Evaluation of Tension Capacity of Pile Case Study in Sandy Soil
Evaluation of Tension Capacity of Pile Case Study in Sandy Soil
Evaluation of Tension Capacity of Pile Case Study in Sandy Soil
b −c
⎛σ′ ⎞ ⎛ h ⎞
Abstract—High building constructions are increasing in south σ rc′ =αqc ⎜⎜ vo ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟ (2)
beaches of the Caspian Sea because of tourist attractions and ⎝ pa ⎠ ⎝ R ⎠
limitation of residential areas. According to saturated alluvial fields
transfer of load from high structures to the soil by piles is inevitable. Where σ vo' is the vertical effective stress, pa is a reference
In spite of most of these piles are under compression forces, tension stress =100 kPa, R is the outer radius of the pile (with
Open Science Index, Geological and Environmental Engineering Vol:3, No:10, 2009 waset.org/Publication/12346
piles are used in special conditions. Few studies have been conducted
because of the limited use of these piles. Tension capacity of open-
diameter D), α, b and c are constant values and qc is CPT end
ended pipe piles in full scale was tested in this study. The length of resistance. Equation (2) is used both by the Imperial College
the bored piles was 420 up to 480 cm and all were in 120 cm (IC) design method [4] and the Fugro design method [5].
diameter. The results of testing 7 piles were compared with the
results of relations given by researches. II. PILE TENSION CAPACITY
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0.05 −0.90
B. American Petroleum Institute (API) Method
τf ⎛σ′ ⎞ ⎛ h ⎞
Field experiments performed by Imperial College London = 0.144⎜⎜ vo ⎟⎟ ⎜ ∗⎟ tan δ f (8-a)
reported by [1, 8, 9 and 4] on instrumented closed-ended qc ⎝ pa ⎠ ⎝R ⎠
displacement piles, show that the peak local shaft friction qs 0.05
τf ⎛σ′ ⎞ ⎛ h ⎞
can be related to the radial effective stress at failure σ
rf by = 0.144⎜⎜ vo ⎟⎟ ⎜ ∗ ⎟ tan δ f (8-b)
the simple Coulomb failure criterion; qc ⎝ pa ⎠ ⎝ 4R ⎠
q s = σ rf′ . tan δ f (4) τf ⎛σ′ ⎞
⎛ h ⎞
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employed to assess the predictive performance of the TABLE II SOIL PARAMETERS OF BH2
proposed UWA-05 method. Depth
The UWA-05 method simplifies to the following form for full (m)
SPT C φ e Gs Cc Cu Soil
scale offshore piles, as IFR=1 and ignoring dilation term 1.0 22 -- -- 0.67 2.81 1.05 1.94 sp
Δσ 'rd one has; 2.5 21 0 25.1 0.68 2.80 1.08 2.01 sp
− 0 .5
⎡ ⎛ h ⎞⎤ 4.0 32 -- -- 0.49 2.66 0.49 7.73 sp
τ f = 0 . 03 × q c × Ar 0 .3 ⎢ Max ⎜ ,2 ⎟ ⎥ tan δ (12)
⎣ ⎝D ⎠⎦ 5.5 37 - 29.8 0.43 2.66 0.51 7.19 sp
⎛D 2 ⎞ 7.0 57 -- -- 0.49 2.67 0.95 2.61 sp
Ar = 1 − ⎜ i ⎟ (13)
⎜ D2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ 9.0 40 -- -- 0.59 2.67 1.11 2.02 sp
Q s = 0.75 × π × D × τ f .dz ∫ (14) 11.0
Where τ f is local shaft friction, D is diameter, Ar is effective
15.0 46 -- -- 0.61 2.72 1.11 2.02 sp
area ratio, qc is cone tip resistance, h is pile length, Di is inner
diameter of pile and Qs is ultimate tension capacity of pile. 17.5 60 - 31.8 0.50 2.65 1.03 2.16 sp
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according to AST-DIS86. Table 1 and 2 respectively
summarize soil parameters of boreholes BH1 and BH2. the 50
necessary laboratory tests were performed on samples 60
obtained in filed in order to find out the physical and 70
mechanical properties of soils. 80
TABLE I SOIL PARAMETERS OF BH1 Fig. 1 Standard penetration with depth in BH1 and BH2.
SPT C φ e Gs Cc Cu Soil The under ground water level is 4.5 m deep based on the
evaluations from different holes. Besides SPT values the
1.0 22 0 27.7 0.75 2.69 0.94 2.43 sp
direct shear test in drain condition was done on samples
2.5 20 -- -- 0.51 2.68 0.51 6.55 sp prepared in various depths based on ASTM-D3080 for
4.0 47 -- -- 0.41 2.67 0.49 2.93 sp evaluating the mechanical properties of soil which the results
5.5 68 -- -- 0.52 2.68 1.19 6.15 sp are presented in table 1 and 2.
7.0 47 0 25.1 0.59 2.73 1.13 2.21 sp
9.0 45 -- -- 0.55 2.70 1.06 2.23 sp
11.0 51 -- -- 0.56 2.68 1.14 1.99 sp
In the experimental part, a test apparatus was designed and
13.0 44 -- -- 0.57 2.71 1.12 2.16 sp fabricate for measuring the tension capacity of piles. In the
15.0 57 0 29.2 0.60 2.71 1.14 2.13 sp following section the test apparatus and setup is explained.
17.5 53 -- -- 0.56 2.71 1.12 2.17 sp
22.5 53 -- -- 0.48 2.65 1.00 2.15 Sp A. Test Apparatus and Procedures
25.0 61 0 32.1 0.51 2.67 0.98 2.68 sp A metal frame was fabricated and used with a hydraulic
jack with a reading gauge to measure pile tension capacity.
This frame was put in the direction of tension force imposed
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by a 40 ton crane. The mechanism of this frame is to transfer friction between the pile and soil.
force from the crane to the piles is like a chain, so that the first The second step was taken after casting. The measured
ring takes force from the crane by its top part and transfers it force included both outer shaft friction with soil and inner
from the bottom part to the top part of the second ring. The shaft friction with concrete. Figure 3 and 5 shows the process
second ring also transfers this force from its lower part into of measurements.
the pile with a cable to pull out the pile. Hence from the gage,
B. Results and discussion
the amount of applied force to pull out the pile is recorded.
Figures 2 to 3 show the test setup and how tension force is Tests were carried out on 7 open-ended pipe piles with
transferred from crane to pile. 420 cm to 480 cm long and a diameter of 120 cm.
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Fig. 2 Hydraulic Jack installation in the frame. Fig. 4 Reading imposed force.
Fig .5 Displaying the amount of force required to pull out the pile.
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TABLE III THE SUMMARY OF RESULTS FROM READING TENSION In order to compare the results, variation of measured and
calculated tension bearing capacity of piles with L/D ration
Buried for each method were shown in figures 8 to 14. These figures
Maximum pile Maximum Tension
Pile length of
L/D displacement pullout Load
show that results obtained from the methods of ICP-05,
No. Pile L FUGRO-04, Rees & O'Neill and UWA-05 has a good correlation
(cm) loading (ton) (ton)
with experimental results.
P1 480 4.00 12.0 10.25 8.00
Test Result
P2 420 3.50 8.0 8.50 6.25
Imperial college
P3 450 3.75 10.0 9.75 7.50 10
P6 450 3.75 10.0 9.50 7.25 6
8 9
Test Result
8 ICP-05
7.5 7
7 5
6.5 3
6 1
Fig. 7 Bearing capacity variation with L/D ratio Fig. 9 Comparison of results obtained from ICP-05 method with
field measurements.
Based on aforementioned eight methods, the tension 9
bearing capacity of piles was calculated using parameters 8
Test Result
obtained from the field. The results were presented in table IV
in accompany with field measurement results for piles with
different L/D ratio.
Q t(to n )
Pile length (cm) 420 450 465 480
L/D 3.50 3.75 3.875 4
Field measurement 1
6.75 7.37 7.75 8.12
results 0
Imperial College 10.63 10.79 11.12 11.28 3.5 3.75 3.875 4
ICP-05 7.61 7.73 7.96 8.07 L/D
Fugro-04 6.72 6.81 6.99 7.07
Fig. 10 Comparison of results obtained from FUGRO-04 method
DIN-4014 11.36 11.55 11.94 12.13
with field measurements.
Fleming et. al. 4.73 4.80 4.94 5.01
Rees & O Neill 7.85 8.00 8.28 8.43
UWA-05 7.31 7.42 7.62 7.72
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14 9
Test Result Test Result
12 DIN-4014 8 UWA-05
Q t(to n )
Q t( to n )
6 4
2 1
0 0
3.5 3.75 3.875 4 3.5 3.75 3.875 4
Fig.14 Comparison of results obtained from UWA-05 method with
Fig. 11 Comparison of results obtained from DIN-4014 method with
field measurements.
field measurements.
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3 8
D IN - 4 0 1 4
Im p e r ia l c o lle g e
Q t(to n )
F U G R O -0 4
U W A -0 5
IC P - 0 5
F le m in g e t. A l.
3.5 3.75 3.875 4
Fig. 12 Comparison of results obtained from Fleming et al. method (L/D)=3.5
with field measurements.
Fig. 15 Comparison of results obtained from different method with
Test Result field measurements for L/D=3.5.
8 Rees & O'Neill
6 12
Im p e r ia l c o lle g e
Q t(to n )
D IN - 4 0 1 4
2 6
T e s t R e s u lt
F U G R O -0 4
U W A -0 5
F le m in g e t. A l.
IC P - 0 5
3.5 3.75 3.875 4 2
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Im p e r ia l c o lle g e
D IN - 4 0 1 4
F U G R O -0 4
U W A-0 5
can be considered for layers, unless layers are very deep. For a
IC P - 0 5
F le m in g e t. A l.
deep layer it is better to divide the layer into several sub-layers
in order to get the average N value for the method. The N
0 value can be corrected based on information of soil layers.
(L/D)=3.875 Correction factor of CN related to depth equal to
moisture etc.
2 Rees and O,neill method estimated shaft friction by
imposing a coefficient (which is a function of depth) to
vertical effective stress. Since this method was obtained from
41 piles testing and considers a limitation of 0.25-1.2 for β as
Fig. 18 Comparison of results obtained from different method with a coefficient for vertical effective stress, the results obtained
field measurements for L/D=4.0. from this method has no significant difference with field
measurements (as shown in figure 13).
As one can see from figure 8, results obtained from In UWA-05 method shaft friction appearing on piles is
Imperial College method are higher than measured one. This related to displacement of surrounding soil during installing
could be due to assumption is used by this method that the piles. Displacement is determined by effective area parameter
peak local shaft friction on the pile can be related to the radial both for closed-ended piles and open-ended one. Results
effective stress at failure by mean of simple Coulomb failure obtained from this method as shown in figure 14 is in good
criterion. Based on this criterion soil is homogenous with agreement with field measurement.
inner friction and cohesion as well as the friction capacity is
constantly distributed along the failure plain. This theory IV. CONCLUSION
suggests that failure wedge is a rigid body and the friction In the present study, different theoretical and empirical
force is produced due to displacement of failure wedge methods were used to evaluate shaft friction capacity of piles.
between soil and shaft. These methods show differences in tension capacity value of
The formula provided by ICP-05 for estimating tension piles buried in sand. Field measurement results provided in
capacity is based on results from load tests on jacked closed- full scale are in the range of results obtained from some
ended instrumented piles and was calibrated for open-ended methods.
piles too. As shown in figure 9 the results obtained from this Differences observed in results of these methods are made
method is too closed to the measured one. because of different parameters influential in shaft tension
As one can see from figure10, the method FUGRO-04 as capacity in sandy soils and lack of enough suitable
ICP-05 method also gives acceptable tension capacity in information from tests conducted in full scale especially on
compare to field measured one. A good correlation between open-ended pipe pile and each method considered a few
parameters to estimate shaft friction capacity.
calculated and measured could be due to that this method is
However, assessment on pile tests show that two methods
based on field results and especial equation is presented for
of ICP-05 and UWA-05 gives the shaft friction capacity
tension capacity of piles.
closed to field measurements in full scale.
Results obtained from DIN 4014 method as presented in
figure 11 is far away from actual results i.e. field
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