Edge Folding Machine
Edge Folding Machine
Edge Folding Machine
In this project we are fabricate the hand operated sheet metal edge folding
machine. This equipment needs no electrical power to operate, just using the
manual power to bend the sheet metal. This project reduces the cost involved in
concern and also avoids the electrical power usage. This project is very useful
for small for small scale industries and workshops.
The project consists the following part handle, Pivot, Spring, supporting arm,
moving arrangement, male & female dies.
The base contains the all part of this equipment. The supporting arm is fixed
on the base, in the supporting arm pivot; handle and moving arrangement are
fixed. The end of the moving arrangement the male die is fixed. The female die
is fixed below the male die in the base. We place the sheet metal between the
male die and female die and then press the handle.
The handle comes down then the pivot is pressing the moving
arrangement, then the moving arrangement with male die comes down. During
this movement the sheet metal edge folded at the required size for our need.
The size of the edge folding is controlled by the manual arrangement of the sheet
metal on the die. This equipment is easy operating able to less skilled labor
also. So this equipment is suitable for small scale industries and
6. MERITS 39
is bent using tools comprising one or more pairs of punches and dies.
Fascinating and elegant shapes may be folded from a single plane sheet of
the time taken for the actual process of bending is significantly less
described is cheap to build and versatile in use. It can be made from readily-
available channel angle and hollow steel sections using basic welding and
angle grinder, mechanical hacksaw and a flame cutter would make it easier,
though these tools are not essential. Construction can be modified to suit
or mounted on a stand.
Once constructed, this machine will he found very useful in any small
metal workshop to make objects in sheet metal such as boxes, trays, baking-
equipment such as seed-hoppers, troughs, water and fuel tanks. This bending
Sheet metal fabrication plays an important role in the metal
ranges from deep drawing, stamping, forming, and hydro forming, to high-
elegant shapes may be folded from a single plane sheet of material without
continually of the piece along a linear axis. This causes alteration of the
The present invention relates to plate bending machines of the type which
respect of bending plates into conical shape. The invention has for its object
of paper. Paper can be folded with either a buckle or a knife; thus, there are
combination of these two types. Whilst buckle folding is the more popular of
models vary in sophistication, with high-end machines capable of processing
more complex folding jobs and unusual paper forms (in terms
Buckle folders work by feeding the paper at high speeds until it can
move no further; the reaction of the paper is to buckle. High friction rollers
then grip the paper and push it through, folding the paper, which is squeezed
between the rollers, in the process. Attached rubber provides the rollers with
the required grip. The front edge of the paper is then finally placed into a
"pocket"- a result of the rollers pressing together with the aid of a spring.
A knife folder works by striking the paper with a knife between two
rollers. This knife is not sharp enough to cut through the paper and simply
strikes and creases the paper along the line where the fold is required.
Ideally, knife folding is used with thick paper, for "cross folds" (commonly
employed for maps and also known as a "French fold") or if the paper has been
stitched during the folding process; stitched sheets can ruin high
friction rollers.
Most paper folders push paper into the machine by use of a friction
wheel; this grabs paper using friction. Friction-feed paper folders do not
work well with glossy paper as the friction wheel slips on the paper's
surface. Pneumatic paper folders are preferable for folding glossy paper.
Pneumatic paper folders push paper into the machine using a vacuum.
These folders are often referred to as air-powered paper folders. This method
makes it possible to fold most types of paper. Most pneumatic paper folders
include a built-in compressor. These folders can have as many as sixteen
folding plates or several knife folds depending on the imposition, these are
adjusted manually or electronically, depending on the machine.
The bending jaw can be moved via hand or motor power. To clamp
the sheets with the upper cheek are serving spindle, eccentric or hydraulic
cylinders. The tools of the upper beam, the bending beam and the lower
beam can be replaced to adapt the machine to different lengths and flexure
bending part geometries.
Folding is ideal for bending flat sheets that are to be converted in the
border area. During bending the flat sheet remains lying on the support system
inside of the machine. The operator must not hold the weight of the sheet
outside of the machine, neither must he not guide the sheet meanwhile folding
and after folding he must even not support the sheet plate weight. Thus a single
Large parts of loads, unloads and folds the operator of the rear side of
the machine and uses a unilaterally extended back gauge. On small pieces he
can also work from the front side. The principle of the bending pivot is also
process variables like punch radius, die radius, punch speed, friction
discussed the effect of tool geometry and blank holder force on the final shape
after springback.
steel and conventional high strength steel for a hat channel section
radius, punch radius, punch-die clearance, pad force and sheet material on
(2001) conducted the experiments on air bending that address the required
punch displacement and the sheet length correction. Draw bend test for various
die radii, friction coefficients and tensile forces was conducted by Cardeen
the effect of sheet anisotropy on the springback of stainless steel 410 draw
bend specimens and lubrication. Ozgur Tekaslan et al (2006) carried out the
Dongye Fei and Peter Hodgson (2006) investigated the springback behavior
of cold rolled transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steels in air v-
bending process.
springback of AZ31 magnesium alloy in air bending under warm and hot
graphics for air vee bent sheet metal parts based on an experimental work.
Se Young kim et al (2007) examined the effect of tool design and process
RACK GEAR: A toothed bar into which a “pinion,” (worm gear spur etc.)
meshes. Rack and pinion gears are used to convert rotation into linear
motion. A perfect example of this is the steering system on many cars. The
steering wheel rotates a gear, which engages the rack. As the gear turns, it
slides the rack either to the right or left, depending on which way you turn
the wheel
PINION: A small cogwheel, the teeth of which fit into those of a larger
gearwheel or those of a rack. A rack and pinion is a type of linear
actuator that comprises a pair of gears which convert rotational motion into
linear motion. A circular gear called "the pinion" engages teeth on a linear
"gear" bar called "the rack"; rotational motion applied to the pinion causes
the rack to move relative to the pinion, thereby translating the rotational
motion of the pinion into linear motion.
1. Addendum: The distance a tooth projects above, or outside of, the pitch
line or circle.
2. Base circle: The base circle is a circle from which involute tooth profiles
are derived.
3. Base cylinder: The base cylinder corresponds to the base circle and is the
cylinder from which involute tooth surfaces, either straight or helical are
4. Backlash: The amount by which the width of a tooth space exceeds the
thickness of the engaging tooth on the operating pitch circles. Backlash is
the gap between gear teeth where they mesh. This leads to ‘play’ in the
6. Chordal Addendum: The distance from the outer diameter to the pitch
8. Circular Pitch: The distance from the center of one tooth to the center of
the next tooth measured round the circumference of the pitch circle.
10. Center distance: The distance from the center of the gear shaft to the center
of the pinion shaft.
11. Circular tooth thickness: The length of arc between the two sides of the
same gear tooth, on a specified circle. (Refer figure 1).
12. Datum circle: The datum circle is a circle on which measurements are
13. Composite action test: A method of gear inspection in which the work gear
is rolled in tight, double-flank contact with a master gear or a specified gear
to determine composite variations.
19. Datum of axis rotation: The axis of the gear used as the basis for
20. Datum tooth: The designated tooth used as the starting point for measuring
other teeth.
21. Diameter, profile control: The specified diameter of the circle beyond
which the tooth profile must conform to the specified involute curve.
22. Dedendum: The depth of a tooth space below, or inside of, the pitch
23. Eccentricity: The distance between the center of a datum circle and a
datum axis of rotation.
24. Face width: The length of the gear teeth in an axial plane.
25. Functional face width: The portion of the face width less the edge round
at each end.
26. Index variation: The displacement of any tooth from its theoretical
position, relative to a datum tooth. Measurements are usually linear, near the
middle of the functional tooth profile. If the measurements are made normal
to the tooth surface, they should be corrected to the transverse plane.
27. Total Index variation: The maximum algebric difference between the
extreme values of index variation for a given gear. Total index variation is also
equivalent to total accumulated pitch variation measured by a two probe
spacing system.
28. Lead: The axial advance of a helix for one revolution, (see Fig.2).
30. Outside diameter: The diameter of the addendum circle (outside) of a
cylindrical gear.
31. Pitch: The distance between similar, equally spaced tooth surfaces along
a given line or arc. (See Fig 3).
32. Axial pitch: The pitch of a gear parallel to the axis of rotation.
33. Base pitch: On an involute gear, the base pitch is the pitch on the base
circle or along the line of action. It is equal to the circumference of the base
circle divided by the number of teeth.
34. Circular Pitch: The distance along a specified pitch circle or pitch line
between corresponding profiles of adjacent teeth. (See Fig. 3)
35. Diametral pitch: The diameter of the pitch circle. The ratio of the number
of teeth to the pitch diameter in the transverse. It is equal to pi divided by the
circular pitch.
36. Normal diametral pitch: The ration of the number of teeth to the pitch
diameter in the normal plane of a helical gear. The normal plane and transverse
of a spur gear are coincident.
37. Pitch variation: The plus or minus difference in the transverse plane
between the average measured pitch and the actual pitch measurement. (See
Fig. 4)
38. Pressure Angle: The angle between a tooth profile and a radial line at its
pitch point. It is usually equal to 20 degrees.
39. Normal pressure angle: The angle at a point on the pitch cylinder
between the line of pressure that is normal to the tooth surface and the plane
tangent to the pitch cylinder.
40. Profile: One side of a tooth in a cross section between the outside circle
and the root circle.
Fig 5 Profile
41. Functional profile: The portion of the tooth flank between the profile
control diameter and the addendum circle or the start of tip round.
42. Profile variation: The difference between the measured and the specified
functional profile. If measured in a normal plane, a correction using the
appropriate helix angle must be applied to the measured value.
Fig 7 Profile Variation.
The die may be defined as the female part of a complete tool for
producing work in a press. It is also referred to a complete tool consists of a
pair of mating members for producing work in a press.
Types of dies:
According to this criterion, the dies may be classified as cutting dies and
forming dies.
Cutting Dies
These dies are used to cut the metal. They utilize the cutting or shearing
action. The common cutting dies are: blanking dies, perforating dies,
notching dies, trimming, shaving and nibbling dies.
Forming Dies
These dies change the appearance of the blank without removing any
stock. Theses dies include bending, drawing and squeezing dies etc.
Simple Dies
Simple dies or single action dies perform single operation for each
stroke of the press slide. The operation may be one of the operations listed
under cutting or forming dies.
Compound Dies
In this die also, more than one operation may be performed at one
station. It is difficult from compound die in that in this die, a cutting
operation is combined with a bending or drawing operation, due to that it is
called combination die.
Progressive Dies
Transfer Dies
Unlike the progressive dies where the stroke is fed progressively from
one station to another. In transfer dies the already cut blanks are fed
mechanically from one station to other station.
Multiple Dies
Multiple or gang dies produce two or more work piece at each stroke
of the press. A gang or number of simple dies and punches are ganged
together to produced two or more parts at each stoke of the press.
A die is a specialized tool used in manufacturing industries to cut or
shape material mostly using a press. Like molds, dies are generally
customized to the item they are used to create. Products made with dies
Forming dies are typically made by tool and die makers and put into
production after mounting into a press. The die is a metal block that is used
for forming materials like sheet metal and plastic. For the vacuum
but uses the same principles as die forming. For the forming of sheet metal,
such as automobile body parts, two parts may be used: one, called the punch,
part that is called the die block securely clamps the work piece and provides
The work piece may pass through several stages using different tools
component there will usually be a shearing operation after the main forming
is done and then additional crimping or rolling operations to ensure that all
Die block – This is the main part that all the other parts are attached
Punch plate – This part holds and supports the different punches in
Blank punch – This part along with the blank die produces the
blanked part.
Pierce punch – This part along with the pierce die removes parts from
Pilot – This will help to place the sheet accurately for the next stage of
Guide, back gauge, or finger stop – These parts are all used to make
sure that the material being worked on always goes in the same
Setting (stop) block – This part is used to control the depth that the
Blanking dies – See blanking punch
A toothed bar into which a “pinion,” (worm gear spur etc.) meshes.
Rack and pinion gears are used to convert rotation into linear motion. A perfect
example of this is the steering system on many cars. The steering wheel rotates
a gear, which engages the rack. As the gear turns, it slides the rack either to
the right or left, depending on which way you turn the wheel
A small cogwheel, the teeth of which fit into those of a larger gearwheel
or those of a rack. A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator that
comprises a pair of gears which convert rotational motion into linear motion.
A circular gear called "the pinion" engages teeth on a linear "gear" bar called
"the rack"; rotational motion applied to the pinion causes the rack to move
relative to the pinion, thereby translating the rotational
motion of the pinion into linear motion.
Rack and pinion, mechanical device consisting of a bar of
rectangular cross section (the rack), having teeth on one side that meshes
with teeth on a small gear (the pinion). The pinion may have straight teeth,
as in the figure, or helical (twisted) teeth that mesh with teeth on the rack
that are inclined to the pinion-shaft axis.
If the rack is fixed and the pinion is carried in bearings on a table guided
on tracks parallel to the rack, rotation of the pinion shaft will move the table
parallel to the rack as shown by the arrow CD in the Figure. On machine
tools, rack-and-pinion mechanisms are used in this way to
obtain rapid movements of worktables; the pinion shaft is usually rotated
with a hand crank.
Flying Pigs uses steel, wheels and leather straps to make its roller skates.
The company began production with the following inventory:
Direct Labor and Manufacturing Overhead
Sanitation personnel
Property taxes and insurance on the facilities and equipment
Note that for the indirect labor, the company incurs additional
expenses for Social Security, Medicare taxes, health insurance, vacation pay,
holiday pay, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation and
retirement plans.
Therefore, the total manufacturing costs for the company to make its
skates is:
Raw Materials
Manufacturing Overhead
The calculation for total manufacturing costs does not consider the
expenses that Flying Pigs incurs for general and administrative costs. These
expenses include selling and marketing costs, office rent, administrative
wages, sales commissions, accounting and legal fees, office equipment,
utilities and executive salaries.
operate, just using the manual power to bend the sheet metal.
avoids the electrical power usage. This project is very useful for
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