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Pure Mathematics 1

Greg Port
International AS and A Level Mathematics

Pure Mathematics 1
Practice Book
Greg Port

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31M·151 Algebra

91§4#1 Co-ordinate geometry 25

d@·l#i Sequences and series 51

dlM·lNII Function s 68

31§.J#i Differenti ation 88

31M·iMi Integratio n 116

3M·iN Trigon om etr y 141

3@,j§:1 Vectors 178

Past examination question s 194

Th;s page ;ntentionally left blank
1 Algebra

Background algebra, Linear equations,

Changing the subject of a formula

1 Simplify these expressions as fully as possible.

(i) 2(a - 3b)- 3(b- 3a) (ii) 7cd(d 2 - 2)- 3cd 2 (8d + Sc 3 )

• Bf4 9g3
(iii) 7a + 3b x a - 4a 2 b + 2ab (Iv) 3g x 12fg

(v) 16y sy2 (vi) 24 - 16x

3x 2 + 9x 3 3x- 2x 2

(vii)-±- + .2... + ~
3x 4x Sx
(viii) X; I + 5 ~ X
2 Factorise fully.

(i) 12mn
+ 9mn 3 (ii) p2-p- 12

(iii) 3q2 +Sq- 2 (iv) ts+tp-2us-2up

3 Solve for x.

Iii 2(x+S)=x-7 (ii) t(6x+8)-3=9-f(4-10x)

4 Hakim drives from Auckland to Hamilton in 2 hours.

Ravi leaves at the same time as Hakim and drives the same route at, on average, 4km/ h
slower and arrives 6 minutes after Hakim.

Find the distance from Auckland to Hamilton.


5 Make the letter in brackets the subject of the formula.

(i) i- c= ~ (e) (ii) km

+n = p- wk (k)

(iv) ~ = frcf-& (e)

Quadratic equations, Solving quadratic equations

1 Solve these quad ratic equations.

(i) x 2 +5x=O

(iii) x2-2x-8=0 (iv) x 2 +5x- 14 =0

(v) x2-3x- 40=0 (vi) 2x 2 -Sx-3=0

(vii) 2x2-x-3=0 (viii) 3x2 - Sx- 2 = O

(ix) Sx 2 + 13x- 6 = O (x) 3x2 -6x+3=0

(xi) 9x 2 - 1 =O (xii) 6x2 + 7x- 3 = 0

(xiii) 3x2 -6x=O (xiv) 12 = 18x 2 + !Sx

2 Solve the fo ll owing equati ons.

(i) x4+3x2 - 4 =0 (ii) 5-~=2x

(iii) X + 2./x = 8 (iv) x 6 +8=9x3

(vi) f- 1=4-t
Equations that cannot be factorised,
The graphs of quadratic functions
1 Write these quadratic expressions in completed square form (x ± a) 2 ± b.
(i) x2-6x+ I (ii) x2+4x

(iii) x2-3x+2 (iv) x2+2x+5

2 Using your answers to question I, solve the following equations.

(i) x 2 - 6x + I = 0 (ii) x + 4x = 0 (iii) x 2 - 3x + 2 = 0
3 Write these quadratic expressions in the form a(x± b) 2 ± c.

Ii) 2x 2 -4x+7 (ii) 2x 2 + 12x+ 11

(iii) 3x2+ 12x-4 (iv) Sx 2 - 40x + 72

(v) 4x2 + 24x- 16 (vi) 9x 2 - 6x

4 Write the following expressions in the form a - (x + b) 2 , stating the values of a and b.

(i) 3- 8x-x2 (ii) 1-2x-x 2

5 Write the expression 7 +Bx- 2x2 in the form a- b(x-c)2, stating the values of a, band c.

6 Sketch these quadratic curves and state the co-ordinates of the vertex.

(i) y=(x+ 1)2 (ii) y=(x+ 4)2 - 2

y y

t :~ t :~
fmm;=!-n f-rrrm ;
-7--6-S--4-3-2l-? --t 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

ls _J_ ±
Vertex: ( , Vertex: (

(iii) y= - (x - 2) 2 + 1 (iv) y=2(1 - 2x) 2 - 4

y y
s~ -s ~
! , --l
-7-G-s-4-3-2-L? _j____J 3 4 5 6 7 X -1-6-s--4-3-2-tS --t i 3 4 5 6 7 X

-t L,
E~ ± I ei
~s ±
Vertex: ( , ) Vertex:(
(v) y=(2x+ 1)2+ 1
(vi) y=(x+ l )(x+3)

-7 -6 -5 --4 - 3 - 2 -1-?
s ~

1' -
C!5 -'------l
±± ~ - 1'1 ±
Vertex:( , ) Vertex: ( , )

(vii) y= (2 - x)(x+ I) (viii) y= - 2(1 - x) 2 + I


! : -+
M HIM '. +-1+-+-,1---+-1+1-+1-,1
- 7 - 6 - 5--4 - 3 - 2 - i_~- l
-2 -
2 3 4 5 6 7 X
-7-6 -5--4 -3-2-l=! j 2
3 4

±± ~

Vertex:( , ) Vertex : (
7 Write the equation of these graphs in the fo rm y= (x+ b) 2 + c.

(The coeffi cient of the x 2 term is I.)

(ii (ii) Ill

4 -

f I I I
8 X

(iii) (iv)

6 X
The quadratic formula

1 Solve the following equations using the quadratic formula.

(i) x2+x-5 =O (ii) x 2 -Sx=7

(iii) 1 -3x = Sx (iv) 12x = 6x 2 -5

2 Simplify these surds.

Iii Jl8 (ii) J7s (iii) ,/45

3 If J96 = aJio find the value of a.

4 Find the value of the discriminant for these quadratic equations, and hence state the
number of real solutions for each equation. P1
(i) x2-2x+4=0 (ii) x2+4=0

(iii) -x 2 -3x-2=0 (iv) 4x2+4x+ l=O

(v) 2-x+5x 2 =0 (vi) -4x 2 + 3x= O

5 Find the value(s) of k for which these equations have one real solution.

(i) kx2+4x-l=O (ii) 4+kx+x2=0

(iii) x2+kx+k- 1=0 (iv) kx2= kx+ I

6 Find the va lue(s) of k for which these equation s have two rea l solution s.

(i) x 2 -2x+k=O (ii) 3x2 -kx+3=0

(iii) kx2 -kx+ I =O (iv) 3-2kx2 =6x

7 Find the va lue(s) of k fo r which these equation s have no real solutions.

(i) 2x2- 2kx+ I = 0 (ii) k-x+9x 2 =0

(iii) kx2-4x+2k=O (iv) 2x+kx 2 = I

8 The quadratic equation x 2 + mx + n = 0, where m and n are constants, has roots 6 and - 2.

(i) Find the values of m and n.

(ii) Using these values of m and n, find the value of the constant p such that the
equation x2 + mx + n = p has one repeated root.
Simultaneous equations

1 Solve these equations simultaneously. Both equations are linear equations.

(i) x - y= 4
x+2y= I
(ii) 2x+3y= II
3x+y=- I

(iii) 4x-±y=6 (iv) 2x+3y=3

3x - 2y=- 15 y= 9 - 2x

1 Solve these linear inequalities.

(I) 3(x+4) '5; - 15 (Ii) 1-¥>7 (iii) -4x- l <-x+S


2 Solve these quadratic inequalities.

(I) x(x - I)> 0 (ii) 2x(l-x)~O


-7 --6 -5 -4 -3 -i -1_~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X -7 -{j - 5 -4 -3 -2 - 1_~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X

-2 -2
;-4 t!
(iii) (x+ l)(x - I)> 0 (iv) x 2 < 9

5 -

3 -

h-H-u~-I:~ r-tH
-s -4-3 __!_ 2 3 4 sx
l_2 -+
[! j
- 7 ---6 - 5 -4 - 3 -2 - 1 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 X -5 ----l
,-2 "' j
-3 _, ---+
-5 -~~ _L
(v) 16 - x2 ~ O (vi) x 2 +5x> 0

3 -

2 -

c---r 1

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 X
-1 -

-2 --+

-4 -

f -5 -

-6 _J_
I (vii) x'-2x-8 <a 0 (viii) x 2+ 5x- 14 > O
y y
10 14
r1 I I I I I 1
-10J -s -6 -4 l -2 _


_, -14

... -18
-10 -24

(ix) (5 + x)(J - 2x) < O (x) 2x2-5.x - 3 < 0

(xl) 3-8x-Jx2;a: O (xii) 3x2 > 6x
Stretch and challenge P1
1 Dan is shooting a basketball.

He stands at the point (0, 0) and releases the ball from the point (0, 8).

(i) Find the equation of the path of the ball above in the formy= a - b(x+ c) 2 •

(iii Find another equation in the formy= a - b(x+ c) 2 that the ball could follow to
get in the hoop.
P1 Stretch and challenge
2 (i) For a quadratic equation ax 2 +bx+ c = Owith roots aand

a+/3 = -~ andaf3 = ~-
p, show that

(ii) Using this fact, find the values of k for the equation 4x2 + (k +2)x+ 72 = 0
such that one root is double the other.

(iii) The roots of the equation 3x2 - 4x+ 7= Oare aandp.

Find the quadratic equation with roots _!_ and L

a µ
Stretch and challenge P1
(iv) If aandPare the roots of the equation x 2 - 2x+ 3 = 0, find the quadratic
equation whose roots are a3 andp3 •

3 Solve gx_ 3-ttt - 54= 0.

4 Find all the possible values of k such that the equation k2x + z- x = 8 has a single root.

Find the root in this case.

• Exam focus

1 Write 2x2 + 8x- 12 in the form a(x+ b) 2 + c, stating the values of a, band c. (3)

2 Express 4x-x2 in the form a- (x+ b)2, stating the numerical values of a and b. (3)

3 Find the values of x such that 2x2 + x- I ~ 0. (3)

4 (i) Write the expression 4x2 + 32x + 70 in the form a(x + b)2 + c and hence state the
co-ordinates of the vertex of the graph of y= 4x2 + 32x + 70. [4)

(ii) Find the values of x when y < 22. (3)

2 Co-ordinate geometry P1
The gradient of a line, The distance between two
points, The mid-point of a line joining two points

1 Find the gradient of the following straight lines.


]Gradient=- - 1
~ - - --'--~
2 Given the co-ordinates of the end points of these lines, find the length, mid-point and
P1 gradient of each line.

IIIE Ii) A(3, I) and 8(-1, -1) (ii) C(l2,-3) and D(S, 7)

~ ,- y

l -2 -


__J l

Mid-point: Mid-point:

Gradient: Gradient:
(iii) E(-5, 3) and F(3,- I) (iv) G(-4, 3) and H(- 10, -9)


I T11
4 5 6 7 8 9 X

-2 fil3))
-3 -
- -<I -

Length: Length:

Mid-point: Mid-point:

Gradient : Gradient:

3 The mid-point of A(-1, 5) and B(m, n) is (2, 5).

Find the value of m and n.

4 C is the point (-2, I) and D is the point (x, 3).

Find the va lue of x if the g radient of the line

CD is:

(I) I
-<I -3 -2 -1
(ii) -1 -3 __j_

(iii) l
5 Ii) Find the angle these lines make with the positive xaxis.
P1 y

IIIE 5 -

Line I Line2 Line 3

(ii) Find(), the angle between Line I and Line 2.

The equation of a straight line

1 Write down the gradient and y intercept of the following lines. Ell
Sketch the lines on the axes below.

(i) y=3x- I (ii) y=-2x+3

Gradient: Gradient:

yintercept: yintercept:

liiil r= ,¥-+1 (iv) y=-f-2

Gradient: Gradient:

y intercept: yintercept:

-7 -6 -5 ~ -3 -2
_, 7 X



2 For each equation below:
P1 • rearrange the equation so it is in the formy= mx+ c

IIIE • hence state the gradient and y intercept

• draw the line on the axes below.
(i) x+y=2 (ii) 3x-y=2

Gradient: Gradient:

yintercept: yintercept:

(iii) 2x+ 4y- 9 = 0 (iv) 3x- 2y= 8

Gradient: Gradient:

yintercept: yintercept:
5 -

4 --+

-7 -6 -5 --4 -3 -2 -1 0

3 Rearrange the equations of these lines so they are in the form ax+ by+ c= 0.

m r=-}"- 2 (iii r=-1f-+t

Finding the equation of a line

1 Write down the equation s of the lines below. Ell

2 Complete the table.

Gradient of line Gradient of perpendicular


0. 3
3 Find the equation of these lines.
P1 Ii) parallel to 2x- y= I going through (ii) perpendicular to 2x- y= I going

IIIE (4, I) through (-3, 1)

(iii) Draw these two lines on the grid below.

~' iTl
~7 ---6 -5 -3 -2 2 3 4 5 6 7 X
l-- ----l-------1-

-4 ---+
4 Find the equation of these lines.

Give your answers in the form ax +by+ c = 0 where a, ba nd ca re integers.

(i) parallel to 4x+ 3y= I going th rough (ii) perpendicular to 4x+ 3y= I going
(-2,0) through (3, - 1)
(iii) Draw these two lines on the grid below.
y P1

~ t Ell

-1 -6 -5 2 3 4 5 6 7 X

5 Points A, 8, and C have co-ordinates (4, !), (6, -2) and (- 1,-9) respectively.

(i) Find the co-ordinates of the mid-point of AC.

(ii) Find the equation of the line through B perpendicular to AC.

Give your answer in the form ax +by+ c = 0.

(iii) Draw the lines on the grid below.
IIIE 3- -

-1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X
+-------1 -1-
-2- ------+
-3 ---i

r- -6




r -" -11

The intersection of two lines

1 Find the area of the triangle formed by the straight line 3x+ 2y= 8 and the xandyaxes. Ell

3 -


2 Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of A(2, 4) and B(-6, 0)

s ~

nn .' ---rnn 1

- 7 -6 ---5 ---4 ---3 --1 _, 1 2 3 4 S 6

...----J -1-

3 The line / 1 is given by x- 3y= 6. The point P is (-3, 2).

Ii) Find the equation of the line perpendicular to /1 that goes through P.
(ii) Find the perpendicular distance from the point P to / 1•

t +---3

t t
- 7 ... -5 4
r, ·
-3 -2_j__~
2 3 4 5 6

-2 ---+
-3 ----+

t 4

-s ~ t t
4 The median of a triangle is the line that joins a vertex to the mid-point of the opposite
side. P1
A triangle is formed by the points A(-5, 2), 8(2, 3) and C(4, -5).

Find the equation of the median from the point A as shown.

5 Given that ax- 3y+ I= 0 and 2x+ by- 6 = 0 are perpendicular lines, find the ratio a:b.
6 The diagram shows a rectangle with points A(-2, 0), B(6, 6), C(3, b) and D.
P1 ((3,b)



Ii) Find the equation of BC and hence find the value of b, they co-ordinate of the point C.

(ii ) Find the equation of CD.

(iii) Find the equation of AD.

(iv) Find the co-ordinates of the point D.

The intersection of a line and a curve

1 Find the co-ordinates of the point(s) of intersection of these lines and curves. Ell
(i) y= x2 + 4x (ii) y=x2+ 4x-2
y=x-2 2x+ y=-2

(iii) y=x2 +9 (iv) xy= 3

y- 4x= 5 2x+y=7
(v) x2+2y 2 =9 (vi) (x-2)2+y2=5
P1 x+y= I 2x+ y= 9


2 Find the va lue of k such that the line y-x= k is a tangent to the curvey= x2 + 3x+ 9.
3 The curve y= 2-x2 and the line kx+ y= 3 intersect at two points.

Find the possible values of k.


4 Find the values of k such that the curve xy = k has no points of intersection with the line
5 Find the va lue(s) of k that make the line y - kx = -Js a tangent to the curve x 2 -xy= k.

6 Find the va lue(s) of the constant k fo r which the liney+ kx= 8 is a tangent to the curve
y=2x2+3x+ 10.
7 A curve has equationy= 2 + kx 2 and a line has equationy= kx+ I, where k is a non-zero
constant. P1
(i) Find the set of values of k for which the curve and the line have no common points.

(ii) State the value of k for which the line is a tangent to the curve and, for this case, find
the co-ordinates of the point where the line touches the curve.
8 The line y = 9- 2x is a tangent to the curve y = x( 4 - x) at the point where x= 3, as
P1 shown.

IIIE Find the area of the triangle formed by the tangent, the normal and the x axis.

Stretch and challenge P1
1 The line 4x+ y+ 2= 0 is a tangent to the curve y= 2x2 at the point A.

The normal to the curve at the same point also goes through the curve at the point B.
Find the length of AB.

2 The line ;-f = 4, where a and bare positive constants, meets the x axis at M

and they axis at N.

Given that the gradient of the line isf and that the length of MN is ../no, find the
values of a and b.
P1 Stretch and challenge
IIIE 3 The perpendicular bisector of A(-6, I) and B(k,-3) passes through they axis at-9.

Find the possible value(s) of the constant k.

4 (i) For what values of k does the line y = kx + I intersect the curve
y= x 2 -4x+3 on thexaxis?
Stretch and challenge P1
(ii) Find an expression fork in terms of a and b where the line y = kx + I intersects
the curve y = (x- a)(x-b) on thexaxis. Ell

(iii) Find an expression fork in terms of a, band c where the line y = kx + c

intersects the curve y = (x - a)(x - b) on the xaxis.

5 For what values ofk does the line kx - 2y = -1 intersect the curve y = 2x 2 +x +I
at two points?
• Exam focus
1 The points A(2, 5), 8(-2, 2) and C(4,-1) are the vertices of a triangle.

IIIE The perpendicular from A meets the base BC at the point D.

Find the co-ordinates of the point D. (5)

7 ax

2 The diagram shows the points A(O, 6), 8(8, 2), C(6, 8) and D.

The line BO is perpendicular to AB, and CD is parallel to AB.


B{8, 2)

(i) Find the equation of the line CD. (2)

(ii) Find the equation of the line BO. (3)

(iii) Hence find the co-ordinates of the point D. (3)

3 Find the value of k such that the line y- 2x= k is a tangent to the
P1 curvey = x 2 -2x- I. [4)

3 Sequences and series P1
Arithmetic progressions

1 Find the term given in brackets fo r each of these arithmetic sequences.

(i) 5, 11 , 17, 23, .. (12 th term) (ii) -3,-8,- 13, .. (15th term)

(iii) i-~·*··· (7th term) (iv) 0.85, 0.55, 0.25, . . ( 11 th term)

2 Find the sum of these arithmetic progressions.

(i) 2 1.1 5,9,... (9 terms) (ii) -8,0, 8, ... (IS terms)

(iii ) 7,9, 11 , ... , 79 (iv) 0.05, 0. 15, 0.25, ... , 4. 05

3 In an arithmetic sequence, the fifth term is 34 and the tenth term is 43.
P1 Find the first term and the sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence.

4 The first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are m, 2m + n, 3m + 2n, ..

Find the common difference and the tenth term in terms of m and n.

5 The third term of an arithmetic sequence is 12 and the sum of the first eight terms is 168.

Find the 14th term.

6 Paul buys a car on hire purchase and agrees to pay back the $3375 with weekly
payments that are an arithmetic progression.

His first payment is $40 and the debt is paid in 30 weeks.

Find the 5th payment.

7 In an arithmetic progression, the first term is 25, the ninth term is 5 and the last term is-45.

Find the sum of all the terms in the progression.


8 The seventh term of an arithmetic progression is 32 and the sum of the first five terms
is 130.

(ii Find the first term of the progression and the common difference.

(ii) The nth term of the progression is 56.

Find the value of n.

9 The first term of an arithmetic progression is four times the value of the fourth term.

The sixth term of the progression is four less than the four th term.

Find the value of the eighth term.

Geometric progressions

1 Find the term given in brackets for each of these geometric sequences.

(i) ±, I, 2,4,. ( 10th term) (ii) -16,8,-4,2, ... (Sthterm)

(iii) 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, .. (9thterm) (iv) 6, 9, 13.5, .. (12th term)

2 Find the sum of these geometric progressions.

(i) 3, 6, 12, 24, .. (8 terms) (ii) 81, 27, 9, 3, .. (20 terms)

(iii) 2,-5, 12.5,-31.25, . .. (14terms) (iv) -240, 48,-9.6, 1.92, ... (10 terms)

3 Which of the sequences in question 2 have a sum to infinity?

For those sequences, ca lculate the sum to infinity.

4 Three terms of a geometric sequence are 32,x, 2. Find the value of x.
5 The third term of a geometric progression is 128 and the seventh term is 40.5.

Find the fifth term and the sum to infinity.

6 Find the fifth term of the geometric sequence with a first term of8 and a sum to
infinity of 12.

7 For what values of x does the sequence 3, 6x, 12x2 , ... have a sum to infinity?

8 The first three terms of a geometric sequence are ..fi.. 2, Js.

Find the common ratio, r, and the sixth term of the sequence.

9 A car depreciates in value each year by 5%.

If the car was bought for $45 OOO, find the value of the car eight years after it was
10 The first, third and fifth terms of a geometric sequence are ~ x+ 2 and.!.
P1 respectively.

E (i ) Find the value of x.

(ii) Given that the common ratio of this geometric sequence is positive, calculate the
sum to infinity of the series.

11 Jenny decides to start running every day.

She has two plans to consider:

Plan A: Run for 2 minutes the first day, and increase her running time by 30%
every day.

Plan B: Run for I minute the first day and increase her running time by t minutes
every day.

(i ) Find the total time (in minutes) Jenny runs after 20 days if she chooses Plan A.

(ii) Find the value oft such that the total time Jenny runs for the first 20 days under
both plans is the same.
12 The first term of an arithmetic progression is 18 and the common difference is d,
where d 7'- 0. P1
The first term, the fourth term and the sixth term of this arithmetic progression
are the first term, the second term and the third term, respectively, of a geometric
progression with common ratio r.

(ii Write down two equations connecting d and r.

Hence show that r =I and find the value of d.


(ii) Find the sum to infinity of the geometric progression.

(iii) Find the value of n such that the sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic
progression is zero.
Binomial expansions

1 Write out the binomial expansions of the following expressions.

Ii) (x+2)'

(ii) (1-3x)'

2 Find the first three terms in the following expansions, fully simplifying each term.

(i) (2x-3) 8

(ii) (~+2xr

(iii) (3a-b)'

3 Find the coefficient of the x 2 term in the expansion of ( 2x + )' .
4 Find the coefficient of the x4 term in the expansion of (f- ~) 8


5 Find the term independent of xin the expansion of (x 2
+ ~) •

6 Find the coefficient of the x2 term in the expansion of these expressions .

Iii (2- 3x)'

!iii (3+ 2x)(2- 3x)'

7 Find the value of k such that the coefficient of the x ~1 term in the expansion of
(kx+~f is720.

8 Find the value of the constant b such that there is no term in x 3 in the expansion of

9 (i) Find the first three terms of(3 + u) in ascending powers of u.

(ii) Use the substitution u = x-x2 in your answer to part (i) to find the coefficient of
the x2 term in the expansion of ( 3 + x - x 2 )6
10 In the expansion of (2- ax) 5 the coefficient of thex3 term is-1080.

Find the coefficient of the x2 term.


11 (i) Find the first three terms in ascending powers of x for the expansion (3- 2x2)7.

(ii) Find the coefficient of the x4 term in the expansion of (I + x2)(3 - 2x2)7.

12 (i) Find the first three terms, in descending powers of X, in the expansion of( x +fr

-x2)(x + ~ ) .
(ii) Find the coefficient of the:/' term in the expansion of (I
P1 13 The coefficient of the x3 term in the expansion of(k-tx) is 160.

E Find the value of the constant k.

14 The coefficient of the x 2 term in the expansion of (3- x) 4 + (2 + ax)5, where a is a

positive constant, is 554.

Find the value of a.

Stretch and challenge P1
1 Anna decides to reduce the time she spends on Facebook by the same number of
minutes each week. Ell
In week 7 of her plan she uses Facebook for 400 minutes.

After 30 weeks the total amount of time she used Facebook for was 1800 minutes.

For how many minutes did Anna use Facebook in week I of her plan?

2 The constant terms in the expansions of ( kx + 7r and ( kx 4 + r
7 are the same.

If k and mare positive constants, express kin terms of m.

P1 Stretch and challenge
E 3 The sum of the first two terms of a geometric progression is-3.

The sum of the sixth and seventh terms is 729.

Find the common ratio and the first term of the progression.

4 In an arithmetic progression the 12th term is three times the value of the 6th term
and the sum of the first 30 terms is 450.

Find the common difference and the first term.

Stretch and challenge P1
5 A stamp collector buys two stamps.

The first is bought for $55000 and its value depreciates by $2400 every year.
The second stamp depreciates by 4% every year.

After 10 years the stamps have the same value.

Find how much the second stamp was bought for.

6 (ii For what values of the positive constant a is the coefficient of x 3 in the
expansion of (x + a) the largest coefficient?

(iii Which values of the positive constant a make the coefficient of x 43 the largest
coefficient in the expansion of(x + a)1 ?
• Exam focus
1 Find the coefficient of the x3 term in the expansion of these expressions.
E (i) (4- 3x)' (2)

(ii) (1-x)(4-3x)' (3)

2 Find the term independent of x in the expansion of (f + x 2

r. (3J

3 Find the value of the positive constant a such that the coefficient of the x 2 term in

(f +axf is 2160. {4)

4 An arithmetic sequence has a third term of 12 and a seventh term of 6.

Find the 21st term of the sequence. [3]


5 The fifth and tenth terms of an arithmetic sequence are -40 and-20 respectively.

Find the value of n such that the sum of the first n terms is zero. [4]

6 The second term in a geometric sequence is 9 and the fifth term is Ii,
Find the sum to infinity of the sequence. [4]
4 Functions

The language of functions


1 Find the rule that links the x and f(x) va lues.

Ill Iii)


(iii) (iv)

- 1------l---+ - t --...1---+-+ 12
-ll--------1--+ -3 -;1--------++ 22

+ - - - -32
f~) fM

2 Which oft he rules in question I are func tions?

Are any of the rules one-to-one functions?

3 Are the following functions? If so, are they one-to-one functions?

(i) (ii)



Function Yes No Function Yes No

One-to-one Yes No One-to-one Yes No

(iii) (iv) f(x)


-4 -2 6X

-2 -1 3X

Function Yes No Function Yes No

One-to-one Yes No One-to-one Yes No

4 For the function f(x) = x2- 2x+ I,

(i) find f(-2) (ii) Find and simplify f(x+ I).
5 Are the followin g fun ctions? If so, are they one-to -one fun ctions?
P1 (I) (ii)

fW tW
Function Yes No Functi on Yes No
One-to-one Yes No One-to-one Yes No
(fil l (iv)


Function Yes No Function Yes No

O ne-to-one Yes No One-to-one Yes No
6 Find the domain and range of these functions.

(i) f(x)=(x-2)2-2 (ii) f(x)=- (x+ 1)2+3

~ ~

8 X

Domain: Domain:

Range: Range:

(iii) f(x) = .J'x=l + 2 (iv) f(x)= (x+ 1)3

f(x) I(,)

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X

Domain: Domain:

Range: Range:
7 A function is defined by f(x) =x 2 - 4x+ l ,x ~ I.

Find the range. :=r

- 3 - 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
5 6 X
l---1 - -1----1-
-2 --+
~~ , ~
P1 8 Findthedomainandrangeofg(x)=~-

9 Find the domain and range of f(x) = 2x-x2 • f(x)
2 -

f i-1 3 4 Sx

-3 -

~ ,
10 A function is defined by k(x)
k(x) = 2x2 + 8x+ 3, x ~ -1.

Find the range.

---6 -5 --4 - 3 -2 -1J 1 2 3 4 5 X

Composite functions

1 For the functions f(x)= I - xand g(x) = I -x2 , find the following.

(i) f(-2) (ii) g(-2)

(iii) fg(-2) (iv) gf(-2)

(v) fg(x) (vi) gf(x)

(vii) ff(x) (viii) gg(x)

2 The function f is defined as f: x ..-i, ax + b for x e R. where a and b are constants.

It is given that ff(x) = 9x- 4.

Find the possible values of a and b.

3 The fun ctions f and g are defined by
P1 f: xrt 3x+2

Ill g:xrt 4 + f , X"#-0

(i) Find and simplify the expression fo r fg(x). (ii) Show that gf{x) = 1~:: io·

(iii) Solve ff(x) = - 3. (iv) Find thevalue(s) of k such that the

equation g(x) = kx has two solutions.

4 Find the va lues of a and b fo r the function g x i-+ b- ax given that g( l) = - 1 and
gg(l)= 5.
5 Function s f and g are defined by:

f :XH- 3(x+2) for xe R

g:xH-x 2 + 4x fo r x~-2 DI
(i) Find the set of va lues of x which satisfy fg(x) ~ g(x).

(ii) Find the set of va lues of x which satisfy gf(x) :!ia 4 5.

Inverse functions

1 Find an expression fo r the inverse of these function s.

On the axes provided , sketch the graph of f(x) and f- 1(x), showing the co-ordinates of
their point of intersection and the relationship between the graphs.

(i) f(x) = 2x+ I (ii) f(x) =S-x

(ii i) f(x)= 1 -Sx (iv) f(x) = f - 1


k, r,

-,--1 ~ 6 X

. fl
2 For each of the functions below:

• find the least value of k such that the domain x ~ k means the function has an inverse

sketch the graph and its inverse on the axes provided for the domain x ~ k
find an expression for the inverse of the function
• state the domain and range of the function and its inverse.
(i) f(x)=x 2 -4 (ii) f(x)=x 2 -4x


t~ ivE

+- ::,M

Domain f(x): x ~ Domain f(x): x ~

Rangef(x): Range f(x):

Domain f- 1(x): Domain f- 1(x):

Range f- 1(x): Range f- 1(x):

(iii) f(x) = x2 + 2x- 4 (iv) f(x) = 2x 2 + 8x+ 7

Domain f(x): x ~ Domain f(x): x ~

Range f(x) : Rangef(x):

Domain f- l(x): Domain f- 1(x):

Range f- 1(x): Rangef-1(x):

3 The function g: x ..-i, x 2 + 3x+ I has an inverse when x ~ k.

Find the largest possible value of k.

Sketch the graph of g(x) for x ~ k and its inverse on the axes provided. DI

'~i ~ 1"1
j =t,11++-1
I ;r4tt

4 Thefunctionjisdefinedbyj: x..-i, ~x forxe R,x#-3.

Find an expression for ( 1(x), the inverse of j.
5 Find an expression fo r the inverse of the fun ction f(x) = 2(x+ 1) 3 - I.
P1 The diagram shows the graph of f(x) and its inverse.

Ill f(x)

6 A fun ction g is defin ed by g(x) = ~ + 2 fo r x ~ 0.

Find an expression for g- 1(x) and write down the domain and range of g(x) and g-1(x).
1-2 ----,-

7 The graph of f(x) = cos x is shown for O ~ x ~ 2n.

What is the maximum value of k such that O ~ x ~ k means that f(x) is one-to-one?
2s X


8 The diagram shows the function f defined for O ~ x ~ 14 by:

Xr+ x 2 forO~x~2

xr+ .!.x+3 for2 < x~ 14


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 X

(i) State the range of f.

(ii) Sketch the graph of y = f- 1(x) on the axes on the previous page.
P1 (iii) Obtain expressions to define f- 1(x), giving the set of values of x for which each

Ill expression is valid.

9 The function f is defined by f: x1-+ : / - , xe R, x"#-±-
(i) Show that ff(x) = x.

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, obtain an expression for f- 1(x).

Stretch and challenge P1
1 (i) In Chapter 4 we looked at basic transformations of the curvey= f(x) where
f(x)=x'. DI
Summarise the effects of each of the constants a, b, c and don the graph of
y= af(b(x+c)) + d.

If you have access to a graphical calculator or graphing software, this will help!

Constant Effect on graph

(ii) The graph of f(x) =x 2 - 3x is translated three units to the right and one unit

Find the equation of the new curve.

2 Functions f, g and hare defined as follows:

f(x)=2x+ I


g(x) = fg(x- !), x ~ I

h(O)= g(2)

h(x) = gh(x- I), X ~ I

F;nd h(2).
P1 Stretch and challenge
Ill 3 A function f is defined by f(x) = Y.

If f(x+ I)+ f(x- I)= af(x), where a is a positive constant, find the value of a.

4 For a function f(n) =an+ b, where a and bare integers, f(2n - !), f(2n) - I and
2f(n) - I are three consecutive integers in some order.

Find all the possible functions f(n).

• Exam focus
1 A function f is defined by f: x x 2 - 4x+2 for x ~ 2.

Find the domain and range of f- 1(x). [3]

2 A function f is defined by f: x r+ ax+ b for x e R. where a and bare constants.

It is given that f(-1) = I and f(2) = 7.

(i) Find the values of a and b. [3]

(iii Solve ff(x) = I. [3]

3 A function g is defined by g: x r+ x2 + 6x+ 2, x ~ k.

(i) Find the least value of k for which g(x) has an inverse. [2]
(ii) Find the equation of the inverse in this case. (3(

4 Functions f and g are defined by:

f: x - 2-3x, xeR,x~ O
x +2
g:x - 2x+7' xe R.x~- f
II) Solve the equation gf(x) = x. (3]

(ii) Ex press f- 1(x) and g-1(x) in terms of x. (3]

(iii) Show that the equation g-1(x) = x- 4 has no solutions. [4]

(iv) Find and simplify an expression for f- 1g(x). [2]

(v) Sketch in a single diagram the graphs of y= f(x) andy= f- 1(x), making clear the
relationship between the graphs. (2)

-8 -6 --4 -2 8 X




liJ 5 Differentiation

Differentiation by using standard results, Using

differentiation, The second derivative

1 Differentiate the following functions.

Ii) y= 10x 2 -3x+ I (ii) y= 4 +x-5x4

(iii) y=7 (iv) r= 3


(v) y= ~- :} (vi) y= 4:3

(vii) y = 2.Jx - 3x (viii) y = ifx + -i;

2 Find f'(x) for the following functions.

(i) f (x) = 2:; I (ii) f (x) = 2xji 3)

(iii) f (x) = 2!. x+ _2._ (iv) f (x)=6if7
2 nx P1

3 Findf'(9) if f (x)=-J;+sx.

4 Find the co-ordinates of the point on the curve y= 3 - Sx - x2 where the gradient is 2.

5 The curve f(x) = x3 + x 2 + 2x - I has two points where the slope of the curve is 3.

Find the co-ordinates of the points.

Tangents and normals

IIJ 1 Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 2x

+ x2 - I at(- !, 2).

2 Find the equation of the normal to the curve g(x) = *- 3 at x= 4.

3 (i) The curve Chas equation y = 7+ x.

The tangent to Cat the point P(l, 2) intersects the x axis at the point Q and the
y axis at the point R.
Find the length of PR.

(ii) The normal to Cat the point P intersects the curve C again at the point S.

Find the co-ordinates ofS.

4 (i) Show that the equation of the tangent to the curve h (x) = 6x - x 2 at the point
P(2,S) is2x- y+ 4 = 0. P1

(ii) The normal to the curve at the point P meets the curve again at the point Q.

Find the co-ordinates of the point Q.

5 The gradient of the normal to the

curve y = x + ~ at the point where
x =-lis L

Find the value of the constant k.

Maximum and minimum points, increasing
P1 and decreasing functions

1 Find the co -ordinates of the stationary points and determine their nature for the
fo llowing curves.

(i) y=2x 3 -3x 2

(ii) f (x) = 4x +~

(iii) y=Jx+ *
2 Find the values of x where g(x) = 3x - 2x 3 is increasing.

3 Show that the function y = -x + x 2 - x 3 is decreasing for all x e R .

4 Sketch the graphs of the following functions.

Use any information found in previous questions to help you.

(i) y = 2x 3 - 3x 2

-1 2 X




(ii) g(x) = 3x 2 - 2x 3

-2 -1



5 A curve y = f(x) has a stationary point at the point (I, - 9).

It is given that f'(x) = 3x2 + kx - 8, where k is a constant.

(i) Find thevalueofk.

Iii ) Hence find the x co-ordinate of the other stationary point on the curve.

(iii) Find f"(x) and determine the nature of each of the stationary points on y = f(x).

1 Two numbers have a sum of 18. 13111

Find the maximum value of the product of the numbers.

2 A farmer wants to construct three

pens for his chickens, as shown in
the diagram.

Each pen has the same width, x.

The farmer has 36 m of material to

make the pens.

Find the dimensions of each pen so that the area of each pen is a maximum.
3 The diagram shows a glass window frame consisting
P1 of a rectangle of width xm and height ym and an

IIJ equilateral triangle on top of the rectangle.

The perimeter of the window is !Om.

(i) Show that the height, h, of the equilateral

triangle is:!/-x·

(ii) Show that the area of the window frame, A m 2 , is given by A= 5x + ../3 - x 2•

(iii) Given that x can vary, find the value of x for which A has a stationary value.

(iv) Determine whether this stationary value from (iii) is a maximum or a minimum.
4 A 5-litre paint can has radius rand height h. (5 litres= 5000cm 3)

(i) Show that the surface area of the can, S, is given by

S = 21tr2 + 10~0. Ell

(ii) Given that rcan vary, find the value of rfor which S has a stationary value.

(iii) Determine whether this stationary value from (ii) is a maximum or a minimum.
5 An athletics track has a rectangular
P1 centre and a semi-circular area at each ,,m
IIJ end, as shown.

The perimeter of the track is 400 m. +'

(i) Show that b = 200 - nr. '
- - - bm - --

(ii) Find an expression for the area, A, of the rectangular section of the track, and hence
find the values of rand b that maximise this area.

6 The post office will accept a package

for shipment only if the sum of the
girth (the distance around the middle)
and the length is at most 120cm.

For a package with a square end, what

dimensions will give the package the
largest possible volume?
7 The d iagram shows a rec tangle
inscr ibed in a right-a ngled isosceles P1
tria ngle with a hypotenuse of
length 2.

What is the largest area the

rectangle can have?

~, ,,

8 Fi nd the volume of the largest right ci rcular

cone that can be inscribed in a sphere of
radi us 10cm.
9 An open box is bei ng construc ted w ith
P1 a base le ngth of 4 times the base width
The movie 'Sta nd and Deliver' is the true
story of Maths teac her Jamie Esca la nte

IE and a volume of 50m3.

If the materials used to build the box

who challe nges his class to step up from
the basic maths course they are studying
cost $ 12 per square metre for the to sit the AP Calculus exam . Due to their
bottom and $5 per squa re met re for the unexpected ly excellent results and similar
sides, what are the dimensions of the answers to one question, the students were
least expensive box? required to re-take the exam.

This quest ion is similar to the question that

caused the re- ta ke of the AP Calcu lus exa m
for Jamie Esca la nte's students.
The chain rule

1 Use the chain rule to find * for the following functions. 13111
(i) y = (x - 4)7 (ii) y = (3x + 2)8

(iii) y=(S-2x)9 (iv) y= Jf+4x

(v) y=~ (vi) y=x!3

.. 4
(vu) y = (1- 2x)2 (viii) y= k
P1 2 Findtheequationofthetangentto f (x)=3( 1- i f whenx = 12.


3 Find the co-ordinates of the stationary point(s) of the function y = - ,- - .
X -4X

4 The function g is defined by g: x r+ 3(x + 2) 3 - 5, x > - 2.

Obtain an expression for g'(x) and use your answer to explain why g has an inverse.
5 (i) Find the value of the constant k such that the curve y = : : + xhas a gradient
of2whenx =-1.
2 3 P1

(ii) When k = I, find the values of xwhere the function is increasing.

6 A curve has the equation y = x ~ 1 + 2x.

(i) Find~ and d Y.
dx dx'

(ii) Find the co-ordinates of the maximum point A and the minimum point Bon the
7 The area of a square is increasing at a rate of 8 cm 2 per second.
P1 Find the rate the length of the side is increasing at the instant when the side length is

IIJ 20cm.

8 Water is being pumped into a cylindrical tank

of radius 1.2m at a rate of0.Sm 3 per minute.

Find the rate at which the water level is rising.

9 The equation of a curve is y=(0.2x- 1)10

A point with co-ordinates (x, y) moves along the curve in such a way that the rate of
increase of x has the constant value 0.08 units per second.

Find the rate of increase of y at the instant when x = 10.

10 A spherical balloon is bein g blown up
Volume o f a sphere: V =1nr 3
at a rate of 1500 cm 3 per second. P1
Surface area of a sphere: S = 4nr 2
After 5 seconds find the rate of
increase of:

II) th e radius,r

(II) the surfacearea,S.

11 A horse is trainin g on a circu lar track of
P1 radius 200 mas shown in the diagram.

E 1
The horse starts at the point A and gallops
to Bat a constant 10 metres per second .

It is followed by a camera at the centre of

the field at 0.

Find the rate of c hange, in radians per

second, of the angle 8 during this time.

12 The diagram shows a wate r trough .

(i) When the depth of wate r in the

trough is J, c m, show that the

trough contains a volume of

~h +3600h cm 3•
(ii) What is the depth of the water when the trough contains 40 litres?
(iii) The trough is being filled with a hose at a rate of 4 litres per minute.

At what rate is the depth increasing when there is 40 litres of water in the trough?

13 The diagram shows a water trough

with a cross-section in the shape of
an isosceles trapezium.

The sides AD and BC make an angle 0 .--____.~---,."--"7'

of 60° with the horizontal.

The trough is being filled by a large

hose at a rate of2 litres per second.

(i) Show that the volume of water, V cm 3. when it is h cm deep is given by

V = 2ooh(60 + 73).

(ii) Hence find the rate at which the water level is rising when h = 2cm.
P1 Stretch and challenge
IIJ 1 The normal to the curve g(x)

(i) Find the value ofk.

= kx - x 2 at x = 2 has a gradient of ±·

(ii) The normal intersects the curve again at the point P.

Find the co-ordinates of P.

2 The positions of a submarine (S) and a shipwreck (W) are shown in the diagram.

Due to territorial issues, the closest the submarine can get to the shipwreck is 30 km
horizontally from its position at the bottom of the ocean.

The shipwreck is 15km below the surface.

For the first 10 km in depth, the submarine can travel at !Okm/ h but for the last
5km, due to the increased pressure, it can only travel at Skm/h.

Rather than go directly to W from S, the submarine goes to a point Pon the line
where the speed must change then changes course.

The distance S'P is x. <------30km-----'>

Stretch and challenge P1
(i) Find expressions for cos a and cos/3 in terms of x.

(ii) Show that the minimum time to get from S to W occurs when cosa = 2cosfi.

(You do not need to show it is a minimum.)

P1 Stretch and challenge
IIJ 3 (i) A cylinder is enclosed in a
sphere of radius R.

Find the dimensions rand Ii,

in terms of R, of the cylinder
with maximum volume.

(ii) Find the ratio of the volume of the sphere to the cylinder with maximum
volume in its simplest form.
Stretch and challenge P1
4 The diagram shows the graph of y = f'(x).

Sketch the original function, y = f(x) on the graph.given that f (O) = 4 and f'(2) = f(2 ).

5 Three towns A, Band C form an isosceles

triangle as shown in the diagram.

They are to be joined by three roads, DA,

DB and DC.

Determine the position of the point Din

the triangle so that the total length of the
three roads is as small as possible.

(This point is known as the Steiner Point.)

• Exam focus
1 Find the co-ordinates of the point on the curve y = "ix 3
3x where the gradient

is-I. (~

2 Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the curve f(x) = x + ~ at x = I. [4)

3 Find the co-ordinates of the stationary points and determine their nature for the curve
y=x 4 -8x 2 +2. [41
4 Find the va lues of x fo r which the function f(x ) = 6x 2 x 3 is increasing. [3]

5 The ice cube shown in the diagram is melting so

that the rate of dec rease of the sides of the cube is

Find the rate of decrease of the surface area of the

ice cube when the side length is 2cm. [4]
6 The equation of a curve is y = ../I+6x.
A point with co-ordinates (x, y) moves along the curve in such a way that the rate of
IIJ increase of x has the constant value 0.02 units per second.

Find the rate of increase of y at the instant when x = 4. (3)

7 The diagram shows a salt-shaker which consists

of a cylinder radius rem and height h cm and a
hemi-sphere of radius r on top.

The salt-shaker has a volume of 100cm3 .

(i) Show that h = ~~~ -¥-- (2)


(iii Show that the surface area, S, of the salt-shaker is given by

S = 200 +~,2 [3]

' 3

(iii) Given that r can vary, find the value of r for which S has a stationary value. [3}

(iv) Determine whether thi s stationary value from (iii) is a maximum or

a minimum. [2]
6 Integration

Reversing differentiation

1 Find the following integrals.

Iii f( zx'+x) dx (ii) J 0+3x)dx

(iii) J (2x-Sx )dx

(vi) J(2
: 2 +6x)ru:

2 Find the following integrals.

(i) J6rx dx (ii) Jx(2x - 3Jx) dx

u,n I(fx}x uv1 J1 0Rdx

3 Integrate f Sx 2
1 dx Hint: Divide first.

4 A curve is such that ~= 2- + I and A(-1, 2) is a point on the curve.

dx x'
Find the equation of the curve.

5 Find f (x) if f '(x) = 3./x - 2x and f(4) = 30.

P1 6 A curve is such that ! = I- 7, where k is a constant.

E The points M(l, 2) and N(-3, -6) are two points on the curve.

Find the equation of the curve.

What about the integral

J~d x?
If we apply the rule we get

J~dx= Jx~dx= f +c

The rule does not work here.

The answer to this integral is not required in this course.

Finding the area under a curve, Area as the limit of a
sum, Areas below the x axis, The area between two P1
curves, The area between a curve and the y axis
1 Find the area between the line y = 3x + I, thex axis and the linesx= I and x= 2
(i) using integration

(iii using the formula for the area of a trapezium.


2 Find the area between the curve

y = x 2 - 4x+ 3 and thexaxis.

-3 -2 4 5 6 7 Bx
3 Find t he a rea between the curve
P1 y = 2.Jx. they ax is and the line y = 4.

-2 -1
_, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X

4 Findtheareabetweentheliney=2
andthe curvey= 6-x 2.
5 Find the area between the x axis, y
the curve f(x) = 3x 2 + I and the lines 14
x=-1 andx=2. 12


6 Find the area between the curve

y= -V:- 2, the x axis and the lines
x= 0 and x= 8.

• 5
7 Find the area between the
P1 line y = x - I and the curve

E y = x 2 - 2x- I.
(It does not matter that part of the
curve is below the x axis, the formula U--l-U--W--U---W---W---U---UW-W-UI-_JLJ_-l-U
still works.)

8 Find the area between the curves y

y = 9- x 2 and y = x 2 - 2x - 3. 10
Start by drawing a sketch of the two 7
graphs. 6

-5 ~ ~ ~ -1-1 1 2 3 4 5 6X
9 Find the ::irea of th e region between the
curve y= 2x2 + I, they axis and the P1
1 linesy= 3 andy= 9.

-1 3 X

10 T he area between the curve y = 3./x,

the x axis and the lines x = I and
x = k is 14.
Find thevalueofk.
The reverse chain rule

1 Find the following integrals.

(i) J (x-2) d x (ii) J (3x+ J)5 d x

(iii) J2( 1 - 6x)9 d x

2 Find the integral (2x - 1idx, simplifying your answer as much as possible.

3 Find the following integrals.

Ii) f JI=x d x (ii) J-- 4

- dx
(2x+ 1)3
(iii) JJ(x ~ 4 )5 d x

ivif hd.x (vi) J- 1_2- d.x

Improper integrals

1 Find r--
(2x+ I)3
dx. ell

2 Evaluate r ~ dx ·

3 Evaluate r- _ 3_ d,c.
Jo (I +x)2

-3 -2
Finding volumes by integration

1 (i) Find thevolumeofthesolid ~

formed when the area between the
curve y = f and the x axis for
x ~ 2 is rotated 360° about the

Give your answer in terms of 1t

and to 3 significant figures.

(ii) Find the volume of the solid

formed when the area between
the curve y = ~ ' the x axis and
the lines x= 3 and x=4 is rotated
completely around the x axis.

Give your answer in terms of 1t -3 -2 -1 Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X

and to 3 significant figures.

2 The area between the line y = 3x, thexaxis and the linesx= Oand x= 2 is rotated 360°
about the x axis. P1
Find the volume of the solid generated.

Check that your answer is correct by finding the volume using the formula for the
volume of a cone, V = ±nr h.

-2 6 X

3 Find the volume of the solid formed

when the shaded area under the curve
y = ~ x is rotated completely around

Give your answer in terms of 1t.

4 The part of the curve y = 2(x 2 - I) between x= I, x= 2 and the xaxis is rotated
P1 completely about they axis.

E Find the volume of the solid generated.


-3 -2 -1
5 Show that the volume of the solid formed when the area between the curve y=x (x- 2)
and the line y =-tx is rotated 360° around thex axis is ~TT- P1

6 The diagram shows part of the curve y = 7. where a is a positive constant.

Given that the volume obtained when the shaded region is rotated through 360°
E about the x axis is 21n, find the value of a.

7 The diagram shows part of the curve y= 4x+;, which has a minimum point at M.
The line y= 10 intersects the curve at the points A and B.

(i) Find the co -ordinates of A, Band M. CIII

(ii) Find the volume obtained when the shaded region is rotated through 360° about the
P1 Stretch and challenge
E 1 The shaded area between the curve y= (x+2)2 and the line y= 2x+ kbetween

Find the value of the constant k.

Stretch and challenge P1
2 The diagram shows a symmetrical plant pot with a circular base of radius
r centimetres, a circular top of radius R centimetres and straight sloping sides. CIII
Show by integration that the volume of the pot is given by ~nh( R2 + rR + r 2 )cm 3 •
P1 Stretch and challenge
E 3 The area under the function f(x ) = 2x 2 , x > 0, between x= k and x= k + I is~.

Find the value of k.



k+ 1
Stretch and challenge P1
4 A jeweller has a collection of solid gold rings for different-sized fingers.

The cross-section of each ring is a segment of a circle radius Ras shown in the
diagram. All the rings in the collection have the same width, w.

C f?Jl·
The jeweller tells a customer that, although the rings have different diameters, they
all contain the same amount of gold.

Is this true? Hint:

Justify your answer. The equation of a circle with radius R is

x2 + y2 = R2.
• Exam focus
1 Find the equation of the curve through A(l , - 2) for which!= 2x + I. (3(

2 Find J(4 x ~ 1) 2 dx. (3]

3 Evaluate J>-f dx. (3]

-2 _, 0 6'
131 P1

) ~1 0

5 Find the area between the curve Y = 2.Jx + I, they axis and the linesy= 3 andy= 5. (SJ

6 Find the area between the curves y = 4 .,J x and y = x. [4]


4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 X
7 Find the volume of the solid formed when the shaded area under the curve y = - -
P1 is rotated completely around the x axis. Zx +

E Give your answer in terms of Jt. (SI

8 The diagram shows the line y = I - xand the curve y = ...J( i - x) which intersect at
(0, I) and (I, 0).

Iii Find the area of the shaded region. (2]

~ 1
(iii Find the volume obtained when the shaded region is rotated 360°

(al about the x axis IS)


(bi about they axis. IS)

9 Find the volume of the solid formed when the area between the curve y = x 3 and the
P1 line y = x is rotated 360°

E (i) aboutthexaxis (5)

(ii) about they axis. (5)

7 Trigonometry P1
Trigonometry background, Trigonometrical functions

1 Find the lengt hs and angles marked.

(i) (ii)

~- 4.8cm
2::\ 8.25m

(iii) (iv)


2 Find the length s and angles marked.
P1 (ii (ii)


p 32m

~ dcm


(iii) (iv)

15cm 4.lm 5.6m


3 Find the areas of the triangles in question 2.

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)

4 Find the unknown lengths marked in the following triangles.

(i) (ii)




Trigonometrical functions for angles of any size

1 Use the unit circle to complete the table with angles and exact values.

All angles are between 0° and 360°.

y 1

-1 1X


Other angle that has Exact

the same value value

sin 30° sin ..

sin 210° sin ..


tan 30° tan .....

cos 150°

tan ... tan ... -JJ

2 Prove t he followi ng ident ities.
(I) sin x tan x = cols x - cosx (ii) tan x(I - sin 2 x) = sin xcosx

(Iii) 1+.cosx = ~ (iv) tan 2 x-sin 2 x: tan 2 x sin 2 x

sm x 1-cosx

3 Prove the following identities.

.. I cosx
(I) sin 4 x- cos4 x :sin 2 x-cos 2x (11) tan x+ cosx=1- sinx
I + tan 2 x l
P1 (iii) I - ~osx + I + ~osx = si1: 2 x (iv) I - ta n 2 x : 2cos 2 x - I


4 Prove the followin g identities.

(I) tan 8~~: sin 8 ) = si1~ 8 -
The sine and cosine graphs, The tangent graph, Solving
equations using graphs of trigonometrical functions P1

1 Given that x = cos~

(~) and x is an acute angle, find the exact value of
(i) sin x (i i) tan 2 x.

2 Given that tan x= -f and 90° ,s;; x ,s;; 180°, find the exact value of

(i ) cosx (i i) sin 2 x.

3 Solve the following equations where 0° ,s;; x ~ 360°.

(i) 2sin x = - 1 (ii) cos2x = i

(iii) tan x+ I = 3 (iv) sin (x - 30°) = I

4 Solve 2cos3x - sin3x = O for 0° .:s;: x ,s;; 180°.

5 Show on the unit circle, the two angles between 0° and 360° that satisfy the given
P1 equations.

IE Write down the angles.

(i) sin x={ (ii ) cosx = -0.7

~, 1X

(iii) tan x= i- (iv) sin x = -f

y 1


. ( I )
6 (1 } Prove the identity ------,, + tan8
=-1I -+sin8
- .-
smu0 . P1

+tano) =~7 fo r Q0 ~ (J ,!S; 360°.

(ii) Hence solve the equation (___!__,,

7 Solve the following equations over the given intervals.

Use the unit circle diagram to help you find all the solutions.
y 1
(i) 2cos 2 x = cosx for 0° ,!S; x ~ 360°

~1 1X
(ii) 4 +5cosx=2sin 2 xfor-18Q 0 ,s;;x,s;; 180°

(iii) sin 2 x = 3(1 + cosx) for 0 ° ~ x ,s;; 360 °

8 (i) Given that 4cos 2 x+7sin x - 2=0

show that, for real values of x, sin x = - ±.

(ii) Hence solve the equation

4cos 2 (8 - 20°)+ 7sin (8 - 20°) - 2= O for 0° ,s;; 8 ,s;; 360°.

Circular measure

1 Complete the table. Ell

Give all your answers as exact fractions of n in the rad ians column.

Degrees Radians

330 °

2 Complete the table.

Give the answers in degrees to 1 decimal place and those in radian s to 3 significa nt
fi gures.

Degrees Radians
0.1 90
P1 3 Use the unit circle to complete the table with angles and exact values.

IE All angles are between O and 2n radians.


Other angle that has


Exact value
the same value

sm sin ..

tan tan ....


. s,
sm sin ..

tan .. tan ....

4 Solve the following equations over the given intervals.

Use the unit circle diagram to help you find all the solutions.

(i) 2 tanx = tan 2 x for O ~ x ,is:; 2n y 1

(ii) 4 sin 2 x+ 4 sin x-3=0for0,!S;x,!S;2n y 1
-1 1X

(iii) cosx = -3 tan x for-n ,!S; x ,!S; n

-1 1X

(iv) 2sin 2 x= 3-3cosxforO ,!S; x,!S; 2n


(v) 4cos 2 x = 3sin 2x - sin xcosx for-11 ,s; x ,s; n y 1

(vl) 3sin x + Scos 2 x = 9sin x fo rO ,s; x ,s; 2n
The length of an arc of a circle, The
area of a sector of a circle P1
1 Find the perimeter and area of the shaded regions.

(ii (ii)

2 Find the value of in radians and degrees.




3 The diagram shows a circle centre O and radius 5 cm.
P1 The tangents at A and B meet at the point C.

IE Angle AOB is 3f- radians.

Find the perimeter and area of the shaded region.

4 In the diagram, OQR is a sector of a circle with centre O and radius 10cm.

Angle QOR = 0.8 radians and RP is the perpendicular from R to OQ.

(i) Find the perimeter of the shaded region.


(ii) Find the area of the shaded region.

5 The diagram shows a sector of a circle of radius 6cm.

(i) If the shaded area is 36cm 2 , show that

8 =sin8 +2.

(ii) Given that the perimeter of the sector is 27.3cm, find the value of 8.

6 The diagram shows the cross-section of three pencils, each of radius 4cm, with a rubber
band fitted around them.

Find the length of the rubber band.

7 The diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 8cm.
P1 The line AC is a tangent to the circle.


(i) Show that the area of the shaded region is 32(tan8 - O) cm 2 .

(ii) When (J = f find the perimeter of the shaded region.

8 The diagram shows a sector OAB of a circle, centre O and radius 16cm.

The mid-points ofOB and OA are D and C respectively.

The length of DC is 8 cm. Ell
AD is an arc of the circle, centre C and radius 8cm.

The shaded region is bounded by the line BO

and the arcs AB and AD.

(i) Show that the angle ACD = jn radians.

(iii Show that the perimeter of the shaded region is (¥n + s) cm.

(iii) Find the exact area of the shaded region.

Other trigonometrical functions

1 Sketch the graphs.

(ii y = sin 2x+ I 0° ,s;x,5;360° (ii) y = 3cosx - 2 0 ,s; x ,s; 21t

0 2.x
0 -1
90° 180° 270° 36QOX
-1 -2
-2 -3
-3 -4

(iii) y = tan 2x 0° ,s;x,s; 360° (iv) y = I + 3sinf O ,s; x ,s; 21t

0 90° 180° 270° 360°X

0 2.x
-3 -1

(v) y = 2 - 2cos3x 0° ,s; x ,s; 360° (vi) y = 4 -3sin 2x O ,s; x,s; 21t

90° 180° 270° 360°X

-2 -1
2 The diagram shows the graph of y= A sin Bx+ C.

Write down the values of A, Band C.

900 180° 270° 36QOX

A= B= C=
3 The diagram shows the graph of y= A cos Bx+ C.

Write down the values of A, Band C.

~ 21tX

A= B= C=
4 The diagram shows the graph of y=A sin Bx+ C.

Write down the values of A, Band C.



A= B= C=
5 The diagram shows the graph of y=A cos Bx+ C.
P1 Write down the values of A, Band C.



A= B= C=
6 The diagram shows the graph of y = A - B sin Cx.

Write down the values of A, Band C.

2, X



A= B= C=
7 The diagram shows the graph of y= tan Ax+ B.

Write down the values of A and B.


0 2,X


A= B=
8 The temperature of the water at a lake (n alternates regularly throughout the day.

At t hours after 12 noon the temperature is given by the equation

T= 2cos(3 1tt)- I.

(i) Find the period of T.

(iii Sketch the graph of Tbetween 12 noon and 4pm.

(iii) From the graph, find the warmest temperature of the water, and the times it
reaches this temperature between 12 noon and 4pm.
9 (i) Sketchthecurvey=3sinxforQ,s;;x,s:;2n.
2s X




(ii) By adding a suitable straight line to your sketch, determine the number of real
roots of the equation 3n sin x = re + x.

State the equation of the straight line.

i1 0 A function f is defined by f: x H 2- 3tan(±x) for O,s;; x ,s;; n.

Ii) Statetherangeoff.

(ii) Statetheexactvalueoff(!n).
(iii) Sketch the graph of y= f(x).
f(x} P1



(iv) Obtain an expression, in terms of x, for f- (x).

1 The function f is defined by f: x ..-i, a - bsinx, where a and bare both positive

(ii The minimum value of fis-2 and the maximum value is 8.

Find the values of a and b.

(ii) Hence sketchy= f(x) for O ,s;; x ,s;:; 2n.

,, 2< X
-1 T



2 The acut\angle x radians is such that cos x = k, where k is a positive constant and
Q,s;;x:<;;:; 2 ·

Express the following in terms of k.

Ii) cos(-x)

(ii) cos(n-x)

(iii) sin x

(iv) cos(n +x)

(v) tan x

13 ;he obtuse angle xradians is such that tanx=-k, where k is a positive constant and
2 ,s;:;x,s;; n.

Express the following in terms of k.

(i) tan (-x)

(ii) tan (n-x)

(iii) cosx

(iv) sin(n+x)

(v) tan(±n+x)=
4 Solve the following equations for O ~ x ~ 2n.

Give your answers in radians.

(i) 2sin x=-J3 (ii) cos3x=- 1 Ell

(iii) 2tan x- 1 = I (iv) fsin (2x+ l )=0. 1

5 The height of a carriage above the ground (h) on a Ferris Wheel ride after t seconds is
given by the equation:

h=54 +53sin (fo- t)·

(i) What is the period of the function (i.e. how long does one complete revolution of
the wheel take)?

(iii Find the maximum height of the ride.

(iii) Find how long it takes after the start of the ride to get to a height of 30 m off the
P1 ground.

Stretch and challenge P1
1 Solve the equation 3 sin 38 + 3 = 2 cos 2 38 for -180° ,!S; fJ ,!S; 180°.

2 The height Hof the sea above sea level at a certain jetty is given by the equation

H = 2 sin %t + 3, where t is the time in hours from midnight.

(i) Sketch the graph of H = 2 sin 1, + 3 for O ,!S; t ,!S; 8.
H (m)

-1 t(hours)



(ii) Find the period of H.

(iii) At what time will the first high tide occur?

P1 Stretch and challenge
IE 3 The height of water, h, above a reef is modelled by the equation

h= 9-3cos(ft)
where t is time in hours after low tide.

A ship which has run aground can only be refloated when the water level is 10.5 m
above the reef.

The refloating can only happen after a low tide which is at 9.30 am the next

Between what times would it next be possible to refloat the ship?

4 A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.

Assume that the radius of both the Sun and the Moon when seen from the Earth is
the same.
Stretch and challenge P1
(i) Show that, when 50% of the area of the sun is covered, 2sin20 = 40 - Jt.

(ii) Find the angle O when the distance between the centres of the Sun and the
Moon is the same as the radius r.

(iii) Hence find the percentage area of the sun that is covered when the distance
between the centres is the same as the radius r.
• Exam focus
1 Find the value of the constants in the equations of the following graphs.
IE (i) y=asinbx (2)

90" 18" 3 oX




(ii) y=a-bcoscx (3)

3, 2< X
-1 T

2 The acute angle xradians is such that sinx= k, where k is a positive constant.

Express, in terms of k
(ii sin(n-x) [1) Ell
~, IX

(ii) cosx [2)

(iii ) tan(f-x) [2)

3 Prove the identity I + tan 8

=- 1,- . [4)
cos 8

4 Prove the identity tan x + ta~x = sin x~osx [3)

5 Prove the identity 1 - cosx + ~ = --2_
P1 sin x I - cosx sin x


6 Solvetheequation 2cos2x=J3 forQ 0 ,s;;x,s:;360° [4)

7 Solve the equation ../3 sin2x+cos2x= 0 for-n ,s;; x ,s;; n. [4)

8 Solve the equation cos 2 x - I = sin x for-TI ,s;; x ,s;; TI. [4]

9 Solve the equation 2sin x tan x = 3 for-TI ,s;; x ,s;; TI. [4]

10 Find the area of the segment shown. [3]

11 In the diagram, AC is an arc of a circle, centre O and
P1 radius 10cm.

IE The line AB is perpendicular to OA and OCB is a

straight line.

Angle AOC=+ n radians.

Find the area and perimeter of the shaded region,

giving your answer in terms of 1t and .../3. (6)


12 In the diagram, the circle has centre 0

and radius 6cm.

The points D and F lie on the circle,

and the arc length OF is 10cm.

The tangents to the circle at D and F

meet at the point E.


(i) angle DOF in radians {1)

(ii) the length of DE [21
(iii) the area of the shaded region. [31
8 Vectors

Vector calculations

1 a=(-:}b=(~)'nd,=(-!}
(i) Draw and label each of the vectors on the grid below.

(ii ) Find each of the following vectors.

Draw and label each of the vectors on the grid below.

2a=(J-b=(l f,=(l
(iii) Find the following vector sums.

Draw and label diagrams on the grids below to represent the vector sums.
a+b=() h-2c= () fc+2a=() Ell

2 Given that i = (~) andj =(~)are the unit vectors parallel with thex andyaxes

respectively, write the following vectors in terms of i and j.

Iii (_;)= (ii) [-~)=

(iii) g=


l l
3 Find the length of the following vectors.

(ii) 2i - j
Iii (-:)
P1 (iii) A8 where A is (2, - 1) a nd Bis (-4, 0).

IE t

4 Use the axes below to plot the point s A(-3, 2), B(4, -3) and C(O, 4).

Ii) Find the position vector 0A.

(ii) Find the displacement vector BC.

(iii) Find the displacement vector CA.

liv) Find the co-ordinates of the point D such that AD= 30C.
5 The diagram shows the vectors m and n .


Find the fo llowing vectors in terms of m and n .

Iii 08=
(ii ) 0£=
(iii) BC> =
uv1 tt =
6 ~t [~ r it vectoc in the dicection of the following vectocs.

(ii) £F where Eis (-6, 2) and Fis (-2, 1).

IE 7 If d = [-i] ,nd e= [_:} find the vectoc foe the followmg

Ii) 2d+3e= [ l Iii) 3d-1'= [

8 The position vector of the point A is 2i- 3j + k and the position vector of the point Bis

Find the displacement vector AB.

9 The diagram shows a gold bar.

The cross-section of the bar is in the shape of an isosceles trapezium.

Unit vectors i, j and k are as shown.


Find the following vectors in terms of i, j and k.

Ii) 00 = iii> OF =
!iii> cr = (iv) Bf =
(v) GA = (vi) fil =
10 Find the length of CO where C is (2, 0, -3) and D is (-3, 2, 5).
11 Relative to the origin, the position vectors of the points P, Q and Rare

DP= [-i} =[_i} DR= H}


(i) Find the vector PQ. (ii) Find the vector QR.

liiil Hence explain the geometric relationship between PQ and QR.

(iv) Another point, S, lies on the line that goes through Rand P such that P is the
mid-point of RS.

Find the co-ordinates ofS.

12 Relative to an origin 0, the points A and B have position vectors
P1 2i- 2j + 3k and 4i- Sk respectively.

IE The point C is such that

The point Dis such that

6c = 26A.
OD= 308 and the point Eis the mid-point of AB.

(i) CT>

(ii) rt:

13 The position vectors of the points E and Fare 2i - j + 6k and 3i - 3j + 4k respectively.

The point G lies on the line EF such that the magnitude of EG is 18.

Find the co-ordinates of the point G.

14 Find the unit vector in the direction of

(i) - i -2j +2k


(ii) GH where G is (4,-1, 12) and His (9,- 1, 0).

15 The points H and L have position vectors h = 2i - j + 6k and I = Si - j + !Ok.

The point M lies on the line HL such that I-IM= 3ffi..

Find the unit vector in the direction of m , the position vector of the point M.
The angle between two vectors

1 Find the angle between the following vectors.

lil (~}nd(-;) (ii) 3i+7jandi-6j

2 Find the angle AOB where A is the point (2, -3, -1) and Bis the point (0, 5,-2).

3 : :{J,::::m points C and Dace given by

Ii) Find the angle between the vectors OC and OD.

(ii) Find the angle DCO, the angle between the vectors OC and CD. P1

(iii) The vectoc OF= [ ,: Jis pecpendicub, to ct:i. Find the value of a.

4 The position vectors of the points E and Fare 2i + 3j - Sk and 3i- 2j -k respectively.

Find the angle EOF.

5 Find the value of c such that the vectors g =Si+ cj - 2k and h = ci - 3j - k are perpendicular.
6 The diagram shows a right-a ngled triangular prism.
P1 Fis the mid-point ofCE.

IE Unit vectors i , j, k are shown.

(i) Find the length of AB.

(ii) Express the vectors Af and Bf in terms of i, j and k.

(iii) Hence find the angle between the vectors AF and Bf.
7 The diagram shows a bucket.

The base of the bucket is circular with centre O and radius 12cm.
Unit vectors i, j, and k are shown parallel to OA, 08 and 00' respectively. Ell
The vertical height of the bucket is 40cm and the open circular top has a radius of
6 cm
C ,,O' A'

B' i
: 40cm

~ ----

(i) Find, in terms ofi,j,and k, thevectorsoM,c'M, B~ and CB·.

(ii) Hence find the angles OMC' and CB'M.

P1 Stretch and challenge
IE 1 Find a non-zero vector which is perpendicular to both -i + j +3k and 2i + Sk.

2 The vectocs p and q ace given by [: and[: cespectively.

Find the values of the constants a and b iflvl = lqland pand qare perpendicular.
Stretch and challenge P1
3 Two planes A and Bare flying on exactly the same straight-line path with plane B
behind plane A. Ell
Plane Bis flying with a constant velocity of (120i- 60j + 40k) m/s.

Plane A is moving away from Plane Bat a constant rate of35m/s.

Find the vector representing the velocity of Plane A.

• Exam focus
1 The posifon vectmsofthepointsP andQ ace CJil + l n d oQ =[:]
The point R lies on the line PQ such that PR = fPQ.
Find the unit vector in the direction of DR. [4]

0 ~

2 :: ~ffF:'::[;~ r t s Mand Nace given by

Find the value of p if OM is perpendicular to ON. [3]

3 The diagram shows a gold bar.

The cross-section of the bar is in the shape of an isosceles trapezium.

The point Mis the mid-point of AB. Ell
Unit vectors i, j and k are as shown.

0 I Bern

Evaluate OF •OM and hence find angle FDM. IS]



1 Algebra
1 The equation of a curve is y = Bx - x

(i) Express Bx - x 2 in the form a - (x + b)2, stating the numerical va lues of

.~ k w

(iii Find the set of values of x for which y ~ -20. [3]

(Total: 6]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2003 0 11 i, iii

2 Thecurvey is defined by y = x 2 - 3x for x e lR .

(i) Find the set of values of x for which y > 4. [3]

(iii Express y in the form (x- a)2- b, stating the values of a and b. (2] P1

(Total: 5)

Adapted from Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2006
0 10i, ii

P1 2 Co-ordinate geometry
1 The diagram shows the rectangle A BCD, where A is (3, 2) and Bis (I, 6).

(i) Find the equation of BC. [41

Given that the equation of AC is y=x- I, find

(ii) the co-ordinates of C, [21

(iii) the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD. [31

(Total: 9]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 9

2 The diagram shows a t rapezium ABCD in which BC is parallel to AD and angle P1
BCD= 90°. The co-ordinates of A, B and Dare (2, 0), (4, 6) and (12, 5) respectively.

(i) Find the equation s of BC and CD. (5)

(ii) Calculate the co-ordinates of C. (2)

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2003 0 5

P1 3 The equation of a curve is xy= 12 and the equation of a line I is 2x+ y= k,
where k is a constant.

(i) In the case where k = 11 , find the co-ordinates of the points of

intersection of I and the curve. (31

(ii) Find the set of va lues of k fo r which I does not intersect the curve. (41

[Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2005 0 9 i, ii

4 The three points A(!, 3), B(13, 11) and C(6, 15) are shown in the diagram. P1
The perpendicular from C to AB meets AB at the point D.



(i) the equation of CD, (3]

(ii) the co-ordinates of D. (4]

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2006 0 5

P1 5 Find the set of values of m fo r which the line y = mx + 4 intersects the curve
y = 3x 2 - 4 x + 7 at two distinct point s. (SI

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 May/June 2011 0 2

6 The diagram shows a quadrilatera l ABCD in which the point A is (- 1,- 1),
the point B is (3, 6) a nd the point C is {9, 4). The diagonals AC and BD intersect
at M . A ngle BMA= 90° and BM=MD.



(i) the co-ordinates of Mand D. (71

(ii) the ratio AM: MC. (2)

(Total: 9}

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/12 November 2011 0 9

7 The equation of a curve is y 2 + 2x = 13 and the equation of a line is 2y + x = k,

where k is a constant.

(i) In the case where k = 8, find the co-ordinates of the point s of intersection
of the line and the curve. (4)

P1 (ii) Find the va lue of k for which the line is a tangent to the curve. (31

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/12 November 2011 0 4

3 Sequences and series P1
1 A geometric progression, for which the common ratio is positive, has a second
term of 18 and a fourth term of 8. Find

(i) the first term and the common ratio of the progression, (3]

(iii the sum to infinity of the progression. (2]

(Tota l: 5)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 2

P1 2 (i) A debt of $3726 is repa id by weekly payments which are in arithmetic
progression. The first payment is $60 and the debt is fully repa id after
48 weeks. Find the third payment. (3]

(ii) Find the sum to infinity of the geometric progression whose first term is 6
and whose second term is 4. (3]

[Tota l: 6)

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3 Find the coefficient of x in the expansion of ( 3x - ~ (4]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2004 0 1

4 Find

(i) the sum of the first ten terms of the geometric progression 81, 54, 36, . .. , (3]

(ii) the sum of all the terms in the arithmetic progression 180, 175, 170, ... , 25. (3]

(Total: 6]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2004 0 2

P1 5 A small trading company made a profit of$250000 in the year 2000. The company
con sidered two different plans, plan A and plan B, for increa sing its profits .
Under plan A , the annual profit would increase each yea r by 5% of its value in the
preceding year.

Find, for plan A,

(i) the profit for the yea r 2008, (31

(ii) the total profit for the 10 years 2000 to 2009 inclusive. 121

Under plan B, the annual profit would increase each yea r by a constant amount $D.

(iii) Find the va lue of D for which the total profit for the 10 years 2000 to 2009
inclusive would be the same for both plans. (31

(Tota l: 8)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2005 0 6

6 (i) Find the sum of all the integers between 100 and 400 th at are divisible P1
by 7. (4]

(iii The fir st three term s in a geometric progression are 144, xa nd 64

respectively, where x is positive.


(a ) the va lue of x, (3]

(b) the sum to infinity of the progression. (2]

(Total: 9)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Ma thematics, 9709/01 November 2006 0 6

7 (i) Find the first three terms in the expan sion of (2 + u) 5 in ascending
powers of u. (3]

P1 (ii) Use the substitution u= x+ x2 in your answer to part (i) to find the
coeffi cient of x2 in the expansion of ( 2 + x + x
)5 (21

(Tota l: 5)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2007 0 3

8 (i) Find the first three terms in the expansion, in ascending powers of x,
of (2+ x 2 )5 (31

(ii) Hence find the coeffi cient of x 4 in the expansion of (! + x 2 }1( 2 + x 2 )5. (31

(Tota l: 6)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2008 0 3

9 The coefficient of x in the expan sion of (a + x)5 + ( I - 2x)6, where a is positive, P1
is 90. Find the value of a. (5)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 June 2011 0 I

10 (i) An arithmetic progression contains 25 terms and the first term is-15.
The sum of all the terms in the progression is 525. Ca lcul ate

(a ) the common difference of the progression, (2]

(b) the last term in the progression, (2]

P1 (c ) the sum of all the positive terms in the progression. (21

(ii) A college agrees a spon sorship deal in which grant s will be received each
year fo r sport s equipment. Thi s grant will be $4000 in 2012 and will
increase by 5% each year. Ca lculate

(a ) the value of the grant in 2022, (21

(b) the total amount the college will receive in the years 201 2 to 2022
inclusive. (21


Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/12 November 2011 0 10

4 Functions P1
1 The functions f and g are defined by

f: x H 3x+ 2, x e R

/+ 3 ' xeR, x-:;1:.-1.5.

(i) Findthevalueofxforwhichfg(x)= 3. (3)

(ii) Sketch, in a single diagram, the graphs of y = f (x) and y = f- 1(x), making
clear the relationship between the two graphs. (3)

+ - -2

-4 -3 -2
TI 4x

J _, ~


-4 -

P1 (iii) Express each of f- 1 (x) and g- 1(x) in terms of x, and solve the equation
~ w-~w ~

(Total: 11)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2002 0 10

2 The fun ction f is defin ed by f : x H ax + b, for x E R , where a and ba re constants.

It is given that f(2) = I and f(S) = 7.
(i) Find the values of a and b. 121

(ii) Solve the equation ff(x) = 0. (31

[Total: 5)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2003 0 5

3 The function g is defin ed by g : xr+ 8x-x2 , fo r x~ 4. P1
(i) State the domain and range of g- 1. (2]

(ii) Find an expression, in terms of x, for g- 1(x). (3]

(Total: 5)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2003 0 11 iv, v

4 The fun ctions f and g are defined as foll ows:

f :x H x2 - 2x, x e R
g : x H 2x+3, xe R
(i) Find the set of values of x for which f(x) > 15. (3]

P1 (ii) Find the range off and state, with a reason, whether fh as an inverse. [41

(iii) Show th at the equation gf(x) = Ohas no real solution s. [31

(iv) Sketch in a single diagram the graphs of y = g(x) and y = g- 1 (x), making
clear the relationship between the graphs. [21

r +

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -i Q i 2 3 4 5 6X
' -1

+ +

(Total: 12)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2004 0 10

5 A function f is defined by f: x H 3- 2sinx, for 0° ~ x ~ 360°. P1
(i) Find the range of f. (2]

(ii) Sketch the graph of y= f(x). (2]


goo ,so· 270° 360°X


A function g is defined by g: x 3- 2sinx, for 0° ~ x ~ A where A is a constant.

H ,

(iii) State the largest value of A for which g has an inverse. [1}

(iv) When A has this value, obtain an expression, in terms of x, for g- 1(x). (2)

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2004 0 7

• (x-f f -f for xe Tit
P1 6 The fun ction fi s defined by f (x) = x
- 3x =

(i) Write down the range of f. [11

(ii) State, with a rea son, whether fhas an inverse. [11

The fun ction g is defined by g : x H x - 3"'x for x ~ 0.

(iii) Solve the equation g(x) = 10. [31

[Total: SI
Adapted from Cambridge International AS & A Level Ma thematics, 9709/01 November 2006
Q 10iii, iv, V

7 The diagram shows the graph of y = f(x), where f : x H
lx + fo r x ;;i, 0. P1

(i) Find an expression, in terms of x, for f - 1(x) and find the domain of f - 1. (4)

(ii) On the diagram above sketch the graph of y= f - 1(x) , making clear the
relationship between the graphs. (2)

The fun ction g is defined by g : x H i x for x ;;i, Q.

(iii) Solve the equation fg(x) = %· (3)

(Total: 9)

Adapted from Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2007
0 11 ii, iii, iv

P1 8 The fun ction f is such that f(x) = (3x+ 2) 3 - 5 for x ~ 0.

Obtain an expression for I 1(x) and state the domain of I 1

• [4[

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2008 0 6

9 The diagram opposite shows the fun ction f defined for O ,s; x ,s; 6 by

x H ..!..x 2 for O ,s; x ,s; 2,


x H f x+ I for 2 < x ,s; 6.

(i) State the range off. [1[

(iii On the diagram sketch the graph of y= r 1(x). (2] P1

(iii) Obtain expressions to define r 1(x), giving the set of values of x for which
each expression is valid. (4]

(Total: 7)

Adapted from Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 November 2010 0 7

10 The functions f and g are defined for x E IR. by

f: x H 3x+a,

g:x H b-2x,
where a and bare con stant s. Given that ff(2) = 10 and g- 1(2) = 3, find

P1 (i) the values of a and b, [41

(ii) an expression fo r fg(x). [21

[Total: 6)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/12 November 2011 0 2

5 Differentiation P1
1 A hollow circular cylinder, open at one end, is constructed of thin sheet metal.
The total external surface area of the cylinder is 192n cm . The cylinder has a
radius ofrcm and a height ofhcm.

(i) Express lz in term s of rand show that the volume, V cm 3, of the cylinder is
given by

V = ~1t(192r- r 3 )

Given that r can vary,

(iii find the value of rfor which Vhas a stationary value, [3)

P1 (iii) find this stationary value and determine whether it is a maximum or a
minimum . (3(

[Total: 10)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2002 0 8

2 The diagram shows a glass window consisting of a rectangle of height hm and

width 2rm and a semicircle of radius rm. The perimeter of the window is Sm.

________ / __


(i) Express h in terms of r. (2(

(ii) Show that the area of the window. A m 2 , is given by P1
A = 8r-2r 2 - .!..rrr 2 .

Given that r can vary,

(iii) find the va lue of r fo r which A has a stationary va lue, {4)

(iv) determine whether this stationary va lue is a max imum or a minimum. (2)

[Total: 10)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2004 08

P1 3 The equation of a curve isy= x2- 4x+ 7. Find the coordinates of the point Q
on the curve at which the tangent is parallel to the line y+ 3x= 9. (31

Adapted from Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2004
OS ii

4 Find the gradient of the curve y = x 2 } x at the point wherex= 3. [41

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2005 0 2

5 The equation of a curve is xy= 12 and the equation of a line I is 2x+ y= k, where P1
k is a constant. In the case where k = 10, one of the points of intersection is P(2, 6) .
Find the angle, in degrees correct to I decimal place, between I and the tangent to
the curve at P. (4)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2005 0 9 iii

P1 6 The diagram shows the graph of y= f(x), where f : x H
Zx + for x ~ 0.

Find an expression, in terms of x, fo r f '(x) and explain how your answer shows
that f is a decreasing fun ction. (3]

Cambridge International AS &A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2007 0 11 i

7 The fun ction f is such that f(x) = (3x+ 2)3- 5 for x ~ 0.

Obtain an expression for f '(x) and hence explain why f is an increasing
function. (3]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2008 0 6 i

8 The equation of a curve is y = ---i3--. P1
X +3
(i) Obtain an expression fo r .2.. (2)

(ii) Find the equation of the normal to the curve at the point P(l, 3). (31

(iii) A point is mov ing along the curve in such a way that thex-coordinate is
increasing at a constant rate of 0.012 units per second. Find the rate of
change of they-coordinate as the point passes th rough P. (2)

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/11 November 2009 0 7

9 A curve is such th at * = 3x~ ~ 6 and the point (9, 2) lies on the curve.
Find the x-coordinate of the stationary point on the curve and determine
the nature of the stationary point. (3)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/11 June 2010 0 6 ii

P1 6 Integration
These questions may contain both differentiation and integration parts.

1 The gradient at any point (x, y) on a curve is ../(1 + 2x). The curve passes through
the point (4, 11). Find

(i) the equation of the curve, [41

(ii) the point at which the curve intersects the y-axis. [21

(Total: 6)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 4

2 The diagram shows the point s A(I, 2) and B(4, 4) on the curvey= 2-Yx. The line P1
BC is the normal to the curve at B, and C lies on the x-ax is. Lines AD and BE are
perpendicular to the x-axis.



0 C X

(i) Find the equation of the normal BC. [4)

(ii) Find the area of the shaded region. [4)


Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 10

P1 3 The equation of a curve isy= ..J(Sx+ 4).

(i) Calculate the gradient of the curve at the point where x= I. (31

(ii) A point with co-ordinates (x,y) moves along the curve in such a way that
the rate of increase of x has the constant value 0.03 units per second. Find
the rate of increase of yat the instant when x= I. 121

(iii) Find the area enclosed by the curve, the x-axis, they-axis and the linex= I. (SI

[Tota l: 10]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2003 0 10


4 A curve is such that = 3x
- 4x + I.The curve passes through the point (I, 5) .
(i) Find the equation of the curve. (3)

(ii) Find the set of values of x for which the gradient of the curve is positive. (3)

(Total: 6)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2003 0 4

5 The diagram shows points A (O, 4) and B(2, I) on the curve y = x ~ . The tangent
3 2
to the curve at B crosses the x axis at C. The point D ha s co-ordinates (2, 0).

A {0, 4)

Y"' 3x+2

8(2, 1)

P1 (i) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at Ba nd hence show th at the
area of triangle BDC is i. (61

(ii) Show th at the volume of the solid form ed when the shaded region ODBA is
rotated completely about the x axis is Sn. (SI

(Total: 11)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2003 0 9

6 A curve is such that ~ = _ _6 _ and P(3, 3) is a point on the curve. P1
dx ,/ (4x-3)
(i) Find the equation of the normal to the curve at P, giving your answer in the
fo rm ax+by=c. (3]

(iii Find the equation of the curve. [4]

(Tota l: 7]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2004 0 7

P1 7 The diagram shows the curve y = x 3 - 3x 2 - 9x + k, where k is a constant.
The curve has a minimum point on the x- axis.

y:x3 - 3x2 - 9x+k

(i) Find the va lue of k . [4[

(ii) Find the co-o rdinates of the maximum point of the curve. [1[

(iii) State the set of values of x for which x 3 - 3x 2 - 9x + k is a decreasing

function of x. [1[

(iv) Find the area of the shaded region. [4] P1

(Total: 10)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2006 0 10

8 The equation of a curve is y = _ zx ·
(i) Calculate the gradient of the curve at the point where x= I. [3]

(ii) A point with co-ordinates (x,y) moves along the curve in such a way that the
rate of increase of y has a constant value of 0.02 units per second.
Find the rate of increase of x when x= I. [2]

(iii) The region between the curve, the x-axis and the linesx= 0 and x= I is rotated
through 360° about the x-axis. Show that the volume obtained is ¥ n . (5)

(Total: 10)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2006 0 8

P1 9 The diagram shows the curvey= ../(3x+ I) and the points P(O, I) and Q(l, 2) on the
curve. The shaded region is bounded by the curve, the y-axis and the line y= 2 .

f"-- - - - - r=V(3x+1l

1 p

(i) Find the area of the shaded region. [4[

(ii) Find the volume obtained when the shaded region is rotated through 360° P1
about the x-ax is. (4)

Tangents are drawn to the cu rve at the points P and Q.

(iii) Find the acute angle, in degrees correct to I decimal place, between the
two tangents. [4)

(Total: 12)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2008 0 9

• !
P1 10 A cu rve is such that = k - 2x, where k is a constant .

(i) Given that the tangent s to the curve at the points where x= 2 and x= 3 are
perpendicular, find the va lue of k. (4]

(ii) Given also that the curve passes th rough the point (4, 9), find the equation
of the curve. (31

[Tota l: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/11 November 2009 0 6

8 P1
11 The diagram shows parts of the curves y = 9 - x 3 and y =~and their points of
intersection P and Q. The x-coordinates of P and Qare a and b respectively.

(i) Show that x= a andx= bare roots of the equation x 6 - 9x 3 + 8 = O. Solve

this equation and hence state the value of a and the value of b. [4]

P1 (ii) Find the area of the shaded region between the two curves. (SI

(iii) The tangents to the two curves at x= c (where a< c< b) are parallel to each
other. Find the value of c. (41

(Total: 13)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 November 2010 0 11

7 Trigonometry P1
1 The function f, where f(x) = asin x+ b, is defin ed for the domain O ,s; x ~ 2n.
Given that r(irr) = 2 and that r(%x) = -8,
(i) find the va lues of a and b, (3]

(ii) find the va lues of x for which f(x) = 0, giving your answers in radians correct
to 2 decimal places, (2)

(iii) sketch the graph of y= f(x). (2]


1 -

2'11 X

-2 --+
-6 -
-7 ----t
(Tota l: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2002 0 6

P1 2 The diagram shows the circular cross-section of a uniform cylindrical log with
centre O and radius 20cm. The points A,X and B lie on the circumference of the
cross-section and AB = 32cm.


(i) Show that angle AOB= 1.855 radians, correct to 3 decimal places. (2)

(ii) Find the area of the sector AXBO. (21

The section AXBCD, where A BCD is a rectangle with AD= 18cm, is removed.

(iii) Find the area of the new cross-section (shown shaded in the diagram). (31

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2002 0 7

3 (i) Show that the equation 3tan0 = 2cos 0 ca n be expressed as P1
2sin 2 0 + 3sin0 - 2 = 0 (3)

(iii Hence solve 3tan0 = 2cos 0 , for 0° ,s;; 0 ,s;; 360°. (3)

(Total: 7}

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 5

P1 4 In the diagram, triangle ABC is right-angled and D is the mid-point of BC.
Angle DAC= 30° and angle BAD= x 0 • Denoting the length of AD by/,

(i) express each of AC and BC exactly in terms of I, and show that AB = il 'Y 7, [41

(ii) show that x= tan- 1 :Ji - 30. 121

(Tota l: 6]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 6

5 The diagram shows a semicircle ABC with centre O and radius 8 cm. P1
Angle AOB = radians.

(ii In the case where B= I, calculate the area of the sector BOC. (3)

(ii) Find the value of ()for which the perimeter of sector AOB is one half of the
perimeter of sector BOC. (3}

(iii) In the case where B= irr, show that the exact length of the perimeter of
triangle ABC is (24 + 8../3) cm. (31

(Total: 9)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2003 0 9

P1 6 (i) Showthattheequation4sin4 B+5=7cos2 () maybewrittenintheform
4x2+7x-2=0,where x=sin 2 6. [11

(ii) Hence solve the equation 4sin 4 (}+ 5 = 7 cos 2 () for 0° ,s;; (} ,s;; 360°. [41

[Total: SI
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2002 0 2

7 In the diagram, OCD is an isosceles triangle with OC= OD= 10cm and P1
angle COD= 0.8 radians. The points A and B, on OC and OD respectively,
are joined by an arc of a circle with centre O and radiu s 6 cm.

6cm B 4cm D


(i) the area of the shaded region, (3)

(ii) the perimeter of the shaded region. (4)

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2004 0 5

P1 8 (i) Sketch and label, on the sa me diagram , the graphs of y= 2sin xa nd
y= cos2x, for the interval O ~ x ~ n. [41



(ii) Hence state the number of solutions of the equation 2sin x= cos2x in the
interval O ~ x ~ n . 111

[Tota l: SI
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2004 0 4

9 The diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 8 cm. Points A and B lie on the
circle. The tangent s at A and B meet at the point T, and AT = BT = 15cm.

15 cm

(i) Show that angle AOB is 2.1 6 radians, correct to 3 significant fi gures. (31

(ii) Find the perimeter of the shaded region. (2)

(iii) Find the area of the shaded region. (3)


Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2006 0 7

10 Given that x = sin- 1 (i}find the exact value of

(i) COS X , (2)

(ii) tan 2 x. (2)

(Total: 4)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2006 0 2

P1 11 (i) Show that the equation 3sin x tan x= 8 ca n be written as
3cos2 x+ 8cosx- 3 = 0. (31

(ii) Hence solve the equation 3sin x tanx= 8 fo r 0° ,s; x ,s; 360°. (31

[Tota l: 6)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 November 2007 0 5

12 The diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 5 cm. The point Plies on the P1
circle, PT is a tangent to the circle and PT = 12 cm. The line OT cuts the circle at
the point Q.

(i ) Find the perimeter of the shaded region. [4)

(ii) Find the area of the shaded region. [3)

(Total: 7}

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2008 0 5

P1 13 (i) Show that the equation 2 tan 2 8cos8= 3 ca n be written in the fo rm
2cos 2 B+ 3cost9- 2 = 0. (21

Iii) Hence solve the equation 2 tan 2 Ocos (} = 3, for 0° ~ (} ~ 360°. (31

[Tota l: SI
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2008 0 2

14 The diagram shows a semicircle A BCwith centre O and radius 6cm. The point B
is such that angle BOA is 90° and BD is an arc of a circle with centre A.

6 cm


(i) the length of the arc BD, [4] P1

(ii) the area of the shaded region. [3]

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/11 November 2009 0 5

15 The function fi s such that f(x) = 2 sin 2 x- 3cos 2 x fa r o ,s; x,s; n.

(i) Express f(x) in the form a+ bcos 2 x, stating the va lues of a and b. (21

(ii) State the greatest and least va lues o ff(x) . (2)

P1 (iii) Solve the equation f(x) + I = 0. (3]

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/11 June 2010 0 5

16 Solvetheequation15sin 2 x= 13+cosxfor0°,s;x~ 180°. (4]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 November 2010 0 3

17 .
(1) Prove t h e t.dentity
. ( --,--
1- cos
J - - J ) =- - 8. (3]
sm8 tanO l +cos fJ

(ii) Hence solve the equation (_!_ __!_) =I5 , fo r 0° ~ 8 ~ 360°.

sin8 tan8

(Total: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 June 2011 0 8

P1 18 The diagram shows a circle C1 touching a circle C2 at a point X. Circle C1 has
centre A and radius 6cm, and circle C2 has centre Band radius 10cm .
Points D and Elie on C1 and C2 respectively and DE is parallel to AB.
Angle DAX= ±n radians and angle EBX =()radians.


(i) By considering the perpendicular distances of D and E from AB,

show that the exact value of() is sin- 1 ( 3 ~ 3 ) . (3]


(ii) Find the perimeter of the shaded region, correct to 4 significant P1
figures. (5]


Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/12 November 2011 0 6

P1 8 Vectors
1 The diagram shows a solid cylinder standing on a horizontal circular base, centre
0 and radius 4units. The line BA is a diameter and the radiu s OC is at 90° to GA .
Points O', A', B' and C' lie on the upper surface of the cylinder such that 00', A A',
BB' and CC' are all vertical and of length 12 units. The mid-point of BB' is M.

Unit vectors i, j, and k are parallel to OA, OC, and 00' respectively.

B' A'

M 12

- A

--; --;
(i) Express each of the vectors M O and MC' in terms of i, j, and k. (3)

(ii) Hence find the angle OMC'. [41

(Tota l: 7)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2002 0 5

2 The points A, B, C, and D have position vectors 3i + 2k, 2i - 2j + Sk, 2j + 7k and P1
-2i + !Oj + 7k respectively.

(i) Use a scalar product to show that BA and BC are perpendicular. {4]

(ii) Show that BC and AD are parallel and find the ratio of the length of BC
to the length of AD. (4)


Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2003 0 8

P1 3 Relative to an origin 0, the position vectors of the points A, B, C and Dare given by

where p and q are constants. Find

(i) the unit vector in the direction of AB, (3]

(ii) the value of p for which angle AOC= 90°, (3]


[Total: 10]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/01 June 2004 0 9

4 Relative to an origin 0, the position vectors of the points A, Ba nd Ca re given by P1

(i) Find angle AOB. [4]

( ii I ~;~d.~h~ -~~~~~~- ~h;~·j,··i~.; ~ .~h~.~;~~ .d;~~~·;;;~-~-~.~ .;;~d.h;~ ...

magnitude 30. (3)


(Tota l: 10)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathema tics, 9709/11 November 2009 0 9

P1 5 The diagram shows the parallelogram OABC. Given that GA = i + 3j + 3k
and OC
= 3i- j +k.


(i) the unit vector in the direction of 0B , (3(

(ii) the acute angle between the diagonals of the parallelogram, (SI

(iii) the perimeter of the parallelogram, correct to I decimal place. (3)

(Total: 11)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/11 June 2010 0 10

6 The diagram shows triangle GAB, in which the position vectors of A and B with
respect to G are given by GA=
2i + j - 3k and0B =-3i + 2j - 4k.

C is a point on GA such that OC = pQA, where p is a constant.

(i) Find angle AGB. (4)

P1 (ii) Find El; in term s of p and vectors i, j and k. (1(

(iii) Find the va lue of p given that BC is perpendicular to OA. (41

(Tota l: 9)

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 November 2010 0 10

7 In the diagram, OA BCDEFG is a rectangular block in which OA =OD= 6cm P1
and AB= 12cm. The unit vectors i, j and k are parallel to 0A,
QC and OD
respectively. The point P is the mid-point of DG, Q is the centre of the square face
CB FG and R lies on A B such that AR= 4 cm.

0 ;
(i) Express each of the vectors PQ and RQ in terms of i, j and k. (3)

(ii) Use a scalar product to find angle RQP. [4]

[Total : 7]

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics, 9709/13 June 2011 0 5

P1 Formula sheet


For the quadratic equation ax 2 +bx+ c = O :


For an arithmetic series:

u,. =a+(n-l)d, S,. = ±n(a + /) = fn/2a + (n - l )d}

For a geometric series:

u,. = ar"- 1 , S,, =a(:=;") (r ":J:. I), S_ =

~, (I r I< I)

Binomial expansion:

integer and(;)= r!(nn~ ,)!


Arc length of circle= r8 ( 8in radians)

Area of sector of circle= ..!.., 28 (Bin radians)


tan8 = sin8

f (x) f'(x)
x" nx"- 1

f (x) f f (x)dx
x" : : +c(n ":J:.-1)

Vectors P1
Ifa =a1i +a 2 j +a3 k and h =l, i +b2 j +b3 k then
a.b = a1b1 + a2 b2 + a 3b3 = I a II b I cos8
Principal values:

-f][ ~ sin- x ~ _!_lt:


0 ~cos- 1 x ~ 1(

- ..!..1[ < tan- 1 x < _!_lt:

2 2

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