Prioritizing Suitable Locations For Green Stormwater Infrastructure Based On Social Factors in Philadelphia
Prioritizing Suitable Locations For Green Stormwater Infrastructure Based On Social Factors in Philadelphia
Prioritizing Suitable Locations For Green Stormwater Infrastructure Based On Social Factors in Philadelphia
Prioritizing Suitable Locations for Green Stormwater
Infrastructure Based on Social Factors in Philadelphia
Zachary Christman 1, *, Mahbubur Meenar 1 , Lynn Mandarano 2 and Kyle Hearing 2
1 Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability, School of Earth and Environment, Rowan
University, Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA; [email protected]
2 Department of Planning and Community Development, Tyler School of Art, Temple University,
Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA; [email protected] (L.M.); [email protected] (K.H.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-856-256-4810
Received: 30 October 2018; Accepted: 22 November 2018; Published: 26 November 2018
Abstract: Municipalities across the United States are prioritizing green stormwater infrastructure
(GSI) projects due to their potential to concurrently optimize the social, economic, and environmental
benefits of the “triple bottom line”. While placement of these features is often based on biophysical
variables regarding the natural and built environments, highly urbanized areas often exhibit either
limited data or minimal variability in these characteristics. Using a case study of Philadelphia and
building on previous work to prioritize GSI features in disadvantaged communities, this study
addresses the dual concerns of the inequitable benefits of distribution and suitable site placement of
GSI using a model to evaluate and integrate social variables to support decision making regarding
GSI implementation. Results of this study indicate locations both suitable and optimal for the
implementation of four types of GSI features: tree trenches, pervious pavement, rain gardens,
and green roofs. Considerations of block-level site placement assets and liabilities are discussed,
with recommendations for use of this analysis for future GSI programs.
Keywords: green stormwater infrastructure (GSI); social equity; site suitability modeling; geographic
information systems; environmental justice; urban planning; Philadelphia
1. Introduction
The ability for vegetation to capture rainfall, mitigating overland sheet flows by promoting
infiltration, reducing stormwater volume through transpiration, and filtering pollution through
biological processes, has been well documented [1–3]. Simultaneously, managing rainfall poses
unique challenges for many older urban areas in North America, which commonly utilize combined
sewer systems (CSS) that manage both sewage and stormwater [4,5]. Intense rainfall events, either high
volume or rapidly occurring, can exceed the capacity of these systems, leading to the diversion of
untreated wastewater into rivers and other water bodies. Unsurprisingly, a growing number of cities
across the United States have sought to leverage vegetation as a cost-effective means of mitigating the
volume of stormwater and are increasingly allocating stormwater management funding to “green” as
opposed to “grey” infrastructure projects [6,7].
Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) refers to the suite of interventions, comprised of both
natural and artificial materials, that utilize vegetation to slow or store surface water runoff, mitigating
the volume rapidly reaching the CSS. The implementation of GSI depends largely on the intersection
of properties associated with the physical and built environment as well as the priorities of municipal
actors and community members [7,8]. This study specifically seeks to further develop the latter means
of siting GSI through the development of a model for the balancing of social factors with the constraints
of the built environment in prioritizing the implementation of GSI within Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Specifically, answers to three major research questions were sought:
1. What areas are suitable for GSI implementation, based on the physical constraints of the landscape
and the goal of promoting equitable GSI distribution?
2. How can social factors be used to prioritize and rank GSI site selection?
3. How do virtual site observations corroborate modeled site suitability for GSI features?
In addressing the research questions outlined above, this study employs site suitability modeling
based on an analytical hierarchical procedure of expert opinion on the influence of social factors to
site GSI features. The study is built upon previous research done by Mandarano and Meenar [9] that
identified Philadelphia census tracts for future GSI projects, prioritizing tracts with mid- to high-level of
socio-economically disadvantaged residents but with high-level of community capacity. Results of this
study identify locations across those high-priority census tracts for GSI features based on a variety of
social factors. This study addresses gaps in existing procedures by utilizing social factors in urbanized
regions that may have limited data or variability in characteristics of the natural and built environment
commonly used to site green GSI.
centers, that may share in their upkeep. Spatial requirements for rain gardens vary from 10s to 1000s
of square meters.
Pervious (or Permeable) Pavement interventions are a suite of design features that slow runoff water
by promoting infiltration at the location that precipitation falls [7,23]. Though not required, pervious
pavement is often accompanied by underground storage in urbanized areas, with connections to
stormwater inlets for events when stormwater volumes exceed capacity. Additionally, the storage of
water in these joint features must be cycled within days to avoid facilitating mosquitoes and other
disease-harboring insects. The most suitable locations for the installation of pervious pavement are
existing surface parking lots, outside the 100-year floodplain.
Green Roof features are additions to flat building roofs that reduce the velocity and volume
of stormwater runoff by creating temporary storage and promoting evapotranspiration [7,24,25].
While newer green roof technology has reduced the structural burden of this type of infrastructure,
thus expanding opportunities for retrofitting older structures, green roofs must feature downspouts
connecting to the municipal wastewater system. Due to the financial and labor costs of installation
and maintenance of these features, institutional capacity is also an important consideration.
Any GSI elements involving infiltration, including tree trenches, rain gardens, and pervious
pavements, are affected by the underlying soil hydrology; however, in the densely built environment
of many older cities, the longstanding disturbance of natural soil deposition limit the utility of
this variable, and scant or unreliable data make this factor difficult to incorporate into models [26].
Similarly, topographic data can be used to site features, as tree trenches may benefit from a relatively
flat topography to avoid inundation, while rain gardens and pervious pavements may be most effective
when sited near slopes that accumulate a greater volume of stormwater [27]. In practice, the limited
variation in slope of some cities, including Philadelphia, mean that this variable (i.e., slope) is similarly
difficult to include in site selection models.
Concurrently, this built environment does exert a localized influence on the siting of GSI features.
The presence of nearby impervious surfaces may support the effectiveness of GSI features promoting
infiltration. In urbanized centers, impervious surface coverage may vary by block or parcel any
change relatively rapidly necessitating the consideration of site-specific conditions [8,28–31]. In most
cases, the engineering practices underlying GSI features necessitate proximity to a stormwater inlet to
manage excess overflow and drainage [29]. Further, locating GSI features within an area served by
a CSS more effectively furthers the ultimate goal of reducing stormwater infiltration and load on the
system in order to reduce overflow events [5]. Finally, it is advisable to locate new GIS features beyond
areas of expected inundations delineated by the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
100-year-flood map [32].
Beyond the physical requirements of any individual GSI intervention, many factors in the
natural, built, and social environment must be considered in the selection of a suitable site for
implementation [33–35]. Social factors that may be used to promote successful GSI interventions
primarily involve metrics of proximity to institutions or community members who may directly or
indirectly support them. Physical proximity to a partnered institution, such as a school, university,
or recreation center may ease the financial and labor burdens of maintenance. Additionally, community
organizations, such as Neighborhood Advisory Committees (NAC), can engage and educate
residents, while also mustering volunteers for maintenance and promotion of these shared features.
Further, these organizations may also provide long-term support through membership and leadership
cycles. Characteristics of the specific target parcel and block ultimately carry critical importance that
can be incorporated into a decision framework, both in the model and in the final site evaluation and
validation [30]. Land tenure, including commercial or institutional ownership, areal requirements of the
parcel, and local site configuration can enhance or diminish a site’s suitability for GSI placement [29,36].
Though research has identified significant challenges associated with the incorporation of
socioeconomic criteria in the siting of GSI, the need to consider these issues has been clearly
demonstrated, albeit under the broader framework of sustainability [37]. At the same time, the social
Land 2018, 7, 145 4 of 17
value of GSI has been empirically demonstrated; statistically significant decreases in burglaries and
narcotics production and sale were found at multiple scales surrounding GSI in Philadelphia [8].
While crime statistics may be correctly identified as an insufficient proxy for capturing a broader range
of socioeconomic factors, this research highlights the difficulty in quantifying these variables.
By constructing an analytical hierarchy framework for the prioritization of site-specific GSI [13],
a model for maximizing the social and economic benefits of investments in GSI is proposed in this study.
In the built environment, with limited variability or reliability of physical characteristics, social factors
may exert a stronger influence on the successful implementation of GSI interventions, with regard to the
impact of their placement to promote equitable access and impacts, especially among disadvantaged
communities [38–40]. Previous work by Mandarano and Meenar [9] highlighted the inequitable
distribution of GSI features across Philadelphia, due to their association especially with private,
but also public, investment. That study integrated environmental justice and additional community
context variables to identify high priority census tracts for new public-sector GSI implementations,
based on community capacity.
1) prior identification of high priority zones to achieve more equitable distribution based on
community context and capacity, developed as part of previous research;
2) restriction of potential implementation sites based on constraints of the built and physical environment;
3) prioritization of potential implementation sites based on proximity to social criteria; and
4) virtual and in situ site evaluation for site feasibility and implementation considerations.
they identified and prioritized US Census Tracts from the 2012 American Community Survey that
included socio-economically disadvantaged populations but experienced high level of community
capacity. First, using GIS-based raster overlay analysis, they identified and ranked disadvantaged
census tracts by using community context variables that captured traditional environmental justice
characteristics as well as other factors of disenfranchised communities, including demographic
identity and rates of poverty, violent crime, vacant properties, single parent households, as well
as a metric of income inequality. Next, they identified and ranked census tracts based on their level of
community capacity. The community capacity variables incorporated measures of community capitals
framework including educational attainment and median income of residents, presence of community
organizations and number of residents who had participated in a civic engagement program, and
the presence of public property and green space. Outputs from both analyses were overlaid to
identify priority census tracts for equitable GSI distribution. Finally, the resulting prioritization
scheme was ordinally ranked into five categories using a natural breaks classification method. In this
study, the top two categories—indicating high levels of capacity and medium to high-levels of
context/disadvantage—were used as a threshold to constrain all types of future GSI implementation.
This process delimited priority zones for GSI implementation, which served to constrain this new
study to further prioritize individual site selection for each type of GSI feature.
set of locations that may be considered for selection, and factors are used to prioritize selection within
the set of all possible locations). The ranking of the influence of each factor on the ensuing selection
was established through an analytical hierarchical weighting procedure based on the expert opinions
of 16 professional planners, scholars, and municipal officials.
Factors chosen to act as indicators, signaling that a location may be a suitable location for GSI
interventions were used through proximity metrics to the institutions or community members who
may directly or indirectly support them, due to the potential to share in the financial and labor
maintenance costs. Partner institutions, like schools, universities, or recreation centers, or community
organizations, like NACs, may support the financial and labor costs of maintenance, educate and
engage neighbors, and gather participants for events and education, especially through membership
and leadership cycles. Linear distances to the nearest features were calculated in ArcMap 10.6 [45]
using the NEAR function. Features for prioritized proximity included:
• Stormwater Inlets, necessary to drain excess water from all GSI features.
• Transit Stops, which act as community gateways. GSI and its accompanying vegetation have
the potential to add vibrancy to the area and promote more than just environmentally sound
stormwater management practices.
• Neighborhood Advisory Committees (NACs) are part of a Division of Housing and Community
Development program whereby NACs lead and engage their neighborhoods in initiatives that
align with the City’s objectives including promoting sustainability, cultivating civic engagement,
and ensuring residents have access to services. Nonprofits in eligible neighborhoods (low- and
moderate-income) can partner with the City through this program; currently, 19 NACs operate
throughout Philadelphia, and indicate a localized measure of neighborhood capacity.
• Schools, as GSI features offer potential educational value, and students exposed to GSI may
learn about how it operates and the environmental implications of improperly managed
stormwater runoff.
• Universities, as large institutions with financial resources and social obligations to pay for GSI on
their campus or help maintain nearby GSI.
• Recreation Centers, which host civic events and programming, offer an opportunity to leverage
the educational value of GSI and may support maintenance using existing staff and volunteers.
Opinions of participating experts was solicited to determine the functional distances from the
features above to the GSI feature implementation site. Each feature has an optimal minimum distance
and functionally limiting maximum distance. The range of each of these values was scaled linearly
from 1 (best) to 0 (worst), with saturation points at each end of the scale beyond the minimum and
maximum distances.
Based on the opinions of participating experts, the relative importance of the distances from each
of the six criteria above were ranked from 1 (minimally influential) to 5 (critically influential), with 3 as
a moderate or average influence. These were then scaled to a percentage of influence based on the sum
of all factors per GSI feature.
The priority weights determined through this process were used in a linear combination to weigh
the influence of all scaled distance factors for GSI site selection.
4. Results
4. Results
4.1. Prior
Prior Identification
Identification of
of High
High Priority
Priority Zones
Zones within
within the
the City
City of
of Philadelphia
Based on
on the
the selection
selection of
of the
the two
two highest
highest ordinally
ordinally ranked
ranked sets
sets of
of census
census tracts
tracts following
following the
analysis by Mandarano and Meenar [9], approximately 13.00 km 2 of the city was isolated for further
analysis by Mandarano and Meenar [9], approximately 13.00 km of the city was isolated for further
site selection
selection and
and prioritization.
prioritization. These
These areas
areas are
are shown
shown inin shaded
shaded grey
grey in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. The distribution
distribution of
feature, across
feature, thethe
across City of
of Philadelphia.
Based on ofthe
4.2. Restriction constraints
Potential applied to
Implementation the implementation of GSI features, a suite of suitable
locations were identified. A set of 7850 locations of existing street trees were identified, representing
locations onwhich
the constraints
there wasapplied
adequateto the implementation
sidewalk of GSI interference
width without features, a suite of suitable locations
of underground utility
were identified. A set of 7850 locations of existing street trees were identified,
infrastructure. Individual street tree wells may be linked for tree trenches or that areas representing locations for
along the
which theremay
same block was be
selectedsidewalk width without
for tree trench interference
installation. Potentialofpervious
pavementutility infrastructure.
Individual street tree wells may be linked for tree trenches or that areas along the same
sites included 527 parcels identified as suitable surface parking lots, totaling 0.554 square kilometers. block may
Areas of grass or bare earth suitable for the installation of rain gardens yielded 1270 included
selected for tree trench installation. Potential pervious pavement implementation sites potential
527 parcels identified as suitable surface parking lots, totaling 0.554 square
implementation sites, totaling 0.225 square kilometers. Building footprints with civic kilometers. Areas of grass
or bare earth suitable for the installation of rain gardens yielded 1270 potential implementation
institutional ownership included 833 potential implementation sites for green roofs, totaling 0.324 sites,
totaling 0.225 square
square kilometers. kilometers.
These areas are Building
the blackfootprints
features with civictype
for each andin institutional
Figure 1. ownership included
833 potential implementation sites for green roofs, totaling 0.324 square kilometers. These areas are
4.3. black
the Prioritization
Features and in
each type Distances
Figure for
1. Site Selection
Priority weights
4.3. Prioritization basedand
of Features on Distances
expert opinion
for Siteare listed in Table 1. These weights were used in the
linear combination to rank the suitable GSI implementation sites, which are depicted in Figure 2.
Priority weights based on expert opinion are listed in Table 1. These weights were used in the
linear combination to rank of
Table 1. Weighting theproximity
suitable to
GSI implementation
socially sites,and
relevant features which
theirare depicted
functional in Figure 2.
Tree of proximity
Table 1. Weighting Perviousto socially relevant features and their functional
Distance Range,
Feature Rain Garden Green Roof
Trench Pavement Min-Max (m [feet])
Pervious Rain Green Distance Range, Min-Max
FeatureInlet Tree
Trench 41.70% 17.20% 23.50% 0–4.57 [0–15]
Pavement Garden Roof (m [feet])
Transit Stop 16.00% 8.30% 13.80% 5.90% 6.10–15.24 [20–50]
Sewer Inlet 12.00% 41.70% 17.20% 23.50% 0–4.57 [0–15]
Transit Stop
15.24–762 [50–2500]
6.10–15.24 [20–50]
School 16.00%
20.00% 8.30%
8.30% 17.20%
17.20% 23.50%5.90% 0–457.2
15.24–762 [0–1500]
N.A.C. 16.00% 8.30% 17.20% 5.90% 15.24–4828.0
0–457.2 [0–1500] [50–
University 20.00% 25.00% 17.20% 23.50%15.24–4828.015840,
University 20.00% 25.00% 17.20% 23.50% 3 miles]
[50–15840, 3 miles]
Rec. Center 16.00% 8.30% 17.20% 17.60% 15.24–304.8 [50–1000]
Rec. Center 16.00% 8.30% 17.20% 17.60% 15.24–304.8 [50–1000]
Figure 2. Ranked prioritization of potential GSI implementation sites by type of feature, across the City
of 2. Ranked prioritization of potential GSI implementation sites by type of feature, across the
City of Philadelphia.
Land 2018, 7, 145 9 of 17
Land 2018, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17
Based onon
thethe weighted
weighted linear
linear combination
combination of siteofprioritization
site prioritization characteristics,
characteristics, a suitability
a suitability score
was calculated for each potential location for GSI implementation. Site scores ranged from 0 (least
score was calculated for each potential location for GSI implementation. Site scores ranged from
0 (least to 1 (mosttosuitable).
suitable) Results were
1 (most suitable). categorized
Results into three
were categorized tiers
into by quantile
three classification,
tiers by quantile with
full results in Figure 2. Scores for sites with the highest suitability ranged from 0.40–0.73 forfor
with full results in Figure 2. Scores for sites with the highest suitability ranged from 0.40–0.73 tree
trenches, 0.65–0.83 for pervious pavement, 0.53–0.81 for green roofs, and 0.34–0.76 for rain gardens.
trenches, 0.65–0.83 for pervious pavement, 0.53–0.81 for green roofs, and 0.34–0.76 for rain gardens.
Figure 3. (a) sample location for potential siting of GSI feature in Google orthographic imagery;
(b) StreetView 360◦location
3. (a) sample imagery;for(c)potential
of all of GSI feature
validation in Google
points, within orthographic imagery; (b)
previously established high
StreetView 360° imagery; (c) location of all validation points, within previously established high
priority census tracts.
priority census tracts.
At each location, a survey of the types and conditions of properties and streetside infrastructure
wasAtconducted through
each location, a visual
a survey examination
of the types andofconditions
the orthographic and streetside
of properties 360◦ imagery,
and streetside tallied in
a standard
was conducted survey questionnaire
through (Appendix of
a visual examination B).the
orthographicproperties were visible
and streetside 360°atimagery,
62% of locations,
in a standard survey questionnaire (Appendix B). Residential properties were visible at properties
with 96% described as moderately- or very- well-kept, on a 4-point Likert scale. Commercial 62% of
were visible
locations, with at 46%
96% ofdescribed
locations, aswith 94% of thoseorat very-
moderately- least moderately
well-kept, well-kept. Industrial
on a 4-point properties
Likert scale.
were visible at only 11% of locations, with 100% at least moderately
Commercial properties were visible at 46% of locations, with 94% of those at least moderatelywell-kept. Other buildings were
present at 78% of locations, with 97% at least moderately well-kept.
well-kept. Industrial properties were visible at only 11% of locations, with 100% at least moderately
well-kept. the streetside
Other buildings wereinfrastructure:
present at 78% yards (vegetation
of locations, or 97%
with otherataesthetic implementations)
least moderately well-kept. and
Regarding werethenoted at all sites,
streetside with 89% and
infrastructure: 81%,
yards respectively,
(vegetation or at leastaesthetic
other moderately well-kept, free of
and sidewalks were noted at all sites, with 89% and 81%, respectively, at least moderately and
litter, and not in obvious disrepair. Recreation facilities were visible at 22% of locations parking
free litter,visible
and notat 49% of locations;
in obvious all ofRecreation
disrepair. these features were at
facilities least
were moderately
visible at 22%well-kept.
of locations and
Of the sites virtually observed, only one (3%) had a slope that exceeded
parking lots were visible at 49% of locations; all of these features were at least moderately 2% but less than 5%; for all
other locations, slopes were 0–2%. Sites varied widely regarding the presence
Of the sites virtually observed, only one (3%) had a slope that exceeded 2% but less than 5%; of impervious surfaces,
all other locations, slopes were 0–2%. Sites varied widely regarding the presence of impervious
surfaces, which were estimated for the streetside structure, adjacent lots, and institutional lots, and
results are shown below in Table 2.
Land 2018, 7, 145 10 of 17
which were estimated for the streetside structure, adjacent lots, and institutional lots, and results are
shown below in Table 2.
Percent Impervious
Zone 0–25% 25–50% 50–75% 75–100% Cannot Determine
Streetside structure 0.00% 21.62% 27.03% 51.35% 0.00%
Adjacent lots 5.41% 18.92% 27.03% 48.65% 0.00%
Institutional lots 5.41% 24.32% 8.11% 32.43% 29.73%
In addition to the type of GSI feature indicated by the suitability model, each site was also
evaluated for its suitability for all GSI feature types. The suitability for the indicated GSI feature type
at each location had high correspondence: 100% of the tree trench and pervious pavement sites, 90% of
the green roof sites, and 85.71% of the rain garden sites were deemed suitable for their respective
feature implementations. Overall, it was estimated that 95% of all sites visited for any potential GSI
type had sufficient space in the nearby area for a tree trench GSI feature. For the placement of pervious
pavement, 51% had sufficient space, and for the placement of a rain garden, 35% had sufficient space.
Green roof placement was assessed by the presence of a visible flat roof in an adjacent commercial or
institutional property, and 38% had sufficient space for this GSI feature.
Finally, addressing the question of whether the anticipated GSI use was found to be suitable for
the observed location. In the virtual observation site examination, the potential suitability for each
of the four GSI types was evaluated at every location, to account for potential local site substitution
based on community and design implementation factors. Full results are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Alignment of anticipated use with observed suitability from virtual field observation.
5. Discussion
Though the social and economic benefits associated with GSI have been well documented [8,37],
efforts to maximize these benefits have been limited. Building on research identifying census tracts
in Philadelphia with indicators for disadvantage as well as a high community capacity for collective
action [9], this prioritization framework offers a means of maximizing the triple bottom line benefits of
GSI while considering the equity and long-term viability of these investments.
While the focus of municipal agencies may be, understandably, on the environmental impact of the
proposed GSI, these analyses may benefit from the consideration of a broader range of criteria. Potential
advantages include: maximizing the social and economic benefits of GSI; equitably distributing GSI;
distinguishing amongst similar candidate parcels (common in urban areas); and leveraging community
capacity to facilitate the ongoing maintenance of GSI. As municipalities struggle to meet federal
requirements for reducing CSOs, resources are often divided across “green” and “grey” infrastructure
projects [42]. When GSI projects are sited to maximize social and economic benefits, they may be
viewed in more economically favorable terms, which may, in turn, accelerate adoption of sustainable
municipal stormwater management practices.
This study represents a starting point for parties interested in the social and economic benefits
of GSI. Previous work demonstrated the practicality of prioritizing social equity and community
Land 2018, 7, 145 11 of 17
capacity while raising important questions for future research to answer [9]. The framework and
subsequent prioritization developed through this research have immediate relevance for those working
to install GSI throughout Philadelphia in addition to long-term implications for municipalities and
their agencies seeking to maximize the impact of GSI projects. Further research must also address
the benefits and perception thereof by residents and local officials, which can influence the perceived
success and future public support for GSI projects.
Within Philadelphia, validation and local site examination suggests that the process of restricting
potential sites based on the distance-based social features of the site was an effective means of
identifying sites for prioritization. Though it is difficult to even anticipate the effectiveness of the
subsequent priority ranking process, the variability of site rankings resulting from the analysis of
expert opinion suggests that this process effectively distinguished among comparable candidate sites.
Results of this study are significant to the fields of environmental planning and management,
restorative sustainability, and environmental justice, by enhancing methods to identify sites for GSI
implementation in highly urbanized areas and disadvantaged communities. First and foremost,
the findings demonstrate the utility of a site suitability model that employs social factors coupled
with virtual field observations to evaluate siting of GSI projects in Philadelphia. The site suitability
model developed is unique in its approach to identify GSI sites in highly urbanized areas using
physical constraints of the built environment coupled with social factors. A lack of variability or
reliable data limit the utility of environmental data for siting GSI in urban areas that may have limited
undisturbed natural landscapes. In response, this model used built environmental characteristics,
including locations of trees and vacant tree wells, parking lots, grassy areas, and building footprints for
the respective GSI features to be implemented. While proximity to existing stormwater infrastructure
is a conventional criterion used in siting GSI, this study also used expert opinion to identify and rank
other proximity criteria. While the expert opinions were calibrated by the conditions in Philadelphia,
the methodology of incorporating such social factors is transferrable.
The approach to validating the sites generated from the suitability model also facilitates the site
selection process. The use of virtual site observations of the suitability model results demonstrated
that the model generated locations that ranged from 85.71% to 100% suitable for the proposed GSI
project. In addition, it is important to note the sites suitable for tree trenches also were appropriate
locations for other types of GSI projects. The novel use of a virtual approach to field validation offers
the potential for substantial savings in in time and resources.
This study also contributes to strategies to bring nature-based solutions to environmental justice
communities through a two-tiered method to identified locations for GSI projects with the potential to
deliver triple bottom line benefits. Building on previous work that developed a strategy to prioritize
Census tracts for equitable distribution of GSI in Philadelphia [9], this study employed a suitability
model with proximity criteria and weights based on expert opinion. Together, these methods identified
block-level suitable locations with community capacity bolstered by transit stops, NACs, schools,
and recreation centers.
This study is not without limitations. While the principles upon which this site-specific
prioritization framework is built may be broadly transferrable, the physical and social characteristics
meriting consideration may vary significantly. With regards to physical characteristics, slope and
hydrologic soil grouping, variables excluded from analysis in the case of Philadelphia, could prove
critically important if this methodology was to be utilized elsewhere. Similarly, NACs are unique to
Philadelphia, and Universities may not provide a comparable institutional presence in another region
of analysis. Finally, as the form and availability of data influenced the design of this prioritization
framework, it would be expected to influence subsequent applications of the framework across
geographies in different ways, resulting in the consideration of new features of the social and built
environments. It is also important to note that while this framework includes expert opinion to
inform the site selection process at the local level, it does not include direct input from the impacted
community. Ultimately, community preference for and knowledge of the appropriate location and
Land 2018, 7, 145 12 of 17
type of GSIs should be incorporated to further guide implementation and this can be addressed in
a future study.
Longitudinal research, comparing the actual benefits of GSI elements with their prioritization
score would be required to measure the effectiveness of this particular prioritization framework;
however, the complexity of measuring these variables and the temporal scope required to conduct
such an analysis will likely prove prohibitive. Nevertheless, demonstrating the replicability of this
methodology, appropriately adjusted for a new geography, is warranted as a means of validating this
approach to the prioritization of GSI, incorporating features of both the social and built environment.
Such replication would further this model of accounting for the positive externalities of GSI and serve
as a means of furthering its propagation. Further research should incorporate the perceptions of GSI
features by the heterogeneous communities across the urban context and how these features may
promote or compete with community well-being, heritage, and future development.
6. Conclusions
This study demonstrated a framework for siting GSI features in the context of an urbanized area
with limited variability in the characteristics of the natural and built environments commonly used.
Through this analysis, locations for four different types of GSI features were identified within the
high-priority census tracts identified by previous work, which balanced environmental justice and
community capacity factors [9]. This study incorporated the opinions of experts to prioritize and
delimit distances of influence for GSI siting, which were validated and further contextualized using
virtual field observations, with potentially transferrable insights for other urbanized areas that seek to
control stormwater impacts on aging infrastructure.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.M., M.M., and Z.C.; methodology, M.M., K.H., and Z.C.; data
curation, K.H.; analysis, K.H. and Z.C.; validation, Z.C.; writing—original draft preparation, M.M., Z.C., K.H.,
and L.M.; writing—review and editing, Z.C., M.M., K.H., and L.M.; visualization, Z.C. and K.H.
Funding: This research has been supported by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science
to Achieve Results (STAR) program under Assistance Agreement No._835557. It has not been formally reviewed
by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of authors and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Agency. EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.
Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge Rowan University students Cassie Shugart, Robert Kearney,
and Donald Morrison for their support in the beginning stage of this project. We thank Philadelphia area GSI
experts for their valuable feedback on the suitability model criteria selection process.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A. Questions asked of Experts regarding Influence and Relative Importance of Factors
Facilitating the Prioritization of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
The following questions were asked in identical form for each of the four types of GSI features
(tree trenches, rain gardens, pervious pavement, and rain gardens):
1. Regarding the distance to the nearest stormwater inlet, what is the minimum optimal distance
(in feet), and is there a range of minimum values that would all be optimal (e.g., a stormwater
inlet closer than 20 feet is ideal and equivalent in terms of cost & efficacy)? (text input)
2. Now, regarding the distance to the nearest stormwater inlet, what is the maximum optimal
distance (in feet) beyond which this factor no longer influences the choice or decision framework
for this GSI element (e.g., a stormwater inlet more than 100 feet away is irrelevant)? (text input)
3. Regarding the distance to the nearest transit stop, what is the minimum optimal distance (in feet),
and is there a range of minimum values that would all be optimal (e.g., a transit stop Proximity
of nearest recreation center
4. Now, regarding the distance to the nearest transit stop, what is the maximum optimal distance
(in feet) beyond which this factor no longer influences the choice or decision framework for this
GSI element (e.g., a transit stop more than 1,000 feet away is irrelevant)?
Land 2018, 7, 145 13 of 17
5. Regarding the distance to the nearest Neighborhood Advisory Committee, what is the minimum
optimal distance (in feet), and is there a range of minimum values that would all be optimal?
6. Now, regarding the distance to the nearest Neighborhood Advisory Committee, what is the
maximum optimal distance (in feet) beyond which this factor no longer influences the choice or
decision framework for this GSI element?
7. Regarding the distance to the nearest school, what is the minimum optimal distance (in feet),
and is there a range of minimum values that would all be optimal?
8. Now, regarding the distance to the nearest school, what is the maximum optimal distance
(in feet) beyond which this factor no longer influences the choice or decision framework for this
GSI element?
9. Regarding the distance to the nearest university, what is the minimum optimal distance (in feet),
and is there a range of minimum values that would all be optimal?
10. Now, regarding the distance to the nearest university, what is the maximum optimal distance
(in feet) beyond which this factor no longer influences the choice or decision framework for this
GSI element?
11. Regarding the distance to the nearest recreation center, what is the minimum optimal distance
(in feet), and is there a range of minimum values that would all be optimal?
12. Now, regarding the distance to the nearest recreation center, what is the maximum optimal
distance (in feet) beyond which this factor no longer influences the choice or decision framework
for this GSI element?
13. In siting a tree trench, how would you rank the relative importance of these factors? (choice matrix
a. Factors
a. Tree trench
b. Pervious pavement
c. Rain garden
d. Green roof
Land 2018, 7, 145 14 of 17
6. Slope limitations
a. 0–2%
b. 2–5%
c. 5–10%
d. 10+%
7. Current impervious surface (choice matrix)
a. Types
i. Street-side structure
ii. Adjacent lots
iii. Institutional lots
b. Ranges
i. 0–25%
ii. 25–50%
iii. 50–75%
iv. 75–100%
v. cannot determine
8. Assets of site (checkbox)
a. Visible trash
b. Visible disrepair of adjacent properties
11. Liability comments (text input)
12. Block characteristics (choice matrix))
a. Types
i. Residential properties
ii. Commercial properties
iii. Industrial properties
iv. Other buildings
v. Yards and surrounding areas
vi. Sidewalks
vii. Recreational facilities
viii. Parking lots
ix. Vacant lots or unused marked space
b. Conditions
i. Not present
ii. Poor/badly deteriorated (extensive damage, neglect)
iii. Fair condition (e.g., peeing paint; needs repair)
iv. Moderately well-kept
v. Very well-kept (no visible problems)
Land 2018, 7, 145 15 of 17
a. Types
i. Tree trench
ii. Pervious pavement
iii. Green roof
iv. Rain garden
b. Responses
i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Unclear from observation
14. Comments (text input)
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