guo Ying, Rai Kookana, Jan Skjemstad,
Brenton Nicholson, Rosalind Miller, Ray Correll,
Henning Prommer, Janek Greskowiak and Pieter Stuyfzand
Literature reviews and field evaluations at up to ten aquifer storage and recovery sites in USA, Australia and The
Netherlands were undertaken to determine the fate of natural organics, disinfection by-products, selected
endocrine disruptors and pathogens during subsurface storage. This paper summarises American Water Works
Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) project 2618 which evaluated attenuation of these species and incor-
porated this knowledge in several types of models.
The paper briefly characterises the field sites and explains the formation and role of geochemical conditions in
the aquifer that influence attenuation rates of these species. Organic matter degradation occurred most rapidly
for larger molecular weight materials, including polysaccharides, and organics containing functional groups sus-
ceptible to microbial degradation. Low molecular weight acidic material was found to persist and had a signature
indistinguishable from native groundwater. Trihalomethanes were degraded under anaerobic conditions with
degradation of chloroform requiring reducing conditions and occurring fastest under sulphate reducing and
methanogenic conditions. Haloacetic acids were degraded under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Of five
endocrine disrupting chemicals tested, two were degraded under aerobic conditions and none under anaerobic
conditions in the absence of a co-metabolite. A selection of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and protozoa were found
to inactivate during residence within the aquifer with fastest inactivation under aerobic conditions. It is evident
that passage of water through aerobic and anaerobic conditions maximises the opportunity for contaminant
At two sites three models of varying complexity were used to describe changes in water quality on a range of time
scales. While two of the models are not validated they do reflect the observations for a large number of water
quality parameters, suggesting that the process descriptions incorporated may be reasonable, and that an under-
standing of the biogeochemical interactions during ASR is emerging.
In many countries high quality drinking water supplies are drawn from aquifers that are recharged naturally by
continuously polluted surface waters. With increasing knowledge of groundwater contamination from point
sources, there is also an increasing reliance on passive remediation for some classes of contaminants. From these
two observations the hypothesis has emerged that while pollution should be avoided, there are sustainable treat-
ment processes at work in aquifers, and so long as assimilative capacity of an aquifer ecosystem is not overloaded,
an aquifer potentially can provide sustainable water quality improvement during Management of Aquifer Recharge
(MAR). An international project supported by the American Water Works Association Research Foundation was
conducted (Dillon et al., 2005a) to establish rates of attenuation of a limited suite of some of the most ubiquitous
pathogens and organic substances. These rates were measured at ten field sites and, for a few emerging contami-
nants of concern, in laboratory studies.
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86 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The range of aquifer and injectant types covered is broad so it is likely that proponents of new ASR projects will
find at least one case study, documented in Dillon et al. (2005b) relevant to their situation. Monitoring is impor-
tant, not just for compliance but to build an understanding of subsurface processes that improve or impair the qual-
ity of recovered water.
The project involved a consortium of ten organizations, six with Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) (recovery
from injection well) operations or trials and four with Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) (injection and
recovery via separate wells). The sites were located in USA, Australia and The Netherlands and in each case the
quality of injected and recovered water had been monitored to determine changes. The first goal was to determine
the fate of disinfection byproducts and selected pathogens at sites where these were monitored. The second objec-
tive was, with the assistance of literature and the field observations, to categorize and determine factors affecting
attenuation rates and to perform laboratory tests to fill in some gaps. Laboratory tests also included determining
attenuation rates of selected endocrine disruptors for one aquifer. This led to the third goal, to fit models to describe
the data with a view to building confidence in our understanding of processes and as a first step towards prediction
of sustainable contaminant attenuation.
The characteristics of the ten field sites are given in Table 1. Source waters included reclaimed water, (treated
sewage effluent given advanced additional treatment), stormwater, surface waters with various levels of treatment
and groundwater. Seven of the sites, including all USA sites, used disinfected injectant. Aquifers in all but one case
were confined, but three of the confined sites contained aerobic groundwater. Four were limestone aquifers, and the
other six were sand and gravel with different degrees of consolidation. There were various water quality issues at all
sites but the dominant issue from USA sites was the fate of disinfection byproducts and in particular tri-
halomethanes which at some sites had increased in concentration during storage. At two Australian sites and the
Netherlands site injectant was not disinfected and pathogen monitoring was undertaken. Several sites had unique
water quality issues but these were not pursued either because of lack of appropriate monitoring data, or because
the issues (e.g. mobilisation of metals, hydrogen sulfide production, reaction of chlorine with natural organic mat-
ter, and mixing with mineral or radon-rich groundwater), fell outside the scope of the project which was focussed
on water quality improvements, and are subsequently being addressed in a sequel project.
Recognising that there are many other ASR and ASTR sites where relevant data may have been collected, an effort
was made to contact 30 operators of other ASR sites, to categorise water quality issues. A water quality question-
naire was appended to that a questionnaire developed by Dr Ivan Johnson for ASCE, converted to electronic form,
web mounted, circulated by email and by mail, but aside from the ten existing partners, this met with a poor
response. One of the key criteria sought was for monitoring of at least one conservative water quality parameter
which could be used to differentiate the proportions of injectant and native groundwater in each recovered water
sample. Those parameters are shown in Table 1. Ultimately the only additional data used was that on DBPs from an
ASR project at Oak Creek Wisconsin (Miller, 2001). Adsorption and biodegradation of five endocrine disrupting
species were evaluated in laboratory batch studies using Bolivar aquifer material inoculated with fresh groundwater
and in sterile controls, with methods described by Ying et al. (2003).
Of the ten sites for which information was available it became clear that an input-output analysis was only possible
for selected parameters at each site. For example DBP data was available for 7 of these 10 sites, and pathogen
attenuation data were available at 4 of the sites (all of which were outside the USA). The simplest form of model-
ling, a risk index approach was applied at all sites. It became clear that the data available at Bolivar and Someren
provide the strongest basis for evaluation of processes, hence these are the two sites at which the more advanced
process models were applied.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Table 1. Summary of characteristics of ASR study sites (after Dillon et al, 2005b)
East Bay, Sierra Nevada aquiduct, plus local Confined, Aerobic N + nitrifiers,
Single ASR well pilot started 1998,
Oakland, CA, runoff, filtration and Gravel and sand, some clay Radon, OC- Cl
obs wells, 3@ r=15 m, 1 @ 60m
USA chloramination (Cuttings) THM’s, Mn
Lake Mead, Colorado R. (incl. OC – TOC, Separate injection and recovery wells
Las Vegas, NV, Confined, Aerobic
some treated effluent discharge-ed perchlorate (ASTR) and some ASR wells, up to
USA Cemented gravels and Cl
* only sites where cores were available had mineralogical analyses
# many water quality parameters were monitored besides those listed and frequency and locations of measurements varied between and within sites.
88 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
When water is injected into an aquifer biogeochemical processes change the quality of water that is subsequently
recovered. In anaerobic aquifers, ASR with aerobic water provides a redox gradient that is the reverse of that
encountered at sites where organic contaminants pollute naturally aerobic unconfined aquifers. When injected
water progresses through a redox gradient this allows exposure of the water’s constituents to a succession of micro-
bial communities each of which may be competent in reducing inorganic species, such as nitrate or sulphate, and of
degrading different organic contaminants. Where injectant contains particulate degradable organic carbon, highly
reducing conditions can occur adjacent the injection well during storage periods, further enhancing the range of
species degraded (e.g. including chloroform). In cases where redox gradients are not observed, the attenuation
processes are not as comprehensive for organics but may be at least as effective for pathogens. Related changes such
as changes in pH, dissolution of minerals and cation exchange also contribute to water quality changes observed at
ASR sites.
Table 2 summarises the findings of the study. Readers are referred to (Dillon et al., 2005b) for a comprehensive
summary of water quality improvements at each site, and to (Dillon et al., 2005a) for a detailed account of the
attenuation of each species, including process descriptions and references to a large body of literature. Due to space
constraints only a very cursory summary of results is given in Table 2 for the major species and processes. There are
many subtleties so readers are referred to the original report for more detail.
Table 2. Time a (days) to attenuate 90% of viable micro-organism numbers or concentrations of species
injected into aquifers under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (after Dillon et al., 2005a)
Pathogens c
Viruses 1–10 (2) 8–143 (4)
Protozoa ND d 21 (1)
Bacteria < 1–7 (2) 2 – 8 (4)
Disinfection byproducts
Chloroform (CHCl3) 190 – UD ^ (3) 60 –1130 (3)
Total Trihalomethanes 260 – 1000 (3)e 33 –530 (3)
Endocrine disruptors
Estradiol (E2) 6 (1) 400 (est at 70d) (1)
Ethynlestradiol (EE2) 560 (est. at 70d) (1) UD (1)
Bisphenol A (BPA) UD (1) UD (1)
4-t-Octylphenol (OP) UD (1) UD (1)
4-n-Nonylphenol (NP) 25 (1) UD (1)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 89
The fate of DBPs, principally trihalomethanes (THMs), was determined at eight ASR sites, including Oak Creek,
Wisconsin. Mass balance calculations were performed to assess the proportion of injected DBPs that were recovered.
DBPs were reduced within the aquifer at five of the sites. Microbial attenuation of DBPs such as THMs and
haloacetic acids (HAAs) has been demonstrated both in the laboratory and at ASR sites. HAA removal can occur
relatively quickly under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Removal of chlorinated THMs requires anaerobic
conditions. The literature based laboratory studies suggest that removal of chloroform occurs only under sulfate
– reducing or methanogenic conditions. The more highly brominated THMs are more readily removed under all
conditions, with bromoform removed most rapidly. The most important factor for attenuation of THMs is the redox
state of the aquifer. Adsorption and hydrolysis are not major removal pathways for THMs and HAAs, unlike
haloacetonitriles (HANs) which are removed by hydrolysis. At two sites (Memphis and Las Vegas) there was sig-
nificant in situ formation of chloroform within the aquifer, and existing DBP formation models from pipe networks
did not fit the data so further work is underway.
THM attenuation rates were found to vary more than two orders of magnitude (t 90 of < 3 to > 400 days) across the
sites. Chloroform was found to be considerably more persistent than other THM compounds as was expected.
Evidence for reduction in the DBP formation potentials (FP) occurred at the two sites where data were available.
At the Bolivar site reduction in FP was the result of the removal of precursor material, but an increase in the FP
per unit weight of TOC occurred as predicted from the evaluation of the fate of aromatic organic carbon (Pavelic
et al., 2005).
During injection at Bolivar, hydrophilic materials, retained on XAD-4 resin, are preferentially lost, probably through
microbial decomposition. The higher molecular weight, more acidic materials are preferentially sorbed on the
aquifer matrix. The more hydrophobic materials retained on XAD-8 resin are less strongly sorbed to the mineral
matrix and are transported more readily through it. After an initial period of sorption, breakthrough of DOM
occurred at observation wells at 4, 50 and 75 m with partial residual loss of DOM. Aromatic OC decreased at
a slower rate than most DOM during residence and DBP formation potential declined at a slower rate than would
be predicted based on attenuation of TOC alone. Breakthrough of reclaimed water at a well 50 m from the injection
well at this site demonstrated that the organic carbon profile reverts very quickly to having nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectra similar to those of natural waters (Skjemstad et al., 2002).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
90 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Little or no degradation of the five EDCs was observed in ambient groundwater within 70 days under anaerobic
conditions. Hence, as with DBPs, redox status is an important factor in EDC degradation, but in this instance aero-
bic conditions favour degradation of E2 and 4-n-NP. Further biodegradation experiments using reclaimed water are
planned to evaluate the potential for removal by microbial communities capable of co-metabolising EDCs. This
pathway for degradation was not evaluated in this study.
A review of the literature indicated that there is a wide variation in the survival of any given microbial pathogen
among different studies at a range of sites, as well as differences between unlike organisms at the same site (Toze,
2004). Thus, the degree of movement and survival of any microbial pathogen is expected to be site-specific. Much
of the information used in the review details microbial pathogen survival in relatively quiescent environments.
However, at ASR sites, injected water is subject to a range of environmental conditions, such as redox state, nutrient
supply and temperature change. Literature and laboratory studies indicate that enteric pathogens compete poorly
with indigenous microbiota in aquifers and that inactivation consistently occurs, although the rates differ. Very
frequently pathogen inactivation could be described by an exponential function requiring only one parameter, the
time for one-log10 removal. No attempts were made to delve into other mathematical descriptions of removal rates,
but the processes by which pathogen inactivation occurs were explored in some depth. For the purpose of this
research the subsurface biosphere was divided into two zones – the microbial biofilm colonising the injection well
and nearby environment, and the aquifer further from the well where advection rates, mass fluxes of nutrients and
microbial biomass are lower.
Varying temperature, oxygen and nutrient levels were tested in the laboratory in the presence and absence of
indigenous groundwater microorganisms to determine the predominant factor influencing inactivation of the
viruses. Inactivation of E. coli and the bacteriophage MS2 were detected by loss of culturable cells/particles whilst
poliovirus and coxsackievirus loss was determined by lack of detection by RT-PCR. The results indicated that the
most influential factor affecting the inactivation of the introduced viruses and indicator microorganisms was
the presence of indigenous microorganisms in the groundwater. The results also imply that temperature, the
presence of oxygen and nutrient levels indirectly affect virus and indictor microorganism survival, by influencing
the activity of the indigenous microorganisms. All viruses and indicator microorganisms tested were inactivated
most rapidly under aerobic conditions at elevated temperatures and without the addition of nutrients in the
presence of indigenous groundwater microorganisms (Gordon and Toze 2003). It is interesting to note that
pathogen inactivation is most rapid under conditions where disinfection byproduct (THM) formation and persist-
ence is most problematic.
The harbouring effect of the well biofilm on pathogen survival was successfully explored using a green Fluorescent
Protein gene (GFP) as a bacterial cell marker with propidium iodide (PI) staining to identify E. coli in a mixed
population and distinguishing between viable and dead or dying E. coli cells. Using these techniques it was shown
that E. coli was able to integrate into mixed-species aquatic biofilms and persisted longer than in the absence of
biofilm, but for a shorter duration in the presence of reclaimed water than in groundwater (Banning et al, 2002).
Further work is warranted on the effects of biofilm development on the fate of other microbial pathogens.
The role of indigenous groundwater microorganisms in the inactivation of the enteroviruses poliovirus type 1 and
coxsackievirus B1 in groundwater was also investigated. A membrane with an approximate 250,000 molecular
weight cut-off was used to separate viruses from the indigenous groundwater microorganisms to determine if
physical contact was required for viral inactivation to occur. Poliovirus inactivation occurred with or without direct
contact with groundwater microorganisms. This suggests that virucidal compounds less than 250,000 molecular
weight, could have been produced by the indigenous groundwater microorganisms. Coxsackievirus required closer
contact, possibly direct contact, with groundwater microorganisms for an increased inactivation rate to be observed,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 91
indicating that coxsackievirus decay was caused by compounds that were either larger than 250,000 molecular
weight or that were closely associated with the groundwater microbes. The differences in observed inactivation rates
between poliovirus and coxsackievirus suggest that the indigenous groundwater microorganisms may be producing
more than one virucidal compound and that these compounds may also be virus type- or species- specific (Wall
2002). While the activity of the groundwater microorganisms and the presence of extracellular enzymes are impor-
tant, there are other as yet unidentified factors that influence pathogen inactivation.
Having explored to the extent possible within the project the attenuation of selected synthetic organics
and pathogens, the research then focussed on incorporating this knowledge into models that could be used to assess
the risks associated with reliance on subsurface treatment processes in ASR and ASTR projects. Three models were
used. The simplest, ASRRI, was developed within this project and is intended for use as a screening tool. The others
were existing models EASY-LEACHER (Stuyfzand, 1998) and PHT3D (Prommer et al., 2003), and were used
to describe, integrate and analyse the processes inferred from observations at the two most intensively monitored
sites: Bolivar and Someren. EASY-LEACHER, a spreadsheet model, was particularly useful for providing longer-term
prognoses of mineral dissolution and breakthrough of constituents (macro-ions, trace elements, organic pollutants
and radionuclides), especially for dual-well, basin recharge and river bank filtration systems. PHT3D is a general
purpose three-dimensional MODFLOW/MT3DMS-based reactive multicomponent transport model that incor-
porates the USGS model PHREEQC-2 (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) to compute a wide range of biogeochemical
reactions. It is therefore suitable to be adapted to complex geohydrological and geochemical problems. Obviously,
depending on the complexity of the conceptual model and its numerical implementation the application of PHT3D
requires a correspondingly greater effort.
A simple ‘risk index’ model, ASRRI (Version 1), was constructed to allow data on degradation rates to be assembled
in a convenient form to predict, on a conservative basis, the length of storage time in a single-well system for
organic and microbial contaminants to reach acceptable values in the aquifer. Similarly the minimum travel length
and the maximum effective porosity for which recovered water quality would meet required standards, can also be
estimated for a dual-well system (Miller et al. , 2002). Default values used for contaminant attenuation were derived
from Table 2. When ASRRI was applied to the case study sites it correctly predicted complete attenuation of
pathogens at the 4 sites that had data. However it failed to account for DBP formation within aquifers so it under-
predicted DBP concentrations of recovered water in 3 of 8 sites. A model for DBP formation in aquifers is currently
under development to address this. At the other 5 of 8 sites, ASRRI over-estimated DBP concentrations in recovered
waters, enabling it to be considered as a potential screening model for regulatory purposes in these circumstances.
Users can apply ASRRI for any species for which there is information on adsorption coefficients and attenuation
The simple analytical 2D-spreadsheet model EASY-LEACHER 4.6 (Stuyfzand, 1998) was demonstrated to be
capable of simulating the dynamic quality changes of an infiltrating, oxidizing solute, which leaches an anoxic
aquifer. The main processes simulated at Someren were: displacement of the native groundwater and the leaching of
exchangeable cations, organic matter and pyrite. The main reactions included were: pyrite oxidation, oxidation of
organic matter and cation exchange. The general leaching sequence was, starting with the first to be leached in the
most permeable zones: exchangeable cations (10-30 pore volumes), labile organic matter (LOM) (20-550), pyrite
(400-2,700) and ‘tough’ (more recalcitrant) organic matter (TOM) (1,000-20,000 pore volumes).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
92 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
When EASY-LEACHER 4.6 was applied to the Bolivar ASR trial some modifications were required to suit both the
different quality of injectant and the geochemical setting. Observation wells 4 m and 50 m from the ASR well
allowed the effect of multiple pore flushes (> 200) at the 4 m radius to be compared with fewer pore flushes (< 5) at
the 50 m radius. The dominant processes were the oxidation of injected dissolved organic matter, by injected oxy-
gen and nitrate, which occurred predominantly within 4 m, and the dissolution of calcite. Cation exchange is
observed to be an important contributor to calcium concentrations during breakthrough of injectant to the 50 m
radius. Leaching of calcite is predicted in 1,000 to 10,000 years at the 4 m radius, so well stability is unlikely to be
an issue in the economic life of the ASR well. EASY-LEACHER was useful in explaining the sensitivity to cation
exchange capacity of the mobility of ammonium and potassium in the aquifer. It was also valuable in differentiating
adsorption from biodegradation in explaining organic carbon depletion in the aquifer.
PHT3D was successfully applied to simulate the major physical and chemical processes of the Someren field exper-
iment, whereby the temperature-dependent pyrite oxidation by dissolved oxygen and nitrate was identified to be
the dominant reactive process that was responsible for most of the observed water quality changes. The temporal
and spatial evolution of the redox state and pH are very well represented by the calibrated model, both being key
parameters with respect to determining the potential mobility and fate of micropollutants such as herbicides,
pharmaceuticals, trace metals as well as pathogenic viruses. Ion exchange was shown to having no significant
impact on water quality changes, whereas organic matter mineralisation was estimated to contribute 15% of the
electron acceptor consumption. A detailed description of the modelling study is given in Prommer and Stuyfzand
(2005a) and a summary is given in Prommer and Stuyfzand (2005b).
PHT3D was also used as a quantitative framework for analysing the observed data at the Bolivar site. The simu-
lations provide a detailed quantitative description of the hypothesised physical and biogeochemical processes at the
Bolivar site and reproduce very well the observed major ion chemistry including redox state and pH. The modelling
study demonstrated that the locally observed significant hydrochemical changes during the storage period (i.e., at
the injection/extraction well) can be well explained by microbial activity, in particular by the effect of biomass
decay. In contrast, on a larger scale the observed hydrochemical data could also be successfully modelled without
the detailed simulation of microbial dynamics. Ion exchange and calcite dissolution were shown to be the dominant
reactive processes for the observed water quality changes at the 50 m well. The flexible nature of the modelling tool
allowed rapid adaption of the numerical model to test different conceptual models and their suitability to explain
the observed data. More details on the modelling study are given in Greskowiak et al.(2005).
The goals of the project were met to a high degree. Fate of pathogens and DBP’s were determined at all relevant
sites. DBP and EDC attenuation was found to depend on the redox status of the aquifer, and for pathogens biotic
processes dominated attenuation rates and these processes are being further explored. The third goal, to develop
models of attenuation to fit field data and increase confidence in capability of predicting attenuation rates was met
for inorganic species. This also resulted in the development of a screening model that could be used by regulators to
determine the likelihood of contaminants exceeding given guideline values and to predict the number of log-reduc-
tions of pathogens between injection and recovery from ASR or ASTR operations.
Quantitative information and a screening model derived from this project are expected to facilitate design and regu-
lation of ASR and ASTR projects to achieve the required water quality targets for parameters currently considered.
Observations and process-based models revealed that near the injection well resilient ecosystems establish
that adapt to a range of redox conditions depending on the injection/ storage/ recovery phase of the ASR cycle.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 93
Degradation and inactivation rates (Table 2) depend on these local conditions as well as more stable conditions
further out in the aquifer. ASTR projects offer greater residence time of injectant in the aquifer than ASR projects,
and hence give greater opportunity for degradation/inactivation prior to recovery. ASR has other advantages such as
cost and easier maintenance to prevent clogging. The study shows that ASR and ASTR can be considered as a reli-
able part of the water treatment train for all pathogens and a number of the organic species studied.
This work was supported by AWWARF (Project 2618) and the Bolivar Reclaimed Water ASR Research Project
Steering Committee, comprising SA Dept for Water Land and Biodiversity Conservation, SA Water Corporation,
United Water International Pty Ltd, CSIRO, and SA Department for Administrative and Information Services. EU
also contributed through the 5th framework project CORONA. Other partners contributing information and data
were: Veolia Water; Water Corporation, Western Australia; KIWA, The Netherlands; Las Vegas Valley Water District,
NV; East Bay Municipal Utility District, CA; City of Charleston, SC; Memphis Light, Gas and Water Div, TN;
Orange County Water District, CA and US Geological Survey. The authors thank Chris Rayburn (AWWARF), Rick
Sakaji (California Dept Health Services), Mike Cook (Anglian Water), Peter Fox (Univ Arizona) and Takashi Asano
(U California, Riverside) who provided helpful advice on reports, and Dr H-J Albrechtsen for his constructive
review of a draft of this paper.
Banning, N., Toze, S. and Mee B. J. (2003). Persistence of biofilm-associated Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa in groundwater and treated effluent in a laboratory model system. Microbiology 149:47–55.
Dillon, P. Toze, S., Pavelic, P., Skjemstad, J., Davis, G., Miller, R., Correll, R., Kookana, R., Ying G.-G., Herczeg, A.,
Fildebrandt S., Banning, N., Gordon, C., Wall, K., Nicholson, B., Vanderzalm, J., Le Gal La Salle, C., Gibert, M.,
Ingrand, V., Guinamant, J-L., Stuyfzand, P., Prommer, H., Greskowiak, J., Swift, R., Hayes, M., O’Hara, G., Mee, B.,
Johnson, I. (2005a). Water Quality Improvements During Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Vol 1. Water Quality
Improvement Processes. AWWARF Project 2618, Final Report.
Dillon, P. Toze, S., Pavelic, P., Skjemstad, J., Chen, Z., Barry, K., Gobet, P., Herczeg, A., Martin, R., Howles, S., Gerges
N., Dennis, K., Vanderzalm, J., Le Gal La Salle, C., Oliver, Y., Nicholson, B., Sovich, T., Hutchinson, A., Woodside,
G., Tognolini, M., Sheikholelsami, A., Caughey, M., Brothers, K, Katzer, T., Leising, J., Quinn, W., Mirecki, J.,
Petkewitch, M., Conlon, K., Campbell, B., Stuyfzand, P., Bunnik, J., Medema, G.J., Vogelaar, A.J., Wakker, J.,
Verjeijden, S., Rattray, K., Martin, M., Xu, C., Von Hofe, F., Webb, J., Myers, T. and Johnson, I. (2005b). Water
Quality Improvements During Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Vol 2. Compilation of Information from Ten Sites.
AWWARF Project 2618, Final Report.
Gordon C. and Toze S. (2003). Influence of groundwater characteristics on the survival of enteric viruses. Journal
Applied Microbiology, 95(3) 536–544.
Greskowiak, J., Prommer, H., Vanderzalm, J., Pavelic, P., and Dillon, P. (2005). Quantifying biogeochemical changes
during ASR of reclaimed water at Bolivar, South Australia, (In this volume.)
Miller, R., Correll, R., Dillon, P. and Kookana, R. (2002). ASRRI: A predictive model of contaminant attenuation dur-
ing aquifer storage and recovery. pp. 69–74 in: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, (ed PJ Dillon),
Miller, T.J. (2001). ASR in Wisconsin using the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer. Tailored Collaboration Project Report,
prepared by CH2M HILL for AWWARF, ISSBN 1-58321-166-7, 352 pp.
Nicholson, B.C., Dillon, P.J. and Pavelic, P. (2002). Fate of disinfection by-products during aquifer storage and recov-
ery. pp. 155–160 in: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, (ed PJ Dillon), A.A.Balkema.
Parkhurst D.L. and C.A.J. Appelo (1999). PHREEQC (Version 2) – A computer program for speciation, batch-
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
94 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations. U. S. Geological Survey Water
Resources Investigations Report 99-4259.
Pavelic,P., Nicholson, B.C., Dillon, P.J. and Barry, K.E. (2005). Fate of disinfection by-products in groundwater
during aquifer storage and recovery with reclaimed water. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 77(4).
Prommer H., Barry, D. A., and Zheng, C. 2003. MODFLOW/MT3DMS based reactive multi-component transport
modelling. Ground Water, 41(2), 247–257.
Prommer, H., and Stuyfzand, P. J. (2005a). Identification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a
deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. and Technol., doi: 10.1021/es0486768 S0013-
Prommer, H. and Stuyfzand, P. (2005b). On the use of reactive multicomponent transport modelling for assessing
water quality changes during managed aquifer recharge. (In this volume.)
Skjemstad, J.O., Hayes, M.H.B. and Swift, R.S. (2002). Changes in natural organic matter during aquifer storage.
pp. 149–154 in: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (Ed.) A.A. Balkema.
Stuyfzand, P.J. 1998. Simple models for reactive transport of pollutants and main constituents during artificial
recharge and bank filtration. pp. 427–434 in: Peters J.H. (ed), Artificial recharge of groundwater, Proc. 3rd Intnl.
Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Amsterdam the Netherlands, Balkema.
Toze, S. (2004). Pathogen survival in groundwater during artificial Recharge. pp. 70–84 in: Wastewater Re-use and
Groundwater Quality (Procs. of IUGG2003 Symp. HS04, Sapporo, July 2003). IAHS Publ. 285.
Toze, S., Hanna, J., Smith, T., Edmonds, L. and McCrow, A. (2004) Determination of water quality improvements due
to the artificial recharge of treated effluent.pp. 53–60 in: Wastewater Re-use and Groundwater Quality (Procs. of
IUGG2003 Symp. HS04, Sapporo, July 2003). IAHS Publ. 285.
Vanderzalm, J.L., Le Gal La Salle, C., Hutson, J.L. and Dillon, P. J. (2002). Water quality changes during aquifer stor-
age and recovery at Bolivar, South Australia. In Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, (ed PJ Dillon),
83 – 88. A.A. Balkema.
Wall, K. (2002) Interactions Of Groundwater Microorganisms With Enteric Viruses Honours Thesis, Department of
Biology Murdoch University.
Ying, G.G., Kookana, R.S. and Dillon, P. J. (2003). Sorption and degradation of five selected endocrine disrupting
chemicals in aquifer material. Water Research. Vol 37, pp. 3785–3791.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Feasibility of ASR for surface water storage
in Haarlemmermeer (Netherlands)
B.C. Drijver and A. Willemsen
The surface water system in the western part of The Netherlands is not able to deal with the current demands on
the system: the risk of flooding due to storm water peak flows is too high, and the water quality in summer is
below the Dutch standards due to salinization and low supply of good quality surface water. Enlarging the surface
water system to transport extra water to and from the problematic areas is costly. To create extra storage facilities
for water the water board of Rijnland has planned large bodies of extra surface water. However, the surface area
required for extra surface water is very hard to find. ASR has been studied as an alternative to storage in surface
water. The main conclusion is that ASR is technically feasible for storage of storm water peak flows (peak ASR)
and for seasonal storage of good quality surface water from winter to summer (seasonal ASR). Seasonal ASR is
economically very promising compared to surface water storage, also when the price of the required land is not
included in the cost comparison. Peak ASR is economically attractive in urban areas, where the price of land is rel-
atively high.
Water management, water storage, ASR, feasibility, seepage.
The surface water system in the western part of The Netherlands is not able to deal with the current demands on
the system: the risk of flooding due to storm water peak flows is too high, and the water quality in summer is below
the Dutch standards due to salinization and low supply of good quality surface water. Enlarging the surface water
system to transport extra water to and from the problematic areas is costly, and the best option is to create extra
storage facilities for water: both for storm water peak flows and for summer droughts. Therefore the water board of
Rijnland has planned large bodies of extra surface water. However, the western part of The Netherlands is densely
populated, and the surface area required for extra surface water is very hard to find. The Water board of Rijnland
has calculated that around the Haarlemmermeer polder (the polder that also holds Amsterdam Airport Schiphol) a
storage reservoir for 1,000,000 m3 is needed to be able to handle storm water peak flows (peak storage). Seasonal
storage of 2,000,000 m3 is also needed in that area to meet the need for water in the nature areas surrounding the
location of the peak storage facility. A plan was made to solve the need for both peak and seasonal storage by creat-
ing 2.5 km2 of extra surface water in the form of a lake with a varying water level with dikes around the lake.
However, the surface area available in this region is limited, and the demand for surface area for urban development
is increasing steadily. Also, the growth of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol increases the demand for land in The
Haarlemmermeer. This puts a large political pressure on the water board to minimize the demand for surface area
for water storage. A possible solution for this problem is ASR. Research was done to find out if ASR is a technically
en economically feasible alternative for storage in surface water.
The area of study is located in the polder Haarlemmermeer. The land surface lies below sea level, which implies that
the land has to be kept dry by pumping out all net precipitation and water originating from upward seepage. Only
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
96 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
the shallow groundwater is fresh and the rest is brackish or salt. The groundwater table is approx. 1 to 2 m below
surface level. A system of ditches every few 100 m is in direct hydraulic contact with the ground water. During wet
periods fresh water is discharged and during dry periods fresh water must be supplied from elsewhere, which illus-
trates the benefits of storage. The geohydrology at the site of study is schematically given in Table 1.
10 – 83 medium fine to coarse sand first and second aquifer 1,500 m2/d 0.0016
133 – 170 fine - medium sand fourth aquifer 600 m2/d 0,0004
General guidelines for ASR (EPA, 2004) mention that ASR should be located in areas with groundwater tables at
depths larger then 5 m. Such low groundwater tables are however not found in and around The Haarlemmermeer.
ASR in areas with high groundwater tables require extra attention to the impact on seepage/infiltration and changes
in groundwater levels.
Efficiency of seasonal ASR
The efficiency of seasonal ASR depends mainly on the water quality injected, the natural water quality in the
aquifer, the geochemical reactions in the aquifer and the demands on the water quality produced.
Density driven flow will occur because the infiltrated fresh water (100 mg /l Cl) has a lower density than the native
salt groundwater (approximately 10,000 mg /l Cl). The maximum acceptable chloride content in the extracted
groundwater is 200 mg/l. Calculations indicate an efficiency of 50% after a few years (or earlier when a large
amount of fresh water is injected in the first year).
The water produced from an ASR system for surface water storage should be suitable for discharge into surface
water. To prevent the necessity of water treatment after production, the produced water should be oxic, and only
contain negligible amounts of iron and manganese. Depending on the presence and reactivity of components as
organic carbon and pyrite, the water injected into an aquifer may become anoxic. Especially during the first years
these redox processes could influence the efficiency of the seasonal ASR. In cases of reactive aquifers the impact of
water quality changes due to redox processes can influence the feasibility of seasonal ASR as demonstrated in the
case of the DIZON pilot described by Stuyfzand et al. (2002). What the efficiency-limiting process will be: redox
reactions or buoyancy flow, is unknown. For now the assumption is made that an efficiency of 50% is feasible.
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Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 97
System setup
The source of water for infiltration is surface water. For the design of the ASR system it was assumed that
4,000,000 m3 will be infiltrated during 4,000 hours (5.5 month with an infiltration rate of 1,000 m3/h). The
amount of wells needed is dependent on the properties of the aquifer, the infiltration rate, the amount of water infil-
trated per year and the clogging potential of the infiltrated water.
A parameter that is often used to estimate the clogging potential of water is the Membrane Filtration Index or MFI.
Using the MFI, the clogging rate can be estimated using the theory described by Buik and Willemsen (2002). The
surface water is estimated to have an MFI of at least 1,000 s /l2. Water with such a high MFI will rapidly clog infil-
tration wells. Therefore the infiltration water has to be pretreated before infiltration. In this case the use of a natural
channel bed drainage system is assumed for filtering the water. A comparable type of filtering is also satisfactory
used by the Amsterdam Water Supply as described by van Duijvenbode and Olsthoorn (1998, 2002). The MFI of
the filtered water is assumed to be 20 s /l2 at most. To minimize the impact on the phreatic groundwater and to
maximize the infiltration capacity per well, the wells are situated in the third aquifer. Calculations show that
14 wells are required.
Model calculations were performed to quantify the impact of the seasonal ASR on upward seepage and on phreatic
groundwater levels. At the top of the model a drainage resistance of 300 d was used. First 4,000,000 m3 is infiltrated
through 14 wells during 5.5 month. After two months without pumping, 2,000,000 m3 is extracted during
3 months.
Upward seepage
Figure 1 shows the calculated change in upward seepage and the total flow rate of the wells. From the start of infil-
tration the upward seepage starts to increase. At the end of the infiltration period the flow rate of extra upward
Influence on upward seepage
Total well flow
Flow rate (m3/hour)
0 365 730
Time (d)
Figure 1. Impact of seasonal ASR on change in flow rate of upward seepage compared to well flow rate
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98 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
seepage is nearly equal to the flow rate of infiltration. Figure 2 shows the change in cumulative upward seepage as a
consequence of the seasonal ASR.
Figure 2 shows that the change in total upward seepage is equal to the net amount of water infiltrated. This
means that the amount of water present in the subsoil is in the end equal to the amount that was present before
infiltration. The ASR system does not store water quantity. It stores water quality. The ASR system will cause extra
seepage of (brackish) groundwater in winter, and a reduced seepage in summer (or even infiltration).
Total upward seapage caused (*10e6 m3)
0 365 730
Time (d)
Figure 2. Cumulative change in upward seepage to surface water system caused by seasonal ASR
Groundwater table
The groundwater table in the area is typically situated 1 or 2 m below surface level. A small impact on the ground-
water table can have significant consequences. In Figure 3 the calculated influence on the groundwater table is
Impact on groundwatertable (cm)
Figure 3. Calculated impact on groundwater level during five years of seasonal ASR
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 99
presented. The impact of the seasonal ASR on the groundwater table shows the same pattern every year.
Calculations indicate that the maximum influence on the groundwater table is reached at the end of the infiltration
period and amounts 0.13 m. This change is not expected to have significant impacts.
In case of peak ASR the goal is to temporarily store 1,000,000 m3 of surface water in a time frame of 18 hours,
which corresponds to an average flow rate of 15 m3/s (56,000 m3/d). On average, the peak ASR will be necessary
once every 10 years.
System setup
Because of the large flow rate, water treatment before infiltration is not realistic. Also, treatment is not needed,
because the clogging of the infiltration wells is not the determining factor for the design of the peak ASR: the wells
clog only to a limited extent during the very short period of time that they are taking up water. The most critical
parameter in the design is the maximum increase in hydraulic head without breaching the confining layer.
According to the theory of Olsthoorn (1982) that was extended by Oostveen (2004) the increase in hydraulic head
caused by an infiltration well should not exceed the horizontal grain pressure. Using this rule 140 infiltration wells
will be needed for the peak ASR in the third aquifer.
Upward seepage
The calculations performed for the seasonal ASR indicate that the infiltration of water is eventually fully compen-
sated by upward seepage. Peak ASR is only useful if the amount of water that is infiltrated is larger than the amount
of water that seeps upward during the peak flow event. The calculations for the seasonal ASR indicate that the
upward seepage needs time to reach the flow rate of the infiltration. This time lapse between infiltrated volume
and seepage volume is caused by the fact that for extra flow from the groundwater to the surface water, a rise in
ground water table is required. The rise in ground water table takes place with a phreatic storage coefficient of 15%.
The drainage resistance determines the head difference for a certain flow between ground water and surface water.
A time lapse between infiltration and seepage requires storage, and the only significant storage is found in the
phreatic groundwater level, therefore the magnitude of the drainage resistance will determine the success or failure
of peak ASR.
The magnitude of the drainage resistance in The Haarlemmermeer is however not very well known. When only the
surface water is taken into account, a drainage resistance of 300 d seems realistic. However, when the groundwater
level is high, a series of shallow drains might become active, which will lower the effective drainage resistance
significantly. In that case a drainage resistance of 10 d might be more realistic than the 300 d used for the seasonal
ASR calculations, which means that the seepage of groundwater to the surface water system will respond a lot
Figure 4 shows the results of calculations performed for the peak ASR with respect to the change in total upward
seepage caused by infiltration of 1,000,000 m3 in 18 hours. The figure clearly shows the significance of the
magnitude of the drainage resistance. Other parameters are less sensitive. But even for a low value of the drainage
resistance of 10 days, the maximum seepage flow rate is only 11% of the infiltration rate. This illustrates that peak
ASR can be a solution for temporarily storing large volumes of water within a short amount of time.
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100 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Infiltration rate
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (d)
Figure 4. Impact of peak ASR on change in total upward seepage at different drainage resistances
Groundwater table
The calculated impact on the groundwater table in case of a drainage resistance of 300 d is given in Figure 5. The
calculated influence is very small. The calculated maximum rise of the hydraulic head in the first aquifer amounts
to 1.44 m. This rise of hydraulic head may cause the upward pressure to exceed the vertical grain pressure below
ditches. This aspect requires further research. In this feasibility study it was assumed that a short time with high
pressures would not harm the integrity of the covering layer.
Impact on groundwater level (m)
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Time (d)
The major advantage of ASR as compared to storage in surface water is the minimum amount of space needed.
Other advantages of ASR are the freedom to choose the locations of the ASR and the fact that an ASR is never
full. Disadvantages might be the increase of upward seepage in certain periods and the potential impact of redox
processes in the aquifer on the quality of the stored water. An item not discussed yet is the potential presence of
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Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 101
pollutants in the surface water.The cost for peak and seasonal storage (combined) in 2.5 km2 of surface water is
estimated to be 35,000,000 (9 million for peak and 26 million for seasonal storage when split up). This price
is based on the assumption that the land is obtained free of charge, because the land for the storage reservoir would
be bought by the state to increase the area of nature in The Netherlands. The cost of seasonal ASR amounts to
6 million and to 29 million for peak ASR, so also 35 million for a combination. It appears that the cost of sea-
sonal ASR is much lower than the cost for seasonal storage in surface water. Peak ASR is more expensive compared
to the peak storage in surface water, as long as the price of the land is low. Peak ASR is becoming economically
attractive when the price of land is larger than approx. 30/m². Normal prices in urban areas are higher than
100 /m2. Agricultural land in The Haarlemmermeer has a price of approx. 10 /m2.
Seasonal ASR is economically very attractive compared to seasonal storage in surface water. Peak ASR is expected
to be an attractive option in urban areas. Because of the advantages of ASR compared to storage in surface water it
was recommended to proceed with a pilot. The most important aspects that should be subject of study during this
pilot are:
• can natural channel bed filtration be an effective method for filtering the water for seasonal ASR?; what will the
MFI of the water be after filtering?;
• what MFI values can be expected in surface water?; what is the relation between MFI and the rate of clogging at
the high MFI values found in surface water?;
• what is the efficiency of seasonal ASR: what is the influence of buoyancy flow and redox processes?;
• is the impact of ASR acceptable (influence of pollutants in surface water; breaching of the covering layer, settle-
ments, upward seepage, groundwater level, etc.);
• social aspects (acceptation by the population in The Haarlemmermeer);
• legislation and permitting;
This study was supported financially by Stichting Leven met Water. We thank Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland,
Gemeente Haarlemmermeer, Brouwer Communicatie Projecten and Kiwa for their contribution to this work.
Buik, N.A. and Willemsen, A. 2002. Clogging rate of recharge wells in porous media. In: Management of Aquifer
Recharge for Sustainability, Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on artificial recharge of groundwater,
ISAR-4, Adelaide, South Australia 22–26 September 2002, pp. 195 –198.
Van Duijvenbode, S.W. and Olsthoorn, T.N. 1998. Effects of natural channel bed filtration prior to deep well injec-
tion. In: Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Proceedings of the third international symposium on artificial
recharge of groundwater – TISAR 98, Amsterdam/Netherlands / 21–25 September 1998, pp. 67–71.
Van Duijvenbode, S.W. and Olsthoorn, T.N. 2002. A pilot study of deep-well recharge by Amsterdam Water Supply.
In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on artifi-
cial recharge of groundwater, ISAR-4, Adelaide, South Australia 22-26 September 2002, pp. 447–451.
Environment Protection Authority, 2004. Code of practice for Aquifer Storage and Recovery. 21 pp.
Olsthoorn, T.N. 1982. The clogging of recharge wells, Main subjects, Kiwa communication No. 72, Rijswijk,
Netherlands, 136 pp.
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102 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Oostveen, D. 2004. Water induced crack initiation in an aquifer, an elastic analytical approach. Master thesis. 88 pp.
Stuyfzand, P.J.,Vogelaar, A.J. and Wakker, J. 2002. Hydrogeochemistry of prolonged deep well injection and subse-
quent aquifer storage in pyritiferous sands; DIZON pilot, Netherlands. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for
Sustainability, Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on artificial recharge of groundwater, ISAR-4,
Adelaide, South Australia 22–26 September 2002, pp. 107–110.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V NLARS: Evolution
of an Artificial Recharge Scheme
Sally Harris, Marcus Adams and Michael Jones
The North London Artificial Recharge Scheme (NLARS) was developed as a drought management tool, however
emphasis on the Scheme’s use is now changing. NLARS takes advantage of the large dewatered volume in the
confined Chalk and Basal Sands aquifers that resulted from historical pumping. Additionally, the Lea Valley
reservoirs and the New River aqueduct provide inexpensive methods of transferring the raw water to the
treatment works. Recharge trials in the 1950s and 1960s led to an operational artificial recharge scheme in
the late 1970s. During the early 1990s further developments resulted in what is known now as NLARS. It consisted
of 35 boreholes, and was capable of 150 Ml/d output with a recharge capability of 45 Ml/d. The Scheme was
further extended between 2001 and 2003 to 41 boreholes and an output of 200 Ml/d, with recharge capability
increased to 78 Ml/d. In the next 3 years NLARS drought abstraction capability will be further increased by
30 Ml/d. NLARS is now evolving to allow the management of shorter-term operational requirements. Some bore-
holes have recently been equipped to provide direct supply to the network during annual peak demands. Should
this mode of operation prove successful then it may be adopted elsewhere in the Scheme.
Artificial Recharge, Chalk, Groundwater Resource Management, London, NLARS.
NLARS, North London Artificial Recharge Scheme, is currently the only large-scale operational artificial recharge
scheme in the UK. Located along the Lea Valley of northeast London (Fig. 1), boreholes and wells provide a supply
of raw water during periods of Recharge Abstraction
Base of the Chalk
drought. Aquifer storage is then London
recovered at times of low demand Chalk
Woolwich &
by artificial recharge using potable Reading Beds water
R. Lea
water through the same sources Basal
Sands levels
(Fig. 1). The Scheme in its current
form has been licensed and oper- R. Colne
ational for 10 years, but its history
and evolution can be traced back
over 100 years. NLARS comprises Woolwich &
Reading Beds
41 boreholes and wells (Fig. 2) & Basal Sands
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104 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
NLARS is located within the London
Basin (Fig. 1). The geological succes-
sion comprises alluvium resting upon
a Tertiary sequence of London Clay,
Lambeth Group and Thanet Sands, in
turn resting on Cretaceous Chalk. The
strata have an overall dip to the south. Hornsey
The Chalk and sandy sequence (Basal Water Treatment
Sands) above comprise a major aquifer
system, with a general hydraulic gradient
to the south. Natural recharge in to the Treated Water Amhurst
area is very limited as a result of the to Supply and Main Coppermills
Surplus to Aquifer Water Treatment
distribution of low flow boundaries Works
produced by low permeability Chalk
Treated Water
and faulting. This limits flow into the Stoke Newington to Supply and
Surplus to Aquifer
confined aquifer. It is also reflected
in source transmissivity values ranging
from 80 m2 /day to > 2,000 m2 /day. Figure 2. Borehole locations within the NLARS Scheme
Historical over-abstraction has de-
watered the Basal Sands producing a potential zone for storage by artificial recharge. The abstraction and recharge
points comprise an amalgamation of old hand-dug wells with adits and drilled boreholes. These vary in diameter
between three metres and 760 mm, extending to a depth of up to 130 m, and produce yields of between 20 Ml/d
and 1.3 Ml/d.
The Scheme is currently regulated by an abstraction licence and an Operating Agreement. The licence restricts
daily output to 275 Ml/d, but this is not a constraint as the total peak output is just over 200 Ml/d. There is also an
annual abstraction limit of 55,000 Ml, equivalent to 150 Ml/d. The Operating Agreement describes the trigger for
Scheme use in a drought, as defined by flows in the River Thames and levels of reservoir storage. The Agreement
also specifies a water level monitoring network to assess the degree of aquifer storage. It also stipulates a
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Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 105
programme of water quality monitoring put in place to identify at an early stage any adverse impacts on ground-
water, potentially associated with the recharge process.
The history of artificial recharge in the Lea Valley can be traced back to the end of the 19th century following
decades of over-abstraction from the confined Chalk aquifer. The associated decline in abstraction capability
of groundwater sources and the formation of a de-watered zone led to pioneering work at a series of well stations
to investigate the viability of artificial recharge to recover storage. Since then, the gradual emergence and evolution
of an artificial recharge scheme into its current form can be sub-divided into a series of phases:
Phase 1
Although some artificial recharge trials were carried out before World War 1 in the 1890s, it was not until the 1950s
that controlled experiments were carried out using a group of adited wells at the southern end of the Lea Valley
(Boniface, 1959). In 1953, Lea Bridge Well investigations using filtered and chlorinated river water at rates of up to
18 Ml/d were followed by trials on the Coppermills Well system at 9 Ml/d over the winter of 1954/55. High
demands over the rest of 1955 and into 1956 required an extended period of abstraction from which it was seen
that some 30% of recharge water was recovered and that a previously declining trend in water level had been
reversed in some areas. No long-term adverse impacts on water quality were observed. A further recharge trial
ensued with the inclusion of two additional well systems and the overall percentage recovery in recharge water rose
to 37%. The whole area experienced either a cessation in decline or slight increase in groundwater levels. The
experiments were therefore considered a success.
Phase II
Detailed experimental work was carried out between 1972 and 1974; treated water was injected through an existing
Lea Valley well, and through specially drilled boreholes into the Chalk and Basal Sands at a New River site. This
led to a pilot scheme consisting of six existing wells and seven new boreholes (Hawnt et al., 1981). This gave the
scheme an abstraction capacity of 80 Ml/d. The scheme (then known as the Lea Valley Scheme) was formally
licensed in 1977 and recharged over a five-month period between December 1977 and April 1978. 5,800 Ml of
treated water was recharged at a peak rate of 53 Ml/d and an average of 41 Ml/d with recharge rates at individual
sites of 1.3 Ml/d to 11.5 Ml/d. Abstraction capability was tested for 10 weeks starting in September 1978, abstracting
a total volume of 2,900 Ml at an average rate of 37 Ml/d, although not all of the sites were available for abstraction.
Further recharge was carried out during the winters of 1978 and 1979, resulting in a total recharge volume of
21,000 Ml by the end of 1980 (Flavin and Joseph, 1983).
Phase III
In the early 1990s a major phase of borehole drilling was invoked to greatly increase the abstraction and recharge
capacity of the Scheme (O’Shea et al., 1995). A total of 14 new boreholes were drilled and tested along the New
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106 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
River. These boreholes increased the maximum yield to 150 Ml/d. Five of the new sites were equipped for artificial
recharge and connected to the mains network whilst the remainder were partially equipped for possible connection
to the mains system at a later date. At each site, a pair of observation boreholes were drilled, one deep hole into the
Chalk, the other shallower into the Basal Sands only. In this way the hydraulic connectivity between the two parts
of the aquifer system could be fully investigated and the local response of the aquifer to abstraction and recharge
observed. The Scheme was formally licensed as the North London Artificial Recharge Scheme in 1995.
Phase IV
Between 2001 and 2003, further Scheme augmentation was implemented in two parts. Part one involved the re-
furbishing of seven existing well and borehole sites to maximise their abstraction capability, and in part two, five
new boreholes were drilled, tested and commissioned. Four of the latter were sited along embankments of the Lea
Valley reservoirs whilst the fifth was located along the New River. Only one of the new sites was equipped and
connected for recharge, but additional recharge capacity was achieved by connecting four older sites, which were
previously abstraction only. As in Phase III, several observation boreholes were drilled to help provide a better
understanding of the hydrogeology and to allow changes in aquifer storage to be tracked. At the end of Phase IV, the
abstraction potential had been increased to in excess of 200 Ml/d, whilst the theoretical recharge capacity had been
raised to 78 Ml/d. However, network pressure restrictions and general resource availability meant a more realistic
maximum of 60 Ml/d of artificial recharge.
Phase V
Phase V is currently being planned. So far, 11 new borehole sites have been identified, which it is hoped will add a
further 30 Ml/d abstraction capability. This includes a disused well source on the New River, which has recently
been tested and its viability demonstrated. Up to six of the new sites will be recharge-capable whilst one existing
operational site in a key area of the Scheme will be connected to the network. This Phase of work is scheduled to
start in summer 2005 for completion in 2008.
N L A R S O P E R AT I O N S I N C E 19 95
Since the licensing of NLARS in its current form in 1995, the Scheme has seen two major abstraction events, in
1997 (O’Shea and Sage, 1999) and 2003 (Fig. 3). These events yielded 10,700 Ml and 9,700 Ml respectively. On
Annual Abstraction/Recharge, Ml
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
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Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 107
both occasions a significant recharge period followed to recover storage as quickly as possible and return the
Scheme to its pre-abstraction capability.
The original concept for NLARS was as a drought management tool to be kept in reserve for major, albeit infre-
quent, water resource shortages in the Lea Valley. This remains valid, however, over the last two to three years it has
become clear that NLARS has the potential to play an important role in supporting more immediate, shorter-term
water supply operations. The Scheme, or sub-sections of the Scheme, has shown that there is potential for NLARS
to be operated with more flexibility to offset local raw water supply problems, for example, recent supply reductions
associated with algal blooms, groundwater contamination and Thames Water’s own engineering activities.
CHARS: Chingford Artificial Recharge Scheme. The annual impact of algal blooms under peak demand conditions
has highlighted that demands can stretch the capability of the Coppermills and Hornsey Works, due to significant
filter bed outages. One solution being put in place is the construction of a new treatment works at Chingford. Using
reservoir water, this works will boost the treated water capability of the area in times of high demand. However, the
reservoir water quality will remain a potential issue as with the other surface water plants. As a mitigation measure,
a group of NLARS boreholes along the Lea Valley has been adapted to directly supply 20 Ml/d to the new works at
critical periods of the year. These boreholes will operate at times of poor reservoir water quality for one or two
months per year. The new treatment works has the added advantage of providing an additional source of recharge
water. The combined recharge capacity of the boreholes is around 8.5 Ml/d, thus to recover storage, post- abstrac-
tion, the recharge phase will probably need to last for 3 to 5 months. With adequate recharge the boreholes will
retain their full abstraction potential in a drought.
HARS: Hornsey Artificial Recharge Scheme. Bromate removal at Hornsey Treatment Works is currently being
considered, but it is unlikely to be commissioned before 2008. As a mitigation measure, three NLARS sources, all
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108 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
located at Hornsey, are being connected to the treatment works intake by a raw water pipeline to provide a bromate
free water source to blend with the contaminated New River supply. Blending is limited to particular times of the
year when bromate concentrations peak. At other times, artificial recharge will recover storage and ensure the bore-
holes can still provide their full drought yield.
London Resilience. As part of a London-wide initiative to improve security of supply, particularly in times of major,
unexpected outages of treated water capacity, all of the NLARS sources are being considered for their potential to
provide an emergency supply using temporary treatment. It is hoped that a substantial number of NLARS sites will
be able to fill the criteria of water quality, land access, mains access and yield such that temporary treatment plants
could be made available to them at short notice and additional treated water made available to the network.
Boniface E. S. (1959). Some experiments in artificial recharge in the Lower Lee Valley. Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, 14, 325–338.
Flavin R. J. and Joseph J. B. (1983). The hydrogeology of the Lee Valley and some effects of artificial recharge. Q. J.
Eng. Geol., 16, 65–82.
Hawnt R. J. E., Joseph J. B. and Flavin R. J. (1981). Experience with borehole recharge in the Lee Valley. J. Inst. Water
Eng. Scis., 35, 437–451.
O’Shea M. J., Baxter K. M. and Charalambous A. N. (1995). The hydrogeology of the Enfield Haringey artificial
recharge scheme. Q. J. Eng. Geol., 28, S115–S129.
O’Shea M. J. and Sage R. (1999). Aquifer recharge: an operational drought-management strategy in North London.
J. CIWEM, 13, 400–405.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V ASR well field optimization
in unconfined aquifers in the Middle East
Rolf Herrmann
Storage of large quantities of potable water has become more important over the last years in the Middle East.
Unconfined aquifers allow the storage of potable water for strategic purposes. The operational requirements for
the recovery of water in emergency situations involve high abstraction rates over long durations. The approach
utilized involves numerical simulation, groundwater information analysis, GIS capabilities and extended aquifer
characterization tools that are linked to a single shared database. A 3-dimensional hydrogeological model was
developed to characterize the aquifer conditions. Subsequently a 3-dimensional numerical model was generated
and calibrated with the newly derived field data.
A typical surficial aquifer in the region may display a relatively thin saturated thickness compared to the overall
thickness of the aquifer including the unsaturated zone. This fact can limit recovery with high abstraction rates
for long durations. A thin saturated thickness raises concerns over wells running dry on recovery.
In order to maximize recovery rates, an ASR well field optimization must be carried out. A 3-dimensional numer-
ical model was generated including the thick unsaturated zone and populated with aquifer properties developed
from advanced geophysical logging. The number of wells needed, well spacing, pumping and injection rates were
determined for large well fields by numerical modeling. The key factors that need to be accounted for and their
effects on the operational scheme of the aquifer storage and its economical feasibility will be described. This work
allows insight into the requirements necessary for the design of large ASR well fields in unconfined aquifer con-
ASR, aquifer recharge, well field optimization, unconfined.
ASR systems storing freshwater in unconfined aquifers rarely exist world-wide (Pyne, 1995). The extensive surficial
aquifer systems that exist in the Middle East have been identified as potential aquifer storage and recovery sites. The
unconfined aquifer conditions and the complex alluvial geologic setting made it necessary to develop and apply a
new hydrogeologic technical approach to evaluate the ASR feasibility and to design an operational scheme.
A new integrated aquifer characterization workflow was developed and linked with a numerical simulator that is
capable of simulating variably saturated and density-dependent groundwater conditions (Herrmann et al., 2004).
Unconfined aquifer conditions will add more complexity to an ASR system. Particularly the dynamic aquifer condi-
tions during the injection period are of special interest, because of a mound that will extent into the unsaturated
zone. ASR well field optimization is governed by several factors that will be explained in this paper.
The newly developed workflow offers a set of aquifer characterization, modeling, and simulation programs to help
develop the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to water management problems. The workflow allows the
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110 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
building and evaluation of geologic and hydrogeological models representing saturated and unsaturated flow condi-
tions. Hydrogeologists, hydrochemists, geologists, and water managers can share data and results within the same
environment, which encourages collaboration between disciplines. The workflow can be used to develop and test
solutions to comprehensive water management issues, with unique capabilities to address all aspects of a problem,
from initial characterization and model building to simulation, monitoring, and model calibration and updating.
The workflow tools provided are scalable and therefore can efficiently incorporate as many or as few of the
advanced tools available as required. As a result, the workflow is ideal for both small- and large-scale water manage-
ment projects, addressing the most basic to the most complex problems. A wide variety of field data can be com-
bined with models to verify correlations and validate interpretations.
Advanced tools for aquifer characterization (Schlumberger-Technoguide, 2003) allow the development and explo-
ration of realistic solution scenarios, reducing uncertainty and risk. Inconsistencies that may be difficult to identify
in two dimensions (2D) are immediately apparent in 3D. By discounting conceptual models that do not fit the avail-
able data, uncertainty in the interpretation is reduced, resulting in a more robust model. The process is then con-
cluded by the development of a 3D hydrogeological model that represents the conceptual model used to generate a
3D hydrogeological grid (gridding process).
The numerical aquifer simulator ECLIPSE (Schlumberger-Geoquest, 2003) is an integrated part of the workflow
tools, providing a fully implicit, density-dependent, multiphase 3D flow and mass transport solution. The simulator
is based on the proven technology of twenty years of experience as the reservoir simulation software for the oil and
gas industry (Ellis et al., 1996). Aquifer systems can be more fully understood with the simulation of variably satu-
rated conditions, flow and mass transport modeling, and density-dependent modeling for brine or coastal aquifers.
Processes that may influence the well performance such as clogging and flow dependent skin can be addressed. The
workflow platform allows building and updating of large aquifer models in near real time.
A large number of surficial aquifers in the Middle East consist of Alluvial and Eolian sediments. The total thickness
of the sediments varies between 5 and 100 meters. The saturated aquifer is generally less than half of the total thick-
ness of the sediments. The aquifers are relatively heterogeneous and heavily dominated by paleo-channel systems
generated by surface run-off from large rainfall events through wadi systems during deposition of the alluvial sedi-
ments. Native groundwater quality varies from freshwater to saline.
Storing water in unconfined conditions tends to be more complex compared to storage in confined conditions due
to a number of additional considerations that have to be evaluated when investigating the aquifer. Unconfined
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 111
storage systems are more vulnerable to surface contamination because of their hydrostatic setting. Generally
abstraction of groundwater is dominated by drilling hundreds of shallow wells for agricultural purposes, which
obviously influence the hydrodynamic behavior of the aquifer. Sediments are unconsolidated, challenging well
construction techniques to meet high well efficiencies and to control sanding issues. Generally the groundwater
velocity is larger in unconfined aquifers and must be regarded as one of the critical suitability constraints. Specific
yield must be taken into account to evaluate the transient behavior of the cone of depression of the wells.
Injecting high volumes of water into an aquifer will result in a mound of water (Figure 1) at the injection well. An
undesired effect that develops during injection is the mound that creates a radial temporary hydraulic gradient,
which allows injected water to move away from the ASR well. The fact that water raises above the static water table
results in re-wetting of the unsaturated zone. However, very limited hydraulic information can be gathered from
standard investigative methods to obtain unsaturated zone properties (e.g. moisture content, relative permeabilities,
capillary pressure and water saturation) to predict the movement of water through this zone.
Because of well interference the maximum drawdown must be evaluated with care in large well fields. Especially in
a hydraulic setting with a relatively thin saturated aquifer thickness, it may not be feasible to sustain the high recov-
ery rates desired for emergency cases for long durations.
ASR wellfield
Ground surface
Groundwater Saturated
flow Aquifer
Base aquifer
The operational performance of the ASR well field will subsequently reveal the actual effective recovery efficiency of
the ASR system, which is used to measure the success of the ASR system (Pearce, 2001). Careful design of the well
field is needed to optimize the recovery efficiency, the total recovery rate, the area of influence and the area covered
by the well field. Generally geologic and hydrogeologic heterogeneities are not known at the design stage of an ASR
project, which will have a large impact on the optimization.
The following factors have a key influence on the success of the well field:
• Heterogeneities of the aquifer (hydrodynamic dispersion),
• Movement of the groundwater,
• Well performance,
• Well field layout.
Practical experience reveals that unexpectedly low ASR efficiency is mainly due to the lack of full understanding of
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
112 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
the aquifer characteristics. Macro-heterogeneities may be identified from further site investigations by means
of drilling wells and/or resistivity surveys. Hydrodynamic dispersion is a particularly major unknown.
In unconfined aquifers the groundwater velocity is a major concern because the injected freshwater bubble may
move away from the well field. In addition to the movement of the aquifer water, a groundwater velocity will be
temporarily superimposed due to a freshwater mound during the injection period.
The well performance (efficiency of the well) is generally over-estimated during the optimization of an ASR well
field using numerical simulations. In unconsolidated sand aquifers in the Middle East, clogging effects that build up
over time during injection and recovery must be considered.
It has been demonstrated in the literature that the well field layout has a considerable effect on the recovery
efficiency of an ASR system. Optimizing the ASR well field efficiency aims mainly to reduce the mixing that occurs
between the injected water and the native groundwater in the aquifer. Mixing occurs generally at the edge of the
interface between the freshwater bubble and the native water. Mixing can be reduced if the area of the interface is
reduced. It is therefore desirable that the freshwater bubbles of each well in an ASR well field connect to create a
single freshwater bubble at depth. If a reasonable connection of the freshwater bubbles of each ASR well is not
guaranteed, saline native water may be trapped between the freshwater bubbles, having a negative impact on the
recovery efficiency.
In order to design a large ASR well field, the arrangement of the wells must be optimized. The distance between
ASR wells must be evaluated with great care for the following reasons:
• A large distance will reduce interference effects.
• A small distance will ensure efficient connection of the freshwater bubbles.
The objective of the optimization is to find a maximum connection of the bubbles with a minimum well inter-
Injection and recovery cycles are simulated for three ASR wells that are operating with a constant rate and equal
duration simultaneously. The aquifer is unconfined, homogeneous and a hydraulic gradient exists to the north-
The salinity and pressure of the system was monitored at the center-point of the wells for a distance of 300 m and
150 m between the wells. The simulation results are displayed for the final cycle period.
At a distance of 300 m between the three wells the freshwater bubbles will not connect (Figure 2 left) at the end of
the simulated duration. At the center-point between the three wells saline native water is trapped which will impact
the recovery efficiency of the ASR system.
In order to optimize the recovery efficiency the wells should be moved closer to each other. Reducing the distance
between the wells to 150 m will result in a combined single freshwater bubble (Figure 2 right).
The breakthrough curve of the aquifer salinity for a single injection period at the center-point of the wells clearly
displays the improved mixing that has occurred for the 150 m case (Figure 3).
Varying the distance of wells in a well field will effect the head distribution due to well interference. The com-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 113
Trapped native
saline water
Freshwater Freshwater
Figure 2. Development of freshwater bubble after injection into three ASR wells
spaced 300 m (left) and 150 m (right) apart
300 m
well spacing
Salinity (mg/l TDS)
150 m
well spacing
Injected freshwater
reaches centerpoint
Figure 3. Comparison of breakthrough curves of the aquifer salinity at the center-point between the three ASR wells
parison of the total head at the center-point of the wells for the two simulated cases shows a 2 m increase for the
150 m case. During recovery similar results have been achieved. The total drawdown at the center-point will be
larger for the 150 m case. Figure 4 shows the dynamic behavior of the water table for an injection and recovery
period crossing the well field.
Generally the maximum drawdown is of special interest to prevent any pumps to run dry in the wells.
ASR well
Ground surface
150 m
Water table
during injection 300 m Unsaturated
water table
Water table
during recovery Saturated
300 m Aquifer
150 m
Base aquifer Pump
Figure 4. Schematic cross-section displaying dynamic water table for injection and recovery period
for 300 m and 150 m case
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
114 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The recovery efficiency of an ASR well field can be optimized if mixing between freshwater and native water is
minimized. This can be achieved by allowing the freshwater bubbles of each ASR well to connect to a single fresh-
water bubble at depth.
This can be achieved by finding the optimum spacing for each ASR well resulting in the maximum connection of
the bubbles with a minimum well interference.
By optimizing the spacing of the ASR wells to create a single water bubble, the recovery efficiency can be sub-
stantially improved.
Special care must be taken to evaluate the interference between the wells that will effect the depth of the water table
during injection and recovery. Well field optimization allows preventing undesirable storage effects like trapped
native water and increasing drawdown causing pumps to run dry.
A new integrated aquifer characterization workflow was developed and linked with a numerical simulator that is
capable of simulating complex hydrogeological conditions including variably saturated and density-dependent
groundwater systems.
Ellis, D.V. et al. (1996). Environmental Applications of Oilfield Technology. Oilfield Review Schlumberger, Autumn,
pp. 44 – 57.
Herrmann, R., Pearce, M., Burgess, K., Priestley, A. (2004). Integrated aquifer characterisation and numerical simu-
lation for aquifer recharge and storage at Marco Lakes, Florida, British Hydrological Socienty, Hydrology: Science
& Practice for the 21st Century. Vol I.
Pearce, M.S. (2001). Fundamentals of ASR Wellfield Design and Performance Evaluation. Oral presentation at the
American Ground Water Trust , ASR I conference. Orlando, Fl.
Pyne, D.G. (1995). Groundwater Recharge and Wells. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.
Schlumberger-GeoQuest. (2003). Eclipse 100 Users Manual. Abingdon, UK.
Schlumberger-Technoguide. (2003). Petrel Workflow Tools, User Manual. Oslo, Norway.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Geochemical and microbial processes
in the unsaturated zone
at the Arrenæs artificial recharge trial plant
T.Ø. Jensen, R.L. Berg, L. Bennedsen, G. Brandt and H. Spliid
At the Arrenæs AR trial plant, Zealand, Denmark, investigations of the geochemical and microbial processes
occurring in the unsaturated zone when recharging water from Lake Arresø have been performed. Focus was on
ensuring a continuously stable quality of the abstracted AR water. The investigations revealed that the primary
changes in the geochemical composition and the removal of bacteria below both an irrigated area and an infil-
tration basin occur in the uppermost part of the soil. The difference in the decalcification front between the
irrigated and a non-irrigated area is app. 3 m. Simulations show that the calcite buffer capacity in the un-
saturated zone is not depleted even in a long-term perspective, indicating that problems with aggressive CO2
should not be expected. A removal capacity at the AR plant of up to 97-99% of the bacteria was observed; how-
ever, break through of coliform bacteria was seen twice in the abstracted AR water. It is estimated that only 17%
of all break through with coliform bacteria in the abstraction wells is found.
Artificial recharge, unsaturated zone, geochemical composition, bacterial removal, filter capacity, modelling.
Since 1995, Copenhagen Energy has run a trial plant based on artificial recharge (AR) to determine the potential
for use of this technology in Denmark to ensure the supply of drinking water to Copenhagen. (Copenhagen Water
Supply and County of Frederiksborg, 1995; Copenhagen Energy, 2000). The results of running the trial plant have
been positive and a large-scale production plant is therefore proposed at the same location (Brandt, 1998; Hartelius
et al., 2001). The Arrenæs AR trial plant consists of four infiltration basins and two trough systems (1,000 m2
each – in operation all year), and a grass-covered irrigation area (20,000 m2 – in operation from April to
November), see Figure 1, (Passow, 1996). The amount of runoff water from Lake Arresø used as recharge water
is app. 100,000 m3 /year to the irrigation area and 300,000 m3 /year to the infiltration basins and trough systems,
resulting in a production of app. 270,000 m3/year, which is currently not used for drinking-water purposes. The
unsaturated zone consists of glaciofluvial sand and is app. 25 – 26 m thick. Figure 1 shows a map of the area and
also the water table. The
hydraulic heads are affected
by abstraction well I1 and an
abstraction well located just
north of trough system West.
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116 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
investigated. This includes investigation of the difference in geochemical composition and bacteria content in sedi-
ment samples from an irrigated area, a non-irrigated area (reference area), and an infiltration basin, and the risk of
break through of pathogenic indicator organisms in an abstraction well. These investigations performed within the
EU-project ARTDEMO constitute the background for establishing a management strategy including an early-warn-
ing system for an AR plant.
The investigations include continuous monitoring (1994–2005) of the quality of the input water, soil water
and abstracted AR water. Additionally, sediment samples from 0 – 30 m below surface (m.b.s.) were collected in
October 2004 from an irrigated and a non-irrigated area using the solid flight auger drilling method. In March 2004,
sediment samples were collected from an infiltration basin at depths of 0.01 (filterskin), 0.07 and 0.35 m.b.s.
Geochemical analyses performed on the soil material included pH (NEN 6411), EC (NEN 6412), non-silicate
bound calcium (ICP-MS analysis on HNO3 extract), calcite (Ca-extraction using HCl), organic carbon and total N
(pyrolysis of decalcified sample and subsequent gas detection by LEKO analyser) and grain size distribution
(< 2mm, by a FRITSCH Laser Particle Sizer A22). Chemical modelling (PHREEQC) was done using chemical
parameters analysed in water samples according to the Danish Standards. Microbiological analyses of both water
and sediment samples included colony-forming units (CFU) at 22°C and 37°C (DS/EN ISO 6222), coliform bacteria
and thermotolerant coliform bacteria (DS 2255), sulphite-reducing clostridia (NMKL 56) and Clostridium per-
fringens (DS 2256). Enterococci were analysed in both water (ISO 7899/2 mod.MST98) and sediment samples
(DS 2401). The total amount of bacteria in sediment samples from the irrigated and non-irrigated area was deter-
mined using the Acridine Orange Direct Count (AODC).
The geochemical results from sediment samples (0 –30 m.b.s.) collected at the irrigated and non-irrigated area at the
Arrenæs AR trial plant show that the difference in geochemical properties between the two areas is significant in
only the upper 2 m of the unsaturated zone, see Figure 2. In the deeper parts from 2–26 m.b.s., the geochemical
properties are similar for the two areas. The water table is located in app. 26 m.b.s., which is reflected in the geo-
chemical properties.
Accumulation of organic carbon is occurring in the topsoil, see Figure 2. Due to bioturbation and degradation, the
content of organic carbon is decreasing in the upper 2 m.b.s. The degradation of organic carbon is reflected in a
decreased pH compared to the deeper layers, where pH is controlled by calcite equilibrium.
Elevation [m]
Irrigated area Irrigated area Irrigated area Irrigated area
Non-irrigated area Non-irrigated area Non-irrigated area Non-irrigated area
Figure 2. Organic carbon, pH, calcium, and cation exchange capacity (CEC)
at the irrigated and the non-irrigated area
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 117
Data show a significant increase in the content of calcium from 0–2 m.b.s. at the irrigated area. This calcium is
primarily present as calcite. From the cation exchange capacity, Figure 3, it is estimated that ion exchange does not
have a significant influence on the calcium content in the sediment. The accumulation of calcite in the upper 2 m is
primarily a result of irrigation with lake water supersaturated with calcite, and evaporation. In addition, algae
growth in the topsoil and loss of CO2 gas may cause precipitation of calcite. Figure 2 indicates a decalcification
front located app. 1–2 m.b.s. at the non-irrigated area and below the calcite rich soil horizon in app. 3–4 m.b.s. at
the irrigated area. Whether this difference can be explained by artificial recharge needs further investigations of the
location of the decalcification front, as natural geological heterogeneities also have an impact on the difference
shown in Figure 2. Below the leaching front, geological variations may influence the carbonate equilibrium.
Similar investigations were performed in the upper 0.35 m of the soil below an infiltration basin. Figure 3 shows
the content of calcite and organic carbon together with electrical conductivity. The high calcite content in the filter-
skin (0.01 m.b.s.) may be explained by algae growth in the infiltration basin causing a decrease in CO2 and thus
increasing the calcite saturation index (Schuh, 1990). The organic carbon content in the sediment below the infil-
tration basin decreases from 0.095 to 0.031% in the upper 0.07 m of the soil, see Figure 3. The degradation of
organic carbon is reflected in a concurrent decrease in calcite content and electrical conductivity.
CaCO3 [mg/kg] C-org [%wt/wt] EC [µS/cm]
0 10000 20000 30000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 200 400 600
Elevation [m]
Figure 3. Calcite, organic carbon and electrical conductivity (EC) in the soil below an infiltration basin (n = 2)
The geochemical processes in the unsaturated zone may also be affected by complicated flow patterns such as pref-
erential flow, as revealed in studies at the Arrenæs AR trial plant by Brun and Broholm (2001).
The microbiological results from the sediment samples collected at the irrigated and non-irrigated area (0 –30 m.b.s.)
indicate that bacteria are primarily present in the upper 2 m, see Figure 4.
AODC [cells/g] CFU [CFU/g] Coli & th. coli [no./100 g] SRC & CI.. perf [no./g]
0.E+00 2.E+07 4.E+07 6.E+07 8.E+07 1.E+08 0.E+00 1.E+ 06 2.E+06 3.E+06 4.E+ 06 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Elevation [m]
Irrigated area I, 22˚C NI, 22 ˚C I, coli NI, co li I, CI. perf. NI, CI. perf.
Non-irrigated area I, 37˚C NI, 37 ˚C I, th. coli NI, th. coli I, SRC NI, SRC
Figure 4. AODC, CFU, coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, sulphite-reducing clostridia (SRC)
and Clostridium perfringens from 0–5 m.b.s. at the irrigated and non-irrigated area
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
118 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
CFU at 22°C and 37°C detected using the yeast extract agar are higher in the upper 2 m at the non-irrigated
than at the irrigated area. The total number of bacteria (AODC) is similar at the two locations, indicating the
presence of bacteria cultures not accounted for using the yeast extract agar. As expected, the content of patho-
genic indicator organisms is generally higher at the irrigated than at the non-irrigated area. Sulphite-reducing
clostridia and Clostridium perfringens were present at 0 –2 m.b.s. at both the irrigated and non-irrigated area,
whereas coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, and enterococci only were detected at the irrigated area
from 0 – 2 m.b.s., Figure 4. As a total, the results show a reduction of up to 99% of the pathogenic indicator
organisms in the upper 2 m.
CFU [CFU/g] Coli & th. coli [no./100 g] The studies also included analysis of sediment
0.E+00 1.E+07 2.E+07 3.E+07 4.E+07 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
samples from in an infiltration basin. The
results show a large reduction of bacteria in the
upper 0.35 m (see Figure 5), where the content
of coliform bacteria and thermotolerant
Elevation [m]
The pathogenic removal capacity is similar for
0.35 both the irrigated area and the infiltration
22˚C 37˚C Coli Th. coli
0.40 basin. However, the filter efficiency is higher in
Figure 5. CFU, coliform bacteria, and thermotolerant the infiltration basin, due to the formation of a
coliform bacteria in the soil below an infiltration basin (n = 2) filterskin.
Depletion of the calcite buffer capacity in the unsaturated zone
In a long-term perspective, recharging water from Lake Arresø may cause depletion of the calcite buffer capacity in
the unsaturated zone and thereby problems with the formation of aggressive CO2. The analyses of sediment samples
from the Arrenæs AR plant have shown that the soil has a large calcite buffer capacity. In addition, the input water
is supersaturated with calcite. However, Table 1 shows that there is a significant difference in the organic carbon
content between the input water and the abstracted AR water, indicating degradation in the unsaturated zone,
which induces calcite dissolution. This was also evident from the sediment samples as discussed previously. The
abstracted AR water has fairly constant pH, calcium and bicarbonate levels, indicating that buffering processes
occur in the unsaturated zone.
The risk of depletion of the calcite buffer capacity in the unsaturated zone at the irrigated area was investigated
using the programme PHREEQC and data are given in Table 1. In the calculations, equilibrium with calcite, and
oxidation of organic matter by oxygen and nitrate using first order reaction kinetics is assumed. Ion exchange is not
included in the calculations.
The composition of the soil water in the unsaturated zone at the irrigated area after 10 years of operation was
simulated in PHREEQC and shows results similar to the field data from 2–30 m.b.s. Simulation of the processes
occurring in the upper 2 m has, however, not been possible using the assumptions given above. Additionally, alter-
nating calcite content over depth due to geological variations cannot be reflected in the simulation, as the un-
saturated zone is assumed uniform. Simulations show that the decalcification front has moved app. 2 m downwards
after 60 years of operation compared to the present location of the front in app. 3–4 m. Problems connected with
production of aggressive CO2 due to a depletion of the calcite buffer capacity are therefore not expected in a time
perspective of 60 years.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 119
Table 1. Selected water quality parameters in the input water, soil water and abstracted AR water
Arresoe – Tensiometer well T9 – 1m Tensiometer well T9 – 5m Tensiometer well T9 – 15m Abstracted
Parameter input water (soil water) (soil water) (soil water) AR water
[mg/L] Average 1995 – 2005 19/04/1995 19/04/1995 19/04/1995 Average 2001–2005
Unregistered contamination of the abstraction wells may, however, have occurred. The probability of a contam-
ination of an abstraction well being found is estimated as discussed by Boe-Hansen et al. (2003). It is assumed that
a contamination has a duration of N days with probabilities P(N), N = 1,2,... and as an example, it is assumed, that
N varies between 1 and 13 days with equal probabilities P(N) = 1/13 (mean(N) = 7). The annual rate of contam-
inations is called λy , and the sampling frequency is Sy (currently 12 samples /year). To repeat a positive test d days
(in this study d = 2) are needed, and the detection limit is 1 bacterium in a 100 mL sample. The mean number of
bacteria per 100 mL in a contamination is called µc. Under these assumptions the proportion of contaminations
detected and confirmed can be estimated:
( )
Q S y , µ c ≅ (1 − exp(− µ c ) )2 ⋅ S y ∑ P (N )⋅ (N − d )/ 365
where ∑N>2 P ( N )⋅ ( N − 2) / 365 = 5.076 / 365 = 0.0139 in the given example. If further µc > 3,
(1 − exp (− µ c ))2 > 0.90 ≅ 1, the variation of µc between contaminations is thus of little consequence, except for
very low-level contaminations. The contaminations experienced to date have shown µc >> 3 in both cases. The
annual rate of confirmed findings is λy × Q(Sy , µc). The formulas apply for moderate S y and moderate length of
contamination, that is when the time between sampling is long compared to the mean duration of contamination
(365 / Sy >> mean(N)) and the occurrence rate is low. Using the above P(N) and d the detection proportion,
Q(Sy , µc) is computed, see Table 2.
Table 2. The proportion of detected and confirmed Since the detection rate is proportional to the occur-
contaminations using P(N) = 1/13 and d = 2 rence rate λy, the table can be applied to estimate λy. If,
Samples per year = Sy for example, 2 contaminations are found in a year using
Contamination the present Sy = 12 and µc >> 3, the contamination rate
12 18 24
may be as high as λy = 2/0.17 ≅ 12 per year or more. It is
µc = 1.0 0.07 0.10 0.13
therefore important to increase the sample collection
µc = 2.0 0.12 0.19 0.25
frequency to detect a possible break through. In this
µc = 3.0 0.15 0.23 0.30 context, online monitoring equipment for detection
µc >>3.0 0.17 0.25 0.33 of pathogenic indicator organisms could be used as a
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
120 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
management tool in the operation of the AR plant, and contamination of the abstraction wells could thereby be
limited. Furthermore, operational changes must be made to avoid pathogens in the abstracted AR water.
The investigations in this study show that the primary changes in geochemical properties and removal of bacteria
at the Arrenæs AR trial plant occur in the uppermost part of the soil. Interpretation of the geochemical data
shows that the difference in the decalcification front between the irrigated and non-irrigated area is app. 3 m.
Simulations show that the calcite buffer capacity in the unsaturated zone is not depleted even in a long-term
perspective, indicating that problems with aggressive CO2 should not be expected. A removal capacity of up to
97– 99% of the bacteria was observed at both the irrigated area and in the infiltration basin. The filter efficiency is
the highest in the infiltration basin, due to the formation of a filterskin. However, break through of coliform bacte-
ria in an abstraction well was detected twice. Estimations show that only 17% of all break through with coliform
bacteria in the abstraction wells is found. This shows that online monitoring equipment for detection of pathogenic
indicator organisms is an essential tool to ensure a sustainable operation of an AR plant. To further examine the
geochemical and microbiological processes occurring in the uppermost part of the soil at the recharge areas,
detailed investigations need to be performed from 0 –1.5 m.b.s.
This research is a part of the ‘Artificial Recharge Demonstration Project (ARTDEMO)’ funded by EU under the EU
Program for Environment and Sustainable Development.
Boe-Hansen R., Albrechtsen H.-J., Arvin E, Spliid, H. (2003). Microbial pollutions – we only see the tip of the ice (in
Danish). In: Dansk Vand, vol. 3, pp. 86–90.
Brandt, G. (1998). Arrenæs artificial recharge trial plant, Denmark – Hydrological and chemical aspects. In
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater – TISAR 98 Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 21–25 September, pp. 217–222.
Brun, A. and Broholm, K. (2001). Basin infiltration at the Arrenæs site, Denmark: Tracer test and quality changes
during aquifer passage below infiltration basins. In: Final report from the EC project ENV4-CT95-0071 Artificial
recharge of groundwater, pp. 177–181.
Copenhagen Energy (2000). Arrenæs, Artificial infiltration of Lake Arresø water. Status for 2000 and operational and
monitoring plan for 2001. Reports available for the years 2000–2003. (In Danish). Copenhagen Water Supply and
County of Frederiksborg (1995). Arrenæs, Artificial infiltration of Lake Arresø water.
Status for 1995 and operational and monitoring plan for 1996. Reports available for the years 1995–1999. (In
Hartelius, E., Bennedsen, L. and Brandt, G. (2001). Arrenæs artificial recharge trial plant, Denmark – hydrological
and water quality aspects. European Water Management 4(1), pp. 65–70.
Jørgensen C. (2001). Migration and survival of bacteria during artificial recharge. In: Final report from the EC project
ENV4-CT95-0071 Artificial recharge of groundwater, pp. 231–234.
Passow, J. (1996). The Arrenæs artificial recharge plant – design and operation. In Proceedings of an International
Symposium on Artificial recharge of groundwater, Helsinki, 3–5 June, pp. 99–104.
Schuh. W.M. (1990). Seasonal variation of clogging of an artificial recharge basin in a northern climate. In: Journal
of hydrology, vol. 121, pp. 193–215.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Physical and chemical interactions
in an ASR cavity well in a brackish aquifer
R.S. Malik, D.K. Yadav, B.S. Jhorar, R.K. Jhorar and T. Streck
Rain water (22 m3) and bleaching powder treated canal water (173 m3) were gravity injected sequentially
in a cavity type aquifer storage recovery ASR well having highly brackish native water. Injection rate did not
decrease with time indicating no serious clogging during ASR operation. Residence time of 9 days was given in the
aquifer. The recovered water was analyzed for various physical and chemical properties as a function of recovered
volume. The recovery efficiency at a targeted quality in terms of electrical conductivity EC = 200 mS/m was 24%
for instantaneous recovery and 43% for integrated recovery. Potassium was released from aquifer minerals;
bicarbonates were produced from native water, and borates were consumed from injected water; and heat was
consumed from that of injected water. Up to target water quality of 200 mS/m of recovery water, 7 kg of potassium
and 1.2 kg of nitrate were mined out from one-hectare irrigation of 0.6 m depths. The ASR technique may safely
be applied to improve the quality of ground water for irrigation and to meet the partial crop requirement for
potassium and nitrate.
Aquifer Storage Recovery, ASR, cavity well, brackish aquifers, aquifer storage volume.
The improvement in quality during Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) process depends upon the nature and
intensity of site-specific physical and chemical interactions between the injected and native ground water. The
nature of these interactions has been identified (Faust and Vecchioli, 1974; Berner, 1978; Pyne, 1995; Martin and
Dillon 2002; Vanderzalm et al., 2002) at some ASR sites. Most ASR wells are cavity type in north India and were not
found to clog when they were used to inject fresh water even with high, 900 mg/l, sediment load (Anonymous,
1993 and Malik et al., 2002). Cavity wells are shallow wells installed in aquifers (15 to 100 m deep) where an
empty space is formed below the impermeable layer called a cavity; thus, the well is named a cavity well (Malik et
al., 2000).
The paper quantifies recovery efficiency and physical and chemical interactions in a cavity type ASR well in brack-
ish aquifer.
ASR facilities
Rain water (2.223 m3 ) and bleaching powder chlorinated canal water (17.3 m3) were sequentially gravity injected
employing siphon system in to an ASR well installed at Regional Research Station, Balsamand (Fig. 1).
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122 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The ASR water (21.425 m3) was recovered after allowing residence time of 9 days. Water samples as a function of
recovery time and that of injected and native water were analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH, temperature,
organic carbon (O.C), cations (Na +, K+, Ca 2 +, Mg 2 +, NH4+, Zn 2 +), and anions (CO32 –, HCO3–, Cl –, SO42 –,
BO33 –) by standard methods.
Water meter
0.0 m
14.7 m
Loamy sand
18.6 m
Submersible pump
Water table 22.0 m
Strainer Sand
Sandy loam 26.5 m
Cavity 27.0 m
Loamy sand
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a cavity well at Balsamand ASR site (not on scale)
Recovery percentage I may be defined as the percentage recovered water volume Vr at any recovery time tr2 to the
total volume injected Vi as:
⎡ tr 2 ⎤
⎢ ∫ qr(t)dt ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎡ Vr ⎤
I = 100 ⎢ trti12 ⎥ = 100 ⎢ V ⎥
⎢ qi(t)dt ⎥ ⎣ i⎦
⎢ ∫ ⎥
⎣ ti1 ⎦
Where t i1 = time that injection starts, t i2 = time that injection ends, tr1 = time that recovery starts, t r2 = time that
recovery ends, qr (t) = recovery rate as a function of time, qi (t) = injection rate as a function of time, Vr = volume
recovered between recovery time t r1 to t r2 and Vi = volume injected between injection time t i1 to ti2.
The instantaneous recovery efficiency IRE represents the recovery percentage I at target time tr* to meet the target
instantaneous ECr (t) criteria for the recovered water. The integrated recovery efficiency CRE would therefore, rep-
resents the recovery percentage (I) at target time tr** to meet the target integrated ECrw (t) for the recovered water.
It may be expressed mathematically as:
⎡ trt ⎤
⎢ ∫ qr(t)dt ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎡ Vr ** ⎤
RE = 100 ⎢ trti12 ⎥ = 100 ⎢ V ⎥
⎢ qi(t)dt ⎥ ⎣⎢ i ⎦⎥
⎢∫ ⎥
⎣ ti1 ⎦
where Vr** = total recovered volume at target time trt.
In this paper desired water quality (electrical conductivity, EC) of the recovered water for irrigation purpose was
taken as 200 mS m–1.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 123
Mixing percentage M (t) of native water with injected water, as a function of injected water recovery percentage (I)
defined in line with [Ragone and Vecchioli, 1975; Pavelic et al., 2002] was utilized to quantify the RE and the
extent of geo- physical and chemical reactions. The instantaneous mixing percentage M1 and the integrated mixing
percentage M2 for any of the quality parameter was estimated as:
Cr ()
t − Ci Crw ()
t − Ci
M1 ()
t = × 100 and M 2 ()
t = × 100
Cn − Ci Cn − C i
Where M1 (t) and M2 (t) are the percentage native water in the instantaneous and cumulative recovered water
volume in time t; Cr (t) and Crw (t) are instantaneous and integrated (weighted average) concentrations of given
parameters as function of time t in the instantaneous recovered water sample ∆Vr and in the cumulative recovered
volume of recovered water Vr; and Ci, and Cn are concentrations of given parameters in injected and native water.
The Crw (t) can be estimated as:
⎡ tr 2 ⎤
⎢ ∫ Cr (t )qr(t)dt ⎥
Crw (t) = ⎢ tr1 ti2
⎥ ∑ Cr (t)∆Vr
⎥ =
⎢ qr(t)dt ⎥
∑ ∆Vr
⎢ ∫ ⎥
⎣ ti1 ⎦
Where ∆Vr is the instantaneous recovered water volume in any given time interval. The M1, M2, Crw and related
parameters were also calculated for EC and temperature as the former represents the salt concentration and the
latter measures the heat concentration.
Instantaneous mixing (M vs. I) curve is useful to estimate recovery efficiency when the recovered water is put to
direct use such as for drinking or irrigation. The integrated mixing curve is useful to estimate recovery efficiency
when the recovered water may be stored in the storage tanks just before use.
Chloride was taken as an indicator for quantifying the mixing process between native and injected water because
chloride is supposed to behave conservatively in the aquifer. The integrated mixing percentage (M2) explained in
previous section can also be used to quantify the physical and chemical processes. Let M2 for chloride at 100%
recovery is M2*(Cl –) and let the M2 value for any other quality parameter X at 100% recovery is M2*(X). Any water
quality parameter that show the M2*(X) value close to M2*(Cl–) value (in this study a critical limit is within 10% of
M2*(Cl–) value) is considered to have gone through the process of mixing only (no physical nor chemical reaction).
However, M2*(X) values beyond the range M2*(Cl–) ± 0.1* M2*(Cl–) means that some other interactions have
taken place in addition to simple mixing as explained in Table 1 .
Table 1. Possibility of different physicochemical processes between native groundwater and injected water
(see text for the definition of different symbols)
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124 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Injection and recovery rates were equal and remained fairly constant with time at an average value of 0.76 L /sec
indicating no clogging. Mixing M increased with recovery I for all parameters and as an example it is given for EC
in Table 2. The mixing percentage values of 7.1 means that 7.1 per cent of the native water is mixed with 92.9 per
cent of injected water to reach the target water quality of 200 mS m–1. The observed recovery efficiency (Fig. 2) at
7.1 per cent mixing (target water quality 200 mS m– 1) was 24 per cent for instantaneous recovery and 43 per cent
for integrated recovery.
Table 2. Concentration of groundwater (Cn), injected water (Ci); integrated at 100% recovery
and (Crw*) integrated at the target recovery (Crw**) and mixing % at 100% recovery M2*.
pH 7.4 7.9 – –
Mixing percentage (M)
0 50 100 150
Recovering percentage (I)
Figure 2. Recovery percentage I as a function of instantaneous mixing percentage M1 (solid line) and integrated mix-
ing percentage M2 (dotted line) for Electrical Conductivity (EC)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 125
Bicarbonate formation
Bicarbonate concentration in the native groundwater exceeded that in the injection water. The (M2*) for HCO3–
was 60%, this is more than 22.9 ± 2.3 implying that additional bicarbonate was produced during the mixing of
injected water with the native groundwater. The bicarbonate formation might be due to dissociation of carbonic
acid (H2CO3), when injected water of higher pH of 7.9 reacted with native groundwater of lower pH of 7.4, into
bicarbonate (HCO3–) and a proton (H+) as per Equation 7.
Borate consumption
Injected water contained more borate than the native groundwater and its (M2*) was higher than that of chloride
implying dissipation / consumption of borate during the mixing of injected water with the native groundwater. The
reduction of borate concentration in aquifer can be due to adsorption.
Potassium release
The (M2*) value was also much higher than that for chloride and the concentration of potassium in the native
water was much higher than the injected water. It implies that additional potassium was produced during the mix-
ing of injected water with the native groundwater. It is likely that potassium was released from the potassium bear-
ing clay minerals from its adsorbed/non-exchangeable state to the solution form due to freshening of the brackish
ground water system.
Heat transport
The heat (M2*) value was higher than that for chloride and the temperature of the native water (31ºC) was lower
than that of injected water (33ºC). It implies that heat was transported radially away from ASR well in addition to
simple mixing of injected and native water. This could be due to 1) heat conduction to the layers below and above
the target aquifer, 2) heat exchange between water and grains in the aquifer during injection and recovery.
The M2* values for sodium, calcium and magnesium, sulphate, nitrate, organic carbon and dissolved oxygen ions
were with in M2*(Cl–) ± 0.1* M2*(Cl–) range (Table 2). It implies that these cations have undergone the process of
mixing only and there were no additional sink and source processes occurring in the aquifer. The origin of native
water appears to be marine, rich in organic compounds and salinity. High organic content of native water
(200 mgL–1, Table 2) supports the above observation.
The authors wish to acknowledge Volkswagen Foundation, Germany for funding the Indo German collaborative
project on ‘Artificial recharge of ground water through integrated sand filter – injection well technique’ between
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar -125 004, India, and University of Hohenheim,
Institute for Soil Science and Land Evaluation (Biogeophysics Section), 70593 Stuttgart, Germany.
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126 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Anonymous, (1993). AICRP on optimization of ground water utilization through wells and pumps, Dept. Soil and
Water Eng. PAU, Ludhiana, 4 –26.
Berner, R.A. (1978). Rate control of mineral dissolution under earth surface conditions, Am. J. Sci., 278 (3),
210 – 224.
Faust, S.D., and Vecchioli J. (1974). Chemical problems associated with the injection of highly treated sewage into
a deep sand aquifer, J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 66 (6), 371–377.
Malik, R.S., Jhorar B.S., Jhorar R.K., Streck T. (2000).Retrofitting in cavity type irrigation wells for artificial ground
water recharge for sustaining rice ecosystem, In Proc. National Workshop on Rainwater and Ground Water
Management for Rice Ecosystem, Kharagpur, India, 1– 21.
Malik, R.S, Jhorar B.S., Jhorar R. K., Streck T., and Richter J. (2002) Long-term successful operation of existing
brackish cavity wells for ASR to improve quality for irrigation by Indian farmers. Proc. Intl. Symposium on
Artificial Recharge 4, Adelaide (22–26 Sept, 2002) Edited by P.J. Dillon. Management of aquifer recharge for
Sustainability. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Tokyo pp. 465–468.
Pavelic, P., Dillon P.J. and Simmons, C.T. (2002). Lumped parameter estimation of initial recovery efficiency during
aquifer storage and recovery. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Artificial Recharge 4, Adelaide (22 – 26 Sept, 2002). edited
by P.J. Dillon. Management of aquifer recharge for Sustainability. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Tokyo, pp. 285– 290.
Pyne, R.D.G. 1995. Ground water recharge and wells – A guide to aquifer storage recovery, CRC press Inc 2000
Corporate Blvd, N.W. Boca Raton, Florida 33431, Lewis Publisher, USA, 6 –320.
Vanderzalm, J. L., Le Gal La Salle C., Hutson J.L., and Dillon P. J. (2002). Water quality changes during aquifer
storage and recovery at Bolivar, south Australia. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Artificial Recharge, 4, Adelaide
(22–26 Sept, 2002). Edited by P. J. Dillon. Management of aquifer recharge for Sustainability. A.A. Balkema
Publishers, Tokyo pp 83 – 88.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Windhoek, Namibia:
Designing a large-scale borehole
injection scheme in a fractured aquifer
E.C. Murray
The city of Windhoek is currently upgrading their borehole injection scheme in order to accommodate a planned
maximum injection capacity of ~8 Mm3/a. The quartzitic aquifer is a highly complex fractured system consisting
of preferential flow paths and poorly linked ‘compartments’. This heterogeneous system is the result of imperme-
able amphibolite and schist layers and various episodes of faulting and thrusting. The design of the injection
scheme required a sound conceptual flow model and a thorough geological analysis. The geological study took the
tectonic history of the area into account as well as the local deformation history. Several areas were identified
where the artificial recharge scheme could be expanded, and where borehole siting and drilling should take place.
Borehole injection, fractured aquifer, domestic water use, scheme design.
Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia is located in the centre of the country with the Namib Desert to the west
and Kalahari Desert to the east. The only perennial rivers are about 700 km to the north and south, and are shared
with Angola and South Africa. More that 75% of the city’s water requirements, which is about 20 Mm3/a, comes
from surface water; the remainder comes from reclaimed water and groundwater from the Windhoek aquifer. The
reliability of the surface water/dam sources are vulnerable due to erratic runoff, and this situation has created
chronic water shortages over the past decade. Artificial recharge by means of borehole injection is considered the
most favourable (and cost effective) option for providing water security to the city.
Windhoek is currently in the second phase of implementing the artificial recharge scheme. The first phase saw
the equipping of five injection boreholes with a maximum capacity of 2.8 Mm3 /a. The second phase aims to add
another four injection (or ASR) boreholes to the scheme, and the third phase another six boreholes. The target
injection capacity of each borehole is 0.4 – 0.8 Mm3/a. In order to identify optimum locations for the new injection
boreholes, a detailed geological and hydrogeological analysis was undertaken. This involved developing a thorough
conceptual flow model and detailed fracture trace mapping. This paper presents the results of the fracture trace
mapping studies and the issues that were considered in expanding the scheme.
This introduction to the Windhoek aquifer has been adapted from Murray (2002).
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128 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The geology is extremely complex as a result of the geological processes associated with intracontinental rifting and
continental convergence. Formations within the study area have been overturned in the process of orogenesis, and
they have been subjected to a number of episodes of faulting including thrusting and rifting. The Windhoek well-
field is located in interbedded quartzites and schists of about 500 Ma which lie north of the Auas Mountain Range.
These east-west striking metasediments dip ~25 o to the north and are overlain by sandy colluvium in the Windhoek
Basin. The Windhoek aquifer consists of relatively pure quartzites from the Auas Formation, and impure, micaceous
quartzites from the Kuiseb Formation. A simplified geological map is provided in Figure 1.
Groundwater flow
The flow dynamics are controlled by both lithology and structure. The quartzites, being brittle, are highly fractured
as a result of folding and faulting and have developed secondary porosity and permeability. The schists on the other
hand are ductile and do not have well developed secondary permeability. Both the schists and the quartzites appear
to have no primary porosity.
The dominant groundwater flow direction in the Windhoek Basin is from the Auas Mountains in the south (where
natural recharge is highest) to the city in the north, and then towards the Aretaragas River in the north-west. This
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Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 129
flow is dominated by the numerous faults and fracture zones that transect the area. Whilst they act as conduits for
flow, they have also caused (in places) the low permeability schists to lie adjacent to the more permeable quartzites,
thereby compartmentalising the aquifer. Thus the flow regime is complicated both by faulting and the interbeded
nature of high- and low-permeability formations.
The groundwater from both the pure and impure quartzites are reasonably well clustered around the calcium-
carbonate part of the Piper’s rhombus. The electrical conductivity (EC) of the pure quartzites ranges from about
20 – 60 mS / m, and 50 – 80 mS / m for the impure quartzites. The 14C values for the pure quartzites are generally
between 40 – 70 pmc, and 20 – 40 pmc for the impure quartzites (which are located down-hydraulic-gradient of the
pure quartzites).
Phase 1 of the artificial recharge project focussed primarily on recharging the impure quarzites. Most of the well-
fields are located in these micaceous quartzites, and the aim of recharging these areas is to rapidly replenish the
dewatered areas created by large-scale abstraction. Four injection boreholes are located in this area. The areas asso-
ciated with the different Phases are shown in Figure 2.
The intention of Phases 2 and 3 are to replenish the more permeable pure quartzites. The challenge lay in identify-
ing prime areas for injection and recovery. In order to do this an extensive remote sensing study was undertaken
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130 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
which included satellite and air photo interpretation, and airborne (helicopter) geophysics that was carried out by
the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR). This information was then added to and compared
with previous fault and fracture-zone mapping exercises undertaken by Gui (1967), Halbich (1977) and the
Geological Survey of Namibia (1988), and the prime target areas were identified for field mapping and field geo-
A. Hydrogeological issues:
• Assessing the potential for large-scale abstraction, and
• Identifying prime target areas for both injection and abstraction.
B. Technological issues:
• Establishing the optimum drilling depth and borehole design, and
• Establishing a drilling approach that can successfully complete large diameter boreholes to the desired depth.
The remainder of this paper focuses on describing how the prime target areas for injection and abstraction were
Criteria for target identification
The broad criteria that governed the identification of potential artificial recharge and deep groundwater abstraction
sites were:
• New sites must be close to the Auas Formation (the ‘pure’ quartzites). Water injected or abstracted from new
boreholes should access or replenish the higher permeability and storage of the Auas Formation.
• The boreholes need not necessarily be started in the Auas Formation, but they should preferably intersect the
Auas Formation at depth.
• The new boreholes should be located on major faults that transect the Auas Formation.
• The orientation of the faults should be roughly between NE and NW, as these reflect the tensional orientations
during the time of deformation.
• The fault pattern in the area should preferably show a high density of interconnected faults.
• The sites should be within a reasonable distance of existing infrastructure and be reasonably accessible.
• The sites should preferably lie on land owned by the City of Windhoek.
In relation to the last two points, the southern and eastern areas are considered to be preferable areas for wellfield
expansion, so long as the hydrogeological conditions prove favourable (these are the South Central and South East
Areas in Figure 2).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 131
Landsat 1998 satellite image and on the position of existing infrastructure. In 2000, Murray requested (though the
Department of Water Affairs, Namibia) that the BGR, who were engaging in remote sensing studies in northern
Namibia, undertake an airborne geophysical survey of the Windhoek aquifer. This was kindly agreed to and the
survey included the southern outcropping areas of the Auas Formation in the eastern and central parts of aquifer.
The BGR data confirmed the areas previously identified, and also indicated that new or expanded areas need to be
considered for further exploration.
As part of developing the artificial recharge and deep drilling implementation strategy (Windhoek Aquifer JV
Consultants, 2005), the BGR data was interpreted by a Namibian geophysicist, Dr B Corner. Three pertinent obser-
vations were made:
• There are numerous faults in the eastern area with lengths of several kilometres;
• The fault interconnectivity in the eastern areas is high;
• The fault density in the eastern areas is high (although this does not confirm storage potential, it nevertheless
suggests that fracture storage could be high in the eastern areas).
The interpretation of the BGR data by Dr Corner was compared with previously mapped faults and lineaments.
Four published maps of the geology (including faults) of the Windhoek area are of interest. They are: Gevers
(1934), Gui (1967), Hälbich (1977), Geological Survey (1998). These maps are considered to be the most accurate
reflection of ground conditions as they were not only based on remote sensing techniques, but also field mapping.
After overlaying the interpreted BGR data with the published geological maps, it was evident that there is a reason-
able correlation between the two types of data sets. The value of the airborne geophysics was that additional faults
could be delineated from this data – including those covered by colluvium in the Windhoek Basin.
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132 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The prime target areas will first be ‘tested’ with exploration boreholes. Should they prove successful, they will be
drilled for production purposes.
The City of Windhoek has chosen to manage aquifer recharge and storage in order to provide the water security
they need. This is their preferred choice after detailed studies on various water supply options were considered. It is
also the cheapest option. A phased approach to implementing the artificial recharge scheme was adopted, and the
first phase has been completed with a maximum injection capacity of 2.8 Mm3 /a. Prior to implementing the second
and third phases, a detailed assessment of the prime target areas was undertaken. This involved reviewing the tec-
tonic history of the area (assessing tensional geologic environments) and doing an extensive remote sensing study
that included satellite and air photo interpretation, and airborne geophysics. The results of this study confirmed
previous recommendations about extending the artificial recharge scheme to the southern foothills of the Auas
Mountains, east of the existing wellfields, and it resulted in the identification of potentially favourable areas imme-
diately south and west of the existing wellfields. Prime ‘Exploration Target Areas’. The target injection capacity of
each new borehole is 0.4 – 0.8 Mm3/a, and the expected full-scale injection capacity, after completing the second
and third phases is ~ 8 Mm3 /a. This is about 40% of the city’s current use.
I would like to acknowledge the City of Windhoek who is funding the project, and in particular Mr P. Du Pisani and
Mr I. Peters; colleagues in the Windhoek Aquifer JV Consultants, the CSIR, ENVES and Carr Barbour & Associates
(who are designing the artificial recharge scheme), and in particular Dr G. Tredoux, Mr R. Carr and Mr B. van der
Merwe; the BGR who carried out the airborne geophysical survey; and Dr B. Corner who interpreted the BGR data.
Geological Survey of Namibia. 1988. Geological Map of Namibia. 1: 250 000 Series. Sheet 2216 – Windhoek
Gevers, R.W. 1934. The geology of the Windhoek District, South West Africa. Trans. geol. Soc. S. Afr., 37, 221–251.
Guj, P. 1967. Structural geology of the Auas Mountains, Windhoek District, South West Africa. Annals of the
Geological Survey of South Africa, Pretoria, 6, 55- 66.
Hälbich, I.W. 1977. Structure and tectonics along the southern margin of the Damara Mobile Belt, South West Africa.
Annale Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Serie A1 (Geologie) Volume2, 1997, pp 149– 247.
Murray, E.C. and Tredoux, G. 2001. Windhoek Groundwater Level Contours Map drafted by the CSIR for the City
of Windhoek.
Murray, E.C. 2002. The feasibility of artificial recharge to the Windhoek aquifer. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University
of the Free State, South Africa.
Tankard, A.J., Jackson, M.P.A., Eriksson, K.A., Hobday, D.K., Hunter, D.R., Minter, W.E.L. 1982. Crustal Evolution
of Southern Africa. 3.8 Billion Years of Earth History. Springer-Verlag. New York.
Windhoek Aquifer JV Consultants. 2005. Implementation Strategy Report for Artificial Recharge and the Drilling of
Deep Boreholes in the Windhoek Aquifer. Report to the City ofWindhoek.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Modelling of well-field design
and operation for an Aquifer Storage
Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) trial
Paul Pavelic, Peter Dillon and Neville Robinson
Defining the optimal number and arrangement of injection and recovery wells for a full-scale ASTR trial with
wetland-treated urban stormwater must take into account mixing with the brackish ambient groundwater
and residence time to allow for biodegradation to occur. Numerical simulations were performed with FEFLOW to
explore the dynamics of the injected water plume for a range of possible ASTR scenarios. The analysis also
took account of the quantity and sequence of flushing, orientation and magnitude of hydraulic gradients, uncer-
tainties in aquifer properties, the proportion of water available for recovery, time-lag between injection and
recovery, and the relative efficiency of two-, four- and six- well systems. Our results reveal that both the salinity
and travel time constraints could be met with a 6-well system arranged within a quadrilateral domain with a uni-
form inter-well separation distance of 75 m. However this requires verification once local aquifer parameters and
the risks associated with preferential flow have been better defined. A semi-analytical method for predicting the
distribution of injected water ‘fronts’ in confined aquifers was found to compare favourably with the numerical
approach suggesting this offers a potentially useful and robust design tool for testing different ASTR scenarios.
ASTR; biodegradation; mixing; modelling.
‘Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery’ (ASTR) seeks to demonstrate that wetland-treated urban stormwater, when
injected into an aquifer and recovered from dedicated recovery wells, can create a safe and reliable drinking water
supply (Rinck-Pfeiffer et al. 2005). Unlike ASR, which utilizes the same well for injection and recovery, the ground-
water flow system established through ASTR by having separate injection and recovery wells offers more uniform resi-
dence time and travel distance in the aquifer, which is likely to lead to more predictable levels of chemical and
microbial attenuation of contaminants necessary for the provision of water of potable quality. Further information on ASTR
at the site selected for investigation on the Northern Adelaide Plains is presented by Rinck-Pfeiffer et al. (2005).
Establishing the ASTR well-field relies on identifying the optimal number and arrangement of injection and recovery
wells that meet the various hydrogeological, operational and regulatory constraints. In this respect, a number of
previous field and modelling studies have informed and influenced this study (eg. Bear and Jacobs, 1965; Trefry and
Johnston, 1996; Dillon et al. 2002). For this study, groundwater flow and solute transport modelling was undertaken
to test a range of possible ASTR well-field configurations and operational strategies. Two models were used,
FEFLOW (Diersch, 2004) and a new semi-analytical model that tracks the movement and shape of the injected water
fronts was developed to validate the numerical results. This paper summarizes a report by Pavelic et al. (2004).
W E L L – F I E LD D E S I G N C R I T E R I A
In this system where the ambient groundwater is brackish and contaminants may be injected into the aquifer, there
are two primary constraints to consider: (1) the proportion of ambient groundwater recovered is sufficiently small
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134 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
that the salinity of recovered water is acceptable; (2) there is sufficient residence time in the aquifer to allow any
contaminants to degrade to acceptable levels. Figure 1 demonstrates the competing needs to keep the separation
distance of injection and recovery wells small enough to flush the aquifer with fresh water in the so-called ‘transfer
zone’ around the well-field, and large enough to extend travel time to allow adequate time for contaminant atten-
TDS conc.
TDS Allowable
contam. conc.
Separation between injection and recovery wells (m)
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the effect of salinity and travel time constraints
on the viable range of separation distances between injection and recovery wells
The injectant has an average TDS of 150 mg/L; the local ambient groundwater is 1,900 mg/L; and the maximum
permissible concentration for the recovered water has been established at 300 mg/L, and therefore the minimum
permitted mixing fraction ( f ) is ~0.9 (TDS is reasonably conservative in this system). This indicates that recovery is
tightly controlled by mixing as the pumped water may contain no more than 10% ambient groundwater.
Wetland-treated urban stormwater runoff may contain a variety of constituents that, from a reuse perspective, can
be of concern to human health or the environment. For the purposes of this study, microbial pathogens represent
the single greatest risk with respect to the protection of human health (Toze, 2004). A minimum effective residence
time of the injectant in the groundwater system of 300 days is proposed to ensure at least several log-removals of
the most persistent microorganisms. Whilst this criterion is perhaps overly-conservative, given typical inactivation
rates of pathogens and criteria in use elsewhere, such a barrier is justified from a risk management perspective to
account for the slower rates of attenuation of other potential contaminants. This also recognises the uncertainty in
knowledge of aquifer parameters and the potential for preferential flow. It also provides a realistic time-frame for the
sampling and analysis of groundwater from intermediately positioned observation wells to give early warning in the
event of unforseen water quality problems.
The FEFLOW simulation package was used to predict the movement and mixing of injected waters in the aquifer.
Briefly, the model was 2D in plan-view, with the ASTR operation situated at the centre of the 10,000 m x 10,000 m
domain. The 52 m thick T2 sandy limestone aquifer targeted for storage was assumed to be homogeneous and
isotropic with a dispersivity value consistent with that for the Bolivar ASR site, also in the T2 aquifer on the
Northern Adelaide Plains (Pavelic et al. 2002). A regional gradient of 0.0015 was included. Injection and recovery
rates were set at 25 L/s. The simulated time-scale was 10 years (beyond 3–5 years salinity in recovered water
reached a steady state). An operating schedule was devised that takes into account two modes of operation, where-
by, in the first year a greater than average volume of water is injected in order to flush the aquifer of ambient
groundwater and no recovery occurs, then from the second year onwards, injection and recovery is more typical.
Two plausible scales applying from years two to ten were tested that took into account the limited volumes of avail-
able recycled stormwater: one with 400 ML/yr injection and another with 600 ML/yr. In both cases only 80% of the
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 135
injected volume was withdrawn and the remaining 20% was intended to counteract losses due to regional drift.
Further details on the conceptual model and numerical framework are given in Pavelic et al. (2004).
The modelling also took into account other factors that are summarised as follows:
Quantity and sequence of flushing: A volume of no less than 1,000 ML was required to initially flush the transfer zone,
and this required injections to be sequenced, including use of recovery wells to minimise the volume of ambient
groundwater entrained.
Regional hydraulic gradient: Orienting the well-field such that the main transect of wells was approximately aligned
with the background hydraulic gradient produced the lowest salinity in recovered water. The loss of injectant due
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
136 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
to drift was estimated to be 2 to 4%, depending on operational scale. The most pronounced impact on salinity
was from transient local gradients that can exceed the regional gradient by a factor of 5 due to an ASR scheme
situated one kilometre away.
Uncertainties in aquifer properties: Heterogeneity of the T2 aquifer was handled by adjusting effective porosity and
aquifer dispersivity; the two parameters that strongly influence ASTR viability and are not sufficiently well
defined. For all porosities tested, ranging from 0.1 to 0.4, recovered water quality met the mixing fraction target
for the 75 m separation, 600 ML /yr scenario. Increasing porosity caused salinity to deteriorate slightly as plume
size contracted and increased the residence time by approximately 100 days. Simulations of solute breakthrough
at the nearby ASR site show that the effective porosity may be marginally lower than the base-case value used of
0.25. If so, this would imply the reduction in travel time to recovery wells and higher than anticipated volumes
of water to flush ambient groundwater from the transfer zone. The base-case dispersivity value of 5 m was com-
pared to 0.5 m and 50 m. Only the highest dispersivity value tested failed to meet the salinity target, although a
value of this magnitude is considered unlikely for the T2 aquifer (Pavelic et al. 2002). The potential for significant
preferential flow in the aquifer represents the single biggest risk to ASTR viability since it challenges both con-
straints by reducing travel times and mixing fractions. Tighter definition of the local aquifer hydraulic properties
is required before further modelling is undertaken to verify the well-field design and operational strategies.
Proportion of water recovered: Withdrawing 80% of the injected volume, as modelled, was presumed to be an appro-
priate balance between maximising recovery efficiency and maintaining a buffer against the brackish ground-
water. Values that exceed 80% could be tolerated in the short-term, provided the long-term average was main-
tained. When 100% was recovered, for instance, deteriorations occur in the longer term as some of the injectant
was irrecoverable due to down-gradient migration.
Time-lag between injection and recovery: The residence time of recovered water is, in part, a function of the duration
of the rest periods when neither injection nor recovery occurs. This in turn, is dependent on patterns of rainfall
and demand for the water. As a worst-case scenario, removing the time-lag entirely reduces the maximum and
minimum residence times. For the 75 m spacing this would reduce residence time to less than 300 days, howev-
er the four month time lag used as the base-case is considered a more realistic scenario.
Relative efficiency of an alternative six-well arrangement: A rectangular arrangement of wells was tested but resulted in
higher mixing fractions than the rhombic pattern due to the greater volume in the transfer zone caused by the
larger areal coverage of the well-field. The rhombic pattern consisting of wells at the apexes of two adjoining
equilateral triangles with centroidal recovery wells is the more efficient of the two configurations.
A N D S E M I - A N A LY T I C A L M O D E L S
The basis for the semi-analytical modelling is largely drawn from the conceptual and theoretical work by Bear and
co-workers, which has been reported in Bear (1979). The movement of injected water is determined by tracking the
position of the injected water particles along streamlines projected in up to 360 radial increments of 1 degree
around each of the wells. The velocity distribution in the aquifer is determined by the Theis solution for well draw-
down and is the net effect of the individual wells that are active at any given time. Because of the large exponential
damping with time within annual cycles for flow fields determined by Theis solution, the steady state solution is
also a good approximation. Front movement is determined by the displacement that occurs over successive time-
steps and takes into account the drift due to regional groundwater flow. The semi-analytical method deals only with
advective flow, unlike the numerical model where dispersive transport is included.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 137
Figure 4 shows the injected water plume for a 100 m spacing at an operational scale of 400 ML /yr at two different
stages: one at 125 days where injection into the four outer wells has just been initiated after completion of injection
into two central (recovery) wells, and the other at 1,095 days after the recovery in the third year has concluded.
Semi-analytical fronts were calculated and overlain on the FEFLOW-generated isofringe contours of solute distribu-
tion. The results show excellent agreement between the isofringes and fronts at these and all other stages of the sim-
ulation. The semi-analytical method demonstrates it can capture all the distortions to the fronts that arise due to
interactions between the six wells. The method also clearly delineates between the major front arising from the cur-
rent year of injection from the residual front that was not previously recovered.
Figure 4. Comparison between FEFLOW solute isofringes and semi-analytical fronts during initial flushing
at 125 days and after third-year recovery at 1,095 days
This study has used two different modelling techniques to identifying the optimal number and arrangement of
injection and recovery wells for a proposed ASTR trial at an operational scale of 400 – 600 ML/yr. Numerical simu-
lations for a six-well system were found to meet the salinity and travel time constraints for the assumed conditions
over the long-term with inter-well separation distances of 75 and 100 m (values of 50 and 150 m were also tested).
The 75 m separation met the criteria above with the lowest annual volume of injectant for the assumed aquifer
parameters at the site. The analysis also took account of the quantity and sequence of flushing, orientation and
magnitude of hydraulic gradients, uncertainties in aquifer properties, the proportion of water available for recovery,
time-lag between injection and recovery, and the relative efficiency of two-, four- and alternative six- well arran-
Aquifer heterogeneity is the highest risk to ASTR viability, and simulations of solute breakthrough at a nearby ASR
site suggest that the effective porosity may be lower than the base-case used to model the ASTR well-field due to
suspected preferential flow in the aquifer. If so, this would imply that there is a reduction in travel time to recovery
wells and higher than anticipated volumes of water to flush ambient groundwater from the transfer zone. Further
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138 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
modelling work is recommended to verify the 6-well arrangement chosen once local aquifer parameters have been
A semi-analytical model was developed that uses particle tracking methods to determine the position of the moving
fronts of injected and recovered water. Comparisons between the numerical and semi-analytical methods demon-
strate that the FEFLOW results are accurate in defining fronts at all stages of injection and recovery. Therefore, the
semi-analytical method offers a useful and robust tool for assessing the distribution of injected water bodies in con-
fined aquifers for different ASTR scenarios.
This work was made possible through the support of the project partners: United Water International, City of
Salisbury, SA Water, Northern Adelaide and Barossa Catchment Water Management Board and SA Land Mana-
gement Corporation.
Bear J. (1979). Hydraulics of Groundwater, McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, ISBN. 00-7004-1709.
Bear J. and Jacobs M. (1965). On the movement of water bodies injected into aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 3, 37–57.
Diersch H.-J. (2004). FEFLOW: Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simulation system for modelling groundwater
flow, contaminant mass and heat transport processes. Getting Started; User’s Manual; Reference Manual, Version 5.1.
WASY, Institute for Water Resources Planning and System Research Ltd, Berlin, Germany.
Dillon P.J., Miller M., Fallowfield H. and Hutson J. (2002). The potential of riverbank filtration for drinking water
supplies in relation to microsystin removal in brackish aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 266(3–4), 209–221.
Pavelic P., Dillon P.J. and Simmons C.T. (2002). Lumped parameter estimation of initial recovery efficiency during
aquifer storage and recovery. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (Ed.). Proceedings
of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge (ISAR4), Adelaide, Sept. 22–26, 2002, Swets &
Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN. 90-5809-527-4, pp. 285–290.
Pavelic P., Dillon P. and Robinson N. (2004). Groundwater modelling to assist well-field design and operation for the
ASTR trial at Salisbury, South Australia. CSIRO Land and Water Technical Report 27/04.
Rinck-Pfeiffer S., Pitman C. and Dillon P. (2005). Stormwater ASR and ASTR (Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery)
in practice and under investigation in South Australia. (these proceedings).
Toze S. (2004). Pathogen survival in groundwater during artificial recharge. In: Wastewater Re-use and Groundwater
Quality. Proceedings of IUGG2003 Symposium HS04, Sapporo, July 2003. IAHS Publication No. 285, pp. 70–84.
Trefry M.G. and Johnston C.D. (1996). Hydrologic modelling and design of emplacement strategies for amendment solu-
tions. CSIRO Division of Water Resources Technical Memorandum 96.30.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Recent advances in ASR Technology
in the United States
R. David G. Pyne
Aquifer storage recovery (ASR) is implemented at more than 70 sites in the United States. The WateReuse
Foundation is conducting research and field sampling at four sites to investigate the fate of microcontaminants of
wastewater origin during storage in ASR wells. The AWWA Research Foundation is conducting a research project
entitled ‘Design, Operation and Maintenance Considerations for Sustainable Underground Storage Facilities.’
Work involves development of an updated site inventory of surface recharge, ASR and other well recharge
projects; selection of case studies for analysis of design and operation experiences; and development of design
criteria, long term operation procedures and maintenance requirements. Design is underway on what will prob-
ably be the world’s first directionally-drilled ASR well, storing drinking water in a thin, brackish, confined
sand aquifer to meet peak and emergency water demands. Research has recently been completed regarding
an extensive laboratory and field investigation regarding the fate of bacteria, viruses and protozoa during ASR
storage in aquifers with different temperatures and salinities. An analysis has recently been completed regarding
the occurrence and attenuation of arsenic during ASR storage at 13 operating ASR wellfields in the southeastern
United States.
Aquifer storage recovery, artificial recharge, ASR, arsenic, groundwater recharge, reuse, wells.
Aquifer storage recovery (ASR) technology is applied widely in the United States, with over 300 wells in operation
at about 70 wellfields in 18 states, and many more in development. Most of these wells are storing seasonally avail-
able treated drinking water during months when demand is below peak levels or water quality is relatively good.
Water is typically stored in deep, confined aquifers with a broad range of geologic settings: sand, sandstone, clayey
sand, limestone, dolomite, basalt, glacial till, alluvium and conglomerates. A few ASR wellfields store water in
unconfined aquifers. The stored water is recovered from the same wells to meet peak and emergency demands, or to
meet a growing variety of other water supply needs. The largest ASR wellfield, at Las Vegas, Nevada, has 42 ASR
wells with 157 MGD (557 Ml/D) recovery capacity. The deepest ASR well is at Des Moines, Iowa, at 2,700 ft
(823 m). Although not now in operation, ASR success was demonstrated in a sea water aquifer at Marathon,
Florida. Storage volumes range from about 30 to 3000 million gallons (MG) (0.1 to 11.4 Mm3). Individual ASR well
production capacities range from 0.5 to 8 MGD (2 to 31 Ml/d). Planned regional ASR programs include New York
City (225 MGD, 852 Ml/D) and the Everglades Restoration Program in Florida (1700 MGD, 6,434 Ml/D).
About one third of these wells store water in brackish aquifers with total dissolved solids concentrations up to
18,000 mg/l , while many of the remainder store water in aquifers with poor ambient water quality that would
require treatment for one or more constituents in order to achieve water quality standards. Increasingly ASR
technology is being utilized to store water from other sources, including high quality reclaimed wastewater, treated
surface water, and groundwater from overlying, underlying or nearby aquifers. Rapid implementation of ASR has
occurred during the past 20 years, stimulated by its cost-effectiveness relative to other water supply and treatment
alternatives, its demonstrated success, and its environmental benefits. A map and list of the operating ASR wellfields
with contact information is available at http: // www.asrforum.com.
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140 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
With the growing reliance upon ASR technology for cost-effective water storage, several new issues have arisen
requiring scientific research, product development and advances in engineering design in order to meet evolving
needs and regulatory concerns.
After initial development of a buffer zone around an ASR well, it is normal to achieve close to 100% recovery effi-
ciency, as determined by dividing the recovery volume that meets target water quality standards by the volume
recharged on the same ASR cycle, and excluding the initial buffer zone volume. The buffer zone has historically
been formed over several operating cycles by leaving a portion of the stored water underground in each cycle,
achieving steadily increasing recovery efficiency. In recent years experience has indicated that a simpler approach
achieves the same goal. The buffer zone is placed into the well immediately following completion of well construc-
tion, following which the volume intended for recovery is stored. The well is operated in such a way as to avoid
recovering the buffer zone.
The ‘target storage volume’ (TSV) surrounding an ASR well comprises the buffer zone volume and the stored water
volume that will be recovered. Determination of the TSV depends upon several criteria, however it is typically
presented in terms of ‘days of recovery at the design production capacity of the well.’ Typical TSV values from expe-
rience to date range from 50 to 350 days. The low end of the range might apply to a thin, confined, sand aquifer
containing slightly brackish water, storing drinking water or reclaimed water intended to provide up to 30 days
supplemental peaking supply to a community. The high end of the range might apply to a thick, semi-confined,
karst limestone aquifer containing more brackish water, storing drinking water for a community with an unreliable
surface water supply that requires sufficient water storage to sustain its needs for periods up to seven months.
A ‘treatment zone’ close to the ASR well essentially functions as a biological-geochemical reactor. Where sufficient
carbon and nutrients are present, microbial and geochemical activity in this zone may be substantial, causing the
redox level to fall dramatically, such as from +400 mv to –400 mv. The pH may also be reduced in this treatment
zone. Where recharge carbon levels are low, such as through high level pretreatment of the recharge water, the treat-
ment zone may extend further from the well. The treatment zone radius is not well known but is probably limited
to a few meters.
Data has been generated regarding usually beneficial water quality changes during ASR storage (1, 2, 3). Attention
is now starting to focus in the United States upon the treatment processes occurring during ASR storage, particular-
ly in deep, anoxic aquifers. Typically the recharge water is from surface water or reclaimed water sources and con-
tains organic carbon. It also often contains phosphorus, which is added to drinking water as a corrosion inhibitor
for distribution system piping; and ammonia, which is typically added along with chlorine to form chloramines and
thereby provide a disinfectant residual. Water quality changes occurring in the treatment zone include dissolution
of metals such as iron, manganese and arsenic, and also reprecipitation, adsorption and biotransformation of these
metals. Over a period of several ASR operating cycles at the same volume of recharge and recovery, the metals are
leached from the aquifer matrix near the well and redeposited further away from the well, within the radius defined
by the storage bubble.
The limestone, artesian Floridan aquifer occurs in the southeastern United States. A recent study (4) of arsenic
occurrence and attenuation at 13 operational ASR wellfields in this aquifer with a total of 65 ASR wells showed
elevated initial arsenic concentrations occurring in the recovered water for 7 of these wellfields. Recovered water
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 141
concentrations from individual samples have in some cases exceeded 50 µg /l, compared to ambient groundwater
concentrations of about 3 µg /l and drinking water standards of 10 µg /l. However after 3 to 6 operating cycles
the arsenic concentrations in the recovered water had attenuated to below 10 µg /l at 3 of these 7 wellfields.
Significantly, 16 of the 17 storage zone monitor wells located 150 to 450 ft (46 to 137 m) from the ASR wells
showed no elevated arsenic concentrations. Further research is underway to better define the mechanisms for
arsenic attenuation during ASR storage, however preliminary findings suggest the following:
• Arsenic is dissolved from arsenopyrite minerals in the limestone, most likely present in the flow pathways of the
aquifer. Dissolution results from oxidation of the minerals.
• Carbon and nutrients in the recharge water stimulate subsurface microbial activity close to the ASR well. Within
a few days, microbial activity and geochemical reactions reduce the pH and eliminate the dissolved oxygen con-
tent of the stored water around the well, driving the redox potential from + 300 to + 400 mv in the recharge water,
down to – 200 to – 400 mv in the aquifer. The radial extent of this ‘treatment zone’ is not well understood but may
be less than 10 m.
• Where the total organic carbon (TOC) content of the recharge water is low, such as below 2 mg /l, microbial acti-
vity may be reduced and subsurface reactions may require a longer time period to reach completion. Where the
TOC content is high (15 to 20 mg /l), such as might occur with reclaimed wastewater, microbial activity around
the ASR well will be greater, accelerating the treatment process.
Through dissolution, biotransformation, adsorption, precipitation and probably other mechanisms, the arsenic that
is not produced from the ASR well during recovery is moved laterally away from the ASR well during successive
cycles at approximately the same storage and recovery volume. Ultimate location of the arsenic is not well under-
stood, however a reasonable hypothesis, based on field data obtained to date, is that it will accumulate within the
buffer zone surrounding the ASR well. If ASR operations are conducted to avoid recovery of the buffer zone, such as
during extended droughts, arsenic concentrations in the recovered water should be acceptable after a few operating
cycles. Initial formation of an adequate TSV is probably the key to achieving this goal.
ASR wells may potentially serve not only as a storage option for reclaimed water but also as an additional barrier to
protect public health in those parts of the United States where reuse of highly treated wastewater is practiced for
non-potable purposes. The WateReuse Foundation (WRF) is conducting an investigation of the fate of microcon-
taminants of wastewater origin during ASR storage. Carollo Engineers is the prime contractor for this work, which
should be completed during 2006. A sampling list comprising more than 74 analytes has been developed, including
endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, personal care products, metals, disinfection byproducts, pesticides,
pathogens, radioactivity, nutrients and general minerals. Sampling is underway at four operational ASR sites storing
reclaimed water: Chandler, Arizona; Manatee County, Florida; Englewood, Florida, and Adelaide, Australia.
Previous research at the Adelaide site (2) has shown that higher molecular weight constituents tend to be removed
closer to the ASR well.
The American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) has initiated this project, the primary
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142 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
objective of which is to create an easy-to-use, practical document that will aid in the efficient design and operation
of sustainable underground storage facilities, including both surface recharge and well recharge. ASR Systems LLC
is the prime contractor for this project. A variety of geographic locations, capacities, geological settings and oper-
ational methods will be evaluated at operational ASR sites, providing a basis for updating and expanding existing
‘managed aquifer recharge (MAR)’ guidelines (5, 6). This project is scheduled for completion during 2007.
What may be the first directionally drilled ASR well is being designed by ASR Systems LLC for the City of
Corpus Christi, Texas. Drinking water will be stored during winter months when system demand is low and sup-
plies are plentiful, and will be recovered during summer months when peak demands occur or during emer-
gencies. The storage zone is a confined sand aquifer at depths of 500 to 750 ft (152 to 228 m) with an ambient
TDS concentration of 15,000 mg /l. Two wells are planned, extending in opposing directions from a common
wellhead. These will be ‘blind’ wells, terminating underground. The well screens will be about 1,000 ft (300 m)
long, inclined from the top to the base of the storage aquifer. Screens will be naturally developed, with an expected
slot size of 0.008 in (0.2 mm). Target yield from the two wells is about 2.5 MGD (9.5 Ml /D). Screen and casing
diameter, and materials of construction, are being selected carefully to withstand collapse and tensile pressures
while also providing a suitable radius of curvature to accommodate a submersible pump. Allowable ground sub-
sidence in this coastal area due to wellfield operations is a significant constraint. A vertical well would be limited
to approximately 200 gpm (1 Ml /D) production rate to comply with the 0.5 ft (150 mm) subsidence limit. The
horizontal well approach disperses the drawdown over a much wider area, achieving significantly higher pro-
duction rates.
Extensive investigations of the fate of pathogenic microbiota during ASR storage (bacteria, viruses and protozoa)
have been conducted (7, 8). Results are also available for downloading from the www.asrforum.com website. These
were primarily laboratory investigations under controlled conditions, supplemented by field samples of represen-
tative groundwater and surface water from selected ASR wellfield sites. A comprehensive scientific literature search
was included as part of the laboratory investigation. Attenuation rates were evaluated within temperature ranges
extending generally higher than most previous investigations so that results would be useful for warmer Florida
ground and surface water temperatures. Different ambient groundwater salinities were also considered, ranging
from 500 to 3,000 mg /l TDS. Attenuation rates, expressed in terms of days /log cycle, are presented for several
microbiota, selected to represent conservative indicators of pathogenic contamination that might be expected in the
aquatic environment. PRD-1 was included as a conservative reference point for viral attenuation since this con-
stituent has no public health significance and is commonly used as a conservative tracer in lab experiments.
This work was supplemented by a summary of field investigations prepared by ASR Systems LLC, also on the same
website. The summary report was based upon well-documented bank filtration sites, deep injection monitor wells,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 143
ASR wells, sinkholes and drainage well investigations from which data has been obtained regarding attenuation of
Of considerable significance is that the storage times associated with ASR wellfields, which are typically seasonal
and range from weeks to years, is usually sufficient to achieve several log cycles of pathogen attenuation. Storage of
surface water from a reasonably high quality source, in conjunction with filtration to remove particulates and source
water monitoring to avoid recharge of highly contaminated water, may be sufficient in many cases to achieve micro-
bial attenuation prior to ASR recovery, and also to protect groundwater quality for adjacent wells. The combination
of bank filtration of surface water to improve source water quality, plus ASR seasonal storage deep underground, is
a potentially powerful combination of proven, viable and cost-effective technologies that has yet to be applied for
water management purposes. For many communities, particularly in developing countries, this will probably
emerge as a useful water management strategy.
The regulatory framework for ASR wellfields in the United States is evolving slowly, and generally moving in a
direction that facilitates more efficient application of this technology while protecting public health, groundwater
quality and the rights of adjacent groundwater users. State laws, combined with different water management needs,
constraints and opportunities tend to drive the development of the ASR regulatory framework differently in each
All ASR sites measure compliance during recovery at either the individual ASR wellheads or at a point in the well-
field collection system piping where the blended water from several ASR wells is sampled prior to distribution. A
key issue has been the determination of the point of compliance measurement with applicable groundwater quality
standards during ASR recharge. Where the compliance point is established at the ASR wellhead prior to recharge,
as in Florida, experience is showing that the cost of pretreating the water to meet these standards is substantial. For
recharge with filtered surface water, or groundwater pumped from an overlying surficial aquifer, UV disinfection
pretreatment is required in order to reduce low levels of coliform bacteria to levels complying with drinking water
standards, even though the storage zone is a brackish (TDS = 6,000 mg/l), artesian aquifer in which natural subsur-
face microbial processes would achieve the same treatment objectives at far less cost. Ammonia is added to high
quality, chlorinated reclaimed wastewater prior to ASR storage in a brackish, confined aquifer so that THM con-
centrations of the recharge water will not exceed drinking water standards, even though THM attenuation would
occur naturally in the storage zone. Pretreatment of drinking water prior to ASR storage to remove oxygen is under
serious consideration at some ASR wellfield sites so that arsenic is not mobilized during ASR storage, even though
available data shows that arsenic attenuation occurs naturally in the aquifer. Such pretreatment substantially
increases the cost of ASR storage with little real benefit other than compliance with regulatory standards. An assess-
ment of relative risk, benefit and cost is needed to achieve a balance that is deemed acceptable.
Other states have taken the position that compliance with groundwater quality standards will be evaluated at a
monitor well, not at the wellhead prior to recharge. This is the situation in Arizona, Wisconsin and North Carolina,
where ASR storage zones are fresh, not brackish. Allowable monitor well distances in Arizona and Wisconsin are up
to 700 ft and 1,200 ft, respectively, (213 and 366 m) while in North Carolina they are determined on a site-specific
basis. In these states the regulatory framework for ASR provides the opportunity for natural subsurface treatment
processes to occur.
Most of the focus to date in these three states has been on the fate of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) during ASR
storage. Previous researchers (1, 2, 3) have shown consistently that DBP’s attenuate during ASR storage primarily
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144 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
due to microbial reactions. Haloacetic acids (HAAs) and their formation potential are eliminated in a few days
due to aerobic microbial reactions. Trihalomethanes are typically eliminated in a few weeks of storage due to an-
aerobic microbial reactions, and their formation potential also tends to be reduced. THM reduction may be small or
negligible where the ASR storage zone is aerobic, such as in unconfined aquifers. However, most ASR storage zones
are in confined, anaerobic aquifers.
The rate of DBP attenuation during ASR storage is probably dependent upon the TOC of the recharge water and
the chlorine disinfection residual concentration. Where the TOC is reduced to very low levels by high levels of pre-
treatment and then the water is disinfected prior to recharge, bacterial activity in the storage zone may be inhibited
around the well. As a result more time would be required for bacterial activity to reduce THM concentrations. A key
issue in the United States is that allowable THM concentrations for drinking water are 80 µg /l whereas for ground-
water recharge through wells some states measure compliance with much lower standards for individual THM
species. For example, THM concentrations in the recharge water at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, ranged from 11.9 to
18.3 ug /l during cycle testing, well within the 80 µg /l regulatory standard (9). However bromodichloromethane (a
THM constituent) concentrations in the recharge water ranged from 4.3 to 6.5 ug/l, exceeding the state standard of
0.6 µg /l for ASR recharge. Compliance is measured at a monitor well up to 1,200 ft (366 m) away, not at the ASR
well, providing the opportunity for natural subsurface treatment processes to occur, in addition to dilution. Cycle
testing demonstrated such attenuation.
ASR has become an important water management tool in the United States, and globally, providing enhanced water
supply security and sustainability at relatively low cost. Improved understanding of the biological and geochemical
processes governing beneficial water quality changes during ASR storage is a suggested path forward for future
research and development .
1. Singer, Philip E., Pyne, R. David G. and Miller, Cass T. (1996). ‘Aquifer Storage Recovery of Treated Drinking
Water.’ American Water Works Association Research Foundation.
2. Dillon, Peter et al. (2005). ‘Water Quality Improvements During Aquifer Storage and Recovery.’ American Water
Works Association Research Foundation Project 2618.
3. Fram, Miranda S., Bergamaschi, Brian A., Goodwin, Kelly D., Fujii, Roger, and Clark, Jordan F. (2003). ‘Processes
Affecting the Trihalomethane Concentrations Associated with the Third Injection, Storage and Recovery Test at
Lancaster, Antelope Valley, California, March 1998 through April, 1999.’ United States Geological Survey Water
Resources Investigations Report 03-4062.
4. Pyne, R. David G., McNeal, Mark B, and Horvath, Lloyd E. (2004). ‘Analysis of Arsenic Occurrence and
Attenuation in Thirteen Operational ASR Wellfields in the Floridan and Hawthorn Aquifers.’
5. American Society of Civil Engineers (2001) ‘Standard Guidelines for Artificial Recharge of Ground Water.’
6. Pyne, R. D. G. (1995). Groundwater Recharge and Wells: A Guide to Aquifer Storage Recovery, CRC Press, (Second
Edition in press).
7. John, David E. and Rose, Joan B. (2002). ‘A Review of Factors Affecting Microbial Survival in Groundwater,’
Report for Fate of Microorganisms Study, Southwest and South Florida Water Management Districts.
8. John, David B., Rose, Joan B., Kamarainen, Amy, (2004). ‘Survival of Fecal Indicator Bacteria, Bacteriophage and
Protozoa in Florida’s Surface and Groundwaters,’ Final Report: Fate of Microorganisms Study, Southwest and
South Florida Water Management Districts.
9. Miller, Thomas J. (2001). ‘Aquifer Storage and Recovery of Drinking Water Using the Cambrian-Ordovician
Aquifer in Wisconsin,’ CH2M HILL report for Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Published by AWWA Research
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR):
An economic analysis to support use
as a strategic managerial tool to balance
a city's desalinated water production and demand
Nauman Rashid and Asam Almulla
Most cities around the globe are faced with the same challenge – the year round availability of adequate fresh-
water. The quality, quantity, reliability and economics of the supply become measuring sticks for success. In
the city of Sharjah in the UAE, as in other regional countries, the creation of large buffer storages for its desal-
inated water production is a well-recognized need for optimizing its water resource management. In the face
of expensive surface tanks, the use of Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) has been evaluated to support economic
decisions towards its use in balancing the city’s desalinated water production and demand.
To evaluate the use of ASR in this manner, the production versus demand charts for the city were analyzed, daily
and seasonal variations plotted and a number of scenarios created for strategic and seasonal objectives. Detailed
economic evaluations carried out included the storage size, facility costs, the recharge water source and related
plant and operating costs. To meet the challenges, options evaluated using decision tree software included util-
izing surplus production, dedicated desalination units or purchasing from a national grid.
The conclusions drawn clearly demonstrate the viability of Aquifer Storage Recovery as a reliable and economic
building block of an overall water resource management strategy.
Aquifer Storage Recovery; desalination technologies; techno-economic evaluation; water demand and production.
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), desalination is the main source of potable water. The use of this source
is steadily increasing. This paper deals specifically with water storage as a water management and cost reduction
tool. Due to unexpected circumstances, interruption in water production may occur. A storage facility for water
can play a major role in providing uninterrupted water supply to consumers and overcome any crisis or emergency
situations. The objective of this work is to investigate, cost and present the operation of a strategic storage facility in
the city of Sharjah to handle crisis or emergency scenarios and to reduce the overall cost of water production.
Having a water storage facility has the following advantages:
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146 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Types of storage
The main types of storage that can be utilized in Sharjah include surface tanks, lined ponds and Aquifer Storage
Recovery (ASR). The first type is the most expensive; the second requires a huge area of land. The third type, ASR,
will be discussed in this work as a strategic water storage facility for the city of Sharjah. ASR is a proven technology
for storing large volumes of water (Maliva, Missimer, 2003).
• Exploit the existing desalination units by running them at higher or full capacity.
• Build a new seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant that could utilize the idle power in the winter
or spinning reserve to produce water at a very low cost.
• Buy water from large water producing companies or from a national water grid.
Decision making techniques will be utilized in a later section to determine the type of scenario that would be
optimal for storage. The size of the storage facility will be determined by the situation it will be required to address.
Two situations have been identified: major crisis including main plant outage and improving overall cost.
Two scenarios for sources of recharge are considered: using existing desalination plants and using a new reverse
osmosis desalination plant.
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Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC) is used to compare the various options.
i (1 + i)n
EAC = Total Annual Costs + Total Capital Cost n with i = interest rate, n = time
(1 + i)
The cost of a 5 MIGD RO plant was taken as US$ 20.0M. Water in-take cost was added to capital cost and a 40%
recovery assumed. Table 4 (Awerbuch, 2004) gives the cost breakdowns.
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148 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Storage alternatives
Considering a major crisis only. For a 385 MIG ASR (US$ 10.3M), the recharge options can be:
• New 1.2 MIGD SWRO (US$ 6.8M) with EAC of US$ 0.97M (using an interest rate of 6% and a life time of 20
years as quoted by SEWA). The total EAC of this is US$ 1.867M
• National water grid with no further major capital investment and water cost US$ 8,150/MIG. The total EAC is
US$ 3.952M.
Combination of annual overload and crisis. There are three different alternatives:
• Annual overload and 100% crisis (of the maximum capacity of 385 MIG). For this alternative, the size depends
on the recharge option.
- Existing desal plants plus new 1.2 MIGD SWRO with EAC of US$ 0.97M. This means a 685 MIG ASR
(US$ 18M) with EAC of US$ 1.57M. With desalination plant annual costs of US$ 0.815M, the total EAC is
US$ 3.355M.
- Existing desal plants plus national grid. For 685MIG ASR, the EAC is US$ 5.522M.
- 2.2 MIGD SWRO. For a 596 MIG ASR (U$ 16M), the total EAC is US$ 3.023M.
- Use only national grid. The EAC is US$ 5.543M.
• Annual overload and 50% crisis.
- Existing desal plants plus new 0.6 MIGD SWRO with EAC of US$ 0.537M. This means a 493 MIG ASR
(US$ 13M) with EAC of US$ 1.134M. With desalination plant annual costs of US$ 0.815M, the total EAC is
US$ 2.486M.
- Existing desal plants plus national grid. For 493MIG ASR, the EAC is US$ 3.518M.
- 1.6 MIGD SWRO. For a 376 MIG ASR (U$ 10M), the total EAC is US$ 2.111M.
- Use only national grid. The EAC is US$ 4.020M.
• Annual overload and 25% crisis
- Existing desal plants plus new 0.3 MIGD SWRO with EAC of US$ 0.3M. This means a 396MIG ASR
(US$ 10.55M) with EAC of US$ 0.92M. With desalination plant annual costs of US$ 0.815M, the total EAC
is US$ 2.035M.
- Existing desal plants plus national grid. For 396MIG ASR, the EAC is US$ 2.52M.
- 1.3 MIGD SWRO. For a 280 MIG ASR (U$ 7.5M), the total EAC is US$ 1.7M.
- Use only national grid. The EAC is US$ 3.228M.
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A decision tree analysis process (Clemen, Reilly, Reilly, 1999) was used to determine the size of the ASR and recom-
mend the best water source option. A decision tree was constructed based on decision and chance nodes. In a deci-
sion node, the software chose the best economical alternative. The chance node involved probabilities and the soft-
ware calculated the expected monetary value (EMV) of each, choosing the best option. The probabilities were
assumed as:
Sensitivity analysis
A sensitivity analysis was carried out to investigate how changing the probabilities affected the final decision. For a
probability of 40.5% or higher, the annual overload only option was selected.
Operational scenario
Based on the alternative selected by the decision making process, an operational scenario for storing water in
the off-peak demand times and recovering during peak times can be developed. At the time of a crisis, the water
recovery rate will increase by the average value and no recharge would occur.
ASR is considered in this work as a cost-effective, water managerial tool towards building a storage facility to sup-
port strategic planning and in its production cost improvement. Several scenarios for storage capacity and water
source options were considered and evaluated. Decision tree analysis and risk assessment were used to determine
the capacity of ASR and to determine the water source option. The optimum ASR capacity for the case of the city of
Sharjah was determined to be 284 MIG. This capacity accounts for overloads throughout the year and additionally
caters to a minimum of 25% of volumes required in the case of a major crisis. A new RO plant with a capacity of
1.3 MIGD is recommended, partly for providing the feedwater for building the ASR capacity.
[1] J. Thomas and B. Durham, Integrated water resource management: looking at the whole picture, Desalination,
156 (2003) 21–28.
[2] R. Maliva and T. Missimer, Aquifer storage and recovery to improve efficiency and economics of water projects,
International Desalination Association, Bahamas, 2003.
[3] L. Awerbuch, Integration of Power Water and Security. New Technologies in Hybrids, MED, Nanofiltration,
International Desalination Association, 2004.
[4] Robert Clemen, Terry Reilly and Terence Reilly, Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools Suite, Duxbury Press,
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ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Stormwater ASR in practice
and ASTR (Aquifer Storage Transfer
and Recovery) under investigation
in Salisbury, South Australia
Stephanie Rinck-Pfeiffer, Colin Pitman and Peter Dillon
The existing Parafield stormwater ASR scheme on the Northern Adelaide Plains, South Australia, has been
successful in harvesting 1,100 m3 yr –1 urban stormwater from a 1,600 Ha catchment by diverting it via a weir in
a trunk drain to a 50,000 m3 capacity capture basin. From there, it is pumped to a similar capacity holding
basin, from which it gravitates to a 2 Ha reed bed to improve its quality for use directly, or via two ASR wells. These
store and recover the treated stormwater in a confined limestone aquifer 160–200m below ground surface to bal-
ance demand and supply. The water is used to supply a wool scouring plant with water of lower salinity than the
mains water supply. Success with this and other projects using stormwater and reclaimed water led to the
formulation of an ambitious project adjacent the Parafield ASR scheme aimed at producing drinking water
supplies from the same source of treated stormwater. ‘Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery’ (ASTR) the concept
to be tested will use separate injection and recovery wells to extend the residence time of the injected stormwater
in the aquifer and to allow for additional natural treatment through the aquifer. This will produce more
predictable levels of chemical and microbial contaminant attenuation, essential for the provision of water of
potable quality, than can be produced by ASR ‘aquifer storage and recovery’ (which uses the same well for
injection and recovery). In this case the ambient groundwater is brackish and will require freshening with
stormwater before recovered water can be harvested at an acceptable salinity. A Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Points (HACCP) approach has been adopted to provide multiple barriers for protection of water quality in
the urban catchment, in selecting water for harvesting and in treating the water, and will verify effectiveness of
treatment and assist in transferring this methodology to other catchments. This paper describes the existing
Parafield ASR scheme and outlines the planning for the ASTR project.
ASTR; ASR; stormwater reuse; modelling, HACCP, wetlands.
The Parafield Stormwater Harvesting Facility is a unique project of this kind initiated by the City of Salisbury
Council in converting stormwater from an urban nuisance and coastal pollution threat into a valuable resource
for industry and the community. Stormwater from the local catchment is diverted into a series of uniquely designed
capture, holding and wetland treatment basins. Treated stormwater in excess of the immediate needs of local
industry is stored in an aquifer via two ASR wells for recovery at times when detained runoff is inadequate to meet
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152 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The concept for the ASTR project builds on the Parafield ASR project, more than 20 operational ASR projects
conducted over 10 years with stormwater, reclaimed water and potable water in South Australia (Gerges et al, 2002;
Hodgkin, 2004) and on the results of a recent research project where water quality improvements have been
documented at ten sites in USA, Australia and the Netherlands, as summarised in Dillon et al (2005). To date
stormwater ASR in South Australia has been for use in irrigation, industry, or to replenish aesthetic urban lakes.
However, this relies on finding convergence of the location of a suitable source of stormwater, and land to harvest it,
with the localised high demand for water of irrigation quality. If water could be produced that may be demonstrated
to continually meet drinking water guidelines, this could enable the existing system of water mains to be used for
distribution, and allow better use of urban brackish aquifers to assist in securing water supplies for the water-
stressed city of Adelaide.
This paper describes some of the planning for an internationally unique type of project that will inject urban
stormwater into a brackish aquifer with the intention of recovering water fit for continuous sustainable supply at
potable quality. This process is referred to as ‘ASTR’ ‘Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery’ where separate injec-
tion and recovery wells are used to extend the residence time of the injectant in the aquifer. This allows for greater
natural treatment through the aquifer than can be assured by ASR ‘Aquifer Storage and Recovery’ where the same
well is used for injection & recovery (Figure 1). The enhanced residence time and travel distance in the aquifer is
expected to provide more predictable levels of chemical and microbial attenuation of contaminants essential for the
provision of water of potable quality.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the differences between ASR and ASTR (after Dillon 2005)
Design and operation
The Parafield stormwater project involves diversion of stormwater via a weir in the main Parafield drain to a
50,000 m3 capacity capture basin. From there, it is pumped to a similar capacity holding basin, from which it
gravitates to a two hectare reed bed. There nutrient, metal and organic pollutant loads are typically reduced by up to
90 per cent. The system is designed to hold stormwater for around 10 days to ensure optimal treatment efficiency,
prior to ASR or use. The current supply capacity of the scheme is 1.1 Mm3 y –1. The second stage would add other
catchments and boost the supply to 2.1 Mm3 y –1.
The wetland-treated stormwater typically has a salinity of 200 mg /litre and the salinity of the groundwater into
which it is injected is from 1,900 to 2,000 mg /litre. The injected stormwater forms a plume or lens of low salinity
water. The aim of the ASR scheme is to build up a reserve storage of injected stormwater in the aquifer over the first
few years of harvesting, which will provide a buffer against a series of dry seasons. This will also enable extraction
of up to 100% of the quantity injected during the previous season and ensure continuity of supply.
The ASR system consists of two ASR wells to a depth of 180m in the T2 aquifer, a confined Tertiary limestone
aquifer which is regionally extensive. Injection rates are typically 30 L /s and recharge water quality has to meet the
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Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requirements. The ASR wells are equipped with extraction pumps and
recharge (injection) facilities. There are five observation wells used for monitoring the effects of the ASR operation.
Three are located around the Parafield facility and two are placed 900 m to the south one in the overlying T1
aquifer and one in the T2 aquifer.
The extraction pumps are variable speed drive submersible units each with a nominal capacity of 4.3 ML /d, giving
a total ASR delivery capacity of 8.6 ML/d. The recharge capacity of each well is nominally 3.0 ML /d, giving a total
of 6.0 ML /d recharge capacity. The well pumps and recharge facilities are operated automatically by the control sys-
tem which can be accessed by telemetry from the Salisbury Council offices. Both wells operate together either in the
recharge mode or in delivery mode or are inactive at any one time. Individual wells can be taken out of service. All
cleansed water flows in excess of the pipeline demand rate are recharged to the ASR wells. When there is no water
flow from the reedbed the full demand is supplied from the ASR wellfield.
It is infeasible to extract 100% of the volume of water that has recharged the aquifer and maintain acceptable salin-
ity. This is because of mixing of the recharged water and the native groundwater around the edges of the recharge
plume. Hence it is assumed that only 80% of the recharged water can be extracted at an acceptable salinity. Flow
controllers are located on the recharge connections to avoid over pressurising the aquifer during recharge. The
flow controller setting at the well head is based on the hydraulic characteristics of the completed well. At times the
wells suffer clogging from particulates and biomass build-up. Each well has a purging system for clearing of the
clogging material. This is discharged to the in-stream basin via 150 mm diameter purge water pipes. Flow, level and
salinity data are collected from the ASR operating and observation wells by the control system as part of the ASR
Management Plan required by the Department of Water Land Biodiversity and Conservation (DWLBC) and the
Northern Adelaide – Barossa Catchment Water Management Board (NABCWMB). Due to this project Australia’s
largest wool processing company (G.H. Michell & Sons) receives water with a salinity (TDS) of less than 250 mg / L,
which is significantly lower than the salinity of mains water derived in dry years mostly from the River Murray
(which frequently exceeds 400 mg /L).
Operational results
Stormwater harvesting and wetland
Stormwater could be selected for harvesting and poorer quality water was bypassed from the ASR system. Table 1
indicates the quality of water in the drain and in the discharge from the wetland. The data indicate no parameters
exceed the national guideline for irrigation water quality, and most parameters for wetland-treated stormwater com-
pare favourably with existing drinking water supplies.
Table 1. Contaminant reduction through selection of water from Parafield Drain for harvesting
and treatment in the Parafield Wetlands*
Suite Taken Parafield drain median Reedbed median Percent reduction
Conductivity (µS/cm) 457 191 58#
Total Dissolved Solids 250 100 60#
pH 7.70 7.00 9
suspended solids 13.00 3.00 77
total organic carbon 8.90 4.40 51
turbidity 8.10 1.70 79
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154 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Table 1. (contd.)
Suite Taken Parafield drain median Reedbed median Percent reduction
Major ions
calcium 29.9 15.70 47
magnesium 5.4 3.50 35
potassium 5.05 2.05 59#
sodium 57.35 18.85 67#
bicarbonate 83 59 29
chloride 78 25 68#
fluoride 0.55 0.20 64#
sulphate 47.6 10.60 78#
ammonia as N 0.033 0.0125 62
phosphorus – Total P 0.067 0.024 64
TKN as Nitrogen 0.77 0.26 66
total nitrogen as N 0.74 0.295 60
nitrate + nitrite as N 0.0945 0.021 78
E. Coli (coliforms /100 mL) 83 29 65
Aluminum 3.02 0.010 99
Arsenic 0.0005 0.0005 0
Cadmium 0.00025 0.00025 0
Copper 0.0080 0.002 75
Iron 0.275 0.16 42
Lead 0.0034 0.0006 82
Manganese 0.0127 0.0041 68
Zinc 0.056 0.029 48
* All data reported in mg/L, unless otherwise noted. Data obtained from City of Salisbury Database
# Water selected for harvesting avoids higher salinity runoff.
Aquifer injection
Injection commenced into Production Well 1 on the 17 June 2003 and Production Well 2 on 17 July 2003. Com-
missioning of the injection system continued through into mid August with refinements being made to the operat-
ing logic. A total of 193 ML and 166 ML was injected into Well 1 and Well 2 respectively, giving a total injection
volume of 359 ML for the period (Figure 2).
Under normal operating conditions given sufficient water in storage, one well would be given an injection rate set
point of 27 l/s, with the other well operating with a variable injection rate between 4 and 27 l/s. This regime was set
up to maximise the injection volume available, taking into account water demand which varied from 6 to 30 l/s,
pump performance, and well head pressures. During June 2004, this methodology was revised based on reduced
demand by the wool processing industry, and injection rates at both wells were varied between 4 and 35 l /s.
Results from the ASR scheme at Parafield indicate that during the injection season 2003/2004, the groundwater
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levels in the aquifer rose 10 to 15 metres at a distance of up to 2 km from the injection point. This slowly returned
to its original level after injection ceased.
Figure 2. Monthly injection volumes 2003/2004
Aquifer extraction
Extraction from the aquifer occurred through Production Well 1 during January, February and March 2004 via a
temporary pump installed during this period. Water was extracted from the well into the wetland via a temporary
lay-flat hose, for distribution to wool scouring 2. A total of 36 ML was extracted at that time.
The quality of extracted water was extremely good, with a slight increase in iron content from the aquifer at one site
and some sand and silt during the first few hours of extraction at most sites.
Proposed ASTR scheme description
Success with the Parafield ASR scheme and experience from other research on ASR (e.g. Dillon et al, 2005) led to
a proposal to undertake a major demonstration project at Greenfield, adjacent to Parafield. This would inject a
further 400,000 m3 y–1 of wetland-treated stormwater into the brackish aquifer and recover water fit for continuous
sustainable supply at potable quality (Figure 3).
1. to demonstrate that stormwater from regulated urban catchments can be stored in aquifers and recovered to pro-
duce sustainable supplies of high quality drinking water;
2. to demonstrate that the multiple barrier methods used for managing water quality, including in-aquifer treatment
and monitoring methods, are economic, robust, sustainable and transferable within Adelaide and to developed
and developing countries;
3. to validate and document a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methodology for drinking
water supplies from waters of impaired quality, and to identify the range of likely successful applications and any
The Parafield ASR scheme has existing infrastructure for monitoring and collecting urban stormwater in the
Parafield wetland, treating it in a wetland and delivering it by pipeline to the proposed ASTR site and subsequently
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156 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
delivering recovered water to a mixing tank. There it will be blended with reclaimed water to reduce the salinity
of the product water and distributed to a new subdivision via a dedicated recycled water distribution system for
use in toilet flushing and garden watering. Space has been allocated for a six well ASTR system where the aquifer is
suitable and there are existing monitoring wells. A preliminary HACCP plan has been produced and an existing
stormwater pollution control program is already in place (Swierc et al., 2005).
The study site at Greenfields is 900m south of the Parafield ASR scheme on parcels of land largely administered
by the City of Salisbury. This site was chosen ahead of two nearby sites (Parafield and Greenfields North) after
weighing up considerations such as land use and availability, aquifer storage potential, groundwater salinity, the
potential for hydraulic interaction with existing ASR operations and the number of existing monitoring wells
(Rinck-Pfeiffer, 2004).
The same aquifer as at Parafield is to be recharged. This is the ‘T2’ aquifer, the second of several Tertiary marine-
deposited formations continuous across the Adelaide Plains and is composed of fossiliferous and marly limestones
through to siliceous calcarenite (Gerges, 1999). Locally, the T2 aquifer is 52 m thick and encountered at depths of
between 154 and 206 m below ground surface. The transmissivity is moderate (125 m2/day), with available
evidence suggesting that flow is porous rather than through fissures or karst. However the aquifer is known to be
heterogeneous with respect to depth, although the major layers may be continuous over the distances of tens to
hundreds of metres (Pavelic et al., 2001). The effective porosity of the aquifer is assumed to be 0.25. The ambient
groundwater is brackish, with a salinity of ~ 1,900 mg L–1 TDS measured at the existing well.
The proposed ASTR trial was simulated at an operational scale of 400,000 – 600,000 m3 /yr. Numerical simulations
for a six-well system were found to meet the salinity and travel time constraints for the assumed conditions over the
long-term with inter-well separation distances of 75 and 100 m (values of 50 and 150 m were also tested). The 75 m
separation met the criteria above with the lowest annual volume of injectant for the assumed aquifer parameters at
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Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 157
the site. The analysis also took account of the quantity and sequence of flushing, orientation and magnitude of
hydraulic gradients, uncertainties in aquifer properties, the proportion of water available for recovery, time-lag
between injection and recovery, and the relative efficiency of two-, four- and alternative six- well arrangements. The
results revealed that both the salinity and travel time constraints could be met with a 6-well system arranged within
a quadrilateral domain with a uniform inter-well separation distance of 75 m (Pavelic et al., 2005).
The success of the ASTR project relies on several factors of which water quality is one of the most critical ones as it
will have to meet Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines and community and government acceptance. A
preliminary HACCP plan has been drafted for the purpose of assisting in the design of the ASTR project and the
monitoring and control elements (Swierc et al., 2005).
The planned system for production and supply of potable water can be divided into four conceptual parts, as shown
in Figure 4. These are summarized as follows.
• Catchment – The area where stormwater is captured and enters the stormwater drainage system. It is comprised
of two subcatchments, the Parafield Drain and Ayfield Drain catchments which include urban and industrial
zones. In the industrial zone, pollution control awareness is part of council and catchment water management
board activities. This can be viewed at a barrier to pollution of stormwater at its source.
• Stormwater Harvesting Facility – Water is diverted from the stormwater drain into a pond, pumped to a holding
pond and then gravity fed through a reedbed pond. The reedbed pond provides most of the treatment of the
stormwater prior to ASR/ASTR.
• Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) – The ASTR comprises four injection wells surrounding two recov-
ery wells. Water will initially be injected into the recovery wells to rapidly develop a fresh water plume surround-
ing them. After development of the fresh water plume, water will be pumped into the injection wells and pass
through at least 75m of aquifer before emerging in the recovery wells. During passage the water quality improves,
particularly with respect to pathogens or organics that may be present in injectant.
• Potable Water Supply – Initially the recovered water will be used to dilute the salinity in a recycled water supply
to Mawson Lakes subdivision. If it can be demonstrated over a sustained period of time that the water complies
with the Australian Drinking Water Guideline it will, subject to consents and community consultation, be sup-
plement the existing drinking water supply through the established mains water distribution system.
Possible modelling approaches to assess the effectiveness of water treatment through the wetlands. However, for the
working HACCP plan, models will need to be verified for their suitability in predicting pollutant attenuation and
meeting water quality that complies with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A monitoring plan to verify
water quality at critical control points of the entire ASTR system will need to be developed. This plan will need to
account for sampling and analysis during system startup and ongoing system operation.
Blend Water
Parafield Wetlands
Inline pond ASTR
Catchment to
Holding Pond Scheme
Parafield Drain Reedbed Pond
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158 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
Parafield ASR scheme
During the first year of injection and recovery, the water quality objectives of the ASR scheme were met. Although
some of the water quality parameters of the recovered water (extracted water from the aquifer) were slightly greater
than the corresponding ambient groundwater parameters, they were still within the guideline values for Freshwater
Aquatic Ecosystems and Irrigation. There was no evidence of leakage of injectant from the T2 aquifer into the T1
If successful this would provide the evidence required for licensing these operations for water supply and provide
guidelines for adaptation in developing countries to facilitate achievement of UN Millennium goals with reliance on
natural treatment processes.
The project can be undertaken under existing environmental and health regulations in South Australia, and it is
anticipated that success could help to facilitate changes in environmental regulations in other states and countries
to enable such projects to proceed.
While the idea of transforming urban stormwater into drinking water may sound far-fetched and subject to a high
level of risk, there are a number of similar arrangements which indicate the concept is not only feasible but may
provide a cost effective solution. Towns in the Mt Lofty Ranges discharge their stormwater to creeks and rivers in
the catchment of the reservoirs feeding Adelaide. In Mount Gambier, urban stormwater has recharged an aquifer
used as a drinking water supply for more than 120 years with no evidence of water quality decline (Vanderzalm et
al 2004). In Europe where water supply is extracted from rivers, upstream towns discharge both their stormwater
and treated wastewater into rivers. The city of Berlin doesn’t extract water directly from rivers but via bores located
close to the river bank. In doing so they use the natural filtration process of the bank. This concept is not dissimilar
to that being proposed in the ASTR project.
Dillon, P.J. (2005). Future management of aquifer recharge. Hydrogeology Journal, 13 (1) 313–316.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 159
Dillon, P., Toze, S., Pavelic, P., Vanderzalm, J., Barry, K., Ying, G-G., Kookana, R., Skjemstad, J., Nicholson, B., Miller,
R., Correll, R., Prommer, H., Greskowiak, J. and Stuyfzand, P. (2005). Water quality improvements during aquifer
storage and recovery at ten sites. (These proceedings)
Gerges, N.Z. (1999) The geology and hydrogeology of the Adelaide metropolitan area. PhD Thesis, Flinders
University of South Australia.
Gerges, N.Z., Dillon, P.J., Sibenaler, X.P., Martin, R.R., Pavelic, P., Howles, S.R. and Dennis, K. (2002). South
Australian experience in aquifer storage and recovery. In Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, (ed
PJ Dillon), 453–458. A.A.Balkema.
Pavelic, P., Dillon, P., Martin, R., Traegar, B. and Simmons C. (2001) Multi-scale permeability characterisation of a
confined carbonate aquifer targeted for aquifer storage and recovery. Proc IAH XXXI Congress:’New Approaches to
Characterising Groundwater Flow’, (Eds. K.-P. Seiler & S. Wohnlich), Swets & Zeitlinger Lisse, ISBN 902 651 848
X, pp.859–862.
Pavelic, P., Dillon, P. and Robinson, N. 2005. Modelling of Well-Field Design and Operation for an Aquifer Storage
Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) Trial. (These proceedings)
Rinck-Pfeiffer, S., Dillon, P., Sibenaler, Z. and Gerges, N. (2004) Stormwater aquifer storage transfer and recovery
(ASTR) for a potable water supply. Confidential Draft Proposal, February 2004.XX-not a citable report as unat-
tainable if confidential, and report to whom would need to be indicated if you delete ‘confidential’. XX
Rinck-Pfeiffer, S. (2004) Future research directions in stormwater ASR. Water: Journal of the Australian Water
Association, 31(5):4.
Swierc, J., Van Leeuwen, J. And Dillon, P. 2005. Preliminary Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Plan: Salisbury stormwater to drinking water aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) Project. CSIRO Land
and Water Technical Report.
Vanderzalm, J.L, Schiller, T., Burn, S., and Dillon, P. (2004). Impact of stormwater recharge on drinking water sup-
ply for Mount Gambier. Proc. Intl. Conf. on Water Sensitive Urban Design, Adelaide, Nov 2004.
The ASTR research work is being supported through the project partners: United Water International, City of
Salisbury, SA Water, Northern Adelaide and Barossa Catchment Water Management, Department of Water Land and
Biodiversity Conservation and SA Land Management Corporation. Water quality data were provided by Stuart Lane
and Mark Purdie of the City of Salisbury.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Review of effects of drilling
and completion methods of ASR wells
in unconsolidated aquifers
Anne-Sophie Segalen, Paul Pavelic,
Peter Dillon and Dominic McCann
The influence of alternate drilling techniques, well completion designs, and redevelopment methods on
the rate of clogging of conventional and ASR wells in unconsolidated formations is explored through a review of
the literature. The few comparative case studies that were found revealed that: wells drilled with cable tool signi-
ficantly outperformed reverse circulation rotary; using biodegradable mud gave rise to less clogging than when
bentonite-based mud was used; residual mud on or in the vicinity of the borehole wall severely limited recharge
capacity; and completion with wire wrapped screens and natural gravel pack gave significantly higher
performance than wells with slotted casing and emplaced gravel pack. These conclusions demonstrate the
importance of the choice of drilling technique, the quality of the drilling, well completion and design, in very
significantly enhancing ASR well performance.
Research is needed to determine: geological conditions under which reverse-circulation rotary is more effective
than rotary drilling; the effect of reaming following rotary drilling with biodegradable mud; the effectiveness of
dual-wall reverse-circulation drilling; and to assess the performance and maintenance of horizontally drilled ASR
wells in unconfined aquifers. There appears to be inadequate data to reliably predict life-cycle costs of ASR wells.
ASR; completion; drilling; unconsolidated aquifers.
It is generally known that clogging problems can be more severe for injection or ASR wells in unconsolidated
aquifers than in consolidated aquifers. This is because the screen and gravel pack that are typically required in
unconsolidated aquifers restrict the ability to redevelop the well once clogging has occurred.
The aim of this research presented here is to evaluate what is currently known about the effects of different drilling
techniques, well completion designs, and redevelopment techniques on the performance of ASR wells in uncon-
solidated formations. The main issue is to avoid excessive clogging that leads to reduced injection rates
and increased need to implement unclogging procedures. By understanding the impact of the various factors that
affect the recharge capacity of ASR wells over the long term, the volumes of water stored and recovered can be
maximized, and costs minimized. Owing to the sparse information on the effects of alternative completion arran-
gements for ASR wells, conventional water production wells were included in the review. Case studies were sought
on: operational problems and how these have been resolved; comparative studies where different drilling methods
or well completion techniques have been used and rates of clogging or well yield observed; and innovative borehole
design techniques. Several researchers were contacted and invited to share their information and experience. This
paper summarizes a recent report by Segalen et al. (2005).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 161
Surprisingly few case studies were found to allow direct comparisons of drilling and completion methods. These are
briefly described below.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
162 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
rate and to maintain a higher recharge capacity after one season, than the combination of slotted casings and
artificial gravel pack (type B).
Table 1 summarizes these comparative study results. Further studies are reported in Segalen et al. (2005) that
suggest larger screen apertures result in less clogging, and wells drilled with polymer muds perform better than
those drilled with bentonite muds.
Table 1. Relative effect on specific capacity of three comparative studies on drilling and completion methods
Reamed vs unreamed rotary drilled wells 16:1 Yes Kortleve et al. (1998)
The influence of different drilling techniques, well completion designs and redevelopment methods to reduce oper-
ational problems for conventional and ASR wells completed in unconsolidated aquifers was studied. Only a limited
number of case studies were found, however they provided valuable information that allowed the following conclu-
sions to be drawn:
• well performance is strongly affected by both the drilling technique and the procedures employed during
• removal of residual mud from the borehole is required to minimize clogging problems and to maximize well
efficiency – biodegradable muds are preferred over bentonite muds for this reason;
• ASR well performance can be significantly increased by careful consideration of the well completion and design,
particularly with respect to the type of screen.
The knowledge gaps identified by this review suggest that field-based research may be useful to:
• compare reverse-circulation rotary and standard rotary drilling;
• determine the effect of reaming using rotary drilling with biodegradable mud;
• determine the effectiveness of dual-wall reverse-circulation drilling;
• assess the effect of the aquifer characteristics (particularly hydraulic conductivity) on the effectiveness of the
drilling technique and the completion of the well;
• determine the feasibility and effectiveness of horizontal drilling for ASR;
• evaluate protocols for well redevelopment to optimise cost effectiveness of ASR well performance.
Without further investigations, reliable estimation of the final costs and life expectancy of ASR wells cannot be
Chaves J.S., Greenslade W.M., Grubbs W.L. and Fletcher R. (2003). Glendale Arrowhead Ranch Recharge Facility
Glendale, Arizona. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Symposium on Groundwater Recharge, Phoenix, AZ, June
5–7, 2003.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 163
Kortleve M.W. (1998). Berkheide well recharge system: Design, implementation and initial experience of operation.
In: Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Peters et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium
on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater (TISAR'98), Amsterdam, Sept. 21–25, 1998, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam,
ISBN 90-5809-017-5, pp. 319–324.
Segalen A-S., Pavelic P. and Dillon P. (2005). Review of drilling, completion and remediation methods for ASR wells in
unconsolidated aquifers. CSIRO Land and Water Technical Report 04/05, March 2005.
Sheahan N. T. (1977). Injection/extraction well system – A unique seawater intrusion barrier. Ground Water, 15(1),
pp. 32–49.
Stakelbeek A., Roosma E. and Holzhaus P.M. (1996). Deep Well Infiltration in the North-Holland Dune Area. In:
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Kivimaki A-L. and Suokko T. (Eds.) Proceedings of an International
Symposium, Helsinki June 3–5, 1996, Hakapaino Oy, Helsinki, pp. 111–126.
Stuyfzand P.J., Vogelaar A.J and Wakker J. (2002). Hydrogeochemistry of prolonged deep well injection and subse-
quent aquifer storage in pyritiferous sands; DIZON pilot, Netherlands. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for
Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge (ISAR4),
Adelaide Sept 22–26, 2002, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN 90-5809-527-4, pp. 107–110.
Timmer H., Verdel J-D. and Jongmans A. G. (2003). Well clogging by particles in Dutch well fields. Journal AWWA,
95(8), pp. 112–118.
Todd D.K. (1960) Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Van Duijvenbode S.W. and Olsthoorn T.N. (2002). A pilot study of deep-well recharge by Amsterdam Water Supply.
In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (Ed.) Proceedings of the 4th International
Symposium on Artificial Recharge (ISAR4), Adelaide Sept 22–26, 2002, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN 90-5809-
527-4, pp. 447–451.
Wooton R. S., Belanger D.W, Robinson J.W., Schmidt T.W., Pyne R. D. G. (1997). Conjunctive Use of Water
Resources: Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Aquifer Storage Recovery at Mannheim, Ontario. American Water
Resources Association, Oct. 1997.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Water quality changes during
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR):
results from pilot Herten (Netherlands),
and their implications for modeling
Pieter J. Stuyfzand, J.C. Wakker and B. Putters
ASR (Aquifer Storage and Recovery) is a water management technique to store surplus water in an aquifer, for use
during future needs, using dual purpose wells (that both inject and recollect). The quality changes of drinking
water during a recent ASR test in a deep anoxic, sandy aquifer in the Southern Netherlands were dictated by
(redox) reactions with organic material, pyrite and manganous siderite. These reactions decreased during succes-
sive ASR-cycles by leaching, coating with iron(hydr)oxides and increasing pH.
Tests with adding O2 and NaNO3 to the injection water, to speed up aquifer inactivation, failed probably by not
adding also a pH buffer. An anoxic zone developed around the ASR bore hole wall during storage, by decay of
microbes grown during injection.
Iron and manganese, which dissolved more remote from the ASR well, immobilized in the most aerobic zone dur-
ing recovery. This is explained by sorption to iron(hydr)oxides that precipitated during previous injection and
storage phases. As a result, with increasing ASR cycles the recovery efficiency (dictated by iron removal)
The water quality changes have been modelled with an ASR version of the Easy-Leacher model, incorporating the
crucial changes in the ASR-proximal zone and the effects of sorption to iron(hydr)oxides.
Aquifer storage and recovery, ASR, hydrochemistry, pyrite oxidation, siderite dissolution, modeling.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is a water management technique, in which water is stored in an aquifer during
periods of water excess, and recovered by the same (injection) well from the groundwater reservoir during periods
of water shortage (Pyne, 1995). ASR may also yield financial benefits by reducing the peak factor in water pro-
duction (and water treatment) and by raising the security of water delivery.
ASR is an increasingly popular technique with a rapidly expanding number of operational sites in the world. In
the Netherlands, however, notwithstanding large-scale application of artificial recharge since 1955, no ASR-system
is currently working. This failure relates to the following: (a) decreased water demands in the past years do
not urge for increasing subsurface storage of drinking water in the ‘wet’ Netherlands; and (b) it is feared that a
quality deterioration of (drinking) water during subsurface storage, especially regarding Fe and Mn, will necessitate
a costly post-treatment of the water recovered.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 165
Recent bench marks of drinking water prices in the Netherlands push water supply companies to lower their costs.
ASR, if operating without quality deterioration, is thus becoming an interesting option also in the Netherlands,
mainly to reduce water treatment costs by peak shaving.
In 1999 Water Supply Company Limburg (WML) therefore started with an ASR-experiment in Herten (Limburg), to
test the technical feasibility of ASR, not only for that site but also for a larger scale application in the province of
Limburg (notably the Ruhr Valley graben). The main questions to be answered were: (1) are there hydrological con-
straints associated with ASR in this region? and (2) are the water quality changes in the target aquifer, of drinking
water from production plant Herten, such that they really necessitate a second treatment? This paper is based on a
report by Wakker et al. (2003).
The ASR test well and 2 observation wells are shown in cross section in Fig. 1. All available well screens (10) have
been sampled on a bidaily to biweekly basis for inorganic and microbiological chemical analysis, using conven-
tional purging and analytical procedures. In total 10 aquifer cores of 1 m length were taken from the whole target
aquifer (159–170 m below land surface) and were analysed on their geochemical reactivity (Buijs and Van der Grift,
2001). The infiltration and pumping rate was on average 45 m3 / h.
Figure 1. Position of the ASR-well IP1 and the 2 observation wells WP15 and WP16 in cross section, with the
hydrogeological structure, coding of aquifer layers (A-D), position of well screens (f1-f3= observation well screens),
and mean travel time from/to IP.1 (within brackets, in days). Kh = horizontal hydraulic conductivity.
The ASR-experiment in Herten lasted from October 2000 till February 2003. It consisted of 4 ASR cycles (Fig. 2), of
which 2 cycles were carried out with additional dosage of oxidant in order to inactivate reactive aquifer phases
(notably minerals containing iron and manganese) with the purpose to recover drinking water that would not
require any post-treatment. The ASR-cycles were not in normal order (being injection, storage, recovery etc.), for
various testing purposes. Results of the test have been simulated and extrapolated to future ASR cycles on a produc-
tion plant, by using the expert model EL-ASR of Kiwa Water Research, a new variant of Easy-Leacher (Stuyfzand,
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
166 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
INJECTION (+) or PUMPING (-) RATE (m3 / hour)
1 2 3 J
80 5
-80 STO.7
C 2 O 5 3
-120 1 4
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Time since start first injection on 16 Oct. 2000 (days)
Figure 2. Variation in injection and pumping rate during the discerned periods and ASR cycles. Oxygen was added
during injection period 3 (34 mg/L; dissolved thanks to >17 bar water pressure at depth of injection screen),
and NaNO3 during injection period 5 (14.6 mg NO3/L). Storage periods 1-3 too short for marking.
The target aquifer is composed of fluvial sands of Pliocene age. The grain size distribution, geochemical analyses
and reactivity experiments (in an O2 and CO2 controled reaction chamber) revealed the presence of 4 aquifer layers
(Fig. 1). All layers are deep anoxic, practically without CaCO3, and contain small but significant amounts of reac-
tive BOM (bulk organic material; 0.02 – 8%) and pyrite (210 –1,050 mg / kg d.w.). Only layer D contains a significant
amount of reactive manganous siderite (< 0.25%).
The native groundwater composition (Table 1) can be characterized as pH-neutral, calcareous (slightly calcite
undersaturated), deep anoxic (however without methane), oligohaline-fresh, high in iron, unpolluted, and of the
Ca(HCO3)2– type.
C L O G G I N G O F T H E A S R- W E L L
The ASR-well in Herten did not clog (Fig. 3). Especially during the additional oxygen dosage there was a temporary
increase in resistance at the well screen (0.2 – 0.8 m; probably due to gas bubbles), but this disappeared again during
the next storage phase. During storage and recovery the ASR-well regenerated spontaneously. The excellent infiltra-
bility of Herten drinking water was to be expected, because it satisfies all general quality guidelines of infiltration
water for ASR application to sandy aquifers (see for instance Perez-Paricio and Carrera, 1998; Hijnen et al., 1998).
Mean changes
The test results demonstrate that the quality of the injected drinking water changed indeed (Table 1). There were
(small) increases for sulphate, iron, manganese, arsenic, barium, cobalt, nickel, zinc and colony counts 22oC, and
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 167
Table 1. Mean water quality during the 3 ASR cycles in the period 16 October 2000 till 11 June 2002.
IP.1-f0 = ASR injection/pumping well screen.
t50 or
SAMPLE daynr. pH O2-field Cl SO4 HCO3 NO3 Ca Fe Mn NH4 As Co
POINT day field mg/L g/L
INJECTION (mean input, for each monitoring well samples with comparable number of pore flushes)
INPUT 0 7.47 12.0 22.5 26.0 220 1.1 73.0 0.01 0.01 0.5 0.5
WP 15-f1 0.4 7.31 6.7 21.0 28.8 213 1.0 71.3 0.01 0.03 0.03 2.5 6.0
WP 15-f2 0.8 7.38 8.1 21.3 31.8 224 1.2 74.0 0.01 0.01 0.03 2.8 8.5
WP 15-f3 1.2 7.22 5.2 18.3 26.3 210 10.0 70.0 0.07 0.02 0.03 1.5 0.5
WP 16-f1 3.5 7.11 0.5 21.0 36.0 201 0.3 70.0 1.27 0.04 0.03 2.8 0.5
WP 16-f2 8.3 7.11 2.5 21.3 34.4 209 0.4 70.9 0.46 0.07 0.03 1.8 5.0
WP 16-f3 12.1 7.05 1.0 21.0 28.0 205 1.7 64.0 2.30 0.11 0.03 1.5 0.5
STORAGE (mean all periods)
IP.1-f1 58 7.11 0.6 21.8 40.7 215 0.5 77.0 0.64 0.07 0.07 7.0 4.1
IP.1-f2 98 7.10 0.8 21.5 45.0 220 0.4 84.5 0.94 0.17 0.10 3.0 14.0
IP.1-f3 58 7.02 0.8 21.5 40.1 226 0.4 84.1 0.11 0.14 0.04 1.9 1.3
WP 15-f1 59 7.09 0.9 20.8 38.0 208 0.4 71.4 0.05 0.06 0.03 2.9 6.1
WP 15-f2 29 7.00 0.5 22.5 39.8 216 0.4 74.1 0.01 0.09 0.03 3.4 26.3
WP 15-f3 59 6.88 0.3 21.7 39.7 225 0.3 76.0 1.03 0.40 0.03 1.9 7.2
WP 16-f1 58 7.00 0.5 21.9 44.4 200 0.3 71.2 0.81 0.08 0.03 4.8 5.8
WP 16-f2 29 6.82 0.8 21.5 41.2 206 0.3 70.0 1.55 0.20 0.03 4.8 8.3
WP 16-f3 58 6.91 0.3 22.1 39.4 205 0.3 67.0 4.21 0.22 0.07 3.1 0.6
RECOVERY (mean all periods)
IP.1-f0 20 7.16 0.8 20.7 33.0 0.01 0.02
IP.1-f1 18 7.18 1.4 20.9 37.5 208 1.1 70.7 0.02 0.01 0.03
IP.1-f2 21 7.18 1.2 20.8 31.4 211 0.8 69.4 0.02 0.02 0.03
IP.1-f3 18 7.11 1.9 21.4 31.5 221 0.5 71.2 0.01 0.02 0.03
WP 15-f1 18 7.18 1.1 20.7 35.1 211 1.4 70.6 0.02 0.03 0.03
WP 15-f2 17 7.24 2.0 20.9 31.3 212 1.9 69.1 0.01 0.02 0.03
WP 15-f3 18 7.07 0.6 20.9 29.9 213 0.5 68.6 0.57 0.10 0.03
WP 16-f1 22 7.16 0.4 19.7 30.9 204 0.6 69.0 1.04 0.05 0.03
WP 16-f2 17 7.14 0.5 19.6 25.5 210 0.3 67.3 2.25 0.10 0.04
WP 16-f3 22 7.02 0.4 19.7 27.1 202 0.3 64.0 3.36 0.16 0.06
IP.1-f0 0 7.00 <0.5 7 <5 300 <0.5 72.0 5.60 0.20 0.14 12.0 4.0
1.4 2 3 INJ.4
STO. 5
1.2 R S 5 STO.7
1.0 4 T 3
1 2
0.8 6
-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Figure 3. Time plot for the normalized resistance by the ASR well screen (Screen) and the borehole wall (Borehole)
in aquifer layer A. The curves do not show a structural head build-up during injection (INJ) and backpumping (REC),
thus showing that the ASR well did not clog. Both storage (STO) and recovery contribute to the reduction
of the hydraulic resistance formed during injection.
decreases for oxygen, nitrate, silicate, pH, hydrogencarbonate and the calcite saturation index. Ammonia and
methane did not show significant changes (< 0.05 mg / L), nor did organic micropollutants (all below detection) and
indicators of faecal contamination (not found).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
168 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
The observed changes are mainly caused by the oxidation of BOM and pyrite (FeS2), and the oxidation or dis-
solution of a manganous siderite (Fe 0.90 – 0.95 Mn 0.05 – 0.1CO3). In the upper aquifer layer (A) pyrite oxidation is
the maior reaction (largest increases of sulphate, arsenic, cobalt, nickel and zinc), and in the lowest layer (D) the
weathering of siderite is dominating (iron, manganese and TIC increasing most).
The results in Table 1 reveal that the mean quality changes are stronger during storage than during recovery. This is
curious, but can be explained as follows. First, the longer storage phases 4 and 7 were preceded by recovery peri-
ods, and thus reflect water that remained in the aquifer for a longer time than the water previously recovered. And
second, the other long storage phase 5 followed upon the exceptional injection phase 3 with additional O2 inputs
(34 instead of 9.5 mg / L), and was not followed by a recovery phase.
Figure 4. Plot of the iron and manganese concentrations in upper aquifer zone A, in observation screen f1
of the ASR-well and WP.15 (8 m, 0.4–1.2 days) and WP.16 (25 m, 3.5–12 days). Periods with injection (INJ),
storage (STO) and recovery (REC) are numbered as in Fig. 2
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 169
(sub)oxic conditions during injection (Stuyfzand et al., 2002; Vanderzalm et al., 2002). This is deduced amongst
others from the stronger Mn and Fe mobilisation in the observation screens within the ASR-well (amongst others
IP.1-f1) during storage phase 5 and especially 7, as compared to observation wells WP.15 and 16 at resp. 8 and 25 m
CONCENTRATION Fe - total (mg/L)
7.4 days
ASR WELL 3 days
0.1 WP.15-f2
0.5 day
0.01 0.9 day
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 5. Developments in the iron concentration during recovery period 2 (after 2 days of storage
following injection period 2), in the ASR-well (the water recovered), and on 4 sites in the aquifer.
The arrows indicate how the iron concentration is changing, within the indicated time (by sorption),
during backflow from WP16 (25m) via WP15 (8m) to the ASR well
In accordance with experiences elsewhere (Pyne, 1995), also here the reactions of the infiltration water with reac-
tive aquifer components gradually diminished (with increasing cumulative injection volume). Consequently the
iron and manganese concentrations decreased (Figs. 4 and 6). This is explained by: (1) leaching of pyrite and
siderite; (2) coating of them by iron(hydr)oxides, which reduces their reactivity; and (3) a pH increase in the
aquifer thanks to the extinction of the above mentioned oxidation reactions.
During recovery, in addition, the efficiency of the SIR process increases (Van Beek, 1983; Appelo et al., 1999), which
leads to further declining concentrations of iron, manganese and ammonia.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
170 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
- = (Fe-IN)
- EXP(0.08 t / N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
CONCENTRATION M n - t o t a l ( m g / L )
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 6. Plot of concentrations of iron (above) and manganese (below) in the backpumped water
during recovery cycles N = 1-3 of the Herten ASR test
Current experiences
In current ASR practice oxidizing, desinfecting and pH-raising chemicals are dosed to the infiltration water, if need-
ed. The success of ASR in the USA can, as a matter of fact, be partly attributed to the dosage of sodium hydroxide
and a desinfectant.
These additives are useful in: (1) preventing exorbitant growth of bacteria; (2) coating the reactive iron minerals
with iron(hydr)oxides, (3) keeping the aquifer (sub)oxic for a longer time, and (4) buffering the acidifying action
of oxidation reactions. All this may indeed prevent the dissolution of Fe2+, Mn2+ and sometimes arsenic, as well as
microbiological problems.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 171
The positive effects of O2-dosage (on average 25 mg/L) to nearly saturated infiltration water (9.5 mg/L), during
injection period 3, were overshadowed during storage phase 5 by a strong pH decline due to enhanced oxidation
processes. This pH drop caused manganese problems during the subsequent storage period. The pH should be pre-
vented to drop below 7-7.2, by adding NaOH.
The ASR testing did not reflect the normal ASR operation in a year, with for instance 150 days of injection, followed
by 60 days of storage, 120 days of recovery and 35 days of stand-still. This means that simulations and extrapola-
tions with a transport model were needed, in order to predict the performance of a true ASR plant.
Various models are nowadays available (amongst others PHT3D of Prommer et al., 2003; SWIFT-PHREEQC of
Gauss et al., 2000) that could do the job, however, after various extensions to account for: (a) development of an
anoxic zone around the borehole wall; (b) the process of subsurface iron removal; and (c) extinction of water qual-
ity changes.
A less laborious route was followed by transforming the expert model Easy-Leacher (Stuyfzand, 1998) into a trans-
port code fit for ASR (EL-ASR 2.0). It is beyond the scope of this paper to describe this model, which accounts for
the above mentioned problems a-c.
It follows from from Fig. 7 and 8 that, without adding oxygen and NaOH, iron problems (Fe > 0.2 mg/L) disappear
after 8 cycles, and that the first few m3 of water recovered always need to be disposed of.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
172 Recharge systems / Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery
4.0 8
3.5 15
1.0 100
0.5 120
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 7. The with EL-ASR 2.0 calculated Fe-concentration at 1-150 m distance from the ASR well in aquifer zone A
at the end of each storage period of ASR-cycles 1-10. Each cycle consists of 150 days of injection, 60 days of storage,
120 days of recovery and 35 days of stand-still.
2.0 3
0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126
Figure 8. The with EL-ASR 2.0 calculated Fe-concentration in the water recovered by the ASR well
during cycles 1-3, 5 and 10. Same cycle program as in Fig. 7.
ASR on the Herten site proved to be hydrologically feasible, because the water could be injected and recovered with
a sufficiently high rate without clogging problems, and there was no evidence of a cumbersome mixing with native
groundwater (using Cl as a tracer).
The relatively small quality changes of Herten drinking water in the aquifer studied, pose a problem especially
regarding the increases for iron and manganese (drinking water guidelines resp. 0.2 and 0.05 mg/L). The reason is
that these changes may require a simple post-treatment. However, the mentioned deviations from the drinking
water standards are small, and can be easily cured by (a) dilution with conventionally treated groundwater, or (b) a
short aeration followed by rapid sand filtration.
On the other hand, the rather small quality problems can be easily prevented by 2 measures: (i) the addition of oxy-
gen and NaOH during the initial injection periods; and (ii) periodical dosage of a desinfectant like O3 and/or H2O2
and backpumping of it after juttering.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Injection well issues, aquifer storage and recovery / Recharge systems 173
Appelo, C.A.J., B. Drijver, R. Hekkenberg and M. de Jonge 1999. Modeling in situ iron removal from ground water.
Groundwater 37, 811–817.
Buijs, E.A. and B. Van Der Grift 2001. Reactiviteit ondergrond ten behoeve van Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) in
Limburg. TNO rapport NITG 01-056-B, 25 pp.
Dillon, P. J. (ed) 2002. Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability. Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Artificial
Recharge, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 2002, Balkema.
Gaus, I. 2001. Physical and geochemical modelling (SWIFT-PHREEQC) of British aquifers for Aquifer Storage and
Recovery purposes. Part 2: Geochemical modelling. Brit. Geol. Surv. Report.
Prommer, H., D.A. Barry and C. Zheng 2003. PHT3D – A MODFLOW/MT3DMS based reactive multi-component
transport model. Ground Water, 42(2), 247–257.
Pyne, R.D.G. 1995. Groundwater recharge and wells; a guide to aquifer storage recovery. CRC Press Inc.
Stuyfzand, P. J., J. Bunnik, G.J. Medema, A.J. Vogelaar, J.C. Wakker and S.M.L. Verheijden 2005. Quality changes,
clogging and pathogen transport during deep well injection in the South-East Netherlands (DIZON). In ‘Water
quality improvements during aquifer storage and recovery’, P. Dillon & S. Toze (eds), AWWARF-report 91056F,
part 2, 77–103.
Van Beek, C.G.E.M. 1983. Ondergrondse ontijzering, een evaluatie van uitgevoerd onderzoek.
Kiwa-Meded.78, 79 pp.
Vanderzalm, J.L., C. Le Gal La Salle, J.L. Hutson & P.J. Dillon 2002. Water quality changes during aquifer storage
and recovery at Bolivar, South Australia. In: Dillon, P. J. (ed), Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability.
Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Artificial Recharge, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 2002, Balkema, 83–88.
Wakker, J.C., E. Castenmiller and P. J. Stuyfzand 2003. Aquifer Storage & Recovery in Limburg: Eindrapport over de
proef te Herten (WML) en kansen voor ASR elders. WML -rapport 5501.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Proposed scheme for a natural
soil treatment system in Kuwait
Mohamed Al-Senafy and Mohsen Sherif
A pilot scale project using soil aquifer treatment (SAT) was constructed in the Sulaibyia area southwest of Kuwait
City to assess the treatment efficiency and the suitability of the site. The study included seven recharge basins
with a depth of 2 m and a total infiltration area of 900 m2. Seventeen monitoring wells were installed in the
vicinity of the recharge ponds to monitor the water levels below the recharged basins and to collect water samples
for chemical and biological analysis. Several difficulties were encountered during the operation of the pilot study.
These were mainly attributed to the impermeable nature of the soil and the high evaporation rates. Based on this,
it was recommended to implement a large scale SAT project in northern Kuwait taking into account the maxi-
mization of the recharge/recovery efficiency and minimizing the loss of water due to evaporation. The recom-
mended location to implement the first stage of this large-scale SAT should have a suitable subsurface lithology
for basin recharge and enough unsaturated thickness for proper soil aquifer treatment in addition to the continu-
ous source of treated wastewater. The proposed scheme should include 12 recharge basins with a side slope 1:1
and a total base area of 4,800 m2. The basins will be classified into four groups’ base on the difference in their
bed elevations. Each 4 basins will be lowered by 30 cm from the other group allowing the flow of the water under
gravity conditions. The system will be operated in short alternative cycles of wetting and drying (three days), and
proceed only during the period of October–May.
Basins; recharge; recovery; wastewater.
In an arid country like Kuwait with no natural storages and limited groundwater, artificial recharge can play a major
role in the management of water resources. According to previous studies conducted in Kuwait, three different types
of storage were identified. These are seasonal, long term and crisis storage. Artificial recharge and storage in deep
aquifers is ideal for seasonal storage. For long term and crisis conditions, storage as fresh water lenses will be ideal
(Viswanathan and Al-Senafy, 1998). Given the limited available water resources and the increasing demand, muni-
cipal wastewater can play a special role in maintaining and increasing the water resources of Kuwait, especially
since the wastewater effluent is estimated to be 70 to 80% of the freshwater consumption per capita (Al-Awadi et al.
1992). Treated wastewater effluents are free from health hazards and must be considered as valuable water resources for
irrigation of certain crops, greening enhancement, landscaping, land reclamation, car washing, industrial process,
and toilet flushing. This can be especially effective and feasible where the supply depends on desalinatedwater, as
the resultant wastewater generally tends to be low in dissolved solids. Considerable amounts of treated wastewater
are produced annually in Kuwait. Most of this water is treated at the tertiary level. The remaining portion of the
produced wastewater is treated at the secondary level only due to the limited capacity of the tertiary treatment facil-
ities. The total treated wastewater in 1999 was estimated at 404,060 m3/d (147.5 million m3/y). By the year 2015
the available wastewater is expected to reach 230 million m3 / y (MPW, 1999). The treated wastewater after SAT
would contribute to the national water resources and alleviate the burden on other resources like groundwater and
desalination water (Al-Senafy and Al-Otaibi, 2002). The aim of this paper is to fulfill this recommendation.
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The treated wastewater is more suitable than brackish groundwater for cultivation. This is attributed to its’ lower
salt content. It also contains some important fertilizers that are essential for vegetation such as nitrogen, phos-
phorous and potassium. This wastewater is also a good source for the different elements needed by vegetation and
are not available in freshwater. Therefore, the use of treated wastewater could be more suitable than both brackish
water and freshwater for irrigation practices.
The total current consumption of wastewater is estimated at 58.6 million m3/yr (MPW, 1999) and therefore, the
excess treated wastewater that is available for utilization is estimated as 88.9 million m3/yr. On an average, only
32.5 % of the available wastewater is utilized and the rest is discharged into the sea.
In principle, the tertiary treated wastewater should be used directly wherever and whenever possible for irrigation
of all green areas in the public domain and along highways. It can also be used for restricted irrigation of trees,
some crops and vegetables that are not eaten uncooked. This will save considerable amounts of fresh or brackish
water that would have been used otherwise. However, wastewater consumption in farm irrigation and other green-
ery projects differs considerably between summer and winter. Based on the available data (MPW, 1999), wastewater
consumption is maximum during June through September. For the rest of the year (October through May), the con-
sumption is reduced by about 30 %.
For ultimate benefit from the management point of view, it is proposed to fully utilize the wastewater during peak
time (June to September) directly from irrigation application to reduce the demands on desalinated water and
groundwater. Otherwise (October through May), the excess wastewater can be used for a artificial recharge of
depleted aquifers.
Water resources in Kuwait are confined to three main sources: desalination water, groundwater and wastewater.
These three sources are bounded by the high costs of the desalination plants and their vulnerability to damage,
limited availability of fresh groundwater and depletion of aquifers, low quality of wastewater and unsuitability for
direct use. The quality of the groundwater in Kuwait varies from brackish to saline except two freshwater lenses.
Increased use of this brackish groundwater for irrigation, cause the deterioration of groundwater quality and the
lowering of water table.
The full utilization of wastewater represents a promising option to alleviate the water shortage problem and sustain
the depleting aquifers in Kuwait. Due to the expected increase in population along with the increase in the per
capita water consumption, wastewater will become more available with time.
Soil aquifer treatment SAT is a modern approach to an old method of wastewater treatment and reuse. Besides its
reliability with respect to the effluent purification, it can also fulfill the function of seasonal and multi-annual water
storage. The SAT system uses complex physico-chemical and biological processes occurring in the unsaturated zone
and in the aquifer to improve the wastewater quality (Viswanathan, 1997).
The artificial recharge of wastewater into aquifers using SAT technique should be widely implemented to ensure the
full utilization of all the available wastewater. SAT has been applied in many countries around the globe. The
quality of the wastewater can be improves significantly to meet the requirements of potable water uses and
unrestricted irrigation of all kinds of crops, vegetables and fruits. Meanwhile, the reuse of wastewater would reduce
the demands on both desalinated water and fresh groundwater. It will also help to restore the water levels in the
depleted aquifers and conserve the natural water resources of the country.
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176 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
A pilot scale SAT project has been constructed in the Sulaibyia area located about 50 km southwest of Kuwait City
in Kuwait to assess the suitability of the site, the implemented recharge system and the adapted techniques. The
project included seven recharge basins with a depth of 2 m and a total infiltration area of 900 m2. Seventeen moni-
toring wells were installed in the vicinity of the recharge ponds to monitor the water mounds below the basins and
collect water samples for chemical analysis. Three of the monitoring wells have a depth of 100 m, whereas all others
have a nominal depth of about 50 m. The recharge basins were connected by a pipe network to convey the treated
wastewater to the different basins according to the operation schedule. Measuring and controlling devices including
flow meters, valves and evaporation pan were fixed to record the flow to the basins and measure the evaporation
rates throughout the year. The project has been in operation all the days for more than three years with the excep-
tion of stopping periods for drying and maintenance. The water table rise was measured on a monthly basis and the
evaporation rates were measured daily. The total flow to the entire system and the discharge of the tertiary treated
wastewater to the different basins were measured weekly. Water samples were collected from the 17 monitoring
wells every month and the samples were analyzed to determine the variation in the quality of the recharged water
after SAT. A total of 16,790 m3 of tertiary treated wastewater was released to the basins. An unsymmetrical water
mound with a height of 1.9 m was formed below the infiltration basins. It is estimated that a total of about 8,000 m3
of water has reached the groundwater. The quality of the recharged water has improved significantly and hence the
pumped water can be used unrestrictedly in irrigation and other potable uses.
Many problems were encountered during the operation of the pilot scale SAT project. These problems were mainly
attributed to the unsuitable lithology of the selected sites, operation schedule, and big depth of the pond and high
evaporation rates.
Based on the gained experiences from the implementation and operation of the first SAT project in Kuwait this pilot
project, it is recommended to implement a large scale SAT project in two phases to ensure the efficiency of both the
recharged and recovery process and minimize the loss of water. In this context, the following recommendations
were made:
1. The recharge basins should be shallow and designed in such a manner to allow for the transference of the
recharged water from one basin to the other under gravity and without pumps, as much as possible, to reduce the
operation costs.
2. Shorter operation cycles (flooding/drying) should be implemented to allow for the proper restoration of the infil-
tration rates and, hence, increase the average annual infiltration rate (cycles should not exceed one week or so).
3. The operation of the entire system should be terminated during the summer season (June, July, August, and
September). During this period, the evaporation rates are very high and more than 16 mm/d (Al-Senafy, 2001).
4. The recovery of the freshwater lens can be practiced during the summer (period of peak demand). The pumped
water can, therefore, be integrated into the water distribution system and supplement the water shortage.
5. The implementation of a large-scale wastewater recharge /SAT project to recharge a total of about 30000 m3/yr
should be implemented in two phases.
A new site should be selected in northern Kuwait to implement the first stage of the large-scale SAT project. The
selected sites should satisfy the following criteria.
1. Availability of land to construct a large-scale Sat project. The total area required for the recharge of about 30 mil-
lion m3/yr is about 1.8 km2, including the area required for pipe lines, other facilities and maintenance works.
This area is estimated based on an average infiltration rate of about 16 cm/d (MEW, 1977) and assuming that each
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 177
pond will be operated only 50% of the time. Based on the actual infiltration rate that will be measured during the
first stage of the project, the total area required can be revised and reduced accordingly.
2. The subsurface lithology should be suitable for basin recharge, i.e., no clay layers or any other low permeable
strata are encountered between the basin bed and the subsurface water table.
3. The thickness of the unsaturated layer should be enough to allow for the proper function of Sat processes. On the
other hand, this thickness should also be enough to accommodate the expected rise in the water table due to
water mounding below the recharge basins. It is therefore, recommended to select a site with a water table depth
of about 20 m or more below the ground surface.
4. Availability of continuous source of treated wastewater.
5. It is also recommended that the selected site be located near an area where water demands during the summer
period (June through September) can be supplemented by the covered groundwater.
In the first stage of the large-scale SAT project, it is proposed to construct 12 recharge basins, each with a base area
of 20 x 20 m and side slope of 1:1. The recharge basins are classified into four different groups: A, B, C, and D. The
bed level of the basins are lowered by 30 cm from one group to the other, allowing for the dull drainage of the
basins of group A to the basins of group B. Likewise, the basins of group B can be drained into the basins of group
C and those in group C can be drained into the basins of group D. The difference in the bed elevation between the
basins of group A and group D is 90 cm. The drainage of one basin to the other is controlled by valves installed on
pipes connecting the different basins. The flow will be under gravity and no pumps are needed for water transfor-
mation from one basin to the other.
The depth of all the basins in group A is 30 cm. This depth increases from one group to the other by the same value.
Therefore, the applied water depth can be increased in group D up to 1.2 m. This will allow for proper testing by
changing the water depth to define the optimum hydraulic depth that would result in maximum infiltration rate.
The system will be operated in short cycles (two or three days) to allow for proper drying and full restoration of the
infiltration rate. The three basins in group a will be filled with the treated wastewater first for three days, after
which, the valves between the basins of group A and group B will be opened to drain the A basins and fill the
B basins. However, for drying of the D type basins, pumps should be used and the water could be directed to any of
the other groups according to the operation schedule.
Basins of groups A and C can be operated simultaneously for three days, and then the water in these basins (in
group A and C) is transferred to the other basins in group B and D, respectively under gravity. These basins will be
active for the same period as for the other two groups (A and C). On day 7, the water in the basins of group B will
be transferred to the basins of group C and the water in the basins of group D will be pumped to basins of group A.
Under this operation schedule, all the basins will be operated 50 % of the time and inactive otherwise to allow for
drying and decomposition of the organic matter that may clog the bottom of the basins. Other operation schedules
can also be considered and tested to define the optimum one.
A set of pumping and monitoring wells should be designed based on the characteristics of the selected site and the
depth to the water table. The recharge by treated wastewater should be conducted for a total period of 8 months
every year (October through May). The pumping wells should be operated during the high water demand (June
through September). The pumped water should be integrated into the water distribution system to supplement any
water shortage during this high stress period.
Based on the result of the first stage, the full scale SAT project to recharge an approximate amount of 30 million m3
of treated wastewater should be implemented. In this full scale project, the dimensions of the basins can be
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
178 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
increased to about 250 x 250 m. Assuming that a total of 24 basins will be operated for 8 months (50 % of the
time), then the expected volume of recharged water is 120,000 m3/d and 28.8 million m3/yr. The net area of the
bottom of the recharge basin required to allow for this recharge is estimated at 1.5 km2. The total area of the site,
including the banks and all other facilities is estimated at 1.8 km2.
Based on the pilot study conducted at the Sulaibyia area 50 km southwest of Kuwait City in Kuwait, soil aquifer
treatment (SAT) is considered as a suitable technique in Kuwait for the quality improvement for the secondary or
tertiary treated wastewater. Moreover, it can solve the problem of storage of secondary or tertiary treated waste-
water. It can act as a buffer storage which is useful for varying supply and demand of treated wastewater and this
aquifer storage is a cost effective method. This method or treatment and storage offers a very important psycho-
logical advantage that it breaks the direct, pipe to pipe connection of the reuse system, because water after SAT
comes out of a well as groundwater and has lost its stigma and identity of municipal wastewater. This artificial
recharge can be considered as ideal for seasonal storages. Since this is proposed scheme is in northern Kuwait as
freshwater lenses it is ideal for long term storage.
Al-Awadi, N., K. Puskas and H. Malek. (1992) Options for treated waste water reuse in post-war Kuwait. Proceed-
ings, First Gulf Water Conference, Bahrain.
Al-Senafy, M. 2001. Geohydrology of fresh groundwater lenses in arid environment, Kuwait. Proceedings, Ground-
water Quality Conference, Sheffield, England, June 18 –21, pp. 167–168.
Al-Senafy, M and Al-Otaibi, M. (2002) Replenishing groundwater aquifers through recharge of treated wastewater.
MEW. (1977) Groundwater resources and artificial recharge in Raudatain water field. Technical Report, Ministry of
Electricity and Water, Kuwait.
MPW. (1999) The Kuwait sanitary scheme. Ministry of Public Works, Kuwait.
Viswanathan, M. N. (1997) Treatment and storage of conventionally treated wastewater in aquifers. Proposal.
Submitted to the Islamic development Bank, Saudi Arabia, KISR Report No. WM003K
Viswanathan, M. N. and Al-Senafy, M. N. (1998) Role of artificial recharge in the water resources management of
Kuwait. Proceedings. Third international symposium of Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Amsterdam, 21–25
September 1998.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Groundwater recharge from a percolation tank
to a Deccan basalt aquifer: a case study
from western Maharashtra, India
Uma Badarayani, Himanshu Kulkarni and Vinit Phadnis
Small check dams in the Deccan volcanic province are constructed to artificially recharge groundwater in
the Deccan basalts of central-west India. These check dams are a part of watershed development projects and
few attempts are made to understand the exact dynamics of infiltration from such structures. The Chikhalga
on study in Kolwan valley of Pune district revealed that only micro-scale studies are able to pick up artificial
recharge impacts in a microwatershed from the Deccan basalts. The quantification of natural and artificially
induced infiltration in the Deccan basalt is a complicated exercise, requiring multifaceted measurements. Water
balances on the scale of a single structure such as the check dam CD3 in Chikhalgaon, are useful in understanding
the amount and nature of infiltration processes, giving a good understanding of the underlying shallow uncon-
fined aquifer. Impacts of livelihoods are difficult to relate to artificial recharge from individual structures because
other livelihood diversification trends may mask these effects which, in themselves, are quite small as compared
to the volumes of rainfall and surface runoff.
Deccan basalt, check dam, shallow aquifer, infiltration, water balance.
Artificial recharge to augment groundwater resources is gaining momentum across India and other parts of
the developing world. The more traditional methods of artificial recharge in India are the spreading methods
that include putting checks across streams to create tanks or ponds through which infiltration occurs over a period
of time, subsequently recharging underlying aquifers. The hydrogeology of hard-rock regimes and highly variable
rainfall patterns pose great complexities to fully understand the recharge processes as well as the implications of
augmenting groundwater resources through such processes. These implications clearly include two aspects:
This case study from Chikhalgaon village, located within a completely basaltic setting, formed a part of the DFID-
funded, British Geological Survey-led project called Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge
(AGRAR). The study attempted to understand artificial recharge processes on a micro scale, within basalt aquifers,
and their implications on the livelihoods of the rural population.
A watershed development project was implemented by a Pune based NGO, called GOMUKH, in Chikhalgaon
watershed. A detailed monitoring of the site was carried out using a monitoring network set up to collect hydro-
logical, hydrogeological and meteorological information (Kulkarni et al, 2003). This paper brings together some of
the significant information with the aim of developing a water balance for the check dam and for the aquifer under-
lying it.
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 181
The check dam CD3 is a masonry structure with dimensions as given in Table 1. Intensive monitoring was under-
taken in the vicinity of CD3, with respect to hydrological and hydrogeological information, presented in the next
Top width 22 m
A systematic groundwater monitoring process was set up in the Kolwan valley on the basis of the AGRAR guide-
lines for fieldwork (Gale et al, 2003), with practical considerations and standards provided by Gunston (1998). The
actual monitoring was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, an automatic weather station was established at
Chikhalgaon to obtain uninterrupted meteorological data. In the second stage, a network of observation boreholes
was drilled around CD3 to measure water levels, and v-notch, staff gauges and a stilling well with the automatic
water level recorder were installed to measure inflows and overflows. In the third stage, pumping tests were carried
out on the boreholes (after an uninterrupted year of water level monitoring) to assess the properties of the underly-
ing shallow aquifer.
Groundwater levels
Nine observation boreholes were drilled near CD3. The sites for these boreholes were selected primarily to ascertain
the influence of the check dams on the water levels in the adjoining aquifer, in different directions and at different
distances. Resistivity data, borehole logs and detailed geological observations of surface exposures in existing
dug wells helped obtain an idea about the shallow basalt aquifer and the variation therein. A conceptual model
of the Chikhalgaon aquifer was developed on the basis of this information (Figure 2(a)). The Chikhalgaon aquifer
is a well bounded aquifer, with an impermeable base in the form of the unjointed compact basalt that is overlaid by
vertically jointed, compact basalt. The main storage in the shallow aquifer is within the sub-horizontally
jointed / fractured compound basalt unit, an observation that is in line with studies from other areas of the Deccan
basalt region (Kulkarni and Deolankar, 1995; Kulkarni et al, 2000).
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182 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Figure 2. Conceptual model of Chikhalgaon aquifer and location of boreholes around CD3
Of the eight observation boreholes drilled in the vicinity of CD3, seven were completed within the shallow aquifer
only, whereas one bore well (BH1) was drilled into deeper basalt aquifers. All observation boreholes were 152 mm
in diameter and were cased to a depth of about 3 m from the ground surface to prevent caving in of the topsoil and
weathered mantle. Figure 2(b) is a plan showing the location of boreholes around CD3.
Pumping tests
Pumping tests were conducted on some of the observation boreholes during January 2005, after the check dam
CD3 ran dry. These tests were intended to give an idea about the transmission and storage properties of the
Chikhalgaon aquifer. Groundwater abstraction from the Chikhalgaon aquifer in general, and in the vicinity of the
check dam CD3, in particular, is quite limited (there is virtually no abstraction from near the observation boreholes
because of the absence of pumping dug wells). The analysis of pumping test data was carried out by several
methods, including the suite of methods provided in AQUIFERTEST PRO 3.5. Data was also analysed using the
BGSPT package developed by Barker, 1989.
Livelihood surveys
A socio economic survey was conducted to assess the impact of watershed development on the livelihoods of the
people. More than 50% population of the Chikhalgaon village was covered under the ‘household-based’ survey. The
main emphasis of the study was to identify any changes in the source of irrigation, cropping pattern and the overall
socio-economic status of the population due to availability of water. Both the scenarios viz ‘before and after the
check dam’ and ‘with versus without the check dam’ were considered while formulating the questionnaire for this
survey (Kulkarni et al, 2003; Kulkarni et al., in preparation).
Initial plots of ground water contours in the vicinity of CD3 were generated using water level data obtained from
observation boreholes and the adjoining dug wells, on weekly basis. The mainstream, on which the structures are
constructed, acts as a discharging boundary at most places. There is little flow across the stream from one side to
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 183
the other. Considering these factors, water table contours were plotted for three seasons (Figure 3). This data repre-
sents two dry and one wet seasons.
Additionally, a water table contour map was generated for August, 2004 where only dug well data was used (Fig-
ure 3a). This plot did not pick up the change in groundwater flow pattern in the area close to CD3, clearly indicat-
ing that groundwater flow followed the surface topography. Including observation borehole data, revealed the local
effects of infiltration from the check dam CD3. This effect was evident in the form of a mound around CD3 (Figures
3b, 3c & 3d). The mound was most prominent during the dry season (February 2005). It was not so pronounced
during the wet season, because natural infiltration in ‘recharge’ areas upstream of CD3 (in the vicinity of BH2)
masks the local effect created from the infiltration from CD3. Pumping test data from boreholes indicated that the
Chikhalgaon aquifer is a low transmissivity and low storativity aquifer. Limited transmissivity implies a slow devel-
opment and dissipation of the mound created just downstream of CD3. Pumping test data yielded transmissivity
values of the order of 1–5 m2 /day, whereas the storativity (specific yield) varied over several orders of magnitude.
However, comparison of the specific yield values with those obtained for similar settings in the Deccan basalt
(Kulkarni et al, 2000) imply that the Chikhalgaon aquifer has a specific yield varying between 0.0001 and 0.01,
with an average value of about 0.005.
Notwithstanding the values of T and S obtained from pumping test data, it was interesting to note the relative
trends in drawdown and recovery between these wells. Borehole BH6, which took more than two days to recover,
implied that boreholes close to CD3 (BH8, BH5 and BH3, which recovered over a matter of a few hours) were draw-
ing water from close by (? from the mound just downstream of CD3). [what
is “(?”]
(c) (d)
Figure 3. Groundwater contour map near CD3. The figure includes water table contours using only dug well data
(a) and using borehole data for three seasons (b, c and d)
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184 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
To quantify losses/gains to CD3 during an annual cycle, the water balance for the structure was split into two major
components. The first component of the water balance has been estimated for the period of overflow in the check
dam, which was 108 days. This period corresponded to the time during which the water level in the structure
declined, essentially as a response to evaporation and infiltration. The period taken for the structure to completely
dry up was 63 days after the overflow stopped, over which the ‘dry season’ (second component of the water
balance) water balance was estimated. Using water level fluctuations in BH2 during the monsoon period, with
respect to events of rainfall, the cumulative ‘natural infiltration’ was calculated to be about 105 mm (Kulkarni et al,
in preparation).
Figure 4. CD3: Water balance – wet season (2004) and dry season (2003)
Impacts on livelihood
The actual impacts of the check dam on the livelihoods of the people may be quite small as compared to the other
‘push and pull’ factors, but it is something that cannot be neglected, at least not on the scale of four or five water-
sheds where GOMUKH is scaling up this activity. Groundwater abstraction for irrigation is still quite limited but
there are signs of increasing abstraction, after the check dam was constructed. This increase can be attributed to a
perceivable improvement in groundwater conditions, artificial recharge being one of the drivers to this effect.
The basalt aquifer in Chikhalgaon is a low storage, variable transmissivity aquifer. Natural infiltration and artificial
recharge (through the check dam) contribute to the net recharge to the shallow aquifer in Chikhalgaon. The water
table in the vicinity of the check dam is influenced by the mound created from the infiltration from CD3. The
response of the shallow basalt aquifer to natural and artificial infiltration is quick and takes a few weeks. Most sig-
nificantly, studies on the micro scale are necessary to pick up the nature and extent of impacts from artificial
recharge initiatives to underlying basalt aquifers, given the complexity in the hydrogeological properties of the
Deccan basalts.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 185
Barker J. A (1989). Programs to simulate and analyse pumping tests in large diameter wells. British Geol Surv Tech
Rep WD/89/23.
Gale I. N. (Ed.) Neumann I., Guha P, Macdonald, D. M. J. and Callow R. C. (2003). Augmenting Groundwater
Resources by Artificial Recharge. AGRAR Guidelines for Field Work. British Geological Survey, Commissioned
Report, CR.03/167N. UK.
Gunston H. (1998). Field hydrology in tropical countries: a practical introduction. Intermediate Technology Publi-
cations, ©Institute of Hydrology, UK.
Herschy, R.W. (1995). Streamflow Measurement. E & FN SPON publication. 524.
Kulkarni, H and Deolankar S. B. (1995). Hydrogeological mapping in Deccan basalts: an appraisal. Jour. Geol. Soc.
India, 46, 345–352.
Kulkarni H., Deolankar S. B., Lalwani A., Joseph B. and Pawar S. (2000). Hydrogeological framework for the Deccan
basalt groundwater systems, west-central India. Hydrogeology Journal, 8(4), 368–378.
Kulkarni H., Badarayani U. and Sharma S. (2003). Inception report for the research site at Kolwan valley, Pune district,
Maharashtra, India. Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge (AGRAR), Project funded by
DFID and co-coordinated by British Geological Survey, UK.
Kulkarni H., Badarayani U. and Phadnis V. (in preparation). Final case study report for Kolwan valley, Pune district,
Maharashtra, India. Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge (AGRAR), Project funded by
DFID and co-coordinated by British Geological Survey, UK.
Thorat P. K. and Sabale, A. B. (1990). Importance of geological mapping in selection of sites for artificial recharge in
Deccan volcanics with reference to some case histories from Parner taluka, Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra
state. Proc. All India Seminar on Modern Techniques of Rainwater Harvesting, Water Conservation and Artificial
Recharge for Drinking Water, Afforestation, Horticulture and Agriculture, Pune, GSDA, Govt. of Maharashtra
Publication, 199–201.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Study on sustainability
of irrigation agriculture by diversion
in the lower reach of the Yellow River
Jianyao Chen, Yoshihiro Fukushima and Makoto Taniguchi
The lower reach of the Yellow River is referred to the range starting from Huayuankou of Henan Province to Lijin of
Shandong Province. Since groundwater table was shallow and high in salinity, most part of this area was not
developed until the 1970s when the Yellow River was diverted to leach out salt and irrigate crops. With the
decrease of flow in the Yellow River, the sustainability of irrigation agriculture is becoming an issue to be dealt
with since 1997 when no water flowed in the reach from the river mouth up to about 780 km within a total period
of 226 days. The aim of this study is to analyze the sustainability of agriculture after about 30 years of irrigation
practice under the situation of water shortage. It is concluded that agriculture in the lower reach depends greatly
on the Yellow River, which is low in flow rate in last twenty years, and 50-60% of the groundwater in the shallow
aquifer comes from the Yellow River; saline water does no harm to crops as before and agriculture is sustainable as
long as the Yellow River could supply water for irrigation.
Sustainability; irrigation; agriculture; the Yellow River.
The lower reach of the Yellow River is defined as the zone from Huayuankou (about 100 m a.m.s.l.) to Lijin (about
12 m a.m.s.l.) with an administration area of about 4.43 x104 km2 and a population of about 2.5 x107 (Ruan, 1997).
This is an important agricultural area with an irrigation area of about 1.93 x104 km2 in 1990 by using the water
diverted from the Yellow River (Xi, 1999; CDCID, 2002), accounting for about one-third of total irrigation area of
the whole basin. Since much of sediment precipitates in the lower reach, raising the river bed, the Yellow River is
higher than the riparian zone, i.e., the Yellow River is a suspended river in the lower reach and recharges the local
aquifer along the river. Water table fluctuates due to precipitation and water diversion ranging from 1 to 4 m depth.
Water shortage is serious in the lower reach due to decreasing inflow at Huayuankou station and high demand for
domestic, industrial and agricultural water use, especially in the North China Plain. The main objective of this
study is to analyze the sustainability of irrigation agriculture in the lower reach under the situation of salt accum-
ulation and water shortage.
Piezometers with depths of 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 m, respectively was set up at Yucheng experimental station of Chinese
Academy of Sciences. Water samples were collected from the piezometers monthly, together with soil water samples
by means of vacuum method (porous cup) from 30, 50, 70, 90, 120, 150, 200 cm depth. Tensiometers were set up
in the unsaturated zone at the same depth as the porous cups, and tension was measured manually at 3 days inter-
vals. Chemical composition of NO3–, Cl–, and SO42 – were analyzed by ion chromatography, Na +, K +, Mg2 +, Ca2 +,
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 187
SiO2 by Inductively Coupled Plasma, HCO3– by titration, and stable isotopes (18O and deuterium=D) by a Delta S
mass spectrometer. Water table data of 26 observed wells during the period of 1990–2000 in the lower reach was
obtained from the Bureau of Water Conservation of Shandong Province. Monthly discharge data at Huayuankou
and Lijin was collected from the Yellow River Conservation Committee. Actual evapotranspiration at Yucheng
station was measured daily by lysimeter. Related data, such as land use, were collected from published papers,
reports, together with rainfall, pan evaporation data from Meteorological Bureau of Shandong Province.
The Yellow River flows to the northeast in the lower reach with an average topographic gradient of about 1/ 8200.
The regional groundwater flows in the same direction as the surface water (Fig. 1), though the Yellow River
recharges the riparian zone with a higher gradient, e.g., 1/4651 at Yucheng City of Shandong Province (Chen et al.,
2002). The aquifer transmissivity obtained by a pumping test is about 93–746 m2/day (Zhang et al., 1988), annual
recharge directly from the Yellow River for the river length of about 650 km in the lower reach is estimated to be
4.7 x 10 6 – 3.8 x 10 7 m3 by using the gradient at Yucheng City. Groundwater table changes but with a narrow range
of about 2 m due to the recharge from the river. When the drying up occurs in the main channel, recharge to the
groundwater ceases and water table drops down obviously, e.g., in 1997, there was no flow in the lower reach for a
total period of 226 days, water table at one of the observed wells (indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1) dropped down
6.15 m (Fig. 2).
Bohai Sea
North China Plain
10 Saline water
Latitude N
20 Boundary
of fresh and saline
36 30
Observed well
contour interval: 5 m
110 112 114 116 118 120
Longitude E
Figure 1. Groundwater table contour in the lower reach based on data in Dec. 2000
The impact zone of the Yellow River on the aquifer was indicated by the groundwater table variation along the dis-
tance perpendicular to the Yellow River (Fig. 3). Average water table variation in 1997 was 2.2 m, higher than the
years in 1999 and 2000, when there was no drying up due to water supply from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. Water
table variation (WTV) shows no difference along the distance from the Yellow River in 1997, while WTV in 1999
and 2000 is high near the river and decreases as it is far way to a distance of about 40 km, and then increases again.
Thus, a zone with a distance of about 40 km from the Yellow River is regarded as the impact area of the river in
terms of recharge. This result is similar to that indicated by the evidences of electrical conductivity (EC), Cl – con-
centration and isotopic features (Chen et al., 2001).
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188 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
19 / 7
19 / 1
20 / 7
20 / 1
ime year/month
Figure 2. Water table change at one of the observed wells (indicated by the arrow in Fig.1) from 1991 to 2000
Groundwater table change (m) 7
north 4
south 3
average 2.2 m
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the Yellow River (km)
1999 2000
Groundwater table change (m)
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2
average 1.72 m average 1.68 m
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance from the Yellow River (km) Distance from the Yellow River (km)
Figure 3. Groundwater table variation along the distance perpendicular to the Yellow River for the observed wells
in the southern and northern parts of the river
Annual discharges at Huayuankou and Lijin decrease in the last 50 years (Fig. 4), especially in the last 20 years,
while water diverted, defined as the difference of discharge between Huayuankou and Lijin, for irrigation, industry
and domestic use in the reach increases. More than half of water in the lower reach has been diverted in the 1990s.
Calculated water use and change of river bed height are given in Table 1. In the end of the 1950s, many irrigation
projects were built for land reclamation. Unfortunately, drainage canal from the agricultural land was not well
planned and constructed, and most of the projects were abandoned due to salinization problem occurred thereafter.
Thus, only 6% of the river water was used in the 1960s.
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Figure 4. Annual discharge at Huayuankou and Lijin during the period of 1950 – 2002
Table 1. Water use calculated and height of river bed in the lower reach
Decade 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s
(A) Water diverted, 1010 m3 42.3 31.3 88.9 136.7 121.9
(B) Observed discharge at Huayuankou, 1010 m3 458.7 521.8 372.8 420.2 236.9
As we know, average sediment load of the Yellow River is as high as 35 kg /m3, and it is affected greatly by the flow
rate and the construction of reservoir. Fig. 5 shows a linear relationship between annual discharge and sediment
at Lijin. Annual sediment is generally less than 5 x 10 8 tons in the 1990s as the discharge reduces and much more
70 s Y = 2.4555 * X
80 s R = 0.69
Annual sediment in 108 ton at Lijin (Y)
90 s
50-60 s
20 Relationship
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Annual discharge in 1010 m at Lijin (X)
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190 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
sediment load is kept in the channel, raising the river bed accordingly. Height of river bed at Huayuankou dropped
down in the 1960s due to the construction of Sanmenxia Reservoir. The heights at Huayuankou, Jiahetang, Gaocun,
Sunkou, Luokou, and Lijin increase 0.7, 0.86, 1.6, 0.88, 0.94, 2.26 m respectively from the 1950s to the 1990s. The
average height in the lower reach is thus estimated to increases 1.2 m in the last 50 years with an increase of 2.3%
in topographic gradient given an average altitude of 51.6 m for the lower reach. Supposed hydraulic conductivity
remains constant, recharge to the riparian zone is estimated to increase 0.0468% annually.
Annual average evapotranspiration measured by lysimeter at Yucheng experimental station is about 927 mm (Chen
et al., 2004), while annual average precipitation at Jinan of Shandong Province during the period of 1951– 2001 is
670 mm. The deficit of 257 mm is supplied by the water from the Yellow River. According to the isotopic signature
of 18 O and 2 H, 50 –60% of the groundwater in the shallow aquifer to the depth of 20 m comes from the Yellow
River (Chen et al., 2002). Most area of the lower reach was alkaline land before the reclamation, and high salt con-
tent still remains in the unsaturated zone even after irrigation of more than 30 years. The highest concentration was
found at a depth of 120 cm in the vertical profile from 0.3 m to 10 m depth at Yucheng Station (Chen et al., 2002;
Chen et al., 2004). Main reason for this concentration distribution is the occurrence of zero flux plain (ZFP) at
120 cm depth (Fig. 6).
Total potential in cm
-700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0
ZFP at 120 cm
Figure 6. Change of total potential in the unsaturated zone at Yucheng Station
during the period of Sept. 2000 –Nov. 2001
The irrigation agriculture has been sustained for more than 30 years by water diversion from the Yellow River
though water available for the diversion in the lower reach has decreased. This practice has not only redistributed
spatial water resources, but affected recharge and groundwater quality by leaching out surface salt. The diverted
water accounts for about 50 – 60% of local groundwater resources. The highest salt concentration occurs at the
depth of 120 cm, which is deeper than most of root depth of wheat, corn and bean, reducing the possible harm
of salt to crop. The impact zone of the Yellow River in terms of recharge in the riparian zone is estimated to be
around 40 km away from the river. Recharge rate is estimated to be 4.7 x 10 6 – 3.8 x 10 7 m3 / y and increase 0.0468 %
annually due to the rising of river bed in the last 50 years. Water diversion, recharge from the suspended river, and
the occurrence of ZFP are regarded as the main reasons for the sustainability of the irrigation agriculture in the
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lower reach. Agriculture in the lower reach is sustainable as long as the Yellow River could supply water for irri-
gation. In case of the drying up, given a specific yield of 0.1, the shallow aquifer of 20 m depth could provide the
water deficit of 257 mm for at least 2–3 years. This is the reason that the crop production did not decease in 1997.
The authors acknowledge the fund from Monbusho of Japan for Human-Nature-Earth Revolution Research Project
in ‘Prediction Mission in Water Cycle Change - Development of Water Resource Prediction Model - Surface Water
Research Program in the Yellow River’. This study is also supported by the Scientific Research Foundation for the
Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, the ‘985 Project’ of GIS and remote sensing for geosciences from Ministry of
Education of P.R. China, and The opening Fund of Laboratory Sun Yat-sen University.
CDCID (China Development Center for Irrigation and Drainage) (eds) (2002). Strategic study on water-saving recon-
struction for large irrigation projects in the Yellow River basin. The Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House,
Zhengzhou, pp. 82–85 (in Chinese).
Chen J.Y., Tang C.Y., Sakura S., Kondoh A., Shen Y.J. and Ouyang Z. (2001). The impacts of diversion from the Yellow
River on the local aquifer-case study in Shandong Province, China. In: New Approaches Characterizing
Groundwater Flow, Seiler KP, Wohnlich S (eds). A.A.Balkema Publishers: Lisse, pp. 1143–1147.
Chen J.Y., Tang C.Y., Sakura S., Kondoh A., Shen Y.J. and Song X.F. (2004). Measurement and analysis of redis-
tribution of soil moisture and salute in a maize field in the lower reach of the Yellow River. Hydrological Processes
18, pp. 2263–2273.
Chen J.Y., Tang C.Y., Sakura S., Kondoh A., Shen Y.J. (2002). Groundwater flow and geochemistry in the lower reach
of the Yellow River: case study in Shandong Province, China. Hydrogeology Journal 10(5), pp. 587–599.
Ruan B.Q. (1997). Optimization of water resources in the lower reach of the Yellow River. PhD thesis, XIAN University
of Technology (in Chinese).
Xi J.Z. (eds) (1999). Water resources of the Yellow River. The Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House, Zhengzhou
(in Chinese).
Ye Q.C., You L.Y., Xu J.X., Gong G.Y., Chen Z.Q. (eds) (1997). Development trend of the suspended river in the lower
reach of the Yellow River and its environmental impacts. The Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House,
Zhengzhou, pp. 74–75 (in Chinese).
Zhang YZ (1988). Boundary integral equation for groundwater modeling and determination parameters. In: Air,
Surface, Soil and Ground Water Interactions – Experiment and Calculation Analysis, Liu CM, Ren HZ (ed). Science
Press: Beijing; pp. 287–312 (in Chinese).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Surface runoff and groundwater recharge
measured on semi-permeable surfaces
Marco Schmidt, Heiko Diestel,
Bernd Heinzmann and Heiner Nobis-Wicherding
Since the year 2000, a rainwater fee is charged in Berlin for each square meter and year, which is dependent on
the runoff into the public sewer. At the TU Berlin, the surface runoff and groundwater recharge during precipi-
tation events is monitored on different semi-permeable surfaces. In general, semi-permeable surfaces show an
increased groundwater recharge in comparison to native landscapes. The surface runoff is directly connected to
the intensity of the rainfall and varies from 0 to 18% of yearly precipitation depending on the surface material,
runoff increases up to 80% of the precipitation during one stormwater event.
Semi permeable surfaces; surface runoff; groundwater recharge, urbanization; evapotranspiration.
Urbanization is increasing world wide. Urban centers can have negative environmental impacts including escalated
flood risks, polluted surface waters and increased groundwater depletion. Rainwater retention measures successfully
reduce these effects.
Since 1998, thirteen semi-permeable surfaces for the surface runoff and groundwater recharge are monitored in the
installation described below. Some of them infiltrate only through the gaps (there are three variants with greened
gaps), some, in addition infiltrate through the material itself. They represent the types currently used in Germany.
A rainwater fee replacing the common wastewater fee based on the drinking water consumption was introduced in
the year 2000. The rainwater fee is charged for each sealed square meter and year, depending on the stormwater
runoff into the public sewer.
This new fee influences possible implementations of decentralized measures of rainwater retention, such as greened
roofs, rainwater retention and infiltration systems. Quantitative information for designing such fee systems are
Figs. 1 and 2 show some aspects of the experimental installations of which the results are discussed here. The test-
ing field was originally constructed at the waterworks station in Berlin-Jungfernheide in 1981. Some results have
already been published. In 1998, this installation was brought to the Dahlem experimental fields and integrated into
existing stations of hydrologic measurements, a lysimeter station, greened roof plots and a climatological station.
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The testing field was modified to measure the precipitation and runoff in a high time resolution of one second, thus
allowing a detailed investigation of single precipitation events.
The equipment used are 26 tipping buckets of 100 ml volume, connected to a computer system for online-measure-
ments. From tipping buckets quality samples can also be taken.
The surface of each plot has a size of 4 square meters each. With the resolution of 100 ml, the surface runoff and
the groundwater recharge can be expressed as 0.025 mm.
The intensity of the runoff is recorded based in seconds between of two runoff-volumes of 100 ml accumulated in
the tipping buckets, runoff intensities up to 0.025 mm per second can be measured. Mistakes in measurements on
high intensities can be recognized, mainly the mechanical behavior of tipping buckets under different runoff inten-
sities. Losses in water quantity, typical for measurements with tipping buckets for precipitation and runoff, have
been corrected.
In contrast to real hard surfaces in urban areas the surfaces are generally unused. On the other hand they are nearly
25 years old and soil clogging took place.
The surface runoff is directly connected to the intensity of the rainfall and varies from 0 to 18% of the year’s precip-
itation. Stormwater runoff increases up to 80%, depending on the surface material and the precipitation intensity.
The annual groundwater recharge is up to 4 times increased, compared to native landscapes. Missing hydrological
component of urban areas and semi permeable surfaces is always the evapotranspiration.
Fig. 3 shows the relation between precipitation, surface runoff and groundwater recharge from july to december
2000 as a mean of 8 common semi-permeable surfaces. Greened surfaces are not included in this figure, they most-
ly don’t show any surface runoff at all.
The surface runoff during the year is lower than expected. The reason is that the precipitation intensity is lower
than 25 Liters per second and hectar for 90% of the precipitation in the year. This is equivalent to 9 Millimeters per
hour. Stormwater runoff of a high intensity is representative for several events in the summer month (see Fig. 3).
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Highest surface runoff rates are measured on semi permeable surfaces which infiltrate only through the material
itself. Our example here is porous asphalt (see Fig. 4). The impermeabilization increases the first years after imple-
mentation up to a certain level, due to an input of fine depositions. On the other hand the infiltration rate can be
considered as being high for the whole year; the groundwater recharge under these surfaces is increased compared
to vegetated landscapes. Half of the surface runoff during a year is directly connected to precipitation in a high
intensity in the summer months. A large proportion of runoff is due to the affect of freezing in the wintertime.
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In general, semi-permeable surfaces show an increased groundwater recharge, compared to native landscapes. This
might compensate for the impermeability of streets and buildings in urban areas. The hydrologic balance in urban
areas is strongly modified due to the low evapotranspiration rates and to the different nature of the infiltration
processes which take place. The unexpectedly high groundwater recharge rates in cities are one consequence of
this. These measurements described are intended to help understand this.
Diestel, H. and M. Schmidt: Wasserwirtschaftliche Vision: Die abflußlose Innenstadt – ein richtiger Ansatz? In:
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Umweltschutz und Technologie 1998: Zukunft Wasser, Tagungsband
zum Symposium zur Nachhaltigkeit im Wasserwesen vom 17.-19.6.98.
Timmermann, U. Entsiegelung von Verkehrsflächen – Erfahrungen eines sechsjährigen Forschungsprojektes zur
hydraulischen Leistung und Ausführung wasserdurchlässiger Verkehrsflächen Forum ‘Zukunft grünes Bauen’,
Hannover 22.03.2001.
Wessolek, G. and M. Facklam (1999): Aspekte zur Wasserbilanz versiegelter Standorte.In: Regenwasserversickerung
und Bodenschutz, BVB-Materialien, Band 2, 50–56, Erich Schmidt Verlag.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Traditional rainwater harvesting technologies:
key to drinking water security for desert
comunities in arid regions of India
N.R. Grey and O.P. Sharma
The Indian part of the Thar Desert is a hot arid region of 200,000 sq km with a population of 20million. It has the
highest desert population density in the world. Communities live in scattered hamlets where shifting sands make
water transport extremely difficult and metalled roads are few and far between. Drinking water security at a
family level can be achieved using traditional water harvesting practices, with appropriate technology added, so
as to improve water catchment efficiency and water quality. In particular the provision for each family in a village
of a taanka - underground water storage tank with a surrounding apron (acting as a micro water catchment area)
– has proven a low cost means to provide drinking water security for the family over the 10 months between the
monsoon seasons. The paper gives the design detail, evaluates effectiveness for differing rainfall patterns, water
quality questions and the social implications of drinking water security on the lives of women, children and the
family unit. It discusses the other water needs of the family, of their animals and of other livelihood needs. It
addresses questions of sustainability and the replication of the model across the Thar Desert.
Rajasthan; Rainwater Harvesting; Thar Desert; Taankas; Livelihood.
Traditional water harvesting systems that have been practiced since the birth of civilisation in the Indus valley have,
over the past 60 years rapidly decayed as water ‘on tap’ has been promised to the desert people. The Thar Desert
(Figure 1) has a monsoonal rainfall varying from 100 to 300 mm; the rain falls with great intensity (26 mm on aver-
age) on 5 to 20 days in a year. The mean onset of the monsoon season is 15th July and withdrawal 1st September
(Khan, 1998). The study of rainfall of a particular village can show no rain falls in a village or in some cases rain
falls on one part of a village but none on the other part. Four out of 10 years are on average drought years making
agriculture in the region extremely precarious.
The people live in scattered hamlets grouped together in villages with typical populations of 1,000 to 1,500. There
is a mixture of caste with 15 to 20% classified as schedule caste and about 5% as tribal. The population is largely
Hindu but with 10 to 20% Muslim. Over the last 100 years population density has increased strongly. The sex ratio,
is very low (913 females per 1000 males). (Resource Atlas of Rajasthan, 1994)
The people rely on animals for their livelihood. Their desert cattle are extremely hardy and until recently Rajasthan
was known as the milk pail of India. Nearly half of India’s wool is produced in Rajasthan. The Gujar caste keep
flocks of sheep, the men migrating with their sheep many hundreds of miles to the Punjab – to places where food
and green pasture is available. The typical family will have a cow and a few goats. Almost all families have some
land with average holdings of 3 to 5 Ha, on which they may hope to grow some fodder and food crops for their
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Chopra Dhora
Baap Pabupura
Bhalu Jodphur
The plough, overgrazing and the breakdown of the feudal system, which meted out severe punishment for cutting
down trees, has reduced the biomass of the desert. Tree, shrub and grass cover have been much reduced over the
past 50 years and the fierce hot May and June winds whip up sandstorms of greater and greater intensity.
Most of the able bodied men migrate to seek work in October after the crops have been harvested and return in
June to prepare for the monsoon rains. Life is hard for the women and children. Maternal mortality is amongst the
highest in the world (UNICEF 1992-93), child marriage commonplace and female literacy 1 to 2% in the villages.
Most diseases are water related and include leukorrhea due to poor hygiene.
Water is the cry of the people in every part of Rajasthan and the critical issue for Rajasthan and the Thar Desert in
particular. It is the natural entry point for gaining the trust of the villagers. It is the key to poverty alleviation. Over
the past 15 years there have been a number of high profile water harvesting success stories. These transformed the
lives of the village people and also enabled them to survive the severe drought years 1999 – 2003. The challenge
now is to develop and demonstrate models that can be replicated across Rajasthan.
The objective of this paper is to show how one particular water harvesting structure is used and has transformed
the lives of rural communities in the desert areas of the Thar.
The people in the Indus Valley Civilisation (3000 BC –1500 BC) depended on good water management. The exca-
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198 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
vations of Harappa in the 1920’s revealed a town laid out so that every drop of water falling on the roofs and pave-
ments was harvested and collected in reservoirs on the perimeter of the villages (National Museum, Delhi). The
people in the Thar Desert have had a long history developing a multitude of systems to harvest and store water.
This was combined with a cultural heritage, which deeply respected the value of water. This was linked (up till the
breakdown of the feudal system) with strong community values to support the construction and maintenance of
water harvesting structures and the catchment areas around them were sacred with strong punishment for those
doing damage, cutting trees or allowing animals to roam prior to the monsoon rains. In the last 50 years an increas-
ing number of deep boreholes have extracted groundwater and politicians have promised water on tap. (Agarwal,
2001). The years of severe drought 1985– 87 and 1999 – 2003 demonstrated the dependence of the people of the
Thar Desert on the traditional systems (Agarwal, 2001). During the last 10 years there has been serious effort by
Government and NGOs to revitalise, repair and improve traditional water-harvesting systems.
A simple calculation shows that 100 mm of rain falling on I Ha of land is 1 million litres of water enough to give
drinking and cooking water annually to 273 people at 10 litres per day. Field trials in the Negev Desert demonstrate
the importance of using small water catchment areas to maximise the efficiency of rainwater collection. (Evani,
1971). The average Indian village needs 1.12 Ha of land to capture the 6.57 million litres of water it will use in a
year for cooking and drinking (Agarwal, (2000)). In the Thar Desert the land area required varies from 1 to 5 Ha
depending on rainfall and size of village.
Taankas are underground storage tanks usually constructed of concrete and stone (Figures 2 and 3), harvesting
rainwater generally providing drinking water for a family or group of families. It is a system where rainwater from
roof top, courtyard or natural or artificially prepared catchment is directed to an underground tank.
In the Thar desert, since ancient times water was collected in underground water storage tanks for human drinking
water purposes. In the rich family homes water was collected from the roof whilst families without a tile or concrete
roof resorted to collecting water from the land. (Vangani et al., 1988). The traditional taanka suffered from seepage,
evaporative loss and pollution. At the Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) in Jodhpur, the design of taan-
ka was improved. (Ahuja et al., 2000). Their design of a 21,000 litre capacity tank was to provide drinking and
cooking water for a single family of 6. They calculated that, for a dependable annual rainfall of 130 to 250 mm (at
60 % probability), a catchment area of 420 to 780 sq.m was required.
Figure 2. Photograph showing family taanka with apron for harvesting water
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Wells for India working with the NGO GRAVIS, Jodhpur have been helping the poorest families to build taankas
with the ultimate aim that every family in a village should have drinking and cooking water. A typical village has
200 families and population of 1000. The target is to provide the 100 poorest families with taankas .
Wells for India built the first taanka in Bhalu village during the years 1996 to 2001. 40 taankas were built giving
water to 70 families. Then in January 2002 a project involving a cluster of 7 villages was started in Baap Block in the
north of Jodhpur District. A field programme was then established in the remote area of Pabupura (395 sq. km),
comprising 105 scattered hamlets and 1,139 households with a population of 7775 and 17,346 livestock. In the
summer months April – June, when all the ponds are dry, it is 40 to 60 Km to Baap where the nearest potable drink-
ing water is available.
In autumn 2003 a new project was started in Chopra Dhora, an even more remote and socially deprived communi-
ty with the aim of improving village ponds and providing taankas especially for the benefit of women and children.
The target cluster of 6 hamlets covers 151 sq. km., 531 households with a population of 3,186.
Up until mid 2005 the following taankas have been built with associated benefits in the Pabapura cluster of seven
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A case study serves to illustrate the changes in people’s livelihoods brought by the taankas.
Field experience is that families are using the taankas for much more than the drinking water needs of the family.
Their dilemma is that besides water for drinking and cooking there are domestic water requirements and sources of
water for the animals may be distant. Drinking water for the family may be the priority but the animals provide
livelihood and without livelihood they cannot remain in the village. When the local sources of water are dry they
would depend on the camel and tractor drivers to collect water. Having a taanka to collect and store water does
mean they pay less and can guarantee to have water for their use every day of the year.
Case studies show that when families have taankas, the woman’s day is transformed. She no longer has the weary
search for water. Because she knows the water is there, the psychological transformation is remarkable. (Grey,
2003). Poor drinking water quality is a major reason for infant and child mortality and without taankas, women are
forced to walk long distances to collect polluted water. The shortage of water causes personal hygiene problems
resulting in skin diseases and amongst women widespread leukorrhea.
The very low female literacy in the villages of the Pabupura and Chopra Dhora clusters of 1 to 2% (4.06% for the
whole of the Baap Block) is due to the heavy responsibilities put on the girl child and the low importance placed on
education of girl children. She may attend school for a year or two but soon drops out. Provision of water is prov-
ing an important factor to increase numbers of girls going to school.
Education of children about the importance of water, how to maintain water structures and how to use water to
improve health and hygiene are proving important.
Water provision is proving an important entry point or catalyst for growing community involvement to better lives
in the villages. The formation of a Village Development Committee drawn from all sections and the formation
of Women Self Help Groups is the direct result of starting community water projects. This organisation helps
the process of holistic development, ensuring sustainability of the water based projects as well as other parallel
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 201
The erratic nature of the rainfall means that in some years no rainwater enters the taankas. In such cases they are
filled by tractor tankers or camel carts in the period immediately after the monsoon season when water is more
accessible and cheaper to acquire. Where and when there is a pond nearby with water, the women may carry the
water to augment the filling of the taanka.
Field tests of rainwater collected during the monsoon season suggest that about 60% of the rain enters the taankas.
This compares with data from CAZRI, Jodhpur that show average run off during a four-year period varying from
29% for an untreated apron catchment surface up to 65% for the best-sealed surfaces (personal communication). In
Bhalu the total rainfall for 2001 was recorded as 109.5 mm compared with average rainfall close to 300 mm. The
22,000 litre (22 m3) taankas with an apron of 120 m2 on average collected 6.1 m3 water. A decision was made to
increase the size of the aprons.
The Pabupura cluster of 7 villages has an average rainfall of 270 mm of which 230 mm falls during the monsoon
season. The aprons are 337 m2 and in an average year should collect 46 m3. However, during years of drought
the taankas will not fill sufficiently to fully meet the needs of the family for drinking water. In the Pabupura cluster
of villages it is found that after rainfall efforts are made to top up the taankas from close-by sources of water while
they last.
Each household taanka costs approximately £200. A typical village has a population of 1000 incorporating 200 fam-
ilies of which 100 are too poor to finance their own taanka’s construction. A typical village requires 5 taankas for
schools, 5 community taankas, 50 household taankas to be built and 15 taankas to be repaired at a total capital cost
of around £13,000. Add to this £3,000 costs for training, capacity building and education before during and after
construction to give a total of around £15,000 per village.
Where there are no locally available materials for constructing the taanka aprons, materials need to be brought in by
tractor and wagon at higher cost. It is estimated that across the Thar Desert there are 20 million people of whom 17
million live in villages. Two thirds of the villages could benefit from taankas at a total cost between £200 and £250
The provision of a taanka to a family transforms their lives. In years of poor rainfall it will not fill completely. It
then does provide storage and allows the family to fill the taanka with water when it is more plentiful.
Further work is required monitoring over a long period the efficiency of the rainwater catchment for different apron
surfaces. Work is required on the cost and benefits for different parts of the desert with lower and higher rainfall.
Further experience is required in order to develop a model that can be replicated across the Thar Desert. Future
priorities for R and D may be identified:
• NGOs with ability and interest to initiate water projects have proven essential to generate the community involve-
ment, thus creating sustainable village-based water management. There is a shortage of quality NGOs prepared
to work in the harsh environment of the Thar Desert.
• Government money has been used to build taankas for government schools. The employment of contractors and
the low involvement of the community has lead to poor quality of construction and poor maintenance thereafter.
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202 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Ways have to be found to involve the village community in all stages of Government financed community water
• The availability of local materials for construction of taanka aprons and further research into the efficiencies of
different surfaces are required.
• Families need water for their animal and for their domestic use. Developments of courtyard water harvesting and
the researching and optimisation of other means to harvest and store water is required.
Ahuja, U.R., Narain,P., Sharma, K.D., Rao, A.S., Singh, D.V., Mathur, B.K., (2000). Strategy to combat Drought and
Famine in the Indian Arid Zone, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, India.
Agarwal, A., (2000) Drought? Try Catching the Rain. A Briefing Paper for Members of Parliament and State Legislature
Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India.
Agarwal, A., Narain.S., (2001). State of India’s Environment – A Citizen’s Report, Vol. 4, Dying Wisdom: Rise, Fall and
Potential of India’s Water Systems, Centre for Science and Environment New Delhi, India.
Evani M., et al., (1971). The Negev: The Challenge of a Desert, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Grey, M.C., (2003). Sacred Longings, SCM Press, London, p.44.
Khan, Y., (1998). Climate and Dryland Ecology, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, Rajasthan, p. 75.
Murthy, K.N.K., Gupta, B.S. and Isaac, V.C., (1978). Interrelationship between Rainfall- runoff Treated Catchments
in Arid Zone of Rajasthan. In Annals of Arid Zone 17(2), 259–266.
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 203
Vangani, N.S., Sharma, K.D., Chatterji, P.C., (1988). Tanka- a Reliable System of Rainwater Harvesting in the Indian
Desert,Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, India.
Resource Atlas of Rajasthan, (1994), Dept of Science and Technology, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India,
pp. 52–57.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Approximating technical effectiveness of
low technology aquifer recharge structures
using simple numerical solutions
Ilka Neumann, John Barker, David Macdonald and Ian Gale
This study describes numerical approaches to quantify technical effectiveness of low-technology artificial
recharge structures e.g. small check dams and spreading basins, as seen commonly in rural environments
in arid and semi-arid developing countries. The described methodologies enable effectiveness of artificial
recharge structures, i.e. their ability to replenish the aquifer, to be assessed. Technical effectiveness
of recharge facilities is thereby evaluated on two scales: impact at recharge structure scale and impact
of artificial recharge from structures on aquifers. Emphasis is placed on simple numerical solutions to
evaluate technical effectiveness, which can be applied locally without detailed knowledge of artificial
recharge processes. The methodologies presented have been used to assess the impact of artiificial
recharge structures at three case study sites across India.
Analytical solution, numerical modelling, effectiveness, low-technology recharge structures.
In recent years India has seen a substantial rise in groundwater abstraction to meet the rising demand for water for
domestic supplies and irrigation. Concerns are being raised about the sustainability of groundwater resources and
the livelihoods it supports. One of several measures adopted in India to address problems of groundwater depletion
is the promotion of the use of water harvesting structures to increase recharge. A range of facilities from traditional
to sophisticated are employed; for a detailed description of recharge structure types the reader is referred to United
Nations (1975), Huisman and Olsthoorn (1983), O’Hare et al. (1982), Gale et al. (2002) and others. Considerable
investment and effort are required to restore and maintain such facilities in India, however no systematic evaluation
of their technical performance has been carried out. The impact of such structures are often anecdotal and their
overall performance is currently not established.
While the overall effectiveness of artificial recharge schemes is governed by a variety of factors such as climate,
hydrogeology, source water availability and quality, operational and management issues and socio-economic consid-
erations, the study reported on here focuses on the technical aspects of the effectiveness of low-technology recharge
facilities, i.e. the ability of the structure to recharge the aquifer. It is part of a larger study on the ‘augmentation of
groundwater by artificial recharge’ (AGRAR), in which the impact of recharge structures in three locations in India
is assessed: Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, the Kolwan Valley near Pune, and the Aravalli Hills in Gujarat. The sites are
located in different hydrogeological environments. Recharge structures in Coimbatore are situated on alluvial
deposits on basement rocks, structures in the Aravalli Hills are on weathered basement rocks while the Kolwan
Valley is situated within Deccan basalt.
The work is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK.
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The technical effectiveness of the recharge structures is evaluated at two scales:
Emphasis is thereby placed on the development of simple numerical solutions to help evaluate technical effective-
ness, which can be applied locally without detailed knowledge of artificial recharge processes.
Under such conditions, the balance between evaporation and infiltration will determine the effectiveness of the arti-
ficial recharge scheme.
The change of volume in the reservoirs at the Indian case study sites is monitored by recording the change in reser-
voir water level with time. For periods without direct abstraction and rainfall, this is translated into infiltration rates
after subtracting estimated open water evaporation rates. Assuming the overall change in unsaturated zone storage
is negligible, this infiltration is equal to groundwater recharge.
• Estimation of expected water level rise following recharge events within various hydrogeological settings.
• Assessment of the likely impact zone of a recharge structure, i.e. the area in which a rise in water level is
• Simulation of the dissipation of the groundwater mound with time.
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206 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
To facilitate the estimation of effects of radially-symmetric patterns of pumping from a homogeneous aquifer, an
analytical solution was introduced by John Barker of University College London (Macdonald et al. 1995, 1998).
Subsequently this has been further developed. The solution forms the basis for the spreadsheet model used within
this study to investigate the impacts of recharge to a homogenous aquifer, determining water level rises and
volumes, respectively. The model assumes an isotropic, homogenous aquifer, with a recharge structure of radius R1
situated at the centre. A schematic diagram of this set-up is shown in Figure 1.
Recharge is distributed uniformly within the recharge structure at rates specified in m3 /d /m2. The recharge rate is
held constant over specified time periods. The model then calculates water levels in the aquifer and volume
balances. Water levels are calculated at user-specified distances from the centre of the recharge structure. The
aquifer can be treated as infinitive or a no-flow boundary can be defined at a radius equivalent to the extent of the
aquifer. A numerical model was set up using MODFLOW, which is able to simulate radial flow outwards from
the recharge structure similarly to the analytical model. The model is bounded by general-head boundaries with the
same groundwater head all round and recharge is applied using a constant flux boundary condition.
Aquifer (T, S)
a) b)
Figure 1. a) Schematic diagram of the analytical model set up. R1 = radius of recharge structure,
R2 = radius of aquifer; b) schematic diagram of the set-up of the numerical MODFLOW model
Impact at recharge structure scale
Water levels in recharge structures were measured over a period of nearly 3 years at the three Indian case study
locations. In addition, surface water inflow and outflow and evaporation from standing water in structures and
direct abstraction was recorded. Preliminary results show water level decline rates in the structures vary widely.
Decline rates as low as 3.5 mm/d suggest some reservoirs to be highly inefficient, acting basically as evaporation
pans. Rates as high as 51mm/d for other reservoirs suggest considerable infiltration (Figure 2).
The measurements of water declines in the case study areas show, that these can be useful indicators for the reser-
voirs efficiency in recharging the aquifer. Generally, the faster the water level declines, the less water is lost to evap-
oration and the more efficient the reservoir is in recharging the aquifer. If the unsaturated zone is not limiting the
rate of infiltration, a steady downward flux to the water table occurs and a linear decline in reservoir levels is
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 207
Figure 2. Examples of reservoir stage declines in three reservoirs in the Kodangipalayam watershed in Tamil Nadu
(Palanisami et al. 2004) and in three reservoirs in the Kolwan Valley near Pune (Kulkarni et al. 2004)
observed. Factors, such as moisture content in the unsaturated zone, clogging of the reservoir bed over time,
decrease in the reservoir ponding depth or a rise in groundwater table influence the observed stage declines. A sum-
mary of decline rates over time and their causes is shown in Figure 3.
The water level in the aquifer rises to its maximum underneath the recharge structure at 30.4 days, when recharge
ceases (Figure 4a). The maximum is thereby dependent on the permeability of the ground, with highest water levels
being achieved for the lowest conductivities and smallest effective porosities. The maximum water level built-up
does not exceed 2.6 m underneath the recharge structure for any of the modelled scenarios. This decreases under
homogenous aquifer conditions to maxima of below 0.4 m at a distance of 110 metres from the centre of the
recharge structure (Sc1 to Sc4). For high permeable aquifers (scenario Sc2) the maximum height of the recharge
mound remains in the order of a few centimetres.
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208 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Figure 4. Change in water level due to a one month recharge event with time, a) Water level with distance from the
recharge structure, b) levels are shown at 110 m distance from the centre of the recharge structure with time. Data
labeled prefix.Analytical and prefixMOD are generated using the analytical and MODFLOW model respectively.
The recharge mound subsides quickly underneath the recharge structure by spreading radially outwards to occupy
an ever increasing area of the aquifer (Figure 4b). Subsequently, water levels fall sharply in the vicinity of the
recharge structure over time but increase radially outwards in the aquifer. This increase however is small in all mod-
elled homogenous aquifer scenarios, due to the recharge volume being small compared to the volume of the aquifer
the water occupies over time. Maximum water level rises outside the immediate area of the recharge structure
remain in the order of centimetres for all modelled scenarios.
The effect of inhomogentities in the aquifer is to channel recharge water instead of spreading it evenly over a large
aquifer volume as in the case of the previously discussed homogeneous radial flow scenarios. The result in the
simulated high permeable weathered zone (Sc5 and Sc6) is an increase in water levels to several times the height
observed under radial flow conditions in a homogenous aquifer, with elevated levels sustained over longer periods.
Technical effectiveness of artificial recharge structures was evaluated on two levels. On a recharge structure scale,
the rate of infiltration in relation to evaporation was established. This determines whether the structure is fit for the
purpose and can be approximated by measurements of water level declines in reservoirs during periods of no inflow
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 209
and outflow except for recharge and evaporation loss. In a second step, the area of benefit, i.e. the zone of impact of
the artificial recharge structure was approximated, which is dependant on time scale and hydrogeological con-
ditions at the site. This establishes the likely beneficiaries of the scheme. Conclusions drawn can be summarised as
• Decline rates serve as a good indicator for the reservoir’s efficiency in recharging the aquifer. Generally, the faster
the water level declines, the less water is lost to evaporation and the more efficiently the reservoir recharges the
• Data from Indian case sites suggest decline rates vary widely. Decline rates as low as 3.5 mm/d suggest some reser-
voirs to be highly inefficient, acting basically as evaporation pans. Rates as high as 51mm/d for other reservoirs
suggest considerable recharge.
Aquifer scale
• Within the range of parameters used in the modelling study, the impact of the simulated recharge structure on
water levels is minimal for all but the immediate vicinity of the structure itself if aquifers are isotropic and homo-
genous. Water level rises remain in the order of centimetres, due to the recharge volume being small compared
to the volume of the aquifer the recharge water occupies over time.
• The impact of a recharge structure increases the larger the ratio between recharge water volume and receiving
aquifer body volume, i.e. the smaller the aquifer being recharged, the larger the effect. Preferential flow paths in
the form of discrete zones of higher permeability can act as such zones, where recharge water is channelled result-
ing in a substantial rise in water levels, sustained over longer periods.
• The rate at which water levels subside after recharge events depends on the aquifer parameters with levels sus-
tained longer, the lower the aquifer permeability.
Gale I.N., Neumann I., Calow R. and Moench M. (2002). The effectiveness of Artificial Recharge of groundwater: a
review. AGRAR - Phase 1 Final Report. British Geological Survey, Commissioned Report CR/02/108N.
Huisman L. and Olsthoorn T N. (1983). Artificial Groundwater Recharge. Pitman, Boston.
Kulkarni H., Badarayani U., Sharma S., (2004). Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge – AGRAR.
Inception Report for the research site at Kolwan valley, Pune district, Maharashtra. Advanced Center for Water
Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM). Pune, India.
Macdonald D.M.J, Barker J.A. and Lawrence, A.R. (1998). A mathematical model for evaluating the effectiveness of
protection zones in safeguarding water supplies from public wells. British Geological Survey, Technical Report
Macdonald D.M.J, Kulkarni H.C., Lawrence A.R., Deolankar S. B., Barker J.A. and Lalwani A.B. (1995). Sustainable
groundwater development of hard rock aquifers: the conflict between irrigation and drinking water supplies from the
Deccan basalts of India. British Geological Survey, Technical Report WC/95/52.
McDonald M.G., and Harbaugh A.W. (1984). A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model.
U.S.Geological Survey, National Center, Reston, Virginia.
O’Hare M.P., Fairchild D. M., Hajali P.A. and Canter L. W. (1982). Artificial Recharge of Ground Water. Status and
Potential in the Contiguous United States. Norman, Oklahoma.
Palanisami K., Raviraj A., Thirumurthi S. and Sellamuthu K.M. (2004). Augmenting Groundwater Resources by
Artifical Recharge (AGRAR). Inception Report For the research site at Kodangipalayam village, Coimbatore District,
Tamil Nadu. Water Technology Centre Tamil Nadu, Agricultural University Coimbatore, India.
United Nations (1975). Ground-Water Storage and Artificial Recharge. United Nations Natural Resources/Water
Series, 2.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Impact of meteorological elements
on groundwater level in Rostov region
Olesya Nazarenko
Influence of the meteorological factors on formation of groundwater of the Don – Donetsky basin (south western
Russia) is investigated. Correlation of meteorological elements and groundwater level is established. Influence of
meteorological factors on a level of subsoil waters is appreciated.
Groundwater, meteorological elements, recharge, Russia.
Rostov region faces water shortage due to climate, geographical location and human activity. That is why water
and especially groundwater is the subject of special interest. In recent years the significance of this problem
has increased. Groundwater is the main source of fresh water in the region. It is used for not only domestic water
supply, but also for irrigation.
The interaction between the land surface and atmosphere has been identified as one of the most important pro-
cesses in climate studies. Long-term change of a groundwater level in different conditions is defined by climatic
factors. Meteorological factors have the most effective influence on their formation and recharge. An air temper-
ature, an atmospheric precipitation, evaporation, air humidity and also atmospheric pressure has an appreciable
influence on subterranean waters here. Hydrological should be taken into the mind in the river valleys.
Many investigators have addressed their study to the problem of climate change and its influence on groundwater
level. This problem has a leading role in the study of Kovalevsky et al. (1998). He gives a detail description of the
interconnections of a groundwater level with some meteorological elements, such as precipitation, evaporation,
temperature, and humidity.
Study area
The study site is the Don – Donetsky basin, located in the southwest part of Russia. It was used as a case study area
for modeling the sensitivity of an aquifer to changes in recharge and influence of climate on it. This area situated in
the north part of the Rostov region. There is no highly developed industry in this part of the region. The topo-
graphy of the area is flat.
The main groundwater system in north part of Rostov region is composed of the sands, the depth of them is from
0,8 up to 35 m. The recharge changes widely. The main source of groundwater feed is precipitation and infiltration
of Paleogene and Cretaceous aquifer. The practical meaning of the alluvial deposits is wide enough. They are used
for domestic water supply and irrigation. Groundwater is of high quality, fresh, and both soft and of high hardness.
Temperature of water is 8 –10 degrees.
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The climate is a continental with insufficient precipitation, high evaporation and annual temperature, and low
humidity during the spring-and-summer period. The mean annual precipitation is 508 mm and the mean annual
temperature is 7,4 º C.
The exploration of the area was carried out over the period 1954 – 2000 by the Rostov expedition. The investigation
included geological mapping, estimation of groundwater level, and chemical analysis of water. Information about
groundwater level was taken every third day, chemical analyses of water was made once a month.
We analyzed the precipitation, temperature and groundwater level data from 1954 to 1993. Table 1 shows the
variations of meteorological variables.
After examination of the average annual precipitation, we found out that the precipitation over average was marked
in 1958, 1966, 1970, 1977, 1988, 1989, 1990, and 1993. The maximum annual mean air temperature during the
measurements period was in 1955, 1957, 1962, 1966, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, and 1992. The
exploration showed that increasing of precipitation leads to the groundwater raising (Figure 1).
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Groundwater level
Figure 4. CD3: Water balance – wet season (2004) & dry season (2003)
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212 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
In order to define the climate influence on the groundwater level, the analyze of precipitation, temperature, evapo-
ration and humidity was held. Special attention was given to the experimental observation of three areas 1, 4 and 8.
The difference between these areas is shown in the Table 2. In the table we can find data that shows groundwater
level in the beginning and in the end of observation. It was noticed the groundwater rising from 0,15 m for 22 years
of observation (low flood plain) up to 0,99 m for 41 years (1st river terrace).
8 58.14 Low flood plain aQIV Sand, clay 1979-2000 1.32 1.17
Table 3 shows the results of correlation of the meteorological elements and groundwater.
The examination showed strong correlation between groundwater level and humidity. The plural correlation is
higher and is equal 0, 94 for group level – humidity –- evaporation. Precipitation plays an essential role in ground-
water recharge not only straightly but also through humidity. For the average long-term data factors correlation
shows absence or insignificant interrelation. The low correlation of groundwater level with meteorological elements
does not mean absence of the influence, and shows the influence of surface water and other factors on the
water level. Meteorological elements influence on the groundwater level and give from 25 % (seasonal) up to 65 %
(annual) of the recharge.
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The region is situated in the best recharge conditions. Main source of groundwater feed is precipitation. Increase of
the mid-annual temperatures (warming of winters) and precipitation resulted in increasing of the groundwater
recharge. Climate plays a significant role in the groundwater recharge and precipitation is the main source of
increasing groundwater level. The role of meteorological factors can be appreciated with the help of statistical pro-
grams. Groundwater recharge, caused by climate, differs from 25 % (seasonal) up to 65 % (annual).
Essery C.I. (1993) Influence of season and balance period on the construction of catchment water balances. Journal
of hydrology. 130:171–187.
Fagre D., Comanor P., White J., Hauer F.R. & Running. (1997) Watershed responses to climate change at Glacier
National park. Journal of the American water resources association. Vol. 33, No.4, 755–767.
Herrmann R. (1997) Longterm watershed research and monitoring to understand ecosystem change in parks and
equivalent reserves. Journal of the American water resources association. Vol. 33, No. 4, 747–755.
Katz B. G., DeHan R. S., Hirten J.J., Catches J.S. (1997) Interactions between groundwater and surface water in the
Suwannee river basin, Florida. Journal of the American water resources association. Vol. 33, No. 6, 1237–1254.
Kite G. (1998) Integration of forest ecosystem and climatic models with a hydrologic model. Journal of the American
water resources association. Vol. 34, No. 4, 743–753.
Kovalevskij V.S., Semenov S.M., Kovalevskij J.V. (1998) Forecasting of influence of techno genesis changes of a cli-
mate on underground waters. Geoecology. Vol. 5, 3–15.
Krusche A.V., de Carvalho F.P., de Moraes J.M. et al. (1997) Spatial and temporal water quality variability in the
Piracicaba river basin, Brazil. Journal of the American water resources association. Vol. 33, No. 5, 1117–1123.
Loque K.M. and R.A.Freeze. (1985) A comparison of rainfall runoff modeling techniques on small upland catch-
ments. Water resources research. 21(2): 229–248.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Conceptual approach of recharge estimation
at the West Bank aquifers - Palestine
N. Salim and W. Wildi
Understanding the processes and mechanisms under which groundwater reservoirs get recharged is one of the
keys to water availability and water distribution. A relatively simple estimate of recharge as the difference
between rainfall, evapotranspiration and runoff is not feasible in arid to semi-arid environments, because of the
high evapotranspiration, runoff and low rates of recharge. Detailed studies are therefore required to improve
quantification and a better understanding of the recharge processes. This fact is compiled with many complexities
of recharge in the study area like:
• Rainfall is very unevenly distributed in time and space
• Geology is relatively complex
• The interaction between precipitation and runoff, over impermeable strata will influence recharge at the
contact between the impermeable strata and the aquifer
• Steep hill slopes in many areas will allow rapid runoff generation during heavy rainstorms, so creating zones
of intense recharge from wadi floors.
These complexity leads to significant localised inaccuracies in the estimation of recharge. This paper will suggest
a new method for recharge estimation, which adopts remote sensing and GIS as tools for further analyses.
GIS, Groundwater recharge, Palestine, Remote sensing, West Bank.
The West Bank is highly influenced by the Mediterranean climate which is characterised by long, hot, dry summers
and short, cool, rainy winters. Rainfall is limited to the winter and spring months. Climate within the relatively
small area is affected by the general topographic trends which divide the West Bank into four main climatic regions:
the Jordan Valley, the Eastern Slopes, the Central Highlands and the Western Slopes.
Rain and sometimes snow are the main sources of groundwater recharge. Groundwater in shallow, intermediate and
deep-seated aquifers ranges in depth from tens to several hundreds of meters in lithological units ranging from
Albian- lower Cenomanian to the Holocene.–Six aquifers in the West Bank are distributed within three main basins
(Western, Eastern and Northeastern) lined by structural limits. The surface water is mainly represented by wadi-
flow and structural springs, which seep their water from limestone or dolomitic limestone formations.
Many authors have quoted the recharge to the aquifers of the West Bank, either as part of geological, hydrogeologi-
cal or socio-economic studies and discussions, as a main input into aquifers. Most of the estimates have been based
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 215
on catchment scale water balances and/or empirical relationships between rainfall and recharge. The previous
recharge estimations and studies of the West Bank are presented in Table 1 (McKenzie et al., 2001). These different
studies simplified the case and considered recharge as a specific percentage of rainfall.
Table 1. Summary of previous recharge estimations of the West Bank (McKenzie et al, 2001).
Source Area Date (Mm3 a-1)) Details of calculation
Other studies have been carried out at the basin scale and did not cover the whole West Bank. These studies con-
sidered the following aspects:
• The catchment scale water balance (Goldschmidt, 1955; Goldschmidt and Jacob, 1958; Rofe and Raffety, 1965;
Guttmann, 1998).
• Groundwater models (Bachmat, 1995; Guttman and Zukerman, 1995; Camp Dresser Morganti (CDM), 1997;
1998; Ghanem, 1999).
• Hydrograph regression curves (Ba’ba, 1996). However spring hydrograph regressions on 3 spring systems within
Eastern Aquifer Basin, do not produce a recharge estimate for the whole Eastern Aquifer Basin.
All these studies are based on methods to assess and calculate the recharge using the empirical models undertaken
by earlier authors. The output of these methods does not reflect the reality and have a high uncertainty, given the
lack of data or the type of data available.
The main components of recharge model have been defined as follows:
The new model of recharge will be based on theoretical hypotheses and analyses, which mainly depend on under-
standing the hydrological cycle in the region. The model will be developed in the context of understanding recharge
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processes acquired by other investigations, personal experience, and field surveys. This knowledge will be compiled
and reform in a GIS database for further analyses.
The factors of recharge will be integrated and spatially distributed within a GIS model allowing for refinement and
development of the model (Figure 1). This allows for calculating the recharge in different scenarios (climate,
anthropogenic and land use) and with different contributions from leakage, waste water and irrigation returns to
reflect the changing management of West Bank water resources. To integrate all these factors, the recharge model
has to be broken down by three stages, the first of which is–concentrated on information level where the basic data
within the GIS system is held as vectors; points, lines or polygonal regions as appropriate. The second stage
includes gridding the maps and converting them into raster layers, the data are transformed to a rectangular grid for
spatial distribution of recharge parameters. This allows for a simple implementation of arithmetical relationships
between topography, geology, climate and recharge. Analysing all the geomatics information and reclassify them in a
hydrological concept, such as transferring the geology into hydrogeological concepts and maps; Elaborating of digi-
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of recharge modelling applying GIS and remote sensing.
tal elevation models (DEM); hill slope and Combination of information levels (e.g. land use, topography, drainage
network, etc). The third step will adopted the GIS multi-criteria analyses base on recalculation of different factors.
The overall approach will start on a simple basis and increase the complexity as data and understanding allow. As
data and understanding increases, the complexity of the calculation of recharge can be increased within each object.
The initial selections of objects are as follows:
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 217
- Urban recharge,
- Wadi channel infiltration,
• Unsaturated zone object.
The recharge will be calculated at a node object; each node object is held within a grid, which will determine the
routing of runoff. As a consequence of the development in geomatics, (GIS, GIS-modelling and remote sensing)
recharge estimation may now consider all the available information levels and their spatial distribution. The imple-
mentation of this approach may allow an improved estimation of quantitative values of recharge in different zones
and point locations. These different themes will be gathered, treated, analysed and integrated with scenario analy-
ses, mainly on climate variations and anthropogenic factors.
The (West Bank) aquifer basins boundary is not well defined. Despite the fact of information we got from
water level hydrographs, structural geology and the interpretation of the relation between the aquifers. The degree
of interconnection between aquifers remains far from well established. Clearly, a better understanding of these
boundaries is required for both physical and chemical flow modelling. This interconnection between the aquifer
units gives a high uncertainty for recharge assessment. To be able to overcome this uncertainty a detailed further
study is still needed. The main factors in the regional context are the following:
Covering these numerous information levels and parameters requires a wide variety of data, which is not available.
Satellite image analyses and GIS could be used as tools to reduce the gap in data.
Relations between surface water and groundwater will be difficult to assess in some areas because of the complicat-
ed interaction between the pathways. Tracer studies might give a good value for this specific problem, but it is still
very limited.
The new geomatic based recharge model suggests dividing the area of the West Bank into different zones of recharge
(Figure 2). This is a result of the multicriteria analyses where the area is divided naturally by structural geology
into grabens and forces the groundwater to follow a specific path, in addition to the climatic parameters which is
taken into consideration.
1. All previous studies have given a non certain image of recharge, and in particular the methods based on ground-
water flow models, given the lack of data and the insufficient knowledge of the groundwater flow in the area that
is highly influenced and oriented by structural geology. The GIS model suggests solving this problem by subdi-
viding the area into local units with specific infiltration rates and recharge characteristics. This method might
appear complicated, but it could give better results as far as we deal with highly fractured area.
2. Furthermore, the data obtained from regional monitoring programs do not always reflect the real hydrological
and hydrogeological situation. The implementation of a groundwater recharge modelling based on GIS-tech-
niques needs a wide variety and good quality of data, which are not always available. Some of these data could be
obtained through satellite image analyses such as structural geology and land use.
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218 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Figure 2. Example of information level “topography”, hill slope analyses of West Bank
from digital elevation model, subdivision into recharge analysis main zones
3. The relation between the wadi flow and the groundwater is not well established. The former is considered as one
of the main sources of recharge and it might be considered as the main source of recharge in summer. Hence, there
is no rainfall in summer and all recharge comes from the wastewater flowing through these wadis. This type of
recharge is the most important, as, on one hand it compensates for the lack of water quantity and, on the other
hand, it aggravates the quality of water by adding toxic substances to the aquifers.
4. Differences in topography and their interaction with the different geological outcrops have not been taken into
consideration. Slope analyses and hills shade analyses would contribute effectively in spatial calculation of
5. The time variant and space data sets that are available, or could be generated from satellite images and GIS include
topography, geology, soil cover, land use, precipitation, other climate parameters, and water allocations will thus
be necessary to elaborate a reasonably robust model to link recharge estimates to all important related factors as
well as to the available data.
Ba’ba’ M. M., (1996). Hydrogeological investigations in the eastern basin of the West Bank. Unpublished M.Sc Thesis,
IHE, Delft.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 219
Bachmat Y. (1995). Hydrologic Model of the Western Mountain Groundwater Basin for Stage 1 of the Harvard Middle
East Water Project. Institute for Social and Economic Policy in the Middle East, John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University, U.S.A.
Blake G. S. and Goldschmidt M. J. (1947). Geology and Water Resources of Palestine. Government of Palestine,
Department of Land Settlement and Water Commissioner, Jerusalem. Camp Dresser Morganti (CDM).
CDM/Morganti, Task 18: Study of the Sustainable Yield of the Eastern Aquifer Basin: Preliminary Conceptual Model
& Initial Estimate of the Sustainable Yield. PWA/USAID Internal Report. Camp Dresser Morganti (CDM).
CDM/Morganti, Study of the Sustainable Yield of the Eastern Aquifer Basin: Final Report. PWA/USAID Internal
Ghanem M. (1999). Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of the Faria Drainage Basin/West Bank, MSc thesis.
Technische Universitat Berakademie Freiberg.
Goldschmidt M. (1955). Precipitation over and Run-off from Jordan and Litani Catchments. Jerusalem: Hydrologic
Goldschmidt M. and Jacobs. M. (1958). Precipitation over and Replenishment of the Yarqon and Nahal Taninim
Underground Catchments. Jerusalem: Hydrologic Service.
Guttman Y. (1995). The hydrogeology of the Eastern Basin and possibilities for the development of water resources
from the Pharoah Stream to the Judean Desert. Tahal, Tel Aviv. 01/95/105.
Guttman Y. and Zukerman Ch. (1995). Flow model in the Eastern Basin of the Mountains of Judea & Samaria from
the Pharoah Stream to the Judean Desert. Tahal, Tel Aviv. 01/95/66.
Guttman Y. (1998). Annual Report – 1997: Sub Project B: Hydrogeology of the Eastern Aquifer in the Judea Hills and
Jordan Valley. Project 02WT9719 within the framework of the German-Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian Joint
research Program for the Sustainable Utilization of Aquifer Systems. Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Gvirtzman H. (1994). Groundwater allocation in Judea and Samaria. In: Water and Peace in the Middle East, J. Isaac
and H. Shuval (eds.), Stud. Environ. Sci., 58, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 205-218.
Israeli Hydrological Service (1997). Internal report, numerical model based on Hydrological Paper No 3,
Goldschmidt and Jacob (1958). Precipitation and Replensishment of the Yarqon and Nahal Hatteninim under-
ground catchments.
Mckenzie A. A., O Dochartaigh B. E. and Salim N. (2001). West Bank Aquifers- Geoundwater Recharge Estimation,
BGS report CR/01/252.
Rofe and Raffety (1963). Jerusalem and district water supply: geological and Hydrological report. Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan Central Water Authority. Amman.
Rofe & Rafetty (1965). West Bank Hydrology 1963-1965: Analysis. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Central Water
Authority. Amman.
Weinberger G., Rosenthal E., Ben-zvi A. and Zeitoun D. G. (1994). The Yarkon-Taninim groundwater basin, Israel
hydrogeology: case study and critical review. J. Hydrol., 161(1-4), 227-255.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V A case in traditional ingenuity:
'Khatri' system of water management
Ashok Sharma
This paper seeks to examine the ingenuity, efficacy, utility and current relevance of a traditional knowledge based
water harvesting and aquifer recharge system used by the mountain communities in northern hills of India for
centuries and demonstrate its potential for transplantation in other similar parts of the globe.
Khatri is a unique time-tested combinatorial system of community based rain water harvesting and recharge
based on indigenous knowledge, self regulation and community based management that has sustained rural com-
munities scattered across dry calcareous conglomerates of peripheral Shivalik hills adjoining the Dhauladhar
Himalayas in India for centuries. Even today, the system exists as lifeline for people in typically water starved
Hamirpur hills of Himachal Pradesh with first recorded implementation of modern piped water supply dating as
recent as late seventies. The system is entirely based on traditional ingenuity with strong tradition of property
rights and role of women in the management process. System manifests high-caliber traditional knowledge of
design & construction assuring adequate water quantity and quality with least-cost ideally suited for mountain
Innovative aspects include rainwater harvesting based on scientific utilization of natural bouldery strata for
retention and percolation of rainwater seeping into manmade rock-cut cavities in sandy layers for recharge of
aquifers and storage of pure drinking water. Sandy layers are used for filtration using natural properties of cal-
careous formations for water quality preservation while covered storage ensures prevention of evaporation losses
and protection against contamination. Upstream pollution is prevented through community regulation of land-
use in the catchments and human activity is restricted to downstream areas. The system can be created locally
with indigenous tools employing locally available unskilled workforce at a very nominal cost and serves perennial-
ly without need for special maintenance skills other than periodic cleaning and repairs.
The system has served the needs of the mountain communities over centuries meeting satisfying the water quality
and public health norms at least cost and is particularly suitable to offer decentralized solutions for land locked
mountain communities across the developing world very reliably and cost effectively.
Indigenous knowledge, innovative design, community regulation, appropriate technology, low cost option,
replicable module, self-governance, mountain communities.
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 221
Traditional ingenuity based indigenous systems though fast disappearing with onslaught of modern technologies,
often surge back during times of distress, emergencies and system failure. A case study of age old traditional system
of water harvesting to meet the sustenance needs of rural communities in land locked mid hills of Himachal
Pradesh in India reaffirms this hypothesis. Considered to be a traditional system of rainwater harvesting and storage
in the sub-Himalayan region of India, these ‘horizontal wells’ in the Kangra region of Himachal Pradesh are a
unique example of indigenous knowledge and innovative skill. A typically local response to prevailing needs and
conditions, these wells stand firm in their promise to provide drinking water while water taps run dry for most part
of the hot summer months. Interestingly, the qualitative aspect of water from this traditional system has a definite
edge over the public distribution system.
A careful examination reveals that Khatri system is unique to pockets in Kangra and Hamirpur districts in the
mountainous state of Himachal Pradesh where most hills are made up of coarse-grained sandstone and quarto
feldspathic rocks. Although annual rainfall in this region is as good as 2200 mm, most of it occurs during the short
season of monsoon months and water scarcity is an acute problem for remaining part of the year. Khatri has stood
out as an innovative and sustainable answer to these conditions and Khatris situated at the foothills store water that
filters down through the near porous rocks to accumulate in the hand carved reservoirs.
Constructionally, Khatri is a cave-like structure dug horizontally along the hill located after a careful survey based
on experience of the local skilled workers. The mouth of the cave is wide enough for human entry, with limited
operational space inside. The basin of the well is often a couple of feet deep to facilitate storage of water that
trickles from all sides. A typical khatri can store as much as 30 to 50 kilolitre of clear water. In local parlance,
Khatris are known to mean two different types of systems. One belongs to the drinking water regime for personal
use of the communities while the other is meant for use of cattle and household utilities. The latter is often based
on roof top collection of rainwater and subsequent storage into hand carved cave like storage structures. This paper
seeks to investigate in details the system in vogue for drinking water storage and its scientific rationale and rele-
Khatri is a product of unique ingenious socio-engineering both in terms of concept as well as constructional
features. It is interesting to note that Khatris are traditionally typical to a specified and isolated zone located at
heights ranging 2000 to 4000 feet above the mean sea level. It may also be seen that their location is typical to the
Dhauladhar formations that comprise calcareous sandstone and are located along a clearly defined flow pattern that
further seems to guide the process of human settlement along these isolated hamlets. Not only do communities
know the exact location in the hills where a khatri could be dug, they precisely regulate its size and design. On a
particular hill, the khatris are dug at different points but at the same elevation. A new khatri cannot be dug at a level
below the existing ones because the water in the khatri above will trickle down to the lower level. Similarly, the
locations of Khatris are maintained above the levels where cattle are maintained so as to avoid contamination of
water upstream of the harvesting systems and structures. No lining is done along the walls of the khatri as it may
prevent the inward seepage of clear water.
Technologically, Khatri is a unique design endeavor that utilizes the geo-climatic conditions available in the region
to create a low cost facility for not just harvesting and storage of rainwater but also utilize the geo formations as
natural filter for ultra-pure water quality typical of ultra-filtration process. It also utilizes the basic character of
the formation for maintaining softness of water and zero bacterial contamination on account of micro-porosity of
formations. Same is true of other characteristics like odor and off-taste typical of other rural water supply systems in
the third world. And all this is perennial with no costs associated.
Khatri is a unique catchment-based system with its own governance system, featuring individual as well as com-
munity ownership. From the inception, location, positioning, maintenance and ownership, everything is well
defined with housewives at the helm of affairs. Over the years, modernization in favour of large engineering
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222 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
structures and metallic pipes have failed to bypasses this system that has stood the test of time particularly in times
of distress on account of water scarcity as well as sporadic incidences of water-borne epidemics.
Himachal Pradesh is the first State in India to enact legislation for mandatory harvesting of rooftop rainwater for all
new buildings since the mid-90s. However, the focus of such legislation has a strong urban bias with focus on large
commercial and government buildings. Such initiative could have yielded positive results if the focus remained on
revival of this traditional system through individual and community development schemes and financial incentives
coupled with participative catchment-based governance at the village or community levels.
The khatri system has stood the test of time and as not yet lost its relevance to the people of Kangra, Mandi and
Hamirpur districts who still maintain them in accordance with a well defined regulatory mechanism. Not only are
old khatris still working, but communities continue to carve-out new ones. While community khatris are left open,
family khatris usually have a small gate with a lock. Although most communities are supplied piped water through
Government schemes operated by the Irrigation and Public Health department, a khatri is maintained as a strategic
reserve that could steer them through a possible crises that is a never to be forgotten probability. Water crisis
is common in this region where altitudes vary from 2,000 to 4,000 feet and scatter of population across isolated
hamlets makes it distinctly difficult to ensure alternative supply and distribution of water. This is particularly so
during the lean seasons or periods of acute shortage that might spread over five to seven months in a year. The
system offers low cost sustainable alternative to groundwater reserves, as skilled and locally trained masons may be
able to construct the self-maintained decentralized structures at an average cost of about Rs 15,000 – 20,000 each.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Roof-top rain water harvesting to recharge
groundwater reservoir of a group of houses
R.P. Singh, Bhavna Pathak, Rukma Parthvi and Padma Parthvi
Roof-top rain-water harvesting (RRWH) requires connecting the outlet pipe from the roof top to divert collected
water to existing well, tube well, bore well or a specially designed well. Urban housing complexes and insti-
tutional building having large roof area or a group of residential buildings can be utilised for the purpose. The
Central Groundwater Board, India has suggested several methods of RRWH for individual houses and multistorey
buildings. We have designed RRWH techniques for housing complexes that are useful for a group of residential
buildings. Rainwater is the purest form of natural water. It can be used as recharge water without any treatment.
The water used for this purpose can be taken from any source but it must be pure like drinking water or rain water.
It should not have even soil, sand and silt in it. Recharge water should be surely silt free. If germs are present,
it should be disinfected by UV irradiation, ozonization or chlorination before using as recharge water. Strict
regulations regarding aquifer recharge are required.
Harvest the rain. Wrangle water from the sky for watering, washing and even drinking by using a roof-top rainwater
harvesting (RRWH) system that requires connecting the outlet pipe from the roof top to divert collected water to
existing well, tube well, bore well or a specially designed well (CGWB, 2000; Vashistha et al., 1980). Its com-
ponents are catchment area (roof); conveyance system (guttering, downspouts, and piping); storage (cistern); and
filtration and distribution. The primary expense for a rainwater collection system is the storage tank (cistern). It can
be as simple as directing gutters to a lidded garbage can or as complex as a concrete cistern, roof washer and fil-
tration system. Retrieving water from the cistern can be done by gravity, if the cistern is high enough, or by pump-
ing, similar to the method used to withdraw and pressurize water from a well. Taking the process further, runoff
could be collected and stored for use in the immediate facilities, thereby reducing city-supplied volumes, or for
sending water back to the municipal facilities. If the infrastructure could be created or modified to direct runoff to
city storage facilities, that water could be treated and added to the potable supply. Cities that currently have under-
ground drainage systems might continue those systems to direct the flow to wherever they can store the high
volumes associated with hard surface runoff. Urban housing complexes and institutional buildings having large roof
area or a group of residential buildings can be utilised for the purpose. The Central Groundwater Board of India has
suggested several methods of RRWH for individual houses and multistory buildings only. The present study aims to
depict RRWH techniques for housing complexes that are useful for a group of residential buildings or a colony.
RRWH gives pure water at very low cost.
Urban housing complexes and institutional buildings having large roof area, a group of residential buildings or any
building can be utilised for RRWH. The total amount of water that is received in the form of rainfall over an area is
called the rainwater endowment of that area. Out of this, the amount that can be effectively harvested is called
water harvesting potential.
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224 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Factors affecting collection efficiency include amount of rain (three-hundredths to one-tenth of an inch is needed to
wet the roof and fill the roof washer, some of the rain overshoots the gutters or spill out of the gutters during heavy
downpours), capacity of storage tanks, runoff coefficient, the first flush wastage etc. Efficiency is usually presumed
to be 75% to 90% depending on system design and capacity.
Volume of rainfall over the rooftop = Area of rooftop × Average annual rainfall × Runoff coefficient
Rainwater is the purest form of natural water. It can be used for aquifer recharge without any treatment. The water
used for this purpose can be taken from any source but it must be pure like drinking water or rainwater. It should
not have even soil, sand and silt in it. Recharge water should surely be silt free. If germs are present, it should be UV
irradiated, ozonized or chlorinated before using as recharge water.
There are many filtration methods and roof-wash systems for decontamination that vary according to intended use.
One method uses a floating filter connected to a flexible water line inside the cistern. This method withdraws water
from approximately 1 foot below the surface, considered to be the cleanest water 30 cm in any body of water. The
water to be used for human consumption can pass through an inline purification system or point-of-use water
purification system such as an ultraviolet filter. Uses other than for human consumption do not require any puri-
Preliminary filtration and a roof-wash system provide the first line of defense against contamination. Rainwater
harvesting systems supplying potable water also should include measures to treat water before use (Hartsung,
2002). Several treatment options including microfiltration, UV sterilization and ozonation, are available. Many
experts agree that filtration and UV treatment provide adequate protection, making ozonation unnecessary.
Most systems use a combination of physical filters which remove particulates, and a UV-light chamber which kills
bacteria and other organisms by exposing them to high-energy ultraviolet light.
A less expensive option is to treat water with chlorine or iodine, as is typically done with municipal water. The most
common chemical added is chlorine in the form of sodium hypochlorite which is available in liquid form.
Household bleach which is 5% sodium hypochlorite, is commonly used. The downsides to chlorination are the taste
of the treated water and health concerns about harmful chemicals that could result from the added chlorine. In the
presence of organic matter, chlorinated hydrocarbons may be formed which are suspected carcinogens.
Between rainstorms, various pollutants can settle out of the air and onto the roof. Many rainwater harvesting
systems incorporate a roof washer to keep these contaminants from entering the cistern. Roof washers capture and
discard the first several gallons of rainwater during a storm before conveying the rest to the cistern. A very simple
roof-wash system can be made out of a 15 or 20-cm vertical PVC or polyethylene pipe installed beneath the gutter
with an inlet just above each downspout to the cistern. Commercial roof washers range in price from $100 for a
water diverter (available by mail order only from SafeRain, an Australian company) to $600 for a separate roof
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Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 225
Awareness campaign are essential for RRWH (Anon, 1998a; Anon, 1998b). This needs:
• Educational materials from government agencies, NGOs and the aqiufer communities;
• Aquifer issues to be brought into primary and secondary school classrooms, and to environmental educators at
museums, state parks, market places, and soil and water conservation districts;
• Numerous presentations and workshops;
• Education to landowners, local government officials, utility managers, citizens groups, and the public about
source water issues;
• Printed materials, TV documentaries and a website for wider dissemination.
Regular monitoring of rainwater, harvesting system particularly water in the storage tank and groundwater in the
aquifer is required (Agarwal, 1998a). The following points should be kept in mind:
• Water parameters: COD, bacteria, nitrate, fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals, pesticide and excess nutrients;
• Techniques: Isotopic analysis, antibiotic resistance analysis and general water quality testing;
• Detailed evaluation: The extent and land use of the recharge area, and surface and groundwater movement in the
basin including mobility, persistence and distribution of toxics;
• Environmental compartments: Water, soil, food, air and biota to obtain baseline values and trends over time;
• Data use: Validating predictive models like Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment (AVA).
The roof of a building is the most common rainwater catchment system, though a separate building designed espe-
cially for rainwater harvesting (a ‘water barn’) may be used.
The best roofing material for rainwater catchment is uncoated stainless steel or factory-enameled galvanized steel
with a baked-enamel, certified lead-free finish. With any metal coating, the manufacturer must be asked whether
the coating contains heavy metals. Red paint used on metal often contained lead in the past. Any existing metal roof
being used for a potable water catchment system should be tested for lead.
Wood shakes, concrete or clay tiles, and asphalt shingles are more likely than other materials to support the growth
of mold, algae, bacteria and moss which can potentially contaminate water supplies. Treated wood shingles
may leach toxic preservatives, and asphalt shingles may leach small amounts of petroleum compounds. In addition
to the health concerns, a porous or rough roof surface holds back some of the water that would otherwise make it
into the cistern. Asphalt roofing has a ‘collection efficiency’ of about 85% while enameled steel has a collection
efficiency of more than 95%. With asphalt roofing, more of the rainwater stays on the roof in a typical rainstorm
(i.e., the roof stays wet), though the actual percentage depends on the duration of the storm.
To be most effective, the roof should be fully exposed and away from overhanging tree branches. This reduces the
risk of contamination from rotting leaves or droppings from birds and insects in the trees. If possible, avoid using
roofs of buildings that rely on wood heat, as the smoke particles and soot deposited on the roof may contain PAHs
and other hazardous materials.
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226 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
RRWH for an individual house or a goroup of houses requires connecting the outlet pipe from roof-top to divert
collected water to existing well, tubewell, borewell or a specially designed well. Roof-top rain- water collected may
be used to recharge groundwater reservoir through any one of the following proven techniques:
2. Settlement tank
It is used to remove silt and other impurities from rainwater. It can have an unpaved bottom surface to allow
standing water to percolate into the soil. It has provision for inflow, outflow and overflow. It holds excess of water
till it is soaked up by the recharge structure. Any container masonry or concrete or underground tank, old disused
tanks may be used as settlement tanks.
3. Recharge pit
Recharge pits are constructed for recharging shallow aquifers. 1 to 2 m wide and 2 to 3 m deep recharge pit is
generally constructed. After excavation, the pit is refilled with boulders and pebbles at the bottom followed by
gravel and then course sand at the top. The collected water from the rooftop is diverted to the pit through a drain
pipe. Recharge water is filtered through the pit.
4. Soakaway
It is a bored hole of upto 15 cm in diameter, drilled in the ground to a depth of 6 to 10 m. It can be left unlined
if the soil is stable and clayey. It is filled with filter matter like brickbats and is lined with PVC pipe to prevent
collapse. A small sump is made at the top of the soakpit where the runoff can be retained before it infiltrates
through the soakaway.
5. Recharge Trench
A recharge trench is constructed when permeable strata of adequate thickness is available at shallow depth. It is
constructed across the land slope along the boundary walls. It may be 0.5 to 1 m wide, 1 to 1.5 m deep and 10 to
20 m long depending on the availability of land and roof-top area. It is filled with boulders at the bottom followed
by pebbles and by course sand at the top. The collected water from the roof is diverted through the drain pipe to the
trench. The trench should be periodically cleaned. The method is suitable for a building having the roof-top area of
200 to 300 m2. For a much bigger area a bigger trench is required or several trenches may be required.
6. Recharge Shaft
A recharge shaft is dug manually or drilled by the reverse/direct rotary drilling method. Its diameter varies from
0.5 to 3 m depending on the availability of water to be recharged and its depth varies from 10–15m below ground-
water level. It is back filled with boulders, gravel and coarse sand. The bottom of the shaft should end in permeable
strata, i.e., course sand. It should be constructed to 10 to 15 metres away from the buildings for their safety. It
should be cleaned regularly by scraping the top sand layer and refilling it periodically. It is constructed where
shallow aquifer occurs below clay layer.
7. Defunct Borewell
A defunct borewell can be used for recharging the collected water for a group of houses (Fig. 1). A circular pit of
1 m diameter for a depth of 0.6 m below ground level is dug around the borewell. The bore and the pit are filled
with broken bricks. The top 0.3 m portion of the pit is filled with sand. The circular pit is covered with perforated
slab at the top. The slab requires regular cleaning so as to keep its holes open to receive water.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 227
PVC pipe
Artificial Recharging
Gate of colony
Figure 1. Recharge through borewell for a group of houses or a colony (Rainwater from the roof top is directed
to the recharge borewell or pit in the centre of the park through PVC pipe)
Collecting and using rainwater has numerous benefits, ranging from improved water quality to reduced stress on
underground aquifers (Table 1). RRWH is a good option for aquifer recharge in urban areas where natural recharge
is very low due to compaction, and not much land is available for implementing any other artificial recharge
measure. Rainwater can be used for potable water (drinking, cooking, bathing) or nonpotable uses such as land-
scape irrigation, livestock watering and washing. Rainwater typically has very low hardness levels. High hardness
reduces the use of soaps and detergents, and eliminates the need for a water softener. Fewer minerals also save wear
and tear on plumbing fixtures. Stored rainwater also is a good standby in times of emergencies such as power out-
ages or during periods of extreme drought when wells dry up; or where water supplies are not available, dependable
or cheap. Rainwater harvesting reduces the impact on aquifers, lessening the demand on ecologically sensitive or
threatened aquifers. Collecting some of the rainwater falling on impervious surfaces also minimizes erosion and
flooding. Rainwater is bacteriologically pure, free from organic matter and is soft in nature. Because it doesn’t have
to be treated, pumped or distributed through a complex network, harvested rainwater saves energy and the use of
chemicals. Some municipal water users sometimes switch to harvested rainwater as a way to avoid chlorination and
fluoridation treatments. Rain runoff which otherwise flows into sewers and storm drains and is wasted, is harvested
and utilised. RRWH reduces strain on municipal water supply. It improves groundwater level, yield and quality.
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228 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
For example, the water level in the Panchsheel Park area, considered one of Delhi’s posh colonies, was declining
rapidly. Keeping in view the growing water problems, the Resident Welfare Association established a rainwater
harvesting system for the entire colony, which improved groundwater level and quality.
Direct capturing of rainwater significantly reduces our reliance and pressure on water sources such as rivers, dams,
canals etc. It helps in reducing the flood hazard by improvement in infiltration and reduction in run-off. It improves
groundwater quality through dilution, specially for hardness, fluoride and nitrate. It can reduce groundwater pollu-
tion by 80-90%. Rainwater may be harnessed at place of need and may be utilised at the time of need. The struc-
tures required for harvesting rainwater are simple, economical and eco-friendly.
Currently, there are no defined regulations regarding aquifer recharge in developing countries like India except
RRWH system is mandatory for new building constructions at some places, but certain rules do exist in developed
nations such as USA. For example, Texas does not regulate rainwater collection for indoor or outdoor household
use unless the system is backed up by publicly supplied waterlines. If there is a backup system, there must be an air
gap between the public water lines and the rainwater lines. This air gap must exceed two diameters of the city line
in width. The only other regulation regarding rainwater collection relates to physical maintenance of cisterns. This
regulation is directed at public safety. To date, the primary governmental interest in rain and related runoff has been
in pollution prevention. As more and more people begin to look to rain as a source of drinking water, the need for
adequate regulation grows. The necessary regulations, whatever they may be, need to be started now while public
implementation is still minimal. Legislations should seriously consider the following items: Distance from cistern to
any source of contamination such as a septic tank, cistern height in relation to level of roof washer to ensure proper
function, requirement of roof washer to capture the first flush, inclusion of overflow pipe directed to non-flooding
area, sanitization minimum standards, filtration standards, application of drinking water standards to cisterns intended
for potable supplies (regardless of number of people supplied), general health and quality standards for operation
(prevention of mosquito breeding grounds), and structural standards to ensure proper design and installation.
Agarwal A. (1998a) Rainwater harvesting in a new age: when modern groundwater and river exploitation has reached
its limits. Paper presented at the Stockholm Water Symposium, August 10-3313, Stockholm International Water
Institute, Paper 2, Sweden.
Anon. (1998a) Traditions, technologies, policies and social mobilisation. CSE Briefing Paper: Potential of Water
Harvesting, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
Anon. (1998b) Draft recommendations of the CSE conference on water harvesting technologies, policies and social
mobilisation. October 3–5, New Delhi. Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
CGWB (2000) Roof top rainwater harvesting for augmentation groundwater storage in NCT, Delhi. Central
Groundwater Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Cluff C.B. (1981) Surface storage for water harvesting agrisystems, in rainfall collection for agriculture in arid and
semi arid regions. Ed. G.R. Dutt, C.F. Hutchinson, and M. Anaya Garduno, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau,
Farnham House, Slough, UK
Hartsung H. (2002) The rainwater harvesting CD. Margraf Publishers, Germany. mailto:[email protected] or
[email protected].
Vani M.S., Agarwal, A. and Narain, S. (eds.) (1997) Dying wisdom: rise, fall and potential of India’s traditional water
harvesting systems. State of India’s Environment: A Citizens’ Report, Centre for Science and Environment, New
Vashistha R.N., Pandita M.L. and Batra R. R. (1980) Water harvesting studies under rainfed condition in relation to
growth and yield of Okra, Haryana. Journal of Horticulture Science, 9(314), 188–191.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Assessment of water harvesting
and groundwater recharge
through continuous contour trenches
Mukund Shinde, Ian Smout and Sunil Gorantiwar
A simulation model is presented for assessment of the water harvesting and groundwater recharge through con-
tinuous contour trenches (CCT) in the semi-arid watersheds. The model is based on the simulation of field and
trench water balance. The model operates on daily basis. The water balance parameters such as runoff, infiltration
and evaporation are estimated by SCS-CN, the Green Ampt and Penman methods, respectively. Daily rainfall and
other climatic data series are the input requirements of the model. In addition to assess the groundwater
recharge, the model can also be used to decide the dimensions of a trench system to achieve certain recharge by
analysing simulation runs of the model for different trench strategies for the given conditions. The application of
the model is described with one case study on micro watersheds from the semi-arid region of Maharashtra, India.
The case study results showed that for the existing trench system the average contribution to groundwater
recharge through trench and field are 53 and 47% respectively. Model under predicted the groundwater rise in the
micro watershed.
Groundwater recharge; trench; semi-arid areas; water harvesting; simulation model.
Water harvesting is essential to sustain crop growth in semi arid and sub humid regions. In a watershed develop-
ment project different water-harvesting techniques ranging from small in-situ land alteration techniques to big
tanks are integrated in a manner such that disadvantages of one technique are offset by the advantages of the other.
Continuous contour trench (CCT) is one such technique extensively used in the semi-arid regions of India. CCTs
are constructed on the non-arable lands in the watershed. These trenches are rectangular excavations made in the
soil on sloping lands. Their primary objective is to harvest the runoff flowing down the slope and recharge the
groundwater. The trenches are called continuous contour trenches (CCT) since they run continuously along the
contour with lengths covering the entire width of the field. A typical layout of the CCT is shown in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2. A rough stone spill is provided at the end of the CCT, where it joins the gully (or field drain). This facilitates
storage of water in the CCT and safe disposal into the drain during heavy rains.
The trench system can be defined as a series of continuous contour trenches at some interval running along the
contour and covering the entire field or micro-catchment to accomplish water harvesting and groundwater
recharge. Currently the design parameters of this trench system are decided empirically, and hence there is a need to
develop analytical approach for designing the trench system and assessing its performance. Previously Guo (1998)
and Akan (2002) developed the performance indicators in different forms and proposed methodologies based on
simulation model for infiltration trenches (IT) in the USA. However CCTs differ from ITs in that ITs are bigger in
size and are filled with gravel and the CCTs are smaller in size and kept empty to take full advantage of their storage
capacity. This paper presents a simulation model and indicators for the continuous contour trenches and discuses
their utility with one example case study.
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230 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Bund Plant
A Trench
Spacing (P) Width
Groundwater recharge
Figure 1. Typical layout of the continuous contour trenches
In this paper a term ‘water harvesting potential’ (WHP) is introduced as an indicator that describes the ability of the
trench system to harvest the rainfall and runoff water and recharge the groundwater. Gross WHP (equation 1) is
proposed to indicate the total water intercepted by the trenches and net WHP (equation 2) to indicate the total
water infiltrated from the trenches. WHP would be a useful indicator to know the performance of different trench
systems in water harvesting.
Qif − Qof
GrossWHP = x 100 (1)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 231
Simulation model
Simulation model is based on the field and trench water balance. Inflows to the trench system are runoff and rain
falling over the trench and outflows are infiltration, evaporation and overflow from the trench. Model operates on
daily time step. The different processes simulated in the water balance model of the trenches are: runoff, infiltration
and evaporation. Runoff is simulated with the help of SCS Curve Number method (USDA 1986). The choice of this
method was influenced by the easy availability of the parameters of the CN method and the wide applicability of the
method for Indian conditions (Bhatnagar et al 1996, Srivastava 2001, Panigrahi and Panda 2003). Infiltration from
the trenches is modelled with the Green and Ampt (1911) method for ponded conditions. Infiltration is assumed to
occur through the bottom of the trench only. For simplicity it is assumed that the small soil bund on the down
slope side of the trench and the vegetation on bund if any do not affect the infiltration. Evaporation is estimated on
a daily basis by Penman (1948) method.
Main assumptions the model are: i) soil deposition is considered as negligible and hence it does not influence the
infiltration in the trench. This assumption is particularly valid in non-arable lands with shallow soils, which is a
case when trench systems are adopted, ii) groundwater table does not interfere with the infiltration process and
iii) inflow into and outflow from the trench are instantaneous.
Flowchart of the model (coded in C language) is given in Fig. 3. For assessing the groundwater recharge from a
trench system, simulation needs to be performed for number of years for which rainfall data is available.
One micro-watershed (Fig. 4) at Akola in semi arid region of Maharashtra, India was selected as case study for
describing the applicability of the developed model. The micro-watershed consists of two fields with field No. 1 of
4 ha and field No. 2 of 3.5 ha areas. Both the fields are laid with CCTs. There are two tanks of capacity 487.18 m3 at
the end of field-1 and 917.47 m3 at the end field-2. Excess water from the fields is collected in these tanks. One
piezometer is located in field No. 2 to observe the groundwater levels. The input parameters of the model are:
i) Climate Data: 1976 –77 to 2003-04 (28 years), ii) Trench sizes: S1= 0.3 x 0.3 m (half of the existing size),
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
232 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
S2 = 0.6 x 0.3 m (existing size with 0.6 m width and 0.3 m depth), S3 = 0.6 x 0.6 m (twice of the existing size).
iii) Trench spacing: P1 = 5 m (existing spacing), P2 = 10 m (two times of existing spacing), P3 = 20 m (four times
of the existing spacing), iv) Soils: The micro-watershed has two fields with different soils. The average soil pro-
perties are presented in Table 1.
Year = 1
Day = 1
Last no
Day ?
Last no
Year ?
Output Qif, Qof, Evap., Infiltration,
GrossWHP, NetWHP, Cost
Figure 3. Flowchart of the field and trench water balance simulation model
Sandy Sandy
Soil type
clay loam
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 233
The simulation model was run for 28 years. Model generates daily output of runoff, inflow to the trench, infiltra-
tion, evaporation and overflow from the trench. The effects of rainfall and trench size and spacing on the trench
performance in terms of WHP are evaluated and discussed.
From the water balance components of the trench system for different years it was found that, overflow from the
trench varied from zero in low rainfall years to 40% in high rainfall years. On an average infiltration and evapo-
ration contributions to the total water outflow from the trench were 80 and 10 per cent respectively with remaining
10% as overflow from the trench.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
234 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Groundwater recharge
Table 3 presents observed and model predicted groundwater table rise. From the results of 28 years of simulation, it
is observed that average contribution to the groundwater recharge through trench and field are respectively 53%
and 47% for trenches of 0.6 x 0.3 m size spaced at 5 m. From the table it is also seen that the model tends to under
predict the rise in groundwater level. This reflects the simplicity of the water balance process in the model and need
for model calibration. Nevertheless the results are useful to give indicative predictions of the groundwater recharge
in micro-watersheds treated with continuous contour trenches.
This paper introduced definitive term ‘Water Harvesting Potential’ (WHP) and related formulae for assessing per-
formance of CCTs. In addition, paper also presented the simulation model based on water balance for estimating
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 235
different components of the formulae. The paper presented the strength of the model in knowing the performance
of CCTs and understanding the influence of different governing parameters such as rainfall and trench geometry on
performance of CCTs. Such type of the analysis is useful for the agricultural planning of the watersheds.
Comparison of observed groundwater levels with those predicated by the model indicated that the predicted levels
do not deviate greatly from the observed levels and overall model under predicted the rise in groundwater level.
Nevertheless the results are useful in assessing the usefulness of CCTs. As expected the cost of CCTs increased with
WHP. Though the scope of the paper was limited to present the methodology for assessing the performance of
CCTs, the developed model can also be used to optimise the CCTs system by repeatedly running the model for dif-
ferent designs of CCT systems and comparing WHP of these systems for the watershed.
Akan A.O. (2002) Sizing stormwater infiltration structures. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 128(5), 534-537.
Bhatnagar P.R.,Srivastava R.C. and Bhatnagar V.K. (1996) Management of runoff stored in small tanks for trans-
planted rice production in the mid-hills of Northwest Himalaya. Agricultural Water Management., 30, 107-118.
Green W.H. and Ampt, G.A. (1911). Studies on soil physics, part I. The flow of air and water through soils. J. Agric.
Sci., 4(1), 1–24.
Guo James C.Y. (1998) Surface-subsurface model for trench infiltration basins. Journal of Water Resources Planning
and Management, 124(5), 280–284.
Panigrahi B. and Panda S.N. (2003) Field test of a soil water balance simulation model. Agricultural Water
Management.,58, 223–240.
Penman, H.L. (1948). Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass. Proceedings of Royal Society, London,
A193, 120–146.
Rawls, W.J., Brakensick, D.L. and Miller, N. (1983). Green-Ampt infiltration parameters from soils data., J. Hydraulic
Div. Am.Soc.Civ.Eng,. 109 (1), 62–70.
Srivastava R.C. (2001) Methodology for design of water harvesting system for high rainfall areas. Agricultural Water
Management.,47, 37–53.
USDA Soil Conservation Service. 1986. ‘Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds.’ Technical Release 55, 2nd ed.,
NTIS PB87-101580. Springfield, Virginia.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Artificial recharge of treated wastewater effluent
enables sustainable groundwater management
of a dune aquifer in Flanders, Belgium
Emmanuel Van Houtte and Johan Verbauwhede
In July 2002 the Intermunicipal Water Company of the Veurne region (IWVA) started artificial recharge of an uncon-
fined aquifer in its dune water catchment St-André. Wastewater effluent was used as the source for the production
of infiltration water. This plant, called ‘Torreele’, with a production capacity of 2,500,000 m3/year, combined
membrane filtration techniques to achieve the stringent standards set for the quality of the infiltration water.
The whole project was developed to create a sustainable groundwater management; the natural groundwater
extraction was reduced from 3,700,000 m3/year to 2,700,000 m3/year. By 2010 another 500,000 m3/year will be
Reuse, membranes, artificial recharge, groundwater management.
The Intermunicipal Water Company of the Veurne Region (IWVA) is responsible for the distribution of drinking-
water in the western part of the Flemish coastal plain. At the beginning of the nineteen-nineties of the previous cen-
tury the IWVA could no longer increase the groundwater extraction from its dune water catchments of St-André
(123 ha) and the Westhoek (87 ha) to fulfill the increasing drinking-water demand (Fig. 1). In the latter salinity
increased dramatically since the beginning of the nineteen-eighties of the previous century. Sustainable groundwater
management was needed.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 237
The unconfined aquifer under the dune belt was formed by 25 to 35m thick Quarternary sandy deposits, but in
some dune areas thin layers of fine grained sediments occur.
South of the dunes, in the polder area, two types of landscapes could be distinguished, these being the more ele-
vated sandy creek ridges (+ 3,5 to + 5m) and the lower marsh basins (+ 2,5 to + 4 m). The creek ridges have sandy
Quarternary sediments whereas, under the marsh basins fine grained sediments (clay, silt and peat) occur. The
polder area is drained by canals that discharge large amounts of surface water to the sea, especially during winter.
The Quarternary sediments lie upon Tertiary clay. This Ypresian clay, 110 m thick, separates the upper unconfined
aquifer from the confined aquifer. This confined aquifer was formed by very fine silty green sands of Landenian age
with a thickness of 20 m and lay on green clays.
Under the dunes a fresh water lens formed by infiltrating rainwater. North of the dunes salt water is present under
the shore. In the polder area, fresh water filled the upper and relict salt water the lower part of the aquifer. A small
transition zone of brackish water lay in between. Under the creek ridges more fresh water occurs because of the
higher infiltration rate of rainwater here compared with the marsh basins, where fine sediments reduce infiltration
In natural conditions, groundwater flows from the dunes towards the polder area and the shore, preventing ingress
of saline water. The groundwater extraction diminished the fresh water outflow from the dune area. Overex-
ploitation, causing the inflow of salt water from the aquifer under the beach and polder areas, threatens the quality
of the dune aquifer and should be prevented. As St-André and Westhoek are situated in the dunes, sustainable
groundwater management of both exploitations was inevitable.
Since wastewater treatment improved over the last decades, the effluent quality is of such a nature that it should be
put to beneficial use, especially in regions where water is scarce. The IWVA-region could be considered as such an
area since fresh water is only available under the small dune ridge along the coast and with a limited capacity.
Deeper aquifers are no alternative and surface water resources, e.g. drainage water from the polder area, are limited,
often brackish, and only available during the winter period. However, due to tourism, most water is needed in the
summer period. A project to integrate wastewater effluent into the existing drinking-water production was a logical
choice for the IWVA.
The high ecological value of the dunes necessitated constant consideration and it was especially so when developing
the infiltration project. A shallow depth, gentle slopes, bendy banks, an island in the middle and some wide bays
increased the natural interest of the infiltration pond. The extraction wells were integrated within the existing infra-
structure, minimizing the impact on the environment. The quality of infiltration water was subject to stringent stan-
dards. Both the salt and nutrient content had to be low and together with the hygienic safety of the water, this was
the biggest challenge when integrating wastewater effluent into the drinking-water production. Based on the exper-
ience at Orange County, where clarified secondary effluent was treated for groundwater injection as a barrier against
saline water intrusion and where new pilot tests were performed (Leslie et al., 1996), a combination of membrane
filtration techniques was chosen to produce infiltration water:
• ultrafiltration (UF) is the first treatment step, removing suspended solids and bacteria from the effluent;
• reverse osmosis (RO), the final treatment, not only removed salts, nutrients and viruses, but also small organics
(e.g. pesticides), endocrine disrupting compounds and pharmaceuticals are reduced for over 90%.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
238 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Ten years of research preceded the start of the project. The Flemish Institute of Nature Conservation performed an
ecological study of the water catchment of St-André resulting in a delineation of the infiltration area, the indication
of ecological conditions (Kuijken et al., 1993) and an ecological management plan for this area. Two infiltration
tests, using groundwater from nearby sewage works, gave valuable information about the hydrogeological para-
meters of the dune aquifer in St-André (Lebbe et al., 1995). The impact of artificial recharge in St-André was simu-
lated using MODFLOW (Van Houtte and Vanlerberghe, 1998). The model represented the unconfined aquifer in
these dunes with the northern and southern borders of the model area, presenting the shore and the polder area
respectively, introduced as constant head boundaries. The horizontal conductivity of the sands is 14 m/d with a
mean natural infiltration rate of 280 mm/year. The mean annual hydraulic heads were calculated; seasonal effects
were not taken into account. The calculation showed that the groundwater flow in St-André would not change very
much. However, although the rise in hydraulic head would be small, the outflow of groundwater to the shore would
increase with 10 %.
From 1997 until 1999 pilot tests were performed on the effluent from the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) at
Wulpen, which is operated by Aquafin. Different micro- and ultrafiltration systems were used for the pre-treatment
(Van Houtte et al., 1998 and 2000) and two types of reverse osmosis membranes were tested for the desalination
(Van Houtte and Vanlerberghe, 2001).
Production of infiltration water
The treatment plant, built besides the WWTP Wulpen and called ‘Torreele’, came into operation the 8th of July,
2002. The production capacity is 2,500,000 m3 / year. Based on the experience of the pilot tests the IWVA has cho-
sen the following treatment steps (Van Houtte and Verbauwhede, 2003):
• a 1 mm prescreen to remove particles from the effluent before entering the buffer reservoir;
• a submerged UF system using ZeeWeed® element cassettes containing chlorine resistant membranes with pore
sizes of maximum 0,1 µm performing outside-in filtration;
• a cartridge filter;
• two identical RO skids having each 36 pressure vessels of 8 inch diameter and 6 m length of which 30 contain
6 high surface area, low-energy, brackish water RO membrane elements (8” BW 30LE-440 DOW) each, in a
2 stage (20 –10) configuration;
• UV disinfection.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 239
The UF and RO system work at a recovery of respectively 87 and 75%. The concentrate is drained in the nearby
canal together with the part of effluent that has not been treated at ‘Torreele’. To prevent scaling and biofouling on
the RO membranes, scale-inhibitor and monochloramines are dosed to the UF filtrate prior to the RO process.
The IWVA decided in May 2004 to use no longer UF filtrate as part of the infiltration water. The RO filtrate was re-
mineralised using sodium hydroxide. Since then the infiltration contained less organics and the nutrient content
was lower, which should benefit the infiltration. On one exception for diuron (0,016 µg/l), pesticides were no
longer detected in the infiltration water. As the RO removed all bacteria and viruses, the UV installation could be
After recharging the unconfined aquifer in St-André, the water is recaptured using 112 new wells with filter ele-
ments between 8 and 12 m depth. The residence time into the soil had to be minimum 40 days with a maximum of
variation to level different qualities of infiltration water (Table 2). This underground passage of minimum 40 days
ensured elimination of all pathogens.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
240 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Early 2004, after checking all distances, the infiltration pond was locally recalibrated to increase the distance with
the nearest wells.
The surface area of the infiltration pond is 18,200 m2; the infiltration capacity is 2,500,000 m3/year. Yearly
3,500,000 m3/year should be extracted, or 1,4 the infiltration rate, to ensure that the infiltration water is totally
recaptured. The groundwater is treated with the existing plant: aeration and rapid sand filtration.
Monitoring wells were installed; three are controlled online, as is the level in the infiltration pond.
Infiltration started the 8th of July, 2002 and apart from half September until half December 2002, and 10 days at the
end of January 2004, Torreele produced normally (Fig. 3). The salinity of the water extracted out of the infiltration
area gradually decreased, from 800 µS/cm before infiltration started to around 400 µS/cm (Fig. 3). When half
May 2004, UF filtrate no longer was used for the infiltration water, salinity declined again. Now the salinity stabi-
lized around 300 µS /cm.
Monitoring between the infiltration pond and the extraction wells showed that:
• near the infiltration pond there is a great vertical flow to the lower layers; this flow reduced significantly with
depth and was locally hindered by clayey sediments;
• more distant from the infiltration pond, the vertical flow reduced and the water flowed mainly horizontally
through the aquifer;
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 241
• the chloride, sulphate, sodium, potassium and nutrient content did not increase during its soil passage;
• the pH rapidly increased during its first meters of soil passage but when the water infiltrated to deeper layers the
pH decreased somewhat again;
• this change of pH is related to a change of hardness and proved that calcium carbonate dissolves into the infil-
trating water; total alkalinity increased in the same way and the concentration of carbon dioxide decreased.
Other observations are the gradual decrease of the organic content, as well as of iron and manganese. It means that
the quality of the recaptured water, extracted at 1,4 the volume of infiltration, is of better quality compared to what
it was before infiltration started (Table 3). This benefits to the drinking-water produced at St-André:
Despite the presence of small doses of pesticides into the infiltration water, they have never been detected in the
recaptured groundwater.
A negative impact of the artificial recharge by reuse of wastewater effluent, is the temperature of the water. The
pumped groundwater in St-André had a constant temperature of 11 to 12 °C, but since infiltration water varied
from 9 to 23 °C, the recaptured groundwater gets warmer (up to 18 °C) during most of the year (Fig. 4). The drink-
ing-water produced is more susceptible to re-growth and as a prevention the IWVA had to chlorinate its water. Since
September 2003 prior to distribution, the drinking-water in St-André is treated using UV-irradiation.
Figure 4. Variation of temperature in the infiltration water and the re-extracted water
Before infiltration started, sodium and calcium were the dominant cations respectively in the lower and upper part
of the unconfined aquifer under the infiltration area, wheras bicarbonate was the dominant negative ion. Since infil-
tration started, this did not change and it was noticed that the groundwater quality of the lower part of the aquifer
and at the edges of the infiltration area remained quite stable, indicating that the infiltrated water is very well recap-
tured by the installed wells.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
242 Recharge systems / Alternative recharge systems
Thanks to artificial recharge, the extraction of natural groundwater could be reduced substantially, and this bene-
fited most for the dune water catchment in the Westhoek. In that area, since 10 years the IWVA gradually reduced
the groundwater extraction. The salinity in the wells nearest to the polders declined from approximately
1,500 µS /cm in 1992 to 1,000 µS /cm in 2004.
In St-André the groundwater quality extracted outside the infiltration area did not change very much, but
here problems with increasing salinity never occurred. There is a relative rise in groundwater levels resulting in
an increased outflow of fresh water from the dunes. In the vicinity of the infiltration pond, where the water level
is close to the surface, some valuable plants have been monitored in 2003 and 2004. In St-André there is eco-
logical management of the dunes since 1994; around the infiltration pond this management was recently adjusted
to enhance the positive development that was observed. Ecological management of the dunes of the Westhoek
recently started.
Artificial recharge, reusing wastewater, enabled a substantial reduction of the natural groundwater extraction in the
dune aquifers of the Flemish coastal plain. Membrane techniques were successful in producing infiltration water
with low salt and nutrient content. Due to this project the quality of the extracted water improved and the ground-
water levels have risen, enhancing the ecological value of the area and increasing the outflow of water from the
dunes to the sea and the polders. This is a valuable protection against saline intrusion indicating the extraction gets
Reuse of wastewater combined to artificial recharge opens opportunities in many regions. It could be a solution for
inadequate water supply and for deteriorating water quality. Membrane techniques offer a safe solution when drink-
ing-water is at stake; infiltration afterwards ensures a multiple barrier.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Alternative recharge systems / Recharge systems 243
Drewes, J., Xu, P., Oedekoven, M., Bellona, C., Kim, T., Amy, G. and T. Heberer (2005). Viability of reverse osmosis
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Kuijken, E., Provoost, S. and M. Leten (1993). Oppervlakte-infiltratie in de Doornpanne, een verkennend onderzoek naar
de ecologische implicaties. Report of Flemish Institute of Nature Conservation, A 93.69, 86 pp.
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tration and ultrafiltration upstream of reverse osmosis during reclamation of municipal wastewater. In:
Proceedings of the American Desalting Associations Biennal Conference, Monterey, California, pp. 29–40.
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Reuse of WWTP Effluent for Drinking Water Purpose, Koksijde, Belgium. In: Proceedings AWWA Water Reuse
Conference, Orlando, pp. 321–335.
Van Houtte, E and F. Vanlerberghe (1998). Sustainable groundwater management by the integration of effluent and
surface water to artificially recharge the phreatic aquifer in the dune belt of the western Flemish coastal plain. In:
Proceedings IAH International Conference, Groundwater: Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 93–99.
Van Houtte, E., J. Verbauwhede, F. Vanlerberghe and J. Cabooter (2000). Comparison between different out-to-in fil-
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Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (UK), pp. 190 –197.
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ferent tests. In: Proceedings AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, San Antonio, 2001.
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in Flanders, Belgium. In: Proceedings AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Atlanta, 2003.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Geochemistr y
dur ing inf iltrat ion and f low
V A comparison of three methods
for determining travel times
near a large artificial recharge facility
Dror Avisar, Jordan F. Clark, Jeni McDermott and G. Bryant Hudson
Hydrogeologic calculations, transient tracers and deliberate tracer experiments are established methods of deter-
mining ground water travel times. A two-year long deliberate tracer experiment using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
was conducted at the Montebello Forebay (LA County, CA) artificial recharge site to determine travel time to wells
within 150 m of spreading ponds. SF6 was detected at seven monitoring wells, all screened within 50 m of the
ground surface and at nine of the eighteen production wells. Travel time was best correlated with screen depth. At
four of the nine wells with SF6 detections, hydrogeologic travel times were less than 0.3 years (16 weeks) and
are in basic agreement with the SF6 results. However, at the other five wells, the hydrogeologic travel times were
estimated to be more than 4 years, significantly longer than indicated by the tracer data. Transport through low
permeability layers due to gaps or leakage must be occurring. At all wells where SF6 was not detected, the hydro-
geologic travel times were greater than 3 years. At the production wells, tritium/3He apparent ages were greater
than 10 years, indicating mixing of young and old ground water caused by the long well screens.
Artificial recharge, geochemical tracer, ground water travel time, SF6, Tritium/3He dating.
Quantification of subsurface residence times and flow paths are important criteria for managing artificial recharge
sites. This basic hydrologic information is needed for evaluating subsurface water quality changes that may result
from in situ biogeochemical reactions and mixing of water from different sources. It is also needed for validation of
numerical models of flow (e.g., Thomson et al., 1999). Ground water travel time near artificial recharge sites is not
simple to define as flow paths to wells can be numerous and convoluted. This especially true at facilities, such as
the Montebello Forebay in Los Angeles, California, where percolation from large spreading basins is the principle
method of recharge. Ground water travel times can be determined using hydrogeologic calculations or modeling,
transient tracers, and deliberate tracer experiments. Each of these methods determines the flow of ground water dif-
ferently and thus, provides complimentary information.
Ground water travel times can be estimated using Darcy’s law and inferred flow paths. These flow paths are deter-
mined based on the depth of well perforation, aquifer stratigraphy, pump capacity, and distance to recharge location.
Probable travel times are estimated using local hydrogeologic data, these inferred flow paths, and known hydraulic
gradients (Bookman-Edmonston, 1994).
Determining residence time for shallow ground water is also possible using environmental tracers such as
tritium/3He (Schlosser et al., 1989; Cook and Solomon, 1997). Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, was
released in large quantities in the late 1950s and early 1960s during above ground nuclear bomb testing. Although
there is a natural (cosmogenic) source, most tritium in the environment was produced during these tests. The tri-
tium concentration in precipitation reached a maximum in the mid-1960s, 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than
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248 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
prior to the tests. Since then, its concentration has decreased quasi-exponentially. The age of the ground water can
be calculated using the radioactive decay relationship between tritium and its daughter isotope, 3He:
t1 / 2 ⎛ [3 He]tri ⎞
t = ⎜⎜1 + ⎟ (1)
ln(2) ⎝ [T] ⎟⎠
where t is time (apparent ground water age), t1/2 is the half-life of tritium (12.43 years), [T] is the measured tritium
content, and [3He]tri is the concentration of the 3He derived from the decay of tritium. [3He]tri is calculated from a
helium mass balance that considers other helium sources (Schlosser et al., 1989; Cook and Solomon, 1997). The
typical analytical uncertainty of this method is ±2 years. However, the uncertainty of the apparent age can be much
larger if mixing between flow paths of different ages occurs.
With deliberate tracer experiments, tracer is added to the recharge water prior to percolation and its arrival at wells
is determined directly by periodic sampling. The tracer breakthrough curves are characterized by a number of times
including the initial, peak, and mean arrivals. In a homogenous aquifer, the initial and mean arrival times represent,
respectively, the fastest and mean flow paths in the aquifer. The former cannot be determined with a high degree of
certainty from either geochemical dating techniques or numerical flow models and is the most important time scale
when evaluating the potential transport of reactive contaminants near artificial recharge facilities. In aquifers with
preferential flow, the tracer breakthrough curves are more complicated, often showing multiple peaks (Clark et al.,
2004). The first breakthrough will be representative of transport through the fastest flow path.
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), a non-toxic, odorless, colorless, non-reactive gas tracer, is commonly used during delib-
erate tracer experiments at artificial recharge sites (Gamlin et al., 2001; Clark et al., 2004; 2005). SF6 is less expen-
sive than fluorescent dyes and ionized substances but has similar properties, making it possible and cost-effective to
tag large bodies of water (>106 m3) without the interference of density-induced flow (Istok and Humphrey, 1995).
Laboratory and field experiments have shown that its transport is not retarded within porous media (Wilson and
Mackay, 1996; Gamlin et al., 2001). The loss of SF6 at the air-water interface from gas exchange can be problematic
in recharge facilities that rely on infiltration from spreading basins or rivers. In order to define the input function of
tracer to the ground water at these settings, careful monitoring of the surface water is required.
This paper presents an application and comparison of these three methods for determining travel times near the
Montebello Forebay recharge site in North Los Angeles County, California (Figure 1). This artificial recharge site is
Production Well 200004
Monitoring Well 200061
Rivers 200052
Surface Road 200065 100834
Freeway 200063
0 1 Figure 1. Map of the MontebelloForebay
200062 200011 spreading basins and wells
200012 sampled during the study.
100830 200088 100833 The Rio Hono basins and river lie to the west
200089 of the San Gabriel basins and river.
200087 200013 The light and heavy dashed lines are,
100829 200018 respectively, major surface roads
100068-69 100831 and freeways(I-5 and I-605).
200099 200095
200096 100089-90
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 249
within the principle recharge area for the Los Angeles ground water basin. This alluvial basin is filled with layers of
sands, gravels, silts and clays occurring in discrete aquifer or aquitard units, however the spatial extent of any given
layer is poorly known (Bookman-Edmonston, 1994). During the last decade, approximately 1.6 x 108 m3/yr
(129,000 acre-ft/yr) of surface water were recharged annually from the Montebello Forebay recharge site. About
40% of this water is natural storm runoff, 25% is imported water, and 35% is reclaimed (Johnson, personal commu-
The recharge site contains 23 shallow (<4 m deep) spreading basins adjacent to the Rio Hondo and San Gabriel
River with a total wetted area of about 200 hectares. Additional recharge occurs through unlined portions of the San
Gabriel River; the Rio Hondo is lined with concrete throughout the study area. Travel times to ten monitoring and
eighteen production wells were examined. With the exception of only two, the wells studied are within 150 m of
the spreading basins. Depth of production varies considerably. Tops of well screens are as shallow 8 m and bottoms
are as deep as 270 m.
SF 6 t r a c e r e x p e r i m e n t
Beginning on February 14, 2003 and continuing for a period of seven days, 99.99% pure SF6 gas was injected into
spreading basins by bubbling every one to two days. Surface water samples (5–8 samples per pond) were collected
from a small boat during this time. Personnel from the Water Replenishment District of Southern California col-
lected well samples every two to ten weeks after the injection period from ten monitoring and eighteen production
wells. All the samples were collected in pre-weighed Vacutainers. All samples were analyzed using a gas chromato-
graph equipped with an electron capture detector following the method developed by Clark et al. (2004). The pre-
cision and detection limit were ± 3% and 0.04 pmol l–1, respectively.
SF6 was not detected in any background samples collected six and two months prior to the start of the tracer exper-
iment. After injection, concentrations of SF6 within the spreading basins ranged from 10 – 80 pmol/L with an
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250 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
average concentration of 30 pmol/L The temporal and spatial variability is due to a variety of factors including wet-
ted area, percolation rate, basin mean depth, the amount of SF6 injected, and time since the last injection. Tracer
was detected in the wet basins for about two weeks after the end of the injection period.
SF6 arrived at seven of the ten monitoring wells sampled during the two year long experiment, indicating that this
gas tracer was successfully transferred through the unsaturated zone to the water table (Figure 2). SF6 was not
detected at one shallow well (#100832) which was more 1 km from the spreading basins. The maximum ground
water SF6 concentration was 4.8 pmol/L, 15% of the mean concentration in the surface water, and 20% of the con-
centration in the nearest spreading basin. All monitoring wells with tracer detection have depths of less than 45 m
below the nearest spreading basin. In addition to #1000832, SF6 was not detected at monitoring wells #100068 and
100089. Both of these wells have screen depths greater than 70 m below the closest spreading basin. There is a
strong correlation between screen depth and travel time for all monitoring wells sampled (Figure 3). There is no
relationship between horizontal distance and travel time. The lack of a correlation may reflect the proximity of the
wells to the spreading basins (distance < 150 m).
5 0
#100829 Production
#100834 Monitoring
SF6 Concentration (pmol/L)
4 20
3 40
Depth (m)
2 60
1 80
0 100
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (yrs) Time (yrs)
Figure 2. SF6 breakthrough curves Figure 3. Vertical travel times to production
at two monitoring wells. and monitoring wells located within 150 m
See Figure 1 for well locations. of the Montebello spreading basins
during the SF6tracer experiment
SF6 was detected at nine of the eighteen production wells. The maximum concentrations observed at the pro-
duction wells were much lower than at the monitoring wells. At seven out of the nine production wells with SF6
detections, the maximum concentrations were less than 0.4 pmol/L or an order of magnitude less than at the moni-
toring wells and two orders of magnitude less than the spreading basins. With the exception of two wells (#200061
and #200065), SF6 peaks were difficult to resolve as tracer concentrations were near the limits of detection and the
breakthrough curves were not smooth. The lower concentrations and complex breakthrough curves are probably
due to dilution of the tagged water with untagged ground water caused by the long screened intervals. Similar to the
monitoring wells, there is a strong relationship between tracer arrival time and depth to the top of the perforation
(Figure 3) and no correlation between distance and travel time. Depth may be the most important factor influ-
encing travel time because the deeper the well perforation is, the more likely is it for the screen to be situated below
layers with low hydraulic conductivity.
The hydrogeologic analysis conducted by Bookman-Edmonston (1994) divided the production wells into two main
categories. The first consisted of four shallow wells (#200061, 200055, 200058, 200065) screened in the uncon-
fined aquifer. For all of these wells, the hydrogeologic and SF6 travel times are consistent, both indicating travel
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 251
times of 0.3 years (16 weeks) or less. The hydrogeologic study identifies all other wells as having perforations in a
confined aquifer with little direct contact with surface water. At these wells, estimated travel times range between
2.5 to 14 years. The longer travel times were caused by slow flow through the confining clay layers. Within the time
constraints of the two-year tracer experiment, a complete analysis of the accuracy of the hydrogeologic travel times
cannot be completed. However, four of the nine production wells near the Rio Hondo spreading grounds (#200062,
200088, 200089, 200099) that were determined to be in the confined aquifer, received tracer. The five wells that did
not receive tracer are all located on the western side of the Rio Hondo River while the four wells that did see tracer
are located on the eastern side. There is no discernable difference in the well log geology between the eastern and
western sides. Nevertheless, the comparison between the tracer and hydrogeologic travel times suggests that discon-
tinuities (gaps, fractures, or inter-bedded layers of course material) within the clay layers exist on the eastern side.
Of the five production wells studied near the San Gabriel spreading basins, only one well (#200012) screened in the
lower confined aquifer received tracer in less than a year. All other deep wells studied near this river did not receive
tracer during the study.
The T/3He apparent ages at production wells were between 7 and 40 years, all significantly older than travel times
determined by the other two methods. The older apparent ages reflect mixing of young and old ground water
within the well. The old component must have a residence time of decades and could make up the largest fraction
at some wells. Because T/3He ages do not mix linearly (the mixed age is weighted by each flow path’s initial
tritium content) this technique leads to over-estimates of the mean travel time. Good agreement between travel
times determined with deliberate tracer experiments and T/3He ages were found at three of the four monitoring
wells where both techniques were used. Good agreement has also been found at other artificial recharge sites (Clark
et al., 2004).
Each method of determining the travel time between the recharge basins and wells used during this study is based
on different principles and assumptions. A conceptually better model of the flow and travel times can be achieved
by comparing the results of the three methods. With deliberate tracer experiments, such as the one performed with
SF6 here, travel along the fastest flow paths is quantified. Results of deliberate tracer experiments are limited by
their duration and by dilution with untagged water which can lower tracer concentrations below the detect limit.
Hydrogeologic calculations require local geologic information usually extrapolated from well bore measurements
to estimate the flow along specific paths. Because details about preferential flow paths are usually lacking, these
calculations estimate mean travel times and rates. The use of a deliberate tracer experiment concurrently with
hydrogeologic calculations can either validate or lead to better models of the hydro-stratigraphy. When significant
mixing of young and old ground waters occurs as in most production wells, T/3 He apparent ages are the most diffi-
cult to interpret. If linear mixing occurs, then these ages would be equivalent to the mean age. However, because
the initial tritium content of recharge water varied by orders of magnitude during the last few decades, T/ 3 He
apparent ages do not mix linearly. Nevertheless, the T/3 He apparent ages from this study indicate that productions
wells are drawing in an old component and that this component has a travel time greater than a decade.
The California State Department of Health recommends that ground water containing reclaimed water reside in the
subsurface for a minimum of six months to allow for virus inactivation (Bookman-Edmonston, 1994). In order to
ensure the six-month residence time, all wells must be farther than 150 m from the point of infiltration. This study
suggests that using horizontal distances does not ensure a specified travel time within the ground water system; the
depth of production is a better criterion to ensure desired residence time close to spreading ponds.
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The work could not have been completed without T. Johnson and B. Chong of the Water Replenishment District of
Southern California who assisted with the planning of the SF6 experiment and the collection of well samples.
M. Ragland helped to collect and analyze the surface and ground water samples. The research was supported by
Water Replenishment District of Southern California. This is contribution #0689 of the Institute for Crustal Studies
at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Bookman-Edmonston (1994) Hydrogeologic assessment and background data for domestic wells within 500 feet of the
Montebello Forebay recharge areas. Bookman-Edmonston Engineering, Inc., Glendale, CA.
Clark, J. F., Hudson G. B., Davison M. L., Woodside G., and Herndon R. (2004). Geochemical imaging of flow near
an artificial recharge facility, Orange County, CA. Ground Water, 42, 167–174.
Clark, J. F., Hudson G. B., and Avisar D. (2005). Gas Transport Below Artificial Recharge Ponds: Insights from
Dissolved Noble Gases and a Dual Gas (SF6 and 3He) Tracer Experiment, Enivorn. Sci. Tech., (in press).
Cook, P. G. and Solomon D. K. (1997). Recent advances in dating young ground water: chlorofluorocarbons, 3H/3He
and 85Kr. J. Hydro., 191, 245–265.
Gamlin, J. D., Clark J. F., Woodside G., and Herndon R. (2001). Tracing groundwater flow patterns in an area of arti-
ficial recharge using sulfur hexafluoride. J. Environ. Eng. 127, 171–174.
Istok, J. D., and Humphrey M. D. (1995). Laboratory investigation of buoyancy-induced flow (plume sinking) dur-
ing two well tracer tests. Ground Water, 33, 597–604.
Johnson, T. Personal communication (Feb 18, 2005).
Rademacher, L. K., Clark J. F., Hudson G. B., Erman D. C., and Erman N. A. (2001). Chemical evolution of shallow
groundwater as recorded by springs, Sagehen Basin, Nevada County, California. Chem. Geol., 179, 37–51.
Schlosser, P., Stute M., Sonntag C., and Munnich K.O. (1989). Tritiogenic 3He in shallow groundwater. Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett., 94, 245–256.
Surano, K. A., Hudson G. B., Failor R. A., Sims J. M., Holland R. C., MacLean S. C., and Garrison J. C. (1992).
Helium-3 mas spectrometry for low-level tritium analysis of environmental samples. J. Radioanal. Nuclear Chem.
Art., 161, 443–453.
Tompson, A. F. B., Carle, S. F. Rosenberg N. D., and Maxwell R. M. (1999). Analysis of ground water migration from
artificial recharge in a large urban aquifer: A simulation perspective. Water Resour. Res., 35, 2981–2998.
Wilson, R. D. and Mackay D. M. (1996). SF6 as a conservative tracer in saturated media with high intragranular
porosity or high organic carbon content. Ground Water, 34, 241–249.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Use of geochemical and isotope plots
to determine recharge to alluvial aquifers:
Lockyer Valley, Queensland, Australia
Malcolm E. Cox and Andrew S. Wilson
The source of groundwater recharge to alluvial aquifers of the Lockyer Valley is difficult to confirm, especially as
water chemistry of bores is highly variable. To better define recharge over 100 bores have been analysed for major
ions and stable isotopic ratios δ2H and δ18O. Preliminary identification of hydrological processes was by ionic
ratios (e.g. Cl/HCO3) and isotope plots, however, although these methods can indicate the source of water, they
cannot show the degree of mixing. A plot of log TDS (mg/L) versus δ2H ‰ was used with some success. Within the
plot four ‘end members’ can be established, with typical values: A. sandstone bedrock; B. stream storm flow;
C. deep artesian basin; and D. strongly evaporated alluvial groundwater. Within the ABC triangle relative percent-
ages of each member can be determined; within the ABD triangle relative percentages of stream recharge and
sandstone water can be established, and the degree of evaporation is indicated. The plot confirms the primary
process of recharge to alluvial aquifers is directly as storm flow in streams, and indirectly from surrounding
basalts. The contribution to alluvium of bedrock sandstone water is also shown to be significant during periods of
low stream flow and low groundwater levels.
Alluvial aquifers, Australia, evaporation, groundwater, irrigation, recharge, stable isotopes.
The Lockyer Valley of southeast Queensland is an important area of crop production based on intensive ground-
water irrigation. The agricultural development has placed excessive demands on groundwater and there is a trend
of increasing salinity in many parts of the valley. As a consequence various studies have reported aspects of water
chemistry and isotope composition of groundwater in the Lockyer Valley (e.g. Talbot and Dickson, 1969; Stevens,
1990; Dixon and Chiswell, 1992; Dixon and Chiswell, 1994).
The Lockyer Valley supplies around 35% of the state’s irrigated vegetables as both winter and spring crops, plus
fodder and small crops. Prior to 1936 irrigation in the Lockyer was limited, but by 1956 the area under irrigation
had increased to 3,500 ha, and by 1969 to 12,000 ha. By the mid-1970s the area irrigated had stabilised at around
13,000 ha; an estimate is that on the order of 16,800 ha of the valley has potential for irrigation. More recently there
has been rural subdivision and the establishment of hobby farms. The supply of irrigation water in the catchment is
closely related to rainfall. During the period 1990 to 1995 the severe drought affecting much of eastern Australia
had a marked impact on irrigation in the valley. This drought broke in November, 1995, and in January, 1996
the area was subject to flooding, but dry conditions have subsequently reoccurred. There are substantial variations
in water quality in the Lockyer, both spatial and temporal, and these can be difficult to assess with the irregular
data on file. Results of studies to date show that hydrological processes are complex, notably due to the mixing of
various waters.
The source and character of recharge to the groundwaters of the alluvial aquifers have been difficult to confirm,
especially as water chemistry of bores within both the alluvium and the underlying sandstone is highly variable
throughout the valley (Cox et al., 1996). Many alluvial bores also have a component of bedrock input, which
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254 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
typically increases during dry period irrigation. Also of significance is natural evaporation in streams of poor
flowand of irrigation runoff, plus the discharge of deep artesian basin CO2–bearing waters. Groundwater in the
basalt aquifers of the surrounding ranges is also chemically different.
Figure 1. Location of the Lockyer Valley in southeast Queensland and in relation to Brisbane
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 255
The sedimentary formations of the valley consist of a conformable sequence of Triassic and Jurassic sediments and
are described in detail by Cranfield (1981) and Wells and O’Brien (1993). These sequences predominantly consist
of flat-lying fluvial sandstones, siltstones and shales, with minor conglomerate units (Fig. 2). Here we use a gener-
alised description for the sedimentary formations of, lower: Gatton Sandstone (exposed in central valley floor along
Lockyer Creek), middle: Winwill Conglomerate, and upper: Koukandowie Formation (exposed in sides of valley
and upper slopes).
Figure 2. Location and geology map of the Lockyer Valley (after Department of Natural Resources and Mines).
Lockyer Creek runs west to east past Gatton in the central valley. Locations of selected groundwater bores
are numbered; H is Helidon, a spa and spring area.
The groundwater supplies used for irrigation in the area are largely obtained from the Quaternary alluvium, which
within the Lockyer drainage system covers approximately 28,000 ha. Water bores show the alluvium to be between
20 and 30 m thick in the central drainage systems, and to directly overlie the sedimentary formations. Alluvial
deposits are composed of well-graded gravel, sand and silt with a clayey matrix; cobbles also occur in channel
deposits. Clay-rich layers are common in the broad alluvium of the middle sections of Lockyer Creek. Typically, the
lower section of the alluvium is composed of coarser sands and is the main water-bearing layer; commonly this
layer can be semi-confined by silt-clay layers. Hydraulic conductivities (K) of these coarse sand-gravel layers are
typically 50 to 80 m/day (Wilson, 2004).
In Lockyer Creek and its larger tributaries the stream channels tend to be incised into the alluvium, commonly
3–5 m, are often narrow and without distinct alluvial terraces. Over time these channels have meandered back and
forth across valley floors and have formed floodplains of rich soil which can be 2 to 6 km in width. In dry periods,
very little water is seen in the drainage system, but after heavy storms, stream channels rapidly receive and transmit
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Stream water is the main source of recharge to the alluvial aquifers and the response of groundwater levels to flood
flows in the stream is rapid. During dry periods, however, such stream flow may only be in upper parts of the catch-
ment. Water tables typically rise 7 to 10 days after several days of heavy rain in the headwaters or on the escapment.
Available records confirm that in dry periods the water table is below the creek beds and that hydraulic gradients
slope towards the edges of the valleys. Small weirs to increase alluvial recharge have been built on most tributaries
and although subject to some siltation most of these weirs are achieving an annual recharge of around 700 ML
(DPI-WR, 1993). There are now 16 artificial recharge weirs on streams throughout the valley.
State government licensing for use of surface water supplies has been a requirement for many years. However,
except for the central section of the valley around Gatton the use of groundwater for irrigation, and other purposes,
has not been subject to the same statutory controls. Most of the expansion of irrigation in the 1960s and 1970s was
from groundwater, which now accounts for over 80% of irrigation supply, and corresponds to an average annual
groundwater withdrawal of some 45,000 ML. Groundwater storage in the alluvial aquifers was estimated at a safe
annual yield of around 25,000 ML (e.g. DPI-WR, 1993). These amounts indicate that the alluvial aquifers are being
over-exploited, which is clearly evident during dry periods when many bores become dry. The demand for irrigation
water therefore exceeds supply, except in the wettest seasons. A preliminary valley-wide assessment of groundwater
data over a 30 year period (Tien et al., 2004) indicates that the long-term trend is of increasing salinity, which based
on the sites tested is 60%, or approximately 2% per year. The overall trend during this period is for decreasing
groundwater levels, particularly over the last 15 years.
Figure 3. Piper diagram of groundwaters in the southwestern Lockyer Valley collected during 2003
displaying chemical difference between different groundwaters.
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 257
The variation of surface and groundwater chemical composition throughout the valley reflects a variety of sources
and mixing of waters. Although it is generally accepted that recharge is primarily derived from the surrounding
ranges, the alternative sources and possibly proportions to the alluvial aquifers have not been determined.
The use of hydrogeochemistry and of stable isotope analyses have provided some insight to recharge and mixing, at
least in a qualitative sense. Studies by Dixon and Chiswell (1992; 1994) in the southwest of the valley confirmed
that bedrock groundwaters are identifiable and do discharge into the alluvial aquifers. Studies in Sandy Creek in the
southeast (McMahon, 1995; McMahon and Cox, 1996) confirmed that for groundwater within the sedimentary pro-
file there is both a variation of salinity and chemical composition for different formations. The study by Mcleod
(1998) of Ma Ma Creek in the southwest confirmed that with continued irrigation under dry conditions a greater
proportion of bedrock groundwater is drawn into the alluvial bores. All studies show that overall, groundwater
within the lower bedrock formations has a higher total dissolved solids. A recent investigation (Picarel, 2004) in the
lower (eastern) Lockyer Creek confirms that some very high saline groundwaters are present in bedrock depres-
sions. That study also demonstrated that 2004 water levels have been drawndown into the lower sections of the
Figure 4. Plot of δ2H‰ versus Cl / HCO3 for groundwaters in the southwestern Lockyer Valley
collected during 2003 displaying processes such as mixing and evaporation.
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258 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Although most bores extract from alluvium some also extract a component of water from the underlying
sandstones. Most bores in the valley are drilled 30–50 cm into bedrock, and are screened in the lower 1–2 m of the
alluvium. The proportion of this latter groundwater can be also seen as baseflow and increases during periods of
low river flow, and also downstream in many drainages. For example, the mainstream Lockyer is mostly Na,Mg,Ca-
HCO3 water, but at low flows a Na,Mg-Cl water dominates. The highest salinity alluvial groundwaters are mainly in
the centre of the valley, concentrated in the floodplains that support the most intensive agriculture. There are, how-
ever, conflicting views as to whether the high salinity levels in certain areas are a natural occurrence, or whether
they have been worsened by poor quality water entering the alluvial aquifers.
Recent investigations in the Tenthill-Ma Ma catchments in the southwest and the alluvial plain at their conflence
with Lockyer Creek (Wilson, 2004; Wilson et al., 2004) were effective in identifying groundwaters from different
aquifers. Alluvial aquifers are dominated by waters of Mg,Na(Ca)-Cl(HCO3) composition (Fig. 3). It can be seen in
the Piper plot that in the central valley groundwater in the alluvium has a greater proportion of HCO3; although
this can reflect a rainfall recharge influence, it can also be related to high HCO3 deep waters. This plot clearly
demonstrates the Na-Cl nature of groundwater in the sandstone bedrock; basalt groundwater from the surrounding
ranges is commonly of a Mg-HCO3 type, and similar to flowing streams (i.e. recharging waters).
Salinity variations also exist between these various waters and typically depend on, (a) bedrock formation, and
(b) irrigation practice, or both. Typical salinities (mg/L) are, alluvium: Lockyer (800–3,700), Tenthill (1,000–2,500)
and Ma Ma (5,400–7,700); sandstone: Gatton, lower (5,700–7,500) and Koukandowie, middle-upper (3,000–6,800).
Figure 5. Plot of δ 2H versus δ 18O for groundwaters from the eastern section of the Lockyer Valley
(in northeast of Figure 2). Samples were collected in 2004 (after Picarel, 2004).
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Both hydrogeochemical and isotope methods provide some understanding of the hydrological processes occuring.
The Piper plot indicates some degree of mixing between waters. These processes are displyed well in a plot of
δ2H‰ versus Cl / HCO3 (Fig. 4), for which both parameters indicate the source of the water. Flowing streams
represent recharging water and runoff or throughflow from basalt aquifers; alluvial and bedrock groundwaters are
evident lower in the plot, as is some mixing between them. Typically, groundwater from bedrock aquifers has the
most depleted values of δ2H‰ and higher Cl / HCO3 ratios. Evaporative processes in standing streams and of irri-
gation water are evident in the upper part of the figure.
As an additional method of determining hydrological processes in the Lockyer Valley, groundwater samples
from the lower (eastern) alluvial irrigation area were analysed for stable isotopes (Fig. 5). In this part of the valley
alluvium is largely overlying the lower bedrock formation, the Gatton Sandstone. The isotopic compositions for
most samples tend to fall along the Global Meteoric Water Line (Craig, 1961). Samples of flowing streams and
alluvial groundwater immediate to streams are grouped on this MWL; groups with differing degrees of surface or
near-surface evaporative concentration fall along a line with a steep slope. The shaded samples in the ‘stream
recharge’ and ‘evaporation’ groups are stream waters; the latter is from a non-flowing pool. The lower trend in δ18O
enrichment is groundwaters in alluvial bores that are distant from the stream, and contain re-circulated irrigation
water. Alluvial bores with significant bedrock input (plus bores into sandstone) are shown to be the most depleted;
this supports the idea of recharge to sandstone bedrock aquifers as being distant (further to the west or south).
Figure 6. Main processes of the hydrological systems related to recharge of groundwater within alluvial aquifers
of Lockyer Valley. Two examples of groundwater irrigation bores are shown; the deeper type is the most productive
(e.g. 5 – 8 L /sec) and produces the most drawdown.
Hydrological processes
The plots above demonstrate the type of hydrological processes that occur within the valley, and the obvious con-
nection between groundwater and surface waters. The main forms of recharge are also indicated. These processes
are summarised in Figure 6, in which features A to D also represent endpoints in the ternary diagrams of Figure 7.
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260 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
A: discharge from sandstone bedrock as (a) seepage into permeable sands and gravels at base of the alluvium, (b)
surface discharge from springs in outcropping bedrock, and (c) seepage along upper sections of stream courses;
B: recharge of low salinity water from (a) streams during periods of flow, and (b) basalts on surrounding ranges as
throughflow to stream headwaters;
C: discharge of deep basin waters (Great Artesian Basin) from faults at base of alluvium, or from exposed bedrock.
These waters are cool, but contain abundant CO2 ;
D: alluvial groundwaters that have experienced evaporative concentration, usually towards the edges of alluvial
plains or at shallow depth.
Of note is the overall low permeability of the shalower profile of the alluvium, due to high silt content. Low infil-
tration rates were determined for surface alluvial material in the central parts of the valley (e.g. Ellis and
Dharmasiri, 1998). This finding supports the conclusion that recharge to the alluvium is dominantly along the
drainage system. Flow of groundwater through the sandstones is relatively slow, and recharge to these foramtions is
distant to the immediate valley (e.g. Dharmasiri et al., 1997).
Figure 7 (upper) displays a diamond-shape field consisting of four end points and composed of two ternary plots.
The end points are the representative values for different water types and are based on 2–4 samples. The left triangle
ABC is the field for sandstone-stream-deep basin sources; the right triangle ADC is the field for sandstone-stream-
evaporation. The two triangles are divided by lines of 10%; the position within each triangle enables the relative
proportion of each source to be calculated. For the ADC triangle the endpoints are stream waters, sandstone waters
and groundwaters influenced by evaporation; as the latter parameter is relative fields of low, medium and high are
In Figure 7 (lower) eight examples of groundwaters from a variety of bores throughout the valley have been
assessed to test the method.
Results are summarised in Table 1, showing the indicated percent recharge from each primary source, as well as
TDS (mg / L). It is clear that bores with a larger component of sandstone groundwater input are more saline. These
results are compared to Cl/HCO3: bores with a deep basin component typically have very low values, however, low
Cl/HCO3 values can also indicate samples more proximal to rainfall recharge areas near to stream headwaters (e.g.
sites 7 and 8).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 261
Figure 7. Plots of log TDS (mg/L) and δ 2H (‰) showing (upper) various fields,
and (lower) examples of water samples summarised in Table 1.
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262 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
In summary, the log TDS (mg/L) and δ2 H (‰) plot shows the major forms of recharge are directly from streams
and indirectly from basalts, and from sandstone bedrock. A wide range of degress of mixing occur, and temporal
variation of rainfall is also a factor. The latter is especially the case during extended dry periods. In the ABC field,
some bores are shown to have a component of deep basin water; although this is the case for some deep bores, a
number of bores in the valley floor alluvium have a high HCO3 content, suggesting shallow dispersion of such
water. For exmple, bore 1 near Laidley may have such an input from a concealed fault. Of note, the Helidon spa
water falls outside the field, but is indicated to be 80% deep basin water; these waters spread over 100 metres along
the drainage system. In the ADC field most alluvial bores display minor or medium evaporative concentration, but
a number (e.g. 6) are shown to have experienced marked evaporation.
We thank our colleagues for assistance in the field, with data and for much discussion: Dr Vivienne McNeil,
Dr Gerard McMahon, Robert Ellis and Bruce Pearce (Department of Natural Resources & Mines), Dr Micaela Preda
(QUT), and Julie Picarel (University of Montpellier, France).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 263
Cox, M.E., Hillier, J., Foster, L. and Ellis, R., 1996, Effects of a rapidly urbanising environment on groundwater,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Hydrogeology Journal, 4, 1, 30–47.
Craig, H., 1961. Isotopic variations in meteoric waters. Science, 133, 1702–1703.
Cranfield, L. C., 1981, Stratigraphic drilling report – GSQ Ipswich 24 and 25: Queensland Government Mining
Journal, Brisbane, Australia, 82, 468–477.
Dharmasiri, J.K., Morawska, L. and Hillier, J. 1997. Application of stable isotopes to identify sources of recharge to
an alluvial aquifer in Gatton, Queensland. Murray-Darling Workshop ’97, Toowoomba, 26–28 August, 1997,
Queensland, Australia, 249–252.
Dixon, W. and Chiswell, B., 1992, The use of hydrochemical sections to identify recharge areas and saline intrusions
in alluvial aquifers, southeast Queensland, Australia: Journal Hydrology,135, 259–274.
Dixon, W. and Chiswell, B., 1994, Isotopic study of alluvial groundwaters, south-west Lockyer Valley, Queensland,
Australia: Hydrological Processes, 8, 359–367.
DPI-WR, 1993, State water conservation strategy. A discussion paper: Report Water Resources Group, Queensland
Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, Australia, 128 pp.
Ellis, R. and Dharmasiri, J.K. 1998. Chemical and stable isotope methods used in investigating groundwater quality
deterioration in the Lockyer Valley. IAH International Groundwater Conference ’98, 8–13 February, 1998,
Groundwater Sustainable Solutions, Melbourne, Australia.
Mcleod, K.A., 1998. A study of the groundwater in the Ma Ma Creek catchment, Lockyer Valley, southeast
Queensland. Honours thesis (unpub), School of Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Australia, 88 pp.
McMahon, G. A., 1995, Hydrochemistry of saline groundwater in the Sandy Creek catchment, Lockyer Valley,
Southeast Queensland: Honours thesis (unpub), School of Geology, Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Australia, 62 pp.
McMahon, G.A. and Cox, M.E. 1996. The relationship between groundwater chemical type and Jurassic sedimentary
formations: the example of the Sandy Creek catchment, Lockyer, southeast Queensland. Mesozoic 96, Geological
Society of Australia, Extended Abstracts 43, 23–26 September, 1996, Brisbane, Australia, 374–382.
Picarel, J. M. 2004. Distribution of groundwater salinity within alluvial aquifers, lower Lockyer Valley, southeast
Queensland. Honours thesis (unpub), (Polytech' Montpellier, France), School of Natural Resource Sciences,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 55pp.
Stevens, N., 1990, Aspects of the geology and geochemistry of the catchment: in The Brisbane River, a source-book
for the future. Editors, P. Davie, E. Stock and D. Low Choy, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia, 17–27.
Talbot, R.J. and Dickson, T., 1969, Irrigation quality of some stream waters in the Lockyer Valley, south east Queens-
land: Queensland Journal Agricultural Animal Science, 26, 565–580.
Tien, A.T., Jolly, P.B., McNeil, V.H., Preda, M. and Cox, M.E. 2004. A comparison of salinity trends in the irrigated
Lockyer Valley, Queensland, and the Upper Roper Catchment, Northern Territory. ICID 2004, 2nd Asian Regional
Conference, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, march 14–17, 2004, Moama, NSW, Australia,
9 pp.
Wells, A.T. and O'Brien, P.E., 1993, Fluvial architecture of Triassic-Jurassic sediments of the Bundamba Group in the
northern part of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, Queensland: Record, Australian Geological Survey Organisation,
Canberra, 1993/45, 24 pp.
Wilson, A.S. 2004. Hydrogeology, conceptual model and groundwater flow within alluvial aquifers of the Tenthill and
Ma Ma catchments, Lockyer Valley, Queensland. Master of Applied Science thesis (unpub), School of Natural
Resource Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 141 pp.
Wilson, A.W. and Cox, M.E. 2004. Hydrochemistry and stable isotopes as tools to determine hydrological pro-
cesses in alluvial aquifers of the tenthill and Ma Ma catchments, Lockyer Valley, Queensland. 8th Australasian
Environmental Isotope Conference, University of Melbourne, 29 November–3 December, 2004, Melbourne,
Australia, 4 pp.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Effect of sprinkling infiltration
on soil acidity and fertility properties
on a forested esker in Central Finland
J. Derome, A.-J. Lindroos and H.-S. Helmisaari
The aim of the study was to determine the acidity and nutrient status of the humus and uppermost mineral
soil layers of a forest soil after two years of sprinkling infiltration, and one and two years after cessation of the
treatment. Sprinkling infiltration was carried out in a Scots pine stand located on an esker in Central Finland.
Humus and mineral soil samples were taken from two control plots and two plots subjected to sprinkling infil-
tration. As a result of sprinkling infiltration, the base saturation of the humus layer was close to 100%, and the pH
above 6. The cation exchange capacity of the humus layer had increased considerably owing to the increase in pH.
The humus layer, as well as to a lesser extent the uppermost mineral soil layers, had retained large amounts of Ca
and Mg from the lake water used in infiltration, but there was no corresponding increase in exchangeable K con-
centrations. The treatment strongly reduced the concentrations of extractable P, presumably due to immobil-
ization at elevated pH values. Sprinkling infiltration appears to have a relatively long-lasting, positive effect on
the acidity and nutrient status of the surface soil on the forested esker.
Base saturation; cation exchange capacity; forest soil; macronutrient; pH; sprinkling infiltration.
Artificial recharge of groundwater is an important method for producing household water in Finland. One possible
way to recharge groundwater artificially is to infiltrate surface water through the forest soil and unsaturated percol-
ation water zone down into the saturated groundwater zone. This kind of infiltration method is called sprinkling
infiltration. Special attention has to be paid to environmental aspects when planning artificial recharge groundwater
plants in forested areas. In sprinkling infiltration, the forest ecosystem is subjected to the addition of extremely
large amounts of water, the chemical composition of which differs considerably from that of natural precipitation.
Appreciable changes in the pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg concentrations of the forest soil have been reported in
a study carried out on a forested esker subjected to sprinkling infiltration in southern Finland (Lindroos et al.,
2001). Sprinkling infiltration has also caused marked changes in nitrogen transformation in the same study area
(Lindroos et al., 1998; Paavolainen et al., 2000).
Although information is already available about possible changes in the chemical properties of the forest soil due to
surface water infiltration at some sites in Finland, more data are needed about the behaviour of these processes in
different kinds of boreal forest stand and podzolic soils. It is also important to obtain more information about the
duration of the changes in the chemical properties of the forest soil after surface water infiltration has ceased, and
about the possible recovery of the soil to its original condition. The aim of this study was to determine the acidity
and nutrient status of the humus layer of a forest soil at the end of the treatment, and one and two years after the
cessation of sprinkling infiltration. The studied artificial recharge (AR) groundwater area is located in central
Finland, and the AR groundwater plant produces household water for the city of Jyväskylä.
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 265
The study site is located in a 110 year-old Scots pine stand growing on an esker near to the city of Jyväskylä in
Central Finland. The sub-xeric site is of the Vaccinium vitis-idaea forest site type (Cajander, 1949), and the soil con-
sists of relatively coarse, stratified sand deposits. The soil type is a humic podzol. Soil samples were taken in
autumn 2001, 2002 and in 2003 from two control plots and from two plots that had been subjected to sprinkling
infiltration during 1999 –2001. The organic layer and mineral soil (0 –5, 5 –10, 10 –20 and 20 – 40 cm depth layers)
were sampled at 20 systematically located points on each plot (30 x 30 m in size). The samples were combined to
give 2 samples / layer/plot. The samples were dried at 60 oC, and the organic layer samples then milled to pass
through a 1 mm sieve and the mineral soil samples passed through a 2 mm sieve to remove stones and large roots.
pH was determined in a soil/distilled water slurry (15 ml soil /25 ml H2O). Exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na were
determined by extracting the samples with 1 M BaCl2 (3.75 g organic layer sample or 15 g mineral soil /150 ml
extractant), and exchangeable acidity (EA) by titrating the extract to pH 7. The element concentrations were deter-
mined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP/AES). Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
was determined as the sum of equilavent concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na and EA. Base saturation (BS) was calcu-
lated as the proportion of base cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) out of CEC.
During the two-year sprinkling irrigation treatment, the pH of the organic and mineral soil layers (Fig. 1) had
increased to ca. 6, which is relatively close to that of the lake water (mean pH 6.9) used for AR. These pH values are
very high compared to the values normally measured in the Finnish forest soils (Tamminen, 2000). During the two-
year period after the cessation of the treatment the pH decreased to some extent (ca. 1.5 pH-units), but was still
clearly above the level on the control plots. This increase is considerable considering the fact that the lake water
was not sprinkled evenly over the whole plot (30 x 30 m). A similar, rather strong decrease in soil acidity has been
observed in studies carried out at other sprinkling infiltration plants in Finland, and at these sites the pH has not
returned to its original level even 5 years after the cessation of sprinkling infiltration (Helmisaari et al., 2003).
6.5 control
humus 0 – 5 cm 5 –10 cm 10 – 20 cm 20 – 40 cm
Figure 1. Mean pH in the humus layer and at different depths in the mineral soil on the control plots,
and on the treated plots at the cessation of sprinkling infiltration (2001),
and one year (2002) and two years (2003) after cessation of the treatment.
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266 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a measure of the number of negatively charged cation exchange sites in the soil,
i.e. the soil’s capacity to bind cations, and hence CEC plays an important role in maintaining site fertility. The
cations bound on the cation exchange sites include important plant nutrients such as Mg 2+ and Ca 2+, as well as the
acidic cations Al 3+ and H +. In forest soils, which are usually relatively coarse textured and have a low content of
fine material (e.g. silt and clay) in Finland, the majority of the cation exchange sites are associated with the organic
matter in the humus layer and underlying mineral soil. As cation exchange sites are formed through the dis-
sociation of so-called functional groups (e.g. carboxyls) in the organic matter, CEC in forest soils is strongly
dependent on soil pH: the higher the pH, the higher the proportion of dissociated functional groups, and the greater
the CEC value. Sprinkling infiltration considerably increased the CEC of the humus layer, and it remained at
approximately the same level for two years after the cessation of the treatment (Fig. 2). Although the increase in pH
(Fig. 1) undoubtedly explains part of the increase in CEC, changes will most probably also have occurred in the
quality of the organic matter in the humus layer. The increase in available nitrogen (data not shown) and the high
concentrations of both Ca and Mg, have probably stimulated microbial degradation of the relatively acidic, slowly
decomposing coniferous litter layer characteristic of forest soils. The CEC in the mineral soil layers appeared to
have been relatively unaffected by the treatment..
humus 0–5 cm 5–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–40 cm
Figure 2. Mean cation exchange capacity (meq/kg dm) in the humus layer and at different depths in the mineral soil
on the control plots, and on the treated plots at the cessation of sprinkling infiltration (2001), and one year (2002)
and two years (2003) after cessation of the treatment. Note: owing to the large difference in the bulk density
of the humus layer and mineral soil, the CEC values in the humus and mineral soil are not directly comparable.
Base saturation is a measure used to depict the proportion of cation exchange sites occupied by so-called base
cations (Ca 2+, Mg 2+, K +, Na+). The maximum value of BS, i.e. 100%, means that all the cation exchange sites are
occupied by base cations. Sprinkling infiltration strongly increased BS in the humus layer to over 95% during the
treatment, and there was no decrease following cessation of the treatment (Fig. 3). There was also an extremely
strong increase in the mineral soil, and BS continued to increase following cessation of the treatment. This
is undoubtedly due to the gradual movement of e.g. Ca and Mg cations down the soil profile, following their release
in the overlying humus layer. The base cations originate from the lake water and, although the base cation con-
centrations in the lake water were relatively low, the total amount of Ca and Mg added in the lake water during
the two-year treatment is extremely large due to the large amounts of infiltrated water. These base cations have
obviously displaced the other cations (e.g. H + and Al 3+, data not shown) from cation exchange sites in the humus
layer and mineral soil, thus resulting in an increase in soil pH (Fig. 1).
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 267
The concentrations of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the humus layer increased 3-fold as a result of the sprinkling
infiltration treatment (Table 1). As well as playing an important role in acid buffering processes in the humus layer,
Ca and Mg are important macronutrients. It is clear that the increase in exchangeable Ca and Mg, together with the
increased availability of nitrogen (data not shown), represents an improvement in the fertility of the site. Despite
the fact that the soil is relatively coarse-textured, the increase in site fertility is likely to persist for a considerable
length of time because the increase in CEC, and the migration of organic matter down into the underlying mineral
soil (data not shown), will reduce the losses of Ca and Mg through leaching.
BS, % control
80 2003
humus 0–5 cm 5–10 cm 10–20 cm 20–40 cm
Figure 3. Mean base saturation (%) in the humus layer and at different depths in the mineral soil
on the control plots, and on the treated plots at the cessation of sprinkling infiltration (2001),
and one year (2002) and two years (2003) after cessation of the treatment.
Despite the input of K in the lake water, the treatment has not significantly affected the exchangeable K concentr-
ations in the humus layer (Table 1). This is not a surprising result because K+ has a relatively low affinity for cation
exchange sites (it is a monovalent cation) and it is not able to compete with the elevated Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentr-
ations (Bohn et al., 1985).
Table 1. Mean exchangeable Ca, Mg and K and extractable P concentrations in the humus layer on the control plots,
and on the treated plots at the cessation of sprinkling infiltration (2001), and one year (2002) and two years
(2003) after cessation of the treatment
P, mg/kg 143 ND 53 55
ND = not determined.
Sprinkling infiltration has strongly reduced the concentrations of extractable P in the humus layer. Despite the fact
that there was also an input of P in the lake water, it would appear that the relatively high pH values (above pH 7)
in the humus layer have resulted in the immobilization of P (Hartikainen, 1979).
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268 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Sprinkling infiltration had a relatively strong effect on the acidity and fertility status of the humus and uppermost
mineral soil layers, and it appears that there will not be a very rapid return to the soil conditions prevailing before
the treatment. However, the treatment considerably increased the capacity of the soil to withstand acid loads, and
increased the concentrations of the important macronutrients Ca and Mg. The only negative effect of sprinkling
infiltration appears to be the decrease in the important plant nutrient P, the availability of which decreased owing to
the increase in pH. Whether or not this represents a threat to site fertility requires further study.
Bohn, H.L., McNeal, B.L. and O’Connor, G.A. (1985). Important ions. In: Soil chemistry (2nd edition), John Wiley &
Sons, New York, pp. 290–328.
Cajander, A.K. (1949). Forest types and their significance. Acta Forestalia Fennica, 56, 1–69.
Hartikainen, H. (1979). Phosphorus and its reactions in terrestrial soils and lake sediments. J. Sci. Agric. Soc. Fin.,
51, 537–624.
Helmisaari H-S., Illmer K., Hatva T., Lindroos A-J., Miettinen I., Pääkkönen J. and Reijonen R. (eds) (2003).
Tekopohjaveden muodostaminen: imeytystekniikka, maaperäprosessit ja veden laatu. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedo-
nantoja, 902.
Lindroos A-J., Paavolainen L., Smolander A., Derome J. and Helmisaari H-S. (1998). Changes in nitrogen trans-
formations in forest soil as a result of sprinkling infiltration. Environ. Pollut., 102, 421–426.
Lindroos A-J., Derome J., Paavolainen L. and Helmisaari H-S. (2001). The effect of lake-water infiltration on the
acidity and base cation status of forest soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollut., 131(1–4), 153–167.
Paavolainen L., Smolander A., Lindroos A-J., Derome J. and Helmisaari H-S. (2000). Nitrogen transformations and
losses in forest soil subjected to sprinkling infiltration. J. Environ. Qual., 29, 1069–1074.
Tamminen P. (2000). Soil factors. In: Forest Condition in a Changing Environment – The Finnish Case, E. Mälkönen
(ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Forestry Sciences, 65, 72– 86.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Anaerobic ammonia oxidation
during sub-surface transport
Peter Fox and Shivani Shah
Nitrogen removal has been sustained in numerous Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) systems where ammonia was the
primary form of nitrogen in the reclaimed water. During SAT, groundwater is recharged using percolation basins
and treatment may occur during percolation in the vadose zone and subsequent transport under saturated con-
ditions in the aquifer. Since there is insufficient organic carbon to support heterotrophic denitrification,
autotrophic nitrogen removal mechanisms capable of sustaining nitrogen removal were examined. In particular,
anaerobic ammonia oxidation (ANAMMOX) was evaluated using column studies and batch studies. Nitrogen
removal was sustained in column studies for over 600 days without the addition of supplemental carbon. When
nitrate alone was fed to the columns, ammonia pre-adsorbed on the soil was bioavailable and sustained nitrogen
removal. When a combination of nitrate and ammonia were fed, nitrate removal rates were similar to the soil
column with pre-adsorbed ammonia. When nitrite and ammonia were fed to the soil columns, nitrogen removal
rates increased by an order of magnitude as compared to a mixture of nitrate and ammonia. This suggests that the
conversion of nitrate to nitrite is the rate-limiting step and soil systems have the capability of converting nitrate
to nitrite.
Anaerobic ammonia oxidation, nitrate, nitrite.
Soil Aquifer Treatment has been used extensively for the recharge of groundwater using reclaimed water in arid
areas. During Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT), reclaimed water is percolated through the vadose zone and biological
removal mechanisms remove contaminants of concern including organic carbon and nitrogen. This study focuses
on how nitrogen removal may be sustained in SAT systems. Nitrogen removal efficiencies of greater than 70% have
been sustained using secondary effluent with ammonia nitrogen concentrations in excess of 20 mg-N/L. There is
insufficient organic carbon in secondary effluent to sustain the observed nitrogen removal efficiencies. Furthermore,
the majority of organic carbon is removed near the soil surface where aerobic conditions exist and conditions are
inappropriate for denitrification. During SAT, ammonia is primarily removed by adsorption when water is applied
since there is insufficient oxygen to support nitrification. When water is not applied, air enters the soil column and
nitrification of adsorbed ammonia will occur. During subsequent additions of reclaimed water, ammonia and nitrate
are present in the soil column under anoxic conditions thus creating conditions appropriate for ANAMMOX.
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation may be the oxidation of ammonium with nitrate in the absence of oxygen and
organic carbon (Mulder et al. 1995).
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270 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Further study with isotopically labeled nitrogen compounds indicated that instead of nitrate, nitrite is the most
probable electron acceptor (van de Graaf et al. 1995) and equation 2 is the accepted stoichiometry for ANAMMOX.
NH 4 + + NO 2 – → N 2 + 2H 2 O (2)
Inhibition studies showed that this process is a biologically mediated process (van de Graaf et al. 1995). Using iso-
lation techniques, ANAMMOX bacter were identified to be Planctomycetes. Several anaerobic ammonium oxidizing
Planctomycetes have been identified including ‘Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans’ (Strous et al. 1999). Candidatus
B. anammoxidans is a very slowly growing obligatory anaerobic bacterium with doubling times of 10–14 days
(Kuenen & Jetten et al. 2001). During application of ANAMMOX in a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) using ammonium
and nitrite as the electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively, the molar conversion ratio of ammonium
(NH4+) to nitrite (NO2–) observed was 1:1.3 ± 0.06 with 0.22 ± 0.02 moles of nitrate production per mole of
ammonium. Results showed that the main product was nitrogen gas with 10% of nitrate (NO3–) production of total
nitrogen feed (van de Graaf et al. 1996). Gable (2002) studied ANAMMOX in soil systems. Experiments were
carried out using soil columns, which were fed with ammonia, nitrate and bicarbonate. Results showed removal
efficiencies of 60–87%. Genetic analysis of bacaters showed 97–98% similarity to Candidatus Brocadia anamm-
oxidans (Gable et al. 2002).
Four soil columns (Columns I, II, III, and IV) containing soil from a recharge basin at the Sweetwater Underground
Storage and Recovery facility in Tucson, Arizona were used in this study. This facility has been removing nitrogen
for over 15 years. The results presented here will focus on Columns III and IV. Columns III and IV were acrylic
columns of 7.5 cm diameter and 93 cm in length. These columns were packed with 6.4 kg of moist soil. During the
initial study period of the first 260 days, Columns IV was fed tap water with 20 mg-N / L ammonia, 30 mg-N / L
nitrate and 1mM of bicarbonate while Column III was fed tap water with 30 mg-N / L of nitrate only and 1mM of
bicarbonate. Column III was the control column to determine the effects of ammonia pre-adsorbed on the soil.
From day 486 to day 505, Column III was allowed to aerate to convert adsorbed ammonia on the soil to nitrate and
eliminate the effect of adsorbed, while Column IV was maintained under saturated anoxic conditions. After 20 days
the columns were restarted and Column III was fed tap water with 30 mg-N / L nitrate and 1 mM of bicarbonate.
Column IV was fed 30 mg-N / L ammonia, 30 mg-N / L nitrate and 1 mM bicarbonate to determine the impact of
higher ammonia concentrations. From day 590, the electron acceptor was changed from nitrate to nitrite to observe
effects on nitrogen removal rates. Both columns were fed with the same concentration of nitrite instead of nitrate.
On day 670, the flowrate to Column IV was increased 3 fold and the flow was increased 3 fold again on day 720.
In addition to the soil columns, an acrylic column identical to Columns III and IV was used with a non-woven cloth
media. The column was operated identical to Column IV in terms of feed composition changes after it was seeded
for over 100 days with effluents from Column IV.
Nitrate removal occurred in both Columns III and IV with similar nitrate removal rates for the first 500 days. In
both cases, the nitrate removal rate was slowly decreasing over time even and this effect was independent of the
ammonia concentrations since the ammonia concentration was increased in Column IV (Figure 1) while ammonia
was never added to Column III. Ammonia concentrations were below detection limits in the effluent of Column III
while Column IV effluent ammonia concentrations were approximately 10 mg-N / L. After aeration of Column III,
the rate of nitrogen removal continued to decrease in Column III. When the feed composition was changed to
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 271
nitrite, negligible removal of nitrite was observed in Column III and ANAMMOX activity apparently ceased.
However, excellent removal of nitrite and improved removal of ammonia was observed in Column IV when the feed
composition was switched from nitrate to nitrite (Figure 2). Therefore, the switch from nitrate to nitrite resulted in
over a two fold increase in total nitrogen removal in the soil system. When the flowrate was tripled on day 670,
there was a temporary increase in effluent nitrite concentration as the nitrogen loading was increased but the nitrite
concentration decreased rapidly with over 95% nitrogen removal efficiency. The rapid response to the increase in
loading suggests that microbial growth was occurring with the soil system and the increased microbial population
was capable of removing the nitrogen at high efficiency. When the nitrogen loading rate was increased, the effluent
nitrate concentration from Column IV also increased consistent with the studies reported by van der Graaf et al.
(1996) where approximately 10% of the influent nitrogen was converted to nitrate. While the data is not shown, the
loading was increased by another factor of 3 by increasing the flowrate on day 720 and the increased microbial
activity was capable of maintaining 95% nitrogen removal efficiency. Therefore, a composition of nitrite and ammo-
nia resulted in over an order of magnitude nitrogen mass removal rate as compared to a mixture of nitrate and
Soil Column IV
NO 3- Studies
NO 3- (mg N/L)
Feed Changed
to Nitrite
20 Col 4
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Figure 1. Nitrate Concentrations for Column IV
Soil Column IV
NO 3- Studies
Feed Changed
NO 3- (mg N/L)
to Nitrite
30 Feed
Col 4
10 3 Times
0 Flow
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
272 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
These results suggest that the conversion of nitrate to nitrite is a potential rate-limiting step in soil systems. There
are two factors that lead to this observation. The first factor is that although nitrogen removal was sustained with a
mixture of nitrate and ammonia, the nitrogen mass removal rate decreased over time (Table 1). The second factor is
that nitrogen mass removal rates increased by over an order of magnitude when a mixture of nitrite and ammonia
was used. It is possible that a component on the soil surface is involved in the conversion of nitrate to nitrite and
this unknown component was becoming less available for the reaction as time proceeded under the isolated labora-
tory conditions. Furthermore, the column that was using non-woven fiber as an attachment media and was seeded
with microorganisms from Column IV never removed nitrogen when a mixture of ammonia and nitrate was fed to
the system. However, when a mixture of nitrite and ammonia was fed to the column containing the non-woven
fiber, removal steadily improved over a 100 day period until over 95 % removal of influent nitrogen was observed.
The lack of nitrogen removal with nitrate and ammonia in the absence of the soil further enhances the argument
that a soil component is involved in the transformation of nitrate to nitrite. One possible soil component that could
be involved in nitrogen transformations is manganese. Based on thermodynamic calculations, it was observed that
N2 formation is possible at standard conditions through many reactions between manganese and nitrogen species
(Luther et al. 1996). It has been reported that under oxic conditions, the oxidation of NH4+ occurs by MnO2 in
marine sediments and NO3– reduction by Mn2 + was observed under anoxic conditions (Luther et al. 1997). This
possible interaction is presently under investigation to determine how it might sustain nitrogen transformations
during sub-surface transport.
Table 1. The average nitrate removal rates for Column III and Column IV
Nitrate Removal Rates (mg-N/d)
Days Column III Column IV
7.5 7.8
0 to 216
(Gable et al. 2002) (Gable et al. 2002)
260 to 350 6.9 ± 1.0 5.6 ± 1.4
350 to 450 6.4 ± 3.2 5.5 ± 1.7
450 to 590 6.3 ± 2.3 6.9 ± 2.5
Anaerobic ammonia oxidation is a potential sustainable removal mechanism for nitrogen compounds during SAT. In
the laboratory, nitrogen removal was sustained for a period of greater than 600 days. However, the nitrogen
mass removal rates appeared to decrease in the laboratory when a mixture of nitrate and ammonia was fed to soil
columns. When a mixture of nitrite and ammonia was fed to the columns, nitrogen mass removal rates were
increased by an order of magnitude. Under laboratory conditions, it is not clear if nitrogen removal with a mixture
of ammonia and nitrate could be sustained indefinitely. However, under field conditions the primary forms
of nitrogen observed are nitrate and ammonia and nitrogen removal has been sustained in the field. Cyclic
aerobic/anoxic conditions occur in the field were not simulated in the laboratory and these conditions might sustain
transformations that were not observed in the laboratory. The conversion of nitrate to nitrite appears to be a rate-
limiting step for anaerobic ammonia oxidation in soil systems and the exact mechanism for this step has yet to be
The nitrogen removal rates observed in soil columns and batch tests yield a first-order decay constant for nitrogen
of approximately 0.08 d –1. Tracer tests have estimated the travel time in the vadose zone to be approximately
14 days at the field site where the soils used in this study were obtained. Based on the first order decay constant
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 273
measured in the laboratory, a nitrogen removal efficiency of 64% is predicted which is similar to the 70% removal
that is typically observed under field conditions.
Gable, J. (2002). ‘Anaerobic ammonium oxidation during soil aquifer treatment.’ Ph.D. dissertation, Arizona State
Kuenen, J. G. and Jetten, M. S. M. (2001). ‘Extraordinary anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria.’ ASM News,
67(9), 456–463.
Luther, G.W.III., Shellenbarger, P.A., and Brendel, P.J. (1996). ‘Dissolved organic Fe(III) and Fe(II) complexes in salt
marine porewaters.’ Geochim. Acta, 60, 951–960.
Luther, G.W.III., Sundby, B., Lewis B. L., Brendel, P.J. and Silverberg, N. (1997). ‘Interactions of manganese with the
nitrogen cycle: Alternative pathways to dinitrogen.’ Geochim. Acta., 61(19), 4043–4052.
Mulder, A., van de Graaf, A. A., Robertson, L. A., and Kuenen, J. G. (1995). “Anaerobic ammonium oxidation dis-
covered in a denitrifying fluidized bed reactor.” FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 16(3), 177–183.
Strous, M., Fuerst, J. A., Kramer, E. H. M., Logemann, S., Muyzer, G., van de Pas-Schoonen, K. T., Webb, R., Kuenen,
J. G., and Jetten, M. S. M. (1999a). “Missing lithotroph identified as new planctomycete.” Nature, 400(6743),
van de Graaf, A. A., Mulder, A., Debruijn, P., Jetten, M. S. M., Robertson, L. A., and Kuenen, J. G. (1995). ‘Anaerobic
Oxidation of Ammonium Is a Biologically Mediated Process.’ Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61(4),
van de Graaf, A. A., deBruijn, P., Robertson, L. A., Jetten, M. S. M., and Kuenen, J. G. (1996). ‘Autotrophic growth
of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing micro-organisms in a fluidized bed reactor.’ Microbiology-Uk, 142,
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Geochemical evaluation of artificial recharge
to intermediate flow systems in a
carbonate aquifer from northeast Mexico
C. Gutiérrez-Ojeda, A. Cardona,
M. Martínez-Morales and F. Aparicio-Mijares
Artificial recharge of groundwater has been implemented to replenish extracted groundwater in a coal mining
area of northeast Mexico, a semi-arid area where alternative water sources are scarce. In this region, the main
aquifer is overlying a coal seam and surface coal mining requires dewatering the aquifer around the open-pit
mining areas. Extracted groundwater (29 x 106 m3/year) is mainly injected into two sites, the geochemical eval-
uation of the artificial recharge was made after the determination of a geochemical conceptual model, delineated
from the interpretation of the water chemistry analysed in 70 samples. Results indicate saturation of calcite,
dolomite, barite and chalcedony, no relation with salinity or groundwater flow was identified. Supersaturation of
carbonates and goethite was detected in some samples, especially in recharge water and lagoons. Subsaturation
of gypsum, strontianite, celestite, rhodochrosite and siderite is also a common characteristic. The chemical
changes derived from the mixing between original aquifer water and recharge water were simulated indicating
that some minerals can be precipitated from the mixture. The modeling exercise shows that calcite, goethite,
barite and chalcedony are precipitated from the mixture, however calcite shows the largest amount of precipita-
tion and represent the major cause of permeability reduction around the injection sites.
Arid regions, groundwater recharge, hydrochemical modeling, hydrochemistry, injection wells.
Successful groundwater management requires the understanding of the different properties within a groundwater
flow system. Artificial recharge is becoming an important component in groundwater management, especially in
semi-arid areas where alternative water sources are limited. Although almost 65 % of Mexico has a semi-arid cli-
mate, only few artificial recharge projects have been implemented within a sustainable groundwater management
scheme in the country.
Artificial recharge of groundwater has been implemented to replenish extracted groundwater in a coal mining area
of northeast Mexico. In this region within the Coahuila state, included in the Fuentes-Rio Escondido Carboniferous
Basin, coal mining is one of the main industrial activities. Surface coal mining requires overburden excavation using
walking dragline procedures, the main aquifer (Tertiary age) in the area is intercepted by the open cut because it is
located above the coal seam (Cretaceous age). Several wells have to be used to pump out groundwater
(29 x 106 m3/year) and dewater the aquifer around the open-pit mining areas, producing environmental impacts on
water quantity and modification of local and intermediate groundwater flow systems.
As a component of an integral environmental friendly strategy, Minera Carbonífera Rio Escondido (MICARE) has
designed, constructed and nowadays operates one of the most important and successful artificial recharge projects
in Mexico, injecting the total amount of extracted groundwater from the dewatering process into two recharge sites
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 275
through several recharge wells. These actions have been applied together with additional mitigation factors to mini-
mize environmental impacts related with groundwater quantity.
During infiltration water chemistry generally is not in chemical equilibrium with the minerals in the soil or aquifer,
chemical reactions will develop changing both mineral and water compositions while the system tends towards a
new equilibrium state. This is especially true for most of the artificial recharge projects; furthermore, injected water
can be chemically incompatible with the native groundwater under the recharge conditions related with the project.
After extracting groundwater from the aquifer above the coal seam, the artificial recharge projects implemented
by MICARE inject that water to the same aquifer but in a different place, not too far from the open-pit mining
area. From the extraction area to the recharge sites, water is distributed along a series of open unlined channels,
allowing infiltration of a minor amount of water and interaction with the atmosphere. The latter action produces
some modifications in temperature and gas exchange with the atmosphere generating changes and inducing a new
equilibrium in the water before it is injected. These modifications generate a different water, which might not be in
equilibrium with the aquifer.
The main purpose of this paper is to show the use of geochemical modeling into assist on the evaluation of the con-
sequences of the artificial recharge actions in the two recharge sites implemented by MICARE. The idea was to
determine whether the mixing between natural groundwater and recharge water will cause an adverse impact on the
aquifer or native groundwater quality.
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276 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Quaternary deposits represented by unconsolidated sediments and chalk are covering older geological units in most of
the plain. Cretaceous formations (Upson, San Miguel and Olmos) outcrop in the southwest region, they are mainly
composed of carbonate, sandstone and shale. Below the plain, a Tertiary locally unit called Sabinas-Reynosa
Conglomerate (2–6 m calcareous conglomerate lower unit and a ≈ 25 m sand-clayey chalk unit locally known as
‘caliche’ and some gypsum) discordantly overlies the Olmos Formation. At least 9 coal layers have been identified
within the Olmos Formation, 5 of them have economic value and are exploited using surface and subsurface coal
mining methods.
The Sabinas-Reynosa Conglomerate comprises the main aquifer in the area; local and intermediate flow systems
have been recognized throughout this hydrogeological unit. The intermediate groundwater flow system is mainly
controlled by the gently slope towards the northeast and the calcareous conglomerate, in some parts of this unit a
karst-conduit network has been identified from direct observation and core sampling. The catchment area of the
intermediate flow system has a recharge zone in the west part of the region and a general discharge zone adjacent to
the Rio Bravo, close to the international border with the United States of America (IMTA, 2004).
Considering that the aquifer is above the Olmos Formation, mining operations require its complete depletion
around the open-pit (40–70 m depth) for coal production. A number of groundwater extraction wells are used to
capture groundwater flow towards the open pit, modifying the natural groundwater flow in the aquifer. Total
groundwater extraction for dewatering purposes accounts ≈ 0.91 m3/s; 0.49 m3/s are distributed in a channel net-
work in the direction of the Santo Domingo artificial recharge project, and 0.42 m3/s towards a second facility called
the Aqueduct artificial recharge project. As soon as extracted groundwater is on surface, a gravity driven system of
open unlined channels diverts it to recharge sites. Each of these two recharge sites consists of several injection
wells, gravity induced injections rates are typically 0.04 – 0.06 m3/s in every well within each of the artificial
recharge sites.
The general hydrogeochemical conceptual model was determined from 70 groundwater samples taken in different
parts of the aquifer. Samples were obtained from active wells, springs, lagoons in abandoned open pits and water
used for artificial recharge just before its injection.
Temperature, specific electrical conductivity (SEC), Eh (Pt-electrode), pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) were
measured in the field using an in-line flow cell. Alkalinity was also measured in the field by Gran tritation. Samples
for major anions were taken in 500 ml bottles, for major cations, silica and trace elements were filtered with a
0.45 µm membrane filter and acidified with ultra-pure nitric acid (1 ml acid per 100 ml sample) and stored at 4 oC
until analyzed.
Analytical methods used for major anions are compatible with those reported in APHA (1995), major cations
measurements were done by atomic absorption, calculated ionic balance was within 5 % in 100% of the samples. A
complete suite of trace elements was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS),
although only a few (Ba, Fe, Mn, Sr) were used in the present investigation; accuracy of ICP-MS analyses was con-
trolled using duplicates, blanks and appropriate laboratory standards, it was also checked during each batch using
reference standards including SLRS-4 and NIST 1640.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 277
The geochemical evaluation of the artificial recharge was done for each of the recharge sites. Original aquifer
water chemistry in both recharge facilities is missing, therefore it was determined from samples taken from wells
around the recharge sites, but far enough to guarantee they are not altered by the recharge operations. Recharge
water chemistry was evaluated from chemical analyses of samples taken just before each of the injection sites. The
chemical changes derived from the mixing between original aquifer water and recharge water were simulated
accordingly with the geochemical conceptual model using PHREEQC (Parkhurst, 1995).
Results of chemical analyses show large variations in composition an also indicate the relative high salinity of the
samples, with SEC in the range of 2320 –397 µmhos /cm. Sulphate concentrations are quite high for some samples,
reaching up to 875 mg/l but most of the samples (75%) have values below 387 mg/l; Cl maximum values are about
384 mg/l, but 25% of the samples have concentrations above 196 mg/l. The distribution of salinity in the horizontal
plane shows a clear regional trend and agrees with general groundwater flow direction, lower values (around
300 mg/l TDS) are found at the western part of the area increasing to the east up to 1300 mg/l around the mining
DO in groundwater is generally present (average 4.2 mg / l), mean redox potential values are around 0.3 V, both con-
ditions suggesting aerobic and oxidizing conditions in the aquifer. Most (42%) of the samples are Mixed-Ca waters,
however HCO 3– Ca (34%) and SO4– Ca (17%) compositions are also present; the rest of the samples (7%) do not
have a dominant ion.
Geochemical calculations made with PHREEQC (Parkhurst, 1995), indicates saturation of calcite, dolomite, barite
and chalcedony for most of the samples, no relation with salinity or groundwater flow was identified. Super-
saturation of carbonates and goethite was detected in some samples, specially in recharge water and lagoons
in abandoned open pits. Interaction with the atmosphere produces degassing of CO2 and an increase in dissolved
oxygen content in these waters, generating the observed oversaturation in the water. Subsaturation of gypsum,
strontianite, celestite, rhodochrosite and siderite is also a common characteristic of most of the samples. In the
model, it was specified that calcite, chalcedony, barite and goethite can be precipitated from the mixture when the
saturation index is 0.0.
The mixing calculations were executed using fractions of 0.8 and 0.2 of original aquifer water and recharge water
respectively, the mixed solution was saved and mixed with another 20% recharge water sequentially (mix numbers
in Figure 2). After seven of these mixing procedures the solution has about 78% of recharge water and 22% of
original aquifer water. The modeling exercise shows that in both recharge sites, calcite, goethite, barite are preci-
pitated from the solution, chalcedony is precipitated only in the Aqueduct recharge site; however calcite shows the
largest amount of precipitation, around 0.6 and 0.9 millimoles per liter for Aqueduct and Santo Domingo sites
respectively (Figure 2). The amount of precipitation increases with the mixing, calcite precipitation does not neces-
sarily result from the mixing but from the fact that recharge water in both sites is supersaturated (from 0.7 to 1.0 in
recharge waters). Barite is also supersaturated in recharge waters, but barium concentrations are low and conse-
quently its precipitation rate is only a minor component.
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278 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
1.E-04 Barite
Moles per liter precipitated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Moles per liter precipitated
1.E-05 Barite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 2. Results of mixing calculations for artificial recharge in: (a) Aqueduct and, (b) Santo Domingo sites
Considering inorganic chemistry, the geochemical modeling results suggest that calcite precipitation constitutes
the major consequence of actual artificial recharge operations. This precipitation as well as clogging derived from
suspended matter incorporated along the open channels will be a major a cause of the reduction of the injectivity
conditions in the recharge sites.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 279
The understanding of identified chemical reactions controlling the inorganic quality of the intermediate systems in
the area during the artificial recharge, allows determining that a reduction in effective porosity around the recharge
sites, will be the main side-effect to the aquifer. However, the microbiological quality of injected water was not con-
sidered in this study, taking into consideration the karst-conduit network identified in the aquifer, micro-organism
could be able to travel long distances down-gradient threatening groundwater resources.
APHA (1995). Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th edition, American Public Health
Association, Washington DC, USA.
IMTA (2004). Evaluación de las medidas para mantener el flujo natural del agua en el acuífero Allende-Piedras Negras,
Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, Coahuila, Informe Técnico Interno, 360 pp.
Parkhurst DL., 1995, User’s guide to PHREEQC – A computer program for speciation, reaction-path, advective-transport,
and inverse geochemical modeling, US Geol. Survey, Water-Resource Invest., 95–4227.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Artificial recharge in Finland through basin
and sprinkling infiltration: soil processes,
retention time and water quality
H.-S. Helmisaari, J. Derome, T. Hatva, K. Illmer, V. Kitunen,
A.-J. Lindroos, I. Miettinen, J. Pääkkönen and R. Reijonen
The aim of the ‘TEMU’ research project (1998–2003) was to optimise the infiltration techniques of artificial
recharge (AR) of groundwater in relation to water quantity, water quality and environmental impacts. Special
attention was paid to determining the causal relationships between soil processes, aquifer hydraulic character-
istics and AR groundwater retention times, and water quality in different phases of percolation and flow. The
reduction in total organic carbon (TOC) concentration was mainly restricted to the groundwater zone. There were
no marked differences between the infiltration methods – basin or sprinkling – as regards the removal of organic
fractions or the reduction in TOC concentration. However, retention time and the flow characteristics significantly
influenced the TOC concentration of the AR groundwater. The target TOC concentration (less than 2 mg/l)
was attained with varying AR groundwater retention times (7– 80 days) and with varying flow path lengths
(160 –1,300 m). The dimensioning of an AR groundwater plant is controlled by the quality of the infiltrated
surface water and the flow characteristics that are dependant on the aquifer particle size distribution, hydraulic
conductivity and retention time. Therefore, individual AR groundwater plants may require infiltration areas of
different size to produce water of the same quantity and quality.
Artificial recharge; basin infiltration; organic carbon; retention time; sprinkling infiltration; TOC.
Today 60% of the water distributed by Finnish waterworks is natural groundwater and artificial recharge (AR)
groundwater produced by basin and sprinkling infiltration. The proportion of AR groundwater is 15% and it is
estimated that, by the year 2010, it will account for over 20% of the total water use. Basin infiltration has been used
since the 1970s in Finland. Since the end of the 1990s, however, several Finnish cities have used a new method,
sprinkling infiltration. In this method the surface water is sprinkled directly onto the forest soil from a network of
pipes without removing the vegetation and soil as in basin recharge (Helmisaari et al. 1998).
Most of the Finnish AR groundwater plants are situated on forested eskers sedimented during the last ice age. It has
earlier been widely assumed that the concentration of TOC in the infiltrated surface water decreases already in the
unsaturated surface and percolation zones. This assumption is based on results from e.g. column experiments and
basin infiltration studies, which showed that a relatively high proportion (at best 50%) of the organic carbon was
retained in the unsaturated zone and in the filter sand located on the bottom of the basins (Frycklund 1995, 1998;
Frycklund and Jacks 1997; Jacks 2001). It was considered that half of the retained organic carbon was adsorbed on
soil particles, and half decomposed by microbial activity (Jacks 2001). However, in a recent report on column
experiments, only 10 ± 5 % of the TOC was removed by the column soil material (Långmark et al. 2004). Apart
from a number of studies on bank infiltration (e.g. Kivimäki et al. 1998; Miettinen et al. 1995), hardly any research
has been carried out on the changes in water quality at large-scale AR plants in Finland. Therefore, there was a clear
need for full-scale studies on AR groundwater.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 281
In 1998, we initiated an extensive research project at five Finnish AR groundwater plants that use sprinkling
and /or basin infiltration. The aim of the project was to optimise the infiltration techniques and recharge processes
in relation to the quantity and quality of the AR groundwater and to evaluate the environmental effects associated
with these techniques.
We concentrated on determining changes in the quality of the infiltrated water in different soil hydraulic zones as
the infiltrating surface water is gradually converted into AR groundwater. We determined the hydraulic and hydro-
geological characteristics of the aquifer and AR groundwater retention times. This information was used, together
with the water quality data, for modelling the AR groundwater flow and for planning and dimensioning the AR
groundwater plants.
Study areas, lysimeter types and water sampling
We studied the hydrogeochemical variables and hydraulic characteristics of the surface soil zone, the percolation
zone and the groundwater zone, at five AR groundwater plants (Table 1). The TOC concentrations in the water in
the surface soil and percolation zones under the sprinkling areas and in the percolation zones under the basins, and
in the groundwater zones at various distances from the infiltration areas, were determined monthly.
Water samples were taken from the unsaturated zone using three types of lysimeter system. Both zero-tension plate
lysimeters and tension cup lysimeters were located immediately below the humus layer, tension cup lysimeters at
depths of 20 cm, 40 cm and 1 m measured from the top of the mineral soil (six replicates at each depth on each
plot), and specially developed zero-tension tube lysimeters at depths of 1, 2, 10 and 15 meters from the ground
surface. Observation wells or tubes were used for water sampling in the groundwater zone. The observation wells
and tubes were located at specific distances between the infiltration areas and the water production wells. Between
6 and 25 observation wells or tubes were sampled at monthly intervals at each of the AR groundwater plants during
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
282 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Water analyses
Total organic carbon (TOC) in water samples consists of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic
carbon (DOC). The operational definition of DOC is the organic carbon which passes through a 0.45 µm membrane
filter, and it therefore also includes carbon-containing particles with a diameter less than 0.45 µm. In our study,
the organic carbon is solely of natural origin. TOC and DOC were analysed on Shimadzu TOC-5000 analysers
(standards SFS-EN 1484, SFS-ISO 8245). The molecular size distribution and the chemical characteristics of the
organic carbon (Qualls and Haines 1991, Smolander et al. 2001), and other water quality variables (e.g. KMnO4,
electrical conductivity, alkalinity, total hardness, CO2, O2, Ca, Mg, K, Na, P, Si, SO4 and Cl) were also determined.
One of the important objectives of the project was to determine changes in the concentration of organic carbon,
as well as in its molecular weight and compound group distribution. The studies clearly demonstrated that the
reduction in TOC concentrations was completely, or to a very large extent, restricted to the groundwater zone.
During sprinkling infiltration the surface zone, which
included the humus layer and underlying organic matter
rich mineral soil layer, slightly increased or did not change
the concentration of TOC in the percolating water (Fig. 1).
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 283
TOC concentration. The transport of organic carbon in natural soil profiles is often determined by the flow regime
and macropore transport (Kalbitz et al. 2000). Thus, the higher hydraulic load in sprinkling areas and basins com-
pared with the natural precipitation load may lead to a reduced contact time between the solid and liquid phases of
the soil. This may account for the lack of significant changes in the quantity and molecular weight distribution of
TOC in the infiltrated surface water as it passes down through the unsaturated zone.
The values of most of the water quality variables (electrical conductivity, alkalinity, total hardness, Ca, Mg, K, Na, P,
Si, SO4 and Cl) did not change during passage through the percolation zone in either basin or sprinkling infil-
tration. The upper layers of the soil soon reached a chemical balance with the infiltrated surface water (Lindroos et
al. 2001). The dissolved O2 concentration decreased in both basin and sprinkling infiltration. However, the CO2
concentration increased in the percolation zone only in the case of sprinkling infiltration. One reason for this could
be the presence of large amounts of decomposable organic matter in the humus layer and uppermost mineral soil
layers in the sprinkling infiltration areas.
The reduction in the TOC concentration took place in the groundwater zone. The reduction was related to the
molecular size distribution of the organic carbon. The largest molecules of organic carbon were removed from the
AR groundwater more efficiently than the smaller molecules. The remaining small molecules consisted of chemical-
ly and biologically stable groups of compound.
The reduction in the TOC concentration was related to those properties of the aquifer material (particle size dis-
tribution and hydraulic conductivity) that also affect the retention time of the AR groundwater. Adsorption on
soil particles seemed to be a more important mechanism than microbial decomposition in reducing the TOC con-
centration. The TOC concentration decreased by
60% of the concentration in infiltrated surface
water when the AR groundwater retention time
was 10–35 days, and by 70% when it was
20–60 days (Fig. 2). The target TOC concentration
(less than 2 mg/l) was attained with varying
AR groundwater retention times (7–80 days) and
with varying AR groundwater flow path lengths
(160–1,300 m). The hydraulic conductivity in
the main flow part of the groundwater zone at
the AR groundwater plants varied between
0,00029–0,0012 m/s (Table 1). The AR ground-
Fig. 2. The change in the TOC concentration in AR
water plants with the shortest retention times
groundwater in relation to the retention time
(Pursiala and Vuonteenharju) required to decrease at five AR groundwater plants in Finland.
the TOC concentration also had the lowest Theresults have been adjusted to take into account
hydraulic conductivities. the diluting effect of natural groundwater.
We also compared the properties of AR groundwater with those of natural groundwater in the same study areas.
Many of the variables (e.g. dissolved O2 and CO2 concentrations, electrical conductivity and total hardness) at the
individual AR plants varied considerably compared to natural groundwater. However, the TOC concentrations were
either similar or only slightly higher in AR groundwater than in natural groundwater (Table 2).
The infiltration method – basin or sprinkling – did not markedly influence the reduction in TOC concentration in
the groundwater zone. However, there were differences in several other water quality variables: the dissolved O2
concentration was higher in the AR groundwater produced by sprinkling infiltration. The electrical conductivity,
and the Ca and Mg concentrations were also higher in AR groundwater produced by sprinkling.
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284 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Table 2. Mean water quality in infiltrated surface water, natural groundwater and AR groundwater at the AR
groundwater plants. Natural groundwater variable values were only available for three of the AR plants
before infiltration started (Explanations, see Table 1.)
Our results showed that the planning and dimensioning of an artificially recharged groundwater supply plant
should be based on the quality of the infiltrated surface water, and on the groundwater flow characteristics such as
aquifer particle size distribution and hydraulic conductivity and the AR groundwater retention time. Therefore,
individual AR groundwater plants may require infiltration areas of different size to produce water of the same
quantity and quality. Thus, the planning and dimensioning of an AR groundwater plant presupposes comprehensive
field studies.
Bear, J. (1979). Hydraulics of groundwater. McGraw-Hill Inc. 569 p.
Frycklund, C. (1995). Total organic carbon retention by filtersand in infiltration pond for artificial groundwater
recharge. Aqua Fennica 25, 5–14.
Frycklund, C. (1998). Long-term sustainability in artificial groundwater recharge. In: Proceedings of the Third
International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, TISAR’98, Amsterdam, 21–25 September 1998, J.H.
Peters et al. (eds.). Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 113–117.
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Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 285
Frycklund, C. & Jacks, G. (1997). Iron and artificial recharge of groundwater. Boreal Environmental Research 2,
Helmisaari, H.-S., Derome, J., Kitunen, V., Lindroos, A.-J., Lumme, I., Monni, S., Nöjd, P., Paavolainen, L., Pesonen,
E., Salemaa, M. and Smolander, A.(1998). Sprinkling infiltration in Finland: Effects on forest soil, percolation
water and vegetation. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater,
TISAR’98, Amsterdam, 21–25 September 1998, J.H. Peters et al. (eds.). Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 243–248.
Jacks, G. (2001). Organic matter retention at the Eskilstuna field site. European Commission community research.
Artificial recharge of groundwater. EC project ENV4-CT95-0071. Energy, environment and sustainable develop-
ment. Final report. Directorate General for Research. EUR 19400. European Commission, Luxembourg, pp. 150–153.
Kalbitz, K., Solinger, S., Park, J.-H., Michalzik, B. & Matzner, E. (2000). Controls on the dynamics of dissolved
organic matter in soils: a review. Soil Science 165(4), 277–304.
Kivimäki A.-L., Lahti K., Hatva T., Tuominen S.M. and Miettinen I.T. (1998). Removal of organic matter during
bank filtration. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater,
TISAR’98, Amsterdam, 21–25 September 1998, J.H. Peters et al. (eds.). Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 107–113.
Långmark, J., Storey, M.V., Ashbolt, N.J. & Stenström, T.A. (2004). Artificial groundwater treatment: biofilm activi-
ty and organic carbon removal performance. Water Research 38(3), 740–748.
Lindroos, A.-J., Derome, J., Paavolainen, L. & Helmisaari, H-S. (2001). The effect of lake water infiltration on the
acidity and base cation status of forest soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 13
(1–4), 153–167.
Lindroos, A.-J., Kitunen, V., Derome, J. & Helmisaari, H-S. (2002). Changes in dissolved organic carbon during arti-
ficial recharge of groundwater in a forested esker in Southern Finland. Water Research 36, 4951–4958.
Miettinen, I.T., Martikainen, P.J. & Vartiainen, T. (1995). Humus transformation at the bank filtration water plant.
Water Science and Technology. 30(10), 179–187.
Qualls, R.G. & Haines, B.L. (1991). Geochemistry of dissolved organic nutrients in water percolating through a for-
est ecosystem. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 55, 1112–1123.
Smolander, A., Kitunen, V. & Mälkönen, E. (2001). Dissolved soil organic nitrogen and carbon in a Norway spruce
stand and an adjacent clear-cut.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Subsurface residence times
of hyporheic groundwater and mixing
with alluvial ground water
Eduard Hoehn
This paper summarizes the results of recent investigations in alluvial systems of river-groundwater interaction.
Emphasized is the contamination potential of downwelling rivers for drinking-water wells that are located in the
near field of the channels. Here at least three ground waters of different residence times mix at variable rates.
Conflicts arise between flood control and river restoration efforts, on the one hand, and groundwater use on the
other hand. Although the principles of bank filtration flow are well known, a resolution of these conflicts requires
more detailed knowledge, given the high heterogeneity of these flow systems.
Bank filtration, hyporheos, River-groundwater interaction.
Alpine and perialpine catchments are characterized by a succession of flood plains and knick points (Brunke &
Gonser, 1997; Huggenberger et al., 1998). Flood plains are filled with well permeable and coarse-grained glacioflu-
vial aquifer material, and they carry high-yield ground water reserves. Stream reaches with downwelling water (los-
ing rivers) are found from the upstream end to the center of flood plains, and upwelling sections (gaining rivers) are
found near the downstream end of flood plains, when the ground water is released back to the surface into the
receiving stream. Ground water that is subject to an intense exchange with the river is called hyporheic ground
water (Ward and Stanford, 1998). At greater distances from the river, the ground water, which has longer residence
times in the subsurface, is called here alluvial ground water.
For decades, hydrogeologists and water-supply engineers profited from the interactions between rivers and the
ground water in flood plains. Water wells near rivers yield enough ground water, even during droughts. Many coun-
tries use systems of induced bank filtration as the first treatment step for drinking water (Sontheimer, 1975;
Tufenkji et al., 2002; Ray, 2002). At recharge conditions of induced bank filtration, water is lost from the river only,
when a high hydraulic gradient is applied to the well. In the alpine and perialpine flood plains of Switzerland, many
rivers lose water naturally. Where the quality of the river water is high, the groundwater resources are used with
only minor or without any treatment. The pumped ground water of wells near rivers is characterized by short
mixed residence times in the subsurface. Since the rivers are used as receiving courses for wastewater, the ground-
water quality is surveyed more carefully.
The Swiss Law on Water Protection relies much on land-use planning and construction measures. Groundwater
protection zones (GPZ) are required around public water supply wells. The most important GPZ is the one which is
defined by an area within which the ground water requires 10 days or less to reach the well (EC countries: 50 d). In
laboratory column experiments, Merkli (1975) found that at the relevant flow of 1 – 10 m/d, about 90 per cent of E.
coli were eliminated within 10 days. The GPZ of the 10-days’ line is characterized by a construction ban without
exceptions, severe agricultural restrictions, and by a ban of all river restoration operations. The concept of the resi-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 287
dence time of 10 days does not allow for a dilution of mobile, persistent toxic chemical contaminants. To this end,
restrictions in the zone of contribution (ZOC) around a well are introduced in the planning concept. Within the
ZOC of a well, many contaminating industrial activities are banned, which includes high agricultural fertilizer and
pesticide applications. Many wells near downwelling rivers do not meet with the requirements of the Swiss Law on
Water Protection. Their ground water has mixed residence times of < 10 days, and the percentage of hyporheic
ground water is too high for the dilution of contaminants.
Infiltration of river water into layered alluvial aquifer sediments of glaciofluvial origin is a three-dimensional (3-D)
process. Investigations in systems of downwelling rivers with well clusters of screened sections at different depths
have shown a stratification of at least three different types of ground water (Fig. 1): Hyporheic ground water strati-
fies on the top of the saturated aquifer (Hoehn et al., 1983). The vertical component of hydraulic conductivity
(H.C.) is orders of magnitude lower than the high horizontal component. The aquifer material has a very high vari-
ability in grain size, and less permeable layers can be observed at a scale of 0.1–10 m, along distances of 1 – 100 m
(e.g., Huggenberger et al., 1998). Because of the difference in H.C., downwelling of cold river water
(0 – 5 °C.) in winter does not result in a density-driven groundwater flow. The warm summer water (20–25 °C.)
results in an increase of H.C. of a factor of about two. Contrary to the high variability of H.C. in aquifers of
glaciofluvial outwash, the permeability of river beds and banks does not seem to be as variable: specific infiltration
rates of 0.05 - 5 m3/m2·d are reported by Hoehn (2002). Given permeable beds and banks, rivers are downwelling
or upwelling, depending on the hydraulic gradient between the water level of the river and the water table.
At downwelling flow conditions, the
river is hydraulically connected through
a saturated zone up to a difference in
water-level elevation of about 2 m, and
seepage through an unsaturated zone
occurs at greater differences.
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288 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
ZOC can move time time (Drost et al., 1977; see also Vassolo et al., 1998). Thus a 2-D representation of the ZOC on
a map may not be precise enough.
In river reaches with clogged beds and banks, the interaction between river and ground water are restricted or even
completely stopped (e.g., Gölz et al., 1991; Schälchli, 1995). The clogging process is characteristic for downwelling
rivers more than for upwelling ones because upwelling results mostly in a turbulence of the river-bottom sediments,
and the fine material is transported with the flowing water. Clogging has been reported to be of importance i) in
pristine systems with high concentrations of suspended sediments and/or organic debris, and ii) in engineered sys-
tems of dammed rivers, at conditions of minimal flow due to water diversion, systems of hydropeaking, or at a
heavy contamination. River beds and banks are more or less clogged, depending on the substrate, the con-
centrations in suspended solids, the occurrence and the magnitude of floods, and the structure of the course of the
river. The extent of clogging is thus time-dependent, and tracer observations have shown that it is variable over
short distances. The dammed river Limmat, which was formerly downwelling, got clogged within two years, which
resulted in a decrease of the water table and the anoxic conditions could establish (Harder, 1938).
The residence time in the subsurface of the riverborne ground water and the age of older ground water can be
assessed with isotopic and environmental tracers (e.g., Hofer et al., 1997). Mixing of the various ground waters is
assessed with an end-member analysis of the chemical water composition. Among the end members are the river
water and the old ground water not of infiltration origin. The Alps consist to a great extent of chemical sediments
containing calcite (limestones, marls, dolomites, or evaporitic rocks). Thus alkalinity, chloride or sulfate, yield good
tracers. In rivers that are outlets of lakes in which calcite precipitated, alkalinity is much lower than in the ground
water. Where the composition of the river water is almost the same as that of the ground water, an analysis of water
temperature, or of trace or contaminant compounds is necessary, for an investigation of the mixing process. Data
loggers with high-capacity memory (water pressure, temperature, and specific electric conductivity [EC]) make
available high resolution time series. This time resolution allows distinguishing seasonal signal amplitudes from
events of a smaller time scale. The analysis of the pressure data revealed that aquifers, which were interpreted from
borehole logging to be phreatic, turned out to transmit pressure signals from rivers to remote wells within times
characteristic for confined ones. It seems that fine-grained layers of a scale of decimeters, which cannot well be dis-
tinguished in a bore log, exert a confining pressure on the ground water.
The high-resolution time series of water temperature and EC allow to assess subsurface residence times of ground
water near downwelling rivers, by means of cross-correlation analysis and high-pass filtering of two respective data
sets (Sheets et al., 2002). The course of groundwater temperature in downwelling systems has long been interpreted
in terms of their seasonal sinusoidal amplitudes and the delay of the extreme values. The two relevant temperature
end members are the river water and old homothermous ground water (temperature equivalent to mean annual air
temperature; Jäckli & Ryf, 1975). Very close to the riverbank, the flow velocity of the hyporheic ground water can
be so high that its temperature even fluctuates with the daily amplitude. Temperature is, however, a non-conserva-
tive tracer. Its retardation factor with respect to the flowing water depends on the aquifer material and has a value
of 2 – 4 (Sauty, 1978). With respect to the flowing water, temperature is thus delayed and damped in its amplitudes.
As EC reflects the concentrations of conservative anionic solutes such as alkalinity and/or chloride, it acts as a good
groundwater tracer. However, no seasonal or daily sinusoidal variations are commonly found. Most signals are of a
pulsed type (e.g., floods, see Fig. 2; snow melt, road deicing with NaCl, or outlets from sewage treatment or waste
incineration plants).
The effect of flood events on the ground water near downwelling rivers can be distinguished from the continuous
water loss. The residence times resulting from the analysis of seasonal temperature variations and those resulting
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 289
from pulsed signal variations do not match. While seasonal temperature amplitudes integrate the transport of both
young and older ground water of infiltration origin, the pulsed EC or temperature signals reflect the transport of
hyporheic ground water only. When the residence times are interpreted as mixed ages, the pulsed signals from the
hyporheic ground water yield smaller values than the integrated sinusoidal signals.
What do we still study river-groundwater interactions in flood plains in great detail, after all these years of research?
Water-supply engineers are more and more faced with trace contaminants in rivers that are toxic even at minute
concentrations and that remain mobile and persistent also in the subsurface. With respect to such contaminants,
river bank filtration as the first treatment step for drinking water is under debate. In densely populated areas, land-
scapes with rivers are more and more taken as resorts for urban areas. Furthermore, flowing aquatic systems are
taken as diverse ecological habitat for the biota. Thus rivers should be restorated and wetlands should be preserved.
All this conflicts more and more with the requirements of water works for a safe water supply.
Marco Baumann and Andreas Scholtis, both Amt für Umwelt, Kanton Thurgau, Switzerland, and Markus Hofer, Rolf
Kipfer, Urs von Gunten, and Jürg Zobrist, all EAWAG.
Brunke, M. and Gonser, T. (1997). The ecological significance of exchange processes between rivers and groundwa-
ter, Freshwater Biol. 37, 1–3.
Drost, W., Kussmaul, H., Moser, H., Stichler, W. and Trimborn, P. (1977). Hydrologische und hydrochemische
Untersuchungen zur Ufgerfiltration, Teil 2: Erfassung der Grundwasserströmung mit isotopenhydrologischen
Methoden in einem Gebiet mit zwei Uferfiltrat fördernden Wasserwerken am Niederrhein, gwf-wasser/abwasser
118(12), 572–581.
Gölz, E., Schubert, J. and Liebich, D. (1991). Sohlenkolmation und Uferfiltration im Bereich des Wasserwerkes
Flehe (Düsseldorf), gwf/wasser-abwasser 132(2), 69–76.
Harder, W. (1938), Über eigenartige Erscheinungen im Grundwasser von Wettingen, Wasser- u. Energiewirtsch.
30(2/3), 11–17.
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290 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Hoehn, E., (2002). Hydrogeological issues of riverbank filtration – a review, in: Ray, Ch. (ed.), Riverbank filtration:
Understanding Contaminant Biogeochemistry and Pathogen Removal, NATO Sci. Ser. IV. Earth and Environ. Sci.
14, Kluwer Academic Press, 17–41.
Hoehn, E., Zobrist, J. and Schwarzenbach, R. (1983). Infiltration von Flusswasser ins Grundwasser - hydrogeologis-
che und hydrochemische Untersuchungen im Glattal, Gas Wasser Abwasser 63(8), 401–410.
Hofer, M., Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Beyerle, U., Haderlein, S.B., Hoehn, E., Hofstetter, Th.B., Johnson, A., Kipfer, R.,
Ulrich, A. and D. Imboden (1997). Tracers as essential tools for the investigation of physical and chemical
processes in groundwater systems, Chimia 51(12), 941–946.
Huggenberger, P., Hoehn, E., Beschta, R. and Woessner, W. (1998). Abiotic aspects of channels and floodplains in
riparian ecology, Freshwat. Biol. 40, 407–425.
Jäckli, H. and Ryf, W. (1978), Die Grundwasserverhältnisse im unteren aargauischen Aaretal, Wasser-Energie-Luft
70(3/4), 53–61.
Merkli, B. (1975). Untersuchungen über Mechanismen und Kinetik der Elimination von Bakterien und Viren im
Grundwasser, PhD Thesis, Swiss Fed. Inst. Technol. #5420, 89 pp.
Ray, Ch. (ed.), (2002). Riverbank filtration: Understanding Contaminant Biogeochemistry and Pathogen Removal,
NATO Sci. Ser. IV. Earth and Environ. Sci. 14, Kluwer Academic Press, 253 pp.
Sauty, J.P. (1978). The effect of thermal dispersion on injection of hot water in aquifers, 2nd Well Testing Symp.,
Berkeley, Calif., in: de Marsily, Gh., 1986, Quantitative Hydrogeology, Academic Press, 440 pp.
Schälchli, U. (1995). Basic equations for siltation of riverbeds, J. Hydraul. Eng. 121(3), 274–287.
Sheets, R.A., Darner, R.A. and Whitteberry, B.L. 2002. Lag times of bank filtration at a well field, Cincinnati, Ohio,
USA, J. Hydrol. 266, 162–174.
Sontheimer, H. (1975). Experience with riverbank filtration along the Rhine River, J. Amer. Water Works Ass. 72,
Tufenkji, N., Ryan, J.N. and Elimenech, M. (2001). Bank filtration - A simple technology may inexpensively clean
up poor-quality raw surface water, Environ. Sci. Technol. 36, 423A–429A.
Vassolo, S., Kinzelbach, W. and Schäfer, W. (1998). Determination of a well head protection zone by stochastic
inverse modeling, J. Hydrol. 206(3–4), 268–280.
Ward, J.V. and Stanford, J.A. (1995). Ecological connectivity in alluvial river ecosystems and its disruption by flow
regulation, Regulated Rivers Res. & Manag. 11, 105–119.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Hydrochemical evaluation
of surface and groundwater quality
at the coastal Basin (Syria)
A. Kassem
Major dissolved constituents (Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+, Fe++,+, Cu++, HCO3–, SO4– –, Cl–, PO43–, NO3–, NH4+, F –) have
been determined in 66 water samples (54 of ground water, and 12 of surface water) from the major region of the
medial coast basin. Most of these samples have been taken from ground water of the carbonic consolidated
aquifer (Limestone’s and Dolomites of the Jurassic and Cenomanian/Turonian). The specific characteristics of
these hydrochemical groups seem to be related to the lithology of aquifers (dolomites aquifer = Mg/Ca>1).
The elevated Na+, Cl–, and SO4– – content of the water is attributed to interaction of marls in the aquifer. The
relations between lithology of the aquifer and hydrochemical composition of ground water should be confirmed
by systematic sampling. The ground water from the chalks in the area has a higher content of Mg, SO4– –, Cl– and
NO3– The elevated contents of Na+ and Cl– seem to be related to a higher portion of interbedded marls in the
Cenomanian/Turonian aquifer in the southwestern part of the coast mountains, occurring in outcrops in the area
near Myssiaf and Dreikich.
The seasonal variations of the HCO3– and Mg++ Concentrations suggest that the content of HCO3– and Mg is
generally related to the retention period of the ground water in the aquifer. Mixing of hydrochemically different
ground waters occurs as consequence of a hydraulic connection between separated ground water bodies by
the weeding out of separating aquicludes, or by change in formations of an aquifer. With the natural recharge
the mixing between surface and groundwater may be caused artificially in boreholes by hydraulic connection of
separated aquifers.
An obvious influence of surface water can be seen in samples sources and boreholes situated in the range of infil-
tration of rivers which is indicated by an elevation of the ground water level(NO3–, PO43–, Na+, Cl–,...) in vicinity
of river, barge. Alteration by the chemical composition contamination of the ground water is often ocured by bio-
genesis pollution in wells situated in outcrop areas of the aquifer in the vicinity of villages and rivers. Pollution
indicated by an elevated NO3–, PO43–, SO4– –, Na+, Cl–, K+, COD, Cu++, Cr4,6+...content has been noticed parti-
cularly in outcrop areas of grand towns and its canalization’s (Tartous, Banias,....).
Regional varieties of chemical composition of the ground water are found to be related to differences of lithology
of the aquifer and influences of rocks overlying and underlying the aquifer. In dolomites aquifers a relation
is assured between the concentration of the ground water, particularly the Mg++ and HCO3– content, and the
retention period of the ground water in the aquifer. Mixing of natural waters of different chemical composition
could be recognized in some cases by hydrochemical characteristics. Most of ground water samples represents
the carbonate consolidated aquifer of Limestone’s and Dolomites rocks of Jurassic-Cenomanian/Turonian period.
Polluted shallow and deep ground water resulting from the infiltration of polluted surface water with high
chemical composition of NO3–, SO4––, NO2–, PO43–, F –, Na+, Cl–, Cr 4,6+, Cu++... etc is resulting with bad quality
and unacceptable chemo-physical propriety’s. Chloride-sodium chemical type due to the Salinization of ground
water (shallow ground water) from the sea water encroachment was observed at North and South Tartous.
We needed to use the management of aquifer recharge (MAR) in this region as natural or artificial recharge
(in Dams or wills) in this area and another basins of Syria.
Coastal, ground and surface water, hydrochemical, pollution, quality, Syria.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
292 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Hydrological and geological studies on the area began in 1924 when a French geological team headed by Deubertret
(1933a,b) drew geological maps of Syria and Lebanon at the scale 1/1,000,000. Report of the German mission pay
Boeckh E. (1966) and Wolfart R. (1967) identified the essential specification of the general aquifers in western
Syria. The most frequent reported sources of pollution of karstic aquifers are urban centers and agriculture. Urban
areas cause contamination by sewage systems and when wastes are disposed on surface of the ground or are dis-
charged to watercourses, karstic depressions of swallow holes. The studied area is Mediterranean, rainy of average
annual precipitation about 1000 mm/year which varies from 800 mm in coastal region to 1,600 mm on mountain
peaks in the east. According to their importance and order from oldest to recent(Figure 1) Selkhozprom Export
(1979) and Burdon (1961):
• Aquifers of appear cretaceous (Cenomanien-campanien) – Jurassic which join, in general, cracks and fissures
consisting of cracked dolomite limestone rocks of large of more than 40 km. in the coastal range as in the range
of Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon which form the most important sources of water recharge for cretaceous springs
in Syria and Lebanon (Al-Sien, Abou-Koubiss, Al-Fijeh, Jaetah, Al-Tannour):their water is fresh to little salty;
• appear cretaceous limestone marl dolomite basins which feed sources of high salinity;
• Basalt aquifers, age of Cenomanian-Pliocene (Wadi-Al-Aions, Al-Kafroun) south of Tartous and coastal strip has
good water, little salty and limited drainage;
• Aquifers of age Paleogene – Neogene and quaternary aquifer of conglomerate, limestone and sand rocks (Fig-
ure 1). Karstic groundwater is the most important drinking water resource in Syria and in many other countries
of the world.
y y
Figure 1. Hydrogeological cross-section along the Syrian coastal range (Deubertret, 1933)
Water samples included most important water sources relevant to these formations /springs, wells/ with surface
water samples from major permanent and seasonal rivers running in the area.
The physical and chemical characteristics of water were measured. Measurements took place in field /PH, C.E,T/
and in lab./ NH4+, Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, Cu++, Li+, Cr 6+; F –, Cl –, SO4 – –, CO3– –, HCO3–, NO3–, NO2–, PO4– – –/.
For 66 water samples (Figure 2) (54 ground water and 12 surface water) were collected. Analysis was performed at
laboratories of Ministry of Housing using the spectrophotometer and another international analysis method.
This study included:
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 293
The topographic situation and geotectonic condition of the aquifers play a high role in temperature value. The
temperature of surface water sample changed frame 8 (at 1,040 m) to 20 in the Jouber polluted river (industrial
rejects). But in the groundwater we can notice the effect of the lithology of aquifer and aquiclude with the tec-
tonic situation of aquifers or (Kassem,1990; Bilal and Kassem, 1998) with 12.6, 13.2 in the water of Cretaceous
basaltic aquifer to 21.1 and 22 C in the water of some wells at north and south of Tartous town, effected by the
intrusion of seawater (Table 1).
The degree of PH is changed between 7 and 8 for many water samples, but it is more than in the polluted,
hydrothermal and mixing water.
Cations (NH4+, Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, Cu++, Li+, Cr6+)
Concentrations such as cations: NH4+, K+, Fe+++, Cu++, Li+ and Cr6+ (Table 1) increase in the surface and ground
water by the effect of swage sludge, industrial and agriculture activities. While the concentration of other cations
depend on the natural aquifer rocks as well as the surface water infiltration and sea water intrusion. (Table 1).
While the concentration of Cl–, SO4– – and HCO3– (Table 1) depend on the kind of surface soil and aquifer litholo-
gy. The groundwater of karstic and no polluted aquifers have a little concentration in Cl – and SO4– – with a high
quantity of HCO3– witch is due to the time of the water reserved in the aquifer. We can see the same situation
for Chloride, Sodium and potassium concentration. In the surface water the content of these ions change by the
housing rejects pollution that exist in chalky marl aquifer and mixing with sea water in some locations.
Spring water is the most likely water source to be developed for this region (El-Sien spring 12 m3/s). The problem is
continuity of discharge and potential pollution. To use the permanent Dams water as the domestic water supply, or
to management of aquifer recharge (MAR),water treatment is needed. In this area there are more chance for storm
water to infiltrate and recharge into the groundwater body at the zones A and B (Fig. 2).
Managements of bank filtration schemes should be incorporated in order to limit potentially polluting activities in
the groundwater recharge area and also to balance rivers and dams infiltration losses with ecological needs of the
water in this area. 6 and 13 chemical types were identified successfully in surface and groundwater, it shows the
change in surface and groundwater quality watch resulting from contamination or mixing with polluted surface
water or by the seawater intrusion. The evaluation of the hydrochemistry data, presented by the diagram of Piper,
show an increase in the quantity of some ions (Na+, Mg++, Cl –, SO4– –, NO3–,..), in the groundwater relating from
the intrusion of seawater or by the existence of the marl and gray sandstones formations which are rich in these ele-
ments, or by the infiltrations of the urban and industrial sewages (Fig. 2).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
294 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Table 1. Chemical and physical characteristics of the surface and groundwater at the Coastal Basin
( )
Code pH Temp Turb. E.C NH4+ Na+ K+ Ca++ Mg++ Fe+3 Cu++ Li+ F- Cl- SO4-- HCO3- NO3- NO2- PO4--- FR. CO2 D.O
C˸ (NTU) µS/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
1 7 13 3.8 404 0.18 5.98 0.6 52 34.1 0.1 0 0 0.2 21 7 281 20 0.03 0.77 4.4 8.6
2 7 15 6.7 253 0.13 3.22 0.6 32 19.5 0 0 0 0.1 14 8 159 12 0.01 0.39 4.4 8.2
3 8 17 1.3 1636 0.21 128 2.2 288 46.2 0 0 0.3 1.1 28 820 354 9.2 0 0.73 4.4 9.2
4 8 15 0.9 420 0 29.4 0 56 9.7 0 0 0 0.1 28 2 244 2.6 0 0.17 8.8 5
5 7 17 2.5 801 0.15 38.2 1 96 41.3 0.1 0 0 0.3 43 160 305 22 0.01 0.21 2.2 8.7
6 7 16 2.3 463 0.03 18.9 3.6 56 29.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 21 7 305 15 0.02 0.27 0 9
7 8 13 1.6 536 0.19 12.4 0.5 60 38.9 0 0 0 0.1 28 10 329 12 0 0.27 8.7
8 7 16 2.1 609 0.01 4.83 2.5 64 46.2 0 0 0 0.3 28 3 378 13 0.03 0.16 8.8 7
9 7 15 2.8 511 0.03 26.9 1 80 12.2 0.1 0 0.1 21 9 305 21 0 0.29 0 9
10 8 8.2 3.4 120 0.21 15.2 0.3 20 7.3 0 0 0 0 14 10 58.4 11 0.01 0.17 8.6
11 8 14 2.4 401 0.01 2.07 0.4 52 29.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 14 11 256 11 0.01 0.13 0 8.6
12 8 14 3.5 240 0.26 4.83 0.5 20 26.8 0.1 0 0 0.1 14 8 159 9.7 0.01 0.18 8.2
13 7 14 3.1 353 0.01 4.14 0.2 40 24.3 0 0 0 0.1 14 8 207 6.6 0.05 0.11 0 10.2
14 8 16 0.6 807 0.11 39.8 12.5 92 21.9 0.1 0 0 0.3 21 44 366 52 0.01 0.63 0 8.3
15 7 15 1.2 608 0 7.36 1.1 80 43.8 0.1 0 0.2 21 15 403 21 0.05 0.41 0 8.2
16 8 15 3.5 532 0.03 28.5 1.2 80 14.6 0.1 0 0 0.3 28 31 281 21 0 0.28 0 10.2
17 7 15 2.2 554 0.23 30.6 2.6 48 36.5 0.4 0 0 0.2 21 25 317 30 0.05 0.7 2.2 8.6
18 7 16 2.4 323 0.04 14.5 0.4 44 17 0.1 0 0 0.2 28 3 183 20 0 0.58 0 9.2
19 7 13 2.3 411 0.04 16.6 0.9 36 26.8 0.1 0 0 0.3 28 14 183 39 0.01 0.01 4.4 10
20 8 14 2.5 496 0.09 11 0.3 48 31.6 0 0 0 0.2 21 16 244 31 0.01 0.4 0 9.6
21 8 13 2.4 208 0.07 17.9 0.5 28 7.3 0 0 0 0.1 14 2 122 21 0.01 0.68 8.8 9.4
22 8 15 2.4 536 0.05 5.75 0.2 60 36.5 0.2 0 0 0.2 14 2 293 56 0.02 0.03 0 9.5
23 8 15 2.1 366 0.01 4.83 0.3 48 24.3 0.1 0 0 0.4 14 4 220 26 0.01 0.7 0 9.5
24 8 18 0.5 520 0 35.2 1.3 68 12.2 0 0.2 0 0.2 36 21 256 21 0 1.2 8.8 4.8
25 8 18 2.4 820 0.05 40.9 1.3 100 9.73 0.1 0 0 0.6 21 190 293 25 0.01 0.48 4.4 9.2
26 7 19 0.3 550 0 5.06 3.1 80 19.5 0 0 0 0.1 28 18 268 21 0 0.81 8.8 5.2
27 7 17 2 448 0 8.51 0.6 84 12.2 0.1 0.1 0 21 11 281 9.7 0.01 0.26 4.4 7.8
28 7 16 2 601 0 20 10.6 88 19.5 0.1 0 0.1 43 24 329 23 0.01 1.37 0 7.6
29 7 19 2.2 595 0 3.68 0.9 60 58.4 0.2 0 0.2 28 21 403 8.4 0.01 0.42 8.8 7.4
30 8 20 1.5 662 0 14.3 7.6 96 29.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 43 24 354 31 0.01 0.56 2.2 7.2
31 8 22 7 1390 0 61.9 1.7 160 53.5 0.1 0 0.1 213 77 305 153 0.06 0.73 0 7.2
32 7 20 1.5 490 0.22 4.14 0.02 4.2 1.8 0 0.1 0.1 21 10 317 13 0.01 0.42 4.4 7.6
33 7 22 2.1 1480 0.02 83.7 0.6 152 31.6 0.1 0.1 0.3 156 85 366 104 0.02 1.05 4.4 9
34 8 20 2.2 720 0.11 41.4 1 72 9.73 0.1 0 0.1 57 18 244 15 0.01 0.5 8.8 8.8
35 7 22 2.5 520 0 10.6 0.6 100 12.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 50 19 256 29 0.01 0.3 8.8 7
36 7 22 2.5 4120 0.05 519 6.5 264 51.1 0 0 0.3 0.6 951 320 378 29 0.01 0.52 4.4 9.3
37 7 21 2.2 744 0 61.4 2.4 60 26.8 0 0.3 0 0.5 71 27 317 2.4 0.02 0.24 4.4 10
38 7 19 1.2 676 0 9.89 1 108 26.8 0.1 0 0.2 43 20 378 14 0.03 0.41 2.2 8.4
39 8 18 2.2 601 0.03 41.4 1.1 100 4.86 0.1 0.1 0 0.3 36 27 317 22 0 0.76 0 9.4
40 7 19 1.2 730 0.1 8.28 1.2 100 34.1 0.1 0 0.3 50 45 329 22 0.03 0.41 0 8
41 8 20 0.8 651 0.01 2.76 1.1 88 26.8 0.1 0 0 0.3 43 35 268 18 0.01 0.27 8.6
42 7 21 1.6 1930 0 9.2 3.3 184 4.86 0.1 0 0.2 71 80 366 15 0.03 3.2 0 8
43 7 19 1.5 570 0 21.2 0.8 72 21.9 0.6 0.2 0 0.4 43 33 256 15 0.02 0.24 4.4 10.2
44 8 19 2.3 644 0.06 41.6 1.2 80 26.8 0 0 0 0.3 43 21 305 85 0.01 0.61 4.4 8.4
45 8 18 0.5 520 0 29.2 0 76 12.2 0 0.6 0 0 36 7 281 21 0 0.24 8.8 4.9
46 7 17 2.1 519 0.08 28.5 0.6 92 4.86 0 0 0.2 28 14 281 28 0.05 0.33 0 8.8
47 7 16 1 520 0 18.2 0.5 104 4.86 0.1 0 0.1 28 12 317 8.8 0.05 0.33 2.2 8.2
48 9 22 1.5 640 0.03 25.1 3.7 40 46.2 0.1 0 0.1 57 33 183 97 0.01 0.78 0 9.2
49 8 18 1.2 413 0.02 18.6 0.3 72 9.73 0.1 0 0 0.4 21 12 244 18 0.01 0.28 8.6
50 7 22 1.1 836 0 38.2 1.2 100 48.6 0.1 0 0.3 107 50 366 39 0.05 0.52 2.2 8
51 8 18 1.5 465 0.04 15.4 0.3 80 12.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 21 17 268 14 0.01 0.25 8.2
52 8 20 3 619 0.04 32.2 1.6 72 31.6 0.1 0 0 0.3 36 48 3.5 36 0.01 0.3 8.5
53 7 18 1.8 144 0.01 18.6 0.3 12 7.3 0 0 0 0.1 14 9 61 7.9 0.02 0.14 10.1
54 7 16 1.5 168 0.03 5.75 0.5 24 14.6 0 0 0 0 14 9 110 14 0.01 0.11 8.3
1* 8 13 3.5 540 0.06 15.2 1 68 31.6 0.1 0 0 0 21 25 317 18 0.01 0.17 0 8.8
2* 8 11 2 502 0.01 58.4 1 60 38.9 0.1 0 0.2 21 44 244 15 0.01 0.2 4.4 7.6
3* 8 8.2 3.4 120 0.21 15.2 0.3 20 7.3 0 0 0 0 14 10 58.4 11 0.01 0.17 8.6
4* 8 13 6.5 221 0.21 8.05 1 24 19.6 0.1 0 0 0 21 14 122 13 0.09 0.19 0 8.6
5* 9 16 1 470 0 29.2 0.5 60 12.6 0 0.1 0.2 36 19 232 5.7 0 0.45 8.8 5
6* 9 16 6 603 0 19.1 0.7 60 21.9 0.1 0.2 0 0.3 18 42 244 9.7 0.02 0.25 10
7* 8 16 2.4 481 0 24.6 0.6 68 19.5 0.1 0 0 21 14 305 12 0.01 0.23 4.4 7.4
8* 9 12 2 501 0 2.07 1.2 80 29.2 0.1 0 0.1 21 19 317 14 0.01 0.39 0 7.2
9* 8 18 2.3 342 0.03 28.1 0.3 44 19.5 0.1 0 0 0.2 21 43 195 14 0.02 0.14 0 8.8
10* 8 18 34 1015 0.3 15.6 5.3 40 26.8 0.3 0 0 0.3 185 51 268 24 0.03 0.42 8.8
11* 8 20 1.5 655 0.05 39.1 1.5 80 17 0 0 0 0.2 50 28 305 24 0.01 0.39 8.4
12* 8 26 1.2 59200 0.1 13153 85 520 2043 0 2 1.8 13809 2600 171 126 0.03 0.31 0 8
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 295
i ( ) l i ( ih h i l d li ) f h d
Figure 2. Samples water sites (with chemical types and water quality) of the study’s area
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
296 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
There are an assay to use of Management of Aquifer recharge (MAR) by injected the surface or ground water in the
wells. But in these area we have a project to store the water of the El-Sien spring in the El-sekabeh Dam at 1 km NE
of Banias city (Figs. 1, 2).The water of this dam with anthers dam and wills, will be transfered after treatment for
drinking suply to Damascus city.
This study gave us a good idea about the quantity and the quality of surface and ground water that will be utilizing
in several water use or in future artificial recharge in some dams or well at basaltic or unconfined karstic rocks at
the southern of Tartous city (Figure 2).
In coastal studied area there are about 900 Mm3 /year, from ground water, discharge in sea, and there are about the
same quantity of surface water loss in the Mediterranean sea. For that reasons this water need good management
projects to use it in natural or artificial recharge in these region or at the arid and semi-arid area of the Orontes
basin at East of the studied area (Figure 2).
The author is thankful to Prof. I. Othman general director of AECS for his encouragement and his support.
Abdulrahmen Kassem A. (1990). La géochimie « Qualité » de l`eau et en particulier sa pollution fluorée et sulfaté
dans une région aride et semi-aride (Palmyre-Homs-Hama)en Syrie, Thèse Sci.Université de Nancy I, 244 pp.
Bilal A.; Kassem A. (1998). Conditions hydrogéologiques de l’acquisition du chimisme des eaux souterraines de l’Al-
Badia (Syrie), Hydrogéologie,N° 3, pp. 27–34.
Boeckh E.; Bender H.; Wagener W. & Hanerstein G. (1966). German geological Survey of the Republic of Germany:
German Geological Mission in Syria, April 1966 – June 1967. Report I. Hydrogeological Results, II. Documen-
tation,1970 (unpublished); Texts 1. Géologie et hydrogéologie,Enquêtes relatives à l’exploitation des eaux souter-
raines en Syrie Occidentale, 1963 (unpublished), Ministry of habitation, Damascus-Syria.
Burdon D.J. (1961). Groundwater devlopment an conservation in Syria / F.A.O.Report, 80 pp., Rome.
Dubertret L. (1933a). La carte géologique au millionième de la Syrie et du Liban, Revue de géographie physique et
de géologie dynamique, Bull. Jub. Géog. phys. Fac. Sci. Paris Vol. VI, Facs. 4. pp. 269–318.
Dubertret L. (1933b). L’ hydrologie et aperçu sur l ’ hydrographie de la Syrie et du Liban dans leur relations avec la
géologie dynamique., Loc.cit., pp. 347–452.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Exploring surface- and groundwater
interactions with the help of environmental
tracers and wastewater indicators
in Berlin/Germany
A. Knappe, G. Massmann, P. Dulski and A. Pekdeger
The aim of the study was to calculate mixing proportions of treated wastewater in the surface water and
production wells during bank filtration as well as the travel times to observation and abstraction wells. For this
purpose, a variety of tracers such as the stable isotopes deuterium (D) and 18O and several wastewater indicators
like chloride, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), boron and the rare earth element (REE) gadolinium (Gd)
are used and compared to each other. Time series measurements in the surface water could be traced back in bank
filtrates and raw water. Gd-DTPA was found to be a useful sewage indicator, even though it is biodegradable at
favourable conditions at very slow rates. The travel times of the bank filtrates were obtained by the analysis of the
peak shift in time-series of the tracer. Most tracers were found to be applicable but best results were obtained
with the stable isotopes.
Bank filtration, wastewater, tracer, stable isotopes, gadolinium.
The drinking water production in the Berlin metropolitan is carried out by bank filtration and artificial groundwater
recharge. The production well galleries are located near the main rivers and, induced by the pumping of the wells,
the surface water infiltrates into the ground. The raw water in the production wells then consist of a mixture of natural
groundwater from the landside and bank filtrate of around 70% (Pekdeger and Sommer-von Jarmerstedt, 1998).
The Berlin drinking water production can be characterized as a semi-closed cycle. Drinking water is produced in
9 waterworks (Fig. 1) of the Berlin Water Company (e. g. 215 Mio m³ in 2003). After use, the wastewater is distri-
buted to the 6 Berlin wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and after treatment it is released into the surface
waters. Despite of the biological treatment stages several substances are not eliminated completely and the waste-
water discharge increases the concentrations of boron and EDTA (detergents), chloride and dissolved organic com-
pounds in the receiving surface water. These wastewater indicators can then be used to calculate the proportions of
wastewater in the surface water and in the drinking water that is produced by bank filtration as well as the travel
time of the surface water to the production wells.
Within a well gallery the proportions of bank filtrate considerably differ because of (a) the heterogenic aquifer con-
ditions in this region and (b) the number and location (depth) of the well screen. Depending on the degradation
and sorption capacity of the aquifer material, the wastewater indicators reach the production wells by bank fil-
tration and artificial groundwater recharge, generally in reduced concentrations. The dilution with natural ground-
water further decreases the concentrations of these indicators. In some cases the wells are screened in depths were
the intrusion of salt water of geogenic origin occurs. Hence, the Cl– and B concentrations in the natural ground-
water can exceed the concentrations of the surface water and can therefore locally not be used to determine the
proportion of bank filtrate. Temporal and spatial variations of the surface water quality additionally complicate
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298 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
the calculations of proportions of bank filtrate. All these factors have to be taken into account when estimating the
proportions of bank filtrate and recycled wastewater in the raw water or by calculating travel times (Massmann et
al., 2004).
The use of one single tracer is not possible in a complicated system as in the watershed of Berlin. The tracers may
have more than one source or they are not conservative. The application of conservative tracers in combination
with different wastewater indicators is therefore necessary.
The aim of the study therefore is to calculate mixing proportions of treated sewage in the surface water and pro-
duction wells as well as the travel times to observation and abstraction wells, applying variety of tracer such as
stable isotopes of the water molecule and several sewage indicators (Cl–, EDTA, B, Gd-DTPA). In addition, the
applicability of Gd-DTPA as a sewage tracer is examined.
The study area comprises the Upper and Lower Havel river system in the western part of the Berlin metropolitan
(see box in Fig. 1). The surface water samples were taken monthly from at 59 locations over a period of 1½ years.
Several transects are installed at representative sites in Berlin to investigate the bank filtrates from the surface water
to the production well and the groundwater from the background (Fig. 1). These transects consist of groundwater
observation wells screened in various depths between the surface water and the production well and behind the
Figure 1.
The Upper and Lower
Havel river system
in the western part of Berlin
and investigation area
transect Tegel
Surface water samples were taken for chloride, boron, stable isotopes and gadolinium (Gd) analysis. Monthly
sampling at the field-transects was conducted over 2 years by the Berlin Water Company (BWB) and samples were
analysed for physico-chemical properties, major anions and cations as well as a number of wastewater indicators
(e.g. B, EDTA) at BWB.
The stable isotope measurements of deuterium (D) and 18O were done at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Research
Unit Potsdam with a H2 equilibration method for D/H ratios and a CO2 equilibration method for 18O / 16O ratios
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 299
with a Finnigan MAT Delta-S mass spectrometer. Details on the instrumentation, calibration and the measurement
routine are described by Meyer et al., 2000. Samples for rare earth element (REE) analysis including gadolinium
had to undergo an enrichment procedure modified after Shabani et al., 1992 and explained in Bau and Dulski, 1996.
Analyses were done subsequently by mass spectrometry (ELAN 5000 ICP-MS) at the GeoForschungsZentrum
(GFZ) Potsdam. The measurement routine for REE analysis is described in detail in Dulski, 1994.
Surface water
The wastewater influence of the WWTP´s into the Upper and Lower Havel river system can be seen in elevated con-
centrations of B, Cl– and Gdexcess and in a more negative isotopic composition because of the proportion of ground-
water (more negative values) in the drinking water. Figure 2 shows the results from B, Cl–, δ18O and anthropogenic
Gd (Gdexcess) analysis in the Berlin surface water system of the Upper and Lower Havel river (see also Fig. 1)
during the sampling campaign in July 2001. At this time the base flow was the lowest in 2001/ 2002 (11.1 m³ /s in
July 01 compared to 50 m³ /s in December 01 in the Lower Havel). Generally in summer months greater spatial dif-
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300 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
ferences and higher absolute concentrations of the wastewater indicators could be observed than in the winter
The Upper Havel River is characterised by lowest concentrations of B, Cl– and Gdexcess and highest δ18O values
when it enters the city area from north (Fig. 2A-2D). Here, the wastewater influence is negligible and the inflow of
the Upper Havel River represents background values. The highest concentrations and lowest δ-values in the Upper
Havel region were detected in the Nordgraben, a small ditch carrying the discharge of the WWTP Schönerlinde
before it flows into the Lake Tegel (see Fig. 1). The influence can be traced into the Lake. In the Lower Havel region
the Teltow Canal carrying the discharge from the WWTP´s Waßmannsdorf, Ruhleben (only in summer months)
and Stahnsdorf (see Fig. 1), shows the highest concentrations and lowest δ-values. The influence of the Teltow
Canal can be traced into the Lake Wannsee where the WW Beelitzhof is located (Fig. 1).
The percentage of treated wastewater in the surface water varies strongly depending on the location and on the
season with different base flow conditions. Calculations with the data on total discharge and WWTP discharge
resulted in a maximum percentage of 77 % of treated wastewater for the Nordgraben (45 % average), and up to 90 %
for the Teltow Canal (average 47 %) before the confluence with the Upper Havel. The surface water leaving Berlin in
the south was found to contain up to 42 % of treated wastewater (13 % average;Massmann et al., 2004).
Figure 3.
Study area transect Tegel
with observation wells
and production well 13.
The herein described
observation wells are marked
with circled screens.
Scale A: meters below ground;
scale B: meters above sea level.
Arrows indicate the flow direction
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 301
Figure 4 shows an example for time series delineated with δ18O in the surface water, observation well 3303, well 13
and the background in 3304. The travel time from the surface water to 3303 is 3–5 months, depending of the time
of year. In the near production well 13 the temporal signals are smoothed because of the mixing with the back-
ground groundwater (3304). The background itself shows more negative values and a more smoothed temporal sig-
nal than the surface water. Same results were obtained with δD and are therefore not shown.
-5 ~5 months
O ‰ vs V-SMOW
Figure 4.
-7 Time series of 18O in lake water,
deep observation wells
Lake Tegel before (3303) and behind (3304)
the production well 13
-8 3303
well 13
A 3304
The anthropogenic input of B, Cl–, gadolinium and EDTA in the surface water was traced along the flow path.
Figure 5 shows the box plots of some observation wells towards the production well 13 (locations see Fig. 3). Boron
concentrations show wide variations in the surface water but the average (~190 µg / L) is comparable with the deep
observation wells 3302 and 3303 which consist of 100% bank filtrate.
Figure 5. Box plots for concentrations (n= number of analyses) of boron, chloride, Gdexcess (except 3304
which represents geogenic background concentrations) and EDTA in Lake Tegel and observation wells
in flow direction towards the production well 13. Locations are given in Figure 3. The distances are not equidistant.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
302 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
The much lower background value of 3304 (< 50 µg/L) is clearly distinguishable. The differences in concentrations
of the two end members make mixing calculations in well 13 favourable. Chloride cannot be used to calculate
mixing proportions because the concentrations well 13 always exceeds that of the observation well 3303 and the
background well 3304. This indicates the minor occurrence and influence of more saline groundwater from deeper
layers, which was pumped during the drinking water production. The rare earth element gadolinium (Gd), which is
used as a component in contrast agents (mostly in form of Gd-DTPA), causes anomalously high Gd concentrations
in the surface water, expressed as Gdexcess (Bau and Dulski, 1996; Knappe et al., 1999). It is one of numerous
pharmaceutical residues and passes the WWTPs without significant reduction and is therefore a distinct wastewater
indicator. The wide concentration variations in the surface water are smoothed and lowered in the deep observation
wells 3302 and 3303. It is known that Gd-DTPA is degradable and not conservative. Column experiments with
sandy aquifer material showed that in average 50% of Gd is removed in ~130 days (Holzbecher et al., in press)
depending on the conditions in the aquifer material (e. g. microbial activity, organic content). Nevertheless, like
boron, the Gd concentrations before and behind the well differ distinctly and can therefore be used for mixing
calculations. EDTA concentrations show a reverse picture with much higher concentrations in the background 3304
than in the surface water or in the deep well 3303. Nevertheless, the mixing proportions in well 13 can also be
calculated with EDTA. The percentage of bank filtrate in well 13 was estimated with the equation
where C is the concentration of a suitable tracer in the groundwater (CGW), well (CW) or surface water (CSW). The
surface water in the area of the transect Tegel has an average proportion of 11 to 20 % treated wastewater, calculated
with Gdexcess and chloride concentrations respectively. The percentage of bank filtrate in well 13 was calculated
with the average concentrations of B, EDTA and Gdexcess and the average δ18 O values and result in 68%, 59%, 53%
and 53% respectively. Assuming a proportion of wastewater in the surface water of 20% near the transect, the pro-
portion of wastewater in the raw water of well 13 is around 12% can be calculated.
The tracer δ18O, δD, EDTA, Gd, and B were found to be applicable for the calculation of travel times and mixing
proportions in bank filtration wells in Berlin. The percentage of treated sewage in ground- and surface water can
vary strongly in both space and time. Likewise, the travel times to individual abstraction wells is different from site
to site, depending on factors such as distance to shore, thickness and characteristics of the clogging layer and
hydraulic regime. An advantage of the use of Gdexcess is its detection limit in the range of 10 ng /L, whereas the
detection limit of most other wastewater indicators (Cl–, B and EDTA) are much higher.
The study was partly conducted within the NASRI project of the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB
gGMBH) and partly within a DFG project 362 18–1/2 (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – German Research
Foundation). The authors thank Veolia Water, the Berlin Water Company, Prof. Hubberten (AWI Potsdam) and
Prof. Möller (GFZ Potsdam).
Bau, M. and Dulski, P., 1996. Anthropogenic origin of positive gadolinium anomalies in river waters. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters, 143: 245–255.
Dulski, P., 1994. Interferences of oxode, hydroxide and chloride analyte species in the determination of rare earth
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 303
elements in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Fresenius Journal of Analytical
Chemistry, 350: 194–203.
Fritz, B., Heim, B., Knappe, A., Sommer-von Jarmersted, C. and Pekdeger, A., 2000. Sewage water components used
as trace elements to investigate water quality in Berlin/Germany. 3rd International Symposium on Wastewater
Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse, Paris/France.
Holzbecher, E., Knappe, A. and Pekdeger, A., in press. Identification of degradation characteristics – exemplified by
Gd-DTPA in a large experimental Column. Environmental Modeling and Assessment.
Knappe, A., Sommer-von Jarmersted, C., Pekdeger, A., Bau, M. and Dulski, P., 1999. Gadolinium in aquatic systems
as indicator for sewage water contamination. In: H. Ármannsson (Editor), 5th International Symposium on
Geochemistry of the Earth´s Surface, GES-5. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Reykjavik/Iceland, pp. 187–190.
Massmann, G., Knappe, A. and Pekdeger, A., 2004. Investigating the influence of treated sewage in ground- and
surface water using wastewater indicators in Berlin, Germany. Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica, 32(4–5):
Meyer, H., Schönicke, L., Wand, U., Hubberten, H.-W. and Friedrichsen, H., 2000. Isotope Studies of Hydrogen and
Oxygen in Ground Ice–Experiences with the Equilibration Technique. Isotopes in Environmental and Health
Studies, 36: 133–149.
Pekdeger, A. and Sommer-von Jarmerstedt, C., 1998. Einfluß der Oberflächenwassergüte auf die Trinkwasser-
versorgung Berlins, Forschungspolitische Dialoge in Berlin. Geowissenschaft und Geotechnik: 33–41.
Shabani, M.B., Akagi, T. and Masuda, A., 1992. Preconcentration of trace rare-earth elements in sea-water by com-
plexation with bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate and 2-ethylhexyl dihydrogen phosphate adsorbed on C18
cartridge and determination by inductively coupled Plasma-mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 64: 737–743
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Arsenic mobilization and sequestration
during successive aquifer storage recovery
(ASR) cycle tests in the carbonate
Upper Floridan aquifer, South Florida
June E. Mirecki
Geochemical reactions between recharge water and aquifer lithologies during cycle testing can affect recovered
water quality. In Lee County FL, the Olga ASR system recharges potable water into the Upper Floridan aquifer,
specifically a permeable zone of the Suwannee Limestone. Arsenic is mobilized in ASR systems elsewhere in west-
central Florida, most likely by pyrite oxidation in the Suwannee Limestone.
During three successive cycle tests at the Olga ASR system, arsenic increased from 3 to 68 µg/L in water recovered
from the ASR well. Arsenic remains < 8 µg/L in concurrent monitor well samples located 105–120 m away. These
two characteristics suggest that dissolved arsenic sequestration occurs along the recharge flowpath, away from
the ASR well. During recovery, arsenic apparently is desorbed as water travels to the ASR well. Eh values from
sulfide/sulfate and arsenite/arsenate couples range between –0.10 and –0.25 volts, consistent with sulfate
reduction. Geochemical modeling of cycle test 3 at the Olga ASR system indicates stable iron sulfides at monitor
wells. Arsenic sequestration by iron sulfides is feasible, but probably is reversible. Increasing arsenic during
recovery at the ASR well may be due to: 1) reductive dissolution of iron oxyhydroxides; and/or 2) desorption of
As(III) from stable iron sulfides.
Arsenic transport, geochemical modeling, redox, Upper Floridan aquifer.
Drinking water supplies have been augmented successfully through the use of aquifer storage recovery (ASR)
systems to store potable water in several permeable zones of the Upper Floridan aquifer system in South Florida.
During ASR, surface or ground water is treated to Federal and state drinking water standards, then is recharged into
permeable zones that occur in carbonate or mixed carbonate /clastic lithologies. At a few sites however, interactions
among native water, recharge water, and aquifer lithologies can affect water-quality, increase treatment costs, and
therefore limit the feasibility of ASR.
Arsenic mobilization has been identified at several ASR systems located in west-central and southwest Florida
(Arthur et al., 2001; Arthur et al., 2002; Price et al., 2002; Williams et al., 2002). During recharge, recharge water
oxidizes framboidal and microcrystalline pyrite, mobilizing arsenic and other trace metals into the Upper Floridan
aquifer system. In recovered water samples at the ASR well, arsenic concentrations sometimes exceed the Federal
and state maximum contaminant level for arsenic (10 micrograms per liter, µg /L). However, arsenic concentrations
remain relatively constant (< 10 µg /L) at monitor well locations. Arsenic mobilization during ASR cycle testing
poses a regulatory challenge to ASR feasibility. The Upper Floridan aquifer system is an underground source of
drinking water, a designation that prohibits the movement of fluids containing contaminants that exceed primary
drinking-water quality criteria (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 144.12). In addition, the points of
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 305
compliance with drinking-water quality criteria are at the ASR (recharge /recovery) well, within the aquifer, and in
recovered water (Richtar, 2004). An understanding of the geochemical controls of arsenic mobilization, seques-
tration, and transport in the Upper Floridan aquifer system is critical for future development of ASR.
Geochemical modeling methods enable a quantitative assessment of geochemical reaction mechanisms, water-
quality evolution, and mass transfer in aquifer environments. Geochemical modeling methods have been applied
previously for interpretation of water-quality changes during ASR cycle testing (Castro, 1995; Mirecki et al., 1998;
Vanderzalm et al., 2002; Petkewich et al., 2004). Geochemical model development to test hypotheses of arsenic
mobilization and sequestration requires complete water-quality data sets for unambiguous interpretation. Minimum
analytical requirements that define a complete water-quality data set are major dissolved inorganic anions and
cations, pH, carbonate alkalinity, and redox-sensitive species concentrations (total sulfide, arsenate and arsenite,
dissolved ferric and ferrous iron). In addition, sample collection throughout the entire cycle test is necessary from
both ASR and monitor wells. Unfortunately, few datasets from ASR systems in South Florida fulfill these requi-
rements (Mirecki, 2004). Water-quality data obtained during cycle tests at the Olga ASR system are presented here
to further define geochemical conditions that control arsenic transport and fate in the Upper Floridan aquifer
system. The objectives of this report are: 1) to define trends in arsenic concentration during cycle tests at a potable
water ASR system where water is stored in the Upper Floridan aquifer system of southwest Florida; and 2) to define
the geochemical controls for arsenic sequestration in the aquifer geochemical environment.
Hydrogeologic setting
The Olga ASR system consists of one ASR well and two storage zone monitor wells located 105 and 120 m west and
southwest of the ASR well. Potable water is stored in a permeable zone within the Suwannee Limestone (one of several
permeable zones within the Upper Floridan aquifer system) at depths ranging between 260 and 280 m below land
surface. Suwannee Limestone lithologies consist of white to pale-orange to light-brown calcarentic limestone with
minor dolostone and sandstone (Weddeburn et al., 1982; Brewster-Wingard et al., 1997; Missimer, 2002).
Water-quality data (available from the author) and recharge/recovery volumes from Olga ASR system cycle tests
were compiled from consultant’s reports and monthly operating reports that were submitted to the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection by the water utilities. The water-quality data sets from the Olga ASR
system are the most complete, and include analysis of redox-sensitive species (dissolved sulfide, arsenite, arsenate)
during cycle test 3 in addition to standard water-quality analytes. All standard water-quality analyses were
performed at laboratories certified by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program.
Arsenic species concentrations were measured in recovered water samples obtained during Cycle 3 recovery at the
Olga ASR. In these samples, total arsenic concentration was measured using graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectroscopy, with a method detection limit of 1.0 µg /L. Arsenate (As(V)), arsenite (As(III)), and methyl arsenicals
were separated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and quantified by inductively coupled
plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) following the methods of Bednar et al. (2002, 2004). HPLC/ICP-MS method
detection limits were 0.6 to 1.8 µg /L. When calculating As(III)/As(V) values, concentrations that were below the
detection level are reported at the detection level. No methyl arsenical species (monomethyl and dimethyl arsenic)
were detected in any sample.
Water-quality data obtained during selected cycle tests were interpreted using the geochemical modeling code
PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999). The approach of this geochemical modeling effort is to define redox
controls on arsenic mobility, as a precursor to reactive transport modeling. Arsenic transport and fate is controlled
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
306 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
by the aquifer redox environment, which becomes more reducing over time (during storage and recovery) and
space (farther away from the ASR well) as dissolved oxygen is consumed and sulfate reduction produces dissolved
hydrogen sulfide in the aquifer.
The goal of this work is to test hypotheses that explain the spatial and temporal distribution of arsenic species
measured during ASR cycle tests. A valid hypothesis must explain why increasing arsenic concentrations
are observed at the ASR well during recovery, but are not detected at monitor wells throughout the ASR cycle.
The recharge water flowpath is defined by chloride trends during each cycle test. Trends in arsenic and major redox
couples show how the aquifer redox environment becomes more reducing as each cycle test proceeds.
To assess the spatial and temporal extent of arsenic mobility, the history of cycle testing is presented (Fig. 1). A typ-
ical cycle test strategy is to recharge the aquifer with several hundred megaliters (ML) of potable water, and recover
a lesser volume, limited by the Federal and Florida
Olga Cycle Test History: ASR Well
chloride maximum contaminant level of 250 mg / L. 900
Chloride breakthrough curves at monitor wells show that recharge water passes their locations during each
cycle test (Fig. 2). Contrasting chloride concentrations between native aquifer water (1,100 ± 100 mg /L, n=2) and
recharge water (79.1± 16.8 mg/L, n=17) allow definition of breakthrough curves. However, chloride concentrations
decline at monitor wells at the initiation of each successive cycle test, consistent with buffer zone development.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 307
reducing through time (through the cycle test) and space (between the ASR and monitor wells) during cycle test 3.
It is likely that some dissolved oxygen is introduced in recovered water samples by cavitation in the well bore
(Petkewich et al., 2004). Concentrations of major redox couples measured during cycle test 3 are shown in Table 1.
Redox trends were interpreted with preliminary geochemical models developed using water-quality data obtained
during Olga cycle test 3. Eh values were calculated from major redox couples (O–/O2; H2S /SO42–; As(III)/As(V)).
Recharge Eh values were calculated from the dissolved oxygen couple, and range between +0.72 and +0.76 volts.
Recovery Eh values were calculated from the hydrogen sulfide/sulfate and As(III)/As(V) couples. Recovery Eh
values at the ASR well range between + 0.04 and – 0.08 volts (As(III)/As(V) couple), and – 0.16 and – 0.26 volts
(sulfide/sulfate couple). Eh values at monitor wells range between – 0.06 and –0.14 v (As(III)/As(V)), and – 0.22
and – 0.29 volts (sulfide/sulfate). Eh values of approximately – 0.2 are consistent with microbial sulfate reduction as
a dominant process.
Arsenic transport at the Olga ASR system is controlled by the evolution of reducing conditions as the cycle test
proceeds. Arsenic that was released to the aquifer by pyrite oxidation during recharge apparently is sequestered
along the recharge flowpath between the ASR and monitor wells. Arsenic complexes readily with iron oxyhydroxide
minerals under oxic conditions (Grafe et al., 2002; Dixit and Hering, 2003), or sorb to iron sulfide minerals that
form under sulfate-reducing conditions away from the ASR well. These processes can sequester arsenic along the
recharge flowpath before reaching the monitor wells located 105 to 120 m away. During storage, dissolved oxygen is
consumed and total sulfide increases, most likely due to microbial sulfate reduction. Arsenic, mobilized during
recharge as arsenate (AsV), reduces to arsenite (AsIII). During recovery, arsenic (primarily as arsenite) is released by
reductive dissolution of iron oxyhydroxides, or is desorbed from stable iron sulfide mineral surfaces that occur in
zones of sulfate reduction away from the ASR well (Fendorf et al., 1997). Subsequently, arsenic concentrations
increase in ASR well samples as recovery proceeds.
Several strategies to minimize arsenic release during ASR cycle testing are under investigation. Most strategies
remove dissolved oxygen during disinfection pre-treatment, prior to recharge.
Proposed strategies include degassing technologies (bubbling with nitrogen gas), passage through membranes, or
chemical compounds that scavenge oxygen (sodium sulfite). The cost, benefit, and effects on groundwater quality
for each method currently are under evaluation. Minimizing arsenic mobility has implications for the feasibility of
ASR systems throughout south Florida.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
35 70
40 200 200
30 60
Chloride (mg/L)
Arsenic (ug/L)
Chloride (mg/L)
Arsenic (ug/L)
Arsenic (ug/L)
25 50
30 150 150
Chloride (mg/L)
150 20 40
20 100 100
15 30
10 20
5th International Symposium
10 50 50
5 10
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 20 0 300 40 0 500
Time (days) Time (days) Time (days)
Chloride at ASR Well Arsenic at ASR Well Chlori de at ASR well Ar senic at ASR well Chlor ide at ASR Well Arsenic at ASR Well
Olga Cycle 1: Monitor wells Olga Cycle 2: Monitor wells Olga Cycle 3: Monitor wells
1200 20 800 35 700 10
1000 15 600
10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
25 500
Arsenic (ug / L)
Arsenic (ug / L)
Chloride (mg/L)
Chloride (mg/L)
Arsenic (ug / L)
900 500
Chloride (mg/L)
20 400
800 10 400
15 300
700 300
10 200
600 5 200
5 100
500 100
400 0 0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (days) Time (days) Time (days)
Figure 2.
Plots showing trends in chloride and arsenic in ASR well samples (top) and monitor well samples (bottom)
through three successive cycle tests at the Olga ASR system
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 309
The author thanks A.J. Bednar (ERDC) for arsenic species analyses, Christopher Brown (Corps of Engineers,
Jacksonville) and Rod Millward (ERDC) for manuscript review.
Arthur, J.D., Cowart, J.B., and Dabous, A.A. (2001). Florida aquifer storage and recovery geochemical study: Year three
progress report, Open File Report 83, Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee FL 46 p. Available for download at
Arthur, J.D., Dabous, A.A., and Cowart, J.B. (2002). Mobilization of arsenic and other trace elements during aquifer
storage and recovery, southwest Florida, In: U.S. Geological Survey Artificial Recharge Workshop Proceedings,
Sacramento CA, April 2–4, 2002, G.R. Aiken and E.L. Kuniansky (eds.), U.S. Geological Survey Open-
File Report 02-89, p. 47–50. Also available for download at http://water.usgs.gov/ogw/pubs/ofr0289/jda_
Bednar, A.J., Garbarino, J.R., Ranville, J.F., and Wildeman, T.R. (2002). Preserving the distribution of inorganic
arsenic species in groundwater and acid mine drainage samples, Environmental Science and Technology, 36(10):
Bednar, A.J., Garbarino, J.R., Ranville, J.F., and Wildeman, T.R. (2004). Methods of Arsenic Speciation and their
Application to Natural Water Analysis, Water Research, 38, 355–64.
Brewster-Wingard, G.L., Scott, T.M., Edwards, L.E., Weedman, S.D., and Simmons, K.R. (1997). Reinterpretation of
the peninsular Florida Oligocene: An integrated stratigraphic approach. Sedimentary Geology, 108: 207–228.
Castro, J.E. (1995). Aquifer storage recovery Myrtle Beach, SC Phase II: A hydrologic, geochemical, and economic inves-
tigation. Report 7, State of South Carolina Water Resources Division, Columbia SC, 66 p.
Code of Federal Regulations (2005). Title 40 part 144.12 Underground injection control program. Prohibition of move-
ment of fluid into underground sources of drinking water. Accessed at http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ecfr/index.html 12
March 2005.
Dixit, S., and Hering, J.C., 2003, Comparison of arsenic(V) and arsenic(III) sorption onto iron oxide minerals:
Implications for arsenic mobility. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(18): 4182–4189.
Fendorf, S., Eick, M.J., Grossl, P., and Sparks, D.L., 1997, Arsenate and chromate retention mechanisms on goethite. 1.
Surface structure. Environmental Science and Technology 31(2): 315–320.
Grafe, M., Eick, M.J., Grossl, P.R., and Saunders, A.M., 2002, Adsorption of arsenate and arsenite on ferrihydrite in the
presence and absence of dissolved organic carbon. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31: 1115–1123.
Mirecki, J.E., Campbell, B.G., Conlon, K.J., and Petkewich, M.D. (1998). Solute changes during aquifer storage
recovery testing in a limestone/clastic aquifer. Ground Water, 36(3): 394–403.
Mirecki, J.E. (2004). Water-quality changes during cycle tests at aquifer storage recovery (ASR) systems of South
Florida, ERDC/EL-TR-04-8, US Army Engineer Research & Development Center, Vicksburg MS, 52 p. Available
for download at http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/elpubs/pdf/trel04-8.pdf
Missimer, T.M. (2002). Late Oligocene to Pliocene evolution of the central portion of the South Florida platform: Mixing
of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, Bulletin 65, Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee FL, 184 p.
Parkhurst, D.L. and Appelo, C.A.J. (1999). User’s guide to PHREEQC (version 2) – A computer program for speciation,
batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations, U.S. Geological Survey Water-
Resources Investigations Report 99-4259, 312 p.
Petkewich, M.D., Parkhurst, D.L., Conlon, K.J., Campbell, B.G., and Mirecki, J.E. (2004). Hydrogeologic and geo-
chemical evaluation of aquifer storage recovery in the Santee Limestone/Black Mingo aquifer, Charleston, South
Carolina, 1998–2002. U.S Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004–5046, 92 p. Available for
download at http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/sir/2004/5046/
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
310 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Price, R.E., and Pichler, T. (2002). Oxidation of framboidal pyrite as a mobilization mechanism during aquifer storage
recovery in the Upper Floridan aquifer, southwest Florida, Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Supplement, 84(47): F521.
Richtar, J. (2004). Florida aquifer protection: The regulatory view. Special Publication 54, Florida Geological Survey,
Tallahassee FL. Accessed at http://www.dep.state.fl.us/geology/geologictopics/asr4/asr4_agenda.htm#friday12
March 2005.
Wedderburn, L.A., Knapp, M.S., Waltz, D.P., and Burns, W.S. (1982). Hydrogeologic Reconnaissance of Lee County
Florida, Part I – Text and Part II – Atlas, Technical Publication 82-1, January 1982, South Florida Water
Management District, 192 pp plus atlas.
Williams, H., Cowart, J.B., and Arthur, J.D. (2002). Florida Aquifer Storage and Recovery Geochemical Study,
Southwest Florida: Year one and year two progress report, Report of Investigations No. 100, Florida Geological
Survey, Tallahassee FL, 129 p.
Vanderzalm, J.L., Le Gal La Salle, J., Hutson, J.L., and Dillon, P.J. (2002). Water quality changes during aquifer
storage and recovery at Bolivar, South Australia. In: Management of aquifer recharge for sustainability, P.J. Dillon
(ed.), AA Balkema Publishers, Lisse, Belgium, pp. 83–88.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Biological clogging of porous media:
tracer studies of non-uniform flow patterns
Dorte Seifert and Peter Engesgaard
Bacterial motility and chemotaxis significantly influenced bioclogging in two-dimensional sand box experiments.
The bulk porosity and hydraulic conductivity were reduced by 2–5% and 30–40%, respectively. Numerical simu-
lations capture overall features of the bioclogging experiments and demonstrate that preferential flow may be
triggered due to motility/chemotaxis in combination with an initial heterogeneous distribution of bacteria in the
sand box.
Bioclogging, random motility, chemotaxis, preferential flow.
Bioclogging refers to the reduction of the pore space due to growth of microorganisms. Bioclogging results in a
reduction of the porosity and hydraulic conductivity, which then affects flow and transport. Bioclogging is of inter-
est in many applications such as artificial recharge, river bank filtration, and engineered bioremediation schemes.
The ability of the microorganisms to move themselves towards a substrate is referred to as motility and chemotaxis.
These processes have been observed in experiments (Duping and McCarty, 2000), but have generally not been con-
sidered in a quantitative manner except for systems without flow (Barton and Ford, 1995; 1997).
We performed 2D sand box experiments to investigate the development of preferential flow due to bioclogging.
Preferential flow in this context is defined very general and indicates a change away from a smooth transport
behaviour towards a more erratic flow behaviour with, for example, flow bypassing and fingering. The role of
motility/chemotaxis in enhancing this transition is explored by using dye tracer studies and numerical simulations.
Sand box experiments
Details about the experiments can be found in Seifert and Engesgaard (2005b). The sandbox was packed with
quartz sand with a grain size of 0.4–0.8 mm, Figure 1. A 12 cm long strip of sand inoculated with microorganisms
was placed approximately in the middle of the sandbox. The clean sand up- and downgradient the strip was ster-
ilized at 121°C for 20 minutes. A substrate was injected into the sandbox through a perforated stainless steel pipe
located 3.8 cm downgradient the inlet chamber. The pipe had a diameter of 6 mm with two holes per cm each with
a diameter of 1 mm. A thin layer of coarser sand was placed around the pipe to prevent sand to enter the pipe. The
background flow from the inlet chamber was constant. The flow rate through the pipe accounted for 10% of
the total flow rate. The initial pore water velocity was 8.6 m/d corresponding to an initial retention time in the sand-
box of about 75 minutes. The hydraulic head was measured by manometers at three locations: at the inlet, at the
perforated pipe, and at the outlet. The outlet was constructed as an overflow giving a fixed hydraulic head.
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312 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Acetate and oxygen were used as electron donor and acceptor. The background water consisted of sterilized distilled
water containing an oxygen concentration of 0.3 mM O2. The solution injected through the perforated pipe con-
sisted of sterilized distilled water with an acetate concentration of 1.1 mM CH3COOH and an oxygen concentration
equivalent to that in the background water.
Constant head
Clean sand
44 cm
12 cm
Perforated pipe
Injection of water
containing acetate
Head Head
measurement Inlet of measurement
background flow
30 cm 1 cm
The experiments ran for 25–30 days with a continuous supply of substrate. The hydraulic head was measured
several times a day. A dye tracer (Brilliant Blue) was introduced at the inlet of the sandbox with 1 to 3 days inter-
val. An image of the sandbox was taken by a digital camera every third minute during a tracer test. The digital imag-
ing was used to record the development of the flow pattern.
Numerical model
The model by Kildsgaard and Engesgaard (2002) was extended to account for motility and chemotaxis of bacteria.
The governing transport equation for aqueous microorganisms (Xa) is:
⎛ ∂X a ⎞
∂X a
∂x i
⎜ (D ij + ì
⎜ eff )
⎟ −
∂x j ⎠ ∂x i
( )
(f ⋅ v p, i + Vc, eff, i )X a +
∂X a
⎝ mic
where Dij is the dispersion coefficient, and vp,i is the pore water velocity. The last term on the right-hand-side
accounts for microbiological processes except motility and chemotaxis and represents Monod growth kinetics, first-
order attachment and detachment, and first-order decay of microorganisms, see Seifert and Engesgaard (2005a) for
Random motility and chemotaxis of aqueous bacteria are assumed to occur simultaneously. Random motility can be
described as a diffusion term, Eq. (1), where µeff is the effective value of the random motility coefficient in porous
media. The chemotactic velocity can be described as an advective flow term driven by a chemical gradient instead of
a hydraulic gradient (Corapcioglu and Haridas, 1984; Barton and Ford, 1997). Vc,eff,i is the effective chemotactic
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 313
velocity in porous media, Eq. (1), which is a function of the attractant gradient and can be written as (Barton and
Ford, 1997):
Kd ∂C s
Vc, eff , i = χ 0, eff
(K d + Cs )2 ∂x i (2)
where χ0,eff is the effective chemotactic sensitivity coefficient, Kd is the equilibrium dissociation constant for bacte-
rial receptor-attractant binding, and Cs is the concentration of the attractant, in this case acetate. The chemotactic
sensitivity coefficient describes how responsive the specific microorganisms are to the substrate, and the dissocia-
tion constant is a measure of the optimal substrate concentration for the bacterial receptors.
The pore water velocity in Eq. (1), vp.i, is an average velocity over a continuum of pores. By using the average
pore water velocity it is assumed that the microorganisms are distributed uniformly in the pores. The majority of
the microorganisms, though, will probably not ‘swim’ in the middle of a pore against the highest velocity if they
have the goal to migrate toward more favorable environments with higher substrate concentrations. Crawling in
the immobile pores or near the sand grain surfaces, where the pore water velocity is lowest, the microorganisms
would sense the lowest resistance to their motion. Micromodel experiments by Dupin and McCarty (2000) confirm
this assumption. Motile microorganisms were observed to migrate slowly upgradient by swimming close to the pore
walls, whereas the microorganisms in the center of the pores were flushed downgradient with the flow. The channel
size in the micromodel was 20–200 µm, which is in the range of a pore size using sand with grain diameters
of 400– 800 µm. Microbes with a length of about 1–2 µm occupy 1– 10% of the pore throat dimension, and have
the possibility to take shelter in the low velocity region close to the pore walls. Thus, it is assumed that the micro-
organisms are exposed to a reduced pore water velocity corresponding to an average of the velocity at the sand grain
surface and in the immobile pores. For simplicity, the pore water velocity affecting the microorganisms will be
expressed as f ⋅ vp,i, with f ∈[0,1], Eq. (1). In this study f = 0.01, see Seifert and Engesgaard (2005b) for a sensitivity
Kildsgaard and Engesgaard (2001) and Seifert and Engesgaard (2005b) provide details about the other solute trans-
port and mass balance equations for the substrate, electron acceptor, and solid biomass and how solid biomass
porosity affects the hydraulic conductivity.
Three experiments were carried out (Seifert and Engesgaard, 2005c). Figure 2 shows a few images from selected
tracer tests that illustrate the development of flow patterns due to bioclogging. Flow developed from a smooth trac-
er front to finger-like structures that resemble preferential flow paths. The preferential flow paths became visible
after only 3–4 days and developed into permanent structures as bioclogging became more severe. The preferential
flow paths can be a result of localized bioclogging where the hydraulic conductivity is significantly reduced in a
zone causing very high velocities in the adjacent areas. An initial heterogeneous distribution of the inoculated
microorganisms is a likely reason for initiating the development of preferential flow paths.
The amount of tracer visible in the sandbox is observed to increase with time as the porous medium became more
affected by bioclogging. After 15 minutes of tracer injection the same amount of tracer took up a larger area at
day 24 than at day 0. This can be explained by a porosity reduction in the sandbox due to bioclogging, which made
the tracer progress longer than at day 0. The reduction in the bulk hydraulic conductivity (i.e., for the entire sand
box) was about 2–5% of the initial value in all experiments and showed almost the same pattern of decrease (data
not shown). The hydraulic conductivity in the bioclogged zones, thus, was much lower than observed over the
entire length of the sandbox.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
314 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
t =15 min
t = 30 min
t = 45 min
The visible area with tracer is estimated from the images to quantify porosity reduction. The images were first
converted to grayscale, the background removed, the area of the visible tracer estimated, and, finally, compared with
the initial area at day 0. The development of the tracer areas for experiments 2 and 3 is similar, Figure 3, with a
linear decrease to 60–70% of the initial porosity. This is a significant decrease, as it is a bulk value for the part of the
sandbox with tracer, covering both unaffected and bioclogged zones. An alternative explanation to the increase in
0. 9
0. 8
0. 7
0. 6
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time [days]
Figure 3. Simulated bulk porosity reduction calculated by the tracer area after 30 minutes of tracer injection
with the calculated reduction in porosity from experiment 2 and 3
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 315
tracer area with time is that the tracer was affected by three-dimensional flow effects due to the presence of the pipe
itself and clogging just downgradient the pipe (Seifert and Engesgaard, 2005b). This may also partly explain why
the model is only able to capture some of the reduction in porosity.
The simulated biomass was found to migrate the 0.1 m from the initial inoculated strip of sand to the pipe within
24 days, Figure 4. Notice that we have assumed an initial heterogeneous distribution of the biomass. Assuming a
homogeneous distribution would not predict the fingering shown in Figure 2.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 4 Simulated biomass distributions at different days.
The initial distribution of biomass is assumed heterogeneous.
Motility and chemotaxis may play a very important role in bioclogging of porous media. Our experimental and
numerical results demonstrate that the microorganisms have the ability to transport themselves against the flow
with an effective velocity of about 10 cm per 24 days. This, in combination with a heterogeneous distribution of the
bacteria at the beginning of the experiment, results in a change in flow toward what resembles preferential flow. The
numerical model is able to capture the main features of the observed bioclogging and the reductions in porosity
(and hydraulic conductivity, data not shown). A critical assumption in the model is that the microorganisms are
able to transport themselves against the flow near the surface of the sand grains or in stagnant zones.
Barton, J. W. and R. M. Ford, (1995). Determination of Effective Transport Coefficients for Bacterial Migration in
Sand Columns. Appl. Environl Micro., 61, 3329–3335.
Barton, J. W. and R. M. Ford, (1997). Mathematical Model for Characterization of Bacterial Migration through Sand
Cores. Biotech. Bioengineering, 53, 487–496.
Corapcioglu, M. Y. and A. Haridis, (1984). Transport and Fate of Microorganisms in Porous Media: A Theoretical
Investigation. J. Hydrol., 72, 149–169.
Dupin, H. J. and P. L. McCarty, (2000). Impact of Colony Morphologies and Disinfection on Biological Clogging in
Porous Media. Environ. Sci. Technol., 34, 1513–1520.
Kildsgaard, Jesper, Peter Engesgaard, (2001). Numerical analysis of biologically clogging in two-dimensional sand
box experiments. J. Contam. Hydrol., 50, 261–285.
Seifert, D. and P. Engesgaard, (2005a) Numerical Investigation of Microbial Migration by Random Motility and
Chemotaxis in Bioclogging Experiments, to be submitted.
Seifert, Dorte, and Peter Engesgaard, (2005b). Experimental Investigation of Bioclogging in a 2D Sandbox by use of
Dry Tracer Tests, to be submitted.
Seifert, D. and P. Engesgaard, (2005c), Numerical Investigation of bioclogging experiments in a 2D sand box, to be
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Behaviour of trace metals and metalloids
during Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
of reclaimed water in a carbonate aquifer
at Bolivar, South Australia
Joanne Vanderzalm, Corinne Le Gal La Salle and Peter Dillon
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is used to balance the continual supply of irrigation quality reclaimed water
with the seasonal demand for supply. However, the effects of hydrogeochemical processes during subsurface
injection and storage on the recovered water quality must also be considered. A full-scale ASR field trial using
reclaimed water at Bolivar, South Australia was used to investigate the behaviour of trace species; arsenic, nickel,
aluminium and zinc, in a carbonate aquifer. Concentration changes may be due to mobilisation from the aquifer,
or conversely, attenuation processes. The injected aluminium (8 µmol/L) was predominantly in the particulate
phase while the remaining species of interest were largely soluble. The soluble aluminium (2 µmol/L) and nickel
(0.4 µmol/L) concentrations injected were generally greater than in the ambient groundwater (0.5 and
0.01 µmol/L respectively), while the injected arsenic (0.03 µmol/L) and zinc concentrations (1.1 µmol/L) were
similar to the ambient condition. Overall, the recovered water quality indicated that particulate aluminium was
removed while soluble aluminium concentrations remained the same as injected. Nickel was marginally removed,
while zinc attenuation illustrated the removal potential of the carbonate aquifer. Oxidation of pyrite resulted in
arsenic mobilisation (average increase of 0.2 µmol/L), but did not limit the suitability of the recovered water for
Aluminium, arsenic, attenuation, metal mobilisation, nickel, zinc.
Utilisation of reclaimed water in Management of Aquifer Recharge (MAR) takes advantage of an under-utilised
resource to augment groundwater resources, while also reducing the discharge of nutrient rich waste water to sur-
face or coastal waters. However the effect of saturated zone geochemical processes on the recovered water quality
must be considered. As trace metal and metalloid species can be present within a reclaimed water source, such as
waste water or stormwater, subsurface storage has the potential to improve the recovered water quality. The fate of
injected species will depend on their presence in particulate or dissolved form and the hydrogeochemistry of the
aquifer. In addition, the spatial and temporal variability in redox conditions within the injectant plume resulting
from the injection of reclaimed water (Vanderzalm, 2004) influences the speciation and mobility of trace species.
Oxygenating a reduced environment can mobilise trace species from the aquifer. This is commonly experienced
when pyrite is oxidised, releasing iron, sulphate and a suite of trace metals present as impurities within the pyrite,
including arsenic, nickel and zinc (Stuyfzand, 1998; Arthur et al., 2003). Once released, the mobility of these
species again depends on the chemical environment within the aquifer, which can also result in subsequent removal
prior to recovery. The mobility of metals and metalloids can also be enhanced by formation of soluble complexes
with injected organic matter (Banwart et al., 1989) and preferential adsorption of injected ions (Appelo et al.,
2002). The fate of the trace species and the implications for the recovered water quality has not been previously
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 317
documented for ASR schemes using a non potable injectant where varying redox states are likely to exist. In
response, this paper discusses the behaviour of a suite of trace species, aluminium, arsenic, nickel and zinc, when
reclaimed water was injected into a carbonate aquifer. Growing awareness in this area has also initiated an assess-
ment of stormwater based species in silicious aquifers (Wendelborn et al., 2005).
A full-scale Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) cycle at Bolivar, South Australia between October 1999 and
November 2001 (injected 2.5 x 105 m3 and recovered
1.5 x 10 5 m3) investigated the behaviour of trace metal
and metalloid species in a carbonate aquifer. The ASR
field site is situated adjacent to the Bolivar Water
Reclamation Plant, the supply of reclaimed water for
injection, and in close proximity to the Virginia horticul-
tural region where the reclaimed water is used as a season-
al irrigation source (Figure 1). The reclaimed water had
undergone secondary treatment via trickling filters and
waste water stabilisation lagoons, followed by dissolved
air flotation/filtration (DAFF) treatment and chlorination.
Typical organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phospho-
rus concentrations in the injectant were 1.5 ± 0.2 mmol/L, Figure 1.
1.3 ± 0.7 mmol/L and 0.02 ± 0.02 respectively. Location of the Bolivar ASR site,
indicating the proximity
to the Bolivar wastewater
The ASR trial targeted the lower Tertiary sediments (T2) of
treatment plant
the Port Willunga Formation, an approximately 60 m and the horticultural area,
thick calcarenite aquifer. The mean salinity in the T2 where reclaimed water
aquifer of approximately 2,100 mg/L at the Bolivar ASR is used for irrigation
field trial site renders it unsuitable for irrigation. The ASR
well was completed and open over most of the T2 aquifer thickness, approximately 100 to 160 m below ground sur-
face (bgs). The mineralogy is dominated by calcite and quartz, with minor contributions from ankerite, hematite,
microcline and albite. This work reports hydrogeochemical data from the ASR well, a fully penetrating observation
well 4 m from the ASR well and three piezometers 50 m from the ASR well, which intersect the layers of high per-
meability and injectant breakthrough occurred, 50 m s-1 (104 to 109 m), 50 m s-3 (134 to 139 m) and 50 m n-3
(134 to 139 m). Horizontal hydraulic conductivity varies over almost three orders of magnitude, ranging from 10–1
to 102 m/day when measured on cores samples over a 10 cm scale (Wright et al., 2002). The average hydraulic con-
ductivity derived from a pumping test over the whole aquifer thickness is 3 m/day (Martin et al., 1998).
All water samples were taken after stabilisation of pH, temperature, DO, EC and Eh, in accordance with appropriate
well purging (approximately 3 well volumes). These physical parameters were measured in situ using a TPS-FL90®
probe in a flow-through cell, directly from the pump discharge to prevent atmospheric exposure. Eh values were
reported relative to the standard hydrogen electrode. Sampling, preservation and analysis methodology was based
on the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1998), with samples maintained
below 4°C and transported to the Australian Water Quality Centre (AWQC), Bolivar, South Australia for analysis
within 24 hours. Metal samples were acidified immediately after sampling with nitric acid to below pH 2. Dissolved
metal samples were filtered through a 0.45 µm filter immediately after sampling and prior to acidisation. Arsenic
was analysed by continuous hydride atomic emission spectroscopy with a detection limit of 1 µg/L. Emission spec-
troscopy was used for analysis of aluminium, chromium and zinc to a detection limit of 5 µg/L, for nickel to a
detection limit of 1 µg/L and for cadmium and lead to a detection limit of 0.5 µg/L.
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318 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Within the ambient groundwater and the reclaimed water injectant, aluminium was predominantly in the parti-
culate phase, while arsenic, nickel and zinc were principally soluble (Table 1). Well redevelopment is undertaken in
ASR schemes to manage physical clogging and removed approximately 60% of the particles injected at Bolivar
(Dillon et al., 2003). Much of this particulate material was organic carbon, which was physically retained near the
point of injection and is capable of scavenging metals from solution by sorption. Metal cations are known to be
adsorbed by iron oxides (such as goethite and hematite), organic matter and aluminium hydroxides. In a com-
petitive environment, zinc and nickel were shown to have less potential for removal than other heavy metals such
as chromium, lead and copper. Also the order of preference for adsorption was generally Zn > Ni, except for soils
with higher cation exchange capacity (Gomes et al., 2001). Hence it can be expected that injected metals may also
be concentrated near the injection well and the proportion removed by redevelopment will exceed the proportion of
injected particles. While the removal of trace species was not quantified during redevelopment events, this was
shown to be the case for iron (Dillon et al., 2003).
Table 1. Mean water quality comparison of the ambient groundwater in the T2 aquifer,
the reclaimed water injectant and the water recovered from the Bolivar ASR field trial
Ambient (22) Injectant (24) † Recovered water (21) †
(µmol/L unless otherwise stated)
Temp (°C) 26 20 22
pH 7.3 7.1 7.1
EC (mS/cm) 3.5 2.3 2.3
Eh (mV SHE) 50 250 30
Al-total 20 (8) 8 1.6 (10)
(n) number of samples
* all in soluble form
† flow-weighted average
The total quantity (in moles) of each metal in the recovered water can be compared to the quantity expected to be
recovered in the absence of reactions, i.e. conservative behaviour in the aquifer (Table 2). Chloride was used as a
conservative species to calculate the proportions of injectant and ambient groundwater in each sample of recovered
water and thereby determine the overall mass balance for the trace species. Removal of particulate aluminium intro-
duced with the injectant can be explained by physical filtration soon after injection followed by permanent removal
from the aquifer during redevelopment of the ASR well. As a result, 95% of the particulate aluminium was removed
during the ASR cycle and soluble aluminium became the dominant fraction within the recovered water. Soluble alu-
minium was introduced into the carbonate aquifer at higher concentrations than the ambient condition. At the
observed pH and Eh conditions throughout the ASR cycle, the dominant speciation was within the soluble hydroxy
complex Al(OH)4–, which did not undergo any net removal through precipitation.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 319
Table 2. Ratio of quantity of trace species recovered to quantity expected if behaviour in the aquifer
was conservative (measured/conservative=1 in absence of reactions). Chloride was used as a tracer
of conservative behaviour and to calculate the proportions of injectant and ambient groundwater
within samples of the recovered water.
Conservative total recovered Actual total recovered Measured/
(mol) (mol) Conservative
Nickel was also injected at higher concentrations than the ambient condition, while arsenic and zinc concentrations
were comparable in the injectant and the native groundwater. Through the ASR cycle soluble aluminium remained
unchanged, arsenic was gained, the removal of nickel was marginal, and zinc removal was quite efficient.
Cadmium, chromium and lead concentrations were monitored less frequently through the ASR cycle than the other
species, but remained below their analytical detection limits and therefore their behaviour does not warrant further
consideration here.
To understand the mechanisms responsible for attenuation or mobilisation it is necessary to outline the hydrogeo-
chemistry within the injectant plume. The varying redox status within the injectant plume, both temporally and
spatially throughout the ASR cycle (Vanderzalm, 2004), influenced the solubility of the trace species. Immediately
upon commencement of injection, an oxic zone was evident around the injection well. This was short-lived, with
conditions rapidly progressing to denitrifying, without any evidence to suggest more reducing conditions such as
manganese or iron mobilisation or sulphate reduction. In general terms, the redox state within the injectant plume
was comparable to the condition within the aquifer prior to injection. The buffering capacity of the carbonate
aquifer maintained a relatively constant pH within the injectant plume near 7.1. It was only during storage that
more reducing and acidic conditions (minimum pH of 6.5) were evident directly in the vicinity of the ASR well,
where the microbial activity was highest. Here both sulphate reduction and methanogenesis were reached. Despite
this, groundwater in the bulk of the plume, including at the 4 m radius, remained in the denitrifying state.
Arsenic mobilisation was apparent through the ASR cycle, increasing the arsenic concentration in the recovered
water and consequently it was necessary to investigate the dominant mechanisms behind this process. Arsenic was
released from the aquifer by two mechanisms and initiated under differing redox conditions. Approximately
0.16 µmol/L (equating to 40 mol in total) of arsenic was released by pyrite oxidation in the near well zone (evident
at the 4 m well), under aerobic and denitrifying conditions. With migration of the injectant plume to the 50 m
radius, there was no evidence left of the arsenic release previously seen at 4 m (concentrations < 0.04 mmol/L). In
this case, additional aquifer passage allowed arsenic to be scavenged from solution, probably by sorption on iron
oxide surfaces, an important removal process for arsenate (Stuyfzand, 1998). Thus in a dual well scheme (Aquifer
Storage Transfer and Recovery), arsenic release would not be evident at the recovery well unless the sorptive
capacity of the aquifer was exceeded or inhibited by competition from other oxyanions, such as phosphate and
carbonate (Appelo et al., 2002). However in this ASR cycle, reversal of flow during the recovery phase resulted in
desorption from the aquifer and the arsenic concentration recovered was approximately six times that expected
from conservative behaviour. Despite release of approximately of 0.16 µmol/L (12 µg/L) arsenic, the recovered
water remained compliant with the Australian long term trigger value in irrigation quality water of 100 µg/L
(ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000).
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320 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
The second mechanism for arsenic release had the greatest, but short-lived, effect on the magnitude of the soluble
arsenic concentration and was observed under the reducing conditions that developed during storage. While these
storage phase changes affected only the water directly around the ASR well and were alleviated with the first flush
of recovery, it was of interest to understand how the changes altered the mobility of arsenic, along with nickel and
zinc. Arsenic and nickel concentrations were higher in the ASR well than in the rest of the injectant plume as the
reductive dissolution of iron oxides released previously sorbed species. The effect was greatest for arsenic with a
peak concentration of 2.5 µmol/L, while the nickel peak was lower at 0.8 µmol/L. If we consider the magnitude of
the desorbed concentrations to be indicative of the aquifer’s capacity to retain individual species, a preference for
retention of arsenic was evident. Following on from this, there appeared to be little tendency for nickel adsorption
within the carbonate aquifer. There was a trend toward lower nickel concentrations in the 104 to 109 m depth
interval than in the 134 to 139 m interval at the 50 m radius. As this shallow layer illustrated a tendency to remove
injected ammonium and potassium by cation exchange (Vanderzalm, 2004), the marginal removal of nickel was
attributed to cation exchange (Gomes et al., 2001). Cation exchange was limited to the initial pore flushes, which
were achieved within a matter of days in the near well zone. Therefore the potential for retention near the ASR well
for subsequent removal through the well redevelopment was low.
During the injection phase, the zinc concentration had declined by 30% 4 m from the ASR well, indicating some
retention in the near well zone and thus possible removal with particulate matter during redevelopment. However,
the greatest zinc removal within the ASR cycle occurred between the 4 m and 50 m radius, as with arsenic. In
contrast to arsenic, the removal mechanism was maintained during the recovery phase resulting in efficient removal
of zinc through the ASR cycle. Speciation indicated that zinc was present as carbonate species under the neutral
conditions maintained within the injectant plume and thus solubility was likely to be controlled by the preci-
pitation of zinc carbonate species. Zinc concentrations in the near well zone showed a net decline during storage,
likely to be due to removal by precipitation as zinc sulphide. Thus under reducing conditions sulphide precipitation
had a greater influence on zinc concentrations than potential release from iron oxides.
Reclaimed water Aquifer Storage and Recovery highlighted the variable behaviour that the trace metals and metal-
loids can display through transitional redox zones. Removal of particulate aluminium was achieved through phy-
sical filtration during the injection phase, whereas soluble aluminium concentrations remained unaltered. The
potential for attenuation of injected nickel via adsorption onto iron oxides or cation exchange was slight, while zinc
attenuation by precipitation of zinc carbonate illustrated the removal capacity of the carbonate aquifer. Arsenic was
mobilised upon injection with the subsequent redox conditions controlling the aqueous concentration. Despite an
approximate increase in arsenic of 0.16 µmol/L (12 µg/L), the recovered water remained compliant with the
Australian long term trigger value in irrigation quality water of 100 µg/L (ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000) and
thus the beneficial use of the water was not hindered.
This work was supported by the Bolivar Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage and Recovery Research Project partners;
the SA Department for Water Land and Biodiversity Conservation, SA Water Corporation, United Water Inter-
national Pty Ltd, CSIRO and the SA Department for Administrative and Information Services. Documentation of the
fate of metals was supported in part by American Water Works Association Research Foundation and CSIRO
Collaborative Project 2974 ‘Water Quality Changes During ASR’. The authors would like to thank Paul Pavelic and
Karen Barry (CSIRO) for their assistance with data collection and interpretation.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 321
American Public Health Association (APHA). (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
APHA/AWWA/WEF, Washington, USA.
Appelo C. A. J., Vanderweiden M. J. J., Tournassat C and Charlet L. (2002). Surface complexation of ferrous iron and
carbonate on ferrihydrate and the mobilisation of arsenic. Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 3096–3103.
Arthur J. D., Dabous A. A. and Cowart J. B. (2003). Water-rock geochemical considerations for aquifer storage and
recovery: Florida case studies southwest Florida. In: 2nd International Symposium on Underground Injection Science
and Technology, October 22–25 2003, Berkley, California.
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) and Agriculture and Resource
Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ). (2000). Australian and New Zealand guidelines
for fresh and marine water quality, Volume 1 The Guidelines. ANZECC and ARMCANZ, Australia.
Banwart S., Davies S. and Stumm W. (1989). The role of oxalate in accelerating the reductive dissolution of hematite
(α-Fe2O3) by ascorbate. Colloids and Surfaces, 39, 303–309.
Dillon P., Martin R., Pavelic P., Toze S., Barry K., Clarke D., Hanna J., Gobet P., Rinck-Pfeiffer S., Buisine F., Oemcke
D., Vanderzalm J., Le Gal La Salle C., Georgiou J., Simmons C., Hutson J., Gordon C., Wall K., O’Hara G.,
Banning N., Mee B., Nicholson B., Skjemstad J., Swift R., Hayes M., Ying G-G., Kookana R., Chen Z., Naidu R.,
Osei-Bonsu K., Greenhalgh S., Zhe J., Zhou B., Fildebrandt S., Miller R., Correll R., Stuyfzand P., Greskowiak
J., Prommer H., (2003). Bolivar Reclaimed Water Research Project, Stage 3 Report. Report to Bolivar ASR Research
Project Steering Committee, November 2003.
Gomes P. C., Fontes M. P. F., da Silva A. G., Mendonca E. S. and Netto A. R. (2001). Selectivity sequence and com-
petitive adsorption of heavy metals by Brazilian soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65, 1115–1121.
Martin R., Sereda A. and Gerges N. (1998). Bolivar Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage and Recovery Trial: Progress Report
1. Department of Mines and Energy report no. 149/95, Primary Industries and Resources SA.
Stuyfzand P. (1998). Quality changes upon injection into anoxic aquifers in the Netherlands: Evaluation of 11 exper-
iments. In: Third International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater – TISAR 98, J. H. Peters (ed.),
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 21–25 September 1998, A. A. Balkema, Amsterdam, pp. 283–291.
Vanderzalm J. L. (2004). Hydrogeochemical processes during Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) with reclaimed water
in a carbonate aquifer. PhD thesis, Flinders University.
Wendelborn A., Mudd G., Deletic A. and Dillon P. (2005). Research on metals in stormwater for aquifer storage and
recovery in alluvial aquifers in Melbourne, Australia. (this volume).
Wright M., Dillon P., Pavelic P., Peter P. and Nefiodovas A. (2002). Measurement of 3-D hydraulic conductivity in
aquifer cores at in situ effective stresses. Ground Water, 40(5), 509–517.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Research on metals in stormwater
for aquifer storage and recovery
in alluvial aquifers in Melbourne, Australia
Anke Wendelborn, Gavin Mudd, Ana Deletic and Peter Dillon
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) can provide efficient temporary storage of stormwater for recycling and
reduce evaporation losses. The injection of stormwater introduces oxygen, nutrients, suspended solids, organic
carbon and other pollutants like heavy metals into an aquifer. This may change the hydrogeochemical equilibrium
in the subsurface and influence the behaviour of heavy metals. Stormwater samples from Melbourne had Cr, Cu, Pb
and Zn concentrations that exceeded Australian guidelines for freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Of special concern
are Zn and Cu as they are found predominantly in the soluble fraction and are attached to the finer suspended
solids that are difficult to remove. The overall objective of this recently commenced study is to evaluate the
behaviour and fate of heavy metals during ASR. This will require characterisation of metals in stormwater, iden-
tifying their association with particulates, correlating their concentrations with surrogate variables, exploring
spatial and temporal changes in near-well geochemical composition at a demonstration ASR site, using batch and
column tests under laboratory conditions to evaluate factors affecting behaviour of metals and developing
models to predict their long-term fate and identify the need for any corrective actions to ensure sustainability of
stormwater ASR operations.
Stormwater quality; heavy metals; aquifer storage and recovery; geochemical interactions.
Melbourne is a city with growing population, increasing water demand and limited freshwater supply from
surrounding catchments. It overlies a range of productive aquifers, but beneficial use of groundwater is often
limited by salinity levels (Leonard, 1992). On the other hand the city produces a large volume of stormwater runoff
during the winter months from the impervious areas and discards this water into rivers and Port Phillip Bay,
impairing its water quality. This situation can be improved and one measure is the recycling of stormwater (DSE,
2004). As most of the rain falls in winter, but is needed mostly in summer the key issue for harnessing it is storage.
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) seems a potential option to limit surface storage space, evaporation losses and
to protect water quality (Pyne, 1995). Stormwater includes a range of pollutants that may affect the groundwater
quality and aquifer geochemistry, so a long-term risk assessment regarding groundwater pollution is warranted.
Stormwater constituents include oxygen, organic carbon, total suspended solids (TSS) and electron donating
substances like nitrate. These may change the geochemical conditions in the aquifer significantly (Stuyfzand et al.,
2002) and influence the mobility and speciation of other pollutants like heavy metals.
Heavy metals are often present in urban runoff in concentrations exceeding Australian guidelines for freshwater
aquatic ecosystems and are priority pollutants due to their phyto- and cytotoxicity (Makepiece et al., 1995). They
undergo various biogeochemical processes during ASR that are mostly reversible. The main attenuation process,
sorption, is controlled by the aquifer material, while metal speciation, metal concentration and binding forces are
influenced by pH, Eh, ionic strength, co-sorbents etc. (Appelo and Postma, 1999; Bradl, 2004). Nevertheless ASR
schemes are usually based on technical feasibility, meaning they are implemented in transmissive aquifers with
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 323
limited clay content and therefore limited sorptive capacity. In addition previous ASR studies showed that geogenic
heavy metals have been released due to the induced changes of the redox state, with arsenic often being of special
concern due to limited adsorption (Stuyfzand, 1998).
In one stormwater ASR study (Herczeg et al., 2004) conducted in South Australia, mass balances were determined
for particulate matter. Although the mass of particulates recovered was similar to the mass injected, the recovered
mass was largely composed of aquifer material (Dillon and Pavelic, 1996). A major proportion of the metals
injected are retained within the aquifer. Metals of stormwater origin may potentially be remobilised if exposed to
further redox or pH changes, as with geogenic metals. Most redox reactions produce protons (Appelo and Postma,
1999) and depending on the buffering capacity of the aquifer this might reduce pH, and increase the solubility of
heavy metals. In a reclaimed water ASR study Vanderzalm (2004) found that dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
decreased in recovered water. This suggests that organic complexation of metals within the aquifer may be possible
and could further increase solubility of heavy metals. Geochemical reactions that occur when recharged water
interacts with the ambient groundwater and aquifer matrix are expected to be site-specific. Such information for
Melbourne aquifer systems is unknown and aquifer geochemical properties are poorly defined. This paper presents
the first part of our study focusing on the hydrogeology of Melbourne and specific aspects of stormwater quality in
Melbourne relating to metals, while outlining the future research programme.
A literature review was conducted on hydrogeology of Melbourne, mostly from reports of the Geological Survey of
Victoria. Relevant data were also gathered from the Victorian Geoscientific Database (Department of Primary
Industries), Groundwater Database (SKM), the Victorian Water Resources Data Warehouse and from personal com-
munication with senior hydrogeologists.
As not many comprehensive data sets for Australian urban stormwater runoff have been collected so far, the
Institute for Sustainable Water Resources in conjunction with the Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) for
Catchment Hydrology has been monitoring stormwater quality and quantity around Melbourne for different catch-
ment sizes and land uses. So far only flow hydrographs, TSS, total nitrogen and total phosphorus for rainfall events
have been measured. The automated samplers are triggered via increased flow and subsequent samples are taken at
set times after the first trigger with high sampling frequency in the rising limb of the hydrograph and decreased
sampling in the hydrograph tail. According to the hydrograph volumes composite samples for event mean con-
centration (EMC) measurements are made. Of these, four sites (Table 1) have been chosen for more detailed water
quality measurement to enable characterization of Melbourne’s stormwater for the ASR assessment. Since December
2004 incoming samples are now analysed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and alkalinity (Gran-plot).
Composite samples are analysed for EMCs of major ions (Na, K, Mg, Ca with flame spectroscopy and Cl, SO4 with
flow injection analysis) and total/dissolved organic carbon (TOC/DOC with TOC analyser). EMCs of heavy metal
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
324 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
(Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) are determined for the soluble fraction (< 0.45 µm), acid-extracted size
fraction 0.45– 63 µm and acid-extracted size fraction > 63 µm measured with ICP-OES. To date 11 samples have
been analysed and sampling is ongoing.
Review of hydrogeology of Melbourne
The site selection for an ASR scheme depends on hydrogeological characteristics, availability of land to harvest the
stormwater, and a localised demand. Three broad classes of aquifer system occur; confined sedimentary aquifers,
fractured rock systems and unconfined alluvium. The implementation of ASR would be technically most feasible in
confined sedimentary aquifers with large storage potential and very limited impact on surface features. Fractured
rocks often prove to have limited recovery efficiency due to their heterogeneous characteristics. Unconfined
aquifers have constraints on recharge volumes, but are cheaper to construct. The area of most interest is the central
section of the sandy unconsolidated (semi-)confined Fyansford Formation-Brighton Group aquifer system with
brackish groundwater in the southeast of Melbourne. The Tertiary Fyansford Formation is made up of marine
coarse to fine grained sand, gravel and discontinuous sandy limestone layers about 30 – 50 m below the
surface (Leonard, 1992). The total formation is up to 60 m thick that thins towards the north. The transmissivity
of 20–30 m2/d makes it suitable for small scale ASR schemes (AGT, 2002). Salinity levels vary greatly
(~100 – 6,000 mg/L). Areas with salinity above 1,500 mg /L are targeted for ASR as this reduces potential impacts on
beneficial use of the groundwater. The relatively low hydraulic gradient (~ 0.001) in the central section of the
aquifer system is favourable for ASR schemes as this increases the recovery efficiency in brackish aquifers.
Stormwater quality
Table 2 shows a wide range of values for each parameter between events and between sites. This is due to the fact
that many parameters e.g. catchment characteristics, antecedent dry-weather period, rainfall volume and intensity
Peak Cu Zn
Total rainfall Peak TOC/ (total/ (total/
rainfall intensity flow rate Duration ADWP pH EC DOC TSS < 0.45µm) < 0.45µm)
(mm) (mm/h)* (L/s) (h) (days) (µS/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (µg/L) (µg/L)
d.l. 1 1 0.5 0.79 3.00
2 2 2.3 0.2 2 5.6 37 3/ 3 11 9.2 /3.8 101 /84.5
MR 3.4 1.8 1.5 1 11 5.7 29 5 /4 91 27.1 /4.7 343 /267
4.8 0.6 0.5 3 1 5.3 17 2/2 8 3.6 /3.2 127 /124
2.6 1.4 340 2 11 6.5 95 17/9 138 84.5 /19.4 1,456 /849
GR 3.6 0.6 160 5 1 6.4 58 9/6 17 17.5 /12.4 738 /695
4.8 1.2 450 2 5 6.9 54 6/3 54 10.7 /4.7 335 /221
6.2 3.4 490 3 10 6.5 96 17/ 9 432 74.3 /6.6 897/142
144.4 4.4 470 20 4 6.7 74 6/4 220 11.2 /4.5 175 /136
9.4 8.4 2,850 2 1 6.6 52 9 /4 318 89.6 /5.0 1,826 / 83.8
RI 3 1.4 185 3 12 6.4 128 12 /10 196 57.3 /9.7 1,395 /676
4.2 0.8 190 4 1 6.5 114 20 /10 167 63.9 /13.9 1,664 /744
ADWP: antecedent dry weather period; d.l. detection limit; *over 10 min interval.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 325
have a bearing on them (Wong et al., 2003). The urban stormwater pollutant concentration ranges are comparable
to those found in the literature (Table 3). The samples exceed the Australian guidelines for freshwater aquatic
ecosystems and for drinking water
1 ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000: level of protection 95%;
2 NHMRC, 2004;
3 Dillon and Pavelic, 1996 (mostly Australian data);
4 Duncan, 1999 (worldwide data)
(ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000) for most parameters, but for the ASR scheme the environmental values (bene-
ficial uses) of the ambient groundwater and recovered water will define the concentrations of metals and
other constituents that are acceptable. These stormwater samples have lower concentrations of arsenic than have
been found in Port Phillip Bay (Fabris et al., 1999). The latter data suggests that As cannot be ruled out as an issue.
If pyritic material was to be present in anaerobic aquifers, sulfide oxidation caused by injection of oxygenated
stormwater could lead to As mobilization (Vanderzalm et al., 2005). It can be seen that all concentrations are signi-
ficantly reduced in events with a very short ADWP (Table 2), as the pollutant load is a function of build-up and
wash-off. It can also be concluded that the roof catchment has generally lower pollutant concentrations compared
to the other catchments. TSS concentrations are of great importance as many other toxic pollutants are associated
with them, especially with the fine fraction (Liebens, 2001; Muthukaruppan et al., 2002), and is often used as an
indicator of runoff pollution in general. Inverse relationships between the dissolved fraction of Zn (R² = 0.77) and
Cu (R² = 0.54) with TSS could be established in agreement with findings from Sansalone & Buchberger (1997).
pH is a very important parameter influencing metal solution and soil-surface chemistry as well as complexation
(Bradl, 2004). Metal solubility is also determined by the most abundant anion in the water, which can inhibit
adsorption (Fic and Isenbeck-Schröter, 1989). Even though significant relationships could not be established due to
the limited number of samples, nevertheless an inverse trend with salinity and pH with the dissolved fraction is
apparent for most samples. The significantly lower pH and lower salinity of the roof catchment leads visibly to an
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
326 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
was mostly associated with the particulate matter (data
not shown) in accordance with other studies (Harrison 0.4
and Wilson, 1985).
With regard to stormwater ASR this means that it is likely
that most of the heavy metals in dissolved form and
attached to the small size fraction will be introduced MR GR SR RI MR GR SR RI
to the aquifer. Even deposited solids in detention Cu Cu Cu Cu Zn Zn Zn Zn
ponds cannot be regarded as permanent pollution sinks,
as the majority of contaminants that are particulate- <0.45 um 0.45-63 um >63 um
associated can be transferred to the water phase especially
Figure 1. Copper and Zinc mean fractionation
if the physico-chemical conditions change (Pitt, 1996). at the different sites
The attenuation of heavy metals is a combination of
different processes which are conservative and mostly reversible especially if there are significant changes in redox
and pH conditions during the ASR cycle. They may accumulate adsorbed in the aquifer, be transported away as
organic complexes or adsorbed to colloidal matter or be pumped back out in particulate or soluble form.
From the limited set of stormwater samples analysed so far it can already be seen that stormwater quality is highly
variable in time and space. This great variability poses the main challenge regarding characterisation. It was shown
that heavy metals like Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, and Ni are rather abundant in Melbourne’s urban stormwater in particulate
and dissolved form. Although behaviour of heavy metals at stormwater ASR sites has not been an issue under geo-
chemical conditions experienced in Adelaide’s carbonate aquifers, a precautionary approach suggests this should
also be evaluated under the different geochemical conditions prevailing in Melbourne, to assess any potential for
long-term variations in the quality of groundwater and recovered water, and allow management strategies to be
devised if any problems are predicted.
Aquifers are important assets in a holistic urban water cycle and impacts that would impair their role must be pre-
vented. Therefore an understanding and assessment of possible risks is warranted as a precautionary measure.
Consequently the proposed activities within this research project are to:
• identify concentrations and associations with particulates of heavy metals in Melbourne stormwater;
• identify mineralogy and geochemical condition of an aquifer in Melbourne prior to ASR at a demonstration proj-
ect site;
• identify mechanisms of attenuation and remobilization of these metals during ASR, making use of column and
batch studies under a specified range of laboratory conditions with collected aquifer material and groundwater
and using synthetic stormwater;
• quantify mass fluxes of metals into and out of the well and measure water quality in monitoring wells to deter-
mine fate of metals, and the geochemical changes that may affect metals within the ASR system;
• demonstrate the relevance of the laboratory experiments to field observations and develop a conceptual model
that characterises the observed short-term behaviour of metals;
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow 327
• apply an existing coupled flow and transport and geochemical model (e.g. PHT3D, Prommer et al., 2003) to simu-
late the observed parameters and subsequently to predict the long-term geochemical behaviour of metals at
stormwater ASR sites for various scenarios, with a view to establishing any factors that may affect sustainability
of operations.
ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000). Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Report
No. 4, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) Agriculture and
Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ), Canberra.
Appelo C. A. J. and Postma D. (1999). Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Australian Groundwater Technologies (AGT), CSIRO Land and Water, Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) and United
Water International (2002). Assessment of the potential of reclaimed water ASR in metropolitan Melbourne, Report
No. 2002/12, AGT, Adelaide.
Bradl H. B. (2004). Adsorption of heavy metal ions on soils and soils constituents. J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 277(1),
Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) (2004). Securing our water future together, Report DSE,
Dillon P. J. and Pavelic P. (1996). Guidelines on the quality of stormwater and treated wastewater for injection into
aquifers for storage and reuse, Report No. 63A, Centre for Groundwater Studies, Adelaide.
Duncan H. P. (1999). Urban stormwater quality: a statistical overview, Report CRC Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne.
Fabris G. J., Monahan C. A. and Batley G. E. (1999). Heavy metals in waters and sediments of Port Phillip Bay,
Australia. Mar. Freshwater Res., 50, 503 –513.
Fic M. and Isenbeck-Schröter M. (1989). Batch studies for the investigation of the mobility of the heavy metals Cd,
Cr, Cu and Zn. J. Contam. Hydrol., 4(1), 69–78.
Harrison R. M. and Wilson S. J. (1985). The chemical composition of highway drainage waters III. Runoff water
metal speciation characteristics. Sci. Tot. Environ., 43(1-2), 89–102.
Herczeg A. L., Rattray K. J., Dillon P. J., Pavelic P. and Barry K. E. (2004). Geochemical processes during five years
of aquifer storage recovery. Ground Water, 42(3), 438–445.
Leonard J. (1992). Port Phillip Region groundwater resources – future use and management. Department of Water
Resources Victoria, Melbourne.
Liebens J. (2001). Heavy metal contamination of sediments in stormwater management systems: the effect of land
use, particle size, and age. Environ. Geol., 41(3-4), 341–351.
Makepeace D. K., Smith D. W. and Stanley S. J. (1995). Urban stormwater quality: summary of contaminant data.
Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol., 25(2), 93–139.
Muthukaruppan M., Chiew F. and Wong T. (2002). Size Distribution and Partitioning of Urban Pollutants. In:
9th International Conference on Urban Drainage American Society of Civil Engineers, Portland, Oregon, USA.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (2004). Australian drinking water guidelines.
Commonwealth of Australia, 2004.
Pitt R. (ed.) (1996). Groundwater Contamination from Stormwater Infiltration, Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea.
Prommer H., Barry D. A. and Zheng C. (2003). MODFLOW/MT3DMS-based reactive multicomponent transport
modeling. Ground Water, 41(2), 247–257.
Pyne R. D. G. (1995). Groundwater recharge through wells : a guide to aquifer storage recovery. Lewis Publishers, Boca
Sansalone J. J. and Buchberger S. G. (1997). Partitioning and first flush of metals in urban roadway storm water.
J. Environ. Eng., 123(2), 134–143.
Stuyfzand P. J. (1998). Quality changes upon injection into anoxic aquifers in the Netherlands: Evaluation of
11 experiments. In: Artificial Recharge of Groundwater; Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
328 Geochemistry during inf iltration and flow
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater – Tisar 98, Peters J. H. and et al. (eds.), Balkema, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
pp. 283–291.
Stuyfzand P. J., Vogelaar A. J. and Wakker J. (2002). Hydrogeochemistry of prolonged deep well injection and sub-
sequent aquifer storage in pyritiferous sands; DIZON pilot, Netherlands. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for
Sustainability, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, 4th, Adelaide,
Australia, Sept. 22–26, 2002, Dillon P. (ed), pp. 107–110.
Van Dijk H. (1971). Cation binding of humic acids. Geoderma, 5(1), 53–67.
Vanderzalm, J. (2004). Hydrogeochemical processes during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) with reclaimed
water in a carbonate aquifer, PhD thesis, Flinders University of South Australia.
Vanderzalm, J.L., Le Gal La Salle, C. and Dillon, P.J. (2005). Behaviour of trace species during aquifer storage and
recovery of reclaimed water in a carbonate aquifer at Bolivar, South Australia. (In this volume)
Wong T. (ed.) (2003). Australian runoff quality, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Sydney.
Zobrist J., Müller S. R., Ammann A., Bucheli T. D., Mottier V., Ochs M., Schoenenberger R., Eugster J. and Boller M.
(2000). Quality of roof runoff for groundwater infiltration. Water Res., 34(5), 1455–1462.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects
and groundwater hydraulics
Unsaturated zone processes
Double porosity aquifers present both advantages and pitfalls to artificial recharge design. Perhaps the biggest
pitfall comes from the inappropriate but common use of conventional homogeneous radial drawdown models to
determine hydraulic parameters from pumping test data. These models account for porous flow only; and in South
London can lead to miscalculation of aquifer storage coefficients that are magnitudes greater than true values,
and overestimates of the total recharge capacity in error by a similar margin. The double porosity hydraulics of the
Chalk are complex but in the context of artificial recharge operations proved to be beneficial. Fracture flow was
found to limit well clogging whilst sustaining high well yields (10 to 20 Ml/d per well) that significantly reduce
the costs of artificial recharge per Ml/d supplied. Testing also showed that recharge injection rates could be
reliably calculated from the hydraulic results from abstraction testing. Abstraction tests are easier and cheaper to
perform whilst the locations of testing are not limited by the availability of appropriate water supplies. Case study
examples from recent artificial recharge investigations in South London are presented that illustrate double
porosity hydraulics and the methods used to effectively analyse drawdown and draw-up responses.
Artificial recharge; chalk; dual porosity; hydraulic analysis; London Basin.
The potential for artificial recharge in the southern area of the London Basin is currently being evaluated by Thames
Water as part of the South London Artificial Recharge Scheme (SLARS) investigation, (Jones et al., in press). The
Chalk, the primary aquifer in the SLARS area, transmits groundwater flow both through connected pore spaces and
through a well developed fracture network, and is a classic double porosity aquifer. This paper provides examples
from the SLARS investigations at Streatham, Bell Green and Ladywell Fields, Catford that show how aquifer
hydraulic parameter values were obtained for the Chalk, and comments on the consequences to artificial recharge
design of ignoring double porosity hydraulics. The structure, fracture pattern and fracture density of the Chalk in
the SLARS study area reflects the differential settlement of the Jurassic formations below the Chalk, (Andrews et al..
1995). Interpretation of the substantial number of borehole lithology logs available from the SLARS area, (Andrews
et al., 1995), show that faulting, and therefore the fractures and joints, occur primarily in two orthogonal vertical
planes. Enhanced jointing is likely in the more competent beds and may be substantially developed by borehole
acidisation, producing preferential flow in the third horizontal plane. Thus flow to the borehole approximates to the
idealised 3D orthogonal fracture system of Warren and Root (1963). Effectively the Chalk consists of two hydraulic
components: a) an orthogonal fracture network, and b) porous matrix blocks. Each porous matrix block is
bounded by individual planar fractures of the fracture network, whilst within-block fracturing is poorly developed.
Although it can be argued that this conceptual model is idealised, in the SLARS area experience shows the double
porosity model is an effective approximation. Firstly, pumping test data provide consistent results once double
porosity issues are taken into account. Secondly, Thames Water has found that systematic well development by
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
332 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
injection of acids is successful in the SLARS area, as it is elsewhere in the Chalk. The effectiveness of acidisation is
significant as it works by enlarging the local fracture system so that the well becomes better connected to the macro
scale fracture network, (Banks et al., 1993).
Although more theoretically robust techniques have been developed by Bourdet and Gringarten (1980) and Moench
(1984), the straight-line methods of Warren and Root (1963) and Kazemi et al. (1969) are easier to use, yield defi-
nitive curve matches, and lend themselves to explanation of double porosity responses. All of the methods used in
this paper are described in detail in Kruseman and de Ridder (1990) and are not reproduced here. However due to
the complexity of double porosity hydraulic responses it is necessary to use more than one method in a sequence as
1) Distance-drawdown analysis
Pumped boreholes in double porosity aquifers have an effective radius (re) that is significantly greater than either
the screened or drilled radius. Values of re can be determined from the straight-line inflection point on a distance-
drawdown graph (Jacob 1947). Since the response of a double porosity aquifer at late pumping times appro-
ximates to the response of a homogeneous porous aquifer (Kazemi et al., 1969), the distance-drawdown method
of Jacob (1947) can also be used to determine the aquifer transmissivity, by selecting a late pumping (or recharge)
time and fitting a straight line to data from observation boreholes located outside re.
2) Time-drawdown analysis
Fracture networks in dual porosity aquifers have significantly higher transmissivity than the matrix blocks. In
contrast most of the available storage is in the pore spaces of the matrix blocks. This results in double porosity
aquifers having three distinctive straight-line segments to the time-drawdown response. In the first segment
drawdown in the fracture network inside re is much faster than storage can be released from the matrix blocks.
The second segment is effectively a transitional response between the first and third segment responses. The third
segment occurs when the matrix drawdown at each location first becomes fully coupled to the fracture network
drawdown and approximates to the porous model drawdown function of Theis (1935). The method of Kazemi
et al., (1969) has been used to analyse the three time-drawdown responses.
D I S TA N C E - D R AW - U P A N A LY S I S
Figure 1 shows data typical of the SLARS area responses taken from a recharge test at Streatham. Distance-draw-up
is flat in the vicinity of the well and steep in the outer part of the draw-up cone. The radius at which the transition
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 333
occurs is 700 to 1,000 m and may be considered to be the effective radius during recharge of the borehole. The
aquifer transmissivity calculated from radial distances greater than re gave values of 500 to 900 m2/day. Aquifer
storage coefficient values should not be calculated using this method as the geometry of the solution in double
porosity aquifers is invalid.
Figure 2 shows the recovery responses measured in the Streatham abstraction borehole (ABH), observation bore-
hole (OBH) and the former water supply well (WELL). All three recovery responses are identical following a short
initial adjustment period. As the ABH, OBH and WELL radii are respectively 0.36, 5.6 and 48.6 m, but the recovery
responses are identical, the aquifer can not be a homogeneous porous system. However as all the measurement
points are located well inside re, this response can be explained using the double porosity model. Essentially, the
high transmissivity of the fracture network redistributes groundwater within the effective radius of the fracture net-
work in response to the end of pumping, much faster than the storage inside the effective radius can be replenished
by flows from outside. As a result, the redistribution of groundwater levels inside re is achieved rapidly and there-
after all the water levels recover together. Consequently superposition of recovery data from a pumping borehole
and a single observation borehole can be used to confirm the double porosity status of the aquifer, or conversely,
whether the observation borehole is located inside or outside the effective radius.
t / t'
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
8 0
Residual Drawdown (m)
7 1
6 2
Draw-up (m)
2 5
Measured Draw-up Adjusted Draw-up
0 7
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Radial Distance from Streatham ABH (m)
Figures 1 and 2. Distance-draw-up and recovery responses from the Streatham tests
Storage coefficient values in double porosity aquifers can only be obtained from time-drawdown analysis. Of the
time-drawdown methods, Kazemi et al. (1969) is the easiest method to apply. Care is required in the identification
of the correct drawdown segment. In the SLARS Elapsed Time (Minutes)
area, the first segment takes 1 to 5 minutes to com- 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
plete and occurs in the pumping borehole and 0
observation boreholes located inside re only.
Outside re only two segments occur in the time-
Drawdown (m)
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
334 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
both within and outside re. However it should be noted that segments 2 and 3 occur at progressively greater elapsed
times as the distance between the monitoring borehole and the pumping well increases. Inside the effective radius,
Warren and Root (1963) note that re must be used instead of the value r, whilst re may be determined from distance
drawdown analysis (Figure 3).
Providing data is taken from the third hydraulic segment from an observation borehole located outside re, other
conventional leaky or boundary hydraulic analytical methods, e.g. the leaky method of Hantush and Jacob (1955),
can also be used to determine aquifer hydraulic parameters. This is feasible because the response of a double poros-
ity aquifer at late pumping times approximates to the
response of a homogeneous porous aquifer (Kazemi et al., 1
1969). Selection of an observation borehole just outside re,
will maximise the period of data that can be used. The leaky
response of the pumping test at Ladywell Fields was there- 10
fore best analysed using data from the Catford Town Hall
borehole (Figure 4). This figure shows it is difficult to
obtain a definitive log-log leaky response fit. However this
problem can be overcome if the start time of third segment
is determined from a semi-log graph, and only the third seg- 10
Respectively transmissivity, storage and leakance values Figure 4. Analysis of the leaky
of 1,590 m2 /day, 1 x 10 –3 and 5,500 m were obtained, all of time-drawdown response
which were consistent with the double porosity analysis. in the Catford Town Hall OBH
Contour maps of drawdown in the
study area are another useful
method of analysing double poro-
sity aquifers. Fracture systems will
often be better developed in the
main fracture direction creating
marked azimuthal variation in
transmissivity. This was a feature
of all of the pumping tests carried
out in the SLARS area (Streatham,
Ladywell Fields and Bell Green).
Figure 5 shows the drawdown map
for the Streatham test. Here the
drawdown is not circular but ellip-
tical, with the long axis showing
the orientation of maximum trans-
missivity. Contour maps from the
Bell Green and Ladywell Fields
tests produced ellipses with the Figure 5. Drawdown contours from the Streatham tests
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 335
same orientation as the Streatham test and which also coincide with the strike of the major (Greenwich and
Wimbledon) faults and structural features of the SLARS study area. Once the azimuth of maximum transmissivity
was identified, much greater consistency in the time-drawdown and distance-drawdown results was identified.
Wells located on the azimuth of maximum transmissivity were found to form one cluster of higher transmissivity
results whilst those on the perpendicular formed a cluster of lower values.
In the Chalk of the SLARS investigation area, double porosity aquifer hydraulics can be reliably identified from: a)
the three segments of the drawdown response; b) the very large values of re; and c) the identical recovery responses
in observation boreholes located inside re. In order to quantify the risk of using conventional analytical methods,
hydraulic parameter values were determined using double porosity methods from pumping test data available from
various technical reports and the results were compared with the hydraulic parameter values contained in the
reports determined from conventional porous model analysis. The transmissivity and storage values using conven-
tional analytical methods were found to overestimate the storage coefficient value by up to a factor of 360, and
transmissivity by factors of up to 10. Typically the analytical errors occurred where the wrong segment of the draw-
down curve was selected, or ignored altogether, such that all drawdown segments were fitted, as appropriate in con-
ventional analysis. Therefore if the SLARS study had applied conventional analysis, it is probable that the storage
capacity of any future artificial recharge scheme would have been substantially over-estimated.
Furthermore the much greater hydraulic detail that can be determined from double porosity analysis can be used to
great effect in the interpretation of the significance of clogging processes. In our accompanying paper, (Anderson et
al., in press), we have provided detailed data of the progression of well clogging at the Streatham test that occurred
during recharge testing when injected water was mixed with native groundwater. The results of the recharge testing
showed that the wells clogged instantaneously, yet well performance deteriorated by less than 20%, and progressive-
ly improved during individual injection tests and during subsequent injection events. The only effective explanation
was instantaneous clogging of the matrix blocks contained in a fracture network that was effectively insensitive to
clogging. Essentially, this inference could only be made because the hydraulic analysis presented in this paper
proved the existence of a fracture network containing matrix blocks approximating to the orthogonal fracture sys-
tem of Warren and Root, 1963. This meant that clogging was unlikely to be a long-term problem and a recharge
solution was feasible, as the relatively expensive treatment of recharge water prior to injection was not required to
prevent the clogging. However as the geochemical analysis showed that the CaCO3 mineral precipitation occurred
as a result of the relatively high pH (7.5 to 8.0) of the water contained in Thames Water’s water mains, it was rea-
sonable to assume that CaCO3 clogging could be a widespread issue in the SLARS area. Consequently there was a
significant concern that clogging could limit the feasibility of artificial recharge at many locations. However the
identification of double porosity hydraulics at the Streatham site through analysis, and linkage of this phenomenon
to clogging insensitivity, suggested that clogging was unlikely to be an issue wherever double porosity hydraulics
were identified. Fortunately testing also showed that recharge hydraulics were very similar to the abstraction
hydraulics and therefore recharge rates could be calculated from abstraction test data. Consequently it was possible
to re-analyse pumping test data in Thames Waters’ technical reports using the double porosity analyses presented in
this paper and to show that the orthogonal fracture network hydraulics was a widespread feature of the Chalk in the
SLARS study area.
Despite the fact that various methods for analysing pumping tests in double porosity aquifers have been available
for 40 years or more, they are not yet widely used. This reticence may be explained by a lack of familiarity from
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
336 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
‘the lack of a unified approach’ and ‘an enormous overlap of equations’, (Kruseman and de Ridder, 1990), but also
from a lack of confidence in the methods. It is perhaps not surprising that practitioners are often sceptical of the
applicability of the various double porosity methods and have a preference for continuing to apply conventional
porous analytical techniques. However this approach has serious consequences, particularly in the investigation
and design of artificial recharge systems. Although the double porosity methods presented here do not have a firm
theoretical justification (Kruseman and de Ridder, 1990), the risk from calculating erroneous storage values using
conventional homogeneous radial drawdown methods is much greater. Furthermore, more sophisticated double
porosity methods; Bourdet and Gringarten, 1980; and Moench, 1984) do have a sound theoretical basis and can
be used if the approximations inherent in the methods of Kazemi et al. (1969) and Warren and Root (1965) are of
Clearly, the application of double porosity analytical methods to aquifers that can unmistakably be shown to have
double porosity aquifer hydraulics, such as the Chalk in South London, is important. Providing data are obtained from
sufficient monitoring boreholes located both within and outside the effective radius, relatively simple but generally
ignored double porosity aquifer analytical methods can be used to reliably determine the aquifer transmissivity and
storage. In the context of artificial recharge, the use of porous model analytical methods will typically result in mis-
calculation of aquifer storage coefficients that are magnitudes greater than true values; and overestimates of the total
recharge capacity in error by a similar margin. Clearly failure to use double porosity analytical methods engenders
unacceptable risks to the eventual recharge scheme not meeting its designed capacity, particularly during sustained
groundwater demand periods such as droughts, when the scheme water supply is likely to be most needed. Lastly,
testing showed abstraction tests had similar double porosity hydraulics to recharge tests in the SLARS area.
Consequently it should be feasible to determine recharge potential from abstraction tests which are easier and
cheaper to perform, and which are not limited to locations where appropriate water supplies are available.
Anderson et al. (in press). Characterisation of turbidity and well clogging processes in a Chalk dual porosity aquifer
during the South London Artificial Recharge Scheme Trials. ISMAR 2005, Berlin.
Andrews JN et al. (1995). Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of the London Basin. Postgraduate Research Institute for
Sedimentology, University of Reading (PRIS), Thames Water Utilities Report.
Banks D (1993). Acidisation; borehole development and rehabilitation. Q. J. Eng. Geol and Hydrogeol. 26, 109 – 125.
Bourdet D and Gringarten AC (1980). Determination of fissure volume and block size in fractured reservoirs by type
curve analysis. 1980 SPE Ann. Fall Techn. Conf. and Exhib, Dallas, Paper 9293.
Cooper HH and Jacob CE (1946). A generalised graphical method for evaluating formation constants and sum-
marising well field history. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 27, 526 – 534.
Hantush MS and Jacob CE (1955). Non-steady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union,
36, 95 – 100.
Jones MA et al. (in press). The Streatham groundwater source: An analogue for the development of recharge
enhanced groundwater resource management in the London Basin. ISMAR 2005, Berlin.
Kazemi H et al., (1969). The interpretation of interference tests in naturally fractured reservoirs with uniform
fracture distribution. Soc. Petrol. Engnrs. J., 9, 463 – 472.
Kruseman GP and de Ridder NA (1990). Analysis and evaluation of pumping test data. International Institute for Land
Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen, Netherlands. ILRI 47, 1– 372.
Moench AF (1984). Double porosity models for a fissured groundwater reservoir with a fracture skin. Water Resources
Research, 20, 831 –846.
Theis CV (1935). The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge
of a well using groundwater storage. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., 16, 519 – 524.
Warren JE and Root PJ (1963). The behaviour of naturally fractured reservoirs. Soc. Petrol. Engnrs. J., 3, 463 – 472.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Development of a microbial pathogen
attenuation model to aid management
of aquifer recharge systems
Elise B. Bekele, Simon Toze, Jatinder Sidhu and Jonathan Hanna
One of the principal improvements in water quality that can occur during aquifer storage is pathogen inactivation.
Our aim is to develop a predictive tool for estimating required retention times for the natural attenuation of
microbial pathogens, mainly human enteric viruses and Cryptosporidium. Recent studies reveal that pathogen
decay is predominantly controlled by the activity of indigenous groundwater microorganisms, while temperature,
redox state and nutrient levels play a secondary role. Our focus is to understand several critical environmental
controls on the survival of microbial pathogens in the presence of groundwater microorganisms. Pathogen
removal by other physical and chemical processes are not being considered at this stage as we confine our atten-
tion to lab-based survival experiments before making field comparisons. Our main hypothesis is that pathogen
die-off rates (and minimum aquifer retention times) can be estimated reliably using empirical equations derived
from survival experiments. The experimental design controls for temperature, redox state and nutrient level, and
considers a suite of pathogens (i.e. coxsackievirus, adenovirus, rotavirus, Cryptosporidium, hepatitis A virus,
norovirus) and the indicator microorganism MS2. Cellular activity levels of the groundwater microorganisms are
being measured concurrently. The formulation of a predictive tool is helping to advance our understanding of the
fundamental controls on microbial pathogen attenuation in managed aquifer recharge systems.
Cryptosporidium, groundwater microorganisms, human enteric viruses, pathogen attenuation model.
There has been a major interest in predicting the fate of microbial contaminants in the subsurface as communities
move toward using artificial recharge or managed aquifer recharge (MAR) with different water types to boost urban
water supplies. River water, stormwater and treated effluent are commonly considered for MAR projects and among
these the water quality can vary considerably. Among the major health risks to humans are enteric infections from
contact with faecally contaminated water, which can persist in treated reclaimed water (Toze, 2004). Although con-
ventional water treatment systems can eliminate most pathogens prior to aquifer recharge, there remain potential
health risks from water-borne microbial pathogens that resist disinfection. Our focus is on the enteric viruses and
protozoan parasites as they pose an immediate human health risk. Few studies have examined the survival of
enteric protozoa (e.g. Cryptosporidium parvum) in groundwater, as the emphasis has been mainly on filtration
mechanisms to remove oocytes (Harter et al., 2000; Kim and Corapcioglu, 2004; Tufenkji et al., 2004). In contrast,
there is much more information about the fate and transport of viruses (e.g. Schijven and Hassanizadeh, 2000;
Bhattacharjee et al., 2002) and physical factors influencing pathogen removal based on colloid transport studies that
neglect microbial interactions (Bradford et al., 2002; 2004). The aim of this study is to quantify reductions in
several enteroviruses and Cryptosporidium in non-sterile groundwater due to inactivation, rather than by attachment
to aquifer surfaces. Inactivation or ‘die-off’ refers to disruption of the protein coat leading to a loss of nucleic acid in
the case of viruses and nonviable oocytes in the case of Cryptosporidium. While it is understood that a range of
physical and chemical conditions affect the persistence of microbial pathogens (Toze, 2004), it has also been con-
cluded that antiviral activity of indigenous bacteria in groundwater (Nasser et al. 2002; Toze and Hanna, 2002;
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
338 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Gordon and Toze, 2003), and mixed human and animal wastes (Deng and Cliver, 1995; Nasser and Oman, 1999) have
a major role in the inactivation of microbial pathogens. In the case of Cryptosporidium, it has also been shown that
autochthonous microorganisms (and exo-enzymes from bacteria or fungi) in river water can influence the survival
of the oocytes (Medema et al., 1997), but there are relatively few investigations using groundwater (John, 2003).
The formulation of a computer model for determining minimum required retention times for microbial pathogen
die-off during aquifer storage is one piece of a complex puzzle. As managed aquifer recharge projects become
increasingly utilised, it is critical that water resource managers have a quantitative index of the risk of human expo-
sure to viable pathogenic microorganisms. This is one of the first studies to systematically investigate some of the
fundamental controls on the inactivation of microbial pathogens due to the activity of indigenous groundwater
bacteria with the aim of developing a reliable framework for predicting minimum aquifer retention times.
There are a multitude of environmental stresses in the subsurface that could influence the survival of microbial
pathogens (Yates and Yates, 1988). In a recent survey of published decay rates for microbial pathogens, Toze (2004)
identified temperature, dissolved oxygen, water chemistry, source of water, as well as the type of pathogenic
microorganism, as the most commonly cited factors influencing pathogen survival. The viruses are more resistant to
pH and electrical conductivity (salt species and concentration) than bacteria, such that it has been postulated that
water chemistry directly impacts the activity of indigenous bacteria, which in turn has a secondary affect on the per-
sistence of viruses (Toze, 2004). As different studies of microbial survival have examined different pathogens under
a variety of environmental conditions, it is difficult to use published decay rates to formulate a predictive model.
The approach we are using is to systematically vary several environmental stresses identified by Gordon and Toze
(2003) as potential factors influencing the survival of enteric viruses: temperature, redox state and nutrient levels
are currently being considered (Sidhu et al., in press). Although treated effluent can have a range of nutrient types
and concentrations, we are first considering a complex organic carbon source and its effects on several pathogenic
microbes through the activity of non-pathogenic microorganisms native to groundwater.
The major chemical and physical parameters of interest are the type of degradable organic carbon present, the redox
condition of the groundwater and a range of temperatures (5 - 20 °C). It is hypothesized that these parameters
impact on the metabolic activity and population structure of the indigenous groundwater microorganisms, thus
influencing the rate of decay of the different pathogens. The experiments on pathogen survival under the different
groundwater conditions are being undertaken using non-sterile groundwater obtained from a bore in the superficial
aquifer at the CSIRO laboratories in Perth, Western Australia. Groups of the selected pathogens are added to bio-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 339
10 (a) (b)
Copy number
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Sample Time (days)
reactors containing groundwater that has been manipulated to achieve the conditions to be studied (see Sidhu et al.,
in press for an example of the experiments). Samples of the pathogens are collected at specified time intervals and
the number of viable pathogens is determined (Toze and Hanna, 2002; Gordon and Toze, 2003). At the same time,
the metabolic activity of the groundwater microorganisms present in the collected sample is determined by a com-
bination of measurements of ATPase levels and Fluorescein Diacetate degradation. The rate of decay of each of the
pathogens studied can then be determined over the entire incubation period and correlated with the metabolic
activity levels.
The conceptual basis for the computer model is to provide a management tool that takes into full account the
results from pathogen survival experiments (Figure 2). A preliminary modelling framework has been developed in a
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340 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Microsoft Excel workbook that will access experimentally-determined decay rates stored in a separate worksheet for
each of the pathogenic microorganisms for each set of unique conditions (temperature, redox state, and nutrient
level). The demonstration version of the workbook includes the linkages and essential calculations for determining
required pathogen decay times. The software structure is intended to be flexible, transparent and simple to use to
allow water resource managers to readily access experimental data to aid decision-making about minimum aquifer
residence times for microbial pathogen attenuation. As more experimental data are acquired throughout the project,
regression analysis and investigation of nonlinear survival curves will be conducted. The model will include an
uncertainty range on the calculated residence times. In this preliminary version of the model, decay rates can be
readily added to the appropriate look-up tables that are linked to the Excel workbook.
Figure 2. The basic front-end to the computer model developed as an Excel workbook.
The user enters data in field 1 and the spreadsheet provides the calculated pathogen decay time in field 2.
This front-end is linked to a spreadsheet containing data from the pathogen survival experiments.
The formulation of a predictive tool for determining minimum required retention times for microbial pathogen
decay during aquifer storage is one piece of a complex puzzle. There are other processes that can further attenuate
microbial pathogens (e.g. adsorption, straining) within the porous media during groundwater transport, but we
confine our attention at this stage to understanding how several critical environmental controls impact the survival
of pathogenic microorganisms. The preliminary model set forth in this paper is one of the first attempts to system-
atically investigate some of the fundamental controls on the inactivation of microbial pathogens due to the activity
of indigenous groundwater bacteria to facilitate the management of aquifer recharge systems. The approach and
synthesis of data for predicting the fate of microorganisms could be adapted to manage in-situ bioremediation or
estimate setback distances to prevent faecal contamination.
The authors acknowledge the support of the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF
Project No. 2974) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Division of Land and
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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Bhattacharjee S., Ryan J.N. and Elimelech M. (2002). Virus transport in physically and geochemically heterogeneous
subsurface porous media. J. Contam. Hydrol., 57, 161 – 187.
Bradford S.A., Bettahar M., Simunek J. and van Genuchten M. (2004). Straining and attachment of colloids in phys-
ically heterogeneous porous media. Vadose Zone J., 3, 384 – 394.
Bradford S.A., Yates S., Betahar M., and Simunek J. (2002). Physical factors affecting the transport and fate of col-
loids in saturated porous media. Water Resour. Res., 38(12), 1327, doi:10.1029/2002WR001340, 63.1 – 63.12.
Deng M.Y. and Cliver D.O. (1995). Persistence of inoculated hepatitis A virus in mixed human and animal wastes.
Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 16(1), 87 – 97.
Gordon C. and Toze S. (2003). Influence of groundwater characteristics on the survival of enteric viruses. J. Appl.
Microbiol., 95(3), 536 – 544.
Harter T., Wagner S. and Atwill E.R. (2000). Colloid transport and filtration of Cryptosporidium parvum in sandy soils
and aquifer sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol., 34(1), 62 – 70.
Hurst C.J. (1992). Using linear and polynomial models to examine the environmental stability of viruses. In:
Modeling the environmental fate of microorganisms, C.J. Hurst (ed.), American Society of Microbiology, 137 – 159.
Hurst C.J., Wild D.K. and Clark R.M. (1991). Comparing the accuracy of equation formats for modeling microbial
population decay rates. In: Modeling the metabolic and physiologic activities of microorganisms, C.J. Hurst (ed.),
John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 149 – 175.
John D. (2003). Transport and Survival of Water Quality Indicator Microorganisms in the Ground Water Environment of
Florida: Implications for Aquifer Storage and Waste Disposal. PhD thesis, College of Marine Sciences, University of
South Florida.
Kim S. and Corapcioglu M.Y. (2004). Analysis of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst transport in porous media. Hydrol.
Process., 18(11), 1999 – 2009.
Medema G.J., Bahr M. and Schets F.M. (1997). Survival of Cryptosporidium parvum, Escherichia coli, faecal enterococ-
ci and Clostridium perfringens in river water: influence of temperature and autochthonous microorganisms. Wat.
Sci. Tech. 35(11–12), 249 – 252.
Nasser A.M. and Oman S.D. (1999). Quantitative assessment of the inactivation of pathogenic and indicator viruses
in natural water sources. Water Res., 33, 1748 – 1752.
Nasser A.M., Glozman R. and Nitzan Y. (2002). Contribution of microbial activity to virus reduction in saturated soil.
Water Res., 36, 2589 – 2595.
Schijven J.F and Hassanizadeh, S.M. (2000). Removal of viruses by soil passage: overview of modeling, processes and
parameters. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol., 30(1), 49 – 127.
Sidhu J., Hanna J. and Toze S. (in press). Influence of groundwater redox conditions on decay of enteric viruses and
Cryptosporidium. ISMAR5 Conference Proceedings, Berlin, Germany.
Toze S. and Hanna J. (2002). The survival potential of enteric microbial pathogens in a treated effluent ASR Project.
In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (ed.), Balkema Publishers, Australia, 139 – 142.
Toze S. (2004). Pathogen survival in groundwater during artificial recharge. In: Wastewater Re-use and Groundwater
Quality, J. Steenvoorden and T. Endreny (ed.), IAHS Publication 285, 70 – 84.
Tufenkji N., Miller G.F, Ryan J.N., Harvey R.W. and Elimelech M. (2004). Transport of Cryptosporidium oocysts in
porous media: role of straining and physicochemical filtration. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38(22), 5932 – 5938.
Walker M., Leddy K. and Hagar E. (2001). Effects of combined water potential and temperature stresses on
Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. App. Environ. Microbiol. 67(12), 5526 – 5529.
Yates M. and Yates S. (1988). Modeling microbial fate in the subsurface environment. Crit. Rev. Environ. Control,
17(4), 307 – 344.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Excess air: a new tracer for artificially
recharged surface water
As part of a deliberate gas tracer experiment, noble gas concentrations were examined at an artificial recharge
site in Ventura County, CA. Surface water samples collected within a spreading basin were in equilibrium with the
atmosphere. Noble gases were supersaturated in groundwater samples collected directly below the spreading
pond due to the dissolution of trapped air within the unsaturated zone. This added fraction is commonly referred
to as excess air. The amount of excess air ranged between 9 and 17 cm3/L and averaged 13.7 cm3/L. Under natural
recharge conditions, excess air concentrations in groundwater are typically less than 5 cm3/L, although excess air
concentrations as large as observed here have been reported elsewhere away from artificial recharge sites. The
enrichment in noble gas concentrations indicates that excess air is a valuable tracer of surface water artificially
recharged water from spreading ponds.
Excess air; geochemical tracers; noble gases; recharge temperature.
Tracing the movement of groundwater artificially recharged at engineered sites is critical for evaluating in situ water
quality changes and the potential for future contamination of near by wells. A number of methods have been devel-
oped over the years for determining flow paths and travel times from recharge locations including geochemical
finger printing (Lee et al., 1992; Ma and Spadling, 1996; Williams, 1997; Clark et al., 2004) and deliberate tracer
experiments (Gamlin et al., 2001; Clark et al., 2004, 2005; Avisar and Clark, 2005). The former technique exploits
differences in the geochemistry (e.g., stable isotope composition, chlorinity, etc.) of the recharge and native ground-
water while the latter uses controlled releases of trace substances (e.g., sulfur hexafluoride, isotopes of noble gases).
Deliberate tracer experiments are limited by dilution with the native groundwater and by the travel time within the
subsurface. Travel time to wells can be longer than the project length and, thus, these experiments can be imprac-
tical. Geochemical fingerprinting does not have these limitations because it is not dependent on travel time.
However, when there is little difference between the chemistry and isotope composition of the native and recharge
waters, geochemical finger printing is unable to trace the recharge water. Here, we examine a new tracer, excess air,
which has characteristics of both types of tracers discussed above and can be use to trace artificial recharge water
from spreading basins. Excess air forms during recharge and is characterized by gas concentrations greater than
equilibrium values (Heaton and Vogel, 1981). Thus, it is added to the percolating surface water like a deliberate
tracer whenever recharge is occurring. Because its signature in artificially and naturally recharged groundwater is
different, its fingerprint can be used to distinguish the origin of groundwater near engineered recharge sites.
Excess air forms when air becomes trapped below the water table and dissolves due to the increased hydrostatic
pressure as a result of rising water tables. The rise is proportional to the amount of recharge and is typically much
larger during periods of artificially recharge at spreading ponds than during natural recharge events. Non-reactive
dissolved gases record the amount of excess formed. Most commonly, it is determined using measurements of
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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dissolved noble gases (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe). During the inversion process noble gas recharge temperatures are also
calculated (Aeschbach-Hertig et al., 1999, 2000; Stute and Schlosser, 2000).
Field location
The El Rio Spreading Grounds are located in the
regional recharge area (the Forebay) of the Oxnard
ER #6
Plain (Ventura County, CA, USA) within the Santa
Clara-Calleguas Hydrologic unit. The upper aquifer
system is composed of discontinuous layers of ER #7 #2
ER #5
gravel, sand, and silt and has generally been split
into an upper and lower zone of production #3 ER #4
(Hanson et al., 2003). The upper 50 m below the
ER #15 #1
spreading grounds is free of impermeable layers
and, thus, the ground has a high infiltration capaci- #4
ty. Artificial recharge at the El Rio Spreading ER #8
Grounds has taken place since their construction #5 ER #3
in 1955 and during the 1990s about 40 x 106 m3
of water was recharged annually (United Water,
#6 ER #2
Noble gas samples were collected primarily for 3He analysis as part for a dual gas tracer experiment designed to
examine gas transport below spreading ponds. Results from that experiment can be found in Clark et al. (2005). In
September 2002, about 24 x 106 m3 of water was released from Lake Piru down Piru Creek and into the Santa Clara
River. About 20% of this water was diverted into the El Rio Spreading Grounds, flooding Ponds 2 and 3 for 35 days
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344 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Water Level
had received very little water for the
(m asl)
three months prior to this release. 16
Between 27-Sept-02 and 4-Oct-02, a gas
mixture containing SF6 (~ 900 liters)
and 3 He (~1 liter) was injected into 12
Pond 2 (surface area = 3.8 hectare)
by bubbling through a diffusion stone. Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer
During this time, the average per- 4
Percolation Rate
colation rates of surface water into
(m s )
the ground from Pond 2 and 3 were
1.8 m3 s – 1 and 1.7 m3 s – 1, respectively. 2
The September percolation rate was
about an order of magnitude higher
than the long-term mean because the 0
-100 0 100 200 300
ponds had recently been cleaned of
clogging material. At the time of the Time (days)
injection, the water table measured at Figure 2. The temporal rate of artificial
nearby monitoring and production recharge (percolation) and the local water table elevation
wells (El Rio #7) was ~12 m below the at the El Rio Spreading Grounds. The bottom of Pond 2
bottom of the pond (Fig. 2). is about 30 m above sea level. Time zero is Sept. 27, 2002.
Surface and groundwater samples for noble gas analyses were collected in 20 cm long, ~1 cm diameter copper tubes
sealed with steel pinch-off clamps. Pond water samples were collected ~ 0.2 m below the surface from two locations
using a submersible pump. Groundwater samples were collected from two production wells, El Rio #5 and #6
(Fig. 1). Both of these wells are located adjacent to Pond 2 and are screened between about 45 m and 90 m below
ground surface. During the first two months after the tracer injection, groundwater samples were collected every
3 to 7 days. For the next six months, they were collected every 2 to 4 weeks. Thereafter, samples were collected
every 6 to 8 weeks.
In the laboratory, the copper tubes were attached to a high vacuum/clean-up system that led to a VG5400 noble-gas
mass spectrometer. The noble gases were extracted from the water samples by boiling under vacuum and separated
from other gases with a series of cold traps and titanium getters. The 3 He / 4He isotope ratio and the concentrations
of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe were determined. The mass spectrometer was calibrated with equilibrated water samples
and known quantities of air. The uncertainties of 3 He / 4He isotope ratio, the He, Ne, and Ar concentration, and the
Kr and Xe concentration measurements were ± 0.5%, ± 1%, and ± 2%, respectively. The amount of excess air and
noble gas recharge temperatures were calculated with inversion methods described by Aeschbach-Hertig et al.
(1999, 2000). The uncertainties of the calculated noble gas temperature and excess air amount were, respectively,
± 0.5 °C and ± 0.3 cc STP/L or better.
Dissolved Ar, Ke and Xe concentrations in Pond 2 were in equilibrium with the atmosphere assuming a water temperature
of ~17.5 °C (the pond temperature was not measured). He and Ne were slightly supersaturated ([He] = 101 to 105%
saturation and [Ne] = 103 to 107%). Relative to the pond water, all five gases were enriched in the groundwater
samples due to the dissolution of trapped air. Average excesses, defined here as ([X]measured / [X]equilibrium – 1), were
for He, 153% ± 27%, Ne, 130% ± 26%, Ar, 42% ± 10%, Kr, 22% ± 5%, and Xe, 10% ± 4%. As measured by the Ne
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 345
excess, the amount of excess air formed below the spreading grounds is larger than generally observed under con-
ditions of natural recharge where typically Ne excess are less than 50% (Wilson and McNeill, 1997; Stute and
Schlosser, 2000). Ne excesses as large or larger than observed below the El Rio Spreading Grounds have been found
in a few aquifers away from spreading ponds, most notably in the Stampriet aquifer, Namibia (Stute and Talma,
Oxygen and other components of air will dissolve along with the noble gases during excess air formation and,
therefore, the recharge process will also increase their concentrations above equilibrium values. The noble gas most
similar to oxygen is Ar. Groundwater Ar concentrations were 142% ± 10% of saturation. Thus, dissolved oxygen
concentrations should have increased by a similar amount. Because dissolved oxygen is a critical reactant in many
biogeochemical reactions that removes contaminants, excess air formation is an important process that leads to
improve water quality near sites where surface percolation is the primary method of artificial recharge.
Excess air concentrations in the groundwater ranged between 9 and 17 cm3 / L and averaged 13.7 cm3 / L. During the
September recharge event, ~3 x 106 m3 of surface water was recharged from Pond 2, thus more than 4 x 107 liters of
trapped air within the vadose zone dissolved during excess air formation. Assuming a porosity of 33% and a depth
to water table of 12 m (Fig. 2), air from more than 30% of the total pore volume dissolved. Hence, the amount of
trapped air contained below the spreading pond was significantly reduced during the recharge event. This reduction
most likely leads to changes in the amount of excess air formed. More excess air should form early in the wetting
cycle of the spreading ponds. Given enough time, the amount of excess air should approach zero and excess air
formation should end.
Time series measurements at El Rio #5 and #6 showed that the amount of excess air varied systematically, although
the two wells were not in phase (Fig. 3a). These variations reflect the decreasing amount of excess air during the
wetting cycle, the differing transit time between recharge locations and well, and differences in mixing between
water recharged at different times due to the relatively long screen intervals (~ 45 m).
Noble gas recharge temperatures ranged between ~20 ° and ~13 °C during the 7-month long study period (Fig. 3b).
The warmest samples were observed at the beginning of the study (Oct-02) and the coolest at the end (April-02).
The temperatures were consistent with the season of recharge assuming a very short travel time. Results from the
deliberate tracer study indicate that travel from Pond 2 to these wells were on the order of weeks (Clark et al.,
2005). Early in the record, noble gas temperatures at El Rio #6 were significantly warmer (~3 °C) than El Rio #5.
These calculated temperatures were also warmer than Pond 2 samples. Noble gas temperatures generally reflect the
El Rio #5 El Rio #6
18 22
Recharge Temperature (˚C)
Excess Air (cc STP / L )
16 20
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
Time (days) Time (days)
Figure 3. (A) Excess air and (B) noble gas temperatures from groundwater samples
collected beneath the El Rio Spreading grounds. Time zero is Sept. 27, 2002.
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346 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
soil temperature near the water table (Stute and Schlosser, 2000). Given the large quantities of water recharged it is
likely that the temperature of the soil was not very different from that of the pond. The more likely explanation is El
Rio #6 was drawing in a greater fraction of water recharged early during the September recharge event when the
temperature was warmer.
Excess air concentrations below the El Rio Spreading grounds are usually high. Dissolution of trapped air within
the unsaturated zone is the source of the excess air. Because it is added during the recharge processes, it can be used
to trace artificially recharged surface water through the groundwater system. The amount of excess air observed
was more than a factor of two greater than the typical amount found in groundwater under natural recharge con-
We thank Tony Blankenship and Dror Avisar for assisting in the field. Steve Bachman and Daniel Detmer provided
valuable information and data about the operations of the El Rio Spreading Grounds. This work was supported by
the United Water Conservation District, the Water Resources Center of the University of California (W-962), and
the University Collaborative Research Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (#03-GS-024). This is
contribution #0692 of the Institute for Crustal Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Peeters, F., Beyerle, U., and Kipfer R. (1999). Interpretation of dissolved atmospheric noble
gases in natural waters, Water Resour. Res., 35, 2779 – 2792.
Aeschbach-Hertig, W., Peeters, F., Beyerle, U. and Kipfer R. (2000). Palaeotemperature reconstruction from noble
gases in ground water taking into account equilibration with entrapped air, Nature, 405, 1040 – 1044.
Avisar, D. and Clark, J. F. (2005). Evaluating Ground Water Flow Beneath an Artificial Recharge Pond Using Sulfur
Hexafluoride, Environ. Eng. Geosci., in-press.
Clark, J.F., Hudson, G. B., Davisson, M. L., Woodside, G. and Herndon, R. (2004). Geochemical imaging of flow near
an artificial recharge facility, Orange County, CA, Ground Water, 42, 167 – 174.
Clark, J.F. Hudson, G. B. and Avisar, D. (2005). Gas dynamics below artificial recharge ponds: Insights from a dual
gas (SF6 and 3 He) tracer experiment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 3939 – 3945.
Gamlin, J.D.; Clark, J. F; Woodside, W. and Herndon, R. (2001). Large-scale tracing of ground water with sulfur
hexafluoride, J. Environ. Eng., 127, 171 – 174.
Hanson, R.T., Martin, P., and Koczot, K. M. (2003). Simulation of ground-water/surface-water flow in the Santa
Clara-Calleguas ground-water basin, Ventura County, California. U.S., Geological Survey Water-Resources
Investigation Report 02-4136, 157 pp.
Heaton, T. H. E. and Vogel, J. C. 1981. ‘Excess-air’ in groundwater. J. Hydro., 50, 201 – 216.
Lee, T. C., Williams A. E., and Wang C. C. (1992). An artificial recharge experiment in the San Jacinto Basin,
Riverside, Southern California. J. Hydro., 140, 235 – 259.
Ma, L. and Spalding, R. F. (1996). Stable Isotope characterization of the impacts of artificial ground water recharge.
Water Resour. Bull., 32, 1273 – 1282.
Stute M. and Schlosser, P. (2000). Atmospheric noble gases. In Environmental tracers in Subsurface Hydrology: Cook,
P., Herczeg, A. L., Eds. Kluwer: Boston, 349 – 377.
Stute M. and Talma, S. (1998). Glacial temperatures and moisture transport regimes reconstructed from noble gases
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 347
and O-18, Stampriet aquifer, Namibia. In Isotope Techniques in Studying Past and Current Environmental Changes
in the Hydrosphere and the Amosphere, IAEA: Vienna, 307 – 318.
United Water (2001). Surface and Ground water Conditions Report Water Year 2000 Supplement. Ground Water
Resources Department, UWCD, Ventura County, CA, 60 pp.
Williams, A. E. (1997). Stable isotope tracers: natural and anthropogenic recharge, Orange County, California. J.
Hydro., 201, 230 – 248.
Wilson, G. B. and McNeill, G. W. (1997). Noble gas recharge temperatures and the excess air component. Appl.
Geochem., 12, 747 – 762.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Colloid transport and deposition
in natural sand
Tracer experiments were conducted to compare colloid transport in natural and cleaned dune sand at saturated
conditions. Negatively charged fluorescent microspheres of three sizes (0.02, 0.1 and 1 µm) together with a
soluble tracer (LiBr) were added to artificial rainwater solution and applied to the surface of vertical small and
large columns. During the experiments effluent samples were taken at the column outlets. Additionally, the
columns were dissected and samples were collected at different depths at the end of the experiments.
Breakthrough colloid concentration curves and the final spatial distribution of colloids retained by the porous
media were found to be dependent on the colloid size and cleanness degree of the sand. Overall breakthrough of
colloids was found to be less in natural sand compared to washed sand. Differences were especially significant for
the smallest colloids. In the large column experiment colloids were retained in the upper meter, while the solute
tracers showed similar behavior like in the small columns.
Colloid-facilitated transport; colloid transport; heterogeneous porous media; saturated flow.
Colloidal particles exist in most natural sediments in high quantities (Kretzschmar et al., 1999; McCarthy and
Zachara, 1989; Ryan and Elimelech, 1996). Due to their large specific surface area, mobilization of colloidal par-
ticles may lead to enhanced transport of hydrophobic contaminants (with high affinity to the solid matrix). These
contaminants, such as radionuclides, toxic metals, and many of the pesticides, are likely to be immobile unless
there is a migration of colloids (Ryan and Elimelech, 1996). Considering the importance of aquifers as a potable
water resource, contamination of groundwater by hydrophobic pollutants and biocolloids is of the utmost public
concern. The fact that most of the potential contamination sources are located at the soil surface or within the
vadose zone requires transport through the unsaturated zone before the groundwater is reached. Despite this, flood-
water percolation like in arid regions, can lead to temporary saturated conditions, which increases the likelihood of
colloid facilitated transport (Chen and Flury, 2005; Jin et al., 2000; Wan and Wilson, 1994).On the other hand,
most natural surfaces have an uneven, heterogeneous charge distribution (Song et al., 1994), which could lead to
retention of colloids. We compared colloid transport in natural and washed saturated sand. Washing of the sand
reduces chemically charged surfaces like oxide coatings (as for acid washing) and removes the smallest dust fraction
from the sand. In this paper we present the results of small and large column experiments, which evaluate the effect
of cleaning treatment of natural dune sand on colloidal transport at saturated conditions. Colloid transport exper-
iments were carried out in columns, which were packed with differently treated dune sand: (a) no washing
(natural); (b) washing with Distilled Water (DW); and (c) acid washed sand (acid). Breakthrough Curves (BTC’s)
were obtained for colloid and solute tracer.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 349
For the experiments we used natural dune sand, originating from the Israeli Coastal Plain 20 km south of Ashkelon.
The grain size distribution of the sand is shown in Fig. 1, accounting for the three different washing procedures.
The porosity of the sand was 0.32 ± 0.01. The moisture retention characteristics were determined by the pressure
plate method (pF=0-2) and at high pressure in the desiccator at pF=4.445 (Shein et al., 2001). The water content
was determined gravimetrically. The saturated hydraulic properties were determined in small saturated column
experiments (Jury et al., 1991). The unsaturated hydraulic properties (van Genuchten) were evaluated by the code
APW02-1 (A. Yakirevich, in preparation). The sand was coarsely sieved (2 x 2 mm) in order to remove roots and
stones, but to conserve the natural soil texture. The sand denoted as ‘natural’ was not further treated. The sand
named DW was washed and rinsed with DW water for about ten times until no turbidity was observed. The ‘acid
washed’ sand was treated with nitric acid (50%) and rinsed with Double Distilled Water (DDW) as described by
Wan and Wilson (1994). The experimental set up for the small and the large column experiments is shown in
Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.
Weight Percent Fraction (%)
20 DW
15 acid
50 53 75 150 300 420 500 840 1000
Figure 1. Grain size distribution of the three differently treated sands by weight percent fraction
ARW Tracer
ARW Tracer
TDR & Solution
Solution Solution
Sampling Point
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350 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The small columns were made of Plexiglas with overall dimensions of 20 cm length and 5.7 cm inner diameter.
They were dry packed homogenously, separately filled with the differently treated sands, and then saturated from
the bottom, first with CO2 and afterwards with Artificial Rain Water (ARW, (Livshitz, 1999). The tracer solution
consisted of fluorescent polystyrene carboxylate microspheres (FluoSpheres®, Molecular Probes Inc., Eugene,
Oregon) of three different sizes (1, 0.2, and 0.02 µm) and LiBr (Lithium Bromide) dissolved in ARW (I=0.0023M,
pH=7.3). After the injection of the tracer as a pulse (1/4 of the column pore volume) the column was flushed with
ARW for at least 4 Pore Volume (PV). The solutions were pumped from top to bottom with a peristaltic pump,
which was calibrated to a flow rate resulting in pore velocity of 19.5 cm/h, prior to the experiments. Similar pore
velocities were observed from floodwater infiltration experiments carried out in the Arava Valley, Israel (Dahan, O.,
in preparation). Column outflow was collected in a fraction collector and analyzed for solute and colloidal tracer,
pH and Electrical Conductivity (EC) at the end of each experiment. Colloid particle concentration was determined
using a fluorescent spectrometer (Fluoremeter®) and soluble tracer concentration by spectrophotometer and
atomic adsorption spectrometer (Li+ and Br –, respectively). The columns were sliced in the end of each experiment
and the slices were sonicated in NaCl 0.005N solution for 20 minutes. Soil sample solution was extracted and par-
ticle concentration was analyzed with Fluoremeter®.
The large column consisted of rigid PVC and had a length of 250 cm with an inner diameter of 23.7 cm. Ten TDR
probes were installed in the column (from top to bottom: 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 130, 160, 210 cm). The TDR
probes were used to ensure that saturated conditions were reached and maintained before and during the whole run
of the experiment. In addition to that, thermocouples monitored the wetting front of the tracer pulse and heat
fluxes during the experiment (from top to bottom: 5, 10, 15, 70, 120, 170, 220 cm). The column was dry packed
homogeneously and saturated as the small columns. Water flow was induced by water head differences between the
pond level at the top of the sand and the water level in a hanging column that was connected to the bottom of the
large column. The two levels were kept constant - at the top of the column by an electrical tap and at the bottom by
a peristaltic pump. The gradient was calibrated such, that pore velocity would result in 19.5 cm/h, as for the small
column experiments. In the first large column experiment we used natural sand and the same tracer pulse (1/4 of
the column pore volume) as in the small columns. The tracer solution was applied at the top of the column and
afterwards flushed with ARW for at least four PV. In the second large column experiment we used DW sand and
twice the volume of tracer solution (1/2 column PV). Outflow was collected manually at 5-minute intervals and
analyzed as the small column outflow. Soil samples were collected in 5 cm resolution by a special soil sampler (Soil
Sample Ring Kit, Eijkelkamp). The sample extract was analyzed as described for the small column experiments.
BTC’s from the small columns are presented in Fig. 4 for 1, 0.2, and 0.02 µm for each sand treatment. In acid
washed sand colloid breakthrough is always earlier than in DW washed and natural sand. There is no significant
difference between 1 µm and 0.2 µm in breakthrough for all treatments. The smallest colloid though, 0.02 µm,
shows later breakthrough for DW and natural sand than the larger colloids. In addition, colloid recovery decreases
most distinctively for the smallest microspheres (0.02 µm). The recovery of the middle-sized colloids (0.2 µm) is
least influenced by the sand washing procedure.
The solute tracer BTC for the small columns is shown in Fig. 5, for lithium and bromide. Overall lithium break-
through is retarded compared to colloidal breakthrough. In DW and natural sand tailing is observed. This is because
the lithium cation attaches to the mostly negative charged sand grain surfaces of the more impure sands. Acid wash-
ing results in decrease of electrical charge, which leads to early breakthrough and higher recovery. Bromide with its
negative charge is least affected by the washing. Still there is earlier breakthrough for the acid washed sand.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 351
1.0 0.9
0.9 0.8
0.8 0.7
0.7 0.6
0.6 natural natural
0.5 DW
c/ c0
0.5 acid
acid 0.4
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
BTC 0.02µm
0.5 DW
0.4 acid
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Figure 4. BTC’s from experiments conducted at 19.5 cm/h average water velocity
BTC Lithium
1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6 natural
0.5 0.5
natural acid
0.4 DW 0.4
0.3 acid
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Figure 5. LiBr BTC from experiments conducted at 19.5 cm/h average water velocity
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
352 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Breakthrough of bromide was slightly earlier than that of colloids in natural and DW sand and similar to colloid
breakthrough in acid washed sand.
In the up scaled experiment with the same natural sand, colloids were retained completely, while the solute tracer
showed similar behavior to that observed in the small column with natural sand, see Fig. 6.
Concentration distribution of colloids retained with depths (see Fig. 7) shows that colloids are retained in the upper
This finding suggests that at field scale colloid facilitated transport may occur, but for the layers close to the soil
surface. Afterwards small dust particles and chemical heterogeneity lead to retention of the colloids.
1 .0
0 .9
0 .8
0 .7
Br small column
0 .6
Br large column
c/ c0
0 .5 Li small column
0 .4 Li large column
0 .3
0 .2
0 .1
0 .0
0 .0 0 .5 1 .0 1 .5 2 .0 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 4 .0
Figure 6. LiBr in natural sand, when comparing small and large column experiments
gr colloid/gr soil
0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006
Depth (cm)
10 0
15 0
20 0
25 0
BTC’s of the small column experiments show significant differences in arrival time and mass recovery of colloids for
cleaned and natural sand. While breakthrough in acid washed sand is earlier than the conservative tracer, break-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 353
through in natural sand is retarded and mass recovery is reduced. Up scaling to large columns reveals that with
travel time colloids are retained by either the matrix properties or clogging of flow channels by fine sand particles.
In arid environment where Aeolian dust is abundant, large amounts of such fine particles are likely to accumulate
on the land surface and in the upper soil layer. Intensive rain events and floods may carry these fine particles, and
contaminants sorbed to them, deeper into the vadose zone. However, while salts are likely to infiltrate fast toward
the water table, particles are more likely to accumulate within the upper meter. Particle accumulation could
partially clog the matrix and inhibit vertical contaminant migration. Overtime, this phenomenon could control
infiltration rate and even play a major role in the active recharge process.
Chen, G. and Flury, M., 2005. Retention of mineral colloids in unsaturated porous media as related to their surface
properties. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 256(2-3): 207 – 216.
Jin, Y., Chu, Y. and Li, Y., 2000. Virus removal and transport in saturated and unsaturated sand columns.
J. Contam.Hydrol., 43(2): 111 – 128.
Jury, W.A., Gardner, W.R. and Gardner, W.H., 1991. Soil Physics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, USA.
Kretzschmar, R., Borkovec, M., Grolimund, D. and Elimelech, M., 1999. Mobile subsurface colloids and their role in
contaminant transport. Adv.in Agronomy, 66: 121 – 193.
Livshitz, Y., 1999. The influence of natural and artificial factors on the chemical composition of the groundwater
in the northwestern Negev and the southern portion of the Shfela. Ph.D. Thesis, Ben-Gurion University,
Beer-Sheva, Israel.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Hydrogeochemical changes of seepage water
during artificial recharge of groundwater
in Berlin, Germany
J. Greskowiak, G. Massmann, G. Nützmann, H. Prommer
The spatial and temporal evolution of the seepage water chemistry below an artificial recharge pond was inves-
tigated to identify the impact of dynamic changes in water saturation and seasonal temperature variations.
Geochemical analysis of the pond water, suction cup water and groundwater showed that during summer, nitrate
and manganese reducing conditions dominate as long as saturated conditions prevail. Iron and sulphate
reduction occur only locally. When the sediment below the pond becomes unsaturated, atmospheric oxygen pene-
trates from the pond margins leading to re-oxidation of previously formed sulphide minerals and enhanced miner-
alisation of sedimentary particulate organic carbon. The latter promotes the dissolution of calcite. During winter,
both the saturated and the unsaturated stage were characterised by aerobic conditions. Thereby, nitrification of
sedimentary bound nitrogen could now be observed because nitrate is not immediately consumed, as is the case
during summer. This suggests that nitrification below the pond might be less affected by seasonal temperature
changes than nitrate reduction.
Artificial recharge, geochemistry, redox zoning, saturated-unsaturated zone, seasonal temperature changes.
Increasing water demands and pollution of water resources are some of the most serious challenges of the modern
world. Facing these problems, techniques of artificial groundwater recharge such as river bank filtration (e.g., Ray et
al., 2004), aquifer storage and recovery (ASR, e.g., Pyne, 1995), deep well injection (e.g., Stuyfzand et al., 2002)
and infiltration ponds (e.g., Bouwer, 2002) are becoming increasingly popular. Like other recharging techniques,
infiltration ponds are commonly used either to enhance the quality of surface water or to purify partially treated
sewage effluent (Bouwer 1991; Asano, 1992). While the fate of specific organic substances during surface water
infiltration into unsaturated porous media has been investigated intensively (e.g., Fujita et al., 1998; Lindroos et al.,
2002; Långmark et al., 2004), only a few studies exist which simultaneously give attention to the prevailing
inorganic chemistry, including redox conditions (e.g., Brun and Broholm, 2001). However, as the local redox state is
known to affect the fate of various organic pollutants such as pharmaceutically active compounds (PhAC’s, e.g.,
Holm et al., 1995, Massmann et al., 2005), pesticides (e.g., Tuxen et al., 2000), or halogenated organic compounds
(e.g., Bouwer and McCarty, 1983), it is important to understand the development of redox zones and their con-
straints in artificial recharge systems.
The aim of this study was to characterise and understand the dynamics of the hydrogeochemical evolution of
the seepage water below an artificial recharge pond, which result from transient hydraulic conditions and from
seasonal temperature variations of the surface water.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 355
The study site is one of three recharge ponds surrounded by 44 production wells located near Lake Tegel, Berlin,
Germany. Its infiltration surface extends over an area of approximately 8,700 m2 and has an elevation of 3 m below
the adjacent ground surface. Surface water of Lake Tegel is discharged into the pond after it has passed a micros-
trainer. With time, clogging processes at the pond’s floor lead to a continuous decrease of infiltration rates i.e. from
3 m/d to as low as 0.3 m/d. As soon as the infiltration rate decreases to below 0.3 m/d the site operator Berliner
Wasserbetriebe (BWB) abrades the clogging layer to restore the original hydraulic conductivity of the bottom sedi-
ments. This operational cycle is repeated every 3–4 months.
The sediments in the adjacent area of the pond are of Quaternary age and consist of fluvial and glacio-fluvial,
medium sized sand deposits. Fragments of an up to 5 m thick till layer are locally found in depths of approximately
15 m below the ground surface (Pekdeger et al., 2002). The hydraulic conductivities of the aquifer sediment are
about 10 – 100 m/d. A more detailed description of the sediment hydraulic properties is given in Pekdeger et al.
The organic carbon content of the sediment below the pond is highly variable and ranges from 0.2 g / kg to 20 g / kg.
Reducible forms of iron and manganese minerals are found in concentrations of 0.2 – 1.2 g / kg and 0.01 – 0.1 g / kg,
respectively. Total sulphur concentrations are in the range of 0.1 – 2.1 g / kg and are highest in organic-rich layers. A
more detailed description of the geochemical composition of the sediment below the pond can be found in
Greskowiak et al. (in press).
A detailed monitoring program was carried out over a period of more than one year. As part of this program
(i) the pond water, (ii) groundwater at a depth of 7 m below the pond and (iii) water extracted from four ceramic
suction cups located at depths of 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm and 200 cm below the pond were analysed for major ions
and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) every week. Anions and cations were measured by ion chromatography (IC,
DX 100) and atomic adsorption spectrometry (AAS, Perkin Elmer 5000), respectively. DOC was measured photo-
metrically with a Technicon autoanalyser. Dissolved oxygen (DO) was measured by optical oxygen sensors (Hecht
and Kölling, 2001) placed next to the suction
cups. Water contents and pressure heads at 50 cm
and 150 cm depths below the pond were recorded
continuously by TDR (Time Domain Reflecto-
metry) probes and pressure transducers respec-
tively. The temperature of the pond water and the
groundwater as well as the piezometric head at
8 m below the pond were continuously measured
daily with data loggers. The location of the
measurement devices are schematically shown Figure 1. Schematic cross-sectional view
in Figure 1. of study area and locations of measurement devices
Hydraulic characteristics
The hydraulic regime immediately below the pond was characterised by cyclic changes between saturated and
unsaturated conditions, as indicated by (i) the varying piezometric head resembling the approximate groundwater
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356 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Surface water composition
Throughout the entire observation period, the pond water typically contained 7–16 mg / l of DO. Nitrate concen-
trations were highly variable and ranged from 0 –12 mg / l. The lowest concentrations were attributed to nitrogen
uptake by algae blooms during summer. With a few exceptions, dissolved iron (data not shown) and manganese
were typically below detection limit. Sulphate concentrations were relatively high (~140 mg / l, data not shown).
With calcium concentrations of 80 – 90 mg/l and total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations of
30 – 37 mg/l, the pond water was oversaturated with respect to calcite (SI Calcite= 0.4 – 1.2). Dissolved organic carbon
was rather low with concentrations of about 5–11 mg /l. The pH was relatively stable and generally in the range
of 8 – 8.5.
Summer cycle
As soon as saturated conditions established below the pond in summer (stage 2), DO became entirely depleted at all
observed depths below the pond (Figure 3). Nitrate and manganese reducing conditions were dominant beneath the
pond as long as saturated conditions prevailed. This was indicated by the total depletion of nitrate and the sub-
sequent increase of dissolved manganese at several observation points (Figures 3 and 4). Iron and sulphate reduc-
tion and subsequent formation of iron sulphides occurred locally as a result of the sediment’s chemical hetero-
geneity and non-uniform flow (Greskowiak et al., in press). At the beginning of Stage 3, when the sediment below
the pond became unsaturated, atmospheric oxygen entered the region leading to an increase of DO (Figure 3) and
subsequent cessation of nitrate and manganese reduction (Figure 4). The iron sulphides that had formed during
saturated conditions immediately became re-oxidised and led to a short peak of elevated sulphate concentrations at
various depths below the pond (data not shown). During Stage 3, nitrate concentrations at some observation points
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 357
Winter cycle
During winter, DO was not entirely Figure 3. Concentrations of a. dissolved oxygen (DO),
consumed in the presence of fully satu- b. nitrate (NO3-) in the pond water, groundwater
rated conditions (Figure 3), presumably and at depths of 50 cm;
because very low surface water tempera- the numbers 1 – 4 refer to Stages 1– 4.
tures (Figure 2) caused a reduction in
microbial activity. Therefore the con-
sumption of electron acceptors such as
oxygen and nitrate proceeded at much
lower rates (see also, e.g., Prommer and
Stuyfzand, 2005). Unlike in summer,
aerobic conditions prevailed throughout
the entire Stage 2 as a result of the lower
water temperatures during winter (Fig-
ure 2). Neither consumption of nitrate
nor production of dissolved manganese
occurred. Instead, during Stage 2 and
Stage 3, nitrate concentration increased
by 1–5 mg/l within the seepage water on
its path from the pond bottom to the
groundwater monitoring well (Figure 3).
Since ammonium concentrations within
the pond water are generally small and
range from 0 mg / l to 0.2 mg / l (unpub- Figure 4. Concentrations of a. dissolved manganese (Mn2+),
lished data of BWB), additional sediment b. total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the pond water,
bound nitrogen might be oxidised under groundwater and at depths of 50 cm;
the prevailing aerobic conditions. The the numbers 1 – 4 refer to Stages 1– 4.
nitrogen source could either be exchange-
able ammonium that was oxidised, as previously observed for other recharge basins (e.g., Bouwer et al., 1980), or it
might also be organic nitrogen that was oxidised during breakdown of POC (e.g., von Gunten et al., 1991). The
production of nitrate below the pond was only observable during winter when nitrate was not consumed simul-
taneously. During Stage 3, an enhanced production of inorganic carbon is observed, though not as intense as during
the summer period (Figure 4).
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358 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
This study investigated the geochemical evolution below an artificial recharge pond with respect to its transient
hydraulic behaviour and seasonal temperature changes. The results show that during the summer period the spatial
and temporal development of different redox environments is impacted considerably by the hydraulic conditions
prevailing below the pond. During the entire winter period, the redox environment below the pond remains aerobic
despite variable hydraulic conditions. As a side effect of decreased biodegradation rates, nitrification of sedimentary
bound nitrogen is only observed during winter conditions. This could indicate that nitrification below the pond is
less affected by temperature changes than nitrate reduction. Since local redox conditions are the key control for the
attenuation of some trace organic compounds, the study provided the base for further investigations on the fate of
such compounds during artificial recharge, as demonstrated for the case of PhAC’s by the companion paper by
Massmann et al. (2005).
The authors would like to thank Berliner Wasserbetriebe and Veolia Water for financial support of the NASRI
project at the KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin making this study possible. Henning Prommer was supported by
CORONA, a 5th framework Project of the European Union. Special thanks also to Grit Siegert, Kilian Pramschiefer,
Elke Weiß, Silke Meier, Doreen Richter and Achim Bartels for their technical help. We would like to thank Eddie
Banks for reviewing this paper.
Asano, T. (1992). Artificial Recharge of Groundwater with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater: Current Status and
Proposed Criteria. Water Sci. Technol., 25(12), 87– 92.
Bouwer, E. J. and McCarty, P. L. (1983). Transformations of halogenated organic compounds under denitrification
conditions. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 45(4), 1295 –1299.
Bouwer, H. (1991). Role of groundwater recharge in treatment and storage of wastewater for reuse. Water Sci.
Technol., 24(9), 295 –302.
Bouwer, H. (2002). Artificial recharge of groundwater: hydrogeology and engineering. Hydrogeology Journal, 10(1),
Bouwer, H., Rice, R. C., Lance, J. C., and Gilbert, R. G. (1980). Rapid–infiltration research – The Flushing Meadows
Project, Arizona. J. Water Poll. Contr. Fed., 52(10), 2457–2470.
Brun A., and Broholm, K. (2001). Basin infiltration at Arrenæs site, Denmark: Tracer test and quality changes dur-
ing aquifer passage below infiltration basins. In: Artificial recharge of groundwater, Final Report, European
Commission Project ENV4-CT95-0071, pp. 177–181.
Fujita, Y., Zhou, J., Orwin, E., Reinhard, M., Davisson, M. L., Hudson, G. B. (1998). Tracking the movement of
recharge water after infiltration. In: Artificial recharge of groundwater, Peters, J. H. (Ed.), A. A. Balkema,
Amsterdam, pp. 155 –160.
Greskowiak, J., Prommer H., Massmann, G., Johnston, C. D., Nützmann, G., Pekdeger, A. The Impact of Variably
Saturated Conditions on Hydrogeochemical Changes during Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Applied
Geochemistry, in press.
von Gunten, H. R., Karametaxas, G., Krähenbühl, U., Kuslys, M., Giovanoli, R., Hoehn, E., Keil, R. (1991). Seasonal
biogeochemical cycles in riverborne groundwater. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 55, 3597– 3609.
Hecht, H. and Kölling, M. (2001). A low-cost optode array measuring system based on 1mm plastic optical fibers –
new technique for in situ detection and quantification of pyrite weathering processes. Sensors and Actuators B, 81,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 359
Holm, J. V., Rügge, K., Bjerg, P. L., Christensen, T. H. (1995). Occurrence and Distribution of Pharmaceutical Organic
Compounds in the Groundwater Downgradient of a Landfill (Grindsted, Denmark). Environ. Sci. Technol., 29(5),
Långmark, J., Storey, M. V., Ashbolt, N. J., Stenström, T. A. (2004). Artificial groundwater treatment: biofilm activi-
ty and organic carbon removal performance. Water Res., 38(3), 740 – 748.
Lindroos, A-. J., Kitunen, V., Derome, J., Helmisaari, H-. S. (2002). Changes in dissolved organic carbon during arti-
ficial recharge of groundwater in a forested esker in Southern Finland. Water Res., 36(20), 4951–4958.
Massmann, G., Greskowiak, J., Dünnbier, U., Zuehlke, S., Pekdeger, A. (2005). The impact of alternating redox con-
ditions on groundwater chemistry during artificial recharge in Berlin. Proc. (in this volume).
Pekdeger, A., Massmann, G., Ohm, B., Pühringer, S., Richter, D., Engemann, N., Gruß, S. (2002). Hydrogeological-
hydrogeochemical processes during bank filtration and ground water recharge using a multi tracer approach. 1st NASRI
report, Kompetenz Zentrum Wasser Berlin, pp. 14 – 50.
.Prommer, H., and Stuyfzand, P. J. (2005) Identification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a
deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. and Technol., 39, 2200 – 2209.
Pyne, R.D. (1995). Groundwater Recharge and Wells: A Guide to Aquifer Storage Recovery. Lewis Publishers, Boca
Raton, Florida.
Ray, C., Melin, G., Linsky, R. B. (2002). Riverbank filtration – Improving Source-Water Quality. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht.
Stuyfzand, P. J., Vogelaar, A. J., Wakker, J. (2002). Hydrogeochemistry of prolonged deep well injection and subse-
quent aquifer storage in pyritiferous sand; DIZON pilot; Netherlands. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for
Sustainability, Dillon, P. J (Ed.), A. A. Balkema, 107–110.
Tuxen, N., Tüchsen, P. L., Rügge, K., Albrechtsen, H-. J., and Bjerg, P. L. (2000). Fate of seven pesticides in an aero-
bic aquifer studied in column experiments. Chemosphere, 41, 1485 – 1494.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Quantifying biogeochemical changes
during ASR of reclaimed water
at Bolivar, South Australia
J. Greskowiak, H. Prommer, J. Vanderzalm, P. Pavelic, P. Dillon
A modelling study was carried out to provide a process-based quantitative interpretation of the biogeochemical
changes that were observed during an ASR experiment in which reclaimed water was injected into a limestone
aquifer at a field-site near Bolivar, South Australia. A site-specific conceptual model for the interacting hydro-
dynamic and biogeochemical processes that occur during reclaimed water ASR was developed and incorporated
into an existing reactive multi-component transport model. The major reactive processes considered in the model
were microbially mediated redox reactions, driven by the mineralisation of organic carbon, mineral preci-
pitation/dissolution and ion exchange. The study showed that the geochemical changes observed in the vicinity
of the ASR well could only be adequately described by a model that explicitly considers microbial growth
and decay processes, while an alternative, simpler model formulation based on the assumption of steady state
biomass concentration failed to reproduce the observed hydrochemical changes. However, both, the simpler
and the more complex model approach were able to reproduce the geochemical changes further away from the
injection/extraction well. These changes were interpretated as a result of the combined effect of ion exchange,
calcite dissolution and mineralisation of dissolved organic carbon.
ASR, biogeochemical modelling, PHT3D, reactive transport, reclaimed water.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR, Pyne, 1995) is an increasingly popular technique to augment groundwater
resources and secure and enhance water supplies. During ASR, physical, chemical and biogeochemical processes
modify the water quality within the target aquifer. For instance, the injection of both oxic potable water and oxic
nutrient-rich reclaimed water into an anaerobic aquifer can lead to a number of microbially mediated redox
reactions (Stuyfzand, 1998; Vanderzalm et al., 2002), which in turn may trigger further geochemical reactions that
have a considerable effect on the water quality and the composition of the aquifer matrix. (Eckert and Appelo,
2002). In order to design and operate efficient, sustainable and safe ASR schemes, a qualitative and quantitative
understanding of those processes is important. Therefore, several field-scale investigations have been carried out
over the past years, some of them specifically investigating the geochemical response to the injection of high
quality water (e.g., Stuyfzand, 1998; Mirecki et al., 1998) but also of reclaimed wastewater (e.g., Valocci et al., 1981;
Vanderzalm et al., 2002). However, numerical models which investigate the interacting hydrodynamic and biogeo-
chemical processes during ASR (e.g., Valocchi et al., 1981, Saaltink et al., 2003; Prommer and Stuyfzand, 2005) and
assist in the analysis and interpretation of observed field data are rather scarce to date.
As part of a larger-scale study (Dillon et al., 2005), Greskowiak et al. (submitted) developed a site-specific model-
ling framework that provides a process-based interpretation of the biogeochemical changes that occurred during a
field experiment in which pre-treated, nutrient-rich reclaimed water was injected into a limestone aquifer at Bolivar,
South Australia.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 361
The present paper addresses the ubiquitous question of selecting an appropriate level of model complexity under
such circumstances. To illustrate this issue we compare and discuss two alternative conceptual biogeochemical
models and their numerical implementation in relation to their respective capability of describing the observed field
The Bolivar ASR site is located in the Northern
Adelaide Plains, South Australia and used to
investigate the viability of storage and recovery of
reclaimed water intended to compensate the
greater demand of irrigation water during summer
(Vanderzalm et al., 2002). During the experiment,
the reclaimed water was injected into a brackish
limestone aquifer, which is separated from the
overlying fresh water aquifer by a 7.5 m thick
confining clay layer. Discontinuous injection of
250 ML took place between October 1999 and
April 2000, followed by a storage period of
110 days. Subsequently, about 150 ML were recov- Figure 1. Cumulative volume of injected water
ered within the following 130 days (Figure 1).
The injection took place over the entire depths of
the target aquifer, i.e., from 103 m to 160 m below the ground surface. Several multilevel wells have been installed
at various radial distances from the ASR well, monitoring the geochemical evolution of the groundwater during
injection, storage and recovery.
The hydrogeochemistry of the target aquifer is characterised by anoxic conditions and the aquifer matrix is com-
posed of about 74 % calcite, 18 % quartz and small amounts of ankerite and hematite (Vanderzalm et al., 2002). The
average total cation exchange capacity (CEC) is 20 meq/kg.
Pumping tests, flowmeter, temperature and anisotropy measurements revealed that the target aquifer could be
classified into four stratified zones of similar thickness but of distinctly different permeability with an average hori-
zontal hydraulic conductivity of about 3 m/d (Pavelic et al., 2001). Thereby, lateral flow occurs preferentially in two
layers, referred to as Layer 1 and Layer 3.
Throughout the trial period, the quality of the injectant varied significantly with time. For example, oxygen and
nitrate concentrations ranged between < 0.02 and 0.32 mmol/L and < 0.0004 and 0.34 mmol/L, respectively.
Correspondingly, ammonium concentrations varied between <0.02 and 2 mmol/L. However, dissolved organic car-
bon concentrations (DOC) were relatively constant with an average concentration of 1.40 mmol/L. The average
total organic carbon concentration (TOC) was slightly higher (~ 1.51 mmol/L) and it is assumed that organic matter
in particulate form (POC) compensated the concentration difference between DOC and TOC. The injection water is
generally under-saturated with respect to calcite (SICalcite = –1.44 to 0.13). As the chloride concentration of the
injectant is approximately 50 % of the ambient groundwater concentration, chloride was thought to be a suitable
tracer for the identification of physical transport. More details on the monitored hydrochemistry are given in
Vanderzalm et al. (2002).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
362 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
In a first step a three-dimensional flow and conservative transport model of the ASR trial was set up and calibrated.
In a second step the results were used to determine the groundwater flow within the most permeable layer (Layer 3)
and to construct a computationally more efficient quasi-radial flow and transport model for this particular layer.
The quasi-radial flow model formed the basis for the subsequent simulations with the reactive multi-component
transport model PHT3D (Prommer et al., 2003). The reaction network considered in those simulations included
all major ions, oxygen, one type of ion exchanger site, two forms of mobile organic carbon (i.e., DOC, POC),
immobile organic carbon, four minerals (i.e., calcite, hematite, siderite and amorphous iron sulphide) and two
microbial groups. The two microbial groups were defined as facultative aerobic/denitrifying bacteria and facultative
iron/sulphate-reducing bacteria, respectively. The reaction stoichiometry of the redox reactions, which incorporate
microbial growth and decay were adapted from Prommer et al. 2002 and linked to a standard Monod-type microbial
growth model (e.g., Barry et al., 2002). The POC contained in the injectant was expected to rapidly become
immobile in the close vicinity of the ASR well due to filtration (Skjemstad et al., 2002) and attachment was simu-
lated using first order kinetics. From there it was assumed to solubilise and to form a continuous source of DOC.
The solubilisation was simulated by a kinetic approach adapted from Kinzelbach et al., 1991. More details are
given in Greskowiak et al. (submitted). For the present study two alternative conceptual biogeochemical models of
differing complexity were investigated:
In alternative (A), the simplifying assumption of a steady state microbial concentration was incorporated and the
mineralisation of DOC releases ammonia (Jacobs et al., 1988).
In alternative (B), microbial growth and decay were explicitly modelled and the release of ammonium was assumed
not to be associated with the solubilisation of the filtered POC. Instead, ammonium was cycled through the
occurrence of biomass growth and decay. That is, ammonium was included as a nitrogen source during biomass
formation while biomass decay was assumed to release ammonium back into the aqueous phase.
For both alternatives, adjustable model parameters, i.e., the rate constants of the kinetic reactions were fitted such
that the residual between simulated and observed concentrations was minimised. For this process the model-
independent nonlinear parameter estimation program PEST (Doherty, 2002) was coupled to PHT3D.
The simulation results of both calibrated alternatives (A) and (B) were compared with the hydrogeochemical data
collected at the ASR well and the 50 m well. The simulation results indicated that both alternatives were capable
of reproducing the key features of the hydrochemical changes which occurred at the 50 m well during injection,
storage and recovery. In the model, the degradation of DOC is accompanied by the consumption of oxygen
(not shown), nitrate (Fig. 2) and sulphate (Fig. 2), as measured in the field. Furthermore, the observed retarded
ammonium breakthrough at the 50m well can be decribed accurately by the simulated ion exchange reactions
(Fig. 2), while the increased concentrations of calcium (relative to nonreactive transport, see Fig. 2) result from the
dissolution of calcite.
However, alternative (A) was unable to account for some of the highly dynamic changes of the local geochemistry
observed in the close vicinity of the ASR well during the storage period. While the observed rapid increase of DOC
was well matched by the simulations (Fig. 2), the increase of ammonia (Fig. 2), alkalinity (Fig. 2), calcium (Fig. 2)
and dissolved iron (not shown) as well as the drastic decrease of sulphate (Fig. 2) and pH (Fig. 2) was not repro-
duced by alternative (A).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 363
On the other hand, all of the geochemical changes observed at the ASR well could be adequately simulated by alter-
native (B), providing evidence that the observed hydrochemistry is strongly affected by the dynamics of microbial
growth and decay. The model results suggest that in particular during the storage period, microbial decay, i.e., the
mineralisation of highly degradable biomass, plays a key role and consumes considerable amounts of oxidation
capacity, as discussed in Prommer et al. (2002). Correspondingly, inorganic carbon and protons are produced
during decay, as was observed in the field. In the model this effect was caused by the decay of facultative
aerobic/denitrifying bacteria (Fig. 2), which reduced sulphate (Fig. 2) and hematite (not shown) during the storage
Figure 2. Concentrations of DOC, ammonia/ammonium, nitrate, sulphate, calcium, alkalinity, pH and bacteria
at the ASR and the 50 m well. Concentrations of the injectant (crosses), observations (circles),
alternative A (dash-dot lines), alternative B (solid lines) and non-reactive simulations (dotted lines) are shown.
The present study investigated two alternative conceptual biogeochemical models with respect to their capability of
providing a quantitative and consistent description of the biogeochemical processes at a reclaimed water ASR
research site in South Australia. The results indicate that an adequate simulation of the geochemical changes in the
vicinity of the ASR well could be achieved by a more complex conceptual biogeochemical model, while geochemical
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
364 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
changes at larger distances were well-described by both models. This suggests that dynamic changes in bacterial
mass may be important in interpreting near-well hydrochemical data from reclaimed water ASR schemes and should
at least be considered during formulation of conceptual and numerical models. However, the identified processes
and their respective parameters are highly nonlinear and may be subject to non-uniqueness. Thus, the possibility
cannot be excluded that other conceptual models might describe the data equally well (Reichert and Omlin, 1997).
Generally, the benefit of mechanistic multi-component reactive transport models is seen primarily in their capacity
to constrain or reject hypotheses on interactions of physical, chemical and biological processes and to a lesser
extent in their predictive capabilities.
This study was made possible by the partners of the Bolivar Reclaimed Water ASR project (SA Dept of Water Land
and Biodiversity Conservation, CSIRO, SA Water Corp., United Water International Pty Ltd., and SA Dept of
Administrative and Information Services) and by the financial support of the American Water Works Association
Research Foundation (Project 2618), and was supported through NASRI, a project of KompetenzZentrum Wasser
Berlin funded by Veolia Water and Berliner Wasserbetriebe, and through CORONA, a research project of the
European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme. Finally, we thank Joachim Benz for kindly pro-
viding computational resources.
Barry, D.A., Prommer H., Miller, C.T., Engesgaard, P., and Zheng, C. (2002). Modelling the fate of oxidisable
organic contaminants in groundwater. Adv. Water Resour., 25, 945 – 983.
Dillon, P., Toze, S., Pavelic, P., Vanderzalm, J., Barry, K., Ying, G-G., Kookana, R., Skjemstad, J., Nicholson, B., Miller,
R., Correll, R., Prommer, H., Greskowiak, J. and Stuyfzand, P. (2005). Water quality improvements during aquifer
storage and recovery at ten sites. Proc. (in this volume).
Doherty, J. (2002). PEST– Model-Independent Parameter Estimation. User ’s manual, Fifth Edition. Watermark
Numerical Computing, Brisbane, Australia.
Eckert, P., and Appelo, C.A.J. (2002). Hydrogeochemical modeling of enhanced benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,
xylene (BTEX) remediation with nitrate. Water Resour. Res., 38(8), doi: 10.1029/2001WR000692.
Greskowiak, J., Prommer, H., Vanderzalm, J., Pavelic, P. and Dillon, P. Modelling of carbon cycling and biogeo-
chemical changes during a wastewater injection and recovery experiment at Bolivar, South Australia. submitted
to Water Resour. Res.
Jacobs, L.A., von Gunten, H.R., Keil, R., Kuslys, M. (1988). Geochemical changes along a river-groundwater infil-
tration flow path: Glattfelden, Switzerland. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 2693 – 2706.
Kinzelbach, W., Schäfer, W., and Herzer, J. (1991). Numerical Modeling of Natural and Enhanced Denitrification
Processes in Aquifers, Wat. Resour. Res., 27(6), 1123 – 1135.
Mirecki, J.E., Campell, B.G., Conlon, K. J., and Petkewich, M.D. (1998). Solute changes during Aquifer Storage and
Recovery testing in a limestone/clastic aquifer. Ground Water, 36(3), 394 – 403.
Pavelic, P., Dillon, P. J., Martin, R. R., Traegar, B., and Simmons, C.T. (2001). Multi-scale permeability character-
isation of a confined carbonate aquifer targeted for aquifer storage and recovery. In: New approaches characterising
groundwater flow, Seiler, K.P., and Wohnlich, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the IAH XXXI. Congress 2001, Munich,
Germany, 10 – 14 September, pp. 859 – 862.
Prommer, H., Barry, D.A., and Davis, G.B. (2002). Modelling of physical and reactive processes during biodegradation
of a hydrocarbon plume under transient groundwater flow conditions. J. Cont. Hydrol., 59, 113 – 131.
Prommer H., Barry, D.A., and Zheng, C. (2003). MODFLOW/MT3DMS based reactive multi-component transport
modelling. Ground Water, 41(2), 247– 257.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 365
Prommer, H., and Stuyfzand, P. J. (2005). Identification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a
deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. and Technol., 39, 2200 – 2209.
Pyne, R.D. (1995). Groundwater Recharge and Wells: A Guide to Aquifer Storage Recovery. Lewis Publishers, Boca
Raton, Florida.
Reichert, P., and Omlin, M. (1997). On the Usefulness of Overparameterized Ecological Models. Ecological Modelling,
95, 289 – 299.
Saaltink, M.W., Ayora, C., Stuyfzand, P. J., Timmer, H. (2003). Analysis of a deep well recharge experiment by cali-
brating a reactive transport model with field data. J. Cont. Hydrol., 65, 1– 18.
Skjemstad, J., Hayes, M., and Swift, R. (2002). Changes in Natural Organic Matter during Aquifer Storage. In:
Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Dillon, P. J (Ed.), A.A. Balkema, 149 – 154.
Stuyfzand, P. J. (1998). Quality changes upon injection into anoxic aquifers in the Netherlands: Evaluation of
11 experiments. In Artificial recharge of groundwater, Peters, J. H. et al. (Ed.), A.A. Balkema, 283 – 291.
Valocchi, A. J., Street, R. L., and Roberts, P.V. (1981). Transport of ion-exchanging solutes in groundwater:
Chromatographic theory and field simulation. Water. Resour. Res., 17(5), 1517 – 1527.
Vanderzalm, J. L., Le Gal La Salle, C., Hutson, J. L., and Dillon, P. J. (2002). Water quality changes during aquifer
storage and recovery at Bolivar, South Australia. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Dillon, P. J
(Ed.), A.A. Balkema, 83 – 88.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Case studies on water infiltration processes
in the unsaturated zone with
a multi-dimensional multiphase flow model
Song Pham-Van and Reinhard Hinkelmann
In this contribution, we briefly introduce the model concept of two-phase flow in porous media including the
governing equations as well as the numerical simulator MUFTE-UG. Case studies on water infiltration into
the unsaturated zone and its further movement to the groundwater table are investigated. The results show the
strong influences of a lens with a lower permeability and they emphasize the necessity of the two-dimensional
Water infiltration in the unsaturated zone and its further movement to the groundwater table is of major impor-
tance for aquifer recharge concerning water quantity and water quality. If complex aquifer systems which consist of
different layers, low permeable lenses and preferential flow paths are considered, the flow and transport processes in
the unsaturated zone are very complex and of course multi-dimensional, and they can considerably be influenced
by small-scale heterogeneities.
The flow processes in the unsaturated zone are mostly modeled with a one-dimensional Richardson model concept
in medium and large-scale domains. With this approach, lateral flow processes and their influences on the aquifer
recharge cannot be described in an adequate way.
Multi-dimensional two-phase flow models consisting of the phases water and soil air simulate the flow processes in
the unsaturated zone and the groundwater with the same model concept and include the horizontal spreading of
infiltrating water. Up to now, such model concepts have hardly been used for large-scale hydrological questions, but
for small-scale problems, for example in the context soil remediation or local contaminant infiltration.
The model concept of two-phase flow in porous media assumes that the two fluids, here water (w) and air (a),
are not miscible in each other and that mass transfer processes, for example evaporation or condensation, are neg-
ligible. The processes on the microscale are averaged to the REV scale (see Fig. 1).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 367
In these equations, φ stands for the porosity, S for the saturation, ρ for the density, t for the time, q for a sink /
source term, v for the Darcy-velocity vector, k r for the relative permeability, µ for the dynamic viscosity, K for the
permeability tensor, p for the pressure and g for the gravity vector.
Two further conditions are required to close the system of equations. The saturations, which describe the ratio of
the fluid volume to the volume of the void space, add up to one:
Sw + S a = 1 (3)
At the interface between the two fluids, a jump in the pressure occurs which is given by the capillary pressure p c:
pa – pw = pc (4)
The capillary pressure and the relative permeability are (highly) non-linear functions of the saturations and must be
determined experimentally; they are called constitutive relationships. The most general parameterizations are given
by Brooks, Corey and Van Genuchten; an overview is found in Helmig (1997).
The resulting equations are strongly coupled, highly non-linear and of mixed parabolic / hyperbolic type. A so-
called pw -Sa formulation is used i.e. that the water pressure and the air saturation are chosen as primary
variables. The equations are discretized by an implicit Euler scheme in time and a so-called box method in space.
The box method is a node-centered Finite-Volume Method using a fully upwinding technique for the advection
terms. Further information is found in Helmig (1997) and Hinkelmann (2005).
The two-phase flow model concept is implemented in the modeling system MUFTE-UG that is a combination of
MUFTE and UG (see Fig. 2). MUFTE stands for MUltiphase Flow, Transport and Energy model. UG is the abbre-
viation for Unstructured Grids. The numerical simulator is developed in the University of Stuttgart, TU Berlin (part
MUFTE) and the University of Heidelberg (part UG). This software toolbox mainly contains the physical model
concepts and discretization methods for isothermal and non-isothermal multiphase / multicomponent flow and
transport processes in porous and fractured-porous media, while UG provides the data structures and fast solvers
based on parallel, adaptive Multigrid Methods. Further information is found in Helmig (1997), Breiting et al.
(2002) and Hinkelmann (2005).
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368 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
A simplified typical aquifer for the area of Berlin is chosen for the test cases (see Fig. 3). The actual domain has a
depth of 50 m and a length of 100 m. The groundwater table is 35 m below the surface of the earth. We will inves-
tigate the water infiltration processes from rainfall in to a homogeneous system and in to the same system with a
low permeability lens.
Figure 3. Sketch of the aquifer system (left) and computational mesh (right)
The fluid properties of water are ρw = 10 3 kg/m3, µw = 10 −3 Pa and of air are ρw = 1.2 kg/m3, µw = 1.02 ∗10 −5 Pa.
The physical parameters are set to φ = 0.40, the domain has a permeability K = 10 –10 m2, this correspondents to
a hydraulic conductivity Kf = 10 –3m /s, and the lens has a lower permeability K = 10 – 8 m2, this correspondents
to a hydraulic conductivity Kf = 10 –1 m/s. The constitutive relationships of Brooks Corey are chosen with the para-
meters λ = 2.0, pd = 1000 Pa. Additionally, residual water and air (or gas) saturations must be given Swr = 0.1,
Sar = 0.01.
As initial conditions, the gas saturation is set to Snw = 0,9 in the unsaturated zone and the system is fully saturated
with water in the domain filled with groundwater. On the upper side, the boundary is open, and the water level i.e.
the water pressure is prescribed with a height of 20 cm. On the other sides, the boundaries are closed.
Figures 4, 5, 6 show the different saturation fields for the two test cases. In the left side of the result figures, first, the
infiltration front is observed (see Fig. 4), then the infiltration front reaches the capillary fringe (see Fig. 5) and
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 369
finally, the infiltration front is melting with the groundwater table (see Fig. 6). In the right side of the result figures,
the interference of the infiltration processes caused by the lens can be seen. The infiltration processes are decel-
erated and the flow is directed to another region. Such a heterogeneities has an important impact on the behavior of
the subsurface flow. In this case, 40% of the water which infiltrated into the system is trapped in the domain above
the lens.
Figure 7 shows the Darcy velocity fields of the domain with lens (right) and without lens (left) at time t = 484 min.
In the left, we can see one-dimensional infiltration processes, while these processes are two-dimensional in the
Figure 4. Water saturation fields at t = 183 min, homogeneous case (left), case with lens (right)
Figure 5. Water saturation fields at t = 429 min, homogeneous case (left), case with lens (right)
Figure 6. Water saturation fields at t = 484 min, homogeneous case (left), case with lens (right)
Figure 7. Darcy velocity at t = 484 min, homogeneous case (left), case with lens (right)
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370 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The two-phase flow model MUFTE-UG is capable to simulate two-dimensional water infiltration processes into het-
erogeneous aquifers. Case studies on water infiltration into the unsaturated zone and its further movement to the
groundwater table are investigated. The results show the strong influences of a lens with a lower permeability and
they emphasize the necessity of the two-dimension approach.
Breiting T., Hinkelmann R. and Helmig, R. (2002). Modeling of Hydrosystems with MUFTE_UG: Multiphase Flow and
Transport Processes in the Subsurface, Fourth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Iowa, USA.
Helmig R. (1997). Multipase Flow and Transport Processs in the Subsurface – A Contribution to the Modeling of Hydro-
systems, Springer, Berlin, Heidelbeg, New York.
Hinkelmann R. (2005). Efficient Numerical Methods and Information – Processing Techniques for Modeling Hydro- and
Environmental Systems. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Pham Van S., Kobayashi K., Hinkelmann R. (2004). Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media –
Parameter Studies on Water Infiltration Processes in an Experimental Slope, Young Water Research Journal, Vol. 1,
pp. 58 – 64, YWAT, The Netherlands.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V On the construction
of flowpath vector fields
E. Holzbecher
A software coupling with interfaces, written in MATLAB, is presented, which can be applied to produce flowpaths
as vector fields from a MODFLOW model. The main task of flowpath calculation is performed by MODPATH, a
MATLAB module transforms the results in a format which can be used by other programs. The details are outlined
in the paper. Another task, which can also performed by a MATLAB module, is to transfer flowpath starting
positions from Processing MODFLOW’s PMpath to MODPATH.
Groundwater modeling, post-processing, visualisation, particle tracking.
MODFLOW (1988) probably is the most used code for groundwater models worldwide. Several software shells
have been wrapped around MODFLOW, making it even more popular: Processing MODFLOW (2001) in Europe,
VisualMODFLOW (2005) in Canada and GMS (2005) in the United States, just to name the most prominent
products. Using these packages, the most common pre- and postprocessing steps are simpler to perform and the
presentation of model results becomes visually more impressing. Nevertheless the connection with other programs
is still sometimes awkward or impossible. A prominent example is that flowpaths or streamlines, calculated by
ProcessingMODFLOW as post-processing, can not be transferred to GIS-programs,1 which are often used for data
representation within application projects. In the paper a solution for this problem is given, connecting the simu-
lation code MODFLOW (1988), the post-processor MODPATH (1994) and the visualisation tool SURFER (2002).
The proposed procedure can be applied in two and three space dimensions.
Different types of software are included in the presented approach. Figure 1 provides a schematic view on the
various connections. Independent codes included in the approach are Processing MODFLOW (2001), MODPATH
(1994), SURFER (2002) and MATLAB (2002). Processing MODFLOW is a graphical user interface, from which the
simulator code MODFLOW (1988) as an integrated part is called. MODPATH is a postprocessor for flowpath com-
putation (not part of Processing MODFLOW), with the advantage that flowpath and traveltimes are stored in files
for further processing. Such processing is performed by a module, implemented in MATLAB, here for the graphical
representation of flowpaths as vectors in the SURFER program.
1. Other codes, for example VisualMODFLOW (2005), allow an easy connection with GIS programs.
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372 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
SURFER is one of the most popular programs used for GIS and data representation in the geosciences. The package
is able to represent bitmaps and vector graphics. The advantage of the vector format is that the graphical resolution
of an object is not effected by changing the scale of the entire plot. The described connection with SURFER at the
end of the line of codes is an example. A similar method would work with other GIS-tools at the end.
The study site is one of three recharge ponds surrounded by about 44 production wells located near Lake Tegel,
Berlin, Germany. Its infiltration surface extents over an area of approximately 8,700 m2 and is located 3 m below the
adjacent ground surface. Surface water of Lake Tegel is discharged into the pond after it has passed a microstrainer.
With time, clogging processes at the pond’s floor lead to a continuous decrease of infiltration rate, i.e., from 3 m / d
to as low as 0.3 m / d. As soon as the infiltration rate becomes lower than 0.3 m/d, the site operator Berliner
Wasserbetriebe (BWB) abrades the clogging layer to restore the original hydraulic conductivity of the bottom sedi-
ments. This operational cycle is typically repeated every 3 – 4 months.
The sediments in the adjacent area of the pond are of Quaternary age and consist of fluvial and glacio-fluvial,
medium sized sand deposits. Fragments of an up to 5m thick till layer are locally found in depths of approximately
15 m below the ground surface (Pekdeger et al., 2002). The hydraulic conductivities of the aquifer sediment are
about 10 – 100 m/d. A more detailed description of the sediment hydraulic properties is given in Pekdeger et al.
The organic carbon content of the sediment below the pond is highly variable and ranges from 0.2 g /kg to 20 g /kg.
Reducible forms of iron and manganese minerals are found in concentrations of 0.2 – 1.2 g /kg and 0.01 – 0.1 g /kg,
respectively. Total sulphur concentrations are in the range of 0.1 – 2.1 g / kg and are highest in organic-rich layers. A
more detailed description of the geochemical composition of the sediment below the pond can be found in
Greskowiak et al. (submitted).
The procedure is explained in more details in the following. A data flux diagram is depicted in Figure 1.
MODFLOW performs the numerical calculations and stores it in several output files. Relevant for particle tracking
are the files: head.dat, budget.dat, wel.dat (in case of wells) rch.dat (in case of groundwater recharge).
Before the start of MODFLOW some further options have to be set to enable MODPATH to perform. MODPATH is a
particle tracking tool that requires some additional special output files from MODFLOW. These are mpath30 and
main30.dat. Based on all mentioned output files MODPATH calculates flowpaths. The semi-analytical method is
described by Pollock (1988) and was independently implemented by Holzbecher in the FAST code, as described in
Holzbecher (1996a, 1996b, 2002). MODPATH allows tracking of streamlines from steady-state and pathlines from
unsteady simulations.
Particle tracking is based on start- or endpositions (depending on tracking direction; forward tracking requires start
positions, backward tracking end positions). MODPATH allows the user to implement those positions in a dialog
before the computing of the flowpaths. Nevertheless, if there are lots of flowpaths to be drawn it is more appropri-
ate to read the positions from file, which is implemented in MODPATH as an option.
Major output of MODPATH is a pathline file, which contains the pathlines as multi-lines, connecting calculated
positions on the flowpaths by straight lines. Moreover it is possible to store locations for markers on the flowpath to
mark traveltimes; the file also has the name traveltime.
The output files of MODPATH can not be used in a GIS software directly, but have to be transformed into an appro-
priate format. For this purpose a MATLAB module is implemented. The flowpath multi-line is read and stored in
a format, which can be read by SURFER as an vector element. In Figure 1 new (extra) modules are marked. The
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 373
Integrated module
Figure 1. Data flux diagram for the software coupling to create flow path vector plots
module that makes MODPATH pathlines readable for the SURFER software, is called Mod2bln. The module itself is
written using MATLAB’s m-language.
Two additional modules have to be mentioned. The module Pmpath2mod is included in Figure 1, connecting the
PMPath (2001) postprocessor, which is included in Processing MODFLOW, with MODPATH. It performs the spe-
cial task to transform start/end positions for flowpaths from one format into another. Another module, Mod2dat,
transforms the traveltime output file of MODPATH into a format which can be read by the visualisation software.
Both modules are also implemented using MATLAB.
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374 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The software connection has been used during the interdisciplinary NASRI research project (Natural and Artificial
Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) dealing with river bank filtration processes and during the KORA research
project (Kontrollierter natürlicher Rückhalt und Abbau) dealing with natural attenuation processes in the sub-
Figure 2 provides an example in which all programs and modules, which are shown in Figure 1 have been involved.
The figure shows flowpaths in a system of two aquifers in the city of Berlin, The aquifers are partially connected,
partially separated by highly impermeable boulder clay, a characteristic situation in alluvial terrain, formed by
4500 30.0
4000 31.0
29.5 30.0
Figure 2. Example plot for an aquifer with bank filtration in Berlin-Kladow; black contour lines and fill pattern
show head distribution, corresponding values can be taken from the bar on the right side; dark pathlines are
within the upper aquifer; light flowpaths within the lower aquifer; directions are indicated by arrows; the south-east
boundary of the depicted model region is the shoreline of Lake Wannsee (Berlin); while groundwater enters the lake
in the southern part of the shoreline, there is bank filtration in the middle part; in the northern part the flowpaths
show that groundwater ‘dives’ into the lower aquifer to pass below Lake Wannsee to the water works well galleries
on the Eastern shore of Lake Wannsee (not depicted in the figure).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 375
glacial activities during several ice-ages. The upper aquifer is connected to Lake Wannsee in the East (see Figure 2),
where two bank filtration galleries of the Berlin Water Works are located.
Flowpaths in Figure 2 clearly show the complex pattern within the system, which is very much influenced by the
extension of the nearly impermeable boulder clay layer within the aquifers. Starting points for the flowpaths in
Figure 2 were selected in the upper aquifer along the inflow boundaries. Flow pattern in the upper aquifer follows
the head contour field, which is visualised in the background and the colour bar on the side. When the flowpath
reaches the edge of the boulder clay, it dives down into the second aquifer, where is may follow a completely dif-
ferent path. Such behaviour is most obvious in the upper left part of the model region, where some flowpaths
make a turn of more than 90°. A similar behaviour strong influence of the separating layer was observed in other
modeling projects in Berlin, for example in Lake Tegel and on the Eastern shore of Lake Wannsee.
Flowpaths as vector fields, used for an optimal visualization of groundwater flow in the subsurface, can be con-
structed for use in GIS programs. Model output can be presented together with maps or measured data fields. The
advantage of the vector representation is that the graphic is scalable without loss of resolution.
Another advantage of the described procedure is that flowpaths are obtained as one-dimensional line-elements,
allowing further post-processing. Thus it is possible to treat even reactive transport models along the flowpath,
which requires much less computer resources than a 2D or 3D model. However the simplified method is restricted
to situations in which transversal dispersive transport can be neglected. Nevertheless the described method opens
the way to examine complex biogeochemical systems in combination with transport more easily.
It is intended to combine the three different modules, which have been implemented, in one graphical interface. In
one window it will be possible to select, which of the modules is to be performed, and to set all relevant options.
The authors would like to thank Berliner Wasserbetriebe, KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin and Veolia Water for
financial support making this study possible. Thanks also to the German Ministry of Science and Research (BMBF)
for funding the application study within the KORA framework, and to the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA).
Chiang W.H., Kinzelbach W. (2001). 3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN, Springer Publ., Berlin, 346p, 2001
GMS (2005, Version 5.1). Environmental Modeling Systems Inc., 1204 W. South Jordan Pkwy, Suite B, South Jordan,
UT 84095, USA
Holzbecher E. (1996a). Modellierung dynamischer Prozesse in der Hydrologie: Grundwasser und ungesättigte Zone,
Springer Publ., Heidelberg.
Holzbecher E. (1996b). Flowpath tracing in potential hazard studies. In: Development and Application of Computer
Techniques to Environmental Studies VI, Zannetti P. and Brebbia C.A. (eds), Comp. Mech. Publ., Southampton,
pp. 111-120.
Holzbecher E. (2002). Groundwater Modeling - Computer Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Pollution, FiatLux Publ.,
Fremont, CD-ROM.
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376 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
McDonald M.G. and Harbaugh A.W. (1988). A Modular Three-dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-water Flow
Model, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 6.
MATLAB (2002, Release 13), The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natrick, MA 01760-2098, USA.
MODFLOW, see: McDonald and Harbaugh 1988.
MODPATH, see: Pollock 1994.
PMPath, see: Processing MODFLOW 2001.
Pollock D.W. (1988). Semianalytical computation of path lines for finite difference models, Groundwater 26(6),
Pollock D.W. (1994). User’s Guide for MODPATH/MODPATH-Plot, Version 3: A particle tracking post-processing
package for MODFLOW, the U.S. Geological Survey finite-difference ground-water flow model, U.S. Geol.
Survey, Open-File Report 94-464, Reston, Virginia.
Processing MODFLOW, see: Chiang/ Kinzelbach 2001.
SURFER (2002, Version 8), Golden Software, 809 14th Str., P.O. Box 281, Golden, Colorado, USA.
Visual MODFLOW (2005, Version 4), Waterloo Hydrogeologic Inc., 460 Phillip Street - Suite 101, Waterloo,
Ontario, N2L 5J2, Canada.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Simulation of bacteriophage populations
during sub-surface passage
In several slow-sand-filter experiments the behaviour of phages during the subsurface passage was measured and
modelled. Here the focus is on the effect of the velocity. The observed data show a strong effect of decreasing
filter efficiency with increasing velocity. Using a modelling approach, which is based on the transport differential
equation, the theoretical influence of velocity on filter efficiency is examined. Finally an extrapolation of the
results to large scale filtration units or bank filtration processes is attempted.
Phages, transport, modelling, dimensionless formulation, filters.
In urban areas surface water is often contaminated with pathogens, mainly due to the discharges of waste water
treatment plants or to run-off water from agricultural fields. The passage of surface water through soil by bank
filtration or slow sand filtration is an effective way to eliminate pathogens and produce safe drinking water. Both
approaches have been applied world-wide for more than a century in the treatment of surface water for drinking
water supply (Jekel 2002, Grischek et al. 2003).
When the surface water enters the sub-surface, either due to natural conditions or induced by an imposed outer
regime, the survival conditions for microorganisms, and the physical circumstances acting upon them, change. The
retention of suspended and soluble contaminants of surface water by sand filtration bases on the physical (mech-
anical) filtration, chemical adsorption or detachment and biological degradation on the filter matrix (Ginn et al.,
2002). The size, molecular weight and polarity of contaminants, the porosity and polarity of sandy soil grains, as
well as the quantity and biodiversity of micro organisms in filter bed determine the affectivity of retention processes
(Azadpour-Keely, 2003). The flow rate regulates the contact time for all physical, chemical and biological inter-
actions between the surface structures of solid filter matrix and soluble or suspended particles of percolated water
(Fundenberg et al., 1981; Schijven and Hassanizadeh, 2000).
Due to its large size, the efficiency of sand filtration for bacteria and protozoa has been reported to be higher than
that for viruses (Ginn et al., 2002). Viruses are able to migrate considerable distances through soils depending on
not only their small size but also to their adsorption characteristics and degree of inactivation in capillary water
(Keswick and Gerba, 1980). Processes like adsorption and inactivation that determine removal of viruses during
subsurface passage apply therefore to all pathogens, albeit to a different extent (Schijven and Hassanizadeh, 2000).
As the velocity seems to play a crucial role, its influence is in the focus of this paper. The effect of velocity is exam-
ined theoretically, by numerical and analytical simulation and compared to the outcome of experiments in slow
sand filters, performed within the interdisciplinary NASRI research project (Natural and Artificial Systems for
Recharge and Infiltration) concerning all aspects of river bank filtration.
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378 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The following analysis shows that the complex interaction of the different processes may be lumped into a small set
of dimensionless parameters. Modelling is based on solutions of the one-dimensional transport equation, which is a
partial differential equation for the phage population c, taking into account the processes of advection, dispersion,
equilibrium sorption and decay:
∂c ∂ ∂c ∂c
R = α Lv − v − λRc (1)
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x
In the differential equation (1) four parameters appear: the retardation R, the longitudinal dispersion length αL, the
interstitial (real) flow velocity v and deactivation rate λ, which is valid in the fluid and the solid phase. Equation (1)
can be derived from the formulation, given by Schijven and Hassanizadeh (2000) under the assumption that
attachment and detachment processes are fast. The retardation factor always exceeds 1. For the following it is
assumed that parameters in equation (1) are constant. Additional parameters are usually introduced by the
boundary and initial conditions. In order to classify the solution space, it is convenient to reduce the number of
unknowns. The first step is to non-dimensionalize the equation. The unit length is the length L of the model region.
Using the notation ξ = x / L and the inner derivative ∂ / ∂x = (∂ξ / ∂x )∂ / ∂ ξ = (1/ L )∂ / ∂ ξ one obtains:
∂c α L v ∂ 2c v ∂c
R = 2 − − λRc (2)
∂t L ∂ξ 2 L ∂ ξ
Analogously the time transformation can be used to non-dimensionalize time also. One obtains:
v ∂c α L v ∂ 2c v ∂c
= 2 − − λ Rc (3)
L ∂τ L ∂ξ 2 L ∂ξ
which by multiplication with L/v leads to a differential equation with non-dimensional coefficients:
∂c 1 ∂ 2c ∂c
= − − Da2c (4)
∂τ Pe ∂ξ 2 ∂ξ
where the dimensionless Péclet-number Pe and (second) Damköhler number Da2 are defined as:
Pe = Da 2 = (5)
αL v
∂θ 1 ∂ 2θ ∂θ
= − − Da2θ (6)
∂τ Pe ∂ξ 2 ∂ξ
This is an equation with dimensionless parameters and dimensionless variables only. Instead of seven parameters R,
α L, v, λ, L, c 0 and c1 in the original formulation only two parameters appear in equation (6), which simplifies the
discussion of parameter influences. Note that the velocity v appears in the Damköhler number only. According to
formula (5) the degradation, as represented in Da1 as combination of relevant parameters, is proportional to the
inverse of v. If no other parameter changes a decrease of deactivation proportional to 1/v can be expected.
1. In the following the abbreviation of the Damköhler number is written without subscript, as it is always the second Damköhler
number, which is referred to. A derivation of an equivalent dimensionless formulation using the first Damköhler number is
given by Holzbecher (in preparation).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 379
Modelling of phages turns out to be a challenge for the described model, as population gradients for phages are
much steeper than for chemical species. High temporal and spatial fluctuations in the data make it impossible to
use an automatic parameter estimation procedure – even after smoothing original data (using splines). The para-
meters obviously change during the underground passage and thus have to be evaluated from one breakthrough
curve to the next anew.
It is important to note that an expected efficiency of bank filtration systems is obtained using the steady state of the
analytical solution for equation (6), given by the formula
µ 2 exp (µ 2 )exp (µ1ξ ) − µ1 exp (µ1 )exp (µ 2ξ )
θ (ξ ) =
µ 2 exp (µ 2 ) − µ1 exp (µ1 )
1 1 2
with µ1,2 = Pe ± Pe + Da 2
2 4
(Holzbecher, in preparation). The formula is derived using standard methods for ordinary differential equations
with constant parameters. Based on equation (7) combinations of Péclet- and Damköhler-numbers can be com-
puted, for which an aimed rate of total deactivation, say in terms of log-units, can be achieved.
The removal of pathogen viruses under field conditions can not be studied easily because the contamination levels
with viruses are often not high enough to be followed up along the filters. On the other hand, seeding pathogenic
viruses in the filtration fields poses too high a risk for humans. Therefore, bacteriophages, viruses which attack
bacteria and are not pathogenic for humans, were taken as surrogates for human pathogenic viruses, since both
viral arts have similar morphological and structural properties (Haveelaar, 1993). We therefore seeded somatic and
f specific coliphages (two kind of phages with different entry mechanisms into the bacterial bodies) and carried
several filtration experiments.
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380 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Coliphages infect only E. coli species as host bacteria. The infection of host bacteria occur not in the aquatic envi-
ronment, only in the intestinal tract of human and animals. Therefore they can be used as indicator for faecal
contamination of surface water.Both test coliphages are wild strains isolated from Teltow Canal, mean wastewater
discharger in Berlin and high resistance in the aquatic environment. Coliphage 138 is a F+phage and to be culti-
vated and detected only in the host bacterium culture of E. coli K13. As the somatic coliphage 241 infect only E. coli
WG5 as host organism and can be detected in a fresh culture of E. coli WG5.
The slow sand filtration process at a flow rate of 60 cm/d led to a breakthrough of 0,02% and 0,4% for f-specific and
somatic coliphages 138 and 241, respectively. An increase of flow rate to 120 cm/d increased the virus breakthrough
of both coliphages to 0,2% and 2,4%. At a rate of 240 cm/d the breakthrough of the test organisms increased drasti-
cally; to 33% for the phage 138 and to 57% for the 241.
In accordance with the kinetics expected after a sluggish pulse, the initial filtrate fractions contained the highest
amount of viruses (Fig. 3). The cumulative breakthrough of the viruses was calculated from the concentration in
the single fractions and from their volumes. After an infiltration time of 12 h at all flow rates tested, the break-
through curve reached a stationary value that did not change considerably during the further percolation time of
150 h. The retention or breakthrough rate of test organisms after 12 h percolation time was therefore taken as a
reference value and used for extrapolation of virus removal during further percolation time through the filtration
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 381
The outcome of all simulations is gathered in Table 1. Velocities v and dispersivities αL were taken from tracer
measurements, retardations R and deactivation rates λ were obtained from inverse modelling runs with the MAT-
LAB module. Resulting Péclet- and Damköhler numbers are listed in the last columns.
Table 1. Results from parameter estimation runs using the MATLAB module
According to Table 1 the deactivation represented in the Damköhler number as combination of all interacting
processes, decreases with increasing velocity in the experiments. Though the velocity changes by a factor of 2 from
one experiment to the other, deactivation changes are different due to the change of the other processes. Altogether
there is a decrease of deactivation by a factor of 8.25 for phages 138, and of 11.4 for phages 241, compared to a
velocity change by a factor of 4.
Thus for both phages the observed degradation is overproportional, either for the transition from the low to rapid
velocities, or from medium to rapid velocities. For the transition from low to medium velocities the observed
change in deactivations is underproportional. The observed decrease of deactivation rate, and thus of filter effi-
ciency, from the medium velocity to the rapid velocity case amounts to 5.25 for phages 138 and to 7.3 for
phages 241; both values significantly exceed the theoretically expected factor of 2.
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382 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
With the presented model approach, based on dimensionless numbers, it is possible to classify filters by their effi-
ciency much easier than in the primitive variable formulation, as the outcome depends on two dimensionless
parameter combinations only: the Péclet- and the Damköhler-number. In the view of this theory also deviations
from the conventional extended transport equation approach can be discussed much easier.
Results for the idealized simple constant parameter situation can be used as a first guess for more complex bank fil-
tration systems; for example that flow velocity and effective deactivation are inverse proportional, as expressed by
the Damköhler number. As in bank filtration systems the flow velocity is controlled by the pumping rate, the pro-
portionality provides a hint on the change of deactivation or degradation by an altered pumping regime.
The theoretically expected decline of total deactivation with velocity could be confirmed by experiments. However
the degree of the observed decline was slower between the low and medium velocity cases, and much higher
between the medium and rapid velocity cases. This shows that extrapolations from one velocity range to another
may be erroneous. Here an extrapolation from the slow velocity range to the rapid velocity range would lead to an
overestimation of filter efficiency.
We ignore the reason(s) for the insufficient predictability obtained from the above model approach and suspect that
the long time passed by between the different experiments might be responsible for it. During the four weeks
elapsed during each experiment, a considerable amount of biomass might have build up in the top layer as well as
in the interstitial space of the filter. This biomass might have been responsible for the better-than-model inactiva-
tion of the viruses found during filtration.
The authors would like to thank Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Kompetenz Zentrum Wasser (Berlin) and Veolia Water for
financial support making this study possible.
Azadpour-Keele A., Faulkner B.R. and J.-S. Chen (2003). Movement and Longevity of Viruses in the Subsurface, EPA
Ground Water Issue, EPA/540/S-03/500.
Funderburg S.W., Moore B.E., Sagik B.E. and Sorber C.A. (1981). Viral transport through soil columns under con-
ditions of saturated flow. Water Res. 15, 703 – 711.
Ginn T.R., Wood B.D., Nelson, K.E. Scheibe, T.D., Murphy E.M., and Clement T.P. (2002). Processes in microbial
transport in the natural subsurface. Advances in Water Resources 25, 1017 – 1042.
Grischek T., Schoenheinz D., Worch E., and Hiscock K. (2003). Bank filtration in Europe - an overview of aquifer
conditions and hydraulic controls. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Dillon P.J. (ed), ,
Balkema, Lisse, pp. 485 – 488.
Havelaar A. H. (1993). Bacteriophages as model of enteric viruses in the environment. ASM News 59, 614 – 619.
Holzbecher E., Inversion of Temperature Time Series from Near-Surface Porous Sediments, submitted to: Journal of
Geophysics and Engineering.
Holzbecher E., Processes in Aquatic Sediments, in preparation.
Keswick B. H. and Gerba, C.P. (1980). Viruses in groundwater. Environ. Sci. Technol. 14, 1290 – 1297.
Jekel M. (2003). Riverbank filtration: the European experience. In: Riverbank Filtration: the Future is now, Melin G.
(ed), , Proc. 2nd Riverbank Filtration Conf., National Water Research Institute, pp. 105 – 110.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 383
MATLAB (Release 13, 2002). The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natrick, MA 01760-2098, USA.
Schijven J.F. and Hassanizadeh S.M. (2000). Removal of viruses by soil passage: Overview of modeling, processes,
and parameters, Critical Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 30, 49 – 127.
Wexler E.J. (1992). Analytical solutions for One-, Two-, and Three-dimensional Solute Transport in Groundwater Systems
with Uniform Flow, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 3,
Chapter B7.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V A coupled transport and reaction model
for long column experiments simulating
bank filtration
Christoph Horner, Ekkehard Holzbecher and Gunnar Nuetzmann
Within the scope of the interdisciplinary NASRI research project (Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and
Infiltration) dealing with river bank filtration processes at Berlin water works, a semi-technical column experi-
ment is ongoing since January 2003 to simulate river bank filtration. Here a 30 m long ensemble of 6 soil columns
is operated by surface water sampled from Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany). In April 2004, oxic conditions in the
column ensemble were forced to change in anoxic by gassing the flushing solution supply with nitrogen gas. The
objective of reactive transport modelling was to (i) identify the main biogeochemical processes and the governing
redox conditions within the soil column system during flushing as a conceptual model for river bank filtration and
to (ii) verify the observed hydrochemistry of the pore water.
Biodegradation, column experiment verification, double porosity, reactive transport modelling, river bank
Von Gunten and Zobrist, (1996) and Schäfer et al. (1998a, 1998b) present examples of soil column flushing simu-
lation studies involving biogeochemical degradation reactions. To provide unique results these models require a
large database including an adequate reaction framework and exact knowledge about soil matrix composition, oth-
erwise reaction models can be partially ambiguous (Appelo et al., 1998). Upscaling of microcolumn studies leads
consequently to field-site scale models studying riverbank filtration or contamination of groundwater by reducing
leachate plumes originating from landfills or oil spills (Hunter et al. 1998; Prommer et al., 1999a, 1999b). Large-
scale semi-technical soil columns are of intermediate scale between small laboratory columns and field sites. In
contrast to small laboratory column experiment simulations and field-site scale models there are only few references
for large soil column experiments simulating river bank filtration (Porro et al. 1993; Drewes and Jekel, 1996;
NASRI, 2003).
The experimental set-up of the large soil column consists of 6 soil columns 5 m in length connected in line.
Sampling is possible on 21 sampling ports along and between the columns. Initially the column soil matrix proved
to contain interstitial residual air over its whole length, and it took about 10 months until the interstitial air was
nearly completely removed from the column sections apart from the inlet. The experiment started in April 2003 and
is still ongoing. A decrease of the DOC concentration resulting from oxygen consumption due to biodegradation
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 385
was noticeable only near the inlet, while in the column sections (apart from the inlet) DOC concentrations
remained nearly constant and independent on oxygen concentrations. Due to the very slow progression of biodegra-
dation (oxic redox conditions were stated still after 1 year), anoxic redox conditions were forced in April 2004 by
gassing the influent permanently with nitrogen gas. Pore water samples are taken monthly and analysed on O2,
DOC and inorganic parameters.
Two approaches to model biodegradation are common: the singe step and the two step process model. The single
step process models formulate the biodegradation reaction like a geochemical reaction using a definite electron
acceptor (for example Schäfer et al., 1998a). The two step process models conceptualise the overall biogeochemical
degradation as a fermentation process consuming available terminal electron acceptors depending on the actual
redox state using a partial equilibrium approach for the redox half reactions. Using this approach a close coupling
of biodegradation kinetics to inorganic hydrochemistry is straightforward (Prommer et al., 1999a, 1999b; Prommer,
2002; Brun and Engesgaard, 2002). Here, the two step approach is followed. An adequate strategy to solve the reac-
tive transport equation results by coupling both subsets sequentially, e. g. by coupling MATLAB (The MathWorks,
2003), as a powerful intrinsic solver for partial differential equation systems such as the advection-dispersion equa-
tion, with PHREEQC as chemical speciation solver.
Difficulties result to provide reliable initial conditions over the whole column system. Besides biodegradation
(which was formulated by a simple first order approach) the removal of oxygen in the inner column was formulated
using a double porosity approach analogous to formulations by Parkhurst and Appelo (1999). The biodegradation
reaction front movement near the inlet seems considerably retarded as compared to the apparent flow velocity
determined by tracer experiments performed in the column (NASRI 2003). Therefore, sorption of DOC had to be
introduced as an additional process. Three differently reactive fractions of DOC as indicated by chromatographic
analysis (NASRI 2003) – two dissolved and one particulate DOC species – were considered. To verify the observed
pore solution hydrochemistry, all analysed inorganic components were considered by the PHREEQC module of the
reactive transport model. Calcite, pyrolusite (MnO2), and ferrihydrite (Fe(OH)3(amorphous)) were also included as
pH and redox buffering minerals into the reactive transport model.
The soil column was modelled as a 1D finite-difference domain. The pore velocity was specified at 1 m/d as con-
firmed by tracer tests (NASRI, 2003). A simulation time of 589 d was set up for the model simulation (i.e. the time
interval ranging from April 2003 until September 2004, for which measurements were available).
Simulation results are exemplarily shown as O2 breakthrough curves in Figs 1 – 3. Fig. 1 focuses on both biodegra-
dation and remobilisation of interstitial O2 as competing processes. Figs. 2 and 3 demonstrate the effects of both
time variable O2 inflow concentrations and biodegradation after consumption of interstitial O2. In relation to obser-
vation, the simulation overestimates the biodegradation at later flushing stages, especially when oxic conditions
change to anoxic conditions (see Fig. 3). From Fig. 4, time variable DOC inflow results so that the DOC balance
related to O2 seems obscured. The simulated breakthrough of DOC representing the sum of both simulated DOC
shows the numerical effect of changing the DOC inlet but verifies the observed DOC for the inner part of the
column. Gassing with N2 did not provide a further decrease of DOC. Therefore, the inert fraction of DOC is inter-
preted to prevail over the column extent whereas biodegradation using the reactive DOC fraction seems to take
place at the column inlet.
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386 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The observed pore water hydrochemistry was also verified by the simulation confirming the key role of calcite as
main pH buffer (here not shown), but due to the lack of data basis about the calcite matrix composition and only
minor changes in HCO3 – concentrations, balancing the mineralization of organic carbon was not possible.
Veolia Water and the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) will fund the NASRI Project until June 2005. Thanks to both
companies for funding. Special thanks to Mr. Steffen Grünheid, Technical University Berlin, Department of Water
Quality Control and to Dr. Gudrun Massmann, Free University Berlin, Hydrogeology Group, for data supply and
data interpretation.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 387
Appelo, C. A. J., Verweij, E. and Schäfer, H. (1998). A hydrogeochemical transport model for an oxidation experi-
ment with pyrite/calcite/exchangers/organic matter containing sand. Appl. Geochemistry, 13, 257 – 268.
Brun, A. and Engesgaard, P. (2002). Modelling transport and biogeochemical processes in pollution plumes: litera-
ture review and model development. J. Hydrol., 256, 211 – 227.
Drewes, J. E. and Jekel, M. (1996). Simulation of groundwater recharge with advanced treated wastewater. Wat. Sci.
Tech., 33 (10-11), 409 – 418.
Von Gunten, U. and Zobrist, J. (1996). Biogeochemical changes in groundwater-infiltrating systems: column studies.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 57, 3895 – 3906.
Hunter, K. S., Wang, Y., Van Cappellen, P. (1998). Kinetic modelling of microbially-driven redox chemistry of sub-
surface environments: coupling transport, microbial metabolism and geochemistry. J. Hydrol., 209, 53 – 80.
NASRI, (2003). Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration, 1st Report. Kompetenzzentrum Wasser,
Parkhurst, D. L. and Appelo, C. A. J. (1999). User’s Guide to PHREEQC (Version 2) – a computer program for specia-
tion, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport and inverse geochemical calculations. U.S. Geological Survey Water-
Resources Investigation Report 99 -4259, Denver, Co., USA, pp. 312.
Porro, I., Wierenga, P. J. and Hills, R. G. (1993). Solute transport through large uniform and and layered soil columns.
Water Resour. Res., 29 (4), 1321 – 1330.
Prommer, H., Barry, D. A. and Davis, G. B. (1999a). A one-dimensional reactive multi-component transport model
for biodegradation petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater. Environ. Model. Softw., 14, 213 –233.
Prommer, H., Davis, G. B. and Barry, D. A. (1999b). Geochemical changes during biodegradation of petroleum hydro-
carbons: field investigations and biogeochemical modelling. Org. Geochem., 30, 423 – 435.
Prommer, H. (2002). A reactive multicomponent transport model for saturated porous media. Draft of user’s manual ver-
sion 1.0. Contaminated land assessment and remediation research centre, the university of Edinburgh (available
from http://www.pht3d.org).
Schäfer, D., Schäfer, W. and Kinzelbach, W. (1998). Simulation of reactive processes to biodegradation in aquifers, 1
structure of the three-dimensional reactive transport model. J. Contam. Hydrol., 31, 167–186.
The Mathworks (2003). MATLAB, The language of technical computing (Version 6). The MathWorks Inc. 3 Aple Hill
drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098, USA.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Simulation modeling
of salient artificial recharge techniques
for sustainable groundwater management
Artificial groundwater recharge and rainwater harvesting are two basic techniques for the sustainable manage-
ment of shrinking freshwater resources. Numerical modeling is a vital tool for the quantitative analysis of ground-
water systems, which is not subject to many of the restrictive assumptions required for analytical solutions. The
present paper focuses on the development of a groundwater model for the Takaoka groundwater basin, Japan
which is afflicted with overdraft problem, and its application to the selection of suitable artificial recharge
techniques for improving groundwater condition of the basin. A transient, two-dimensional FEM-based ground-
water-flow model was developed for this basin, which was successfully calibrated and validated. The validated
groundwater-flow model was then used to examine the efficacy of four feasible artificial recharge techniques.
Based on the simulation results, two recharge techniques viz., ‘subsurface barrier’ and ‘river modification’ are
selected as promising remedial measures for overdraft. The effect of the proposed subsurface barrier was found to
be limited both in terms of areal extent and the extent of groundwater rise, but a weir of height 4.5 m from the
dry period water level in a perennial river bordering the basin was found adequate to meet the current ground-
water demand. The implementation of these two artificial recharge techniques is strongly recommended for the
sustainable management of scarce groundwater resources of the Takaoka basin.
Alluvial aquifer; artificial recharge; groundwater management; groundwater modeling; overdraft.
Excessive exploitation of groundwater has resulted in groundwater lowering, with concomitant problems of land
subsidence and saltwater intrusion in both developed and developing nations. Artificial groundwater recharge and
rainwater harvesting have emerged as two basic techniques for sustainable management of shrinking freshwater
resources. Artificial recharge of groundwater can reduce the vulnerability of natural groundwater recharge to
changes in the amounts of precipitation, especially in areas with low precipitation (ASCE, 2001). In many areas,
high land costs and environmental problems encountered with large surface reservoirs have enhanced the attrac-
tiveness of artificial recharge as a means of regulating and sustaining water supplies.
Numerical modeling is an important tool for the quantitative analysis of complex groundwater systems. Numerical
models have been extensively used for groundwater analysis since mid-1960s (Mercer and Faust, 1980a; Das Gupta
and Onta, 1994). The variety and complexity of mathematical models used in groundwater applications have
increased dramatically during past four decades. The numerical methods commonly used in groundwater appli-
cations are actually variations of two general methods: finite-difference method (FDM) and finite-element method
(FEM). Occasionally, specialized techniques such as the method of characteristics (MOC) are also used. Faust and
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 389
Mercer (1980) and Van der Heijde et al. (1989) discuss in detail the pros and cons of various numerical methods.
For any given class of problems, the choice of the best method generally depends on the processes being modeled,
the accuracy desired, and the effort that can be expanded on obtaining a solution. Thus, in order to prepare an
appropriate model, a kind of model that suits the desired precision level and the amount of data available should be
selected (Shibasaki, 1995). The effective application of groundwater flow models to field problems involves several
interrelated phases such as model selection, computer program use, sensitivity analysis, system conceptualization,
data collection design, calibration, validation, prediction, and post-audit. It is worth mentioning that a model is
never exact and the complete data (as comprehensive as desired for solving a given problem) are never available.
Therefore, the quantitative results of a numerical analysis only serve as qualitative guides, and considerable scien-
tific judgment of a subjective or intuitive nature is necessary for any degree of success (Mercer and Faust, 1980b).
The Takaoka groundwater basin of Kochi Prefecture, Japan is afflicted with overdraft problem, which is posing a
serious threat to the sustainability of scarce groundwater resources. The present paper deals with the development
of a groundwater model for the Takaoka groundwater basin, Japan and its application to the selection of suitable
artificial recharge techniques for improving groundwater condition and ensuring its sustainable utilization in the
The study area, ‘Takaoka groundwater basin’ is located
in Tosa City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan, and it has a
mountainous landscape (Fig. 1). The basin encom-
passes an area of 510 ha and is comprised of paddy
fields (242 ha), greenhouses (77.3 ha), and built-up
land (190.7 ha). The Niyodo River flows to the east
of the basin and the Hake River to the south, which
are major river systems of the study area. There is a
2-m high inflatable rubber dam called ‘Fabri dam’
across the Hake River. A small and shallow inter-
mittent river, the Kamo River, flows through the
basin as shown in Fig. 1.
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390 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Model development and solution technique
A conceptual model of the Takaoka aquifer was developed based on the field investigations and the analysis of the
hydrogeologic data. Based on the conceptual model, a groundwater numerical model for transient, two dimensional
groundwater flow in the isotropic, heterogeneous unconfined aquifer system was formulated using the following
governing equation:
∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂h
⎜ K( x, y) b( x, y) ⎟ + ⎜ K( x, y) b( x, y) ⎟ = S y +Q (1)
∂x ⎝ ∂ x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂t
Where, K(x,y) = aquifer hydraulic conductivity as a function of space, b(x,y) = aquifer thickness as a function of
space, Sy = specific yield of the unconfined aquifer, and Q = source or sink.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 391
conditions, initial condition, and source-sink terms were obtained or estimated from existing records or field
studies. Prescribed-head boundary conditions were assigned along the east and south boundaries of the basin based
on the historic dry period water level information. Because of the dominating silts along the west boundary, it was
modeled as a zero-flux boundary. The aquifer hydraulic conductivity and the specific yield were determined from
the time-drawdown data obtained by field pumping tests conducted at selected sites over the basin. The saturated
aquifer thickness was estimated with the help of available stratigraphy and water table depth over the basin. In
addition, well pumpage was obtained from the data of groundwater withdrawals by the industry and water supply
First of all, the formulated two-dimensional transient groundwater flow model was run to simulate steady-state
groundwater flow in the basin under 100% pumping and constant Niyodo River stage conditions. Water tables
yielded by the model and those measured in the field were compared, and the two input parameters (K and Sy) of
the model were adjusted until the simulated and measured values of water table matched satisfactorily at observed
sites. The model was calibrated by trial-and-error method using the dry-period water table data from 1988 to 1992.
An independent set of the water table data from 1993 to 1994 was used to validate the calibrated model.
The possibility of using existing irrigation and drainage channels for artificial recharge purposes was also explored
as a third artificial recharge technique. Since the observed data were not available, based on the local experience,
a constant recharge rate of 15 mm/day from the drainage channels was assumed, and the aquifer response to irri-
gation-canal recharge was simulated for three prescribed recharge rates viz., 5, 10 and 15 mm/day under existing
conditions. Furthermore, bearing in mind considerable groundwater recharge from the Niyodo River, a new and
feasible river course was delineated. This new Niyodo River course was considered as a fourth possible artificial
recharge technique for the study area.
Calibration and validation results
Figs. 3(a,b) show a comparison of simulated and measured groundwater levels at ten sites over the basin for calibra-
tion and validation periods; the location of the sites is shown in Fig. 2. It is obvious from these figures that the
agreement between the simulated water tables and measured water tables is reasonably good for both the calibration
and validation periods. Thus, the developed groundwater model was calibrated and validated successfully.
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392 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Figure 3. Simulated versus observed groundwater levels for calibration and validation periods
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 393
In this paper, the application of simulation modeling to assess the efficacy of salient artificial recharge techniques is
discussed for sustainable groundwater management in the Takaoka basin of Kochi Prefecture, Japan. A transient,
two-dimensional FEM-based groundwater-flow model was developed for this basin, which was calibrated and
validated successfully. The validated model was then used to examine the efficacy of four feasible artificial recharge
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
394 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The analysis of the simulation results indicated only two promising artificial recharge techniques for rehabilitating
the Takaoka basin, and thereby stabilizing the depleting aquifer. These artificial recharge techniques are: (i) a 600-m
long subsurface barrier along the downstream of Fabri dam, and (ii) a weir across the Niyodo River at 2.9 km south
of the Hata submersible bridge. It was found that the impact of the proposed subsurface barrier is confined to about
1.5 km from the Hake River, while the proposed weir in the Niyodo River is enough to meet the present ground-
water demand. However, for long-term sustainability of the scarce groundwater resources of the Takaoka basin, a
combined application of these two techniques is strongly recommended. As suggested by Bouwer (1988), small
artificial recharge schemes must be implemented in near future in order to acquire field experience with the
proposed techniques, which in turn would help develop proper design and management criteria for successful
operation of full-scale prospective groundwater recharge projects. Such a recommendation is also valid for the
Takaoka groundwater basin in order to effectively implement the recommended measures.
ASCE (2001). Standard Guidelines for Artificial Recharge of Ground Water. ASCE Standard, EWRI/ASCE 34-01, USA,
106 pp.
Bouwer, H. (1988). Systems for artificial recharge of groundwater. Proc. of the Artificial Recharge of Groundwater
Symposium, California, August 1988, ASCE, pp. 2 – 12.
Das Gupta, A. and Onta, P. R. (1994). Groundwater management models for Asian developing countries. Inter-
national Journal of Water Resources Development, 10(4): 457 – 474.
Faust, C. R. and Mercer, J. W. (1980). Groundwater modeling: numerical models. Ground Water, 18(4): 395–410.
Helweg, O. J. (1985). Role of artificial recharge in groundwater basin management. In: T. Asano (Editor), Artificial
Recharge of Groundwater, Butterworth Publishers, Boston, pp. 21 – 33.
Jha, M. K., Chikamori, K. and Nakarai, Y. (1996). Need for rehabilitation of depleting Takaoka aquifer of Tosa city,
Japan. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 5(1and2): 37 – 61.
Kinzelbach, W. (1986). Groundwater Modeling: An Introduction with Sample Programs in BASIC. Developments in
Water Science, 25, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 333 pp.
Mercer, J. W. and Faust, C. R. (1980a). Groundwater modeling: an overview. Ground Water, 18(2): 108 – 115.
Mercer, J. W. and Faust, C. R. (1980b). Groundwater modeling: applications. Ground Water, 18(5): 486 – 497.
Oaksford, E. T. (1985). Artificial recharge: methods, hydraulics, and monitoring. In: T. Asano (Editor), Artificial
Recharge of Groundwater, Butterworth Publishers, Boston, pp. 69 – 127.
Shibasaki, T. (Editor in Chief) (1995). Environmental Management of Groundwater Basins. Toakai University Press,
Tokyo, 202 pp.
Van der Heijde, P. K. M., El-Kadi, A. I. and Williams, S. A. (1989). Groundwater Modeling: An Overview and Status
Report. R. S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Ada, Okla.
Yu, F. X. and Singh, V. P. (1994). Modeling 3D groundwater flow by modified finite element method. Journal of
Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, 120(5): 892 – 909.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Influencing factors on the removal efficiency
of DOC and ammonium in 2-D pilot-scale
soil aquifer treatment (SAT) model
J.-W. Kim, J. Won, S.D. Seo and H. Choi
Soil aquifer treatment (SAT) is a promising technology for wastewater reclamation and reuse using natural
remediation process in the aquifer. This technology takes advantage of physicochemical and biological processes
in the subsurface. The performance of SAT is governed by (i) aquifer characteristics, (ii) source water character-
istics, and (iii) operation condition. Two-dimensional pilot-scale SAT model was designed and operated to see the
major mechanism of SAT in both unsaturated and saturated aquifer. The dimension of the model is 4-m in length,
2-m in height, and 10-cm in width. As groundwater is induced to the half parts of the model, the unsaturated and
saturated aquifers are differentiated. As loaded membrane bioreactor (MBR) effluents into the model basin with
the cycle of 4-days loading and 3-days drying, we monitored hydraulic characteristics and the fate and transport
of the contaminants in terms of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ammonium. Infiltration rate was decreasing
continuously, but high infiltration rate causes insufficient retention time for the reasonable remediation.
Therefore, it is important to find the optimal infiltration rate and to control the infiltration rate.
2-D model; ammonium; DOC; infiltration rate; pilot-scale model; soil aquifer treatment (SAT).
Soil aquifer treatment (SAT) is a promising technology for wastewater reclamation and reuse using natural reme-
diation process in the aquifer. Because of its economical efficiency and operational simplicity, SAT has been studied
and applied, especially, in arid area of the world (Kanarek and Michail, 1996; Fox et al., 2001; Nema et al., 2001;
Cha et al., 2004). In a typical SAT system, the secondary or tertiary treated wastewater percolates through the
unconfined or confined aquifer using various physical or biochemical soil processes. A major concern in SAT sys-
tems is the fate and transport of organic compounds during the infiltration of treated wastewater to the ground-
water. A secondary concern is the nitrogen species that include ammonium and nitrate (NCSWS, 2001). The per-
formance of SAT is governed by (i) aquifer characteristics such as hydraulic conductivity, intrinsic soil microbiology,
etc., (ii) source water characteristics such as contaminants concentrations, loading rate, etc., and (iii) operation
condition such as features of operation cycle (NCSWS, 2001; Kim et al., 2004). In the previous work, lab-scale SAT
column study was accomplished to evaluate the feasibility of SAT application in terms of the source water and the
site characteristics (Cha et al., 2004). Since, however, the study was conducted in 1-m 1-D columns, the long-term
effects of SAT which are related on saturated aquifer cannot be considered. Although the most removal in SAT is
occurred in unsaturated aquifer, specifically within 1-m (NCSWS, 2001), the impact of the treated water on the
existing groundwater and another removal trends of remained contaminants in saturated aquifer should be explored
subsequently. Therefore, in this study, the 1-D column study is extended to vertical 2-D pilot-scale model in which
unsaturated and saturated aquifers are combined.
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396 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
2-D pilot-scale SAT model domain
The image and the schematic are presented in Fig. 1. The dimension of the model is 4-m in length, 2-m in height,
and 10-cm in width. The 2-m height is differentiated by unsaturated and saturated aquifer. The basin is located at
the top of the model and is a little biased to the side where groundwater is injected in order to consider the ground-
water flow direction in saturated aquifer. The sampling ports are regularly distributed on the back side of the model.
However, sampling was not accomplished from every sampling ports, but from 34 pre-selected sampling ports
which can be representative of neighbors. Buffer spaces, in which coarse grains are filled and groundwater is over-
flowed to maintain predetermined constant head, are located in the both sides of the model.
Groundwater was pumped up from 33-m deep of alluvial layer which is located near our laboratory in GIST. It is
directly connected to the groundwater input port of the model. As maintained 20-cm of head difference between
both sides, about 0.33-m3 /day of flow rate was obtained in saturated aquifer when only groundwater flows.
Preliminary results of groundwater quality are listed in Table 1.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 397
wetting / 3-day drying (W4D3) cycle is optimal to get the highest efficiency. In this study, the model was operated
by W4D3 cycle for the first 4-weeks, and continuous loading (W7D0) followed it to compare the results. Instead of
secondary effluent from a WWTP, membrane bioreactor (MBR) effluent was used as source water (Jang et al., 2004).
The effluent of MBR was linked to the SAT basin in online using a pump.
Hydraulic characteristics
During the operation, variations of water contents and infiltration rates were monitored (Fig. 2). Water contents
were measured at 10-cm and 30-cm deep from the basin, and infiltration rates were measured at the basin as an
input and the right-side overflow as an output. In the water contents variation, the different operation cycles
(W4D3 and W7D0) are clearly differentiated. The range of water contents variation at 30-cm deep is relatively
narrow than at 10-cm deep. It means that the aquifer under the basin is unsaturated and clogged locally. In the infil-
tration rates variation, the infiltration rates are continuously decreasing during both cycles. This continuous
decrease implies the possibility of clogging layer formation. When the decreasing rates of infiltration rates of each
cycles were compared, cycle W4D3 (–0.0361 m3/d/d) has relatively higher than cycle W7D0 (–0.0228 m3/d/d)
unlike our expectation. As cycle W7D0 followed cycle W4D3, the difference of initial infiltration rates can induce
the unexpected result. In addition, the difference between input and output can be explained by mounding effect. It
advocates the result that the flowrate in the left-side overflow was increased as basin loading was continued (data is
not shown). In typical SAT, the water table under the basin is mounded because of basin loading, and this leads
groundwater flow path is changed.
Infiltration rates (m3/d)
Water contents (%)
30 0.8
10 cm Input
30 cm Output
10 0.2
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Figure 2. Water content variation at 10-cm and 30-cm deep from the basin (left),
and infiltration rate variation at the basin (input) and the overflow (output) (right)
DOC and ammonium were contaminants considered in this study, and DO was also monitored as an electron
acceptor. As shown the results in Fig. 3, we compared concentrations distributions at day 25 and day 39 which rep-
resent cycle W4D3 and cycle W7D0, respectively. The removal of DOC and ammonium was not completed
although DO was remained. This means that the retention time for their removal reactions was not sufficient. This
can be also explained by the result that removal efficiency at day 25 in which infiltration rate was relatively higher
is lower than that at day 39. The insufficient retention time leads that biological reaction under the basin is uncom-
pleted and that the contaminants concentrations are decreased mainly by dilution in saturated aquifer rather than
by adsorption or biological reaction.
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398 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Figure 3. Distributions of DOC, ammonium and DO concentrations at day 25 (cycle W4D3; upper)
and day 39 (cycle W7D0; lower)
2-D pilot-scale SAT model was designed and operated in order to extent the research scope into the combination of
unsaturated and saturated aquifer. As an operation schedule, 4-day wetting / 3-day drying cycle was employed and
this was compared with following continuous loading cycle. The infiltration rate was decreasing continuously dur-
ing the operation time, and the retention time was not sufficient for the reasonable remediation. This indicates that
the infiltration rate, especially under the basin, is an influential factor in terms of removal efficiency. In the other
way, however, if the infiltration rate is too low the quantity of treated water will be small although the water quality
is better. Therefore, it is important to find the optimal infiltration rate and to control the infiltration rate. These will
be left as future work.
This research was supported by a grant (4-1-1) from Sustainable Water Resources Research Center (SWRRC) of
21st Century Frontier Research and Development program through the Center for Water Research (CWR) at
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST).
Cha, W., Choi, H., Kim, J.-W. and Kim, I.S. (2004). Evaluation of wastewater effluents for soil aquifer treatment in
South Korea. Wat. Sci. Tech., 50(2), 315 – 322.
Fox, P., Narayanaswamy, K., Genz, A. and Drewes, J.E. (2001). Water quality transformations during soil aquifer
treatment at the Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant, USA. Wat. Sci. Tech., 43(10), 343 – 350.
Jang, N.J., Hwang, M.H., Yeo, Y.H., Shim, W.G.., Vigneswaran, S. and Kim, I.S. (2004). The Kinetics on the Biological
Reaction in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) with Gravitational and Transversal Filtration. Environ. Eng. Res., 9(5),
238 – 247.
Kanarek, A. and Michail, M. (1996). Groundwater recharge with municipal effluent: Dan region reclamation project,
Israel. Wat. Sci. Tech., 34(11), 227 – 233.
Kim, J.-W., Kim, J., Choi, H. and Schwartz, F.W. (2004). Modeling the fate and transport of organic and nitrogen
species in soil aquifer treatment process. Wat. Sci. Tech., 50(2), 255 – 261.
NCSWS (National Center for Sustainable Water Supply). (2001). Investigation on Soil-Aquifer Treatment for
Sustainable Water Reuse. Research Project Summary, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Nema, P., Ojha, C.S.P., Kumar, Arvind and Khanna, P. (2001). Techno-economic evaluation of soil-aquifer treatment
using primary effluent at Ahmedabad , India. Wat. Res., 35(9), 2179 – 2190.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Estimating of the solute transport parameters
retardation factor and decay coefficient
of pharmaceutical residues
using the program visual CXTFIT
Eberhard Licht, Thomas Heberer,
Bernd Wiese and Gesche Grützmacher
In the course of the interdisciplinary research project NASRI (natural and artificial systems for recharge and infil-
tration) many investigations are currently being carried out to assess the risk of break through of persistent
organic substances into raw water used for drinking water supply. One part of these studies is the determination
of the transport behavior of pharmaceutical residues in test sand filters, so called enclosures, equipped with
sampling points at various depths. Breakthrough curves were determined for carbamazepine, primidone (both
antiepileptic drugs), clofibric acid (a metabolite of blood lipid lowering agents), diclofenac, ibuprofen (both
analgesic drugs) and for chloride, used as a conservative tracer. Retardation coefficients and degradation rates
were obtained by using the software Visual CXTFIT. Degradation rates between 0.7 h–1 and 1 h–1 were observed for
ibuprofen whereas clofibric acid, primidone, carbamazepine and diclofenac showed no or very little degradation
(λ < .06 h –1).
Pharmaceutical residues, retardation factor, decay coefficient, Visual CXTFIT.
The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in surface water used for drinking water production after groundwater recharge
is an increasing problem for public water supply (Daugthon and Ternes, 1999; Heberer, 2002). Sources for the
occurrence of pharmaceutical residues are discharges from sewage treatment plants runoff (Ternes, 1998), landfills
(Eckel et al. 1993), superfund sites (Reddersen et al. 2002) or applications in farms and fishery. Such residues may
then also leach into groundwater by groundwater recharge (Heberer and Stan 1997). Some residues of pharma-
ceuticals and their metabolites may cause problems mainly because of their persistence and low tendency to
The knowledge of the transport behavior of the pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) is important to mini-
mize the concentrations of drug residues by optimizing the pumping regime of raw water production and /or taking
measures to reduce source water concentrations.
The experiments were carried out by adding dissolved substances to the supernatant water of an enclosure
constructed similar to a large scale column (diameter = 1.13 m; depth = 1.0 m) in a pulsed application. The break-
through was measured at the sampling points in different depths (0.4 and 0.8 m) over about three days (for further
details see Grützmacher et al., in press).
The chemical analyses were carried out by using solid-phase extraction, chemical derivatization with MTBSTFA,
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400 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
and detection of the analytes by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with selected ion
monitoring (SIM) (Reddersen and Heberer, 2003). The influence of the biologically active upper layer of the filter,
the so called Schmutzdecke or clogging layer, was investigated by removing it before the second experiment. For
interpretation the pore velocity and dispersion coefficient of the conservative tracer chloride were determined by
inverse modelling with Visual CXTFIT. Subsequently retardation factors and decay coefficients were obtained for
the pharaceuticals by fitting the breakthrough curves to the measured values on the basis of the previously deter-
mined hydraulic parameters.
The results of the inverse modelling of the tracer breakthrough curves are shown in Table 1. The calculated values
for the effective pore volume and dispersion length are given in Table 2.
Table 1. Results for the modeling of the breakthrough curve of the tracer using the Visual CXTFIT software
Sampling point P1 (0.4 m) P1 (0.4 m) P2 (0.8 m) P2 (0.8 m)
Clogging visible not visible visible not visible
Filter velocity vf [m/h] 0.045 0.051 0.045 0.051
Pore velocity va [m/h] 0.50 0.38 0.35 0.32
Dispersion coefficient D [m²/h] 0.040 0.0080 0.080 0.020
Table 2. Results for the modeling of the breakthrough curve of the tracer – calculated values from Table 1
Sampling point 0.4 m 0.4 m 0.8 m 0.8 m
Clogging visible not visible visible not visible
Dispersion length α L [cm] 8.00 2.11 22.9 6.3
eff. pore volume nf [%] 9.00 13.4 12.9 15.9
The average effective pore volume calculated from all values obtained in both experiments is 12.8 %. This is much
less than the total porosity of 35 % which was determined by differential weighing in the laboratory. This may be
caused by adhesively bound capillary water, small gas bubbles in capillary range or dead-end pores. The higher
values of porosity and the lower values of dispersion length in the experiment without clogging are probably caused
by mechanical influences due to the removal of the upper filter layer.
Tables 3 and 4 show the values for retardation factors and degradation rates calculated with Visual CXTFIT. All
values are based on the data for dispersion coefficient D and pore velocity va of the tracer shown in Table 1.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 401
Only little retardation was observed for all of the investigated substances (R = 1.0 to 2.9). Ibuprofen showed consid-
erable degradation or irreversible adsorption (λ = 0.7 to 1.0 h–1). The other substances showed only very little
degradation (λ < 0.06 h–1).
Partially, the values of retardation and degradation are higher in the experiment without clogging which might be
explained by analytical variations. As a reference for the analytical uncertainty, Table 5 shows the results of inter-
laboratory tests of the years 2000 to 2002 within the BLAC-study (BLAC 2003).
It has to be considered that the results are based on a confidence interval of 66%. For common tasks in practice the
values have to be multiplied by 1.96 to get a confidence interval of 95%. This also shows the high analytical requi-
rements. It has to be noted that analytical methods used for the determination of pharmaceutical residues in
aqueous samples were elaborated to acquire field data on the occurrence of such compounds in various different
aquatic compartments. They have, however, not been designed to monitor little changes of concentrations as they
often have to be monitored in processing studies. The analytical method used in this study delivers qualitatively
highly reliable results. The results are also quantitatively acceptable even if a certain variation of the results caused
by random errors is not avoidable.
With the exception of ibuprofen, no significant influence of the clogging layer was seen. This is reasonable because
for the other PhACs only a marginal degradation was observed even in sewage treatment plants that show a much
higher biological activity.
Table 6 shows the comparison of the concentrations of PhACs between the influents and the effluents of sewage
treatment plants (BLAC 2003). A comparison with the results obtained in the enclosure experiments described
above shows a similar behavior for ibuprofen during sand passage and in sewage treatment plants. In both cases it is
readily degradable.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
402 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
For the interpretation of the results obtained for groundwater samples it has to be taken into account that the
breakthrough curves obtained for the individual substances have phase shifts compared to other substances or con-
ventional tracers like chloride or the gadolinium-EDTA complex. As in nature the concentrations can vary dis-
tinctively at the sources the knowledge of the retardation coefficient is important.
Assuming that dispersivity and field velocity are constant over the distance the time difference between tracer and
substance can be estimated with the following equation:
∆t Peak ≈ t RT (R − 1)
∆tPeak time difference between tracer and substance
tRT retardation time of the tracer
R retardation coefficient
With this equation it is only possible to make a rough estimation assuming that the conditions are homogeneous
and in a steady state. In addition, it has to be guaranteed that dispersivity and effective pore volume are the same as
they are at the bank filtration sites.
The following table 7 was calculated assuming the above mentioned conditions.
Table 7. Lag time between tracer and substance after transport times of one week and one month
The time lags become obvious at longer distances. The retardation for carbamazepine is two times longer than that
of primidone. Only at monitoring wells close to the source (e.g. a river bank) with transport times of only few days
the time shift is negligible.
In general, it can be concluded that the determination of retardation factors and decay coefficients in an enclosure is
a good method for the prediction of the transport behavior of dissolved substances in groundwater aquifers and to
estimate the phase shifts between different substances or conventional tracers.
Bund/Länderausschuss für Chemikaliensicherheit (BLAC) (2003). Arzneimittel in der Umwelt. Auswertung der
Untersuchungsergebnisse. Bericht an die 61. Umweltministerkonferenz am 19./20. November 2003 in Hamburg.
BLAC Geschäftsstelle: Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt Ref. 35 Olvenstedter-Str. 4, 39108
Magdeburg, Bearbeitungsstand: 04.12.2003.
Daughton, C.G., Ternes, T.A. (1999). Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: agents of
subtle change? Environ. Health Perspect. 107 (suppl. 6), 907 – 938.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 403
Eckel, W.P., Ross, B., Isensee, R.K. (1993): Pentobarbital found in ground water. Ground Water. 31, 801 – 804.
Grützmacher G., Bartel H. and Wiese B. (in press). Simulating Bank Filtration and Artificial Recharge on a Technical
scale. Conference proceedings ISMAR 2005.
Heberer, T. and Stan H.J. (1997). Determination of clofibric acid and N-(phenylsulfonyl)-sarconsine in sewage, river
and drinking water. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 67, 113 – 24.
Heberer, T. (2002). Occurrence, fate, and removal of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment: a review
of recent research data. Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. Toxicology Letters 131, 5 – 17.
Holzbecher, E. (1996). Modellierung dynamischer Prozesse in der Hydrologie; Eine Einführung: Berlin [u.a.],
Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-60516-9
Kinzelsbach, W. (1992). Numerische Methoden zur Modellierung des Transports von Schadstoffen im Grundwasser:
München [u.a.].R. Oldenburg Verlag.
Matthess, G.; Ubell, K. (2003). Allgemeine Hydrogeologie. Grundwasserhaushalt. Berlin [u.a.]: Gebrüder Born-
Möller, P., Dulski, P., Bau, M., Knappe, A., Pekdeger, A., Sommer-von Jarmersted, C., (2000). An-thropogenic
gadolinium as a conservative tracer in hydrology. J. Geochem. Expl., 69-70: 409-414.
Nützmann G., Holzbecher E., Strahl G., Wiese B., Licht E., Grützmacher G. (in press). Visual CXTFIT a user-
friendly simulation tool for modelling one-dimensional transport, sorption and deg-radation processes during
bank filtration. Conference proceedings ISMAR 2005.
Reddersen, K.; Heberer, T. (2003). Multiple methods for the detection of pharmaceutical residues in various waters
applying solid phase extraction (SPE) and gas chromatography with mass spectromet-ric (GC-MS) detection,
J. separation sci. 26, 1443 – 1450.
Reddersen, K., Heberer, Th., Dünnbier, U. (2002). Occurrence and identification of phanazone drugs and their
metabolites in ground- and drinking water. Chemosphere 49 (6), 539 – 544.
Ternes, T.A. (1998). Occurrence of drugs in German sewage treatment plants and rivers. Water Res. 32, 3245 – 3260.
Toride, N., Leij, F. J., van Genuchten, M. T. (1999). The CXTFIT-Code for Estimating Transport Parameters from
Laboratory or Field Tracer Experiments. Version 2.1; U.S. Salinity Laboratory Agricultural Research Service U.S.
Departement of Agriculture, Riverside, California.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Robustness of microbial treatment
during groundwater recharge
Peter Fox and Roshan Makam
The removal of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been proposed as a surrogate for the removal of unregulated
contaminants of concern. Since the concentration of most trace pollutants is too low to support growth, trace
pollutants maybe co-metabolized as DOC is degraded. Studies of both SAT and bank filtration systems demon-
strate that the majority of trace pollutants are removed after sub-surface travel times of 2 –6 months. From a
regulatory perspective, travel time criteria are based on the potential for virus survival. Travel times of 50 days
and 70 days are criteria used for bank filtration systems in Germany and the Netherlands, respectively while six-
month travel times are in the California proposed guidelines for indirect potable reuse. In a biologically active
sub-surface system, the travel time criteria for virus survival might also be suitable for the removal of trace
organics. Since most microbial reactions occur on the surfaces of the aquifer matrix, this study examines
relationships between surface area and travel time. A relationship between the relative importance of surface
area with respect to sub-surface travel time mathematically demonstrates that surface area contact does not vary
significantly for a range of common aquifer materials subject to identical hydraulic gradients.
Robustness, organics, surface area, travel time.
Groundwater recharge systems using impaired waters rely on transport through the soil matrix for purification of
the water. Reclaimed waters may contain numerous potentially harmful organic compounds. These compounds
undergo many potential reactions and transformations during transport through the subsurface. Dissolved organic
carbon (DOC) is often used as a surrogate to monitor the removal of organic compounds. DOC is considered to be
removed primarily by biodegradation. Trace organic contaminants may be cometabolized by bacteria during waste-
water recharge which requires time since their concentrations are too low to support growth. Cometabolism refers
to the transformation of a secondary substrate by metabolic reactions that do not directly support the growth of
microorganisms. Trace organic contaminants are usually present at concentrations well below those required to
sustain a microbial growth. Current research has focused on water quality parameters and the biodegradation of
DOC has demonstrated that the majority of persistent DOC resembles natural organic matter (Drewes and Fox,
2001, Quanrud et al., 2003). Numerous studies have also demonstrated the relationship between primary substrate
utilization and biomass growth (Rittmann, 1984; Rittman and Manem, 1992; Rittman and McCarty, 1981). Yet
information regarding the mechanistic rate-limiting step for the removal of DOC during sub-surface transport and
its impact on the removal of trace contaminants has not been clearly elucidated. A portion of this study examined
the mechanistic rate-limiting step for the removal of DOC during sub-surface transport and its potential impact on
the transformation of trace organic compounds.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 405
The robustness of microbial transformation during sub-surface transport were examined by analyzing the relation-
ship between surface area and travel time. While no definitive survey results are available, the lack of failures of
bank filtration systems and other groundwater recharge systems in terms of improving water quality is readily
apparent. Travel times of 2 to 6 months have been effective at removing trace organics during sub-surface transport
in both bank filtration systems and groundwater recharge systems using spreading basins. The majority of microbial
activity occurs on surfaces and most biological reactors that use attached microbial growth are designed based upon
surface area. Based upon the potential survival time of viruses, travel time criteria are already in use for ground-
water recharge systems. These travel time criteria are in the same range of times as the travel times that are appar-
ently effective for the removal of trace organics. Therefore, it might be possible that existing travel time criteria
for virus survival are also appropriate for the removal of trace organics during sub-surface transport. A travel time
criterion for trace organic removal could potentially eliminate the need for inappropriate surrogates for organic car-
bon transformations such as DOC. Persistent DOC concentrations can vary significantly between different systems
since background natural organic matter concentrations and other factors are highly variable. A scientific basis for
using travel time criteria for organic removal may be developed to eliminate concentration based criteria that are
sometimes inappropriate. During this study, a range of common aquifer materials, hydraulic conductivities and
associated surface areas were examined to develop a relationship that normalizes travel time to surface area for a
wide range of aquifer materials.
An experimental investigation of the removal of high molecular weight organic compounds consisted of 4 reactors
operated with two particle sizes and two different flowrates. The reactors were one meter in length with 8 cm inner
diameter and were constructed of Plexiglass. Two different sizes of clean silica sand were obtained from Border
Products, Arizona and were sieved to obtain geometric mean particle sizea of 0.6 mm and 0.353 mm. The sand was
packed in the above columns to an average dry packing density of 1.4 g/cm3. The four reactors were acclimated
with tertiary effluent from Mesa Northwest Reclamation Plant, Arizona for a period of 50 days. A synthetic feed
consisting of dextran (average M.W. = 1,000) at a concentration of 6.8 mg/L was used. Dextran was used since it is
representative of high molecular weight compound that is completely biodegradable and it can be easily measured
with a carbohydrate analysis. Routine monitoring of turbidity, UV254, dissolved organic carbon and carbohydrate
was done.
A modified biodegradable organic carbon (BDOC) reactor was used to measure the kinetics of dextran utilization
using sand originally acclimated to tertiary effluent. The BDOC reactors used were 500 ml Erlenmeyer conical
flasks containing 100 g of biologically active sand in each of the reactors. The reactors were incubated with 300 ml
of dextran to mimic the synthetic feed used in the column studies. The DOC and carbohydrate was monitored every
day since day zero for dextran utilization for a period of 5 days.
An analysis of hydraulics during sub-surface transport was done by combining basic groundwater hydrology with
an estimation of surface area contact during transport. For the estimation of surface area, cubic packing of soil par-
ticles was assumed. The specific surface area (A, m2 / m3) of the particles as shown in equation 1 is the surface area
of a sphere per volume occupied by the soil particles,
4πr 2 n 3 4πr 2 n 3 π
A = 3
= 3
= (1)
x (2nr ) 2r
where r is radius of the particles, n is the number of particles and x is the distance in the direction of flow. To
account for particle size distributions, the surface areas of different sieve fractions were used to develop a range of
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
406 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
potential surface areas for different aquifer materials. Darcy’s Law (equation 2) was used to estimate the travel times
based on a range of hydraulic conductivities associated with different aquifer materials.
q = K (2)
where q is the darcy velocity, K is hydraulic conductivity and dh/dx is the hydraulic gradient. Knowing the poro-
sity η, one can then obtain the linear velocity V using equation 3.
V = (3)
The distance x traveled is simply x = V * t where t is the travel time. For typical ranges of hydraulic conductivities
with different aquifer materials, the surface area contact as a function of travel time for a constant hydraulic gradi-
ent was calculated.
The results for BDOC tests using Dextran are presented in Figure 1. While data was collected on days 4 and 5, the
concentrations were below detection limits and were not considered for the kinetic analysis. The most striking
result from this test is the linear relationship with time suggesting a zero-order reaction. Since dextran is a high
molecular weight compound, hydrolysis by extracellular enzymes may be necessary before biodegradation can
occur. If hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step, then zero-order kinetics are often appropriate to model substrate
utilization. No significant production of soluble microbial products was observed as the DOC concentration and
carbohydrate concentrations correlated for the duration of the experiment. The majority of persistent DOC in
Dextran Concentration (mgC/L)
Concentration = 5.169 mgC/L
k = 1.6 mgC/L-day
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Time (Days)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 407
reclaimed waters consists of high molecular weight compounds that would also require extracellular hydrolysis for
biodegradation. However, both BDOC tests and soil column studies have demonstrated first-order kinetic relation-
ships for the biodegradation of DOC in reclaimed waters. It is still possible that hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step
and zero-order kinetics actually occurs although first-order kinetics are observed. This is possible during BDOC
tests since sorption and desorption occurs with the complex matrix of organic compounds present in reclaimed
waters. During column studies, both sorption and microbial growth may make the kinetics of DOC biodegradation
appear to be first-order. However, the column studies done using dextran also followed zero-order kinetics and
zero-order kinetics are observed in the BDOC reactors. This is logical since zero-order substrate utilization kinetics
will eliminate spatial distribution of biomass and the biomass activity in the columns was not a function of distance.
Other analyses were also done to examine the potential rate-limiting steps for microbial removal of DOC. An analy-
sis of the fluxes present in the column studies demonstrated that biofilm thicknesses were less than one micron
thick if only one percent of the surface area was available for microbial attachment. This demonstrates that diffusion
through a biofilm should not be occurring. Mass transfer resistance between the bulk liquid and the soil surface was
demonstrated to be negligible based on typical groundwater velocities. Therefore, the most important rate-limiting
factors for substrate utilization appear to be extracellular hydrolysis and microbial growth which will both depend
on surface area contact.
Figure 2 is a plot of normalized surface area which represents the surface area coverage divided by travel time as a
function of the average particle diameter. One assumption was the range of particle size distributions for different
aquifer materials obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture data base may be generalized to com-
mon aquifer materials. The second key assumption was that all systems are subject to a constant hydraulic gradient.
The normalized surface area increases sharply until a 1 mm average particle diameter and then falls down gradually
Surface Area Coverage / Travel Time (sqft/ d ay)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Average Particle Diameter (mm)
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
408 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
with respect to the average particle diameter. The circle in Figure 2 indicates the normalized surface area in the
range for typical aquifer materials found in bank filtration and aquifer recharge systems. There is less than a factor
of 2 difference in normalized surface area for this range of aquifer materials. The results indicate that if a travel time
criteria were used for systems with these aquifer materials, they would all have similar surface area contact if the
hydraulic gradients were similar. While an analysis of different hydraulic gradients has not been done, typically
larger hydraulic gradients develop with smaller particle sizes that have lower hydraulic conductivities and vice-
versa. Based on the results presented in Figure 2, variations in hydraulic conductivity should not have a major
impact on surface area contact. This could be a key reason why SAT and Bank Filtration systems tend to function
well in improving water quality independent of the different operating conditions and mineralogy.
The use of a synthetic substrate to simulate dissolved organic carbon transformations during sub-surface transport
provided insight into the rate-limiting mechanisms. Zero-order substrate utilization kinetics commonly associated
with the hydrolysis of high molecular weight compounds were observed during batch tests. The rate limiting step
for DOC biodegradation is dependent on surface area contact during sub-surface transport.
The robustness of groundwater recharge systems with respect to the removal of organic compounds has been
observed around the world. An elementary analysis of hydraulics to develop a relationship that normalizes surface
area contact to travel time was completed. The results demonstrated that major variations in surface area contact
for a specific travel time with a uniform hydraulic gradient do not occur with aquifer materials representative
of groundwater recharge systems. Therefore, travel time criteria presently based on virus survival might also be
appropriate for the removal of organic compounds during subsurface transport.
Drewes J. E., Fox. P. 2000. Effect of drinking water sources on reclaimed water quality in water reuse systems. Water
Environment Research. 72 (3), 353-362.
Quanrud D.M., Arnold R.G., Lansey K.E., Carmen Begay, Wendell Ela and Jay Gandolfi 2003. Fate of effluent
organic matter during soil aquifer treatment: biodegradability, chlorine reactivity and genotoxicity; Journal of
water and health.
Rittmann, B.E., McCarty, P.L. 1981. Substrate flux into biofilms of any thickness. ASCE Journal of Environmental
Engineering, 107, 831-849.
Rittmann, B.E. 1984. Choosing and determining loading types for fixed-film reactors; 2nd International Conference
on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, 565-577.
Rittmann B. E., Manem J. A. 1992. Development and experimental evaluation of a steady state, multispecies biofilm
model. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 39, 914-922.
Rittmann, B.E. 1984. Choosing and determining loading types for fixed-film reactors; 2nd International Conference
on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, 565-577.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Visual CXTFIT – a user-friendly simulation tool
for modelling one-dimensional transport,
sorption and degradation processes
during bank filtration
G. Nützmann, E. Holzbecher, G. Strahl,
B. Wiese, E. Licht and G. Grützmacher
Successful predictions of the fate and transport of solutes during bank filtration and artificial groundwater
recharge depends on the availability of accurate transport parameters. We expand the CXTFIT code (Toride
et al., 1995) in order to improve the handling by pre- and post processing modules under Microsoft EXCEL. Inverse
modelling results of column experiments with tracers, pharmaceutical residuals and algae toxins demonstrate the
applicability of the advanced simulation tool.
Advection-dispersion equation, analytical solution, inverse modelling, graphical user interface, sorption,
Within the interdisciplinary NASRI research project (Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration)
dealing with river bank filtration processes, a set of column experiments were carried out to understand
mechanisms of transport, sorption and biodegradation of different compounds. To identify these parameters the
CXTFIT code was selected and embedded in a pre- and postprocessing routine programmed with Visual Basic for
Applications. With the help of a graphical interface and using EXCEL worksheets and graphs, experimental data
sets can easily be transferred and results – observed and fitted breakthrough curves – are depicted simultaneously.
Thus, particularly experimentally working groups are enabled to handle this user-friendly simulation tool both for
analysing and planning of experiments.
The transport code CXTFIT (Toride et al. 1995) utilises analytical solutions for transport parameter estimation.
Solutions of the one-dimensional transport equation for the fluid phase concentration c:
∂c ∂ 2c ∂c
R = D 2 −v − µc + γ 1)
∂t ∂x ∂x
with retardation factor R, dispersivity D, velocity v, decay constant µ and production γ are implemented for different
boundary and initial conditions. Both boundary and initial conditions are optional: the Dirac delta input, multiple
pulse input (with constant concentration as special case), and exponential input. Alternatively the transport equa-
tion can be taken in dimensionless or in stochastic form and the concentrations in flux-averaged form. The non-
equilibrium sorption situation can also be treated as a generalisation of equation (1).
The implemented analytical solutions are extensions of the classical solution of the advection-diffusion equation of
Ogata and Banks (1961), some of which were also presented by van Genuchten (1981).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
410 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Analytical solutions have the advantage that the accuracy of the results does not depend on certain numerical
conditions to be fulfilled. In contrast the accuracy of numerical solutions is coupled to stability conditions as the
grid-Péclet condition, the Courant- or the Neumann condition (Holzbecher 1996). The user of CXTFIT thus does
not have to keep an eye on such criteria for temporal or spatial step size.
Visual CXTFIT is implemented in Visual Basic for use in Microsoft EXCEL. The implementation work was
performed at the IGB Berlin. The program is started either by double click directly on the EXCEL file VCxtfit.xls or
from EXCEL directly using an Add-In. At the right of EXCELs’ menu bar at the top of the screen the item ‘Visual
Cxtfit’ appears, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 depicts the new Excel menu bar after opening the worksheet. The item ‘Visual Cxtfit’ runs the program, the
item ‘Options’ opens a window, where path and file settings can be entered. The Visual CXTFIT main window opens
after selection of the ‘Visual Cxtfit’ menu, and it is shown in Fig. 2.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 411
In the main window all operational commands are gathered, like ‘open’, ‘save’, ‘save as’, ‘new’, ‘exit’. The ‘run’ button
starts the CXTFIT code in the background and presents the results in EXCEL and ASCII-formats. In addition major
options can be set in the main window: the type of the differential equation and of the concentration, if inde-
pendent variables are dimensionless or not, or if the direct problem is solved only.
Within the CXTFIT code these options are gathered in Block A, which appears in the GUI view in Fig. 2 as a footer
name at the bottom. Concerning further input data the block-structure of the CXTFIT code is represented in the
user interface. In Block B various inverse modelling parameters can be specified (in Fig. 2 this block is deactivated,
because the direct problem option is selected. In Block C transport parameters are set, which the program fits
during an inverse modelling run, if the parameter is to be determined, or remain unchanged otherwise. Parameters
selected for estimation should be given minimum and maximum constraints. In Block D the boundary conditions
are set, in Block E the initial conditions. Block F deals with the production term, Block G with observed data for the
inverse problem. Finally in Block H temporal and/or spatial increments for the output of the estimated analytical
solution are specified by the user.
The CXTFIT program starts after a click on the ‘run’-button (see Fig. 2). There is an option to treat several cases in
one run. After the run a report is given on an ASCII file, as well as tabular and graphical output in EXCEL. Example
outputs are shown in the next sub-chapter.
Different kind of field, semi-technical and column experiments in the NASRI research project were carried out
with tracers (e.g. Bromide, Gadolinium), pharmaceutical residuals (e.g. Primidone, Carbamazepine) and blue algae
toxins (Microcystin). First of all the model was used to estimate best fits for the transport parameters velocity
v/ϕ and dispersion length α L = D/v (with porosity ϕ) regarding different types of input functions. Especially for field
experiments these parameters are used as first approximations to be improved with the help of numerical modeling.
For column experiments, based on these analyses inverse modeling of retardation and decay leads to a better under-
standing of sorption /desorption and biodegradation effects, sometimes coupled with mobile-immobile transport
behavior. Results of Visual CXTFIT modeling often are used further for reactive transport simulation. Three
examples are given in the following sub-chapters.
Because of very similar boundary conditions at the shore line, the shapes of both tracer breakthrough curves differ
very slightly. In Fig. 3 the temporal distribution of observed and simulated Gd-DTPA concentrations for three single
wells with increased distance from the injection location can be seen. Fig. 3A and 3B show a close agreement
between measured and modelled BTC’s but with slightly different values of flow velocities and dispersion. From
Fig. 3C an additional mechanism like mixing of water bodies with different concentrations as a result of 3-D flow
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
412 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
A 1 B 1
0,8 0,8
0,6 0,6
c/c 0
c/c 0
0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0 0
0,E+00 2,E+06 4,E+06 6,E+06 0,E+00 2,E+06 4,E+06 6,E+06
time [s] time [s]
C 1
c/c 0
0,E+00 2,E+06 4,E+06 6,E+06
time [s]
structures is detectable, what leads to a non sufficient approximation. With the help of the one-dimensional
simulator Visual CXTFIT a likely range of variation for the flow velocities of the sandy and gravel layer could be
identified (from 0.3 to 7.1 m per day). Again, the variation of the dispersion lengths is in a higher range than the
variation of the velocities. The identified parameters demonstrate a first approximation of the spatial distribution of
transport coefficients, which could be improved only by using a fully three-dimensional modelling approach.
Table 1. Estimated values of the decay coefficient µ [1/h] for different PhAC compounds during enclosure filtration
experiments (from Mechlinski et al., 2005)
Depth below
Clofibric acid Ibuprofen Primidone Carbamazepine Diclofenac
surface [cm]
40 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.09
80 0.05 2.0 0.0 0.04 0.1
40 * 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
80 * 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.03
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 413
pharmaceuticals are retarded (1.2 < R < 2.9), only ibuprofen was efficiently degraded during slow sand filtration.
This may indicate, that ibuprofen is subject to a microbial degradation and the removal is not only a result of an
adsorption to the sediment (Heberer et al. 2004).
Laboratory and technical scale experiments have also shown, that breakthrough of particle-bound as well as extra-
cellular cyanotoxins is possible (Bricelj and Sedmak 2001, Chorus et al. 2004). Similar to the PhAC experiments
discussed above enclosure experiments are carried out to identify transport parameters like dispersion, adsorption
and decay of microcystins (MCYST). Pulse-type injection of tracer and MCYST into the water column above the
sediment layer leads to a decrease of concentration of both substances due to mixing with fresh water. First, the
normalized input concentration was estimated as a function of time, see Fig. 4.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
time after application [h]
Then, the BTC’s of tracer and MCYST at 4 different sampling points (20, 40, 60, 80cm depth) and the outlet (120
cm depth) of the enclosures are estimated with VisualCXTFIT using the fitted input function. The results are shown
in Fig. 5 for two sampling points.
0,2 0,12
0 0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
time after application [h] time after application [h]
Figure 5. Measured and modeled MCYST breakthrough curves (left: 60 cm below the inlet, right: outlet)
The identified values of retardation varies from 1.2 < R < 1.8, whereas their distribution is not correlated with the
depth. In contrast to that, the decay coefficient range from µ = 1.0 [1/h] at 20 cm to µ = 0.17 [1/h] at the outlet
showing a decrease of microbial activity with increasing depth and a partial removal of MCYST during slow sand fil-
tration under saturated conditions. Recent infiltration experiments during the NASRI project confirm, that MCYST
breakthrough can occur at different depths depending on the biological activity at the infiltration surface, pore
water flow velocity, geochemical composition of the sediments and prevailing redox conditions during infiltration.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
414 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Using the Visual CXTFIT add-in measured breakthrough curves for tracers, pharmaceuticals and algae toxins were
successfully reproduced. Especially for column and enclosure experiments mechanistic studies are carried out to
find basic transport parameters. Even in the case of more complex flow situations during field experiments the
identified parameters are used as initial values to be improved with numerical modelling. The simulation results
make evident that this easy-to-use program can be a fundamental tool not only for modellers but for experimental
working groups also.
The authors would like to thank Berliner Wasserbetriebe and Veolia Water for financial support of the NASRI
project at the Kompetenz Zentrum Wasser Berlin making this study possible. Special thanks also to Andy
Mechlinski and Michael Voigt for their technical help.
Bricelj M. and Sedmak B. (2001). Transport of Biologically active substances through Gravel Strata, in: Seiler and
Wohnlich (eds.): New Approaches Characterizing Groundwater Flow: Swets and Zeitlinger Lisse, 25 – 29.
Chorus I., Böttcher G., Grützmacher G., Pawlitzky E. (2004). Strategien zur Vermeidung des Vorkommens
ausgewählter Algen- und Cyanobakterienmetabolite im Rohwasser, Abschlußbericht BMBF-Projekt, Förderkenn-
zeichen 02 WT9852/7.
Heberer, T., Franck, B., and Mechlinski, A. (2004). Occurence and fate of drug residues and related polar contami-
nants during bank filtration. 2nd project report, Kompetenz Zentrum Wasser Berlin, June 2003, 88 pp.
Holzbecher E. (1996). Modellierung dynamischer Prozesse in der Hydrologie: Grundwasser und ungesättigte Zone,
Springer Publ., Heidelberg.
Mechlinski, A., Voigt, M. and E. Licht (2005). Behavior of PhAC’s during enclosure experiments (personal comm.).
Nützmann, G., Holzbecher. E., Wiese, B. Greskowiak, J., Horner, C. (2004). Integrated modeling concepts and bank
filtration processes: coupled groundwater transport and biogeochemical reactions. 2nd project report, Kompetenz
Zentrum Wasser Berlin, June 2003, 74 pp.
Ogata A. and Banks R.B. (1961). A solution of the differential equation of longitudinal dispersion in porous media,
US Geological Survey, Professional Paper No. 411-A.
Toride N., Leij F.J., and van Genuchten M. Th. (1995). The CXTFIT code for estimating transport parameters from
laboratory or field tracer experiments, U.S. Salinity Lab., Agric. Res. Service, US Dep. of Agric., Research Report
No. 137, Riverside (CA).
Van Genuchten, M. Th. (1981). Analytical solutions for the chemical transport with simultaneous adsorption, zero-
order production and first order decay, J. of Hydrology., Vol. 49, 213 – 233.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V On the use of reactive multicomponent
transport modelling for assessing
water quality changes
during managed aquifer recharge
Managed aquifer recharge is an increasingly used technique to supplement water supplies. Following recharge the
water quality of the injectant is typically altered by a multitude of geochemical processes during subsurface
passage and storage. Relevant geochemical processes that affect the major ion chemistry include microbially
mediated redox reactions, mineral dissolution /precipitation, sorption and ion-exchange. Reactive multi-
component transport modelling provides an ideal platform for the simultaneous quantification of these processes
and to develop an understanding of how they interact. The present paper demonstrates this for the analysis of a
comprehensive data set that was collected during the deep-well injection of aerobic surface water into an anoxic,
pyritic aquifer in the Netherlands.
Deep well injection, geochemical transport modelling, pyrite oxidation, temperature, PHT3D.
Managed aquifer recharge is increasingly used to enhance the sustainable development of water supplies. Common
recharge techniques include aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), infiltration ponds, river bank filtration and deep-
well injection. Following recharge the water quality of the injectant is typically altered by a multitude of geochemi-
cal processes during subsurface passage and storage. Relevant geochemical processes that affect the major ion chem-
istry include microbially mediated redox reactions, mineral dissolution/precipitation, sorption and ion-exchange.
The hydrochemical conditions and changes that occur under these circumstances, in particular the temporal and
spatial changes of pH and redox conditions, are in many cases the controlling factor for the fate of micropollutants
such as herbicides and pharmaceuticals. Similarly, changes in mineralogical composition such as dissolution and
precipitation of iron- or aluminiumoxides may affect the mobility of trace metals as well as the attachment and sub-
sequent decay of pathogenic viruses (Schijven et al., 2000, Zhuang et al., 2003). Laboratory and field-scale experi-
mental studies are aimed at investigating such processes under controlled conditions and to eventually develop a
better qualitative and quantitative understanding of their complex interactions, both site-specific and at a funda-
mental level. However, a comprehensive and integrated in-depth analysis of the recorded experimental data is often
omited, despite the sometimes significant cost for the experimental work and despite the potential long-term bene-
fits for designing and operating efficient, sustainable and safe recharging schemes. The present paper gives a sum-
mary on how reactive multicomponent transport modelling was used at a recharge site as a technique for a more
rigorous analysis and the quantification of physical and biogeochemical processes that can explain the observed
data. A full description of the modelling study can be found in Prommer and Stuyfzand (2005). A second modelling
example is presented in the companion paper by Greskowiak et al. (2005).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
416 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The deep well injection and extraction scheme created a three-dimensional flow field that strongly determined
the hydraulic gradients and mass transport in the vicinity of the wells. The symmetrical flow-field that resulted
from the injection was approximated by a half-model of 263 m length (in flow direction) and 124 m width, i.e.,
perpendicular to the main flow direction. In vertical direction the model was discretized into 12 layers of different
conductivities between –273 m and –340 m depth, as proposed in the conceptual model by Stuyfzand (1999).
Initially nonreactive transport of chloride was simulated and the results compared with the measured con-
centrations. A good agreement between simulated and observed data was achieved after small adjustments of the
initially attributed hydraulic conductivities were made. This step was followed by a fine-calibration that used
the simulation of heat transport and its comparison with measured temperature data as an additional constraint for
the flow and nonreactive transport model. Heat transport was modelled in a simplified manner by defining the
water temperature as a retarded, mobile species.
Based on the field observations a reaction network was defined and a corresponding reaction module was formlated
for the multicomponent transport model PHT3D (Prommer et al., 2003), a model that couples the transport simula-
tor MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang, 1999) with the geochemical model PHREEQC-2 (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999).
The reaction network included complexation reactions of all major ions, dissolution / mass transfer of
sediment bound organic matter to dissolved organic carbon (DOC), kinetically controlled DOC mineralisation,
ion-exchange reactions and the kinetically controlled, temperature-dependant oxidation of pyrite by oxygen and /or
nitrate. The duration of the pilot test was subdivided into 39 stress-periods of variable length and the measured
injection water compositions were used to define the source concentrations at the injection well. The ambient water
composition was assumed to be homogeneous, however, pyrite and BOM contents as well as the cation exchange
capacity varied with depth, according to the zonation proposed by Stuyfzand (1999). The model calibration was
used to determine both the magnitude and the relative importance of pyrite oxidation in comparison with the
organic carbon mineralisation. Matching simulated and measured sulfate concentrations served as the major con-
straint for the estimation of the parameters that determined the magnitude of the pyrite oxidation rates, while
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 417
matching simulated and observed oxygen and nitrate concentrations served as the main constraint for the combined
effect of pyrite oxidation and DOC degradation.
The calibrated model reflects in great detail the spatial and temporal changes of the major ion and redox chemistry
that occurred in response to the injection of the aerobic surface water. For example, the model is capable of
accurately reproducing the extent and the seasonal variability of the oxygen and nitrate plumes that are created
during injection. Fig. 1 illustrates the extent of those plumes 730 days after the start of the experiment. The snap-
shot shown corresponds to a period where low temperatures of the injected water leads to comparatively large
oxygen and nitrate plumes. The degree of variability is indicated in Fig. 2, which shows the breakthrough curves of
Figure 2. Measured (circles) and simulated (solid lines) breakthrough curves of oxygen and nitrate
at three different distances from the injection well (WP3 = 8 m, WP.2 = 12 m, WP.1 = 38 m).
Dashed lines show the simulated breakthrough curves for advective dispersive only (no reactions).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
418 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
oxygen and nitrate at three different distances from the injection wells, at 8 m, 12 m and 38 m, respectively. The
plots show how, influenced by a seasonal variability, initially oxygen and with increasing distance also nitrate
concentrations are decreasing. The results of model runs where only advective dispersive transport was considered,
that is, all reactions were switched off, are plotted in comparison. The results illustrate that nitrate is transported
conservatively as long as oxygen is present.
The model calibration identified pyrite oxidation as the dominant process with respect to oxygen and nitrate
removal, consuming 6.34 of the 9.11 × 106 mol electron equivalents (Eeq) injected into the aquifer. This is indi-
cated in Fig. 3, where the simulated rates of the spatially integrated oxygen and nitrate consumption are plotted in
comparison with the removal rates of pyrite and BOM. Through a more detailed modelling analysis (Prommer and
Stuyfzand, 2005) it was shown that pyrite oxidation rates exhibit a strong temperature dependency, which can
explain a large fraction of the observed seasonal variability of the breakthrough curves at the monitoring wells. For
that study the temperature-dependency was approximated from the rates of measured oxygen consumption in the
proximity of the injection well and incorporated into the appropriate rate expressions through an Arrhenius-type
term in the equations for pyrite oxidation and BOM mineralisation.
In contrast to the observed variability of concentrations at the monitoring wells the extraction water quality showed
only a minor impact of seasonality and of temperature variations. This can be seen in Fig. 4, where the results of the
reactive transport simulations are plotted in comparison with measured concentrations for some of the key species
and water quality parameters. The extraction well collects water with a wide range of differing travel times, which
explains why the locally observed variability observed in the monitoring wells are dissipated in the extraction water.
Through the comparison of the modelling results for reactive transport with those of conservative (i.e., advection-
dispersion only) transport simulations, the impact of physical and chemical processes on the extraction water
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 419
quality can be distinguished. For example, it can be seen that 30 – 40% of the increase in sulfate concentrations can
be attributed to pyrite oxidation, whereas the remainder is determined from the dynamically changing mixing ratio
between ambient water and the more sulfate-rich injectant. Similarly it can be seen that the dissolved inorganic
carbon concentrations in the extraction water remain essentially unaffected by reactive processes.
Figure 4. Selected simulated (solid lines) and measured (circles) aqueous component concentrations
at the extraction well PP.1 in comparison with measured concentrations at the injection well IP.2 (triangles).
The dashed lines indicate the simulated extraction well concentrations
for purely advective-dispersive transport (no reaction).
Reactive multicomponent transport modelling combines the more widely established modelling techniques of
groundwater flow modelling and that of batch-type geochemical modelling. It was shown here to be an adequate
tool for the in-depth analysis of the comprehensive data set collected during the deep-well injection experiment.
The model was for the particular case here, like for the case described in the companion paper by Greskowiak et al.
(2005), used in a mode that included the development and testing of hypotheses how physical, chemical and bio-
logical processes interact. In the deep-well injection case the resulting major outcome was the model-based iden-
tification and quantification of the impact that the variable temperature of the injection water had on reaction rates.
This allowed to accurately describe the spatial-temporal evolution of the major ion chemistry, pH and redox
changes that had developed during the trial injection. The capacity to reliably quantify those hydrochemical para-
meters for artificially recharged aquifers provides the key for the assessment of the fate of potential micropollutants
and, for example, to pursue a process-based description of the mobility of pathogenic viruses. The mobility of the
latter, which might be controlled by the electrostatic repulsion between viruses and grains, is strongly affected by
hydrochemical parameters such as pH, ionic strength and the concentration of divalent cations. Those parameters
are of course all intrinsically determined by reactive multicomponent transport models, making it an ideal platform
for more detailed studies of those issues.
The modelling study was made possible through funding from CORONA, a research project of the European
Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
420 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Greskowiak, J., Prommer, H., Vanderzalm, J., Pavelic, P., and Dillon, P. (2005). Quantifying Biogeochemical Changes
during ASR of Reclaimed Water at Bolivar, South Australia, Proc. (in this volume).
Parkhurst D. L., and Appelo, C. A. J. (1999). PHREEQC (Version 2) – A computer program for speciation, batch-
reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations, Water Resources Investigations
Report 99-4259, U. S. Geological Survey, 1999.
Prommer H., Barry, D. A., and Zheng, C. (2003). MODFLOW/MT3DMS based reactive multi-component transport
modelling. Ground Water, 41(2), 247 – 257.
Prommer, H., and Stuyfzand, P. J. (2005). Identification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a
deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. and Technol., 39, 2200 – 2209.
Schijven, J. F., Medema, G. J., Vogelaar, A. J., Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2000). Removal of microorganisms by deep well
injection. J. Cont. Hydrol., 44, 301– 327.
Stuyfzand, P. J. (1999). Deep well injection at the DIZON pilot plant (South-east Netherlands); Final report on qual-
ity changes during aquifer passage (in dutch). Kiwa-report KOA 99.054, 98 pp.
Zheng, C., and Wang, P. P. (1999). MT3DMS: A modular three-dimensional multispecies model for simulation of advec-
tion, dispersion and chemical reactions of contaminants in groundwater systems, Documentation and User’s Guide,
Contract Report SERDP-99-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Zhuang, J., and Jin, Y. (2003). Virus retention and transport in Al-oxide coated sand columns: effects of ionic strength
and composition. J. Cont. Hydrol., 60, 193 – 209.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Simulating effect of successive cycles
in aquifer storage and recovery well in India
Aquifer storage recovery ASR well is a dual purpose well, used for recharge and recovery sequentially. Field
experiment conducted cycles in a highly brackish semi-confined aquifer. Calibaration and validation of finite
element flow model, HYDRUS-2D was done by drawup/drawdown in pressure heads during recharge/recovery in
successive ASR cycles in observation well 10 m away from well. For simulation variable flux boundary conditions
were applied at axisymteric elliptical cavity surface. Top, bottom, and side boundaries were closed for flow. Good
fit data, high modeling efficiency, high correlation coefficient, and fairly low RMSE in the computed and
measured heads during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ASR cycles validated the model. 20 m pressure isoline advanced
during recharge and receded during recovery in x and z direction. So the study suggested that HYDRUS 2D may
be adopted for groundwater recharge studies in ASR wells.
ASR systems include ASR well and its influencing zone, piezometer and observation well and are designed to
meet seasonal variations in supply, demand and quality (Pyne, 2003). This technique is being increasingly utilized
for reducing salinity of brackish aquifers for irrigation (Gerges et al., 2002 a, b; Malik, 2002); to prevent surface
ponding in standing crops (Malik, 2000) and for maintaining the desired water levels in fresh water aquifers (Pyne,
1995; Gale et al., 2002; Pavelic et al., 2002) at relatively small cost, that would be economically viable at individual
farmer level. Improvement in the quality of water in the aquifer surrounding the ASR prompts the farmer to extract
more groundwater for irrigation (Malik et al., 2002) thereby implementing the recommended conjunctive use
Modelling water pressures around the ASR well would not only quantify this temporal and spatial rise or fall
in water levels but also be helpful in assessing the environmental impacts (Gale et al., 2002). Simulation models
can integrate information on different geological and hydrological situations and operational factors to help
devise appropriate operational schedule for the success of ASR technology. Temporal and spatial water pressure
responses near recharge /recovery ASR strainer wells have been modelled using analytical (Anonymous, 1993;
Simpson et al., 2003) in saturated flow conditions in homogeneous areas and numerical 2D or 3D approaches
(Chiang and Kinzelbach 1998; Williams 2000; Kohfahl et al., 2002; Jorgensen and Helleberg, 2002; Bogdanov et al.,
2003) under steady and transient saturated flow conditions. To our knowledge, a few numerical modelling studies
have been reported for cavity type ASR wells. A scientifically documented and evaluated (Diodato, 2000), HYDRUS-
2D software package of (Simunek et al., 1996) having extensive interface capabilities for simulating
saturated and unsaturated water, solute and heat flow under bare and cropped condition. A study was therefore, ini-
tiated with the objectives to calibrate and validate the Hydrus-2D model for water level responses in successive ASR
cycles in a cavity type ASR well.
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422 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Field experiments
The field experiment was conducted at Soil Research farm of CCS Harayana Agricultural University Hisar, Haryana,
India (28°59’ to 29°49’ N latitude and 75°11’ to 76°18’ longitude at an elevation of 215.2 m above mean sea level to
study the effect of successive cycles of recharge-recovery on water level responses and spatial influence. The ASR
well and piezometer were installed under the Indo-German collaborative project on artificial recharge of ground-
water through integrated sand filter- injection well technique at CCS HAU Hisar India. First cycle was used for
calibration and next three cycles were used for validation.
Parameter estimation
Soil water retention functions were derived from pressure head and water content data measured on pressure plate
apparatus using Van Genuchten-Mualem equations (Van Genuchten, 1980) as:
θ (h ) =
θs − θr
[1 + α h n] m
h<0 (1) θ (h ) = θs h≥0 (2) [ (
K (h ) = Ks Se k 1 − 1 − Se k / m )]
Where θ is the volumetric water content, h is the pressure head, α, n, m (=1=1/n), and k (=0.5) are empirical
parameters, Se = (θ – θr) / (θs – θr) is the degree of saturation. The calibration of numerical experiments to generate
piezometric pressure heads h time pairs for optimizing effective saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks by comparing
with the field observed data using θr, θs, α, n, and m as fixed parameters (Table 1).
Numerical experiments
Four successive cycles (see Table 2 for recovery- recharge time schedule) were conducted using HYDRUS-2D to
obtain axisymetric three dimensional view of recharge and recovery processes. HYDRUS-2D solves the modified
form of Richard equation (4) for variably saturated flow numerically.
Relatively coarse numerical mesh involving nodes depicting the geometry of the flow region, 70 m depth with
radius of 500 m and an exocentric elliptical cavity with 1m horizontal radius and 1 m vertical radius as shown in
Fig. 1. The observation node was marked at the Piezometer (1) as shown in Fig. 1. Recovery and recharge fluxes as
in Table 2 were applied as variable flux boundary condition at axisymteric elliptical cavity surface. The top, bottom,
and side boundaries were closed for flow. Recharge and recovery rates were constant i.e. 24 m3 / hr and 55 m3 / hr.
Fig. 2 showed the recharge (–) and recovery (+) fluxes as Hydrus 2D works in –ve Z direction.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 423
Table 2. Recovery and recharge schedule for each calibration and validation days
Volume (m 3) Duration (days)
Cycle No Recharge Rate (m3/h) Recovery Rate (m3/h) % Recharge Storage Recovery Total
∂θ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ K(h) ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ⎞
= ⎜ K(h) ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ K(h) ⎜ + 1⎟ ⎟ (4)
∂t ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ ∂Z ⎝ ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎠
Flux (m3/hours)
–2 0
–4 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (hours)
Figure 1. Observation node number 1 Figure 2. Recharge and recovery fluxes
is piezometric points at 10 m as a function of time during
concentric radial distances
The estimated parameters by inverse modelling are given in Table 1. Goodness-of-fit and statistical measures as
modeling efficiency (ME) (eqn. 6) and RMSE (root mean square error) (eqn. 8) as function of time were used to
assess simulation performance.
⎢ ∑
i =1
(Oi − Si) 2 ⎥ { }
⎢1 −
maximum error (me) = max ( Oi − Si )i = 1 (5)
{ ( )}
n ⎥
modeling efficiency (ME) = ⎢ 2 ⎥ (6)
Oi − O
⎣ i =1 ⎦
where Oi and Si represent the observed and simulated time series of heads in the observation well at 10 m from
ASR well, n represents the number of observed and simulated values used in the comparison, and O the observed
average. one is considered to be the best modelling efficiency. Negative values of modelling efficiency are considered
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
424 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
as unacceptable (Ghulam et al. 2004). The root mean square error is useful to quantify the differences between
observed data and simulated data with the optimized parameters:
∑ Oi ⎛1 N ⎞
O = i =1 (7) RMSE = ⎜
∑ [M i − Si (b ) ]2
n i =1
where Mi and Si (b) are measured and simulated values for an output variable.
During recharge there was decrease in RMSE with the time (Table 3). RMSE decreased from 1.24 m after 1 hr of
recharge to 0.83 m after 87 hrs of recharge. Similar trends were shown by ME also. ME increased from 0.97 to 0.98
from 1 hr of recharge to 87 hrs of recharge. Initially high RMSE and low ME revealed that during the start of
recharge there was much deviation between the experimental head and simulated head. Similar trends were
observed during the recovery also i.e. from 1 hr to 34 hrs recovery, RMSE decresed from 3.57 m to 3.05 m and ME
increased from 0.85 to 0.87 (Table 4). Overall matching between observed and simulated data points was quite
satisfactory during calibration except during start of recharge and recovery in each cycle (Fig. 3). It might have
been due to the facts: 1) that hydrus 2D model does not take into account the storage coefficient in the aquifer
and /or 2) the entry points resistances of piezometers might have delayed their response to drawup and drawdown
pressure heads under actual field conditions.
Table 3. Number of observations N, RMSE and ME in drawup during calibration and validation in pressure heads
Calibration Validation
RMSE (m)
Time (h) N RMSE* (m) ME** N IInd IIIrd IVth Mean ME
1 31 1.24 0.97 31 1.21 1.22 1.23 0.97
15 35 1.13 0.97 35 1.17 1.17 1.19 0.96
45 39 0.98 0.98 39 1.15 1.15 1.21 0.98
87 46 0.83 0.98 46 1.00 1.00 1.15 0.99
Table 4. Number of observations N, RMSE and ME in drawdown during calibration and validation in pressure heads
Calibration Validation
RMSE (m)
Time (h) N RMSE* (m) ME** N IInd IIIrd IVth Mean ME
1 34 3.57 0.87 300 3.50 3.80 3.82 0.85
16 44 3.20 0.88 300 3.10 3.37 3.51 0.86
34 47 3.05 0.89 300 2.95 3.10 3.21 0.87
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 425
2nd, 3rd and 4th ASR cycles were used for the validation of HYDRUS 2D model. Goodness-of-fit and statistical
measures as modeling efficiency (ME) (eqn. 6) and RMSE (root mean square error) (eqn. 8) as function of time
revealed the similar results as observed during the calibration. There was decrease in RMSE in all the cycles
(Table 3) from 1 hr recharge to 87 hrs recharge i.e. during 2nd cycle RMSE decreased from 1.21 m to 1.00 m, during
3rd cycle from 1.22 m to 1.12 m whereas, in 3rd cycle from 1.23 m to 1.15 m. Whereas, mean modeling efficiency
increased from 0.97 to 0.99 from 1 hr recharge to 87 hrs recharge. Similarly, there was decrease in RMSE between
experimental and simulated heads with increase in recovery time (Table 4). During 2nd cycle RMSE decreased from
3.50 m to 2.98 m, in 3rd cycle from 3.80 m to 3.10 m and in 4th cycle 3.82 m to 3.21 m with a recovery time of 1 hr
to 34 hrs. Mean ME increased from 0.85 to 0.87 from 1 hr recovery to 34 hrs recovery.
Overall matching between observed and simulated data points was quite satisfactory except at start of recharge and
recovery in each cycle (Fig. 3). It might have been due to the facts: 1) that hydrus 2D model does not take into
account the storage coefficient in the aquifer and / or 2) the entry points resistances of piezometers might have
delayed their response to drawup and drawdown pressure heads under actual field conditions. This may be reason
for Slightly higher RMSE values and low ME during recovery (Table 3, 4).
Spatial influence
There was no appreciable drawup/drawdown in pressure head after a distance of 200 m (Fig. 4) in the 1st cycle. So
the spatial influencing of recharge/recovery is upto 200 m. Spatial Influence means the length upto which there is
5% of the maximum drawup/drawdown during recharge and recovery of each cycle. Similarly during the IInd, IIIrd
and IVth cycle the influencing zone was 210 m, 220 m and 230m during recharge and recovery in successive cycles.
Spatial study also suggest that next tubewell should be installed atleast 230 m away from the existing ASR well. The
study suggest that hydrus 2D may be adopted for simulations in ground water recharge studies in ASR well.
Drawup (m)
Drawdown (m)
40 63
35 61
30 Drawdown
Drawup 57
25 55
20 53
15 49
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Length (m) Length (m)
Figure 4. Radial Influence of the Ist ASR cycles during recharge and recovery as given by Hydrus 2D
Development of pressure isolines during recovery and recharge times as taken from 2 dimensional output graphs as
presented in Fig. 5 showed that there was mound height rise building during recharge and mound height decrease
during recovery near the cavity. The radial influence of recharge and recovery on ground water drawup/drawdown
was not more than 325 m.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
426 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
After 1 h After 1 h
After 15 h After 16 h
After 45 h After 34 h
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 5. Development of pressure isolines during first validation ASR cycle as a function of time
• Hydrus 2D simulated the drawup/drawdown of pressure head quite well except at the start of recharge and
discharge in each cycle.
• There was little change in pressure head after a distance of 325 m distance in the aquifer.
Anonymous (1993). Progress report of ICAR coordinated research schemes on optimization of ground water util-
ization through wells and pumps, Department of soil and water Engineering college of Agriculture Engineering
PAU, Ludhiana, 4 – 26.
Bogdanov, I. I., V. V. Mourzenko, J.-F. Thovert, P. M. Adler (2003). Pressure drawdown well tests in fractured porous
media. Water Resour. Res., 39(1), 1021– 29.
Chiang, W.H. and W. Kinzelbach (1998). Processing Modflow. 3D-Groundwater Modelling with PMWIN: A simu-
lation system for modeling ground water flow and pollution. ISBN: 3540677445. p. 325.
Diodato, David M. (2000). Review: Hydous-2D. Ground Water, 38(1): 10 – 11.
Gale, I. N., A.T. Williams, I. Gaus, H. K. Jones (2002). ASR-UK: Elucidating the hydrological issues associated
with Aquifer Storage and recovery in the UK. UKWIR report Ref.no. 02/WR/09/2, BGS Report No. CR/02/156/N
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 427
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Groundwater mathematical modeling
of Sujas Basin Zanjan Province, Iran
A. Taheri Tizro and Sh. Lahooni
Groundwater Models are simple representation of actual physical processes and suitably constrained differential
equation that describes groundwater behavior in a system of interest. This model enables us to test hypothesis to
predict the relative effects to management strategies and to perform sensivity analysis. A three-dimensional,
numerical groundwater model of the Sujas aquifer in the Zanjan province of NW Iran was developed to help
estimate groundwater availability and water levels in response to pumping and potential future droughts. The
model includes historical information on the aquifer and incorporates results of new studies on water levels,
structure, hydraulic properties, and recharge rates.
Groundwater, mathematical modeling, Sujas Basin, modflow, calibration.
With the development of finite difference and finite element techniques and digital computers, solution of complex
mathematical models can be achieved. The governing differential equation is approximated by difference from
of equation that is solved at the nodes that comprise a two or three dimensional grid (Franklin et al., 2003). The
reliability of prediction using a groundwater model depends on the how well the model approximates field situ-
ations (Anderson 1992). One of the most important points is to select groundwater modeling software which
most possess selecting index like its capability, popularity and its friendly use. The MODFLOW has emerged as the
standard code simulating software was established in 1984 and later 1988 (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988). The
major revisions were released with addition of precondition conjugate gradient procedure PCG (Hill,1992) and etc.
Attempt has been made to perform groundwater mathematical modeling of Sujas basin located in NW of Iran. The
area of study lies in between latitudes 36 ° 7’ to 36 ° 30 ’ north and longitudes 48 °16’ to 48 °50’ east. The total area is
of 1,298 km.sq, which experiences average temperature of 9.68 c and average annual rainfall is about 369 mm. The
area lies in between the tectonic zone of Alborz and central Iran. Geologically the area characterized by thick
sequences of metamorphic and sedimentary formation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age. The highest elevation in the
basin is of to 2,812 m (Qaidar mountain) located in southern part and lowest elevation is 1,650 m .
The aim of modeling is predicting the effect of pumping or recharge on groundwater levels. To understand ground-
water hydrodynamic properties of aquifers to find better solution with regards to groundwater management stra-
tegies of the basin. Fig. 1 shows steps followed in groundwater modeling of Sujas basin.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 429
The conceptual model is our best understanding of groundwater flow in the aquifer. Generally more valid data were
made available to construct the model. The data were used to understand: (1) the extent of the aquifer, its location
and its boundaries,(2) the flow of water into and out of the aquifer, (3) behavior o the water levels, (4) variation in
the thickness and the depth of the aquifer and any confining strata,(5) the spatial variation of the coefficient of
the transmissivity and storage, (6) pumping test data and discharge of wells and its drawdown, (7) water level fluc-
tuations in the aquifer over a number of years, (8) the possible river base flows, (9) spring location and spring
flows, (10) information related to basic hydrogeology of region such as areas of interconnections between surface
and groundwater.
In order to show three dimensional picture and groundwater conditions a fence diagram (Fig. 2 ) from lithological
data has been prepared for the area.
For choosing the size and external boundaries, it was decided to consider the major recharge and discharge areas.
The central parts of the basin is effected by a major fault, which strikes parallel to Sujas river so that boundary con-
dition assigned to these nodes considered to be constant at primary stages of calibration (Dirichlet type of boundary
condition), but later it was decided to consider the influence of river and fault in the parameters. Fig. 3 illustrates
surface two dimensional conceptual model and conditions of input and output areas.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
430 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The design of the model includes the choice of code and processor, the discrimination of the aquifer into layers and
cells, and the assignment of model parameters. The model was designed to match well as much as possible with the
conceptual model of groundwater flow in the aquifer.
The MODFLOW-96 (Harbaugh and McDonald, 1996), a widely-used modular finite-difference groundwater flow
code written by the USGS was used. To obtain loading information into the model and observing model results,
Processing MODFLOW for Windows (PMWIN) version 5.1 was used (Chiang and Kinzelbach, 1998).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 431
The lateral extent of the model corresponds to natural hydrologic boundaries, such as erosional limits, rivers,
and the structural, and hydraulic boundaries to the west that coincide with groundwater divides. According to
the hydrostratigraphy and conceptual model, the model was designed to have one layer. IBOUND defined by estab-
lishing the lateral extent of the formations in each layer using the geologic map. A cell assigned l as active if the
formation covered more than 50 percent of the cell area. The model domain was discredited into grid dimensions of
1 x 1 km and sq. cells with smaller cell assigned to the active model area where rivers, springs and abstractions are
simulated. In total, the model contains 38 columns and 34 rows (Fig. 4 ).
Model parameters
The distributed model parameters, including (1) elevations of the top and bottom of each layer, (2) horizontal and
vertical hydraulic conductivity, (3) specific storage, and (4) specific yield using both Surfer and Arcview.
Model boundaries
The model assigned boundaries for the parameters including, (1) recharge, (2) pumping, (3) rivers, (4) springs, (5) outer
boundaries, and (7) initial conditions. The initial values assigned of recharge according to Arcview analysis des-
cribed in the recharge section. The interpretation of water levels at the October of 2000 as initial heads for the steady-
state mode considered. The River Package of MODFLOW was used to represent rivers and streams in the model.
The constant-head and General Head Boundary (GHB) Package of MODFLOW used for nominating outer
boundaries The GHB Package requires values for hydraulic-head and conductance. The hydraulic head according
to the interpreted water in the area of the GHB cells and the GHB conductance according to the hydraulic conduc-
tivity and geometry of the cell were assigned.
The interpreted water-level maps as initial heads for the steady-state model was used.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
432 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
The effectiveness of groundwater model will depend on how accurately it has been calibrated. The gap in data infor-
mation like aquifer parameters should be determined first. The modeling strategy used in this was to calibrate the
model in steady and unsteady conditions. Calibration
The calibration was attempted in steady-state model to measured water levels in the Sujas aquifer for October, 2002
when pumping expected to be lowest. To calibrate the model adjustment of the different model parameters was
made to determine which parameters had the most effect on simulated water levels. Through this initial sensitivity
analysis, it was observed that the water levels in the Sujas aquifer were most sensitive to the recharge rate, the
horizontal hydraulic conductivity and the bottom layers. The final, calibrated model has good match of reproducing
the spatial distribution of water levels in the Sujas aquifer for the October 2002 The model reproduces the inter-
preted direction of groundwater flow and approximates water levels in most parts of the study area.
Period of calibration was considered as one year in unsteady state with 12 time steps. In the process of calibration
a good match of selecting model parameters, between the predicted and measured static water level is obtained. The
calibration was accomplished by a trial and error adjustment of model parameters. In case of any disorder in
calibration was observed, the system of conceptualization was repeated by additional data collection studies and
appropriate parameters values after many iteration processes. Judicial adjustment of parameters in the calibration
process was done; therefore primary condition was considered with regard to water levels in each node. Fig. 4
shows the distribution observatory wells in the area.
Once the model was calibrated in steady state condition for the October, 2002 the calibration of the model for
transient condition for 2002 and 2003 was done. Using monthly stress periods, the water-level fluctuations accord-
ing to recharge and pumping variations in 2002 and 2003 was simulated. To calibrate the model, the adjusted
specific-storage values until the model approximately reproduced the range of water-level fluctuations observed in
wells in the model area. The model does a good matching of observed water-level fluctuations in some areas and no
proper matching of water-level fluctuations in other areas. Differences may be due to the influence of local-scale
conditions not represented in the regional model or errors in our parameterization of the aquifer data. Although
there are limitations, the model does a good job of reproducing seasonal and year-to-year water-level variations in
most wells and accurately representing areas where water levels respond quickly to variations in recharge and areas
where the water-level response is much more subdued. Fig. 5 shows a compare between observed and simulated
condition of model in the steady state condition.
Figure 5. Correlation between computed values of water levels and observed in steady state
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 433
Model verification involves using the calibrated model to simulate a hyrologic system that is know. In this stage care
must be taken to better underastand the parameters to represent valid hydrogeologic system. The basic of veri-
fication in sujas basin is to examine the computed static water levels with the observed field data.
The errors between the observed and simulated hydraulic heads were quantified in steady state condition and
judicial adjustment of parameters in values of hydraulic conductivity, depth of bed rock and boundary condition
were made.
The correlation between computed values of static water levels and observed values were simulated. In unsteady
condition the parameter like storage coefficient were computed for each cell and separate maps were prepared after
adjustment of its values. The simulated values of static water levels in model were compared with observed field
condition for different periodical in the area. A selected Fig .6 illustrates the correlation of observed static water
levels for well No. 2 and simulated in unsteady condition.
Figure 6. Correlation between computed and observed values in transient (well No. 2)
To assess the future availability of groundwater in the Sujas aquifer, the calibrated model was used to predict future
water levels for three scenarios which includes as, dry period, wet period and normal period. The time period of
each scenario was considered as six months with one month time steps (30 days) was selected. The model was run
to predict the future condition of the aquifer for the period of five years. For the future prediction of aquifer
calibrated parameters in steady and unsteady condition were implemented. The primary condition of each scenario
was considered to be similar and simulated condition was used in this stage.
As central parts of the basin is effected by a major fault, which strikes parallel to Sujas river the influence of river
and fault in the hydrologic balance were clearly observed.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
434 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Through initial sensitivity analysis, it was observed that the water levels in the Sujas aquifer were most sensitive to
the recharge rate, the horizontal hydraulic conductivity and the bottom layers.
In case of any disorder in calibration was observed, the system of conceptualization was repeated by additional data
collection studies and appropriate parameters values after many iteration processes. Judicial adjustment of para-
meters in the calibration process was done therefore primary condition was considered with regard to water levels
in each node. In unsteady condition the parameter like storage coefficient were computed for each cell and separate
maps were prepared after adjustment of its values. The model does a good matching of observed water-level
fluctuations in some areas and no proper matching of water-level fluctuations in other areas. Differences may be due
to the influence of local-scale conditions not represented in the regional model or errors in parameterization of the
aquifer data.
Anderson,M.P. and W.W.Woesner (1992). Applied Grounwater modeling.Academic press San Diego, p. 381.
Chiang, W.H., and Kinzelbach, Wolfgang (1998). Processing Modflow - A simulation system for modeling ground-
water flow and pollution: software manual, p. 325.
Franklin W.Schwartz and Hubao Zhang (2003). Fundamentals of groundwater. John Willey and sons Publication,
p. 584.
Harbaugh A.W. and M.G.MCDONALD (1996). User documentation for modflow-96 an update to the U.S. Geol. Surv.
Modular finite difference groundwater flow model. Open file report 96-486, p. 220.
Hill, M.C. 1992. Preconditional Conjugate-Gradient 2(PCG2), Acomputer programe for solving groundwater flow
equations, U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Resource. Investigations Report 90-4048, 43 pp.
Huyakorn and pinder,(1983). Computational methods in subsurface flow. Academic press. New York, pp. 473.
Kruseman, G.P., and de Ridder, N.A. (1994). Analysis and evaluation of pumping test data, second edition: Inter-
national Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, The Netherlands, p. 377 .
Irwin Remson (1979). Introduction to groundwater mathmatical models.International seminar on groundwater
resources management. University of Roorkee, India.
McDonald. M.G., and A. W. Harbaugh (1988). A modular three dimensional finite difference groundwater flow
model. USGS Techniques of water-Resources investigations, Book 6, A1.
Neven Kresic (1997). Quantitative Solutions in HydroGeology and Ground water Modeling. Lewis publishers.
Zheng, C.,= and P.P. Wang (1995). Applied Contaminant transport modeling. Internl.Thomson Pup.Co., New York,
p. 440.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Transient flow modelling
of an overexploitedaquifer
and simulation of artificial recharge measures
Stephan Valley, Filippo Landini, Giovanni Pranzini,
Umberto Puppini, Maria Elena Scardazzi and Mike Streetly
The Prato aquifer, mostly formed by alluvial fan deposits of the river Bisenzio, is the major source of water supply
of the whole urban area of the Medio Valdarno, both for drinkable and industrial purposes. A significant depletion
of groundwater resources due to strong overexploitation has been recorded over the past 40 years.
A numerical groundwater flow model using the MODFLOW code was built to increase the understanding of the
groundwater flow system and to provide decision support for water resources management.
Continuously monitored groundwater levels and surface water levels of the Bisenzio River for a number of stations
in the area of the alluvial fan as well as estimated and measured data for abstractions from municipal and
industrial wells were available since the late 1950s.
The model was developed as a transient model covering the period from 1960 to 2001. The transient model
was calibrated using groundwater elevation data in different years within the modelling period and was able to
simulate the extensive groundwater depletion in the 1970s and the partial recovery in recent years.
To evaluate the effects of artificial recharge measures on the depleted groundwater levels, different preliminary pre-
dictive models were built investigating two different scenarios such as an increased hydraulic gradient between
river and groundwater and of recharge wells placed in different locations of the Prato aquifer. The results of these
simulations demonstrated a strong dependence of artificial recharge efficiency on the locations of the wells.
Transient groundwater modelling; artificial recharge; predictive model.
The Prato aquifer represents the major source of water supply in the Medio Valdarno region. It supplies about 65%
of the water distributed by the public water supplier and in addition constitutes the main water resource for the
local textile industry. The groundwater levels of the Prato aquifer show an almost continuous decrease since the late
1950s to date. The main reason for this development has been a growing demand for good quality groundwater, in
particular by the industry (Consiag, 2001) but also for domestic purposes (Cozzi, 1999). The groundwater flow
model discussed in this paper was constructed upon request of the public water supplier in order to augment the
understanding of the main components and processes of the hydrogeological system and their interrelations. The
final objective was to estimate the response of the groundwater system to variations in the abstraction rates of
public wells and to the possible development of a system for artificial recharge of the aquifer.
The Prato aquifer is unconfined and is formed by deposits of the alluvial fan of the river Bisenzio, consisting
mainly of sands and gravels of high hydraulic conductivities with intermittent layers of clay. It has a maximum
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436 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
thickness of 55 m. The form of the alluvial fan has been defined using existing borehole log information. The main
aquifer is underlain by a second aquifer characterised by prevailing layers of clay and loam and significantly lower
hydraulic conductivities. The underlying aquifer could serve both as a source of water in times of low groundwater
levels or as a drain of the major aquifer. However, measurements of the hydraulic conductivity revealed that the
storage coefficient of the lower aquifer was several orders of magnitude lower than in the upper aquifer. Therefore it
was concluded that an in- or outflow from this formation would be insignificant to the long-term water balance of
the overall water resource. North of the alluvial fan lie the formations of Monte Morello and Monte della Calvana
that are part of the mountain range of the Alberese. The geology of this formation is characterised by Eocene flysch
with an alternating structure of limestones and marls and intermittent clay layers. The River Ombrone southwest of
the city of Prato and the River Bisenzio both flow into the River Arno to the south. (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Geographic and geological setting of the model (SGI, 1967, modified)
Water balance
Inflows to the Prato aquifer occur through groundwater inflow from the mountain range in the north, effective
precipitation, and infiltration from the riverbeds of the Rivers Bisenzio and Ombrone. Inflow from the northern
mountain range occurs mainly as runoff and interflow from the mountain slopes. In the central part of the
mountain range, north east of the city of Prato, the aquifer receives also a subsurface inflow of a part of the
precipitation in the mountains due to underlying permeable formations. In the urbanised area of Prato leakage
of the sewerage system constitutes an additional source of aquifer recharge. Outflows from the aquifer occur south
of Prato as drainage to the rivers Bisenzio and Ombrone but mainly due to numerous wells that serve as the public
and private water supply for industry, agriculture, and drinking water purposes.
The numerical model was built using the MODFLOW code (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988). The model presented
here was constructed as a transient model covering the period between 1960 and 2001 divided into 504 monthly
stress periods. The extension of the model is from the Apennine mountain range in the north and northeast to
the rivers Arno in the southeast and Ombrone in the west. The 15,840 cells of the finite difference grid have a size
of 200 by 200 metres. The model consists of one layer and has a uniform thickness. The aquifer base was set to
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 437
0 m asl according to available borehole information. The top of the aquifer was fixed at 300 m asl to allow for a free
oscillation of water levels.
Boundary conditions
The inflows from the northern mountain range are represented by a constant flow boundary. The volumes of
flow from this boundary into the model where calculated using available precipitation data from the rain gauge
of the town Vaiano. This boundary was subdivided into three reaches according to the geological settings. The
central reach is characterised by a permeable calcareous subsurface while the external reaches are underlain by
impermeable flysch material. Based on the study undertaken by Cicali and Pranzini (1987) it was calculated that
8.1% of the total precipitation arrive at the plain as runoff or interflow from the external reaches and eventually
infiltrate into the aquifer. A higher percentage of 12.5% was calculated for the middle reach due to a subsurface
inflow from the calcareous formation. The south-eastern and south-western boundaries are represented as no flow
boundaries with river boundaries on top representing the Rivers Arno and Ombrone respectively. Also the River
Bisenzio, passing the alluvial fan to the east was inserted as a river boundary condition. The elevations of the
riverbeds, riverbed thicknesses and stages were determined on the basis of available measurements and were
adjusted during the calibration process. Hydraulic conductivities of between 2 x 10 – 6 and 3.8 x 10 – 6 m/s were
applied for the riverbeds.
Initial conditions
Using an available map of groundwater levels from 1960, a steady state model was calibrated and used to determine
the initial heads of the simulation.
Model properties
Aquifer geometry, hydraulic conductivity and storage. According to previous studies, the hydraulic conductivities did
not differ significantly between the area of the alluvial fan and adjacent areas (Adrenelli and Baldini, 1996). How-
ever, the thickness of the aquifer increased significantly towards the centre of the alluvial fan. To represent this
increase in a single layer model of constant thickness, four zones of hydraulic conductivity have been defined
reconstructing the 3-dimensional form of the alluvial fan (Figure 2). These zones do not represent existing zones
of varying hydraulic conductivities but have been introduced to simulate the increase of transmissivity of the
aquifer. During transient modelling the aquifer base had to be lowered to –10 m asl to avoid drying up of
the aquifer. The problem of dry falling was also the reason why a constant aquifer thickness was chosen. The
specific yields of the calibrated model were 0.11 for the area of the alluvial fan and 0.1 for the rest of the
modelled area. These values are smaller than might be expected for sands and gravels. This is probably due to the
intermittent layers of clay.
Recharge. The recharge of the aquifer by precipitation was determined for two different types of land use: the urban
area covered by the city of Prato including its industrial zones and the surrounding areas characterised by pre-
dominant agricultural use. The urban area was extended during the simulation period taking into account the
growth of the city. The recharge to the aquifer through the sealed surfaces of the urbanised area was estimated to
be about 20% of the effective precipitation. In the non-sealed areas, a soil store model was applied to calculate the
recharge to the aquifer. The model simulates the requirement of the soil zone for moisture for evaporation and
plant uptake. The version of the Penman store model used consists of an upper and a lower soil store. The depth
of the upper store is the depth up to which roots are able to draw as much water as required. At greater depths
of store, water is only available to plants at a reduced rate. A bypass mechanism allowing direct percolation to the
unsaturated zone via e.g. macropores or root channels was also included. The model defines all water leaving the
soil zone as percolation, whether as direct (bypass) percolation or as release from the soil zone
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438 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
store. Potential evaporation rates were calculated applying the Thorntwaite formula to data from the rain gauge
‘Prato City’.
Figure 2. Zones of hydraulic conductivity representing the morphology of the alluvial fan
of the River Bisenzio (values in metres per day). Grey line: 1994 extension of the city of Prato.
Well abstractions
Abstractions from public wells. 91 wells abstracting water for public water supply from the Prato aquifer were iden-
tified. Using available data on well activation and dismantling, the number and location of active wells was estab-
lished for each stress period. For the period from 1960 to 1994, only the total annual abstracted volumes were
available. The annual volumes were converted into monthly abstraction rates for each well dividing the total
volume by the number of wells and applying the same abstraction rate for each month. Only since 1995 month-
ly abstraction rates had been documented for each well and could be inserted directly into the model.
Abstraction from private and industrial wells. 169 wells used for abstractions of private and industrial purpose
were applied in the model. No information was available on the individual abstraction rates of the wells. It was
also unknown which wells were used for industrial purposes and from which water was abstracted for private
purposes (e.g. irrigation) only. Also the total volume abstracted from these wells was unknown for parts of the
modelled period. From 1986 on, the industrial and private abstraction rates were reconstructed from available
sewerage volumes. After 1986 the abstraction rates remained fairly constant at about 28 Mm3 / yr. After con-
sultation of local experts of the public water supplier it was decided to apply an annual abstraction volume of
35 Mm3 for the period between 1960 and 1973. Between 1974 –1976 and 1990 – 1991 significant inflections of
the Italian economic growth occurred (Bianchi, 2004). It was assumed that these inflections involved a reduction
of industrial production and water consumption and therefore lower abstraction rates of 10 Mm3 /yr were
applied. The extension of the industrialised area of the city of Prato at different times of the simulatio n period
was defined by the public water supplier and was used to distinguish between industrial and private wells. During
the simulation period, the industrial zone expanded and moved from the town centre to its southern margin.
Abstractions from private wells have been estimated by Bendini (1963) as 3 Mm3 /yr and by Landini et al. (1990)
as 2.5 Mm3 / yr since 1987. The abstraction volumes were divided by the respectiv e number of industrial and
private wells and an equal abstraction volume was applied to each month of the year.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 439
The model has been calibrated following two criteria:
1. Comparison of measured and calculated groundwater levels in 1986, 1994, 2000 and 2001
2. The patterns of continuously measured groundwater elevations at the piezometers Le Badie, and Fossi.
Groundwater levels measured in 79 piezo- Table 6. Number of targets available on the four calibration dates
meters were used as targets for the cali- Year Number of targets available for calibration
bration of the transient model. All targe
1986 8
ts were located in the area of the alluvial
1994 60
fan or in close vicinity. Table 6 gives an
2000 12
overview of the number of targets available
2001 12
for calibration on each of the four dates.
A calibration relying only on the comparison of measured and calculated groundwater elevations on the four dates
was considered insufficient to assure a correct modelling of aquifer behaviour during the 42 years of simulation. For
this reason the groundwater elevations of the two continuously measured piezometers Le Badie and Fossi were
compared to the elevations calculated by the model to verify if the simulation was capable of reproducing the
observed fluctuations of groundwater levels. Combining the two criteria it was not possible to calibrate the model
working on statistic parameters alone as the reduction of calibration residuals often resulted in a decreased con-
gruence between the observed and the calculated long term behaviour of groundwater elevations.
The results of the calibration of the model using the targets of the years 1986, 1994, 2000 and 2001 are shown in
Figure 3. While a general correlation of measured and calculated groundwater levels can be observed, the residuals
are still relatively high especially for the last two years of calibration, 2000 and 2001. This is explained by the
missing information on individual abstraction rates of the industrial and private wells. This might lead to high
calibration residuals especially for targets that are close to industrial wells abstracting high quantities of water.
40 40
20 20
0 0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Observed Observed Observed Observed
The congruence between the measured and calculated fluctuations of groundwater levels is an additional criterion
for the quality of the simulation. At the beginning of 1977 after a long period of continuous decrease of ground-
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440 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
water levels, a strong and sudden rise of about 25 m occurred. A similar rise could be observed between 1991 and
1994. These rises could be partially explained by reduced abstraction rates during periods of economic inflection.
Only a small proportion could be explained by an increased recharge of the aquifer due to periods of extreme
precipitation and additional recharge from the northern boundary and no flooding had been recorded for these
periods. Figure 4 compares the groundwater elevations measured at the piezometers Le Badie and Fossi with the
values calculated by the model.
Elevation [m asm]
Elevation [m asl]
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Date Date
Figure 4. Comparison between measured (blue) and calculated (green) groundwater levels
at the piezometres Le Badie and Fossi
While the first two major oscillations of groundwater levels in 1977 and 1991 are in general simulated by the
model, the third decline reaching its minimum in 2000 is not calculated by the simulation. An explanation is that
the location of the area defined as industrial zone in this period is located south of the city of Prato. In the area
of the piezometers, only minor abstractions from private wells are simulated. This might be erroneous if single
production sites remained in the town centre or water for industrial purposes is still abstracted from wells in this
area. The model fails to simulate the short term fluctuation of groundwater levels. These fluctuations are most like-
ly the effect of the operation patterns of the wells and could not be explained by correlation with precipitation
hydrographs. Considering the low resolution of the available abstraction data and the need to use mean monthly
data calculated from yearly abstraction rates together with the fact that the exact locations of well abstraction were
not known it is not surprising that the model was not able to reproduce the short term fluctuations of groundwater
The first model was named ‘Status Quo’ and investigated the further development of the groundwater resource
under constant conditions. The parameters used were those that represented the end of the simulation period of the
transient model. Recharge rates and inflows from the northern boundary were applied as the mean values of the last
three years of the transient model. In a second model, ‘Ricart’, the effect of an artificial recharge from a well field in
the north of the alluvial fan was simulated. This scenario represents the intention of the public water supplier to
divert water from the Bisenzio River and inject it into the aquifer. An injection of 400 l/s of water during 8 months
of the year, from October to May, was simulated. The third model, ‘Rivermod’ investigated the effect of increasing
the stage of the River Bisenzio by 1 m representing the constructing of a dam in the upper part of the river.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 441
The results of the predictive models are presented in Figure 5. Already the ‘Status Quo’ model foresees a recovery
of the groundwater level of between 1 and 4 metres during the 12 years of simulation, depending on the point of
observation. The most significant rises of groundwater levels can be observed in the central part of the cone
of drawdown. Close to the River Bisenzio only a minor recovery of less than 1 m was simulated. The influence
of the river is evident in the scenario ‘Rivermod’ where the river stage has been fixed to 1 m above the currently
measured water levels. Close to the river the groundwater levels start to rise almost immediately after the start of
the simulation and show an increase of about 2 m after 12 years of simulation compared to the ‘Status Quo’ model.
In the centre of the alluvial fan the effect starts to be visible about three years after the beginning of the simulation.
The resulting increase of groundwater levels amounts to less than 1 m when compared to the ‘Status Quo’ model.
The biggest effect is caused by the artificial recharge from a well field in the north of the alluvial fan. The effects of
this measure start to be visible after 2.5 years and result in an increase of groundwater levels of about 3 m above
the ones calculated for the ‘Status Quo’ model. A displacement of the well field to the centre of the alluvial fan and
therefore to the centre of the observed cone of drawdown could further enhance the effect of the artificial recharge
and would, according to the simulations, result in a rise of groundwater levels of between 6 and 8 m above the
levels predicted by the model ‘Status Quo’.
Figure 5. Resulting rise in groundwater levels of predictive models in metres after a simulation period of 12 years
in comparison to the ‘Status Quo’ simulation. Left: Artificial recharge from injection wells; Middle: Effect
of enhanced river stage; Right: Artificial recharge from the well field displaced in the centre of the alluvial fan.
The injected water fluxes of 400 l /s would have to be abstracted from the river Bisenzio. This is less than 10% of the
average river flow of 5.1 m3 /s reported for the river Bisenzio at the station Gamberame upstream of the city of
Prato. Nevertheless, the abstraction could potentially lower the water levels in the river and reduce the effects of
infiltration from the river bed, an effect that has not been considered in the model. However, considering the effects
calculated for an increase of water levels by 1 m, the reduction in infiltration is considered to be negligible.
The drawdown cone observed for the aquifer of the city of Prato, caused primarily by high abstractions from
industrial wells, and the fluctuations of groundwater levels have been simulated by a transient groundwater flow
model covering the period from 1960 to 2001. For the Prato aquifer of a maximum thickness of 55 m a change of
groundwater levels of up to 35 m was observed in this period. With the presented model it was possible to simulate
the primary patterns of the behaviour of groundwater levels. The major obstacle for a better quantitative calibration
of the model was the fact, that the individual abstraction rates for industrial and private wells were not known. The
model should therefore be used to estimate the behaviour of the aquifer as a whole and will not be suitable to
undertake detailed studies on the effects of single abstractions. Despite of this shortcoming, the model is considered
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442 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
a valuable tool for the management of the groundwater resource of the Prato aquifer. It is also considered represen-
tative for many real case studies as very often more detailed or continuous data are not available.
Three predictive models have been developed to investigate the effects of different measures of artificial recharge on
groundwater levels. Continuation of the recharge and abstraction conditions that prevailed at the end of the tran-
sient simulation results in an increase in groundwater levels of about 3 m within the 12 years of simulation. The
construction of a dam in the upper part of the river Bisenzio and the subsequent increase of the water column of
1 m only resulted in a recovery of the groundwater levels by 1 m above the simulation of the status quo. The
biggest effect, consisting in a rise of groundwater levels of about 7 m at the centre of the cone of drawdown after
12 years of operation, has been simulated for artificial recharge from a well field north of the city of Prato.
Displacing the well field to the centre of the Prato aquifer a rise of groundwater levels of about 11 m could be
Adrenelli, M.C., Baldini, E. (1996). Borsa di Studio per l’esecuzione di prove di portata ed altri test sui pozzi del
Comune di Prato e loro interpretazione. Relazione finale, Consiag, Ripartizione Tecnica, Prato.
Bendini, C. (1963). Falde sotterranee e loro possibilità di resa con particolare riferimento ad alcuni bacini della
Toscana. VIII Convegno d’Idraulica, Pisa.
Bianchi, C. (2004). Lo sviluppo economico italiano nel secondo dopoguerra: continuità e cambiamenti. Università
di Pavia, http://economia.unipv.it/pagp/pagine_personali/cbianchi/ materiale.htm.
Cicali, F., Pranzini, G. (1986). Il rapporto portata delle sorgenti – deflusso di base dei torrenti nel bilancio idrogeo-
logico di un rilievo carbonatico (Monti della Caldana, Firenze). Geol. Appl. e Idrogeol., XXI.
Consiag (2001).: La falda Pratese 1957-1999: Oltre quarant’anni di monitoraggio e caratteristiche ambientali.
Edizioni Consiag, Firenze.
Cozzi, G., Azzari, E., Landini F. (1999). Il controllo della falda idrica di Prato: interpretazione dei dati e utilizzo dei
risultati, Quaderni di Geologia Applicata, Vol. 2, 1999. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna.
Landini F., Pranzini, G. e Venturucci, E. (1990). La falda idrica della conoide di Prato (Firenze). Acque Sotterranee,
n. 2, pp. 48 – 70, Segrate.
McDonald, M.G., Harbaugh, A.W. (1988). A modular three dimensional finite difference ground-water flow-model,
USGS-TWRI, Book 6, Chap. 1.
SGI (1967). Note illustrative alla Carta Geologica d’Italia, Foglio 106, Firenze, Servizio Geologico d’Italia, Istituto
Italiano d’Arti Grafiche, Bergamo.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Modeling the size of microbiological
protection zones around
phreatic sandy aquifers in the Netherlands
Paul W. J. J. van der Wielen, M. Blokker and G.J. Medema
The aim of the current study was to calculate the size of protection zones around (sub)oxic and anoxic
sandy aquifers without confining layers using a virus infection and transport model. The maximum allowable virus
infection risk was 10 –4 per person per year at the 95%-confidence level. In addition, implications of model results
for aquifer recharge were discussed. Model results demonstrated that phreatic (sub)oxic sandy aquifers in the
Netherlands need protection areas with a residence time of 43 to 117 days to prevent that the maximum virus
infection risk will be exceeded. This is 0.7 to 2 times the current guideline of 60 days. In contrast, phreatic anoxic
sandy aquifers without confining layers need protection zones of 555 to 898 days to stay below the maximum
virus infection risk. This is 9.5 to 15 times the current guideline. A sensitivity analysis of the model demonstrated
that the calculated protection zone was most sensitive for virus inactivation rate and collision efficiency. Values
of both parameters were predicted from values obtained in two field studies. At present, it is unknown if these
values can be used at other locations as well. Therefore, model results should be interpreted with care.
Aquifer recharge; groundwater well systems; modeling; protection zone; redox state; removal of viruses.
A third of the drinking water in the Netherlands is produced from surface water. Surface water is commonly con-
taminated by fecal material from effluent of waste water treatment plants, manure run-off or by wildlife. An effective
way to reduce pathogenic microorganisms from surface water is by soil passage. The removal of microorganisms
from surface water during soil passage in the Netherlands has been studied in two recharge systems (Schijven et al.,
1999; Schijven et al., 2000). One is dune recharge of surface water from infiltration ponds, the other being aquifer
recharge by deep well injection of surface water. The two studied recharge systems are different in their redox state;
dune recharge was performed in an oxic aquifer, whereas deep well recharge was performed in an anoxic aquifer.
The inactivation rate of viruses is higher under oxic than under anoxic conditions (Gordon and Toze, 2003). If
metal ions are available (sub)oxic conditions will also result in the formation of metal hydroxides, which provide
attachment sites for microorganisms (Ryan et al., 1999; Schijven et al., 2000). Therefore, it has been suggested that
removal of viruses is higher during soil passage in a (sub)oxic aquifer compared to an anoxic aquifer.
Recently, a model has been developed to calculate the protection zones around anoxic groundwater aquifers under a
worst-case scenario of a leaking sewer and a 9 log reduction of viruses by soil passage (Schijven and Hassanizadeh,
2002). These authors concluded that under a worst-case scenario protection zones with a residence time of
400 – 800 days are needed to obtain sufficient removal of viruses. This is a significant increase compared to the
currently used guideline for protection zones in the Netherlands, which is based on a residence time of 60 days.
However, protection zones based on (sub)oxic groundwater aquifers were not calculated. In addition, the new
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444 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
inspection guideline in the Netherlands states that the infection risk for viruses by drinking water should not
exceed 1 per 10,000 persons per year (de Roda Husman et al., 2004).
The aim of the current study was to calculate protection zones around (sub)oxic and anoxic sandy groundwater
aquifers without confining layers based on an infection risk of 10 – 4 persons per year (de Roda Husman et al.,
2004). In addition, results were discussed in relation to artificial recharge systems as well.
The protection zones around 3 anoxic and 5 (sub)oxic sandy groundwater aquifers in the Netherlands were
calculated. Anoxic groundwater well systems had oxygen and nitrate concentrations below 0.5 mg l– 1, whereas
wells with nitrate or oxygen concentrations above 0.5 mg l– 1 were considered to be (sub)oxic (Schijven and
Hassanizadeh, 2002). The overall equation to calculate the virus concentration at the abstraction well was given by:
⎛3 5
1 ⎞
− ⎜ αk1R 3 + µ in k 2 R 2 ⎟
q ⎜5 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
CA = C0 e (1)
Where CA is the virus concentration at the abstraction well ; q is the leaking rate of a sewer; Q is the abstraction rate
of the groundwater well system; k 1 and k 2 are constants; α is the collision efficiency and µ in is the virus inac-
tivation rate.
The reader is referred to Schijven and Hassanizadeh (2000; 2002) for detailed information about factors affecting
removal of microorganisms through soil passage and for information about equation 1 and about equations to
calculate both constants k1 and k 2.
The infection risk (p inf) was modeled with a dose-response model for the infection of rotavirus (Teunis et al., 1996):
⎛ ⎛ D ⎞⎞
p inf = 1 − ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎟⎟ (2)
⎝ ⎝ 0.422 ⎠ ⎠
Combination of equation 1 and 2 describes the infection risk as a function of the size of the protection zone in
meters: Pinf = f (R). The size of the protection zone based on residence time was calculated using the following
πnhR 2
t = (4)
where t is the residence time; n is the porosity; h is the aquifer size and R is the size of the protection zone in
All variables used in the modeling were either a constant value or were described by a normal or a lognormal
distribution. A Monte Carlo analysis with 300,000 simulations from the distribution of the different model para-
meters was used to calculate the size of the protection zone. The maximum allowable virus infection risk used was
10 – 4 persons per year at the 50 %- and 95 % confidence level (de Roda Husman et al., 2004).
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Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 445
In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed for the anoxic aquifer with the longest calculated protection zone.
The sensitivity of the model was studied by changing each model parameter over a certain fixed range, while the
distribution of the other model parameters was kept the same.
The size of the protection zone was calculated for eight different abstraction wells by using the average abstraction
rate over a year. The calculated size of the protection zone around anoxic aquifer 1 was the largest, and this distance
was more than twice the distance around the other sandy groundwater aquifers (Table 1).
Table 1. The predicted size of the protection zone, expressed in distance and residence time, at a 50% (average)
and 95% - confidence level that the infection risk of 10 – 4 persons per year will not be exceeded
Distance (meters) Residence time (days)
Oxic 1 31 49 27 66
Oxic 2 42 64 51 117
Oxic 3 48 77 21 55
Oxic 4 55 90 16 43
Oxic 5 34 54 23 58
Anoxic 1 178 276 231 555
Anoxic 2 55 84 368 857
Anoxic 3 54 82 390 898
The protection zone expressed as residence time of viruses was much larger for anoxic aquifers than for (sub)oxic
aquifers (Table 1). The maximum allowable virus infection risk at the 95%-confidence level was achieved when the
protection zone around anoxic aquifers was based on a residence time of 555 to 898 days. This is 9.5 to 15 times the
currently used guideline of 60 days around aquifers. The size of the protection zones was in the same range as the
protection zones calculated for anoxic aquifers in a previous study (Schijven and Hassanizadeh, 2002). However,
the methodology used to calculate the protection zone differed considerably between the two studies. In our study,
the protection zone was calculated as a function of the infection risk, based on a dose-response model of rotavirus.
In the study of Schijven and Hassanizadeh (2002) the protection zone was calculated based on a 9 log removal of
viruses. Furthermore, model parameters used in our study were described by a normal or lognormal distribution
from which parameter values were achieved using Monte Carlo simulations. In the study of Schijven and
Hassanizadeh (2002) fixed average values were used for all model parameters. As a result, the average size of the
protection zones obtained in our study should be compared with the values obtained in the study of Schijven and
Hassanizadeh (2002). The average values for residence time in our study are approximately a factor two lower than
in the other study (Schijven and Hassanizadeh, 2002). The use of different methodology to calculate the protection
zones are responsible for the observed difference between the two studies.
In contrast to anoxic aquifers, the protection zone around (sub)oxic aquifers was between 43 and 117 days, 0.7 to
2 times the 60-days-guideline. In the Netherlands, only 3 phreatic anoxic sandy aquifers without confining layers
are in use for abstraction of groundwater. The rest of the phreatic sandy aquifers in the Netherlands are either
(sub)oxic or contain a significant confining layer. This implies that the currently used protection zone of 60 days
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
446 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
around most Dutch phreatic sandy aquifers is microbiologically safe. Only the protection zone around the three
Dutch anoxic phreatic sandy aquifers without confining layer should be reconsidered and studied in more detail.
Distance (m)
vation and attachment of viruses. The 300
inactivation rate of viruses is lower
under anoxic compared to oxic con- 200
ditions (Gordon and Toze, 2003). In the
model an inactivation rate with a mean 100
of 0.149 ln day – 1 was used for wells
with (sub)oxic groundwater and a mean 0
of 0.024 ln day – 1 was used for wells 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.149
0.04 0.24
with anoxic groundwater. The collision Inactivation rate (day -1)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 447
As a result, the predictive value of the model results is unknown. Therefore, it is recommended that field studies are
performed to validate (and calibrate) the model. Until the reliability of the model is known, model results should be
interpreted with care.
The parameter values used in the model were based upon field experiments under oxic (Schijven et al., 1999) and
anoxic (Schijven et al., 2000) conditions and is to our knowledge the first study where the removal of viruses were
modeled under both redox conditions. The observation that the modeled removal of viruses under anoxic con-
ditions is lower than under (sub)oxic conditions has implications for aquifer recharge systems as well. In the
Netherlands, artificial aquifer recharge of surface water is performed by dune recharge and deep well injection. The
first is characterized by oxic conditions (Schijven et al., 1999), whereas deep well injection is characterized by
anoxic conditions (Schijven et al., 2000; Saaltink et al., 2003). Consequently, the removal of microorganisms in the
latter case will be much lower and care should be taken when determining the distance between the infiltration and
abstraction site.
A field study at a deep well injection site in the Netherlands demonstrated that the removal of viruses in the first
few meters was large, because the infiltrated oxic surface water changed the redox status in the first 10 meters of
infiltration (Schijven et al., 2000). However, the change in redox depends on the rate of surface water infiltration,
quality of the surface water and composition of the soil (Saaltink et al., 2003). Surface water with a high organic
content will turn anoxic fast, whereas surface water with a low organic content will remain oxic for a longer period
during soil passage. Similarly, in soils with a high content of pyrite or other reducing compounds oxygen from the
infiltrated water will be reduced fast, whereas soils with little pyrite will allow oxygen to travel deeper into the
Finally, it should be noted that the amount of viruses introduced by surface water will be much lower than by waste
water. On the opposite, rate of infiltration is much higher than infiltration from a leaking sewer. As a consequence,
viruses in leaking sewer water will be diluted to a great extend by surrounding groundwater, whereas infiltration of
surface water will not result in high dilution rates. It is presently unknown how this dilution effect affects the
length of the protection zone. However, the minimal distance between the infiltration and abstraction well can be
calculated by the same model given that the concentration of viruses in the surface water is known.
• Model results demonstrated that the predicted length of the protection zone around phreatic shallow (sub)oxic
sandy aquifers is in the same order of the currently used guideline of 60 days.
• In contrast, the predicted length of the protection zone around phreatic shallow anoxic sandy aquifers is 9.5 to
15 times the guideline of 60 days.
• In the Netherlands, only three phreatic shallow aquifers are anoxic and the length of their protection zone should
be reconsidered.
• The removal of microorganisms in anoxic deep well recharge systems is low and care should be taken by deter-
mining the distance between infiltration and abstraction.
• The model used in this study to calculate the protection zone around groundwater well systems can be used to
calculate the minimum distance between infiltration and abstraction in an aquifer recharge system as well.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
448 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
de Roda Husman, A.M., Medema, G.J., Teunis, P.F.M. and Schijven, J.F. (2004). Inspection guideline analysis micro-
biological safe water. VROM-inspection, The Hague, The Netherlands (in Dutch).
Gordon, C. and Toze, S. (2003). Influence of groundwater characteristics on the survival of enteric viruses. J. Appl.
Microbiol. 95, 536 – 544.
Ryan, J.N., Elimelech, M., Ard, R.A., Harvey, R.W. and Johnson, P.R. (1999). Bacteriophage PRD1 and silica colloid
transport and recovery in an iron oxide-coated sand aquifer. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33, 63 – 73.
Saaltink, M.W., Ayora, C., Stuyfzand, P.J. and Timmer, H. (2003). Analysis of a deep well recharge experiment by
calibrating a reactive transport model with field data. J. Contam. Hydrol. 65, 1 – 18.
Schijven, J.F. and Hassanizadeh, S.M. (2000). Removal of viruses by soil passage: overview of modeling, processes
and parameters. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 49 – 125.
Schijven, J.F. and Hassanizadeh, S.M. (2002). Virus removal by soil passage at field scale and groundwater protection
of sandy aquifers. Water Sci. Technol. 46(3), 123 – 129.
Schijven, J.F., Hoogenboezem, W., Hassanizadeh, S.M. and Peters, J.H. (1999). Modeling removal of bacteriophage
MS2 and PRD1 by dune recharge at Castricum, the Netherlands. Water Resour. Res. 35, 1101 – 1111.
Schijven, J.F., Medema, G.J., Vogelaar, A.J. and Hassanizadeh, S.M. (2000) Removal of microorganisms by deep well
injection. J. Contam. Hydrol. 44, 301 – 327.
Teunis, P.F.M., Van der Heijden, O.G., Van der Giessen, J.W.B. and Havelaar, A.H. (1996). The dose-response relation
in human volunteers for gastro-intestinal pathogens. Report RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Hydraulic and transport modelling
of bank filtration at Lake Tegel (Berlin)
A hydraulic and physically based transport model for the catchment of a well field was set up. With the study area
situated in a region strongly influenced by surrounding well galleries the boundary conditions had to be worked
out during modelling and partially had to be transient. Two important processes were clarified: Bank filtrate
extracted at the investigated transect is composed of 3 water qualities from horizontal layers, each with a differ-
ent age and infiltration area. Sampled wells containing the different water types were identified, providing infor-
mation for correct chemical interpretation. Secondly, the lake sediments show a pronounced seasonal fluctuation
in their leakage coefficient, with its winter values doubling in summer, and lagging 2–4 months behind water
Bank filtration; layered flow; MODFLOW; seasonal leakance; temperature.
The purpose of this study was to develop a model capable of clarifying the hydraulic properties at the transect of the
bank filtration field site and yielding a physically based numerical reproduction of flow and transport, in order to
properly interpret physico-chemical parameters obtained during the NASRI project. The origin of the groundwater
had to be determined, in particular the contributions of old and young bank filtrate and autochthonous ground-
water from the hinterland. Additional important parameters to be quantified were the travel time of infiltrated sur-
face water to the abstraction and sampling wells and parameters controlling the hydraulics of bank filtration. As
previous models set up by Eichhorn (2000), WASY (2003) and Wiese et al. (2004) did not fulfil these requirements,
the modelling presented here was carried out.
The modelling was carried out using Modflow under PMWin (Chiang et al. 1994) advective transport by PMpath
(Chiang 1998).
Lake Tegel and the aquifers in the region were formed during the quarternary Saale ice-age. Lake Tegel has maxi-
mum depth of 17 m, the lake bottom of the deeper regions is formed by impermeable thick sediments and mud,
towards the shore they gradually diminish and colmated sand forms the lake bottom. The two upper aquifers
(Fig. 2) are important for West well field, sealed to the bottom by mighty Pleistocene mud and silt layers (Parchur
et al. 1977). The main aquifer, where the wells have their screens, is about 30 m thick and is covered by 4 m
of glacial till. The upper aquifer is about 10 m thick, half of which is saturated on average. The upper aquifer is
about 10 m thick, half of which is saturated on average. The aquifers consist of glaciofluviatile fine to coarse sands
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450 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
resulting in a range of k values between 10 – 4 to 5 x 10 – 4 m/s (about 10 to 40 m / d, respectively) (Fugro 2003). The
airport lake situated about 1,200 m east of the transect (Fig. 1) has a depth of 40 m and thus penetrates both upper
aquifers. For further information please refer to HSM Tegel (Hydrogeologic Structural Model), Fugro 2003.
Hydraulic situation
The aquifers around Lake Tegel are highly affected by the Waterworks Tegel. Eight Galleries extract groundwater
which is recharged by Lake Tegel, precipitation and artificial recharge. Puming and recharge are transient. The
identification of correct boundary conditions, while avoiding a too large model area, was a process requiring the
development of several models.
No flow boundaries
North of the model area another well field is pumping 60% of West well field with the ratio is roughly maintained
for monthly sums, so that a no flow boundary is testified. No flow is also assigned in the north below Lake Tegel,
as the aquifer is very thin there, due to a deep position of the lake sediments on top.
Figure 1. Top view of the boundary conditions of the model area, and its location in Berlin.
Wells of the West well field are marked by a tightly dotted line, Lake Tegel introduced as 3rd type boundary
is marked as black area the other part of the lake is marked by bathymetric isolines with 1 m distance.
Time variant specified head boundaries are marked with a dashed line. Please note that boundaries
are not assigned to every layer. All borders with no value assigned are ‘no flow’ boundaries.
Eastern boundary: Piezometers in the model area screened in different aquifers show that at the airport lake the upper
and lower aquifer have the same head, inducing horizontal groundwater flow. So to both aquifers the same bound-
ary condition is assigned. As this region still is under influence of the waterworks, the boundary has to be tran-
Southern boundaries: The ratio of pumped volumes by West well field and adjacent well field Saatwinkel varies by fac-
tor 3, creating highly variable flow directions and water levels. This is respected with time variant specified head
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 451
boundaries. Unfortunately it is not possible to move it further away from the well field to have at least one con-
trol piezometer in between, because in the airport area (Fig. 1, bottom-right) data are lacking.
Scharfenberg: A piezometer exists at the horizontal well Scharfenberg. To avoid setting an time invariant groundwa-
ter divide the hydraulic head is introduced as a function of time.
Western boundary: This boundary is formed by well field North. It is set as a constant head of 29 m asl (above sea
level). Due to Lake Tegel sediments reaching deeply into the aquifer and due to recharge above the boundary, at
Lindwerder and the northern region of Scharfenberg modelling shows the head is a rather insensitive parameter.
Changing it by one meter only induces a few cm change in water level at the transect.
Using daily well operation time and pumpage, pumping rates were calculated. Amounts were checked using the
sums from the water meters and hours of well operation, both registered during the well capacity measurements
which take place between 2 and 4 times a year. Wells are only screened in the second aquifer. Different layerwise
pumping rates were assigned using the filter depth for wells 10 to 16 as vertical flow might affect the conditions at
the transect; due to the distance to the transect the Dupuit assumption is used: for the other wells one average
extraction rate is assigned for the lower aquifer.
Groundwater recharge was fixed to one third of annual precipitation, of which three quarters take place during win-
ter. However, as its contribution to the total water balance is only 10 % its parameterisation is insensitive to the
model outcome.
Two major impact types on the bank filtration site are identified: Three types of bank filtrate showing layered flow
in the transect, secondly the leakage factor of infiltration from the lake to the groundwater is found to show a pro-
nounced seasonal cycle.
1) Observed concentrations
Observation well 3301 shows a water composition different from the rest of the transect (NASRI 2005). At the
beginning of the study period, namely in summer 2002, the latter can be seen from the concentrations of chloride
and boron being significantly higher than concentrations in Lake Tegel. Assuming a travel time of a few months,
these concentrations cannot be explained. However, assuming a travel time of 15 to 20 month, the concentrations
match the lake concentrations (Fig. 3). Temporal variations of physico-chemical parameters in observation well
TEG374, situated 2 m above the lower boundary of the aquifer, can be assigned to surface water infiltrated north of
Reiswerder about 20 month ago, mixing with water showing concentrations of anthropogenic substances
(Phenazone derivates) higher than surface water concentrations during the last 15 years, which can be assigned to
water which infiltrated at the western shore of Scharfenberg. The travel time cannot be determined as the model
period covers only 4 years, but extrapolation of a three month duration stationary flow field are with 15 years in the
same order of magnitude.
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452 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Figure 2. Backward flow lines from well 13. Total simulation length is 10 years; tick labels mark
an interval of 1 year. The lower and right cross sections are projections along the axes of the black lines.
The stationary flow field between January and March 2001 is extrapolated to the duration of 10 years.
Different grey tones are used to mark particles arriving at different depths of well 13, big black circles indicate
their infiltration area. Small black circles indicate wells, the white circle indicates observation well 3301,
the white triangle observation well TEG374. The grey areas indicate areas of leakage from Lake Tegel
into the groundwater. The top view is a zoom of Fig.1, well 13 lies within the transect.
2) Age dating
Age dating of water extracted from 3301 in spring 2003 showed an age of 20 month (NASRI 2004). This coincided
quite well with the modelled travel times of 20 month and is higher than the minimum age boundary of 15 months
obtained by chloride data. The model reveals that the age of 20 month is the real age of the water and not an
artefact by mixing of old and young waters.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 453
were much higher than nowadays. As the model starts in 2001, modelling of this infiltration is not directly possible,
but extrapolation of the hydraulic conditions to the past results in travel times of 12 to 15 years.
where L is the leakance, k the hydraulic conductivity and M the thickness of the lake bed. The hydraulic conduc-
tivity k is a lumped parameter including the difference in viscosity of water at different temperatures.
It can be seen that leakance in summer is about 2 times the one in winter, roughly following the surface water tem-
perature. However, a phase shift between the two curves can be observed. Looking at the period after January 2003,
where dense data are available, the minimal leakage in winter and spring 2003 shows a lag of 2 months, in spring
2004 a lag of 4.5 months, the maximum in 2003 shows a lag of 1 month. The rising and falling limbs of the leakage
always show a lag of a few months to the water temperature. Besides, the rising limb of the leakage curve always has
a steeper slope than the falling.
Several mechanisms could contribute to this behaviour. The viscosity of the water by different temperature is very
likely to have a contribution, theoretically with a factor of about 2 between 0 and 25 °C. Column Experiments of the
group Hydrogeo (FU) showed a difference of factor 4 with temperature differences of about 18 °C (Taute 2004),
probably due to degassing or biological effects. The group of Prof. Gunkel in accordance with Bouwer (2002)
suggests algal and bacterial exopolymeres, particular organic matter or calcite precipitation as possible factors of
The leakance shown in Fig. 4 has to be regarded as result of interaction of these factors, but it is not possible to
asses each single contribution. Viscosity effects by temperature fluctuation have strong influence, but the lag of the
annual leakance cycle to the annual temperature cycle postulates other influences existing which significantly affect
the leakage factor and thus the infiltration rates. No satisfying transient model fit could be achieved with only using
the viscosity effect for changing the leakance.
Figure 4. Periodic leakance of the lake bottom compared with lake water temperature.
Before 2003 data are sparse, so the leakage factor only indicates a trend. A high data density starts
from the beginning of January 2003, here magnitude and phase of the leakance are ensured.
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454 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Hydraulic and transport modelling of the study area revealed two aspects of major importance for the interpretation
of the bank filtration process and data acquired: Bank filtrate extracted at well 13 is stratified horizontally in three
water types of different age and infiltration areas. Sampling wells may contain therefore different water types.
Sampling well 3301 shows a medium aged water, which was not expected to be present in the transect. Chemical
indication of old water in sampling well TEG374 is confirmed, the presence of medium aged water being part of the
content is identified by model based temperature interpretation. The lake sediments are found to show pronounced
seasonal cyclic leakance, during summer two times higher than in winter and showing a 2 to 4 months lag to the
water temperature. As result, amounts of water infiltrated in summer are higher than in winter, making the surface
water quality in summer having higher impact on the quality of extracted bank filtrate.
The Author is grateful to Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin for the organisation, Veolia and Berliner Wasserbetriebe
BWB for funding and support of the interdisciplinary NASRI project, contributing to maintain sustainable supply
of drinking water with high quality. Cordial thanks for effective and refreshing discussions to the colleagues of
NASRI, especially to Thomas Taute and Gudrun Massmann (Fu Berlin, Group Hydrogeo) and Frank Engelmann
(Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin).
Bouwer, H. (2002). Artificial recharge of groundwater: hydrogeology and engineering. Hydrogeology Journal, 10(1),
121 – 142.
Chiang, W. H. (1994). PMPATH for Windows. User’s manual. Scientific Software Group. Washington, DC.
Chiang, W.-H., W. Kinzelbach and R. Rausch (1998). Aquifer Simulation Model for Windows – Groundwater flow and
transport modeling, an integrated program. Gebrüder Borntraeger Berlin, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-443-01039-3.
Fugro (2003) Hydrogeologisches Strukturmodell Tegel, FUGRO Consult GmbH.
Eichhorn, S. (2000). Numerische Strömungsmodellierung der Uferfiltration am Tegeler See, Diplomarbeit; Institut für
Geologie, Geophysik und Geoinformatik FU Berlin.
NASRI (2004). Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration, 2nd report, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser
NASRI (2005). Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration, Final report, in preparation, Kompetenz-
zentrum Wasser Berlin.
Parchur, Hans-Joachim and Haberland, Wolfram (1977). Untersuchungen zu Morphologischen Entwicklung des
Tegeler Sees (Berlin). Die Erde 108[4], 320 – 341
Ripl, W., Heller, S. and Linnenweber, C. (1987). Limnologische Untersuchungen an den Sedimenten des Tegeler Sees.
12-1987. Eigenverlag, Fachgebiet Limnologie, Technische Universität Berlin.
Taute, T. (2004). personal communication.
WASY (2004). Hydrogeologisches Fachgutachten zur Auswirkung grundlegender Änderungen des Betriebs zur
Grundwasseranreicherung Wasserwerk Tegel, Unpublished Work, WASY Gesellschaft für wasserwirtschaftliche
Planung und Systemforschung mbH, Berlin.
Wiese, B., Holzbecher, E., Rümmler, J, and Nützmann, G. (2004). Effects of Oscillating Pumping Regimes of Bank-
Filtration Galleries. 13-9-2004. Carlovy Vary, Czech Republic. FEM_MODFLOW, International Conference on
Finite-Element Models, Modflow and More 2004.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V High resolution digital geological 3D models
as a base of hydrodynamic calculation
in heterogeneous aquifers
Detailed 3D geological modelling was carried out in the contaminated mega-site Bitterfeld, enabling the struc-
tural analysis of the heterogeneous aquifers and the calculation of specific volumes. This was used for volumetric
calculation of residuals of lignite seams left by the former open pit mining. The lignite is now serving as an
adsorbens for organic groundwater contaminants. The geological model allows detailed analyses of the hydrogeo-
logical structure and thus the outline of contacts of aquifers. Furthermore it serves as a basis for the subsequent
3D numerical groundwater modelling. Two models have been built at local and at regional scale. Induced by the
flooding event of the river Mulde in August 2002 and related rising of the water level of the Goitzsche Lake, the
subsequent change of the groundwater flow direction could be modelled. Flow and transport direction changed
completely by this event and show a strong influence by the preferential hydraulic conductivity of subsurface
Quaternary channel-fill structures.
Aquifer heterogeneity, Bitterfeld/Germany, 3D-geological modelling, groundwater modelling.
Large-scale contaminated mega-sites, such as Bitterfeld, are characterized by regional pollution of groundwater due
to the long and varied history of the former chemical industry in this region. Due to former industrial, as well as
lignite mining activities in the region for more than 100 years, the groundwater was significantly contaminated by
different sources of dump sites of the former chemical industry, and industrial areas. The situation is characterized
by a complex mixture of organic compounds (chlorinated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons) comprising a high
variability of individual substances (Wycisk et al. 2003; Heidrich et al. 2004; Weiß et al. 2004)
The flooding event of the river Mulde in August 2002 in the Bitterfeld region led to a filling up of the former lignite
open pit mine ‘Goitzsche’ and thereby to a rising groundwater level in the surrounding aquifers of several meters
(Geller et al. 2004; Wycisk et al. in press). The rising water level caused changes in the groundwater flow direc-
tions. To calculate the effects of contacts between groundwater and layers that were not affected by contaminated
groundwater before, a high resolution 3D geological model was built. The digital 3D geological model helps to iden-
tify these layers which are very important for adsorption and desorption processes and the transport of dense non-
aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) (Wycisk et al. 2002; Wycisk et al. 2003). It shows the 3D distribution of aquifers,
adsorption materials such as clay and lignite, aquicludes and the distribution of leakage between aquifers. It thus
helps to set up 3D structures and parameters for numerical groundwater modelling. A predictive calculation about
hydrodynamic conditions, pathlines and solute transport could only be done by a numerical groundwater model.
Thus the numerical groundwater flow model is of crucial importance for the adjacent industrial sites and the trans-
port model is a basis for risk assessment in this area.
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456 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Up to now, true 3D modelling of geological structures is not state of the art in regional and local environmental
assessment except in the field of economic geology. The required geological information e.g. drilling information is
not available on a local to regional scale. In case of former lignite open pit mining activities, the heterogeneity and
complexity of the aquifer system is specifically increased by the disturbance of the primary aquifer situation and the
re-filling activities of the former open pit mining. An additional problem for the 3D structural modelling to be
solved are the very sharp edges and steep flanks of the open pits that were filled up by the overburden of the seam
while mining was going on.
The techniques used in most cases (software tools) for geological 3D modelling are based on statistical or geo-
statistical interpolation between stratified boreholes. These methods are inadequate in this specific field because it
leads to a reduced heterogeneity and an inadequate loss of the ‘real world’ setting of the lithostratigraphic layers, as
well as the artificial mining dump sediments and remaining lignite in the subsurface. Even the complex structural
setting of the Quaternary sediments could not be represented correctly following a geostatistical approach.
Therefore a first 3D geological model of about 16 km2 was built for the most interesting sites in the southeastern
part of the whole industrial area. The modelling system GSI3D (Geological Surveying and Investigation in
3 Dimensions, H.-G. Sobisch, Insight Ltd., Köln) was used. GSI3D is based on a ‘constructive method’ and allows
the implementation of different additional geological information. Beside this ‘expert-driven’ approach, the
3D modelling of the Bitterfeld South Model comprises 16 km2 and is based on a construction of 30 networked
cross-sections which are based on 125 borehole records. Beside the drilling information, the following 2D and point
information were used for the 3D-database: a) historical and recent maps of the mining areas, b) distribution of
mining dumps, c) digital elevation model (DEM), d) geophysical logging information, e) and sediment distribution
maps of the Quaternary as well as f) the geological maps. This first sub-model of the region was modelled in detail
with a grid resolution of 10x10 m² and 31 lithostratigraphic units of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments.
Following this first sub-model, the modelled area was enlarged to about 50 km2 for the entire region of the mega-
site and their downstream areas. The structural model was generated by combining point information of about
250 boreholes which were implemented in about 62 cross sections. This model allows – beyond visualization pur-
poses – volumetric calculations of partial or distinct sedimentary units, which are relevant for an assessment of
retardation processes in the remaining lignites.
In a third approach the modelling system MVS/EVS (CTech Ltd) was used for the same model area mentioned
before. MVS/EVS is strictly based on the geostatistical interpolation between boreholes. To get comparable results,
the same boreholes as in the system GSI3D were given as input data. The pure interpolation was in parts very poor
concerning the distribution of Quaternary sediments and the open cast mining dumps. Good results were reached
by using cutting surfaces e.g. for the base of the mining dumps and the base of a Quaternary channel.
Based on the first geological sub-model, a numerical groundwater flow and transport model was set up. The data-
base structure was converted to the GIS ArcView so that data exchange with the groundwater modelling systems
was guaranteed. Structures and a first approach of parameter-settings (hydraulic conductivities and porosities) were
taken from the geological model and implemented in a first local groundwater model. Due to the restricted area of
the first geological model, the boundary conditions could hardly be defined. A new enlarged model of about 330457
km2 was built to solve this problem. This regional model serves as principal study model for the calculation of the
large scale hydrodynamical situation.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 457
The use of true 3D geological structural models allows different types of visualisation, calculation and predictions
as well as the subsequent operation within hydraulic models. The provided information by the digital subsurface
3D model is of specific need in the field of environmental risk and impact assessment of contamination sites and
also on a broader view in the context of hydraulic and transport modelling of complex and heterogeneous aquifer
systems. The following examples outline the different options in using the true 3D geological models answering
specific questions from the case study Bitterfeld.
One of the major questions is the aquifer/aquifer contact in heterogeneous systems and their regional distribution.
The GIS-based information of any hydraulic relevant layer within the model can be provided. Figure 1 shows
the example of the ‘Hydrogeological Window’ of the Quaternary and Tertiary aquifer contact and the related
distribution. Additional information of land-use and point as well as non-point sources can be integrated in the
GIS spatial model for further plausibility studies and risk assessment. In addition, the volumetric calculation of
individual lithostratigraphic layers can be done. In the studied area the potentiality of high adsorption and also
desorption capacities of the aquifer sediments is of high importants, e.g. remaining lignite in the aquifer system.
Aquifer/Aquifer contact
Quaternary and Tertiary aquifers
Remaining lignite
Figure 1. Hydrogeological contacts between Quaternary and Tertiary aquifers. Quaternary sediments
and the lignite mining dump sediments are removed. Note the erosional NW striking structure of the channel,
which is cutting into the underlying lignite seam and the Bitterfelder Glimmersand unit.
The calculation of the volume of the additionally saturated zone by rising water level affected by the flooding event
in August 2002 is calculated and summarizes to 25.25 Mill. m3 for the open pit mining dumps. Figure 2 shows
the relation of saturated and unsaturated zone of the aquifer structures and the additional volume which is satu-
rated by the flood. This calculation allows further hydrochemical calculation of the internal geochemical and hydro-
chemical induced processes. For a better understanding of the anisotropic structures of the open cast mining dumps
orthophotos and a high resolution DEM were interpreted to locate internal structures of the anthropogenic layers.
Ongoing evaluation tools implemented in the modelling software tools GeoObject 2 and GSI3D are the distribution
and thickness in terms of equal area projection, cell-projection and contour lines for distinct sedimentary layers.
The influence of the detailed structural setting within the aquifer system and the related effects by increasing
groundwater level is given in Figure 3. The groundwater models show the hydraulic effects of a subsurface Quater-
nary channel-fill which is characterized by a higher hydraulic conductivity. Before the flooding event 2002, the path
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458 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Figure 2. Volumetric calculation of the increasing amount of the water saturated zone
within the lignite mining dump sediments after the flood in August 2002, provided
for geochemical process modelling and prediction of hydro-chemical balance predictions.
Figure 3. Path lines before and after the flooding event in August 2002 in the Quaternary aquifer.
The left fig. indicates the pre-flooding stage and the right, the post-flooding situation of the modelled area
(4 x 4 km). The increasing hydraulic effect of the subsurface Quaternary channel-fill
and the shift of path lines towards NW are remarkably indicated.
lines are directed toward the East, the Goitzsche Lake. After the rising water level induced by the flooding event
2002, a general shift towards the N and NE is modelled. The hydraulic effects of the Quaternary channel-fill in the
subsurface are of conspicuous importance in terms of risk and exposure assessment as well as fate and pathway
relations of the groundwater contaminants. The regional groundwater model (Fig. 4) shows in addition, that most
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 459
of the path lines lead to the North recently, towards the alluvial plain of the River Mulde. This calculation does not
take into account, that distinct groundwater exploitation wells are used with varying extraction rates within the
modelled area. Therefore, the local patterns of the path lines can be deviating in detail.
Figure 4. Calculated general path lines direction and distribution of the fluvial system of the regional
groundwater model. The different influences of the subsurface Quaternary channel-fill are indicated.
Local groundwater extraction and changing groundwater flow directions are not taken into account.
The detailed digital geological 3D model is an important need of subsequent numerical groundwater models in the
field of fate and pathway prediction of regional contaminated groundwater aquifers. The step forward in getting
detailed results which are based on true 3D structural models which are coming close to a ‘real world scenario’
seems to be convincing and a ‘must’ in the field of heterogeneous aquifers and related environmental risk and expo-
sure assessment. As demonstrated in this paper, the detailed 3D geological modelling of the Bitterfeld area has
shown that already the most detailed and realistic geological model enables the analysis of sorption processes and
especially hydraulic effects of rising groundwater levels. The lignites are the most contaminant bearing layers due to
their high adsorption capabilities for organic substances. Thus their distribution is of high importance for long-term
transport processes of the groundwater contaminants. The GIS database was used for linking the geological model
and numerical groundwater model. The two groundwater models were built, representing a local scale, and a
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460 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
regional scale, respectively. The groundwater modelling includes aspects of groundwater balances, flow and solute
transport prediction. The results show the importance of hydraulic relevant structures within the 3D geological
model, as shown by the Quaternary channel-fill structure. The GIS environment of ArcView allows combining
several different thematic layers to get valuable answers to environmental questions, e.g risk assessment of ground-
water contamination, fate and pathway prediction, and land use planning concepts. Parts of this work were funded
by the SAFIRA project (E1.1 FKZ 02WT0023) and the Ac-Hoc Project (FKZ PTJ0330492) by the BMBF, German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Geller, W., Ockenfeld, K., Böhme, M. and Knöchel, A. (2004): Schadstoffbelastung nach dem Elbe-Hochwasser
2002 – Endbericht. 460 pp., Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle.
Heidrich, S., Schirmer, M., Weiß, H., Wycisk, P. Großmann, J. and Kaschl, A. (2004). Regionally contaminated
aquifers – toxicological relevance and remediation options (Bitterfeld Case Study). Toxicology, 205, 143 – 155.
Weiß, H. Teutsch, G. and Daus, B. (2004). Zusammenfassender Abschlussbericht – Projektverbund SAFIRA. UFZ-
Bericht 13/2004, Leipzig, 366 pp.
Wycisk, P., Neumann, Ch. and Gossel, W. (in press) Flooding induced effects from the mining lake Goitzsche on the
groundwater and land-use in the Bitterfeld area (Germany).- Acta Hydrochem. et Hydrobiol., 23 pp.
Wycisk, P. Fabritius, H., Ruske, R. and Weiß, H. (2002). Das digitale geologische Strukturmodell Bitterfeld als neuer
Baustein in der Sanierungsforschung. Grundwasser, 7(3), 165 – 171.
Wycisk, P. and Weiß, H. (2002). Groundwater pollution and remediation options for multi-source contaminated
aquifers.- EUROTOX Congress, Budapest, Toxicology Letters, 135 (Suppl. 1), p. 14.
Wycisk, P., Fabritius, H., Franke, B., Ruske, R. and Weiß, H. (2003). 3-D modeling of complex geological structures
and its relevance for a risk based management and remediation approach – Examples from the Bitterfeld / Wolfen
megasite, Germany. Consoil Proccedings 2003, 12 – 16.05.2003, Gent.
Wycisk, P., Weiss, H., Kaschl, A., Heidrich, S. and Sommerwerk, K. (2003). Groundwater pollution and remediation
options for multi-source contaminated aquifers (Bitterfeld/Wolfen, Germany). Toxicology Letters, 140-141,
343 – 351.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Modelling parameter estimation
by tracer experiments in the porous aquifer
of Ljubljansko polje
B. Cencur Curk, B. Jamnik and B. Bracic Zeleznik
Human activities in the area of the Hrastje waterworks of Ljubljana threaten groundwater quality. A numerical
groundwater flow model was established for the wider area of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer. A lack of experimental
data on solute transport leads to unreliability in the transport model and its predictions of pollution scenarios.
The transport model needs to calculate reliable scenarios of pollution dispersion, which can only be achieved,
with the application of real transport parameters. These could be provided from tracer experiments in the
Ljubljansko polje aquifer. First, a small tracer test with potassium bromide was conducted in the Hrastje water-
works area, followed by a multi-tracer experiment (potassium bromide, uranine, microspheres and tinopal CBS-X)
in the broader area of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer. Tracer test design considers differences between pollutant
spreading in the unsaturated and saturated zones of the aquifer. Therefore, the tracer injection was performed as
spreading on the surface (injection to the unsaturated zone), as well as injecting directly into the saturated zone
through observation wells. Only potassium bromide and uranine gave successful results. Both tracers indicate the
dominant groundwater velocity of about 20 m/d. The tracer experiment with uranine has shown sharp differen-
tiation in the field and relatively long retardation times. The dispersivity depends on the length of the flow path
and varies from 10 m at short distances to 100 m at long distances. Results of the multi-tracer experiment
improved the flow and transport model. All together, this will enable better knowledge of the hydrodynamic con-
ditions in the Ljubljansko polje aquifer, which will yield more effective measures for waterworks protection.
Consistent implementation of these measures will improve the groundwater quality in the Hrastje waterworks.
Key words
Groundwater flow dynamics; Ljubljansko polje aquifer; modeling; porous aquifer; solute transport; tracer
The gravel sandy aquifer of Ljubljansko polje is the drinking water source for nearly 300,000 inhabitants of
Ljubljana city and vicinity. There are two main waterworks: Klece and Hrastje. The latter is momentarily only
partly in use because of the environmental pollution. The plain area of Ljubljansko polje is a tectonic sink in the
shape of a bowl and consists of river sediments that can reach thickness of more than 100 m in the deepest part.
The bedrock is the impermeable permocarbonic shaly mudstone and sandstone. In the last million years, the river
Sava filled up the basis thus forming a field. The lower part of the aquifer is composed of Pleistocene gravel and
sand whilst in the upper part there are Holocene sand and gravel sediments. Among the sand and gravel deposits
several conglomerate lenses appear. Above the conglomerate lenses, the clay is present and together with conglom-
erate represents the low permeable complex.
The hydraulic conductivity of Ljubljansko polje sediments is very good, from 10 –2 m / s in the central part to
3.7 x 10–2 m / s on the borders of the plain. The existing lithological data are heterogeneous origin and very hardly
comparable so the geological model of area is incomplete, special in the deepest part. The heterogeneousness
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462 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
of Ljubljansko polje sediments has important impact on dispersion and tracers spreading velocity. A numerical
groundwater flow model was established for the wider area of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer. However, a transport
model was not established due to a lack of experimental data on solute transport. These could be provided from
tracer experiments at the area of Ljubljansko polje aquifer.
The average groundwater level is 13 m under the surface. The groundwater level oscillation is about 3 m (from
273,18 m above see level to 276,01 m above see level). The general groundwater flow direction is from NW to SE,
but on the tracing experiment area depends from lithological and thus hydrological conditions and it is variable in
dry or wet season. The groundwater flow velocity cover a wide range of values according to the precipitation infil-
tration or Sava river infiltration and is from several meters to several tenths of meters per day.
Tracer experiments were performed in the Hrastje waterworks area (Fig. 1). Because of a very poor knowledge
about solute transport dynamics in the Ljubljansko polje aquifer, a preliminary tracer experiment with potassium
bromide was conducted and followed by a multi-tracer experiment with potassium bromide, uranine, microspheres
and tinopal CBS-X. Bromide was injected into an observation well PH-3 (Fig. 1), located very close to the water-
works. The water from the Hrastje waterworks is not treated (chlorination or ozonisation), therefore a usage of
bromide did not endanger human health. Tracer amount and sampling schedule for the multi-tracer experiment
were determined on the basis of the preliminary tracer experiment results.
A multi-tracer experiment was performed as spreading on the surface (injection to the unsaturated zone) near
gravel pit Obrije (Fig. 1), as well as injecting directly into the saturated zone through observation wells PH-3, PAC-
Figure 1. Location of the injection borholes and sampling boreholes with groundwater flow direction
and geological features (š- a: Quaternary gravel, t-wQ: würm gravel deposit).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 463
7 and PAC-9 (Fig. 1). Sampling was carried out in observation wells PAC-7, PAC-6, PH-1, LP Obrije, MV-1, MV-2,
MV-3 and pumping wells of Hrastje waterworks (labeled as Hr-vd; Fig. 1). Allocations and tracer amounts are given
in Table 1. In precedent paper only results of the multi-tracer experiment are presented.
The bromide, injected into observation well PH-3 was transported very reproducibly with some interesting results.
Very fast movement of the bromide to the waterworks Hrastje was detected also connected with fast spreading of
traces of the bromide away from the waterworks towards the observation well PAC-6. This phenomenon indicates
nearly the same transport time of bromide to the observation well PH-1 and pumping well Hr-vd4 (Fig. 2). PH-1
has a three time longer distance (440 m) from injection well compared to the Hr-vd4 (150 m).
Figure 2. Concentration of bromide in observation wells PH-1 and PAC-6 and pumping well
Hr-vd4 in dependency from time after the injection of KBr in PH-3. Bold horizontal line is average background
of bromide app. 22 ± 2 µ g / L in southern part of aquifer.
Uranine was injected in observation well PAC-9 (Fig. 1). Because of the possibility of cross-contamination at sam-
pling of observation wells with a pump, a ‘zero control’ observation well (PH-5) was sampled during each sampling
campaign. Transport of uranine, injected into observation well PAC-9 at northern side of the experimental area was
determined up to a distance of 1,510 m. No difficulties with background concentration of uranine were observed.
Long period of post-maximum relaxation was detected (Fig. 3). The uranine was transported to the west of the
injection well towards LP-Obrije and than turned to observation well MV-1 and to the northern part of Hrastje
waterworks (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
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464 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
0.00 injection
Figure 3. Concentration of uranine in observation wells LP-Obrije and MV-1 and pumping wells
Hr-vd3, Hr-vd5 and Hr-vd6 in dependency from time after the injection of uranine in PAC-9.
Continuous line: LOD of 0,002 µ g /L for samples from pumping wells;
dashed line: LOD of 0,01 µ g /L for samples from observation wells.
Pointing line: assumption from the other datasets because of delay at sampling of MV-1.
Tinopal CBS-X was injected into PAC-7 at the northern side of the Hrastje waterworks. During the sampling cam-
paign, the tinopal was not detected in any of the wells. There are three possible reasons: the observation well PAC-7
has a poor conductivity and/or Tinopal CBS-X was adsorbed to the sediment an/or the injected amount was too
small. Because of the detection of Tinopal CBS-X in observation well PAC-7 one and a half year after the injection
we can conclude that the poor conductivity of PAC-7 has to be a main reason, but we cannot exclude even the
influence of the adsorption.
Mathematical evaluation of tracer breakthrough curves was carried out with analytical (advection-dispersion
model) and numerical (MIKE SHE groundwater model) methods.
Advection-dispersion model
Transport parameters were calculated with Maloszewski‘s advection-dispersion model (TRACI programe; Werner,
1998), which presumes uniform laminar flow and Fick‘s law (continuum). Simulated breakthrough curves were
mostly calculated with multidispersion model, which enables calculation for more overlapping curves representing
several flow paths.
The bromide breakthrough curves of Hrastje waterworks wells have shown dispersivities about 5,5 m (dispersion
koefficient of 160 m2 /d) for preliminary tracer experiment and 20 m (dispersion coefficient of 160 m2 / d) for
multi-tracer experiment. The most likely reason for these discrepancy is different pumping regime within the
Hrastje waterworks in time of tracer experiment performance and different hydrological conditions.
The uranine breakthrough curves of LP-Obrije has shown a dispersivity of 6 m (dispersion coefficient of 100 m2 /d),
Hrastje waterworks wells 50 – 90 m (dispersion koefficient of 400 – 700 m2 /d). From the results it is obvious that
dispersion is increasing contemporary with flow path.
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Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 465
Numerical model
Numerical modelling significantly contributes to a better understanding of behaviour of water resource systems
under normal conditions and in the case they are subjected to the natural changes or human interventions. The
MIKE-SHE hydrological groundwater model of Ljubljansko polje aquifer was established a few years ago (Refsgaard
and Gustavsson, 2000; Jamnik et al. 2001) and has served for solving everyday problems in managing water
resource and designing long-term solutions. Its first objective was to establish as safe as possible structures for sup-
plying drinking water to the population.
The groundwater model of Ljubljansko polje aquifer has initially been calibrated on a regional scale using
200 x 200 m-grid system. For the purposes of the simulation of tracer experiment the local model used 25 x 25 m-
grid scale with 6 aquifer layers and time varying head boundary conditions simulated with the regional model.
Several simulations were performed using advection-dispersion module in order to show the movement of the
tracer with the water flow and dependence of the dispersion coefficient from several injection points. The cloud of
tracer was simulated regarding time and space.
The simulations were based on water movement simulation during different groundwater level conditions in order
to check the influence of the groundwater level on the velocity and direction of the tracer movement. The model-
ling results showed that the tracer cloud from different injection points travelled more southerly than the tracer
cloud, which was determined by field experiment. The travel path depends on the groundwater level and moves
towards north when the groundwater level is higher. The simulation showed that lower velocity and longer travel
times of the cloud could be expected during the low groundwater level condition. The observed travel times of the
tracer that was injected closest to the wells of the waterworks were unexpectedly higher than simulated travel
The changes in dispersion coefficient of course showed the influence on the travel times and widening of the
pollution cloud, but not significantly. We can conclude that the considerable impact on the travelling direction of
the tracer could be achieved by close examination of the hydraulic conductivity of the particular calculation layer,
which is planned to be an important part of our future modelling work.
Groundwater tracing test in Ljubljansko polje area is the first field experiment regarding to this matter in the
alluvial aquifers in Slovenia. The investigators recognise the realisation of the experiment as an important achieve-
ment for the particular branch of Slovenian groundwater research.
The benefits of the research are multiple. Despite of a great risk, the experiment was performed on the catchment
area of the Hrastje waterworks, meanwhile used for drinking water supply. The research proved that the tracers
could be used safely on sensitive area and that the researchers are capable and qualified to carry it out with a
highest level of security.
The experiment has shown that the groundwater flow in the central part of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer on the
catchment zone of Hrastje waterworks is generally well known, but in the local scale unpredictable and even faster
then had ever been expected. The water supply was proved to be extremely vulnerable. From the water mana-
gement point of view this means that in the case of existence of potential risk on the catchment zone area the
remedial measures could be effective only if they were done fast.
The results of the experiments will serve as a basis for the verification of the existing groundwater protection zones.
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466 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
It was the first time that the travel times and the catchment areas of the particular part of the Ljubljansko polje
aquifer (around the Hrastje waterworks) were determined by field experiment and not just theoretically.
It has been confirmed that despite of numerous researches of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer the tracer experiments
are requisite to give us some additional information that cannot be acquired in any other ways.
On the basis on our positive experience it is reasonable to believe that the tracer experiments will be increasingly
used for the purposes of the water management in Slovenia. They should become a recommended tool for water
management support in connection to the long-term decision and everyday, still unsolved questions.
Jamnik B., Refsgaard A., Jan a M. and Kristensen M. (2001). Water resources management model for Ljubljana City.
In: 4th DHI Software Conference [CD-ROM], M. Kristensen, U. Andersson, H. R. Sorensen (eds.), DHI Water
andEnvironment, Elsinore.
Refsgaard A. and Gustavsson L. (2000). Water Resources Management Model for Ljubljansko Polje and Ljubljansko
Barje. Final Report, DHI Water & Environment, Horsholm, DK.
Werner, A. (1998). TRACI – An example for mathematical tracing interpretation model. In: Tracing Technique in
Geohydrology, W. Käss (ed.), A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 376 – 381.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Applications of most recent
borehole geophysical logging
for aquifer characterization
Ibrahim Shawky
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the applications of the most recent borehole geophysical measurements
to the evaluation of the aquifer characteristics and its suitability for an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR)
Amongst the many properties required for aquifer characterization are total porosity, lithology, grain size and
grain sorting, fracture density, aperture and directions, free and capillary bound waters, saturated and unsatu-
rated sands, and rock hydraulic conductivity.
In this article, we will present the application of lithodensity, Neutron, Array Induction, Elemental Capture
Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Formation Micro Imager to the deduction of aquifer properties.
We will also present methodology that estimates the formation Elemental Analysis through a global inversion
integrating all the above mentioned measurements.
Step by step analysis of the individual measurements will be presented, as well as the integration of these indi-
vidual measurements into the final solution.
Our objective is to utilize the advanced geophysical borehole logging in the planning and feasibility phase of an ASR
project to predict the recovery efficiency and rates with reasonable confidence. This can be done ahead of the trials
by increasing our confidence in the accuracy of rock property values that determine those rates. We will explain and
illustrate the use of some advanced geophysical logging tools that, to our knowledge, are very seldom used in the
ground water industry, if at all.
We will examine the various porosity measurement techniques, together with a newly developed rock lithology
measurement device; we will then combine all these measurements using a global solver to calculate an accurate
value for aquifer porosity; we will then compare this value to different individual porosity values obtained from
stand alone measurements.
We will illustrate the use of resistivity measurements with different depth of investigation to discriminate, in real
time, those aquifer intervals that are permeable. Finally, we will illustrate the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
and its calibration to estimate aquifer rock conductivity.
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468 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Porosity is the ratio of pore volume to the total volume of the formation, and can be devided into two types: pri-
mary or original porosity which existed at the time the rock was formed, and secondary porosity such as vugs and
fractures resulting from tectonic stress and dissolution channels.
All porosity measuring devices are measuring porosity in an indirect fashion, and in the prosess, are affected by few
factors, the most important of which are: lithology, pore fluids, and clay contents. We will attempt to show the effect
of each one of those factors on the traditional porosity measurements, namely Neutron Porosity, Formation Density
Porosity, and Accoustic Porosity.
Figure 1 below summarizes different porosity measurements values for saturated and unsaturated layers, together
with percentage errors as compared to the actual computed porosity for our subject well under study.
ECS* relies on measuring the total Gamma Ray spectrum resulting from the different mineral compositional ele-
ments in the formation after have been exited with fast neutrons, knowing the spectra for the individual elements,
the total Gamma Ray spectrum can be decomposed according to proportion of the specific element in the forma-
tion. The process is schematically shown below.
Figure 2 shows the results of the spectral processing and dry weight calculation for our subject well. Here we are
showing only the elemental relative yield for Aluminum Silicon, Calcium, and Iron, from which the dry weight
mineral fractions are calculated for Q-F-M (Quartz, Feldspar, and Mica), Carbonate, and Clay. From the dry weight
mineral fractions, the grain density is calculated and shown in red. We notice the relatively clean formation, with
clay content less than 10% down to 235 ft, while the aquifer matrix is primarily sandstone with calcite cementation.
Below 275 ft, we get into the marl formation where the clay percentage goes up to 30%, and carbonate to 40%.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 469
From the Gamma Ray curve shown in green in depth track, we notice the lack of correlation between the amount of
clay content and GR reading indicating that the GR measurement would not be a good clay/shale indicator.
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470 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
Invasion profile
The mud filtrate invasion phenomena is utilized to predict the permeable intervals, and to calculate the unaltered
formation resistivity which is used to determine the aquifer water salinity.
Hydraulic conductivity
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance logging (CMR)* relies on a strong permanent magnetic field that is applied to the
formation and aligns the hydrogen nuclei parellel to its direction; a radio frequency antenna is then used to measure
the time it takes for the nuclei to return back to their initial condition.
This relaxation time constant is decomposed in to its individual components and the distribution of the time
constant T2 is plotted. The strength of the signal depends on the amount of hydrogen nuclei in the formation, and
since hydrogen is present primarily in water, the strength of the signal, or the area under the T2 distribution curve
is a representation of the total porosity.
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Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 471
The calculated permeability in MD on a logarithmic scale from 0.1 to 1,000, we see that across the aquifer it is
reading around 100 MD, below the aquifer it goes down to almost zero, and above the aquifer it reads in the range
of 10 MD, but this reading above the aquifer is an artifact due to lack of hydrogen as the layers are unsaturated. We
see clearly the correlation between the permeability on one side and the pore size distribution and amount of free
water on the other side.
The histogram shown above is for the Permeability in MD across the aquifer interval, it has an average value of
94.7 MD.
Pumping test resulted in a total transmissivity of 800 mm/day for 35 mt interval, yielding aquifer conductivity of
23 mt /day. Thus aquifer conductivity in mt/ day = CMR pearmeability in MD X 0.25.
The Formation Micro Imager (FMI)* allows continuous observation of detailed vertical and lateral variations in
formation properties, one really sees the formation (Figure 8).
The measuring device comprises 8 pads mounted on 4 arms, each pad contains 24 micro electrodes for a total
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472 Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics
of 192. The processing of the electrical current recorded by these microelectrodes provides images which look like
core photographs with a high vertical and lateral resolution of 5 mm. These high resolution images are used in
structural, stratigraphic geology and in and reservoir characterization applications.
Fracture analysis
Open fractures constitute permeability path which must be taken into account when modeling an aquifer. The
presence of fractures also affects the value of the cementation factor, used in computing water salinity from
formation resistivity.
Though in our study we were concerned with the upper unconfined layers, for the sake of illustration we will show
an interval of the lower layers which are found to be highly fractured.
Figure 9 is an expanded scale log is for an interval deeper than our target aquifer, it illustrates an open fracture
dipping at an angle of 68 deg towards south east.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Modelling aspects and groundwater hydraulics 473
• A holistic approach to the determination of aquifer porosity was introduced utilizing the newly developed litho-
logy measurement technique (ECS*).
• Multi depth of investigation resistivity measuring tool (AIT*) was used to predict, in real time, which layers of
the aquifer are permeable, as well as estimating an accurate aquifer resistivity.
• The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CMR*) was introduced to differentiate between free water,capillary bound
water, and clay bound water. A calibration coefficient from measured permeability to aquifer conductivity was
also derived.
• The Formation Micro Imager (FMI*) was used to qualitatively identify which layers in the aquifer are vertically
homogenous, as well as detecting fractured layers.
• Modern state-of-the-art logging tools allow measuring the physical properties that control the behaviour and per
formance of an aquifer. It allows to build a quantitative model of the aquifer that can be used in a predictive
manner to locate additional production wells or to monitor an ASR project.
Allioli F. , O. Faivre, L. Jammes and M. Evans, ‘A New Approach to Computing Formation Density an Pe Free of Mud
Cake Effects’ SPWLA Annual Symposium 1997.
Corbett C., J.S. Plato, G.F. Chalupsky and Robert J. Finley, ‘Improved Reservoir Characterization through Cross
Discipline Multi Well Petrophysical Interpretation’, SPWLA Annual Symposium 1996.
Gossenberg Patrizio, Giuseppe Galli, Marc Andreani and Werner Klof, ‘New Petrophysical Interpretation Model for
Clastic Rocks Based on NMR, Epithermal Neutron and Electromagnetic logs’, SPWLA Annual Symposium 1996.
Ramakrishnan T.S. J.Al-Khalifa, H.H. Al-Waheed and C. Cao Minh ‘Producibility Estimation from Array Induction
Logs and Comparison with Measurements’ SPWLA Annual Symposium 1997.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Health aspects
Pathogens and micro pollutants
A simple nomogram was developed to describe the number of log-removals of pathogens and biodegradable
organics between injection and recovery wells for ASR with nearby production wells, for simple Aquifer Storage
Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) projects, and between the river bank and production wells in bank filtration
projects. The method assumes a homogeneous isotropic aquifer of uniform thickness and porosity with uniform
ambient hydraulic gradient, uniform rate of pumping and extraction, a constant exponential rate of biodegra-
dation or pathogen inactivation, and linear adsorption isotherm. Only two non-dimensional parameters were
needed to define the number of log10 reductions or biodegradation during transport through the aquifer to the
recovery well. These describe advective transport due to pumping wells and due to the regional hydraulic gradient
respectively. These parameters uniquely defined the ratio of minimum travel time to the time for one-log10
reduction, and therefore defined the number of log10 reductions of the contaminant reaching neighbouring
The method was applied to a case study in the Bandung Basin, Indonesia to derive safe distances between
stormwater injection wells and downgradient pumping wells for nine hydrogeological zones in the basin.
Recharge enhancement was being considered to help address the groundwater overdraft in the basin. While the
approach is very simple, it was adequate to demonstrate that in each of these zones the rate of groundwater flow
was high in relation to rate of pathogen inactivation, so that runoff from the ground surface, where stormwater
and sewage systems merged, should not be admitted into wells. However roof-runoff, piped directly to a well, was
likely to yield water suitable for injecting into the aquifer without adverse impacts on the quality of neighbouring
wells. Although the model is very simple, it may be useful as a planning tool or to assist in designing MAR projects.
Groundwater, solute transport, analytical models, pathogens, ASR, Indonesia.
A simple screening tool was developed to evaluate the potential for viable pathogens to be transported from an
injection well to a down-gradient pumping well. Through the use of common simplifying assumptions, such as
steady-state flow and a constant exponential rate of pathogen attenuation, the model could be reduced to a nomo-
gram to represent a wide array of situations. The method was applied to the Bandung Basin to assess the water qual-
ity impacts of injecting stormwater and roof-runoff into the aquifer.
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478 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Firstly it is assumed that the pathogens (or other trace organic contaminants) undergo first-order exponential decay
with respect to residence time in the aquifer.
Ct = C0 10 − t / τ Eqn. (1)
where C t is the concentration or number of viable pathogens per unit volume after storage time t, C o is the con-
centration or number in water recharged via the injection well, and τ is the time required for the initial concentra-
tion or number to be reduced to 10% of its original value, often called the one-log 10 removal time.
π D n e L2
t min = Eqn. (2)
The shortest travel time occurs when there is a regional hydraulic gradient in the aquifer and the recovery well is
situated directly downgradient of the injection well. Dilution with ambient groundwater is neglected as this effect
leads to enhanced contaminant attenuation. In such a two well system, t min is given by Rhebergen and Dillon,
(1999) as:
ne L
t min = Eqn. (3)
+ vdo
π DL
where ν do is the Darcian velocity component between the injection well to the recovery well (md–1). As continuous
concurrent injection and recovery rarely occur, this equation is likely to underestimate travel time because when
wells are operated intermittently the average hydraulic effective gradient over the time of travel will be less than the
value which has been assumed in this equation (worst-case scenario).
Assuming that the contaminant or pathogen of interest is also sorbed onto the aquifer matrix with a linear adsorp-
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 479
tion isotherm, then contaminant transport is slowed by a constant retardation factor, R, with respect to conservative
transport of the water molecules. Thus the minimum travel time, t min i of a contaminant, i, is a factor R times the
travel time of conservative solutes that move at the same rate as the water, ie:
In this model, sorption acts only to extend the travel time during which biodegradation takes place, and by itself is
not regarded as a sustainable attenuation process. It is also assumed that all of the water from the pumping well
originates from the injection well.
Bank filtration
From image well theory, constant head along a stream can be approximated by an injection and recovery well pair
bisected by the stream, as in equation (2), but substituting the distance, a, between the stream and the pumping
well (a = L /2) and noting that the water derived from the stream has only half the travel distance of the water
travelling from the image well to the pumping well. This results in equation (7) (Dillon et al., 2002).
2 π D ne a 2
t min = Eqn. (7)
In this instance the rate of streambed infiltration, q, induced by pumping from the well at a rate, Q, at any time, t,
since the commencement of pumping, is approximated by Glover and Balmer (1954) as:
q ⎛ a ⎞
= erfc ⎜ ⎟ Eqn. (8)
Q ⎝ 4αt⎠
Where α is aquifer diffusivity (transmissivity /storage coefficient) and here in an unconfined system of approx-
imately constant saturated thickness, D, and hydraulic conductivity, K, is KD /ne. For steady state pumping, the
value of q /Q is one for a semi-infinite aquifer with an initially horizontal free-surface.
A contaminant originating from the stream at a steady concentration, C0 , reaches a concentration, Ct in the well at
time t is given by Equation (9) which is a restatement of equation (1) accounting for equations, (4), (7) and (8).
Dillon et al. (2002) also account for the effect of conservative contaminants, e.g. salinity, in groundwater for bank
filtration design.
Ct = C 0 10 − R t min / τ Eqn. (9)
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Other situations
Wherever the travel time between a constant sole source of contaminant and a point of groundwater discharge can
be calculated, along with the relative contribution of that source to the discharge, and retardation and degradation
or inactivation rates are known, then the concentration remaining at the point of discharge may be calculated.
ASRRI (Aquifer Storage and Recovery Risk Index) is a computer program recently developed by CSIRO that, using
the principles outlined above, calculates the risk of contamination for a range of single and dual well ASR systems
(Miller et al., 2002). The risk indexes calculate whether specific trace organic or microbial contaminants in the
recovered water would reach its target attenuation ratio (log removal) or its guideline value for a given scenario.
Using three nondimensional terms, each with a physical meaning, a nomogram based on equations 1, 3 and 4 was
produced to define the log10 removal under a range of scenarios for dual well systems. This allows separation
distances or pumping rates to be determined that will meet any required number of log-removals for a given set of
aquifer characteristics (depth, porosity, Darcian velocity and retardation factor (organic carbon fraction). The non-
dimensional terms are as follows:
Term 1: Advective transport expression due to pumping wells n e L D R ;
ne L R
Term 2: Advective transport due to regional hydraulic gradient ;
vdo τ
t min
Term 3: The ratio of contaminant travel time to one log 10 removal time .
The nomogram, shown in Figure 1, can be used in various ways. Knowing existing or planned well locations and
aquifer properties, and an approximate one-log10 removal time, e.g. from Dillon et al. (2005), a value for term 1 can
be found on the x axis and a curve value for term 2 can be used to interpolate a y coordinate value on the
nomogram. This immediately defines the value of term 3 which also defines the log10 reduction expected for that
n e LR / v
log removal
0 5 10 15 20
(ne L DR)/(Q )
Figure 1. Nomogram for dual well ASR system (recovery well down-gradient of injection well)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 481
contaminant. Alternatively, if the aim is to achieve a given log removal (say 4-log) then the curve parameter
(term 2) cannot be less than 5. The curve parameter (term 2) is composed of variables that are intrinsic to the
aquifer and the contaminant or pathogen, and the sole control variable is the separation distance, L. Hence L can, in
principle, be increased so that it is sufficiently large that the curve rises above the number of log removals required.
Term 1 contains two control variables, and is proportional to L squared and inversely proportional to Q. In this case
if Term 2 had a value of 10, then Term 1 would need a value exceeding 7 to achieve the required 4 log removals.
This may require reducing the pumping rate.
The nomogram shows that there are some combinations of characteristics where no realistic system design will
produce sufficient log removal for satisfactory performance. In those areas ASR should be prevented unless the
injected water is adequately pre-treated. Conversely, higher ne , L and R, values increase terms 1 and 2 to give more
time available for biodegradation, and result in a higher log removal. Note that the curve parameter tends towards
infinity as the ambient gradient approaches zero. Fildebrandt et al. (2003) also provide nomograms for recovery
wells positioned upgradient of the injection well and at various angles, however normally the down gradient
direction is expected to be the most critical case for decision making concerning water quality impacts on the
The city of Bandung in western Java, Indonesia, is facing increasing stress on the quantity and quality of its ground-
water resources due to the rising population, increasing water demand, and changes of land use. Groundwater
abstraction in the Bandung Basin increased from 47 Mm3 to 61 Mm3 per year between 1990 and 1994, while the
number of deep wells increased from 1,000 to 4,700 (Suryantoro, 1999) and groundwater levels continued to fall by
2 – 4 m per year (Soetrisno 1998). In recent years the Indonesian government has become more active in ground-
water protection and has considered developing methods to enhance groundwater recharge (Bukit 1995; Supriyo et
al., 1999), including use of excess stormwater runoff.
The Bandung Basin is surrounded by a number of volcanic mountains in the north and south. The Citarum River
originates in the south and flows northwest through a central 1,000 km2 plain where most of the urban and
industrial areas are located. The climate is tropical with an annual rainfall of 1,900 –2,200 mm with distinct wet and
dry seasons (Soetrisno, 1998). The central basin is composed of various Quaternary fluvial sediments of volcanic
origin. The general direction of groundwater flow is from the northern and southern mountain ranges towards the
Citarum River. There are two hydrogeological systems: the shallow aquifers and the deep aquifers. The shallow
Kosambi aquifer occurs within the upper 40 m. and has low (< 2 L /s) or low to moderate well yields (2 –10 L /s)
and was originally of potable quality (Suhari and Siebenhuner, 1993). The deep aquifers are semi-confined to con-
fined and are present at depths of between 40 m and 150 m. The two uppermost deep aquifers are the Cibeurum
aquifer and the underlying Cikapundung aquifer. The Cibeurum aquifer, composed of young volcanic deposits from
which most water is pumped, has moderate to high well yields (2 –10 L /s to >10 L /s) whilst the Cikapundung
aquifer, which consists of old volcanic deposits, has moderate well yields (2 –10 L /s) (Soetrisno, 1998).
The fate of pathogens in the groundwater presents the greatest single threat to public health from recharge enhan-
cement using waters of impaired quality. Therefore this study aimed to find separation distances between injection
wells and pumping wells down-gradient that would achieve specified levels of microbial attenuation in different
zones of the Bandung Basin. For illustration purposes here, a 4-log removal is suggested for injected surface water
whilst for inherently better quality roof-runoff a 1-log removal may be enough.
The shallow aquifers of the Bandung Basin were classified into regions with different hydraulic gradients (<1%,
1–10% and 10 –17%) and well yield (<2, 2 –10, and >10 L /s) (Suhari and Siebenhuner, 1993). These maps were
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482 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
overlain to form zones to allow the assignment of L, the distance between the injection and recovery well necessary
for a certain log removal. There were nine possible combinations (3 hydraulic gradients x 3 well yields). Zone 1
produced the smallest separation distance and zone 9 the largest. Two of the nine different zones (7 and 9) did not
occur in the basin (Figure 2). Zones 1, 2 and 4 occupy the largest the area.
To calculate L values for each zone the following parameter values were assigned: K = 1 m /d, n e = 0.1, D = 10 m,
R = 1 (i.e. no retardation) and assuming τ = 10 days (Toze 2004). Sensitivity analyses are reported in Fildebrandt
et al. (2003). The calculated separation distances (L) for 1-log removal are 45 to 150 m, and for 4-log removal are
92 to 326 m (Table 1).
Table 1. Recommended separation distances (m) between injection and recovery wells for different zones
for 1-log removal and 4-log removal, τ = 10 days
1 1 0.01 45 92
2 0.10 56 144
3 0.17 67 195
4 5 0.01 99 200
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 483
Conservative simplifying assumptions about solute transport and degradation in aquifers have been used to deter-
mine distances over which a preconditioned minimum level of pathogen inactivation occurs in aquifers during ASR.
Maps of hydraulic gradient and well yield have been used to characterize regions in the shallow aquifer system of
the Bandung Basin within which the spatial extent of pathogen inactivation is expected to be consistent. The results
obtained indicate that 1-log removal distances vary from 45 m to 150 m between the zones, and for 4-log removals
from 92 m to 326 m. This suggests that individual domestic scale ASR with water containing pathogens is quite
likely to influence groundwater quality at nearby wells. Hence at domestic scale, roof runoff only should be ad-
mitted to injection wells, to reduce the level of dependence on the aquifer for water treatment. The well separation
required for 1-log removal is approximately half that required for 4-log removal. The smallest acceptable separation
distances occur in flat low yielding areas that occur in the central part of the Bandung Basin. The more problematic
areas, requiring larger separation distances between wells occur on the margins of the Bandung Basin where the
aquifer is higher yielding and hydraulic gradients are steeper. Given these distances are larger than the average size
of land holdings, any landholder injecting water of poor quality could adversely impact other groundwater users.
The techniques developed and utilised in this study may have widespread application in the design of ASR systems.
This work was supported by the Department of Education, Science and Training on a National Priority Reserve
Project and funded by the Department of Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs. The project was
administered by Carolyn Vicary of the Research Grants Section, Flinders University of South Australia. Assistance
from Diah Wihardini (University of Adelaide) and Dr. Edi Utomo (LIPI) is sincerely appreciated.
Bukit, Nana Terangna (1995). Water quality conservation for the Citarum River in West Java; Wat. Sci. Tech. 31,
(9) 1 – 10.
Dillon, P. J., Miller, M., Fallowfield, H. and Hutson J. (2002). The potential of riverbank filtration for drinking water
supplies in relation to microsystin removal in brackish aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 266, (3-4) 209 – 221.
Dillon, P., Toze, S., Pavelic, P., Vanderzalm, J., Barry, K., Ying, G-G., Skjemstad, J., Nicholson, B., Miller, R.,
Correll, R., Prommer, H and Stuyfzand, P. (2005). Water quality improvements during aquifer storage and
recovery at ten sites. (This volume).
Fildebrandt, S., Pavelic, P., Dillon, P. and Prawoto, N. (2003). Recharge enhancement using single or dual well sys-
tems for improved groundwater management in the Bandung basin, Indonesia. CSIRO Technical Report 29/03,
May 2003. http: //www.clw.csiro.au /publications /technical2003 /tr29-03.pdf.
Miller, R., Correll, R., Dillon, P. and Kookana, R. (2002). ASRRI: A predictive model of contaminant attenuation
during aquifer storage and recovery. In Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, (ed. P J. Dillon),
69 – 74. A.A.Balkema.
Rhebergen, W. and Dillon, P. (1999). Riverbank filtration models for assessing viability of water quality improvement.
Centre for Groundwater Studies Report No. 90.
Soetrisno, S. (1998). Impacts of Urban and Industrial Development on Groundwater, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia,
http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Gold/1577/ paper_list_eng.html.
Suhari, S. and Siebenhuner, M. (1993). Environmental geology for land use and regional planning in the Bandung
Basin, West Java, Indonesia; Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8, (1-4), 557 – 566, Pergamon Press, Great
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
484 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Supriyo, A., Bambang, S. and Soetrisno, S. (1999). Aquifer storage and recovery for water conservation in Bandung
Basin; 2nd CGS National Short Course on ASR, Adelaide, 27– 29 October 1999.
Suryantoro, Ir.S. (1999). Groundwater resources management in Indonesia; paper presented at the National Seminar
on the decentralization of water resources management in Indonesia Sept.4th.
Toze S. (2004). Pathogen survival in groundwater during artificial recharge. In: Wastewater Re-use and Groundwater
Quality. Proceedings of IUGG2003 Symposium HS04, Sapporo, July 2003. IAHS Publication No. 285, pp. 70– 84.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Are there limits
to cyanobacterial toxin (microcystin)
elimination by sand passage?
Cyanobacterial toxins are substances produced by cyanobacteria that occur in surface waters world wide. The
most common group of cyanobacterial toxins is the group of structurally similar microcystins (MCYST).
Sand passage as used in slow sand filtration, artificial recharge and bank filtration has shown to be effective in
eliminating microcystins in many cases. For secure drinking water production from surface waters infested by
microcystins removal has to be ensured in a wide variety of cases met in the field.
It was therefore the aim of experiments in technical and semi-technical scale on the UBA’s experimental field in
Berlin to test some worst case scenarios for the reliability of microcystin elimination during sand passage.
Experiments were conducted with virgin sand (no previous contact to MCYST) and high filtration rates as well as
under anaerobic conditions. The results show that the greatest problem for MCYST elimination can be found under
anaerobic conditions as degradation is not complete and may lead to harmful residual concentrations.
Microcystins, underground passage, worst case scenarios, field scale experiments.
Cyanobacterial toxins are substances with high acute and chronic toxicity produced by cyanobacteria or ‘blue-
green-algae’ that can be observed in surface waters world wide. In case of cyanobacterial blooms that often develop
in eutrophic water bodies, high concentrations of cyanobacterial toxins occur, with microcystins (MCYST) being
the group of substances most frequently found. Under normal conditions over 90% of the toxins are contained
within the cells. There have however been reports on high extra-cellular concentrations e.g. in case of aging popu-
lations and /or sudden cell lysis.
Passage through biologically active strata, mostly sand, has shown to be effective in eliminating cyanobacterial cells
as well as extracellular microcystins from surface water in many cases (Lahti and Hiisvirta, 1989; Sherman et al.,
1995; Grützmacher et al., 2002). As aging populations accumulating on sediments may be assumed to show
increased lysis and toxin release, an assessment of the reliability of the elimination of dissolved toxin for drinking
water production is important. Elimination has to be secure under a variety of conditions met in the field. For this
reason different worst case scenarios were simulated within the interdisciplinary NASRI (Natural and Artificial
Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) research project dealing with river bank filtration processes. The aim was to
identify the basic conditions under which sand and sediment passage can securely eliminate microcystins from sur-
face water so that no further drinking water treatment has to take place.
The aim of a first series of experiments conducted in 2003 on a slow sand filter was to test whether a combination
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486 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
of 3 worst-case conditions (SSF2: virgin sand that had no previous contact to MCYST, missing colmation layer
and with 2.4 m /d high filtration velocities) leads to lower removal rates than experiments carried out with lower
filtration velocities (SSF5: 1.2 m /d and SSF6 : 0.6 m /d) and clogging. The second series of experiments conducted
in 2003 and 2004 on semi-technical scale enclosures were carried out under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and
had the aim to show the influence of redox conditions on MCYST degradation.
Experimental methods
• SSF experiments
The experiments were conducted on a technical scale slow sand filter (SSF) on the UBA’s (German Federal
Environmental Agency) experimental field for simulation of underground passage (Bartel and Grützmacher, 2002).
The MCYST applied was extracted from a mass culture of Planktothrix agardhii HUB 076 by centrifugation and
freeze thawing in order to release the mainly cell-bound, highly water soluble microcystins. The freeze thawed
extract was homogenized and then centrifuged to remove the cell debris and stored frozen.
In preparation of the experiments the flow rate through the SSF was adjusted to the desired amount, corresponding
to filtration velocities of 2.4 m /d, 1.2 m /d and 0.6 m /d. The tracer and the MCYST were applied by spraying them
evenly across the water reservoir with a hose from a barrel containing the concentrated substances diluted with
100 L of tap water. The tracer applied was sodium chloride (NaCl) so that the sampling intensity in the different
sampling points could be addapted by observing the electrical conductivity (EC). Care was taken, not to raise the
electrical conductivity by more than 10 % (Grützmacher et al., in press (a)). The resulting MCYST concentrations
in the water reservoir amounted to 10 µg / L ± 2 µg /L.
• Enclosure experiments
Enclosure experiments were conducted in semi-technical scale columns for simulation of underground passage with
an overlying water reservoir and a filter area of 1 m2 (see Grützmacher et al. in press (a) for details). Samples were
taken from the water reservoir, from 40 cm and 80 cm depth and from the effluent (after 100 cm of sand passage).
One experiment (E5) was conducted under strictly aerobic conditions (oxygen was detected in the effluent at con-
centrations of 11.7 mg / L ± 0.3 mg / L or 98% ± 2%). For the second experiment (E9) anaerobic conditions were
induced by adding biodegradable DOC (acetic acid) continuously with a resulting concentration of 0.3 mmol / L
additional DOC (resulting DOC concentration in water reservoir: 9.6 mg/L). After 4 days of continuous dosing
oxygen could not be detected in 40 cm depth, after 9 days, no more oxygen was found in the effluent. After 3 weeks
the redoxpotential (E H) had dropped to values < 0 mV in all 3 sampling points and iron and manganese reduction
was observed, thus implying strictly anaerobic conditions after 40 cm of sand passage. Due to nitrate concentrations
below detection limit in the inlet (< 0.1 mg / L ) denitrification not was observed.
The enclosure experiments were carried out similar to those on the slow sand filter, by applying a pulse of MCYST
obtained from the mass culture of Planktothrix agardhii together with NaCl as a tracer to the water reservoir.
Samples were taken in regular intervals and analysed for MCYST by ELISA.
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Analytical methods
Microcystin analysis was carried out by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) and HPLC (High Per-
formance Liquid Chromatography) with a photodiode array detector. Usually samples were first tested for their
microcystin content using the ELISA and selected ones subsequently analyzed by HPLC to verify the results and
distinguish the different microcystin variants.
• Sample preparation
The water samples for analysis of extracellular microcystins were filtered (RC 55, pore size 0.45 µm) and stored
deep frozen (–20°C). After thawing they were either analyzed directly (ELISA) or enriched by solid phase
extraction (SPE) over C18-cartriges.
The ELISA used was a generic microcystin immunoassay based on monoclonal antibodies against the unusual Adda
group characteristic for microcystins, nodularins and certain peptide fragments (Zeck et al., 2002). The measuring
range lies between 0.1 µg/L and 1.0 µg/L. Samples from the water reservoir during the first phase of the experi-
ments had to be diluted with deionized water. Each value was determined as the average of two parallels taken from
the same sample.
After C18-SPE (see above) the microcystin variants were analysed by HPLC / p hotodiode array detection and iden-
tified by means of their characteristic UV-spectra (Lawton et al., 1994). Depending on the water quality the
detection limits ranged from > 1 µg/L to 0.05 µg/L.
The relative concentrations of the main MCYST variant (demethylated MCYST-RR) applied during the SSF-
experiment related to the initial maximum of 10.5 µg / L as well as the calculated dilution curve (confirmed by two
tracer tests) are shown in Figure 1. This data confirms that this MCYST-variant is not degraded in the water
reservoir during the mean residence time (half life of exponential input curve) of about 3 hours.
In total the MCYST recovered in the effluent amounted up to 24% of the total MCYST applied (356 mg). The curve
shown in Figure 2 describes the modelled breakthrough (VCXTFIT, Nützmann et al., in press) with a retardation
coefficient of 2.6 and a degradation rate of 0.17 h–1 (which corresponds to a half life of 4,2 h).
Table 1 shows the retardation coefficients and degradation rates observed during all three SSF experiments.
Surprisingly experiment SSF2 with the highest filtration rate, virgin sand and virtually no clogging shows the high-
est retardation coefficient and degradation rate. This might be due to reactions (e.g. irreversible sorption) that take
place only during first contact with MCYST.
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488 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
MCYST-RR variant
0,8 dilution curve
c/c 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
time after application (h)
sum recovered MCYST (c/c 0 )
measured values
0,05 model
0 10 20 30 40 50
time after application (h)
Table 1. Retardation coefficients (R) and degradation rates (λ) obtained by modelling slow sand filter experiments
with different filtration velocities and clogging situations
Filtration velocity λ
Experiment # [m/d] R [h–1] Remarks
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 489
The maximum MCYST concentrations measured by ELISA in the four sampling points during the aerobic (E5) and
the anaerobic (E9) experiment in relation to the maximum input concentration (E5: 28.6 µg/L and E9: 10.3 µg/L)
are shown in Figure 3. Due to clogging during the anaerobic experiment, the residence times for 80 cm and the
effluent were much higher than during the aerobic experiment. However MCYST reduction in the anaerobic exper-
iment reached only 60% maximum in 80 cm depth with no further reduction in the following 20 cm of filter
material. The degradation rates calculated by fitting exponential decay curves to the measured values amount to
0.235 h– 1 (aerobic) and 0.22 h– 1 (anaerobic), thus showing no substantial difference. The main difference is the
residual of 3.8 µg/L (35%) under anaerobic conditions that does not seem to be degraded any further after 12 h
contact time.
Indications of reduced biodegradation of MCYST und anaerobic conditions have so far been reported largely from
laboratory experiments (Grützmacher et al., in press (b); Holst et al., 2002). It was therefore important to verify
this in nearly natural settings and to show that in spite of an aerobic zone (which is present in most cases where
surface water infiltrates into the aquifer), MCYST is not degraded completely, thus leading to a residual con-
centration that remains in the water.
Two worst case scenarios for MCYST elimination during underground passage were tested in technical and semi-
technical scale experiments. The first scenario with conditions assumed to be quite unfavourable for degradation,
i.e. virgin sand and high flow velocity, did not show reduced elimination of MCYST compared with the other
scenarios tested (preconditioned sand, lower flow velocities). In contrast, under the presumably unfavorable condi-
tions, higher retardation and degradation was observed. For the setting simulated (aerobic sand passage) only a few
days (< 5) are sufficient to reduce maximum extracellular MCYST concentrations of 100 µg/L to values lower than
the provisional WHO guideline value of 1 µg / L MCYST-LR (WHO 1998).
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490 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
The second scenario tested was the simulation of anaerobic conditions that are likely to be met in the field during
and after a cyanobacterial bloom, due to high organic carbon concentrations in the surface water. After an initial
reduction of about 65% of the maximum input concentration no further degradation was observed under anaerobic
conditions between 12 and 25 h contact time. Under aerobic conditions, in contrast, MCYST was reduced to values
near the detection limit after 12 h contact time. Holst et al. (2003) carried out laboratory batch experiments
on MCYST degradation under anaerobic conditions with addition of nitrate and glucose to stimulate denitrifying
bacteria. The results showed that MCYST was not degraded in the sterile experiment and only little degradation was
observed in the series without additional nutrients (to about 70% of the initial value within one day and then no
further decline). In the experiments with additional nutrients, MCYST was degraded to less than 20 % of the initial
value within one day. This implies that under anoxic conditions MCYST degradation is limited to denitrifying, high
nutrient conditions. Thus in our experiments the lack of nitrate might have been the reason for incomplete MCYST
degradation as concentrations measured in the water reservoir were already below the detection limit.
We thank the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) and Veolia Water for sponsoring the NASRI research project during
which the experiments were conducted. We would also like to thank I. Flieger for the HPLC analyses as well as
H.W. Althoff, T. Starzetz and T. Köhler for their help during the technical scale experiments.
Bartel H. and Grützmacher G. (2002). Elimination of microcystins by slow sand filtration at the UBA’s experimental
field. In: Riverbank filtration: Understanding Contaminant Biogeochemistry and Pathogen Removal, C. Ray (ed.),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 123 – 133.
Grützmacher G., Bartel H. and Wiese B. (in press (a)). Simulating Bank Filtration and Artificial Recharge on a Tech-
nical scale. Conference proceedings ISMAR 2005.
Grützmacher G., Wessel G., Chorus I., Bartel H. and Holzbecher E. (in press (b)). On the behaviour of microcystins
in saturated porous medium. Conference proceedings ISMAR 2005.
Grützmacher G., Böttcher G., Chorus I. and Bartel H. (2002). Removal of microcystins by slow sand filtration.
Environmental Toxicology, 17(4), 386 – 394.
Holst T., Jørgensen N.O.G., Jørgensen C. and Johansen A. (2002). Degradation of microcystin in sediments at oxic
and anoxic, denitrifying conditions. Wat. Res., 37, 4748 – 4760.
Lawton L.A., Edwards C., Codd G.A. (1994). Extraction and high-performance liquid chromatographic method for
the determination of microcystins in raw and treated waters. Analyst, 119, 1525 – 1530.
Lahti K., and Hiisvirta L. (1989). Removal of cyanobacterial toxins in water treatment processes: Review of studies
conducted in Finland. Water Supply, 7, 149 – 154.
Nützmann G., Holzbecher E., Strahl G., Wiese B., Licht E., Grützmacher G. (subm.). Visual CXTFIT a user-friend-
ly simulation tool for modelling one-dimensional transport, sorption and degradation processes during bank fil-
tration. Conference proceedings ISMAR 2005.
Sherman P., Tully I. and Gibson H. (1995). Removal of cyanobacterial cells and toxins from drinking water with bio-
logically active filters. Proceedings of the 16th Federal AWWA Convention, April 2-6, 1995, Sydney, Australia,
587 – 592.
World Health Organization (1998). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, 2nd edition, Addendum to Volume 2,
Health Criteria and other supporting Information, WHO, Geneva.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V On the behaviour of microcystins
in saturated porous medium
G. Grützmacher, G. Wessel, H. Bartel,
I. Chorus and E. Holzbecher
Microcystins (MCYST) are a group of toxic substances produced by cyanobacteria (‘blue-green-algae’). In case
of cyanobacterial blooms microcystin concentrations in surface waters may reach values far above the value
proposed as provisional guideline for drinking water by the WHO of 1 µg/L for MCYST-LR. For drinking water
production via underground passage it is therefore necessary to ensure removal to a large extent.
For this reason experiments with extracellular microcystins were conducted in the laboratory as well as in a
natural setting on the UBA’s (German Federal Environmental Agency) experimental field for simulation of under-
ground passage.
Laboratory batch experiments showed that adsorption of microcystins can be neglected in sandy material
(kd < 1 cm³/g). Batch and column experiments identified biodegradation as the predominant elimination process
in these sediments. The degradation rates derived from laboratory column experiments as well as semi-technical
scale enclosure experiments varied between 0.2 d –1 and 18 d–1. In the worst case this means a half life of
2.8 days, so that under aerobic conditions contact times of several days should be sufficient to eliminate MCYST to
an extent safe for use as drinking water.
Degradation rates, field scale experiments, kd-values, laboratory experiments, microcystins, underground
Microcystins (MCYST) are a group of structurally similar toxic substances produced by cyanobacteria or ‘blue-
green-algae’. They occur frequently in cyanobacterial blooms which can be observed in surface waters world wide
(Bartram et al. 1999). When using these surface waters for drinking water production via bank filtration or artificial
recharge elimination of microcystins by underground passage has to be ensured as the WHO has proposed a pro-
visional guideline value for drinking water of 1 µg/L for MCYST-LR (WHO 1998).
Microcystins are subject to different processes in the porous medium, such as degradation, sorption and desorption.
The relevance of the different processes depends on various conditions: on the properties of the porous medium
(grain size distribution, organic content), as well as on the redox state (aerobic / anoxic /anaerobic), the pH,
temperature, etc..
Within different interdisciplinary research projects dealing with river bank filtration processes several experiments
were conducted. The aim of the paper is to present the outcome of the different measurements and to compare the
main sorption and degradation parameters.
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Experimental methods
Experiments were carried out in laboratory batch- and column systems (Grützmacher et al. in prep.), as well as in
technical scale enclosures and slow sand filters under different clogging conditions (Grützmacher et al. in press).
Enclosures are large scale columns (diameter: 1.13 m) embedded in a slow sand filter with a water reservoir of
40 cm and a sand filter of 1 m depth. This arrangement was chosen in order to expose the column to the most
close-to-real conditions, the only difference being the smaller size of the filter bed. Extra-cellular microcystins
were applied in realistic concentrations of about 1 to 10 µ g / L . The microcystins were either prepared from
commercially available standards (MCYST-LR, -YR and -RR) or obtained by freeze-thawing a concentrate (aqueous
extract) of a mass culture of Planktothrix agardhii HUB 076 that is currently run by the UBA in Berlin. The con-
centrate was subsequently centrifuged and the supernatant deep frozen for further conservation. The microcystin
concentrations in the undiluted extract reached 50 mg/L, the DOC amounted up to 4 g / L . For the experiments the
extract was diluted about 1 : 5,000. MCYST concentrations in the samples from the laboratory experiments were
usually determined by ELISA, those taken during enclosure experiments by HPLC (see below).
Analytical methods
Microcystin analyses were carried out by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) and HPLC (High
Performance Liquid Chromatography) with a photodiode array detector. Usually samples were first tested on their
microcystin content using the ELISA and selected ones subsequently analyzed by HPLC to verify the results and
distinguish the different microcystin variants.
• Sample preparation
The water samples for analysis of total microcystins were deep frozen and thawed in order to release cell-bound
microcystins, filtered by membrane filters (RC 55, pore size 0.45 µm) and either analyzed directly (ELISA) or
enriched by solid phase extraction (SPE) over C18-cartriges and additional silica clean-up according to Tsuji et al.
(1994). For analysing the dissolved microcystins samples were filtered directly after sampling and then deep frozen
for subsequent analysis by ELISA or HPLC.
The ELISA used was the EnviroGard Plate Kit (offered by Coring System Diagnostix GmbH, Germany) with a
measuring range between 0.1 µg/L and 1.6 µ g / L . Samples from the water reservoir during the first phase of the
experiments had to be diluted with deionized water. Each value was determined as the average of two parallels
taken from the same sample. The preparation of the plates was done according to the instructions by the producer.
After C18-SPE (see above) and additional silica cleanup the microcystin variants were analysed by HPLC / photo-
diode array detection and identified by means of their characteristic UV-spectra (Lawton et al. 1994). Depending
on the water quality the detection limits ranged from 0.05 µg / L to > 1 µg / L .
Numerical methods
Parameter estimation for tracers was performed using Visual CXTFIT (Nützmann et al. in press), a graphical
user interface for the CXTFIT code, developed by Toride et al. (1995). Retardations and degradation rates were
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 493
estimated using basic MATLAB (2002) package in connection with the optimization toolbox. The numerical
pdepe-solver, included in MATLAB, was used for direct modelling within the estimation procedure.
Adsorption isotherms
Batch experiments for determination of adsorption parameters were carried out with different sediments (material
from a slow sand filter, aquifer sediment as well as pure quartz sand) and MCYST-variants (MCYST-LR, -YR and
-RR). The resulting k d -values are presented in Table 1. Although slight differences in adsorption can be observed
depending on the MCYST-variant (MCYST-RR adsorbing more readily than MCYST-YR and -LR), the most impor-
tant parameter seems to be the texture of the sediment as the aquifer sediment contains a relatively high portion of
organic substance as well as clay and silt.
Table 1. kd-values determined in batch experiments and important sediment properties (LOI (loss on ignition),
silt and clay-content)
Sediment LOI (%) Silt and clay (%) MCYST-variant k d -value (cm³/g)
Degradation experiments
Parallel sterile (autoclaved) and non sterile batch experiments carried out with natural filter sand (SSF-material)
and surface water showed virtually no decrease of MCYST-concentration in the sterile experiment. Biodegradation is
therefore the most important elimination process for MCYST in contact with sandy sediment (Figure 1).
For further quantification of degradation rates closed loop column experiments were conducted with the same
material (SSF-material) and different MCYST-variants under aerobic conditions (Figure 2). The results showed
similar degradation rates between 1.33 d –1 and 1.74 d –1 (the half lives correspondingly amount to around 10 h).
In order to test MCYST degradation under field conditions an aqueous extract from the mass culture of
Planktothrix agardhii was applied to the water reservoir of an enclosure on the UBA’s experimental field. Here
sediment passage can be simulated in a semi-technical scale (filter area: 1 m², filter depth: 1 m). Samples were taken
from the water reservoir, from 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm depth and from the effluent after 100 cm sand passage.
Simultaneously applied tracer (NaCl) gave values for pore velocity and dispersion coefficients (Grützmacher et al.
in press). On the basis of these values retardation factors and degradation rates were calculated, that took the
measured input concentrations of MCYST into account. An example for a modelled curve as well as the measured
input and output values is given in Figure 3.
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Figure 1. Batch experiments with MCYST (in surface water with filter sand)
under sterile and non-sterile conditions (average and rage of 2 parallels)
Two enclosure experiments were conducted on the same enclosure with an interval of one month, allowing some
clogging to take place in the meantime. The hydraulic conductivity decreased about 11% during this time (from
1.8 x 10 –5 m/s to 1.6 x 10 –5 m/s, Grützmacher et al. in press). The results of the modelling of the two experiments
with MCYST are given in Table 2. The highest retardation and degradation rates were observed in the uppermost
centimetres in both experiments. Both retardation and degradation tend to decrease with depth. There is, however,
a zone of lower retardation (E3) and lower degradation (E2) between 20 cm and 40 cm. This might be due to vary-
ing saturation, as unsaturated conditions were observed with proceeding clogging. The last zone between 80 cm
and the outlet also shows surprisingly high retardation coefficients. This may be due to column-end-effects arising
from the gravel drainage layer.
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 495
2.5 6
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time t [h]
Table 2. Retardation coefficients and degradation rates calculated for extracellular MCYST
during two enclosure experiments E2 and E3
retardation coefficient degradation rate (λ)
(R) [1/d]
Experiment E2 E3 E2 E3
In order to compare adsorption parameters obtained from laboratory batch experiments to those calculated on the
basis of field enclosure experiments kd-values were calculated on the basis of the retardation coefficients according
to (1), with n e ranging from 0.16 to 0.4 and ρ s amounting to an average of 1.65 g/cm³.
⎛n ⎞
k d = ⎜ e ⎟ * (R − 1) Eqn. (1)
⎝ ρs ⎠
The resulting average k d -value for experiments E2 and E3 amounted to 0,14 cm3 / g and 0.07 cm3 / g , respectively.
This is less than 50% of the values obtained in the batch experiments. This might be due to the different ratio of
water to sediment (batch experiment 1:1, enclosure experiment about 3:1).
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The degradation rates observed during the laboratory experiments also differ from those calculated from the results
of the enclosure experiments. They are, however, in the same order of magnitude and in some depths of the enclo-
sure (e.g. 80 cm to outlet) they correspond well.
Under aerobic conditions biological degradation during sand passage was shown to be effective in eliminating extra-
cellular microcystins. Contact times of only a few hours seem to be sufficient to reduce concentrations typical for
cyanobacterial blooms in the water body to values below the WHO guideline value. Similar degradation rates were
determined by Christoffersen et al. (2002), however for surface water without sediment contact. Batch experiments
conducted by Holst et al. (2001) showed much slower degradation (half lives around 25 d). These experiments
were however carried out with aquifer material without previous contact to MCYST and at very low temperatures
Adsorption is only relevant in material with clay or silt content, which is supported by the findings of Miller
(2000). If adsorption takes place it can lead to longer contact times which supports elimination by biological degra-
dation. There are however indications of reduced degradation rates under anoxic and anaerobic conditions. These
conditions are subject to further investigations that are currently being carried out.
Laboratory experiments can give an impression of which processes take place under certain, controlled conditions.
However k d -values and degradation rates calculated on the basis of laboratory experiments only have to be treated
with caution. Before transferring these to the field it is suggested to conduct field observations or technical scale
experiments for further verification.
We thank the Germen Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF) for funding the laboratory experiments (Grand
No. 02WT9852 / 7 ) and the Berliner Wasser Betriebe (BWB) / Veolia Water for sponsoring the project NASRI, in the
course of which the enclosure experiments were carried out. Special thanks to I. Flieger for her diligent analytical
work as well as H.W. Althoff, T. Starzetz and T. Köhler for their help during the field scale experiments.
Bartram, J., Carmichael, W.W., Chorus, I., Jones, G. and Skulberg, O.M. (1999). Introduction to ‘Toxic Cyanobacteria
in Water’. In: Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water, I. Chorus and J. Bartram (eds.), F&FN Spon, London, pp. 1 – 13.
Christoffersen K., Lyck S. and Winding A. (2002). Microbial activity and bacterial community structure during
degradation of microcystins. Aq. Microb. Ecology, 27: 125 – 136.
Grützmacher, G., Bartel, H. and Wiese B. (in press). Simulating Bank Filtration and Artificial Recharge on a Technical
Scale. – Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge.
Grützmacher, G., Wessel, G. and Chorus, I. (in prep.): Laboratory Experiments on Microcystin Elimination during
Sediment contact.
Holst T, Jergensen NOG, Jorgensen C, Johansen A (2003) Degradation of microcystin in sediments at oxic and
anoxic, denitrifying conditions. Wat. Res. 37(19), 4748 – 4760.
Lawton L.A., Edwards C., Codd G.A. (1994). Extraction and high-performance liquid chromatographic method for
the determination of microcystins in raw and treated waters. Analyst, 119, 1525 – 1530.
MATLAB (2002, Release 13), The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natrick, MA 01760-2098, USA
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Miller M.J. (2000). Investigation of the removal of cyanobacterial hepatotoxins from water by river bank filtration. PhD
Thesis, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.
Nützmann, G., Holzbecher, E., Strahl, G., Wiese, B., Licht, E., Grützmacher, G. (in press). Visual CXTFIT a user-
friendly simulation tool for modelling one-dimensional transport, sorption and degradation processes during
bank filtration. – Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge.
Toride N., Leij F.J., and van Genuchten M. Th. (1995). The CXTFIT code for estimating transport parameters from
laboratory or field tracer experiments, U.S. Salinity Lab., Agric. Res. Service, US Dep. of Agric., Research Report
No. 137, Riverside (CA).
World Health Organization (1998). Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, 2nd edition, Addendum to Volume 2,
Health Criteria and other supporting Information, WHO, Geneva.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Simulating bank filtration
and artificial recharge
on a technical scale
Gesche Grützmacher, Hartmut Bartel and Bernd Wiese
The UBA’s experimental field on the outskirts of Berlin offers a unique possibility of simulating bank filtration,
artificial recharge and slow sand filtration on a technical scale.
The site consists of a storage reservoir (pond) with an adjacent artificial aquifer consisting of sand and gravel.
Additionally the surface water can be conducted into 4 infiltration basins (two slow sand filters and two aquifer
infiltration ponds). Three enclosures as well as large scale columns can be used for shorter and longer term simu-
lation of groundwater transport. The whole site is separated from the surrounding aquifer by a layer of clay. A
variety of physico-chemical parameters can be measured continuously and observed online.
The travel times for the bank filtration passage determined by tracer experiments range from a few days to a
maximum of 3 weeks. In the enclosures, infiltration ponds and large scale columns contact time can be varied
between a few hours up to 3 months.
Artificial recharge, bank filtration, experiments, slow sand filtration, technical scale.
The UBA (Umweltbundesamt or Federal Environmental Agency of Germany) is running an experimental field on
the outskirts of Berlin. Part of the site consists of a storage pond with adjacent artificial aquifer and infiltration
ponds that offer a unique possibility of simulating bank filtration, artificial recharge and slow sand filtration on a
technical scale.
In order to characterize groundwater flow in the system many tracer tests were conducted revealing the hydraulic
properties of the facilities as well as temporal variations in hydraulic conductivity due to clogging.
Experimental facilites
The site consists of a storage reservoir (pond) with a water volume of about 3,500 m3 and an adjacent artificial
aquifer consisting of fine and coarse gravel (Figures 1 and 2). Additionally the surface water of the pond can be
conducted into four infiltration basins each with a square basal surface of 72 m2. Two of these basins are sealed by
concrete at the bottom with a sand depth of 0.8 m (here water is collected by 3 parallel drainages at the bottom),
two have direct contact to the underlying sediments and can be operated as aquifer infiltration ponds. For smaller
scale experiments three enclosures with a surface area of 1 m2 and medium grained sand filling are installed in one
of the infiltration basins (Figure 3). The whole site is separated from the surrounding aquifer by a layer of clay thus
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 499
forming an independently operable hydraulic system so that experiments with toxic substances can be carried out
without adverse effects on the environment.
A variety of physico-chemical parameters (e.g. pH, temperature, oxygen, redoxpotential, electrical conductivity
(EC), TOC, total bound nitrogen (TN b) as well as fluorescence for determination of algal biomass) can be meas-
ured continuously and observed online.
storage pond
55.4 m
> 2 m 1.5 - 2 m 1 – 1.5 m
17.5 m
15 observation wells
Figure 1. Map of the storage pond system (modified from Bartel & Grützmacher 2002)
about 4 m
22 m 2m 5m 7m
Figure 2. Cross-section of the artificial aquifer with the overlying storage pond
The sand filling of the slow sand filter and the enclosures was replaced in autumn 2002. The k f - value calculated on
the basis of the grain size distribution according to Beyer (1964) is 7 * 10– 4 m/s for the middle sand inside the slow
sand filters and enclosures and 1 *10– 1 m/s for the gravel drainage layer. In March 2003 the basins were flooded
again and experiments were conducted until November 2003 (Table 1). In the slow sand filter the clogging layer
was not removed throughout 2003 thus giving experimental results for growing clogging conditions. In April 2003,
however, between experiment SSF1 and SSF3 bacterial slide holders were installed in one part of the filter with
substantial disturbance of the filter sand up to a depth of about 30 cm.
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kf = v f / i (1)
Tracer tests
Parallel to each experiment simulating substance removal during underground passage on the artificial aquifer sys-
tem tracer tests were conducted for characterization of groundwater flow. Usually chloride was used as a tracer by
adding sodium chloride to the infiltrating water and measuring the electrical conductivity in the different sampling
ports and effluents. Care was taken to raise the electrical conductivity not more than 10% above the background
level (950 µS /cm in average) to avoid induction of hydrochemical reactions. The hydrochemical analyses showed
this was successful with exception to a slight cation exchange reaction during tracer passage.
The tracer was added to the water reservoir in a pulsed application and pumps were installed in the water body
throughout the experiment in order to reach a homogenous distribution. Subsequently inflowing water diluted the
maximum tracer concentration in a rate depending on the adjusted flow rate thus giving an exponentially decreas-
ing input concentration. The fitted first order exponential function was used as input for modelling using the pro-
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gram Visual CXTFIT (Nützmann et al., in press). By inverse modelling the values of dispersion and pore velocity
could be determined serving as a basis for modelling the behaviour of reactive substances added. The sampling
ports in the enclosures and slow sand filters were connected to peristaltic pumps and run continuously with low
flow rates (60 to 600 ml / h).
The artificial aquifer as a whole was subject to one tracer experiment using bromide and a Gd-DTPA complex
(Wiese et al., submitted). The tracers were applied to the storage pond by pumping a highly concentrated solution
through a perforated hose that was arranged parallel to the aquifer’s bank. A current induced by air injection
through a perforated hose next to the tracer hose provided mixing.
Samples from the 15 observation wells were taken with a peristaltic pump, ensuring the water in the tube was
exchanged at least once. The data was modelled with Modflow-MT3DMS to obtain hydraulic properties of the 3-D
structure and Visual CXTFIT to obtain transport properties of each borehole.
Analytical methods
Electrical conductivity was determined using a WTW conductometer (measuring range 1 to 100,000 µS /cm, ± 1 %).
Bromide concentrations were measured with an Ion chromatograph DX 500 (Dionex Coop.) according to DIN EN
ISO 10304-1/2. Gadolinium was analysed with a method described by Bau and Dulski (1996).
Tracer tests on slow sand filters and enclosures
Figure 4 gives an example of the conductivities measured in the effluent as well as the curves modelled by using
Visual CXTFIT. Table 1 lists the modelled pore velocities, dispersion lengths (α L) as well as the filter resistance for
each of the experiments conducted on the slow sand filters and enclosures.
The slow sand filter experiments were conducted with three different filtration velocities (about 2.5 m/d, 1.4 m/d
and 0.6 m/d). Therefore pore velocities changed correspondingly. Porosities are between 0.357 and 0.385. The
storage pond
55.4 m
> 2 m 1.5 - 2 m 1 – 1.5 m
17.5 m
15 observation wells
Figure 4. Measured electrical conductivity and modelled output function for tracer experiment No. E2 (vf = 1.2 m/d)
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502 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Table 2. Pore velocities, dispersion lengths, effective pore volumes and hydraulic conductivities during the tracer
experiments on the enclosures and slow sand filters
Filtration velocity Pore velocity Dispersion length (a L) Eff. Pore-volume (ne) Hydraulic conductivity
Experiment No. [m/d] [m/d] [m] [m/s]
SSF1 2.4 6.24 0.012 0.385 n.d.
SSF3 2.58 6.48 0.05 0.37 n.d.
SSF5 1.43 3.12 0.023 0.385 1.4 *10 – 4
SSF6 0.59 1.68 0.01 0.357 7.4 *10 – 6
E2 1.25 3.36 0.011 0.37 1.8 *10 – 5
E3 1.12 2.76 0.013 0.40 1.6 *10 – 5
E4 1.09 2.88 0.016 0.379 1.5 *10 – 5
E5 1.22 3.07 0.023 0.398 1.7 *10 – 5
n.d. not determined.
reduction of the dispersion length (α L) between SSF3, SSF5 and SSF 6 can also be explained by the decline of flow
velocities. A substantial disturbance of one part of the filter due to installation of microbial slide holders before
SSF3 may be the reason for the rise in dispersion length between SSF1 and SSF3 with otherwise similar conditions.
As to be expected average hydraulic conductivities dropped during 2003 due to clogging.
In the enclosure experiments changes in hydraulic conductivities were not as obvious. This may be due to the fact
that there had been periods of little or no flow before the experiments so there was little time for a clogging layer to
develop. The overall values are, however, distinctively smaller than those observed during the starting phase in the
slow sand filter, which also may be due to phases with little or no flow, during which anaerobic conditions are like-
ly to occur. Subsequent flushing with aerobic water may have lead to precipitation e.g. of ferrous oxides thus lead-
ing to clogging inside the filter bed. Nevertheless a slight reduction of hydraulic conductivity can be observed in
those cases in which a clogging layer had been given time to develop (E3 and E4).
Table 3. Hydraulic conductivity, eff. porosity (ne) and dispersivity (α L) for different structural areas
of the bank filtration site
Whole system Sampling wells
kf ne αL kf ne αL
[m /s] [m] [m /s] [m]
Bank 7.00 e– 4 ~ 0.3 n.d. ~ 7e– 4 ~ 0.3 n.d.
Upper layer > 0.01 ~ 0.3 ~ 0.5 1.5e– 3 to 3e– 2 ~ 0.3 < 0.7
Lower layer > 0.2 0.4 < 0.5 > 0.2 0.4 < 0.1
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 503
mined using the data from the drainage pipes. Kf values could be determined quite well, porosities however have a
much smaller band of variability and due to cross correlation with the kf -values literature values are taken for the
bank and the upper layer. As the flow of the lower layer is known, here porosities could be determined well.
Structural dispersivity of the aquifer is smaller than dispersion induced by sampling
For each sampling well pore velocity, residence time and dispersivitiy were determined, (not presented here) which
enables to separate hydraulic and chemical effects of transport of reactive substances.
Tracer experiments were carried out in different experimental settings on the storage pond system of the UBA’s
experimental field. Observed hydraulic conductivities range from 0.2 m/s to 7 *10 – 6 m /s. Clogging lead to a sub-
stantial reduction of conductivities only after continuous flushing of the sand for more than one month.
The storage pond system therefore offers the possibility to simulate sand passage as used for bank filtration and
artificial recharge under realistic conditions (hydraulic conductivities are similar to those met in the field and differ-
ent clogging situations can also be simulated). Tracer experiments, however, need to be carried out regularly for
accurate definition of hydraulic flow as conditions may change depending on the clogging situation.
The tracer experiments were conducted during the interdisciplinary research project NASRI (Natural and Artificial
Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) which is being sponsored by the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) and Veolia
Bartel H. and Grützmacher G. (2002). Elimination of microcystins by slow sand filtration at the UBA's experimental
field. In: Riverbank filtration: Understanding Contaminant Biogeochemistry and Pathogen Removal, C. Ray (ed.),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 123 – 133.
Beyer W. (1964). Zur Bestimmung der Wasserdurchlässigkeit von Kiesen und Sanden aus der Kornverteilung. WWT,
14, 165 - 167.
Bau M. and Dulski P. (1996). Antropogenic origin of positive gadolinium anomalies in river waters. Earth Planet. Sc.
Lett., 143, 245 – 255.
Nützmann G., Holzbecher E., Strahl G., Wiese B., Licht E., Grützmacher G. Visual CXTFIT a user-friendly simu-
lation tool for modelling one-dimensional transport, sorption and degradation processes during bank filtration.
(Published in this volume.)
Wiese B., Nützmann G., Dulski P., Pekdeger A., Möller P., Grützmacher G., Holzbecher E. and Massmann G. A dual
tracer approach for estimating ground water flow and transport during bank filtration on a semi-technical exper-
imental site. (Submitted to Journal of Hydrology).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Separation of Cryptosporidium oocysts
in different filter sands
during slow sand filtration
Ulrike Hütter and Gudrun Preuss
Cryptosporidium is a waterborne parasitic protozoan which can contaminate surface water. To guarantee the
quality of drinking water produced during the treatment of surface water via artificial groundwater recharge,
adequate removal of human pathogenic parasites has to be ensured. The aim of this study was to gain information
about the performance of a double stage filtration (gravel pre-filter and slow sand filter) for Cryptosporidium
removal. At a semi-technical test plant different operating stages close to practice were investigated with three
different filter sands. In the applied surface water varying, but rather low oocysts concentrations were found. The
semi-technical investigations proved a high efficiency of the gravel pre-filtration. The filter sands with a smaller
effective particle size achieved a better reduction efficiency. Especially in the first filtrates in restart stages with
higher filtration rates oocysts concentrations increased. The presence of Clostridium perfringens was no indicator
for the presence of oocysts and vice versa. Suitable operating conditions of water works in combination with a
comprehensive protection of the surface water against the entry of pathogens belong to the concept of a multi-
barrier-system and guarantee the quality of drinking water.
Clostridium perfringens, Cryptosporidium, pathogens, slow sand filtration, surface water.
Cryptosporidium (diameter 4 to 6 µm) is a waterborne parasitic protozoan, which exists in either the free-swimming
(trophozoite) form or the oocysts (dormant) form. Cryptosporidium parvum is recognized as a human pathogen
which can cause severe diarrheal illness. The oocysts are shed in large quantities with the faeces of infected indi-
viduals. Via this route they are spread into the environment and can contaminate surface waters and groundwater
(Gornik and Exner, 1997; Moulton-Hancock et al., 2000). The oocysts – as an environmentally stable lifeform – can
survive for several months in a watery milieu. This form is resistant to the drinking water disinfection with
chlorine. To guarantee the quality of drinking water produced during the treatment of surface water via artificial
groundwater recharge, adequate removal of human pathogenic parasites has to be ensured. The experiments
presented in this paper were carried out to investigate the Cryptosporidium oocysts reduction efficiency of different
filter sands during drinking water production via gravel pre-filtration and slow sand filtration.
In autumn 2000 the method of artificial groundwater recharge via gravel pre-filtration and slow sand filtration
without subsequent underground passage was reproduced at a semi-technical test plant (Figure 1). The gravel pre-
filter received the surface water (river Ruhr) with its natural inconstant oocysts concentrations; the created pre-
filtrate was used as influent to the sand filters. The double stage filtration at the test plant simulated realistic field
conditions. Only the thickness of the sand filter was low in order to investigate the possibilities of optimization of
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 505
operations. Three filter sands with different effective particle sizes (d10) and particle-size distributions were used
(Table 1). During three operating stages with defined conditions close to practice (start-up stage, supernatant stage,
restart stage) sampling of surface
water, pre-filtrate and filtrate (5 con- surface water basin surface area: 4 m
basin depth: 1.6 m
secutive samples) was carried out. 2m
After start-up of the sand filter
they were intermittently operated
1.3 m gravel 8 - 16 mm
(2-day-rhythm). The supernatant
pre-filtrate basin surface area: 4 m 2
phase was investigated after a filter basin depth: 0.8 m
running time of 3 to 4 weeks, and 2m
another 3 weeks later the restart sampling point sand filter A: sand A
sand filter B: sand B 0.45 m
phase. During the experiments micro- sand filter D: sand D
biological parameters (e.g. Crypto- gravel 3.15 - 5.6 mm 0.05 m
gravel 8 - 16 mm 0.05 m
sporidium, C. perfringens, total coli-
forms) and relevant hydrochemical filtrate
parameters (e.g. pH factor, turbi-
dity) were measured. Figure 1. Scheme of the double stage filtration (cross section)
Particle size at 60% sieve pass d60 [mm] 0,68 0,42 0,40
Sampling procedures and determination of microbiological and chemical parameters were accomplished according
to German standard methods (Drinking Water Ordinance, 2001). In addition, E. coli and total coliforms were
detected on ENDO-Agar (DIFCO) after membrane filtration and incubation at 36 °C (± 1 °C) for 20 hours. The pro-
tozoan parasites Cryptosporidium and Giardia were determined according to the USEPA method 1623 (US-EPA,
1999) by using filter capsules (Envirochek®), immunomagnatic separation technique (IMS), fluorescent mono-
clonal antibodies (FITC) and DAPI staining. The fluorescent oocysts and cysts were enumerated by a laser scan
cytometer (Chemunex) and confirmed by epifluorescence microscopy. In surface water the detection limit was
70,4% for Cryptosporidium oocysts and 94,1% for Giardia cysts. Results were calculated without the consideration of
detection limits. This method does not distinguish between viable and non viable parasites.
The chemical and microbiological conditions in the river Ruhr depend on regional and seasonal effects like
e.g. rainfall and effluents from waste water treatment plants or agricultural areas. Investigations in the last years
showed the permanent presence of protozoan parasites in the Ruhr. The results of some microbiological inves-
tigations between 2000 and 2003 are listed in Table 2. Giardia cysts were found in concentrations between 3.92
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506 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
and 80.15 per L. The concentrations of Cryptosporidium oocysts were generally lower and ranged from 0.09 to
19.92 oocysts per L. The number of bacteria (DEV-Agar, 20°C) ranged from 650 to 112,000 CFU / mL. Coliforms
were detected in concentrations between 2,500 and 38,000 CFU /100 mL. These results demonstrate the wide range
of microbiological conditions in the river although DOC was rather constant with concentrations between 1.8 and
3.0 m g / L . However, for statistical correlations between the different microbiological parameters and the assessment
of seasonal effects more data are needed. These sporadic investigations allow only a general view on the average
water quality in the river Ruhr.
Table 2. The microbiological condition of surface water at various sampling locations in the Ruhr at Schwerte
Oocysts Cysts CFU (20°C) Coliforms DOC
Sample point /L /L /mL /100 mL mg/L
– = not investigated.
During the investigations at the semi-technical test plant oocysts concentrations from 0.29 to 1.28 per L (mean
value 0.70 per L) were detected in the surface water (river Ruhr). The measured concentrations in the pre-filtrate
(= sand filter influent) laid between 0.03 and 0.28 oocysts per L (mean value 0.14 oocysts per L). These results
confirm an obvious removal of oocysts in the gravel pre-filter (particle size 8 – 16 mm). The concentrations
of Cryptosporidium oocysts, Clostridium perfringens and coliforms in the sampling points of sand filter A, B and D
during the different operating stages are shown in the Figures 2, 3 and 4.
In the start-up stage (filtration rate 3.2 m/d) only in one filtrate of sand filter A a small amount of oocysts could be
detected. The high amount of Clostridium perfringens in the filtrates of sand filter A exceeds in all samples the con-
centration in the influent. This effect is probably caused by the leaching of organisms which were brought in during
the sand transport and storage. The samplings in the supernatant stage (filtration rate 2.4 m/d) were carried out
after a filter running time of 12 to 15 days. In 10 of 15 filtrates oocysts concentrations between 0.01 to 0.03 per L
were detected. Sand filter D (d 10 = 0.15 mm) showed the fewest positive results.
After a filter running time of 22 to 25 days samplings were carried out in a restart stage (filtration rate 3.3 m/d).
Positive results were observed in 7 of 15 filtrates. Whereas in sand filter B (d10 = 0.12 mm) no oocysts were
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 507
n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
surface pre- filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate
water filtrate 1 2 3 4 5
n.a. = not available
detected in the filtrate samples, sand filter A (d 10 = 0.28 mm) showed the highest concentrations. In filtrate 1
0.19 oocysts per L were determined. This concentration decreased rapidly in the following filtrate samples. Sand
filter D (d10 = 0.15 mm) showed the same effect. These results prove that in restart stages with higher filtration
rates oocysts concentrations especially in the first filtrates can increase. C. perfringens and coliforms also showed
higher levels in the first filtrates. The relationship between the numbers of oocysts and C. perfringens was not statis-
tically significant.
Table 3 shows the Cryptosporidium oocysts reduction efficiency of the different filter materials investigated in this
study. Also listed in the table are the influent concentrations in the pre-filtrate respectively filtrate. The calculated
separation efficiencies confirm a removal of oocysts in the gravel filter between 62 to 87%. Sand filter B is the only
filter which achieved an oocysts removal of 100% in the restart stage with higher filtration rate. The filter sands
with a smaller effective particle size (d10 – value) achieved a better reduction efficiency but this is not an absolute
safety against a pathogen breakthrough. Important elimination processes of oocysts in the filter material are filtra-
tion, sedimentation, irreversible adsorption, destruction of oocysts caused by transport and a time-related degrada-
tion. However, the study of Harter et al. (2000) indicated that a significant part of the initial oocysts separation is
reversible probably because of a change of surface charge.
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508 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
3000 3400
coliforms / 100 mL
surface pre- filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate
water filtrate 1 2 3 4 5
n.a. = not available
Table 3. Cryptosporidium oocysts reduction efficiency of gravel and sand filters in various stages of operation
Sand filter A Sand filter B Sand filter D
Gravel filter Sand A Gravel filter Sand B Gravel filter Sand D
8 –16 mm d10 = 0.28 mm 8 –16 mm d10 = 0.12 mm 8 –16 mm d10 = 0.15 mm
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 509
3000 3600
coliforms / 100 mL
surface pre- filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate filtrate
water filtrate 1 2 3 4 5
n.a. = not available
In the river Ruhr, varying but rather low oocysts concentrations can be found. Continuous investigations over long-
time periods which would allow load calculations and the consideration of seasonal effects, are still missing.
The semi-technical investigations proved a high efficiency of the gravel pre-filtration. During the second filtration
step the three tested filter sands were not able to retain the Cryptosporidium oocysts completely in all operating
stages. Filter sands with a small effective particle size are more suitable for avoiding oocysts break through.
Increased filtration rates e.g. in restart stages could cause a remobilisation of retained oocysts which leads to
increased concentrations in the initial filtrates.
The presence of Clostridium perfringens was no indicator for the presence of oocysts and vice versa.
Artificial groundwater recharge via gravel pre-filter and slow sand filter and a subsequent underground passage
causes a sufficient reduction of oocysts. Suitable operating conditions of water works (multi-stage treatment
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
510 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
facilities with adequate filter capacity, sufficient filter depth, little void space of the filter material, filter operation as
steady as possible with low filtration rate) in combination with a comprehensive protection of the surface water
against the entry of pathogens belong to the concept of a multi-barrier-system and guarantee the quality of drinking
Drinking Water Ordinance (2001): Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Teil 1, No. 24.
Gornik, V. and Exner, M. (1997). Verhalten von Mikroorganismen und Viren bei der Trinkwasseraufbereitung.
Cryptosporidium sp.. DVGW-Schriftenreihe Wasser, 91, 173 – 203.
Moulton-Hancock, C., Rose, J. B., Vasconcelos, G. J., Harris, S. I., Klonicki, P. T. and Sturbaum, G. D. (2000). Giardia
and Cryptosporidium occurrence in groundwater. Journal of the American Water Works Association (JAWWA),
92, No. 9, 117 – 123.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA), Method 1623 (1999): Cryptosporidium and Giardia
in Water by Filtration / I MS / FA. Office of Water. EPA 821-R-99-006, Washington, URL: http://www.epa.gov/
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge financial support of Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung
GmbH (DEW).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Influence of groundwater redox conditions
on decay of enteric viruses and Cryptosporidium
J. Sidhu, J. Hanna and S. Toze
The managed recharge of recycled water to aquifers is gaining popularity in Australia and worldwide. A significant
advantage of MAR is a potential improvement in water quality of the recharged water during storage. One of the
major water quality issues associated with the recharge of aquifers with reclaimed water is the potential presence
of pathogens such as enteric viruses in the recharged water. The processes affecting the decay of enteric viruses
and other pathogens in groundwater are still not clearly understood. In this study the survival of adenovirus,
coxsackievirus, bacteriophage MS2 and Cryptosporidium in groundwater incubated under different redox con-
ditions was monitored. Decay rates of pathogens were found to be lower under anaerobic conditions as compared
to aerobic conditions. Cryptosporidium had the highest observed decay rate under both nitrate and sulphate
reducing conditions followed by MS2 and then the enteric viruses. Differences in the decay rate appeared to be
more influenced by the type of pathogen rather than the redox condition under which they are incubated.
Virus, Cryptosporidium, redox, groundwater, managed aquifer recharge.
Water shortages affect more than 2 billion people worldwide in over 40 countries (WHO/UNICEF, 2000).
Population growth, climate change, frequent droughts, contamination of surface water and uneven distribution
of water resources are major reasons of water shortages (Asano and Cotruvo, 2004). At the same time, water is
used inefficiently and wasted in many human population centres. Water reuse has the potential to alleviate water
shortages and aid in reducing wastage and inefficiencies. Reclaimed water can be used to recharge selected aquifers
and the stored water can be subsequently recovered for a variety of uses. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is a
water reuse method that is gaining popularity. During MAR, a number of processes can collectively improve water
quality during recharge and during storage in the aquifer (Dillon et al., 2005). Microbial pathogens, particularly
enteric viruses, protozoa and bacteria have been shown to be present in treated reclaimed waters and wastewater
(Gennaccaro et al., 2003; Abbaszadegan 1997; Aulicino et al., 1996). Gantzer et al. (1998) reported that infectious
enteric viruses can survive secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment in low numbers. The presence of infectious
Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in secondary treated wastewater has also been reported (Gennaccaro et al., 2003).
Consequently, one of the major issues associated with MAR using reclaimed water is the potential introduction of
enteric pathogens into the groundwater. Microbial pathogens such as enteric viruses are known to lose viability in
groundwater (Toze and Hanna 2002). A range of factors that have been implicated in influencing the inactivation of
pathogens in groundwater include temperature (Yates et al., 1990), pathogen type (Toze and Hanna 2002; Sobsey et
al., 1995), dissolved oxygen (Jansons et al., 1989), and organic carbon concentration (Feng et al., 2003). Gordon
and Toze (2003) showed that the presence of metabolically active indigenous groundwater microorganisms had the
major influence on the inactivation of pathogens during MAR and that other factors such as temperature and
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512 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
oxygen were secondary influences. A range of factors such as redox potential, influence of degradable carbon and
a greater analysis of pathogen type require further analysis. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of
different redox conditions on the ability of indigenous groundwater microorganisms to influence the inactivation
of selected enteric viruses and the protozoa Cryptosporidium.
Groundwater source and collection
Groundwater was obtained from two bores located in the superficial aquifer on the Swan Coastal Plain, Perth,
Western Australia. One bore was located at the CSIRO Laboratory in Floreat Perth while the other was located at
the Subiaco Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The bore at the CSIRO Laboratory was used to source unim-
pacted native groundwater, while the second bore was used to collect groundwater that has been impacted by long
term diffuse pollution from the activities of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The bores were purged by pumping for
30 minutes using a submersible pump prior to the collection of groundwater samples to prevent the collection of
stagnant water. Groundwater was collected into sterile, nitrogen flushed 1 L borosilicate glass bottles which were
then sealed with a sterile butyl rubber septum and immediately stored at 4oC until processed.
Cryptosporidium was purified from faecal samples obtained from the PathCentre WA and stored in sterile PBS at 4°C
prior to use. Viable Cryptosporidium oocysts were quantified by the vital stain method used by Campbell et al.,
(1992). Bacteriophage MS2 (ATCC 15597-B1) was grown using E. coli host HS (pFamp)R (ATCC 700881 in
Tryptone broth. Bacteriophage suspension was washed in P-buffer using JumboSepTM filters.
Experiments were under taken in 2.5 L bioreactors each filled with 2 L of a groundwater mixture consisting of 90%
native groundwater from the CSIRO site bore and 10 % impacted groundwater from the treatment plant bore. The
chemistry of the groundwater mixture is given in Table 1.
7.30 144 mS/cm 0.23 mg/L <0.01 mg/L 0.79 mg/L 96 mg/L
Nitrate-reducing conditions were created in one of the bioreactors by feeding 6 mL of sterile CSIRO site ground-
water containing sodium nitrate (100 µg/L) and ethanol (110 µg/L) every 24 hours. Similarly, sulphate-reducing
conditions were created in a second bioreactor by feeding 6 mL of sterile CSIRO site groundwater containing
sodium sulphate (100 µg/L) and sodium acetate (60 µg/L) every 24 hours. A control bioreactor was set up with
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 513
groundwater under anoxic conditions with no additional electron acceptor added. Bioreactors for the experiment
on Cryptosporidium were set up similarly except for the use of a reduced carbon source mixture consisting of
ethanol (0.25 µg/L) and acetate (0.6 µg/L) respectively for the nitrate reducing reactor and sulphate reducing reac-
tor. The lower carbon source concentrations were used to reduce the excessive growth of the indigenous groundwa-
ter microorganisms. All of the bioreactors were incubated at 28 ºC. Additionally, Cryptosporidium decay was tested
in two reactors (under nitrate- or sulphate-reducing conditions) which contained groundwater that had been fil-
tered to remove the indigenous groundwater microorganisms as a control to determine the influence of active
indigenous groundwater microorganisms on the decay of Cryptosporidium.
Viruses and bacteriophage were placed in nylon chambers fitted with 100K MWCO filters (Pall, Australia) on both
ends. These chambers were a modification of the chambers used by Pavelic et al. (1998). Thin polypropylene tubes
were fitted in the sides of these chambers to enable samples to be collected on a regular basis and three chambers
were suspended in each bioreactor. The sampling tubes for each of the chambers were passed through a rubber
bung which sealed one of the sampling ports in the lid of the bioreactors. Seven mL of viral and bacteriophage
suspension (containing approximately 10 6 coxsackievirus, 10 5 Adenovirus and 106 MS2) was delivered in each
chamber suspended in each bioreactor. The chambers used for Cryptosporidium were made out of modified
Nanoseps (Pall, Australia) with 100K MWCO membranes inserted at both ends. A volume of 600 µL of ground-
water seeded with Cryptosporidium was added to each chamber. The chambers were then were suspended on a
string in each reactor. On each sampling occasion, two chambers containing Cryptosporidium were removed from
each of the bioreactors via a second sampling port in the bioreactor lid. Duplicates of all samples were collected and
analysed on each sampling occasion.
Viral quantification
Viral RNA/DNA was extracted from the samples using a BD biosciences Clontech NucleoSpin® Virus nucleic acid
extraction and purification kit. Viral RNA or DNA was extracted from 150 µL of sample according to the manufac-
turer’s instructions. Final elution (50 µL) was collected in sterile RNase free centrifuge tubes and stored at – 80°C
prior to analysis. All analysis for virus quantification was performed in triplicate using quantitated PCR or reverse
transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). Quantitative RT-PCR and PCR reactions were run on a Biorad iCycler, using the iScript
one step RT-PCR kit and iScript PCR Supermix (Bio-Rad) and quantified using the methodology detailed by Gordon
and Toze (2003). Primers used for coxsackievirus were the Ent-up and Ent-down primers (Abbaszadegan et al.,
1993) while adenovirus was detected using the primers HexAA 1885 and HexAA 1913 (Allard et al., 1990).
Detection limits for the viruses had previously been determined to be 10 viral nucleic acid units or less per (RT-)
PCR reaction (Gordon and Toze 2003).
Data analysis
One log10 removal time (τ) was determined from each plot using equation (1):
Where C t = the final copy number at day t, C 0 = the copy number at day 0. The average one log 10 reduction time
(T90) on each sampling occasion was determined as described by Gordon and Toze (2003).
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514 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Where the microorganisms tested had a linear decay a single T90 value was obtained. If the decay was observed to
be non-linear two or more T 90 values were obtained which related to each of the dominant decay times for the
T90 Decay times for the viruses and Cryptosporidium oocysts under the different redox conditions were determined
by plotting changes in numbers against time (Figures 1and 2). The time for a one log 10 removal for each of
the viruses tested is presented in Table 2 and in Table 3 for Cryptosporidium. As can be seen in Figures 1 and 2,
differences were observed in the T90 times of the pathogens at the same redox condition (e.g, nitrate- or sulphate-
reducing conditions). It was also observed that, each of the viruses had a different one log10 removal time under
nitrate and sulphate reducing conditions (Table 2). Cryptosporidium oocysts were observed to have a very similar
removal time regardless of the redox conditions.
Table 2. One log 10 removal time (days) of enteric viruses and bacteriophage
under different redox potential conditions
Virus Nitrate reducing1 Sulphate reducing1 Control1
1Average redox potential was – 76 µS /cm for nitrate-reducing, – 226 µS /cm for sulphate-reducing, and 160 µS /cm for un-
amended control; 2 two separate log reduction times given as observed decay was non-linear; 3ND = not determined.
Table 3. One log10 removal time (days) of Cryptosporidium under different redox potential conditions
1 two separate log reduction times given as observed decay was non-linear.
Cryptosporidium had the fastest overall decay rate with 1 log10 removal times of less than 10 days. MS2 and the
enteric viruses varied in their removal times depending on the redox conditions. MS2 exhibited a quicker decay rate
under sulphate-reducing conditions than under nitrate-reducing conditions. In comparison, adenovirus had a
quicker decay under nitrate-reducing conditions. Coxsackievirus had a non-linear decay under all the redox con-
ditions with an initial rapid decay followed by an extended, much slower decay rate under both nitrate- and
sulphate-reducing conditions. The decay of coxsackievirus and adenovirus was lower under nitrate- and sulphate-
reducing conditions when compared to the decay in the unamended groundwater water incubated under anoxic
conditions (Figure 1). Another significant observation was that the inactivation rates of Cryptosporidium were sig-
nificantly less in the absence of active indigenous groundwater microorganisms (filtered) when compared to the
inactivation rate in the presence of active groundwater microorganisms
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 515
10 4
10 3
10 2
10 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (days)
Figure 1. Effect of redox conditions (a) nitrate reducing, (b) sulphate reducing
and (c) anoxic control on virus inactivation where ■ = coxsackievirus, = adenovirus, and ▲ = MS2
10 5
(a) (b)
10 4
10 3
10 2
10 1
10 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (days)
Enteric pathogens are known to decay naturally in groundwater and the activity of indigenous microorganisms has
been identified as the single most important factor influencing this decay (Gordon and Toze 2003). The research
presented in this study focused on obtaining a better understanding of the influence of different redox conditions
(nitrate and sulphate reduction) on the decay rate of enteric viruses and Cryptosporidium in groundwater. The
results indicate that different enteric pathogens behave differently under similar redox conditions. Generally the
decay of coxsackievirus and adenovirus was observed to be slower than that for Cryptosporidium oocysts. Gordon
and Toze (2003) reported that the inactivation of poliovirus and coxsackievirus was significantly lower in ground-
water under anoxic conditions than under aerobic groundwater. The removal times of enteric virus and MS2 in-
cubated under nitrate- and sulphate-reducing conditions in this study was lower compared to the previously report-
ed results (Gordon and Toze 2003; Toze and Hanna 2002) where incubation was carried out under anoxic con-
ditions in the presence of indigenous microorganisms. In those studies the anoxic conditions were only an absence
of oxygen while in this study redox conditions were established through the addition of the electron acceptors
nitrate and sulphate. The present study, as with these previous studies, also showed that the rate of decay under a
given groundwater condition differed between the types of microorganisms. Little research has been undertaken on
the persistence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in groundwater. Like the decay observed for other enteric pathogens in
other studies, Cryptosporidium oocysts were observed to decay faster in the presence of active indigenous ground-
water microorganisms under both nitrate- and sulphate-reducing conditions than occurred in groundwater not con-
taining active groundwater microorganisms.
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516 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
The results of this study indicate that the decay of enteric viruses and protozoa can occur under specific anaerobic
redox conditions but is slower than has been previously observed under aerobic conditions. Schijven et al., (2000)
reported that clostridium bifermentans spores were more mobile in aquifer under anaerobic conditions. The results of
the current study suggest that higher mobility observed under anaerobic conditions could be due to prolonged sur-
vival of pathogens under anaerobic conditions. It is also evident that the type of pathogen is as important as the
redox condition of groundwater in determining decay rate. Further work is needed to investigate the influence
redox potential and other groundwater conditions have on these and other enteric pathogens to enable an effective
prediction and understanding on the fate of pathogens during MAR.
The research work presented in this paper was funded by the American Water Works Association Research
Foundation (AWWARF Project No. 2974) and CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship. The authors also
thank the PathCentre WA for kindly providing the Cryptosporidium samples.
Abbaszadegan, M., Huber, M.S., Gerba, C.P. and Pepper, I.L. (1993). Detection of enteroviruses in groundwater with
the polymerase chain reaction. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59 (5), 1318 – 1324.
Abbaszadegan, M., M.N. Hasan, C.P. Gerba, P.F. Roessler, B.R. Wilson, R. Kuennen and E. Van Dellen. (1997). The
disinfection efficacy of a point-of-use water treatment system against bacterial, viral and protozoan waterborne
pathogens. Water Research 31, 574 – 582.
Allard, A., Girones, R., Juto, P., and Wadell, G. (1990). Polymerase chain reaction for detection of adenoviruses in
stool samples. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 28(12), 2659 – 2667.
Asano, T.; Cotruvo, J.A. (2004). Groundwater recharge with reclaimed municipal wastewater: health and regulatory
considerations. Water Research 38, 1941– 1951.
Aulicino, F.A., Mastrantonio, A., Orsini, P., Bellucci, C., Muscillo, M. and Larosa, G. (1996). Enteric viruses in a
wastewater treatment plant in Rome. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 91, 327 – 334.
Campbell, A.T., Robertson, L.J., and Smith, H.V. (1992). Viability of Cyrptosporidium parvum Oocysts: Correlation of
In Vitro Excystation with Inclusion or Exclusion of Fluorogenic Vital Dyes. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 58, 3488 – 3493.
Dillon, P., Toze, S. and Pavelic, P. (2005). Conjunctive use of urban surface water and groundwater for improved
urban water security. International Contributions in Hydrogeology (In Press).
Feng, Y.Y., Ong, S.L., Hu, J.Y., Tan, X.L. and Ng, W.J. (2003). Effects of pH and temperature on the survival of col-
iphages MS2 and Q beta. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 30(9), 549 – 552.
Gantzer, C., Maul, A., Audic, J.M., and Schwartzbrod, L. (1998). Detection of infectious enteroviruses, enterovirus
genomes, somatic coliphages, and bacteroides fragilis phages in treated wastewater. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 64(11), 4307 – 4312.
Gennaccaro, A.L., McLaughlin, M.R., Quintero-Betancourt, W., Huffman, D.E. and Rose, J.B. (2003). Infectious
Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in final reclaimed effluent. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69: 4983-
Gordon, C.; Toze, S. (2003). Influence of groundwater characteristics on the survival of enteric viruses. Journal of
Applied Microbiology 95, 536 – 544.
Jansons, J., Edmonds, L.W., Speight, B. and Bucens, M.R. (1989). Survival of viruses in groundwater. Water Research
23, 301 – 306.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 517
Pavelic, P., Ragusa, S.R., Flower, R.L., Rinck-Pfeiffer, S., Dillon, P. J. (1998). Diffusion chamber method for in situ
measurement of pathogen inactivation in groundwater. Water Research 32(4), 1144 – 1150.
Schijven, J.F., Medema, G., Vogelaar, A.J. and Hassanizadeh, SM. (2000). Removal of microorganisms by deep well
injection. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 44: 301 – 327.
Sobsey, M.D.; Hall, R.M.; Hazard, R.L. (1995). Comparative reductions of Hepatitis A virus, enteroviruses and col-
iphage MS2 in miniature soil columns. Water Science and Technology 31(5/6), 203 – 209.
Toze S. and Hanna J. (2002). The survival potential of enteric microbial pathogens in a treated effluent ASR Project.
In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, P.J. Dillon (ed.), Balkema Publishers, Australia, 139 – 142.
WHO/UNICEF.. 2000. Global water supply and sanitation assessment 2000 Report. Geneva.
Yates, M.V, Stetzenbach, L.D, Gerba, C.P., Sinclair, N.A. (1990). The effect of indigenous bacteria on virus survival
in ground water. Journal of Environmental Science and Health A25 (1), 81 – 100.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Interactions of indigenous
groundwater bacteria with enteric viruses
during water quality improvement
by aquifer storage and recovery (ASR)
Katrina Wall, Simon Toze and Graham O’Hara
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is a method of water storage and reuse, and also a method of water quality
improvement. Reclaimed water, recharged to aquifers can be extracted with a higher level of water quality due to
the action of indigenous groundwater microbes. It has been shown that interactions between indigenous ground-
water microbes and enteric viruses have enhanced viral decay in groundwater. Investigations of this interaction
have shown a small percentage of groundwater bacteria may be responsible for this observed influence. Each iso-
lated bacterium impacted the decay of poliovirus type 1, Coxsackievirus B3 and adenovirus B41. Viral decay rates
varied between the groundwater bacteria, and also between the different viruses. When indigenous groundwater
bacteria were present as a whole groundwater microcosm, viral decay rates were observed to be faster than
occurred with the individual groundwater isolates. Investigations of the mechanisms of decay for each active
bacteria and the interaction of all active bacteria as a whole microcosm will give insight into what is happening
in situ during ASR. Results may be useful for risk prediction for water reclamation to determine required residence
times of reclaimed waters in the aquifer to ensure that there is no public health risk once the water is recovered
from storage.
ASR; decay rates; enteric viruses; indigenous groundwater bacteria; water quality.
With water supplies under pressure throughout the world, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) presents a viable
water reuse method. The health aspects of water reuse have been identified as an issue of concern, in particular the
potential presence of enteric viruses (Asano and Levine, 1996). ASR has been shown not only to be a low cost
method of water storage, but also a method of water treatment (Dillon et al., in press). A number of studies into
viral decay in groundwater have demonstrated the importance of the indigenous groundwater microorganisms
(Gordon and Toze, 2003; Toze and Hanna, 2002; Jansons et al., 1989; Yates et al., 1985; Keswick and Gerba, 1980).
It is recognised that viral decay in water is greater in the presence of other microorganisms, however, the mecha-
nisms by which this occurs are still not well understood. It is still not clear whether viral decay by indigenous
microorganisms is a result of direct predation, the production of virucidal compounds or other unknown activities.
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of individual groundwater bacteria as compared to the ground-
water microcosm as a whole. Results may give insight into viral decay in situ during ASR.
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Groundwater source and collection
Groundwater was obtained from bores located in the superficial aquifer on the Swan Coastal Plain, Perth, Western
Australia. One bore was located at the CSIRO Laboratory in Floreat Perth while the other two bores were located at
the Halls Head wastewater treatment plant in Mandurah, a small holiday township 70 km South of Perth. The bore
at the CSIRO Laboratory and one of the bores at the Halls Head WWTP were used to source unimpacted native
groundwater, while the second Halls Head WWTP bore was used to source recharged treated effluent (Toze et al.,
2004). The bore was purged by pumping for 30 minutes using a submersible pump to prevent the collection of stag-
nant water prior to the collection of aerobic groundwater samples. Groundwater was collected into sterile 1 L
borosilicate glass bottles and immediately stored on ice until processed.
Poliovirus type 1, Coxsackievirus B3 and Adenovirus B41 were initially cultured in cell lines (African Green
Monkey Kidney cells) by the Pathology Centre, WA. The viruses were then harvested from the lawns and frozen as
a crude cell extract at – 80 oC until needed. The number of infective viral particles in the viral suspensions had been
determined by the Pathology Centre using the MPN method in fresh cell culture lawns. The titre for each virus was
determined to be 10 8 pfu ml–1 for poliovirus, 10 9 pfu ml –1 for coxsackievirus and 107 pfu.mL –1 for adenovirus.
Before use in the survival experiments, the crude viral suspensions were cleaned and resuspended in sterile ground-
water to the approximate concentration of the original crude suspension using the methods outlined in Gordon and
Toze (2003).
Negative controls and blanks were also carried out following the same procedure by inoculating viruses into sterile,
one tenth strength R2A broth and groundwater. Presence of groundwater bacteria or sterility of un-inoculated broth
or groundwater was monitored on each sampling occasion by inoculating 20µL of sample in 180µL nutrient broth
and incubated at 28°C for 24 hours.
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520 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Virus quantification
Changes in viral numbers were determined using quantitative RT-PCR or PCR. Viral RNA/DNA was extracted from
150 µL of each collected samples using the Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (Borhinger-Mannien) using supplied
instructions. All extracted nucleic acid samples were stored at – 80°C until analysed by RT-PCR or PCR.
Quantitative RT-PCR and PCR reactions were run on a Biorad iCycler, using the Titan™ RT-PCR Enzyme System
(Roche Diagnostics) and quantified using the methodology as detailed by Gordon and Toze (2003). Primers used
for poliovirus and coxsackievirus were the Ent-up and Ent-down primers (Abbaszadegan et al., 1993) while aden-
ovirus was detected using the primers HexAA 1885 and HexAA 1913 (Allard et al., 1992; Allard et al., 1990).
The detection limit for viruses using Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), or PCR, was
determined by making serial 10-fold dilutions of extracted viral RNA/DNA and determining the lowest detectable
dilution. The lowest detectable dilution was 10 – 6 for both poliovirus and coxsackievirus and 10 – 4 for adenovirus,
which equated to a detection limit of approximately 10 or less viral RNA/DNA molecules per PCR reaction (based
on original MPN titre).
Where T90 = number of days to a 1 log removal, t = incubation time, C t = the final copy number at day t, C0 = the
copy number at day 0 (Toze and Hanna, 2002).
Of all indigenous groundwater bacteria isolated, 27% showed the ability to reduced mean viral copy numbers of
the enteroviruses poliovirus type 1 and Coxsackievirus B3 over time. The top ten isolates were also tested against
adenovirus B41. Decay rates were similar between poliovirus and adenovirus, whereas decay rates varied for
coxsackievirus (Table 1). The decay of poliovirus, coxsackievirus and adenovirus over time in groundwater and in
the presence of two indigenous groundwater isolates can be seen in Figure 1, with corresponding mean decay rates
in Table 2. Characterisation of the two groundwater isolates tested found that they were both Gram-negative bacilli
and were oxidase and catalase positive indicating that they could be initially characterised as being Pseudomonas-
like bacteria.
Poliovirus showed a large decay in non-sterile groundwater with a 1 log10 removal time of 11 days. Isolate 1 and
isolate 2 also caused large T90 decay time of 17.9 and 13.9 days respectively. Poliovirus was relatively stable in the
negative control with a decay time of 469.4 days.
Coxsackievirus had a similar trend of decay time in the non-sterile groundwater with a T90 time of 9.3 days. For
the individual groundwater isolates, coxsackievirus had a slower decay time of 62.1 days in the presence of Isolate 1
than in the presence of Isolate 2 (26.1 days). Coxsackievirus remained stable in the negative control with a decay
rate of 1159.9 days. Adenovirus showed a similar decay time in the presence of non-sterile groundwater and in the
presence of both isolate 1 and 2 with decay times of 35.4, 27.1 and 16.2 days respectively. Adenovirus remained rel-
atively stable in the negative control with a decay time of 228.2 days.
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Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 521
Table 1. T90 decay times for top ten groundwater isolates on enteric viruses
10 7 10 7 10 5
Mean Copy Number
10 6 10 6 10 4
10 5 10 5 10 3
10 4 10 4 10 2
10 3 10 3 10 1
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Sample Time (days)
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522 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Table 2. T90 decay rates (days) of poliovirus, coxsackievirus and adenovirus over a 35 day period in the presence
of non-sterile groundwater, isolate 1, isolate 2 and sterile 1/10 strength R2A (negative control)
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of individual and groups of groundwater microorganisms on
the decay of enteric viruses. In addition, variations that may exists amongst individuals in a microbial population
as compared to the complete groundwater microcosm was determined. The isolation of a range of indigenous
groundwater bacteria and testing each individually could give insight into the dynamics involved in viral decay in
groundwater during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR).
It has long been known that virus decay in ground and surface water is greater in the presence of other micro-
organisms, but the mechanisms by which this occurs is not well studied. Cliver and Herrmann (1972) investigated
the decay of both poliovirus type 1 and coxsackievirus A9, A7 and B1. Viral decay was monitored in bacterial
cultures and decay was found to be a result of proteolytic bacteria, most notably, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacillus
subtilis was also shown to have virucidal activity. Ward et al. (1986) also investigated the decay of poliovirus and
coxsackievirus, and also echovirus and rotavirus in filtered and non-filtered riverine and lake water. It was also
found that any treatment that removed or inactivated microorganisms resulted in loss of virucidal activity. Nobel
and Fuhrman (1997) have also suggested that extracellular enzymes produced by marine microbes had an impor-
tant role in viral decay. Studies of the decay of poliovirus and coxsackievirus in groundwater have indicated the pro-
duction of virucidal compounds, as poliovirus showed decay when separated from the indigenous groundwater
microorganisms contained in groundwater (Wall et al., 2004). Coxsackievirus required direct contact with ground-
water to achieve significant decay. These results suggest the production of numerous virucidal compounds that may
be virus type specific, of varying sizes, some of which may be larger than 250,000 molecular weight, or closely asso-
ciated with the indigenous groundwater microorganisms.
Of the aerobic bacteria isolated in the current study, 27% exhibited an ability to reduce the mean copy number of
poliovirus and coxsackievirus over time when compared to the degradation observed in the sterile control. The top
ten bacteria were then tested against adenovirus and results were similar to the influence on poliovirus. T90 decay
rates of the top ten bacteria varied from as little as 4 days for a 90 % reduction in mean copy number through to no
decay (a positive T90). As poliovirus and coxsackievirus are very closely related as opposed to adenovirus, it would
be expected that the influence of active bacteria would be similar against poliovirus and coxsackievirus, but this
was not observed to be the case. The results obtained for coxsackievirus were quite different from those for
poliovirus and adenovirus.
Survival of poliovirus, coxsackievirus and adenovirus in the presence of two active groundwater isolates was inves-
tigated and compared to decay in non-sterile groundwater. The results obtained supported the hypothesis that there
may be a number of compounds produced by a small number of active indigenous groundwater microorganisms as
the influence of the different isolates varied with the pathogens tested. In addition none of the isolates had the same
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pathogens and micro pollutants / Health aspects 523
influence on all three enteric viruses. These influences also seem to act together to result in a much greater decay of
the viruses when groundwater microorganisms were present as a total microbial population in non-sterile ground-
water. A greater variation and reduction in decay times were obtained for the three viruses when in the presence of
the individual bacteria compared to the decay times obtained in the presence of the non-sterile groundwater. This
suggests that the influence of the active groundwater microorganisms may be working in conjunction when com-
bined in a groundwater microcosm.
Indigenous groundwater bacteria are important in the decay of enteric viruses in groundwater with a large loss
of viral copy numbers in non-sterile groundwater containing indigenous bacteria. Not all indigenous groundwater
bacteria had the potential to influence in the decay of viral copy numbers. The 27% of indigenous groundwater
bacteria that showed potential for viral decay varied in their influence. Decay times for the three viruses varied
amongst the groundwater isolates and also between the viruses. This suggest the presence of different decay factors,
such as protease enzymes, that may work in conjunction to produce the consistently large decay times observed for
the viruses in the presence of the entire groundwater microcosm.
These results presented provide important information regarding the fate of enteric viruses during aquifer storage
and recovery (ASR). As viral decay is not the result of one individual groundwater bacterium, significant virus
decay during ASR can be expected even if there are changes in indigenous groundwater bacterial population struc-
ture. This means that reclaimed water recharged to an aquifer via ASR can be expected to have a greatly reduced
health risk after sufficient storage time.
This work was funded by the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF Project
No. 2618) and the CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country. Thanks to Dr Jatinder Sidhu for helpful comments and
review and Mr Jon Hanna for assistance in collecting groundwater samples.
Abbaszadegan, M., Huber, M.S., Gerba, C.P. and Pepper, I.L. (1993). Detection of enteroviruses in groundwater with
the polymerase chain reaction. App. Environ. Microbiol., 59(5), 1318 – 1324.
Allard, A., Albinsson, B. and Wadell, G. (1992). Detection of adenovirus in stools from healthy persons and patients
with diarrhea by two-step polymerase chain reaction. J. Med. Virol., 37, 149 –157.
Allard, A., Girones, R., Juto, P. and Wadell, G. (1990). Polymerase chain reaction for detection of adenovirus in stool
samples. J. Clin. Microbiol., 28, 2659 –2667.
Asano, T. and Levine, A.D. (1996). Wastewater reclamation, recycling and reuse: past, present and future, Wat. Sci.
Tech., 33(10/11), 1–14.
Cliver, D.O. and Herrmann, J.E. (1972). Proteolytic and microbial inactivation of enteroviruses. Wat. Res., 6,
797– 805.
Dillon, P., Toze, S., Pavelic, P., Skjemstad, J., Davis, G., Miller, R., Correll, R., Kookana, R., Ying G.-G., Herczeg, A.,
Filderbrandt S., Banning, N., Gordon, C., Wall, K., Nicholson, B., Vanderzalm, J., Le Gal La Salle, C., Gibert, M.,
Ingrand, V., Guinamant, J-L., Stuyfzand, P., Prommer, H., Greskowiak, J., Swift, R., Hayes, M., O’Hara, G.,
Mee, B. and Johnson, I. (In press). Water Quality Improvements During Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Vol 1. Water
Quality Improvement Processes. AWWARF Project 2618, Final Report.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
524 Health aspects / Pathogens and micro pollutants
Gordon, C. and Toze, S. (2003). Influence of groundwater characteristics on the survival of enteric viruses. App.
Microbiol., 95, pp. 536 –544.
Jansons, J., Edmonds, L.W., Speight, B. and Bucens, M.R. (1989). Survival of viruses in groundwater, Wat. Res., 23(3),
pp. 301–306.
Keswick, B.H., Gerba, C.P., Secor, S. L. and Cech, I. (1982). Survival of enteric viruses and indicator bacteria in
groundwater, J. Environ. Sci. Health A17, 903 – 912.
Nobel, R.T. and Fuhrman, J.A. (1997). Virus decay and its causes in coastal waters. App. Environ. Microbiol., 63(1),
pp. 77– 83.
Toze, S. and Hanna, J. (2002). The survival potential of enteric microbial pathogens in a reclaimed water ASR
project. In: Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability. P. Dillon (ed.), A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse,
pp. 139 –142.
Toze, S., Hanna, J., Smith, T., Edmonds, L. and McCrow, A. (2004) Determination of water quality improvements due
to the artificial recharge of treated effluent. Wastewater Reuse and Groundwater Quality. IAHS Publication 285,
pp. 53 – 60.
Wall, K., Toze, S. and O’Hara, G. (2004). The fate of enteric pathogens in artificial recharge schemes. In: Environ-
mental Management Series. K. Mathews (ed.), IWA, London, pp. 53 – 60.
Ward, R.L., Knowlton, D.R. and Winston, P. E. (1986). Mechanisms of inactivation of enteric viruses in fresh water.
App. Environ. Microbiol., 52(3), pp. 450 – 459.
Yates, M.V., Stetzenbach L.D., Gerba C.P. and Sinclair N.A. (1990). The effect of indigenous bacteria on virus survival
in groundwater. J. Environ. Sci. Health. A25(1), pp. 81–100.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Transport and attenuation of antibiotic
residues during river bank filtration
in Berlin, Germany
B. Fanck and Th. Heberer
This paper presents the results on the occurrence and fate of antibiotic residues during bankfiltration obtained
from a study carried out in terms of an interdisciplinary project at three transects in Berlin, Germany. Six anti-
biotic compounds and two metabolites were detected at ng/L concentrations in water samples from the lakes or
in the monitoring wells of the transects. Clarithromycin, roxithromycin (macrolide), trimethoprim (synergist
for sulfonamides) and acetyl-sulfamethoxazole (metabolite) are efficiently removed by bank filtration. Residues
of clindamycin (lincosamid) and dehydro-erythromycin (metabolite) were completely attenuated during the soil
passage. For sulfamethoxazole (sulfonamide), a significant but not complete removal during bank filtration was
observed. It was the only compound that could be detected at tracelevels in samples collected from water-supply
Antibiotics; bank filtration; LC-MS/MS; water.
In Germany, approximately 270 tonnes of antibiotic substances are annually prescribed for human use. Residues of
antibiotic drugs are frequently found in the aquatic environment [Alexy and Kümmerer, 2005; Batt and Aga, 2005;
Heberer, 2002; Hirsch et al., 1998; Sacher et al., 2001]. They can reach the aquatic system due to an incomplete
metabolism in target organisms (humans or animals), by improper disposal, or by production spills. For some of
these compounds only partial elimination was observed during wastewater treatment, and residues of veterinary
drugs occurring in manure may reach surface or groundwaters by leaching or agricultural runoff [Alexy and
Kümmerer, 2005; Heberer, 2002].
In Berlin, Germany, water suppliers produce approximately 70 percent of the drinking water by bank filtration and
artificial recharge. Thus, knowledge about the behavior of drug residues during groundwater recharge is highly
important for public water-supply. In terms of an interdisciplinary project, entitled ‘Natural and Artificial Systems
for Recharge and Infiltration’ (NASRI), the fate and transport of antibiotics during bank filtration were investigated
at Lake Tegel and Lake Wannsee in Berlin.
From May 2003 to August 2004, the occurrence and fate of 19 environmentally relevant antibiotics and two of their
metabolites were investigated at three transects located at lakes Wannsee and Tegel (Figure 1). Samples were
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526 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
analyzed monthly for antibiotic substances from various prescription classes (fluoroquinolones, macrolide anti-
biotics, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, and penicillins). The samples were pre-concentrated by solid-phase extraction
and identified and quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem-mass spectro-
metry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) [Fanck and Heberer, in prep.].
N H2 S O 2N H
Figure 1. Examples of chemical structures of compounds from each of the investigated compound classes. In brackets:
investigated number of compounds from each class
Only six of the 19 investigated compounds, the macrolides clarithromycin and roxithromycin, the sulfonamides
sulfamethoxazole and sulfadimidine, the sulfonamide synergist trimethoprim, and the lincosamide clindamycin
were detected at ng/L concentrations in water samples from the lakes or in the monitoring wells of the transects.
Additionally, the drug metabolite dehydro-erythromycin, formed by hydrolysis from the macrolide erythromycin,
and acetyl-sulfamethoxazole, the main human metabolite of sulfamethoxazole, were found. As expected from
results of previous studies, no tetracyclines and penicillins were found. This is in agreement with the results of
other studies [Christian et al., 2003; Hirsch et al., 1998] and most likely caused by metabolism (penicillins) and/or
chelating and sorption effects in the sewage treatment plants or distribution system.
The investigations of the field sites showed a different behavior of the six antibiotic residues during infiltration.
Trimethoprim, Clarithromycin, and roxithromycin are efficiently removed by the bank filtration. They are found in
the lakes and showed a similar time-dependent concentration trend (Figure 2). During winter, antibiotic residues
were detected at higher concentrations than in the summer. Seasonal variations were also observed in an additional
survey on the occurrence of antibiotic residues in municipal sewage. In winter, such residues were found at
increased concentrations both in samples collected from the influents and the effluents of the municipal sewage
treatment plant in Berlin-Ruhleben. The elevated concentrations and loads were assigned to higher seasonal con-
sumption of antibiotics [Fanck and Heberer, in prep.]. In the same study, better removal of residues of macrolide
antibiotics was observed during summer.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 527
80 Clarithromycin
May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oc t- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug-
03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
The concentrations of clindamycin and dehydro-erythromycin are also significantly decreasing during the soil pas-
sage. In most cases, they were not detected beyond the first monitoring wells. Only sulfamethoxazole occurred in
most of the monitoring wells at concentrations higher than those of all other compounds. It is the only antibiotic
that was also found in measurable concentrations (mean value of 5 ng/L) in water-supply wells.
Surprisingly, sulfadimidine was observed (albeit at low concentrations, 3 – 9 ng/L) in some of the deeper wells even
though this compound is only used for veterinary purposes in Germany. This observation can be explained by
applications of large quantities of sulfadimidine in the past, when it was used in livestock farms north of Berlin.
The studies within the NASRI project have shown that bank filtration, as operated in Berlin, is a useful tool for the
pre-treatment of contaminated surface water used for drinking-water supply. With one exception, antibiotic
residues are not found in the water-supply wells. Sulfamethoxazole was detected at trace-levels in samples collected
from monitoring and water-supply wells. These quantities are, however, way too low to cause any toxic effects in
humans. Thus, bank filtration has proven as being an efficient method for the removal of antibiotic residues by
natural attenuation.
The authors thank the Berlin Water Company and Veolia Water for supporting the investigations as part of the
interdisciplinary NASRI (Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) project.
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528 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
Alexy R. and Kümmerer K. (2005). Antibiotika in der Umwelt. KAAbwasser, Abfall, 52(5), 563 –571.
Batt A.L. and Aga D.S. (2005). Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Classes of Antibiotics by Ion Trap LC/MS/MS for
Assessing Surface Water and Groundwater Contamination. Anal. Chem., 77(1), 2940 – 2947.
Christian T., Schneider R.J., Färber H.A., Skutlarek D., Meyer M.T. and Goldbach, H.E. (2003). Determination of
Antibiotic Residues in Manure, Soil, and Surface Waters. Acta hydrochim hydrobiol, 31, 36– 44.
Fanck B. and Heberer Th. (in prep.). Multi method for the detection of antibiotic residues in various waters using
SolidPhase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. J. of Sep. Sci.
Heberer Th. (2002). Occurrence, fate, and removal of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment: A review
of recent research data. Toxicol. Lett., 131, 5 – 17.
Hirsch R., Ternes Th., Haberer K., Mehlich A., Ballwanz F. and Kratz K. L. (1998). Determination of antibiotics
in different water compartments via liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.
J. Chromatogr. A, 815(2), 213 – 223.
Sacher F., Lange F.T., Brauch H. J. and Blankenhorn, I. (2001). Pharmaceuticals in groundwaters- Analytical
methods and results of a monitoring program in Baden Württemberg, Germany. J. Chromatogr. A, 938(1),
199 – 210.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Occurrence, transport, attenuation
and removal of pharmaceutical residues
in the aquatic environment and their relevance
for drinking water supply in urban areas
Thomas Heberer
Residues of pharmaceuticals used in human medical care have recently been detected as important trace con-
taminants of sewage, surface and groundwater. This paper compiles the recent state of knowledge on the
occurrence and fate of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment of urban areas. Findings in sewage
effluents, surface, ground, and drinking water at concentrations up to the µg/L-level have been reported and will
be discussed to demonstrate the impact of pharmaceutical residues on the aquatic environment and on public
water supply. The efficiency of natural and technological processes such as bank filtration or membrane filtration
for the removal of pharmaceutical residues including estrogenic steroids, analgesics, antibiotics, anti-epileptic
drugs, blood lipid regulators, and several drug metabolites will be presented and discussed.
Pharmaceuticals, EDCs, endocrine disrupters, bank filtration, risk assessment, drinking water.
To date, residues of more than 100 different pharmaceuticals have world-wide been detected in municipal sewage
and in several samples of surface, ground, and in a few cases even in drinking water (Stan and Heberer, 1997;
Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998; Heberer et al., 1998; Daughton and Ternes, 1999; Sedlak et al., 2000; Kuemmerer,
2001; Sacher et al., 2001; Ternes, 2001; Heberer, 2002a; Kolpin et al., 2002). For the most part, such residues are
entering the receiving surface waters by discharges from sewage treatment plants but that are also several other
potential sources (Ternes 1998; Heberer 2002a,b). The observed concentrations of pharmaceutical residues in the
aquatic environment range from less than 1 ng/L to more than 10 µg/L. As shown in Table 1, many of the pharma-
ceuticals found in wastewater effluent have also been detected in surface waters. However, the number and the con-
centrations of pharmaceutical residues are decreasing from sewage/surface water to ground and drinking water. The
compounds that were detected at trace-level concentrations in drinking water are analgesics, anti-epileptic drugs,
blood lipid regulators and X-ray contrast media.
Under recharge conditions, polar pharmaceutical residues can be leaching through the subsoil into the groundwater
aquifers. Infiltration of sewage effluent and effluent-impacted waters are the most common sources of pharmaceuti-
cal residues in groundwater. However, releases from industrial sources or leaking landfills may also be the sources
for the occurrence of such residues in groundwater (Eckel et al. 1993; Holm et al. 1995). Recently, Reddersen et al.
(2002) reported concentrations of phenazone-type drug residues and their metabolites as high as 4 µg/L for the
individual compound in groundwater near a Superfund site that discharged to a small stream upstream from the
bank filtration area. The mere occurrence of such residues at trace-level concentrations in groundwater or even in
drinking water does not necessarily imply that groundwater recharge techniques such as bank filtration should in
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530 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
general be avoided. Depending on various parameters such as the composition of the colmation layer or the indi-
vidual traveling times several pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, estrogenic steroids and some other compounds
can efficiently be removed during bank filtration or other natural recharge processes. Thus, there is an essential
need for and a lack in information on the fate and transport of pharmaceutical residues and related compounds in
the aquatic environment and during groundwater recharge that enables to understand and to enhance the efficacy of
natural attenuation processes and of water management strategies. Moreover, the occurrence of such residues in
groundwater resources should not only be approached as a potential thread to drinking-water supplies. Such
residues might also be seen and used as indicators to monitor and improve the efficiency of natural and artificial
treatment techniques.
Table 1. World-wide findings of pharmaceutical residues in sewage, surface, ground-, and drinking water.
Reported number of compounds in different environmental compartments according to their prescription
class type (supplemented as cited in Heberer, 2002a)
Number of compounds detected in
(prescription classes) Sewage and surface water Groundwater Drinking water
Analgesics/anti-inflammatory 26 15 8
drugs + metabolites
Antibiotics 31 3 (+ 5 traces) –
Antiepileptics 2 2 2
Lipid regulators + metabolites 7 3 3
Beta-blockers 7 1 –
Contrast media + metabolites 8 6 3
Cytostatic drugs 2 (traces) – –
Oral contraceptives 2 (1) (1)
(EE2 and mestranol) (almost < 2 / 0.5 ng/L) validity in doubt* validity in doubt *
Other pharmaceuticals 21 4 –
* Validity of positive detections in doubt for analytical reasons and thus not considered as inevitable positive detection.
The fate of pharmaceutical residues has been investigated for several processes including bank filtration (Heberer
and Stan 1997, Heberer et al. 1997, 2001, 2002a, Brauch et al. 2000, Kühn and Müller 2000, Reddersen et al. 2002,
Verstraeten et al. 2002), artificial groundwater replenishment (ponds) (Heberer and Stan 1997, Heberer and Adam,
2004), soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) (Drewes et al. 2002), and slow-sand filtration (Preuß et al. 2001, Ternes et al.
2002). Especially, bank filtration has been shown to be an efficient tool for minimizing the concentrations of
pharmaceuticals (Verstraeten et al, 2002). Non-polar pharmaceuticals, such as the blood-lipid regulator bezafibrate
or indomethacine, as well as most antibiotics are efficiently removed during bank filtration but also by artificial
groundwater replenishment (Heberer and Mechlinski, 2003; Heberer and Adam, 2004; Heberer et al., 2004).
Likewise, the analgesic drug ibuprofen was degraded in soil-column experiments (Mersmann et al., 2002). Other
pharmaceuticals including the anti-epileptic drug carbamazepine and the analgesics diclofenac and propyphenazone
were retarded in soil-column experiments (Mersmann et al., 2002) but only partly removed during bank filtration
and other artificial groundwater recharge methods (Heberer and Mechlinski, 2003; Heberer and Adam, 2004;
Heberer et al., 2004). The same compounds were also detected at low concentrations in water-supply wells in Berlin
together with the anti-epileptic drug primidone and the drug metabolites clofibric acid and AMDOPH (1-acetyl-1-
methyl-2-dimethyl-oxamoyl-2-phenylhydrazide) which were reported to pass bank filtration and other groundwater
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 531
recharge sites without or only little significant retardation (Heberer and Mechlinski, 2003; Heberer and Adam,
2004; Heberer et al., 2004).
Steroid hormones such as 17β-estradiol (E2) and 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2) have received considerable attention
because of their potential in causing feminization in freshwater fish. These compounds are difficult to study because
they only appear at very low but still environmentally important concentrations of between 0.1 and 10 ng/L in
wastewater effluent (Ternes et al., 1999; Baronti et al., 2000; Huang and Sedlak, 2001). On the basis of their hydro-
phobicity (log Kow~4) and taking into account their potential for biotransformation, these hormones would not be
expected to persist in the subsurface. However, Kuch and Ballschmiter (2001) and Adler et al. (2001) reported
several detections of estrogens including EE2 in ground and drinking water in Germany. However, other inves-
tigations of steroid hormones in sewage, surface, and bank-filtered water do not indicate the presence of such com-
pounds for ground or drinking water (Zühlke et al., 2005). Thus, even short distances between the river or lake
banks and monitoring wells can lead to dramatic decreases of estrone concentrations illustrating the potential of
groundwater recharge systems for the retention of estrogenic steroids (Zühlke et al., 2005).
Besides other purification techniques such as ozonation (Andreozzi et al. 2002, Ternes et al. 2002, 2003, Huber et
al. 2003) or filtration applying granular activated carbon (Ternes et al. 2002), membrane filtration using nanofil-
tration (NF) or reverse osmosis (RO) membranes is one of the most promising techniques for the removal of phar-
maceutical residues from contaminated raw water sources (Heberer and Feldmann, 2004).
Kimura et al. (2003) investigated the rejection of disinfection by-products, endocrine disrupting compounds and
pharmaceuticals by polyamide NF/RO membranes. According to the results of their investigations, negatively
charged compounds such as the analgesic drug diclofenac can be rejected to a great extent (i.e., > 90%) regardless
of other physical/chemical properties of the tested compounds due to electrostatic repulsion whereas rejection of
non-charged compounds was influenced mainly by the size of the compounds. Adams et al. (2002) evaluated
conventional drinking water treatment processes including RO under typical water treatment plant conditions
demonstrating that RO was very efficient in removing all studied antibiotics. Heberer et al. (2002b) and Heberer
and Feldmann (2004) successfully tested the performance of membrane-based mobile drinking water purification
units for the removal of pharmaceuticals from highly contaminated raw-water sources in two extended field-trials.
In investigations of large-scale operations in the U.S., Drewes et al. (2002) have shown that NF and RO might also
be able to remove pharmaceutical residues from municipal sewage effluents.
Persistent residues of pharmaceuticals used in human medical care are discharged by municipal sewage treatment
plants into the receiving surface waters. Under recharge conditions, especially some of the polar compounds are
able to leach into groundwater aquifers and a few of them have also the potential for turning up into water-supply
wells. Natural processes such as bank filtration or other groundwater recharge techniques are able to remove phar-
maceutical residues or at least to decrease the concentrations of such compounds from contaminated raw waters. A
prerequisite for obtaining maximum attenuation of such contaminants are both background knowledge of the
potential contaminants and their fate during groundwater recharge at different hydrogeological conditions and a
proper construction and operation of the recharge facilities. Nevertheless, even this will not guarantee a complete
removal of all pharmaceutical residues occurring in raw waters that are under the influence of sewage effluents
(Heberer and Verstraeten, 2002). Additionally, reliable methods such as membrane filtration are available and might
be used for the removal of remaining traces of pharmaceutical residues in terms of a multi-barrier approach
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
532 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
(Heberer and Verstraeten, 2002). However, it might be questioned if an additional use of such techniques for the
removal of trace residual amounts of contaminants is reasonable? From our current state of scientific knowledge,
the trace-level concentrations of several specific pharmaceuticals that have (until today) been detected in drinking
water do not have a toxicological impact on human health. On the other hand, the mere occurrence of pharma-
ceutical residues in human drinking water supply originating from discharges of municipal sewage treatment plants
may by the public be recognized as being undesirable even at trace-level concentrations.
Adams C., Wang Y., Loftin K., Meyer M. (2002). Removal of antibiotics from surface and distilled water in conven-
tional water treatment processes. J. Environ. Eng. ASCE 128, 253 – 260.
Adler P., Steger-Hartmann T., Kalbfus W. (2001). Vorkommen natürlicher und synthetischer estrogener Steroide in
Wässern des süd- und mitteldeutschen Raumes. Acta hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 29-4, 227 – 241.
Andreozzi R., Marotta R., Pinto G., Pollio A. (2002). Carbamazepine in water: persistence in the environment,
ozonation treatment and preliminary assessment on algal toxicity Wat. Res. 36: 2869 – 2877.
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5059 – 5066.
Brauch, H.J., Sacher, F., Denecke, E., Tacke, T. 2000. Wirksamkeit der Uferfiltration für die Entfernung von polaren
organischen Spurenstoffen. gwf (Gas- und Wasserfach) Wasser Abwasser 14, 226 – 234.
Daughton C.G., Ternes T. (1999). Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: Agents of subtle
change? Environ. Health Perspect. 107, Suppl. 6, 907 – 938.
Drewes J., Heberer Th., Reddersen K .(2002). Fate of pharmaceuticals during indirect potable reuse. Water Sci.
Technol. 46, 73 – 80.
Eckel W. P, Ross B., Isensee R.K. (1993). Pentobarbital found in groundwater. Ground Wat. 31, 801 – 804.
Halling-Sørensen B. Nielsen, N., Lansky, P.F., Ingerslev, F., Hansen, L., Lützhøft, H.C., Jørgensen, S.E. (1998).
Occurrence, fate and effects of pharmaceutical substances in the environment - A review. Chemosphere, 36,
357 – 394.
Holm J.V, Rügge K., Bjerg P.L., Christensen Th. (1995). Occurrence and distribution of pharmaceutical organic com-
pounds in the groundwater downgradient of a landfill (Grindsted, Denmark). Environ. Sci. Technol. 29,
1415 – 1420.
Heberer, Th. (2002a). Occurrence, fate, and removal of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment: A review
of recent research data. Toxicol. Lett. 131, 5 – 17.
Heberer, Th. (2002b). Tracking down persistent pharmaceutical residues from municipal sewage to drinking water.
In: Grischek, Th., Hiscock K. (Eds.). Attenuation of Groundwater Pollution by Bank Filtration. J. Hydrol. 266,
175 – 189.
Heberer, Th., Adam, M. (2004). Transport and Attenuation of Pharmaceutical Residues During Artificial Ground-
water Replenishment. Environ. Chem., 1, 22 – 25.
Heberer, Th., Feldmann, D. (2004). Removal of pharmaceutical residues from contaminated raw water sources by
membrane filtration. Chapter 29. In (Kümmerer, K., ed.): Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, 2nd Edition,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004, 391 – 410.
Heberer, Th., Stan, H.-J. (1997). Determination of Clofibric Acid and N-(Phenylsulfonyl)-sarcosine in Sewage, River
and Drinking Water. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 67, 113 – 124.
Heberer, Th., Dünnbier, U., Reilich, Ch., Stan, H.-J. (1997). Detection of drugs and drug metabolites in groundwater
samples of a drinking water treatment plant. Fresenius’ Environ. Bull. 6, 438 – 443.
Heberer, Th., Schmidt-Bäumler K., Stan H.J. (1998). Occurrence and distribution of organic contaminants in the
aquatic system in Berlin. Part I: Drug residues and other polar contaminants in Berlin surface and groundwater.
Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 26, 272 – 278.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 533
Heberer, Th., Verstraeten, I.M., Meyer, M.T., Mechlinski, A., Reddersen, K. (2001). Occurrence and Fate of Pharma-
ceuticals during Bank Filtration – Preliminary Results from Investigations in Germany and the United States.
Water Resources Update 120, 4 – 17.
Heberer, Th., Reddersen, K., Mechlinski, A. (2002a). From Municipal Sewage to Drinking Water: Fate and Removal
of Pharmaceutical Residues in the Aquatic Environment in Urban Areas. Water Sci. Technol. 46, 81 – 88.
Heberer, Th., Feldmann, D., Reddersen, K. Altmann, H., Zimmermann, Th. (2002b). Production of Drinking Water
from Highly Contaminated Surface Waters: Removal of organic, inorganic, and microbial contaminants applying
mobile membrane filtration units. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 30, 24 – 33.
Heberer Th, Mechlinski A (2003). Fate and transport of pharmaceutical residues during bank filtration. Hydroplus,
137, Hydrosciences, October 2003, 53 – 60.
Heberer Th., Mechlinski A., Fanck B., Knappe A., Massmann G., Pekdeger A., Fritz B. (2004). Field-Studies on the
Fate and Transport of Pharmaceutical Residues in Bank Filtration. In: (Heberer, Th. and Verstraeten, I.M., eds.)
Special Issue on the Fate and Transport of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs)
During groundwater Recharge. J. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation (GWMR), 24, 70 – 77.
Huang C.H., Sedlak D.L. (2001). Analysis of estrogenic hormones in municipal wastewater effluent and surface
water using enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay and gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Environ.
Toxicol. Chem. 20, 133– 139.
Huber M.M., Canonica S., Park G.Y., Von Gunten U. (2003). Oxidation of pharmaceuticals during ozonation and
advanced oxidation processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 1016 – 1024.
Kimura K., Amy G., Drewes J., Heberer Th., Kim T.-U., Watanabe Y. (2003a). Rejection of organic micropollutants
(disinfection by-products, endocrine disrupting compounds, and pharmaceutically active compounds) by NF/RO
membranes. J. Membrane Sci. 227, 113 – 121.
Kolpin DW Furlong, E.T., Meyer, M.T., Thurman, E.M., Zaugg, S.D., Barber, L.B., Buxton, H.T. (2002)
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminantes in U.S. Streams, 1999 2000: A
National Reconnaissance. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36, 1202 – 1211.
Kuch H.M., Ballschmiter K. (2001). Determination of endogenous and exogenous estrogens in effluents from sewage
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Kühn, W., Müller, U. (2000). River bank filtration – An overview, J. AWWA Dec. 2000: 60 – 69.
Kuemmerer K. (2001). Drugs in the environment: emission of drugs, diagnostic aids and disinfectants into waste-
water by hospitals in relation to other sources a review. Chemosphere, 45, 957 – 969.
Mersmann, P., Scheytt, T., Heberer, Th. (2002). Column experiments on the transport behavior of pharmaceutically
active compounds in the saturated zone. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 30, 275-284.
Preuß, G., Willme, U., Zullei-Seibert, N. (2001). Verhalten ausgewählter Arzneimittel bei der künstlichen Grund-
wasseranreicherung – Eliminierung und Effekte auf die mikrobielle Besiedlung. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 29,
269 – 277.
Reddersen K., Heberer, Th., Dünnbier, U. (2002). Identification of new drug metabolites in groundwater samples
from a drinking-water-treatment plant. Chemosphere 49, 539 – 545.
Sacher, F., Lange, F. Th., Brauch, H.-J., Blankenhorn, I. (2001). Pharmaceuticals in groundwaters. Analytical
methods and results of a monitoring program in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. J. Chromatogr. A 938, 199 – 210.
Sedlak D.L., Gray J.L., Pinkston K.E. (2000). Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 508A – 515A.
Stan H.J., Heberer Th. (1997). Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, In: Suter, M.J.F., ed., Dossier Water
Analysis. Analusis 25, M20 – 23.
Ternes T.A. (1998). Occurrence of drugs in German sewage treatment plants and rivers. Water Res. 32, 3245 – 3260.
Ternes T.A., Stumpf, M., Mueller, J., Haberer, K., Wilken, R.-D., Servos, M. (1999). Behavior and occurrence of estro-
gens in municipal sewage treatment plants - I. Investigations in Germany, Canada and Brazil. Sci. Total Environ.
225, 81 – 90.
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(Daughton C.G., Jones-Lepp T. eds.) Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Scientific
and Regulatory Issues. Symposium Series 791, American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C., 39 – 54.
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534 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
Ternes, T.A., Meisenheimer, M., Mcdowell, D., Sacher, F., Brauch, H.J., Haist Gulde, B., Preuß, G., Wilme, U.,
ZuleiSeibert, N. (2002). Removal of Pharmaceuticals during drinking water treatment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36,
3855 – 3863.
Verstraeten, I.M., Heberer, Th. (2002). Organic Chemical Removal Issues. Chapter 17. In (Ray, C., Melin, G.,
Linsky, R.B. eds.): Riverbank Filtration – Improving Source-Water Quality. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publ-
ishers, 321 – 330.
Verstraeten I.M., Heberer Th., Scheytt T. (2002). Occurrence, Characteristics, and Transport and Fate of Pesticides,
Pharmaceutical Active Compounds, and Industrial and Personal Care Products at Bank-Filtration Sites,
Chapter 9, In: (Ray C. ed.) Bank Filtration for Water Supply. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 175 – 227.
Zühlke S, Dünnbier U, Heberer Th, Fritz B (2004). Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Steroids: Investigation of Their
Release into the Environment and Their Behavior During Bank Filtration. In: (Heberer, Th. and Verstraeten, I.M.,
eds.), Special Issue on the Fate and Transport of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs)
During Ground Water Recharge. J. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation (GWMR) 24, 78 – 85.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V The impact of alternating redox conditions
on groundwater chemistry
during artificial recharge in Berlin
G. Massmann, J. Greskowiak, U. Dünnbier, S. Zuehlke, A. Pekdeger
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of variable redox conditions on a number of pharmaceutically
active compounds, namely carbamazepine, phenazone and AMDOPH (1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyl-oxymoyl-
2-phenylhydrazide) below an artificial recharge pond in Berlin. The redox conditions change seasonally, mainly
as a result of temperature changes of 0 to 24°C in the infiltrate. Aerobic conditions prevail in winter, while
manganese reducing conditions are reached below the pond in summer. Phenazone is redox sensitive and was
generally fully degraded before reaching the first groundwater well as long as oxygen was present. When con-
ditions turned anaerobic, phenazone was not fully eliminated. AMDOPH (1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyl-oxymoyl-
2-phenylhydrazide) and carbamazepine are very persistant drug residues. However, results suggest that AMDOPH
may be degradable under certain favourable conditions (i.e. aerobic conditions; relatively high temperatures, low
recharge rates), but further studies will need to verify this statement.
Artificial recharge, redox conditions, biodegradation, phenazone, pharmaceuticals.
In view of growing populations with increasing water demands and potential water shortages, artificial recharge of
groundwater is becoming increasingly more important all over the world as a sustainable method to save ground-
water resources and improve their quality. The 3.4 million inhabitants of metropolitan Berlin rely on drinking water
originating from local groundwater. Around 70 % of the abstracted groundwater originates from induced bank fil-
tration and artificial groundwater recharge (Pekdeger and Sommer-von Jarmerstedt, 1998). Because the local waste
water (WW) treatment plants discharge treated wastewater into the surface water while the natural discharge is low,
the hydrological system can be considered a semi-closed water cycle relying partly on indirect WW reuse. A number
of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) such as clofibric acid, diclofenac, ibuprofen, phenazone, propy-
phenazone, primidone and carbamazepine are not eliminated completely during the WW treatment process and
have been detected in the surface water (Heberer, 2002b; Reddersen et al., 2002).
Redox processes associated with the degradation of organic carbon by terminal electron acceptors (TEAs) such as
oxygen (O2), nitrate (NO3–), manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe)oxides and hydroxides and sulphate (SO42–) typically
proceed in a sequential order from the highest energy yield downwards (e.g. Berner, 1981). Redox processes change
the hydrochemical conditions of a hydrochemical system; they also may affect the behaviour of various other water
constituents such as organic substances, pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs; Holm et al., 1995) or heavy
metals, which is why it is important to understand the redox conditions of a groundwater recharge site.
This paper reports results from a field study derived from a monitoring transect of observation wells at an artificial
recharge pond near Lake Tegel (Tegeler See) in Berlin, Germany, where surface water is infiltrated. The main objec-
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
536 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
tive of this study was to investigate the fate of a number of PhACs during infiltration and their dependence on the
prevailing redox conditions below the pond.
The studied recharge pond lies within the catchment area of Tegel water works, which belongs to the Berlin
Water Company (Berliner Wasserbetriebe, BWB). The pond, together with two other ponds, is surrounded by over
40 production wells of the Saatwinkel and Hohenzollern well galleries (Figure 1). Surface water of the adjacent
Lake Tegel is pumped into the pond (pond area:
8,700 m²) after passing through a microstrainer
for pre-filtration. During an operational cycle, the
hydraulic conductivity of the pond decreases
with time due to clogging, leading to a decrease
of the infiltration capacity. To restore the infiltra-
tion capacity, the bottom of the pond is scraped
off regularly.
The porous sediments in the area are of Quaternary age and consist of fine to coarse-grained sands with a hydraulic
conductivity of 2 – 8 * 10 – 4 m /s. A more detailed description of the sediment properties is given in Massmann et al.
From November 2001 to April 2004, groundwater was sampled monthly. The sampling was later intensified
and done once or twice a week at the pond and the two sampled observation wells. Samples for cation analysis were
preserved with concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and stored at 4°C. Full water analysis was generally performed
one day after sampling. Water levels and temperatures were recorded daily using data loggers. Anions in the water
were measured with ion chromatography, DX 500 (Dionex Coop.) Cations in the water were determined with
an ICP (OES) IRIS (Nicolet). The DOC measurements were carried out with a ‘high TOC’ TOC / DOC-analyzer
(Elementar). From April 2004, anions and cations were measured by ion chromatography (IC, DX 100) and atomic
adsorption spectrometry (AAS, Perkin Elmer 5000), while DOC was measured photometrically with a Technicon
autoanalyser. The analgesic and antipyretic pharmaceuticals, namely dimethylaminophenazone, phenazone, propy-
phenazone, oxidative products of dimethylaminophenazone 1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyloxamoyl-2-phenylhy-
drazide (AMDOPH) and 1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-phenylhydrazid (AMPH) and the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine
were analysed among other high polar pharmaceutical residues. The determination of the PhACs was performed by
the laboratory of the BWB with a method based on a solid phase extraction of the analytes on RP-C18 materials
using an automated extraction system (Zuehlke et al., submitted, a). Liquid chromatographic separation coupled
with mass spectrometry was used for the detection of the analytes. To obtain both high sensitivity and selectivity,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 537
tandem mass spectrometry, recording multiple reaction monitoring chromatograms, was applied. The limits of
quantification (LOQs) are 50 ng/l for all relevant PhACs. Using a suitable surrogate for quantification, recoveries
were always around 100% (Zuehlke et al., submitted a).
Hydraulic situation
The pond is operated in cycles. An operational cycle starts after the pond has been emptied and the pond bottom
sands (the upper ~0.1 m) have been washed and cleaned of finer grained material. The pond is refilled and the pond
level kept constant. The groundwater level below the pond rises due to infiltration of water and the hydraulic con-
dition below the pond changes from unsaturated to fully saturated (reached when the groundwater-table is ~1 m or
less below the pond). The infiltration rate is largest after recovery, when saturated conditions prevail. With time, the
pond bottom becomes increasingly more clogged until, at some stage, the infiltration capacity decreases to an extent
that the conditions below the pond besome unsaturated due to decreasing groundwater levels. As soon as this
happens, the infiltration capacity decreases even more. The pond has to be redeveloped. The hydraulic regime is
described and illustrated in detail in Greskowiak et al. (in press) and Massmann et al., (this volume).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
538 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 539
Carbamazepine is thought to be a relatively persistent PhAC. Ternes (1998) showed that it is not removed effi-
ciently during drinking water treatment (< 10 %). During WW treatment in Berlin, Heberer and Reddersen (2001)
reported a removal rate of 8%. Any elimination during bank filtration in Berlin has been ascribed mainly to dilution
with background groundwater and only to a small degree to real removal (Heberer et al., 2004). In column studies
performed by Mersmann et al. (2002), 15 % of the carbamazepine was removed. Preuß et al. (2002) reported a high
persistence of carbamazepine in artificial groundwater model systems under both aerobic and anaerobic ground-
water conditions with elimination rates of < 20 %, which were ascribed to biodegradation rather than sorption
processes. These results can be confirmed in the current study. Irrespective of the redox state, carbamazepine con-
centrations in the groundwater resembled those of the surface water. A removal during infiltration was not observed
(Figure 2).
Redox conditions are highly transient during artificial recharge in Berlin and depend on a number of factors out of
which seasonal temperature changes are most dominant. In winter, at low temperatures, aerobic conditions prevail
while in summer, O 2 is rapidly consumed and nitrate and manganese reduction commences. The removal of
phenazone is not complete when anaerobic conditions are present i.e. under water-saturated conditions during
summer. AMDOPH may be degradable under favorable conditions (i.e. when aerobic conditions prevail; tempe-
ratures are relatively high while recharge rates are low). However, this will need to be verified in the future, since
other studies showed that AMDOPH behaves conservatively. While numerous studies have reported the detection of
PhACs in the groundwater (e.g. Stan and Linkenhägner, 1992; Heberer et al., 1998; Heberer, 2002a; Reddersen et
al., 2002; Derksen et al., 2004), only few have linked the PhAC removal and behaviour to the hydrochemical con-
ditions at a site. Daughton (2001) points out that the fate of PhACs in groundwater is poorly understood. On the
basis of current knowledge, more attention should be paid in future to the interrelation of PhACs’ occurrence with
the hydrochemical conditions, particularly the redox conditions, in a natural environment.
The study was conducted within the NASRI (Natural and Artificial Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) project of
the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB gGmbH). The authors would like to thank Veolia Water and the
Berlin Water Company for financing the study. We would also like to thank Dr. Birgit Fritz from the Competence
Centre of Water in Berlin and Heidi Dlubek and Patricia Luck from the Berlin Water Company for their support. We
acknowledge the contributions of Elke Weiß and Silke Meier and technical staff at the Berlin Water Company. We
also thank Dr. Paul Shand for revising the manuscript.
Berner R.A. (1981). A new geochemical classification of sedimentary environments. J. of Sedimentary Petrology,
51(2): 0359 – 0365.
Daughton C.G. (2001). Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Overarching Issues and
Overview. In: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment: Scientific and Regulatory Issues,
Daughton Ch.G. and Jones-Lepp T. L. (Editors). ACS/Oxford University Press, Washington, D.C.
David M.B., Gentry L. G., Smith K. M. and Kovacic D. A. (1997). Carbon, Plant, and Temperature Control of Nitrate
Removal from Wetland Mesocosms. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 90(3 and 4), 103 – 112.
Derksen J.G.M., Rijs G.B.J., and Jongbloed R.H. (2004). Diffuse pollution of surface water by pharmaceutical prod-
ucts. Wat. Sci. and Tech., 49(3), 213 – 221.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
540 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
Greskowiak J., Prommer H., Massmann G., Johnston C.D., Nützmann G., Pekdeger A. (in press). The Impact of
Variably Saturated Conditions on Hydrogeochemical Changes during Artificial Recharge of Groundwater. Appl.
Heberer T., Schmidt-Bäumler K. and Stan, H.-J. (1998). Occurrence and Distribution of Organic Contaminants in the
Aquatic System in Berlin. Part I: Drug residues and other Polar Contaminants in Berlin Surface and groundwater.
Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol., 26, 272 – 278.
Heberer T., Reddersen K. (2001). Occurence and fate of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic system of Berlin as
an example for urban ecosystems., Second International conference on pharmaceuticals and Endocrine
Disrupting Chemicals in Water, Minneapolis, USA.
Heberer T. (2002a). Occurence, fate and removal of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment: a review of
recent research data. Tox. Letters, 131, 5 – 17.
Heberer, T. (2002b). Tracking pharmaceutical residues from municipal sewage to drinking water. J. Hydrol., 266,
175 –189.
Heberer T., Michelinski A., Fanck B., Knappe A., Massmann G., Pekdeger A., Fritz B. (2004). Field Studies on the
Fate and Transport of Pharmaceutical Residues in Bank Filtration. Ground water Monitoring and Remidiation,
Holm J.V., Rügge K., Bjerg P.L., Christensen T.H., (1995). Occurrence and Distribution of Pharmaceutical Organic
Compounds in the Groundwater Downgradient of a Landfill (Grindsted, Denmark). Environ. Sci. Technol. 29(5),
1415 – 1420.
Massmann G., Greskowiak J., Dünnbier U., Zuehlke S., Knappe A., Pekdeger A. (submitted). The impact of alter-
nating redox conditions ion groundwater chemistry during artificial recharge in Berlin, J. of Hydrol.
Massmann G., Greskowiak J., Kohfahl, C., Taute T., Ohm B., Pekdeger A. (this volume). Evaluation of the hydro-
chemical conditions during bank filtration and artificial recharge in Berlin.
Mersmann P., Scheytt T., Heberer Th. (2002). Säulenversuche zum Transportverhalten von Arzneimittelwirkstoffen
in der wassergesättigten Zone. Acta hydrochim. et hydrobiol., 30(5-6), 275 – 284.
Pekdeger A. and Sommer-von Jarmerstedt C. (1998). Einfluß der Oberflächenwassergüte auf die Trinkwasser-
versorgung Berlins, Forschungspolitische Dialoge in Berlin. Geowissenschaft und Geotechnik, Berlin, 33 – 41.
Preuß G., Willme U., Zullei-Seibert N. (2002). Verhalten ausgewählter Arzneimittel bei der künstlichen Grund-
wasseranreicherung – Eliminierung und Effekte auf die mikrobielle Besiedlung. Acta hydrochim. et hydrobiol.,
29(5), 269 – 277.
Prommer H. and Stuyfzand. Identification of temperature dependent water quality changes during a deep well injec-
tion experiment in a pyritic aquifer. Environ. Sci. And Technol., in press.
Reddersen K., Heberer T., Dünnbier U. (2002). Identification and significance of phenazone drugs and their metabo-
lites in ground- and drinking water. Chemosphere, 49, 539 – 544.
Stan H.-J., Linkenhägner M. (1992). Identifizierung von 2-(4-Chlor-phenoxyl)-2-methyl-propionsäure im
Grundwasser mittels Kapillar-Gaschromatographie mit Atomemmissionsdetektion und Massenspektrometrie.
Vom Wasser 79, 85 – 88.
Ternes T.A. (1998). Occurence of drugs in german sewage treatment plants and rivers. Water Res., 32, 3245 – 3260.
Zuehlke S., Duennbier U., Heberer T. (submitted, a). Rapid determination of polar drug residues in sewage and sur-
face water applying liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), submitted to Analytical
Zuehlke S., Duennbier U., Heberer Th. (submitted, b). Detection and identification of phenazone-type drugs and
their microbial metabolites in ground- and drinking water applying solid-phase extraction and gas chromato-
graphy with mass spectrometric detection, submitted to Journal of Chromatography A.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Fate and transport of pharmaceutical
residues during bank filtration
Andy Mechlinski and Thomas Heberer
The interest in natural surface-water treatment techniques such as bank filtration and artificial ground water
replenishment has increased with the growing worldwide need for clean drinking water. After detecting a number
of pharmaceutical residues in groundwater samples from a bank filtration site in Berlin, Germany, the research
on these compounds has focused on investigating their transport behavior during the infiltration process. In
the studies presented in this paper, the fate of six pharmaceutical residues detected at concentrations up to the
µg/L-level in Berlin’s surface waters was investigated. During bank filtration, the analgesic drugs diclofenac and
propyphenazone, the antiepileptic drugs carbamazepine and primidone and the drug metabolites clofibric acid
and 1-acetyl-1-methyl-2-dimethyl-oxamoyl-2-phenylhydrazide (AMDOPH) were found to leach from the surface
water into the groundwater aquifers. They also occur at low ng /L-concentrations in the receiving water-supply
wells. Other compounds namely the antiphlogistic drug indometacine and the blood regulating drug bezafibrate
which are also detected at concentrations up 100 ng/L in the surface water are efficiently removed by bank fil-
tration. Thus, they have not been detected downstream of the first two monitoring wells. In conclusion, bank
filtration was found to decrease the concentrations of some drug residues (e.g. of diclofenac, carbamazepine)
or even to remove selected compounds (e.g. bezafibrate, indometacine). However, a complete removal of all
potential pharmaceutical residues by bank filtration cannot be guaranteed.
NASRI, drug residues, bank filtration, GC/MS, surface water, ground water.
Worldwide, pharmaceuticals are used in high amounts in human and animal medical care. The high production
volume of pharmaceuticals and an often incomplete metabolism of administered drugs in the target organism
results in often very polar and highly persistent residues. These residues of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites
are excreted via urine or faeces and are discharged via municipal sewers to the receiving sewage treatment plants
(STP’s). Because of their polar and highly persistent properties, several of the compounds can pass the STP’s and are
finally released into the receiving surface waters. Since the mid 90s, when the occurrence of several PhAC’s in differ-
ent compartments of the aquatic environment has been reported by several authors (Heberer et al., 1997; Halling-
Sørensen et al., 1998; Daughton et al., 1999), these compounds have now been recognized as an emerging issue in
environmental chemistry but also as being relevant for public drinking water supply. Bank filtration, used for
ground water recharge in drinking water production, is known as an important, effective, and cheap pre-treatment
technique for the removal of microbes, inorganic and also some organic contaminants from contaminated surface
waters. However, its purification capacity varies and is limited to selected contaminants. After detecting a number of
pharmaceutical residues in groundwater samples from a bank filtration site in Berlin, Germany, the research on
these compounds has focused on their transport behavior during the infiltration process. These investigations were
part of the interdisciplinary research project entitled NASRI (Natural and artificial systems for recharge and infiltra-
tion) that was initiated in May 2002.
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Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 543
Figure 2 shows the scheme of the transect at lake Tegel. It consists of eight monitoring wells (marked as 3305–3311
and TEG372) reaching into the shallow aquifer, five monitoring wells screened in the deeper aquifer (marked as
3301 – 3304 and TEG374), one multi-level well (TEG371OP / UP) screened at different depths to monitor the water
in both aquifers and the receiving water supply well no. 13. Additional information on hydrogeological and hydro-
geochemical processes are available and will be published soon (Massmann, in prep.).
Surface and ground water from all transects were sampled between May 2002 and August 2004. The samples were ana-
lyzed using two multi methods applying solid-phase extraction, chemical derivatization with pentafluorbenzyl-
bromide and gaschromatography-masspectrometry (GC / MS) using selected ion monitoring (SIM).In total, residues
of nineteen pharmaceuticals were detectable when using both methods as described elsewhere (Reddersen et al., 2003).
In terms of the investigations, residues of six pharmaceuticals or their metabolites including AMDOPH (1-acetyl-
1-methyl-2-dimethyl-oxamoyl-2-phenylhydrazide), bezafibrate, carbamazepine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, indo-
metacine, primidone and propyphenazone were found up to the µg/L-level in the surface water used as raw water
resource for bank filtration.
AMDOPH, is a metabolite of dimethylaminophenazone, a formerly used antiphlogistic /analgesic drug that has in
the meantime been prohibited from prescription. As shown in Table 1, AMDOPH was detected with median con-
centrations of 185 ng / L in surface water at transect Wannsee II. In the shallow monitoring wells near the lake
(BEE205 and BEE206) median concentrations between 133 ng / L and 148 ng / L were observed. However, due to
historical reasons (Reddersen et al., 2002), the deeper wells of the multi-level well BEE202OP/MP1/MP2/UP con-
tained higher median concentrations of AMDOPH with concentrations of up to 870 ng / L in monitoring well
BEE202MP2. In the receiving water supply well (no. 3) it was measured with a median concentration of 375 ng / L.
The water in this well represents a mixture of background ground water, ‘young’ bank filtrate from the shallow
monitoring wells and ‘older’ more contaminated bank filtrate as it was monitored at the deeper monitoring wells of
the multi-level well.
Table 1. Median concentrations [ng/L] of AMDOPH and carbamazepine at transect Wannsee II.
Sampling campaign from January 2003 until August 2004
Surface BEE205 BEE206 BEE202 BEE202 BEE202 BEE202 BEE203 Well 3 BEE204 BEE204
water OP MP1 MP2 UP UP OP
n=24 n=22 n=24 n=24 n=18 n=16 n=20 n=24 n=20 n=19 n=15
AMDOPH 185 133 148 49 480 870 750 105 375 220 15
Carbamazepine 380 328 340 218 163 35 18 260 65 10 n.d.
n.d.:not detectable
At transect Tegel, for AMDOPH a median concentration of 328 ng/L was detected in the surface water (Table 2).
Similar values were also detected in water samples collected from the shallow monitoring wells.
Table 2. Compounds with positive findings and their median concentrations [ng/L] at transect lake Tegel. Sampling
campaign from May 2002 until April 2004
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544 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
Again, AMDPOH was found at higher concentrations in the deeper monitoring wells (3301-3303) (Table 3).
Median concentrations between 308 ng /L and 490 ng/ L were detected in these monitoring wells. The highest
median concentration of 6.7 µg /L was detected in the deepest monitoring well (TEG374) screened in a depth
around 38 m below the ground.
Table 3. Compounds with positive findings and their median concentrations [ng/L] at transect lake Tegel.
Sampling campaign from May 2002 until August 2004
median Surface
concentrations 3301 3302 3303 TEG374 Well 13 3304
n=26 n=27 n=26 n=21 n=8 n=22 n=27
AMDOPH 328 490 308 340 6710 1165 220
Carbamazepine 583 235 295 250 n.d. 80 n.d.
n.d.:not detectable
The antiepileptic drug carbamazepine, another compound which was identified as being both highly persistent
and very mobile, was observed with a median concentration of 380 ng / L in the surface water at transect Wannsee II
and median concentrations between 328 ng /L and 340 ng / L in the shallow monitoring wells BEE205 and BEE206.
The median concentrations observed at multi-level well BEE202 are decreasing with depth starting with 218 ng /L
at BEE202OP down to 18 ng /L at the deepest well (BEE202UP). At the water supply well no. 3, a median con-
centration of 65 ng /L was observed for carbamazepine. The water in well no. 3 represents a mixture of ‘young’ bank
filtrate containing high concentrations of carbamazepine, of almost residue-free background ground water and of
‘older’ bank filtrate with almost non detectable concentrations of carbamazepine.
In front of transect Tegel, a median concentration of 583 ng /L of carbamazepine in the surface water was observed.
At the shallow monitoring wells 3311, 3310 and 3308, it was found with median concentrations between 493 ng /L
and 520 ng /L. As presented in Table 3, the deeper monitoring wells showed lower median concentrations down
below the limit of detection (well TEG374). A median concentration of carbamazepine of 80 ng /L was observed at
water supply well no. 13 that receives background ground water and both kinds of bank filtrate, younger bank fil-
trate as investigated in the shallow monitoring wells and “older” bank filtrate as observed in the deeper wells.
AMDOPH Carbamazepine
Transect Wannsee II Transect Wannsee II
2000 1000
800 9
conc. [ng/L]
conc. [ng/L]
15 600
1000 7 16
7 10
15 1
0 15
0 5
–500 –200
N = 24 22 24 24 18 16 20 24 20 19 15 N = 24 22 24 24 18 16 20 24 20 19 15
Well 3
Well 3
Surface water
Surface water
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 545
In Figure 3, the distribution of the detected AMDOPH and carbamazepine residues in the different monitoring wells
and the multi-level well BEE202 at transect Wannsee II are presented by their concentrations. The figure shows that
AMDOPH concentrations are increasing in the deeper wells whereas carbamazepine concentrations are decreasing.
As shown in Figure 4, the median concentrations of carbamazepine indicate only a slightly attenuation of this com-
pound of 11 % –14% between the surface water and those monitoring wells (BEE205, BEE206) located underneath
the lake. However, between the surface water and the receiving water supply well no. 3, an attenuation rate of 83%
was observed for carbamazepine.
Figure 5. Box plots of AMDOPH and carbamazepine concentrations at the monitoring wells at transect Tegel.
The box plot of AMDOPH does not include the deepest monitoring well TEG374 (median: 6,710 ng /L)
because of increasing resolution for significantly lower concentrations at the other monitoring wells
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546 Health aspects / Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds
As shown in Figure 6, attenuation rates between 11% and 15% were observed for carbamazepine by comparing the
median concentrations measured in the surface water and the shallow monitoring wells 3308, 3310 and 3311. At
the water supply well no. 13, carbamazepine was attenuated by more than 85 %.
AMDOPH Carbamazepine
Transect Tegel Transect Tegel
1800 1400
20 20
conc. [ng/L]
conc. [ng/L]
5 800 13
600 18 16 18 600 20
18 3
0 200 14
13 14
23 12
–600 –200
N = 26 16 11 16 17 18 18 27 26 21 22 27 6 N = 26 16 11 16 17 18 18 27 26 21 8 22 27 6
Surface water
Surface water
Well 13
Well 13
Figure 6. Attenuation rates [%] of carbamazepine median concentrations at transect Tegel
During bank filtration as conducted at lakes Wannsee and Tegel in Berlin, Germany, several drug residues including
the analgesic drug diclofenac and the antiepileptic drugs carbamazepine and primidone are leaching from conta-
minated surface water into the ground water aquifers. They also occur at low concentrations in receiving water-
supply wells. Indometacine (antiphlogistic drug) and bezafibrate (blood lipid regulator) are efficiently removed and
were not detected downstream of the first two monitoring wells. However, they were detectable at concentrations
up to 100 ng/L in the surface water. The drug metabolites AMDOPH and clofibric acid and the analgesic drug
propyphenazone were measured with higher concentrations in some monitoring wells than those detected in
surface water. As far as occurrence of AMDOPH and propyphenazone is concerned, this phenomenon could
be explained by an old environmental plume (Reddersen, 2002). Additionally the detected concentrations of
AMDOPH and propyphenazone at deeper parts of the aquifers allow the conclusion that these compounds are high-
ly persistent under anoxic /anaerobic conditions. The higher concentrations of the drug metabolite clofibric acid in
some monitoring wells compared to the surface water are the result of higher application rates of the original (pre-
cursor) pharmaceuticals in the past as well as the high persistence of its residues.
In conclusion, bank filtration has proven as being a useful technique for surface water pre-treatment and is also able
to remove some of the pharmaceutical residues such as indometacine and bezafibrate. Diclofenac and carba-
mazepine were only partly removed during the infiltration process. For historical reasons, other highly persistent
residues including AMDOPH, clofibric acid and propyphenazone appear at higher concentrations in some monitor-
ing wells compared to those found in surface water.
The authors thank Veolia waters and the Berlin water company for sponsoring the NASRI project and the Com-
petence Centre of Water Berlin, especially Dr. Birgit Fritz for the coordination and suggestions.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Pharmaceutical active compounds and endocrine disrupting compounds / Health aspects 547
Daughton, C. G., and Ternes, T. A. (1999). Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: Agents
of subtle change? Environ. Health Perspect, 107, 907– 938.
Halling-Sørensen, B., Nielsen, N., Lansky, P. F., Ingerslev, F., Hansen, L., Lützhøft, H. C., and Jørgensen, S. E. (1998).
Occurrence, fate and effect of pharmaceutical substances in the environment – a review. Chemosphere, 36,
357– 394.
Heberer, Th., and Stan, H. J. (1997). Determination of clofibric acid and N-(Phenylsulfonyl)-sarcosine in sewage,
river and drinking water. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 67, 113 – 124.
Massmann, G., Taute, Th., Kohfahl, Cl., Ohm, B., Knappe, A., Bernstein, A., Menzel, O., Nogeitzig, A., Richter, D.,
Rümmler, J., (in prep.). Hydrogeological-hydrogeochemical processes during bank filtration and ground water
recharge using a multi tracer approach. Final report of NASRI project.
Reddersen, K., Heberer, Th., and Dünnbier, U. (2002). Identification and significance of phenazone drugs and their
metabolites in ground – and drinking water. Chemosphere, 49, 539 – 544.
Reddersen, K., Heberer, Th. (2003). Mutli-compound methods for the detection of pharmaceutical residues in
various waters applying solid phase extraction (SPE) and gas chromatography with mass spectrometric (GC-MS)
detection. J. Sep. Sci., 26, 1443 – 1450.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Fate of bulk organics during bank filtration
of wastewater-impacted surface waters
Steffen Grünheid and Martin Jekel
More than two years of monitoring data from a bank filtration site in Berlin, Germany, and a long retention soil
column system (30 m) were analyzed to study the influence of redox conditions on the degradation of bulk
organics. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), UV-absorption at 254 nm (UVA 254) and liquid chromatography with
online carbon detection (LC-OCD) was employed to receive qualitative and quantitative information about the
fate of different fractions of DOC. It was found that the kinetics of DOC-degradation depend significantly on the
dominant redox conditions during infiltration. A faster mineralization of biodegradable DOC was observed during
oxic soil passage (~1 month). Anoxic infiltration led to a comparable residual DOC-concentration, but 3-6 months
were required for complete removal of biodegradable DOC (BDOC). LC-OCD measurements revealed that the
fraction of polysaccharides (PS) is removed very fast during infiltration in the field. Under strictly anoxic con-
ditions the PS were more stable. The fractions of humic substances, building blocks and low molecular weight
acids were degraded partially, independently from the redox potential, while the change in aromaticity of the
residual DOC was influenced by the dominant redox conditions.
Bank filtration; soil columns; DOC; LC-OCD; SUVA.
The issue of safe and stable drinking water supply is addressed around the world with different treatment techno-
logies. One possibility of growing interest is the technology of bank filtration. In Europe, river- and lake- bank
filtration sites have been operated for over a century to provide save drinking water to cities like Zurich, Düsseldorf
and Berlin. In the city of Berlin 56 % of the drinking water is derived from bank filtration and 14% from artificial
recharge (BWB, 2003). The water utility is using well operated bank filtration and artificial recharge facilities to pro-
vide high quality water that needs little further treatment. With the growth of the city a semi-closed urban water
cycle has been managed. At some bank filtration sites the surface water is strongly influenced by well-treated
domestic waste water effluent (e.g. 15 – 30% in Lake Tegel) (Ziegler, 2001). Despite this indirect potable reuse,
the bank filtration system is providing high quality water, which is distributed without chlorination. This unique
situation in Berlin was considered an interesting field site for a research project of the Berlin Centre of Competence
for Water. The objectives of the NASRI-project (Natural Systems for Recharge and Infiltration) were to investigate
the fate of microbiological and chemical loads of the surface water during infiltration (NASRI, 2003). This paper
will show results of the Department of Water Quality Control at the Technical University of Berlin (DWQC) on the
removal of bulk organic matter during bank filtration. Additionally, the DWQC utilizes soil column systems to
isolate important factors of influence for the degradation of bulk organics.
The field studies on the fate of bulk organics were conducted at a bank filtration site in Berlin-Tegel. Additionally,
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 549
results of experiments on a long retention column system which was operated under oxic and anoxic conditions
will be presented. The monthly analytical program which is discussed in this paper contained DOC, UVA and
LC-OCD analysis. Additionally, all samples were analyzed for general hydrochemistry parameters to characterize the
infiltration process more detailed.
• Field site
The examined field site is operated with water from Lake Tegel which is influenced by the discharge of the waste-
water treatment plant Schönerlinde. Based on LC-OCD analysis, the DOC-composition of Lake Tegel is character-
ized by high values (~ 7.5 mg/l), of a mostly natural origin: fulvic acids associated with the background groundwater
(4 – 5 mg/l DOC), effluent organic matter with a contribution of 1– 2 mg / l DOC and algal cellular products. The
dominant soil type at the Lake Tegel bank filtration site is sand. In the direct infiltration zone near the lake the
hydraulic permeability of the clogged sand (k = 5 * 10 – 6 m /s) (Fritz et al. 2002) is lower than in the deeper aquifer
(k = 2 – 8 * 10– 4 m/s) (Pekdeger et al. 2004). The sampling points for the bulk organic analysis at the field site
were selected to reproduce the flow path of the infiltrating water to the production well. The individual retention
times for each monitoring well were determined by the shift of the seasonal variation of the ratio of
oxygen isotopes (δ18O) in the surface water (Pekdeger et al. 2004). At the bank filtration site some dilution
with deeper groundwater was observed and quantified with the help of boron data (Pekdeger et al. 2004). Data for
retention times and dilution with deeper groundwater are included in Figure 1. A detailed description of the field
site and a distribution of the used monitoring wells are available at Pekdeger et al. (2004).
Figure 1. Cross section of bank filtration site at Lake Tegel (modified and reproduced from Pekdeger, 2004)
At the bank filtration site it was found that most of the lake water is initially infiltrating under oxic conditions.
Because of mineralization of DOC and sedimentary bound POC (~ 0.5% w/w) during infiltration oxygen is used up
quickly and most of the 4 – 5 month long infiltration (100 m) to the production well is usually taking place under
anoxic and anaerobic conditions (iron and manganese reduction). The extension and position of the redox zones
varies seasonally and is horizontally stratified (Pekdeger et al. 2004). The average nitrate concentration in Lake
Tegel is 1.83 mg / l NO 3 –N. During the first sixteen months (05 / 02 – 09 / 03) of the observation period the nitrate
level was significantly reduced during infiltration (Average NO3–N: 3302: 0.07 mg / l and 3303: < LOQ).
The summer of 2003 was very dry in Berlin and the combination of the low water level in Lake Tegel and the
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550 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
heavy pumping of the production well pumps led to an expanded zone of unsaturated infiltration under the lake.
After passage of the biologically very active water-sediment interface the bank filtrate was aerated again during a
short unsaturated infiltration. Beginning in October 2003 until June 2004 elevated oxygen and nitrate concen-
trations were observed in the deeper monitoring wells and the production well (∅-NO3 –N: 3302: 1.16 mg / l and
3303: 0.47 mg / l). During these nine month the dominant redox conditions at the field site changed from anoxic /
anaerobic with Fe / Mn-reduction to oxic. The differences in the fate of the bulk organics between the two redox
conditions are investigated.
• Column system
A long retention soil column system was used to simulate a one dimensional aquifer. The study was conducted on a
30 m column system, which was operated with spiked water from Lake Tegel and had a retention time of 30 days
(Figure 2). The columns were filled with natural fine sand from the Berlin area. Flow and hydraulic loading rate
were selected to fit the conditions at the field site. The columns were sampled at different depths to investigate the
kinetics of the bulk organic degradation.
During the first part of the experiment oxic conditions were established in the soil columns. The oxic period lasted
twelve months until May 2004. During this period oxygen was present in the whole column and no denitrification was
observed. From May 2004 the redox status of the column system was switched to anoxic (NO3– reducing) by sparging
the influent with nitrogen (O2 in influent: ~1 mg / l). Denitrification was observed but nitrate was not completely
depleted from the system. No oxygen was detectable in the sampling ports. Monitoring of the DOC, UVA and
redox-conditions ensured stable conditions over the time. Results from both phases will be presented.
At the field site the surface water, monitoring wells, and abstraction (production) well were sampled monthly over
a period of 27 months for the bulk organic parameters. The wells were purged for 30 minutes at pumping rates of
12 m3 / h before sampling to ensure stable conditions (on line measurement of temperature, redox potential,
dissolved O2, pH, and conductivity). Afterwards the samples were stored in glass bottles at 4°C in the dark and if
necessary filtered through 0.45 µm cellulose nitrate membrane filters. DOC was determined after 0.45 µm filtration
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 551
with an ELEMENTAR HighTOC analyzer (Hanau, Germany). UV absorbance at 254 nm (UVA254) was measured
using a PERKIN-ELMER Photometer Lambda 12 (Berlin, Germany). For the LC-OCD, a liquid chromatography
method that quantitatively distinguishes between different fractions of DOC, a system of the DOC-Labor Dr. Huber
(Karlsruhe, Germany), was used (Huber and Frimmel 1996). The system uses a macroporous resin to achieve a
separation of different sized DOC-fractions. The fractions are detected by UVA and an online DOC-analyzer. SUVA
was calculated as the quotient of UVA254 and DOC-concentration.
Results of 2¼ years of field monitoring at Lake Tegel and more than two years of column studies are summarized in
this paper. The results are presented with the focus on the influence of the redox conditions on the removal of bulk
Figure 3 A. DOC at bank filtration site for two observed redox conditions / B: DOC of column experiment
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552 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
oxic conditions the efficient removal during the initial infiltration is followed by a plateauing of the DOC levels and
a slower removal. Under both conditions a similar residual DOC concentration can be achieved, if sufficient reten-
tion time is allowed under anoxic /anaerobic conditions.
These results are consistent with finding of the soil columns experiments (Figure 3b). The simulation experiments
allowed a more precise investigation of the fate of DOC during the first month of infiltration depending on the
dominant redox conditions. In the oxic soil columns 47% of the DOC was removed. Under anoxic conditions
the initial oxic phase which occurs invariably in the field because of oxygen saturated surface water was reduced to
the lowest practicable dimensions (< 0.21 m). There only 31 % of the source DOC was removed during 30 days of
infiltration. The results support the field results that the DOC removal under oxic conditions is faster than under
anoxic or anaerobic conditions. The removal rates are within the range of the rates observed in the field. A slightly
higher removal can be explained by a higher average water temperature in the soil columns (15 °C, field: 12 °C).
Because of their limited retention time the column experiments could not demonstrate that the residual not-degrad-
able DOC-concentration is similar under oxic and anoxic / anaerobic conditions.
Figure 4 shows LC-OCD chromatograms of samples from the bank filtration site, and indicates that the character of
the DOC partly changed after infiltration. The first peak corresponds to the largest molecular weight fraction, inter-
preted as polysaccharides (PS; elution time at 35-45 min), the second peak corresponds to the humic substances
(HS; elution time 52 min) and HS building blocks (secondary peak; 57 min), and the third to low molecular weight
acids (LMA; 62 min). From the LC-OCD measurements of the field samples (Figure 4) no distinct differences
between the oxic and the anoxic/anaerobic stage could be assessed. Under all conditions the fraction of polysaccha-
rides was completely removed, whereas other fractions (humics, humic hydrolysates) exhibited only partial
Figure 4. LC-OCD chromatogram of bank filtration site (May 2003, anoxic period)
and explanation of LC-OCD chromatogram
It is assumed that this fraction of polysaccharides is mineralized instantly in the oxic infiltration zone, because at no
time PS were detected in the first observation well (3311). The results of the soil column experiments support the
assumption of a rapid biodegradation for this DOC-fraction, because in an abiotic column only minor filtration
effects were observed. Generally, LC-OCD chromatograms of the field site were comparable to the chromatograms
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 553
of the oxic period of the long retention column (Figure 5a). Both, in the field and in the columns the most funda-
mental change during infiltration was observed for the fraction of the polysaccharides. PS were efficiently removed
in the first 0.21 m of oxic infiltration in the soil columns (Figure 5a). Furthermore, the fractions of HS, HS building
blocks and LMA were only partially degraded. It is noteworthy that even a part of the HS peak was removed, gener-
ally assumed to be mostly nondegradable.
During the anoxic period of the column system the portion of HS-building blocks and LMA on the total DOC of the
source water decreased and the peak intensity of the corresponding peaks was reduced (Figure 5a / b). However, a
slower degradation of the polysaccharide fraction was observed under anoxic conditions in the column system. PS
were still detectable after 30 days of anoxic infiltration (Figure 5b). The fractions of HS, HS building blocks and
LMA showed a similar partial removal as under oxic conditions. Because of the slower DOC degradation kinetics
the chromatograms are more pooled together in the anoxic period. Despite of the PS-fraction, a difference in the
degradability of the single fractions under oxic or anoxic / anaerobic conditions was not observed.
The specific UV-absorbance (SUVA) was calculated using the DOC-results and the UVA254-measurements.
SUVA-data reveal more details about the mechanisms of DOC-mineralization because a change in SUVA during
treatment or infiltration indicates a preferred removal of aliphatic (SUVA-increase) or aromatic (SUVA-decrease)
carbon sources. The SUVA of the
surface water in Lake Tegel is around
2.1 l/m * mg. Seasonal variations of
the PS-concentrations lead to slightly
higher SUVA results during winter.
During infiltration at the bank filtra-
tion site an initial increase to 2.4 l/m * mg
of the SUVA was observed, but during
subsequent soil passage the SUVA
decreased again to 2.1 l / m * mg. In
the oxic soil column experiment
the SUVA increased very rapidly to
2.38 l / m * mg after 0.21 m infiltration
(Figure 6). The results indicate that
during initial aerobic soil passage Figure 6 SUVA results of the soil column experiment
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554 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
aliphatic carbon sources are preferentially used. LC-OCD measurements revealed that the changes in SUVA result
from the fast removal of the PS-fraction and from a change of the aromaticity in the HS-fraction. In the online meas-
urement the HS-fraction showed major changes in SUVA, while HS-building blocks and LMA were constant. It is
assumed that in the HS-fraction aliphatic side-chains are very fast mineralized, but aromatic and double-bond struc-
tures remain longer unchanged. During further infiltration more aromatic structures in the HS fraction are degraded
and the SUVA decreases. During anoxic infiltration the increase in SUVA is slower. LC-OCD measurements proved
that under anoxic conditions the slower removal of PS is responsible for the slower rise of SUVA. In the HS-fraction
no initial preferential removal of aliphatics was observed and the SUVA remained stable during the first 1.6 m of
infiltration. Afterwards, the mineralization of aromatics from the HS-fraction leads to a decreasing SUVA. However,
the results indicate that aliphatic compounds are initially degraded under oxic conditions and subsequently aromat-
ics. Under anoxic conditions the fate of aromatics and aliphatics seemed more balanced, excepting polysaccharides.
The results of the field monitoring program give new insights into the mechanisms of bulk and trace organic
removal. Aerobic and anoxic subsurface conditions during infiltration can lead to approximately the same residual
DOC but the study indicates significant differences in the kinetics of DOC-removal depending on the redox con-
ditions. Aerobic conditions result in a fast degradation of BDOC within a month, while anoxic conditions appear to
require 3 – 6 months. LC-OCD analysis reveals that the change in character is comparable. Under oxic conditions
the fraction of polysaccharides is removed more efficiently than under anoxic conditions. The fractions of humic
substances, building blocks and low molecular weight acids are degraded partially. The SUVA-results indicated that
aromaticity of the residual dissolved organic carbon is increasing fast during initial infiltration. Afterwards, aromatic
compounds are mineralized leading to a lower SUVA. Under anoxic conditions the described processes are slower
and more balanced.
The financial support to the NASRI-program, a research project of the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water
(KWB gGmbH), is provided by Berlin Water Company (BWB) and Veolia Water. Furthermore, the authors like to
thank the other workgroups of the NASRI-project for their close collaboration.
Berliner Wasser Betriebe. (2003): http://www.bwb.de.
Fritz B., J. Sievers, S. Eichhorn and A. Pekdeger. (2002). Geochemical and hydraulic investigations of river sedi-
ments in a bank filtration system. In: Dillon, P. (ed.): Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Balkema,
Adelaide, Australia) 95 –100.
NASRI. (2003): http://www.kompetenz-wasser.de.
Huber, S. and Frimmel, F. (1996). Gelchromatographie mit Kohlenstoffdetektion (LC-OCD): Ein rasches und
aussagekräftiges Verfahren zur Charakterisierung hydrophiler organischer Wasserinhaltsstoffe, Vom Wasser,
Vol. 86, pp.277 – 290.
Pekdeger A., G. Massmann, B. Ohm. (2004). 2nd Periodic Report: Hydrogeological-hydrogeochemical processes
during bank filtration and groundwater recharge using a multitracer tracer approach. NASRI-Projekt, 80 pp.
Ziegler D. (2001). Untersuchungen zur Nachhaltigkeit der Uferfiltration und künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung
in Berlin. (Investigations on the sustainability of bank filtration in Berlin’s water cycle), Doctoral Dissertation
accepted by: Technical University of Berlin, 2001-04-24. http://edocs.tu-berlin.de/diss/2001/ziegler_doerte.htm.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Fate of trace organic pollutants
during bank filtration
and groundwater recharge
Steffen Grünheid and Martin Jekel
Investigations on the behaviour of different trace organic compounds at a bank filtration site at Lake Wannsee in
the city of Berlin, Germany are reported. More than two years of monitoring for the bulk parameter differentiated
adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) revealed a more efficient degradation of adsorbable organic iodine (AOI) and
adsorbable organic bromine (AOBr) under anoxic/anaerobic conditions. 64% of AOI were removed under reducing
condition, whereas under oxic conditions only ~35% were dehalogenated. One year of monitoring of the single
organic pollutants Iopromide (X-ray contrast agent), Sulfamethoxazole (bacteriostatica) and naphthalene-
sulfonic acid (industrial chemical) showed that the redox conditions have a strong influence on the degradation
behaviour of some of the monitored compounds. Iopromide was efficiently removed under oxic conditions, but no
evidence for a dehalogenation under oxic conditions was found. Sulfamethoxazole showed a better removal under
anoxic / anaerobic conditions (97% in 0.5 month retention time). Oxic infiltration only led to a removal of 62%,
even with longer retention times of 2.8 months. The very stable 1.5-naphthalenesulfonic acid was not removed
under either redox conditions.
Bank filtration; artificial recharge; trace pollutants; AOX (absorbable organic halogens).
Bank filtration and groundwater recharge provide an important drinking water source to the city of Berlin. 56% of
the drinking water is derived from bank filtration and 14% from artificial recharge (BWB, 2003). At most field sites,
surface water contains portions of sewage treatment plant effluent (Ziegler, 2001). Due to water recycling, the intro-
duction of effluent organic matter (EfOM) and persistent trace pollutants in the drinking water may be a concern.
The project ‘Organic Substances in Bank filtration and Groundwater Recharge - Process Studies’ at the Department
for Water Quality Control (DWQC) at the Technical University Berlin is part of the ‘Natural and Artificial Systems
for Recharge and Infiltration (NASRI)’-project of the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (NASRI, 2003). One of
the research objectives of the project is to study the removal of trace organics at three field sites with different char-
acteristics. Besides the redox state, factors such as retention time, initial degradable carbon concentration, soil prop-
erties and hydrogeological conditions may affect the final concentration. The factors of influence are studied for a
few model compounds that represent groups of trace pollutants.
The paper highlights the fate of trace organics at a bank filtration site at Lake Wannsee in Berlin. The trace organic
analysis is focusing on differentiated AOX (AOI, AOBr)-analysis (Oleksy-Frenzel, 2000) and three groups of trace
pollutants. The groups are X-ray contrast media (Iopromide); bacteriostatica (Sulfamethoxazole) and naphthalene-
disulfonates (1,5-NSA; 1,7-NSA; 2,7-NSA). Besides the trace organic analytics all samples were analyzed for general
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
556 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
hydrochemistry and bulk organic parameters to characterize the infiltration process more detailed. (Hydrochemistry
data in Pekdeger et al. (2004))
Field site
The examined field site is operated with water from Lake Wannsee which is influenced by the discharge of different
wastewater treatment plants of Berlin. The wastewater portion in front of the transect is highly variable from
5 – 50% depending on precipitation and discharge schedule of treatment plant Ruhleben. Highest wastewater pro-
portions are observed in summer when the natural discharge is low and Ruhleben discharges into the Teltowcanal
(Pekdeger et al., 2004). A more detailed description of the field site is available in Pekdeger et al. (2004). At the
bank filtration site it was found that only in the upper part of the top groundwater layer is included into the actual
bank filtration system receiving new bank filtrate. Deeper monitoring wells receive older bank filtrate and do not
show the shifted seasonal variations of the surface water.
Therefore, the paper will highlight the processes in the shallow monitoring wells 205, 206, 202OP and 203. At the
water-sediment interface in the lake the water infiltrates under oxic conditions. Depending on the position in the
lake the infiltration takes place under more saturated conditions (monitoring well 205) or under unsaturated con-
ditions (206). Under more saturated conditions the mineralization of aqueous DOC and sedimentary bound POC
during infiltration leads to a depletion of oxygen and nitrate (205) and a decreasing redox potential. Under unsatu-
rated conditions no depletion of O2 and NO3 occurs because of the close contact of the water to the interstitial air
and the redox potential remains high. During further infiltration in the upper ground water layer oxygen is deliv-
ered to the bank filtrate continuously from the water - soil air interface. The infiltration along 202OP and 203 to
production well 3 (70 m, 3 month) can be regarded as an oxic infiltration. The extension and position of the redox
zones is horizontally stratified and varies seasonally. In the production well water from different aquifers is mixed
and the portion of 3 month old bank filtrate is low (à~15%). Other fractions are older bank filtrate from the other
side of the lake and deeper groundwater from different aquifers (Pekdeger et al., 2004).
The sampling points for the trace organic pollutants analysis at the field site were selected to reproduce the shortest
flow path of the presently infiltrating water to the production well. The individual retention times for each monitor-
ing well were determined by the shift of the seasonal variation of the ratio of oxygen isotopes (δ18O) in the surface
water (Pekdeger et al., 2004). The dilution with deeper groundwater in the production well was quantified with the
help of boron data (Pekdeger et al., 2004). Data for retention times and dilution with deeper groundwater are
included in Figure 1. The investigated trace organic compounds were present in the surface water in detectable con-
Figure 1. Cross section of bank filtration site Berlin-Wannsee (upper aquifer; modified from Pekdeger, 2004)
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 557
centrations. The concentration of AOX (AOI and AOBr) in the surface water followed a seasonal cycle with higher
concentrations during summer.
Besides the DOC and UVA254-analysis (not a focus of this paper) the analytical program is comprised of differ-
entiated AOX-analysis and trace organic analysis. Adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) are an issue for the aquatic
environment for several years. Triiodinated X-ray agents, which are very stable and hydrophilic, contribute to large
amounts (> 5 0%) of the total AOI in Berlins municipal wastewater and are introduced to the surface waters. The
protocol for the differentiated analysis of the organohalogens consists of coupled combustion and ion chromatogra-
phy and is described in Oleksy-Frenzel et al. (2000).
The trace organic compounds Iopromide, Sulfamethoxazole and the isomers of naphthalenesulfonic acids (Table 1)
were all extracted by different solid phase extractions (SPE) and measured with standard addition in high perform-
ance liquid chromatography with MS/MS- and FLD-detectors. Table 2 shows more details on the trace compound
Liquid chromatography H2O / MeOH with Gradient H2O / MeOH with Gradient Ion pair chromatography
Detector MS/MS (Micromass) MS/MS (Micromass)
Limit of detection 5 ng l–1 5 ng l–1 10 ng l–1
Method described in Putschew et al. 2001 Hartig 2000 Storm et al. 1999
Results of more than two years of field monitoring (AOX) and nearly one year for trace compounds are presented,
with a special focus on the fate of the pollutants during infiltration under different redox conditions.
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558 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
Figure 2 illustrates that the AOI- concentration in the surface water of Lake Wannsee follows a seasonal trend with
higher concentrations during summer. This is due to variation in the dilution of the sewage treatment plant
effluents. The results show that the fate of the AOI during infiltration is different under aerobic (206, 202OP and
203) and anoxic/anaerobic (205) conditions. The surface water variation of AOI has a stronger effect on the aerobic
monitoring wells, where the average AOI-reduction is only 30–40%. This seems not strongly dependent on the
retention time because the monitoring well with retention times of less than a month (206; 39%) shows similar
results as the monitoring well with retention times of 2.6 month (203; 31%). Monitoring well 205 has a complete
different redox chemistry. Due to the saturated infiltration the redox potential is lower and nitrate reduction was
observed (NO3 – N: surface water: 1.0 mg / l; 205: 0.03 mg / l). The lower redox potential causes a more efficient
reduction of AOI during the recharge process (64% during 0.5 month retention time). In Berlin-Wannsee the AOI of
the deeper and background groundwater at the field site is very low (~ 2 µg / l) and the mixing in the production
well (Well 3) leads to an AOI-concentration in the extracted raw water of 2–2.5 µg / l.
These results are consistent with findings at other field sites in Berlin. At the predominantly anoxic/anaerobic bank
filtration site at Lake Tegel AOI reduction rates of app. 60 % were observed during a 4 –5 months infiltration (100 m
infiltration distance).
At the oxic artificial recharge facility in Berlin-Tegel the reduction rate was 30 %. This inverse correlation between
AOI-removal and redox potential most probably originates from the initial step of AOI-mineralization - reductive
dehalogenation. It is known that the degradation of halogen substituted organics is more effective in soil passages
with low redox potential (Mohn and Tiedje 1992). The results from the field site Wannsee show evidently that
low redox potentials are essential for an efficient degradation of AOI and that even a duplication or triplication
of retention times and infiltration distances can not compensate the absence of reducing conditions.
• AOBr
For AOBr a similar trend as for AOI was observed. The monitoring well with the lowest redox potential
(205) showed a reduction of 81%. Under oxic conditions the average removal rates were clearly lower (206: 45%;
202OP: 58%; 203: 54%). The water of the production well contained only 14% of the surface water AOBr.
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 559
The overall better removal of AOBr than of AOI was due to high concentrations of algae associated AOBr during
summer. This seasonal fraction of AOBr seems to be easily degradable under oxic and anoxic/anaerobic conditions,
because the 500%-increase of AOBr-concentration during summer was not observed in any of the monitoring wells.
There the AOBr-concentration remains year-round relatively stable at the mentioned levels. This indicates the exis-
tence of a second AOBr-fraction which is not algae associated and which is present all year. Only this fraction shows
the preferential removal under anoxic/anaerobic conditions that we observed for AOI.
Trace pollutants
The single compound analysis for the trace pollutants Iopromide, Sulfamethoxazole and different naphthalene-
sulfonic acids was started in spring 2003, providing data for the time period May 2003 to March 2004. The moni-
toring showed that these trace organic compounds which stand for different groups of persistent pollutants behave
differently during infiltration. For some compounds an influence of the redox conditions on the degradability could
be revealed. Figure 3 presents data on the fate of the trace compounds during infiltration. The results are presented
as box plots with the 50 %-quartile or median (horizontal centre line) and the 25 %- and 75 %-quartiles (box). The
error bars denote the minimum and maximum values. For the calculation of the removal rates the arithmetic mean
of all measurements was used.
Iopromide occurred in the highest concentrations in the surface water. Due to the fact that Iopromide as a tri-
iodinated benzene derivate is part of the bulk parameter AOI (share in surface water ~5%), it was expected that the
removal mechanisms for both parameters are similar.
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560 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
sites. The degradation of Sulfamethoxazole seems to be redox dependent as well. In Berlin-Wannsee Sulfame-
thoxazole shows a better removal under anoxic/anaerobic conditions. During half a month of infiltration to moni-
toring well 205 the surface water concentration (224 ng /l, n = 16, σ = 62 ng /l) was efficiently degraded by 97%
(205: 4 measurements > LOQ; average: 7 ng /l, n = 12, σ = 12 ng /l). The oxic infiltration path along 206, 202OP
and 203 displayed smaller degradation rates ranging from 46 % to 64%. An influence of a longer retention time was
observed because the monitoring well 202OP and 203 (retention times 2.4 and 2.8 month) showed higher removal
rates than the 206 (0.5 month). The better removal of Sulfamethoxazole under anoxic /anaerobic conditions is con-
sistent with findings of Schmidt et al. (2004) at other bank filtration sites in Germany. In the production well 3 the
mixing with background and deeper groundwater leads to low concentrations.
Naphthalenedisulfonates are well known polar contaminants of treated wastewater and surface water. The different
isomers behave nearly similar in the environment but show different degradation properties. In contrast to
Iopromide and Sulfamethoxazole, 1,5-naphthalenesulfonic acid was not efficiently degraded under either redox
conditions. This is consistent with findings of Stüber et al. (2002) who reported the 1.5 NSA as very stable in waste-
water treatment plants. The concentration of the 1,5-naphthalenesulfonic acid remains nearly constant during oxic
and anoxic/anaerobic infiltration and is only diluted in the production well. For the 1,7- and the 2,7 NSA-isomers,
degradation rates of 13% and 3% were observed under anoxic / anaerobic conditions (205). The results for monitor-
ing wells 206, 202OP and 203 indicated a better removal of these pollutants under aerobic conditions. The surface
water concentration was reduced by 72% and 63%, respectively. These results show that some naphthalenesulfonic
acids (1,5 NSA) are very poorly biodegradable and it is not to be expected to eliminate these isomers during bank
filtration. Other biodegradable isomers (1,7- and 2,7 NSA) display a more efficient reduction during oxic infil-
The results from the field monitoring at the bank filtration site Berlin-Wannsee provided insight into the degrada-
tion characteristics of different trace organic pollutants under field conditions. It was found that for some com-
pounds the dominating redox conditions are important for the observed reduction rates. A significant different
removal between aerobic and anoxic/anaerobic soil passage was observed for AOX. AOI and AOBr were better
degradable under anoxic/anaerobic conditions with removal rates of 64% and 81%, respectively.
The trace compound Iopromide, an x-ray contrast agent achieved higher removal rates under oxic conditions. But
there were strong indications that the removal was based on an aerobic metabolization and not on dehalogenation
and mineralization. Sulfamethoxazole exhibited an efficient removal under anoxic/anaerobic conditions (97%).
Oxic infiltration led for this compound to a reduction of 46%, which was increasing with higher retention times
(2.8 month: 64%). For the isomers of the naphthalenesulfonic acid different removal efficiencies were observed.
The 1,5-NSA was not degradable under all redox conditions, but the 1,7- and 2,7-NSA isomers were preferably
removed aerobically. The presented field data shows that depending on the redox conditions the removal of various
trace organic compounds follows different patterns and kinetics. Apart from compounds that are not biodegradable
in bank filtration and compounds that are already mineralized in the water or at the water/sediment interface differ-
ent groups of trace pollutants are only efficiently degraded under favoured conditions. These favoured conditions
differ from group to group. Any knowledge about preferential degradation conditions for problematic compounds
might help to estimate the removal potential of a given field site. Within the limits the design parameters can be
optimized to increase the removal of the problematic compound.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 561
The financial support to the NASRI-program, a research project of the Berlin Centre of Competence for Water
(KWB gGmbH), is provided by Berlin Water Company (BWB) and Veolia Water. Furthermore, the authors like to
thank the other workgroups of the NASRI-project for their close collaboration.
Berliner Wasser Betriebe, (2003): http://www.bwb.de.
Hartig C. (2000). Analytik, Vorkommen und Verhalten aromatischer Sulfonamide in der aquatischen Umwelt.
(Analysis and behaviour of aromatic sulfonamides in the aquatic environment). Doctoral Dissertation accepted
by: Technical University of Berlin, School of Process Sciences and Engineering, 2000-08-29, http://edocs.tu-
Mohn W. W. and J. M. Tiedje (1992). Microbial reductive dehalogenation. Microbiol Rev. 1992; 56(3): 482 – 507.
NASRI, (2003).: http://www.kompetenz-wasser.de.
Oleksy-Frenzel J., S. Wischnack and M. Jekel (2000). Application of ion-chromatography for the determination of
the organic-group parameters AOCl, AOBr and AOI in water. Fresen. J. Anal. Chem., 366, 89 – 94.
Pekdeger A., G. Massmann, B. Ohm (2004). 2nd Periodic Report: Hydrogeological-hydrogeochemical processes dur-
ing bank filtration and groundwater recharge using a multitracer tracer approach. NASRI-Projekt, 80 pages.
Putschew A., S. Schittko, M. Jekel (2001). Quantification of triiodinated benzene derivatives and X-ray contrast
media in water samples by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 930,
127 – 134.
Schmidt C.K., F.T. Lange; H.-J. Brauch. (2004). Assessing the impact of different redox conditions and residence
times on the fate of organic micropollutants during riverbank filtration. Proceedings ‘4th International
Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Water’, 13.-15.10.2004, Minneapolis,
Storm T., T. Reemtsma, M. Jekel (1999). Use of volatile amines as ion-pairing agents for the high-performance liq-
uid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric determination of aromatic sulfonates in industrial wastewater.
J. Chromatogr. A, 854, 175 – 185.
Stüber M., T. Reemtsma, M. Jekel (2002). Determination of naphthalene sulfonates in tannery wastewater and their
behaviour in a membrane bioreactor. Vom Wasser, 98, 133 – 144.
Ziegler D. (2001). Untersuchungen zur Nachhaltigkeit der Uferfiltration und künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung
in Berlin. (Investigations on the sustainability of bank filtration in Berlin's water cycle), Doctoral Dissertation
accepted by: Technical University of Berlin, 2001-04-24. http://edocs.tu-berlin.de/diss/2001/ziegler_doerte.htm.
Ziegler D. (2001). Untersuchungen zur Nachhaltigkeit der Uferfiltration und künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung
in Berlin, (Investigations about sustainability of bank filtration and artificial groundwater recharge in Berlin), TU
Berlin, Dissertation D83.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Fate of pharmaceuticals during soil infiltration
leading to artificial groundwater recharge
T. Rauch, J. Munoz, J.E. Drewes, G. Amy and H. Choi
The fate of unregulated organic micropollutants is a key concern for aquatic life and human health in water reuse
projects. In particular hydrophilic, small molecular sized organic contaminants are not fully retained during
conventional and advanced wastewater treatment and may accumulate in local water cycles. In this study we
investigated the fate of four pharmaceutically active residues during simulated soil infiltration. The target
micropollutants represent compounds of different hydrophobicity and biodegradability. Laboratory column
systems were used to simulate aquifer recharge in presence of different effluent-derived organic carbon sub-
strates (hydrophilic carbon, hydrophobic acids, organic colloids, etc.). The aqueous organic carbon composition
played a crucial role for the degradation of the selected pollutants, in that biodegradable organic carbon s
timulated soil biomass growth and promoted the removal of certain compounds. Removal was, however, also
promoted in extremely oligotrophic environments (e.g. infiltration of reverse osmosis treated effluent), where
without exception the organic micropollunts were more effectively removed compared to copiotropic soil micro-
communities. Results support the conclusion that efficient micropollutant removal is possible during ground-
water recharge using advanced treated effluents that are deprived of biodegradable organic carbon.
Pharmaceutically active residues, degradation, organic carbon, oligotrophic metabolism.
One of the major concerns regarding the potable reuse of water sources of impaired quality, such as municipal
wastewater effluents, is the survival and accumulation of organic micropollutants, such as endocrine disruptors
(EDCs), pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs), or carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs). In particu-
lar polar (hydrophilic), small molecular size organic contaminants are likely to survive even advanced wastewater
treatment processes such as activated carbon filtration or membrane treatment. Soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) and
direct aquifer injection are common methods for replenishing groundwater resources. However, many hydrophilic
micropollutants are not efficiently attenuated during soil passage by physical adsorption and have been detected in
production wells recovering recharged groundwater.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles that biological metabolism plays in the removal of selected
trace organic contaminants in artificial groundwater recharge systems. Specifically, we investigated how different
source water qualities promote the microbial breakdown of trace organic contaminants. We investigated four organ-
ic micropollutants (pharmaceutically active compounds) that differed in hydrophobicity and biodegradability as
identified by a literature review (Table 1). Ketoprofen, and naproxen are commonly used analgesics that are easily
degradable during wastewater treatment and during soil infiltration (Sedlak and Pinkston 2001, Drewes et al.
2003). Phenacetine represents a low molecular weight and hydrophilic analgesic drug. Gemfibrozil is a commonly
prescribed blood lipid regulator, commonly found in impaired groundwater in the lower to medium ppt range
(Heberer et al. 1997, Drewes and Shore 2001).
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 563
Phenacetine O
(analgesic /anti-inflammatory) Degradable 4.15a 0.41b(pH 7)
Ketoprofen O
b (pH
(analgesic /anti-inflammatory) Degradable 4.45 a 0.07 7)
22071-15-4 O
(blood lipid regulator) Poor 4.77 2.14b(pH 7)
The working hypothesis for this study was that the composition of biodegradable organic carbon in recharged water
introduced into an aquifer has a major impact on establishing soil biomass activity and a soil microbial community
that enables the metabolic breakdown of certain trace organic contaminants.
Analytical methods
All organic micropollutants were analyzed by gas chromatography /mass spectrometry (GC / MS) using a HP 6890
gas chromotograph and a HP 5973 quadrupole mass spectrometer from Agilent Technologies (Waldbronn)
Germany. The analytical procedure followed Reddersen and Heberer (2003). The following compounds were used
for sample preparation and for GC-MS standard preparation: Gemfibrozil (Sigma), ketoprofen, naproxen, phen-
acetine (Aldrich Chemicals). Limits of detection and limits of quantification differed for each compound depending
on the background water matrix and were in the range of 1 – 10 ng/L and 4 – 40 ng/L, respectively, for RO permeate
samples, and 2 – 10 ng/L and 2 – 40 ng/L, respectively, for samples collected from column system 2.
A Sievers 800 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer was used for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantification after
microfiltration (0.45 µm, Whatman) by the persulfate / ultra violet oxidation method (Standard Method 5310C).
Soil biomass was determined as total viable biomass (i.e. viable, not necessarily active bacteria) using phospholipid
extraction (PLE) as described in Rauch and Drewes (2005). Soil samples were collected in triplicates from the top
soil (0– 2 cm, infiltration zone) of the columns.
Column studies
The removal of the target compounds was studied in two column systems, simulating two different groundwater
recharge strategies, soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) and direct aquifer injection (DI). Column system 1 (L = 60 cm,
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564 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
i.d. = 15 cm, filled with silica sand, d 50 = 0.65 mm, foc = 0.004%) was acclimated with a reverse osmosis (RO)
treated effluent generated with a laboratory-scale RO unit (XLE, Dow/Filmtec), for a duration of 1.5 years. This
column simulated direct injection of an advanced treated effluent low in organic carbon concentration. The column
was operated under aerobic, saturated flow conditions in recycle mode (Figure 1). Column system 2 consisted of
four parallel columns (i.d. 5 cm, L = 30 cm, filled with the same sand as column systems 1). These four columns
were used to investigate the effects of different organic carbon matrices (hydrophilic carbon (HPI), hydrophobic
acids (HPO-A), colloidal organic carbon, effluent organic matter (EfOM)) on micropollutant removal during satu-
rated recharge. The organic carbon matrices were isolated from secondary treated effluent from the City of Boulder
(Colorado) according to Rauch and Drewes (2004). HPI and HPO-A were isolated using XAD-8 fractionation
(capacity factor k’ = 4) according to Leenheer et al. (2000). Colloidal carbon was operationally defined as the
organic carbon with a molecular size between 7,000 Dalton and 1 µm. EfOM refers to the total organic carbon of
the effluent. The feed waters of all columns in column system 2 were adjusted to 3 mg / L as total organic carbon
(TOC) by dilution with Type I water. All column influents were adjusted in their background composition with
regards to macro-and micro-nutrients as described in Rauch and Drewes (2004).
Figure 1. Schematic of the experimental set-up of column system 1 (left) and column system 2 (right)
Spike experiments
All four micropollutants, gemfibrozil, ketoprofen, naproxen, and phenacetine were spiked into the column feed
waters at concentrations between 500 and 900 ng/L. The feed waters were adjusted to a pH of 7.5 to 8 in order to
minimize adsorption of the acidic drugs onto the silica sand.
The feed water of column systems 1 was spiked with the four organic micropollutants after the column was accli-
mated to the infiltration of reverse osmosis treated effluent for over 1.5 years. Samples for micropollutant analysis
were collected from the feed water, after single passage through the column (average detention time 7 hours) after
complete breakthrough of a conservative tracer (sodium chloride) had occurred, and periodically thereafter during
recycle operation.
After columns system 2 was biologically acclimated to the infiltration of the respective carbon fractions in the
different feed waters (approximately 1.5 years) (Figure 1), the four organic micropollutants were spiked into the
feed waters in three consecutive spike events. Spike event 2 and 3 followed 11 and 22 days after spike event one,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 565
respectively. During each spike event samples were collected from the column influent and the column effluent
(average detention time 19 hours), respectively, after complete breakthrough of a conservative tracer (sodium
chloride) had been observed in the columns.
Organic carbon concentrations in the reverse osmosis treated effluent ranged between 0.3 and 0.5 mg / L as TOC.
No organic carbon removal was observed during recycle operation in column system 1. Nevertheless, a significant
amount of soil biomass developed during the column acclimatization of over two years, compared to the sand not
exposed to feed water infiltration (0.5 ± 0.3 nmol org-PO43 – g–1 sand) (Table 2). The different carbon substrates
HPI, HPO-A, EfOM and organic colloides were able to support different soil biomass activities (Table 2).
Table 2. Average organic carbon removal and soil biomass in column systems 1 and 2
Organic carbon (mg/L)
Soil biomass
(nmol org-PO43 – g–1) Column influent Removal in column
During the first spike event the columns fed with HPI, EfOM, and organic colloids (column system 2) showed a
positive correlation between organic micropollutant removal and soil biomass activity (Figure 2). Additional abiotic
column studies were conducted that showed that adsorption of the target micropollutants onto the experimental
sand was negligible (results not shown). These results indicate that the three organic carbon substrates (HPI, EfOM,
and organic colloids) promoted the establishment of different soil microbial community compositions and /or con-
centrations, which effected organic micropollutant removal.
Phenacetine Gemfibrozil Ketoprofen Naproxen
ng/L removed in column
10 21 27
(HPI) (EfOM) (org. colloids)
total viable soil biomass (nmol org-PO43- g-1)
Figure 2. Removal of pharmaceuticals in columns fed with different effluent organic carbon substrates
at different days after spiking target micropollutants
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566 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
Gemfibrozil was the only compound for which this trend was repeatedly observed during the second and third
spike event (11 and 22 days after the first spike event), indicating that biodegradable effluent-derived organic car-
bon may serve as a secondary carbon substrate for the metabolic decay of this micropollutant. The other three com-
pounds (phenacetine, ketoprofen, and naproxen) were increasingly better removed with time during extended
exposure of the columns to these trace pollutants. (The columns were acclimated to the organic carbon substrates
HPI, EfOM, and organic colloids, but not to the organic micropollutants before feed water spiking). Three weeks
after the column feed waters were started to be spiked with the four micropollutants, the pollutant were very effi-
ciently removed in all columns (70 – 100%) within 30 cm of soil infiltration (19 hours detention time). It is likely
that microbial adaptation to the micropollutants took place within the first three weeks of exposure.
The columns containing the lowest soil biomass concentrations (fed with HPO-A and reverse osmosis treated efflu-
ent) exhibited the most efficient removal of all organic target micropollutants. In all three spike events, the four
micropollutants were removed to more than 90% in the HPO-A column. Likewise, column system 1 removed all
compounds close to the detection limit during single passage (detention time 7 hours) (Figure 3).
1200 1171
0 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 6 n.d. n.d.n.q. 6 n.d. n.d. n.d.10 n.d.
0.00 0.28 1.62 2.50 11.32 16.03
retention time (days)
Figure 3. Removal of pharmaceuticals in the recycle column fed with reverse osmosis treated effluent
With this study we were able to identify the influence of the aqueous organic carbon quality on the removal
of selected organic micropollutants during simulated soil infiltration. Very efficient removal of all target micro
pollutants occurred within the first 30 to 60 cm of soil infiltration at environmentally relevant concentrations.
Bioavailable organic carbon seems to promote the removal of certain trace compounds (e.g. gemfibrozil) by sustain-
ing soil biomass growth. Oligotrophic recharge (infiltration of HPO-A and membrane treated effluent) conditions
enhanced the removal of organic micropollutants, likely, by stimulating a slow-growing, diverse microbial com-
Principal funding for this project was provided by the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. We
acknowledge the collaboration of Dr. Thomas Heberer (TU Berlin, Germany) and his group for conducting the
GC / MS analysis.
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 567
Drewes, E.J.; Heberer, T., Rauch, T., Reddersen, K. (2003). Fate of Pharmaceuticals During Groundwater Recharge,
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 23, 3, 64 – 72.
Rauch, T. and Drewes, J.E. (2004). Assessing the removal potential of soil aquifer treatment systems for bulk organic
matter, Water Science and Technology, 50, 2, 245 – 253.
Rauch, T. and Drewes, J.E. (2005). A novel approach for quantifying bulk organic carbon removal in groundwater
recharge systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 131, 6.
Reddersen, K. and Heberer, T. (2003). Multi-compound methods for the detection of pharmaceutical residues in
various waters applying solid phase extraction (SPE) and gas chromatography with mass spectrometric (GC-MS)
detection, Journal of Separation Sciences, 26, 1443 – 1450.
Sedlak, D.L. and Pinkston, K.E. (2001). Factors affecting the concentrations of pharmaceuticals released to the
aquatic environment, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 120, September, 56 – 64.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Removal mechanisms of effluent
organic matter during soil infiltration
T. Rauch and J. E. Drewes
A novel approach was developed in this study to investigate the bioavailability of organic carbon being introduced
into soil-aquifer treatment systems, by monitoring soil biomass growth response during the infiltration of
effluent derived organic carbon substrates. The approach combined soil microbiological parameters (e.g. total
viable biomass) with organic carbon fractionation. Using well acclimated biological column experiments, the
degradation behavior of three bulk organic carbon fractions isolated from a secondary treated effluent was inves-
tigated: hydrophobic acids (HPO-A), hydrophilic carbon (HPI) and organic colloids. The relative removal of organ-
ic carbon in each of these fractions differed significantly and added up to the overall removal observed for total
effluent organic matter (EfOM), which was studied in a parallel column set-up. An empirical equation was devel-
oped to predict a priori the amount of easily biodegradable organic carbon (BOC) in any conventionally treated
domestic effluent. The empirical equation provided a good estimate of BOC concentrations in five different water
types, which differed in organic carbon bulk composition and concentration. Modeled BOC concentrations corre-
sponded closely with BOC concentrations determined through conventional laboratory-scale degradation tests.
This study presents a new approach to predict the portion of easily degradable organic carbon in domestic
effluents or impaired surface waters by employing established fractionation procedures.
Soil-aquifer treatment, biodegradable organic carbon, soil infiltration, organic carbon fractionation.
The fate of effluent organic matter (EfOM) during artificial groundwater recharge has been intensively studied dur-
ing the last decades. The persistence of organic carbon during soil infiltration is of concern since it can potentially
elevate dissolved organic carbon concentration in receiving aquifers, affect the transport of pollutants in the subsur-
face, or limit a co-metabolic removal of trace organics. Previous research has demonstrated that the fate and trans-
port of organic carbon during soil infiltration is primarily affected by biological and physical processes (Quanrud et
al. 1996). The portion of organic carbon in effluents that is degraded during groundwater recharge is commonly
assessed using biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) batch tests (Servais et al. 1987, Schnabel et al.
2002). These laboratory tests are relatively time consuming and not standardized in their design, procedure, and
test interpretation. In this study we hypothesized that easily biodegradable organic carbon (BOC) concentrations in
effluents can be predicted if the organic carbon composition in effluents is known in terms of three organic bulk
fractions: hydrophilic carbon (HPI), hydrophobic acids (HPO-A), and organic colloids. Specific objectives of the
study were: (1) to determine the importance of biodegradation for the removal of each fraction; (2) to quantify the
portion of easily degradable organic carbon in each fraction in biological column experiments; and (3) to develop
an empirical equation for an a priori assessment of BOC concentrations in effluents, for which the bulk organic car-
bon composition is known.
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 569
Column studies
To assess the bioavailability of the organic carbon fractions, biologically acclimated column systems were employed
simulating soil infiltration under saturated aerobic flow conditions. The four columns were 30 cm in length
(6.5 cm i. d.; foc = 0.004%; effective grain size: 0.35 mm) as described in Rauch and Drewes (2004) and fed with
the four different carbon fractions: organic colloids, HPI, HPO-A, and EfOM, respectively (flow rate of
0.4 mL /min). Feed DOC concentrations in each carbon fraction were adjusted to approximately 5 mg / L. The
inorganic background of each feed water sample was adjusted to resemble a conductivity of 1,000 – 2,000 µS /cm,
pH 6.5 –7.5, ammonium concentration of approximately 1 mg-N/ L, and a phosphate concentration above 0.2 mg / L.
After a biological acclimatization period of approximately 3 months, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured
one to two times a week at 0, 10 and 30 cm depth for a duration of 2 to 3 months. Average detention time in the
30 cm columns was 19 hours.
Analytical methods
A Sievers 800 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer was used for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantification after
microfiltration (0.45 µm, Whatman) by the persulfate /ultra violet oxidation method (Standard Method 5310C).
Soil biomass was determined as total viable biomass (i.e. viable, not necessarily active bacteria) using phospholipid
extraction (PLE) as described in Rauch and Drewes (2005). Soil samples were collected in triplicates from the top
soil (0 – 2 cm, infiltration zone) of the columns.
Biological column studies revealed that each of the three organic carbon fractions showed a unique removal
behavior during column transport at steady state operation of the columns (Figure 1) (Rauch and Drewes 2004).
All three carbon fractions showed a significantly different overall removal; organic colloids were removed by 68% in
average, whereas HPI and HPO-A were only removed by 29 and 11% in average, during 30 cm column transport.
The majority HPI and HPO-A carbon (constituting with over 70% the majority of EfOM in Boulder secondary treat-
ed effluent) was removed within the first 10 cm of soil infiltration with marginal removal during the subsequent
column passage (Figure 1). Organic carbon removal in the first 10 cm of column passage was related to viable soil
biomass concentrations as measured during steady state operation of different column experiments in 0 – 3 cm col-
umn depth. Results showed a good positive correlation between organic carbon removal of the different carbon frac-
tion with total viable biomass in the soil infiltration layer (Figure 2). This finding emphasized that biodegradation
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570 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
was the leading process for organic carbon removal and that BOC concentrations were limiting soil biomass growth
during soil infiltration. This conclusion was supported by additional column studies testing the transport behavior
of EfOM under abiotic conditions (results not shown). This experiment showed that sorption of EfOM onto the
experimental sand was saturated after approximately 8 days with no subsequent sorption of organic carbon.
n= 17 n=14
relative concentration of OC
n= 20
0.8 n= 15
0.6 n= 19
n= 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
travel distance in column (cm)
Figure 1. Relative removal of different effluent organic carbon fractions in biological column experiments compared
to influent concentrations (error bars = 1 Stdev)
laboratory column studies
70 virgin sand
linear trendline (column studies) EfOM
PLE (nmol PO43- g-1 d.w.)
HPI y = 10.71x + 8.76
HPI HPO-A R2 = 0.76
0 1 2 3 4 5
BOC (mg/L)
Figure 2. Organic Carbon removal versus soil biomass (0 – 2 cm) under steady state operation in column studies
(virgin sand: experimental sand before to sample application)
The observed relative organic carbon removal of the three bulk fractions at 30 cm column depth was successfully
used to model the removal of total EfOM in Boulder secondary treated effluent, as observed in the fourth biological
column, by using the following equation [1]:
where c HPI is the relative organic carbon concentrations of HPI in Boulder secondary treated effluent (37%), cHPO
the relative concentration of hydrophobic acids (38%), and c coll is the relative concentration of organic colloids in
Boulder secondary treated effluent (16%).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 571
The equation predicted a BOC concentration of 27% which is in very close agreement with average organic carbon
removal measured in the column study (24 ± 11%). Equation 1 implies that BOC concentrations in the effluent can
be predicted based on the behavior of its individual bulk fractions. This assumption was confirmed by fractionating
the effluent of the column fed with EfOM after 30 cm depth. Analytical fractionation resulted in a distribution of
64.4% HPO-A, 34.4% HPI, and 0 ± 8% organic colloids of the sample collected in 30 cm depth. This result was very
comparable to the distribution of 62.2% HPO-A, 31.7% HPI, and 6% organic colloids, predicted by equation 1.
In the following we tested whether equation 1 was also applicable to different municipal effluents, which had been
characterized in terms of composition (HPO, HPI and organic colloids) and BOC concentrations. Thereby we
hypothesized that bulk organic carbon fractions in other municipal effluents receiving similar treatment would
contain similar relative portions of easily degradable organic carbon. This assumption is supported by Fox et al.
(2001), who found close chemical similarities between HPI and HPO-A fractions isolated from different domestic
effluents. The literature review identified 5 water types, for which information on organic carbon composition and
BOC concentrations was available (Table 1). Measured BOC data for all effluents or effluent impacted surface waters
derived from BDOC batch test studies. Fractionation procedures employed in the cited studies varied in details from
the procedure described in this paper (Rauch et al., in preparation). The selected waters differed in terms of
absolute organic carbon concentrations (5 – 12 mg / L as DOC) and bulk organic carbon composition (Table 1).
Table 1 compares measured BOC concentrations for all waters as cited from literature and calculated BOC concen-
trations using the composition of the respective effluents as inputs for equation 1.
Table 1. Comparison of modeled and measured BOC concentrations for different effluents
Lake Tegel SJCE WRP Mesa NWWRP Tucson SRF Whittier NarrowsWRP Boulder WWTP
Berlin California Arizona Arizona California Colorado
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Total OC 9.83 ± 0.67 8.29 4.95 ± 0.68 11.6 6.51 9.11 (± 0.21)
BDOC measured 2.77 ± 0.72 1.94 1.35 ± 1.17 6.3 1.92 2.97 ± 0.34
Results show that measured and calculated BOC concentrations are in close agreement, despite significant differ-
ences in organic carbon composition in the different effluents. The highest variation between measured and
modeled results occurred for Tucson SRF effluent (30%).
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572 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
Results of this study give a better understanding for the importance of biological removal for the attenuation of
effluent derived organic carbon during soil infiltration under saturated aerobic flow conditions. EfOM from a
secondary treated effluent was fractionated into HPI, HPO-A, and colloidal organic carbon. These fractions had
a significantly different bioavailability. The majority of easily degradable organic carbon was removed within 30 cm
of soil infiltration. An empirical equation was developed to calculate BOC concentrations in Boulder secondary
treated effluent based on the relative removal of organic carbon in each fraction. The same equation proved useful
for an a priori assessment of BOC concentrations in different domestic treated effluents and effluent impacted
surface waters. The equation is proposed as an alternative to time consuming laboratory degradation tests and
applicable for conventionally treated effluents in a DOC concentration range of approximately 5 and 12 mg / L.
Debroux, J.-F (1998). The physical-chemical and oxidant-reactive properties of effluent organic matter (EfOM)
intended for potable reuse, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural
Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado.
Fox, P., Houston, S., Westerhoff, P., Drewes, J. E., Nellor, M., Yanko, W., Baird, R., Rincon, M., Arnold, R., Lansey, K.,
Bassett, R., Gerba, C., Karpiscak, M., Amy, G., Reinhard, M. (2001). Soil aquifer treatment for sustainable water
reuse, Tailored collaboration, Ed.: American Water Works Association (AWWA) and AWWARF (AWWA Research
Leenheer, J. A., Croue, J. P., Benjamin, M., Korshin, G. V., Hwang, C. J., Bruchet, A., and Aiken, G. R. (2000). Com-
prehensive isolation of natural organic matter from water for spectral characterizations and reactivity tesing.
Chapter 5, Natural organic matter and disinfection by-products, S. E. Barett, S. W. Krasner, G. L. Amy, eds., ACS
Symposium Series 761, American Chemical Society, Washington D. C., 68 – 83.
Quanrud D. M., Arnold, R. G., Wilson, L. G., Gordon, H., Graham, D., Amy, G. L. (1996a). Fate of organics during
column studies of soil aquifer treatment, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 133, 4, pp. 314 – 321.
Rauch, T. and Drewes, J. E. (2004). Assessing the removal potential of soil aquifer treatment systems for bulk organ-
ic matter, Water Science and Technology, 50, 2, 254 – 253.
Rauch, T. and Drewes, J. E. (2005). Quantifying organic carbon removal in groundwater recharge systems, Journal of
Environmental Engineering, 131, 6.
Rauch, T., Drewes, J. E., Worch E. (in preparation). Predicting organic carbon removal during soil infiltration based
on organic carbon fractionation and bioactivity assays.
Sattler, A. M. (2004). Characterizing wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) in wastewater reclamation and reuse,
Master Thesis, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at
Boulder, Colorado.
Schnabel, R. R., Dell, C. J., Shaffer, J. A. (2002). Filter, inoculum and time effects on measurements of biodegradable
water soluble organic carbon in soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34, 5, 737 – 739.
Servais, P., Billen, G., Hascoet, M-C. (1987). Determination of the biodegradable fraction of dissolved organic matter
in waters, Water Research, 21, 4, 445 – 450.
Ziegler, D. and Jekel, M. (2001). Behavior of dissolved organic compounds during bank filtration with wastewater
influence in Berlin, Vom Wasser, 96, 1– 14.
Ziegler, D. (2001). Examinations on the sustainable effect of bankfiltration in the water cycle of Berlin (Untersuchungen
zur nachhaltigen Wirkung der Uferfiltration im Wasserkreislauf Berlins), Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Process
Sciences, Technical University of Berlin (Germany), http://edocs.tu-berlin.de / diss /2001/ziegler_doerte.pdf (in
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Fate of wastewater effluent
organic matter (EfOM)
through soil aquifer treatment (SAT)
Amy Sattler, Gary Amy and Jörg Drewes
This paper employs innovative analytical tools to characterize wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) and to
track its removal and transformation through soil aquifer treatment (SAT). While the total amount of EfOM is
significantly reduced by SAT, there are trends of shorter term versus longer term removals of specific EfOM
fractions. The preferential removal of non-humic components (e.g., proteins, polysaccharides) of EfOM occurs
over shorter travel times/distances while humic components (i.e., humic substances) are removed over longer
travel times/distances, with the removal of both by sustainable biodegradation. Dissolved organic nitrogen
(DON), a surrogate for protein-like EfOM, is also effectively removed over shorter term SAT. However, there is some
background humic-like natural organic matter (NOM), associated with the drinking water source within the water-
shed, that persists through SAT.
Effluent organic matter, soil aquifer treatment.
Wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) consists of natural organic matter (NOM) derived from the drinking
water source, dominated by humic substances, plus soluble microbial products (SMPs) derived from biological
(secondary) wastewater treatment, reflecting a microbial origin. Soil aquifer treatment (SAT) represents a waste-
water reclamation / reuse technology that can renovate wastewater effluent to drinking water levels, and hence can
be an important component in an indirect potable reuse system. In application to secondary effluents, SAT has
proven very effective in removing total nitrogen (TN) and viruses but is now receiving scrutiny in assessing its
ability to remove organics, both bulk organic matter and trace organic compounds. The SAT technology (Figure 1)
involves infiltration of secondary effluent through a recharge basin with subsequent extraction from the underlying
aquifer through recovery wells, and embodies both treatment, dominant in the vadose (unsaturated) zone, and
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574 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
storage within the saturated zone (aquifer) (NCSWS, 2001). The emphasis of this paper is removal and on trans-
formation of EfOM and EfOM components during SAT.
From a drinking water perspective, certain EfOM components are problematical in imparting color and serving as
a precursor to disinfection by-products (DBPs); other components contribute to membrane fouling. Beyond the
traditional measurement of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as a measure of the amount of EfOM, this paper
addresses the composition of DOC and the corresponding measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), of
importance given the nitrogenous content of SMPs.
To characterize the amounts and compositions of DOC and DON through SAT, samples were collected from three
operating SAT facilities situated in the USA: (i) the Northwest Water Reclamation Plant (Mesa WRP) in Mesa,
Arizona; (ii) the Sweetwater Underground Storage and Recovery Facility (Tucson WRP) in Tucson, Arizona; and
(iii) the Rio Hondo Spreading Grounds (RHSG) in Los Angeles, California. The Mesa WRP site has a dissolved
oxygen concentration that remains below 1 mg / L throughout the infiltration zone below the first 1.5 meters,
making almost the entire vadose zone of 15 meters thickness anoxic with only the first 1.5 meters aerobic; the
plume of reclaimed water extends greater than 2,000 meters down gradient from the recharge site and is about
30 meters thick. A key attribute of the Tucson WRP is its deep vadose zone of 30 meters where high concentrations
of DOC and ammonia in the feed water (recharge basin) create a high oxygen demand; as the dissolved oxygen
decreases with depth, and the ammonia is nitrified and denitrified, nitrate becomes the electron donor at a typical
depth of about 1.5 meters. The RHSG site is unique compared to the other two sites because the entire vadose
zone, with a thickness of 3 to 10 meters, remains aerobic.
A sample series was taken from the Mesa WRP and included the effluent fed to the recharge basins, a lysimeter
beneath one of the recharge basins, and a series of monitoring wells situated along a transect following the
hydraulic gradient of the aquifer (saturated zone). The sample designated as Mesa3eff represents the tertiary waste-
water effluent (nitrification-denitrification followed by rapid sand filtration), the P15 sample corresponds to
the lysimeter lying beneath the recharge basin at depth of 5 m, the NW- series wells correspond to samples immedi-
ately downgradient from the recharge basin, and the -u series wells correspond to samples further downgradient
with greater travel distances and longer travel times. Table 1 summarizes pertinent information about these
sampling points including (horizontal) travel distance downgradient (m), estimated travel time (days), and percent
reclaimed water (based on sulfate levels as a tracer, with sulfate shown to be conservative for the Mesa WRP sys-
Basin 0 0 100
P15 negligible Short 100
NW4 388 6 – 18 100
NW3 655 6 – 19 86
NW2 885 6 – 20 99
10u 1,950 12 – 96 61
26u 1,950 12 – 96 71
44u 2,700 12 – 96 39
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 575
Sample Travel distance (m) Travel time (days) Reclaimed water (%)
RB1 0 0 100
MW5 6 11 100
WR199a 35 35 100
tem). Also taken was a sample of a representative drinking water source within the watershed, the Val Vista drink-
ing water (VVDW) taken from the Val Vista WTP. The samples in the set taken from the Tucson WRP correspond to
a monitoring well (MW5) penetrating the vadose (unsaturated) zone and a recovery well (WR 199) tapping into the
underlying aquifer (saturated zone) beneath the recharge basin (RB1) fed by a non-nitrified effluent. The drinking
water source is a low DOC groundwater. Table 2 summarizes the estimated travel times and percent reclaimed water
for the Tucson WRP samples. Finally, the samples taken from the RHSG site include two wastewater effluents
feeding into a recharge basin with a downgradient monitoring well. The two effluents are from the San Jose Creek
Water Replenishment Plant (SJCWRP) and the Whittier Narrows Water Replenishment Plant (WNWRP), both with
tertiary filtration, contributing ~ 75% and ~ 25% of the recharge water. Basin 4 represents one of the recharge / infil-
tration basins and Well 1590 is located less than 30 meters horizontally downgradient from the basin. The corre-
sponding drinking water is derived from the Metropolitan Water District (MWDEff).
The amount of EfOM was defined through dissolved organic carbon (DOC) measurements along with UV
absorbance at 254 nm (UVA254). The composition of the EfOM in various SAT samples was characterized by: (i)
specific UV absorbance (SUVA = UVA254 / DOC); (ii) size exclusion chromatography with on-line DOC detection,
describing the molecular weight (MW) distribution and classification of organic matter according to polysaccha-
rides (PS), humic substances (HS), and low MW acids (LMA); (iii) fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM),
distinguishing humic-like organic matter from protein-like organic matter; and (vi) nitrogen (N) species used to
calculate dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) as the difference between total nitrogen (TN) minus the sum of ammo-
nia-nitrogen (NH3 –N) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3 –N). SUVA represents an index of the aromaticity or humic con-
tent of the EfOM. SEC-DOC chromatograms have successfully revealed transformation/removal patterns of PS, HS,
and LWA components, with PS components readily removed in the upper vadose zone and HS components more
slowly removed through the vadose zone and aquifer; the persistence of some LMA components likely reflects a by-
product of HS components biodegradation. EEM spectra, representing a 3-D plot of fluorescence intensity versus
excitation and emission wavelengths, have revealed effective removals of protein-like organic matter (corresponding
to an EEM peak at lower excitation/emission wavelengths) and partial removals of humic-like organic matter (cor-
responding to an EEM peak at higher excitation/emission wavelengths). Tracking nitrogen species through SAT
serves two purposes: (i) an indication of redox zone transitions (e.g., aerobic to anoxic) that affect biodegradation
pathways and (ii) a quantification of DON as a precursor for N-DBPs that exhibit a high cancer potency.
Bulk EfOM parameters; DOC, UVA254, SUVA, and DON; are summarized in Tables 3, 4, and 5 for samples taken
from the Mesa WRP, Tucson WRP, and RHSG sites, respectively. At the Mesa WRP (Table 3), SAT is able to reduce
the DOC to about 1.5 mg / L, accounting for dilution, which is similar to the drinking-water DOC in the watershed
(~ 2.0 mg / L). The SUVA is less than 2 L /mg-m, consistent with an EfOM signature. The DOC after SAT at the
Tucson WRP (Table 4) is about 1 mg / L, only slightly higher than the drinking-water DOC of ~ 0.5 mg / L. In con-
trast to the Mesa WRP results, the SUVA values after SAT at the Tucson WRP increase. An increase in SUVA reflect a
preferential removal (biodegradation) of non-humic over humic EfOM; this is consistent with the non-nitrified
effluent at the Tucson WRP being less well treated than the nitrified/denitrified effluent at the Mesa WRP. The much
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576 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
lower DOC and DON values at MW5 demonstrate the significant removal achieved through the vadose zone. The
DOC at the RHSP (Table 5) is significantly reduced over a short travel distance/time (Well 1590). At the Mesa WRP,
the tertiary-treated effluent contained about 2 mg / L of DON; shorter-term SAT reduced the DON to about 1 mg / L
while longer-term SAT reduced the DON to a level approaching drinking water (0.2 mg / L). In contrast, at the
Tucson WRP, a higher DON level was observed in the non-nitrified effluent, however, the DON was effectively
reduced through the extensive vadose zone at this site.
Table 3. Bulk DOC, UVA254 , SUVA and DON for Mesa WRP samples
DOC (mg/L) UVA 254 (cm –1) SUVA (L/mg-m) DON (mg/L)
Table 4. Bulk DOC, UVA 254, SUVA and DON for Tucson WRP samples
Sample DOC (mg/L) UVA 254 (cm –1) SUVA (L/mg-m) DON (mg/L)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 577
Two representative sets of SEC-DOC chromatograms are presented in Figures 2 and 3. Results for the Mesa WRP
(Figure 2) reveal the almost complete elimination of the PS peak and partial removal of the HS peak, both attri-
butable to (sustainable) biodegradation. A similar trend is seen for the Tucson WRP sample series in Figure 3.
UVA254, Volts
DOC, Volts
NW 4
0.15 NW 2
0. 1 0.03
0.05 0.01
0 -0.0 1
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Figure 2. SEC-DOC chromatograms for Mesa WRP samples
logMW, MW in Daltons
4. 4 3. 4 2. 4 1. 4 0. 4
DOC, Volts
0.5 0.4
RB 1
0.4 MW 5 0.3
0.3 We ll199
UVA254, Volts
0.1 0.1
0 0.0
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time, s
Two representative sets of EEM spectra appear in Figures 4 through 7. Figure 4 shows EEM spectra for the Mesa
WRP samples Mesa3eff (recharge basin), P15 (lysimeter), and NW4 (monitoring well). Alternatively, Figure 5
shows differential EEM spectra where the P15 spectrum is subtracted from the Mesa3eff spectrum (left), revealing
shorter-term SAT removals, and the NW4 spectrum is subtracted from the P15 spectrum, revealing longer-term
SAT removals. Both humic-like and protein-like EfOM are removed over the shorter term while additional humic-
like EfOM is removed over the longer term. More precisely, the significant diminishment of the lower
excitation/emission wavelength peak over the shorter term corresponds to protein-like organic matter removed by
(sustainable) biodegradation. Figure 5 shows individual EEM spectra for the Tucson WRP samples RB1 (recharge
basin), MW5 (shallow monitoring well), and WR199A (deeper monitoring well). Figure 7 portrays corresponding
differential EEM where, again, one sees both humic-like and protein-like EfOM being removed in the upper vadose
zone while only humic-like EfOM appears to be significantly removed in the lower vadose zone.
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578 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
(355, 437)
P15 NW4
(345, 431) (341,424)
(363, 442)
(326, 391)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 579
(352, 438)
MW 5 Well 199
(279,310) (280,311)
(363, 442)
(326, 391)
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580 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
Overall, significant removals of DOC were observed at all sites, ranging from greater than 50% to almost 75% after
accounting for dilution with native groundwater, based on sulfate as a tracer. These DOC removals were accom-
panied by almost complete elimination of DON. Trends in SUVA, as an index of aromaticity, varied from similar to
higher values in samples after SAT, with an increase reflecting a preferential removal of non-aromatic (non-humic)
components. Effective removal dominated by biodegradation was observed for polysaccharides and proteins with
lesser but significant removals of humic substances under longer-term anoxic conditions; these removal trends were
supported by SEC-DOC and EEM results.
Other related work has also shown effective removal of pharmaceutically active (PhACs) and endocrine disrupting
(EDCs) compounds by aerobic and/or anoxic biodegradation although some PhACs (e.g., carbamazepine and
primidone) have been shown to persist through SAT (Drewes, et al., 2003, Mansell and Drwes, 2004). Thus, SAT
represents a sustainable advanced wastewater treatment process that can play an important role in a multi-barrier,
indirect potable reuse system.
This work was partially supported by the AWWA Research Foundation and the U.S. EPA.
Drewes, J.M. et al. (2003). Fate of Pharmaceuticals During Ground Water Recharge, Ground Water Monitoring and
Remediation, 23, No. 3, 64 – 72.
Mansell, J. and Drewes, J. (2004). Fate of Steroidal Hormones during Soil Aquifer Treatment, Ground Water
Monitoring and Remediation, 24, No. 2, 94– 101.
National Center for Sustainable Water Supply (NCSWS). (2001). Investigation on Soil-Aquifer Treatment for Sus-
tainable Water Reuse.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Temperature effects on organics removal
during river bank filtration
D. Schoenheinz, H. Börnick and E. Worch
The objective of the presented investigations was to show the effects of extreme temperature conditions on
the organics removal efficiency and transport behaviour during river bank filtration considering both dissolved
organic carbon and atrazine as a tracer organic compound. Therefore, temperature controlled column expe-
riments with pumice stone and river bed sediment were carried out contemplating the degradation of dissolved
organic carbon (DOC) at 5 °C, 15 °C, and 25 °C. Water from the River Elbe with a mean DOC concentration of
5.6 mg/L was percolated through lab columns with a length of 0.5 m. The pore water velocity was set to
0.14 m/day and 1 m/day. For pumice stone and a pore water velocity of about 1 m/day, the degradation was lower
(between 5 % at 5 °C and 15 % at 25 °C) compared to soil sediment (between 10 % at 5 °C and 21 % at 25 °C).
However, a reduction of the velocity resulted in a higher removal of DOC for pumice stone but in an increase in DOC
concentration for river bed sediment. This observation is explained by taking into account desorption processes
of organic material accumulated in the river bed sediment. The investigation into the kinetics of atrazine degra-
dation proved also a temperature dependency. The findings are important for the interpretation of field data and
should be considered during design and management of bank filtration and artificial recharge systems.
Dissolved organic carbon, atrazine, degradation kinetics, organics removal.
River bank filtration has been used as an effective pre-treatment for drinking water supply in Germany for many
decades. Nowadays, more and more countries are getting interested in using this treatment technology instead of
abstracting water directly from the river. The application of river bank filtration as a low-cost pre-treatment techno-
logy might support the drinking water supply in areas with water scarcity, lack of treatment plants or poor hygienic
The efficiency of organics removal during aquifer treatment as result of abiotic und biotic processes is of ongoing
concern (Braul et al.; 2001; Hambsch, 1992; Ray et al., 2002). Biodegradation and sorption are the main processes
during riverbank filtration. The attainable removal efficiency depends on the quality of the infiltrating water and on
local conditions as flow path length, flow time, sediment properties, quality of the background groundwater and the
climate. Though the removal efficiency for many different compounds has been investigated at many bank filtration
sites, there is only a few knowledge regarding the influence of physical boundary conditions as temperature and
flow velocity on attenuation processes. However, water temperature depends on climate conditions and underlies
seasonal variations. The effect of daily or seasonal temperature changes might be negligible at sites with long flow
path lengths due to occurring equilibration of temperature changes. Yet, at sites with short retention times in
the first few meters along the infiltration flow path, temperature changes will affect removal processes. Also, the
question of transferability of experiences made under temperate climate conditions to warmer or colder climates is
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582 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
Field investigations demand high technical equipment, are time and cost intensive and commonly not allowed for
simulating shock loads with hazardous chemicals. Thus, laboratory experiments are important tools to gain knowl-
edge about the transport behaviour of single compounds (Worch et al., 2002), especially such of relevance for
drinking water quality. Batch and column experiments allow working under defined conditions, e.g. temperature,
concentration, reaction time, and column materials. To investigate attenuation processes of dissolved organic
carbon and atrazine in river beds at different temperatures, column experiments can be set up using different sedi-
ments. To achieve conditions very near to natural conditions, original river bed sediment and river water can be
used. Additionally, in order to separate the main processes pumice stone can be exploited. Pumice stone is supposed
to be an inert material with high porosity allowing biofilm growth but no sorption onto organic carbon of the
material. Consequently, degradation processes occurring within the pumice stone filled columns are attributed to
biological degradation and sorption onto the biofilm only.
As far as water of the same origin and consequently of the same hydrochemical composition flows through the
columns continuously, equilibrium between liquid phase and solid phase is assumed to be established for both the
sediment and the pumice stone. Therefore, biological degradation is the driving removal force. Sorption is of impor-
tance as soon as boundary condition changes occur.
The objective of the presented investigations was to show the effects of extreme temperature conditions on the
organics removal efficiency and transport behaviour during river bank filtration considering both total concen-
trations of dissolved organic carbon compounds and atrazine. The influence of changing pore water velocities on
DOC removal was also considered. A better understanding of these effects provides the opportunity to transfer
European experiences to sites with other climatic conditions. This might support the development of river bank
filtration schemes in poorer regions.
Experimental set-up
Bench-scale soil column experiments were performed at three different temperatures, 5 °C, 15 °C, and 25 °C.
The stainless steel columns (length 0.5 m, diameter 0.07 m) were filled with different materials and operated
according to the experimental set-up either in flow-through regime (Fig. 1a) or circulating flow regime (Fig. 1b). To
reduce air trapped in the pores, the water was pumped upwards through the columns. Previous investigations
showed that there are no remarkable differences in the elimination efficiency between upward and downward perco-
lation. As a feeding source, water of the same origin as the sediment was used. To operate at the three different tem-
peratures, the columns where built into three thermostatic cabins at 5 °C, 15 °C, and 25 °C. To ensure repro-
ducibility of the results, the experiments were performed at each temperature with two identically prepared
columns, being fed by the same source water.
The column systems have been operated one after another with two different materials for about 9 to 12 months
each: i) pumice stone that is volcanic rock material and ii) river bed sediment of a bank filtration site at the river
Elbe. The characteristics of the materials are summarised in Table 1.
The columns were incorporated for a period of 4 and 8 weeks respectively. During this period, biofilm was estab-
lished and material flushed out that was resolved due to the disturbed extraction of sediment.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 583
The flow velocity was changed by controlling the pumping rate. Within a first period the pore water velocity was
set to 1 m/day which is equivalent to a contact time of 12 hours in the column. During the second period, a flow
velocity of about 0.14 m/day and a contact time of 3.5 days were realised.
• Flow-through regime
Percolation through the columns reflects the soil passage within the first half-meter of river bank infiltration,
which is the most active biological zone and experiences the strongest temperature changes. The columns were
operated with the same inflow water for cycles of two to three weeks. Water samples of the column inflow and
outflow were sampled twice a week and analysed for DOC and ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UVA-254).
Occasionally, oxygen, nitrate and sulphate concentrations were also determined.
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584 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
• Organics
Prior to analysis, the samples were filtered through a 0.45 µm cellulose-nitrate filter. For the determination of
DOC, 30 mL of each of the samples was analysed with a Carbon Analyzer (model TOC-5000, Shimadzu). The
samples were acidified to pH = 2 using hydrochloric acid and sparged by synthetic air for two minutes to strip
out carbon dioxide. The DOC concentrations were calculated based on a standard calibration curve. The ultra-
violet absorbance at a wavelength of 254nm, UVA-254, was measured with a UV/VIS-spectrometer (model Spekol,
Zeiss Jena) using a cell with five-centimeter path length.
Specific ultraviolet light absorbance, SUVA, was calculated as quotient of UVA-254 and DOC. The SUVA is
both a measure of the aromaticity of the organic compounds and a control parameter for the DOC data. Due to a
higher stability of UVA-254 measurements against analytical and coincidental failures compared to the DOC con-
centration, outliers of SUVA often indicate outliers of DOC.
• Atrazine
To analyse atrazine, 50 mL of water sample were enriched on a conditioned LiChrolutEN-cartridge. After drying
in nitrogen gas, the cartridge was flushed with acetonitrile. The extract was concentrated to 0.5 mL under nitro-
gen gas and filled up to 1 mL with pure water. The final solution was analysed with a HPLC/DAD (DAD L-4500,
Merck) using a C-18-column (CC125/4 Nucleosil) and acetonitril/water eluent at isocratic conditions.
Contact time
It is assumed, that biological degradation is dominated by microorganisms settled on the sediment in the column.
Consequently, the retention time for the circulating flow regime is calculated by the effective contact time in the
column only. This effective contact time depends on the duration of the experiment and the ratio of pore volume
and total water volume of the enclosure (Eq. 1). The total water volume changes as function of the water abstrac-
tion due to sampling out of the in- and outflow container (Eq. 2).
tc = t ⋅ (1)
Vt = Vp + Vin (2)
tc contact time (days),
t experimental time (days),
Vt .total water volume of the enclosure (mL),
Vin water volume of the inflow container (mL),
Vp pore volume (mL).
The contact time in the column for the flow-through regime is derived from breakthrough curves measured by chlo-
ride as tracer. The contact time is equivalent to that time t 50, when 50 % of the tracer passed through the column.
The pore water velocity, v a, results from the ratio of column length and the time t 50,
va = (3)
t 50
va pore water velocity (m/day),
l column length (m),
t50 contact time (days).
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Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 585
The results showed a temperature dependency of both the organics removal efficiency and the degradation rate.
Within the considered temperature range of 5 °C to 25 °C, higher temperatures are accompanied by higher removal
efficiency and higher degradation rates.
Table 2. Averaged organics removal. Flow-through regime with pumice stone and river water
∆ c DOC (%) UVA-254 0 ∆ UVA-254 (%)
va c0
n (m /days) (mg / L) 5 °C 15 °C 25 °C m–1 5 °C 15 °C 25 °C
* : Average value.
During period 1 at a pore water velocity of 1 m /day, an averaged decrease in DOC concentration at 5 °C, 15 °C and
25 °C bei va = 1 m/day of about 5%, 10% and 15%, respectively, was found. The percentage removal of com-
pounds identified by UVA-254 reflects the same behaviour at all three temperatures.
Reducing the pore water velocity to 0.14 m/day in period 2 results in a more efficient organics removal of 13%,
20%, and 25% at 5 °C, 15 °C, and 25 °C, respectively. This is not surprising but indicates the incomplete organics
removal within the simulated transport through the column. The findings prove the importance of the considered
contact time for the interpretation of organics removal along the flow path. Longer contact time causes higher con-
centration decreases. The record of kinetic curves confirms this statement. Therefore, measurements for a pumice
stone filled column operated in circulating flow at room temperatures were exploited. In Figure 2, the measured
concentration decrease with respect to the realised contact time is compared to the results achieved in the flow
through experiments.
normalised concentration (-)
circular flow regime
0 2 4 6 8 10
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586 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
Though the DOC concentration decrease is not measured compound specific, the degraded organic compounds
being responsible for the DOC removal within the observed time period can be combined in a so-called easily
degradable fraction c1. The organic carbon concentration of the compounds that are not degraded within the con-
sidered time interval, are summarised in fraction c2,
c (t ) = c1 (t) + c2 (4)
As rough approximation, the recorded decrease can be described by a first order kinetics were the initial concentra-
tions of the degraded organics are combined in c 01,
c (t ) = c 01 ⋅ (e − λ1 ⋅ t − 1) + c0 (5)
c DOC concentration (mg/ L)
c 0 DOC concentration at t = 0 (mg / L)
c 01 concentration of the easily degradable DOC fraction at t = 0 (mg / L)
λ 1 degradation rate constant (days –1),
(Schoenheinz et al., 2003).
Applying Eq. (5) to the measurements for river water circulating through pumice stone filled columns (Fig. 2) and
solving the equation by nonlinear regression results in the model
for the characterisation of the investigated river water. The model formulates that 1.7 mg / L of the total dissolved
organic carbon concentration of 6.5 mg / L are degradable with an average degradation rate constant of 0.6 days–1
within a contact time of 10 days.
To describe the measurements, Eq. (3) was extended by a third compound, c 3(t),
The fraction c3 = cd is supposed to be released from the high organic carbon pool (measured as TOC) of the
sediment. The developed model (Schoenheinz, 2004),
c (t ) = c01 ⋅ (1 − e − λ1 ⋅ t ) + c0 + c d − c d ⋅ e ( − k ⋅t )
cd concentration of the maximum desorbable DOC (mg / L),
k* desorption coefficient (days –1),
assumes that the total organic carbon of the sediment is very high compared to the released concentration of DOC.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 587
DOC concentration (mg/L)
0 5 10 15 20
contact time (days)
Thereby, the maximum desorbable DOC concentration is considered to be time independent, cd is constant within
an experimental run. The application of Eq. (8) to measured data enables the determination of c01, λ1, cd and k*
by nonlinear regression. In Figure 3, the comparison of the analytical data and the fitted curves is given. Table 3
recapitulates the resulting parameters.
Table 3. Fitting parameters for DOC degradation and desorption at three different temperatures
Degradable Degradation Desorbable Desorption
Total DOC
DOC fraction coefficient DOC concentration coefficient
c0 c 01 λ1 cd k*
(mg/L) (mg/L) (day–1) (mg/L) (day–1)
The model to describe the kinetics of both DOC degradation and desorption within the sediment filled columns
(Eq. 8) showed good accordance to the observed DOC concentration data. Comparing the results at the three
temperatures confirm the temperature dependency of both the rate coefficients and the portion of the DOC fraction
degradable under the given conditions. Investigations by Klopp and Koppe (1990) with wastewater at different
temperatures affirm these findings: the residual DOC content decreased in biological degradation experiments with
increasing temperature.
Analogue to the DOC reduction, the desorption is temperature dependent. For the desorption of DOC from the
sediment, desorption rate coefficients of 0.04 day-1 at 5 °C and 0.14 day-1 at 25 °C were derived from the model.
The desorption coefficients were about one order of magnitude lower compared to the degradation coefficients
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588 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
of 0.9 to 1.3 day – 1. This coincides with findings for polychlorinated biphenyls (Coates and Elzerman, 1986).
Temperature dependence was also shown for the quantity of desorbable organic carbon. Higher temperature
changes the equilibrium between solution and sorbed DOC into the direction of the solution. This agrees with the
fact, that sorption is mostly an exothermic process. Consequently, the highest value of potentially desorbable DOC,
c d, was found for 25 °C. The results were confirmed by two more runs. For the degradation and desorption coeffi-
cients determined, the activation energy E a was calculated applying the Arrhenius equation
Ea (9)
ln λ(or k*) = − ⋅ (1 / T ) + ln A
to characterise the temperature dependency. With R = 8,31 J k– 1 mol– 1, an activation energy Ea of 13 and 18 k J / mol
was determined for the dissolved organic carbon degradation (Schoenheinz, 2004), which indicates a low tem-
perature dependency of organics removal within the investigated temperature interval due to the classification given
by Atkins (1993). To evaluate a temperature change by 10 K, the factor Q10 as ratio of λ at the two temperatures can
be used,
λ(ϑ + 10)
Q10 = (10)
λ(ϑ )
The factor for λ at a temperature increase of 10 K was determined to be Q10 = 1.2. Referring to the desorption
coefficients, Ea was calculated in the range of 20 and 43 kJ / mol and indicated a slightly higher temperature depen-
atrzine concentration (µg/L)
16 5˚C 15˚C
14 25˚C modelling
0 5 10 15 20
contact time (days)
Figure 4. Decrease of atrazine concentration with contact time during degradation experiments
with sediment and atrazine spiked river water in circulating operation regime
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Persistent organic substances / Health aspects 589
followed by a slower, obviously more temperature dependent degradation with rates of 0.03 day– 1 (5 °C) and
0.14 day– 1 (25 °C, Table 4). The experimentally determined degradation curves could be described formally by a
two-component model.
Table 4. Parameters of atrazine degradation. Circulating flow with sediment and river water
c0 c 01 λ1 c 02 λ2 r²
(mg/L) (mg/ L) (d –1) (mg/L) (d –1) %
For the slower rate constants, there was a factor Q10 = 1.7 for a change from 5 °C to 15 °C and Q10 = 3 for an
increase between 15 °C and 25 °C. The identification of two rate constants for the atrazine removal can be related to
different effects. Most likely, there was a fast initial loading of the sediment by atrazine due to sorption. After equil-
ibrating the atrazine concentration in the solution and the sorbed phase, biological degradation determines the
removal. However, another reason might be the necessity of cometabolism. In this case, after the depletion of the
easily degradable organic carbon the degradation of atrazine gets slower due to slower degradation of poorer
degradable organic compounds. There are further investigations necessary to clarify the observed phenomena.
Higher average temperatures along filtration paths result in higher degree of DOC degradation, faster DOC and
faster atrazine removal. The degradation rates for the dissolved organic carbon removal going along with a tempera-
ture increase by 10 °C cannot be simply doubled. For most investigated waters and materials, the increase factor
was less than 2, while for atrazine degradation the factor was between 1.7 and 3 depending on the temperature
Because DOC degradation in water depends on temperature, laboratory investigations carried out under room tem-
perature conditions will often result in an overestimation of DOC elimination. The influence is not as important for
the evaluation of easily degradable organic compounds that are degraded within in the first centimetres of the infil-
tration zone. However, for studies into further degradation of the bulk organics, temperature influence cannot be
neglected. The equalisation of infiltration water temperature results in Middle Europe in average values of 10 °C
which is about the half of average room temperature.
Biodegradation, sorption and accumulation of organics in river bed sediments seem to reach a state of equilibrium,
which can be affected significantly by changing flow conditions and concentration changes in the source water.
Periods of low flow or stagnation of water in the pore space of the river bed sediment result in an increase in DOC
concentration in the infiltrate. This process is assumed as diffusion controlled desorption or resolution of organics
from the sediments or biofilms. The investigations into DOC removal at different pore water velocities showed, that
longer retention times enable an ongoing organics removal. Longer flow path of the infiltrate would not only be of
advantage to equilibrate changes in DOC concentrations, especially in warm climates, but also decrease the organics
concentration at the abstraction well depending on landside groundwater quality. Thus, optimisation of flow path
length and retention time is the key task for effective management of river bank filtration sites and should also be
considered for artificial recharge systems.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
590 Health aspects / Persistent organic substances
This study was conducted with subsidy of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is part of
the joint research project ‘Adjusted water treatment technologies and water distribution under regional conditions’.
The authors wish to thank Thomas Grischek for his substantial contributions. We also thank Kerstin Saupe, Ina
Klemm and Christel Grützner for their contributions to the data ascertainment.
Atkins P.W. (1993). Einführung in die physikalische Chemie. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim.
Braul L., Viraraghavan T. and Corkal D. (2001). Cold water effects on Enhanced Coagulation of high DOC, low
turbidity water. Water Qual. Res. J. Canada 36, pp. 701 – 717.
Coates J.T. and Elzerman A.W. (1986). Desorption kinetics for selected PCB congeners from river sediments,
J. Contam. Hydrol. 1, pp. 191 – 210.
Hambsch B. (1992). Untersuchungen zu mikrobiellen Abbauvorgängen bei der Uferfiltration (Investigation into microbial
degradation processes during river bank filtration). PhD thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
Klopp R. and Koppe P. (1990). Die quantitative Charakterisierung von Abwässern hinsichtlich ihrer Dispersivität und
Abbaubarkeit, Vom Wasser 75, pp. 307– 329.
Ray C., Soong T.W.D. Lian Y.Q. and Roadcap, G.S. (2002). Effect of flood-induced chemical load on filtrate quality
at bank filtration sites. J. Hydrol. 266(3-4), pp. 235– 258.
Schoenheinz D. (2004). DOC als Leitparameter zur Bewertung und Bewirtschaftung von Grundwasserleitern mit anthro-
pogener beeinflusster Infiltration (DOC as indicator parameter for the evaluation and management of aquifers affected
by anthropogeneous infiltration). PhD thesis, Department of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences, Dresden University
of Technology.
Schoenheinz D., Grischek T. and Worch E. (2003). Investigations into temperature effects on DOC degradation
during riverbank filtration. Proceedings 11th Biennial Symposium on Groundwater Recharge, June 5– 7, Tempe,
Worch E., Grischek T., Boernick H. and Eppinger P. (2002). Laboratory tests for simulating attenuation processes of
aromatic amines in riverbank filtration, J. Hydrol. 266(3-4), pp. 259– 268.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects
V Characterisation of turbidity and well
clogging processes in a double porosity
Chalk aquifer during the South London
Artificial Recharge Scheme trials
Malcolm Anderson, Rachel Dewhurst, Michael Jones and Keith Baxter
Turbidity was a significant issue during the South London Artificial Recharge Scheme trials in the Chalk aquifer.
The turbidity of abstracted water exceeded the drinking water standard of 1 NTU for up to 1 week following
injection of mains water, typically reducing from maximums of >100 NTU. As turbidity was associated with bore-
hole clogging, a number of approaches were used to investigate the causes of the turbidity and to identify an
appropriate turbidity and borehole clogging management strategy. Turbidity was recorded using a meter, and
data logger, accurate to 0.01 NTU, whilst step test hydraulic analysis tracked the changes in clogging and fracture
opening associated with the turbidity events. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and chemical analysis iden-
tified the mineralogy of the turbidity solids, whilst PHREEQC geochemical modelling was used to identify
the processes that were causing the turbidity events. Four separate causes of turbidity were identified: (a) short
duration (< 4 hours) disequilibria responses in the aquifer; (b) equilibration of injection water, (c) some injection
water mixing scenarios and (d) fracture network clearance when boreholes are pumped at higher rates for the first
time. Management of the borehole recharge and pumping strategy was found to satisfactorily control turbidity.
Artificial recharge, Chalk, double porosity, turbidity, well clogging.
At the inception of the South London Artificial Recharge Scheme (SLARS) investigation programme, it was clear
that boreholes were the only feasible artificial recharge solution due to the confined nature of the target aquifer and
the lack of available space in the highly urbanised environment of south London. The disadvantage of this approach
was the possibility of borehole clogging from suspended solids, contained either in the recharge water, or created
by geochemical reactions between the injected water, native groundwater and the aquifer matrix. The assumed
solution to this problem was to use the same borehole for both recharge and abstraction, so that any clogging dur-
ing recharge would be minimised by clearance during subsequent abstraction. Consequently the focus of the testing
programme was to validate this assumption by the collection of detailed turbidity, water quality and well per-
formance data in response to recharge and abstraction cycles. Substantial turbidity caused by suspended solids was
found in the reabstracted water at the SLARS investigation sites following injection of recharge water. Furthermore,
sequential step abstraction tests proved a significant reduction in borehole performance occurred as a result of the
first phase of recharge injection. The turbidity issues raised two main concerns; 1) would turbidity cause pro-
gressive and long term deterioration in the borehole capacity; and 2) how could the turbidity issue be cost effec-
tively treated or managed in order to meet water quality standards. This paper discusses how the various processes
causing the borehole turbidity, aquifer clogging and well performance deterioration were assessed, and how
this knowledge was used to successfully select appropriate management and treatment solutions. The discussion
focuses on the results from the Streatham test site in south-west London.
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594 Clogging ef fects
The testing programme consisted of two testing phases. Phase I consisted of a long duration cycle test split into an
initial recharge stage and a subsequent abstraction stage. Phase II contained two short, one medium and one long
duration cycle tests, each split into an initial recharge stage and a subsequent abstraction stage. During Phase I the
recharge rate was limited by the mains capacity to 7 Ml /d, whilst the abstraction rate was initially 6.5 Ml /d and
then was increased to 10 Ml /d during the Phase I constant rate test. Prior to Phase II, the mains capacity was
increased so that sustained recharge rates of 14 Ml /d were achieved; abstraction rates were also increased to
12 Ml /d. Step abstraction tests were conducted before and after each stage in order to determine the progressive
deterioration or improvement, if any, in borehole performance. The step tests were completed in both abstraction
and recharge modes as appropriate, and consisted of 5, one hour steps of progressively increasing rates. These
recharge step-up and abstraction step-up tests were analysed using the method of Bierschenk (1963). However in
order to assess the rate dependence of the turbidity issues, on one occasion a step-down abstraction test of progres-
sively decreasing rates was carried out.
The turbidity of both the abstracted water and the recharge water prior to injection, were measured continuously
using a Hach turbidity meter accurate to 0.01 NTU and recorded on a data logger. Water samples were taken
towards the end of each rate step during the step testing and twice a week during constant rate tests. Redox
potential, pH, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen were continuously measured using a YSI
flow through cell meter, calibrated prior to each test, and recorded on a data logger. These measurements were
validated using laboratory analyses of water samples and regular field measurements of these parameters using a
hand held instrument. The suspended solids causing turbidity were collected from the turbidity meter filter and
were analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with a chemical analyser.
The potential for mineral precipitation to cause turbidity was assessed using the PHREEQC model. Table 1 records
the limited number of possible mixing and equilibration scenarios assessed with the model. PHREEQC calculates
the thermodynamically favourable mineral compositions resulting from mixing injected recharge water, native
groundwater and equilibrium with the solid minerals of the aquifer matrix, then determines the degree of saturation
of the relevant minerals. Whereas it can be assumed that groundwater will always be equilibrated with the aquifer
minerals, both unequilibrated and equilibrated recharge water will be present in the aquifer. The constituent con-
centrations of the injected recharge and native groundwater used for data input into the model were determined
from representative water sample analyses obtained from the testing programme. Calcite and chalcedony, chalk and
flint respectively, were selected as the aquifer mineralogy.
The results of the sequential step tests in the Streatham abstraction borehole (ABH) are shown on Figure 1(a) and
show substantial improvement in borehole performance between 6th August 1993 (Line A) immediately following
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 595
3.0 3.0
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Pumping Rate, Q (Ml/d) Pumping Rate, Q (Ml/d)
borehole construction, and 2nd May 2002 (Line B) immediately prior to the recharge testing programme. The
5 recharge and abstraction step tests undertaken during the remainder of Phase I of the testing programme, includ-
ing a recharge step test undertaken on 3rd May 2002 all plot along Line C. The 3rd May 2002 recharge step test was
the first occasion on which recharge water was injected into the aquifer. As the first step of this step test plots on
Line C and not on Line B, or between Line B and Line C, it shows that the reduction in well performance had
already occurred by the end of the first hour of this test. Therefore the clogging was effectively instantaneous,
whereas well performance thereafter, was apparently constant. However during the Phase II step tests some differ-
ences in well performance were recorded, as illustrated in Figure 1(b), where lines A, B and C correspond to the
well performance responses on Figure 1(a). Although as in Phase I, the majority of the Phase II step test results fall
on line C, two types of tests consistently did not. Firstly, recharge step tests that followed sustained periods of
abstraction show deterioration in well performance during steps 3 to 5 only, and are the upward curved responses
on Figure 1(b). Secondly, recharge step tests at the end of short period recharge cycle tests of 2 to 10 days duration
have significantly reduced well performance; these are the straight lines that plot between Line A and C on
Figure 1(b). The first of these tests recorded the worst well performance coincident with Line A, whilst the two sub-
sequent tests recorded well performance that progressively trended towards Line C. In contrast, the results of
recharge step tests that followed sustained periods (>10 days) of recharge, plotted just below Line C. As short
duration cycle tests were not undertaken in Phase I, it is possible to conclude, in conjunction with the PHREEQC
modelling data discussed later, that well performance during recharge deteriorates temporarily over a period of
approximately 3 hours to 10 days, but thereafter improves again, approaching the well performance of Line C.
Furthermore the degree of deterioration is likely to become less severe as the number of recharge and abstraction
cycles is increased, as the aquifer is ‘conditioned’.
The step test results were validated by the PHREEQC thermodynamic modelling, (Table 1). These results show that
calcite will precipitate as the recharge water equilibrates in the presence of the Chalk matrix. This occurs as soon as
the water enters the aquifer and is likely to have been the cause of the rapid clogging of the aquifer matrix indicat-
ed by the step test results shown on Figure (1a). Once the recharge water equilibrates, mixtures of unequilibrated
and equilibrated recharge water can also precipitate both calcite and silica. However mixing of either recharge water
or equilibrated recharge water with native groundwater results in calcite dissolution. Consequently the model pre-
dicts a transition from calcite precipitation to dissolution as recharge progresses, consistent with the step test results
on Figure 1. The SEM analysis provided further confirmation of the conceptual model by identifying the suspended
solids causing turbidity as principally calcite (CaCO3) and alumino-silicates (clays) with some minor Fe(OH)3.
Calcite and clays are the major and minor mineral components of Chalk rock and therefore any dissolution of
calcite contained in the aquifer matrix is also likely to release any clays cemented by the calcite. The origin of the
Fe(OH)3 in the reabstracted water was not evaluated in any detail as iron minerals are abundant in the overlying
and hydraulically connected Thanet Sands, occur independently in the Chalk and were present in low con-
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596 Clogging ef fects
centrations in the injected recharge water. Furthermore sequential water sample analysis showed that iron parti-
cipates in bacterially assisted redox reactions following recharge. Consequently iron turbidity was not considered in
any detail as: (a) iron was a small percentage of the suspended solids causing turbidity; (b) iron was consistently
below its PCV in reabstracted water, and (c) the solubility and mobility of iron is affected by the redox reactions.
It is reasonable to suppose from Figure 1(a) that the improvement in well performance between 6th August 1993
(Line A) and 2nd May 2002 (Line B) was the result of fracture network development in the vicinity of the Streatham
ABH during operational abstraction. Progressive clearing out of individual fractures in the network was subsequent-
ly well demonstrated during the Phase II constant rate abstraction test conducted between 23rd December 2002 and
6th March 2003, (Figure 2a). It was possible to conclude that the simultaneous occurrence of turbidity spikes and
improved well performance must indicate individual fracture network clearance events as the flow meter chart
recorder confirmed did not record any changes in abstraction rate. Turbidity data from the August 1993 tests sug-
gest that fracture clearance events occurred frequently over the first 20 days of testing but did not occur thereafter.
As a second step test was not carried out at this stage, it is possible the substantial performance improvement
(Line B on Figure 1a) had already occurred by the end of the first 20 days of pumping. Notably, the Phase I constant
rate test was pumped at the ABH licence rate of 6.5 Ml /d during the period of 12th to 15th June 2002 and no tur-
bidity spikes occurred, (Period A on Figure 2b). However when the pumping rate was increased on 15th June 2002
to 10 Ml /d, a rate significantly higher than the ABH had previously been pumped, turbidity spikes repeatedly and
frequently occurred, (Period B on Figure 2b). The only time this process reoccurred, was during the Phase II con-
stant rate test (Figure 2a) when the ABH was pumped at 12 Ml /d, which was the first occasion the ABH was
pumped at rates higher than 10 Ml /d. The results show that fracture network clearance in the Streatham borehole
is a function of the abstraction rate relative to the previous highest sustained abstraction rate in the ABH and the
rate of fracture network clearance attenuates rapidly during constant rate pumping.
100 0 10
Turbidity ABH Drawdown
Turbidity (NTU)
Turbidity (NTU)
ABH Drawdown (m)
10 4
1 8 5
0.1 12
0.01 16 0
0 20 40 60 80 12-Jun 14-Jun 16-Jun 18-Jun 20-Jun 22-Jun
Elapsed Time (Days) Date
Figure 2. (a) Comparison of turbidity events to drawdown, and (b) Turbidity responses
from the first period (6.5 Ml /d) and second period (10 Ml /d) Phase I constant rate abstraction test
Elevated turbidity commonly occurs in Chalk abstraction boreholes immediately after pumps are switched on. This
response occurs as a result of surging in the rising main (identified by short-lived turbidity spikes of < 5 minutes
duration) and temporary disequilibria caused by flow in the fracture network mixing water from different locations
of the aquifer matrix. The latter response is well illustrated on Figure 3(a) from the step abstraction test of 2nd May
2002. In this test, which was carried out before any recharge injection was attempted, turbidity peaks at 4.3 NTU
before falling back to a baseline level of 0.05 NTU after a period of about 3.5 hours. The results show that providing
the test flow rate does not exceed previous highest sustained flow rates, the turbidity in the aquifer is not rate
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 597
dependent and is well below the turbidity water quality standard of 1 NTU. This turbidity response is again seen
during a post-recharge step abstraction test two days later (Figure 3b), although on this occasion the peak turbidity
from the disequilibrium response is much greater, (85 NTU), due to the presence of injected recharge water in the
aquifer from the recharge step test on the previous day. However in the second half of the step test following
recharge there is also a new response. Although the turbidity attenuates significantly during each step, each time
the pumping rate was increased, increasingly greater concentrations of suspended solids were mobilised. The rate
dependence of the mobilisation of suspended solids was subsequently proven by the step-down and step-up abstrac-
tion tests completed respectively on 10th and 11th June 2002, (Figure 4), following 26 days of recharge during the
constant rate recharge test. Turbidity during the step-down test peaked during step 1 and attenuated thereafter.
However in the step-up test on the following day, significant peaks in turbidity only occurred during step 5 and to a
minor degree during step 4, conclusively showing turbidity is a function of the flow rate following recharge.
5.0 120
Turbidity (NTU)
Turbidity (NTU)
3.5 80
2.5 60
1.5 40
1.0 20
0.0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (Hours) Time (Hours)
Figure 3. (a) Turbidity during the 2nd May 2002 abstraction step test,
and (b) Turbidity during the reabstraction step test 2 days later
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (Hours) Time (Hours)
Figure 4: Turbidity responses during the (a) step-down, and (b) step-up abstraction step tests
As calcite precipitated in the pores of the aquifer matrix can be expected to clog the matrix and to become
immobilised, the calcite turbidity mobilised during reabstraction following recharge is likely to have been pre-
cipitated in the fracture network. Similarly, the clay turbidity must be released by calcite dissolution within the
fracture network. Bagnold (1973) shows that mobilisation of the precipitates is a function of the cube of velocity
and this explains the strong relationship of pumping rate to the occurrence of turbidity. Effectively the data show
that providing constant pumping rates are maintained, cleaning by scouring is rapidly achieved and turbidity falls
well below the 1 NTU standard. However as the pumping rate is increased, the fracture network is either scoured
progressively further afield, or previously immobile precipitates are mobilised in the faster flows in the fracture
network. Where the ABH is pumped at a rate that exceeds the previous highest sustained pumping rate, aquifer
material in addition to precipitates will be periodically scoured in discreet fracture network clearance events. With
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
598 Clogging ef fects
this knowledge it is possible to propose a turbidity management strategy. Pumping to waste at rates the same as, or
higher than, the subsequent water supply rate was found to be an effective turbidity clearance strategy following
recharge injection operations. Similarly, it was found that turbidity spikes caused by fracture network development
could be avoided if the borehole was pumped at a rate below the previous sustained maximum rate.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM), mineral thermodynamic modelling, turbidity monitoring and detailed step
testing can be used to identify the processes causing turbidity events and fluctuations in well performance. In the
SLARS investigation area, four separate causes of turbidity were identified: (a) short duration (< 4 hours) disequi-
libria responses in the aquifer; (b) equilibration of injection water, (c) some injection water mixing scenarios
and (d) fracture network clearance when boreholes are pumped at higher rates for the first time. As a result of iden-
tifying each of the processes causing turbidity, it was feasible to identify an appropriate management strategy for
Anderson MD et al. (2005). Obtaining Reliable Aquifer and Well Performance Hydraulic Parameter Values in a
Double Porosity Aquifer: Examples from Artificial Recharge Trials in South London. ISMAR5, Berlin.
Bagnold RA (1973). The nature of saltation and of ‘bed-load’ transport in water. Wat. Resour. Res. 13, 303 – 312.
Bierschenk WH (1963). Determining well efficiency by multiple step drawdown tests. Intern. Assoc. Sci. Hydrol. Publ.
64, 493– 507.
Jones M.A. et al. (2005). The Streatham Groundwater Source: An Analogue of the Development of Recharge
Enhanced Groundwater Resources Management in the London Basin. (This volume.)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Clogging processes
in a bank filtration system
in the littoral zone of Lake Tegel (Germany)
Günter Gunkel and Anja Hoffmann
Several physical, chemical and biological mechanisms play a role in the clogging of sediment interstices regularly
observed in sand filter and infiltration basin systems. Whereas the hyporheic zone has been the focus of many
investigations, little is known about the lenitic limnic zone, which is typical in lowland areas with lakes and low
flow rivers. One must assume that clogging is regulated by both the build-up and the input of particulate organic
matter (POM).
In the present study, we collected samples from the littoral zone of Lake Tegel, Berlin, Germany, to analyze rele-
vant carbon turnover processes. High concentrations of POM were detected in the upper sediment layer, with 3.4%
ds down to 20 centimeters depth. A very high biomass of interstitial algae was found in the first 5 cm of sediment
(25 µg Chl a per cm–3); this was 1000 times higher than in the lake water. The pore system of the sediment was
filled to about 50% with POM, and the algae volume comprised about 25 % of POM. Only low amounts of POM were
transported from the lake water downwards into the interstices, and the transport of FPOM (a few centimeters per
day) was much lower than the water flow (32–260 cm d–1). The DOC concentrations in lake water (~ 8 mg L–1) and
interstitial water (~ 6 mg L–1) were determined by the in situ bioactivity of interstitial organisms in addition to
DOC input from lake water.
Bank filtration, clogging, hyporheic zone, interstices, littoral, meiofauna.
The hyporheic zone is a dynamic ecotone between the aquatic and the groundwater ecosystems. Consequently, the
physical, chemical and biological parameters used in limnology and hydrogeology to characterize the two eco-
systems tend to display high gradients. The significance of the ecotone is given by the natural and artificial ground-
water recharge and the need for adequate groundwater protection.
The hyporheic zone has been the subject of many investigations, most of which have focused on marine sandy
beaches, but also on mountain areas with running water containing sandy and stony substrates. This lotic-limnic
hyporheic zone must be distinguished from lenitic hyporheic interstices, which are typically found in lowland areas
with lakes and low flowing rivers. Compared to lotic systems, fine sand and silt are the dominant substrates in low-
land rivers, and infiltration processes are strictly reduced.
Although we have a good understanding of the marine hyporheic interstice (Higgins and Thiel 1988) and of the
limnic-lotic hyporheic zone (Pennak 1988, Brunke and Gonser 1997), little is known about the ecological process-
es that maintain the limnic-lenitic ecotone (Pennak 1988, Hakenkamp et al. 2002). The main mechanisms are the
infiltration of water, the mechanical retention of suspended particles, and the mineralization of particulate organic
matter (POM) and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). However, the hyporheic interstice is also a zone of primary
production by microalgae, which, like meiofauna, are part of the interstitial food web (Wasmund 1986, Beulker and
Gunkel 1996). Thus, biological processes like primary production of biomass, fragmentation of crude POM
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600 Clogging ef fects
(CPOM) to fine POM (FPOM) by consumer organisms, the uptake of DOC by heterotrophic organisms and
the excretion of DOC by all interstitial organisms are some factors to be considered. Our investigations at Lake
Tegel in Berlin, Germany demonstrated the significance of the bio-coenosis on interstitial clogging. As the numbers
of different species (diversity) and organisms (abundance) were remarkably high, we assume that the meioflora and
meiofauna play a significant role in the water purification processes related to bank filtration (Beulker and Gunkel
A better understanding of colmation, the process by which the clogging of sediment interstices occurs, is required
since it can severely obstruct the artificial vertical sand filters for groundwater recharge (Rinck-Pfeiffer 2000). The
permeability of the hyporheic interstices depends on the hydraulic conductivity of the sediments layers, which is
influenced by mechanical, chemical and biological processes related to clogging. Well-known mechanical factors
causing clogging are the input of fine sand particles (silt) and the occurrence of gas bubbles (oxygen or methane),
while chemical processes are mainly the precipitation of carbonates, iron hydroxides, and sulphur or sulphides. The
main biological sources include the excretion of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), in most cases poly-
saccharides or polypeptides (Flemming et al. 1998). Meiofauna presumably influence or regulate the clogging
intensity by engaging in activities such as burrowing. However, data on these dynamic interactions, the build-up
of EPS and structural destruction by interstitial fauna are scarce. Most of the available information has to do with
artificial ground water recharge systems, the inflow conditions of which are significantly different from those of
littoral zones.
Our investigations were carried in the sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel, a lake-like extension of the River Havel, in
Berlin. Lake Tegel has an area of 2.82 km2 and a mean depth of 5.5 m; it can be characterized as moderately
eutrophic. Along the shoreline of Lake Tegel, 130 wells for water extraction are located close to the surface (30 m)
and below the marl (< 62 m). The lake is therefore subject to exfiltration. Sampling equipment was inserted in the
littoral zone of the lake (water depth of about 50 cm). Sampling was conducted regularly (infiltration rate and water
chemistry every 3 weeks, meioflora and fauna every 6 weeks) for a period of one year.
The infiltration rate was measured in pressureless enclosures 25 cm in diameter; inflow into the enclosures
was determined using water-filled bags. DOC was determined using a TOC analyzer (LiquiTOC). Sediment cores
were extracted by pressing plastic tubes (Ø 5 cm) into the sediment; freeze cores were also obtained following
the method of Bretschko and Klemens (1986). The abundance and diversity of interstitial flora and fauna in the samples
was assessed after separation by water cascade analysis. The taxonomic determination was reduced to about 90% of the
species and biomass, and the species were generally determined to the level of the genus (Beulker and Gunkel
1996). Chlorophyll was assessed by sand extraction after DEV (1996). Carbon and nitrogen levels were determined
using a CN analyzer (Carlo Erba Inst.). The structure of the biofilm and the occurrence of EPS was studied by REM-EDX
analysis using small sediment cores of 10 x 10 mm, which were spluttered with gold and exposed directly in the
REM. POM was measured gravimetriccally as ash-free dry mass after cascade floating separation from sand, silt and
meiofauna. Proteins and polysaccharides were identified by light microscopy after staining the sediment samples
with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 for proteins and Alcian Blue for polysaccharides.
The Lake Tegel test site is a sandy area (fine sand: 10 – 30%, medium sand: 55 – 60 %, coarse sand: 5 – 30%) with
some reed stands (Phragmites australis) and water lilies (Nuphar lutea). Both stands are remnants of an ancient reed
zone, which today is protected by a palisade, but is still impacted by swimmers and lake eutrophication.
Characteristic parameters of the littoral zone at Lake Tegel are given in Table 1. The infiltration rate was determined
to be 3 – 27 L m–2 h–1.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 601
Table 1. Characteristics of the eastern littoral zone of Lake Tegel (near the island of Reiswerder)
Depth (cm)
0–5 5 – 10 10 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 25
The littoral sediment is enriched with particulate organic matter (POM), which must be divided in two groups,
CPOM (crude POM), a food source for shredder organisms, and FPOM (fine POM), a food source for sediment
feeders and filterers. POM can be transported with the water flow into the sediment and is retained in the pore sys-
tem; this may be one reason for clogging phenomena. The POM concentrations are high (about 1% ds) in the upper
layer (down to 20 cm) and decrease to 0.25% at 50 cm sediment depth (Fig. 1). Investigations carried out with
monodisperse polymeric resin microparticles and with fluorescein (FITC)-labeled fine organic particles (algae,
leaves) indicate that POM is not transported downwards, and that FPOM transport is restricted to the topmost 2 to
3 cm of sediment (Beulker et al. 2005). Water flux, as determined in infiltration chamber measurements
(3 – 27 L m–2 h–1), leads to an infiltration velocity of 32 – 260 cm day–1 in the pore system, while the particle trans-
port amounts to a few cm per day. Therefore, water infiltration does not lead to any remarkable extent of passive
particle transport. However, significant quantities of
CPOM are fragmented to FPOM in the interstitial bio-
POM [% dry weight ] coenosis.
0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50
0 Besides POM input, primary production is also
5 assumed to be another source of organic carbon in the
interstices; this theory was confirmed by our micro-
scopic analyses. The sediment particles were densely
15 colonized with algae (mainly diatoms), which are
Depth [cm]
known sources of extracellular polymeric substances
(EPS; Fig. 2) and detrital POM. This interstitial flora is
a biocoenosis especially adapted to the sediment pore
30 system. That at Lake Tegel was colonized mainly by
epipsammic organisms (aufwuchs) attached to sedi-
ment grains (abundance: 60 – 90%). Diatoms were the
40 dominant species; diatoms are able to move within the
45 sediment and can even migrate to micro zones under
optimal conditions. The most prevalent diatom species
were Amphora pediculus, Cocconeis spp.,Achnanthes
clevei, A. minutissima and A. lanceolata. Some inter-
stitial algae like nanoflagellates (Trachelomonas,
Euglena) were also found. Pelagic species from the
Figure 1. Vertical particulate organic matter (POM) lake water are also transported into the interstices to a
distribution (> 100 µm) in the bank filtration system small extent (abundance: 0 – 25%; Beulker and Gunkel
within the upper littoral sediment layer of Lake Tegel 1996).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
602 Clogging ef fects
chlorophyll a [µg/cm³]
The vertical distribution of chlorophyll a (Chl a) con- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
firmed our assumption that algae significantly influence 1
the composition of the upper sand layer (Fig. 3). The Chl 3
a concentration was very high (21 to 28 µg cm ) in the 4
upper 5 centimeters of sediment and decreased with 6
depth [cm]
depth, with only traces of Chl a detected at 9 centimeters 8
3 9
depth. A Chl a concentration of about 25 µg cm is 10
extremely high compared with the lake water, which 12 no data
even under eutrophic conditions contained only about 13
20 µg L . The algae biomass in the interstices was about 15
1,000 times higher than in the overlying water body, and 17 no data
the algae biomass in the upper 5 cm of sediment inter- 19
stices corresponded to the algae biomass of a 50 m water
column. The calculated algae biomass (Margaleff 1983)
was about 40 g C m–2; this is certainly high, but similar
Figure 3. Vertical chlorophyll a concentrations within
to figures reported for epipsammic algae in small creeks the upper littoral sediment layer of a bank filtration site
(Cummins et al. 1966, Ruhrmann 1990). at Lake Tegel (mean values from March to August 2004)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 603
The great significance of the interstitial flora was confirmed by the parallel development of a comparably large
number of interstitial fauna: a total of 77 taxa were identified, whereby nematodes and annelids (worms) plus
crustaceans and copepods (water flies) were the dominant species. With an average 7,000 individuals per dm–2 in
the upper sediment layer, i.e., at depths of 0 to 10 cm (minimum individuals /dm–2: 430; maximum: 9,700; Beulker
and Gunkel 1996), this abundance of the interstitial fauna is very high. Comparable abundance and diversity levels
can also be found in marine sandy beaches (Higgins and Thiel 1988)
The composition of the sediment in the upper interstitial zone is shown as weight percentages in Fig. 4a and as vol-
ume amounts in Fig. 4b, which point out the significance of the POM within the interstices. The average POM vol-
ume in the upper sediment zone (0 – 5 cm) was found to be 19.4%, while the sediment pore volume was calculated
to be about 40 %. Thus, the sediment pore system is half filled by organic material; 20% of the POM is dry substance
and 80% is cell water or bound water.
Figure 4. Composition of the upper littoral sand zone (0 – 5 cm) of Lake Tegel relative to
a) weight (water and dry weight of sand, POM and carbonate) and b) volume.
POM was calculated based on the organic carbon (C org) content under consideration of a biomass of 20%
and a water content of 80% of the algae; leaves are wood debris were excluded
The composition of the POM volume can be specified by correlating chlorophyll a (Chl a) to organic carbon
(C org): C org = Chl a x (30 to 100); (Margaleff 1983). Accordingly, the C org concentration of the algae was calcu-
lated as 0.8 to 2.5 g / l, while the observed Corg (algae and POM) was 10 g L–1. Living algae therefore comprise
about 8 to 25 % of the POM volume. This is supported by our findings obtained by correlating Chl a to algae dry
substance based on Chl a = 0.5 – 3% of the dry substance (Margaleff 1983), the analogous algae biomass is 3 to
25 g L–1, corresponding to 7 to 50% of the POM. Considering the wide scattering of the relation between Chl a to
carbon content and to biomass, it is notable that about 25% of the POM consisted of living algae.
Our structural analysis and study of carbon turnover processes at Lake Tegel suggest that interstitial algae play an
important role in interstitial clogging. Based on our findings, we must assume that the permeability of the sediment
is determined by biological processes. Algae, consumer organisms (shredders, filterers and predators) and bacteria
are part of the interstitial food web. Bacteria are maintained in the system by DOC uptake (microbial loop) and
POM mineralization. This biocoenosis responsible for clogging of sediment interstices makes up about 50 % of the
pore system. The biomass of the interstitial algae was used to estimate carbon activity levels (Table 2), assuming a
daily reproduction rate of 20 %, which is low for limnic systems. These data indicate that the DOC of pore water is
mainly determined by algae production, and DOC input from the lake is low. The interstitial biocoenosis is respon-
sible for purification processes of infiltrated water and we must assume that the efficiency is regulated by the stab-
ility of the biocoenosis.
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604 Clogging ef fects
Table 2. Parameters of C turnover in littoral sediment interstices of Lake Tegel (means for 2004),
(* = calculated data)
Parameter Turnover in the interstices
C org total (POC) 5,000 mg C dm–2
C org interstitial flora (algae, 0 – 5 cm depth) 350 – 1,750 mg C dm–2
Primary production of algae (~ 20% d–1) * 70 – 350 mg C dm–2 d–1
Infiltration rate to groundwater 0.5 – 6 L dm–2
DOC input by lake water infiltration 3.5 – 42 mg C dm–2 d–1
DOC input by interstices algae * ~ 14 – 70 mg C dm–2 d–1
DOC output to groundwater 2.5 – 30 mg C dm–2 d–1
∆ DOC (input – output) 1 – 12 mg C dm–2 d–1
DOC mineralization * ~ 15 – 82 mg C dm–2 d–1
Beulker C. and Gunkel G.(1996). Studies on the occurrence and ecology of meiofauna and benthic algae in the
littoral sediment of lakes. – Limnologica 26, 311–326.
Beulker, C., Gunkel, G. Hoffmann, A. and Kosmol, J. (2005) Fluorescence markers as a tool for the study of POM
transport and biogenic metabolism in littoral sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods (subm.)
Cummins K. W., Coffmann W. P., Roff P. A. (1966). Trophic relationships in a small woodland stream. Verh. Int. Ver.
Limnol. 16, 627– 638.
DEV (1996) L 16. Bestimmung des Chlorophyll-a-Gehaltes von Oberflächenwasser. Deutsche Einheitsverfahren zur
Wasser-, Abwasser- und Schlammuntersuchung. Deutsche Einheitsverfahren. VCH, Weinheim, Loseblattsammlung.
Flemming H.-C., Wingender J. and Mayer C. (1998). Extracellular polymeric substances: The material which forms
the biofilms. Medelingen Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen Universität Gent
63(4A), 1129 –1136.
Higgens R. P. and Thiel, H. (eds.) (1988) Introduction to the Study of Meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Press,
Washington. 488 S.
Margaleff R. (1983) Limnología. Ed. Omega, Barcelona. 1010 pp.
Pennak R. W. (1988). Ecology of the freshwater meiofauna. In: Introduction to the study of Meiofauna. R. P. Higgins
and H. Thiel (eds.). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, pp. 39 – 60.
Rinck-Pfeiffer St., Ragusa S., Sztajinbik P. and Vandevelde Th. (2000). Interrelationships between biological, chemi-
cal, and physical processes as an analog to clogging in aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells. Wat. Res. 34,
2110 – 2118.
Ruhrmann P. (1990). Biomasse und Produktivität phototropher epilithischer Aufwuchsorganismen in einem
Mittelgebirgsbach (Steinea, Südschwarzwald). Diss., Univ. Konstanz, 1–154.
Wasmund N. (1986) Ecology and bioproduction in the microphytobenthos of the chain of shallow inlets (boddens)
south of the Darss-Zingst Peninsula (Southern Baltic Sea). Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. 71, 153 –178.
This investigation was supported by a grant from the German Research Council (DFG). We would like to thank
Claudia Delling, Claudia Hommel, Kristina Kern, Carola Jacobs, Sebastian Pohl and Bernhard Steubing for carrying
out parts of the field work and laboratory analyses for this study.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Physicochemical changes in pore water
in the sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel
during bank filtration
Anja Hoffmann and Günter Gunkel
At Lake Tegel in Berlin, Germany, drinking water is produced by induced bank filtration. Under such increased infil-
tration conditions, it is very important to understand the natural purification processes in the upper littoral zone
(sediment depth of about 0–30 cm) in order to maintain a high drinking water quality.
We therefore analyzed the pore water and measured the redox potential at Lake Tegel regularly to detect fluc-
tuations in the concentrations of physicochemical parameters due to seasonal variations in the redox potential.
The redox potential is not only influenced by the biological activity of the interstitial biocoenosis, but also by
hydraulic conditions that occasionally produce unsaturated zones leading to an intrusion of gaseous oxygen. The
result is an increase in the redox potential, which declines during the summer due to intensive dissimilatory reduc-
tion and microbial activity, thus leading to distinctly anaerobic conditions. When this is the case, the oxygen
supplied by primary production and bioturbation cannot meet the oxygen demand needed for the mineralization
of organic material. Negative redox values (minimal –200 mV) are accompanied by increases in nitrite (max. conc.
150 µg/L) and ammonium levels (max. conc. 0.45 mg/L), while the nitrate concentrations decreased (min. conc.
0.2 mg/L). This indicates that processes such as denitrification and ammonification occur, and that, after deple-
tion of free oxygen reserves, other electron acceptors, such as nitrate and also heavy metal ions (Fe3 +), are used.
Bank filtration, hyporheic zone, interstices, pore water, redox potential.
In Berlin and other regions, natural bank filtration processes have been successfully exploited for drinking water
production for years. In fact, around 70 % of the abstracted groundwater in Berlin originates from induced bank fil-
tration and artificial groundwater recharge (Pekdeger and von Sommer-Jarmerstedt, 1998).
As the water passes through the sediment, distinct self-purification processes such as filtration, adsorption, preci-
pitation, biological oxidation, denitrification and carbon metabolism take place. These mechanisms are well under-
stood due to numerous studies dealing with the functioning of sewage plants and infiltration ponds. However,
although increasingly important, the regulatory mechanisms and seasonal changes affecting the self-purification
potential as well as the impact of these changes on pore water quality in natural environments influenced by
induced bank filtration have not been sufficiently investigated.
A main objective of the current research project was to provide a detailed analysis of the self-purification processes
in the upper 30 cm of the hyporheic interstice, i.e. in the sandy littoral zone, of Lake Tegel in northwest Berlin. The
self-purification process is an inherent part of the spatial structure and biological activity of the interstice. The bio-
logical function is based on the supply of oxygen from primary production, carbon transfer and carbon turnover
resulting from meiofaunal activity and the microbial loop, as well as on the regulation of the clogging processes (see
also Gunkel and Hoffmann, 2005), and aeration of the sediments by meiofaunal bioturbation, as is well described
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
606 Clogging ef fects
elsewhere (Solan and Kennedy, 2002). Degradation of organic material, on the other hand, leads to a depletion of
oxygen and the resultant use of other electron acceptors such as nitrate, manganese, iron oxides, hydroxides and
sulfate, typically proceeding from the highest energy yield downwards.
Especially during the summer, increased dissimilatory reduction and microbial activity result in anaerobic con-
ditions in an relative extensive layer of sediment. Biological activity in the biocoenosis therefore has a strong impact
on the redox situation on which the hydrochemical situation ultimately depends. Because of the induced bank fil-
tration at Lake Tegel, we have to assume that redox conditions in the interstices of the littoral sediments are also
influenced to a great extent by temporal and spatial variations in the hydraulic state, which may be either saturated
or unsaturated. Similar conditions are assumed for the artificial recharge pond near Lake Tegel (Massmann et al.,
Field monitoring was carried out at Lake Tegel. The study site was situated within the catchment area of the Tegel
water purification plant (Berliner Wasserbetriebe) and the Tegel-West well gallery, which consists of 130 vertical fil-
trating wells near the islet of Reiswerder. The current trophic state of Lake Tegel is moderately eutrophic (LAWA
Directive 1998).
Pore water was recovered using rhizon soil moisture samplers (UMS GmbH Munich). The 5 cm porous polymer
tubes (diameter 2.5 x 1.5 mm) were connected via a Luer lock system to nylon tubes and syringes to produce a
vacuum. The moisture samplers were permanently inserted in the interstices at 5 cm increments from depths of 1 to
26 cm using a rack-like acrylic glass tube with holes drilled at the appropriate depths. The rack tube was placed in
the sediment, and the moisture samplers were inserted horizontally from the inside of the tube into the surrounding
and undisturbed sediment. Pore water and lake water samples were extracted every three weeks, then filtered
through filters with a defined pore diameter of 0.45 µm and analyzed immediately.
Soluble ions (PO43 –, NO3–, NH4+) were assayed by flow injection analysis (FIAstar 5000, Foss Tecator), while metal
ion concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer 5000) after filtration and
acidification (pH ≤ 2) with concentrated nitric acid. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured using a TOC
analyzer (Liqui-TOC). Nitrite analyses were carried out immediately (at lakeside during the summer) using a rapid
test kit (Aquaquant, Merck).
Parallel to pore water sampling, a sediment core (length ca. 30 cm) was removed and the redox potential (UH) was
measured immediately by inserting an electrode (WTW, Pt in Ag/AgCl) through a hole in the acrylic glass tube at
specified sediment depths (every 2 cm) by successively pushing the sediment upwards.
The highest UH values (Fig. 1) were observed in the winter in all sediment layers studied. At this time algae bio-
mass values in the interstice were very high (Gunkel and Hoffmann, 2005), while microbial activity levels probably
were relatively low. These conditions, in conjunction with a high primary production potential and cold water tem-
peratures, promote a high redox potential. From February to April 2004, peak values of > 400 mV were measured
from sediment depths of 8 cm downwards, indicating oxic conditions. In the same period, the upper horizon also
showed a high redox potential but was rather anoxic; this means that the free oxygen produced by algae primary
production was also rapidly depleted by respiration and chemical oxidation. Besides primary production, this zone
also demonstrated the most intensive heterotrophic metabolism (highest meiofaunal abundance). Decomposition
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 607
of leaf material is another factor, that leads to increased oxygen consumption. From April 2004 on, the redox poten-
tial decreased rapidly from the uppermost sediment layer down.
This resulted in anaerobic conditions over the entire sediment horizon studied in June, the time when infiltration
and pumping rates were highest. In that month, the high temperatures, which also reduce oxygen dissolution in
lake water, led to increased heterotrophic activity and mineralization. In addition, primary production in the sedi-
ments was probably reduced due to a worsening of the light climate, while enhanced primary production in the
water column led to increasing amounts of dead algae entering the sediment.
Here, the bulk of organic material (dead algae) also caused high mineralization rates. Moreover, we have to assume
that aerobic microniches with free oxygen exist, but were not detected by the redox electrode. The fauna activity
also has great effects on the total O2 consumption rates and thus on mineralization. Wenzhöfer and Glud (2004)
found that light-dependent changes in fauna
activity result in strongly elevated O2 uptake
rates (5.3 mmol / m² h) at the onset of darkness. -2
On the other hand, they found that the volume 500
of oxic sediment around burrow structures 450
20 cm upwards, indicating the intrusion of -10
gaseous oxygen due to a change in hydraulic 150
state, while values in the top 10 cm remained 100
minimal. The reason for the intrusion of -14 50
gaseous oxygen into deeper sediment layers and 0
the resultant rise in the redox potential was -50
As shown in Figures 2–4, the concentrations of distinct soluble nitrogen compounds in pore water were similar to
those in infiltrating water most of the year. Under the anaerobic conditions occurring in the summer, the levels of
nitrate in the interstices decreased. First, nitrite concentrations increased to a maximum (150 µg / L), which is
indicative of denitrification, while nitrate concentrations in both pore water and infiltrating water remained moder-
ate (roughly 1 mg / L). Compared to infiltrating water, nitrate concentrations in pore water declined sharply, from
0.9 mg / L to 0.2 mg / L, at depths of 6 to 26 cm (maximum difference: 0.7 mg / L) in August and September 2004. At
the same time, ammonium concentrations in pore water increased to maximal 0.4 mg / L, indicating ammonifica-
tion. The infiltrating nitrate concentrations presumably were not sufficient to compensate the low redox potential.
Apart from the low redox potential, the high temperatures also promoted denitrification and ammonification. As
these are fast processes, the intermediate product, nitrite, was not always detected in high concentrations.
After oxygen depletion, other electron acceptors are utilized sequentially, in the order of the highest energy
yield downwards. Microbially catalyzed reduction of nitrate starts below EH values of + 421 mV, followed by the
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
608 Clogging ef fects
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
150 1 2.80 0.42
0 140 0 0 0.40
-1 -1 0.38
-2 130 -2 2.40 -2 0.36
-3 120 -3 -3
-4 -4 2.20 0.34
-5 110 -5 0.32
2.00 -5
-6 -6 -6 0.30
100 0.28
sediment (cm)
-7 -7 1.80
sediment (cm)
sediment (cm)
-8 90 -8 -8 0.26
-9 -9 1.60 -9 0.24
-10 80 -10 -10 0.22
70 -11 -11 0.20
-12 -12 1.20 -12
60 0.18
-13 -13 -13
-14 -14 1.00 0.16
50 -14
-15 -15 -15
0.80 0.12
40 -16 -16
-17 -17 0.60 -17 0.10
-18 30 -18 -18 0.08
-19 -19 0.40 -19 0.06
-20 -20 -20 0.04
-21 10 0.20
-21 -21 0.02
-22 -22 0.00 -22
-23 0 0.00
-23 -23
-24 -24 -24
-25 -25 -25
-26 -26 -26
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
month in 2004 month in 2004 month in 2004
reduction of manganese below EH values of +396 mV (Schachtschabel et al., 1982). If the redox potential continues
to decrease, reduced iron appears and, finally, desulfurification starts at EH values of –100 mV and lower, depending
on which complex reactions of organic compounds occur (Matthess, 1990).
An increase in the rather low soluble iron concentrations in the interstices of Lake Tegel was only observed at 6 cm
and deeper between June and August (Fig. 5). The changes in sulfate concentrations in pore water were not indi-
cative of desulfurification, but scanning electron microscopy revealed pyrites at different sediment depths. The
sulfate concentrations ranged between 114 mg / L and 136 mg / L in both pore water and free water. From March to
October, soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP) concentrations in the interstices were relatively low, mostly in the
range of 10 to 40 µg/L (Fig. 6) and, except in June, were also very similar to those in infiltrating water. The highest
SRP concentrations were observed from October to December in the overlying water column and in the relatively
deep sediment below 20 cm. The high SRP concentrations in the free water can be attributed to desorption, as was
also suggested by the very low concentrations in the uppermost sediment layer. Desorption of SRP is mainly con-
trolled by temperature and mineralization as well as by the subsequent reduction of iron, the most important
ligand. Since desorption processes were normally observed at the hypolimnic sediment water interface under anaer-
obic conditions, distribution of SRP from deeper water layers through mixing is also a possibility. Total phosphorus
concentrations in sediment were rather moderate (ca. 70 mg/g dw).
Figure 7 shows the changes in pH over time. Two distinct zones of high pH values, corresponding to high primary
production, were apparent: one in the free water during the vegetation period, and a second in the upper 6 cm sedi-
ment layer in October and during the winter. At all sampling dates, the pH values decreased with sediment depth;
this suggests that metabolism is exclusively heterotrophic at depths below 10 cm.
The electric conductivity ranged between 705 µS /cm and 820 µS /cm, but no depth gradients were detected.
No significant changes in pore water concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were observed, but differ-
ences (mostly < 1 mg / L) between DOC levels in the infiltrating water (range: 6.3 – 7.7 mg/L) and the upper inter-
stice were detected. In the whole sediment horizon, DOC concentrations ranged between 5.9 and 7.0 mg /L. Our
previous results about the biocoenosis (Gunkel and Hoffmann 2005) led us to the assumption that very short cycles
of carbon release and uptake, i.e. microbial loops, were responsible for this observation.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 609
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 480 0 100
-1 -1 -1 8.1
-2 440 -2 -2
90 8.0
-3 -3 -3
-4 400 -4 -4
80 7.9
-5 -5 -5
-6 360 -6 -6 7.8
sediment (cm)
sediment (cm)
sediment (cm)
-7 -7 70 -7
-8 320 -8 -8 7.7
-9 -9 60 -9 7.6
-10 280 -10 -10
-11 -11 -11 7.5
240 50 -12
-12 -12
-13 7.4
-13 -13
-14 200 -14 40 -14 7.3
-15 -15 -15
160 -16 30 -16 7.2
-17 -17 -17
120 -18 7.1
-18 -18 20
-19 -19 -19 7.0
80 -20
-20 -20 10
-21 -21 -21 6.9
40 -22
-22 -22 6.8
-23 -23 0 -23
0 -24
-24 -24
-25 -25
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figures 5 – 7. Concentrations of soluble Fe (µg/L); SRP (µg/L) and pH in infiltrating water and pore water
in the upper 26 cm of the sandy littoral zone from March to December 2004
During the summer, enhanced respiration and mineralization rates combined with presumably lower primary pro-
duction rates led to a huge oxygen demand that was not compensated by functional biological activity. Therefore,
biological oxidation of water compounds as a part of the self-purification process does not seem to be guaranteed
at that time. The low redox potential regulates chemical reactions that determine the pore water concentrations of
soluble ions. The resultant use of other electron acceptors in lieu of free oxygen led to denitrification and ammo-
nification, resulting in a beneficial reduction of nitrate concentrations. A hydraulic shift, that is, a change from
saturated to unsaturated conditions, led to reoxidation of the sediments by gaseous oxygen. Later, the redox situ-
ation seemed to stabilize due to a more balanced relationship between primary production (high algae biomass and
depth expansion, good light climate) and heterotrophic metabolism. Carbon metabolism, which is related to algae
and meiofauna abundance, was highest in the upper 5 cm of sediment.
These findings lead to the assumption, that the efficiency of bank filtration exhibit a high seasonal variability.
During the summer the quality of bank filtrate will be diminished due to the extensive anaerobic conditions in
the hyporheic zone, that also affect the stability of mineral surface coatings, such as ferric and manganese oxy-
hydroxydes. Consequently the sorption or coprecipitation of trace metals and others as well as the filtration of
microbial pathogens is no more ensured.
Gunkel G. and Hoffmann A. (submitted 2005). Clogging processes in a bank filtration system in the littoral zone of
Lake Tegel (Germany). Proceedings of ISMAR2005.
Massmann G., Greskowiak J., Dünnbier U., Zuehlke S., Knappe A. and Pekdeger, A. (submitted 2004). The impact
of alternating redox conditions on groundwater chemistry during artificial recharge in Berlin. Journal of
Pekdeger A. and Sommer-von Jarmerstedt C. (1998). Einfluß der Oberflächenwassergüte auf die
Trinkwasserversorgung Berlins. Forschungspolitische Dialoge in Berlin – Geowissenschaft und Geotechnik, Berlin,
33 – 41.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
610 Clogging ef fects
Solan M. and Kennedy, R. (2002). Observation and quantification of in situ animal-sediment relations using time-
lapse sediment profile imagery (t-SPI). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 228, 179 –191.
Wenzhöfer F. and Glud R. N. (2004). Small-scale spatial and temporal variability in coastal benthic O2 dynamics:
Effects of fauna activity. Limnol Oceanogr. 49(5), 1471 – 1481.
The work was supported by a grant from the German Research Council (DFG). We would also like to thank the
team at Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin for their kind cooperation.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Experiments to determine clogging
and redevelopment effects of ASR-wells
at laboratory scale
H.M. Holländer, I. Hinz, P.-W. Boochs and M. Billib
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) can be a useful tool for water management in countries with distinct rainy
and dry seasons. ASR can be used to store water in the rainy season and to use it in the dry season, but also to
improve the groundwater quality of saline aquifers. Surface water, which contains soil particles, nutrients, micro
organisms and other pollutants is infiltrated through ASR-wells direct into the aquifer. Besides quality problems
of the stored water the infiltration of polluted water leads to clogging of the well screen and the aquifer next to
the ASR-well. Laboratory experiments were carried out at soil columns using natural storm water run-off to find
out the effects of single clogging processes and the effect of back-washing. By back-washing suspended particles
can be withdrawn from the aquifer matrix. For that reason run-off water was infiltrated into the soil column in
several cycles of infiltration and back-pumping. The results of the experiments show that the biological clogging
process has the largest influence on the reduction of the aquifer conductivity when using untreated surface water
for infiltration. The deposition of particles had a relative small influence on the changes in conductivity and the
deposition was removable by back-washing periods.
Clogging, redevelopment, laboratory experiments, ASR-well.
A major problem of direct infiltration of surface water into the groundwater aquifer is the clogging of the well
screen and the aquifer nearby (Pyne, 1995). In general the surface water, which is available for infiltration, contains
fine soil particles, inorganic and organic material and micro organism. The substances are introduced through the
ASR-well into the aquifer and block the filter layer and the aquifer. The pore volume is reduced and with that the
infiltration capacity of the ASR-well.
The physical processes of the blockage are accumulation of organic and inorganic suspended matters and adsorp-
tion of silt and clay particles. In addition to this, chemical reactions (e.g. oxidation of iron and manganese, preci-
pitation of lime etc.) lead to clogging of well screens. The accumulation and growth of algae, bacteria and micro
organisms in the filter material belong to the biological processes of clogging.
Bouwer (2002) suggested cleaning up the infiltration water to ‘drinking water quality’, so that blockage processes
can be excluded. Dillon and Pavelic (1996) and Dillon (2002) found out during their measurements in Australia,
that particle loads in the infiltrated water of not more than 150 mg/l did not give considerable blockages. In some
countries (Netherlands, Great Britain, USA) it is not allowed to infiltrate water with opacity degrees of more than 2
to 5 NTU. Also the guidelines for artificial groundwater recharge EWRI/ASCE (2001) say that surface water is to
disinfect and be cleaned as far as possible.
This show, that for the prevention of clogging and to secure the durability of the infiltration wells, the quality of the
infiltrated water is evident. One other possibility to improve the life time of ASR wells is to reverse the flow for a
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
612 Clogging ef fects
period in order to pump some particles out of the aquifer. The effectiveness of this method depends on the kind
of clogging. Especially with biological clogging it may be difficult to redevelop the aquifer. Dillon et al. (1999) refer
to the risks of the biological growth. But the examinations of the biological processes are quantitatively still
insufficient. It’s not clear, how great is the influence of the biological processes in comparison to the physical and
chemical influences.
In this study laboratory experiments were carried out at 1-D soil columns using natural storm water run-off to find
out the magnitude of influence of the individual processes on the changes of the permeability of a porous medium.
The possibility of raising the conductivity was checked by back-washing with clean water. By back-washing
suspended particles can be withdrawn from the aquifer matrix.
The general experimental set up is shown in fig. 1. Water with suspended solids is flowing through a 1-dimension-
al column with a length of 63 cm and a diameter of 11 cm. The column was filled with sand with a grain size of
1–2 mm (kf = 2.2 10 3 m/s; n = 0.38). The column has 6 sectors, the 1st three sectors have a length of 8 cm each
and the last three 13 cm length each. Samples can be extracted from the soil column at 12 points and 6 observation
pipes show the hydraulic head. During the experiment the soil column was darken to reproduce the conditions of
an aquifer.
The general opinion is that the major causes for clogging are physical deposition, air entrapment and biological
effects. To quantify these effects and to determine redevelopment effects, the following three laboratory experiments
were carried out.
1. Experiment (1) with air-free tape-water with a suspended solid concentration of 1 g/l and a 12% NaOCl (Sodium
Hypochlorite) concentration of 1 ml/l.
2. Experiment (2) with non-air free tape-water with a suspended solid concentration of 1 g/l and a 12% NaOCl con-
centration of 1 ml/l.
3. Experiment (3) with none-air free tape-water with a suspended solid concentration of 1 g/l without NaOCl.
The 1st experiment concerns only physical deposition. All other effects were excluded by choosing pure sand (no
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 613
geochemical reactions), air-free water (no air entrapment) and by adding NaOCl no biological growth. In the
2nd experiment air entrapment was allowed and in the 3rd experiment also biological growing of micro organisms.
During the experiments the hydraulic head at inflow side was constant. The initial inflow rate was fixed to
125 ml/min. The concentration of particles in the injected water was also kept constant. The grain size distribution
of the infiltrated particles was measured with an automatic laser optical instrument (GALAI CIS-100). The largest
particle was 63 µm.
• infiltration during 72 h from the inflow side of the column, followed by simulated pumping of 10 h. This means
that clean water was injected at the outflow side for 10 h;
• infiltration was continued for 24 h from the inflow side of the column, followed by simulated pumping of 6 h;
• infiltration was continued for 18 h from the inflow side of the column.
The infiltration water was stored first for several hours in a vessel to reach a constant temperature of 18.5 to 21.5°C.
Outflow rate, temperature, pH-value and oxygen content of the inflow and of the outflow water were measured
every hour by taking water samples. Every two to four hours water samples were taken at the sampling points
(Fig. 1) with a syringe. The particle content and distribution of the particle size in these samples were measured by
drying at 105 °C and by analysing the samples with an automatic laser optical instrument (GALAI CIS-100) wich is
able to determine particles sizes between 0.1 and 600 µm. This detection was done every two to four hours. During
the experiments the hydraulic head was taken from the piezometric pipes every hour.
During the experiments for investigating the biological clogging, filtrated COD, organic dry matter and filtratable
matter were taken. The filtrated COD was determined by COD test LCK 414 (Dr. Lange) which allows a detection
of the filtrated COD in the range from 5 to 60 mg oxygen. The effluent water was tested every 12 h and also all
segments at the end of the experiment. The organic dry mater was taken together with the filtrated COD. The
samples for the organic dry matter had to be filtered by a membrane (0.45 µm) so that the filtratable matter was
also detected.
Fig. 2 show the dependence of the relative conductivity kr on the deposited particles in the soil pores represented
by the flow-effective pore volume n f for all three experiments.
The flow-effective pore volume nf (related to the total pore volume) is defined as:
nf = 1 − P
where: VP : deposited particle volume [cm3], VH : total pore volume [cm3]
This means with an increasing deposition of particles the water content decreases. The deposited particle volume VP
was calculated from the difference between inflow and outflow particle mass divided by the bulk density of the
particles (ρP = 1.46 g / cm3).
m Q (c − cout )
VP = P = in in
ρP ρP
where: mP : particle mass [g], cin : inflow concentration of the particles [g/cm3], cout : outflow concentration of the
particles [g/cm3]
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
614 Clogging ef fects
The relative conductivity kr was determined from the actual inflow rate Qin divided by the initial rate (Qin,t=0) at
the beginning of the experiment.
kf =
Qin, t = 0
The largest reduction of the relative conductivity was found in experiment (3), (15 % of the initial value), while the
conductivity rate in the 1st experiment decreases lowest (58 % of the initial value). During the first infiltration
(72 hours) in the 1st experiment the conductivity decreases linear. The second and 3rd experiment shows a faster
reduction during the first time and the conductivity decreases slower than in the 1st experiment (Fig. 2).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 615
reverse flow period was giving similar results but the particle mass which was carried out of the soil column was
The characteristic of the second and third infiltration is similar to the first infiltration. The flux decreases with time.
Also the pumping interval between the second and third infiltration is similar to the first pumping interval.
In the 2nd experiment (water with air and suspended solids) the same characteristic were measured than in experi-
ment 1. The difference between the two experiments is a faster reduction of the flux. The tendency of declining is
non-linear and trying to reach a final value (Fig. 2) (40% of initial infiltration rate).
The reduction of flux is faster because bubbles were leaving the water, while the air was flowing through the soil
column. The main effect is that the water is getting warmer, so that the saturation level of the air, which is dissolved
in the water, is reducing.
The positive effect of discharge after the infiltration was also measured in the 2nd experiment, but it is lower than in
the 1st experiment. The mass of particles, which is moving out is smaller, but the time interval (first 15 to 30 min-
utes) is the same. The longer the discharge is going on, the lower is the flux. At some points this flux is
rising than again and falling afterwards. This happens due to the clean water (with air) which was infiltrating
the (recharge) outflow side. Bubbles were built and sometimes bubbles were moving out of the system through the
The 3rd experiment (water with air, suspended solids and allowed biological growth) also shows similar results. The
flux was reduced within short time to a low level (Fig. 2). This was also not changed by the discharge. In the first
15 to 30 minutes no particles flow out of the system. After several hours a lot of particles flow out at once and after
that nothing anymore (Fig. 3). The time when they were flowing out was not the same in the first and in the second
discharge. The flux was rising at that event and was constant afterwards.
A dissolved oxygen balance shows that inside the column oxygen is used. The difference between input of dissolved
oxygen and the output rises linearly with time so that it can be seen that inside the system biological growth occurs.
Since dissolved oxygen can be found at the output of the column, aerobic microbes are also growing. The biofilm
has not been investigated directly.
The result of the growth is that the very small particles which can be found in the outflow in the 1st and 2nd exper-
iment are not there in the 3rd one. This means the particle are also deposited in the column and the transportation
way for the particle is shorter.
Since the flux in the 2nd and in the 3rd experiment was lower than in the 1st experiment, the mass of particles are
smaller. Fig. 4 shows the mass in the soil column versus time. The drawdown during the curves shows the reverse
flow periods. It is visible that in the first reverse period the reduction of the particle mass is larger than in the sec-
ond phase. The second point which is visible is that physical clogging can be reduced by reverse flow but if biolog-
ical clogging also occurs, reverse flow with a doubled gradient than during infiltration has nearly no effect.
The laboratory experiments showed that biological clogging is the most significant process for the reduction of the
aquifer conductivity. The biological clogging was found on the first 20 cm of the soil column and back-washing was
hardly unable to withdraw particles or other materials. The entrapment of gas bubbles has also a great influence.
But it is reversible and back-flushing gives an improvement on raising the conductivity. Clogging by infiltrated
particles has the lowest effect. The deposition of particles takes place mainly in the dead-end-pores and does not
affect the active pore volume very much. Particles which were deposited in the active pore volume were washed off
the soil column by back-washing or were redeposited into the dead-end-pores.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
616 Clogging ef fects
The laboratory experiments showed that biological clogging is the most significant process for the reduction of the
aquifer conductivity. The biological clogging was found on the first 20 cm of the soil column and back-washing was
hardly unable to withdraw particles or other materials. The entrapment of gas bubbles has also a great influence.
But it is reversible and back-flushing gives an improvement on raising the conductivity. Clogging by infiltrated par-
ticles has the lowest effect. The deposition of particles takes place mainly in the dead-end-pores and does not affect
the active pore volume very much. Particles which were deposited in the active pore volume were washed off the
soil column by back-washing or were redeposited into the dead-end-pores.
Laboratory experiments showed that biological processes have a very large impact on clogging when using storm
water run-off for direct infiltration by ASR-wells. Biological processes complicate the improvement of aquifer con-
ductivity by back-washing. Physical deposition has a minor effect and particles can be withdrawn from the aquifer.
A probable reason is that physical deposition of particles takes place more in the dead-end-pores than in the active
Bouwer, H. (2002): Artificial recharge of groundwater: hydrogeology and engineering, Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 10,
pp. 121–142.
Dillon, P.; Pavelic, P. (1996): Guidelines on the quality of stormwater and treated wastewater for injection into
aquifers for storage and reuse, Urban Water Research Assoc. of Aust. Research, Report No. 109.
Dillon, P.; Toze, S.; Pavelic, P.; Ragusa, S. ; Wright, M. ; Peter, P; Martin, R.; Gerges, N.; Rink Pfeiffer, S. (1999): Storing
recycled water in an aquifer at Bolivar: benefits and risks, Australian Wastewater Association Journal, Sept/Oct
1999, pp. 21 – 29.
Dillon, P. (2002): Banking of stormwater, reclaimed water and potable water in aquifers, Proceedings of IGWC,
Dindigul, India.
EWRI/ASCE (2001): Standard guidelines for artificial recharge of groundwater, Environmental and Water Resources
Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers EWRI/ASCE 34-01.
Pyne, R.D.G. (1995): Groundwater recharge and wells: A Guide to aquifer storage and recovery, CRC Press, Florida.
Wyckoeff, R.D.; Botset, H.G. (1936): The flow of gas-liquid mixtures through unsolidated sands, Physics 7,
pp. 325–345.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Changes of water quality
and bacterial community structure
during artificial groundwater recharge
with humic lake water
Reija E. Jokinen, Jörg H. Langwaldt and Jaakko A. Puhakka
This research aims at evaluating changes of water quality, i.e. content of natural organic matter, and microbial
community structure during full-scale artificial recharge of groundwater with humic lake water for drinking
water supply. Three recharge sites studied were located in public water works, referred here as sites A, B and C, in
Finland. On site A groundwater recharge is performed by basin infiltration (since 1976) and sprinkling infiltration
(since 1995), on site B by sprinkling infiltration (since the end of 2000) and on site C by basin infiltration (since
1979). Samples were taken in January 2005, when the raw water lakes were ice covered. Reductions of total
organic carbon at sites A, B and C were 91, 81 and 70%, respectively. Larger molecular fractions were removed
more efficiently than the smaller ones. Total cell counts in raw waters indicated 1.6 million cells /ml at
sites A and B and about 0.7 million cells /ml at site C. Recharge process at sites A, B and C resulted in removal
percentages in bacterial numbers by 94, 94 and 75, respectively. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
of the amplified 16S rRNA gene illustrated diverse microbial community structures throughout the process
co-occurring with the decrease in dissolved organic carbon content and total amount of cells in water.
Artificial groundwater recharge; bacterial community analysis; basin infiltration; DGGE; humic water; sprinkling
In Finland, 65% of the population uses groundwater as drinking water source (Korkka-Niemi, 2001). However, due
to the unequal distribution and size of groundwater sources, the number of water works, which apply artificial
groundwater recharge, has been increasing in recent years. In Finland, groundwater areas are often located in glacial
formations, i.e. eskers, which are favourable sites for artificial groundwater recharge by basin- and sprinkling infil-
tration. Sprinkling infiltration comprises a pipe network through which lake or river water is distributed on top of
natural forest soil. The location of the pipe network is regularly changed to minimise potential adverse environmen-
tal effects that can result from the process (Helmisaari et al., 1999). Sprinkling infiltration is a relatively new
method and currently favoured technology of aquifer recharge at new Finnish sites.
Crucial issue of groundwater recharge is the introduction of potentially reactive organic matter into an aquifer. The
natural organic matter (NOM) is partly retained in the aquifer by physical and chemical processes and partially
degraded by microorganisms. Changes in the amount and nature of organic matter in the aquifer may result in
significant alterations in removal processes. (Aiken, 2002) Microbial populations adapt to new conditions either
physiologically or by changes in the community composition (Miettinen et al., 1996; Eiler et al., 2003). In general,
NOM is not easily biodegradable because of the many types of chemical bonds within the organic macromolecular
structure, which require diverse groups of microorganisms for biodegradation.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
618 Clogging ef fects
From microbial point of view, subsurface habitats can be described as dark, relatively constant in temperature, rela-
tively large in mineral surface area and generally oligotrophic (Ghiorse, 1997). The major parameters, which govern
bacterial abundances in subsurface are the following: dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen, phosphorus,
sulphur, moisture, pH, electron acceptors, grazing by predators and immigration of microorganisms from other
habitats. Topsoil is generally a favourable environment for the enrichment of microorganisms but the decrease in
the main microbial carbon source DOC with increasing depth leads to the decline in numbers of microorganisms.
(Madsen and Ghiorse, 1993; Steffen et al., 2002).
Generalized features of the indigenous subsurface microbiota can not be given because of the many microhabitats
that favour different populations. Bacteria with simple life cycles are by far the most widely distributed organisms in
groundwater habitats (Madsen and Ghiorse, 1993). Autochthonous bacteria refer to bacteria likely to utilize refrac-
tory humic substances. Low but constant activity is typical for these bacteria. In subsurface most of the bacteria live
attached on soil particles (Seppänen, 1997) as biofilms, thereby receiving nutrients from over flowing water. The
communities of attached and unattached bacteria appear to be different, though they probably represent overlap-
ping components of a dynamic community. (Madsen and Ghiorse, 1993).
Little is still known about the microorganisms that decompose and recycle humic substances in aquifers. This study
aims at characterising bacterial community diversity and dynamics and removal of NOM during the recharge
process, the key aspects affecting artificial groundwater recharge.
Characteristics of the study sites and groundwater sampling
The studied recharge sites were unconfined aquifers located in public water works, referred here as sites A, B and C,
in Finland. Selected parameters are listed on Table 1. Samples were collected in January 2005 when raw water lakes
were ice covered. Three parallel set of samples were taken from each site: raw water (for recharge), monitoring well
water (located at about the midway of recharge) and extracted groundwater. Prior to sampling, stagnant water was
removed from the monitoring wells by pumping. Samples were taken from 1 m below groundwater table. Samples
for microbial analyses were stored at 5 oC in the dark until analyses and samples for chemical analyses were acidi-
fied on site with HCl to a pH below 2.
Absorbance, DOC/TOC, HP-SEC and total cell count. Samples were acidified and filtrated through 0.45 µm cartridge
filters (Polyethersulfone Membrane, Whatman) for absorbance and DOC determination, and analysis by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Hewlett Packard 1100 series) with a size exclusion chromatography
column (SEC) (TSK-GEL G3000W). Filters were rinsed for 10 times to remove any removable carbon prior to
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 619
usage. Absorbance and DOC/TOC measurements were performed at Tampere Water Works Laboratory (Shimadzu
pharmaspec UV-1700 254 nm, Shimadzu TOC-5000A, respectively). Characterisation of the molecular weight dis-
tribution of NOM was performed by HP-SEC with detection at 254 nm. Chromatograms obtained from HP-SEC
analysis were drawn as peak height versus retention time. Retention times were modified to the closest whole and
half numbers. Total cell count in water samples was performed within 24 h of sample collection by filtrating 2–6 ml
of water through 0.2 µm membrane filters (Millipore) and staining the cells with DAPI (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylin-
dole) nucleic acid staining solution (Molecular Probes). Cells were counted 20 times from duplicate samples from
the filter surfaces using epifluorescense microscope (ZEISS Axioscop 2).
DNA extraction, PCR and DGGE. Sample filtration for DNA extraction was performed within 24 h of sample collec-
tion at 300 ml to 2,000 ml of water. Filters were stored at -20 oC until DNA extraction by physical and chemical
lyses of cells. Parallel water samples were filtrated using two different filters: 0.2 µm pore size hydrophilic polycar-
bonate filter (Cyclopore Track Etched Membrane, Whatman) and sterile 0.2 µm pore size glass fibre filter mem-
brane (Schleicher and Schuel). Filters were inserted to tubes and the following extraction was performed according
to the kit protocol (Ultraclean Soil DNA kit, Mobio Laboratories Inc.). The crude DNA sample was used as a
template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A pair of Eubacterial primers GC-BacV3f (5’-CGC CCG CCG CGC
DGGE) and reverse 907r (5’-CCG TCA ATT CMT TTG AGT TT-3’) were used to amplify a fragment of 16S rRNA
gene having a length of about 570 bp. PCR master mix contained 5 µl of 10 x buffer (1 x is 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8
at 25oC, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 50 mM KCl and 0.1% Triton X-100), 0.5 µM of each primer, 100 µM of each deoxy-
nucleotide triphosphate, 1.5 U of DyNAzyme II DNA polymerase, 0.02 mg of bovine serum albumin, and sterile
DNase RNase free water to give a finale volume of 49 µl. 48 µl of master mix was used with 2 µl of template in the
PCR. The PCR was performed to amplify the DNA in a thermal cycler (Peltier Thermal Cycler PTC-200, MJ
Research) with the following program: initial denaturation at 95 oC for 5 min, 30 cycles of denaturation at 94 oC for
30 s, annealing at 50 oC for 1 min, and extension at 72 oC for 2 min and a final extension at 72 oC for 10 min.
Amount of product was verified in 1% (w/v) agarose gel electrophoresis using Ethidium bromide stain.
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was performed with a universal mutation detection system (BIO-
RAD). Samples were loaded into 8% (w/v) polyacrylamide gel (bisacrylamide gel stock solution) in 1 x TAE (40 mM
Tris, 20 mM acetic acid, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.3) with denaturing gradients ranging from 30-65% (100% denaturant
contains 7 M urea and 40% (v/v) Formamide). Electrophoresis was run at 60 oC with 100 V for 16 hours. After the
run, the gel was stained using SYBR Gold solution and photographed on a UV transilluminator with Kodak DC290
Digital camera.
Organic matter removal
The changes of molecular weight distribution of NOM and efficiency of its removal during artificial groundwater
recharge were studied. TOC and absorbance results were as shown in Figure 1 (DOC not shown). At site A, initial
DOC/TOC content of raw water was the highest and at site C the lowest. Recharge resulted in the most efficient
removal of organic carbon at site A (DOC/TOC 1.12/1.12 mg/l) and poorest at site C (1.59/1.75 mg/l) however,
differences were small. The DOC content comprised on average 93% of the TOC in all samples. Absorbance meas-
urement resulted in similar reductions as those of the DOC/TOC. In other words, results indicated efficient removal
of total and dissolved organic carbon during recharge process. Helmisaari et al. (2003) found that retention time
had a greater role in TOC removal than recharge distance but similar results were not obtained in this study.
However, at site A where both the recharge distance and the retention time were the greatest, the most efficient
purification occurred.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
620 Clogging ef fects
14 0.35
Abs. Site A
6 0.15
Abs. Site B
4 0.10
Abs. Site C
2 0.05
0 0.00
Raw water Monitoring well Extracted gw
Figure 1. Changes within TOC and absorbance during groundwater recharge at three sites
The molecular weight distribution of organic matter changed significantly during the recharge at all sites (Figure 2
except for site C). Total height of the peaks as well as the peak area (not shown) became smaller indicating a
decrease in total amount of organic matter in water. Largest molecules appeared predominantly within 7.5 – 8.5 min
and smallest between 10 and 11 min of HP-SEC retention time at all sites.
Site A Site B
Peak 5
Height 4
[m AU] 3 3
5 6
8 7 5 6
9 10 7 8
11 9 10
Retention time [min] 11
Retention time [min]
Extracted gw Monitoring well Raw water
Figure 2. HP-SEC analysis illustrating molecular weight distribution of NOM during recharge at sites A and B
The sum of peak heights in raw waters were as follows: 26.6 at site A, 9.5 at site B and 7.0 at site C. At site A, the
largest molecular fractions (at 5 and 7.5 min) were removed completely. Concurrently, smaller molecules were
formed. Results were similar during the purification process at both sites B and C. Larger molecular fractions were
removed more efficiently than the smaller ones, which was similar to the results obtained by Helmisaari et al.
(2003) in a study made also in Finland.
Microbial communities
Changes of total cell counts and bacterial community diversity and dynamics in water during artificial groundwater
recharge were studied. Total cell counts in raw waters were approximately 1.6 million/ml at sites A and B and about
0.7 million/ml at site C (Figure 3). However, recharge process resulted in smallest cell counts at sites A and B and
greatest at site C. In extracted groundwater there were less than 200 000 cells/ml at all sites.
Diverse bacterial community structure occurred in all steps of recharge process and similar patterns were seen at all
sites as seen in DGGE analysis (Figure 4). Slight changes within the community structure, however, did occur
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 621
Site A
Bacteria / m l
Site B
Site C
Raw water Monitoring well Extracted gw
Figure 3. Total amount of cells in water samples. Error bars indicate standard deviation
std R R MW MW E E R R MW MW E E R R MW MW E E std
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 4. DGGE band patterns of amplified DNA fragments coding for Eubacterial 16S rRNA gene
for sites A, B and C. For each site, three parallel set of samples are presented: raw water (R),
monitoring well water (MW) (midpoint of filtration process) and extracted groundwater (E).
Site A monitoring well water and extracted groundwater and site B monitoring well water
were parallel only from the point of DGGE due to the failure in DNA extraction of the true parallel samples.
Lanes std represent standard reference patterns.
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622 Clogging ef fects
during the process: some bands disappeared and some new ones appeared. Also, band intensity decreased during
the process. Band patterns of different raw waters were almost the same at all sites. Figure 5 shows a dendrogram as
an example for site B. Similarity of band patterns was 70% between monitoring well and extracted groundwater
samples and less than 50% between those two and raw water. In case of site A monitoring well water and extracted
groundwater and site B monitoring well water, samples were parallel only from the point of DGGE due to the failure
in DNA extraction of the true parallel samples.
Extracted gw
Extracted gw
Monitor. well
Monitor. well
Raw water
Raw water
Figure 5. Dendrogram of Eubacterial band patterns at site B (GelCompar II software)
The results demonstrated high removal of NOM during the recharge process at all three Finnish sites. This was seen
in DOC/TOC, absorbance and NOM molecular size distribution (HP-SEC) measurements, which agreed well with
each others. Reductions in TOC were 91, 81 and 70% for sites A, B and C, respectively. HP-SEC analysis indicated
changes in NOM molecular size distribution during the recharge process: larger molecular fractions were removed
more efficiently than the smaller ones. Initial carbon content of raw water did not affect the removal efficiency;
however recharge distances and retention times varied between the sites.
Total amount of bacterial cells in raw waters was about 1.6 million/ml at sites A and B and about 0.7 million / ml at
site C. Recharge process at sites A, B and C resulted in removal percentages of bacterial numbers by 94, 94 and 75,
respectively. Despite the decrease in total amount of bacteria and amount of organic matter in water, bacterial
community remained diverse during the recharge process. However, some bands on the DGGE gel disappeared
and some new ones appeared during the recharge. Even though sites A and C have been operating since the end
of 1970s and site B since only the end of 2000, no significant differences occurred in organic matter removal effi-
ciency, the quantity of bacteria or the diversity of the bacterial community during the recharge processes.
Aiken G. (2002). Organic matter in ground water. U.S. Geological Survey Artificial Recharge Workshop Proceedings,
April 2–4 2002. Sacramento. Ed. G.R. Aiken and E.L. Kuniansky.
Eiler A., Langenheder S., Bertilsson S., Tranvik L. (2003). Heterotrophic bacterial growth efficiency and community
structure at different natural organic carbon concentrations. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 69,
pp. 3701–3709.
Helmisaari H-S., Derome J., Kitunen V., Lindroos A-J., Lumme I., Monni S., Nöjd P., Paavolainen L., Pesonen E.,
Salemaa M., Smolander A. (1999). Veden imeytyksen vaikutukset metsämaahan ja kasvillisuuteen sekä vajo- ja poh-
javeden laatuun. VIVA-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland, 96 pp.
Helmisaari H-S., Illmer K., Hatva T., Lindroos A-J., Miettinen I., Pääkkönen J., Reijonen R. (2003). Tekopohjaveden
muodostamien: imeytystekniikka, maaperäprosessit ja veden laatu, TEMU-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti. Finnish
Forest Research Institute, Finland, 220 pp.
Ghiorse W. (1997). Subterranean life. Science. Vol. 275, pp. 789–190.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 623
Korkka-Niemi K. (2001). Cumulative geological, regional and site-specific factors affecting groundwater quality in
domestic wells in Finland. Monographs of the boreal environment research No. 20, Finnish Environment
Institute, Helsinki, 97 pp.
Madsen E. and Ghiorse W. (1993). Groundwater microbiology: subsurface ecosystem processes. In: Aquatic microbio-
logy: an ecological approach. Editor: T.E. Ford. Blackwell, Boston. pp. 167–213.
Miettinen I., Vartiainen T., Martikainen P. (1996). Bacterial enzyme activities in ground water during bank filtration of
lake water. Water Research. Vol. 30, pp. 2495–2501.
Seppänen H. (1997). Ground water – a living ecosystem. In: International symposium on groundwater microbiology;
problems and biological treatment. Kuopio, Finland, 4.-6.8.1997.
Steffen K., Hatakka A., Hofrichter M. (2002). Degradation of humic acids by the litter-decomposing basidiomycete
Collybia dryophila. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 68, pp. 3442–3448.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Laboratory column study
on the effect of ponding depth
on infiltration rate during SAT
Paul Pavelic, Mathias Mucha,
Peter Dillon and Karen Barry
A sound understanding of soil clogging processes is fundamental in the design and operation of a proposed soil
aquifer treatment (SAT) trial at Alice Springs in central Australia. A multi-factorial column experiment was under-
taken to assess the effect of soil type, level of effluent pre-treatment, light and ponding depth. Only results
pertaining to the effects of ponding depths of 10, 30 and 50 cm for two soil types fed with high quality reclaimed
water are reported here. For both the sand and loam columns there is a ponding depth above which flow rate and
hydraulic conductivity are reduced rather than enhanced. This is attributed to greater penetration or compaction
of clogging agents within the soil, rather than filter cake compression in the low turbidity reclaimed water tested.
The sand clogged more substantially than the loams, leading to a reduction in the hydraulic conductivity contrast
between the two soil types from a factor of >200 initially, to 15–20 after the four cycles. Ponding depths of 30 cm
or less are recommended for proposed SAT operations at Alice Springs.
Clogging; ponding depth; reclaimed water; SAT.
The success of a proposed soil aquifer treatment (SAT) trial with reclaimed water in the central Australian town of
Alice Springs relies on defining appropriate design and operational parameters which will ensure that adequate rates
of infiltration are maintained within recharge basins in the long-term (Knapton et al., 2004). Understanding the
factors that cause infiltration rates to decline due to soil clogging is essential to achieving this goal. A laboratory
column study was devised to systematically test a range of SAT management variables. The variables included soil
type, source water quality, ponding depth and environmental factors such as solar radiation and temperature.
Presentation of all the results of the study is not possible here. Instead, this paper focuses on the role of the ponding
depth of water within the basin. A report by Pavelic et al., (in prep.) describes the results of the entire study.
Ponding depth is an important factor for SAT management since it affects rates of infiltration. Typically, SAT basins
have been operated under a range of ponding depths, ranging from less than 10 cm to greater than 50 cm. The liter-
ature on the effects of waterlevel on infiltration rates is sparse and the findings often conflict. Some studies have
suggested a positive correlation between ponding depth and infiltration rate (Houston et al., 1999); others a nega-
tive correlation (Rice, 1974; Bouwer and Rice, 1989). An increase in ponding depth is expected to increase infil-
tration rates due to the enhanced hydraulic gradient across the clogging layer on the basin floor and the increase in
wetted surface area of the basin. However, this increases the residence time of the water in the basin and hence the
opportunity for regrowth of algae and time needed to allow the basin to dry-out. Also, filter cake compression is
accelerated by higher gradients and this may have a significant effect on infiltration.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 625
The column study was conducted to compare the infiltration rates of two different soil types with four qualities of
water, in a controlled temperature environment in the absence of light. The water types included three effluents that
had undergone varying degrees of pretreatment and a potable groundwater. Only the dissolved air floated reclaimed
water from the Bolivar wastewater treatment plant (DAF) is of relevance to this paper. For that reclaimed water, the
effect of three different ponding depths was tested at a constant temperature of 20°C, although during the last cycle
the temperature rose up to 26°C due to a mechanical breakdown in the air conditioning system. For that same
water type, columns of standard and extended lengths were tested in a nearby glasshouse where the temperature
fluctuated and the soil surface and source water were exposed to solar radiation. Duplicate columns, each with a
diameter of 2 cm and length of 10 cm, were run in parallel over an eight week period (October to December 2003)
for four cycles of wetting and drying that were each of 7 days duration. The results for sand and loam soils with
DAF water that compare ponding depths of 10, 30 and 50 cm are reported here.
One of the soils collected from the investigation site near Alice Springs is a coarse textured palaeochannel deposit,
which for convenience, will be referred to as the ‘sand’. The other is a finer textured sandy soil that we shall call the
‘loam’. Physical properties are summarised in Table 1. The turbidity of the feed water varied from 0.3–1.1 NTU.
Measurements of infiltration rates and basic measures of water quality before and after soil passage were made rou-
tinely with detailed chemical analyses conducted in the last wetting cycle. At the end of the experiment the soils
within the columns were sectioned and microbial analyses performed on some columns.
Total cumulative flux
Figure 1 presents a plot of the cumulative flux of DAF water through the two replicate sand and two replicate loam
columns, as a function of the cumulative number of days of wetting during the four cycles. For the sand columns, a
3-fold increase in ponding depth relative to a depth of 10 cm led to a 90% increase in the hydraulic loading after the
four cycles (314 cf. 168 m). In the case of the loams, the corresponding increase was lower at 50% (15 cf. 10 m). A
5-fold increase in ponding depth initially led to highest infiltration rates for both soil types. The enhanced flux for
50 cm compared with 30 cm was maintained until the end of the third cycle for sands and midway through the
fourth cycle for loams. Whilst the average behaviour of the 30 and 50 cm loam columns closely resembled each
other in the fourth cycle, there was an appreciable increase in the deviation between two duplicates for 50 cm com-
pared to smaller ponding depths. Thus, soils tended to clog less predictably at higher ponding depths. It is possible
that higher seepage forces would provide greater opportunities for water to flush clogging agents from preferential
flow paths than lower seepage forces, thereby increasing degree of micro-scale heterogeneity within the soil and
increased variance between the duplicate columns. At lower ponding depths the flow field within the column was
more uniform.
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626 Clogging ef fects
Sand Loam
400 20
Cumulative f l ux (m)
Cumulative flux (m)
300 15
200 10
100 5
0 0
0 5 10 20 15 20 25 0 5 10 20 15 20 25
10 cm 30 cm 50 cm
Figure 1. Total cumulative flux of DAF-fed sand columns (left) and loam columns (right) at ponding depths
of 10, 30 and 50 cm. The averages are plotted as the symbols and the horizontal bars give the value
for each duplicate. Periods when drying occurred are indicated by the vertical arrows.
Note the 20-fold difference in the vertical scale between the two plots.
R e l a t i v e h y d r a u l i c c o n d u c t i v i t y ( K / K sat )
Although the infiltration behaviour of the sand and loam soils were quite similar, the 15–20 fold difference in flux
between the sands and the loams at the same hydraulic gradients should be noted in Figure 1. This compares to the
>200-fold difference in the initial hydraulic conductivity of the two soils (Table 1). Figure 2 presents the results for
the ratio of the hydraulic conductivity to the initial hydraulic conductivity (K/Ksat) as calculated from Darcy’s Law.
This clearly shows that the sand clogged more than the loam, and explains why the contrast in hydraulic conduc-
tivity between the two soils diminished over time. For the sands, clogging occurred marginally faster at the highest
ponding depth. Flow rates were maintained at levels comparable to 30 cm, and higher than 10 cm only as a result of
the higher imposed hydraulic gradient across the soil. Minimal restoration in K/Ksat occurred as a result of the dry-
ing periods. For the loams, the strong initial declines in the first cycle were followed by steady increases in K/Ksat
during subsequent cycles in all but one of the 50 cm columns, where the response was more like that of the sands.
K/Ksat often declined within each wetting cycle but the restoration following each drying period and often during
wetting overcompensated for the reduction, leading to significant net improvements in hydraulic conductivity. In
two cases (for a 10 cm and a 30 cm column) the final K/Ksat exceeded the initial conditions. Whilst there is no clear
explanation for the increase over time, this phenomenon was not systematically observed for the loam columns
with the three other water qualities tested, nor for (even) the tests conducted with the DAF water in the glasshouse.
Sand Loam
#1 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #4
0.20 Sand 1.6
0.15 1.2
0.10 0.8
0.05 0.4
0.00 0.0
10-Oct 20-Oct 30-Oct 9-Nov 19-Nov 29-Nov 10-Oct 20-Oct 30-Oct 9-Nov 19-Nov 29-Nov
10 cm (A4) 10 cm (A6) 30 cm (A3) 30 cm (A4) 10 cm (B4) 10 cm (B6) 30 cm (B3) 30 cm (B4)
50 cm (A1) 50 cm (A2) 50 cm (B1) 50 cm (B2)
Figure 2. Relative hydraulic conductivity (K/Ksat) of DAF-fed sand and loam columns for ponding depths
of 10, 30 and 50 cm. Note the different y-axis scale for sands and loams.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 627
One of the more striking observations in the hydraulic conductivity data are the low K/Ksat values, even from the
initial cycle. This occurred even though each soil type was packed to an identical bulk density (Table 1) and the ini-
tial K’s using chlorinated potable water prior to commencing the experiment varied by less than 10% for sand
columns and 20% for loam columns. Note that air bubbles entrained within the soil during the initial wetting-up
phase were eliminated from the column prior to K testing. Where some influence was observed due to bubbles dur-
ing the initial testing, this resulted in an increase in K over time rather than a decrease as the pore throats became
cleared by flushing with water. The mechanism for the rapid initial drop in hydraulic conductivity within the first
day of the experiment is currently being investigated in a follow-up study and preliminary results indicate that
redistribution of soil particles within the column is a plausible explanation.
Table 2. Turbidity changes during soil passage through sand and loam columns with 10 cm ponding depth
during the middle of the fourth wetting cycle
Turbidity (NTU)
The most direct evidence on where the clogging occurs within the soil profile comes from a sand and loam column
that were fitted with manometers at three depths, thereby allowing determination of K/Ksat over four intervals: 0 – 1,
1 – 3, 3 – 8 and 8 – 10 cm. Figure 3 shows that K/Ksat values were generally low for all of the intervals, with negligible
difference between each interval observed.
#1 #2 #3 #4
t t t t t
Figure 3. K/Ksat data of four soil intervals for a sand and a loam column with a 50 cm ponding depth. Due
to re-equilibration caused by resaturation at the beginning of each wetting cycle some initial readings were omitted.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
628 Clogging ef fects
the experiment. Biomass values vary by no more than a factor 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Soil depth
The enhancement of clogging rates at higher ponding depths
may be due to either or both the compaction of the clogging 1-2 cm
The depth of ponding above the soil surface has a considerable impact on the rates of infiltration for both of the soil
types tested. Of the three values of ponding depth tested (10, 30 and 50 cm), higher ponding depths were found to
increase infiltration rates in the short-term but did not translate to higher rates over the longer-term. Fluxes at
smaller ponding depths appeared to converge towards larger depths over time and the benefits of increased ponding
depth was minimal. The differences in hydraulic loading between the two soil types was 15 – 20 fold, which nar-
rowed over time since the sand clogged more rapidly and to a higher degree than the loam, presumably due to the
higher mass flux of nutrients and particulates entering the soil. For a 30 cm ponding depth the average final K/Ksat
for the sand was 0.015 and for loam was a significantly higher 1.0. Clogging agents were largely distributed over the
entire 10 cm length of the columns, although there was a slight tendency for greater clogging in the shallowest
interval of the soil.
Ponding depth plays a role due to its effect on the resistance, depth and persistence of clogging ‘layers’ within the
soil. This may be because clogging is enhanced by greater downward movement of clogging agents into, or com-
paction of agents on the soil matrix, as opposed to compression of a surficial filter cake. Based on these results,
ponding depths of 30 cm or less are recommended for proposed SAT operations at Alice Springs.
This study was financially supported by the Power Water Corporation. Anthony Knapton, Graham Ride and Peter
Jolly (NT Dept. of Infrastructure Planning and Environment), Don Pidsley and Kelly Mashford (PowerWater
Corp.), Jon Hanna, Simon Toze and Toney Hirnyk (CSIRO Land and Water) and Danny Tintor (United Water) con-
tributed to logistical and analytical aspects that made this study possible. The occupational traineeship of Mathias
Mucha from the Technical University of Berlin at CSIRO Land and Water took place with the assistance of Prof.
Martin Jekel.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 629
Bouwer H. and Rice R.C. (1989). Effect of water depth in groundwater recharge basins on infiltration. Journal of
Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ASCE, 115(4), 556–567.
Houston S.L., Duryea P.D. and Hong R. (1999). Infiltration considerations for groundwater recharge with waste
effluent. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ASCE, 125(5), 264–272.
Knapton, A., Jolly, P., Pavelic, P., Dillon, P., Barry, K., Mucha, M. and Gates, W. (2004) Feasibility of a pilot
600 ML/yr Soil Aquifer Treatment Plant at the Arid Zone Research Institute. Department of Infrastructure,
Planning and Environment, Alice Springs, Report No. 29/2004A.
Pavelic P., Mucha M., Barry K., Dillon P. and Hanna J. (in prep.). Laboratory column study on the effect of wastewater
quality on soil clogging during soil aquifer treatment. CSIRO Land and Water Technical Report.
Rice R.C. (1974). Soil clogging during infiltration of secondary effluent. Journal WPCF, 46 (4), 708–716.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Effect of grain size on biological clogging
in porous media leached
with synthetic nutrient solutions
Martin Wood, Corinne Le Gal La Salle, Peter Dillon, John Hutson,
Howard Fallowfield and Stephanie Rinck-Pfeiffer
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) provides beneficial storage and reuse options for reclaimed water. Injection of
water containing nutrients into an aquifer creates a suitable environment for microbial growth and this can lead
to clogging of the well screen, an increase in the hydraulic head and a loss of injection efficiency. For the long
term sustainability of direct injection of reclaimed waters it is important to understand the factors controlling the
biological clogging. Laboratory column experiments were used to investigate how the grain size of porous media
affects the rate and degree of biological clogging. Three grain size distribution of silicate sand were investigated;
fine (0.053–0.212mm), medium (0.125–0.355mm) and coarse (0.250–0.710mm). Over the experimental test
period of 35days the hydraulic head increase due to biological clogging within the fine-grained sand was
2.8 times greater than the medium grained sand and 20 times greater than the coarse grained sand. This work has
clearly shown that the grain size of the receiving aquifer subjected to ASR using nutrient rich waters has a signi-
ficant impact on the amount of biological clogging and subsequent hydraulic head increase.
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) of reclaimed waters is emerging as a potential storage and reuse option for
reclaimed waters (Dillon at al. 2005). It has been well documented that sub-surface storage of reclaimed waters can
lead to several different types of aquifer clogging. These clogging processes include, the filtration of suspended
solids, precipitation / dissolution of minerals, entrained air binding and biological activity (Rinck-Pfeiffer at al. 2000,
Vanderzalm at al. 2002). The potential for microbial activity and subsequent clogging around the well screen is
enhanced when the injected water contains substantial nutrient concentrations and can lead to significant build-up
in the injection pressure resulting in a loss of injection efficiency.
In order to be able to better manage aquifer clogging upon injection, it is important to understand the factors con-
trolling the clogging processes. The work discussed in this paper was conducted to understand how the grain size
of a porous media affects the rate and degree of biological clogging upon injection of nutrient rich waters. Previous
studies investigating the relationship of grain size and permeability reductions due to biological clogging have
observed that finer grained porous media were subject to more rapid decreases in permeability where con-
centrations of nutrients leached through the columns were considerably higher than those observed in tertiary
treated waste waters (Cunningham at al. 1991, Vandevivere and Baveye 1992a). Cunningham at al. (1991) observed
a reduction in hydraulic conductivity to 1 – 5% of the initial values for silicate sands and glass beads with a mean
grain size of 0.12 mm, 0.54 mm, and 0.7 mm through biological clogging. Their porous media reactors were packed
between 1 and 3 particles thick. A single strain bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa was used to induce clogging and
the reactors were fed with a constant supply of 25 mg / L glucose substrate under constant hydraulic head resulting
in a decrease in flow rate with time. Under these conditions the majority of the permeability reductions were
observed within the first 5 days of leaching. The work presented here is part of a larger project investigating how
variations in the nutrient composition of waters intended for ASR, and grain size of the porous media are affected
by biological clogging. Laboratory columns packed with pure silicate sands, of three different grain sizes, were
leached with a synthetic nutrient solution with similar nutrient characteristics to tertiary treated effluent injected
into a confined aquifer at the Bolivar ASR site in South Australia.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 631
Experimental infrastructure
Laboratory column studies were used to investigate how the grain size of porous media affects the rate and extent of
hydraulic head build-up over a 35 day test period. The columns were made from clear plexiglass (16 cm in length
and 2.5 cm internal diameter) (after Rinck-Pfeiffer, 2000). Stainless steel mesh was placed inside the end caps to
hold the porous media in place. The columns were wrapped in aluminium foil to prevent the growth of photo-
trophic micro-organisms.
Porous media
Non-reactive silicate sand was used throughout all experiments in order to avoid any potential geochemical reac-
tions between the solid and liquid phase. The grain size of the three sands included: a coarse grained sand
(0.250 – 0.710 mm), a medium grained sand (0.125 – 0.355 mm) and a fine sand (0.053 – 0.212 mm). Prior to pack-
ing the columns the sands were acid washed in a 10% solution of nitric acid (HNO3) for 24hours to remove poten-
tial carbonates from the sand and then rinsed thoroughly in ultra-pure (U.P.) water.
Source solutions
A synthetically composed nutrient solution was used throughout the experiments to allow for controlled mani-
pulation of the nutrient characteristics. The chemical characteristics of the synthetic solution mimicked the
bulk chemical characteristics of tertiary treated Dissolved Air Flotation/Filtration (DAF/F) effluent used for direct
injection at the Bolivar ASR site in South Australia. Table 1 outlines the physical and chemical properties of the
synthetic nutrient solution.
Table 1. Summary of the physical and chemical characteristics of the synthetic nutrient solution used
throughout the column experiments
Physical and chemical properties of synthetic nutrient solution Value (mg/L unless otherwise stated)
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 2
Total Nitrogen (TN) 8
Total Phosphorus (TP) 1.6
Ca2+ 22.9
K+ 35.2
Na+ 157
Mg2+ 20
Fe2+ 0.1
Cu2+ 0.004
Cl– 280.7
SO42– 79.2
HCO3– 80.3
pH 7.5
E.C. (mS/cm) 1.61
Total Bacterial Count (cells / ml) 10,000–60,000
Cellobiose (C12H22O11) was used as a carbon source, potassium nitrate (KNO3) was selected as the nitrogen
sources and potassium-di-hydrogen orthophosphate (KH2PO4) and di-sodium hydrogen orthophosphate
(Na2HPO4.12H2O) were used as phosphorus sources. The synthetic nutrient solution was seeded with a fresh
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
632 Clogging ef fects
sample of unchlorinated DAF/F effluent to introduce an effluent microbial community to the synthetic solution
(10 ml DAF/F per 1 L of synthetic nutrient solution).
A total organic carbon (TOC) concentration of 2mg-C/L was used for all the synthetic nutrient solutions. This con-
centration of carbon was based on the average observed removal of TOC from the DAF/F effluent under field and
laboratory conditions (Vanderzalm 2004).
At the end of the experimental period the columns were dismantled and sampled at 0.5 cm intervals for the first
3cm of the column length and then at 1cm intervals for the remaining length of the columns. The sand from each
interval was then analysed for polysaccharide concentrations using a phenol-sulphuric method (Dubois at al. 1956)
and total viable biomass concentration (Haack at al. 1994).
Hydraulic head response
Hydraulic head increase at the inlet of the columns was observed in all the sands during the 35day experimental
period (Figure 1). The rate at which clogging occurs and the magnitude of hydraulic head increase varies quite sig-
nificantly for the different grain size porous media. The grain size distribution of a porous media plays a crucial role
in the change in hydraulic properties upon commencement of biological clogging. Clogging of the fine-grained
porous media resulted in a final hydraulic head build up 2.8 times greater than that observed in medium grained
sand and 20 times greater than the hydraulic head build-up in the coarse- grained sand. Observed clogging is
associated with biological activity as the influent was initially free of suspended solids, however while biological
clogging was investigated there is a potential for physical clogging due to the experimental design. The nature of the
material causing the physical clogging is believed to be organic as the synthetic solution was composed of mineral
salts and organic nutrients below saturation and the only suspended component added to the solutions was the
DAF/F seeding solution which did contain bacterial and algal cells. The supply tank from which the columns were
fed contained a nutrient rich solution seeded with a sample of DAF/F water. This would have provided suitable con-
ditions for growth and death of cells within the supply tank and subsequent settling out of the dead cells. Refilling
of the supply tanks may disturb sediments at the bottom of the tanks which may subsequently be sucked into the
supply tube and filtered out at the inlet of the columns resulting in a sudden increase in hydraulic head. However,
further experimental investigation is required to validate these findings. The supply tanks were refilled approxi-
mately every 5 days. The cyclic sudden increases in hydraulic head coincide with filling events. It is evident that the
fine grained porous media was most sensitive to this due to the narrower pore apertures becoming blocked by the
suspended load. Monitoring of the nutrient concentrations showed a TOC removal of 0.2 mg-C / L over a five day
period within the supply tanks suggesting that there was some microbial activity potentially leading to the suspend-
ed solids in the influent.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 633
Fine Grained Sand
Fine Grained
Fine Grained Sand
Medium Grained Sand
Medium Grained
Coarse Grained
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (days)
The initial clean, un-clogged saturated hydraulic conductivities at the inlet interval (0 – 3 cm) of the columns were
2.6 – 3.8 m/d for the fine grained columns, 8.6 – 18.7 m/d for the medium grained columns and 9.6 – 10.7 m/d for the
coarse grained columns. For each of the grain sizes the saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased over the experi-
mental test period. The final saturated hydraulic conductivities for all the columns were between 1 and 5% of the
initial saturated hydraulic conductivity. The final Ks for the fine-grained columns was 0.02 m/d, and was 0.05 m/d
for the medium-grained columns and between 0.34 – 0.56 m/d for the coarse- grained columns.
The highest polysaccharide concentrations of 4 – 5.2 mg/g were measured over the inlet interval (0 – 0.5 cm) in the
fine grained porous media, followed by 2.3 – 3.9 mg/g at the inlet of the medium grained sand and the lowest poly-
saccharide concentrations of 1.8 – 2 mg/g was measured at the inlet of the coarse grained sand. Rapid decrease down
to minimal concentrations was observed in all columns regardless of the grain size.
Biomass concentrations at the inlet interval of the fine, medium and coarse grained columns show similar patterns.
Table 2 summaries the biomass and polysaccharide concentrations over the inlet interval for the three different
porous media.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
634 Clogging ef fects
Polysaccharide Concentration (mg/g
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Column Length (cm
Table 2. Summary of the biological and hydraulic parameters measured at the inlet (0 – 0.5 cm) of the columns
Biomass conc. Polysaccharide conc. Final hydraulic conductivity
Porous media (mg/g) (mg/g) (m/day)
Laboratory column experiments were carried out with three different grain sizes of pure silicate sand to investigate
the effects of injecting nutrient rich solutions on the hydraulic properties of the porous media. The key obser-
vations for the given experimental conditions were the following:
1. An increase in hydraulic head at the point of injection and subsequent reduction in hydraulic conductivity, due
to biological clogging, was sensitive to the grain size of the porous media. More rapid clogging occurred in porous
media with finer grains and narrower pore apertures.
2. The final saturated hydraulic conductivities for all the columns were between 1–5% of the initial un-clogged sat-
urated hydraulic conductivity.
3. A decrease in the grain size of porous media resulted in greater concentration of polysaccharides and biomass at
the inlet of the column.
It is evident that the injection of nutrient rich waters resulted in the development of biological clogging at the point
of injection. The growth and development of microbial communities and their extra cellular products will eventual-
ly lead to the reduction of pore apertures and subsequent decrease in hydraulic conductivity. At a field scale this
implies that greater injection pressures would be required to maintain constant injection rates.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Clogging ef fects 635
This work reported is supported by an Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Grant, in partnership with
United Water International Pty Ltd and experiments were run at CSIRO Land and Water, in the John Holmes
Laboratory at Urrbrae. We would also like to thank Karen Barry from CSIRO Land and Water for her assistance with
the experimental set-up.
Allison, L. E. 1947. Effects of microorganisms on permeability of soil under prolonged submergence. Soil Science 63:
439 – 450.
Cunningham, A. B., W. G. Characklis, F. Abedeen, and D. Crawford. 1991. Influence of biofilm accumulation on
porous media hydrodynamics. Environmental Science and Technology 25: 1305 – 1311.
Dillon, P., P. Pavelic, S. Toze, S. Rinck-Pfeiffer, R. Martin, A. Knapton, and D. Pidsley. 2005. Role of aquifer storage in
water reuse in S. J. Khan, A. I. Schafer, and M. H. Muston, eds. Integrated Concepts in Water Recycling.
Dubois, M., K. A. Gilles, J. K. Hamilton, P. A. Rebers, and F. Smith. 1956. Colourimetric method for determination
of sugars and related substances. Analytical Chemistry 28: 350 – 356.
Haack, S. K., H., Garchow, D. A. Odelson, L. J. Forney, and M. J. Klug. 1994. Accuracy, Reproducibility, and
Interpretation of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Profiles of Model Bacterial Communities. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 60: 2483 – 2493.
Rinck-Pfeiffer, S. 2000. Physical and Biochemical Clogging Processes arising from Aquifer Storage and Recovery
(ASR) with Treated Wastewater. PhD Thesis. School of Chemistry, Physics & Earth Sciences. Flinders University,
South Australia.
Rinck-Pfeiffer, S., S. Ragusa, P. Sztajnbok, and T. Vandevelde. 2000. Interrelationships between biological, chemical,
and physical processes as an analog to clogging in aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells. Water Research 34:
2110 – 2118.
Vanderzalm. J.L. 2004. Hydrogeochemical Processes During Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) with Reclaimed
Wwater in a Carbonate Aquifer. PhD Thesis. School of Chemistry, Physics & Earth Sciences. Flinders University,
South Australia.
Vanderzalm, J., C. Le Gal La Salle, J. L. Hutson, and P. Dillon. 2002. Water quality changes during aquifer storage
and recovery at Bolivar, South Australia. Pages 83–88 in P. Dillon, ed. 4th International Symposium on Artificial
Recharge of Groundwater, ISAR-4. A.A. Balkema, Adelaide, South Australia.
Vandevivere, P., and P. Baveye. 1992a. Relationship between transport of bacteria and their clogging efficiency in sand
columns. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58: 2523 – 2530.
Vandevivere, P., and P. Baveye. 1992b. Saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction caused by aerobic bacteria in sand
columns. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56: 1 – 13.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Clogging ef fects 635
This work reported is supported by an Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Grant, in partnership with
United Water International Pty Ltd and experiments were run at CSIRO Land and Water, in the John Holmes
Laboratory at Urrbrae. We would also like to thank Karen Barry from CSIRO Land and Water for her assistance with
the experimental set-up.
Allison, L. E. 1947. Effects of microorganisms on permeability of soil under prolonged submergence. Soil Science 63:
439 – 450.
Cunningham, A. B., W. G. Characklis, F. Abedeen, and D. Crawford. 1991. Influence of biofilm accumulation on
porous media hydrodynamics. Environmental Science and Technology 25: 1305 – 1311.
Dillon, P., P. Pavelic, S. Toze, S. Rinck-Pfeiffer, R. Martin, A. Knapton, and D. Pidsley. 2005. Role of aquifer storage in
water reuse in S. J. Khan, A. I. Schafer, and M. H. Muston, eds. Integrated Concepts in Water Recycling.
Dubois, M., K. A. Gilles, J. K. Hamilton, P. A. Rebers, and F. Smith. 1956. Colourimetric method for determination
of sugars and related substances. Analytical Chemistry 28: 350 – 356.
Haack, S. K., H., Garchow, D. A. Odelson, L. J. Forney, and M. J. Klug. 1994. Accuracy, Reproducibility, and
Interpretation of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Profiles of Model Bacterial Communities. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 60: 2483 – 2493.
Rinck-Pfeiffer, S. 2000. Physical and Biochemical Clogging Processes arising from Aquifer Storage and Recovery
(ASR) with Treated Wastewater. PhD Thesis. School of Chemistry, Physics & Earth Sciences. Flinders University,
South Australia.
Rinck-Pfeiffer, S., S. Ragusa, P. Sztajnbok, and T. Vandevelde. 2000. Interrelationships between biological, chemical,
and physical processes as an analog to clogging in aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells. Water Research 34:
2110 – 2118.
Vanderzalm. J.L. 2004. Hydrogeochemical Processes During Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) with Reclaimed
Wwater in a Carbonate Aquifer. PhD Thesis. School of Chemistry, Physics & Earth Sciences. Flinders University,
South Australia.
Vanderzalm, J., C. Le Gal La Salle, J. L. Hutson, and P. Dillon. 2002. Water quality changes during aquifer storage
and recovery at Bolivar, South Australia. Pages 83–88 in P. Dillon, ed. 4th International Symposium on Artificial
Recharge of Groundwater, ISAR-4. A.A. Balkema, Adelaide, South Australia.
Vandevivere, P., and P. Baveye. 1992a. Relationship between transport of bacteria and their clogging efficiency in sand
columns. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58: 2523 – 2530.
Vandevivere, P., and P. Baveye. 1992b. Saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction caused by aerobic bacteria in sand
columns. Soil Science Society of America Journal 56: 1 – 13.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Case studies
Region issues and artificial recharge
case studies
V Groundwater resource management
on the urban environment
Eyilachew Yitayew
Water is a fundamental resource for socio-economic development and is essential for maintaining healthy environ-
ment and ecosystems. Consequently, there is a raising demand for fresh water resources as a result of increasing
population and advancement of technology, which it is becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy in the current con-
text of growing pollution world-wide. This is a matter requiring urgent attention, since water is a scarce and such
an important resource that it needs detailed scientific research all over the world in order to sustain and protect the
water resource from pollution and for its wise utilization.
Natural fresh water is a finite resource, essential for agriculture, industry and human/domestic existence. Without
fresh water of adequate quantity and quality, sustainable development will be impossible and life is in danger. But
human intervention in the natural system has a significant effect on the quality of natural water. Human activities
like discharge of untreated toxic chemical and industrial waste into streams, unplanned urban development, lack of
sewerage system, over pumping of aquifers, contamination of water bodies with substances that promote algal
growth (possibly leading to eutrophication) and global circulation (heating) are some of the prevailing causes of
water quality degradation.
Dire-Dawa is the second largest urbanized centre in Ethiopia, next to Addis Ababa, along the Addis Ababa-Djibuti
railway, with the population of more than 270,000. It has an enormous development potential. Industries mainly
comprise food-processing plants, textile and cement factory. The main source of water for domestic supply is
groundwater (Sabiyan well-field) within the urbanized part of the town. In addition, there is water supply from
the springs and hand dug wells. Although easier to exploit, it has to be treated before it meets the WHO standards
for domestic supply. Hence, the water supply from the Dire Dawa and its vicinity is not completely safe due to the
presence of different sources of pollutants that increase the risk of chemical pollution of the water resource.
• Determine water quality of the aquifers and impacts of the present and future exploitation;
• To identify the different sources of pollutants affecting the quality of groundwater;
• Give recommendation on the strategy of groundwater resources development and protection.
The methods applied are:
• Data collection and review of previous studies i.e geological, hydrogeological , urbanization;
• Water points inventory, sampling & field measurements (location, EC, PH, EH, temperature);
• Water quality survey, hydrochemical, isotope analysis and pollution source identification by applying different
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
640 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
General situation
The geomorphologic, geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the basin facilitate the effect of pollution. The
town consists of mainly unconsolidated permeable alluvium deposit that can easily be penetrated by disposing
wastewater. Percolation of wastewater is also facilitated by gently dipping or almost flat nature of the topography of
the town. Ground water table is encountered at shallow depth in the northern part of the town that is as low as ten
meters below ground level. Such distance is covered with in a short time interval by descending pollutants.
Degradation of the town’s groundwater quality may be caused by urban agriculture in the south (valley) – western
and eastern sides of the basin, or by point sources such as septic tanks, pit latrines, garbage disposal sites and ceme-
teries. Line sources such as poor quality water; wastewater drainages from factories and seepage from polluted
streams affect the hydrogeologic system in a considerably high magnitude which tend to move laterally in the direc-
tion sources of the pollution.
The present contamination may be at its early stage because the movement of both groundwater and pollutants is so
slow that it takes many years to be in contact. After the contact is made, it is difficult to cleanup and rehabilitate
from the aquifer since the degree of contamination will show a growing/pluming trend.
The landuse of the town is dominantly mixed, especially residential areas with commercial activities. This is true
notably in the central part of the town where almost all buildings along the streets are used for commercial activities
and their backyards or internal courtyards are used for dwelling purpose. Residential areas cover around 680 ha
(10.38%), squatter settlement is estimated 980 ha (12%) and all about consists of 50.14% of the total built-up area.
The sanitation situation in Ethiopia is very low; the development is limited and has not been a major concern. Most
of the population in rural and urban areas do not have access to safe and reliable sanitation facilities. As a result,
above 75% of the health problems in Ethiopia are due to contagious diseases attributed to unsafe and inadequate
water supply, and unhygienic waste management, particularly human excreta.
In Dire Dawa town, there is no municipal sewerage system at present. The sanitary system and practice in the town
is very poor unlined traditional pit latrines are the most common technology in use in the town. At present the
town doesn’t have any system for the safe disposal of wastewater. Each household is in charge of disposing of its
own waste. It is clear that the existing facilities do not cover the needs of the town in terms of sanitary state of
Sanitation in Dire Dawa town at the moment is the responsibility of both the Water Supply and Sewerage and the
Health Offices, even though they have insufficient means at their disposal to adequately execute their role. In the
town there are three trucks and 84 transfer containers for refuse collection and two vacuum trucks for emptying the
filled toilets. Sullage is domestic wastewater used for body washing, laundries and cleaning of cooking utensils.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 641
Sullage water represents a significant proportion of water consumption in the town and the volume produced is
greatly dependent on the volume of domestic water used. In Dire Dawa town, washing is mostly carried out at the
entrance of households and the resulting wastewater is disposed on the ground or into drainage ditches outside the
Table 1. Solid waste disposal situations in Dire Dawa and Rural as per 1998 CSA
Status Vehicle container Dug out Thrown away Others Total
Solid waste disposal sites are not selected according to hydrogeological priorities. The main solid waste disposal
area is the sandy dry stream Channel of Dechatu River that divides the town into two almost equal parts. Solid
waste stack is clearly seen in the dry river channel starting from the upper part of the town (Addis Ketema) to the
lower part (Kebelle 22).
Dire Dawa textile, meat factory and soft drinks factory discharge untreated wastewater into the drainage. All of
them drain northward unprotected and open to additional surface contaminations. Due to high permeable nature of
the geological formations, there is a sharp drop in the amount of wastewater into the system from the initial points.
It is noted that dysentery and malaria are the second and the third causes of death in the region which are caused by
ingestion of contaminated water. Even the first cause of death TB- the thermometer of the living standard is highly
connected with water, sanitation and environment.
Sources of pollution
Due to the rapid growth and urbanization in Dire Dawa, there is an increase in the size of population, number of
commercial establishment and number of industries. Consequently, the amount of waste generated has also
increased since there is no good integrated waste management system (no recycling, sewage network and landfill
sites) in the town. The geology and aquifer system is easily exposed for contamination. The major pollution sources
are related to anthropogenic activities that are domestic, industry and agriculture. On the other hand, natural hard-
ness is a major problem of the region since it is a sedimentary terrain and the major aquifer is limestone with Ca-Mg
bicarbonate of water type is dominated.
Industrial Activities: Industry is the second important economic activity in urban area. There are six major indus-
tries and more than 100 small scale manufacturing industries in the town of Dire Dawa. These are Dire Dawa tex-
tile, Dire Dawa food complex, ELFORA meat processing, East Africa bottling (soft drink), and Dire Dawa Cement.
Major wastes and by products of the factory are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, dust and some time sulfur di-
oxide. Carbon monoxide is produced when there is incomplete combustion of raw material. The main raw material
is lime (CaCO3). This lime when it partially combusted gives cement, CO2, and CO. Both CO2 and CO liberate to
the air, which ultimately contribute to the green house effect in the atmosphere. Other nuisance waste product is
sulfur dioxide that liberates from the furnace when there is less air or less ventilation. This gas has been causing bad
smell for the near by residents.
The Dire Dawa textile factory is the main source of contaminant in the urban area. The chemicals used in this fac-
tory pollute the ground and surface water. The factory has no waste treatment plant and it directly releases all sort
of wastes into the near by stream. Most of the time, PH of the waste is more than 12.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
642 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
In the town, there are about 98 medium and small-scale factories. All medium and large-scale industries do not treat
their effluent or liquid waste. They merely discharge open field, near by the Dry River or sandy stream channel,
which is a threat for the ground water source. The cumulative and long-term effect of these pollutants in the envi-
ronment, particularly in the surface and ground water resource potential of the town would be significant.
Municipal Wastes. There is no waste treatment and proper waste disposal system in Dire Dawa town. Domestic as
well as industrial wastes have been discharged directly into the open ditches and sandy streams. From the nature of
its topography and soil, the ground water resource is very venerable to pollution. Degradation of ground water qual-
ity is exacerbating by point source contamination such as septic tanks, pit latrines and industrial effluents.
In Dire Dawa town, there is no central municipal sewerage system at present. The sanitary system and practice
in the town is very poor; unlined traditional pit latrines are the most common technology in use in the town. At
present the town doesn’t have any system for the safe disposal of wastewater. Each household is in charge of dis-
posing its own waste. It is clear that the existing facilities do not cover the needs of the town in terms of sanitary
state of affairs.
Table 2. Urban toilet facilities of Dire Dawa by housing unit, as to 1994 census
Type of toilet facilities
According to CSA (1994), about 68% of the household in Dire Dawa use pit latrines. This situation is increasing the
risk of the ground water contamination by human wastes. These pollution problems are clearly observed from the
water quality analysis in the past 30 years. Water quality test from different sites of the town (bore holes) shows
that nitrate concentration of water samples from Sabiyan and inner part of the town highly exceeds the WHO and
Ethiopian Drinking Water Quality Guideline Values.
Agricultural wastes. In the town and its vicinity, there are numerous urban and rural agricultural activities such as
Tony farm, chat farm, Amdael diary farm, Hafecat diary, and other small-scale cattle breeding and horticulture
producers in the town. Generally, the agricultural inputs and by-products are the major constitutes of wastes and
have a chance to contact the groundwater system.
Animal wastes are classified as solid and liquid. Such animal waste may become the source of groundwater pol-
lution. The groundwater quality is directly affected by microorganisms in organic fertilizers, particularly when raw
animal feaces are applied without being subjected to thermal and anaerobic stabilization prior to application
(Castany, Groba, Tomija, 1986; and references therein).
Miscellaneous activities. In Dire Dawa area, in addition to the above-mentioned potential sources there are also pos-
sible pollution sources like markets, cemeteries, fuel stations, garages and etc. Urban activities produce numerous
sources of contamination to the environment.
The other possible source of water pollution, which can be inferred, is cemeteries. Most of the Churches in Dire
Dawa have graveyards /cemeteries/ away from their compounds. There are two main cemeteries associated with the
religious consideration such as Muslim and Christian. But both cemetery sites are in the inner part of the town and
near to Dechatu river.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 643
The chemical, biological and physical properties of natural water are variable and depend on the composition of
precipitation, geology, climate, biological activities, geochemical processes, the contact surface and contact time
between water and rocks and human factors. As a result of disposal of liquid, gaseous and solid wastes, chemical
substances and pathogens can pollute water sources; and their potability may be impaired by troublesome odor, test
and color. Also substances that can be used in agriculture such a fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides may pollute
water sources. Their harmful effect on water quality can be caused by inappropriate application or the chemical
nature of the substance used.
Generally domestic as well as industrial wastes affect water quality in urban centers. In Ethiopia the degree of pol-
lution is generally not large except the surface waters of Addis Ababa and groundwater of Dire Dawa town. In
general, the influence of human activity in the wastewater in the urban centers is indicated by the increase of nitrate
and chloride concentration in the water bodies.
Groundwater moves slowly and responds slowly to quality changes. The movement of pollution is determined by
the movement of water and therefore depends on physical factors. Pollution tends to attenuate as it moves through
soil and groundwater systems due to physical dilution and dispersion, and a combination of chemical and biological
actions. Of these precipitation-solution, ion exchange and adsorption, and biological degradation (oxidation-
reduction) are most significant to groundwater quality. The importance of the various physical, chemical or bio-
logical process depends on the type and source of pollution, the nature of the soil and /or aquifer material, the
hydrology and the well field.
The causes, types and extent of groundwater pollution range from wide spread agricultural sources to the primary
domestic pollution sources of solid and liquid waste disposal. Individual septic tanks cause local and up to regional
contamination problems of nitrate buildup if there concentration is very high. The land disposal of municipal
sewage is a potential nitrate source and landfills are sources of metals and variety of organic and inorganic com-
Most potential groundwater contaminants are released at or slightly beneath the land surface. Here the wastes are
subjected to the processes of leaching and percolation that may lead to their introduction into the ground water sys-
tem. As they move through the unsaturated zone above the groundwater table there is the tendency to attenuate; a
process that sometimes eliminates potential contamination sources as serious problems, because contamination
simply does not reach the groundwater in sufficient strength.
The movement of a solute through the unsaturated zone, or zone of aeration, to water table is primarily vertically
downward from the surface, and then horizontal displacement has undergone within the saturated zone. In unsatu-
rated zone hydraulic and mass transport properties influence the degree of pollutant movement (FAO-Rome, 1979).
Contaminants are solutes reaching aquifer systems as a result of human activities. Pollution occurs when conta-
minant concentrations reach objectionable levels. Man’s interference with natural flow patterns and his introduction
of chemical and biological material into the ground usually results in undesirable groundwater quality changes.
Contaminant sources include: municipal sewer leakage, liquid waste disposal, solid waste disposal, urban run off,
lawn fertilizer application, industrial liquid waste disposal, tank and pipeline leakage, mining activities, chemical
spills etc.
Point Source Contamination: Dire Dawa has no sewer system, well-studied waste disposal sites and no systematic
disposal methods. For the past nine decades, pit latrines have remained the main human excreta disposal facilities.
There are more than fifteen thousand pit latrines and more than one thousand septic tanks throughout the town. In
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644 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
the other part of the town, where the population density is higher, the latrines are closely spaced and this poses
cumulative effect on the hydrogeologic environment. With total population of more than 270,000 and poor feeding
style, the annual tonnage of human excreta dumped is considerably high. Such exponential increase will have a
direct and higher effect on the hydrogeologic system since it is only in the past few decades that the town has well
developed and populated. The effect of population in polluting the hydrogeologic system is still in its early stage.
Human excreta contain large amount of water, 20% organic matter, 2.5% urine, nitrogen, phosphoric acid, sulpher
and other in organic compounds (Ehlers and steer, 1976). As can be understood from this fact, nitrogen is the main
component of human excreta. Of the organic matter contained in average domestic sewage, about 40% is made up
of nitrogenous substances, 50% of carbohydrates and 10% of fats (Fair and Geyer, 1971). Such high influx of
nitrogenous substances will result in nitrate pollution of groundwater.
Line Source Contamination: Industrial and domestic waste water drain in to the sandy stream channels and perco-
late with in few hundreds of meters distance from their source. Dire Dawa textiles factory, meat factory and soft
drinks factory discharge untreated wastewater through drainages and into the hydrogeologic environment, unpro-
tected and open that makes additional surface contaminations. On the other way, they create favorable conditions
for the decomposition of organic matter dumped as a solid waste in the sandy water channels.
Nitrate and Extent of pollution: The laboratory analyses conducted on the water samples taken from different local-
ities at different times indicate that the level of groundwater pollution is increasing at an alarming rate. For
instance, according to the hydrochemical analysis conducted by an Israeli geologist in 1959,the maximum concen-
tration of NO3 at the center of the town was 45 mg/l. After twenty-two years (1982) Ketema Tadesse has reported a
NO3 concentration of 320 mg/l within the town. On the other hand, while preparing this research the water sam-
pled from Dire Dawa food complex bore hole (FBH) at August 2003 and analyzed on October 2003 by EIGS-labora-
tory shows the result is still high to 266mg/l (2003).
Nitrate may also play a role in the production of nitrosomines in the stomach, which are known as carcinogens.
This was considered as a possible reason for a higher death rate from gastric cancer in a group of people that had
high nitrate level in their drinking water (Bower and references their in, 1978). Point contamination also has high-
er contribution to the higher concentration of sulphate, sodium and chlorine in Dire Dawa ground water (refer
nitrate map).
Presently, the factors that are assumed to cause pollution (declining of the rainfall, increment of household wastes,
absence of proper waste management, etc.) are being aggravated. Hence the level of pollution is exceeding the maxi-
mum allowable limits set by World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Standard (ENWQG).
High nitrate, chloride, and sodium concentration is observed in the wells found within Dire Dawa town. The water
quality of alluvial aquifer is highly contaminated by human interferences, especially the alluvial water in the Dire
Dawa town and dug wells near the community. The Total dissolved solids of polluted water is from 1,000 mg/l to
more than 3,000 mg/l. The spatial coverage and trend of TDS, EC, hardness, major cations and anions of the basin
in general and the Dire Dawa town in particular is explained on the maps
From the land use map of the town and in relation with the hydrochemical evolution, the concentration of EC,
TDS, chloride, nitrate and sulphate are mainly depend on the groundwater flow direction and anthropogenic activi-
ties. For further understanding, please deal with the figures attached here with.
Aquifers vulnerability
There are two aquifers in Dire Dawa area that is the alluvial and the upper sandstone aquifer. The main aquifer that
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Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 645
Sodium, Chloride, Nitrate and Sulphate relation in Dire Dawa Town
800 Nitrate
349 Chloride
Laboratory Value (mg/l)
700 250
100 66
95 97
81 150 112
30087 266 166 354 84 104 166
99 40
66 54 73
200 197 90
44 46
55 194
131 162 101 96 55 145
100 125 88 83
135 170 67
65 55 95 68 67 68 84 62
45 44 43
Merm Bh FdcmxBh SPW-9 Txt.Bh TshHDw ShnBH-1 SPw7 DiarFBh HurBh CocBH-12 ShnBh-2 SPw5 Spw4
Figure 1. Sodium, chloride, nitrate and sulphate relations within Dire Dawa groundwater
is exploited for the Dire Dawa town water supply is the upper sandstone. Upper sandstone is semi-confined overlaid
by the alluvial aquifer. The groundwater elevation map show that the groundwater level is deep along Dechatu river
and at the same time the overlying alluvial and the upper sandstones are highly permeable and the groundwater
flow concentrates along the river. In general, the upper sandstone aquifer at Dire Dawa town is vulnerable to pol-
lution due to the high to moderate permeability of the alluvial sediments overlying the main aquifer.
From nitrates, chlorides and sulphate concentration distribution in the aquifer of the Dire Dawa basin the following
observations are made:
• High concentration is directly related to high population density and industrial areas
• The high concentration plume is flowing along the groundwater flow direction
• At Sabiyain well field a localized plume of nitrates, chlorides and sulphate are flowing to the well field. At
present, some of the wells in the well field are located within the zone of 50 –166 mg/l of nitrates.
All the scientific evidence that has been considered so far lead to the conclusion that continued disposal of wastes
to the subsurface will produce progressive and largely irreversible pollution of the groundwater. Although physical,
chemical and biological processes have been identified which may attenuate pollutants, these processes have finite
limits or are operative only over a limited range of phsico-chemical conditions. Persistent pollutants will therefore
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646 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
accumulate in the groundwater until a dynamic balance is reached between the rate of input of the pollutants to the
groundwater flow system and the rate of discharge of the pollutants from the system.
In order to evaluate the extent of pollution in the study area the number and distribution of possible pollutant
sources, hydrogeolgical characteristics of rocks and soils and results of water analysis have been given due em-
phasis. Based on these factors the study area divided in to three different areas as shown in the map (Fig. 1). The
sources of pollutants are closely associated with landuse pattern and to some extent to population density in the
area. Moreover, the extent of pollution also varies between urban and suburban part of the town.
The largest component of municipal land disposal of solid wastes is paper, but substantial food wastes, yard wastes,
glass, menials, plastics, rubber, and liquid wastes are also included. Landfill leachiest can contain high levels of
BOD, COD, iron, manganese, chloride, nitrate, hardness, heavy metals, stable organics, and trace elements. Gases
such as methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide are by-products of municipal landfills. Many
municipal waste disposal sites receive industrial process residuals and pollution control sludge. Radioactive, toxic,
and hazardous wastes have been disposed in some municipal landfills and applied an integrated waste management
Municipal waste water may reach to aquifers by leakage from collecting sewers, leakage from the industries during
processing, land disposal of the treatment plant effluent, disposal to surface waters which recharged aquifers, and
land disposal of sludge. Sewer leakage can introduce high concentrations of BOD, COD, nitrate, organic chemicals,
bacteria, and heavy metals in to groundwater. Potential contaminants form sludge includes nutrients, heavy metals,
and pathogenic organisms. Potential contaminants from industrial waste disposal sites cover the full range of inor-
ganic and organic chemicals including phenols, acids, heavy metals, and cyanide.
These remedial measures are time-consuming (months to years) and very expensive (tens of thousands to millions
of dollars). It often takes longer to decontaminate an aquifer than it took to contaminate the aquifer.
Remedial measures remove or isolate point sources and/or pump and treat contaminated ground water (JRB
Associates, 1982). Remedial measures include: changing the surface drainage so that runoff does not cross the
source, using source subsurface drains and ditches, constructing low-permeability caps above the source, installing
a low-permeability vertical barrier (slurry wall, grout curtain, or sheet piling) around the source, lowering the water
table where it is in contact with the source, chemical or biological in situ treatment of the source plume, modifying
nearby production well discharge patterns, changing water table hydraulic gradients though the installation of
injection wells, artificial recharge and extracting contaminated ground water via production wells.
Removal of contaminated water through extraction wells with aquifer advection and dispersion mechanisms but
without aquifer sorption mechanisms requires that a volume of groundwater about twice the volume of the conta-
minant plume be removed from the aquifer. Biological activity is another method to identify the nitrate after inves-
tigating the issue in detail.
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Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 647
Chemical, physical and biological processes in addition to the geological formation and man-made factors influence
the hydrochemical variation of groundwater both spatial and temporal in water quality directly and indirectly. Due
to the fact that different nuclei have seen on the hydrchemical variation maps within the basin area. Mostly, the con-
centration EC, TDS and chloride are increasing along the groundwater flow direction. But total hardness and bicar-
bonate are directly related with the PH conditions of the groundwater and geological formation.
The poor sanitation condition together with the lack of proper waste disposal mechanisms attributed to sever effect
of pollution of both surface and ground water resources of the area. The most sever effect of pollution was observed
in shallow wells, which is the reflection of all anthropogenic impact on water bodies of the area.
The existing industries should be enforced or advised to treat their wastes and good waste management system
should be established in the Dire Dawa town. When industrial establishments are considered budget for the treat-
ment plant should be included (considered) in the main cost of the plant. Develop and implement effective program
of solid waste disposal and sanitation system. More solid waste containers with the required truck should be allocat-
ed as one alternative for solid waste collection and disposal. To minimize the impact on public health and environ-
ment by treating wastes down to an acceptable standard and dispose it.
Waste generated from industries, agricultural activities, households, market centers, institutions, garages, fuel
stations and the health centers are the main sources of pollutants that may affect the quality of water in the area. In
general, the causes, types and extent of waste pollution range from the wide spread agricultural use of fertilizers to
a single incident of an industrial chemical spill.
Since there is a danger of potential pollutant risk of the water bodies of the area, planners and policy makers and
other decision making bodies in the region should put clear environmental policy. Rules and regulation should be
formulated to control utilization of groundwater, effluent standards and properly follow the implementation of the
policy; otherwise future generation will not be out of these problems.
Based on the present investigations the following recommendations are made.
• Artificial recharge should be done to maximize the groundwater potential and Proper groundwater management
should be under taken and boreholes must be drilled out side the town to the north direction.
• Establish environmental standards related to chemical management and develop concept of integrated waste
management strategy (source reduction, sorting, recycling, incineration and sanitary landfill) and construct
sewerage system.
• Remedial measures should in practices i.e. change the surface drainage so that runoff does not cross the source.
• Aquifer cleanup/removal of contaminated water through extraction wells with aquifer advection and dispersion
mechanisms, but aquifer sorption mechanisms requires that a volume of groundwater about twice the volume of
the contaminant plume be removed from the aquifer. Biological activity is another method to identify the nitrate
and to dismantle from the contaminated zone.
David K.Todd (1980) Groundwater Hydrology.
Dire Dawa Feasibility study for water supply, Oct 1982 Associated Engineering services Ltd.
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648 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
GIBB /Seuereca, Harar town water supply hydrogeological investigation study programme, Nov 1996.
Greitzer Y, Stratigraphy, Hydrogeology and Jurrasic Ammonites of the Harar and Dire Dawa area, 1970 (Doctoral
Habteab Z. and Jiri Sima, Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of the Dire Dawa Area NC 37-12 Sheet, EIGS 1986.
John C. Harvey (1982), The properties of Groundwater.
Ketema Tadesse, 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dire Dawa Area, Unpublished Technical Report (880-551-17), EIGS.
Mesfin Aytenfisu, Hydrogeology of Northeastern part of Haraghe, 1981 (Msc thesis).
MoWR, 8 towns water supply project production well drilling works, Feb 1999.
Taye Alemayehu, Contamination of the Hydrogeological System in Dire Dawa, 1988.
Tesfamichael Keleta, 1974, Hydrogeology of the Dire Dawa, A statement of present knowledge (880-551-07) EIGS.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Identification of groundwater recharge
conditions in crystalline basement rock
aquifers of the southwestern Nigeria
Segun Adelana, Peter Olasehinde and Peter Vrbka
Groundwater recharge conditions in the crystalline Basement of southwestern Nigeria are a crucial factor for
understanding the groundwater flow regime. It is therefore the overall aim of this research to get adequate infor-
mation on groundwater isotopic and chemical characteristics with possible origin dynamics and infiltrating con-
ditions. Results of the present study show groundwater isotopic signature range from –19.2 to –11.5 ‰ for δ2 H
(with mean of –15.7 ‰) and –3.6 to –2.2 ‰ for δ18 O (mean: –3.0 ‰) as against rainwater (δ2 H: 0.8 ‰,
δ18 O: –1.0 ‰). A plot of δ 2 H against δ 18 O show that the isotopic composition of groundwater cluster closely
around a regression line defined by the equation: δ2H = 8.6 δ18O + 10. This is in agreement with the meteoric line
defined for the northern hemisphere and almost falls perfectly along the Mean Meteoric Water Line except for the
different gradient. Most of the water samples are having deuterium excess less than 10. This was interpreted as
indicating similar recharge conditions for the groundwater of this area and that mainly from precipitation. The low
d-excess in the groundwater of the study area is also indicative of enrichment by evaporation.
Southwestern Nigeria, groundwater, recharge, environmental isotopes, basement aquifer.
The present study area is situated in the southern end of Kwara State in southwestern Nigeria comprising of fast
growing business and educational centres in Nigeria. The towns included are Offa, Omu-Aran and Osi-Opin
(Fig. 1). These towns have been rapidly expanding during the last 15 years as a result of rapid industrialization and
expansion of Local Government Authorities. The climate of the study area is characterized by dry and wet seasons.
The dry season is short and usually last 3 – 10 weeks while the wet season starts at about March and extends till
October during which the rivers are at their peak. The mean annual rainfall is generally between 1,200 and
1,400 mm while temperature ranges from 25°C to about 35.0°C. Thus the area is a transition between the tropical
savannah in the north and rainforest in the south. The nearest available long-term record of precipitation is at the
Ilorin International Airport (Fig. 2). The wind pattern over southwestern Nigeria is dominated by the southerly
Monsoon, moisture-laden air masses from the Atlantic leading to the development of clouds and, eventually, rainfall
for most of the year. During the short dry season the Harmattan coming from the north blow dusty and cold wind
across the area.
In the years ahead, southwestern Nigeria is most likely to face a two-fold problem. On the one hand, due to popu-
lation growth the demand for drinking water supply and irrigation will increase. While on the other hand, due to
changing climatic pattern, rainfall will become erratic hence sustainability of water supply for irrigation and domes-
tic use will pose greater challenge under such unpredictable climate. Therefore, sustainable management pro-
grammes, alongside with other conservative measures, will not be out of place in order to meet the requirements for
adequate water supply. It is therefore the overall aim of this research to get adequate information on groundwater
isotopic and chemical characteristics with possible origin dynamics and infiltrating conditions.
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650 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
AR Lagos
A 0 400 Km
8o 0 80 160km Off
Offa Osi
3oE 4o 5o 6o
Figure 1. Map of Kwara State in SW Nigeria showing the location of Offa and Ilorin
Precipitation (mm)
Sampling and analyses of the groundwater took place at different times and were analyzed in different laboratories.
All field measurements were made directly at the well site. Physical parameters determined in the field include:
Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen, which were all measured using portable (battery-
operated) meters and alkalinity determined by titration. As a reference to groundwater of the study area actual
precipitation have been sampled from two different stations for chemical as well as isotope analyses. Samples for
chemistry were collected in order to attempt a definition of water groups, according to major ion concentrations,
and together with field measurements, to determine the geographical distribution of extracted water quality.
Chemical analyses were carried out in the following laboratories: Geochemie labor, Geologie institut, Technische
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Universitat Darmstadt (Germany) and Chemical laboratory of the Kwara State office of the United Nations Children
Education Fund (UNICEF)-assisted Water Projects, Ilorin (Nigeria).
Analyses of the stable isotopes were jointly performed at the Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory, Monash University,
Australia and Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig-Halle, Germany. Stable isotopes ratios are
expressed as delta in per mil (i.e. δ‰) relative to VSMOW (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water). The isotope pre-
cision of measurement based on VSMOW is ± 0.15 ‰ for 18 O and ± 1 ‰ for 2 H.
The rocks covering the study area in southwestern Nigeria consist mainly of the Precambrian Basement (Fig. 3).
Radiometric dating indicates that the Basement rocks of southwestern Nigeria is polycyclic and has responded to
several tectonic events with differing intensities from Archean to late Proterozoic (Pan African). Offa town is under-
lain by the hard rock suite consisting mainly of biotite gneiss with lenses and bands of biotite schists and pegmatite
intrusions. Pegmatites in this area, within the Ilorin map sheet (Sheet 50) area, occur as veins, dykes and irregular
bodies that are ubiquitous in all other units. Extensive outcrops of pegmatites which occur as irregular bodies have
been mapped 14 Km NE of Offa (Oluyide et al., 1998). Prominent structural trends (faulting and folding) have been
observed in southwestern Nigeria (Oyawoye, 1972; Cooray, 1974; Rahaman, 1989). Further information from the
Gneiss and
granite gneiss
older granite
Variable migmatised
2 3 gneiss
8 N
40E 50
Figure 3. Geological map of the southern end of Kwara State in southwestern Nigeria
available borehole lithological logs (Adelana et al., 2003) revealed that weathering is fairly deep and that the rocks
have been jointed and fractured severely. These joints and fractures have, to a large extent, controlled the flow direc-
tion of the rivers in the area (Olasehinde, 1979).
The potentiometric map shows a fairly radial flow away from the City centre to a nearby Reservoir and Agun river
and subsequently towards River Oyun. The potentiometric map resulting from each year’s field survey was very
similar, only with slight differences. Therefore only one representative potentiometric map is presented here
(Fig. 4). The aquifer has a fairly heterogenous geological structure, being covered by approximately 3 –7 m of unsat-
urated soil composed of a humus layer and a sandy loam overlaying a lateritic and clay layer. The highly permeable
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
weathered/fractured zone varies locally and is sometimes composed of quartzofeldspathic and amphibolitic materi-
als, especially near Offa Dam. The groundwater in the western part flows in an easterly direction until it meets the
F18 8013’N
N F22
F25 ta
Flow Direction
Contour Line
F5 8007
F12 F10
F30A Reservoir
6 F32 F31
groundwater recharged in the east and flowing northwestwards towards Agun and Atan rivers. These rivers are
tributaries that receive recharge from rainfall, water from surface runoff and contributions from groundwater before
flowing to Oyun River; a river that has substansive volume of water throughout the year and has therefore been
dammed (at the outskirt of the town) for water supply for both domestic and industrial use in Offa municipal and
its environs.
In southwestern Nigeria, the average weighted isotopic composition of precipitation in the two stations within
the close vicinity of the study area is given in Table 1. The long-term weighted mean of precipitation in Kano,
the longest available record in Nigeria (1961–1973), is included for comparison. The isotopic composition
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of precipitation clearly indicates the effects of altitude, amount and evaporation. The stable isotope composition of
precipitation in Ilorin (45 Km NW of Offa) is more enriched and shows much deviation from that of Offa sampled
around the same period and from that of Kano (at a higher altitude and latitude). The only reason is the single
heavy rainfall event that produced the sample as compared to the lighter showers sampled in Offa. The samples
were collected in early April when sporadic but irregular showers characterize the onset of the rainy season in
Shallow groundwater
The groundwater in the area occurs under unconfined conditions. Most of the dug wells extend into the lithomarge
zone. Some of the wells have encountered hard rocks. The depth of wells (hand-dug) ranges from 3 to 12 m. Depth
to water level rarely exceeds 24 m; while the mean dry season water level in this region is 12.2 m. Analysis from
hand dug well taken from different locations in Offa show static water level between 1.2 and 9.2 during rainy
season and average depth of about 4 m – 5 m, which is not lower than the laterite level. The isotopic composition of
groundwater from the shallow wells is given in Table 2 and shows a similar history to that of surface water in the
area. The majority of the water samples are having deuterium excess less than 10. This was interpreted as indicating
similar recharge conditions for the shallow groundwater of this area and that mainly from precipitation. The low
deuterium excess in the groundwater of the study area is also indication of enrichment by evaporation.
Well No. Well depth (m) EC (µS/cm) 18O (‰) 2H (‰) d* (‰) Cl (meq/L)
FF12 2.50 275.0 –2.16 –11.5 5.78 0.90
FF15 6.00 617.0 –2.38 –13.2 5.84 2.12
FF18 7.25 997.0 –2.67 –11.8 9.56 1.54
FF19 5.10 174.0 –2.72 –15.0 6.76 0.35
FF23 7.65 522.0 –2.70 –15.2 6.40 1.14
FF30A 2.65 854.0 –2.61 –15.3 5.58 2.35
FF32 8.00 125.0 –3.15 –15.0 10.20 0.25
*FF36 – 879.0 3.54 –1.2 –29.52 2.16
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
The isotopic composition of the wells resembles that of rainfall only that they are slightly more depleted in both
stable isotopes of water molecules due to travel times. The isotopic composition does not show evidence of upward
leakage through the secondary permeability as claimed by earlier geophysical work. This is evidence from the
consistent depletion of water samples from these wells and agrees with the local geology of the area that fractures
occur at depth but in most cases not linked to the surface. The chloride concentrations are lower than those of
the shallow aquifer water with the exception of FF10 and FF10A. These two wells are production boreholes
(located about than 5 metres apart within a private residence) that are reported as heavily polluted with nitrate i.e.
NO3 > 200 mg/L (Adelana, 2004).
H-2 (‰ )
water cluster closely around a regression line defined by 0.0 Surface water
Water that is ponded at the Reservoir (FF36) has been subjected to some degree of evaporation and is therefore
more enriched in δ 2 H and δ 18 O. Although the isotopic composition of shallow groundwater close to the Reservoir
is less enriched in heavy isotopes it is difficult to established leakage from this standing water because of the pre-
vailing groundwater flow direction indicated by the potentiometric map. There are, however, indications from the
isotopic composition of precipitation, shallow and deep groundwater samples that the rivers and reservoir captures
the recent recharge from the surrounding shallow aquifer flowing locally from the west and east and from direct
infiltration. The salinity and chloride contents of these waters are higher (EC up to 997 µS/cm and Cl up to
2.35 meq / L), which reflects high evaporation rates. There are no indications of groundwater leakage from the deep
fractured aquifer upwards indicating fractures are not linked to the surface or covered by the thick weathered zone.
Isotopic and chemical data indicate that groundwater has major contribution from rain in the study area as against
base-flow recharge that seems to be predominant in other regions. It must be pointed out, however, that the δ 2 H
and δ 18O depleted waters of the study area do not seem to follow the isotope depletion range defined by Dray et al.
(1983) for old as well as recent groundwater in the southern Sahara. The values of Dray suggest that groundwater
was recharged during a more humid climatic condition in the past.
The knowledge of the groundwater infiltration conditions is crucial to quantifying recharge. The alignment of the
groundwater samples of the study area with the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL) underlines their meteoric
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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origin. Isotopic data indicate ‘modern’ precipitation as recharging the area. The δ 2 H and δ 18 O do not exhibit a
wide range but vary from –19.2 ‰ to 0.8 ‰ and from –3.6 ‰ to 3.5 ‰ respectively and cluster around the GMWL.
Adelana S. M. A. (2004). Water pollution by nitrate in a weathered / fractured basement rock aquifer: The case of Offa
area, Nigeria. In: Research basin and hydrological planning, Xi, Gu & Seiler (ed.), A. A. Balkema, London,
pp. 93 – 98.
Adelana S. M. A. and Olasehinde P. I. (2004). Assessment of aquifer system in parts of South-western Nigeria using
isotope techniques. Proc. International Workshop on the Application of Isotope Techniques in Hydrological and
Environmental Studies, Paris, September 6 – 8.
Adelana S. M. A., Olasehinde P. I. and Vrbka P. (2003). Hydrochemical and environmental isotope properties of shal-
low groundwater of the Basement rock aquifer in Offa area, SW Nigeria. Proc. International Conference on
Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Prague, September 15 – 19.
Cooray P. G. (1974). Classification of charnockitic rocks of Nigeria. Journ. Min. Geol., 14, 1 – 16.
Dansgaard W. (1964). Stable isotopes in precipitation. Tellus 16, 436 – 469.
Dray, M.; Gonfiantini, R. and Zuppi, G. M. (1983). Isotopic composition of groundwater in the Southern Sahara. –
Proc. on Paleoclimate & Paleowaters, Vienna, pp. 187– 199.
Olasehinde P. I. (1979). Geophysical investigation for groundwater sources for Oyun Breweries, Offa, SW Nigeria.
Unpublished Technical report, Kwara State Water Corporation, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Oluyide P. O., Nwajide C. S. and Oni A. O. (1998). The geology of Ilorin area with explanations on the 1 : 250,000
series, sheet 50 (Ilorin). Geological Survey of Nigeria Bull. 42, 1– 84.
Oyawoye M. O. (1972). The basement complex of Nigeria. In: African Geology, T.F.J. Dessauvagie and A. J. Whiteman
(ed.), University of Ibadan Press, Ibadan, pp. 66 – 102.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Domestic-scale ASR with rainwater
at Kingswood, South Australia
Karen Barry and Peter Dillon
Rainwater derived from roof surfaces can offer sufficient quantities of good quality water if it can be successfully
harvested, particularly in semi-arid areas where alternative sources are scarce. A demonstration project in its
second year is currently underway to investigate the operational performance of domestic-scale aquifer storage
and recovery (ASR) with rainwater. A shallow alluvial aquifer in the southeast Adelaide metropolitan area was
targeted after an earlier regional assessment had suggested this area has potential for ASR. The mean annual
rainfall here is approximately 550 mm with most of this falling in winter between May and September. Annual
evaporation (A class pan) is about 2,000 mm, most of which occurs in the warm, dry summer months creating a
significant irrigation demand.
Two wells, located 5 m apart, were installed to a depth of 24 m. Their ambient salinity of 2,500 mg/L TDS is con-
sidered too brackish for irrigation of the clayey soils. The run-off from a 250 m2 roof area of a single dwelling has
been plumbed to the ASR well under gravity feed via a 4 m3 storage tank and 100 mm filter. Flow rate, volume,
piezometric head, electrical conductivity and temperature are monitored continuously in the injection well and
the samples of the influent and recovered water analysed periodically. After the first full 12 months of operation,
with 563 mm rainfall, 142 KL had been injected with no observable clogging. Although the salinity of the ground-
water has been reduced, it is not yet sufficiently fresh to be useful for irrigation supplies due to mixing losses
and the effect of regional groundwater flow. Productive use of the groundwater may be possible once greater
volumes have been injected, however the supply is limited by available roof area and rainfall variability. The main
challenge is therefore to meet operational performance criteria under the current constraints.
ASR; rainwater harvesting; salinity; water quality.
In semi-arid areas, rainwater derived from roof surfaces may offer useful quantities of good quality water if it can be
successfully harvested and stored. This may have value in developing countries where alternative sources of
stormwater are often contaminated. Successful ASR allows water to be stored below ground for recovery at a later
date. Following a research project on stormwater ASR at municipal scale in a Tertiary limestone aquifer (Dillon et
al., 1997), that led to guidelines for this practice (Dillon and Pavelic, 1996), ASR has been taken up widely in
Adelaide where there are now 22 sites recycling 2 million m3/year of stormwater (Hodgkin, 2004). This is a small
but growing practice, which is contributing to the security of Adelaide’s water supply (Dillon et al., 2004). An eval-
uation of a shallow Quaternary system of alluvial aquifers of the Adelaide Plains (Pavelic et al., 1992), revealed
that much of the metropolitan area has potential for storage of water on a smaller scale in brackish aquifers. For
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example, by recharging domestic roof runoff for use in garden watering in summer to further reduce demand on a
stressed water supply system. This is one of the activities being explored in support of improved stormwater mana-
gement as part of plans by the Patawalonga Catchment Water Management Board (2002) and conforms with the
South Australian Government (2004) strategy ‘Water Proofing Adelaide’. However, it was recognised that distri-
buted management by householders of many small ASR schemes also has potential for creating problems, through
inadequate knowledge on how to operate and maintain collection systems and ASR wells and the potential for
groundwater levels to rise to problematic levels and for pollution of groundwater (eg. see Dillon et al., 2005). It was
also not clear whether recovered water quality would meet the water quality requirements for its intended uses
and whether, if water was recovered from nearby wells, the pathogen attenuation that aquifers provide could be
relied on for producing supplies to substitute for some in-house uses. Hence the objectives of this study are, (i) to
measure operational performance of domestic scale ASR, determine departures from predicted performance, and
identify solutions to any problems that arise, so that in future appropriate advice can be given when licensing such
installations, (ii) to provide a rainwater ASR comparison for an intended operational treated stormwater runoff ASR
site in shallow alluvium nearby, and (iii) to provide a site to determine whether recovered water quality from a near-
by well meets all drinking water criteria, after the plume of freshwater reaches that well.
In June 2003 a Domestic Scale Rainwater ASR Demonstration site was established in the rear garden of a residential
dwelling in Kingswood, South Australia. The suburb of Kingswood is located in the base of the foothills 6 km south
east of the central business district of Adelaide. In 2002 two wells (100 and 125 mm diameter) located 5 m apart,
were installed to a depth of 24 m in a Quaternary alluvial aquifer. The profile is largely made up of clay containing
several layers of sand and gravel to 21 m depth and underlain by more clay. Results from ‘pumping-tests’ showed
their well yields to be 1.1 L/s (100 mm, northern) and 0.3 L/s (125 mm, southern) with an ambient groundwater
salinity of 2,500 mg/L TDS, and depth to ambient groundwater level of 12 m. From these results it was decided to
install the injection line in the 100 mm (northern) well with the higher hydraulic conductivity and hence greater
capacity to receive and recover injected water. The run-off from a single residential dwelling of 250 m2 was then
plumbed to this ASR well under gravity feed via a 4 m3 tank (with 3 m3 active storage) and 100 mm filter. Two
low-head flow meters were installed to monitor inflows and outflows to and from the ASR well. Groundwater levels
have been monitored using a combination of pressure transducers and capacitance probes, with a backup of regular
manual measurements. In July 2003 a YSI© water quality sonde was installed in the ASR well to continuously
monitor the electrical conductivity and temperature. Sampling for basic water quality parameters for each well was
done in December 2002, prior to the start of any injection to the well. Periodic samples of the roof run-off have also
been collected before, during and after injection events. Since the start of injection there have been on average
0.6 KL recovered per month to purge the well of suspended solids and to assess the quality of the recovered water.
During the first year of operation (July 03 to June 04) the injection line was installed in the 100 mm diameter well.
On the 22 July 2004 following a second set of pumping tests the injection line was moved to the lower yielding well
(125 mm) with the aim of increasing the volume of fresh water that could be recovered for irrigation.
This report presents data from the first 18 months of the study, July 2003 – December 2004. Table 1 shows
the monthly volumes of injection and recovery in each well. Figure 1 compares the household water consumption
of mains water with net volume recharged as an indicator of the relative potential contribution of harvested water
to household water demand. Over the 18 month period a total volume of 235 KL was injected and 18 KL was
recovered, leaving a net increase in storage of 217 KL.
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658 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
* Conducted 'pump-tests' on both wells 21/22 July 04 and moved pump from 100 mm to 125 mm well.
Recovery consisted mostly of intermittently purging the well to remove any accumulated particulate matter. This
water was discharged into a nearby sump and soaked into the ground as additional recharge to shallower alluvium,
along with a small amount of runoff from paved areas adjacent the house. The salinity of recovered water in this
first year of operation was too
high to use the banked water for Mains water consumption
garden irrigation in summer. In Net recharge (100 mm well)
350 Net recharge (125 mm well)
the first year the overall ratio of
injected water to mains water 300
Mains water consumption
Volume (KL)
usage was 40%. It was observed 250 Net recharge (100 mm well)
Daily standing water levels have been monitored since July 2002 using a combination of loggers and manual
measurements (Figure 2). During injection periods it has been observed that the head only rose by about 1 metre
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 659
100 mm well
13.5 125 mm well
Injection in Injection in
pump moved to 125 mm well 100 mm well 125 mm well
Jul-02 Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 Jan-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Oct-04 Jan-05
Figure 2. Monitored daily standing water levels from July 2002 to January 2005
(with injection rates typically at 0.3 L/s). Drawdown during recovery events has been logged with the pressure
transducers during pumping tests. Purging events in the 100 mm well, were run at up to 1 L/s for 10 minutes, with
the well never running dry. Pumping at the same rate in the lower yielding well (125 mm) drawdown rapidly
reached the level of the pump at 18 m. Recovery events in the 2nd year of operation are now run at a lower average
rate of 0.3 L/s for 35 minutes, including intermittent short periods of pumping at 1 L/s. The annual groundwater
level fluctuation is approximately 1 m, with the peak in December and the lowest levels in June, approximately a
3–4 month lag on seasonal rainfall fluctuations. In spite of rainfall being near average, surprisingly there is a down-
ward trend in groundwater levels that eclipses the effect of the increased recharge from the ASR system. Both wells
record the same level when there is no recharge or recovery.
Electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature have been continuously logged in the ASR well for 18 months, using
a YSI water quality monitoring sonde (Figure 3). During injection events in the first year of operation, the ambient
EC (> 4000 uS/cm) was diluted with fresh rainwater (<100 uS/cm). With regular events in winter the EC in the well
was maintained below 1,000 uS /cm. However once injection events become less frequent, as in summer and during
pumping, the EC of water in the ASR well increased rapidly towards ambient conditions. Water recovered from the
well also showed a similar pattern, with salinity increasing during recovery. Insufficient freshwater has accumulated
around the well in this first year to create a buffer against the saline ambient groundwater. The temperature of ambi-
ent groundwater is 18 °C, and during winter rainwater can be less than 10°C and in summer up to 25 °C. There is
sufficient recharge in winter to depress the average temperature of ASR well water by 5 °C. Temperature returns to
equilibrium more quickly than salinity due to the thermal mass of aquifer material. For the second year of operation
EC 100 mm well
20 EC 125 mm well 4000
EC (uS/cm)
15 3000
Irrigation threshold
10 2500 uS/cm 2000
5 1000
0 0
Jul-03 Sep-03 Nov-03 Jan-04 Mar-04 May-04 Jul-04 Sep-04 Nov-04 Jan-05
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660 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
the injection line was installed in the 125 mm well, though recovery rates were slower, the plume of fresh water
around the well has still risen to the irrigation threshold of 2,500 uS /cm (Figure 3) during purging events following
periods of low injection.
Conductivity and temperature profiles have been carried out periodically through the trial using a YSI profiling
sonde. In the first year of operation, the electrical conductivity and temperature profiles were measured 3 times in
the initial observation well (125 mm) to detect any possible breakthrough and once in the ASR well (100 mm)
when the pump was temporarily removed. The profiles show distinct stratification within the 24 m depth of each
well with the fresher water overlying saltier water. This may explain why the salinity of recovered water increases
so quickly. It is possible that the low salinity at the watertable in the observation well in September 2003 was due
to injectant spreading laterally above the saline ambient water, however a pre-existing salinity gradient due to the
presence of the nearby stormwater drainage sump cannot be ruled out. Since injection has occurred in the 125 mm
well two sets of profiles have been carried out in each well, one near the end of winter and one mid summer. Here it
is observed, that the water remains fresh (< 500 uS/cm) above a depth of 20 m and below this salinity increase
rapidly, reaching ambient values (> 4,000 uS/cm) at the base of the well (24 m). It is possible that by limiting the
ASR well’s depth to 20 m, an improvement in recovery efficiencies could be observed. This will be assessed by per-
forming down hole flow meter profiling, to establish the hydraulic conductivity profile of each well and allow
development of strategies to enhance and maintain recovery efficiencies.
Detailed water quality analyses in groundwater have not extended beyond the initial sampling in December 2002
from each bore before the start of injection and grab samples collected from the rainwater tank since injection com-
menced on 29 June 2003. Table 2 assembles these data. The ambient groundwater is saline with low organic carbon
and phosphorus but has significant nitrate. The rainwater is fresh with minimal nutrient levels but contained
detectable zinc levels, from a galvanized steel roof. The leaf trap sample was taken in May 2003 from a roof gutter
where the down-pipe leaf guard had become choked with decaying leaves and water had been sitting in the gutter
for some time. This sample contained coloured water with a musty odour and is taken to be a worst case for the
potential for nutrient loading in the rainwater available for injection. A siphonic pipe system results in accu-
mulation of detritus in the pipes so that rainwater discharging to the tank is sometimes depleted in oxygen.
Operation and maintenance inputs required so far have been at a level beyond that which could reasonably be
expected of normal householders. This is not unexpected for a first trial, and demonstrates the value of running
trials to iron out problems before such methods are permitted, advocated or promoted.
No clogging has been observed in the well, with the current regime of water quality management and with pumping
out approximately 0.6 KL each month during months with moderate recharge. Initially quite turbid water is recov-
ered on each cycle and discharged onto the garden or into the sump. This suggests that purging has real value in
helping to prevent clogging. Salinity of recovered water has increased quickly beyond values acceptable for irri-
gation supplies in the first year of operation. The decision in July 2004 to assess the use of the 125 mm well, with
its lower hydraulic conductivity as the ASR well, has to date resulted in fresher water on recovery and has not been
restricted by the volume injected from rainfall events. The EC profile data suggests that density stratification could
contribute to the low recovery efficiency.
The trial is intended to run for three years to enable the objectives to be met. Results to date suggest some changes
are required in order to achieve a viable ASR system. In the next 12 months it is proposed to obtain additional infor-
mation and operational experience to define requirements for a viable system.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 661
The monitoring reported in this paper was made possible through the support of the Patawalonga Catchment Water
Management Board. Flow meters were provided by SA Water Corporation. The authors thank Paul Pavelic of
CSIRO Land & Water for his assistance with pumping tests.
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662 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Dillon P., Pavelic P., Barry K., Fildebrandt S. and Prawoto N. (2005). Nomograms to predict water quality impro-
vement for managed recharge of aquifers (these proceedings).
Dillon P. J. and Pavelic P. (1996). Guidelines on the quality of stormwater and treated wastewater for injection into
aquifers for storage and reuse. Urban Water Research Assoc. of Aust. Research Report No 109.
Dillon P., Pavelic P., Sibenaler X., Gerges N. and Clark R. (1997). Aquifer storage and recovery of stormwater runoff.
Aust. Water & Wastewater Assoc. J. Water 24(4), 7-11.
Dillon P., Toze S. and Pavelic P. (2004). Conjunctive use of urban surface water and groundwater for improved urban
water security. Proc. IAH Congress Zacatecas, Mexico 11-15 Oct 2004.
Hodgkin T. (2004). Aquifer storage capacities of the Adelaide region. South Australia Department of Water, Land and
Biodiversity Conservation Report 2004/47.
Patawalonga Catchment Water Management Board (2002). Catchment Water Management Plan 2002-2007.
Pavelic P., Gerges N.Z., Dillon P.J. and Armstrong D. (1992). The potential for storage and re-use of Adelaide stormwa-
ter runoff using the upper Quaternary groundwater system. Centre for Groundwater Studies Report No. 40.
South Australian Government (2004). Water Proofing Adelaide Draft Strategy: A thirst for change. http://www.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Improvements in wastewater quality
from soil and aquifer passage
using infiltration galleries:
case study in Western Australia
Elise B. Bekele, Simon Toze, Jeannette Rümmler,
Jonathan Hanna, Palenque Blair and Nick Turner
There is a growing interest in using reclaimed water from managed aquifer recharge (MAR) to reduce pressure on
potable water supplies. In Perth, Western Australia, covered infiltration galleries are currently being trialled to
compare the performance of a MAR system for enhancing the percolation of treated effluent into different
aquifers, one karstic limestone and the other unconfined sand. The galleries are located at a maximum depth of
1 m at the Floreat site in sand and at the Mandurah site in limestone: one trench contains 10 mm-diameter gravel,
while the other contains the Atlantis Leach System®. The research aim is to quantify the attenuation of microbial
pathogens, nutrients and chemicals of concern in the subsurface. Water quality changes will be investigated at
the Floreat site within a forced-gradient setting created by pumping continuously from an extraction bore. The
water table is about 9.5 m below the base of the galleries and several m below the transition from calcareous
sands of the Spearwood Dune System to an aeolianite (the Tamala Limestone). Several research activities, includ-
ing infiltration tests, hydraulic property estimation from sediment analyses and MODFLOW-MODPATH simulations,
have led to insights into the design criteria for managing residence times in the aquifer to enable water quality
improvements to occur.
Artificial recharge, covered infiltration galleries, managed aquifer recharge.
There is a major impetus to develop water reuse in the Perth region of Western Australia to reduce pressure on
potable water supplies for different purposes (e.g. green-space irrigation, horticulture and industrial usage). Perth is
semi-arid with hot dry summers and rainfall occurring mainly during the winter, and there has been a sustained
decrease in winter rainfall in the southwest of Western Australia in recent decades (IOCI, 2002). The declines in
rainfall and streamflows have prompted support for the efficient use of water and research and development proj-
ects to develop reclaimed water as a resource. In the Perth where land values are at a premium, pilot-scale, covered
infiltration galleries are being tested in hydrogeological settings that are representative of anticipated full-scale proj-
ects. The sites are located within sedimentary deposits of the Swan Coastal Plain, which consist mainly of dune
sands, carbonate cemented sands or limestone, and podsolized soils with varying amounts of iron and organic mat-
ter (McArthur and Bettenay, 1974, Figure 1a).
Infiltration galleries at the Halls Head Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mandurah and at an experimental field at the
CSIRO-CELS lab in Floreat are among the first research sites for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in Perth. The
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664 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Halls Head galleries were recently commissioned; thus, the focus of this paper is on research at the Floreat site.
Treated effluent enters a subsurface concrete chamber, which connects to slotted PVC pipes in each gallery or infil-
tration trench (Figure 1b). The galleries are 0.5 to 1 m below ground and approximately 2 m and 9.5 m above the
water table at the Mandurah and Floreat sites, respectively. A forced-gradient setting will be established by pumping
continuously from a recovery bore at the Floreat site. In one of the galleries, the PVC pipe is surrounded by 10 mm
graded and washed gravel, whereas in the second gallery, the Atlantis Leach System® is used, consisting of a
modular series of lightweight polypropylene tanks to compare different designs. At both sites, secondary treated
wastewater will receive further treatment from an Amiad Filtration System®, prior to recharging the aquifer via the
infiltration galleries. The Amiad® system consists of a 200 micron stainless steel filter and a dual bed (anthracite
and fine sand) filter.
SIDE VIEW Inflow pipe
Level probe and Inspection lid for
FREMANTLE Stilling sleeve concrete discharge chamber
INDIAN 0.5 m
Infiltration with End cap
in-situ soil
(infiltration surface)
Halls Head P
WWTP site R
Figure 1. a) Location map showing the geomorphology and soils on the Swan Coastal Plain (after McArthur and
Bettenay, 1974) and field sites, b) design features of the covered infiltration galleries
There is a broad range of criteria for evaluating the quality of reclaimed water. The most immediate risks to human
health and the environment are pathogenic microorganisms, nutrients, organic compounds, and adverse effects
from low-level, chronic exposure to compounds such as disinfection by-products, endocrine-disruptors, and other
manufactured chemicals, such as pesticide, insecticides, industrial waste products, and pharmaceuticals. Field and
lab research on water quality improvements from artificial recharge reveal the potential to remove viruses and para-
sitic protozoa (Schijven et al., 2003) due to adsorption processes and the activity of indigenous groundwater
microorganisms (Gordon and Toze, 2003). Other studies have examined the fate of organic matter (Rauch and
Drewes, 2004), selected pharmaceuticals (Kreuzinger et al., 2004) and endocrine disruptors (Mansell et al., 2004)
during groundwater recharge.
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Guidelines for wastewater reuse in Western Australia are currently being developed to clarify the water quality cri-
teria and treatment levels for different intended uses. One of the objectives of this study is to assist in developing
the required monitoring and aquifer assessments for recharge projects. A major part of this is to quantify the atten-
uation of pathogenic microorganisms, nutrients and specific chemicals of concern, particularly for non-potable
reuse of reclaimed water. A second objective is to monitor gallery performance and flow rates for the two types of
gallery designs.
Attenuation of microbial pathogens during MAR may occur due to microbial processes and adsorption to aquifer
materials in both the unsaturated zone and the aquifer. One of the research aims is to quantify microbial pathogen
and trace organic attenuation during transport through the unsaturated zone and through the aquifer by microbial
processes and adsorption to aquifer materials. Lysimeters will be used to collect samples for detecting water quality
changes near the infiltration galleries, while a series of piezometers between the galleries and an extraction bore
will be used to monitor water quality changes in the aquifer once the infiltration galleries are fully operational.
Tracer experiments will be conducted using bacteriophage as surrogates for human enteric viruses and a conser-
vative tracer (e.g. bromide) to study the fate and transport of pathogens in the aquifer. The extent of pathogen
removal due to the activity of indigenous microorganisms versus adsorption will be investigated using flow-through
chambers installed in selected piezometers. The chambers will allow contact between selected pathogenic microbes
(mainly enteric viruses) and groundwater microorganisms, but prevent contact and adsorption with aquifer
material, thus enabling a comparison of removal processes in-situ.
At the Floreat site, preliminary work has involved characterising infiltration rates, hydraulic properties of the
Spearwood Sand and upper part of the Tamala Limestone, and the groundwater chemistry. The next stage will be to
extend the characterisation of hydraulic properties to the base of the aquifer. Flow metering and step-drawdown
aquifer testing are being considered to investigate variability in aquifer properties. Additional knowledge of the
aquifer is needed to constrain a MODFLOW model, which has been developed to aid decision-making regarding the
placement of monitoring bores, screened intervals, and the pumping rate for the extraction bore.
Infiltration testing
Infiltration rates in the Spearwood Sand using treated effluent were measured using a double-ring infiltrometer
(concentric cylinders). The basic design of the infiltrometer is similar to the apparatus described by Reynolds et al.
(2002), with a probe and recorder added to measure water levels at small time intervals in the internal cylinder. The
procedure involved ponding a constant depth of water (up to 35 cm) inside the measuring cylinder and measuring
the rate at which water infiltrated into the sand, while a constant supply of water was applied to the surrounding
buffer cylinder to reduce lateral capillary forces on the infiltrating water. An average infiltration rate was calculated
by repeating of the experiment several times where the water was lowered by about 1 cm and the final rate of com-
plete infiltration of the ponded water. Effluent discharge to the infiltrometer was metered to obtain another estimate
of the infiltration rate.
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666 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
maximum depth of 12.75 m below the ground surface. The water table is at 10.5 m depth. The thickness of the
Spearwood Sand is variable across the Swan Coastal Plain with increasing carbonate cement and the Tamala
Limestone with depth. There was variability detected in the thickness of Spearwood Sand at the three boreholes that
were drilled at distances of 19, 24 and 27 m apart. The base of the superficial aquifer where it overlies shale and silt-
stone of the Kings Park Formation is about 30 m below the ground surface. Sediment core samples were analysed
for bulk density, volumetric water content, total porosity, and grain-size distribution as described in Rümmler et al.
(2005). Saturated hydraulic conductivity of core samples was calculated using the grain size data and the Beyer and
Hazen formulas (Rümmler et al., 2005).
The initial aim of modelling was to determine the criteria need to achieve a minimum aquifer residence time of
70 days. 70 days is the initial estimate of residence time necessary for the removal of viral pathogens. The main
controls on the residence time are the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, and the pumping rate and screen length
in the recovery bore. It is anticipated that the infiltration galleries will receive approximately 25 KL/day of treated
effluent. At the Floreat site, the separation distance between the infiltration galleries and the recovery bore is 50 m.
This distance was decided based on land availability and sensitivity modelling with a range of hydraulic conduc-
tivity values. The model was also used to investigate any interference from an irrigation bore nearby. Another
purpose of the model will be to assist with locating screened intervals in the monitoring wells to intersect possible
preferred flow paths; however, hydraulic properties at greater depths below the water table are being obtained to
properly constrain groundwater simulations.
The average infiltration rate obtained from seven repeats with the infiltrometer was 2.71 L/min, which compares
favourably to the rate obtained based on complete infiltration of the water in the infiltration meter (1.58 L/min) and
the total volume of effluent infiltrated over the course of the experiments (2.12 L/min). There was only slight clog-
ging detected by a small increase in water levels, which was controlled by altering the flow rate. Despite the slow
rate of water level rise, the water level dropped rapidly when inflow ceased or reduced significantly, indicating that
the infiltration capacity is fairly high in the Spearwood Sand.
The bore logs and sediment analyses performed on cores from the three exploratory boreholes reveal consistency
within approximately the upper 740 cm of the unsaturated zone. This upper section is predominantly medium-
grained quartz sand with an increasing amount of fine-grained, limey sand from the surface to about 600–750 cm
depth (Figure 2). There were difficulties encountered while coring through the limestone between about 785 and
1,125 cm, which prevented sampling entirely from this section. Depth profiles of bulk density, porosity and water
content show greater variability below about 740 cm, particularly in relation to increasing amounts of cemented
sand or limestone. The bulk density of the sands is generally between 1.4 and 1.8 g/cm3 within the upper 750 cm,
while porosity is between 0.3 and 0.47. Estimates of saturated hydraulic conductivity decline steadily from about
20 m/day near the surface to 5 m/day at a depth of 825 cm, but estimates for deeper cemented sands that were
sparsely sampled showed greater variability (3–35 m/day).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 667
Groundwater flow and transport simulations for the MAR site in Floreat are ongoing, pending further knowledge of
variability in hydraulic properties of the Tamala limestone. Assuming the hydraulic conductivity is 40 m/day, the
pumping rate must be at least 150 m3/day in the recovery bore with a 3 m screen to capture the plume of infiltrated
water and the predicted aquifer residence time is about 110 days. A longer well screen in the pumping bore (6 m)
will require a higher pumping rate (160 m3/day) to achieve similar results. If the aquifer hydraulic conductivity is
higher (~100 m/day), then the screen length in the pumping bore below the water table should be longer (25 m) to
capture the plume of infiltrated water and the minimum required pumping rate should be increased (400 m3/day)
to achieve the minimum residence time of 70 days. The maximum drawdown near the pumping well generated by
these scenarios is less than about 0.5 m.
Figure 2. General stratigraphy for the Floreat site showing the results from grain-size analysis
for borehole A cores, and hydraulic conductivity and porosity from boreholes A, B and C
This case study provides an overview of current research to underpin the use of covered infiltration galleries and
MAR in Western Australia. At the Floreat site, infiltration tests and sediment analyses reveal that the there is fairly
high infiltration capacity in the unsaturated zone, which is mainly medium-grained sand with increasing fines to a
depth of 740 cm and an accompanying decrease in hydraulic conductivity from about 20 to 5 m/day. Below about
740 cm, there is a greater proportion of cemented sand grading into the Tamala limestone and greater variability in
aquifer properties. Additional work is needed to characterise hydraulic properties at greater depth in the aquifer
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668 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
where the plume of infiltrated water is likely to migrate. Future work will include installation of a bore through the
full ~30 m from the ground surface to the base of the aquifer, a step-drawdown pump test and possibly flow meter-
ing to investigate vertical variability in hydraulic conductivity, and tracer tests. This work is part of an ongoing
effort to understand the hydrogeological setting and to determine aquifer residence times required for microbial
pathogen attenuation.
The authors acknowledge the support of the Water Corporation of Western Australia, CSIRO and the Water for a
Healthy Country -National Research Flagship Program.
Gordon C. and Toze S. (2003). Influence of groundwater characteristics on the survival of enteric viruses. J. Appl.
Microbiol., 95(3), 536–544.
IOCI (2002). Climate variability and change in south west Western Australia. Indian Ocean Climate Initiative, Report
ISBN 1-920687-03-3, Department of Environment, Water and Catchment Protection, East Perth, Australia.
Kreuzinger N., Clara M., Strenn B., and Vogel B. (2004). Investigation on the behavior of selected pharmaceuticals
in the groundwater after infiltration of treated wastewater. Wat. Sci. Tech., 50(2), 221–228.
Mansell J., Drewes J.E., and Rauch T. (2004). Removal mechanisms of endocrine disrupting compounds (steroids)
during soil aquifer treatment. Wat. Sci. Tech., 50(2), 229–237.
McArthur W.M. and Bettenay E. (1974). The development and distribution of soils of the Swan Coastal Plain, Western
Australia, (2nd edition), CSIRO, Australia Soil Publication No. 16.
Rauch T. and Drewes J.E. (2004). Assessing the removal potential of soil-aquifer treatment systems for bulk organic
matter. Wat. Sci. Tech., 50(2), 245-253.
Reynolds W.D., Elrick D.E., Youngs E.G., and Amoozegar A. (2002). Field methods (vadose and saturated zone
techniques). In: Methods of Soil Analysis. J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (ed.), Part 4, SSSA Book Ser. 5. SSSA,
Madison, WI, pp. 817–843.
Rümmler, J., Bekele, E., and Simon, T. (2005). Preliminary Hydrogeological Characterisation for Proposed Covered
Infiltration Galleries at CSIRO Laboratory, Floreat, Western Australia. Client Report. Water for a Healthy Country
National Research Flagship CSIRO, Canberra.
Schijven J.F., de Bruin H.A.M., Hassanizadeh, S.M. and de Roda Husman A.M. (2003). Bacteriophages and clostri-
dium spores as indicator organisms for removal of pathogens by passage through saturated dune sand. Wat. Res.,
37, 2186–2194.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Underground infiltration system for
treatment of stormwater from metal roofs -
Investigation on laboratory rigs
P. Göbel, C. Dierkes, W. Benze, W.G. Coldewey
A new pollution control pit was developed with a hydrodynamic separator and a multi-stage filter. The pit is
connected to a concrete infiltration pipe with a partly sealed base. The underground infiltration system acts as a
pre-treatment device containing a specially designed filter. The treatment process is based on sedimentation,
filtration, adsorption and chemical precipitation. Sediments are trapped in a special chamber within the pit and
can be removed easily. Other pollutants are captured in the filter upstream of the sediment separation chamber.
Filters can be easily replaced. Filters have been adapted to treat polluted stormwater loads from metal roofs.
Investigation on laboratory rigs indicates that more than 65% of heavy metals can be removed. Soils and ground-
water are effectively protected from heavy metal contamination.
Heavy metals; metal roofs; stormwater infiltration; stormwater treatment.
Source control by on-site retention and infiltration of stormwater is used in many countries as a sustainable alter-
native to classical drainage methods. Infiltration reduces the impact of sewer systems on receiving waters, allows
installation of storm-sewers with smaller diameters and helps return the urban water cycle to its pre-urbanized state
(Göbel et al. 2004). In recent years, however, it has become apparent that sediments and pollutants from drained
surfaces cause clogging and endanger soil and groundwater during long-term operation of devices (Zimmermann
et al. 2005). German water authorities recommend the use of infiltration devices such as swales or swale-trench
systems. Infiltration by underground facilities such as pipes, trenches or sinks without pre-treatment of runoff is
generally not permitted, especially for runoff from metal roofs, traffic areas and industrial sites. The decreasing size
of private allotments and restrictions on land use often prevents the use of space-consuming swale infiltrations.
Small decentralised stormwater treatment facilities can be an effective solution to this problem, provided they have
the capacity to remove important pollutants. Dierkes et al. (2005) describe the development of a new pollution
control pit, which acts as a pre-treatment device containing a specially designed filter. The pit is connected to a
concrete infiltration pipe with a partly sealed base.
The aim of the study reported in this paper was to develop an optimal multistage filter and to identify the best
materials to use in the filter for removing heavy metals in different types of runoff. The filter needs to be optimized
to achieve both high pollution retention capacity and a satisfactory flow-rate. Solid and dissolved heavy metals need
to be removed from runoff by filtration, adsorption (ion exchange) and chemical precipitation. The study inves-
tigated the mobility of heavy metals and the impact on soil and groundwater.
The research was undertaken using runoff from metal roofs. While roofs differ in material, age, slope, exposure and
location, a reasonable classification for drainage purposes can only be developed based on material (Bannermann
1994). Most roofs in Germany consist of tiles and concrete. Metal roofs of copper and zinc are found in city centres
(Gromaire et al. 2001). Runoff from these roofs cannot be infiltrated in some states of Germany. Besides material,
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--Cu -Cu
filter element
sedimentation chamber
base section
location is an important factor. Roofs in industrial and comparable commercial zones show higher pollutant
concentrations than in residential areas. A search of the literature (Zimmermann et al. 2005) identifies minimum,
maximum and mean zinc and copper concentrations from metal roofs (Table 1). By comparison, the mean concen-
trations of runoff from traffic surfaces are lower both for zinc (< 585 µg /l) and copper (< 86 µg /l).
Table 1. Minimum, maximum and mean of heavy metal concentrations of certain metal roof runoff
(modified after Zimmermann et al., 2004)
Zn Cu
Roof runoff (µg/l) (µg/l)
Min. Max. Mean Min. Max. Mean
Fibr. cement, pantiles, concrete tiles & tar felt
280 4,880 1,851 34 2,733 153
with zinc gutters
Zinc sheeting 1,731 43,674 6,000 11 950 153
Copper sheeting 24 877 370 2,200 3,797 2,600
The filters tested consisted of two layers of specially coated porous material separated by a filling layer. The porous
material was made of quartz gravel (grain size: 2 mm to 5 mm) bonded with concrete (Concr.) or epoxy resin
(Epoxide). Iron hydroxides (IH), precipitated and dried iron sludge (FE), recycled concrete (RC), expanded clay
(EC) and zeolithes (Z) were used as filling. Components of the test filters were of varying thickness.
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The filters were assessed in laboratory rigs. The discharge area of the test filter in the laboratory rig was equivalent
to 1/71 of the discharge area of a normal size filter. Generally, treatment systems are designed with a maximum of
500 m2 connected area to one DN1000 pit. The test filters were charged with artificial water spiked with pollutants.
De-ionized water was charged with sulphuric acid to a pH value between 5.8 and 6.0, which corresponds to the pH
value of rainwater in Germany. Dissolved heavy metals salts at a 5–10 times concentration (Table 1) were added and
the water mixed by loop pumping. The rain yield factor used of 11.8 l/(s ×ha) corresponded to a rainfall intensity of
12.9 mm/d ie between steady rain and a shower. This required a flow rate of 30 l/h (90 l/d) in the laboratory rig at a
hydraulic pressure of 1.5 m (Figure 2). Four different tests were carried out. Each test ended when heavy metals
appeared in the outflow. Concentrations of metals in the inflow and the outflow were measured. After evaluation of
each test, the composition of the filters in the subsequent test was optimised.
Overflow tank
Hydraulic pressure
Ion exchanger
Solution reservoir Sampling point
Outflow tanks
Flow restrictor
Flow directio
During one test (Figure 2) five filters were investigated in parallel. Only dissolved copper and zinc were simulated,
since particulate metals would have been removed in the pre-filtering sedimentation chamber (Figure 1). Table 2
shows the composition of 20 different filters tested during the study. All tests simulated worst case scenarios.
Therefore the result of the laboratory investigation only allows relative estimation within one test.
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Sheeting Sheeting
Concentration x5 x5 x 10 x5
pH value (1) 5.8 5.8 6.0 6.0
Discharge area
IH IH+RC 10:1 IH+RC 10:1 RC+IH 3:1
Concr. + Epoxide + Epoxide + Concr. +
IH IH+RC 50:1 IH+RC 50:1 EC+IH
Concr. + Epoxide + Epoxide + Concr. +
Concr. Epoxide + Epoxide + Concr. +
without Filling FE FE FE
Generally, retention and flow rates are inter-related; a higher flow rate means a lower retention rate. Figure 3 shows
the results for runoff from a copper roof in test 1. The amount of copper removed is cumulative over an 8 day test
period. The test simulates an 8 month period in areas with an annual rainfall of 800 mm. The retention capacity of
copper decreased over the duration of the test. The epoxy resin based filter showed the highest retention rate
of nearly 99% at the beginning of the test and also the highest retention decrease of about 34%. The concrete based
filter filled with iron-hydroxide gives the most stable retention rate of about 65%.
Retention of Copper (%)
Concr. + IH+RC 1:1 Epoxide + IH
Concr. + IH Concr. + FE
Concr. without filling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Duration (d)
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Table 3 gives separate readings for dissolved and precipitated heavy metals. The practical implications of the read-
ings are that a high amount of dissolved metals in the outflow from the filter pit will require further treatment by,
for example, concrete infiltration pipes. Precipitated heavy metals can be filtered out by the trench of washed sand
surrounding the infiltration pipe. Epoxy resin based filters generally show higher ratios of dissolved metals than
concrete based filters. Retention in the latter filters is attributable to adsorption processes in the filling material. The
concrete buffers the pH level of the stormwater, which otherwise is typically acidic. Heavy metals are removed by
chemical precipitation as stormwater flows through the porous filter.
Percentage of Inflow
Filter: Flow
Filter: Total Retention Outflow Outflow
Porous amount
Filling of Filter Dissolved Precipitated
(l) (%) (%) (%)
Concr. IH+RC 1:1 642 61.8 0.2 38.0
Epoxide IH 581 66.0 24.2 9.8
1 Concr. IH 647 65.3 0.3 34.4
Copper Sheeting
Best results for runoff from copper sheeting were achieved by the epoxy resin based filter filled with iron hydroxide.
Adsorption is the main process occurring in this case. A light addition of carbonates such as recycled concrete or
iron sludge decreased the percentage of dissolved copper in the outflow of the filter pit because of a higher level of
chemical precipitation. Concrete based filters allow chemical precipitation as well as adsorption processes to take
place. In the laboratory, while concrete based filters showed lower retention capacity initially, efficiency did not
decrease over the test period as in the case of filters with an iron hydroxide filling (Figure 3). Concrete based filters
can be expected to have a longer operational life. Since the amount of dissolved copper in the outflow from these
filters is less than 1%, the remaining copper particles can be removed easily in the trench of washed sand surround-
ing the system.
Zinc retention is due to chemical precipitation rather than adsorption processes (Table 3). Best results for zinc
sheeting were obtained from concrete based filters filled with a blend of iron hydroxide and expanded clay.
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Concrete based filters filled with a blend of recycled concrete and iron hydroxide showed a lower amount of dis-
solved zinc in the outflow. The high retention capacity (about 99%) of concrete based filters filled with iron sludge
was due to the lower flow rate. It is apparent therefore that retention capacity is much higher with lower flow rates.
The zeolithe filling material showed low retention capacity under test conditions. An increase in thickness of filters
(test 4) had positive effects on retention capacity.
Concrete based filters can be expected to have a long operational life. Based on the findings of this study, the
retention capacity of filters is at least 65%. However, filters are only one component of the new pollution control
system (Dierkes et al. 2005). After several months of operation, the retention capacity of the filter decreases and
higher amounts of copper or zinc are able to pass through as precipitated hydroxides and carbonates. As heavy
metal retention works by means of adsorption and chemical precipitation, dissolved pollutants can be removed by
the filter pit and other upstream components of the system e.g. concrete infiltration pipes. The precipitated heavy
metals can be filtered out in the trench of washed sand surrounding the infiltration pipe. The use of different kinds
of filters allows the system to treat runoff from a large range of roof surfaces. Further investigations under near
natural conditions (Dierkes et al. 2005) show that concrete filters should be replaced every 5 and 10 years.
Concrete filters are more cost effective than the use of other adsorbing materials such as zeolithes or activated car-
bon. Heavy metals deposited on the sealed base of concrete infiltration pipes can be removed by back flushing. The
filter in the pollution control pit traps even the smallest particles, preventing them from reaching and clogging the
infiltration pipe. This extends the life of the underground infiltration system. Soils and groundwater are effectively
protected from heavy metal contamination.
This research project was sponsored by ‘Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt’ (The German Federal Environmental
Foundation; AZ 18622).
Bannermann (1994): Is Rooftop Runoff Really Clean?.- Technical Note 25 from Watershed Protection Techniques
1(2): 84–85.
Dierkes, C., Göbel, P., Lohmann, M. and Coldewey, W.G. (2005): Development and Investigation of a Pollution
Control Pit for Treatment of Stormwater from Metal Roofs and Traffic Areas. - ICUD Conference 2005,
Proceedings; Kopenhagen. – [in press].
Göbel, P., Stubbe, H., Weinert, M., Zimmermann, J., Fach, S., Dierkes, C., Kories, H., Messer, J., Mertsch, V., Geiger,
W.F., & Coldewey, W. G. (2004). Near-natural stormwater management and its effects on the water budget and
groundwater surface in urban areas taking account of the hydrogeological conditions. J. Hydrol., 299(2004),
Zimmermann, J., Dierkes, C., Göbel, P., Klinger, C., Stubbe, H., Coldewey, W.G. (2005). Metal concentration in soil
and seepage water due to infiltration of roof runoff by long term numerical modelling. Wat. Sci. Tech., 51(2).
Gromaire, M.C., Waintrop, N., Chebbo, G. & Constant, A. (2001): Importance of zinc roofs in Paris and their
impact on urban runoff pollutant loads - NOVATECH Conference 2001, Proceedings: 937–944; Lyon.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V The ‘careos’ from Alpujarra
(Granada, Spain), an historical example
of previous to XII century
artificial recharge system applicable
to the XXI century –
Characterization and inventory
A. Enrique Fernández Escalante,
Manuel García Rodríguez and Fermín Villarroya Gil
The careos system canals constitute one of the first devices for artificial recharge of aquifers of the Iberian
Peninsula. Operative from the Muslim period, they present a construction system and distribution still operative
at the present what constitutes an example to keep in mind on groundwater management. This paper present
a bibliographical recompilation of their origin, construction and operation. We had upgraded the inventory on
the field and finally present practical recommendations in order to the design and management of systems of
superficial artificial recharge of aquifer. This paper arise from the pH Thesis of the first author.
Careos canals, artificial recharge of aquifers, Alpujarra, Sierra Nevada, Granada.
The careos canals, traditionally dug in soils or rock, are used like a technique for artificial recharge of aquifers in the
Alpujarra area, mainly by mean of meltwaters coming from Sierra Nevada range. Although their origin goes back, at
least a year 1139 (Espinar, 1988), its most extensive employment was reached in the last centuries of the Muslim
time, XIII to XV centuries, when it was developed an intricate canalisation system for the maximum use of the
water (Díaz Marta, 1989).
In the year 2000 the Autonomous Organism of National Parks, National Park of Sierra Nevada, carried out an
inventory and reconstruction of careos canals, work executed by the Company of Agrarian Transformation
(TRAGSA) of Granada. The performances of repair of the inventoried canals are in the address that marks the
National Park, like one of their key objectives of management in the administration of the patrimony of canals
(Cano-Manuel and Grupo Tragsa, 2000; González Ayestarán, 2000).
Their recovery and maintenance has demonstrated that they help to maintain a vegetation of great interest, they
serve for support to a particular fauna and collaborate from a very important way to regulate the hydrological cycle
of the region, conditioning a future line of unavoidable performances to be envisaged by the agents of the National
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This article, offers an inventory of the net of the careos canals of the Alpujarra. The constructive and administration
approaches of the careos give ideas to the management of current systems and devices of artificial recharge of
aquifer, carried out at the present time in similar scenarios. The study area, it has been limited to the canals located
in the south hillside of Sierra Nevada National Park. The following works have been carried out:
According to the inventory of the year 2000 (Cano-Manuel and Group Tragsa, 2000), the careos canals are more fre-
quent and more important in East side of Sierra Nevada, area where the smallest altitudes in the mountain range are
located, and therefore, smaller precipitation are registered and consequently, the necessity of regulation of the water
is bigger. According to the function that they carry out, we find two types of canals:
• Careo canals: They facilitate the infiltration of the water. For it, the water of the rivers and streams, is diverted by
these canals during the winter and the spring, to the flat areas where it finally infiltrate (Figure 1). Each canal has
its area of recharge called simas or cimas.
• Irrigation canals: They transport the water, generally from the streams to terraces lands (Navarro Pérez, 1983). In
these canals the infiltration also has great importance.
From the Muslim period up to the present the ‘acequiero’ remains yet like the person in charge of the careos admin-
istration and the only authorised to control the floodgates (Al- Mudayna, 1991 and Vidal, 1995).
They have been classified and defined a total of 23 careos canals from 127 inventoried (Table 1). Their position is
located in figure 3.
The careos canals considered more important for their size and preservation degree are:
• Canals of Mecina-Bombarón. It has a system of canals very well developed. The canal of Mecina is the biggest
canal of Sierra Nevada. It has 20 simas where the water is distributed (Cara, 1989; Ben Sbih and Pulido-Bosch,
• Canals of Trévelez. Good conservation state (Delaigue, 1995) and with scarce presence of ‘new materials’ employ-
ees in maintenance works.
• Canals of Bérchules. It has big irrigation canals and two careos.
• Canals of Valor. The Users Community negotiates three careos canals: canals of the Vadillos, La Loma y El Monte.
These careos are used for the urban supply.
One overlapping GIS between the careo nets and the geologic map has been carried out in order to study their effec-
tiveness, also adding other geographical coverings. The study reveals that there is a general tendency to build
careos from fluvial beds to: 1) limestone outcrops, with simas and ponors; 2) metamorphic areas with weathering
zone superficial zone, where the regolit acquires aquifer potentiality (Castillo et al, 1996) and 3) quaternary detrital
aquifer of diverse typology (piedmont, etc.), under which carbonated or metamorphic formations of low perme-
ability underlie (in general phyllites, schists and calc-schists).
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In general, the careos require an important maintenance. They are usually affected by diverse problems: hillside
movements, fall of solids that cut or break the conduits, rill erosion, bad lands, etc. The most important recovery
tasks that they carrying out are the following ones:
• Excavation of the bottom of the channel and rebuilt by buried stones (Ayuso et al., 1986, Rodríguez de Velasco,
1993 and Medina, 1996), (Figure 2 a) and protection of the borders of the channel with flagstones (Figure 2 b).
• Enlarge of the channel in specific points and amplification of the longitude of the canal increasing this way the
infiltration surface and construction of earth channel, by means of the opening of ditches, in order to improve
the artificial recharge of the aquifer for direct infiltration in device type grave.
• Homogenisation of the slope to avoid damming in not wanted areas and construction of masonry aqueduct in the
points where the canals cross ravines in those that lose great quantity of water.
• The careos canals, constitute a specific system of artificial recharge of aquifer. Of the 127 inventoried canals, 23
are careos. The most important are those of Trevélez, and Bérchules, Mecina-Bombarón and Valor. These arise
from the XII-XIII centuries.
• They have a joint administration with a person in charge ‘the acequiero’ who is responsible for the floodgates. In
general, the Communities of Users, main protectors of the system of canals, have scarce resources for their main-
tenance, so a part of the conservation expense is supported by the National Park.
• In the study area, the best favourable geologic materials for the artificial recharge by mean of careos are the lime-
stone and formations permeable detrital formations in crop areas. The topography is a strong condition of the
design and layout of the canals.
• It would be important to preserve and to maintain these systems of careos, given their high historical and
environmental value, appealing if it is necessary to the externalities of the expenses in concept of environmental
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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To the technicians of the office of projects of TRAGSA-Andalusia, Santos Elola, Joaquín Prieto, Rosa Cordero and
Salvador Malpartida, coordinators of the inventory which urged us to undertake a series of wonderful trips in search
of careos canals.
Al- Mudayna (1991). Historia de los regadíos en España. Ministry of Agriculture, fishes and feeding IRYDA.
Ayuso Muñoz, J. L., et al. (1986). La agricultura de escorrentía en el Sureste andaluz. II Simposio sobre el agua en
Andalucía. Departamento de Hidrogeología. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada. Granada.
Ben Sbih, Y., Pulido Bosch, A. (1996). Papel de los careos en la gestión de las aguas de La Alpujarra. 1º Conferencia
Internacional Sierra Nevada.
Cano-Manuel León, J. (2000). ‘Las acequias de Sierra Nevada.’ Technical report of the Autonomous Organism of
National Parks, National Park of Sierra Nevada-TRAGSA.
Cara Barrionuevo, L. (1989). El agua en zonas áridas. Arqueología e historia. Actas del 1er coloquio de historia y
medio físico. Instituto de Estudios Almerienses. Departamento de historia. Almería.
Castillo Martín, A., Del Valle, M. Rubio Campos, J.C. Fernández Rubio, R. (1996). Síntesis hidrológica del macizo de
Sierra Nevada. 1ra Conferencia Internacional Sierra Nevada.
Delaigue, M. C. (1995). La red de acequias de La Alpujarra Alta. El agua en la agricultura de Al-Andalus. El legado
andalusí. Granada.
Díaz-Marta, M. (1989). ‘Esquema histórico de la ingeniería y la gestión del agua en España.’ Revista de OP nº 13,
España y el Agua I. Otoño 1989 pg.8-23.
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Espinar Moreno, M., (1988). Aproximación al conocimiento del regadío alpujarreño. Noticias de la Taha de Juviles.
Sierra Nevada y su entorno. Actas del encuentro hispano-francés sobre Sierra Nevada. Granada.
González Ayestarán, R. (2000). Las acequias de Lanjarón en la Alpujarra de Granada. Proyecto fin de carrera. E.T.S.I.
Montes. Madrid.
Grupo Tragsa (2000). ‘Pliego de prescripciones técnicas para las actuaciones en la red de acequias de Sierra Nevada’.
(unpublished document).
Navarro Pérez, L.C. (1983). ‘Algunos aspectos del uso y distribución de las aguas de Almería: siglo XVI-XVIII’,
Almotacin, 2, pp. 83-88.
Vidal Castro, F. (1995). ‘El agua en el derecho islámico. Introducción a sus orígenes, propiedad y uso’, El agua en la
agricultura de al-Andalus, pp. 99-117.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Pumping influence on particle transport
properties of a chalk karst aquifer
exploited for drinking water supply
M. Fournier, N. Massei, L. Dussart-Baptista,
M. Bakalowicz, J. Rodet and J.P. Dupont
This study aims to know the drainage conditions of a chalk karst aquifer exploited for drinking water supply and to
determine if pumpings modified the particles transport properties. The study site located in the Seine river edge
corresponds to a chalk karst aquifer of the western Paris Basin. It consists of i) a sinkhole, where the surface
water is introduced, ii) an overflow spring which drains naturally chalk aquifer, iii) a well for drinking water
We associate the grain size distribution with the groundwater piezometric level and the Seine river tidal range. To
identify the drainage conditions and the pumping impact, we added qualitative variables concerning the Seine
river dynamics, and the pumping period. Then we treated the whole by a statistical method allowing the combined
use of the qualitative and quantitative variables.
The results show that this chalk karst aquifer is naturally and mainly drained by the overflow spring and by the
Seine river. Pumping periods carries out an artificial drainage of this aquifer which allows to increase the grain
size distribution and the concentration of suspended matter released at the well.
Karst hydrology, transport properties, human impact, multivariate analysis.
The hydrological functioning of aquifers may be complex in particular for the karst aquifers. This complexity is due
to the significant number of parameters which can affect the functioning of aquifers (boundary conditions, base
level variation, pluviometry, human impact, interactions with a river or sea ...). The transport of particles in karstic
media is a complex process implying deposition and release phenomena (Massei, 2001; Massei et al., 2003). The
observed turbidity would have two potential origins: (i) the direct transfer of particles from the inlet to the outlet of
the karstic system (allochthonous origin) and (ii) the resuspension of previously deposited sediments (sub-
autochthonous origin). The particle size distributions (PSD) of suspended particulate matter may constitute a trac-
er of particulate transport which is related to flow conditions within hydrological systems.
The aim of this study is to identify the hydrodynamic variables which control the transport properties of particles
within a karst aquifer of western Paris basin. The PSD of water samples swallowed at a sinkhole have been com-
pared with the PSD released at a spring and a well. This comparison allow to identify the particles transport proper-
ties within this karst aquifer. Then, the granulometric characteristics of water samples at the sinkhole, spring and
well, have been compared with the hydrodynamic variables of karst system (recharge and depletion of ground
water, Seine river dynamics, human impact). The variables studied (Table 1) are numerous (49) and mixed (quanti-
tatives and qualitatives). Under these conditions, it is difficult to identify the parameters which influence the karst
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aquifer functioning. Thus, a multivariate analysis (Hill and Smith Analysis, Hill and smith, 1976), which allows the
joint analysis of quantitative and qualitative variables, was used to identify i) the hydrodynamic parameters control-
ling the transport properties of suspended matter, ii) the human impact on particle transport properties.
Study site
The karst system studied is located in the Pays de Caux (Haute-Normandie, France) on the right bank of the Seine
river, about 40 km away from the Seine estuary (Figure 1). This kind of system is typical of the karst of the lower
Seine valley. The Norville system has been widely studied and its boundaries became quite well known (Massei,
100 m
5 km
2001; Massei et al., 2002a, b; Dussart-Baptista, 2003; Massei et al., 2003). The system is composed of a sinkhole, a
spring, and a well for drinking water supply.
Water head in a tank controls the automatic release of pumping in well. During the day (8 AM to 10 PM), pumping
starts automatically when the water level in the tank reaches 2,50 m. In the night (10 PM to 8 AM), pumping
occurs when water level in the tank reaches 1,40 m. The demand of the population during the day generates a
multiplication of the pumping sequences which last 1 hour (4 to 6 times of 8 AM at 10 PM). In the night, only one
pumping sequence occurs which lasts 5 hours.
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duced at the sinkhole may be compared with those released at spring and well. The PSD were gathered according
to grain size (clays < 2 µm; 2 < very fine silts < 4 µm; 4 < fine silts < 8 µm; 8 < medium silts < 16 µm; 16 < coarse
silts < 31 µm; 31 < very coarse silts < 63 µm). From each grain size class (GSC), two indices (A and T) have been
computed to identify the transport properties within the karst system:
Agsc = Wgsc / Spgsc
Tgsc = Sigsc – (Spgsc + Wgsc)
For each GSC, the A index indicates the proportion of the particles released at the well compared to the particles
released at the spring. It allows to identify the human impact on the PSD at the well during the pumping periods.
For each GSC, the T index indicates the proportion of the particles released at the spring and well compared to the
particles introduced at the sinkhole. It allows to identify the transport properties within the karst system:
• For each GSC : if Tgsc < 0, the PSD released at the spring and well are more important than PSD swallowed at
the sinkhole. It puts in evidence the resuspension of intrakarstic sediments, noted by R (in Figure 2, for example
R.c indicates the resuspension of clays and R.vcs indicates the resuspension of very coarse silts).
• For each GSC : if Tgsc > 0, the PSD released at the spring and well are less important than PSD swallowed at
the sinkhole. It puts in evidence the deposition of suspended matter, noted by D (in Figure 2, for example D.
c indicates the deposition of clays and D.vcs indicates the deposition of very coarse silts).
These granulometric variables have been compared with the hydrodynamic variables of karst system. As the vari-
ables (Table 1) are numerous (49) and mixed (quantitatives and qualitatives), the Hill and Smith Analysis (HSA,
Hill and Smith, 1976), which allows the joint analysis of quantitative and qualitative variables, was used to identify
the hydrodynamic parameters controlling the transport properties of suspended matter and the human impact on
particle transport properties.
Quantitative Particle size distribution (PSD) Piezometric level of karst aquifer (piezometry)
variables according to the grain size class (gsc)
Water height at the Seine river (tidal range)
at the sinkhole (Si.gsc), spring (Sp.gsc)
and well (W.gsc)
Qualitative PSDwell > PSDspring : A.gsc Groundwater dynamics (recharge or depletion)
Resuspension (R.gsc) or deposition Seine river dynamics (flood or ebb and falling or rising)
Human impact (pumping or no pumping and daylight
cycle or night cycle or continuous pumping)
Multivariate analysis
According to Hill and Smith (1976), the intuitive notion of the correlation between a qualitative variable and
a quantitative variable can be formalised using the analysis of variance. That is to say, the correlation between the
two variables may be interpreted as the correlation which would be registered if the quantitative variable is approx-
imated as closely as possible by an additive effects model based on the observed character states of the qualitative
variable (Hill and Smith, 1976). Therefore, the Hill and Smith analysis (HSA, Hill and Smith, 1976) is capable of
‘recognizing’ when two character states are essentially the same (i.e. when they do not differ in their relations to the
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684 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
other characters), and that it automatically makes allowance for this fact. In this way it is possible to define the cor-
relation between a qualitative and a quantitative variable.
The HSA proceeds in three steps i) the quantitative variables are processed by principal component analysis, ii) the
qualitative variables are processed by correspondence analysis, iii) the HSA studies the interrelationship between
the quantitative and qualitative variables. The results of HSA are interpreted in two steps i) the variable space inter-
pretation, ii) the individual space interpretation. Variables and/or individuals that are plotted close to each other on
the factorial plane are related or correlated to each other, whereas those variables and/or individuals that are plotted
separately are not related or correlated with other variables and/or individuals. Consequently, in the factorial plane
of individuals, if two individuals plot close to each other, then these two individuals are strongly correlated. In the
factorial plane of variables, it is the same interpretation between two quantitative variables, between two qualitative
variables and between quantitative and qualitative variables. Qualitative and quantitative variables have been treated
by HSA with the ADE4 package (Thioulouse et al., 1997) of the R software (Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996; The R
Development Core Team, 2003).
Variable space
The HSA is a multivariate analysis which allows to identify the correlations between quantitative and qualitative
variables. In the variable space (Figure 2) to identify the hydrodynamic variables which influence the granulometric
characteristics of water at the spring and well, we seek the groups of quantitative and qualitative variables which are
plotted i) close one to the other, i.e. which are
R.vcs F2 +
correlated, or ii) opposed, i.e. which are anti-
R. gsc : Resuspension R.cs
of intrakarstic
A. gsc : correlated. The first factorial plane (F1F2)
sediments R.ms
W. gsc : PSD
well spring
expresses 58.9 % of the total variance, i.e. of all
R.fs Dc
released at
Wc W.c
the well pumping
pumping Ac continuous pumping
continuous pumping the variations of variables. F1 is related to PSD
R.c Wfs
Wvfs W.vfs
W.cs Dvfs
Dfs Dms
at the sinkhole (Si.gsc), spring (Sp.gsc) and
Sp. gsc : PSD Tvfs.R Svcs
Tc .R Avcs
Acs well (W.gsc), the piezometric level (piezo-
released Sp.vcs night
cycle Dvcs
Scs depletion
at the Sp.cs
piezometry tidal range
F1F2 = 58.9%
metry and recharge), then the flood and the
spring Sfs flood ebb
F1 - Sp.c Sc Sp.fs
Svfs D.vfs D.c
F1 + Seine river tidal range in the negative part
Wcs D.cs
Tvcs.D Tcs.D D.fs
(F1), opposed to ebb, and depletion of chalk
Pfs Si.c D.vcs
Pc D.ms
Tms .D
Tms.D Tfs.D
.D aquifer in the positive part (F1+). F1 can be
cycle cycle D. gsc : deposition of
Si. gsc : PSD introduced
suspended matter interpreted as the PSD of particles released
within the karst
at the sinkhole
pumping system according to the natural hydraulic gradient
Avcs defined by the piezometric level and the water
Acs Ams
height at the Seine river. The negative part
F2 -
PSD=Particle Size Distribution
(F1-) expresses a strong hydrodynamic con-
gsc=grain size class (c=clay, vfs=very fine silt, fs=fine silt, ms=medium silt, cs=coarse silt, vcs=very coarse silt)
hydrodynamic variables of the karst aquifer, the Seine river and the human impact ditions and the positive part (F1+) expresses a
PSD according to the grain size class at the sinkhole (Si), spring (Sp) and well (W)
Transport indices according to the grain size class weak hydrodynamic conditions.
Figure 2. Variable space of HSA (For more clearness, F2 is related to the resuspension of intrakarstic
only the arrows of the hydrodynamic variables sediments whatever the grain size class (R.gsc)
have been preserved, the positions of the other variables
and strong released at the well (A.gsc), then
are represented by points)
rising at the Seine river, pumping, continuous
pumping and night cycle at the well in the pos-
itive part (F2+), opposed to deposition of suspended matter (D.gsc), daylight cycle and no pumping in the negative
part (F2-). F2 can be interpreted as a human impact on particle transport properties at the well. The negative part
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 685
(F2-) expresses a weak hydrodynamic conditions and the positive part (F2+) expresses a strong hydrodynamic con-
Whatever the grain size class, the particle recovery is more or less the same at the sinkhole and spring. The PSD of
suspended matter recovered at the spring strongly depends on PSD of suspended matter swallowed at the sinkhole,
i.e. of the rain event intensity. At the well, whatever the grain size class, the deposition of suspended matter (D.gsc)
are located in the negative part of F2 (F2-), which defines weak hydrodynamic conditions (no pumping, daylight
cycle, falling tidal range condition). On the contrary, the A.gsc and R.gsc indices, which indicate an important
resuspension of intrakarstic sediments at the well, are located in the positive part of F2 (strong hydrodynamic con-
ditions). Thus, after rain event intensity which determine the granulometric characteristics (number and size) of
particles swallowed at the sinkhole, the granulometric characteristics of water samples are determined by the
hydraulic gradient (between piezometric level in karst aquifer and water height in the Seine river) at the spring then
by this hydraulic gradient and pumping periods at the well.
Individual space
In the variable and individual spaces, principal components (F1 and F2) are the same. The position of the samples
on the individual space depends on the values of their variables. Therefore, we can interpret the position of the
individuals on F1 and F2 as strong correlations or anti-correlations with the variables which define the principal
components. For example, individuals close to the negative part of F1 in the individual space (Figure 3) are
strongly determined by variables close to the negative part of F1 in the variable space (Figure 2), etc.
The Figure 3 shows that the water samples are well separated 5 F2 +
according to the sample period, i.e. according to the rain no rain event,
event intensity. The samples of February (individuals number pumping
1 to 5) are localised in the negative part of F1 (F1-). The March, 2003
February 2002 rain event was an intense rain event. Thus, a
condition. There were no pumping at the well and the Seine February, 2002
October, 2002
river height was low. This sample shows an important depo- intense rain event,
average rain event,
sition (strong values for D.gsc) and a weak particle recovery particle release weak particle
at the well (weak values for A.gsc). On the contrary, the fifth 4 F2 -
The October 2002 rain event was a mean event. The samples (individuals number 10 –18) are located in the positive
part of F1 (F1+), because the particles recovered at the spring and well are less important than in February. The six-
teenth sample has been sampled during no pumping period. It shows an important deposition and a weak particle
recovery at the well. On the contrary, the tenth sample shows an important resuspension and a strong particle
recovery at the well. It has been sampled during a pumping period.
In March 2003, no rain event occured during the continuous pumping. Thus, not a huge amount of particles swal-
lowed at the sinkhole were observed. March samples (individuals number 6 –9) are well defined by A.gsc which
indicate the most important proportion of particle released at the well during the continuous pumping experiment.
All samples have been sampled during pumping periods except for the ninth sample.
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686 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
In the individual space, the PSD of water samples are separated on F1 according to the rain event intensity and the
hydraulic gradient and on F2 according to the pumping periods.
HSA puts in evidence the qualitative and quantitative variables which have an impact on transport properties of sus-
pended matter within a karst system. It allowed to dissociate the natural functioning and the human impact. The
natural functioning is controlled by i) the pluviometry which defined the characteristics of the PSD swallowed at
the sinkhole, ii) the hydraulic gradient which is defined by the piezometric level and the Seine river tidal range.
Pumping periods produced an artificial hydraulic gradient which is added to the natural gradient. This impact is all
the more significant as pumping times are long.
The number and size increases of particles, by resuspension or direct transfer, are responsible of well water turbidity
and an arrest of drinking water supply. From these results, obtained by this analysis, we can define a management of
aquifer to protect the karst water resources. As the Seine river tidal range is defined by tide coefficient, we can
determine the periods when the hydraulic gradient will be strong; pumping will have to be very limited during
these periods as well. The pumping periods must be defined according to the tide coefficient variations to prevent
the artificial gradient to be added and amplify an already strong natural hydraulic gradient.
The HSA offers the interesting prospects for hydrogeologists. It allows to identify the parameters which influence
the global functioning of the aquifers from a large data set of quantitative and qualitative variables. This study illus-
trates the results which the hydrogeologists could obtain for the management of aquifer recharge:
• identification of the variables which influence the aquifer recharge by statistical treatment of large data sets
acquired during experiments,
• identification of the hydraulic properties of aquifer during the recharge,
• definition of the optimal conditions for the management of aquifer recharge.
Dussart-Baptista, L., 2003. Transport des particules en suspension et des bactéries associées dans l’aquifère crayeux
Haut-Normand. PhD Thesis, University of Rouen, 234 pp.
Hill, M.O. and Smith, A.J.E., 1976. Principal component analysis of taxonomic data with multi-state discrete char-
acters. Taxon, 25(2/3): 249-255.
Ihaka, R. and Gentleman, R., 1996. R: A language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of Computational and
Graphical Statistics, 5(3): 299-314.
Massei, N., 2001. Transport de particules en suspension dans l’aquifère crayeux karstique et à l’interface craie/
alluvions. PhD Thesis, University of Rouen, 189 pp.
Massei, N., Lacroix, M., Wang, H.Q. and Dupont, J.-P., 2002a. Transport of particulate material and dissolved tracer
in a highly permeable porous medium: comparison of the transfer parameters. Journal of Contaminant
Hydrology, 57(1-2): 21-39.
Massei, N., Lacroix, M., Wang, H.Q., Mahler, B.J. and Dupont, J.P., 2002b. Transport of suspended solids from a
karstic to an alluvial aquifer: the role of the karst/alluvium interface. Journal of Hydrology, 260(1-4): 88-101.
Massei, N., Wang, H.Q., Dupont, J.P., Rodet, J. and Laignel, B., 2003. Assessment of direct transfer and resuspension
of particles during turbid floods at a karstic spring. Journal of Hydrology, 275(1-2): 109-121.
The R Development Core Team, 2003. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for
Statistical Computing, Vienna, http://www.R-project.org.
Thioulouse, J., Chessel, D., Dolédec, S. and Olivier, J.M., 1997. ADE-4: a multivariate analysis and graphical display
software. Statistics and Computing, 7: 75-83.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Basin artificial recharge and groundwater
mound formation: A case of the Rokugo
alluvial aquifer, northern Japan
Noboru Hida and Yukiko Ohizumi
The Rokugo alluvial fan lies in northern Japan. The unconfined aquifer of the fan consists mainly of gravel and
sand. Four artificial recharge basins were constructed on the central part of the fan. This time, we discuss the
effects of artificial recharge on the formation of groundwater mounds under the area of basins No. 1 and No. 2.
Results obtained are based on the recharge operations which have done three times, first: from September 8 to
November 10, 1998 (63 days), second: from November 15, 1998 to April 5, 1999 (141 days) and third: from
April 19 to April 29, 1999 (10 days). As conclusion, groundwater mounds were formed under the bottom of basins
No. 1 and No. 2. The enhancing of the groundwater cycle in the aquifer has resulted in sustainability for the
groundwater environment especially in the distal fan.
Artificial recharge, aquifer, groundwater mound, environment, sustainability.
The Rokugo alluvial fan lies around 39”25’N and 140”34’E in northern Japan. The distance between the proximal
fan at 90 meters above sea level and the distal fan at 45 meters is about four kilometers. The center of Rokugo town,
which is situated on the distal fan, numbers 6,000 inhabitants. They privately bore wells, pump groundwater, and
supply the water for their own domestic uses. In addition, there are over 70 water springs including large and small
ones in the area of the distal fan. The springs are associated with the regional water environment as well as multi-
purpose water uses.
An artificial recharge for the aquifer, using four basins was operating during the non-irrigation period in order to
enhance unconfined groundwater. The basins, Nos. 1–4, were constructed on the central part of the Rokugo alluvial
fan. Souse water to the basins is withdrawn from irrigation canals in which water flows through the year.
In this paper, we discuss the effects of artificial recharge on the formation of groundwater mounds under the area of
basins No. 1 and No. 2. Results obtained are based on the artificial recharge operations which have done three
times, first: from September 8 to November 10, 1998 (63 days), second: from November 15, 1998 to April 5, 1999
(141 days) and third: from April 19 to April 29, 1999 (10 days). We previously pointed out the outcome from the
basin No.4 experience (Hida et al., 1999).
The unconfined aquifer of the Rorugo alluvial fan consists mainly of gravel, of which hydraulic conductivity is of
10 0–10 –2 cm/sec and specific yield is over 20%. The depth of the aquifer is over 100 meters around the center of the
fan. Annual mean precipitation is 1,653 mm and annual mean potential evapotranspiration is estimated at 660 mm.
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Maximum snow depth appears during a period from mid-January to mid-February. It averages 130 cm in the distal
fan and 150 cm in the proximal fan.
The annual groundwater level changes regularly. The level is high during the period of paddy field irrigation from
May to August, and low during the non-irrigation period. As for land use, the paddy field accounts for 70 per cent
of the total surface of the fan.
Site and structure of the four basins
Table 1 shows the site and structure of the basins, Nos. 1–4, such as the Bottom area of the basin, Depth from the
ground surface at the basin, Latit., Longt., Elevation, and Construction year.
Observation equipment
Fig. 1 shows the site of basin No. 1 and three observation wells, Nos. 1–3, and Fig. 2 shows the site of basin No. 2
and three observation wells, Nos. 4–6 and one piezometer.
Figure 1. Artificial recharge basin No. 1, Figure 2. Artificial recharge basin No. 2,
observation wells 1–3 and surround observation wells 4–6 and surround
Amount of supply water and infiltration rate: Basins No. 1 and No. 2
The irrigation canal laid out beside paddy fields supplies water sources to the basins. The water received no
pre-treatments. Table 3 shows the amount of water supplied in l/sec and Table 4 shows the infiltration rate in cm/h.
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First time Second time Third time First time Second time Third time
Basin No. 2 (96.6) (96.6) 96.6 Basin No. 2 (16.4) (16.4) 16.4
Note: The amount was calculated from the measurement of
supplied water made on April 4th, 1999. The other infil-
tration rates are estimated to be equal to or greater than the
the third time.
In the first experiment, water table reached the highest value, 51.85 meters as of 2,920 minutes (ca. 49 hours) in
process. The rise in the water table was 1.16 meters during this time. The water table averaged a five centimeter per
hour rise until 180 minutes after supplying water, and 10 centimeters rise per hour after that. This high amount is
associated with the rise of water level in Basin No.1. In the second experiment, the water table averaged 10 centi-
meter rise per hour after 95 minutes from the beginning of water supply to Basin No.1, and reached the highest
value, 51.48 meters as of 6,920 minutes (ca. 115hours) into the process. The water table rose 1.47 meters. In the
third experiment, the water table did not rise as much as in the first and second experiments because the initial
water table was high and the quantity of water supplied to Basin No.1 was relatively small due to unstable flow of
water in the irrigation canal. The water table rose 0.46 meters. In each case, groundwater mound was formed under
Basin No. 1 as shown in Fig. 4 which depicts a longitudinal section along observation wells 1, 2 and 3.
In the duration of about 104 minutes after the stopping water supply to Basin No. 1, we recorded a decaying water
table at observation wells 1 to 3. Following is the record of water table changes observed at well 2 for the three
experiments (Fig. 5). In the first experiment, the water table almost showed no change until 370 minutes (ca.
6 hours) after stopping water supply. After that, it sank at a rate of 2 to 4 centimeters per hour, which was recorded
after water level in the Basin No.1 reached zero. The decrease in the water table was 1.07 meters over the period of
ca. 4 days. In the second experiment, the water table rose 4 centimeters even after stopping water supply to the
Basin No.1. It will be seen that water from snow melt was infiltrating the basin. As of 1,340 minutes (ca. 22 hours)
after stopping water supply, water table sank down to 50.55 meters.
In the first experiment, the water table almost showed no change until 370 minutes (ca. The declining amount
of water table was 1.58 meters in the ca. 22 hours. In the third experiment, water depth inside Basin No.1 was
91 centimeters right before stopping water supply to the basin, and reached almost zero centimeters as of 960 min-
utes. The decrease of the water table was small during the time when the water in Basin No.1 was present, and
showed 4 centimeters per hour and then 1–2 centimeters per hour after the water in the basin disappeared. As of
10,155 minutes (ca. 7 days) after stopping water supply, the water table sank to 49.75 meters. The decrease in the
water table was 1.39 meters over the ca. 7 days. In each case, groundwater mound decayed under Basin No. 1 as
shown in Fig. 6, which is drawn in a longitudinal section along observation wells 1, 2 and 3.
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690 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
3. 4.
5. 6.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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About 104 minutes after beginning water supply to Basin No. 2, we recorded a growing water table at observation
wells 4 to 6 and the piezometer. Initial water table under Basin No .6922, measured at observation well 5, was about
57.5 meters in each of the three experiment. The water table began to rise after supplying water to the basin, and
reached the highest value, 60.39 meters as of 43 hours in the first experiment, 60.66 meters as of 56 hours in the
second case test and 60.66 meters as of 172 hours in the third experiment, The ithe third experiment, in respective
order (Fig.7). The increase in the water table was 3.03 meters for the first, 2.87 meters for the second and
3.23 meters for the third. In each experiment, mound was formed under Basin No.2 as shown in Fig. 8 which is
drawn in a longitudinal section along observation wells 4, 5, 6 and the piezometer.
About 104 minutes after the end of water supply to Basin No.2, we recorded decaying water table at observa-tion
wells 4 to 6 and the piezometer. Below is the record of water table changes observed at observation well 5 for the
three respective experiments (Fig. 9). In the first experiment, the decrease in water table was 2.49 meters as of
2,820 minutes (47 hours) and 3.71 meters as of 5,460 minutes (91 hours) in the third experiment, after stopping
water supply. On the other hand, the decrease in the second case, 0.65 meters as of 2,785 minutes (ca. 46 hours)
after stopping water supply, was not as much as in the first and second cases. This would be due to melting snow,
whose period coincides with the end of March and beginning of April, and result in a bigger infiltration rate from
the surface. In each case, groundwater mound decayed under Basin No. 2 as shown in Fig. 10, which is drawn in a
longitudinal section along observation wells 4, 5, 6 and partly including the piezometer.
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692 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Groundwater mounds were formed under the bottom of the artificial recharge basins that were constructed on the
center aria of the Rokugo alluvial fan. The enhancing of the groundwater cycle in the aquifer has resulted in sus-
tainability for the groundwater environment especially in the distal fan.
Hida, N. et al. (1999). Jpn. J. Groundwat. Hydrol., 41(1), 23–33. (Jpn. and Eng. Abst.)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Investigations of alternative
filter materials for slow sand filtration
Ulrike Hütter, Dominik Mueller-Töwe and Frank Remmler
The aim of this study was to investigate the use of recycled crushed glass and coconut fibre as alternative low cost
filter materials for their application using slow sand filtration (SSF). Pilot plant testing in laboratory and the field
was used to compare the performance of recycled crushed glass and coconut fibres to a typical sand filter medium.
The investigations evaluated the performance of both materials under defined conditions concerning temperature
(5–10°C, 20°C, 30°C) and raw water composition (high concentrations of DOC and ammonium). Concerning the
reduction of DOC, recycled crushed glass and sand, showed rather similar results whereas the coconut fibres were
characterised by an organic emission increasing with higher temperatures. The degradation of ammonium was
similar for all tested filter materials. The results of the investigations showed that the replacement of sand for the
application using slow sand filtration, applying low cost local available filter materials, in general is possible. The
alternative filter materials recycled crushed glass and coconut fibre have specific advantages and disadvantages
compared to a standard filer sand used in Central Europe. These aspects have to be considered for their use for
drinking water production under local conditions.
Ammonium, coconut fibre, DOC, recycled crushed glass, slow sand filtration, temperature.
For more than 100 years slow sand filtration (SSF) has been recognized in Europe as a natural and cheap method of
water treatment, and in it’s many years of use it has become a tested and scientifically well researched procedure.
Beside the low waste production and the low energy and maintenance requirements, the ability to customize the
procedure to individual requirements and conditions is advantageous.
The low cost use of suitable filter sands with reproducible characteristics for SSF is usual in Germany but not
naturally practicable in other countries. The aim of this study was to investigate alternative low-cost filter materials
in laboratory scale experiments as well as in larger scale experimental facilities for their application using slow fil-
tration. The conducted experiments simulated climatic conditions and raw water compositions deviating from
Central European circumstances to check whether slow filtration can be adapted to different conditions in other
countries. A quality-orientated guideline for the adaptation of water treatment plants with slow filtration to local
conditions different from Central Europe (for example, concerning climate, raw water composition, alternative low
cost filter materials) is not yet in existence.
This paper reports on investigations made in the subproject ‘Limitations of slow sand filtration, possibilities of tech-
nical modifications and adaptation to local conditions’, which belongs to the central research project ‘Optimisation
and expansion of the application of slow sand filters’.
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After preliminary examinations the alternative filter materials ‘recycled crushed glass’ and ‘coconut fibre’ were
chosen for further experiments. Both materials are readily available in many parts of the world. Water filtration
using coconut fibres in combination with burnt rice husks is used e.g. in Southeast Asia and Pakistan (Frankel,
1981; Mughal, 2000). Recycled crushed glass was already investigated in different studies for its performance in a
potable water treatment application (CWC, 1995, 1998; Evans et al., 2002).
Media identification River sand Brown and green glass Shredded coconut fibre
The subsequent experiments conducted in a pilot scale field test plant (basin surface area: 4 m2) focused on the
influence of operating conditions (filtration rate, continuous or intermittent operation) on the filter performance
(Figure 2). Controllable test conditions like influent composition (= spiked surface water), filter design and filter
materials were comparable to the column experiments. For the simulation of climatic conditions deviating from
Central Europe the surface water (= influent) was heated up to ca 30°C. During the operation time (in all ca
15 weeks) four different tests were conducted without a change of filter material in between:
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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The results of the experiments showed differences in the purification efficiency of the investigated filter materials
depending on temperature and parameter. In Table 2 the mean concentrations of DOC and ammonium in the
influent of the test plants are listed. With increasing temperatures the DOC and ammonium concentrations were
reduced to avoid anaerobic filter conditions. Figure 3 illustrates the relative DOC and ammonium concentrations in
the columns effluents (Coconut fibres were not investigated at the temperature 5- 10°C).
Table 2. Mean concentrations of DOC and ammonium in the influent of the test plants
Influent (= spiked surface water)
Test plant and temperature DOC [mg/L] Ammonium [mg/L]
Column tests
5 –10 °C 7 mg / l 5.2 mg / l
20 °C mg / l 2.9 mg / l
30 °C 5 mg / l 1.9 mg / l
Pilot scale field tests
30 °C 5 mg / l 1.4 mg / l
Concerning the reduction of DOC a comparable development of the relative concentrations was detected for the
different filter materials (Figure 3, left part). The range of the C / C0 – ratio grew with increasing temperatures.
Recycled crushed glass and sand showed rather similar results whereas the coconut fibres were characterised by an
organic emission (predominantly humates) increasing with higher temperatures. This effect became even more
intense in den start-up stages of the tests. The main part of this organic emission of the coconut fibres consisted of
humic substances.
The degradation of ammonium was similar for all tested filter materials (Figure 3, right part). The results proved
the strong dependence of this process on the temperature. An optimum for nitrification is given at a temperature
between 28 and 36 °C. Below 12 °C this process slows down and below 8 °C it nearly stops. The pH value of the
effluents ranged from 7 to 8 which is also an optimum for nitrification. The development of the concentrations of
nitrate and nitrite on the other hand was different for the tested filter materials. A significant accumulation of nitrite
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696 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
was determined for the coconut fibres only shortly and lower compared to the other materials. In the effluents of
the recycled crushed glass and the sand the concentrations of nitrites were about two times higher as in the effluent
of the coconut fibres. This effect was also determined at the pilot scale test plant. In contrast to the recycled crushed
glass and the sand the coconut fibre filter showed a much lower accumulation of nitrate.
DOC ammonium
1.4 1.4
ammonium C/C0
1.2 5 - 10˚C 1.2 5 - 10˚C
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 no dosing
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
1.4 1.4
ammonium C/C0
1.2 1.2 20˚C
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
1.4 1.4
ammonium C/C0
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 3. Relative concentrations of DOC and ammonium in the effluent of the filter columns
Coconut fibres and sand showed a comparable reduction efficiency concerning the removal of iron and zinc. For
the recycled crushed glass a distinct lower elimination for zinc in general and for iron at the temperature 5 – 10°C
was detected. The results of the investigations proved in all a slightly better reduction efficiency with increasing
Especially in the start-up stages the filtrate of the coconut fibre was characterized by a pH value below 7. This
organic filter material also showed at higher temperatures a higher oxygen reduction during the filtration process
compared to the other filter materials.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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The sand showed the highest headloss during all tests because of the particle size distribution (Table 1). The sand
filter and the coconut fibre filter (high algae vegetation) had to be cleaned during the pilot scale field tests whereas
the recycled crushed glass in all cases showed the longest filter run times. Evans et al. (2002) investigated a glass
medium, that was similar to that of the tested typical sand medium (concerning effective size and unconformity
coefficient). In that study the glass medium had the benefit of taking 10 – 15% longer than the sand to reach particle
breakthrough, and it also appeared to accumulate headloss in most runs at a slightly lower rate than the sand.
The pilot scale field investigations proved that intermittent filter operation (stage 2 and stage 3) causes a high
mobilisation of substances during restart stages. This effect was much more intense at the higher filtration rate in
stage 3.
In Table 3 the achieved mean DOC and turbidity reduction in the different filter materials under the defined con-
ditions at the test plants are given. The filtrates showed no great differences in turbidity; the recycled crushed glass
and the sand filter had a slightly lower turbidity than the coconut fibre filter. All filtered water turbidity levels were
within typical target levels for drinking water treatment processes, except in start-up stages or shortly in restart
stages during intermittent operation. The results summarised in Table 3 prove for the recycled crushed glass and
the sand that nearly similar reductions for DOC and turbidity were detected. The coconut fibre filter showed a little
lower reduction efficiencies.
Sand 5 - 10°C 60 60
20°C 70 80
20°C 70 70
The results of the investigations showed that the replacement of sand for the application using slow sand filtration,
applying low cost local available filter materials, in general is possible. The alternative filter materials recycled
crushed glass and coconut fibre have specific advantages and disadvantages compared to a standard filer sand used
in Central Europe. These aspects have to be considered for their use for drinking water production under local con-
The results of these investigations completed with literature data will allow an assessment to be made for the appli-
cation of the alternative filter materials in slow filtration under defined conditions (temperature, raw water quality).
On the basis of this work a guideline for international water treatment companies and engineers will be prepared
which contains the results of the joint project and presents important notes for the transfer of practical expertise
outside of Germany.
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CWC Clean Washington Center (1995): Evaluation of Crushed Recycled Glass as a Filtration Medium in Slow Sand
Filtration. Report No. GL-95-4. (http://www.cwc.org /glass/gl_htm/ gl954rpt.htm).
CWC Clean Washington Center (1998): Evaluation of Recycled Glass Sand Media for High-Rate Sand Filtration.
Report No. GL-98-1. (http://www.cwc.org /glass/gl_htm/ gl981rpt.htm).
Drinking Water Ordinance (2001): Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Teil 1, Nr. 24.
Evans, G., Dennis, M., Cousins, M. and Campbell, R. (2002): Use of recycled crushed glass as a filtration medium in
municipal potable water treatment plants. In: Water Supply, 2, No. 5-6, 9 –16.
Frankel, R.J. (1981): Design, Construction and Operation of a new Filter Approach for Treatment of Surface Waters
in Southeast Asia. In: Journal of Hydrology, 51, 319 –328.
Mughal, F.H. (2000): A low-cost water treatment system. DAWN – Business 17.07.2000 (http://www.dawn.com/
2000 /07/17/ebr4.htm).
This study was conducted with subsidy from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is part of
the joint research project ‘Adjusted water treatment technologies and water distribution under regional conditions’.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Groundwater recharge through cavity wells
in saline groundwater regions
S.K. Kamra, Vivek Anchal, S. Aswal and K. Lal
The north-western Indian State of Haryana is a part of Indo- Gangetic alluvial plains. About two third of the
geographical area is currently underlain with saline groundwater and the situation is deteriorating further due to
disproportionate pumping vis- a- vis groundwater recharge. In most of the marginally saline groundwater regions,
low discharge shallow cavity wells are used for irrigation, which are inexpensive abstraction structures without a
strainer. Deep tubewells are not feasible due to increasing groundwater salinity with depth while many shallow
tubewells are abandoned due to upconing of salts from the deeper layers. Under these conditions, it is imperative
not to disturb the saline water but to selectively skim fresh water accumulated over the native saline groundwater
and by enhancing groundwater recharge.
The paper discusses the features of a combined skimming cum recharging system for marginally saline ground-
water regions of Haryana. The system, consisting of two cavity tubewells installed at 7 m and 40 m depth in dif-
ferent quality zones and a recharging filter, permits separate or combined pumping from or recharging of one or
both cavities. Salient results on performance evaluation of the system through pumping and recharging tests,
geo- resistivity surveys and periodic observations of groundwater levels and quality are presented in the paper. It
is reported that recharge rates through injection in cavity wells were low at about one quarter of the pumping
rates under shallow groundwater conditions.
Cavity wells; groundwater recharge; groundwater salinity; groundwater skimming; Indo-Gangetic plain; upconing.
Excessive pumping of fresh groundwater to meet agricultural, municipal and industrial demands is causing critical
groundwater salinization in several inland- irrigated regions of India. Such a situation exists in the alluvial plains of
the north- western Indian states of Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. In Haryana, about two third geo-
graphical area is underlain with saline groundwater and the situation is deteriorating further due to dispro-
portionate pumping vis- a- vis groundwater recharge. Deep tubewells are not feasible due to increasing groundwater
salinity with depth while many shallow tubewells are getting abandoned due to upconing of salts from the deeper
layers. Under these conditions, it is imperative not to disturb the saline water but to selectively skim fresh water
accumulated due to recharge from rainfall, irrigation and /or canal seepage over the native saline groundwater
through specially designed tubewells and by enhancing groundwater recharge. The basic concept of all skimming
structures is to modify the flow lines in such a way to maximize horizontal contribution of aquifer zones of accept-
able quality to pumped water (Sufi et al., 1998). Different variants of skimming structures tested in alluvial uncon-
fined plains are multi-well point systems installed close to canals /distributaries in Punjab (Shakya, 2002) and in the
Indus plains of Pakistan (Sufi et al., 1998; Mazhar Saeed et al., 2003), radial collectors wells in coastal sandy regions
in India (Raghu Babu et al., 2004) and scavenger wells which involve simultaneous abstraction of fresh and saline
waters through two wells having screens in different quality zones, for controlling the rise of interface. The
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scavenger wells have been tested in the lower Indus basin of Pakistan (Sufi et al., 1998) and have shown their
potential in skimming of fresh water despite apparent problem of disposal of sizable quantities of saline water.
Haryana has two distinct topographical and hydro- geological settings: high water yielding fresh groundwater areas
where rice- wheat is the dominant cropping sequence and the saline groundwater regions where aquifers of relative-
ly poor transmission characteristics occur. The number of private shallow tubewells has increased twenty fold to
about 0.6 million over the last four decades. The sustainability of state’s groundwater resources is threatened due to
rise of water levels in the saline areas and alarming decline in the fresh water areas forcing farmers to regularly
deepen the tubewells or resorting to submersible pumps with significantly higher energy costs.
In most marginally saline groundwater regions of Haryana, low discharge (5–10 litre per sec) shallow cavity wells
are used for irrigation (Boumans et al., 1988). These inexpensive structures do not require a strainer or a gravel
pack and are constructed by drilling a hole until a sandy layer is encountered below a layer of stiff clay. After
retracting the casing pipe into the clay layer, sand is pumped out through a centrifugal pump until a stable cavity is
developed below the clay layer and clear water is obtained. The life of cavity tubewell varies from a few months to
almost a decade or more depending upon the quality and thickness of clay layer and grain size of the sandy zone.
The farmers operate the well for several hours per day to skim the least saline water and stopping when salinity of
pumped water increases. Despite low transmissivity (< 500 m2/day) of these aquifers, there is considerable scope
and need to enhance groundwater recharge and improve groundwater quality by injection through cavity wells
(Taneja and Khepar, 1996). This paper presents the features and field evaluation of a combined groundwater skim-
ming cum recharging system consisting of two cavities installed in different quality depth zones. The system is sim-
ilar in features to a scavenger type skimming structure discussed above but consists of cavity wells instead of strain-
er tubewells. Keeping in view the short life of cavity wells in the study area, groundwater recharge component was
added to the skimming structure to improve sustained supply of reasonably good quality pumped water.
The test site was selected at village Jagsi- Sarfabad (block: Saffidon) in Jind district of Haryana after detailed geo-
hydro- chemical characterization of the area, interaction with farmers and field tests. The field investigations
included test borings up to 30 m depth and collection of soil and water samples of different zones. Particle size dis-
tribution, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, ionic composition of water and soil samples and resistivity profiles were
determined to characterize the lithology and depth- wise groundwater quality. Kamra et al. (2004) presented the
soil texture, chemical characteristics of groundwater and resistivity profiles of three test bore locations at Jagsi-
Sarfabad. Based on the horizon- wise texture, thickness of clay layers and chemical characteristics of soil and water
samples, scavenger well type skimming structure consisting of two cavities at different depths was initially consid-
ered. However, the groundwater at the chosen site for the skimming cum recharging structure had marginal salinity
(EC < 4 mS/cm) upto 17 m depth during June 2001; its quality deteriorated between 17 – 30 m depth in terms of
salinity (EC: 5- 6 mS/cm) but more seriously with respect to residual sodium carbonate (RSC). Considering such
adverse conditions, groundwater recharge component was incorporated into the original skimming scheme.
A skimming cum recharging system was constructed at a downstream location prone to runoff flooding during
rainy season. The system (Fig. 1) consists of two cavity tubewells installed at 7 mand 40 m in the respective fresh
and saline groundwater zones. The two cavities can be operated separately or together to obtain water of different
qualities. A recharge chamber of 30 m3 (6 m x 2.5 m x 2 m) capacity and containing a graded filter of fine sand,
coarse sand, gravel and boulders was constructed close by to facilitate recharging of one or both cavities with
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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filtered surface runoff during rainy season or excess canal water. The objective was to increase the availability of
good water in upper cavity or improve the quality of lower cavity through dilution for possible use either directly or
after treatment with gypsum. During installation, the deep cavity was finally successful at 40 m where water with
little RSC problem was available. Temporal changes in quality of shallow and deep cavities during 2003 – 2004 are
summarized in Table 1. The quality of pumped water during simultaneous operation of two cavities can be con-
trolled through gate valves.
EC (mS/cm) RSC PH
Cavity Oct. 2003 Feb. 2004 Oct. 2004 Oct. 2003 Feb. 2004 Oct. 2004 Oct. 2003 Feb. 2004 Oct. 2004
Shallow 2.0 1.8 1.4 4.0 2.6 2.1 8.1 7.9 8.0
Deep 7.8 4.2 3.8 0.2 0.5 0.7 8.4 8.4 8.5
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Figure 2 presents part results on the variation in water table depth and associated changes in groundwater salinity
(EC) during pumping cum recovery test conducted during July 2003 and recharge studies performed during
November 2004 on the shallow cavity. These and similar results are being analyzed to estimate aquifer parameters
including resistance of clay layer, area of influence of cavity wells and for application of hydro-salinity models.
Analytical approaches of Taneja and Khepar (1996) and Sharma et al. (1987) were applied for pumping phase
(Fig. 2a) data in cavity wells to estimate mean hydraulic conductivity of shallow aquifer as 14 m/ day within a
range of 10.6 to 17.5 m / day (NATP, 2004). The corresponding average value of specific storage – coefficient was
1.5 x 10–4 m–1; its range was quite wide indicating the limitation of analytical approaches. Small values of EC in
observation well at radial distance (r) of 15 m vis-a-vis other observation wells (Fig. 2b) are probably allied with the
orientation of the shape of the developed cavity in relation to the direction of groundwater flow.
Due to manual operation of all gadgets and large distance between the work and study site, recharge studies during
actual rain events could not be conducted. A series of recharge studies were, however, conducted by transporting
pumped water with flexible PVC pipes either from a nearby tubewell (within the radius of influence of cavity to
study interference phenomenon) or from a distant tubewell. During different tests, the recharge was first initiated
through the bed of the recharge chamber and later through injection in one or both cavities. The results of one such
test for shallow cavity (Fig. 2 c,d) indicate restriction of the impact of recharge on water table regime and quality to
within a small radius of 5 m. The injected water, brought from a distant tubewell, had a mean EC of 2.5 mS/cm
during the course of the test, almost half of the initial groundwater salinity at the recharge site (Fig. 2d). It is perti-
nent to explain here that most of the natural groundwater recharge in the area occurs during the rainy
(July–October, South West Moonsoon) season. This recharge replenishes the shallow groundwater in terms of quan-
tity as well as improvement in quality as illustrated by depth and EC of groundwater during and post rainy seasons
of 2003 and 2004 (Fig. 2a,b,c,d). Relatively higher groundwater salinity during November 2004 (Fig. 2d) is reflec-
tive of upconing of saline water from deeper zones due to excessive pumping by farmers to meet water requirements
during post rainy season. Considering small volumes of injected water during about two hour duration of this and
other tests, the results should be treated as indicative only.
The estimated recharge rates of different studies have been summarized in Table 2. It is seen that the recharge rates
of 2 to 3 litre per sec through shallow cavity were low at about one quarter of the pumping rates while of deep
cavity were very low at less than one litre per sec. It seems some sort of pressurized injection may be needed to
enhance well injection rates under high groundwater conditions. Specific studies on clogging and efficiency of dif-
ferent recharge filters are needed, particularly in relation to the role of fine sand.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 703
(a) (b)
Time (minutes) Time (minutes)
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
3.40 0.80
Water table depth (m)
EC (mS/cm)
r=5m 2.00
4.20 r=5m
r=15m r=15m
r=30m r=30m
4.40 r=60m 2.40 r=60m
EC (mS/cm)
1.27 4.50
1.33 4.60
The improvement in groundwater quality in the area was evaluated through periodic resistivity surveys and quanti-
fying the area under different apparent resistivity zones. It is reported (NATP, 2004) that there has been a gradual
increase in the aquifer zone representing good to marginal groundwater from 31 to 54 % over a period of two and a
half years due to combined effect of the natural and imposed recharge interventions. The farmers in study area have
started directing excess runoff, whenever available, to cavity tubewells through the reflex valves without filtration,
though filtration is crucial. The total cost of the system is Rs. 50,000/(US $ 1,100) including Rs. 30,000/(US $ 660)
for the pumping unit and Rs. 20,000/(US $ 440) for the recharging components.
Indo-Gangetic alluvial state of Haryana in India has distinct fresh groundwater regions with declining water table
trends and saline groundwater zones with continuously rising water tables. A number of activities and projects on
groundwater recharge have been executed by governmental agencies and NGOs to arrest and sustain the ground-
water decline in falling water table areas. The number of such projects in saline/ shallow groundwater regions
is almost negligible. In this paper, features of a skimming cum recharging system have been presented for a mar-
ginally saline shallow groundwater area in Haryana. The system permits separate or combined pumping from or
recharging of two cavity tubewells installed at different groundwater quality depths. Due to shallow groundwater,
the recharge rates are low but it is recommended to undertake pilot studies on pressurized injection considering the
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vast extent of brackish / saline groundwater in India. Pressurized well injection may also find application in disposal
of treated waste / sewage waters. Incorporation of properly designed inexpensive filters in the existing or abandoned
cavity or strainer tubewells belonging to farmers with small land holding can significantly enhance groundwater
recharge in these areas.
The authors are grateful to Dr. P.S. Minhas, Director and Dr. S.K. Gupta, Head, Division of Irrigation and Drainage
Engineering, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal for their constant encouragement and for providing the
necessary facilities. The assistance of Sh. J.P. Sharma, Technical Officer, in the conducting of field studies is thank-
fully acknowledged.
Boumans, J.H., van Hoorn, J.W., Kruseman, G.P. and Tanwar, B.S. (1988). Watertable control, reuse and disposal of
drainage water in Haryana. Agricultural Water Management, 14, 537 – 545.
Kamra, S.K., Aswal, S., Anchal, V. and Lal, K. (2004). A skimming cum recharging system for saline groundwater
regions of Haryana. Proceedings Workshop on Groundwater Recharge and Management through ASR Technology,
Hisar (India), April 15 –17, pp. 77 – 88.
Mazhar Saeed, M., Ashraf, M. and Asghar, M.N. (2003). Hydraulic and hydro-salinity behavour of skimming wells
under different pumping regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 61(3), 163 –177.
National Agricultural Technology Project (2004). Technologies for Skimming and Recharging Fresh Water in Saline
Groundwater Regions, Progress Report, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal (Haryana), India.
Raghu Babu, M., Rajendra Prasad, B. and Srikanth, I. (2004). Subsurface skimming techniques for coastal sandy soils.
NATP Bulletin No.1/ 2004, Saline Water Scheme, Bapatla (Andhra Pradesh), India.
Shakya, S.K. (2002). Agricultural drainage under actual farming conditions on watershed basis. Department of Soil and
Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab), India.
Sharma, H.C., Chauhan, H.S. and Singh, K.K. (1987). A technique to evaluate aquifer constants by pumping test data
of a cavity well. Ground Water, 25(2), 207– 211.
Sufi, A.B., Latif, M. and Skogerboe, G.V. (1998). Simulating skimming well techniques for sustained exploitation of
groundwater. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 12, 203– 226.
Taneja, D.S. and Khepar, S.D. (1996). Effect of artificial groundwater recharge on aquifer parameters using cavity
wells. Ground Water, 34(2), 335– 340.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Variability and scale factors in artificial
recharge from the Deccan basalts of India:
a case study from Kolwan valley
of Pune district in Maharashtra, India
Himanshu Kulkarni, Uma Badarayani and Vinit Phadnis
The inhomogeneous nature of the Deccan basalt in central-west India offers a great challenge in understanding
the hydrogeology of these rocks. The disposition of basalt lava units, their weathering and fracture patterns and
their setting within a watershed or a river basin hold many answers to understanding groundwater resources,
especially artificial recharge, in these rocks. Scale and variability are important factors in artificial recharge
studies in the Deccan basalts. The variability in aquifer conditions is clearly evident only on the scale of a single
recharge structure, or at the scale of a single aquifer. A typical microwatershed includes more than one aquifer
and hence, the natural and artificial recharge mechanisms are far more complicated to be reflected in a simple
watershed scale water budget. River basin budgets have other intricacies that are significantly different from the
artificial recharge structure or watershed scale budgets. Only integrated studies of water resources on these three
scales help understand complexities in conditions controlling artificial recharge in Deccan basalt areas and more
so in highlighting limitations in regional studies.
Deccan basalt, hydrogeology, microwatershed, scale, variability, water budget.
The Deccan Volcanic Province in central-west India is a unique hydrogeological setting representing a major ‘hard
rock’ groundwater province. The Deccan basalts cover a an area in excess of 5,00,000 km2. Their thickness is con-
siderable, with estimates for the Saurashtra region being 0.36 to 1.3 km (Kaila et al, 1981). A large portion of the
Deccan basalts outcrops in the state of Maharashtra, although it also extends into the adjoining states of Gujarat,
Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh (Figure 1). The type of basalt, its degree of weathering, and the
nature and intensity of fracturing control groundwater accumulation and movement in the Deccan basalt
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(Deolankar, 1980; Kulkarni et al., 2000). Hydrogeologically, the Deccan basalts are quite inhomogeneous in nature
with highly variable conditions controlling groundwater occurrence and movement. This is evident from the fact
that degree of weathering and intensity of fracturing are often quite different even in adjacent wells.
Water budget studies in the Deccan volcanic province are increasingly gaining importance on the back of large-scale
watershed development activities, especially in regions underlain by hard-rocks. The hydrogeological nuances of
the basalt rocks make water budget calculations or water audit estimates a challenging task. The appropriateness of
computing water budgets in this region depends significantly on factors like scale of study, variability, relationship
between meteorological, hydrological and hydrogeological units, and the process of estimating various parameters
of the water budget. The work by Sutcliffe (2004) was especially useful in this regard. This paper presents water
budgets on three different scales, especially highlighting estimates of natural and artificial recharge and how they
relate to other components of the water budgets on different scales of study. The results presented in this paper are
part of a larger study of the Kolwan valley, along with three other sites in India, called ‘Augmenting Groundwater
Resources by Artificial Recharge’ (AGRAR), funded by DFID-UK and led by the British Geological Survey, UK.
Monitoring of water resources, including different types of primary and secondary data collection, formed the basis
of the AGRAR project, and therefore also for this study.
Water resources development in the Walki river basin (commonly and henceforth referred to as Kolwan valley)
from Mulshi taluka of Pune district in the state of Maharashtra was strategised on three scales. These three scales are
compatible with the scales on which artificial recharge measures are undertaken in India and can be described as:
• Several microwatersheds constitute a river basin that may cover areas of the order of 100 km2 and constitute the
more ‘regional’ unit.
• A microwatershed is a small catchment of less than 20 km2 area, forming a part of a larger river basin (1 above)
considered as the primary unit for watershed development, wherein several individual structures like small check
dams are constructed.
• Masonry and earthen check dams constructed for harvesting runoff and spreading it over the surface, in anti-
cipation of recharge to groundwater during the dry season forms part of watershed development programmes.
One or more such check dams are located within a microwatershed (2 above).
The Kolwan valley forms a perfect setting to study various aspects of artificial recharge on the three scales men-
tioned above. It is entirely constituted of Deccan basalt lavas that erupted some 65 million years ago. The lava
‘flows’ vary in thickness from a few meters up to 10s or even 100s of meters. Each lava flow can further be divided
into sub-units. In general, the Deccan basalts can be grouped into two categories, ‘simple’ or ‘compound’ depending
on the viscosity of the primary lava (Deshmukh, 1988; Kale and Kulkarni, 1992). Basalt lavas in Kolwan valley are
mainly of the compound type. The compound basalt units observed in Kolwan valley are similar in their physical
characters to those reported from other areas in the Deccan volcanic province (Bondre et al., 2000).
Figure 2 is a geological map of Kolwan valley showing the disposition of horizontal lavas in the Walki river basin.
The distinction between different basalt units is based on research conducted over the last twenty years on the
hydrogeological characterisation of Deccan basalts, summarised in Kulkarni et al., 2000. Further, regional linear
features in the form of fracture zones and dykes often transect a sequence of basalt lavas. These lineaments in the
Kolwan valley, were identified, using remote sensing data and field checks (Kulkarni et al., 2003).
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A microwatershed in Kolwan valley, is therefore constituted of 6 to 8 such basalt units. These units constitute five
aquifers in the individual microwatersheds. Springs at higher elevations in such watersheds bear testimony to the
presence of such aquifers even at higher elevations. The compound basalts are usually quite weathered and sheet
jointed. They are underlain by dense compact basalt subunits, which are commonly sub-vertically jointed in their
upper portions. The sheet jointed portions of the compound basalt and the subvertically jointed upper part of the
underlying compact basalt together form shallow unconfined aquifers in the Kolwan valley. The upper jointed parts
of these compact basalts grade downward into more unjointed, dense portions marking the base of many hydrogeo-
logical units in the area.
Studies on the scale of the Walki river basin, the Chikhalgaon watershed and one check dam in the Chikhalgaon
watershed were used to understand the scale and variability issues in artificial recharge studies in the Deccan basalt.
Using ACWADAM’s experience in setting up hydrogeological monitoring processes in the Deccan basalt region as
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well as in other parts of India, a systematic groundwater monitoring process was set up in the Kolwan valley using
all dug wells and the network of boreholes close to CD3. The monitoring infrastructure was established on the basis
of the AGRAR guidelines for fieldwork (Gale et al., 2003), with practical considerations and standards provided by
Gunston (1998). Relevant data such as rainfall, evaporation, differences between inflows and overflows, aquifer
transmissivity and specific yield, infiltration rates, water table contour maps etc. were used to derive water budgets
on the three scales of the study. The data set from November 2003 onwards was used to estimate broad water
budgets on the three scales of study. It is difficult to describe each of these in detail but some salient features of the
study are presented here, with summarized budgets on the three scales. Figure 3, for instance shows the relation-
ship between rainfall, water levels in the shallow aquifer (represented by borehole water level data) and the stage in
CD3 between December 2003 and April 2005.
A comprehensive analysis of all data is under progress (Kulkarni et al., in preparation). We present here results from
data that highlight how data on three different scales shows variability in various components of a water budget.
Tables 1 and 2 summarise the water budget on the scale of a single recharge structure, using wet and dry season
results respectively. These results are a ‘first cut’ estimate of measured data and will be refined over the course of the
next season when monitoring in the area continues. Nevertheless, they are indicative of what happens around the
recharge structure (CD3) during the wet and dry seasons.
The annual infiltration of 111 mm of water from the structure may not necessarily imply that all of this is effective
recharge to the aquifer. Evidence in the structure downstream, i.e. CD2, points to the possibility of a portion of this
infiltration emerging as base flows in downstream areas (Kulkarni et al., in preparation), therefore clearly pointing to
the necessity of understanding that infiltration of water from artificial recharge structures is far more complicated,
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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when it comes to quantifying ‘effective recharge’ to the aquifers, even in close proximity to individual recharge
Figure 4. Water level decline in CD3 during the post-monsoon period of 2004
Table 1. Water budget for structure CD3 for the period of its overflow
Table 2. Water budget for structure CD3 for the period of water level decay
Height of water column Reduced to the common base Proportion to volume Proportion
Component in structure (m) of the catchment area of structure of structure to rainfall
Microwatershed scale
Not all of the check dams in the Chikhalgaon watershed facilitate recharge because some of them are constructed in
natural groundwater discharge areas. Of the three check dams, CD1 and CD2 are located in natural discharge areas
whereas CD3 is located in the vicinity of a natural recharge area. Groundwater levels in the aquifer in the vicinity of
such dams remain higher than the stage height of water in the dam throughout the year. However, if 2 or 3 such
structures are located along a stream, groundwater recharge is likely to result from the structures located in natural
recharge areas.
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Table 2 is a water budget developed for the Chikhalgaon watershed using data collected on the microwatershed
scale. The data included measurement of rainfall, flows over the check dams (Figure 5), evaporation, and water
levels in dug wells and observation boreholes. The infiltration is a sum total of natural and artificial infiltration to
the set of five aquifers exposed as a layered sequence of horizontal basalt units over the microwatershed area. Out of
200 mm, some 111 mm of infiltration occurs in the Chikhalgaon aquifer, whereas the remaining gets distributed in
the other aquifers in the microwatershed (Badarayani et al., in press). The value of infiltration for the microwater-
shed is in agreement with the value of infiltration studies in basalt aquifers from other areas (Athavale and
Rangarajan, 1990; Sukhija et al., 1996).
Figure 5. Flow over check dams in Chikhalgaon watershed. Inflow into CD3 is shown in A,
whereas B,C and D shows overflows from CD3, CD2 and CD1 respectively
Infiltration here includes infiltration from natural and artificial sources (based on the other scales of study).
However, working on a river basin scale often requires generalizations. For instance, in this case, infiltration at var-
ious levels where favourable conditions exist have been assumed on the basis of direct measurements made at a few
specific locations. The infiltration of 200 mm, which is more than 10% of the rainfall is slightly higher than that
estimated for larger river basins of peninsular India (Athavale and Rangarajan, 1990).
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Figure 6. Isohyets (A) for Kolwan valley showing annual rainfall variability
and monthly rainfall variability for the year 2004 (B)
The diversity in hydrological and hydrogeological conditions in the Kolwan valley, including variability in the rain-
fall across the river basin is clearly evident from the results of the study on artificial recharge on three different
scales. Although understanding the processes of recharge on the three scales is not simple, studies at the aquifer or
recharge structure scale reveal that artificial recharge takes place from some of the structures, although the magni-
tude of augmented water is limited. Surface runoff is the single largest component of water balances on all three
scales, significantly different from water balances in other areas of the Deccan basalt where groundwater abstraction
is the single largest component of the water balance (Macdonald et al., 1995). A comparison of these two extreme
scenarios from the Deccan basalt is presented as conceptual diagrams (Figure 7).
Small structures meant for artificial recharge in microwatersheds contribute small quantities to the overall water
budget of the microwatershed or river basin. However, in limited storage aquifers (such as the Chikhalgaon
aquifer), where the total aquifer storage is less than 100 mm, this may be a significant contribution where ground-
water resources are concerned, despite the relatively small proportion of infiltration to the rainfall or runoff.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
712 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Chikhalgaon aquifer Pabal aquifer
Athavale R. N. and Rangarajan G. R. (1990). Natural recharge measurements in hard-rock region of semi-arid India
– tritium injection. In: Groundwater Recharge- A Guide to Understanding and Estimating Natural Recharge, D.
N. Lerner, A. S. Issar and I. Simmers (eds.), International Contributions to Hydrogeology, IAH, vol 8, Verlag Heinz
Heise, Hannover, pp. 235-245.
Badarayani U., Kulkarni H. and Phadnis V. (in press). Groundwater recharge from a percolation tank to a Deccan
basalt aquifer: a case study from western Maharashtra, India. ISMAR2005: International Symposium on Managing
Artificial Recharge, Berlin, Germay, June 2005.
Bondre N., Dole G. S., Phadnis V. M. Duraiswami R. and Kale V. S. (2000). Inflated pahoehoe lavas from Sangamner
area of the western Deccan Volcanic Province. Curr. Science, 78(8), 1004-1007.
Deolankar S. B. (1980). Deccan basalts of Maharashtra- their potential as aquifers. Ground Water, 18(5), 434-437.
Deshmukh S. S. (1988). Petrographic variations in compound flows of Deccan Traps and their significance. Mem.
Geol. Soc. India., 10, 305-319.
Gale I. N. (Ed.), Neumann, I., Guha, P, Macdonald, D. M. J. and Calow, R. C. (2003). Augmenting Groundwater
Resources by Artificial Recharge. AGRAR Guidelines for Field Work. British Geological Survey, Commissioned
Report, CR.03/167N. UK.
Gunston H. (1998) Field hydrology in tropical countries: a practical introduction. Intermediate Technology
Publications, ©Institute of Hydrology, UK.
Kaila K. L., Tewari H. C. and Tewari P. L. N. 1981. Crustal structure and deep sounding studies along Navibandar-
Amreli profile in Saurashtra, India. In., Deccan volcanism and related basalt provinces in other parts of the world, K.
N. Subbarao, R. N. Sukeshwala (eds.), Geological Society of India, Memoir 3, Bangalore, pp. 218-232.
Kale V. S. and Kulkarni H. (1992). IRS-1A and LANDSAT data in mapping Deccan Trap flows around Pune, India:
implications in hydrogeological modeling. Archives Int. Soc. Photogramm. and Rem. Sensing, 29(B-7), 429-435.
Kulkarni H., Deolankar S. B., Lalwani A., Joseph B. and Pawar S. (2000). Hydrogeological framework for the Deccan
basalt groundwater systems, west-central India. Hydrogeology Journal, 8 (4), 368-378.
Kulkarni H., Badarayani U. and Sharma S. (2003). Inception report for the research site at Kolwan valley, Pune district,
Maharashtra, India. Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge (AGRAR), Project funded by
DFID and co-ordinated by British Geological Survey, UK, 52p.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 713
Kulkarni H., Badarayani U. and Phadnis V. in preparation. Final case study report for Kolwan valley, Pune district,
Maharashtra, India. Augmenting Groundwater Resources by Artificial Recharge (AGRAR), Project funded by
DFID and co-ordinated by British Geological Survey, UK.
Macdonald D. M. J., Kulkarni H., Lawrence A. R., Deolankar S. B., Barker J. A. and Lalwani A. B. (1995). Sustainable
Groundwater Development of hard-rock aquifers : the possible conflict between irrigation and drinking water sup-
plies from the Deccan Basalts of India. British Geological Survey (NERC) Technical Report WC/95/52, UK.
Sukhija, B. S. and Nagabhushanam, P. and Reddy, D. V. (1996). Groundwater recharge in semi-arid regions of India:
an overview of results obtained using tracers. Hydrogeology Journal, 4(3), 50-70.
Sutcliffe, J. V. 2004. Hydrology: a question of water balance. IAHS Special Publication 7, UK.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Evaluation of the strategies
for the re-equilibrium
of the groundwater balance
of an overexploited aquifer (Prato, Italy)
F. Landini, G. Pranzini and M.E. Scardazzi
The aim of this study is to understand the hydrologic mechanisms effecting the recharge of the over-exploited
alluvial fan Prato aquifer (Tuscany, Italy) and to evaluate strategies for the re-equilibrium of the groundwater
balance. The Prato aquifer plays a key role for the water supply of the Pistoia-Prato-Florence urban area, with a
total drinking water demand of more than 100 millions of cubic meters per year. A series of strategies has been
evaluated, acting on both the input and the output terms of the groundwater balance. Several field investigations
have been carried out to acquire information for an artificial recharge trial program in the northern part of
the fan body. As a tool to validate such experimental plan a physical model has been developed and tested both
in steady state and transient conditions. The results of an artificial recharge scenario simulation (400 l/s for
8 months a year), for the next 10 years, show that such a recharge program will allow the recovery of the ground-
water levels, although only 120 l/s are sustainable for the system at the recharge selected site. For this reason
multiple recharge sites along with new strategies are becoming necessary to achieve the re-equilibrium of the
Artificial recharge, groundwater balance, groundwater management model, overexploitation.
The intent of the project for the recovery of the groundwater levels of the
Prato (Tuscany) (Figure 1) aquifer is to define the feasibility and the
effectiveness of different strategies aiming to enhance the recharge of the
aquifer by improving the positive term of the water balance, such as river
bed losses and vertical infiltration. Several studies have been undertaken
to plan and develop long term policies also for decreasing pipeline losses
and for a 50% reduction of well abstractions by promoting the re-use of
treated wastewater, for non civil purposes. These objectives are included
within the ‘Programs of the water resources protection’ of the Water
Protection Plan of the Region of Tuscany – to be adopted according to the
UE Framework Directive 2000/60, the D.Lgs. 152/ 99 in force in Italy and
the ‘Master Plan’ of the Regional Water Regulation Authority. Figure 1. Area of study
The Prato aquifer is mainly formed by an alluvial fan body (Figure 2), which contains an upper unconfined layer,
strongly overexploited (Figure 3), underlayed by gravel lenses of semi-confined or confined minor aquifers
(Figure 4).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 715
Figure 2. 0. Bisenzio river fan delta. Figure 3. Piezometric surface (April 2004).
1. alluvial deposits; 2. ophiolitic deposits; Legend: 1. Water level measure points;
3. limestones; 4. claystones and sandstones; 2. Water level contour lines; 3. Flow path direction ;
5. turbidite sandstones. 4. hydrographic network.
Historically groundwater resources of the Prato aquifer were mainly exploited for industrial purposes being the area
one of the largest Italian textile districts. Recently water demand for civil uses has grown very fast leading to a struc-
tural deficit on the hydrogeological balance with the result of increasing the pressure on water resources on our region.
An essential role has also been played by the intense urbanization, reducing natural recharge.
Figure 4. 1. sandy silt; 2. colluvium; 3. sandy-silty gravel; 4. clay and silt; 5. bedrock;
6. stratigraphic wells; 7. unconfinedgroundwater level; 8. semi-confined groundwater level.
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716 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
In order to overcome this crisis a 0
1959 1966 1973 1980 1987 1994 2001
series of actions have been carried
out to improve the hydrogeological Figure 5. Monitor ‘Badie’:
water level time series 1959–2005
balance terms over the last 25 years.
In a chronological order a first attempt to differentiate the resources for drinking purposes was to increase the use of
surface water from the upper part of the river Bisenzio catchment-basin. Successfully reducing groundwater abstrac-
tions for industrial use guided the creation of a dedicated industrial aqueduct for the re-use of treated waste water.
In parallel a series of small dams were built up to enhance the river losses into the aquifer, providing an important
contribution to the groundwater balance. Most recentely more water is used from the Florence aqueduct supplied
by the Arno river – whose discharge is regulated by a large dam placed on the upper part of the basin –- has been
made in connection with the Prato aqueduct.
Despite the mentioned investments and commitments the Prato aquifer has not yet shown a significant and per-
sistent recovery.
The groundwater balance of the Prato
aquifer has been calculated for the hydro- 78.6
geologic year 1st of October 2000 – Water from
33.4 other
30 th of September 2001, on the basis of domain
45.2 1.4
an existing methodology proposed for
the year 1988. Soil
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 717
If + As + Ia + Ri = Du + dR
The conceptualization of an urban aquifer was adapted to our case study (Figure 6). The elements of complexity
of the balance are mainly depending on several aspects such as the impact of well abstractions for civil and non
civil uses, the variability of land use, with the dominance of low permeability areas obstructing infiltration, the
presence of a complex system of pipelines and sewage channels, interfering with the groundwater level, locally
recharging or draining the aquifer. The water balance structure follows the scheme of Figure 6, where the con-
tribution of evapotranspiration is not taken into account, because it is negligible compared to the other terms such
us industrial abstractions (error about 0.002 %).
The total volume of water stored rose from 97 Mm3 to 118 Mm3 during the hydrologic year. Rejuvenation time
(Castany, 1985) of the aquifer is 1.7 to 2 years.
A feasibility study of an artificial recharge program was
developed including a series of studies and field inves-
tigations. The geological and hydrogeological knowledge
of the area was improved by geophysical investigations,
along with core sampling and logging (Figure 7) and well
tests on the aquifer properties. Additionally a continuous
monitoring of the groundwater level nearby the location of
the pilot plant was set up (Figure 8).
m. a. s. l.
06/04 08/04 10/04 12/04 02/05
Figure 8. Continuous monitoring of the water level Figure 7. Gamma Ray Well log and
at the plant location stratigraphy derived from core sampling
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
718 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
8.5 -8.8
Water level
Water level
9.0 -9.0
9.5 -9.2
.0 -9.4
10.5 -9.6
.0 -9.8
Figure 9a. Well pumping test Figure 9b: well recharge test
(constant discharge rate 3.6 l /s) (constant recharge rate 2 l/s)
As a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of an artificial recharge program of 400 l/s, corresponding to a recharge of
8 months a year, with a time duration of 10 years, a transient model of the aquifer was developed and calibrated for
the time period 1960–2001. Although locally the model showed problems simulating single wells behaviour, likely
because of poor reliability of industrial well abstractions rates, three different water management scenarios, for the
next 10 years (2004–2014) were tested. Beside artificial recharge, a modulation of the river Bisenzio discharge was
simulated, to predict the effects of improving river bed infiltration.
A third reference scenario was based on the actual data for the year 2001, keeping them constant during the 10-year
simulation. Figure 10 shows the results on water levels for the three model scenarios at the monitoring well ‘Badie’.
The prediction model run with the values for 2001 (‘Status Quo’) indicates an attenuation on the effects of the over-
exploitation with the consequent rising of the water level of 2 m over the 10-year period.
Monitor Badie
Elevation (m a.s.l.)
2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2016
The influence of the river discharge modification (‘Rivermod’) provides an extra increment on the water level
elevation of about 3 m the period to 2014. The most efficient scenario for the recovery of the aquifer is definitely
represented by the artificial recharge (‘AR’). In particular the recharge begins to be effective 6 months after the
activation of the injection well field.
Figures 11a and 11b show the spatial distribution of the effects resulting 10 years later respectively for an artificial
recharge scenario and for a river discharge modification scenario. The latter substantially improves the portion of
the river infiltration on the hydrogeological balance.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 719
The highest impact of this scenario occurs in the centre of the urban area, where the cone reaches the maximum of
The effects of the artificial recharge are depending on the hydraulic conductivity, therefore on the hydraulic gradient
generated at the plant location, where we have the most effectiveness of the recharge.
However such increment, generated by a recharge rate of 400 l/s for 8 months, raises the water level above the
topography of the area. For such reason an additional model simulation with a 30% reduced recharge rate proved
compatible with the site elevation (Figure 12).
Figure 11. Water level increment contour lines simulated for 2014: Figure 12
left) with a an artificial recharge;
right) with a river discharge modification
The hydrogeological studies and the groundwater balance of the Prato aquifer show that an artificial recharge by
injection wells would provide a good strategy to reduce the water shortage and to increase water resouces in the
area. A recharge plant in the north would not allow complete recovery of the aquiferin 10 years time at a maintain-
able rate of 120 l/s. Enhancing river bed infiltration and simultaneously reducing groundwater demand are neces-
sary additional measures.
Castany G (1985). ‘Idrogeologia, Principi e Metodi’- Editore D. Flaccovio, Palermo 1985.
Dillon (Ed) (2002). Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Proceedings of the fourth International
Symposium On Artificial Recharge, ISAR 4, Adelaide, 22 – 25 Sept. 2002.
Landini F., Pranzini G., Puppini U., Scardazzi M. E., Streetly M. J., Valley S. (2004). An overexploited aquifer (Prato,
Italy): a physical model for groundwater resources evaluation. Proceedings of the 32nd International Geological
Congress (Firenze, 20 – 28 August 2004).
Landini F. (2005). Geological and Hydrogeological research for the design of an artificial recharge experimental plant
in an overexploited porous aquifer in Middle Valdarno Basin (Tuscany, Italy). PhD Thesis, Department of Earth
Sciences, University of Florence (Italy).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Technical effectiveness of artificial
recharge structures in hard rock area –
A case study in Coimbatore District, India
K. Palanisami, A. Raviraj, B. Jayakumar,
S. Gurunathan, T. Arivalagan and S. Thirumurthi
The phenomenon of groundwater exploitation is much more pronounced in the state of Tamil Nadu, which
depends heavily on ground water for domestic, industrial and irrigation purposes. This is mainly because of uneven
and erratic distribution of rainfall. It has been observed from many studies that there has been a continuous decline
in ground water table in the Tamil Nadu state. It necessitated the importance of augmenting groundwater resources
particularly by artificial recharge structures. With this view the study was undertaken to test the effectiveness of
artificial recharge (AR) structure in hard rock areas of Coimbatore district and the impact of AR on water quality
and livelihood trends.
Coimbatore district is located in the western part of Tamil Nadu state. The district is bordered to the west by the
mountains of the Western Ghats but is dominated by the plains to the east. The district is underline by crystalline
basement rocks, typical of much of peninsular India. Kodangipalayam watershed is in the middle portion of
the Noyyal river basin. The study was undertaken in this watershed covering two villages namely Karanampettai
and Kodangipalayam (Latitude 11° 02’ 00” to 11° 04’ 00” N Longitude 77° 01’ 00” to 77° 14’ 00” E) of Palladam block
of Palladam taluk of the Coimbatore district since, the area falls under the over exploited groundwater extraction
category (>100%) (SG and SWRDC, 2002). The impact of artificial recharge on this terrain is critical in position
both in terms of hydrogeological perspectives as well as in context to larger impacts that include livelihood changes
that occur as a consequence of the Kodangipalayam watershed development project. The artificial recharge struc-
ture in the Karanampettai micro watershed covers a catchment area of 1,408 sq.km. The elevation ranged from
307.7 to 325.0 m above MSL. The study area underlined by a wide range of high grade metamorphic rocks of the
peninsular gneissic complex. These rocks are extensively weathered (up to 15±5 m) and overlain by recent valley
fills. The geological formations found in the area are charnockite overlying migmatite and banded gneiss cut by
fractured pegmatite (Figure 1). Climatically, the area belongs to semi-arid climate. The annual rainfall is about
524 ± 100 mm with bimodal distribution of summer (March to May) and north east monsoon (October to
The recharge structure was constructed during 1978 in the confluence of two streams by forming embankments to
store water with a spillway arrangement for excess rain water to drain. The runoff water from the catchment area of
1.408 sq.km gets collected during the monsoon period and stored only for the purpose of improving the ground-
water storage. The recharge structure was renovated periodically to remove the silt accumulated in the water spread
area and to augment the natural ground water storage. The water spread area of the recharge structure is 9,000 m2
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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and the depth is 2.40 m with the capacity of 15,000 m3. Topographic survey was carried out to identify the surface
water catchment of the recharge structure, to obtain the geodetic heights (datum) at observation points, to know
the stage volume relationship of recharge structure. Automatic weather station was installed to record the weather
parameters. Automatic water level recorder installed in the recharge structure to record daily water level in the
Bore wells
Drainage streams
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
722 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
pond. Eight bore wells (NBW 2 to 9) were drilled and twelve open wells (KP 1 to 12) were also selected (Figure 2)
to monitor the hydro geochemistry in the micro watershed. Water sampling for quality assessment was done from
August 2003 to October 2004 for seven times viz., 25.08.03, 11.09.03, 30.09.03, 28.10.03, 26.03.04, 10.06.04 and
12.10.04 and analysed for pH, EC, cations and anions using the standard procedure. The sampling periods also
cover both before and after monsoon periods to explore the impacts of artificial recharge on ground water quality.
Using the questionnaire method impact assessment on livelihood trends was assessed with 60 farm families (Gale et
al. 2003).
Recharge pattern
The results of the ground water level variations in the monitoring boreholes (NBW 2 to 9) showed that in all bore
holes the influence of continuous recharge started on 29th days (29.10.2004) after the start of recharge structure
filling (Table 1).The water table contours also confirmed the same trend (Figure 3a and 3b). The influence of
Distance from the pond (m) 0 64 165 166 218 260 456 476
Days from start Water
Date of pond filling level (m) Water level rise or fall in the observation bore holes (m)
10/01/2005 102 0.30 1.75 2.26 5.91 6.90 5.82 5.33 4.25
17/01/2005 109 0.07 1.53 2.08 5.84 6.80 5.71 5.12 4.20
Note: Negative sign indicates the water level decrease from the from the reference date (01.10.2004); * bore hole location
is lateral to the flow of streams (Figure 2).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 723
11.0145 NBW7
77.188 77.1885 77.18 97 7.1895 77.19 77.1905 77.191 77.1915 77.19 27 7.1925 77.193
11.01 9
11.01 8
"V "
11.01 7
11.01 6
11.01 5
11.0145 NBW7
77.188 77.1885 77.189 77.1895 77.19 77.1905 77.191 77.1915 77.192 77.1925 77.193
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
724 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
recharge continued up to three months from the start of recharge structure filling. The maximum water level rise
found to be varying with the distance from the recharge structure. The nearest (64 m) bore well (NBW 9) from the
recharge structure, recorded maximum water level rise on 48 days after the start of filling. In the far away (more
than 400 m) bore wells NBW 3 and NBW 7, recorded maximum water level rise on 91 days after the start of filling
the recharge structure. Bore wells situated in the radius of 165 to 217 m from the recharge structure, namely
NBW 2, NBW 5, NBW 6 and NBW 8, takes about 60 to 65 days to record maximum water level rise (Table 1).
Cross-section groundwater levels in the study area (Figure.4) indicated that the influence of recharge was much
more higher in the closer wells (NBW 8 and 9), followed by NBW 2,5 and 6 and lower in distanced wells (NBW 3
and 7). This is supported by minimum water level fluctuation in the nearby wells and maximum fluctuation in
distanced wells.
96 9 5 .4 6 5 2.5
9 4 .7 1
9 4 .2 0 5
N B W9 , 9 1.7 15
Structure (m)
92 9 0 .9 1
N B W8 , 9 0 .9 0 5 1.5
8 9 .7 0 5
88 N B W7 , 8 8 .7 8
86 N B W3 , 8 6 .3 9
84 N B W 2 ,5 ,6 , 8 2 .6 0 5
82 0.0
24/09/2004 01/10/2004 29/10/2004 30/11/2004 30/12/2004 17/01/2005 01/02/2005
Dates of observation
Water quality
Water quality assessment in open dug wells revealed that Electrical Conductivity (EC) was very high (>2.25 dSm–1)
in far away wells namely KP 9, KP 7 and KP 8 since the recharge water has to travel longer distance (more than
350 m) to reach these wells leads to higher salinity level because of high interaction with Na and Cl containing
mineral material for substantially longer time (roughly 90 days). High level (0.75 – 2.25 dS–1) of salinity observed
in medium distanced wells namely KP 1, KP 3, KP 4, KP 5 and lateral wells KP 10, KP 11 and KP 12 because of
medium level of recharge structure influence. Medium level (0.25 – 0.75 dSm–1) of salinity observed in hand pump,
KP-HP (regularly pumped for bathing and washing cloths), since this is the nearest monitoring point (60 m) which
receive maximum benefit from the recharge structure leads to reduced salinity. Recharge structure (KP-PP) and
KP 2 (Which collects only the rainfall run-off water) were of low (< 0.25 dSm–1) in salinity hazard (Figure 5). The
chloride concentration also followed the same pattern with distance as Electrical Conductivity. The before and after
recharge comparison (Figure .6) of water quality showed that the quality has improved slightly due to the artificial
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 725
7.0 KP 9
5.0 Very High(>2.25)
EC (d S/m )
3.5 KP 7
3.0 KP 8
2.0 KP 1 KP 11
KP 3 High(0.75-2.25)
1.5 KP 4 KP 5 K P 10 KP 12
0.5 Medium (0.25-0.75)
Lo w (<0.25)
KP PP KP 1 KP 2 KP 3 KP 4 KP 5 KP 6 KP 7 KP 8 KP 9 KP 10 KP 11 KP 12 KP
1. 3
1. 2
Before recharge
After recharge
1. 05
EC (dS m- 1)
0. 85
8. 33
8. 15
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
726 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Livelihood impacts
The results of the livelihood impact assessment (Table 2) showed that the on farm employment has increased due to
the AR structure induced recharge of aquifer. Well failure percentage brought down to five percent and the hours of
pumping increased from less than 2 hours to 3 hours, this makes farmers to go for relatively high value crops.
The influence of recharge started on 29th days after the start of recharge structure filling and continued up to three
months from the start of filling. The maximum water level rise found to be varying with the distance from the main
recharge structure. The nearest bore well recorded maximum water level rise on 48 days and far away (more than
400 m) bore wells, recorded maximum water level on 91 days after the start of filling the AR structure. The EC and
chloride concentration affected with distance from the recharge structure. Very high salinity in far away wells, high
salinity in medium distanced wells, medium salinity observed in hand pump (nearest monitoring point) which
receive maximum benefit from the recharge structure leads to reduced salinity. On farm employment has increased
due to the AR structure induced recharge of aquifer. Well failure percentage brought down to five percent and the
hours of pumping increased from less than 2 hours to 3 hours, this makes farmers to go for relatively high value
The authors are thankful to DFID and Coordinating agency British geological survey (BGS), United Kingdom for
their financial assistance and continuous monitoring and encouragement through out the study period.
Gale, I.N. (Ed), I. Nuemann, P. Guha, D.M.J. Macdonald, and R.C. Calow. 2003. Augmenting groundwater resources
by artificial recharge. AGRAR guidelines for field work. British geological survey commissioned report,
CR/03/167N. 50 pp.
SG and SWRDC. 2002. Groundwater resources of Tamil Nadu present status of development. Published by Govern-
ment of Tamil Nadu, Public works department, State ground and surface water resources data centre, Tharamani,
Chennai, India.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Experience of capturing flood water
for artificial recharge of groundwater
in North China
Sun Ronglin, Liang Xing, Wang Xianguo, Liu Qingyong
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the experiences of capturing flood water for artificial recharge (AR) of
groundwater in north China. Two cases, Huangshuihe artificial recharge system (ARS) in coastal area and Luohe
ARS in inland area, were studied. Many works were built to capture flood water for AR, such as surface reservoir,
dam, underground dam, infiltration well or trench, etc. The groundwater quantity of Huangshuihe ARS has
increased by 11 × 106 – 60 × 106 m3/y and the pumping cones of Luohe ARS have been filled. However, as they have
not been maintained well, some problems have arisen in the running of ARS. Infiltration rate of infiltration wells
or trenches of Huangshuihe ARS has reduced by half because of clogging. The rise of groundwater level for Luohe
ARS is threatening the safety of urban understructures. Based on the above experiences, this paper proposes
to build the standardized project in the middle route of ‘South-north Water Transfer Project’ so that the similar
problems can be solved.
Artificial recharge of groundwater; clogging; flood water; maintenance; rise of groundwater level
Water scarcity is a severe problem in north China, where the climate is mainly arid and semi-arid with continental
monsoon. More than 70% of precipitation is concentrated between June and September (Pan and Zhang, 2001).
As major runoff events always occur in short time, plentiful flood water discharges into the sea without being
stored. Groundwater is the main water source in many cities. Excessive exploitation of groundwater has resulted in
regional cones of depression, land subsidence, seawater intrusion, etc.
In order to solve the conflict between the supply and demand of water resources, capturing flood water in times of
water surplus is necessary for the use when water is in short. The traditional way is to build surface reservoirs. But
they have many disadvantages, such as huge cost, great evaporation loss, sediment accumulation, and adverse eco-
logical, environmental, and socio-cultural effects, etc. Therefore, artificial recharge (AR) is preferred, for it can aug-
ment the amount of groundwater available through the works designed to increase percolation of surface waters
into the groundwater aquifers. Moreover, AR can maintain sustainable use for aquifers with low cost.
At present, some artificial recharge system (ARS) projects are running in north China. Through the conjunct opera-
tion of surface water, groundwater and external transferred water, ARS has augmented the amount of groundwater
resource and improved the environment. However, some common problems have arisen in the running of ARS,
such as clogging of infiltration zones and water source pollution. In particular, the groundwater level rise is threat-
ening the urban understructures which were built before the running of ARS. Two cases, Huangshuihe ARS in
coastal area and Luohe ARS in inland area, were studied to summarize the experience of capturing flood water for
AR of groundwater in north China.
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728 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Introduction of Huangshuihe ARS
Huangshuihe ARS is located on the middle and lower plain of Huangshuihe River, Longkou City, Shandong
Province. Huangshuihe River is an ephemeral stream. One big surface reservoir is built on the middle branch with
the storage capacity of 149 × 106 m3, and the rest flood water of 98 × 106 m3 /y will be discharged rapidly into Bohai
Sea. The excessive exploitation of groundwater resulted in water table declining and seawater intrusion, which
caused lots of pumping wells to stop working. Huangshuihe ARS was built to capture flood water for AR of ground-
water in 1995 (Liu, Zhang, et al., 2003; Liu, Meng, et al., 2003).
Slightly permeable bedrocks around the Huangshuihe ARS form a close boundary. The main aquifer is Quaternary
phreatic aquifer composed of gravel-containing coarse sand and medium and fine sand lamellas. There is close
interaction between aquifers and surface water.
(1) Six stepped dams. Each is about 200 m long and 2.5 m high. If the
river level is higher than 2.6 –2.8 m, dams will flap by themselves.
The total backwater length is 12,690 m.
(2) Infiltration wells, trenches and basins. As the mild clay and
sabulous clay of 5,800 m long and 3 –17 m thick spread on the
surface layer of the riverbed, it is necessary to build the infiltration
zone. 448 infiltration trenches, 773 infiltration basins and
2,518 infiltration wells were built to increase the infiltration rate
of flood water into aquifers.
(3) Underground dam. A big underground dam was built under the step dam
sixth downriver dam to capture the under-current that flows into
Bohai Sea and prevent the seawater intrusion. It is 5,996 m long and
26.7 m high in average. The total storage capacity of groundwater is
53.6 × 106 m3. Figure 1. Plan of Huangshuihe ARS
Two important successes have been obtained since Huangshuihe ARS began to run in 1995. The groundwater
resource has increased by 11 × 106 –60 × 10 6 m3/y and the seawater intrusion has been prevented. The discarded
agricultural and industrial wells have begun to work again. As sewages along the Huangshuihe River are discharged
into Bohai Sea after disposal through special drainage pipelines, the groundwater is not polluted.
The main problem is that infiltration rate of the riverbed is reduced by half because of clogging. Many forklifts were
used to shovel the surface accumulation in 1998, which was onerous and expensive. As the accurate locations of
infiltration trenches, basins and wells have not been found, no better methods can be used to resume their infil-
tration rate.
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Introduction of Luohe ARS
Luohe ARS is located on the alluvial plain of Luohe River. Luohe River is 38,000 m long in Luoyang City with a
runoff of 1,933 × 10 6 m3/y and it has a branch called Jianhe River (Fig. 2). The shallow aquifer in the city is
10 –80 m deep and composed of coarse sand and gravel, and it is the major water source for industry, agriculture
and domestic use. The amount of groundwater mining increased from 33 × 10 6 m3 /y in 1962 to 220 × 10 6 m3/y in
1998; many depression cones appeared in pumping zones and Luohe River recharged groundwater by vertical pen-
etration at that time.
Luohe ARS is composed of stepped dams and the shallow aquifers. 5 stepped rubber dams were designed to capture
flood water in 1999. From upriver to downriver, they are orderly Zhoushan Dam (4.5 m high, finished in April,
2004), Shangyanggong Dam (4 m high, finished in March, 2000), Tongleyuan Dam (3.5 m high, finished in June,
2001), Luoshenpu Dam (4 m high, finished in June, 2002) and Hualinyuan Dam (3.5 m, now in construction)
(Fig. 2). They discharge water from July to September and store water in the other time. The total storage capacity
of these dams is 19.23 × 10 6 m3. As the hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed is 200 m/d, it is not necessary to
build infiltration wells and trenches.
e r
e Riv Hualinyuan
Jianhe River
Lu Luoshenpu
K31 K46
Shangyanggong K107
Zhoushan rubber dam
Two important successes have been obtained since Louhe ARS began to run in 2000. (1) The amount of ground-
water available has increased greatly and the groundwater level of observational wells risen (Table 1). The pumping
cones along Luohe River have been filled. Luohe River recharges the shallow groundwater in the form of lateral
penetration. (2) Luohe ARS becomes an important part of Luofu scenic spot. There are many kinds of flowers and
beautiful gloriettes on the banks of Luohe River, and they help the tourism develop rapidly.
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Table 1. Groundwater level of observational wells before and after ARS’s running (m)
Time K25 K31 K46 K50 K57 K61 K85 K86 K94 K107
1999-5-25 3.67 17.00 10.62 5.80 14.12
2000-5-25 3.05 13.26 9.43 10.51 7.12 11.24 24.06 23.94 22.06 8.75
2002-5-25 2.60 14.24 8.84 6.96 3.45 10.42 22.55 22.40 20.16 7.43
2003-5-25 3.60 11.00 7.94 8.98 2.95 9.30
Two serious problems have occurred in the running of Luohe ARS. (1) The rise of groundwater level in some
locations is threatening the safety of the urban understructures within the area of 70.5 km2. Many understructures
were built above the buried depth of groundwater level, which was deeper because of the excessive exploitation of
groundwater before the running of ARS. When groundwater level rises higher than understructure bottom, large
amount of water will rush into underground shelters and foundation pits. For example, the water yield is increasing
from the initial 240 m3/d to 1,630 m3/d in the bomb shelter of the City Glassworks (Fig. 1). As the groundwater
level was about 127.5 m before the running of ARS and becomes 129.5 m after the running of ARS, it is 0.4 m
higher than the bottom of bomb shelter. Some buildings are even distorted because of uneven subsidence.
Moreover, the super-shallow water table depth will result in the waterlogging and salination of the lowlying areas.
Therefore, it is necessary to make measures to control the amount of captured flood water and the continual rise of
groundwater level. (2) Concentrations of Cr 6+, Pb 2+, Cu 2+ and NH4+ in shallow groundwater are increasing
because Jianhe River and the upriver water of Luohe River have been polluted and the industrial wastewater is
directly discharged into Luohe River.
There are many other cases which demonstrate that capturing flood water for AR is successful. However, if it is not
well planned before the construction or if it is not maintained well after its running, the ARS will not work effec-
tively. It is very important to remember the following experience of capturing flood water for AR.
Thorough survey
It is important to carry out a thorough survey prior to deciding recharge methods. All the factors related to ARS
should be surveyed in detail as follows: climate record (rainfall, humidity, evaporation rates), hydrogeological
conditions (reasonable buried depth and storage capacity of aquifers, pore structure), the depth of understructures,
water supply and demand with economic development, existing drainage networks, etc. Thorough survey is impor-
tant to ensure safe running of ARS. Especially the consequence of storing waters should be predicted. Otherwise,
adverse problems will appear which are not expected. For example, too high rising of groundwater level has
threatened the safety of understructures. For large-scale ARS, it is necessary to carry out trial testing of small-scale
artificial recharge system.
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Site selection. ARS can be built beside the riverbed or on the riverbed, and this is based on the quality of flood water
and the penetration capacity of the riverbed (Bouwer, 2002; Asano, 1985). The ARS beside the riverbed applies
to rivers with great runoff and more suspended solids or without penetrable riverbed. It is necessary to find some
penetrable soils where penetration tanks are built. As the ARS beside the riverbed needs other supporting works
to capture and lead flood water, it is very expensive and therefore rarely used in China.
ARS on the riverbed applies to rivers with small runoff and penetrable riverbed. It only needs dams on the
riverbed to capture flood water. If the local riverbed is not penetrable, the infiltration zone needs to be built.
However, it is expensive and onerous to build large numbers of infiltration wells or trenches on the riverbed and
recovery their infiltration rate. Compared with ARS beside the riverbed, it needs no places outside the riverbed
and many supporting works. As it is cheaper and easier to be maintained, ARS on the riverbed is often used in
Maintenance of ARS
The maintenance of ARS is very important, because it can decide whether the running of ARS will be successful.
Three techniques should be given attention to.
Recovery of infiltration rate. The main problem in infiltration systems for AR of groundwater is the clogging of the
infiltrating surface (penetrable riverbed, infiltration wells or trenches), and the resulting reduction in infiltration
rates (Bouwer, 2002). During capturing flood water for ARS, the suspended solids are the main cause of clogging.
Many methods have been used to recovery the infiltration rate of the single well or trench. However, for large
numbers of infiltration wells or trenches, it is onerous and costly. Thus, the infiltration systems should be
shallow so that they can readily be dried for cleaning, disking, or other maintenance procedure to restore the infil-
tration rate. While deep facilities are good for temporary storage of floodwater, they are not good for infiltration
and recharge because of sediment accumulation (Bouwer and Rice, 2001).
Good water quality. In particular, industrial and domestic sewages around the ARS should be treated before they are
discharged into rivers. If the water source is contaminated, the water already stored in the aquifer could be con-
taminated, thus lowering the value of the water, especially for the drinking water supply.
Timely groundwater storage and recovery. The aquifers of ARS must ensure adequate storage room before flood water
comes and enough groundwater reserve to be used in dry periods. Groundwater level rising must be controlled
in a reasonable range. Otherwise, it will cause such adverse effect as that in Luohe ARS. So it is necessary to make
dynamic plan for artificial storage and recovery. Besides the above-mentioned techniques, a good water market
should be built in China.
Through the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, capturing flood water for AR can augment the
account of groundwater resource. However, there are still some problems in the running of AR. The design and
management of ARS involve geological, geochemical, hydrological, biological, and engineering factors. If it is not
well planned or maintained, the ARS will not work effectively. Currently, many ARS projects are planned to be built
in north China. However, there are not systemic theory and responding criterions in China. In order to resolve and
prevent these problems, it is necessary to build a standardized ARS.
The middle route of ‘South-north Water Transfer Project’ has begun in China. As the flood season and dry period of
Hanshui River, as the supply area, are always coinstantaneous with those of the target area, it is necessary to store
local flood water and water transferred from Hanshui River in flood seasons or high-flow years. On the other hand,
many pumping cones have occurred in many cities along the middle route of the water transfer project, and they
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provide enough room for AR. Moreover, many large surface reservoirs are distributed along this route. It is a good
opportunity to build ARS in the middle route of ‘South-north Water Transfer Project’.
Through studying existing problems and carrying out standardized ARS projects, we can summarize the theory and
technology of AR and establish responding criteria and regulations.
We gratefully acknowledge Professor ZHANG Renquan, Professor JIN Menggui and Professor YAN Yonglin at China
University of Geosciences for their constructive enlightenment and help. During investigating Huangshuihe ARS,
we obtained zealous support from Water Conservancy Institute of Shandong Province and Bureau of Water
Conservancy of Longkou City. We would like to thank ZHANG Baoxiang and MENG Fanhai for their help.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Hydraulic and geochemical characterization
of Ajali Sandstone Aquifer, SE – Nigeria:
Implication for groundwater recharge process
Moshood N. Tijani
This study presents the hydraulic and geochemical characteristics of the regional aquiferous Ajali Sandstone
Formation (ASF) in SE-Nigeria with emphasis on textural controls on the hydraulic conductivity (K) and assess-
ment of possible geochemical controls of the aquifer materials on the groundwater quality. The results of the
textural grain-size analyses indicate fine to medium sand (> 75% sand fraction) with mean grain sizes of 0.23
to 0.53 mm and coefficient of uniformity (C u) values of 1.58 to 5.25 (av. 2.75) while standard sorting values
of 0.56φ to 1.24φ implies moderately well sorted materials. The order of estimated K values are Kpermeameter>
KBeyer > KHazen > KKozeny-Carmen > KFair-Hatch with average values of 1.4 x 10–3, 4.4 x 10–4, 3.8 x 10–4, 2.2 x 10–4
and 8.1 x 10–5 m/sec respectively. These values conform to the specification for recharge systems and hence indi-
cation of the high infiltration rate within the outcrop zones of the ASF. Furthermore, the estimated porosity of
18.3 to 32.8% confirms the potentials of the ASF. However, the average value of 7.9% and 2.4% for Al2O3 and
Fe2O3 respectively and elevated trace metal concentrations (av. 3.5 mg/kg Cu, 12.3 mg/kg Pb, 11.6 mg/kg Zn,
9.3 mg/kg Ni and 42.9 mg/kg Cr) in the ferruginized samples call for concern, due to the attendant negative
impacts of flow-induced geochemical processes on the groundwater quality and aquifer management.
Ajali sandstone; Anambra Basin; geochemical characteristic; grain size analysis, hydraulic conductivity;
permeability test.
Long-term sustainable groundwater management in terms of quantity and quality, in unconsolidated sandy aquifers
requires reliable knowledge of the hydraulic conductivity (K) and textural characteristics as well as possible geo-
chemical interactions between the aquifer matrix and groundwater. For such hydraulic characterization of
aquiferous sedimentary units, several laboratory and field methods are usually employed (Batu, 1999). Although
in-situ field determination of K are more accurate and highly reliable in site-specific investigations, laboratory and
empirical approaches are usually preferred, especially during preliminary hydrogeological investigations, in order to cut
down on cost and time on one hand. On the other hand, such approaches are seen as low-cost alternative, especially
in developing countries like Nigeria, where lack of funds for field scale operations constitutes serious limitation.
This study, therefore, highlights; (a) the distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) in the regional aquiferous Ajali
Sandstone Formation (ASF) in southeastern Nigeria (Fig. 1) through comparative assessment of estimations from
grain size analysis (GSA) and laboratory permeameter tests (b) the geochemical characteristics of ASF and impli-
cation of recharge / infiltration induced geochemical interactions between the groundwater system and the aquifer
materials. The target ASF is located within the Cretaceous Anambra Basin, SE-Nigeria.
Hydrologically, ASF is an extensive regional stratigraphic unit also referred to as the false- bedded sandstone, due to
its cross-stratification in places. The thickness ranges from about 350–450 m in places and thin southward to few
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734 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
tens of meters around Okigwe area (Hogue and Ezepue, 1977) while field study revealed ferruginization of the
upper sections of the formation in many outcrop locations. The summary of geology and lithostratigraphic units
within the basin and sample locations within the ASF are shown in Fig. 1, while details on stratigraphy and sedi-
mentation history can be found in Ojoh, 1990.
Figure 1. Location and geological map showing sampling points within ASF
Subsequent to field sampling operations and pre-treatments (drying and disaggregating), laboratory GSA and
constant head permeameter tests were carried on the ASF samples following standard laboratory procedures (ASTM
D-422 and D-2434). In addition geochemical analyses of major and trace elements compositions were undertaking
using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method (model Rigaku ZSX) at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Systems, Hiroshima University, Japan.
For data evaluation, cumulative curves were plotted from the GSA results and values of selected grain sizes (D10,
D30, D60 etc in mm and phi) were extracted for subsequent estimations of some textural indices (uniformity coef-
ficient and coefficient of curvature) and statistical parameters (sorting, skewness, kurtosis, etc) using the relations
of Folk and Ward (1957). Using the laboratory permeameter results, the respective hydraulic conductivity values
(K) were calculated using the well-known Darcy relation, while empirical estimations of K based on grain size
parameters were determined using Hazen, Beyer, Fair-Hatch and Kozeny-Carmen relations. Further details on these
relations in respect of their applications and limitations can be found in Uma et al., (1989) and Lee, (1998).
Textural – Statistical indices
The results of the estimated textural and statistical indices as presented in Table 1 show that the ASF falls predo-
minantly within the medium sand range. However, the estimated inclusive graphic standard deviation (sorting)
ranges from 0.55 to1.29φ suggesting a wider range from poorly sorted to moderately well sorted material. Also
varied values of inclusive graphic skewness from – 0.24 to +0.20 (av. 0.02) imply nearly symmetrical to coarse
skewed arrangement while graphic kurtosis (KG) ranges from 0.94 to 1.51 (av. 1.20) and suggest mesokurtic through
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leptokurtic with majority of the samples having leptokurtic population. For the textural indices, the uniformity coef-
ficient (C u), which provides a measure of uniformity of the grain sizes ranges from 1.58 to 3.48 while the coefficient
of curvature (C c) ranges between 0.89 and 1.26 (with exception of Uturu-Okigwe sample with C u=5.25 and
C c=1.57). These values are consistent with C u<4 and C c of 1 to 3 implying uniform grading with enhanced
drainage/permeability and well-graded granular material respectively (Budhu, 1999).
Ajali Sandstone Formation K-Hazen
Ajali Sst. (K-pump-test)*
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Furthermore, the hydraulic conductivity profile is comparable to similar aquiferous unit of Benin Formation
(Okagbue, 1988). In addition, statistical correlation of the data revealed positive dependence of the different K esti-
mations (r = 0.30 – 0.90) on graphic mean size, percentage sand content and porosity. This clearly underlies the
significant association between the grain-size distribution and the porosity/permeability of granular materials like
the ASF..
Geochemical characterization
The summaries of the geochemical analyses results of major and trace elements are presented in Table 2. As
expected, the major element geochemistry shows that the ASF is highly enriched in quartz (94.8 – 99.0 wt.% of
SiO2 ) while other major oxides (not shown in Table 2) are generally below 1.0 wt.% in the fresh samples. The
similarity in elemental composition for all the analyzed samples is a reflection of the homogeneous nature of the
ASF over the different outcrop localities within the Anambra Basin.
Table 2. Summary of geochemical analyses results of the major and trace elements
SiO2 % 94.82 98.95 97.21 97.28 1.20 76.79 91.86 83.80 80.19 7.24
Al2O3 % 0.33 2.56 1.16 0.97 0.61 3.56 11.57 7.93 10.17 3.92
Fe2O3 % 0.03 0.59 0.23 0.19 0.17 1.80 3.57 2.70 2.96 0.79
Cu (ppm) 0.01 1.16 0.27 0.01 0.47 3.07 3.73 3.48 3.64 0.36
Pb (ppm) 2.05 4.43 3.05 3.11 0.84 8.01 15.62 12.31 13.29 3.90
Zn (ppm) 2.66 6.78 4.37 4.10 1.45 7.20 15.18 11.62 12.49 4.06
Ni (ppm) 1.52 3.66 2.53 2.33 0.70 5.41 12.36 9.33 10.23 3.56
Co (ppm) 0.01 0.66 0.22 0.08 0.29 0.78 2.79 1.85 1.97 1.01
Cr (ppm) 5.09 12.83 9.42 11.14 3.28 17.89 58.48 42.92 52.38 21.89
V (ppm) 3.75 15.39 10.64 12.30 4.73 26.94 107.1 77.41 98.24 43.93
Sc (ppm) 0.01 1.80 0.71 0.81 0.67 2.14 8.18 6.17 8.18 3.49
However, the ferruginized samples have similar chemical trend but with elevated concentrations of Al2O3
(3.50 – 11.60 wt.%) and Fe2O3 (1.80 – 3.60 wt.%), which are clear indications of weathering impacts. Furthermore,
the ternary, Quartz–Sesquioxides-Alkalis plot of the chemical composition of the ASF samples as presented in Fig. 3
shows that all samples lie at the silica corner indicating severe depletion of the sesquioxide and the Alkali. This is
attributed to the removal of ferromagnesian minerals and feldspars through reworking and transport735ation of the
source materials during the sedimentary process. As shown in Table 2, there are marked differences between the
trace elements concentrations in the fresh and ferruginized samples. However, while the trace metals profile in the
ferruginized samples is consistent with trace metals association in typical ferruginous regolith (V, Cr, Nb, Co, Cu,
As, Pb, Zn, Mn, and Mo) as outlined in Taylor and Eggleton, (2001), it also clearly shows the significance of weath-
ering process in the release of trace / heavy metals into the environment.
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Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 737
Ajali Si O2 60
Fresh Ferruginized
Conc. (mg/kg )
sandstone 45
50 50 30
Co Cu Sc Ni Zn Pb Cr V
Sesquioxides 50 Alkalis Trace metals
The implication of weathering-induced release of trace/heavy metals in respect of aquifer management calls for con-
cern. As shown in Fig. 4, the weathering process resulted in 2 to 6-folds increase in all the analyzed trace metals
compared to the initial concentrations in the fresh samples. Taylor and Eggleton, (2001) noted that the formation of
Fe-oxides and oxyhydroxides as shown below dominates weathering process under most regolith conditions and
alongside with Mn-oxides and Al-hydroxil complex (in the clay minerals) serve as sinks for wide range of trace /
heavy metals demonstrated in this study.
Fe 2+ + ½ O2 + H2 O = Fe(OH)2
4Fe 2 + + O2 + 10 H2 O = 4Fe(OH)3 + H +
The comparative assessment of empirical K-estimations presented in this study revealed similar range of K-values
comparable to laboratory and field results and signifies the reliability of the empirical estimates. However, while the
textural and hydraulic characteristics exert positive impacts on groundwater recharge and storage, the geochemical
and mineralogical components of the ASF in respect of the ferruginization process signify negative impacts of
groundwater flow-induced geochemical processes in terms of (a) groundwater contamination, through mobil-
ization /dissolution of trace/heavy metals (b) water well (borehole) deterioration, through encrustation and clogging
of the effective interstitial pore spaces. These underlie the need for adequate hydraulic and geochemical character-
ization of aquifer as presented in this study.
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738 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
The author acknowledged with thanks the donation of permeameter set-up used in this study by Prof. K. Jinno,
Kyushu University, Japan and the assistance of Mr. K. Watanabe and Prof. Kitagawa, Hiroshima University, Japan in
respect of the XRF analyses.
Batu V. (1999). Aquifer Hydraulics: A Comprehensive Guide to Hydrogeologic Data Analysis. John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 727 pp.
Budhu M. (1999). Soil Mechanics and Foundations. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 616p.
Folk R.L. and Ward W.C. (1957). Brazo River Bar: A study of the significance of grain size parameters. Jour. Sed.
Geol., 27, 3–26.
Hoque M. and Ezepue M.C. (1977). Petrology and Palaeogeography of the Ajali Sandstone. Jour. Mining and Geol.,
14(1), 6–22.
Lee S.S. (1998). Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity from Grain Size, Grain Shape, and Porosity; Websource;
Ojoh K.A. (1990). Cretaceous geodynamic evolution of the southern part of the Benue-Trough.
Taylor G.R. and Eggleton R.A. (2001). Regolith Geology and Geomorphology. John Wiley and Son Pub., NY,
Brisbane, 375 pp.
Uma K.O., Egboka B.C.E. and Onuoha K.M. (1989). New Statistical Grain-size Method For Evaluating the Hydraulic
Conductivity of Sandy Aquifers. Jour. Hydrol. 108, 343–366.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Evaluation of infiltration velocity changes
induced by sediment accumulation
on the artificial infiltration basin:
A case study at Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
C.-S. Ting , M.K. Jean and Y.P. Huang
The objective of the on-site groundwater artificial recharge experiment described in this study is to observe
and understand the variation of the water infiltration rate and the groundwater mound once recharge begins and
to determine the mutual impact of the water recharging volume and the specific aquifer storage capacity. The
duration of the current experiment is 17 days, of which 14 days are spend on the general recharge test and 3 days
are spent on a sand addition test. In the recharge test, the average recharge volume is 10,000 CMD, the basin
water level is maintained at a depth of 1.7 m, and the average infiltration rate is 15.2740 m/day. Following the
sand addition test, it is found that the infiltration rate reduces to 5.3740 m/day as a result of the gravel layer
becoming clogged by fine clay. By means of a soil characteristic curve, it is found that the fine sediment
penetration depth is greater than 35 cm in a gravel filter. The use of a grain size filter during the groundwater
recharge operation provides an efficient means of trapping sediment while maintaining the permeability of the
underlying aquifer. The experimental results indicate that the factors influencing the infiltration rate include
the sediment charge, the water level of the infiltration basin, the capacity of the basin, the distance between the
groundwater level and the basin level, and the Sodium Adsorption Ratio.
Infiltration rate, groundwater level, sand addition test, soil characteristic curve.
Due to its geographic location and particular meteorological conditions, Taiwan experiences precipitation predo-
minantly during the period from May through October. As a result of hypsographical variation, its water resources
are not readily stored on the land surface, but tend to flow rapidly into the ocean. Consequently, the utilization rate
of surface water resources in Taiwan is very low. However, the thriving aquaculture found along the southwestern
coastal areas of Taiwan is dependent on an abundant supply of freshwater. In most cases, this freshwater has been
supplied by the intensive pumping of groundwater. This has led to a drop in the local groundwater level, and in
severe cases has resulted in land subsidence and seawater intrusion.
It has been suggested that infiltration basin systems provide an effective means of enhancing groundwater recharg-
ing. Many practical groundwater recharge systems using infiltration basins are in operation around the world
nowadays. Yamagata City in Japan has used recharge basins and recharge pits for groundwater recharging since
1986. According to Hida (1990), this infiltration basin system provides an excellent recharge effect and has been
instrumental in raising the groundwater level. A number of groundwater recharge plans have also been imple-
mented in America. As in Japan, these recharge basins demonstrate an excellent recharge performance. For
example, in one recharge basin studied in California, the annual groundwater recharge volume was found to be as
high as 1.56 × 107 m3 (Bouwer, 1974).
In 1999, Pingtung County local government instructed the CTCI Corporation, Taiwan to identify a suitable location
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for a manmade lake in the Pingtung Plain (CTCI, 2003). The CTCI identified Wanlong Farm, located at an
upstream position on the Linpien River, as the most suitable site. Several pilot experiments and studies were per-
formed a few years later, and highly favorable results were obtained.
In accordance with the recommendations of CTCI, this study takes Wanlong Farm, Wanluan Town, Pingtung
County, Taiwan, as its study area. The location of the study area is indicated in Figure 1. The groundwater level in
this area varies by approximately 30 m over the course of the year, i.e. from approximately 30 m below the surface
during the flood season to 58 m below the surface during the dry season.
The specific criteria considered when choosing Wanlong Farm as the study area are summarized in the paragraphs
zone of recharge site
flowing zone
zone of wells of 100
MSL (m) over- artesian
pumping aquifers
50 60 LEGEND
50 50
40 gravel
0 0 sand
–50 –50 bed rock
Figure 1. Location of study area in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan (Ting et al., 2002)
Hydrogeological conditions
Wanlong Farm is located at the top of the Linpien River alluvial plain, which consists mainly of coarse pebbles. The
natural recharge function of this region is quite reasonable. According to pumping test data, the hydraulic conduc-
tivity (T) is 18,818 m2 / day, the specific yield (S) is 0.13, and the permeability coefficient (K) is 344 m / day.
Watershed conditions
Linpien River is located in the southern region of Taiwan. Its length is approximately 42 km and its slope is 1:15,
making it the shortest and steepest river in Taiwan. The annual average precipitation is 3,330 mm / year. 97 % of the
river runoff accumulates during the wet season while the remaining 3 % is distributed during the dry season. This
temporal imbalance presents water planners with a considerable challenge when attempting to conserve and utilize
the river’s water resources.
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In order to achieve water sources for the groundwater recharge of the current experiment, an abundant and stable
water supply is needed. The study area is located close to the Er-Fong irrigation channel, which is charged primarily
by submerged water flowing through the region and has been used as a local agricultural water supply since 1923.
On-site investigations and calculations have indicated that the Er-Fong irrigation channel has a water supply capac-
ity of more than 100,000 m3 / day during the wet season.
The objective of the present study is to use a variety of on-site experimental data, e.g. the infiltration basin water
level, the recharge amount, the basin area, etc., to analyze the interrelationship between the manmade lake and the
groundwater level. These experiments permit investigation of the variation of the groundwater recharge amount
with the natural groundwater level, the moisture capacity of the soil under different loading pressures, the aggraded
depth of soil etc. The current study methodology is stated as follows:
Bouwer (1974) proposed the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) as a parameter for water quality assessment. The SAR
value is a function of the concentrations of Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the inflow water, where these concentrations
are expressed as mEq / L. Accordingly, the SAR parameter is recognized as a key factor in determining the infiltration
rate during the recharge process.
Mechanisms affection
of infiltration rate
Analyzing the Infiltration Rate Standard Chart
shown in Figure 2, issued by Pérez-Paricio and
Carrera (1998), the initial fall in the infil-
tration rate is caused by the sediment being
expended and then disintegrated after mois-
turization. The infiltration rate subsequently
increases as a result of pore air dissipation
as air is dissolved in the water. Finally, the
infiltration rate falls gradually as a result of
sediment pore clogging. This clogging may be Figure 2. Infiltration Rate Standard Chart
a result of the deposition of sediment carried (Pérez-Paricio and Carrera, 1998)
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742 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
by the water in suspension, or may be caused by algal growth, sediment colloidal swelling, microbial activity, or soil
dispersion, etc.
dV / dt = I – O – E + P – I
where dV/dt is the variation of the infiltration basin storage, I is the volume of the inflow, O is the volume of the
outflow, E is the volume of evaporation, P is the volume of precipitation, and I is the volume of leakage.
The current experiment was conducted over a continuous period of 17 days. The general recharge experiment was
executed during the initial 14 days, and the sand addition test was then performed in order to investigate the effect
of different sand contents on the infiltration rate. Finally, the study compared the results of the indoor sand tank
experiment to gain the better understanding of groundwater recharge processes.
(1) Groundwater level recorder: to record the groundwater level in each observation well every hour.
(2) V-notch weir (Triangular weir): to record the water depth above the crotch head every hour in order to establish
the variation of the water inflow.
(3) Basin water level: to ensure the water level remained at a constant depth of 1.7 m.
(4) Microclimate station: located at the southeastern side of the study area and designed to record the precipitation,
evaporation, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure data automatically.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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On-site recharge experiment and sand addition test
The observation results are presented in Figure 4. 12
It can be seen that the initial infiltration rate was 8
13.11 m/day. The infiltration rate then stabilized at
15.61 m / day. However, following sand addition, the
infiltration rate fell gradually to a value of 5.25 m/day, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
a reduction of approximately 67%. Hence, grading size of Experiment period (day)
the sand is a key factor influencing the groundwater Figure 4. Temporal variation
recharge effect. of infiltration speed
Following commencement
of the infiltration test, the 0
Water table from surface
Figure 6 shows the variation over time of the sand content at the bottom of the basin. It can be seen that the maxi-
mum value of the sand content is 252.3 ppm, but that the minimum value is only 6.4 ppm.
The water quality was sampled every 12 hours during the sand addition test. Equation 1 was applied to estimate
the value of the SAR. This study investigated the influence on the water infiltration rate of each of the parameters
listed in Table 1 by means of regression equations. The infiltration and sand aggregation regression equations are
presented in Tables 2 and 3 below.
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744 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Table 1. Correlation coefficient for each factor Figure 6. Temporal variation of sand content
relating to the infiltration rate at basin bottom
Sand content, S -0.68
Water quality, SAR 0.39 9 10 9 11 9 12 9 13
Indoor experiments
Sedimentation depth calculation 120
A pit measuring 30 cm in length and width and clay
50 cm in depth was dug in the bottom of the silt, sand
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 745
Porosity calculation
The porosity of the soil sample column was calculated on the basis of its bulk density and particle density. Hence, it
was easily measured by indoor experiment. The porosity results are also presented in Table 4.
Saturated hydraulic
Soil Layer conductivity (m/sec) Porosity Soil characteristic
(1) Based on the present experimental results, the water infiltration rate is determined primarily by the sand con-
tent of the water inflow. The infiltration rate is also influenced by the basin’s hydrological disposition and the
SAR value of the charge water.
(2) Following completion of the sand addition test, a sediment depth of 6.4 cm was measured on the bottom of the
basin. The infiltration rate slowed from 15 m/day to 5 m/day over the course of the test. The main reason for
this reduction was algal growth and eutrophication of the water quality.
(3) The groundwater level records of the four observation wells disposed around the study area indicated a high
water infiltration rate in the chosen study area. Hence, the hydrological conditions of Wanlong Farm render this
region an eminently suitable site for the implementation of an artificial groundwater recharge scheme.
(1) The selection of the recharge basin site must consider the geological permeability of the proposed site.
(2) To prevent sediment clogging, thereby maintaining a normal infiltration process, silt scraping of the basin
bottom should be performed at regular intervals. Additionally, the use of a relative sediment material grading
research and thickness design is recommended.
(3) Researching the water quality variation before and after recharge is an important issue in order to establish
whether the quality is influenced by the local geological conditions. In the current study, the experiment
extended for a relatively short period of time, and hence the effect of the water quality on the infiltration rate
was not obvious. Hence, it is recommended that a longer-term pilot study of groundwater recharge be con-
ducted as part of a future study.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
746 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Support of the study was received from the National Science Council (NSC -90-2211-E-020-010) for the first author
on his series research program. This support is gratefully acknowledged. Assistance of experiment facilities was
received from Water Resources Agency, MOEA, ROC and Pingtung Government. This assistance is also appreciated.
Bouwer, H. (1974). Groundwater Hydrology, McGraw-Hill Publishing.
Chou H.C., Chen Y.S., Ni C.F. and Hsu S.H.M. (2000). Simulation and Analysis of Recharge Rate for Artificial Basins,
Proceedings of the 11th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, pp. D27–32. (in Chinese with English abstract).
CTCI Corporation. (2002). Integrated Plan of Water Resources Development and Protection for Pingtung County
and Groundwater Recharge of Groundwater Project at at the Proximal Fan of Linpien Alluvial Plain, Taiwan,
Project Report. Pingtung County, Taiwan.
Hida, N. (1990). Ground Water Management in Alluvial Fan, Kokon Syoin Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.
Pérez-Paricio, A. and Carrera, J., 1998, ‘Operation guidelines regarding clogging’, Artificial Recharge of Groundwater,
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Groundwater Recharge, A. Balkema Publish. Co.,
pp. 441–445.
Ting, C.S., Tsai J.M. and Chien, M.K. (2002). Pilot Study for Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Using High-
infiltration Basins, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Groundwater Resource and Water Quality Protection,
pp. G45–50. (in English with Chinese abstract).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Infiltration mechanism
of artificial recharge of groundwater –
A case study at Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
C.-S. Ting, C.H. Lee, C.Y. Lin, S.H. Chen and K.C. Chang
This paper discusses the artificial groundwater recharge effect of high-infiltration basins. Hydrogeological
parameters of the study area are collected in order to construct a conceptualized physical model. Numerical
simulation software, TOUGH2, is then used to simulate the infiltration behavior of an artificial recharge into
an underground aquifer. Four wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) are observed at the field site and the
groundwater levels are compared with the simulation results. It is found that good agreement exists between
the observed and numerical data for wells MW-1 and MW-2. However, the observed groundwater level in MW-3 is
higher than the simulated level. MW-3 is located at the edge of the artificial recharge lake, and the high ground-
water level may well be the result of a portion of the infiltration load following the well border into the well
screen. Conversely, the groundwater level in MW-4 is found to be lower than in the simulated well due to local per-
meability in the well location. Finally, the numerical results predict that the groundwater level will attain a steady
state at approximately 47 hours after the beginning of infiltration.
Infiltration, artificial recharge of groundwater, Taiwan.
Taiwan is located in a sub-tropical region and hence receives a very high annual rainfall. However, the amount of
rainfall received varies significantly over the course of the year. According to measurement data, 90% of the annual
precipitation falls during the rainy season (i.e. May to September) while only 10% of the rainfall occurs during
the dry season (October to April). This imbalance in the monthly rainfall presents planners involved in the con-
servation and utilization of water resources in Taiwan with a major problem.
The flourishing development of inland aquaculture along the coastal areas of southwestern Taiwan relies on an
abundant freshwater supply. Groundwater represents the primary source of fresh water for aquacultural water dilut-
ing and flushing. Furthermore, the swelling population in these regions has also led to an increase in the domestic
water consumption. To meet these increased water demands, groundwater pumping schemes have been imple-
mented extensively along the coastal areas. However, this has resulted in a significant fall in the groundwater level,
and in severe cases has been directly responsible for environmental and geological hazards, including land sub-
sidence, soil salinization, and seawater intrusion. In order to address these problems, local government initiatives
have been launched to investigate the potential for exploiting new water resources and developing artificial ground-
water recharge schemes.
Artificial groundwater recharging has developed into a major element of Taiwan’s integrated water resource
exploitation policy over recent decades. However, much work remains to be done in developing effective means to
transfer excess surface water into an aquifer during the rainy season in order that this water can be conserved for
use in the dry season.
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748 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
This study chooses Wanlong Farm in the southern region of Taiwan as a pilot research area. Wanlong Farm is locat-
ed in an upstream position on the Linpien River in the Pingtung Plain. The object of this study is to use TOUGH2
numerical software to simulate the groundwater infiltration situation in this area and to compare the numerical
results with observed data.
Model theory
TOUGH2 (Pruess, 1999) is a general-purpose numerical program for multi-phase fluid flow in a porous and frac-
tured stratum. This model uses the integral finite difference method for space discretization, and first-order fully
implicit time differencing. The basic mass and energy balance equations solved by TOUGH2 can be written in the
general form as (Pruess, 1999):
∫M dVn = ∫F • ndΓn + ∫ qm dVn
k k k
dt Vn Γn Vn
where Vn is any arbitrary sub-domain of the flow system, and is bounded by a closed surface Γn; Mk is the accu-
mulation term of the mass or energy per volume, with k = 1, 2... NK, k = NK + 1, labeling the mass components;
Fk is the mass and energy flux; q denotes the mass sinks and sources; and n is the normal vector of the surface ele-
ment dΓn .
Capillary pressure and relative permeability are the two fundamental control parameters in the TOUGH2 simula-
tion of an unsaturated stratum. The relative water content Se is usually used to describe the capillary pressure of the
soil. The relative water content is a function of the actual versus potential maximum moisture content and can be
expressed as:
θ − θr
S= (2)
θ s − θr
where θ is the fresh weight, θ s is the turgid weight and θr is the dry weight. This study uses the water retention
equation proposed by van Genuchten (1980), i.e.
Se − (1 + αψ )n ] , m − 1 − 1n
where Se is the relative water content; α is the empirical fitting parameter; Ψ is the soil capillary pressure; n is the
pore index; and m is the fitting parameter. Furthermore, the relative permeability of the soil is simulated by the van
Genuchten & Mualem relative permeability model incorporated in TOUGH2 as:
⎧ m⎫
Se ⎨1 − ⎜⎛⎝1 − [Se ] m ⎞⎟⎠ ⎬
K rl = (4)
⎩ ⎭
where Krl is the relative permeability of soil in a liquid status; Se is the relative water content; and m is a fitting
Study area introduction
Linpien River is located in the southern area of the Pingtung Plain in Taiwan. With a total length of 42 km and an
average slope of 1:15, Linpien River is one of the shortest and steepest of the 21 main rivers in Taiwan. The average
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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annual precipitation in this region is 3,330 mm, the area of the watershed is approximately 344 km 2, and the
average annual river discharge is 864 × 106 M3. However, the distribution of the annual precipitation is severely
unbalanced over the year. As a result, 97% of the annual river discharge occurs during the wet season while only 3%
is provided in the dry season. Hence, fully exploiting and utilizing the water resources provided by this river is
highly challenging. Accordingly, in 2002 the Taiwan CTCI Corporation proposed the construction of a manmade
lake beside the river and conducted a small-scale recharge experiment in situ. The stated intention of the proposed
lake was to intercept the abundant surface water during the wet season and to recharge the water into an under-
ground aquifer for later use during the dry season.
Figure 1. Location of study area in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan (Ting et al., 2002 )
Bouwer (1999) recommended that the initial stages of a groundwater recharge plan be kept small and simple. He
stated that the plan could subsequently be enlarged to a more realistic operational scale according to the identified
future needs, such as the target recharge volume, for example. A small-scale on-site pilot test is a suitable first step
in implementing a groundwater recharge scheme.
Previous hydrogeological data analysis and long term investigations identified Wanlong Township on the
Linpien River in southern Taiwan as a major groundwater natural recharge area. Hence, this study chose this area as
a suitable pilot study site for an infiltration test.
CTCI (2002) constructed four groundwater level observation wells in situ. As shown in Figure 2, the wells were
constructed along the direction of the water flow. The first well (MW-1) was located in the upstream region of the
pilot test basin, MW-2 was located actually in the test basin, and the remainder (MW-3~4) were located downstream
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750 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
of the basin. The observation wells were all embedded 64 m underground. Each well was constructed with a 30 m
well screen located 32 m ~ 62 m underground, as shown in Figure 3.
MW-1 – MW-4
Groundwater table
35 m – 55 m
64 m
32 m – 62 m
The current simulation area was aligned in the direction of the observation well array. As shown in Figure 4, the
vertical section of the simulation area measured 80 × 50 m (length × depth). The infiltration basin was positioned
in the central lower area and measured 10 × 1 m (length × depth). The imposed boundary conditions are indicated
in Figure 4. This study assumed that no lateral flow existed in the unsaturated layer, and neglected the precipitation
inflow. Hence, the upper and lower sides of the section, and the two lateral sides of the unsaturated section, were
specified as no flow – Neuman boundaries. However, the two lateral sides of the saturated section were each
assigned a constant head – Dirichlet boundary condition.
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Figure 6 shows the temporal variation of the water infiltration rate in the downward direction. It is observed that
the average value of the infiltration rate is 22.76 m / day.
(3) Porosity
The study region was characterized by the presence of sand and gravel. Accordingly, in the present simulations, the
average porosity parameter was specified as 0.4.
Carsel and Parrish (1998) evaluated 12 different soil types and established the corresponding soil characteristic
parameters, as shown in Table 1. On-site investigation showed that most of the soil in the present study region
was sand, and hence the current simulations specified the Van Genuchten soil characteristic parameters as:
α= 0.145 cm–1, n = 2.68, m = 1–(1/n) = 0.626, residual volumetric moisture content = 0.045 and saturated moisture
content = 0.43.
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Table 1. Characteristic parameters of different soil types (Carsel and Parrish, 1988)
Soil Texture θr θs α [1/cm] n
Sand 0.045 0.43 0.145 2.68
Loamy Sand 0.057 0.41 0.124 2.28
Sandy Loam 0.065 0.41 0.075 1.89
Loam 0.078 0.43 0.036 1.56
Silt 0.034 0.46 0.016 1.37
Silt Loam 0.067 0.45 0.020 1.41
Sandy Clay Loam 0.100 0.39 0.059 1.48
Clay Loam 0.095 0.41 0.019 1.31
Silt Clay Loam 0.089 0.43 0.010 1.23
Sandy Clay 0.100 0.38 0.027 1.23
Silty Clay 0.070 0.36 0.005 1.09
Clay 0.068 0.38 0.008 1.09
Based on the on-site recorded data, the simulations set the initial groundwater level as 35 m underground and
applied a hydraulic gradient of 0.0125.
The parameter settings described above were input to the TOUGH2 simulation software. The corresponding simu-
lation results are presented in Figures 7 with 8. Figure 8 shows that once the infiltration stabilizes, the simulated
groundwater levels in wells MW-1 and MW-2 are in good agreement with the observed water levels. However, the
simulation results for the MW-3 and MW-4 water levels are significantly different from those observed in-situ. For
example, the actual groundwater level in MW-3 is higher than the predicted result. This particular well is located at
the edge of the infiltration basin, and the higher groundwater level may be the result of water in the basin flowing
-10.00 0.85
-20.00 0.70
-30.00 0.55
-40.00 0.40
10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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80 MW-3
Elevation M
0 20 40 60 80
Distance M
Figure 8. Comparison of simulation and observed results for groundwater levels
into the well screen along the well during the course of the experiment. In the case of well MW-4, the observed
groundwater level is lower than the predicted value. The discrepancy between the two sets of results can be attrib-
uted to the high permeability of the local area around this particular well, which causes the well to have a low stor-
age capacity with the present simulations take no account of water flowing into the well screen or of local perme-
ability characteristics.
On-site investigation showed that the water levels in wells MW-2 and MW-3 stabilized 50 minutes and 240 minutes,
respectively, after the start of water infiltration. The speed with which the water level in MW-2 stabilizes may well
be because this well is located immediately below the infiltration basin. Conversely, MW-3 is located at the edge
of the infiltration basin, and hence water infiltration is a more gradual process. The water levels in wells MW-1 and
4 showed very little change over the course of the infiltration experiment since these two wells are located outside
of the impact radius of the infiltration basin. Finally, the simulated time for the infiltration to become stable was
47 hours. This was longer than the observed time.
• The simulation results have shown that once infiltration achieves a stable condition, the simulated groundwater
levels in the MW-1 and MW-2 wells are consistent with the observed data. MW-3 is located at the edge of the in-
filtration basin, and hence during the course of infiltration, the water in the basin not only percolates downward,
but also flows into the well screen along the wall of MW-3. Hence, the observed water level in MW-3 is higher
than the predicted result. Conversely, MW-4 has a high local permeability and hence its water holding capacity is
poor. Therefore, the simulated water level in MW-4 is higher than that observed in-situ.
• MW-2 is located immediately below the infiltration basin and therefore its water level rises much more rapidly
than the level in MW-3, which is located at the edge of the infiltration basin.
• The water levels in MW-1 and MW-4 remain virtually unchanged over the course of the infiltration experiment
because they are positioned outside of the impact radius of the infiltration basin.
• The total simulation time required for the infiltration to stabilize is 47 hours. This is longer than the time
observed in-situ.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
754 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Bouwer, H. (1999). ‘Artificial recharge of groundwater : system, design and management’ in Handbook of Hydraulic
design, Mays, L.W.(Editor), chapter 24 , McGraw-Hill.
Carsel,R.F. and Parrish,R.S. (1998). Developing Joint Probability Distributions of soil Water Retrntion Charac-
teristics. Water Resour. Res., 24(5).
Chjuang C.H., Lin C.Y., Liu C.J., Ching W.C., Hsia S.H., Chou K.Z., and Wang.C.F. (2002). Groundwater Recharge
of Groundwater Project at the Proximal Fan of Linpien Alluvial Plain, Taiwan, Proceedings of 5th Conference on
Groundwater Resource and Water Quality Protection, pp. G1–7.
Chou H.C., Chen Y.S., Ni C.F., and Hsu S.H.M. (2000). Simulation and Analysis of Recharge Rate for Artificial Basins,
Proceedings of the 11th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, pp. D27–32. (in Chinese with English abstract).
CTCI Corporation. (2002). Integrated Plan of Water Resources Development and Protection for Pingtung County
and Groundwater Recharge of Groundwater Project at at the Proximal Fan of Linpien Alluvial Plain, Taiwan,
Project Report. Pingtung County, Taiwan.
Manglik A. and RAI S. N. (1998). Two-Dimensional Modeling of Water Table Fluctuations dues to Time-Varying
Recharge form Rectangular Basin. Water Resources Management 8. Pruess, K. ,C. Oldenburg, and G. Moridis.
(1999), ‘TOUGH2 User's Guide, Version 2.0.’ Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Rep. LBL-43134 UC-400, Berkeley, CA.
Ting, C.S., Tsai J.M. and Chien, M.K. (2002). Pilot Study for Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Using High-infiltra-
tion Basins, Proceedings of 5th Conference on Groundwater Resource and Water Quality Protection, pp. G45–50.
(in English with Chinese abstract).
Van Genuchten, M. T. (1980), A closed form equation for predicting the hydraulic Conductivity of unsaturated soils.
Soil Sci. Soc.Am.J.44.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Groundwater recharge:
Results from deep injection tests
in Achaia aquifer systems, SW Greece
X. Stavropoulos and K. Voudouris
This paper presents the results of groundwater recharge tests in Achaia aquifer systems, through deep boreholes.
The study area consists of Post-alpine clastic deposits, flysch and carbonate formations. The main aquifers are
developed in terrestrial deposits and carbonate rocks. Groundwater recharge tests were carried out, through six
boreholes, during 2002. The depth of boreholes was greater than 180 m. The winter runoff of torrents and water
from springs were the source of recharge water used in the experiments, without any treatment. The duration of
the recharge tests ranged from 18 to 63 days. During the entire recharge period, the total volume of recharged
water in six boreholes was 137,000 m3. The water level in the test boreholes was rising after the end of recharge
experiment at a distance about 500 m from recharge boreholes. The maximum rise of groundwater level at the end
of the tests was 45 m in the aquifer of the clastic deposits and the minimum 3.26 m in carbonate aquifer. The
investigations have shown that the groundwater recharge through deep boreholes is one of the options available
for increasing the groundwater reserves and improving the groundwater quality in this area.
Achaia. Greece. groundwater recharge. injection borehole. field test.
Groundwater is the main source of water for irrigation and domestic use in NW Achaia. The area is intensively used
for agriculture. The land is mainly used for the cultivation of citrus fruits, olives and vineyards, especially in
the lowlands. Due to overexploitation, the aquifer systems show signs of depletion and quality deterioration.
Sufficient water support is problematic, especially in the dry periods. In order to minimize the negative effects of
overexploitation, aquifer recharge tests have been carried out, by using surface water. Direct recharge is used, where
permeable soils and/or sufficient land area for surface infiltration are not available and aquifers are deep and/or con-
fined (Peters, 1985; Bouwer, 1996). A number of artificial recharge projects have been carried out in North
Peloponnesus e.g. Fleet and Voudouris (1995); Koumantakis et al. (1999); Voudouris et al. (2002). The results of
these projects have been very encouraging and demonstrated the feasibility of recharging aquifer systems by injec-
tion boreholes. According to Murray and Tredoux (2002), aquifer recharge method via boreholes is not only appli-
cable to large scale, but it can be used effectively in small scale operations.
This paper deals with the results of groundwater recharge field experiments in NW Achaia, via boreholes, during
2002. Previous investigation on hydrogeology in the study area, including geological and hydrogeological infor-
mation (depth and type of geological formations, aquifer, water level measurements, hydraulic parameters, direction
of groundwater flow etc), has been done by Stavropoulos (1992) and Voudouris (1995).
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756 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
Figure 1. Location of the study area, showing the position of the recharge boreholes
The study area is located in the northwestern part of Achaia prefecture (Fig. 1) covering the Larisos and Piros
basins. The mean annual precipitation of the area is 660 mm and the average annual temperature is 17.8 °C
(Voudouris, 1995).
Geologically, the area consists of Plio-Quaternary deposits (conglomerates, sands, sandstones, silty sand, clays),
which form one multiple aquifer system. From bottom to top, the following principal lithofacies have been recog-
nized (Zelilidis et al., 1988): A) Marine deposits (very fine grained sand, silt, silty clay), B)Lacustrine deposits
(sand, sandy silt and silt), C) Terrestrial fluvial deposits (conglomerate, sand, silty sand), D) Alluvial deposits (con-
glomerate with matrix sand), and E) Terrestrial fluvial deposits (conglomerate, sand). Flysch deposits crop out in
the southern part of the study area, comprising of beds of sandstone and marls, alternating with conglomerates.
Flysch sediments overlie the limestones (Voudouris 1995).
The terrestrial facies of the Plio-Quaternary deposits form a multiple aquifer system, which is at least 200 m thick.
The confined aquifer of these deposits is the main source, that covers the water demands, by numerous deep bore-
holes. The water level within these deposits was at an average depth of about 10 –51 m below ground surface
(b.g.s.). Last decades, groundwater extraction for irrigation use, has caused a significant decline in the piezometric
level (Voudouris et al., 2002).
The direction of groundwater flow is generally from South to North-East at a hydraulic gradient of 1‰ – 1.7%, as
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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measured from the compiled piezometric maps (Stavropoulos, 1992, Voudouris, 1995). The mean hydraulic con-
ductivity was estimated to be 1.5 x 10 –5 m/s and the S-coefficient in Plio-Quaternary deposits about 1.5 x 10 –4.
Six (6) new boreholes were drilled (Fig. 1): three in Larisos basin (B1, B2, B3), and three in Piros basin (B4, B5 and
B6). The selection of the location was done by using criteria like availability of land, high permeability, gravity flow
from water source to recharge borehole, etc. After each borehole had been drilled, pumping tests were carried out,
in order to estimate the critical yield (Table 1).
Water from surface runoff and springs, without any treatment, was used during the aquifer recharge experiments in
the boreholes, (Table 2). The water was transferred at each site via the existing irrigation network. Measurements of
groundwater level were made in the piezometers of the recharge boreholes, as well as in the neighbouring obser-
vation boreholes.
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The recharge water was of low conductivity, Ca-HCO3 type. Problems were associated with the high turbidity values
of recharge water from torrents. According to American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE, 1998), the turbidity of
recharge water for groundwater recharge should not exceed 2–5 NTU.
The results of groundwater recharge tests are presented in Table 2. Recharge duration ranges from 18 days (B6) to
63 days (B1). Irrigation starts from the beginning of May; thus duration of recharge tests was not longer.
The recharge flow rate ranges between 8 m3 / h (B1) and 75 m3/h (B4). The optimal recharge rate is one-third or half
of the maximum discharge rate (Giao and Nutalaya, 1998). The quantity (m3) of injected water was: 63,500 m3
(B1), 6,200 m3 (B2), 7,200 m3 (B3), 46,800 m3 (B4), 9,200 m3 (B5) and 3,500 m3 (B6). The total volume of
recharge water in six boreholes was 137,000 m3.
The rise of the groundwater level at the end of the test ranges from 3.26 m (B6) to 44.93 (B1), assuming that the
water level due to natural recharge was negligible. The groundwater level rise was decreasing with the distance from
recharge borehole. A longitudinal cone formed as a result of the groundwater recharge, oriented with the ground-
water flow.
Figure 2 shows the fluctuation of the water level in the recharge borehole B3 and in the observation boreholes
(150 –700 m distance). The groundwater level rise is extended from the recharge borehole at a distance greater
than 500 m.
14/4/ 02
16/4/ 02
18/4/ 02
20/4/ 02
22/4/ 02
24/4/ 02
26/4/ 02
28/4/ 02
30/4/ 02
10/4/ 02
8/4/ 02
2/5/ 02
water level in m b.g.s.
Figure 3 shows the fluctuation of the water level in the recharge borehole B6, which has been drilled in carbonate
rocks. The groundwater level rise in the recharge borehole was 3.26 m at the end of the recharge period. It has not
been recorded groundwater level rise in two neighbouring observation boreholes at distance 400 and 1,600 m,
Based on chemical analyses, a small decrease of the electrical conductivity (EC) has been observed at the end of the
recharge tests (Fig. 4). Prior to recharge the EC values had been about 735 µS / cm. After injection the EC values
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies / Case studies 759
water level in m b .g.s.
EC (µS/cm)
8/4/ 02
10/4/ 02
12/4/ 02
14/4/ 02
16/4/ 02
18/4/ 02
20/4/ 02
22/4/ 02
24/4/ 02
26/4/ 02
28/4/ 02
30/4/ 02
2/5/ 02
were less than 715 µS / cm. In the early stages of the recharge test, EC increases as a result of the unsaturated zone
washout induced by the water level rise (Hionidi et al., 2001). An additional benefit of recharging freshwater to the
aquifer is that, it improves the groundwater quality.
The great difficulty of using recharge boreholes is their rapid clogging (Peters, 1985). Because of the limited
recharge water volume and duration of the recharge tests in Achaia, the effect of clogging was insignificant. On a
regular base, the recharge water will be pretreated to improve its physical-chemical parameters.
Six recharge tests through deep boreholes were carried out in Achaia area. These field tests showed that, recharge
rates were about 10–70 m3 /h. The total volume of recharge water in six boreholes was 137,000 m3 . The maximum
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760 Case studies / Region issues and artif icial recharge case studies
rise of the groundwater level at the end of the tests was 45 m and the minimum was 4.16 m. Water levels rose up to
500 m from injection boreholes in clastic deposits. In recharge borehole, which has been drilled in carbonate rocks
the groundwater level rise was 3.26 m at the end of the 18-days recharge test.
Field tests have shown that, groundwater recharge via deep boreholes can be an effective means of augmentation of
water budget, in the future. The tests also have improved the groundwater quality, especially the electrical conduc-
tivity. The technique is fairly effective and feasible; the environmental impact can be considered less severe and may
be applied as part of a sustainable water resources management plan, based on surface and groundwater exploita-
tion, simultaneously.
Experiments will be continued in the study area in order to determine the best locations with high permeability to
make the aquifer recharge. Results would benefit by computer modeling to simulate the water cycle, the groundwa-
ter flow and the groundwater levels before and after the aquifer recharge.
The groundwater recharge field tests were funded by the Ministry of Agriculture. The authors would like to thank
M. Tzima for her assistance in preparing the field tests and Ch. Gianneli for her help in correcting this manuscript.
American Society of Civil Engineers (1998). Standard Guidelines for artificial recharge of groundwater. ASCE
Standards, ASCE, USA.
Bouwer H (1996). Issues in artificial recharge. Water Sci. Tech., Volume 33, No 10–11, 381–390.
Giao PH, Nutalaya P (1998). Field experiment of artificial recharge through a well with reference to land subsidence
control. Engineering Geology 50 (1998) 187–201.
Fleet M, Voudouris K (1995). Experiment of artificial recharge through borehole in Plio-pleistocene deposits of
Patras industrial area. Proc. 6th Congress of the Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association, 74–83 (in Greek).
Hionidi M, Panagopoulos A, Koumantakis I, Voudouris K (2001). Groundwater quality considerations related to arti-
ficial recharge to the aquifer of the Korinthos Prefecture, Greece. Groundwater quality: Natural and enhanced
restoration of groundwater pollution. IAHS publication No 275, 85–90.
Koumantakis, J., Panagopoulos, A, Stavropoulos, X. and Voudouris, K. (1999). Application of aquifer artificial
recharge in the coastal alluvial basin of the northern part of Korinthos Prefecture, Peloponnesus. Proc. 5th Conf.
on Hydrogeology, Cyprus, pp. 65–80 (in Greek).
Murray EC and Tredoux G (2002). Karkams borehole injection tests: Results from injection into a low-permeability
fractured granitic aquifer. Proc. of the 4th Intern. Symposium on Artificial Recharge of groundwater. Adelaide,
Australia, 301–304.
Peters JH (1985). Borehole recharge in water supply. Hydrogeology in the service of man. Memoires of the 18th congress
of the IAH, Cambridge.
Stavropoulos, X. (1992). Hydrogeological conditions of Kato Achaia-Manolas. PhD, Dep. of Mining and Metallurgical
Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (in Greek).
Voudouris K (1995). . PhD, Dep. of Geology, Univ. of Patras, (in Greek).
Voudouris K, Diamantopoulou P, Giannatos G, Zannis P, Papakonstadinou K (2002). Preliminary results of ground-
water recharge on the confined aquifer in Patras industrial area. Proc. 6th Hydrogeological Conference, Xanthi,
47–58 (in Greek).
Zelilidis A, Koukouvelas I, Doutsos Th (1988). Neogene paleostress changes behind the forearc fold belt in the
Patraikos Gulf area, Western Greece. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh, 1988, (5):311–325; Stuttgart.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Aquifer re-injection as a low impact
groundwater investigation tool –
A case study from the Pilbara region,
Western Australia
J. Youngs and D.M. Brown
A case study presenting an innovative use of aquifer re-injection as a low impact groundwater investigation tool
is described. The Marandoo Iron Ore mine is bounded by National Park in an area of ecological and cultural sensi-
tivity within the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. A program involving prolonged aquifer pumping with
re-injection was adopted as a low-impact method of temporarily stressing a sensitive groundwater system and
providing definitive, quantitative, information on the system.
A trial involving prolonged pumping from bores on a mining lease with re-injection of discharge into an adjacent
dolomitic aquifer underlying the surrounding National Park has been completed. This approach i) facilitated
large-scale ‘reverse’ hydraulic testing in the National Park without the risk of drawdown impacts; ii) conserved the
fresh groundwater resource and prevented unseasonal discharge of water to ephemeral drainage; and iii) allowed
the technical feasibility of aquifer re-injection as a water management option to be assessed.
The combined pumping and re-injection approach has proved to be an effective method of obtaining good hydro-
geological data on a major groundwater system with minimal environmental impact. It is considered that the
technique could have wider application.
Re-injection, test-pumping, ecological impacts, water management.
Iron Ore has been mined above the water table (AWT) at Pilbara Iron’s Marandoo Mine since 1994. The mine lies in
the Pilbara region of Western Australia, on a mine lease excised from the Karijini National Park (KNP). The mine
lease encompasses a significant below water table (BWT) ore reserve. The constraints and implications of dewater-
ing the BWT ore reserve are major factors in determining whether the BWT ore body will be mined. To this end, the
scale of dewatering and potential environmental impacts have been the subject of hydrogeological investigation by
the authors since 2001.
There are a number of uncertainties relating to the conceptual hydrogeological understanding of the Marandoo
groundwater system. The most important of these relate to the degree of connectivity between the major aquifers of the
area. This uncertainty has implications for: a) the estimation of pumping volumes and rates required to dewater the
ore body in advance of mining; and b) the prediction of potential impacts of prolonged dewatering on the surround-
ing environment.
Environmental concerns are focused on the potential for lowering water levels in a regional shallow Calcrete
groundwater system. The major concern is the potential for detrimental impacts on an ecologically significant stand
of Coolibah trees which occurs 2 km north of the boundary of the mining lease (refer to Figure 1).
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An extensive program of ‘conventional’ hydraulic testing was conducted at Marandoo between 2002 and 2003.
Given the significant scale of the aquifers under investigation it was recognised that short term pumping tests
would not provide sufficient certainty for a definitive assessment of dewatering volumes and impacts. To improve
the certainty it was identified to be necessary to ‘stress’ the groundwater system over an extended period and use
the resulting monitoring data to calibrate a predictive numerical model of the Marandoo groundwater system.
Conventional long-term test-pumping with discharge to the surface environment could not be undertaken due to
strict regulatory restrictions on unseasonal discharge to the National Park and the potential for prolonged discharge
to impact on the findings of the trial through recharge to the critical shallow groundwater system.
The Marandoo pumping and re-injection trial was designed to overcome the constraints of traditional testing
methodologies by providing a low-impact method of temporarily stressing a sensitive groundwater system. Two
high-yielding bores in the Marra Mamba aquifer on the mine lease were linked and pumped simultaneously. The
combined discharge from these production bores was piped approximately 2km north where it was reinjected into
the Wittenoom Dolomite aquifer beneath the Coolibah stand. Water levels were observed in an extensive multi-
aquifer monitoring network. Figure 1 presents the layout of the Marandoo pumping and re-injection trial infra-
i) facilitated large-scale ‘reverse’ hydraulic testing in the National Park without the risk of drawdown impact on the
unconfined groundwater system;
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ii) conserved the fresh groundwater resource and prevented unseasonal discharge of water to ephemeral drainage;
iii) allowed the technical feasibility of aquifer re-injection as a water management option to be assessed.
Conceptual hydrogeology
The Marandoo operation sits on the southern margin of a major, flat lying, internally draining basin known as the
Mt Bruce Flats, which forms the upper reaches of the Southern Fortescue River catchment. The Marra Mamba iron
ore outcrops as a curvi-linear feature known as the Marandoo Ridge which bounds the basin to the south. The
region is semi-arid with rainfall dominated by seasonal cyclonic events. There are no significant permanent water
bodies or well-developed creek systems in the basin.
The stratigraphic sequence at Marandoo is summarised in the schematic section presented in Figure 2.
The primary groundwater systems comprise a shallow system, hosted by a calcrete horizon within a Cainozoic
valley fill sequence, and a deeper Proterozoic bedrock groundwater system hosted by mineralised Marra Mamba and
karstic Wittenoom Dolomite Formations. The shallow and deep groundwater systems are separated by a thick
sequence of valley fill clays. The deep bedrock aquifer is bisected by a layer of weathered West Angelas Shale which
is believed to act, at least locally, as an aquitard between the dolomite and Marra Mamba aquifers.
The major uncertainties related to the hydrogeological understanding of the Marandoo area have been the degree of
connection between the shallow calcrete and deep bedrock aquifers (a function of the clay layer properties), and the
degree of connection within the deeper groundwater system between the mineralised Marra Mamba aquifer and
karstic Wittenoom Dolomite aquifers (a function of the shale layer properties).
A series of production and monitoring bores, including the bores used in the pumping/re-injection trial, were con-
structed on the lease and in the adjacent National Park during 2002/ 2003 (refer Figure 1). Bore construction
methods were adapted to combat the challenging swelling and fretting behaviour of the valley fill clay beds.
Originally it was intended to construct the re-injection bores using sections of round-wire screens to maximise
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efficiency, however on drilling the dolomite was found to hold open and
develop well so the deeper sections of the injection bores were left open-
hole. Figure 3 presents a schematic log of re-injection bore TIB1a, show-
ing the geology, bore construction and re-injection infrastructure.
Inverted cones were constructed from worked polypipe and retrofitted in re-injection bores TIB1 and TIB1a to
combat the problem of negative pressure at the surface. The cones were suspended on cables from tripods above
each bore, and seated at the bottom of the injection tubes. The cone impedes the flow such that water in the in-
jection tube backs up to surface under design flow rates, producing positive pressure at the surface. Calibration of
the cones to the size of the injection tubes proved to be difficult, and ultimately standby injection bore TIB1a was
found to perform much better than the intended injection bore TIB1.
The pumping and re-injection trial was run continuously for 44 days during October/November 2004. Pumping
rates from both bores were raised slightly during the trial. For the final two weeks of the trial TPB5 was pumped at
2.0 ML / d, PW20 delivered 1.7 ML / d, and the combined re-injection rate was 3.7 ML/d.
Equipment performance
Possible clogging by air entrainment was recognised as the major risk to the performance of the trial equipment.
This was reinforced during initial testing of the equipment when water levels rose dramatically while flow was
allowed to cascade into the bore.
Plugging by pumped sediments, chemical precipitation and biological growth were also potentially important.
The pipeline was pumped to scour for several hours after construction to flush sediments out before downhole re-
injection began. Chemical typing of the source and host waters showed the waters were chemically almost identical,
resulting in a low likelihood of precipitation or dissolution. The risk of significant biological growth over the time-
frame of the trial was considered to be low.
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Figure 4 shows the water level responses in the re-injection bore, two nearby dolomite monitor bores and one
shallow calcrete monitor bore during the trial. When the levels are compared to the type curves developed by Pyne
(1995) for air entrainment and suspended solids, there is no evidence of either clogging mechanism. However the
rate of drawup rate in the injection bore was found to increase after two days of operation, with no corresponding
increase in water level in the observation bores to suggest an aquifer boundary influence. This reaction may indicate
the possibility of a low degree of clogging by air, bacterial growth or chemical precipitation during the trial.
Rate increase
Rate increase
Water Level (mAHD)
Reinjection Bore TIB1a
TIB1 (7m)
OW30d (14m)
Static water level OW30s (shallow)
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Injection bore TIB1 bore has essentially the same construction as TIB1a, and the two were designed to operate in
tandem if required. TIB1 was test-pumped at a rate of 3.0 ML/d in May 2003. The drawdown after 1 hour was
7.2 m. By comparison, the ‘drawup’ in TIB1a after 1 hour of re-injection at a rate of 3.7 ML /d was 5.9 m. This
comparison suggests that in this case the re-injection operation may be slightly more hydraulically efficient than
pumping. The open-hole construction of the re-injection bores undoubtedly influenced the efficiency of the injec-
tion process.
The effectiveness of the injection tube and downhole cone arrangement to manage air entrainment was demons-
trated by the trial. This low-cost arrangement is to be refined during an upcoming multi bore re injection project
also at Marandoo where the re-injection tubes will be sized to the maximum design flow rate, and cones will be
used to manage lower flow rates.
The trial required a full-time (10 hours per day) presence on-site throughout the duration of the 44 days of oper-
ation. A technician was retained to refuel and maintain generators, maintain pumping rates, monitor water levels
and inspect the pipeline pressures and general condition. The only notable infrastructure problems were three
generator / electrical failures, which caused a combined individual pump downtime of 23 hours. In general the infra-
structure operated successfully and enabled collection of a good dataset.
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lease. This demonstrates clear qualitative evidence of significant connection between the Wittenoom Dolomite and
Marra Mamba aquifers. Contour spacing is much higher in the dolomite than in the Marra Mamba, demonstrating
the higher regional transmissivity and storage in the karstic aquifer. These findings confirmed the conceptual
understanding of bedrock aquifer characteristics which could not be definitively evaluated through conventional
short term pumping tests.
In terms of quantifying the dewatering requirements of Marandoo, the most important outcome of the trial is the
dataset it provides for calibration of the groundwater model and for determining the influence of the West Angelas
Shale aquitard. The shale layer is the major control on the contribution of the dolomite aquifer to Marandoo
dewatering. Earlier calibration of the model was relatively insensitive to this layer.
Water levels, pumping rates and reinjection rates during the 44 day Trial formed a dataset which was used to cali-
brate the shale layer properties. The calibration returned a horizontal hydraulic conductivity of approximately
0.75 m/day and a storage value of 0.0001 for the shale. These results represent a significant tightening of the shale
properties by comparison to earlier work. The calibration process with the Trial dataset was relatively sensitive to
the shale properties, and also highlighted the need for further geological exploration work to improve delineation of
the shale in some areas. The confidence in Marra Mamba dewatering estimates has been significantly improved by
provision of the Trial dataset to the modelling.
Vertical connection across the clay layer was investigated by review of the shallow bore hydrographs, particularly at
the pumping and re-injection sites. The influence of the trial was not seen in any of the shallow aquifer hydro-
graphs across the project area.
The vertical gradient at pumping bore TPB5 was increased markedly by the abstraction (from 0.053 m/m to
0.15 m/m). There was no break in the stable water level trend in shallow monitor bore OW24s, which is 5 m from
the pumping bore. Re-injection at TIB1a reduced the prevailing local vertical hydraulic gradient from strongly
downward to weakly downward (from 0.10 m/m to 0.019 m/m). The shallow monitor bore OW30s lies 5 m from
the re-injection bore and displayed a long-term downward trend which was uninterrupted by the trial.
It can now be concluded with confidence that the degree of widespread connection between the deep and shallow
aquifers is extremely low.
This technique must be applied carefully to ensure that re-injection results can be extrapolated to pumping per-
formance. It could not, for instance, be applied accurately to an unconfined aquifer, where the saturated thickness
will increase under re-injection as opposed to a decrease under pumping. This situation could also introduce inac-
curacies arising from vertical inhomogeneity.
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The completion of a prolonged large-scale pumping/re-injection trial at Marandoo has provided definitive infor-
mation on the characteristics of a complex multi aquifer groundwater system. The trial has provided valuable
information relating to aquifer interconnection in an environment where traditional short-term tests were incon-
clusive and long term test pumping has been severely limited by discharge constraints.
The data from the trial has been used to improve the calibration of a numerical model and subsequently predict
dewatering estimates and potential impacts. As a result of the Marandoo trial, aquifer re-injection is now being con-
sidered as a tool for investigation and long term excess water management at a number of sites across the Pilbara
region of WA.
The authors would like to acknowledge the permission of Pilbara Iron to present this data.
Pyne D.G (1995). Groundwater Recharge and Wells – A guide to Aquifer Storage and Recovery, CRC Press, USA.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Sustainability of managing
recharge systems
MAR strategies
The Chad Basin transboundary aquifers are located within the geographical basin of the Lake Chad, which is
between latitudes 6 and 24 degrees north and longitudes 10 and 23 east. This is a closed lake basin containing a
freshwater lake. Greater than two-thirds of this basin is located in an arid zone, the Sahelian climatic belt of
West/Central Africa.
Of all the principal aquifers of the Chad Basin, the only ones exploited are the Quaternary, the Early Pliocene
and occasionally the Continental Terminal because of the latter’s depth and water quality. This paper does not
delve into the controversies concerning the hydrogeology of the basin but uses the Barber and Jones (1960)
designations – Upper, Middle, and Lower Zones of the Chad Formation as equivalents for the Phreactic, Middle and
Lower zones of Hanidu et al. (1989) respectively.
The paper discusses factors that affect how the recharge systems in this basin can be managed sustainably
by reviewing the works of several authors with respect to surface water-groundwater interactions along the two
main drainage basins that contribute flows into the Lake Chad – the Komadugu-Yobe and the Chari-Logone as
well as around and under the lake. The identified factors that affect sustainable management of the recharge into
the Chad Basin aquifers are institutional, management approach and practices as well as climate, i.e. climatic
seasons and climate change.
Chad Basin; transboundary aquifers; recharge.
The Chad Basin is located in the eastern part of the Sahel region of Africa at the southern edge of the Sahara desert.
The hydrological basin of the Lake Chad lies between latitudes 6 and 24 degrees north and the longitudes 10 and
23 degrees east. Lake Chad is located in a closed basin covering approximately 2.5 million km2 (Figure 1). In con-
trast to the closed basin lakes of, for example, the southwest U.S.A. the Lake Chad water is fresh (84 – 801 mg / l
TDS) Isiorho et al., 1996. The lake is shallow generally less than 7 meter deep.
The Lake Chad Basin is characterized by extensive floodplains. It is believed that the basin has one of the largest
wetlands in the Sahelian region of Africa with over 10 million hectares in Chad alone. In terms of their ecological
importance three floodplains in the Chad Basin are worthy of mention – Chari, Logone and the Yobe rivers.
On a regional basis the Lake Chad Basin Commission manages the water resources of the Lake Chad Basin (LCBC).
In 1964, the four countries (Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad) bordering the lake created the LCBC to handle
the water resources management in an area referred to as the ‘conventional basin’ which covered approximately
427,300 Km2. In 1994 membership of the Commission increased to five when the Central African Republic (CAR)
joined the commission and the conventional basin area increased to 984,455 Km2. When Sudan membership is
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772 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
fully actualised LCBC member states will number six and the area of the conventional basin will increase to
1,053,455 Km2.
The main hydrologic units identified in the Chad Basin are Lacustrine actual Quaternary, Dunary Quaternary,
Quaternary, Middle-Upper Pliocene, Early Pliocene, Continental Terminal, Continental Hamadian, Marine
Cretaceous, Continental Intercalaire, III and IV Volcanism and Crystalline basement. Of these the only ones
actually exploited are the Quaternary, the Early Pliocene and occasionally the Continental Terminal because of its
depth and water quality. All of the aquifers below the Quaternary are confined and artesian in the center of the
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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The Confined Aquifer of the Early Pliocene (Middle Aquifer of the Chad Formations).
The upper aquifer is separated from the underlying middle aquifer by the lower Pliocene aquifer found at depths
of between 150 and 400 m, and is approximately 200 m of clay-rich sediment (Kindler et al. 1990). In some parts
of the Basin, this aquifer is artesian. The sands of the Middle aquifer may be superposed directly on the Miocene
(CT), particularly in the Kanem region, to form a single aquifer with a thickness that may exceed 275 m.
The middle Aquifer is a Continental Terminal aquifer that essentially comprises an alternation of sandstone
and clay encountered between 450 and 620 m from the surface, and extends from Niger and Nigeria into
Cameroon and Chad (Kindler et al. 1990). Just like the Quaternary aquifer the piezometry of this aquifer has a
gradient that is towards the plains of the low land in the northeast where it becomes sub-outcropping and con-
tinuous with the Quaternary aquifer. In the central part of the basin, under the lake, it is artesian with pressures
exceeding up to 20 m.
The Confined Aquifer of the Continental Terminal (CT) (Lower Aquifer of the Chad Formations; Oligocene-Miocene)
This system is for the most part sandy and around 100m thick but it can be thicker than 600m in the rifts like
the one in Doba.
The two other aquifers are Confined Aquifer of the Continental Hamadian (Middle Cretaceous-Maastrichian)and
the Confined Aquifer of the Continental Intercalaire (Dinanian-Early Cretaceous).
Goes and Offie (1999) listed three possible mechanisms of groundwater recharge in the Hadejia-Jama’are-Yobe
River Basin as (1) direct infiltration of rainwater into the ground; (2) Seepage through stream / lake beds (influent
streams / lake) and (3) Infiltration through inundated floodplains or wetlands.
Apparently recharge of infiltrating rainwater in this basin, which is virtually the Nigerian part of the Chad Basin,
affects only the upper part of the phreatic aquifer. According to Madubuchi et al. (2003) stable isotope com-
positions of the three aquifers (the Quaternary (Upper aqufer), the Middle and lower aquifers) appear to be of
common origin, except the upper part of the Quaternary tapped by shallow wells which is clearly of recent origin.
Furthermore, Maduabuchi et al. concluded that stable isotope suggests that the waters of the three aquifers are
paleo-waters and that the high tritium values are recorded in the shallow boreholes in the recharge areas in parts of
Jigawa and Bauchi states, about 400 km SW of Maiduguri.
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774 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
further noted that the annual discharge in 1984 of the Yobe River at Gashua was the lowest ever (1963 – 1998)
and that therefore flooding and floodplain recharge was probably negligible during 1984. The recharge influ-
encing the gradient that year is therefore assumed to be due to riverbed recharge only. Recharge of the of the
phreatic aquifer through seepge from the lakebed was also confirmed by Isiorho et al. (1996).
Extent of the wetlands/recharge areas
Recharge areas along stream courses – shortened stream courses, for example the Yobe River which used to dis-
charge into the Lake Chad and which forms the international boundary between Nigeria and Niger does not reach
the lake any more. This means reduction in the area at which recharge could occur, lakeshores and lakebeds. If one
takes into consideration the reduction in the extent of Lake Chad (based on NASA satellite imagery the Lake Chad
has been reduced by 90% in surface area between the 1960s and 1990s) then the reduction in the magnitude of
recharge could be imagined.
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Excessive evapotranspiration
Excessive evaporation from large open water surfaces created as a result of construction of large dams (19 of them
around Kano) in the upper reaches of the Komadugu-Yobe drainage system reduces the volume of potentially avail-
able water for recharge along stream courses, in seasonally inundated plains.
Institutional factors
The institutional arrangement in the basin is such that there are no clear linkages between the various institutions.
The LCBC agreement’s statutes are not mandatory with respect to proper management of groundwater resources.
This has resulted in upstream water agencies in the Basin, for example, in Nigeria not consulting with downstream
agencies in matters of mutual interest. Furthermore, there is more than one River Basin Development Authority
within the same catchment of the Komadugu-Yobe drainage system as well as five state water boards in Nigeria.
Each of these stakeholders acts independently and this has resulted in conflict. The development plans of these
institutions are not harmonized. Even if Nigeria alone is considered, the development plans of the two RBDAs
(HJRBDA and CBDBA) are not harmonized let alone those of the five State Ministries of Water Resources and their
parastatals the state water boards which hardly have development plans because their programmes are dictated by
political exigencies. Sustainable management of the recharge in the basin depends on harmonizing the development
plans of all actors within the Basin.
Management approach
Groundwater resources management in the Basin is uncoordinated. Dams are constructed without their impacts on
stream flows and duration and extent of inundation considered. Gaps exist in data collection and monitoring
of the resource is not comprehensive and at times depends on network of open water wells which are not good
enough compared to infiltrometers to distinguish between water level changes due to precipitation and other
causes such as water abstraction trends (Thompson). Sustainable management of groundwater resources, recharge
system included, relies on maintaining reliable groundwater database and efficient monitoring. It is not possible to
manage a resource about which very little information is available apart from approximations.
Land-use practice plays a role in the sustainability of recharge. There is uncontrolled grazing and poor management
of the watershed which leads to desertification and increase in overland flow as well as evapotranspiration.
Furthermore, the way surface water resources is managed affects recharge sustainability. Upstream construction of
dams without due consultation with the downstream users and without consideration for the downstream uses has
adversely affected volume of recharge – e.g. the 19 dams constructed in the upper reaches of the Komadugu-Yobe
drainage basin.
Climate plays a significant role in whether the recharge in the Chad Basin can be managed sustainably. The per-
sistent drought of the past two decades have resulted in reduction of the Lake Chad area to 10 % of its original size,
that is 2,500 square kilometres as well as in the extent of flooding and duration of flooding. It also affects the
volume of water available for infiltration. Desertification caused by persistent drought results in little or no vegetal
cover and high surface runoff as well as reduced recharge. The climatic modification of rainfall conditions observed
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776 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
since the early 1970s, and the resulting shift in the isohyets 180 km further south, combined with human activities
have helped to deplete the plant cover. It has also affected how much water is available for recharge in areas
affected by the isohyetal shift.
This paper discussed the recharge characteristics of the aquifers in the Chad Basin with special reference to the
Nigerian part of the Basin, the factors affecting recharge and those that influence the sustainable management of
the recharge system. The lack of coordination of water resources management activities within the Basin, which in
turn is linked to poor institutional arrangement, is one of the major factors that could jeopardize sustainable mana-
gement of the recharge system in the Chad Basin because of the impact the surface water management of the
upstream users have on the extent of flooding and the wetlands area. However, a key factor that could militate
against managing the recharge in this Basin sustainably is the poor state of groundwater resources database as well
as the practice of having to rely on approximations.
Alkali, A.G. (1995). River-aquifer interaction in the Middle Yobe Basin, North East Nigeria. Ph.D. thesis, Silsoe College,
Cranfield University, UK.
Barber, W. and Jones D.G. (1960). The Geology and Hydrology of Maiduguri, Bornu Province. Records of the
Geological Survey of Nigeria.
Goes, B.J.M. and Offie M.O. (1999). Surface Water Resources in the Hadejia-Jama’are-Yobe River Basin, In Water
Management Options for the Hadejia-Jama’are-Yobe River Basin, Northern Nigeria, Unpuplished IUCN Report,
pp. 15 – 40.
Hanidu, J.A., Oteze G.E., and Maduabuchi C.M. (1989). Geohydrology of Drought-Prone Areas in Africa, The Chad
Basin in Nigeria: A Preliminary Report. Unpublished Report Submitted to Commonwealth Science Council,
London, 24 pp.
Isiorho, S. A., Matisoff G., and Wehn K. (1996). A Seepage relationship between Lake Chad and the Chad Aquifers
Ground Water 34 ( 4), 819 – 826.
Kindler J., Warshall P., Arnould E.J, Hutchinson C.F, Varady R., 1990. The Lake Chad Conventional Basin – A
Diagnostic Study of the Environmental Degradation. UNEP and UNSO.
LCBC Lake Chad Basin Commission. (2002). Integrated Environmental Assessment and Social Assessment (EA / SA)
of the GEF Project entitled ‘Reversal of Land and Water Degradation Trends in the Lake Chad Basin’. E563. Vol. 3 .
Maduabuchi, C., Maloszewski P., Stichler W. and Eduvie M. (2003). Preliminary Interpretation of Environmental
Isotopes Data in the Chad Basin Aquifers, NE Nigeria. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology and
Integrated Water Resources Management, 19-23, May 2003, pp. 136 – 137.
Thompson, J.R. (1995). Hydrology, water management and wetlands of the Hadejia-Jama’are Basin, Nigeria. University
of London Ph.D. thesis (Chapter 9 – Conclusions, Recommendations and Next Steps).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Application of GIS to aquifer retention time,
well recharge capacity, and
river depletion calculations to determine
optimum locations for artificial recharge
Malcolm Anderson, Michael Jones, Keith Baxter and Derek Gamble
In aquifers where flows to and from surface water are significant, river depletion during groundwater abstraction
and loss of aquifer storage to rivers during artificial recharge are important environmental and engineering con-
siderations. These issues can affect the financial feasibility of artificial recharge operations. In complex aquifer
systems, optimum artificial recharge locations are not always located at the greatest distance from surface
waters. For instance in south London other factors that significantly affect the optimum recharge and abstraction
locations include the dominant fracture orientation and style, local variance in aquifer transmissivity and
storage, and the vertical hydraulic conductivity of leaky layers separating the target aquifer and surface water
features. The complex interplay of these factors can be counter-intuitive and prevent identification of optimum
recharge and abstraction locations by simple inspection methods. This can be addressed using GIS to carry out
spatial analysis of key parameters, for example distance to a river or spring spill point, transmissivity, storage and
vertical hydraulic conductivity of intervening layers, and then calculating spatial variations in diagnostic
parameters of aquifer retention time, river flow depletion, borehole injection capacity and abstraction capacity.
The most favourable artificial recharge locations can then be identified where the diagnostic parameters are
Abstraction and injection capacity; aquifer retention time; artificial recharge; river flow depletion; chalk;
London Basin.
Following the success of the North London Artificial Recharge Scheme (NLARS), Thames Water is investigating
the potential for a South London Artificial Recharge Scheme (SLARS) in the southern area of the London Basin
(Figure 1). In contrast to the NLARS area, the southern basin is a significantly more challenging environment
with complex hydrogeology, localised hydraulic connections from the Chalk aquifer to surface water courses, and
substantial variation in storage capacity, transmissivity, recharge and abstraction capacity (Jones et al., in press).
Furthermore, selection of artificial recharge test sites was limited to locations where sufficient surplus water main
capacity was available, whilst the built environment of London restricted test sites to existing water works or park-
land. Thus the test locations had to be selected on the basis of expediency rather than locations of optimum artifi-
cial recharge potential. From the outset it was understood that site selection would be significantly more successful
if the artificial recharge potential of each test location could be assessed in the context of the substantial and
localised variance in artificial recharge potential across the south London basin as a whole. The geographical infor-
mation system (GIS) calculation method presented in this paper was developed as a solution to resolve this issue.
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The mathematical function of a GIS is a very powerful and generally underused tool and can be used to calculate
spatial distributions of more useful parameters that cannot be directly measured. As each vector (numerical value)
map essentially defines the distribution of one term of an equation, spatial distributions of useful parameters can be
calculated using an appropriate equation and separate maps defining the spatial distribution of each term in the
equation. Here we show how this approach can produce useful spatial distributions of the three hydraulic and
hydrological factors critical to identifying both feasible and optimum artificial recharge locations.
Deptford Window
180000 Retention Time
River Thames
Ladywell Fields 1000
Streatham 500
170000 200
Window 50
520000 530000 540000
Hydraulic constraints on artificial recharge potential are essentially limited to just three fundamental factors;
1) borehole recharge capacity; 2) borehole abstraction capacity; and 3) recharge retention time. Optimum artificial
recharge conditions occur at locations where all three factors are maximised. Borehole recharge and abstraction
capacity are important factors because the greater the capacity of each borehole, the greater the economies of scale
that can be achieved. Target design recharge and abstraction rates of 5 to 10 Ml / day were selected on the basis of
Thames Water’s previous and current abstraction operations in the SLARS area.
Retention time is a new concept developed by MWH to define the significance to artificial recharge operations of
aquifer-surface water connections, where stream flow depletion can occur during aquifer abstraction and loss
of injected water can occur during artificial recharge. However, losses and gains from the aquifer to the connected
surface watercourse do not occur instantaneously once recharge or abstraction begins. If there is a significant time
delay before unacceptable losses occur then artificial recharge is feasible. Where the purpose of artificial recharge is
to allow increased abstraction to support seasonal peak demand, retention times of six months or more are required.
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Where artificial recharge is required to support drought water demand, then longer retention times are required. In
the Thames Valley during the last 100 years the longest drought period was 16 months and therefore this was con-
sidered as the appropriate drought retention time requirement.
Retention time
Conservative retention time values can be calculated very simply by rearranging the partial derivative of the
straight-line distance-drawdown approximation equation (Cooper and Jacob, 1946) in terms of time to give
Equation 1:
t = ro2 S / 2.25T Eqn. (1)
where t, ro, S and T are respectively retention time, radial distance between the surface water course and the
abstraction or injection borehole, aquifer storage coefficient and aquifer transmissivity. Equation 1 defines the time
at which drawdown in the aquifer beneath the surface watercourse first occurs and is suitable where no stream flow
depletion or injected water losses are acceptable.
Typically Equation 1 is appropriate where the hydraulic conductivity of the stream bed, or other potential aquitards
between the aquifer and the stream bed are relatively high. However, where limited stream flow depletion or loss of
injected water is acceptable, and the hydraulic conductivity of the stream bed or other aquitards is sufficiently low,
a different calculation method is appropriate. Although the equation for stream flow depletion through an aquitard
layer (Hunt, 1999) has recently been developed, rearrangement of the equation in terms of time requires further
mathematical development and was outside the scope of the current study. Furthermore hydraulic connection
between the Chalk aquifer and the rivers of the SLARS area occurs in localised ‘windows’ where the effectively
impermeable London Clay and or Lambeth Clay have been removed by erosion; a geometry for which the Hunt
equation is inadequate. Instead, stream flow depletion can be accounted for in the retention time calculation.
Firstly, the straight-line time-drawdown approximation equation, (Cooper and Jacob, 1946) must be rearranged in
terms of time:
t = [ r2 S / T ] e [ 4 π T s / Q ] Eqn. (2)
where the terms are the same as in Equation 1, e is the exponent, s is the drawdown and Q is the pumping rate.
Then Darcy’s Equation (Darcy, 1856) may be rewritten in terms of s to describe the vertical groundwater flow from
a river to the aquifer (or vice-versa) within a ‘window’:
where q is the maximum acceptable flow loss from the stream, K’ and b’ are respectively the vertical hydraulic
conductivity and thickness of the stream bed or other stream depletion limiting aquitard layer. L and W are respec-
tively the length and width of the stream bed through which stream depletion is occurring. Finally, substitution of
Equation 3 into Equation 2 gives Equation 4:
t = [ r2 S / T ] * e [ 4 π T q b’ / (Q K’ W L) ] Eqn. (4)
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780 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
other factors such as landfills and engineering structures (multi-storey building basements and underground
railway tunnels) may locally limit the groundwater level draw-up cone at locations adjacent to the pumping bore-
hole (Jones et al., in press). Borehole recharge capacity was calculated from Equation 5.
Where RC is the recharge capacity, S c is the specific capacity of the borehole, RGWL is the rest groundwater level
and GWLMax is the maximum allowable head (i.e. the ground surface level). Borehole abstraction capacity is also a
difficult parameter to calculate because the minimum allowable head is limited by a number of factors that change
across the study area. These include existing borehole pump depths (derogation issues); minimum groundwater
levels acceptable to regulators that are yet to be defined; and local water quality issues associated with dewatering
the Basal Sands (a leaky layer that includes the Thanet Sands at its base). However as significant borehole hydraulic
tests are available from the SLARS area, abstraction capacity was determined from test results and values contoured
in the GIS accordingly. Alternatively where borehole abstraction capacity data are not available, abstraction capacity
may be calculated using Equation 6.
Where AC is abstraction capacity and RGWL and GWLMin are the rest groundwater level and minimum allowable
groundwater level respectively. However in order to use Equations 5 and 6, values for specific capacity are required.
In this study reciprocal specific capacity values were determined from Equation 7 below (Bierschenk, 1963).
1 / Sc = sw / Q = B + CQ Eqn. (7)
Where sw is the drawdown in a pumped borehole, B is the time variable linear well loss coefficient and C is the
non-linear well loss coefficient that is independent of time. Theis (1967) rearranged the Cooper and Jacob (1946)
equation to show reciprocal specific capacity as a function of the transmissivity and time, but it is clear from
Bierschenk’s analysis that the Theis equation describes only the linear loss component of the specific capacity iden-
tified in Equation 7. This gives the equation for the linear loss coefficient B, (Equation 8). It should also be noted
that this equation assumes full penetration and an effective radius that is equal to the actual borehole radius. In the
dual porosity Chalk of the SLARS area, this normally occurs after elapsed pumping (or recharge) times of 100 to
1,000 minutes.
Transmissivity (m2/d)
Mace (1997) showed that specific capacity is a function
10 100 1000 10000
of the non-linear loss coefficient, C, and transmissivity, 1E-5
T. However C is also a function of T. The mathematical
function is most easily determined from best-fit empiri-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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Equation 9 includes data from both boreholes and wide diameter wells and is valid providing the boreholes are con-
fined and the borehole (or well) diameter is greater than 600 mm. Combined together equations 7, 8 and 9 give an
effective calculation method for specific capacity.
Using the mathematical equations described here it proved feasible to produce retention time and recharge capacity
maps for the SLARS study area. The recharge capacity method was well established prior to the SLARS study and
required little iterative technical development, whilst the required data (transmissivity, groundwater rest levels and
ground levels) were all available prior to the start of the SLARS investigations. Maps of recharge capacity produced
in the initial period of the study were subsequently proven during the recharge testing investigations to provide
reasonable estimates of recharge capacity in the SLARS area.
As an entirely new concept, a number of iterations were required to develop the retention time technique during the
study. Initial retention time maps relied on Equation 1 only. As expected, when these results were compared with
the (Hunt, 1999) stream depletion calculation (adjusted for local ‘window’ geometry), the results were found to be
too conservative. However as the method does not require values for the vertical hydraulic conductivity of inter-
vening leaky layers, and this data was not available at the time, the method proved very useful. Although
the method produces conservative values of retention time and therefore can not be used to reliably distinguish
locations suitable for either drought or seasonal peak demand schemes, it did identify the spatial variance in relative
suitability for artificial recharge. It was also possible to confirm that the two SLARS test locations; Streatham and
Ladywell Fields, (Figure 1); that were selected on the basis of other considerations; were also good locations to
undertake artificial recharge investigations. At the Streatham site a recharge capacity of 14 Ml/d and a conservative
retention time of 50 days together were close to the optimum conditions in the west SLARS area of the River
Wandle catchment. In contrast the Ladywell Fields site was close to the River Ravensbourne, and was likely to be a
good location to investigate the significance and behaviour of leakage to and from the river.
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The second iteration of the retention time method used Equation 2 and a fixed drawdown of 4 m for the value (s).
This approach was found to be consistent with the (Hunt, 1999) stream depletion calculation (adjusted for local
‘window’ geometry), using the only reliable Kv value then available from the study area, obtained from pumping test
and river flow measurements in the Ravensbourne catchment. These results suggest the Kv value of the Thanet
Sands is locally 0.001 m/d and the Thanet Sands and not the River Alluvium locally limit vertical leakage in the
Ravensbourne window, (Figure 1). However subsequently the leaky hydraulic response of the Ladywell Fields
pumping test indicated a new reliable Kv value of 0.03 m/d for the Alluvium in the Deptford window, (Figure 1),
where the River Alluvium rests directly on the Chalk. As a result it became evident that a single drawdown value
was inappropriate and an adjustment for spatial variation in Kv was necessary. Figure 1 shows the improved calcu-
lated spatial variation in retention time in the SLARS study area using Equation 4. This final result was validated
against operational recharge data from NLARS, the SLARS recharge pumping test investigations and the (Hunt
1999) river depletion equations, and found to be sufficiently accurate to be an effective method.
The mathematical function of a GIS is a very powerful and generally underused quantitative tool. It can be used to
calculate spatial distributions of retention time and recharge capacity that can not be directly measured. Spatial
distributions of recharge capacity and retention time can be used to determine the feasibility of both drought and
seasonal peak lopping solutions at each location in a study area. In a study area where artificial recharge potential
varies substantially, this is probably the only method of determining the context of results from limited recharge test
Anderson M.D. et al. (2006). Obtaining reliable aquifer and well performance hydraulic parameter values in a
double porosity aquifer. (This volume).
Bierschenk W. H. (1963). Determining well efficiency by multiple step-drawdown tests. Intern. Assoc. Sci. Hydrol.
Publ. 64, 493 – 507.
Cooper H.H and Jacob C.E. (1946). A generalised method for evaluating formation constants and summarising well
field history. Am. Geophys. Union Trans. 27, 526 – 534.
Darcy H. (1856). Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon. V. Dalmont, Paris, 647 pp.
Hunt B. (1999). Unsteady Stream Depletion from Ground Water Pumping. Ground Water, 37, No.1, 98 – 102.
Jones M.A. et al. (2006). The Streatham Groundwater Source: An Analogue of the Development of Recharge
Enhanced Groundwater Resources Management in the London Basin. (This volume).
Mace R.E. (1997). Determination of transmissivity from specific capacity tests in a karst aquifer. Ground Water, 35,
No. 5, 738 – 742.
Theis C.V. (1963). Estimating the transmissivity of a water table aquifer from the specific capacity of a well. U.S.G.S.
Water Supply Paper 1536-1, 332 – 336.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V A strategy for optimizing groundwater
recharging by flood water
in the northwestern coastal zone
of the Gulf of Suez area, Egypt
H.H. Elewa
In the northwestern coastal zone of the Gulf of Suez region, Egypt, the groundwater is being excessively pumped
thorough a number of domestic and commercial wells. For this sake, recent groundwater recharging by direct rain-
fall and surface runoff water needs to be maximized and optimized.
The hydrographic basins of the study area are distinguished into five hydrographic basins. These basins are
W. Ghweibba, W. Badaa, W. Hagul, W. Hammtih and W. South Hagul. The construction of retardation dams in some
selected locations will enhance the groundwater recharging, or at least minimize the flood damage with the con-
comitant increase in seepage/runoff ratio. The sites selection of these dams was determined according to several
criteria, e.g. soil characteristics, soil infiltration capacity, slope factors, morphometric characteristics and flood
mitigation measurements.
The water seepage rate in Wadi South Hagul is 0.08 x 10 6 m3/h, which gives good chance for a large part of flood
water to percolate through the surface soil to the under ground. The trunk channel of W. Hammtih basin is char-
acterized by high runoff rate, when it is compared with the seepage rate (0.17 x 10 6 m3/h). Wadi Hagul basin is
characterized by low seepage rate, where the high flooding episode of 3.25 x106m3 occurred in 1990 with runoff
rate of 2.25 x 10 6 m3/h and seepage rate of 0.71 x 10 6 m3/h. For Wadi Badaa basin, the seepage/runoff relation-
ship indicates that W. Badaa is moderate in the accumulation of floods water, where, the high flood rate of
5.05 x 10 6 m3/hour happened in 1990 with seepage rate of 2.93 x 10 6 m3/ hour. Finally, W. Ghweibba basin has
high runoff rate of 22.8 x 106 m3/hour in 1990 with seepage rate of 9.70 x 10 6 m3/h.
A flood-harvesting plan was prepared to maximize the groundwater recharging by surface runoff water depending
on the previously discussed techniques and measurements.
Groundwater recharging, flood water harvesting, flood hazards mitigations, drainage basins.
In the last few years, West Gulf of Suez area, one of the most important areas, took considerable attention by the
Egyptian Government to become one of the mega national projects regions. The water resources in this area
will play an increasing important role in providing a source of potable water for land using and construction of
new settlements. Optimizing the recharging processes of groundwater by surface runoff water is an urgent need for
this economical region. This policy affects the aquifer dependability as a continuous resource of water and
may eventually minimize the deterioration of its water quality due to the liability of the coastal zone to seawater
intrusion problems.
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784 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
The study area, Northwest Gulf of Suez, is a desert region located between Gebel Al Galala Al Baharyia and Gebel
Ataqa at Cairo-Suez district, Egypt (Figure 1). The area extends from 29° 20’ 00’ to 30° 00’ 00’’ N and from
31° 50 ’ 00 ’’ to 32° 30’ 00’ E and covers about 4,750 km2 and includes five main hydrographic basins (W. Ghweibba,
W. Badaa, W. Hagul, W. Hammtih and W. South Hagul) (Figure 2).
Soil infiltration capacity
The major abstraction from rainfall during a significant
runoff storm is the infiltration water through the soil
into the underground. The relation between the infil-
tration rate and hydraulic gradient is not a simple one
(Konknke, 1968 and Hillel, 1980 and Skaggs and
Kaleel, 1982). The watershed area of the study region
is large and for a good representation of infiltration
tests, twelve sites were selected for representing the
different soils and calculation the amount of water per-
colation from the surface runoff to the groundwater
aquifers in the study area (Figure 3). The infiltrations
were carried out using the double ring infiltration as
described by Black (1973). The values of cumulative
infiltration and infiltration rate as a function of time
is illustrated graphically (Figure 4). The calculation of
the vertical infiltration was carried out by using a for-
mula developed by Philip, 1957.
The infiltration capacity is increasing at the upstream of Figure 3. Soil texture map of the study area
the main wadis with a maximum value of 9.58 m/day and locations of infiltration field tests
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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Permeability (m/day)
northeastern part of the area between Gebel
Ataqa and Gebel El Galala El Baharyia (at 6
Surface runoff
The surface runoff is influenced by the catchment’s characteristics and climatic factors. These climatic factors
include precipitation and its properties, humidity, evaporation, wind speed and temperature. The main hydrologic
(physical) processes in any catchments are according to the basis of rainfall - runoff relationships (Soil Conservation
Service ‘SCS’, 1986).
Floods potential
Based on the findings revealed from the present analytical study, the desert floods in the study area are inherently of
low duration (few hours to some days) and are commonly characterized by sharp peak discharge. The time to peak
discharge is variable and may be in the range of 0.91 to 1.37 hour.
The high seasonal runoff accumulation occurred in 1990 with rainfall depth of 22.8 mm. The low seasonal runoff
accumulation occurred in 1993 with rainfall depth of 0.7 mm. W. Ghweibba have high annual volume and rate of
surface runoff, whereas the volume is decreasing to the middle of the study area at W. Badaa, W. Hagul and
W. S. Hagul. The volume and rate of floods increases at the north of the study area at W. Hammtih, where it is char-
acterized by high difference between upstream and downstream.
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786 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
The hydrographic basins in the study area are of high potentiality of flash flooding and short time interval between
the beginning of rise and peak discharge. The flash floods in the study area are expected in future seasonal rainfall.
For this sake, precautionary measures should be taken into account to prohibit or at least minimize the flood dam-
age with the concomitant increase in seepage/runoff ratio. The following is a brief description and discussion of the
flood damage mitigation measurements (Figure 5).
This basin occupies a rather circular shape with an area of about 56.1 km2. The basin drains low terraces with
low slope ratio. The high flash flood events in Wadi South Hagul occurred in 1988, 1990, 1991 and 1998 with
runoff rates of 0.47, 0.43, 0.40, and 0.35 millions m3 / h and a volume of water accumulation of about 0.36, 0.62,
0.39 and 0.35 millions m3. The water seepage rate is 0.08 x 106 m3 / h, which gives good chance for a large part
of flood water to percolate through the surface soil to the under ground. W. South Hagul have high surface area
of soil (about 100%) (Figure 3), the runoff water can be exploited by the construction of small boulder detention
dams (Grigg and Helmeg, 1975); to replenish the groundwater aquifers (Figures 5 and 6).
This basin is of the fifth order; it has an area of about 207 km2 and drains G. Attaqa high tableland. It is of hexag-
onal shape and has high difference of elevation between the upstream and downstream. The trunk of W. Hammtih
flows easterly to south southeasterly towards the Gulf of Suez. Massive Eocene Limestone with only small out-
crops of Miocene dominates the lithology of its floor, whereas the Quaternary deposits (variable soil) expose near
the mouth (Abu El Nasr, 1979). The seepage and surface runoff relationship shows the high water accumulation
in Wadi Hammtih of about 0.24, 0.57, 1.36, 1.46, 1.78 and 2.22 millions m3 in 1997, 1992, 1988, 1991, 1998,
and 1990, respectively. Wadi Hammtih is characterized by high runoff rate when it is compared with the seepage
rate (0.17 x 10 6 m3 / h). (Figure 5) shows the possibilities of the floods in all last seasons in the period from 1978
to 1998 (Figure 5). To protect those leading tributaries, detention dams should be constructed to increase the
seepage/runoff ratio (Figure 6).
Wadi Hagul is hexagonal to circular in shape. It is of fifth order and has an area of about 293 km2. Rugged moun-
tainous relief (up to 450 – 900 m) and sharp slope on the main stream characterize the basin.
The main trunk flows to Gulf of Suez at the southeast. Wadi Hagul also is characterized by low seepage rate
and the base floor is composed of Pliocene clays and limy mud. High flooding episode of 3.25 x 106 m3 occurred
in 1990 with runoff of rate 2.25 x 106 m3/h, where the seepage rate is 0.71 x 106 m3/h (Figure 5). This in turn
increases the flash floods potentiality with the low groundwater replenishment. Construction of artificial dykes,
dams and open lakes is an urgent demand for storing water (Figure 6). This water will recover the deficiency in
This basin has an area of about 658 km2 and high percentage of soil area of about 24.31% of its total area
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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(Figure 3). The basin drains the moderately elevated mountains with steep slopes and elevations up to 700 m.
The basin is asymmetric with fan shape and discharge to the southeastern direction towards the Gulf of Suez. The
lithology of W. Badaa is composed of Eocene limestone in large part of the catchments area, Miocene limestone,
Pliocene Clay and Quaternary deposits. The seepage/ runoff relationship indicates that W. Badaa is moderate in
the accumulation of floods water (Figure 5).
The high seasonal floods occurred in 1988, 1990, 1991, and 1998 had volume of water of about 4.3,7.3, 4.6 and
5.67 millions m3, respectively. The high flood rate of 5.05 x 10 6 m3/ hour happened in 1990 with seepage rate of
2.93 x 106 m3 /hour (Figure 5). Wadi Badaa comprises large part of the economic area and highways (Qattamyia-
Ain Sukhna Road). The floods frequently cross the road (1990 and 1998). Construction of detention dams will
be of twofold purposes; optimize the groundwater recharging by surface runoff water and provide protection from
flood hazards (Figure 6).
This is a large basin of the North West Gulf of Suez and has area of about 2,978 km2. It is circular to hexagonal
in shape and has large area of surface soil (Figure 3). The main trunk of W. Ghweibba flows easterly toward the
Gulf of Suez and its large tributaries are mostly oriented northeasterly and southeasterly.
The lithology is dominated by massive Eocene limestone with only small outcrops of Oligocene, Miocene,
Pliocene and Quaternary deposits. The high volumes floods event occurred in 1988, 1990, 1991 and 1998 with
water accumulations of 19.2, 33.00, 20.9 and 25.6 million m3 in respectively (Figure 5). The high runoff rate is
22.8 x 106 m3/hour in 1990 with seepage rate of 9.70 x 106 m3/h. Wadi Ghweibba includes large part of Economic
area of north west Gulf of Suez and this floods accumulation is very dangerous, especially during the high depth
rainfall storm. As previously mentioned, the construction of rocky retardation dams to harvest surface water and
provide flood hazard protection, is an advantageous practical procedures in the study area (Figure 6)
The geographic and hydrographic features of the study area reveal promising flooding potentialities that could be
of enormous benefit for enhancing the groundwater and hydrogeological conditions. The runoff calculations using
the specific Ball equation and the widely used rational method revealed such a good flooding possibilities and
quantities. The flood mitigative measurements resulted in the determination of runoff / seepage relationships for
each major hydrographic basin of the study area. These measurements were graphically represented for complete
historical period of rainfall and runoff episodes. Detention dams for capturing runoff and alleviating flood hazards
were proposed as a flood harvesting plan. These dams were proposed according to the stream ordering and flood
mitigative measurements. Dams’ locations were determined at the outlets of the upstream third-order basins.
Abu El Nasr, R. (1979). The Geology of the Hammtih and Wadi Gamal at North of Gulf of Suez, Ph. D. Thesis, Fac.
Sci. Ain Shams Univ., p. 189.
Ball, J. (1937). Contribution to the Geography of Egypt. Survey and Mines Dept. Cairo, 308 pp.
Black, C. A. (1973). Methods of Soil Analysis, Am. Soci. Agron. Inc. Publ., Madison, 137 pp.
Grigg, N. and Helmeg, O. J. (1975). State-of-the-art in estimating flood damage in Urban areas, Amer. Water
Resources Association, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 379 – 390.
Hillel, D. (1980). Applications of soil Physics, Academic Press, Netherlands. p. 188.
Konknke, H. (1980). ‘Soil Physics’ Soil Scientist Purdue University, TATA Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
New Delhi. pp. 28 – 34.
McCuen, Richard H. (1998). Hydrology Analysis and Design. Prentice-Hall. 2nd ed.
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788 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Philip, J. R., (1957). The Theory of Infiltration Equation and its Solution, Soil Soci., 83, p. 345 – 357.
Skaggs, R. O. and Kaleel, R. (1982). Infiltration in Hydrologic Modeling of Small watersheds, C. F. Hann et al. (ed.)
Amer. Soc. Agric. Eng. Monograph, No. 5.
Soil Conservation Service (SCS). (1986). Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release No. 55. Soil
Conservation Service, 74 U. S. Department of Interior.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V A methodology for wetland classification
attending to the capacity
for artificial aquifer recharge.
Application to the Coca-Olmedo wetlands,
Duero Basin (Spain)
A. Enrique Fernández Escalante,
Manuel García Rodríguez and Fermín Villarroya Gil
A specific system to classify wetlands attending to their suitability for aquifer recharge-based restoration is
proposed. The system is based on several approaches, highlighting wetland’s relationship with the aquifer,
current state of conservation, typology of environmental impacts that have affected the wetland, hydrogeological
conditions, presence of water and viability of aquifer recharge. This paper arises from the PhD of the first author.
Artificial recharge of aquifers, wetlands, Cubeta of Santiuste, Coca-Olmedo wetlands, Arenales.
Interactions between the human being and aquatic ecosystems date from ancestral times. Anthropic actions have
contributed to the high dynamism of water landscapes, resulting in very diverse environments. In this respect,
Spain is the country of the EU that presents the greatest diversity wetland types (Casado and Montes, 1995).
Wetlands are particularly valuable from the scientific point of view, since they represent ‘living laboratories’ for the
study of multiple natural processes. In addition, wetlands are important for ecological and socio-economic reasons.
However, the reality of wetlands is often misunderstood by human beings, who at times find it difficult to adequate
themselves to aquatic ecosystems (González, 1989, 1992 a, b, c.).
Wetland recovery through artificial aquifer recharge is a relatively new idea, or at least, one that has generally been
hinted but not implemented (MAPA, 1999, Galán et al, 2001; Fdez. Escalante and López, 2002). Artificial aquifer
recharge is currently applied in Holland and the United States, among other countries (Stuyfzand and Mosch,
2002), and has the potential to contribute to wetland restoration. However, artificial recharge often implies a change
in water quality, due to the different nature of local and imported waters (Fdez. Escalante, 2005).
This paper presents a method for wetland classification attending to their capacity to be regenerated through arti-
ficial aquifer recharge. The application of this methodology to a set of wetlands in Spain is described in detail. The
paper arises from the PhD of the first author (Fdez. Escalante, 2005).
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
790 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
This paper assesses the current state of some of the Coca-Olmedo wetlands. Approaches to wetland characterization
based on specifically-designed artificial parameters have been applied.
After such characterization, a brand new method for wetland classification is presented and applied. This classifi-
cation indentifies the suitability of wetlands for regeneration by means of artificial aquifer recharge.
A) Those that are under legal protection, like the lagoons of Caballo Alba (SG-1), La Iglesia (SG-3) and Las Eras
B) Those that maintain a certain ‘lavajo’ (a local name for a type of wetland) in spite of human attempts of drainage.
This is the case of the Valderruedas or Valdeperiñan wetlands, both of which present significant alterations.
C) Those that have been deeply transformed (plowed areas, urbanized or with an undue use).
The objective of the inventory and characterization is to study the viability of regenerating of the wetlands by
means of artificial aquifer recharge, provided that technical and socio-economic conditions are favorable.
Table 1 shows the characterization approaches and their application to a given wetland. This is intended as an
example of how all the necessary knowledge can be integrated in a single table, so that coordinated action can be
taken, particularly in regard to environmental issues.
Data presented in Table 1 refers to August 2003, and is partially based on Gonzalez (1988 and 1989) ideas on envi-
ronmental evaluation.
This classification keeps in mind the conservation state and functioning of the system in natural conditions, that is,
before anthropogenic impacts occur (Fdez. Escalante, 2002, 2005; García, 2003) (Table 2).
Four wetlands typologies have been identified according to their functioning. Each of these is assigned one color:
Red: Currently extinct wetlands, detected by means of indirect techniques: old aerial photographs, interviews to
local population, tests detected in field, etc. These have been termed ‘indicial wetlands’.
Orange: Strongly degraded wetlands. Recovery is difficult because due to the variety of impacts.
Yellow: Wetlands associated to net runoff. These are generally endorreic, and unrelated to groundwater: their origin
is not conditioned by the phreatic level of aquifer, but rather to superficial drainage networks. These wet
lands may remain dry during the drought periods and hardly lose their ecological value (high resilience).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
MAR strategies / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 791
Their recovery is relatively easy if artificial recharge water does not have a significant impact on water
Blue: Groundwater-dependent wetlands (Custodio, 2000). Their recovery is more complicated than in the previ
ous case, since they require a qualitative modification of recharge water, using techniques to replicate the
processes of soil-water interaction.
Suitability of wetlands to be restored by means of operations of artificial recharge corresponds in general to blue or
yellow types.
Given the importance of water availability for recharge, each colour is accompanied by a relative index to the
presence of water and of agricultural data.
The presence of water is largely conditioned by the date the inventory was carried out, as well as by the type
of hydrological year. Nevertheless, regenerative works are envisioned for the wetlands degraded due to the dis-
appearance of their natural water sources (though irrigation, drainages, derivations of streams, canalisations, etc.),
and not due to the absence of precipitations during dry periods.
Weights assigned to each type of wetland in relation their state of conservation are based on the following criteria:
1) Absence of water for most of the year. Very strong affection. The wetland and their surrounding land have been
subjected to changes in use.
2) Total absence of water. Affection is substantial. Derived impacts of the terrain ploughing and drainage, cropping
activity is usually present in the area.
3) Widespread absence water. Affection is remarkable. Recovery is feasible by increasing water inputs to the system
and correcting certain additional significant impacts (drainages or undue uses). Agricultural activity usually
present in the area.
4) Absence of water. Wetland recovery is possible by increasing water inputs to the system. Additional environmen-
tal impacts are of scarce intensity. No agricultural activities in wetland perimeter fringe nor in the influence area.
Hydrochemical quality conditioned by the presence of manure in the surroundings areas.
5) Presence of water the whole year. No agricultural activity. Narrow variation in water quality. Suitability for pro-
tection perimeters, legal protection, etc, in order to safeguard their current state and to avoid deterioration.
Types 1 and 2 correspond to indicial wetlands in most cases. Techniques fo detection are diverse. Chemical compo-
sition of soils generally prevails, except in the case of wetlands associated to the superficial hydrology, whose preser-
vation index is variable.
Types 4 and 5 correspond to reasonably well preserved wetlands, while type 3 corresponds to an intermediate state.
An application of the new classification is presented in Table 3. Most of the inventoried wetlands classified as ‘blue’
are susceptible of a rational regeneration by means of induced artificial recharge. In contrast, red and orange wet-
lands correspond to a high degree of deterioration.
A significant part of the wetlands in the area of study present a fair degree of conservation and a low ecosystem
value. Some wetlands are quite well preserved and in many cases they are under legal protection.
Implementation of artificial recharge would allow the use of excess water for environmental restoration. The
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
792 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
abundance of degraded wetlands suggests this may be one of the most recommended uses for excess water.
However, it is necessary to devise a system to prioritize which wetlands should be regenerated in the light of their
own technical and political viability.
Within the Coca-Olmedo wetlands, there is a second typology that corresponds to unrecoverable cases. These refer
to wetlands that have been dramatically modified, generally due to anthropogenic action. These wetlands, classified
as ‘red’, have been excluded from Table 3.
Although there is a degree of subjectivity in assigning weights to ‘state of conservation’, wetland characterization
and monitoring in time will allow to appreciate the changes and act accordingly.
Most wetlands tend to experience an increase in their numerical index with time, although not necessarily all end
up with an index 5. Legal protection could be aimed at achieving a degree of connectivity, so that wetland regen-
eration may have a positive impact on the rest of the system Rey Benayas (1991).
Casado, S. and Montes, C. (1995). Guía de los lagos y humedales de España. J.M. Reyero (Editor). Ed. Ecosistemas.
Custodio, E. (2000). Groundwater-dependent wetlands. Acta Geológica Hungarica, 43 (2): 173-202.
Fernández Escalante, A.E., and López, J. (2002). ‘Hydrogeological studies preceding artificial recharge of Los
Arenales aquifer, Duero basin (Spain)’. Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Dillon, P.J. (ed).
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Adelaide, South Australia
22 – 26 September 2002. Balkema Publishers -AIH, The Netherlands.
Fernández Escalante, A.E. (2002). ‘La recarga artificial en la Cubeta de Santiuste (Segovia) Estudio de las condiciones
de referencia, funcionamiento hidrogeológico y aspectos medioambientales relacionados.’ Diplomatura de
Estudios Avanzados. Dpto de Geodinámica. Facultad de CC. Geológicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
(not issued).
Fernández Escalante, A.E. (2005). ‘Recarga artificial de acuíferos en cuencas fluviales. Aspectos cualitativos y
medioambientales. La experiencia en la Cubeta de Santiuste, Segovia’. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense
de Madrid. 2005.
Galán, R., Fdez. Escalante, A.E. y Martínez, J. (2001). ‘Contribuciones al estudio hidrogeológico para la recarga arti-
ficial del acuífero de la Cubeta de Santiuste. (Segovia).’ VII Simposio de hidrogeología, AEH, Murcia.
García Rodríguez, M. (2003). ‘Clasificación funcional de humedales ribereños.’ Tecnología y Desarrollo. Revista de
Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente. Volumen I, año 2003, separata. Diciembre, 2003. Universidad Alfonso X El
Sabio. Escuela Politécnica Superior. Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid).
González-Bernáldez, F. (1988). ‘Typology of wetlands and evaluation of the resources they represent.’ Hydrology of
Wetlands in Semiarid and Arid Regions. Agencia del Medio Ambiente. Sevilla: 7 – 36.
González-Bernáldez, F. (1989). Ecosistemas áridos y endorreicos españoles. En: Zonas áridas en España: 223 –238.
Real Academia de Ciencias de Madrid.
González-Bernáldez, F. (1992a). Los paisajes del agua: terminología popular de los humedales. J. M. Reyero Editor,
González-Bernáldez, F. (1992b). Ecological aspects of wet-land/groundwater relationships in Spain. Limnética. Madrid.
8: 11-26.
González-Bernáldez, F. (1992c). ‘Valores y funciones de los ecosistemas de descarga de acuíferos en Los Arenales.’
Curso de humedales de la cuenca del Duero. Hábitats de descarga de aguas subterráneas en el acuífero de Los
Arenales. Actuaciones para su protección. Biblioteca de Educación Ambiental. Sección C: documentación técni-
ca de medio-ambiente. Junta de Castilla y León.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
MAR strategies / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 793
MAPA. (1999). ‘Estudio hidrogeológico complementario para la recarga artificial en la cubeta de Santiuste (Segovia).’
Informe técnico no publicado. Secretaría General de Desarrollo Rural-Tragsatec. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca
y Alimentación.
Rey Benayas, J. M. (1991). Aguas Subterráneas y Ecología. Ecosistemas de descarga de Acuíferos en Los Arenales.
ICONA-CSIC. Colección Técnica ICONA-MAPA.
Stuyfzand, P. J. and Mosch, M. (2002). ‘Formation and composition of sludges in recharge basins, recovery canals and
natural lakes in Amsterdam´s dune catchment area.’ Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Dillon, P.J.
(ed). Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Adelaide, South
Australia 22 – 26 September 2002. Balkema Publishers- AIH, The Netherlands.
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794 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Table 1 (contd.)
Maximum perimeter (m) 1209
Maximum wide (m) 227.5
Longitude Maximum (m) 482.6
Maximum Surface (km2) 0,794
References Rey Benayas, 1991
Spanish Historical Patrimony NO
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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Table 1 (contd.)
INSTRUCTOR / SOURCE Fernández Escalante, 2005
Table 2. Classification
Conservation state
5. Water. It can improve easily.
4. Without water. It can recover. No agricultural activity nearby.
3. Without water. Affected. Agricultural activity nearby.
2. Without water. Substantially affected. Ploughed, cultivated.
1. Without water. Substantially affected. Changes in use.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
1 RED 1 AGUASAL 31-07-03 363023 4574355 750.5 1223 148 58,6 30,8 N N
2 BLUE 4 Laguna de las Eras AGUASAL 31-07-03 363298 4574254 750.6 680 315 25.0 20.0 N N
3 BLUE 3 AGUASAL 31-07-03 363272 4574192 750.6 746 104 33.0 33.0 N N
11 BLUE 3 LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 364202 4571656 755.8 358 70 24,2 19.0 N N
12 BLUE 4 Bodón Guarrero LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 364467 4571575 757.0 1619 149 49,8 47.0 0 N N
13 RED 1 El Horno LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 366213 4570738 761.1 N N
14 RED 1 LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 366747 4570506 762.4 N N
15 BLUE 4 Bodón de la Vega LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 366407 4570320 762.5 2265 234 84,1 38,4 N N
16 RED 1 AGUA CABALLO VILLEGUILLO 31-07-03 367496 4570188 764.7 N N
17 BLUE 4 La Cárcaba LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 365458 4570158 762.6 16837 565 229,4 112,9 48 N N
18 ORANGE 2 LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 365095 4570039 772.2 1891 174 67,9 39,4 N N
19 BLUE 5 Los Majuelos LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 364390 4570049 778.2 4610 310 110.0 75,4 22 N N
20 RED 1 VILLEGUILLO 31-07-03 367740 4570024 765.3 8772 376 113,8 103,6 N N
21 RED 1 La Cochina LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 365783 4570020 763.8 89759 1766 476,5 282,2 N N
22 ORANGE 2 Ermita Llano de Olmedo LLANO DE OLMEDO 31-07-03 364825 4569739 779.7 2438 216 79,7 40,2 N N
23 BLUE 4 CARCAVA GRANDE AGUASAL 31-07-03 361753 4570906 758.0 3638 276 89,4 40,3 55 N N
24 ORANGE 2 AGUASAL 31-07-03 361573 4570906 758.0 1400 159 62.0 31,4 N N
26 BLUE 3 AGUASAL 31-07-03 362997 4571729 759.0 675 310 19.0 15.0 N N
27 BLUE 4 AGUASAL 31-07-03 361671 4570562 759.0 1404 170 67,1 34,8 15 N N
28 BLUE 4 CARCAVA CHICA AGUASAL 06-08-03 361733 4570619 759.0 4463 331 121,4 53,5 18 N N
29 BLUE 4 El medianero VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 366739 4569680 764.6 87 34 11,4 9,9 N N
30 YELLOW 1 Las Dehesillas VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 368349 4569105 767.6 650 300 17.0 16.0 N N
31 ORANGE 3 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 367194 4569144 767.7 161 57 24,8 9,4 N N
32 YELLOW 3 EL ARENERO VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 367129 4568786 776.0 1238 206 73,6 27.0 N N
33 ORANGE 2 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 366283 4568485 772.0 N N
34 RED 1 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 367714 4568197 769.8 6308 410 185,4 50,9 N N
35 YELLOW 1 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 366335 4568177 768.5 549 86 30,7 23,2 N N
36 ORANGE 2 BODON REDONDO VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 369045 4567899 770.7 605 124 47,5 22,9 N N
37 ORANGE 1 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 369611 4567868 771.5 7067 402 149,6 67,2 N N
38 BLUE 3 LAGUNA DE VALDEPERILLÁN LLANO DE OLMEDO 06-08-03 364791 4567848 762.8 246601 3268 1220,4 335,8 N N
39 YELLOW 3 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 365917 4567840 768.3 30678 995 347,8 127,6 N N
40 BLUE 3 LAGUNA DE CABALLO ALBA VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 365529 4567306 768.7 197200 2139 555,1 552,7 N a
41 YELLOW 2 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 367367 4566909 788.3 3763 261 97,9 53,9 N N
42 YELLOW 2 VILLEGUILLO 06-08-03 366217 4566602 772.9 59331 2281 942,9 115,1 N N
43 BLUE 3 FUENTE-OLMEDO 06-08-03 364150 4566613 774.6 56112 910 311,9 300,7 N N
44 YELLOW 2 LOS POZUELOS FUENTE DE SANTA CRUZ 06-08-03 365167 4566375 772.4 79008 1407 383,8 249,1 N b
45 BLUE 3 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 367263 4565494 794.9 2392 206 78,6 37,4 22 N N
46 BLUE 3 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 367272 4565455 794.8 20 N N
47 YELLOW 2 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 366162 4565362 775.4 149115 3535 899,6 289,9 N N
48 YELLOW 2 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 367390 4565180 795.7 8331 476 204,4 55,8 N N
49 BLUE 4 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 367354 4565070 795.6 2250 220 69,1 46,2 18 N N
50 BLUE 3 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 367451 4564778 797.0 5029 341 98,4 92,2 N N
Table 3. (contd.)
UTM Coordinates Morphometry Influence area morphometry
51 BLUE 3 CIRUELOS DE COCA 06-08-03 367525 4564520 798.2 10750 551 179,5 78,8 N N
52 RED 1 COCA 06-08-03 369709 4563554 783.0 3856 278 111,8 49,6 N N
53 ORANGE 2 LAGUNA DE VALDERUEDAS VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 367332 4563161 799.0 45185 1382 637,4 143,9 N b
54 RED 1 VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 368141 4563197 802.1 N N
55 RED 1 VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 367991 4563036 803.8 N N
56 BLUE 4 LAGUNA DE LA IGLESIA VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 368570 4562726 786.9 79439 1209 482,6 227,5 0 N c
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
57 BLUE 5 Laguna de las Eras VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 367434 4562545 798.1 51562 1149 468,9 164,9 60 N c
58 ORANGE 3 VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 367601 4561954 808.2 3123 264 98,5 59,2 N N
59 ORANGE 2 VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 366912 4561831 807.3 158 49 15,7 12,2 N N
60 YELLOW 2 EL BODO BERNUY DE COCA 06-08-03 365036 4561291 811.3 358 77 30,6 19,27 N b
61 RED 1 VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 367182 4561024 817.9 279 60 19,6 18,1 N N
62 BLUE 3 FUENTE MIÑOR VILLAGONZALO DE COCA 06-08-03 367446 4560584 812.8 62394 1334 559,8 169,1 N b
63 YELLOW 2 BERNUY DE COCA 06-08-03 365378 4560000 820.3 178 49 14,2 14,8 N N
64 YELLOW 2 BERNUY DE COCA 06-08-03 365240 4559907 824.5 7334 489 226,5 58,5 N N
65 YELLOW 3 SANTIUSTE DE SAN J & B 06-08-03 368301 4559261 801.7 382 71 24.0 20,4 N N
66 BLUE 4 BODÓN DE LA HIRUELA SANTIUSTE DE SAN J & B 06-08-03 368426 4559078 802.6 2172 184 66,2 39,5 40 N N
67 BLUE 5 HUMEDALES DE BERNUY SANTIUSTE DE SAN J & B 06-08-03 366880 4558862 815.4 23044 600 234,1 67,6 50 3442 271 N b
Conservation state
5 Water. It can improve easily.
4 Without water. It can recover. No agricultural activity nearby.
3 Without water. Affected. Agricultural activity nearby.
2 Without water. Substantially affected. Ploughed, cultivated.
1 Without water. Substantially affected. Changes in use.
Groundwater-dependent wetlands.
Wetlands associated to net runoff. Unrelated to groundwater/Endorreic.
Strongly degraded wetlands. Recovery is difficult.
Currently extinct wetlands. Interviews, etc.
a ENP JCL, Rey Benayas, 1990, Montes, 1995
b Benayas, 1990
c ENP JCL, Rey Benayas, 1990
798 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Hydrodependent wetland.
Wetland in connection with the net of surface runoff. No Hydrodependent /endorreic.
Wetland strongly damaged with difficult recovery.
Indicial wetland missing.
Figure 1. Location of the wetlands inventoried of the Coca-Olmedo Complex and application of the classification
for their regeneration by means of artificial aquifer recharge techniques. Scale (aprox): 1:150.000
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Use of environmental indicators
in a multi-criteria analysis of the impact
of MAR on groundwater dependent wetlands
A. Enrique Fernández Escalante,
Manuel García Rodríguez and Fermín Villarroya Gil
The following pages present an attempt to design a system of environmental indicators to monitor the evolution
of an aquifer by means of recent artificial recharge works. In this way, it is possible to value its effectiveness and
to follow the evolution and the interaction between the different technical, economical and environmental
aspects. For the study of its evolution and the degree of interaction, a system of ranges-weights and a multi-
criteria evaluation polygon have been designed. The application of the proposed methodology allows to know
the ‘state of pressure’, to correct adverse environmental impacts and to systematically improve the efficiency of
technical operations.
Artificial recharge of aquifers, environmental indicators, evaluation of environmental impact, PSR system, Coca-
Olmedo wetlands complex.
This paper is based on the experience acquired during the artificial recharge of the Cubeta of Santiuste (Segovia)
aquifer, promoted by the General Secretary of Rural Development of the Spanish agriculture ministry (MAPA). It
has been applied in two selected wetlands of the Coca-Olmedo Complex (Rey Benayas, 1991) susceptible of
regeneration by means of artificial recharge: the lagoons of Las Eras and La Iglesia, in Villagonzalo de Coca
(Segovia) (González, 1989, Fernández Escalante, 2005). The following pages present a method for environmental
impact evaluation, management and control of artificial aquifer recharge operations (AR), particularly in cases were
wetland restoration is possible. We propose an environmental indicators system (most of own design), and a multi-
criteria evaluation polygon to tackle and synthesize the evaluation and monitoring processes. The method allows to
reflect quantitative, qualitative, evolutionary, ecological aspects, etc., as well as the qualitative evolution of all kind
of waters in the study area.
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800 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
to a 36 m3 deposit. The main recharge ditch, dug out through the 20 per cent of the old watercourse of the Ermita
stream, starts from this deposit to the surroundings of the Eresma river, where the irrigation area ends. The trace
of the ditch goes down 30 m of height difference and 0.28% slope through a 10.7 km distance. This ditch has
54 stopping devices with the aim of facilitating the infiltration and decants processes. A parallel service road is
being built 4 m away from the ditch that gets elevated 50 cm above the terrain height and will serve as a barrier
against possible overflows.
The infiltration surface is over 33,300 m2. The maximum directed flow of water surplus from the Voltoya river is
about 0,5 m3 / s between November and April, although it may decrease or even get stopped according to river flow
and characteristics of the considered hydrological year. The sheet of water inside the ditch will range between
50 and 100 cm in height but it will tend to be 80 cm. Four infiltration ponds were built in 2004, for a total surface
of over 200m2. Net infiltration is estimated at 1.5 Mm3 per cycle.
New water resources have both triggered an increase in irrigated area and a new disponibility environmental flow.
Without these resources, wetlands would have probably been lost completely. Over the 2005 summer, remedial
measures have been applied to recover La Iglesia and Las Eras wetlands by diverting water from the artificial
recharge scheme to the western sector of the aquifer. In view of new irrigation developments, MAR has turned into
the only viable alternative to reduce environmental impacts and to reach more sustainable agricultural practices.
MAR allows to monitor relevant parameters (controllable features) as to how the ‘pressure state’ evolves with time.
This in turn facilitates setting social and environmental target states. However, give the complexity of the system,
evaluation must be open to uncontrolled variables.
Figure 1. Representation of the Cubeta de Santiuste aquifer showing MAR device and the most significant lagoons
The proposed system is consistent with the rules of the Spanish and European legislation for the elaboration of
Environmental Impact Assessments (EsIA), as per the Law RD. 6 / 2001, and is based on environmental engineering
approaches. The design of environmental indicators is based on the PSR Framework (Friends and Raport, 1979),
which distinguishes between Pressure, State and Response indicators. The multi-criteria evaluation polygon (or
variogram) that we present is original and based on the experimental control of a wetlands system along five years
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
MAR strategies / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 801
of development of the first author’s PhD Thesis (Fernández Escalante, 2005). A more detailed explanation may be
found in Fernández Escalante et al. 2005.
Pressure indicators
A set of ten pressure indicators has been designed, for the purpose of controlling the direct and indirect impacts of
human activities. These are evaluated consequently by the importance and the intensity of those human activities
that can generate environmental stresses or impacts. Their determination is carried out in the field (direct
measures). To reach the ‘state of pressure’ and to get an accurate impact assessment, a system of ranges-weights
must be applied so as to homogenize the intensity and scale of the different concurrent environmental impacts. This
is carried out by means of correction factors added to those ‘less expressive’ indicators. Accumulative impacts and
synergies are introduced to the system by means of assessment factors. For example the impact of a three-year
drought is more significant than twice the stress of a two-year one. This modus operandi is similar for the remaining
groups of PSR Framework indicators. The system is to be applies to each wetland or key element under restoration.
An assessment should be carried out at least once a year, following adequate data-collection campaigns. This allows
for an evaluation of how the restoration process is affecting wetlands. Dealing with all individual wetlands in a joint
manner allows for an assessment of the aquifer situation.
The following list outlines the main pressure indicators. Their detailed definition, ranges-weights values applied
and corrective factors for accumulative impacts and synergies (e.g. inter-year climatic variations) should be con-
sulted in the bibliographical references (Fernández Escalante, 2005; Fernández Escalante el al, 2005). The result is
a numerical value whose variability allows evaluating progress over time. This may provide information on environ-
mental aspects (whether environmental impacts have been reduced between two consecutive measurements) or
social and economic conditions (whether agricultural production has increased). The evolution of the total ‘state of
pressure’ corresponds to aggregating the evolution of the first two indicator types (state and pressure) and the third
one (response) once anthropic action has begun.
State indicators
These describe the quality of the environment and of the natural resources associated to processes of socioeconom-
ic exploitation. In addition, these also reflect the changes caused in the environment. Their evaluation is based on
analytic methods which allow for quantification of ‘performance response’ (MIMAM, 1997).
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802 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Within the PSR system, these are the most adequate indicators for the application of specific techniques to control
parameter variations over time. Results suggest that the most viable option is factorial analysis by means of a corre-
lation matrix such that those correlated are independent and not redundant and that duplicities may be omitted
(Rey Benayas et al., 2003).
List 2 summarizes the main ten state indicators. Five of those are of general application and five designed ex profeso.
In accordance with the previous operating system, the scales of ranges–weights and corrective factors would be
Once completed the ‘characterization template’ which includes most of the precise data to apply the system of indi-
cators, the environmental stress evaluation in the intervention area (space) referred to each cycle of artificial
recharge (time) is carried out. As a result, a specific EIA index can be obtained, taking into account that an arith-
metic average is applied to all those that span several-years. A particularly significant example is the indicator
adopted for clog control (channel clogging is considered one of the biggest impacts for the implementation of AR).
The study of the cake with binocular glass after the first year of artificial recharge shows that the initial sandy tex-
ture is strongly altered. Fines are located around the surface of the grains. Seeds and grains of pollen, indicial tests
of the influence of the organic activity in the aquifer, are also observed. The presence of particles blackened by
oxide suggests possible influences of the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the system. Some clogging indicators
have been applied previously, like the Index of Failure in Membrane (MFI), whose initial valuation for the study
area in its first cycle of artificial recharge was from 25 to 30 s / l2 (MFI units).
As a consequence of the huge technical difficulty to control the stress effect of several impacts (physical, biological
and indirectly chemical clogging for surface systems of artificial recharge influenced by total organic carbon (TOC);
the percentage of initial clay; infiltration surface; time of artificial recharge; infiltrated volume, and so on) we have
proposed a specific indictor for the study area and similar scenarios that corresponds to variations in the percentage
of fines in the soil and its evolution along each artificial recharge year/cycle. This evaluation is carried out by means
of a granulometric analysis, using a 200 ASTM sieve. Monthly samples are taken at the surface level and at a depth
of 20 cm in the different stations of control of the AR channel. The percentage of fines (by weight) with regard to
the initial value indicates the stress change. The difference of weights is subjected to a corrective factor to enlarge
the value due to its great importance. In principle, we propose to divide the laboratory value by the number of days
of artificial recharge from the beginning of the cycle until the date of sampling. This value is multiplied by 100, to
get an assessment level in the order of the remaining indicators. The average value is used as a global indicator at
the end of the cycle of artificial recharge. For the test site this has varied from 7 to 17 units in the first cycle. Table 1
1. A1, A2, A3 etc are codes given by MIMAM, 1997 to some indicators already designed by themselves.
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shows the application of this system to La Iglesia lagoon. In August 2003, the ‘pressure state’ was estimated at 2035.
By August 2005, MAR had resulted in a significant decrease of pressure (1835) despite severe drought conditions.
Response indicators
These indicate the level of social and political involvement in environmental matters and resources, corresponding
to the policies and actions that the economic and environmental agents carry out to protect the environment.
Proposed indicators have provisional character, and are subject to checking the response of the performances in the
long term. List 3 presents a group of fifteen response indicators and their calculation method, according to PSR
framework (Friends and Raport, 1979), ranges and weights.
• Numerical
This is the result of applying system ranges-weights and corrective factors. It allows for assigning a global value
to all the concurrent impacts in each cycle or period of measurement. It can be used as a global or integrated stress
evaluation. The differences between numerical calculations can be also used as an achievement of the target
• Graphical
This consists on a variogram where a given set of fields, (whose stress evaluation values has been determined
based on empiric experiences or technical approaches), is encircled by an ‘envelope’ line. The chosen graphical
representation for the polygon of evaluation multi-criteria has been a histogram of horizontal bars. Each bar
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804 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
includes from 4 to 6 fields corresponding to the final assessment level of each impact. The enveloping line works
as an affection degree indicator for each time.
With these results, graphical representation can be carried out in three successive stages:
1. Shade the categories until the maximum evaluation level. The scales can be redefined for each category in other
scenarios or corrected for the case of defining the ‘state of pressure’ for each specific setting.
2. Layout of the enveloping line encircling the shady fields (or affection degrees) of the multi-criteria evaluation
polygon for each scenario.
3. Study of the variation of this final product along the time during the control program. Relative variations allow
to appreciate if the stress is increasing (migration of any field of any impact to the right or elevation of the final
numerical value) or the corrective measures work appropriately (the enveloping line has been displaced to the
left in any field or there is a decrease of the global value of the multi-criteria evaluation).
An example of the final design of the multi-criteria evaluation polygon is presented in the Table 1 a) and b).
Although this initially takes pressure and state indicators into account, it leaves space to for aggregation of the
response indicators.
The final result is a numerical value that corresponds to the evolutionary state of the activity, wetland or key ele-
ment, and an enveloping line or ‘polyline’ encircling fields shadowed in the diagram (fields included in each affec-
tion degree). This ‘polyline’ facilitates its use as indicator by comparison between different years/cycles. The final
numeric value is lower and, consequently, MAR is achieving its objectives in wetlands recovering. Environmental
impacts have been reduced particularly for the first and second state indicators and the ninth and tenth response
The application of the proposed methodology can be used to monitor the evolution of the different parameters,
allowing to correct some environmental adverse impacts and to systematically improve the efficiency of technical
operations. The evolution of the proposed systems, specially the variogram, shows that it is necessary to change the
location of certain AR devices, in order to improve the maintenance program and to apply specific SAT techno-
logies. The system of indicators constitutes an important novelty for the control of the restoration activities, whose
application may allow operators to know whether their performance is appropriate. The system of environmental
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Table 1 a) and b). Variograms of La Iglesia wetland. Villagonzalo de Coca, Segovia, Spain.
First: 2003, August; Second: 2005, August. The encircling line is marked in purple colour.
The comparison between both polylines determines the stress difference. The final numeric value
is lower (2035>>1835) and, consequently, MAR is achieving its objectives in wetlands recovering.
indicators seeks to grant to each impact its fair evaluation. This is achieved by applying a system of ranges-weights
elaborated on empirical experiences during a five years period. Accumulative impacts and synergies are subject to
correction factors. Up to six fields or affection degrees (each assigned a specific colour) are described in this regard.
These environmental indicators may enhance aquifer monitoring, control of the magnitude and scale of the envi-
ronmental impacts that operate on artificial recharge systems and their quantitative influence on associated eco-
systems. The system of ranges-weights has a matrix character and requires a continuous update as new information
becomes available and further field campaigns yield new data. The variogram works in turn as an indicator of
achievement of the objective (where the objective is to get an operative system of artificial recharge under con-
ditions of minimum environmental impact). The variogram can be obtained by applying a macro-based computer
program that allows for a regular update and to evaluate the type of appropriate performance for the correct admin-
istration of the system. The macro is available in Internet for its general access and employment on the part of
the interested technicians. The one designed by the authors can be obtained from www.uax.es / publicaciones /
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Barbier, E.B., Acreman, M. and Knowler, D. (1997). ‘Economic evaluation of wetlands: a guide for policy makers and
planners.’ Ramsar Convention Bureau. Gland, Switzerland: 1 – 27.
BOE (2001), Ley 6 / 2001, de evaluación de impacto ambiental. BOE 111, de 9 de mayo de 2001.
Bascones, M. (2000). ‘Evaluación de impacto ambiental del aprovechamiento de aguas subterráneas.’ Jornadas Técnicas
sobre Aguas subterráneas y abastecimiento urbano. IGME-MIMAM. 267 – 277.
Custodio, E. (2000). ‘Groundwater-dependent wetlands.’ Acta Geológica Hungárica, 43 (2): 173 – 202.
Fernández Escalante, A.E. and Cordero, R. (2002). ‘Los espacios naturales protegidos frente a la Directiva Marco del
agua. comentarios y proposiciones acerca de los estudios de impacto ambiental en los mismos.’ Jornadas técnicas sobre
la gestión y el control del agua frente a la Directiva Marco. UAM.-CY-II.
Fernández Escalante, A. E. (2005). ‘Recarga artificial de acuíferos en cuencas fluviales. Aspectos cualitativos y medioam-
bientales. Criterios técnicos derivados de la experiencia en la Cubeta de Santiuste (Segovia)’. Tesis Doctoral. Univ.
Complutense de Madrid.
Fernández Escalante, E.; Gª Rodríguez, M; Villarroya Gil F. and Montero Fdez. J. (2005). ‘Propuesta de un sistema de
indicadores medioambientales para la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental y seguimiento de actividades de regeneración
hídrica mediante recarga artificial de acuíferos (primera parte: estado-presión)’. Revista Tecnología y Desarrollo.
Volumen III. Univ. Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid. ISSN1696-8085.
Friends, A. and Raport, D. (1979). ‘Towards a comprehensive framework for environment statistics: stress-response
approach’. Ottawa, Canada: Statistics Canada.
González Bernáldez, F. (1989). ‘Ecosistemas áridos y endorreicos españoles.’ En: Zonas áridas en España: 223-238. Real
Academia de Ciencias de Madrid.
MAPA. (1999). ‘Estudio hidrogeológico complementario para la recarga artificial en la cubeta de Santiuste (Segovia).’
Informe técnico no publicado. Secretaría General de Desarrollo Rural-Tragsatec. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca
y Alimentación.
MIMAM. (1997). ‘Educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible.’ Serie monografías Dirección General de Calidad y
Evaluación Ambiental.
Rey Benayas, J. M. (1991). ‘Aguas Subterráneas y Ecología. Ecosistemas de descarga de Acuíferos en Los Arenales.’
ICONA.-CSIC. Colección Técnica ICONA- MAPA.
Rey Benayas, J. M.; Espigares, T y Nicolau, L. M. (editores) (2003). ‘Restauración de ecosistemas mediterráneos.’ Col.
Aula Abierta. Univ. de Alcalá de Henares. Madrid.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Analysis of feasibility and effects
of artificial recharge in some aquifers.
Modelling of integrated management
in the Medio Vinalopó basin (Alicante, Spain)
J.D. Gómez Gómez, J.M. Murillo Díaz,
J.A. López Geta and L. Rodríguez Hernández
The main objective of the study is the optimization of water management in the Medio Vinalopó basin. A mana-
gement simulation code (AQUATOOL-SIMGES) has been applied to different management scenarios. It also tries to
test the effects on aquifers exploitation rates and the feasibility and impacts of artificial recharge with external
excess water from the Jucar system, as a possible alternative.
The most probable scenario corresponding to the National Hydrologic Plan includes a transfer of 80 Mm3/y
from river Jucar distributed over six months, and substitution of a part of the pumped groundwater with trans-
ferred surface water. With this scheme, groundwater exploitation would be highly reduced. However, overdraft
would remain in several aquifers. The proposed scheme could not guarantee proper summertime supply, while
winter excesses would be lost.
But overdraft could be corrected in some aquifers using those winter surpluses for artificial recharge and keeping
in operation current urban supply wells. Moreover safe yields would be increased, which would allow a higher
pumping rate than in other scenarios. Aquifers could then be exploited even during summertime, when there is
no water transfer to meet urban demands. It would mean an increase of guaranteed supply and a reduction of
deficits with regard to the planned scenario.
Artificial recharge; conjunctive use; management; modelling; Spain.
The Vinalopó Valley (South-eastern Spain) has been suffering from a water deficit since the development of new
irrigated farmlands in the second half of the 20th century. The possibility of exploiting new groundwater resources
made farming improve. But it also meant an increase of the irrigated area and a higher water demand. Moreover,
urban and industrial demands increased too. As a consequence, local aquifers started being overexploited and
groundwater quality also began to deteriorate (Rico, 1994).
A small part of the problem has been solved by transferring surface water from a nearby basin. It is used for urban
supply of some municipalities in Medio Vinalopó, Bajo Vinalopó and Campo de Alicante.
Treated wastewater reuse for irrigation has also increased, though the volume currently used is still very far from
meeting farming demands. There are still high possibilities of reuse in Medio Vinalopó and Alacantí, with surpluses
available from the Alicante treatment plants.
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However, those solutions have met just some of the demands on the system. Aquifers are still the main water source
in the region and they keep being overexploited.
In this context, the National Hydrologic Plan has proposed to import exceeding water from the Júcar system as a
solution. The Júcar Plan settles a maximum of 80 Mm3/y to be transferred. It could be increased up to 120 Mm3 / y
in the future, after improving the irrigation system of the source basin.
The water to be imported will substitute part of the groundwater currently pumped. Some production wells should
be abandoned. However, some other wells will be kept working to support the new supply system.
In this framework, the Province Authority and the IGME have carried out a project to optimize water management
in the Medio Vinalopó system. This involves a management model with different alternative schemes. The model
tests the effects on the aquifers exploitation rates and on guaranteed supplies, and also the effects of artificial
recharge in some aquifers. It is the first step to analyse the feasibility and management of such techniques as a
possible solution for local aquifers recovery.
The AQUATOOL code (Andreu et al. 1992) has been used to set up the model. This software consists of a pre- and
post-processing tool for the code SIMGES, which is also included. SIMGES is a modelling code for integrated
management simulation of hydrologic basins (López-Geta et al.. 2001).
It is able to simulate complex hydrologic systems, including reservoirs, aquifers, runoff, recharge (natural and arti-
ficial), exploitation and transport facilities, demands, etc. An order of priority can be defined to meet demands, and
also operation rules can be established for reservoirs.
Different water management schemes can be optimised with this tool. The guaranteed supply which is obtained
then shows the best alternative. Vice versa, the capacity of reservoirs, pipes and pumps can be calculated for pre-
determined demands and guaranteed supply.
The time step for simulation is one month, and runoff is calculated applying mass balance conservation. On the
other hand, aquifers can be simulated with different models: from the most simple (tank type) to the most complex
(distributed parameters), with intermediate types like aggregated parameters models (single or multiple cell).
The volume of water currently used in the Medio Vinalopó system reaches 66.3 Mm3 / y. It supports the economic
development of the region: agricultural, urban and industrial. The main demands are for farming with 68.2 Mm3 / y,
which means 80% of the total. They are followed by the urban demand with 16.6 Mm3/y which represents the
remaining 20%.
Demand is currently met with groundwater from the Medio Vinalopó and Alto Vinalopó aquifers. They provide 90%
of the total supply. The higher volumes come from the Serral-Salinas aquifer with 18.75 Mm3/y, Jumilla-Villena with
12.23 Mm3 / y, and Solana with 9.36 Mm3 / y.
There is also a transfer of 1 Mm3 / y from the nearby Segura basin. It meets the urban demand of two municipalities.
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Surface water is scarce in the basin. It is also irregular depending on the rainfall pattern. Furthermore its quality is
very poor due to wastewater disposal, which often constitutes the whole stream flow. It also has a high degree of
salinization due to dissolution of salts from the river bed. These features make runoff useless, therefore no regu-
lation infrastructures have been built.
Some farmers use treated wastewater for irrigation of grapes and other crops. It comes from some regional treatment
plants, reaching an annual volume of 5.38 Mm³. This means 8% of the total supply of the system, and 11% of the
satisfied agricultural demand. Wastewater reuse may still increase.
A total of 16 aquifers have been considered in the hydrologic system. They have been simulated by simple models
provided by SIMGES. The available data has determined the simulation period, which is from 1995 to 2001.
Table 2 shows the ratio of pumping over average natural recharge for each aquifer, which means aquifer exploita-
tion rates. We can conclude that:
The main aquifers of the system are heavily overexploited. Sª de Crevillente, Serral-Salinas, Solana and Umbría can
be highlighted, with exploitation rates of 601%, 571%, 212% y 229% respectively.
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The remainder of the considered aquifers also show pumping rates higher than natural recharge or near balance.
Seven different scenarios have been tested, including the current management scheme and six alternatives (Gómez
et al. 2004). Table 3 shows pumping calculated in all cases.
The results of the current scheme simulation (SIM1) show an average pumping of 123.3 Mm3 / y in the whole
system. 54 % of them (66.9 Mm3 / y) goes to Medio Vinalopó demands, which are estimated at 84.8 Mm3 / yy. The
average annual deficit is 16.7 Mm3 / y. The rest of the pumping goes to Alto Vinalopó, Bajo Vinalopó and Alacantí
Scenarios 2 and 3 (SIM2 y SIM3) include a 80 Mm3 / y transfer from the Jucar basin, distributed over 10 months
(except July and August). Overdraft is highly reduced with these two schemes, but more with SIM3 which involves
an increase of wastewater reuse. However, the Sierra de Crevillente, Serral-Salinas and Umbría aquifers would
remain overexploited. Guaranteed supplies would also clearly be improve.
The scheme proposed by the Jucar Plan (SIM4), includes a 80 Mm3 / y transfer distributed over six months (October
to March), and involves substitution of part of the groundwater pumped with transferred water. This scenario also
reduces current exploitation, but less than alternatives 2 and 3. Overdraft would remain in the Sierra de Crevillente,
Serral-Salinas and Umbría aquifers, as in the previous cases. Whilst agricultural guaranteed supplies would clearly
improve, urban ones would deteriorate. This is due to the obligation to close some wells and to the low regulation
capacity of the planned infrastructure. It cannot properly guarantee summer supplies, while winter surpluses would
be lost.
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Instead of that scheme, we propose to use winter excesses for artificial recharge in some aquifers (Serral-Salinas,
Solana and Jumilla-Villena), and to keep current wells in operation. This option contitutes scenario 5 (SIM5). It
would eliminate overdraft in those three aquifers. But it would also increase aquifer yields and make higher pump-
ing rates possible. That means better guarantees and lower deficit than the planned scenario.
This alternative is similar to SIM4, including the Júcar-Vinalopó transfer (80 Mm3 / y) and its regulation reservoir,
with the same time distribution. It also includes an increase of treated wastewater reuse up to 20% of each farming
The change of this alternative consists of applying artificial recharge to the Solana, Serral-Salinas and Jumilla-Villena
aquifers. The water for this purpose would be the part of the transfer that cannot be regulated with the planned
scheme. Table 5 shows the proposed distribution.
The management optimisation obtained for the simulating period (October 1995 to September 2001), means that
the average monthly guaranteed supply would reach 91.6%, while average annual guaranteed supply would be
84.9%, with an average annual deficit of 3.227 Mm3.
The annual guarantee applied by SIMGES means a supply default in two cases:
• if a monthly deficit is higher than 30% of the monthly demand in any month,
• if the annual deficit is higher than 15% the annual demand.
Then the average annual guarantee for urban demand would be 100%, and 66.7% for farming demand. This means
an important improvement compared to the current management scheme, both for urban and agricultural demands.
Pumping would decrease in the whole system compared to the current scenario, but it could be kept higher than
that of simulations 2, 3 and 4. It would be 75.9 Mm3/y, which means 61% of current pumping.
In this way the Serral-Salinas and Solana aquifers would have a balanced budget, and the Jumilla-Villena aquifer
would begin to recover. However the Sierra de Crevillente aquifer would still be overexploited, decreasing its
pumping/recharge rate to 480%. The Umbria aquifer would also maintain a pumping rate of 148%. And the rest of
the aquifers would be balanced or recovering.
We have also determined the volume and time distribution of a transfer that would completely meet demands com-
pletely and would permit aquifers recovery (SIM7). In that case, the transfer would be regulated in the source basin
and distributed all year long. It would reach up to 104.25 Mm3, which means an increase of 24.25 Mm3 / y with
respect to the maximum planned transfer.
On the other hand, groundwater quality is usually better than that of surface water. It would therefore be advisable
to keep groundwater as the main urban supply source.
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Andreu Alvarez J., Capilla Romá J. and Ferrer Polo J. (1992). Modelo SIMGES de simulación de la gestión de recursos
hídricos, incluyendo utilización conjunta. Manual de usuario. Versión 2.0. UPV. Valencia. Spain.
López Geta J.A., Navarro Iáñez J.A., Gómez Gómez J.D., Ortega Vargas R., Linares Girela L. and Cillanueva
Delgado L. (2001). Simulación y optimización de la gestión conjunta de recursos hídricos en el sistema Costa del
Sol Occidental. In: VII Simposio de Hidrogeología AEH, vol. XXIII, pp. 197 – 209. Madrid.
Gómez Gómez J.D., Murillo Díaz J.M., López Geta J.A. and Rodríguez Hernández L. (2004). Modelo de gestión
conjunta en la comarca del Medio Vinalopó (Alicante). In: VIII Simposio de Hidrogeología AEH, vol. XXVII,
pp. 521– 530. Madrid.
Rico Amorós, A.M. (1994). Sobreexplotación de aguas subterráneas y cambios agrarios en el Alto y Medio Vinalopó
(Alicante). Instituto Universitario de Geografía, Universidad de Alicante. Spain.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Developing regulatory controls
for stormwater discharge to a potable aquifer
in regional South Australia
P. Gorey and H. King
Urban stormwater generated within the regional city of Mount Gambier, South Australia, has historically been
discharged via drainage wells to an unconfined karstic carbonate aquifer that feeds into the Blue Lake. This prac-
tice is now widespread, and the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (SAEPA) has a key role in
establishing regulatory controls to ensure that these stormwater discharges do not compromise the beneficial
uses of the lake, which are currently as the city’s main potable water supply and as a major tourism attraction.
The approach adopted by the SAEPA includes five key components that are considered necessary to achieve
protection of the receiving groundwater: 1) a hazard analysis and risk assessment to quantify the degree of risk
posed by stormwater discharge, 2) the development of stormwater treatment design standards that are relevant
and applicable to the city, 3) the development of legislative tools that enforce stormwater design standards,
4) a communications program and 5) commitment and partnerships with other regional government agencies and
scientific organisations.
The experiences of the SAEPA in adopting this approach have been positive, and demonstrate that a balanced
consideration can provide for greater environmental protection outcomes.
Blue Lake; Mount Gambier; regulation; stormwater.
The regional city of Mount Gambier, located in the lower South East region of South Australia, is established on the
northern side of a small maar. The freshwater crater lake is called the Blue Lake and is the only known example in
the world of a lake that annually changes its colour in the blue spectrum (Telfer 2000). The lake is therefore a major
tourism attraction for the region. The steep walls of the Blue Lake result in a surface catchment area (86 hectares)
only slightly larger than the area of the lake itself (60 hectares) (Telfer 2000). This means that the rainfall runoff
contribution to the recharge of the Blue Lake is very minimal, with most of the water in the lake being generated by
groundwater inflows. Because the water quality is generally good, with total dissolved solids being less than
400 mg L-1, the Blue Lake, in addition to being a tourism attraction, is also the main potable water supply for the
city of Mount Gambier.
The protection of the water quality in the Blue Lake is an area of focus for state and local government authorities.
There are a variety of land use practices within the vicinity of the lake that need to be controlled in order to protect
groundwater quality; in particular, the practice of stormwater discharge to groundwater within the Mount Gambier
area has been specifically identified as a potential threat to groundwater quality (Blue Lake Management Committee
2001; Emmett 1985; Emmett & Telfer 1994; Telfer 1994; Waterhouse 1977).
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The development of regulatory controls for stormwater management within the Mount Gambier area has been com-
plicated by the environmental setting and the established urban development. The SAEPA, the peak environmental
regulator for South Australia, has adopted an approach to establish regulatory controls that deliver a high level of
protection for the aquifer and are economically achievable in the region.
Environmental setting
The Blue Lake and surrounding area is located within the Gambier Embayment of the Otway Basin. The main geo-
logical units in order from youngest to oldest are Holocene volcanic deposits, Bridgewater Formation (calcareous
sands), Gambier Limestone and a confined Dilwyn Formation.
The Gambier Limestone consists of alternating beds of bryozoal limestone and marl overlying the dolomitic
Camelback member. Karstic features, which are common in the Gambier Limestone, result in both a primary and a
secondary porosity of the aquifer.
The Gambier Limestone is an important unconfined aquifer throughout the region. It is the primary source for the
Blue Lake, and the water level in the lake is a reflection of the groundwater level. It is suggested that the ground-
water inflow into the lake is dominated (90%) by inflows from the unconfined aquifer (Ramamurthy et al. 1995).
The dolomitic Camelback member is the dominant source for flow into the Blue Lake and also the target for
drainage wells constructed within Mount Gambier. It is for this reason that protection of the water quality in the
unconfined aquifer is considered critical for the protection of water quality in the Blue Lake.
The local geology has made it difficult to accurately define a groundwater ‘capture zone’ for the Blue Lake. However,
the accepted ‘Blue Lake Capture Zone’, the location of the city of Mount Gambier and the inferred flow paths of
groundwater in the unconfined aquifer are illustrated in Figure 1.
In many cases there are only rudimentary, or an absence of any, treatment measures prior to disposal of stormwater
to the aquifer. Upgrading of the existing stormwater infrastructure is a major challenge, with over 800 stormwater
drainage wells estimated to be located within the Blue Lake Capture Zone. The concentration of stormwater
drainage wells within the urbanised areas of the city is illustrated in Figure 1.
At the state level the majority of regulatory and management functions relating to the protection of the Blue Lake
and the surrounding aquifers are undertaken and coordinated from within a variety of separate departments of the
South Australian Government. The focus for the SAEPA is the protection of water quality, with other government
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Figure 1: Blue Lake, Mount Gambier urban area and drainage well locations
departments being responsible for the management of sustainable water allocations, the pursuit of water sensitive
urban design and the management of the reticulated water supply.
The SAEPA has recently completed a process to allow the principles of the NWQMS to be incorporated into legis-
lation in South Australia. The Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003 (WQEPP) is the legislative ins-
trument that has become the pivotal regulatory tool allowing the SAEPA to progress towards improved stormwater
management for discharges to the aquifer in Mount Gambier.
Local councils are the third tier of government that have an important role in stormwater management in Mount
Gambier, and the Blue Lake Capture Zone encompasses two local council areas. These authorities are integral to the
protection and management of the aquifer and the Blue Lake as they are responsible for land use planning and the
administration of municipal stormwater management systems.
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The development of acceptable water quality criteria for the discharge of stormwater to the aquifer has been a major
hurdle for the SAEPA and other regional government organisations. The critical aspect of this problem has been to
maintain the water quality of the aquifer under the city to potable standards while recognising that the karstic
nature of the aquifer limits the ability to quantify the attenuation capacity of the aquifer, or to be confident in
predicting dilution or mixing zones. Adopting a precautionary approach in this situation continually led to the
decision that the water quality criteria for stormwater being discharged to the aquifer needed to be equivalent to
the target standard for the aquifer, namely potable quality or better. The issue is further complicated as a result of
recent work by Telfer (2000) and Turoczy (2002), which indicated that the colour change process in the Blue Lake
is significantly influenced by very low concentrations of (non-calcite) suspended particulates in the water column.
These outcomes suggest that the target water quality criteria for the Blue Lake may need to be significantly better
than drinking water quality in order to maintain the colour change characteristic.
A variety of pollutants including hydrocarbons, pesticides, nutrients and metals have been identified in stormwater
within Mount Gambier (Emmett 1985). However, after over 100 years of stormwater discharge to the aquifer, the
water quality in the Blue Lake remains good. An increasing trend in nitrate concentrations reflects a similar
regional trend of nitrate in groundwater, and is difficult to attribute to stormwater discharge.
An approach was required that would deliver a practical and achievable solution to provide the maximum possible
level of protection for the underlying aquifer and the Blue Lake, and yet not compromise the colour change char-
acteristics or the potable end use.
A variety of approaches were considered in determining the manner in which stormwater management would
be regulated within the Blue Lake Capture Zone. As a result of internal and external deliberations, the SAEPA
developed a regulatory approach that is integrated with the approaches being undertaken by other government
authorities, and builds upon the non-regulatory mechanisms that are also being adopted.
The approach taken has the following key components, which are considered to have been fundamental to the
success of developing the regulatory approach.
A hazard analysis and risk assessment to quantify the degree of risk posed by stormwater discharge. In order to under-
stand the scale of stormwater impact on the receiving aquifer, and therefore on the Blue Lake, it was necessary to
ascertain the source, transport and fate of stormwater contaminants, and to quantify the potential risks of storm-
water discharge. Opportunistically, the majority of this work was able to be undertaken through an international
research project ‘Assessing and Improving the Sustainability of Urban Water Resources and Systems’. This project is
supported by the European Commission and coordinated within Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation. The initial outcome of this assessment has been that, in addition to the dilution of
contaminants in the aquifer, stormwater pollution is having a lower than expected impact upon the underground
aquifer and the Blue Lake through both an attenuation and/or adsorption capacity within the aquifer matrix and
in-lake processes. It follows that although there is the risk of contamination of groundwater from stormwater in
Mount Gambier, it is not necessarily justified to assume there is no attenuation capacity within the aquifer matrix.
Quantification of this capacity remains to be established.
The development of stormwater treatment design standards that are relevant and applicable to the city. The SAEPA con-
sidered that the approach of directly implementing stormwater quality discharge criteria to the Mount Gambier area
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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would be ineffective as it would provide insufficient guidance to urban planners, landowners and the regulating
agencies. The SAEPA therefore developed stormwater treatment guidelines in order to document the minimum
design standards for stormwater treatment systems that were considered to be best available technology econ-
omically achievable. Importantly, these standards were developed to be appropriate to the environmental setting.
The design standards do not prohibit discharge of stormwater to the aquifer, but provide a range of options suitable
for different urban developments.
Developing legislative tools that enforce stormwater design standards. The hierarchical structure of the legislative tools
available to the SAEPA provide options for enforcing stormwater treatment principles. The SAEPA is currently
considering the development of a code of practice that will provide general guidance regarding urban stormwater
management, and, importantly, could require compliance with stormwater design standards under the provisions of
the new WQEPP. Once developed and linked to the WQEPP this code of practice could be enforced through the
issuing of an Environment Protection Order.
A communications program. Although the local community has an affinity with the Blue Lake, experience indicates
that many in the community do not understand that stormwater quality is likely to have an impact upon the water
quality of the underlying aquifer or the Blue Lake. An ongoing communication program is therefore critical to pub-
licise the need to protect stormwater. Other government partners have already established a successful stormwater
pollution prevention program that has substantially delivered the roles of improved community understanding of
stormwater management in Mount Gambier.
Commitment and partnerships with other government agencies and scientific organisations. The most significant com-
ponent of achieving improved regulation in stormwater discharge has been the high level of cooperation that exists
at the regional level between state government departments, the regional water management authority, local govern-
ment authorities and peak scientific research agencies. This cooperative arrangement has enabled coordination of
activities, assurance that research is aligned to resource managers’ needs, efficiency savings, and a platform for
robust discussion leading to mutually acceptable outcomes instead of confrontational dialogue. Further, this co-
operation is important in recognising that although regulatory arrangements may be established by the SAEPA, the
responsibility for stormwater management does not rest with the SAEPA, and therefore there is a need to ensure a
commitment to implementation.
The concerns of adverse impacts of stormwater discharge in Mount Gambier have been raised for a number of
years, and although there have been many improvements, significant work still needs to be done for there to be
confidence in the protection of water quality in the aquifer and the Blue Lake. The situation existed that significant
improvements in stormwater management were difficult in the absence of legislative tools and a clear understand-
ing of the risks that stormwater discharge in the city posed. The fundamental decision for the SAEPA has been to
adopt stormwater treatment management practices as standards instead of defining stormwater discharge criteria.
The benefits of this approach are that landowners are provided with clear guidelines of the measures that need to be
established, and that the SAEPA and other organisations have already considered what is reasonable and practical.
Based on the scientific research being undertaken, the SAEPA is able to proceed with this approach with confidence.
Although regulatory controls are important, the development of such controls can be difficult and requires the
careful balance of both the long- and short-term economic, social and environmental aspects of stormwater
management. The SAEPA has demonstrated that in the Mount Gambier area, the adoption of a combination of
approaches has been successful in achieving significant gains over a short period of time.
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818 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
The process of implementation of this regulatory approach is still continuing, and it is likely that full implemen-
tation will not occur for many years. However, the lessons being learnt already are that a balanced approach is
needed and cooperation among state and local government authorities is critical.
Blue Lake Management Committee (2001). The Blue Lake Management Plan. South East Catchment Water Mana-
gement Board.
Emmett, A.J. and Telfer, A.L. (1994). Influence of karst hydrology on water quality management in Southeast South
Australia. Environmental Geology, 23(2), 149 –155.
Emmett, A.J. (1985). Mount Gambier stormwater quality. Engineering and Water Supply Library Reference 84 / 23.
Adelaide, South Australia.
Ramamurthy, L.M., Veeh, H.H. and Holmes, J.W. (1985). Geochemical mass balance of a volcanic crater lake in
Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 79,127–139.
Telfer, A.L. (2000). Identification of processes regulating the colour and colour change in an oligotrophic, hardwater,
groundwater-fed lake, Blue Lake, Mount Gambier, South Australia. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Mana-
gement 5, 161–176.
Telfer, A.L. (1994). 100 years of stormwater recharge: Mount Gambier, South Australia. Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on Artificial Recharge, Orlando, Florida, 17– 22 July 1994.
Turoczy N.J. (2002). Calcium chemistry of Blue Lake, Mt Gambier, Australia, and relevance to remarkable seasonal
colour changes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 156(1), 1– 9.
Waterhouse, J.D. (1977). The hydrogeology of the Mount Gambier Area, Report of Investigations 48, Department of
Mines, Geological Survey of South Australia.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V The Streatham groundwater source:
an analogue for the development
of recharge enhanced groundwater resource
management in the London basin
Michael A. Jones, Sally J. Harris,
Keith M. Baxter and Malcolm Anderson
Abstraction from the confined Chalk aquifer of the London Basin began in the late 18th century and increased
throughout the 19th century, with the Streatham groundwater source beginning abstraction in 1882. Abstraction
throughout the London Basin increased until the 1940s causing over-exploitation and declining groundwater
levels, the consequence at Streatham was a progressive reduction in yield until it ceased operation in 1954.
Groundwater levels continued to decline until the mid 1960s, but subsequently recovered as abstraction reduced.
It was in the period of declining groundwater levels that much of London’s underground infrastructure developed.
The later rise in groundwater levels produced a risk of structural damage and flooding, and since the late 1990s
mitigation has entailed a progressive increase in abstraction; a new borehole at Streatham was one of several
constructed across London for this purpose.
In the 21st century artificial recharge testing at Streatham has demonstrated significant borehole injection rates,
and the site is at the forefront in the development of a South London Artificial Recharge Scheme. The challenge is
to define an operating strategy for storing injected water to ensure that enhanced resources are available to meet
seasonal peak and drought demands, while ensuring underground infrastructure is not impacted and abstraction
remains sustainable.
Artificial recharge, chalk, groundwater resource management, London basin, SLARS.
Currently, Thames Water supplies up to a maximum of 2,600 million litres of water per day (Ml/d) to London, of
which about 650 Ml/d is groundwater abstracted from the Chalk aquifer. In the future, however, demand for water
will increase; in east London alone a population increase of around 800,000 is expected by 2016. Although a twin
track approach of demand management and water resource development is being followed to maintain a supply-
demand balance, groundwater abstraction in the London Basin is close to its sustainable limit. As a result, Thames
Water is investigating several groundwater options, such as use of deeper aquifers, utilising poorer quality brackish
groundwater and enhanced use of artificial recharge in the Chalk. In investigating these options it is informative to
consider the historical development of groundwater resources in the London Basin. For the development of a South
London Artificial Recharge Scheme (SLARS), the Streatham groundwater source can be used as an analogue for both
the historic resource development in the London Basin, as well as the future development of recharge enhanced
groundwater resource management.
The London Basin beneath metropolitan London is a syncline, dissected by a network of faults and fractures,
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within which the Chalk forms the principal aquifer (Figure 1). The Chalk aquifer crops out in the hills of the
Chilterns and the North Downs, to the north and south respectively, forming the main areas of natural recharge,
with groundwater flow converging generally in the confined Chalk under central London. Within the Chalk,
groundwater flow is controlled by its fracture-matrix, dual porosity characteristics. Beneath much of London the
Chalk is overlain by the Basal Sands, which owing to their leaky hydraulic connection, form an important aquifer
system, This Chalk-Basal Sands aquifer is confined by the Lambeth Group and the London Clay, consisting predom-
inantly of clay units. Overlying these clays, a sand, gravel and clay sequence deposited by the River Thames and its
tributaries forms a minor aquifer that is hydraulically separated from the Chalk over most of the Basin. However,
the confined Chalk aquifer beneath London is more complicated than described above:
• Higher transmissivity aligned with N-S oriented valleys but also along the predominant NE-SW fracture orien-
tation, potentially resulting in zones of preferential flow;
• Significantly lower transmissivity perpendicular to the predominant NE-SW fracture orientation, i.e. across major
fault and fold structures, that influence hydraulic gradients; and
• Erosion to form ‘windows’ through the confining layer beneath the tidal R. Thames, and some of its tributaries in
south east London, resulting in aquifer-river hydraulic connection.
Streatham is located in south west London where the Chalk is about 75 m below ground level, and is overlain by
10 m of Basal Sands and then 65 m of the Lambeth Group and London Clay. The Streatham groundwater source
therefore abstracts from the confined Chalk aquifer. It is located in a zone of fracture enhanced transmissivity,
aligned roughly N-S along the Wandle river valley, extending from the Chalk outcrop south of Streatham to the
River Thames.
London Clay
Lambeth Group
and Basal Sands
Abstraction began from the confined Chalk aquifer of the London Basin in the late 18th century, with many of the
wells and boreholes initially being artesian. Abstraction increased steadily throughout the Industrial Revolution into
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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the 19th century and groundwater levels declined, requiring deeper wells and deeper, more powerful pumps. It was
in 1882 that the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company commenced construction of the original Streatham
groundwater source, producing around 5.5 – 6 Ml / d by 1884 from the Chalk. The Streatham well is about 2.3 m in
diameter, lined with brickwork and cast iron segments to the top of the Chalk, extending through the Chalk as an
open hole of 0.75 m diameter to a depth of 220 m. In around 1884 a borehole was drilled through the base of the
well in an attempt to enhance abstraction, penetrating to a depth of 385 m and reaching the Devonian basement,
but it did not encounter a significant additional aquifer.
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As abstraction has increased as part of the GARDIT Strategy the rate of groundwater level rise has decreased from its
maximum of 3 m / year to around 1 m / year, but in the centre of the London Basin groundwater levels are now static
or beginning to fall. Notably however, in south west London groundwater levels are falling at rates of around
4 m / year owing to abstraction from Streatham and other groundwater sources commissioned as a contribution to
the GARDIT Strategy. As a result of this, the possibility of a new, more dynamic role for sources such as Streatham
has been identified. The concept involves managing groundwater storage to ensure that maximum groundwater
levels do not impact subsurface infrastructure, and minimum levels define a water resource limit and /or a level at
which other abstractors are derogated. Artificial recharge, using dual abstraction-injection boreholes, is fundamental
in the development of this groundwater resource management concept.
The artificial recharge of the Chalk in the London Basin is not new, with Thames Water and its predecessor organ-
isations having much experience in north London. This began with an initial trial in the 1890s, continued with con-
certed trials in the 1950s to 1970s, and resulted in the full commissioning of the North London Artificial Recharge
Scheme (NLARS) in 1995 (Figure 1). NLARS is essentially designed for drought abstraction, nominally 1 in every
8 years, and is recharged using potable water to maximise storage in the Chalk-Basal Sands aquifer (O’Shea and
Sage, 1999; Harris et al., in press). In investigating the viability of SLARS, whereby increased abstraction would be
compensated by artificial recharge, it is clear that the hydrostratigraphy is the same as that in the NLARS area, but
there are distinct hydrogeological differences:
• The Chalk and Basal Sands in the SLARS area are saturated, and thus there is less aquifer storage available to fill;
• The existence in south London of deep infrastructure at risk from high groundwater levels, which defines a
maximum groundwater level and thus storage volume;
• In the SLARS area, there are zones where artificial recharge may be lost, e.g. spring discharges from the uncon-
fined Basal Sands and Chalk, as well as erosional ‘windows’, thus retention times for the recharged water is lower
in south London (Anderson et al., in press);
• Abstraction from the confined Chalk in south London is close to a sustainable limit, thus an abstraction increase
may cause environmental impact in the unconfined Chalk or derogation of other abstractors.
In spite of these differences, it is considered that SLARS can enhance groundwater storage to meet summer peak
demands, perhaps balancing abstraction and recharge on an annual basis. SLARS could also have potential to sup-
port water demand throughout extended drought periods, provided that either, (a) sufficient volumes of recharge
water can be stored, pre-drought, without significant losses to springs or enhanced risk from high groundwater
levels, or (b) high artificial recharge rates are viable, post-drought, to recover loss of aquifer storage.
In general borehole hydraulic performance during abstraction and recharge testing was similar, but there are impor-
tant differences that could affect SLARS operation and need to be investigated. Specifically, the Streatham borehole
hydraulic performance improved (i.e. lower turbulent head losses) between the time of the original testing in 1993
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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and 2002 due to operational abstraction. This suggests long term clearance of fractures and enhancement of fracture
permeability. However, after significant artificial recharge, turbulent head losses increased suggesting that aquifer
clogging was occurring. In fact, turbidity increased significantly in water abstracted following recharge, further
supporting the occurrence of aquifer clogging. One cause of the turbid water, and thus clogging, is precipitation
of CaCO3 resulting from mixing of natural groundwater (minimum pH7.1) with river derived recharge water
(pH7.5 – 8.1). Such clogging could cause operational problems and affect SLARS viability, but after only a day of
abstraction the turbidity reduced and borehole hydraulic performance improved. This demonstrates that clogging is
reversible and can be managed by pumping to waste (i.e. sewer) before pumping into supply.
Having demonstrated artificial recharge potential at Streatham, the regional viability of SLARS has been assessed
using the 3-D London Basin Groundwater model. This has considered increased abstraction and artificial recharge
at several potential SLARS sites, and an operating strategy of:
• Summer (i.e. May to October) abstraction during non-drought years, with a combination of artificial recharge and
no abstraction during the remainder of the year;
• Continuous abstraction throughout extended droughts, representing droughts such as 1976;
• A minimum regional groundwater level coincident with the top of the Basal Sands; and
• A maximum groundwater level where key underground infrastructure is at risk.
Summer abstractions of 26 – 38 Ml /d and continuous drought abstractions of 38 Ml /d were considered, with arti-
ficial recharge rates of 27 Ml /d. The top of the Basal Sands is set as the minimum groundwater level because of a
groundwater quality risk. At low groundwater levels in the past, the Basal Sands were partially dewatered and the
pyrite they contain was oxidised; on re-saturation groundwater with elevated iron and sulphate was produced
(Kinniburgh et al., 1994). Although this did not occur at Streatham, and some other potential SLARS locations,
inducing dewatering by increased SLARS abstraction poses a significant risk to groundwater quality.
Figure 3 shows that without any artificial recharge the additional abstraction from SLARS (i.e. about 17 Ml /d
in non-drought summers) increases summer drawdown compared to background abstraction, but there is greater
recovery as the SLARS summer abstraction period is shorter. With artificial recharge, drawdown is reduced to
that predicted for the
background abstraction 30
Background+SLARS - With Recharge
scenario but the Basal Background+SLARS - No Recharge
Sands are still partially de- Background Abstraction - No SLARS
Groundwater Level (m AOD)
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824 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
source observed drawdown is reduced by around 80%, and thus Basal Sands dewatering would not occur. However
during droughts, predictions indicate the Basal Sands around the source might be completely dewatered creating a
water quality risk.
Modelling predictions suggest that pre-drought artificial recharge does not store sufficient water to sustain base load
abstraction through extended droughts. This deficiency in aquifer storage appears to be exacerbated by loss of
recharge water to springs during pre-drought recharge. A loss of about 1.5 Ml /d is predicted pre-drought, but
immediately post-drought there is no loss of artificial recharge to springs. Figure 3 shows that post-drought
recharge is sufficient to balance the additional 17 Ml /d of SLARS summer abstraction, when compared with back-
ground abstraction. In addition, a slow progressive increase in storage is predicted as groundwater levels rise post-
drought. These are initial results from a consideration of one possible operating strategy, but they provide a further
demonstration of SLARS viability. Investigations are continuing and there are plans to drill and test new boreholes,
as well as carry out further groundwater modelling. This work will allow the optimum operating strategy to be
defined as well as the benefits to London’s water supply.
For 120 years after commissioning, the evolution of the Streatham groundwater source reflected the wider evolution
of the confined Chalk aquifer beneath London. It has evolved through phases of abstraction and disuse, followed by
re-commissioning with a key role in reversing groundwater level rise. In the 21st century the viability of artificial
recharge at Streatham has been demonstrated, and Streatham is in the forefront of SLARS investigations. By mana-
ging storage between maximum and minimum groundwater levels an operating strategy can be developed to assist
meeting seasonal peak and drought demands, while ensuring underground infrastructure is not impacted and
abstraction remains sustainable.
Anderson M., Jones M., Baxter K. and Gamble D. (2006). Application of GIS mapping to retention time, well recharge
capacity and river depletion calculations to determine optimum locations for artificial recharge. (This volume).
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (1989). The Engineering Implications of Rising Ground-
water Levels in the Deep Aquifer Beneath London, Special Publication 69, CIRIA, London, UK.
Harris S., Adams M. and Jones M. (2006). NLARS: Evolution of an artificial recharge scheme. (This volume).
Kinniburgh D.G., Gale I.N, Smedley P., Darling W.G., West J.M., Kimblin R., Parker A., Rae J.E., Aldous P.J. and
O’Shea M.J. (1994). The effects of historic abstraction of groundwater from the London Basin aquifers on ground-
water quality. Appl. Geochem., 9, 175 –196.
O’Shea M. and Sage R. (1999). Aquifer Recharge: An Operational Drought-Management Strategy in North London.
J. CIWEM, 13, 400 –405.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Hydrogeology and water
treatment performance of the Dösebacka
artificial recharge plant – the basis
for an efficient system for early warning
Måns Lundh, Sven A. Jonasson,
Niels Oluf Jørgensen and Mark D. Johnson
The EC-project ARTDEMO seeks to demonstrate an early-warning system for AR-plants, and this paper is a
presentation of the initial work of setting up such a system at the Dösebacka plant in southwestern Sweden.
Geophysical investigations, bore-hole drilling, geochemical characterisation, and water-treatment per-
formance have been used to characterize the geology and to understand the character of the AR system. A
geological and hydrogeological model of the Dösebacka aquifer is suggested. Geochemical analysis reveals
two different water types, and an analysis of treatment performance demonstrates problems and solutions
with regard to salt and turbidity.
Artificial groundwater recharge, hydrochemistry, geophysics, temperature, water treatment.
Municipal water supply from a plant using artificial recharge (AR) requires the ability of the aquifer to retain
organic matter, pathogenic organisms, and other substances affecting water quality. However, the quality of the
water generated by the AR system also depends on the quality of the infiltrated water, and it is important that the
opeation can be shut down in cases of sudden changes in water quality. This calls for an alert early-warning system.
The Dösebacka AR-plant, located along the Göta Älv river near Kungälv, Sweden, participates in the EC-project
ARTDEMO with the main objective of demonstrating just such an early-warning system for monitoring and mana-
gement. The focus of this paper is the understanding of the geology, hydrogeology and water-treatment performance
of the aquifer as this information provides a basis for the creation of an effective early-warning system.
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826 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
The numerous glaciations of the Quaternary Period did surprisingly little to shape the landscape. Following retreat
of the ice, areas now below 100 m above sea level were inundated by the ocean, and marine clay was deposited in
thicknesses up to 80 m in some of the bedrock valleys. The glacier left only a thin layer of till, and bedrock is com-
monly exposed in upland areas. The ridge above the AR-plant at Dösebacka is an exception and represents one of
several scattered drumlin-like ridges in southwest Sweden. The Dösebacka drumlin consist of 30 m of till from the
last glaciation overlying a thick sequence of older gravely glacial-stream sediment, some older till, permafrost
features, and even some mammoth bones (Hillefors, 1974). The drumlin was formed up-ice from an exposed
bedrock knob, and the till accumulated as the ice was forced to flow over the knob.
The aquifer used by the AR-plant consists of coarse sand and gravel, likely of glacial-stream-sediment origin
(Bryllert, 2005). This sand and gravel rests on bedrock (or perhaps on till on bedrock) and is overlain by glacial
and post-glacial marine clay that is thick on the river side of the AR-plant, but which wedges out west towards the
valley side. The gravely sediment below the clay is similar in character to the sub-till layers exposed up slope in
the drumlin, but it is unlikely that these gravely units represent the same layer. Alin and Sandegren (1947) indicate
that the layers in the drumlin are truncated by erosion, implying that the sand and gravel in the aquifer is younger
than the sediment exposed in the drumlin.
Two hypotheses are offered for the origin of the coarse aquifer sediment.
(1) The aquifer sediment represents a delta-like deposit that formed at the ice margin during deglaciation when the
margin passed over the Dösebacka area. A nearby exposure of the aquifer sediment shows it to be bedded and
containing well-rounded cobbles, similar to ice-marginal delta deposits at nearby Gråbo and Fjärås Bräcka. The
topography of the Göta Älv valley would have allowed for the formation of such a delta, because the subglacial
waters necessary for the formation of the delta would have most likely followed the valley trend.
(2) The aquifer sediment may represent wave-washed sediment that was eroded from the drumlin sediments.
Following deglaciation, when this area was isostatically rising above the sea, waves could have washed coarse
sediment from the drumlin into the Göta Älv valley. This explains why the aquifer lies immediately next to the
drumlin. However, this site occupies a lee position and wave activity may not have been intense enough to pro-
duce the coarse sediment. Additionally, the aquifer sediment appears to be coarser than other wave-washed sed-
iment in the region.
Geophysical examination was performed using Continuous Vertical Electrical Sounding (CVES) and refraction
sounding. CVES was run in three lines parallel to and three lines perpendicular to the Göta Älv river (Rhodin,
2003). Refraction sounding was performed along two lines (Fig. 1)(Bryllert, 2005). Three boreholes were drilled to
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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10 2 8
14 3 5 13
4 12 15 7 6
Figure 1. Map over the Dösebacka AR-plant; resistivity soundings (solid lines), drill holes (red dots),
refraction soundings (dotted lines) and wells (numbered circles). Upper case letters A-I are infiltration ponds,
and the numerals 1 and 2 are referred to in the text.
bedrock (Fig. 1), and samples were brought to the surface at every meter by air-induced flushing. The grain size
of the sediment was determined using standard sieve and hydrometer methods. Sand-grain counts and X-ray dif-
fraction (XRD) were used to determine the mineral content (Bryllert, 2005).
The hydrogeology and a groundwater-flow model are based on the known geology, groundwater logging, and tem-
perature measurements in abstraction wells once a week during 2003-2004. Flow path were generated through
numerical calculation with MIKE SHE (a product of DHI, Sweden). Residence time for abstracted water in GRP 9
was determined with a tracer experiment using NaCl that was added in Basin F (see below ‘Tracer Experiment’).
Analyses of Na +, Cl –, and electrical conductivity were performed in GRP 9. Residence time from the temperature
measurement and the tracer experiment were compared, giving dampening rates. The rates were then used for con-
version of the temperature-related residence times into probable residence time for each well.
The hydrochemistry at the Dösebacka site was analysed from water-quality data taken from 1992 – 2004. A Piper
diagram (Piper, 1944) was produced from the water-quality data, giving information on the geochemical character
of the groundwater in the abstraction wells. Stable isotopes (18 O and 2 H) and 87Sr/ 86 Sr isotopic ratios were
analysed at three different times in 2004 to infer the mixture between surface water and different groundwater bod-
ies. Water-treatment efficiency was evaluated from water-quality data measured once a month during a period of
nine months from August 2003 to April 2004.
Tracer experiment
The tracer experiment was conducted using sodium chloride (NaCl). The tracer is easy to handle, harmless to
humans, cheap and the Cl– ion is regarded as conservative in the aquifer material. Furthermore, the background
Cl – content in GRP 9 is fairly low (Table 3). The amount of sodium chloride was chosen so that the water-quality
limits of 100 mg/l for Na+ as well as for Cl – would not be exceeded in water produced from the wells.
The tracer experiment started March 29, 2004. A total amount of 350 kg NaCl was mixed with 4 m3 water in a tank.
This concentrated solution was added to infiltration Basin F (Fig. 1). The water level in the basin was low (only a
few decimetres) because the infiltration-water supply had been temporarily stopped. All the NaCl-rich water in the
basin was allowed to infiltrate before the water supply to the basin was opened again.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
828 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Water was sampled from pumping well GRP 9 using two automatic water samplers. The sampling rate was one
sample per day to start with, which was increased to two samples per day when the concentration peak was
expected. After the peak passed, the sampling rate was again one sample per day, and, after some time, one sample
every three days.
The calculated chloride concentration in Basin F on March 29th was 646 mg Cl– / l. This took 10 hours to infiltrate;
the infiltration velocity was 31 mm/hr. By comparison, the maximum concentration in well GRP 9 which was
21 mg Cl– / l. The chloride peak was rather broad and it took more than twenty days for it to pass. Approximately
80 % of the tracer was detected in GRP 9.
Area (m2) 2404 1967 1884 1301 1031 1096 787 563 1134
Infiltration rate (cm/h) 1.4 1.3 2.8 2.6 0.8 4.3 1.7 1.9 –
Geophysics, drilling, stratigraphy, and mineralogy
CVES (Rhodin, 2003) nicely displays the extension of the glacial/post-glacial clay layer (Fig. 2). The clay layer is
20 – 40 m in the south and close to the river, but it wedges out up slope towards the ponds. Clay and silt seem to
be absent in the northern part (Fig. 2). Drilling (red dots, Fig. 1) (Bryllert 2005) indicate only one aquifer, com-
posed of stratified sand and coarse gravel. Clay or till were not found during drilling, but this does not exclude the
possible existence of local lenses of clay and thin beds of till. The grain-size distribution of till in the region is some-
what similar to glacial-stream sediment, and it is difficult to differentiate the two in drill-hole samples.
The depth to bedrock is 15 meters close to the infiltration ponds (Bryllert, 2005), and an unpublished CVES
measurement in basin B indicates bedrock 3 m below the pond bottom. Initial unpublished measurements with a
gravimeter indicate a depth to bedrock of 50 – 60 m close to Göta Älv. Analysis of the mineral content shows that
the sand and gravel consists of normal granitic minerals, with a high content of quartz and potassium feldspar
(Bryllert, 2005).
Free from clay/silt?
Bedrock ridge?
Figure 2. CVES profile 3 from Rhodin (2003)(‘Längdprofil 3’ in Fig. 1). The profile runs
parallel to and approximately 50 m west of Göta Älv. South is to the left in the figure.
Low resistivity material (3) is interpreted as clay, (2) as sand and gravel and (1) as bedrock.
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The tracer experiment displayed a first response at 5 days and 95 % of the total observed mass of tracer had been
detected after 25 days. Assuming 20% effective porosity, a residence time of 11 days for GRP 9 and a hydraulic
gradient of 0.0186 m / m between pond F and GRP 9, the average hydraulic conductivity is calculated to
8.4 x 10 – 4 m /s within a range from 1.7 x 10 – 3 m /s (5% percentile) to 3.7 x 10– 4 m /s (95% percentile). The
hydraulic gradient could not be exactly determined but a performed sensitivity analysis indicated a range of
3.0 x 10 – 3 to 4.9 x 10 – 4 m/s for a gradient variation of 0.0186 ± 0.0134 m/m. The infiltration rates varied between
0.8 to 4.3 cm / h, which gave an infiltration of approximately 62 l /s (Table 1), thus 15–20% of the abstracted water
seems to come from other sources. The low rate in pond E might imply a hydraulic feature such as a divide. The
residence time for GRP 9 is 11 days according to the tracer experiment and 35 days according to the temperature,
giving a conversion factor of 3.2, which suggest residence times less than 75 days for the plant in general (Table 2).
Groundwater hydrochemistry
Stable isotope compositions of groundwater and springs plot close to the global meteoric water line (Craig, 1961)
(Fig. 4). River water from Göta Älv and water samples from abstraction wells are significantly enriched in both iso-
topes and plot well below the meteoric water line, indicating isotopic modification as a result of evaporation. River
water from Göta Älv and groundwater collected from the wells GRP 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14, are all charac-
terized by mixed water type without dominance of any particularly ions. Groundwater from GRP 4, 6, 7, 8, 12,
and 15 are of the Na-Cl/Na-Cl-Ca-HCO3 types indicating some influence from a saline water body (Fig. 5). The
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830 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
-52 0.728
-60 0.722
Sr /
Figure 4. Left: Stable isotope compositions of water types from the Dösebacka AR plant. GMWL: Global meteoric
water line (Craig, 1961). Right: Sr isotope (87Sr / 86Sr) compositions of water types from the Dösebacka AR plant.
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Water-quality problems
Turbidity and salt are the two main water-quality problems at the Dösebacka site. Turbidity is exemplified by GRP 9
(Table 3), which shows high turbidity (but similar organic content as the other wells). The problem is probably
related to fines that follow the abstracted water. The problem with salt is believed to do with captured relict water
from the period after the deglaciation when the area was inundated by the sea prior to and during the land rise. The
problem is exemplified by GRP 7, which has problems not only with chloride but also with manganese and occa-
sionally nitrite, probably connected to low oxygen concentrations in the relict water. Other wells with similar salt
character are GRP 6, 8, 12 and 15. The pretreatment consist of sedimentation for peaks of high turbidity in Göta
Älv. This is, however, not observeable in the measurement presented in Table 3. Posttreatment consist of chemical
precipitation with Al-sulphate for the wells with high turbidity. This results in reduced turbidity, colour and organic
matter (COD) in the finally treated water. There is possibly a higher risk of microbiological breakthrough in GRP 9
and 11 due to the shorter residence time, and in fact, coliforms have been detected in GRP 11, but the chemical pre-
cipitation constitutes a barrier in that sense. GRP 3 has also indicated coliforms, but this is probably due to leakage
into the well during times of flooding of Göta Älv.
Table 3. Average Water Quality for some parameters (from 4 – 9 samples over the period) in Dösebacka,
May 2003 – May 2004 (*: detection level < 2 cfu /100 ml)
Unit Göta Älv Pond A GRP 1 GRP 3 GRP 7 GRP 9 Drink W.
Slowly growing cfu /ml 3,100 > 3,100 93 – 100 0 – 10.0 48 – 50 5.0 – 13 33 – 38
Microorganisms, cfu /ml 1,400 > 2,400 95 – 100 0 – 10.0 0 – 10.0 2.5 – 10.0 5.5 – 5.8
22°C 3d
Coliform cfu /100 ml > 340 > 350 0 – 1.0 0.22 – 1.0 0 – 1.0 0 – 1.1* 0 – 1.0
bacteria 35°
E.coli cfu /100 ml > 46 > 38 0 – 1.0 0 – 1.0 0 – 1.0 0 – 1.1* 0 – 1.0
Alkalinity mg / l 20 20 21 27 120 22 61
COD-Mn mg / l 3.7 3.7– 3.9 0.56 – 1.0 0 – 1.0 0.22 – 1.0 0.70 – 1.1 0.20 – 1.0
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832 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
A suggested model of the Dösebacka aquifer is a 10-15 m single aquifer of sand and gravel, which is sloping from 3-
15 m below surface, under the infiltration ponds, to 50-60 m below the surface at the river. The aquifer is partly
confined with a layer of clay; thin near the ponds and increasing to 20 to 40 m close to the river. In the north the
clay is absent. Below the aquifer lies bedrock, probably heavily fractured (Fig 6).
The hydrology of the aquifer is governed by the gradient from the elevated infiltration ponds down to the river, a
groundwater divide, and the induced infiltration in the north. The hydrochemistry reveal two different water types.
One with the dominance of infiltrated river water and another that reflects prevalence of local groundwater and
influence of saline formation water from the subsurface, which is the case for the wells close to the river. Because of
high producing wells and existing flow paths, an explanation could be that the infiltrated water does not reach
these wells.
Alin, J., Sandegren, R. (1947). Dösebackaplatån. SGU serie C. Geological Survey of Sweden (in Swedish).
Bryllert, A. (2005). En litostratigrafisk undersökning av Dösebacka vattentäktsområde. Earth Sciences Centre,
Göteborg University, B447 (in Swedish).
Craig J. (1961). Isotopic variations in meteoric water. Science 133, 1702.
Hillefors, Å. (1974). The stratigraphy and genesis of the Dösebacka and Ellesbo. Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm
förhandlingar, v. 96, p. 355 – 374 (in Swedish).
Piper A.M. (1944). A graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. Am. Geophysical Union,
Trans. 25, 914 – 923.
Rhodin, S. (2003). En geofysisk undersökning av Dösebacka vattentäkt. Earth Sciences Centre, Göteborg University,
B381 (in Swedish).
Samuelsson, L. (1985). Beskrivning till berggrundskartan Göteborg NO. SGU Serie Af Nr 136. Geological Survey of
Sweden (in Swedish).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Inexpensive soil amendments
to reduce salty water intrusion
into the aquifer
R.P. Singh, Rekha Suman, R. Parthvi and P. Parthvi
Apatite, bentonite, zeolite, beringite, zero valent iron (ZVI), iron oxide and alkaline biosolid were evaluated as
inexpensive and abundant stabilizing agents in metal contaminated soils by batch, column, soil TLC and bioavail-
ability studies. Results from the laboratory study were used to design the greenhouse study in which amendments
were mixed separately with the contaminated soil at two rates: 25 and 50 g kg-1 for growimg pearl millet and
green gram. The influence of the stabilizing agents on the mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu,
Zn, Cd and Pb were evaluated using newly developed availability indices such as the modified distribution coef-
ficient (Kd), bioavailablity factor (BF), recalcitrant factor (RF) and transfer factor (TF), all of which give us infor-
mation about the amount of a metal contaminant that remains in the soil vs. the amount that moves into solution
or the food chain. The amendments significantly reduced the mobility of metals through soil into the aquifer and
availability of metals to plants. However, the effectiveness of these amendments varied. For example, iron oxide
was most effective for soils contaminated with arsenic, whereas apatite was best at reducing the mobility of lead,
cadmium, and zinc. The alkaline biosolid played an important role in stabilization of copper and nickel. Zeolite
stabilized cadmium, zinc, lead, copper, and nickel in soil, especially when metal levels were low, but its efficacy
might be questionable. Such changes among the soil quality indices indicate success of the remediation tech-
nique, and may have relevance in risk assessment, monitoring and checking salty water intrusion into the aquifer.
The contamination of environmental resources particularly soil and water by hazardous wastes is a problem around
the globe that poses a serious threat to life. Soil contaminants are anthropogenic from domestic, urban, industrial,
agricultural, mining and automobile traffic activities. They leach down to the aquifer, and are consumed up by the
crops. In this way enter the food chain and harm human health. Major anthropogenic inorganic soil pollutants with
their important oxidation states are Be(II), F(–1), Cr(III-VI), Ni(II-III), Zn(II), Cu(II), As(III-V), Cd(II), Hg(0-I-II)
and Pb(II-IV). Fertilizers and pesticides applied to crops are largely retained as recalcitrant contaminants by the soil,
and also seep down to the aquifer.
At present, a variety of approaches have been suggested for soil remediation (Knox et al., 2003; Lombi et al., 2002;
Oste et al., 2002; Basta et al., 2001). The most appropriate process depends on the forms of a contaminant, their
concentration, pH, other constituents of the matrix and the desired standard for the matrix to be discharged into
the environment. Traditional techniques of metal removal like coagulation with alum or iron salts, lime preci-
pitation and flocculation are not very effective and form sludge whose disposal is a problem. The advanced treat-
ment processes such as ion exchange, reverse osmosis, membrane separation, electrodialysis, chemical precipitation
and activated carbon adsorption are prohibitively expensive. The use of microbes such as bacteria, fungi and algae
in treating contaminated wastewaters is today an attractive technique but it is slow and as yet not suitable for appli-
cations on a large scale. Studies reveal adsorption to be the most promising technique because it is highly effective,
cheap, easy and ecofriendly method among all physicochemical processes. The goal of this research was to evaluate
the feasibility of using apatite (AP), bentonite (BT), zeolite (ZT), beringite (BG, a calcined Paleozioc schist, an alka-
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834 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
line alumino silicate), zero valent iron (ZVI), iron oxide (Fe2O3) and alkaline biosolid (AB, lime stabilized Fe-rich
municipal waste) as efficient, versatile, selective, cheap and green immobilizing media for Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr, Pb
and Cd in contaminated soils.
Two contaminated soil samples from the Shahadra landfill (S1) and St. John’s roadside (S2) were collected from the
top horizons (0 – 20 cm deep) and deep horizon (1.8 – 2 m) were air dried and sieved through a 2-mm screen, and
then subjected to different physicochemical analyses including analysis of Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd with a
Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 100 AAS as per standard methods (APHA, 1998). The working standards of 0.1, 1.0, 10.0
and 100.0 mg / l metal solutions were used to calibrate the instrument. Batch test was conducted by placing a
constant ratio of soil to wash liquid (1: 5 = 20 g / 100 ml with 1 g of the sequestering agent as pellets) at room
temperature. A control without stabilizer was taken for each concentration. Eight types of the wash liquids for 20 g
soil were 100 ml DDW, and seven 100 ml DDW+ 1 g each of the seven amendments in pellet form. The flask was
shaken by hand for about 30 seconds to disperse the soil particles, and then in a rotary shaker at 120 rpm for 2 h.
The amendment pellets were filtered off with a standard 2-mm sieve. The soil suspension was centrifuged at
4,000 rpm for 10 min and the residue was extracted with perchloric acid. The extract was analysed for metals by
AAS. A series of 4 washings was performed by washing the soil for 2 h each time with a fresh lot of same amount of
the wash liquid containing 1 g stabilizer. The final concentration for a washing became the initial metal con-
centration for the next washing. The metal uptake on amendments at different concentrations was thus calculated.
The data were analysed using the Langmuir constants and Kd values.
In order to establish leachability of contaminants through soil in natural conditions, downflow experiments were
conducted using PVC columns (100 cm height x 2.5 cm i.d.) for each contaminant with and without stabilizers.
A series of columns to provide different bed contact times (EBCTs of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 min) and bed heights
(BHs of 10, 25, 40, 60, 80, 120, 160 and 200 cm) was used. 100 ml of each 1, 10, 50 and 100 mg / l contaminant
solutions was passed through previously analysed soil sample at 1 ml/min under different conditions. The eluant
was collected and analysed for the contaminant.
To study mobility by soil TLC, the contaminated soil was amended with varying quantities of immobilizers to study
their mobility and effect on the migration of others. A soil slurry (1 soil : 2 water) was applied on a glass plate
(25 x 5 cm) to give 0.5-mm thick layer. 0.1 M metal nitrate or chloride solution was spotted on the baseline with a
micropipette. The contaminants were detected by spraying a suitable reagent and their mobility in terms Rf was
For bioavailability study amendments were mixed separately with the contaminated soil at two rates: 25 and
50 g kg –1. There were four replicates for each treatment, and the 1-kg pots were arranged in a completely random-
ized design. After four weeks of soil equilibration, pearl millet (PM or Pennisetum glaucum) was planted and then
harvested after six weeks of growth. After PM, green gram (GG or Phaseolus mungo) was planted and grown to
maturity. While culturing, the plants were fertilized with dissolved N–P–K (1:0.7:0.7) (applied as KNO 3 and
NH 4 H 2 PO 4), and watered with deionized water as needed. At the end of the growing period, the PM was separated
into leaves and roots, and the GG plants were separated into leaves and grains for subsequent chemical analyses.
Soil and plant extracts were analyzed by AAS. The influence of stabilizers on the mobility, bioavailability and
toxicity of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were evaluated using newly developed availability indices such as the
modified distribution coefficient (K d), bioavailablity factor (BF), recalcitrant factor (RF) and transfer factor (TF), all
of which give us information about the amount of a metal contaminant that remains in the soil vs. the amount that
moves into solution or the food chain.
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Tables 1 and 2 show the selected properties and metal contents of the two soil samples used in these experiments.
Comparing the soils, it is obvious that the soil sample S1 from Shahadra landfill is more contaminated than S2 from
St. John’s roadside. The metal concentrations in S1 are in excess of maximum permissible concentrations for an
agriculture area (Table 2) (CCME, 1991). In S2, only the total Cd and Pb concentrations were slightly above the
limit of the residential area.
Table 2. Total metal contents (mg / kg) soils used in the experiments (0 – 20 cm top layer)
Soils Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn Cd Pb
The immobility in Shahadra landfill soil (S1) with total Zn 595.0, Cu 498.7, Ni 251.0, Fe 89,000.0, Mn 836.0,
Cr 293.3, Pb 320.0 and Cd 5.2 mg / kg was found to decrease 60 % Zn, 66 % Cu, 62 % Ni, 57 % Fe, 50 % Mn, 55 % Cr,
70 % Pb and 71 % Cd after 4 washings of 2 h each at 120 rpm with a fresh lot of the same amout of wash liquid
containing 100 ml distilled water with 1g AP at pH 6.8 and temperature 25ºC. The St. John’s roadside soil (S2) that
was less contaminated, showed greater removal (Table 3).
Table 3. Effect of initial concentration on the metal removal by adsorbent dose 1 g per 100 ml wash liquid
containing 20 g soil at pH 6.8, temperature 25°C, agitation time 2 h, rpm 120
Metal Sample ci % Removal ce a = x/m C/a Q b
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836 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Sorption capacity is found to decrease with increase in metal concentration. The higher uptake at lower initial con-
centration can be attributed to the availability of more isolated metal ions (Singh et al., 2003). Sorption rate was
very rapid during initial period of contact and about 80 per cent of sorption was reached within first 60 minutes.
However, equilibrium was attained within 180 min. for most of them. The optimum agitation time for iron removal
was 90 min whereas for Cr and Ni it was 105 min. The order of metal immoblization with apatite was Cd > Pb >
Cu > Ni > Zn > Fe > Cr > Mn (Fig. 1). This is probably due to their ionic size and ionic potential, and this order
may be reverse of the their sorption on soil colloids.
Removal, %
0.5 1 1.5 2 Cd
Time, h
Figure 1. Percentages of metal sorption from soil S1 at different agitation times in 4th washing,
pH 6.8, temperature 25°C and apatite dose 1g per 100 ml wash liquid containing 20 g soil
The sorption data well fitted to the Langmuir isotherm. The adsorption capacity of AP was calculated to be 20.41,
36.41, 22.87, 37.25, 24.57, 30.60 and 0.66 mg/g for Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr, Pb and Cd respectively.
Studies by column process indicate that the sorption by soil without amendment decreased in the order Mn > Fe >
Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd. This is probably due to several factors such as ionic size, ionic polarity, pH, metal
reactivity and retentivity, soil properties and environmental conditions (Davies and Singh, 1995). The leaching or
mobility order should be reverse of the sorption order. The sorption of metal molecules goes on increasing as their
concentration decreases from 100 to 1 mg / L. The sorption percentage at all levels of Mn2 + is more than that of all
the cations under this study, and Fe 3 + is about 10 % more than that Ni 2 +, and of Pb2+ is more than that of the Cd2+.
Leaching increases as the flow rate increases. Solution pH significantly affected the extent of contaminant removal
(Lombi et al., 2003). The results showed variation of percent removal at various pH values. A specific relation of
optimum pH was observed with the nature of metal. Mn showed the highest removal (minimum leachability) at pH
6. Cd had maximum removal at pH 8.0. The maximum removal of Pb was found at pH 8.0. At pH 8.0, Cr had the
highest per cent removal. The maximum leachability for Cd was 62.4% and the minimum leachability for Mn was
observed for 38.1 % at pH 6.
The Rf value of manganese obtained from the soil TLC was minimum, and so sorption percentage of manganese was
more than that of all the metals under this study. Fe3+ is about 10 % more than that Ni2+, and of Pb2+ is more than
that of the Cd2+. The R f value increased and so sorption by soil without admendment decreased in the order Mn >
Fe > Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd. The leaching order is directly proportional to the R f value. The maximum R f
value of Cd indicates that it is the most mobile of all the investigated. The results of batch and column process are
similar to that of soil TLC. Stabilizers were able to reduce metal leaching, in most cases, in the order AP > ZT > BT
> BG > Fe2O3 > AB > ZVI.
A low TF value indicates low metal bioavailability to plants or low metal translocation within the plant. In Table 4,
TF values are presented for the roots and leaves of six-week old PM, and for the leaves and grains of mature GG.
The highest TF was observed for PM roots and the lowest TF values were in the GG grain. The trends in the data
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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suggest that although metals accumulated mostly in the roots, substantial Cd and Zn was translocated to the leaves
and grains, especially in the untreated soil. For example, the Cd TF value in PM leaves in untreated soil was the
highest (1.80). Both apatite and zeolite significantly reduced TF values for each metal, and the highest reduction
occurred in PM roots and leaves, and in GG leaves.
Table 4. Amendments like apatite etc. can reduce the movement of contaminants from soils into plants,
as measured in this case by the transfer factor (TF). Cd levels in all soils were 40 ppm.
Soil amendments PM root PM leaves GG leaves GG grain
Kd is relatively low in heavily metal contaminated soil, meaning that metals are fairly mobile. Addition of certain
amendments increased the Kd value, reducing the mobile fraction of metals in the soil. Apatite sorbed more Cu 2+,
Pb 2 +, Ni 2+ and Cd 2+ from the spike solution than zeolite, resulting in Kd values of > 200,000 l kg–1. In contrast, the
BF differs for each element, with its value being dependent upon the total concentration of the metal, the source of
the metal, and the properties of the soil. While a very mobile element like cadmium can have a BF value of only 2 %
in uncontaminated soils, the BF for cadmium can increase to as much as 50 % in polluted soils. The RF factor
typically is lower in soils with high concentrations of contaminants and low soil pH. TF values, which indicate
metal bioavailability, are usually high in contaminated soils but decrease upon treatment.
This studies found that the application of increasing amounts of amendments to metal-contaminated soils resulted
in increased values for Kd and RF, and decreased values for BF and TF. Such changes among the soil quality indices
indicate success of the remediation technique, and may have relevance in risk assessment, monitoring and salty
water intrusion into the aquifer.
The study indicates that adsorption, absorption, ion exchange and desorption take place simultaneously when
heavy metals interact with loamy soil with or without amendments. Stabilizers can reduce metal leaching in most
cases in the order AP > ZT > BT > BG > Fe2O3 > AB > ZVI. The sorption by soil without admendment decreased in
the order Mn > Fe > Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cd as indicated by batch, column and TLC studies. The leaching
order should be reverse of it. Cd is, thus, the least strongly retained by the soil than the other toxic cations, and
hence can pose a more serious problem of polluting groundwater with its extreme toxicity. Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were
found far more mobile than other four metals, and so they are also hazardous for the aquifer. They should, there-
fore, be properly monitored in soil, aquifer and phytomass at all the contaminated sites in Agra. An increase in
metal concentration led to weaker retention. This indicates to possibility of groundwater pollution due to land-
filling. Metals are more adsorbed on silty loam than on sandy loam because the former has higher organic matter,
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838 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
clay, monmorillonite contents, CEC and surface area. Most of Agra soil is sandy loam, and hence it is advised that
all wastes containing heavy metals should be treated before disposal into loamy formations.
The order of metal binding capacity of soil components SOM > clay silicate > iron hydroxides indicates SOM to be
the most important sorbent. If metal loading is beyond SOM capacity, clay silicate becomes more important binder.
ZVI is not very significant binder. Apatite is consistently better than other stabilizers at reducing metal mobility into
the aquifer and bioavailability to the plants.
Mineral amendments often contain metal impurities that may exceed environmental limits if applied in excess. The
effect of pH changes on the lability of fixed colloidal heavy metals in soils treated with amendments should be con-
sidered because most of the soil amendments are alkaline and increase soil pH.
Alkaline additives should be evaluated whether they contain enough Ca to prevent increased DOM leaching from
soils as a result of their alkalinity. High Ca reduces DOM leaching, resulting in decreased metal leaching. Both
the immediate effectiveness and long-term sustainability of using such soil amendments must be demonstrated
to achieve widespread public and regulatory acceptance. Furthermore, it is necessary to evaluate the ability of
prospective soil amendments to reduce contaminant mobility to the aquifer, and bioavailability by simple batch and
column techniques.
APHA, AWWA and WEF (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th ed., APHA,
Washington, DC.
Basta N.T., Gradwohl R., Snethen K.L. and Schroder J.L. (2001). Chemical immobilization of lead, zinc, and
cadmium in smelter contaminated soils using biosolids and rock phosphate. Journal of Environmental Quality,
30, 1222 – 1230.
CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) (1991). Interim Canadian environmental quality
criteria for contaminated sites. Report CCME EPC-CS34, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Davis A.P. and Singh I. (1995). Washing of Zn from contaminated soil column. Journal of Environmental Engineer-
ing, 121, 174 – 185.
Knox A.S., Kaplan D.I., Adriano D.C., Hinton T.G. and Wilson M.D. (2003). Apatite and phillipsite as sequestering
agents for metals and radionuclides. J. of Env. Quality, 32, 515 – 525.
Lombi E, Hamon R.E., McGrath S.P., McLaughlin M.J. (2003). Lability of Cd, Cu, and Zn in polluted soils treated
with lime, beringite, and red mud and identification of a non-labile colloidal fraction of metals using istopic tech-
niques. Environ Sci Technol., 37(5), 979 – 84.
Lombi E., Zhao F.J. and Wieshammer G. (2002). In-situ fixation of metals in soils using different amendments.
Environmental Pollution, 118(3), 445 – 452.
Oste L.A., Lexmond T.M. and Van Riemsdijk W.H. (2002). Metal immobilization in soils using synthetic zeolites.
Journal of Environmental Quality, 31, 813 – 821.
Singh R.P., Gupta P., Gupta N., Suman R. , Singh A. and Gupta S. (2003). Stabilization of heavy metals and radio-
nuclides by sorbents containing reactive phosphates. Nat. Symposium on Biochemical Sciences: Health and
Environmental Aspects, BSHEA-2003, October 2-4, 2003 DEI, Dayalbagh.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Mapping groundwater bodies with artificial
or induced recharge, by determination
of their origin and chemical facies
Pieter J. Stuyfzand
The mapping of groundwater bodies and their quality has become even more important since the introduction of
the European Water Framework Directive in 2000. This especially holds for groundwater bodies with artificial
recharge (AR) and river bank filtration (RBF), because they are not natural, neither hydrologically nor hydro-
chemically, and are therefore quite vulnerable to pollution and EU verdicts.
A method is proposed to prepare maps with the spatial distribution of all relevant groundwater bodies (hydro-
somes), both natural and man-made (or man-induced), and hydrochemical facies (zones) within these hydro-
somes. It requires the use of environmental tracers to reveal the origin of each relevant water sample, and the
determination of its hydrochemical facies by any combination of the pH-class, redox level, pollution index and
base exchange index BEX (or Sodium Adsorption Ratio, SAR).
Examples are given from the coastal dunes (AR by spreading of Rhine River water), and dutch fluvial plain (RBF).
Artificial recharge, European Water Framework Directive, mapping, river bank filtration, tracing, water quality.
The European Water Framework Directive and in particular the European Groundwater Directive have or will have
a strong impact on how to map, protect and monitor groundwater bodies. This holds in particular for those with
Managed Aquifer Recharge and subsurface Storage (MARS). These groundwater bodies are as a matter of fact very
special by virtue of their man-made recharge with surface water either by artificial recharge (AR) or induced
recharge (River Bank Filtration; RBF).
Good water quality maps need to be made anyhow, for a.o. allocating water resources, optimizing monitoring net-
works, controling water pollution and the set-up of combined transport-reaction models. In addition, maps form
the most effective communication tool for transfer of water quality data in a geographical context, either from
expert to expert or from expert to policy-maker or public.
The Hydrochemical Systems Analysis (HSA) was introduced by Stuyfzand (1993, 1999) to provide tools for map-
ping groundwater quality in a way similar to mapping the geology, pedology or hydrological systems of an area
(Fig. 1). The methodology presented here deviates slightly from the original HSA, in order to better address
the mapping of man-made groundwater bodies in (semi)natural environments, in the larger variety of hydrogeo-
chemical environments in the European Union today.
The methodology presented here results in the mapping of generic water types. For a further characterization a
chemical classification of water types can be useful, like the one proposed by Stuyfzand (1986, 1993).
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840 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
1. GENETICAL UNIT: Formation Soil Type Flow System Water body (Hydrosome)
Example Westland Formation Podzol Recharged Rhine River Dune water
Figure 1. Comparison of the mapping of geological, pedological, hydrological and hydrochemical data,
with a first grouping according to the genesis or origin, and subsequent subdivision
on the basis of specific characteristics (modified after Stuyfzand, 1993)
A hydrochemical groundwater system, or hydrosome (water body; υδωρ = water, σωµα = body), was defined by
Stuyfzand (1993, 1999) as a coherent, 3-dimensional unit of groundwater with a specific origin. Examples in
Fig. 2A are: coastal dune groundwater recharged by local rain water, intruded sea water, recharged river Rhine water
and polder water. Within a given hydrosome the chemical composition of water varies in time and space, due to
changes in recharge composition and in flow patterns, and due to chemical processes between water and its porous
medium. Such variations in chemical character can be used to subdivide a hydrosome into characteristic zones or
‘hydrochemical facies’, a term introduced by Back (1960). A hydrosome is therefore composed of various facies
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The C l /Br-ratio
Many infiltrated surface waters can be recognized from groundwater recharged by local rain water, by way of their
anomalously high Cl / Br-ratio, at least in coastal areas (Fig. 4). Their high Cl / Br-ratio is related to the low bromide
content of salt waste discharged into many surface waters, either by salt mines or house holds. The Rhine River
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842 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
1 = circumference of plot for all 450 pure, dune groundwater a = circumference of plot for all pure, recharged Rhine River
samples; water samples, in spreading area to south of Zandvoort aan
2 = ditto, in vicinity of spreading area south of Zandvoort aan Zee (n = 250);
Zee, with subsoil detention times (t SUB) of 5 –15 y b = ditto, in upper aquifer and Holocene aquitards (t SUB = 3 –20 y,
(100 samples = n); n = 140);
3 = as 2, with t SUB= 25 –100 y (n = 40). c = observed, in the second aquifer (n = 5).
Figure 3. Recognition of coastal dune water and recharged Rhine River water by their position
in a δ 18O/Cl diagram, with variation of focus from a highly variable recharge composition
(rain and Rhine River water, respectively) to a well-mixed composition
in the second, (semi)confined aquifer (after Stuyfzand, 1993)
Figure 4. Cl / Br- plot for recognizing authochtonous groundwaters including brackish and salt groundwaters,
amidst recharged and bank filtrated Rhine River water, as well as recharged polder water
with raised Br concentration (Stuyfzand, 1993)
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again poses an excellent example in the Netherlands, due to halite salt dumps into its tributary Mosel. On the other
hand, characteristic low Cl / Br-ratios in the Netherlands were observed in surface water deriving from the green-
house district near Delft. This water was recharged in the period 1970 – 1988 into the dunes to the south of The
Hague (Fig. 5). It had high Br concentrations due to inputs from methylbromide, a soil desinfectant which, after
application in the glasshouses, mineralized to bromide and leached.
General procedure
The mapping of hydrochemical zones may require to determine 4 chemical characteristics of groundwater
(modified after Stuyfzand, 1999): the pH (3 – 5 classes), redox level (3 – 7 classes), pollution index (2 – 7 classes) and
either the base exchange index (3 classes) or SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio). The number of classes depends on
the desired level of subdivision on the map, and the diversity observed. The number of chemical characteristics
(facies parameters) can be lowered or raised if necessary.
For instance, recharged Rhine River water may have the following facies: neutral (pH 6.5 – 8), deep anoxic (with
significant SO4 – reduction), moderately polluted (pollution index = 10 – 40) and with negative base exchange index
Each of the 4 chemical characteristics receives an appealing code. In order to reduce the number of codes on the
map, those codes are not displayed which are considered ‘standard state’ of the hydrochemical system. The standard
state is: neutral, (sub)oxic, unpolluted and without base exchange.
The pH
One of the most important hydrochemical parameters is pH (Appelo and Postma, 2005). It determines a.o. the
mobility of pollutants in infiltration water and the leaching rate of aquifer minerals. The classes discerned are listed
in Table 1. They correspond with the general acid buffer sequence for multi-mineral soils (Ulrich et al., 1979).
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844 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Therefore the redox level was deduced from all redox sensitive main components of water, i.e. O2 , NO3–, SO42 –, Fe,
Mn, NH 4, CH 4 and eventually H2 S. This led to the semi-empirical redox indexing as outlined in Fig. 5 and Table 2.
Figure 5. Classification of the natural redox environment according to Stuyfzand (1988, 1993),
based on the main redox components of water : O 2, NO 3–, SO4 2–, Fe, Mn and CH4. Subsoil passage is assumed
as piston flow in a system, which is closed from the atmosphere and progressively rich er in organic carbon.
The initial O 2, NO 3– and SO4 2– concentrations (at the water table) are set at 10, 20 and 25 mg /l, respectively.
The indicative redox potentials at pH = 7 (EH7) derive from Stumm and Morgan (1981).
Table 2. Practical criteria for the determination of the redox index (after Stuyfzand, 1993).
For each level the relevant redox reaction and indicative redox potential at pH = 7 (EH7) are given.
Concentrations in mg / l.
Redox clusters:
O2 ≥ 1 or NO3 ≥ 1
0-2 (sub)oxic:
- 2-
3-4 anoxic: O2 < 0.5 and NO3 < 0.5, SO4 ≥ 0.9 (SO4)O CH4 < 0.5
- 2-
5-6 deep anoxic: O2 < 0.5 and NO 3 < 0.5, SO4 < 0.9 (SO4)O CH4 > 0.5
0-2 aerobic: as (sub)oxic (0-2)
3-6 anaerobic: as anoxic (3-4) or deep anoxic (5-6)
(O2)sat = oxygen saturation concentration, with t = temp [oC] and Cl – = chloride [mg /L]:
= 14.594 – 0.4 t + 0.0085 t2 – 97 10 – 6 t3 – 10– 5 (16.35 + 0.008 t2 – 5.32 /t) Cl–
(SO4)O = sulphate concentration in influent (prior to aquifer passage; can also be calculated by linear regression with chloride).
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(Table 3). Most sub-indices consist of the unweighted mean of scores for related quality parameters, on the basis of
the ratio of the measured value and the natural background (NB; see Table 4). The chosen NBs can be compared
with target values for groundwater in the Netherlands (LBB, 1998), maximum acceptable concentrations for drink-
ing water (MACs according to WLB 2001, which is based on EU regulations) or MACs issued for surface water to
be recharged with the purpose to recollect for drinking water supply (IB 1993).
The use of such ratio’s is advantageous thanks to (a) their clear environmental significance, e.g. 3 meaning 3 times
more polluted than natural background, and (b) the possibility to plot each subindex in a radar plot. WAPI can
be easily adapted to embrace the available data on water quality and to relate to deviating natural backgrounds.
WAPI-classes for mapping are specified in Table 5.
A significantly positive BEX may indicate freshening of the aquifer by displacement of a relative saline NaCl-type
groundwater type through a relatively fresh CaHCO3-type groundwater. In that case the cation exchange reaction
given below, proceeds from left to right:
BEX assumes no significant (!) other sources and sinks for these ions, an assumption which generally holds in the
Western Netherlands and many sedimentary environments in temperate climates (dolomites excluded). Although
there are distinct deviations from Eq. 2 and silicate weathering may constitute a source of Na, K and Mg, the sign of
BEX practically always indicates the right direction of the displacement: a significantly positive value points at
freshening (reaction 2 proceeds to the right), a significantly negative value at salinization, and a value close to zero
at equilibrium. For a further discussion reference is made to Stuyfzand (1993).
Table 3. Determination of the Water Pollution Index WAPI by averaging quality aspects A – J
(modified after Stuyfzand, 2002). Values > 1 indicate that natural background levels are exceeded.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
WAPI = sqrt [(A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J )/10]
Note: If parameters are omitted, then the final division factor should decrease accordingly (C excluded). The natural background
of each parameter equals its individual division factor.
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846 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Table 4. Preliminary survey of parameters involved in the determination of the Water Pollution Index WAPI,
with their natural backgrounds (division factor in WAPI), and various water quality standards
applied in the Netherlands
Target Drinking Artificial
WAPI quality Water Recharge
Quality applied Groundwater Standard MACs Neths
Aspect Parameter Unit background LBB, 1998 WLB, 2001 IB, 1993
A (esthetics) Colour mg/l Pt/Co 20 20
A (esthetics) Odour N 2 2
A (esthetics) Suspended solids mg/l 0.5 0.5
A (esthetics) Taste N 2 2
A (esthetics) Turbidity FTE 1 1
B (acidity) pH - 7 7-9.5
C (ox/red cap) CH4 mg/l 4.8
C (ox/red cap) Fe(II) mg/l 11 0.2 (tot)
C (ox/red cap) Mn(II) mg/l 1.1 0.05 (tot)
C (ox/red cap) O2 mg/l 11 >2
C (ox/red cap) SO4 mg/l 15 150 150 150
C+D NH4 mg/l 0.4 2.6-12.9# 0.2 3.23
C+D NO2 mg/l 0.1 0.1
C+D NO3 mg/l 2.5 24.8 50 24.8
D (nutrients) ortho PO4 mg/l 0.06 1.22 – 9.2 6.1 (tot) 1.22 (tot)
E (total salt) Cl mg/l 12 100 150 200
E (total salt) Electr. Conductivity (20°C) uS/cm 350 1,250
F (IMPs) As ug/l 5 10 10 10
F (IMPs) Ba ug/l 50 50 500 200
F (IMPs) Cd ug/l 0.05 0.4 5 0.4
F (IMPs) Cr ug/l 2 1 50 2
F (IMPs) Cu ug/l 3 15 2 (plateau) 15
F (IMPs) F ug/l 250 500 1,100 1,000
F (IMPs) Hg ug/l 0.02 0.05 1 0.05
F (IMPs) Ni ug/l 10 15 20 15
F (IMPs) Pb ug/l 4 15 10 15
F (IMPs) Sb ug/l 0.05 0.01 5
F (IMPs) Se ug/l 0.05 10
F (IMPs) Zn ug/l 10 65 3 65
G (OMPs, BTEX) benzene ug/l 0.2 0.2 1 (sum BTEX)
G (OMPs, BTEX) ethylbenzene ug/l 0.2 0.2 1 (sum BTEX)
G (OMPs, BTEX) toluene ug/l 0.2 0.2 1 (sum BTEX)
G (OMPs, BTEX) xylene ug/l 0.2 0.2 1 (sum BTEX)
G (OMPs, Lump) an detergents ug/l 10
G (OMPs, Lump) AOX ug Cl/l 5 30
G (OMPs, Lump) EOX ug Cl/l 0.5
G (OMPs, Lump) mineral oil ug/l 50 50 10 200
G (OMPs, Lump) PCB-total (n=7) ug/l 0.5 0.01 0.5
G (OMPs, Lump) sum chlorophenols ug/l 0.1 0.1 0.4
G (OMPs, others) 4-nitrophenol ug/l 0.01
G (OMPs, others) benzothiazole ug/l 0.01
G (OMPs, others) EDTA ug/l 0.1
G (OMPs, others) MTBE ug/l 0.01
G (OMPs, others) tributhylphpsphate ug/l 0.01
G (OMPs, PAHs) anthracene ug/l 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02
G (OMPs, PAHs) benzo(a)anthracene ug/l 0.002 0.002 0.05
G (OMPs, PAHs) benzo(a)pyrene (Borneff) ug/l 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.1(SB)
G (OMPs, PAHs) benzo(b)fluoranthene (Borneff) ug/l 0.001 0.05 0.1(SB)
G (OMPs, PAHs) benzo(ghi)perylene (Borneff) ug/l 0.002 0.002 0.05 0.1(SB)
G (OMPs, PAHs) benzo(k)fluoranthene (Borneff) ug/l 0.001 0.001 0.05 0.1(SB)
G (OMPs, PAHs) chrysene ug/l 0.002 0.002 0.05 0.02
G (OMPs, PAHs) fluoranthene (Borneff) ug/l 0.005 0.005 0.05 0.1(SB)
G (OMPs, PAHs) indeno(123cd)pyrene (Borneff) ug/l 0.0004 0.0004 0.05 0.1(SB)
G (OMPs, PAHs) naphtalene ug/l 0.1 0.1 0.1
G (OMPs, PAHs) phenanthrene ug/l 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02
G (OMPs, PAHs) pyrene ug/l 0.05 0.05
G (OMPs, VOCl) chloroform ug/l 0.1 0.01 25 (sum THM)
G (OMPs, VOCl) sum dichlorobenzenes ug/l 0.01 0.01 1
G (OMPs, VOCl) trichloroethene ug/l 0.01 0.01 10 (+tetra) 0.5
H (Pesticides) alpha-HCH ug/l 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.05
H (Pesticides) atrazine ug/l 0.01 0.0075 0.1 0.1
H (Pesticides) bentazone ug/l 0.01 0.1 0.1
H (Pesticides) diurone ug/l 0.01 0.1
H (Pesticides) gamma-HCH (lindane) ug/l 0.01 0.00002 0.1 0.05
H (Pesticides) hexachlorobenzene ug/l 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.05
H (Pesticides) simazine ug/l 0.01 0.1 0.1
I (Radioactivity) total alpha mBq/l 0.1 0.1
I (Radioactivity) rest-beta mBq/l 10 1
I (Radioactivity) tritium TU # 8 840
J (Microbiology) colony counts 22°C CFU/l 1,000
J (Microbiology) faecal streptococs CFU/l 1
J (Microbiology) SO3-reducing clostridia CFU/l 1
J (Microbiology) thermotolerant coli counts CFU/l 1
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Table 5. The various hydrochemical facies descriptors and their code. If standard state, then the code is omitted
for simplicity. In the examples of section 5 the WAPI-classes are combined into unpolluted (WAPI < 10)
and polluted (WAPI >10).
Facies Code Facies descriptor Value state
N Neutral / basic >6.2 yes
a Slightly acid 5.0 - 6.2 no
A Acid < 5.0 no
o (sub)oxic 0-2 yes
r reduced (anoxic) 3-4 no
d deep anoxic 5-6 no
u unpolluted 0-2 yes
b bit (slightly) polluted 2 - 10 no
m moderately polluted 10 - 40 no
p polluted >40 no
f freshened > +(0.5 + 0.02Cl) no
e equilibrium 0 yes
s salinized < -(0.5 + 0.02Cl) no
The coastal dune aquifer system in the Western Netherlands
Along the North Sea coast, in the dune area in between Hoek van Holland and Zandvoort (W-Netherlands), there
are 5 different sites with artificial recharge of surface water (numbering as in Fig. 6):
1. Monster: spreading started in 1970 with untreated polder water. Since 1983 coagulated Meuse River water is used
(ca 5 Mm 3 /a). The areal extension is limited because of an effective recovery system and an aquitard with high
hydraulic resistance at 20 m-MSL (Mean Sea Level).
2. Scheveningen: spreading started in 1955 using filtrated Rhine River water and since 1976 coagulated Meuse River
water (52 Mm 3 /a). The spatial extension is relatively large due to a high overinfiltration (recharge > recovery),
a less effective recovery system and lack of resistant aquitards.
3. Katwijk: the AR operation started in 1940 using untreated polder water, and since 1988 coagulated Meuse River
water (20 Mm 3 /a). The spatial extension is limited due to underinfiltration (recharge < recovery), and the
presence of a resistant aquitard at 4 m-MSL. Meuse River water is not yet present on site 3 in Fig. 6, due to
the period chosen for the map (1980–1990).
4. Zandvoort South: spreading strated in 1957 using filtrated Rhine River water and since 1974 coagulated Rhine
River water (57 Mm 3 /a). The spatial extension is limited due to underinfiltration (recharge < recovery), an
effective recovery system and the presence of a resistant aquitard at 16 m-MSL.
5. Zandvoort North: since about 1900 untreated sewage water was spread in local dune depressions. This changed
in 1964 into a more controlled spreading of pretreated sewage effluent via basins (1 Mm 3 /a). The spatial
extension is relatively large due to lack of a nearby recovery system. The recharge area is at about 1.5 km per
pendicular to the section in Fig. 6 and the discharge is through pumping wells in the section, which explains the
curious shape of this hydrosome.
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848 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
All water bodies in Fig. 6 are pH-neutral (and calcite saturated) due to a high CaCO3 content of the dune
and underlying beach sands. The recharged polder waters deviate from the Rhine and Meuse River waters by their
freshened and reduced character (AP FR) already at their starting point in the upper aquifer. This is due to a primary
Na+K+Mg-excess of this surface water which receives seepage of dune groundwater displacing relict brackish
groundwaters. Their initial reduced facies is caused by very high nutrient loads which led to much sludge formation
and thus consumption of all available O2 and NO3. Downgradient this APFR water looses its primary freshened
character (positive BEX) by exchange for Ca (site 3).
The general hydrochemical evolution of Rhine River water downgradient, in the period 1980 –1990, is: from
polluted (thus pH-neutral, (sub)oxic, BEX-equilibrated), to polluted and reduced, to polluted, reduced and
salinized (site 4). The salinized facies is due to displacement of fresher dune water, having relatively low Na, K and
Mg concentrations.
The evolution of Meuse River water downgradient (area 2), in the period 1980 –1990, deviates from the one
for Rhine water by a freshened instead of salinized facies. This is due to displacement of saltier Rhine River water,
having relatively high Na, K and Mg concentrations.
The improved quality of Rhine and Meuse River water, notably since the early 1980s, has contributed to a signi-
ficant decrease of their pollution index WAPI. This also holds for the upper infiltrated waters in the dunes since
the 1990s, thus with a significant delay. This delay is due to (a) the slow leaching of pollutants that accumulated
in both sludges and the aquifer system, (b) abolition of the chlorination for transport (from pretreatment plant to
infiltration area) since about 1990, and (c) removal of the older, relatively polluted sludges from the basins mainly
in the 1990s.
Figure 6. Spatial distribution of hydrosomes (groundwater bodies) and their chemical facies (period 1980 – 1990)
along a section parallel to the North Sea coast, in between Hoek van Holland and Zandvoort
(slightly modified after Stuyfzand, 1993). For characteristics of recharge sites 1 – 5 see text.
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Figure 7. Longitudinal west-east section of the Rhine fluvial plain in the Netherlands,
along the tributary Lek with the spatial distribution of Rhine River bank filtrate and its hydrochemical facies
anno 1980 – 1985 (modified after Stuyfzand, 1989). 10 –45 = well fields for drinking water supply.
for drinking water supply (especially in between well fields 25 and 20), and the low polder levels behind the river
dikes from well field 19 downgradient to well field 10. Low polder levels force the river there to infiltrate even when
pumping wells would be lacking.
The hydrochemical facies evolves more or less as follows. Just below the upper aquitard, the redox index shifts
from (sub)oxic in the east to deep anoxic in the west, due to increased contact with a thickening aquitard gaining
also in organic material content. Note that nearly all well fields tap, at shallow depth, more reduced river bank
filtrate than at greater depth. This is caused by an increased contribution, at greater depth, from the fairway which
partly is cutting through the upper aquitard.
At greater depth the facies may change from BEX-equilibrated into salinizing where relatively fresh groundwaters
are displaced by relatively salty Rhine River water (if infiltrated after 1910 ca.).
Most Rhine bank filtrates that infiltrated after 1950 are polluted (WAPI > 10).
Maps can be made with the method presented, to display the spatial distribution of groundwater bodies with a
specific origin (the hydrosomes, like North Sea, recharged Rhine, Meuse or polder water, and dune water), and char-
acteristic hydrochemical zones (the facies) within each hydrosome. Such maps are especially useful when reporting
about the impact of MARS related activities and when reports are needed in consequence of the EU Water
Framework Directive.
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850 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / MAR strategies
Groundwater monitoring programs for drinking water supply, environmental protection and nature conservation
benefit from such maps in at least two ways (Stuyfzand, 1999): (1) by selecting the strategical positions for moni-
toring wells downgradient of expanding hydrosomes and downgradient of facies boundaries; and (2) by composing
the right analytical program (specific trace elements in acidified systems only, and specific organic microcon-
taminants exclusively in for instance young, (sub)oxic waters or recharged fluvial water).
The areal distribution of hydrosomes with artificial recharge or river bank filtration offers ideal possibilities of inde-
pendent chemical verification of hydrological models. MARS systems also offer ideal possibilities to study the
behaviour of selected pollutants in field conditions (including natural heterogeneities for instance regarding redox
environments, and with sufficiently long flow distances or time scales) while the composition of the input is often
well known.
Appelo, C.A.J. and D. Postma (1993). Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. Balkema, 500 pp.
Back, W. (1960). Origin of hydrochemical facies of ground water in the Atlantic Coastal plain. Internat. Geol. Cong.
21st, Copenhagen 1960, Rept. pt.1, 87– 95.
Barcelona, M.J., T.R. Holm, M.R. Schock and G.K. George (1989). Spatial and temporal gradients in aquifer
oxidation - reduction conditions. Water Res. Res. 25, 991– 1003.
IB (1993). Infiltratiebesluit bodembescherming, Staatsblad Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 1993, 233, 1– 14.
LBB (1998). Guide for soil protection, No. 4, Ministerie VROM, Netherlands (in dutch).
Lindberg, R.D. and D.D. Runnells 1984. Ground water redox reactions : an analysis of equilibrium state applied to
Eh measurements and geochemical modelling. Science 225, 925 – 927.
Peiffer, S., O. Klemm, K. Pecher and R. Hollerung (1992). Redox measurements in aqueous solutions - A theoretical
approach to data interpretation, based on electrode kinetics. J. Contam. Hydrol. 10, 1– 18.
Stumm, W. and J.J. Morgan (1981). Aquatic chemistry, an introduction emphasizing chemical equilibria in natural
waters. J. Wiley and Sons, NY, 2nd ed., 780 pp.
Stuyfzand, P. J. (1986). A new hydrochemical classification of water types : principles and application to the coastal
dunes aquifer system of the Netherlands. Proc. 9th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, Delft 12-16 may, Delft Univ.
Techn., 641– 655. Also published in ‘Hydrogeology of salt water intrusion; a selection of SWIM papers’, W. de
Breuck (Ed), Intern. Contrib. to Hydrogeology (11), Verlag Heinz Heise, 329 – 343.
Stuyfzand, P. J. (1988). De alkaliteit, het redoxniveau en de verontreinigingsindex als parameters en keuze-
mogelijkheden in een hydrochemische classificatie van watertypen. H2O, 21, 640 – 643.
Stuyfzand, P. J. 1989. Hydrology and water quality aspects of Rhine bank ground water in The Netherlands. J. Hydrol.
106, 341– 363.
Stuyfzand, P. J. (1993). Hydrochemistry and hydrology of the coastal dune area of the Western Netherlands. Ph.D.
Thesis Free Univ. Amsterdam, publ. by KIWA Ltd, Research and Consultancy, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands,
IBSN 90-74741-01-0, 366 pp.
Stuyfzand, P. J. (1999). Patterns in groundwater chemistry reflecting groundwater flow. Hydrogeol. J. 7, Theme issue
‘Groundwater as a geologic agent’, J. Tóth (ed), Hydrogeology J. (7), 15 – 27.
Stuyfzand, P.J. (2002). Quantifying the environmental impact and sustainability of artificial recharge systems. In
Dillon, P. J. (ed), Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Artificial
Recharge, Adelaide, Australia, 22– 26 Sept. 2002, Balkema, 77– 82.
Ulrich, B., R. Mayer and P.K. Khanna (1979). Deposition von Luftverunreinigungen und ihre Auswirkungen in
Waldokosystemen im Solling. Schr. Forstlichen Fak. Univ. Gottingen and Niedersachs. Forstl. Versuchsanstalt
Band 58, J.D. Sauerlander`s Verlag Frankfurt a / Main, 291 pp.
WLB (2001). Herziene Waterleidingbesluit. Staatsblad 2001, 31, 1– 28 (in dutch).
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Wastewater reuse and potentialities
for agriculture in Nigeria
Anthony Johnson Akpan
Although the awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment, especially on water resources, and
the resulting threat for both nature and man is growing, relatively few effective bridges to properly address water
problems are being built in developing countries. An effective and important bridge to be built concerns water reuse
for food production. The paper draws attention to the growing importance of wastewater reuse as an essential part
of the planning of the integrated and sustainable water resources management can be evidenced. It looks at the pro-
posed pilot programme of North South Development (NSD), a Sub Sahara African and Middle East focused devel-
opment organisation ‘Rural Wastewater Treatment’ in the South West Region of Nigeria.
Wastewater has been used by mankind in agriculture since the beginning of modern civilization. Treated wastewater
has a fundamental role in some sustainable management and planning of water resources as a substitute to the
water that would be used in irrigation for agricultural purposes. Thus, if implemented, wastewater reuse in irri-
gation could increase food production with the purpose of improving living conditions of the inhabitants of several
parts of Nigeria and consequently lead to mitigate poverty. At the same time, wastewater reuse plays an important
role in environmental and water resources conservation. This practice release good quality water reuse adds an
economic dimension to water resources planning. In this perspective, the need for sanitation, wastewater treatment
and it’s reuse in agriculture for food production are presented in the paper as decisions to be made in Nigeria to
build bridges with the objective to promote sustainable development, with reflexes on the country’s economic,
political and environmental scenes. Water reuse reduces the water demand on water bodies due to the substitution
of potable water for water with inferior quality. This practice has been put in evidence and discussed intensively in
many countries as well as it is used in several part of the world. It is based in the conception of source substitution.
Such substitution is possible in function of the required quality for a specific use. Therefore, Large volumes
of potable water could be saved Due to reuse when water with inferior quality is used (generally post-treated
effluents) to supply the needs that can renounce water within the potability standards framework.The growing
demand for water has made planned wastewater reuse an update issue of growing importance. Thus, wastewater
reuse must be considered as part of a wider activity that is the rational or efficiecnt water use. This also concerns
the control of water loss ans wastefulness, the reduction of waste production and water consumption. Brazil
happens to be a county where nature was very generous as far as water availability is concerned. There is about 8%
of all the world fresh water in this country. Although this figure seems very impressive, the relatively abundant
Brazilin water resource are facing dangerous threat: population growth, environmental problems, lack of rigid envi-
ronmental legislation or most times, difficulties even to apply the existing legislaton. The National Congress has
been approving modern legislation concerning water resource management policies since 1997 and fortunately
many reforms in the water resoures sector are starting to take place. In a country with the Nigerian conditions, so
vast and diverse, such reforms may take a long time to be fully implemented .
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852 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Water re-use for agriculture
improvement initiatives. In a country of 130 million plus people and in the size of the State of Texas in the US,
Nigeria represents a challenge unlike any other in the world. See Example 1 showing Nigerian water requirements
for main food production. This does not even reflect the domestic and drinking consumption volumes required for
a nation of this size.
This table gives examples of water required per unit of major food products, including livestock, which consume
the most water per unit. Cereals, oil crops and pulses, roots and tubers consume far less water.
Poverty alleviation
For more than 5 decades we have been acutely aware of the importance of sound agro-economic and farm mana-
gement implications. In early 1957, Professors Goldberg and Davis of Harvard Business School developed the
concept of agribusiness as the panacea for addressing the problems of poverty and lack of access to food and basic
necessities of life.
There is no better time than now to address this issue but this time in a more sustainable manner. We need our
efforts to focus on water treatment facilities, water capturing mechanisms, irrigation systems, training farmers in
both farm technologies and economic farm management. Additionally, we need to train people in sustainable envi-
ronmental development and health awareness to deliver a more rounded socio-economic programme of develop-
ment. This must be coupled with ongoing research and education in these areas for future generations.
We need to carefully plan and implement low cost and low technology water treatment facilities, improve access to
clean water and increase its utilization within farm irrigation.
The rural sector in Nigeria has suffered from decades of neglect in terms of sewage infrastructure and wastewater
management, treatment and reuse resulting in declining productivity, growth and competitiveness. This problem is
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Water re-use for agriculture / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 853
profoundly exasperated as the demand for domestic water increases due to high urban populations, increasing birth
rates and moves to raise living standards.
Nigeria is richly endowed with a wide range of resources including a large, well-educated population of approxi-
mately 130 million, land and water resources, oil and gas as well as mineral deposits. The economy depends to a
large extent on oil revenue, however agriculture remains the mainstay of the economy as it accounts for 40% of
GDP, employs over 70% of the workforce and provides 90% of non-oil export earnings. (UNDP Federal Republic of
Nigeria Poverty Reduction Programme)
A way forward
It is in this context that North South Development (NSD), a Sub Sahara African and Middle East focused develop-
ment organisation initiated this programme ‘Rural Wastewater Treatment’ in the South West Region of Nigeria.
It is undeniable that sustainable development is interrelated to wastewater treatment and water reuse, especially in
Sub Sahara Africa. Policies and practices to develop economic dependency and development can be successfully
promoted through regional and international cooperation of which this programme exemplifies.
In Israel, where the scarcity of water effects the entire Middle East region, it has been proven that agricultural diver-
sification into crops, irrigated using treated wastewater, can be more economically attractive and yield higher prices.
This invariably benefits the local socio-economic condition, alleviates poverty and increases food security.
The SCFEER wastewater treatment model - Introduction
The common ‘Israeli Model’ of rural area WWTP’s (Wastewater Treatment Plants) is based upon a series of treatment/
stabilization ponds. This system is simple, yet effective, and is suitable for Sub-Saharan African countries because of
several reasons:
Based upon 15 years of experience in operating a full scale WWTP, of 1,500 m3 /day capacity, the SCFEER (Sakhnin
Center for Environmental Education and Research), belonging to the Towns Association for Environmental Quality
(TAEQ) of the Beit Natufa Basin, had developed an improved and innovative WWT model, consisting of the follow-
ing series of ponds and processes (see attached scheme of the ‘SCFEER WWT Model’):
The quality of effluent produced by this technology is suitable for non-limited irrigation (e.g. irrigation of non-
cooked eaten vegetables).
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854 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Water re-use for agriculture
The use of the effluent resulting from the SCFEER technology of WW treatment (WWT) not only saves water and
protects the environment, but also recycles the nutrients contained in the WW (e.g. N, P, K and micro-nutrients).
Thus, the use of treated WW is expected to reduce the farmers’ expenses for fertilizers.
General objective
North South Development, in a joint venture with the CEER and various Nigerian partners proposes to design the
construction and operation of a demonstration pilot plant of WWTP in the South West Region of Nigeria.
Specific objectives
Construction and operation of a demonstration pilot – plant (DPP) of a WWTP that will be constructed and oper-
ated in Nigeria. The DPP will treat about 100 m3 of WW per day that will be used for irrigation of adjacent agri-
cultural fields.
1. Operation of the DPP and monitoring by both, academy and agronomy local experts, backed by NSD and by
SCFEER experts.
2. Determining of optimal design and operation parameters, fitted for local conditions.
3. Design of full scale WWTP projects for Nigeria and in other Sub-Saharan countries, with the support of local
and of international funding.
Project running in 3
Total 24
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Water re-use for agriculture / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 855
Covered Anaerobic
Settling Pond
Solar Pump
P = 5 m3/hr
F = 100 m3/d HRT = 7 d h = 3.5 m3
Vt = 1,000 m3 HRT = 3 d Trickling
Vw = 700 m3 Vw = 300 m3 Bio -Filter
At = 1,000 m2 Vt = 350 m3 (TBF)
φ = 11 m3
At = 100 m2
Constructed Wetland
Seasonal Reservoir
Irrigation Pump
P = 25 m3/hr
HRT = 150 d HRT = 5 d
Vw = 15,000 m3 h = 0.7 m
h = 5.5 m Vw = 5,000 m3
Non-Limited A = 3,000 m2 At = 750 m2
The paper demonstrates that attention must be driven to the fact that the use of treated wastewater for food pro-
duction would promote countless environmental benefits and build bridges to sustainability in Nigeria and other
developing countries. It would promote the treatment of wastewater in Nigeria – which now barely accounts for
10% of the total effluent from domestic and industrial discharges. It would save potable freshwater for nobler uses,
especially in those regions where water is scarce, as it is the case of the semi-arid region of the Nigerian Northeast.
Moreover, it would abate the environmental impacts caused by the discharges of untreated wastewater into water
bodies in Nigeria. The tools to start a dialogue would this way be ready. It is of utmost importance that the con-
cerned authorities of this country interact with the affected population in order to build bridges to dialogues with
the organized civil society, rural and urban users, food producers and the water managers themselves. At the
moment when a new model of water resources management takes place in Nigeria, The Federal Ministry of Water
Resources starts its activities full of responsibilities to organize the water sector in the country facing a variety of
challenges. Thus it is demonstrated that it is now the moment to start building bridges and coordinating the
dialogues. These bridges would lead to listening of the different concerned sectors perspectives, perceptions and
expectations for an effective water resources management, efficient water use and a less inequitable society where
all have the right to access to proper water, sufficient food and live a life with dignity and less social disparities.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Protecting an island aquifer by using
recycled water as a hydraulic barrier –
a case study of Bribie Island
Christopher Pipe-Martin
Bribie Island is a sand island with a shallow unconfined aquifer that is used as a potable water source. Water
abstraction causes localised lowering of the water table with the possibility of seawater intrusion. Recycled water
is used to create a hydraulic barrier by discharge to infiltration basins between the water extraction area and the
nearby coast. Modelling has demonstrated the creation of an effective barrier, predicted recharge flow paths and
aided development of a monitoring program to assess the effect of recharge on groundwater quality. Borehole
monitoring traces the recharge water plume by electrical conductivity changes. Apart from small changes in total
nitrogen content there is no statistically significant difference in groundwater nutrients and microbiological indi-
cators in the recharge area when compared to a control site.
Aquifer; recharge; intrusion; groundwater; modelling.
Bribie Island is in the southeast of Queensland, Australia. The island supports a permanent population of 15,000. It
is supplied with reticulated water from a local water treatment plant that uses ground water from the island’s
aquifer. Bribie Island covers an area of 144 km2 with the majority of the island having an elevation of less than 5 m.
Population centres are confined to the southern third of the island with the remainder being national park and
forestry areas. The island has a subtropical climate with mean maximum temperatures of 29°C in summer and 20°C
in winter. Rainfall can occur throughout the year but the majority falls during the summer months of December to
March. Mean annual rainfall is 1,330 mm.
Bribie Island is composed of Quaternary sand deposits overlying clay or sandstone; there are no sandstone outcrops.
The sand deposits in the southern section comprise Holocene accretion ridges and swales. The total thickness of the
Holocene sand deposits in the southern section of the island varies from 5 to 25m. Ground water occurs in as
unconfined aquifer in the sand deposits which is recharged by rainfall and depleted by evapotranspiration, seepage
around the islands perimeter and extraction by residents and the local water authority.
In 1962 a reticulated water system was provided for the Island’s residents, which drew water from bores in a water
reserve in the south-eastern section of the island. Due to problems with screen clogging in the production bores
an artificial lagoon was created in 1971 by digging a trench into the water table. This trench has been has been
extended as demand increased from 0.275 million m³/year in 1972 to 1.3 million m³ / year in 2004. Due to the
proximity of the water extraction trench to the southern coast there has been concern that local lowering of
the water table may result in seawater intrusion into the freshwater aquifer. These concerns have restricted the pro-
duction of potable water.
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Creating a hydraulic barrier
In 1974 a sewage scheme was started which now services all the populated areas of the island. Rather than dispose
effluent to an ocean outfall, treated effluent has been used to recharge the aquifer between the water extraction
trench and the southern coast with the intention of creating a hydraulic barrier to the southward movement
of freshwater and any potential northward infiltration into the aquifer by seawater. Initially recharge was through
a single infiltration basin located south of the sewage treatment plant. Recharge water for the project is sourced
from the Bribie Island Sewage Treatment Plant, located on the western side of the water reserve. In 1994 the
sewage treatment plant was upgraded to a Biological Nutrient Removal process with a maximum discharge of
3.5 million m3/year. Four new infiltration basins were constructed in 1995 between the water extraction trench and
the coast. In 2001 further upgrades to the treatment plant included a polishing stage using sand filtration and UV
In 1996 Caboolture Shire Council commissioned John Wilson and Partners (JWP) to produce a ground water
model and monitoring program to satisfy the requirements of the Queensland Department of Environment. The
model used was a modular three-dimensional finite difference ground water flow model (MODFLOW) developed
by McDonald and Harbaugh. Grid spacings of 50 m were used. At each grid point the natural surface level above
mean sea level and the depth of the impermeable rock base below sea level were entered. Canals on the Island were
assigned a top water level of 0.4 m as this is maintained by a lock system. The model assumes a homogeneous
unconfined sand layer, which is true for the water reserve area, uniform rainfall distribution with a recharge rate of
26 percent of monthly falls and constant extraction and application rates by the golf course. The transient model
used monthly data for water extraction and artificial recharge from the local water authority, CabWater. A variable
hydraulic conductivity was used at the water extraction trench. The infiltration basins were modelled as injection
wells, taking into account evaporation rates. A steady state run of MODFLOW was conducted and calibrated. A
transient simulation from January 1993 to October 1995 was then carried out with a stress period of one-month
intervals. Nine bores with the most reliable and continuous readings were used to calibrate the model. Five bores
gave good matches between modelled and measured values. Four bores gave shapes matching field data but results
that were higher than measured values. As in the earlier model of Isaacs and Walker the seawater wedge was not
included due to poor data on its actual extent.
The model indicated a significant and effective hydraulic barrier existed between the coast and the freshwater
extraction trench. The hydraulic gradient between the infiltration area and the water trench indicated the potential
for movement of recharge water into the potable water extraction area.
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858 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Water re-use for agriculture
Calibration and interpretation of the modelling results led to a number of recommendations including monthly
testing of water table height and water quality in existing bores and construction of additional bores in the imme-
diate vicinity of the infiltration basins and at the coastal boundary of the aquifer. Additionally it was recommended
that the model is run and calibrated each year and that monthly ground water quality testing of the water reserve is
conducted to determine if recharge is adversely affecting the aquifer.
Existing water quality data of the water extraction trench and bore holes assessed by JWP did not indicate contami-
nation of the water extraction trench. Additional test parameters including total nitrogen were recommended as
useful for monitoring water quality. Although it was not considered likely that bacterial pathogens would survive or
travel far through the aquifer it was recommended that indicator bacteria should be measured at the coastal bound-
ary where the aquifer discharges to the ocean to demonstrate compliance with environmental guidelines.
In 1999 John Wilson and Partners (JWP) were again engaged to report on ground water quality monitoring and
whether aquifer recharge contributed to a minor flooding event at the Bribie Island Golf Course. The transient
model was recalibrated with data collected between April 1998 and October 1999. Surface and bedrock levels were
refined using updated information. Problems with modelling water extraction were addressed by assigning trench
cells with an extremely high hydraulic conductivity (5,000 m/day). The eastern most trench cell was assigned as a
well with extraction occurring at this point. For modelling purposes the recharge flow was split evenly over the four
basins for each month. Seepage from cells was not modelled due to the minimal runoff from the Island. The model
area was split into five zones based on geological conditions and the conductivity of each zone calibrated. The cali-
brated hydraulic conductivities were then used to calibrate for specific yield over the data period. The transient run
used an effective porosity of 0.35 and specific yield of 0.08. The calibrated parameters appear to simulate the
ground water regime well except for the peak rainfall events that produced flooding. This is most likely due to the
lack of a recharge model and surface water effects during flooding.
Modelling results contributed to the conclusion by JWP that the golf course flooding was attributable to prior
wetting of the soil profile by rainfall, a localised ground water mound in the vicinity of the infiltration ponds,
surface flow effects and reduced evapotranspiration and increased recharge on the golf course caused by clearing
and irrigation.
Results from GC1 and TWB1 were used to assess water quality of recharge water moving toward the trench. With
the exception of conductivity water quality in GC1 and TWB1 was similar to background levels and considered
to be unaffected by recharge. Data from the water extraction trench indicated most parameters were similar to
background values. Conductivity and pH values were higher than background bores due to evaporation, atmos-
pheric gas exchange effects and differing water quality from northern areas feeding into the trench. Coliforms are
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Water re-use for agriculture / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 859
effectively completely removed from water recharged to the basins however the trench contains significant numbers
due to wildlife access.
The bore sites analysed were the control site BI32, BI 4 which is remote from predicted recharge flow paths, BI3 and
BI28 on the edge of predicted flow paths, TWB1adjacent to the infiltration basins, CB1 on coastal boundary of
aquifer, GC1 north of the infiltration area on southern boundary of golf course, and BH 15 which is north of the
infiltration basins between the golf course and water extraction trench. Data for pH, conductivity, total nitrogen and
total phosphorus were compared to the control site for each studied bore as well as water used for recharge for each
year between 2001 and 2004. The statistical significance of variation between means was assessed by applying a
two-tailed t test with α of 0.05 and assuming unequal variance.
• Conductivity
Mean electrical conductivities for the studied bores are contained in Table 1, figures in bold are statistically different
to the control site BI32. All the sites on the predicted flow paths showed statistically significant differences to the
control site for conductivity for each year studied. A mixing plot is obtained typical for a conserved parameter with
concentration decreasing steadily with distance from the basins. Assuming the natural aquifer EC25 to be equal to
the remote site BI32, the proportion of recharge water in the aquifer can be calculated for a particular site. BH 15 is
on the most direct flow path between the infiltration basins and the water extraction trench being 800 m north of
the basins and 200 m south of the south arm of the trench. Calculations indicate that for the years studied between
15 and 39% of the water at BH 15 was from recharge. These figures are subject to confounding effects due to BH 15
being on the golf course boundary and are the maximum recharge water component. The pH of water at this site
indicates that golf course management does have a significant effect on water quality at BH 15. Some of the EC25
variation from background levels is likely to be due to golf course effects. A similar analysis of conductivity at the
coastal boundary (CB1) indicates that between 51 and 100% of water in the aquifer at the southern boundary is
recharge water. Once again these are maximum components, as it would be expected that salinity in this area is
affected by leaching of sea spray into the aquifer.
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860 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Water re-use for agriculture
The shallowness of the aquifer and the intrusion of the vegetation root zone are expected to result in significant
processing of nutrients within the aquifer. Mean total nitrogen for the studied bores are contained in Table 2, figures
in bold are statistically different to the control site BI32. Total nitrogen (TN) was significantly higher than back-
ground at TWB1 in 2001, 2002 and at B1 28, CB1 and GC1 in 2001, 2002, 2003. BI15 was not significantly dif-
ferent to background in 2001, 2002, 2003 and was significantly lower in 2004. The inconsistently high results
at B1 28 are likely to be due to a nearby low-lying swampy area contributing nitrogen to the aquifer. It appears that
recharge increases TN at the southern boundary of the aquifer by 0.7 – 1.4 mg/L but does not influence groundwater
concentrations north of the golf course in the vicinity of the water trench. There was no statistically significant
variation in total phosphorus from background values in any site other than a 0.02 mg/L increase at TWB1 in 2003
and at 0.16 mg/L increase at CB1 in 2004. Recharge does not seem to have a significant effect on phosphorus in the
• pH
Groundwater pH seems to be affected by a number of factors other than recharge. The recharge water pH is between
7.0 and 7.3. At TWB1 the pH is 4.6 – 5.0, this drops to 4.2 to 4.6 at GC1, however increases to 7.3 to 7.5 at BH 15,
which is further along the same flow path. The pH also rises at CB1 to between 6.4 to 6.6. The elevation of pH
at sites BI15 and CB1 is most likely due to golf course green and fairway management and sea spray effects res-
• Bacterial indicators
Total coliforms and E coli were used as indicators of microbiological quality of groundwater at the bore sites.
Median values for each year were compared to the control site. The median value for E coli at all sites and in
all years was 0. There were no consistent trends in total coliform medians with CB1 having lower results that the
control site in 2001 and 2004 but higher in 2002, 2003. BI15 the closest site to the water trench had lower median
coliform counts than the control site in all years studied. TWB1 adjacent to the infiltration area had a higher than
control median in 2003 only. The results obtained for indicator bacteria indicate efficient removal of bacteria by die
off and filtration effects within 200 m of the infiltration basins.
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The use of infiltration basins on Bribie Island has successfully protected the aquifer against seawater intrusion
despite significant lowering of the water table adjacent to water extraction trench. Modeling has been able to suc-
cessfully indicate groundwater levels in the recharge area and predict flow paths for the recharge plume. The model
has been useful in investigating localised effects of aquifer recharge and establishing an effective monitoring pro-
gram. The monitoring program has confirmed movement of recharge water towards the potable water extraction
area but indicates that recharge water is a minor component of groundwater in the vicinity of the extraction trench.
Nitrogen levels in groundwater are variable with a general increase at the southern boundary compared to back-
ground but no clear trends north of the recharge area and no increase near the potable water extraction trench.
Groundwater phosphorus and bacteria are not significantly affected by recharge. Groundwater pH across the aquifer
is affected by a number of factors with the effect of recharge being minor. There appears to be no serious environ-
mental or health related impact resulting from the use of reclaimed water for aquifer recharge at Bribie Island.
Isaacs L.T., Walker F.D. (1983). Groundwater Model for an Island Aquifer: Bribie Island Groundwater Study,
Research report CE44, Dept of Civil Engineering, Queensland University, Brisbane, Australia.
John Wilson and Partners (1996). Bribie Island Sewage Treatment Plant: Report on Groundwater Modeling and
Monitoring, Report to Caboolture Shire Council, Queensland, Australia.
John Wilson and Partners (2000). Bribie Island Groundwater Investigations, Report to Caboolture Shire Council,
Queensland, Australia.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Groundwater explotation in an arid zone
in relation to the recharge
in a central region of the Argentine Republic
Norberto Gabriel Bucich
To obtain a sustainable management of the subsurface hydric resource in the area under study considering the
best profitable use of the resource in relation to the recharge. This is an advance based on a regional understand-
ing of the geology, the aquifer system and its relation with the hydrodynamics.
The behavior of the system is analyzed in respect to different exploitation alternatives in order to know which are
feasible under a series of physical, technical and economical restrictions. This process analyzes the results of sup-
posed simulation scenarios of the resource exploitation with the purpose of determining the quality of the addi-
tional groundwater obtainable from the system with an adequate management of the recharged volumes.
By means of the application of the proposed methodology it is possible to obtain a sustainable meliorated util-
ization of the resource by balancing the recharge by taking advantage of a reduction of the ground water
discharge by evaporation.
The environmental deterioration permits to state that the exploitation of the hydric resource under the present
model should be minimun if the conservative extraction requisites proposed in the simulations are fulfilled and
provided a correct management of the ground water resource.
The application and control of the proposed methodology will determine an optimization of the recharge of the
Hydrogeology; balance; model; recharge.
The present paper describes the application of a mathematical model of a subterraean flow system with the purpose
of achieving a sustainable management and the best development of the groundwater resource in a basin situated to
the west of the city of San Luis, Argentina (Fig. 1). This model provides an advancement in the regional under-
standing of the geology of the basin, the related aquifer and its hydrodynamics.
The simulation code used in the groundwater tridimensional model in finite differences is the one developed by the
United States Geologic Survey (Arlen W. Harbaugh and Michael G. Mac Donald) widely known as MODFLOW. In
the present work the VISUAL MODFLOW (Nilson Guiger and Thomas Franz) was used in its version 2.8.2., 2000
The simulation area is included in a basin with two main tectonic elements. To the east, the San Luis Range moun-
tains and their southern prolongation in the subsurface, here with a group of isolated basement outcrops. To the
west, the Beazley sedimentary basin, of tectonic origin, with a total column of about 4,000 meters in thickness
(Criado Roque et al., 1981). The Bebedero salina is a topographic low situated in the central part of the basin
(Fig. 2).
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Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 863
4,047.36 km2. 3,681 cells are active (2,355.84 km2) and 2,643
are inactive (1,692.52 km2). In Fig. 2 is represented the mod- REPUBLICA
elled area, with indication of null flow and of constant
hydraulic head boundaries. The latter is situated in the
Bebedero salt lake rim, which constitutes the regional base
level. The null flow boundary was placed parallel to sub-
terranean flow lines in the NW and S edges of the modelled Figure 1. Studied area
area. The model was simulated in steady state.
San Luis ranges, together with the Nogoli and
Chorrillo rivers. The recharge from rain on the 6326400
Topographic contour interval = 50 m
Contour levels (meters amsl)
For the calculation of the groundwater evapo- Constant head boundary
No flow boundary
transpiration in the salt lake marginal zone was
applied the calculation modulus included in the Figure 2. Topographic map
‘Visual Modflow’ computational code. In this way
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
864 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Simulation scenarios A
• Scenario I
The first simulation scenario corresponds to the plant of an existing enterprise which is the only
groundwater development of importance in the modelled zone (SER, Fig. 3). This estate has an extension of
18,500 hectares and is situated in the SW sector of the modelled area. This enterprise has to be taken into consider-
ation at the time when the scenarios will be planned, in view of the size and importance of the existing and planned
The detail studies carried out in this estate (Bonini et al. 2000) established that the exploitation flow volume
obtainable by drilling can fluctuate from 120 to 200 m3 /h. The irrigation systems planned (central pivot irrigators
with 900 meters radius) require 4 wells to satisfy an output of 550 to 600 m3 /h per pivot. In this way four wells
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 865
were planned for each pivot, so that with seven pivots 843 m3 /d would be extracted during three months every
The simulation considers an extraction output of 8.3 Hm3 /year in the wells, distributed in a 17.28 km2 surface. In
the area next to the salt lake, due to the shallow depth of the groundwater surface an evapotranspiration of
46 Hm3 / year is produced. This means 2% less than in the system without any external action. Thus a subterranean
flow of 128 Hm3 /year to the south and southwest takes out of the area 7 Hm3 / year less than in the calibrated
The comparison between the piezometry calibrated by the model versus the results of the piezometry with exploita-
tion is SER (first simulated scenario) corroborates a drawdown of the water table up to 2.9 m in the eastern part of
the estate, whereas in the central part of the model the descent is only 1 m.
system (Bebedero salt lake).
The matematical model shows that,
with the establishment of the SER
estate, the volumes drawn by pump-
ing do not affect the direction of the San Luis
groundwater flow provided that the
current expoitation regime is main- 6310400
The simulated extractions were: for area A, 6 Hm3 /year and for area B, 21 Hm3 /year.
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866 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
According to the water balance, the subsurface flow towards the Bebedero salina will be reduced to scarcely
104 Hm3 /year, and the evapotranspirable volume to 43 Hm3 /year because of the drawdown of the water table.
During the run of these scenarios the hydraulic heads calculated by the model in each case did not show important
changes in their morphometry and gradients. The groundwater flow velocities did not experience notable variations
(Fig. 3).
The maximum ground water level drawdown reached 11.65 m in area B, with an increased descent in the SER area,
higher than 5 m. The descent was less in the SW extreme of the modelled area where the constant height cells next
to the salina rim did not distort the water table drawdown. In Fig. 4 area shown the water table depth isolines for
the calibrated model and for the simulation of this scenario.
In Table 1 are synthetized the volumes for the calibrated model and for the described development scenarios. It can
be clearly observed that, with a constant recharge value, a reduction of about 4 Hm3/year is obtained in the ground-
water evapotranspiration. This ilustrates that, with a strategic location of the exploitation scenarios, it is possible to
have additional flow volumes without changing the recharge values, thus minimizing its effects.
To established the possible minimum distances between pumping wells in areas A and B according to their hydro-
dynamic characteristics, production rates and a maximum water table fall of 20 m, an analytical model was applied,
which permits the calculation of drawdowns at any point of the surface to simulate.
With this method it is possible to know, not only the piezometric surface descent, but also the drawdown in each
development well submitted to intensive pumping, including the loss of head due to their efficiency (Bucich et al,
In Tables 2 and 3 are summarized the simulated drawdowns for different produced volumes and distance, in areas
A and B.
Table 2. Determination of distances for area B Table 3. Determination of distances for area A
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Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 867
In Table 2 can be observed that, for area A, with volumes higher than 100 m3 /h and distances between wells of
4,000 meters, the water table drawdown is more than 20 m. In Table 3 is observed for area B, that 20 meters draw-
down is reached with volumes higher than 100 m3 /h and well distances exceeding 150 m.
The discharge of the ground water system is produced by evapotranspiration due to vegetation, and evaporation in
the Bebedero system, which, as expressed in foregoing pages, is the base level for the discharge of the basin because
here converge the underground glow lines.
The global mass balance gives an available water volume in the system of 183 Hm3 /year, which makes possible its
use for agrarian activities, since the surface hydric resource is used to supply water to villages.
The balance of the adjusted model indicates that the total input to the system is 183 Hm3 /year from which
135 Hm3 /year flow out of the area, to the South and Southwest, towards the Bebedero salt lake, which acts as the
base level of the system (constant head boundary in the model). In the perimeter of this salina, where the water
table is very near to the surface, an evapotranspiration of 47 Hm3 /year takes place.
In the simulation of scenario II, according to the water balance, the subterranean flow to the Bebedero salt lake is
reduced to only 104 Hm3 /year, and the evapotranspirable volume to 43 Hm3 /year, as an effect of the deepening of
the water table.
With the results obtained it can clearly be observed that, by keeping constant the recharge value, it is possible a
reduction of about 4 Hm3 /year in the groundwater evapotranspiration. This shows that, with a strategic ubication
of the development scenarios, additional volumes can be obtained without changes in the recharge values, thus
minimizing their effects.
Bucich N, Welsh W, Victoria J. A., and Schmidt G. 2002. Modelos matemáticos del flujo de las aguas subterráneas en
las áreas prioritarias de la Provincia de San Luis. Bureau of Rural Sciences, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
Bucich N, Nagy M. 2003. Affectation of urban structures by variation of phreatic level (natural and anthropic),
Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1st. International Conference on Groundwater in Geological Engineering, Bled,
Eslovenia. 22 - 26 de Setiembre.
Criado Roque, P.; Mombrú, C. A.; Moreno, S.; 1981. Sedimentitas Mesozoicas. En Geología de la Provincia de San
Luis, VIII Congreso Geológico Argentino; Rel: 79-96.
Dürbaum H, Giesel W, Krampe K, and Liebscer, H. Recursos de agua subterránea y su aprovechamiento en la llanu-
ra pampeana y el Valle del Conlara (Provincias de Córdoba, Santa Fe, San Luis; República Argentina).
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe. Alemania. 1976.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
V Preliminary hydrologic investigations
of Nubia sandstone and fractured basement
aquifers in the area between El Shalateen
and Halayeb, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Yehia L. Ismail, Esam El Sayed and Mohammed A. A. Gomaa
El Shalateen-Halayeb triangle is a promising district for tourism and agricultural development. Pre-Miocene
rocks (fractured basement and Nubia sandstone) represent the main water-bearing formations in the investigated
area. Rainfall and occasionally flash floods represent the main sources of recharge. Groundwater occurrence and
movement in basement aquifer is mainly controlled by the structural elements reflect a good environment for
groundwater entrapment. In fractured basement aquifer, the values of transmissivity have wide variation. Nubia
sandstone is detected as a water-bearing and its transmissivity reflects poor potentiality of the aquifer is mainly
due to high channel gradient. Regionally, the direction of groundwater flow is mainly restricted by the variable
hydraulic gradients from locality to another.
Groundwater salinity of basement aquifer varies from 438 mg/l to 10,409 mg/l, reflecting a wide variation in
groundwater quality from fresh to saline. The groundwater quality of Nubia sandstone aquifer varies from fresh to
brackish, where the salinity ranges from 459 mg/l to 1,292 mg/l. In basement groundwater, Cl is the most corre-
lated anion with salinity (R 2 = 0.9615), and Na is the most correlated cation with salinity (R2 = 0.9153). In Nubia
sandstone groundwater, SO4 is the most correlated anion with salinity (R2 = 0.7573) and Na is the most correlated
cation with salinity (R2 = 0.8578). Groundwater quality was evaluated for different uses and some recommen-
dations were given.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate groundwater resources quantitavely and qualitatively.
Meteorologically, Eastern Desert lies within the Egyptian arid belt. The investigated area is characterized by scarce
rainfall and occasional flash floods, so, floodwater control should be taken into consideration.
Hydrographically, the investigated area is distinguished into three great basins facing Red Sea to the east. The first is
Barnis basin (3,000 km2), the second is El Shalateen – Abu Ramad Basin (2,300 km2) and the third is Halayeb Basin
(2,500 km2). Geologically (Fig. 1), the investigated area is occupied from the western side by basement rocks.
Nubia sandstone outcrops close to water divide. Tertiary volcanic rocks are extruded at the foot slope of Red Sea
mountainous shield. Isolated patches of Miocene sediments outcrops due west of Abu Ramad and Halayeb area,
(alternating limestone and marl of Gebel EL Rusas Formation). Quaternary deposits form deltas of Wadis as well as
Wadi fill of main channels.
Twenty-three water points were selected to evaluate groundwater resources in the study area (Fig. 2 and Table 1).
Eighteen of them are tapping fractured basement aquifer and five get their water from Nubia sandstone aquifer in
the upreaches of Wadi Hodein.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 869
N 19
21 D
00 El Shalateen
00 4
EL - Shalateen
22 6
Abu Ramad
Legend A C
Halayeb 7
Quaternary aquifer
Nubia s.s. aquifer 8 Abu Ramad
Basement aquifer
Dry well
10 12 Halayeb
35 00 35 30 36 00 36 30 0 10 20 30 Km 11
Hydrogeological 13
cross section 16
Legend 15
Quaternary Nubia Sandstone 22 17
0 10 20 30 Km 35 00 35 30 36 00 C 36 30 18 B
Figure 2. Well location map
Figure 1. Geologic map
of Barnis - Halayeb district
21 Abu Saafa–b “ Drilled ----- 8.17 90 +315 +307
22 Abu Saafa–c “ Drilled ------ 13.30 87 +294 +281
23 EL Dif Wadi EL Dif Drilled ----- 21.75 134 +241 +219
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
870 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Hydraulic parameters
Seven pumping tests were carried out on selected seven dug wells using the following methods :
The obtained results (Figs. 6-7, inclu- Table 2. The calculated hydraulic parameters of the basement aquifer
sive and Table 2), revealed a wide T S
variation in transmissivity due to the (Transmissivity) (Storativity)
Well No. Water Point m2/day dimensionless
strong impact of the structural and
lithological setting on the ground- 1 El Gahelia well 784 0.08
water occurrences. The fractured
basement aquifer at Sararat area dis-
7 Meisah well 198 7.06 x 10 –3
plays very low transmissivity due 10 Mahareka well 139 5.95 x 10 –3
to less deformed younger granites.
Poor groundwater potentiality is due 17 Forkit–a well 19.23 1.52 x 10 – 4
to weak chance for surface runoff 2 Eqat well 12 2.22 x 10 –5
to replenish or feed the concerned
aquifer (high velocity of surface 11 Shoshab well 4.58 1.13 x 10 – 6
runoff as a result of high channel
12 Sararat well 2.75 1.27 x 10 – 6
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 871
0.10 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10
10 10 10
0.09 t = 5 min.
o< = 10 –1
0.08 T = ((rc)2/ t) X 1
= ((1.65) 2 / 5) X 1 2
0.07 T = 784 m2/day 0
m 10 )
S = (rc)2 / (rs)2 X o< ( T = ( Q / 4 Π SW ) . F(Uw, B) S = (4 Tt / (rw) ) . U 2 4
= ((1.65)2 / (1.85)) X 10 –1 w = (0.2 / 4 X 3.14 X 0.1) X 6.2 = ( 4 X 0.016 X 200 / (1.575) x (5 x10)
0.06 s S = 1.03 x 10 –5
S = 0.080 n = 23.68 m /day
Matching point ) w
B 1 o
H / 0.05 10 , d
w -w1
Type curve U 10 a
( rD Field data Matching point
0.04 F
Type curve
0.02 H : Residual 10
Figure 4. Analysis of pumping test data of El Gahelia dug Figure 5. Analysis of pumping test data
well using slug test (Papadopulos et al., 1973) of Frokeit well (Papadopulos’ method).
Nubia sandstone aquifer has a tremendous importance in the area. It covers the northwestern part of the inves-
tigated area. Nubia sandstone rests directly on basement rocks. It is composed of fine to coarse sandstone inter-
calated with clay. The thickness ranges between 100 m up to 500 m (Aglan, 2001). It is detected as a water-bearing
in Wadi Abraq, Abu Saafa and Wadi EL Dif. Five representative water points were selected in the study area. The
groundwater occurs under confined conditions (Abraq spring) and semi- confined conditions (drilled wells).
Rainfall and flash floods on the sandstone plateau and the surrounding fractured basement rocks are considered to
be the main sources of groundwater replenishment. Depth to water varies from 8.17 m to 21.75 m from the ground
surface. On the other hand, the water level ranges between + 248 m and + 281 m (Fig. 6, Table 1).
Elewa (2000) mentioned that, the aquifer sediments reflect a wide range of transmissivity (from 2.72 m2/day to
72.4 m2/day)). This could be attributed to the lateral facies change as well as the impact of the structural setting. To
confirm the obtained results, a trial was carried out by the author using raw data of pumping tests of El Dif well
(GARPAD, 1996), using Jacob straight line method (1963). The obtained value of the transmissivity is comparable
to the previous data (Fig. 7).
Ab u Saafa- b
Ab u Saafa - c
300 Ab u Saafa - a
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
872 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Hydrogeochemical aspects of parts of the concerned aquifers are discussed through the hydrochemical analyses of
twenty three groundwater samples as well as two samples representing rainwater and Red Sea water (Table 3). They
reflect the following results :
1. Groundwater salinity : The groundwater salinity ranges from 438 mg/l (No. 6) to 10,409 mg/l (No. 15) indicat-
ing a wide variation in quality from fresh to saline in the fractured basement rock aquifer (Hem, 1989). On the
other hand, the groundwater salinity varies from 459 mg/l (No. 19) to 1,292 mg/l (Nos. 20 and 21), reflecting
fresh to brackish water in the Nubia Sandstone aquifer (as they are closer to the watershed area).
2. Groundwater chemical types : The groundwater in the fractured basement aquifer is characterized by Na >
Ca(Mg) > Mg(Ca) / Cl > SO4(HCO3) > HCO3(SO4) ionic proportion. So, the groundwater chemical type is main-
ly Cl–Na (Fig. 16), On the other hand, the ionic proportion; Na > Mg > Ca / HCO3 (Cl) > Cl (HCO3) > SO4 char-
acterises the Nubia sandstone aquifer. Consequently, two chemical water types are recognized. The first type
HCO3–Na (Nos. 19 and 21), while the second type C l–Na is detected at Abu Saafa area (Nos. 20 and 22), indi-
cating the final phase of groundwater metasomatism.
3. Salinity-major components relationships : The relation between salinity (TDS) and major components were
statistically illustrated (Figs. 8 and 9). According to these diagrams, a positive correlation between salinity
and concentration of ions is evident, since the increasing of major constituents leads to the increasing of total
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 873
salinity. The more significant correlation coeifficent, the more correlated with salinity. In the fractured basement
aquifer, Cl, Na, Ca and Mg are significant, SO4 is little significant, while HCO3 is not significant with total
salinity (Fig. 8). On the other hand, in Nubia sandstone aquifer, Na, SO4 and Cl are significant, while Ca, Mg and
HCO3 are not significant (Fig. 9).
4. Groundwater classification : The investigated groundwater samples were plotted on semilogarithmic paper sug-
gested by Schoeller (1962). They reflect a general resemblance and similarity among each other. In the fractured
basement aquifers, two ionic patterns are recognized, due to the presence of separate local parts of aquifers char-
acterized by the great facies changes. The first is Ca > Mg < Na&K < Cl > SO4 > HCO3 (Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12,
14, 15 and 18). The second is Ca < Mg < Na&K < Cl > SO4 < HCO3 (Nos 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 17). On the
other hand, in Nubia sandstone aquifer, the groundwater samples follows the pattern; Ca < Mg < Na&K > Cl >
SO4 < HCO3, exhibiting fresh water characters except the slightly increase of Mg over Ca due to the presence of
sediments rich in Mg in Nubia sandstone aquifer.
Ca, Mg, Na and Cl Vs TDS are significant. Notes:
SO4 Vs TDS is little significant. Na, SO4 and Cl Vs TDS are significant.
HCO3 Vs TDS is not significant. Ca, Mg and HCO3 Vs TDS are not significant.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
874 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Comparing the results of the hydrochemical analyses (see Table 3) with World Health Organization standards
(WHO, 1984), (Table 4), it is clear that, the groundwater quality of fractured basement aquifer is suitable for drink-
ing at El-Gahlia and Madi areas, where the salinity lies within the range 438 to 511 m g / l (Nos. 1 and 6). In Nubia
sandstone aquifer, the groundwater quality is suitable for drinking at Abraq and El-Dif areas, where the ground-
water salinity lies within the range 459 to 591 m g / l (Nos. 19 and 23). On the other hand, the proposed approach
by the United States Salinity Laboratory staff of agriculture (USSLs, 1954) is applied for determining the suitability
of groundwater for irrigation. In this method a nomogram based on specific electrical conductivity as a function of
salinity against sodium adsorption ration as a function of sodium hazard is used. Distribution of the groundwater
samples within the nomogram (Fig. 10, Table 4), revealed that, groundwater of El-Gahlia, Madi, Abraq and El-Dif is
suitable for irrigation. On the other hand, groundwater quality of El-Beida-b, Gomidlum, Sararah, Sararat, Okak,
Eremit and Frokeitb is not suitable for irrigation due to high salinity as well as high sodium hazard (only can be
used to irrigate tolerant crops as palm trees). The rest of groundwater samples are of intermediate scale and suitable
to irrigate certain kinds of crops as alfalfa, tomato, lettuce and cucumber.
Hazard 100 500 1000 5000
Very 30 30
S4 28
22 11
S3 R
A 20 20
16 21
4 7
10 10
9 17
8 13 3
Low 6 10
6 22
S2 4 1
2 19 23
100 250 750 2250
Conductivity (micromhos/cm at 25 C )
C1 C2 C3 C4
Figure 10. Diagram showing groundwater classification for irrigation (USSL staff, 1948)
The aquifers of fractured basement and Nubia sandstone rocks represent the available groundwater resources in the
investigated area. The main sources of recharge are the local rainfall and sometimes flash floods after occasional
showers. Groundwater occurrence and movement in basement aquifer are mainly controlled by the structural fea-
tures, where the interaction between fractures and intrusive dykes reflect a good environment for groundwater
entrapment. The hydraulic parameters of the fractured basement aquifer revealed wide variation in the trans-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 875
missivity due to the strong impact of the structural and lithological setting on the groundwater occurrences. The
poor groundwater potentiality of the fractured basement aquifer is attributed to the weak chance of infiltration of
water during surface runoff to replenish the concerned aquifer.
On the other hand, Nubia sandstone aquifer is detected as a water-bearing formation in Wadi Abraq, Abu Saafa and
Wadi EL Dif. It rests unconformably directly above the fractured basement rocks. The groundwater occurs under
confined conditions (Abraq spring) and semi–confined conditions (drilled wells). It is worth to mention that, the
aquifer reflects a wide range of transmissivity (2.72 m2/day to 72.4 m2/day). It can be attributed to the lateral facies
changes of the water-bearing rocks as well as the impact of the structural setting. From the hydrochemical point of
view, the groundwater quality of the fractured basement aquifer varies from fresh to saline, while in Nubia sand-
stone aquifer, it varies from fresh to brackish. In basement aquifer, the type Cl–Na is dominant, while in Nubia
sandstone aquifer, HCO3 -Na and Cl-Na water types are recognized. In basement aquifer, the groundwater is mostly
characterized by permanent hardness (except Nos. 1, 6 and 13 have a perfect temporary hardness). In Nubia sand-
stone aquifer, the groundwater is mainly characterized by temporary hardness. In basement groundwater, Cl is the
most significant correlated anion with salinity (R2 = 0.9615), and Na is the most significant correlated cation with
salinity (R2=0.9153). In Nubia sandstone groundwater, SO4 is the most significant correlated anion with salinity
(R2 = 0.7573) and Na is the most significant correlated cation with salinity (R2 = 0.8578).
In view of the present conclusions, aiming to the safety use and development of groundwater resources, the fol-
lowing are recommended :
1. A detailed study of the structural setting should be done to find out the relation betwwen Nubia sandstone aquifer
and the underlying fractured basement one.
2. More attention should be focused on flood insurance through the construction of earth and concrete dykes on
the upstream portions, specially of Red Sea wadis, which have high gradients to prevent the risk of flash floods
and also to increase groundwater recharge.
3. Large diameter wells are recommended to be drilled in the fractured basement rocks.
5. Chemical analyses should be carried out periodically for groundwater samples to ensure that water is valid for
different uses (as a long term monitoring program).
Aggour, T. A. and Sadek, M. A. (2001). ‘The recharge mechanism of some cases of the different groundwater aquifers,
Eastern Desert, Egypt’. Bull. Fac. Sci. Mansura Univ., Vol. 28 (1), pp. 34–78.
Aglan, O. Sh. (2001). ‘Geology of water resources in Wadi Hodein Basin, Southeast of the Eastern Desert’. Ph. D.
Thesis, Fac. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., 211 pp.
Elewa, H. H. (2000). ‘ Hydrogeology and hydrological studies in Halaib – Shalateen Area, Egypt, using remote sens-
ing technology and other techniques’. Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Sci. Ain Shams Univ., 105 pp. General Authority for
Rehabilitation Project and Agricultural Development.
GARPAD, (1996). ‘Lithological and raw data of pumping test of El Dif well’. Internal report.
Hem, J. D. (1989). ‘Study the interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural water’, USGS, Water Supply
paper 1473.
Jacob, C. E. (1963). ‘ Correction of drawdowns caused by a pumped well tapping less than the full thickness of an
aquifer’. In Bentall, R. (Editor): Methods of determinig permeability, transmissivity and drawdown. U.S.Geol.
Survey, Water – Supply paper 1536 - I: pp. 272–282.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
876 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Papadopulos, I. S., Bredehoeft, J. D. and Cooper H. H. (1973). ‘On the analysis of slug test data’. Water Resources
Res. pp. 1087–1089.
Papadopulos, I. S. and Cooper, H. H. (1967). ‘Drawdown in a well of large diameter’. Water Resources Research
Division First Quarter, U. S. G. S. Vol. 3 No. 1.
Schoeller, H. (1962). ‘Les Eaux souterraines’. 642 pp. Paris, Massion.
U. S. Salinity Lab. Staff (1954). ‘Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkaline soils’. U. S. Depart. Agric.,
HandBook No. 60.
World Health Organization (WHO) (1984). ‘International standards for drinking water’. Third edition, Vol. 1,
Geneva, Switzerland, 70 pp.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Large scale recharge modeling
in the arid area of the eastern Sahara
W. Gossel, A. Sefelnasr, A. Ebraheem and P. Wycisk
A GIS-based (Geographic Information System) hydrogeological database was established for the development of
a numerical three-dimensional groundwater flow model for the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System in Egypt and the
adjacent countries in the eastern Sahara. It was calibrated under steady-state and transient conditions. The
model was then used to simulate the response of the aquifer to the impact of the climatic changes that took place
during the last 25,000 years, to estimate the recharge of the aquifer and to approximate and locate the palaeo-
lakes that contributed to the aquifer in past times. From the results of the simulation, it is indicated that the infil-
tration during the wet periods 20,000 and 5,000 years before present (b.p.) formed the groundwater in this
aquifer. The present recharge of groundwater due to regional groundwater flow from the more humid regions
in the southern areas of the aquifer is negligible, demonstrating that the groundwater within the Nubian Aquifer
System is fossil water, and the aquifer performed unsteady state condition after the last wet period ending
3,000 years b.p.
Arid area, Eastern Sahara, Egypt, GIS-based modeling, Nubian Aquifer System, Recharge modeling.
The sustainable management of water resources especially in the arid regions like eastern Sahara- the most arid
region in the world- constitutes a significant issue today due to severe water deficiency, increased demand on water
and ecological troubles caused by the non-rational utilization of water storages. The problem of water resources is
most critical for the development in this area, as the only available water resource is the groundwater gained from
the Nubian Aquifer System (Fig. 1), which consists of continental and shallow marine sediments with a thickness of
up to 4,500 m and holds an enormous water reserve. The Nubian Aquifer System in the eastern Sahara, considered
the largest groundwater system in Africa, is formed by two major and two minor basins: a) The Kufra Basin, which
comprises the southeastern area of Libya, the northeastern area of Chad and the northwestern corner of Sudan,
b) The Dakhla Basin of Egypt, c) The southernmost strip of the Northwestern basin of Egypt, d) The Sudan
Platform (Klitzsch and Wycisk 1999; Wycisk 1993; Wycisk 1994). The total area is about 2.35 million square kilo-
meters. In the center and north of the System, where a hyperarid climate prevails, the average precipitation ranges
from 0 –5 mm /year. Obviously, there is no groundwater recharge in most parts of the System since thousands
of years. Thus, the aquifer has been under unsteady state conditions for thousands of years before 1960, and the
climatic changes including wet periods, 20,000 and 5,000 years ago, supplied plenty of precipitation to meet
the requirements for adequate local groundwater formation (Ebraheem et al. 2002; Ebraheem et al. 2003; Ebraheem
et al. 2004; El Sayed et al. 2004; Gossel et al. 2004; Heinl and Thorweihe 1993).
In practice, since the beginning of the increasing agricultural development of the Egyptian and Libyan Oases in
1960, there is a common agreement that the aquifer is under an unsteady state condition. The current groundwater
exploitation is approximately ten times the maximum present recharge for this aquifer in the Egyptian part (Heinl
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
878 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Figure 1. Geological map of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (modified after CEDARE, 2001)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 879
and Thorweihe 1993), even if the local flux from the neighbouring areas of the same system is regarded as a
recharge, what leads to progressive decline in the groundwater level. That means, that the aquifer is going to be
under overexploitation, if it is further stressed. The increased drawdown leads in turn to an increased cost of the
aquifer development, as a reason of more energy consumption, the early replacement and deepening of wells and
pumps, and the need to enlarge energy amenities.
This plainly indicates that intellectual careful groundwater resources management of the Nubian Aquifer System on
an international scale is fundamental for the sustainable development of the entire area of eastern Sahara.
An integrated GIS-based numerical time dependent three-dimensional transient groundwater flow model for
the Nubian Aquifer System in the Western Desert of Egypt and the adjacent countries was developed and used
for establishing a spatial and temporal prediction system for groundwater flow and essentially to a) simulate
the response of the aquifer to the climatic changes that occurred in the last 25,000 years, b) estimate and calibrate
the groundwater recharge of long term time horizons, c) to locate the palaeolakes that existed in the last mentioned
The fundamental geological, hydrogeological, climatic input-data and newly drilled water wells in Egypt and Libya
up to year 2001 as well as the available cross sections of the area of about 2.35 million km2 were held in a GIS-
database that allows an implementation of the numerical groundwater model in different modeling systems.
Compiling the data into such coherent and logical GIS-structure supported by a computing environment helps
ensure the validity and availability of the data and provides a powerful tool for accomplishing the purposes of the
study. GIS also helps in management of hydrogeological data and hydrogeological analysis, vulnerability assessment
especially in such huge areas like eastern Sahara and building a hydrogeological database support for numerical-
based modeling software.
After constructing the GIS-database, a large-scale finite-element flow model covering the whole Nubian Aquifer
System was developed and calibrated under both steady-state and transient simulations (Gossel et al. 2004). In this
3D numerical groundwater model long-term groundwater recharge and aquifer porosity were calibrated by using
the results of recent geological research (Pachur, 1999) which indicated that some lakes had existed about
6,000 years b.p. in the southern part of the modeled area as well as sabkha sediments in the northern part.
The simulation results of the last 25,000 years indicated that a recharge rate of 10 – 50 mm / year was enough to
maintain the aquifer in a nearly filled up condition during the two wet periods. The wet time periods can be
extracted from Fig. 2 that shows the time dependent distribution of the limnic sediments.
The decline of groundwater surface started about 19,000 years ago, but it was slowed down and completely inter-
rupted by regional infiltration during the second wet period (ended 2,500 years ago). It took about 5,500 years after
the start of the second wet period to return to the nearly filled up condition and since then the groundwater levels
went down for more than 4,000 years. This process is shown at the example of the former ‘Lake Ptolemy’ in the
south of the model area in Fig. 3.
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880 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Figure 3. Recent modelling results for the studied area of the former ‘Lake Ptolemy’ (NW Sudan)
in the south of the regional numerical groundwater model of the Nubian Aquifer System.
Groundwater recharge in the wet periods leads to groundwater levels at the sea levels reconstructed from sediments.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 881
In the last 5,000 years discharge was not completely balanced by recharge. Simulation results also indicated that in
both wet and dry condition periods groundwater flow from the aquifer to the Nile River has occurred nearly in the
whole Nile valley. The amount of Nile water seepage into the aquifer was very low and only possible in the area
south of Dongola. After the construction of the Aswan High Dam, rising water level in Lake Nasser increased Nile
water seepage into the aquifer. Recharge from the River Nile and percolating rainwater in the southern part of the
aquifer are minor if compared to the sum of present natural and artificial discharge of the aquifer. This problem is
also discussed in Kim and Sultan (2002) and Dahab et al. (2003).
The present groundwater management has to take into account, that there is not enough recharge in the southern
part to cover the discharge of the oasis in the northern part. The groundwater resource itself was filled up several
10,000 years ago and in the last wet period 5,000 years b.p. The present groundwater extraction must be called
groundwater mining and leads to descending groundwater levels to economically unreachable depths. To get a sus-
tainable groundwater resource management of the non-renewable groundwater ressources, the extraction has to be
reduced and adapted to highly efficient and optimized long-term cultivation and irrigation strategies. Future model-
ling work has to be focussed on regional and local management approaches based on the ‘carrying capacities’ of the
entire aquifers and their local conditions respectively.
CEDARE (2001). Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System Programme, Regional Maps. Cairo Office, Heliopolis, Cairo.
Dahab K.A., Ebraheem A.A.M., El Sayed E. (2003). Hydrogeological and hydrochemical conditions of the Nubian
Sandstone aquifer in the area between Abu Simbel and Tushka depression, Western Desert, Egypt. Neues Jahrb
Geol P-A, 228(2), 175 – 204.
Ebraheem A.M., Riad S., Wycisk P., Seif El Nasr A.M. (2002). Simulation of impact of present and future ground-
water extraction from the non-replenished Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in SW Egypt. Environmental Geology, 43,
188 – 196.
Ebraheem A.A.M., Garamoon H.K., Riad S. (2003). Numerical modeling of groundwater resource management
options in the East Oweinat area, SW Egypt. Environ. Geol., 44(4), 433 – 447.
Ebraheem A.M., Riad S., Wycisk P. (2004). A local-scale groundwater flow model for groundwater resources mana-
gement in Dakhla Oasis, SW Egypt. Hydrogeol. J., 12(6), 714 – 722.
El Sayed E., Dahab K., Ebraheem A.A.M (2004). Hydrogeological and hydrochemical aspects of the Nubian
Sandstone aquifer in East Oweinat area, SW Egypt. Neues Jahrb. Geol. P-A, 233(1), 121 – 152.
Gossel W., Ebraheem A.M., Wycisk P. (2004). A very large scale GIS-based groundwater flow model for the nubian
sandstone aquifer in Eastern Sahara (Egypt, Northern Sudan and Eastern Libya). Hydrogeol. Journal, 12(6),
698 – 713.
Heinl M., Thorweihe U. (1993). Groundwater Resources and Management in SW Egypt. In: Meissner and Wycisk
(eds): Geopotential and Ecology. CATENA SUPPLEMENT 26, 99 – 121. CATENA VERLAG, 38162 Cremlingen-
Destedt, Germany.
Kim J., Sultan M. (2002). Assessment of the long-term hydrologic impacts of Lake Nasser and related irrigation
projects in Southwestern Egypt. J. Hydrol., 262(1-4), 68 – 83.
Klitzsch E., Wycisk P. (1999). Beckenentwicklung und Sedimentationsprozesse in kratonalen Bereichen Nordost-
Afrikas im Phanerozoikum. In: Nordost-Afrika Strukturen und Ressourcen. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH.-D-69469 Weinheim, Germany.
Pachur (1999). Paläo-Environment und Drainagesysteme der Ostsahara im Spätpleistozän und Holozän In: Nordost-
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ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Investigation of water spreading effects
on water table of aquifer
in arid and semi-arid regions
A. Salajegheh and A.R. Keshtkar
The central basin of the Iranian Plateau is a semi-arid region due to its precipitation of only 250 mm/year and
potential evaporation of over 2 m/y. Most streams in this plateau are ephemeral, while the majority of the per-
manent rivers are useless because of their high natural salinity. People take advantage of groundwater and
groundwater use is continuously increasing. Because of these conditions, artificial recharge by water spreading is
considered the most important method to allow stabilizing the yield of the aquifers. This paper analyses the
effects of spreading on aquifer yield in four regions of the Iranian Plateau. The spreading increased production of
wells and famous Qanats and raised the water table in the aquifer.
Precipitation; flood; water; aquifer; recharge; water spreading.
The Iranian Plateau, receiving only 250 mm /y is a semi-arid region, suffering from lack of fresh water for agri-
culture and domestic uses. Most of the water demand in the regions with little precipitation is met by groundwater
extraction, which exceeds natural recharge significantly. Artificial recharge is considered as an approach to
remediate aquifer yield and its effects. Objectives are to store river water in the subsoil, prevent salinization of wells
and treat wastewater by soil treatment.
Iran applied different methods, i.e. recharge basins, dams, recharge wells and spreading. Spreading over coarse
alluvial and aquifer management are the most important of the methods to enhance aquifer yield.
There are about 35 water spreading research stations in Iran that the current paper reports the investigation results
of water spreading in water reservoirs of central plateau four stations. Generally, a floodwater spreading system con-
sists of three parts including intake, off take canal and the area of water spreading. Within the system, intake
diverse stream flow into the off take canal which distribute water using diversion weir designed along the canal.
Since, the canal is completely leveled, and then water passes the weir as a thin layer. The distributed water on the
area joins together and leaves the area. This process is repeated using the other spreading systems to increase water
infiltration into the soil.
To study the effect of water spreading on ground water table, the necessary data of Qanats, agricultural as well as
peizomethric wells were collected.
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884 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
For quantitative evaluation of the water spreading project on groundwater table of the study area some statistical
comparison were conducted as follow:
1. Rate of flooding and volume of input flood into the system during an event were determined.
2. Rainfall records of the nearest station to the study area were analyzed to compute depth of effective rainfall
To study the effect of floodwater spreading on ground water table in the study area, observed data of Qanats were
used for hydro chemical analyses to determine the level of Na +, Ca 2 +, Cl –, SO42 –, CO32–, HCO3–, TH, Ec and pH in
study area.
Rainfall (mm)
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 885
Bejestan is located in south of Khorasan province where the average precipitation in winter is 170 mm The exis-
tence of Ghasemabad and Yonesi plains with 2,321 and 2,267 Km2 area, respectively, provides a preliminary for
using surface waters and also flood control Considering the .06 runoff coefficient of both plains, the amount of
runoff entered to desert from plain is about 35Mm3/y. The estimated water consumption in this region is 31 Mm3 / y,
all of the drinking water and 95% of the irrigation water being supplied from groundwater. Investigations show that
the Annual average water consumption in 2008 will be about 2,900 m3 / d. Hence, due to negative water balance of
the region, the recharge of ground waters plays an important role in improving the water condition of the area.
Currently 11 Mm3 of the surface water entering the desert is artificially recharged each year. With the utilization of
flood and reclamation of aquifers, water resources of region are expected to change from 29 to 40 Mm3 in 2008.
Miankouh station
The studied region consists of Ebrahimabad plain and a part of Yazd-Ardakan plain. Both having an average precip-
itation of 114 mm / y. The alluvial in this region is about 100 m thick. Water spreading in this region is established
in three large waterways Fakhrabad, Manshad and Tanglabidly. The capacity of each the water spreading is
600,000 m3. The total acquired water from this project in waterways during 1998 to 2000 was 10.4 Mm3. The
analysis of information shows that after accomplishment of the project, the maximum discharge of the Qanats in
Kamalabad and Arzandazan increased from 67 to 90 l /s and 13 to 36 l /s respectively in the year 2000. Through the
accomplishment of this project, the area under plantation of the region increased to 20 acres. Due to the recharge,
the maximum discharge of the Qanats of Arzandazan, Saadabad and Mohammadabad increased by 180%, 41% and
7.2% respectively. Regarding the utilization of 10.4 Mm3 flood in three different stages of 1998, 1999 and 2000 per-
forming the water-spreading Project in the region seems to be effective.
Sarchahan station
Sarchahan plain is located in the south of Iran’s plateau. The average precipitation is 204 mm / y. The alluvial fan in
this area is suitable for artificial recharge. Currently 130 deep and semi-deep wells and Qanat are in use, yielding
20 Mm3 /y on average. The daily natural recharge of this reservoir was measured about 24000 m3/d, which leads to
annual rate of 10 Mm3, however, the annual discharge of aquifer has been estimated about 20 Mm3. Between 1979
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886 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
and 2,000 a 2,000 ha large area have been submersed to act as an infiltration basin. The recharge into the aquifer
during this period was 24,000 m3/day (is < 1 mm / d). We recharged 6 Mm3 in this period and the EC of water reser-
voirs has been decreased significantly.
Zanjan station
This plain plain is between Sahrein and Garecharion River. Design region area is 250 acres. Depth of alluvial is
80 – 120 meter, and the depth of ground water level varies from 40 to 60 m. The average precipitation is 350 mm.
For evaluation of water spreading process on groundwater flocculation, a Qanat and three peizometric wells were
The design was done from 1997 to 2000. Four times of sampling was dined. At the first time of sampling outlet dis-
charge of Qanat increased from 2.1 lit /s to 5 lit / s . At the second time (1998, March) along with maximum melting
of snow, amount of discharge of Qanat increased up to 6 lit/s and 9.3 lit /s on 1999, January It reached to 14 lit /s .
Maximum amount of discharge of Qanat was in the forth time (1999, April) with 32 lit /s . After this, discharge of
Qanat was reduced and become constant at 7.5 lit / s by reason of drought.
These studies show that after construction of water spreading stations, affects amount of ground water level reduc-
tion, and along with winter precipitation, water table of aquifer and wells and Qanats discharges increased and EC
of water resources decreased significantly
Danaeian M. (2000). Effects of Flood Spreading on Water resources of Miankouh: Second Symposium of water
spreading, Research Center of soil conservation and watershed management, Iran, 1 – 17.
Galloway D.L., Alley W.M., Barlow P. M., Reilly T.E. and Tucci P. (2003). Evolving issues and practices in managing
ground-water resources: Case studies on the role of science. US Geological Survey Circular 1247.
Hoseinipour H. and Choupany S. (2001). Effects of water spreading on Sarchahan Plain aquifer, Hormozgan, Iran:
Second Symposium of water spreading, 2002, Research Center of soil conservation and watershed management,
Iran, 62 – 70.
Karami A. and Kamali K. (1999). Aquifer management in Bejestan: Second Symposium of water spreading, 2002,
Research Center of soil conservation and watershed management, Iran, 231 – 237.
Mojtahedi Gh. and Baiat Movahed F. (1998). Investigation of water spreading on Qanats Discharge in Zanjan
Province: Second Symposium of water spreading, 2002, Research Center of soil conservation and watershed
management, Iran, 112 – 121.
Salajegheh A. and Keshtkar Am. R., (2002). Investigation of water spreading on Water resources in arid zone: Combat
Desertification Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Iran, 1 – 75.
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
V Qanat, a traditional method
for water harvesting
in arid and semi–arid regions of Iran
A.R. Keshtkar and A. Salajegheh
Iran is lake of water resources, especially in its arid regions. So the management of water resources in these areas
is very important. The arid and semi-arid regions in Iran are mainly located in center and southeast of Iran. This
paper investigated reasons of destruction and reclamation methods of Qanats in Dahak River basin. Qanats are a
traditional method for water harvesting in arid and semi-arid regions in Iran and some arid regions in world.
Qanats play important role to ground water utilization in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran, especially in Dahak
River basin. Dahak River basin located in Southeast of Iran and Northeast of Lout plain, with total area 98,000 ha,
the annual precipitation is 155 mm, the average evaporation from water surface 1,375 mm.
Water resources; destruction; reclamation; Qanats; River basin; Iran.
A traveler flying over Iran can see plainly that the country has an arid climate. The Iranian plateau is largely
deserted. Most of Iran (excepting areas in the northwestern provinces and along the southern shores of the Caspian
Sea) receives only six to 10 inches of rainfall a year. Other regions of the world with so little rainfall (for example
the dry heart of Australia) are barren of attempts at agriculture. Yet Iran is a farming country that not only grows its
own food but also manages to produce crops for export, such as cotton, dried fruits, and oilseeds and so on. It has
achieved this remarkable accomplishment by developing an ingenious system for tapping underground water. The
system, called qanat (from a Semitic word meaning ‘to dig’), was invented in Iran thousands of years ago, and it is
so simple and effective that it was adopted in many other and regions of the Middle East and around the
Water has always played a key role in the long history of Iran. Iranians are credited for qanats and the invention of
Persian wheel, two ancient irrigation systems which are well known in the world. According to here to the Greek
historian, Qanat digging technique was documented and was practiced in the achaemenids era (550 – 330 BC)
2,500 years ago.
Remains of reservoirs have been discovered along with water intakes, spilwaysand outlets and the sewage sys-
tems belonging to pre-achamenids and Assyrians (1500–600 BC). The archaeological surveys suggest that Iranians
enjoyed advanced culture and civilization some 7,000 years ago. The civilization of in the western part of Iranian
plateau flourished 5,000 years ago and they invented cuneiform writing. Discoveries prove that Iranian were
peaceful and ingenious people in third millennium BC who cultivated cultivated land and raised crops and live-
The qanat system consists of underground channels that convey water from aquifers in highlands to the surface at
lower levels by gravity. The qanat works of Iran were built on a scale that rivaled the great aqueducts of the Roman
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888 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Empire. Whereas the Roman aqueducts now are only a historical curiosity, the Iranian system is still in use after
3,000 years and has continually been expanded. There are some 22,000 qanat units in Iran, comprising more than
170,000 miles of underground channels. The system supplies 75 percent of all the water used in that country, pro-
viding water not only for irrigation but also for house-hold consumption. Until recently (before the building of the
Karaj Dam) the million inhabitants of the city of Tehran depended on a qanat system tapping the foothills of the
Elburz Mountains for their entire water supply.
About four-fifths of the water used in the plateau regions of Iran are subsurface and is brought into use in this way.
There are literally hundred of miles of qanat in Iran, and many hundreds more throughout the Arab world. The
result is a sort of oasis in an otherwise arid area, creating a pleasant oasis of date palms or other crops. Indeed, an
oasis could be considered a natural ‘qanat’, although there is no tunnel, just a spring. At the exit of a typical qanat
you see a tunnel adit similar to a mine entrance, which is exactly what it is. The ‘mineral’ mined is water.
In the early part of the first millennium B.C., Persians started constructing elaborate tunnel systems called qanats
for extracting groundwater in the dry mountain basins of present-day Iran (Figure 2). Qanat tunnels were
hand-dug, just large enough to fit the person doing the digging. Along the length of a qanat, which can be several
kilometers, vertical shafts were sunk at intervals of 20 to 30 meters to remove excavated material and to provide
ventilation and access for repairs. The main qanat tunnel sloped gently down from pre-mountainous alluvial fans to
an outlet at a village. From there, canals would distribute water to fields for irrigation. These amazing structures
allowed Persian farmers to succeed despite long dry periods when there was no surface water to be had. Many
qanats are still in use stretching from China on the east to Morocco on the west, and even to the Americas.
There are significant advantages to a qanat water delivery system including: (1) putting the majority of the channel
underground reduces water loss from seepage and evaporation; (2) since the system is fed entirely by gravity, the
need for pumps is eliminated; and (3) it exploits groundwater as a renewable resource. The third benefit warrants
additional discussion.
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Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 889
The rate of flow of water in a qanat is controlled by the level of the underground water table. Thus a qanat cannot
cause significant drawdown in an aquifer because its flow varies directly with the subsurface water supply. When
properly maintained, a qanat is a sustainable system that provides water indefinitely. The self-limiting feature of a
qanat, however, is also its biggest drawback when compared to the range of technologies available today.
Water flows continuously in a qanat, and although some winter water is used for domestic use, much larger
amounts of irrigation water are needed during the daylight hours of the spring and summer growing seasons.
Although this continuous flow is frequently viewed as wasteful, it can, in fact, be controlled. During periods of low
water use in fall and winter, water-tight gates can seal off the qanat opening damming up and conserving ground-
water for periods of high demand. In spring and summer, night flow may be stored in small reservoirs at the mouth
of the qanat and held there for daytime use.
A recently discovered book by Mohammed Karaji, a Persian scholar of the 10th Century AD, has a chapter on qanat
construction. The techniques he describes are basically the same as those practiced today, eleven centuries later.
Qanats are constructed by specialists. A windlass is set up at the surface and the excavated soil is hauled up in
buckets. The spoil is dumped around the opening of the shaft to form a small mound; the latter feature keeps
surface runoff from entering the shaft bringing silt and other contamination with it. A vertical shaft 1 meter in
diameter is thus dug out. A gently sloping tunnel is then constructed which transports water from groundwater
wells to the surface some distance away. If the soil is firm, no lining is required for the tunnel. In loose soil, rein-
forcing rings are installed at intervals in the tunnel to prevent cave-ins. These rings are usually made of burnt clay.
Mineral, salt, and other deposits which accumulate in the channel bed necessitate periodic cleaning and main-
tenance work.
In countries like Syria, qanats are rapidly drying up. In a recent exercise, three sites were chosen for renovation;
each still had significant quantities of flowing water. The selection of these sites was based on a national survey con-
ducted in 2001. The renovation of one the three (Drasiah qanat of Dmeir) was concluded in the spring of 2002.
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890 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Lessons learned from pilot projects like the one in Syria led to the development of renovation criteria which
included: (i) a stable groundwater level, (ii) a consistent underground tunnel construction; (iii) social cohesion in
the community using the qanat; (iv) existing system of water rights and regulation; and (vi) willingness of the water
users to contribute. Cleaning of an ancient qanat is not an easy exercise. Not only is the work technically difficult,
but also the social organization associated with a qanat has major implications on its future viability (Wessels,
The precise dating of qanats is difficult, unless their construction was accompanied by documentation or, occa-
sionally, by inscriptions. Most of the evidence we have for the age of qanats is circumstantial; a result of their asso-
ciation with the ceramics or ruins of ancient sites whose chronologies have been established through archeological
investigation, or the qanat technology being introduced long ago by people whose temporal pattern of diffusion is
Written records leave little doubt that ancient Iran (Persia) was the birthplace of the qanat. As early as the
7th century BC, the Assyrian king Sargon II reported that during a campaign in Persia he had found an under-
ground system for tapping water. His son, King Sennacherib, applied the ‘secret’ of using underground conduits in
building an irrigation system around Nineveh.
During the period 550 – 331 BC, when Persian rule extended from the Indus to the Nile, qanat technology spread
throughout the empire. The Achaemenid rulers provided a major incentive for qanat builders and their heirs by
allowing them to retain profits from newly-constructed qanats for five generations. As a result, thousands of new
settlements were established and others expanded. To the west, qanats were constructed from Mesopotamia to the
shores of the Mediterranean, as well as southward into parts of Egypt. To the east of Persia, qanats were constructed
in Afghanistan, the Silk Route oases settlements of central Asia, and Chinese Turkistan (i.e. Turpan).
During Roman-Byzantine era (64 BC to 660 AD), many qanats were constructed in Syria and Jordan. From here, the
technology appears have to diffuse north and west into Europe. There is evidence of Roman qanats as far away as
the Luxembourg area.
The expansion of Islam initiated another major diffusion of qanat technology. The early Arab invasions spread
qanats westward across North Africa and into Cyprus, Sicily, Spain, and the Canary Islands. In Spain, the Arabs
constructed one system at Crevillente, most likely for agricultural use, and others at Madrid and Cordoba for urban
water supply. Evidence of New World qanats can be found in western Mexico, in the Atacama regions of Peru, and
Chile at Nazca and Pica. The qanat systems of Mexico came into use after the Spanish conquest.
While the above diffusion model is nice and neat (Figure 3), human activities are rarely so orderly. Qanat techno-
logy may have been introduced into the central Sahara and later into Western Sahara by Judaized Berbers fleeing
Cyrenaica during Trajan’s persecution in 118 AD. Since the systems in South America may predate the Spanish
entry into the New World, their development may have occurred independently from any Persian influence. The
Chinese, while acknowledging a possible Persian connection, find an antecedent to the qanats of Turpan in the
Longshouqu Canal (constructed approximately 100 BC). The Romans used qanats in conjunction with aqueducts
to serve urban water supply systems (a qanat-aqueduct system was built in Roman Lyons). A Roman qanat system
was also constructed near Murcia in southeastern Spain. The Catalan qanat systems (also in Spain) do not seem to
have been related to Islamic activity and are more likely later constructions, based on knowledge of Roman systems
in southern France.
Qanats were an important factor in determining where people lived. The largest towns were still located at low ele-
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 891
vations on the floors of intermountain basins and in broad river valleys. Most of these early settlements were
defended by a fortress and watered by hand-dug wells sunk into a shallow water table. Qanats enabled these settle-
ments to grow by tapping water-rich aquifers located deep beneath neighboring alluvial fans.
Even more dramatically, qanats made possible the establishment of permanent settlements on the alluvial fans
themselves. Earlier settlers had bypassed the areas because water tables there were too deep for hand-dug wells, and
the wadis on these slopes were too deeply incised in the fans for simple diversion channels. In these locations,
qanats tapped adjacent aquifers with underground tunnels fed with water drawn from upslope alluvial deposits in
mountain valleys. For the first time, at these higher elevations, small qanat-watered hamlets appeared.
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892 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
Qanats were frequently used for domestic purposes, as well as irrigation. Because of this, they can transport disease
vectors (Afkhami, 1997). A chemical analysis of water, conducted in 1924, from 6 qanats as they entered Tehran
revealed water of potable quality in only 2 cases. In 3 other, water purity was questionable and in 1 case the water
was definitely unfit for drinking. These results were especially shocking since the samples were taken from closed
qanats before they were open to contamination. It has been hypothesized that qanats were a major contributor to
the cholera epidemics of the 19th century.
Throughout Iran, even if the qanat water was uninfected before entering the cities, it had ample opportunity to
become contaminated while traversing the urban areas in open ditches. With the lack of proper sewage and waste
disposal throughout Iranian municipalities, the cholera bacterium easily made its way into drinking water.
The passive cooling of a wind tower can be enhanced by connecting it to an underground stream or qanat. In the
system shown in Figure 4, a shaft (b) connects the qanat to the basement of the building to be cooled. Hot dry air
enters the qanat through one of its vertical shafts (a) and is cooled as it flows along the water. Since the under-
ground water is usually cold, the rate of cooling is quite high. The wind tower is placed so that wind flowing
through the basement door of the tower passes over the top of the qanat tunnel. When the air flows from a large
passage (the tunnel) through a smaller one (the door), its pressure decreases. The pressure of the air from the tower
is still diminished when it passes over the top of the tunnel, so that cold moist air from the shaft is entrained by the
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Arid zones water management / Sustainability of managing recharge systems 893
flow of cooled air from the tower (c). The mixture of air from the qanat and air from the tower (d) circulates
through the basement. A single qanat can serve several wind-tower systems.
Figure 5. The air flow in a combination wind tower/qanat cooling system (from Scientific American)
Qanats play important role to ground water utilization in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran, especially in Dahak
River basin. Dahak River basin located in Southeast of Iran and Northeast of Lout plain, with total area 98,000 ha,
the annual precipitation is 155 mm, the average evaporation from water surface 1,375 mm. Qanats are to this day
the major source of irrigation water for the fields that occupy parts of Dahak river basin. There are 33 qanats in
Dahak river basin that decrease of rainfall, penetration of Haloxylon seedlings and raises a load of accumulated silt
in the process of cleaning a qanat conduit tunnel cause’s damage to qanat galleries. For reclamation and raise of
discharge these Qantas in Dahak river basin need that do water spreading for artificial recharge, preventing of
Haloxylon seedling around qanats and cleaning of qanats tunnel.
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
894 Sustainability of managing recharge systems / Arid zones water management
A qanat system has a profound influence on the lives of the water users. It allows those living in a desert environ-
ment adjacent to a mountain watershed to create a large oasis in an otherwise stark environment. The United
Nations and other organizations are encouraging the revitalization of traditional water harvesting and supply tech-
nologies in arid areas because they feel it is important for sustainable water utilization. Investigations shows that in
Dahak river basin qanats will reclamation by water spreading for artificial recharge, preventing of Haloxylon
seedling around qanats and cleaning of qanats tunnel.
Afkhami A. (1997). Disease and Water Supply: The Case of Cholera in 19th Century Iran, Proceedings of Conference:
Transformations of Middle Eastern Natural Environments: Legacies and Lessons, Yale University, October.
Bahadori M. N. (1978). Passive Cooling Systems in Iranian Architecture, Scientific American, February, pp. 144 –154.
Beekman C. S., Weigand P. S. and Pint J. J. (1999). Old World Irrigation Technology in a New World Context: Qanats
in Spanish Colonial Western Mexico, Antiquity 73(279): pp. 440–446.
English P. (1997). Qanats and Lifeworlds in Iranian Plateau Villages, Proceedings of the Conference: Transformation
of Middle Eastern Natural Environment: Legacies and Lessons, Yale University, October.
Lightfoot D. (2003), Traditional Wells as Phreatic Barometers: A View from Qanats and Tube Wells in Developing
Arid Lands, Proceedings of the UCOWR Conference: Water Security in the 21st Century, Washington, DC, July.
Pazwash N. (1983). Iran’s Mode of Modernization: Greening the Desert, Deserting the Greenery, Civil Engineering,
March. pp. 48–51.
United Nationals Environmental Program. 1983. Rain and Water Harvesting in Rural Area. Tycooly International
Publishing Limited, Dublin, pp. 84– 88.
Wessels K. (2000). Renovating Qanats in a changing world, a case study in Syria, paper presented to the International
Symposium on Qanats, May 2000, Yazd, Iran.
Wulff H.E. (1968). The Qanats of Iran, Scientific American, April, pp. 94–105; http://users.bart.nl/~leenders/txt/
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
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Zeleznik, Branca Brac ic ,
JP Vodovod-Kanalizacija d.o.o, Vodovodna cesta 90,
SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Email: [email protected]
Zuehlke, Sebastian,
Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Dept. of Laboratories,
Motardstrasse 35, D-13629 Berlin, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Zullei-Seibert, Ninette,
Institut für Wasserforschung GmbH,
Zum Kellerbach 46, D-58239 Schwerte, Germany
Email: [email protected]
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
910 Authors / Index of pages
V Index of pages
Curk, Branca Cencur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Al-Senafy, Mohamed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Amy, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562, 573 D
Anchal, Vivek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
Das, Debasish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Anderson, Malcolm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331, 593, 777, 819
Day, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Aparicio-Mijares, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Deletic, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Arivalagan, T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
Derome, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264, 280
Aswal, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
Dewhurst, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
Avisar, Dror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Dierkes, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
Diestel, Heiko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Dillon, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 133, 151, 160, 316, 322,
Badarayani, Uma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179, 705 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360, 477, 624,630, 656
Bakalowicz, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 Dizer, Halim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Barker, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Drewes, Jörg E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562, 568, 573
Barry, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 477, 624, 656 Drijver, B.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Bartel, Hartmut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485, 491, 498 Dulski, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Baxter, Keith M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331, 593, 777, 819 Dünnbier, Uwe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 535
Bekele, Elise B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337, 663 Dupont, Jean-Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
Bennedsen, Lars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Dussart-Baptista, Ludivine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
Benze, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
Berg, Rikke L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 E
Billib, Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Ebraheem, A.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877
Blair, Palenque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663 Eckert, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Blokker, Mirjam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 El Sayed, Esam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 868
Boochs, Peter-Wilhelm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 Elewa, Hossam H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
Börnick, Hilmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581 Ende, Karla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Brandt, Gyrite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Engesgaard, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311, 315
Brown, Christopher J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Brown, Doug M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 F
Bucich, Norberto Gabriel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862 Fabritius, H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Fallowfield, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Fanck, Britta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Cardona, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 Fernández Escalante, Enrique A. . . . . . . . 675, 789, 799
Chang, K.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Fildebrandt, Susanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Chaudhary, N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Fischer, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Chen, Jianyao. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Fischer, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chen, S.H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Fournier, Matthieu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Index of pages / Authors 911
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
912 Authors / Index of pages
ISMAR 2005 ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ 5th International Symposium ■ 10 –16 June 2005, Berlin
Index of pages / Authors 913
Skjemstad, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 W
Smout, Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Wakker, J.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Spliid, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Wall, Katrina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Stavropoulos, X.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
Weisbrod, Noam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Strahl, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Wendelborn, Anke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Streck, Thilo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121, 421
Wessel, Gabriele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485, 491
Streetly, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Wiese, Bernd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399, 409, 449, 498
Stuyfzand, Pieter J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 164, 415, 837
Wildi, Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Sültenfuß, Jürgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Willemsen, August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Suman, Rekha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
Wilson, Andrew S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Szewzyk, R.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Wodschow Larsen, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
T Wollmann, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Won, Jongho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Taniguchi, Makoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Wood, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Taute, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 61
Worch, Eckhard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Thirumurthi, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
Wycisk, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455, 877
Tijani, Moshood N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Ting, Cheh-Shyh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739, 747 X
Tizro, A. Taheri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Xianguo, Wang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Toze, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 337, 511, 518, 663
Xing, Liang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Turner, Nick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
Yadav, D.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Valley, Stephan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Yakirevich, Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
van der Wielen, Paul W. J. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Ying, Guang-Guo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Van Houtte, Emmanuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Yitayew, Abate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
Vanderzalm, Joanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 316, 360
Youngs, Jed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
Verbauwhede, ir. Johan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Villarroya Gil, Fermín . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675, 789, 799 Z
Voudouris, Kostas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
10 – 16 June 2005, Berlin ■ 5th International Symposium ■ A QUIFER RECHARGE ■ ISMAR 2005
Recharge Systems for Protecting and Enhancing Groundwater Resources, is the theme of the 5th
International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge, Berlin 10–16 June 2005, one of a
series of symposia:
Symposium Proceedings/Theme Publisher
1. 23–27 Aug 1988 First International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater ASCE
Anaheim, USA
2. 17–22 Jul 1994 2nd International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater ASCE
Orlando, USA
3. 21–25 Sep 1998 3rd International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Balkema
Amsterdam, NL (TISAR)
Store or Restore
4. 22–26 Sep 2002 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Balkema
Adelaide, Aus. (ISAR4)
Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability
5. 10–16 Jun 2005 5th International Symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge UNESCO
Berlin, Germany (ISMAR5)
Recharge Systems for Protecting and Enhancing Groundwater Resources
Since the turn of the 21st century the term ‘Artificial Recharge’ has been replaced by ‘Management
of Aquifer Recharge’ to reflect contemporary endeavours to intentionally enhance the quality
and quantity of groundwater resources as an integral part of water resources management. Recent
conference themes reflect the progress from the initial primary focus on enhancing the volume
of water supplies to also addressing water quality and environmental issues.
With climate change, population growth, and increasing urbanisation, the proportion of the
world’s population living in water stressed areas is increasing. In 2001 20% of the world’s
population did not have access to safe drinking water supplies. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
using an increasing variety of methods and sources of water, including reclaimed water, provides
potential for replenishing supplies. These extensions also demand a greater understanding
of processes occurring in recharge operations to enable improved siting, design, operation
and governance of MAR and to develop new measurement methods, models and maintenance
procedures to reduce risks and enable sustainable practices. This volume documents progress
in all of these areas over the last three years. It is further enriched by new knowledge developed
through the NASRI project of the Berlin Water Competence Centre and research and utility
partners who have intensively studied bank and pond filtration processes for Berlin’s water supply.
This conference series initiated by the American Society of Civil Engineers and now jointly run
with the International Association of Hydrogeologists aims to meet the need for generating
and disseminating knowledge that will ensure that MAR achieves its potential internationally
as a valuable water resources management instrument. The UNESCO International Hydrological
Programme (IHP) and the IAH have been supporting the development of an international MAR
expert’s network since the year 2000. This is the main objective of the IAH Commission on
Management of Aquifer Recharge whose web site and email list can be accessed at http://
www.iah.org/recharge UNESCO has been a supporter of all conferences in this series,
and has taken a publication role with this proceedings in order to extend this knowledge
to the widest possible audience, particularly in arid and semi arid regions and communities
in developing countries in need of safe water supplies.