Three Gorges Dam Case Study Template
Three Gorges Dam Case Study Template
Three Gorges Dam Case Study Template
UNIT: Energy
made up, one showing the location of population)
Maps of the area (one showing how the land is
Where is the three gorges dam? What benefits does the dam bring?
The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydroelectric There are many benefits and advantages three
dam in the world. It is located in the middle of the gorges dam brings us. Such as: tourism, The
tree gorges on the Yangtze River, the third longest flood risk for homes and businesses is greatly
in the world, in the Hubei Province of China. The reduced. Water for irrigation is available from
project was approved by the Chinese government the lake formed behind the dam. Hydroelectric
in 1992. However, construction didn’t begin until power is generated- is the worlds largest
1994. It is scheduled to be completed by 2009. The capacity HEP station. HEP means China
$25 billion project is being internationally funded by produces far less greenhouse gasses from
companies, export credit agencies, and banks from burning fossil fuels. The river is more navigable
Canada, Switzerland, Germany, France, Sweden, for ships so transport has improved.
and Brazil. Controversy about the project arises
from human rights issues (as many as 1.3-1.9
million people have been forced to relocate) and
environmental impacts
The three gorges dam is the largest hydroelectric
dam and also has the largest supply of HEP.
Located right in the centre of tree gorger on
Yangtze River, also known as the third longest river
which also supllies the three gorges dam.
Why did they build the dam What issues did the dam cause?
The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest power Recently, humanity has created what may be
producing facility, and the world's largest one of the single most significant alterations to
hydroelectricdam. There were many reasons the natural world ever. Three Gorges Dam
for building the damand this article will investigate (TGD), the largest in history, recently
some of these. TheThree gorges completed in China, brings with it many social
dam was built across the Yangtze River to control and environmental concerns. In terms of the
the amount of water allowed through. former, the Dam has displaced many already
socioeconomically vulnerable communities,
putting strain on the social fabric of