Sodium Chloride Monograph Usp
Sodium Chloride Monograph Usp
Sodium Chloride Monograph Usp
NaCl 58.44 Samples: Sample solution, Standard solution, and Blank
Sodium Chloride [7647-14-5]. solution. Use the Blank solution to set the instrument
to zero.
DEFINITION Determine the fluorescence intensities of the Sample
Sodium Chloride contains NLT 99.0% and NMT 100.5% of solution and Standard solution.
sodium chloride (NaCl), calculated on the dried basis. Acceptance criteria: The fluorescence of the Sample
solution does not exceed that of the Standard solution
the requirements
• B. CHLORIDE Change to read:
Sample solution: 3 mg of Sodium Chloride in 2 mL of
water • ■◆
. .
Analysis: Acidify the Sample solution with diluted nitric ◆■2S (USP38)
ASSAY tion is not more intense than that in the reference so-
• PROCEDURE lution.■2S (USP38)
Sample: 50 mg of Sodium Chloride
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in 50 mL of water, and Change to read:
titrate with 0.1 N silver nitrate VS (see Titrimetry 〈541〉),
determining the endpoint potentiometrically. Each mL • FERROCYANIDES
of 0.1 N silver nitrate is equivalent to 5.844 mg of so- Sample solution: Dissolve 2.0 g in 6 mL of water.
dium chloride (NaCl). Analysis: To the Sample solution add 0.5 mL of a mix-
Acceptance criteria: 99.0%–100.5% on the dried basis ture of 5 mL of ferric ammonium sulfate solution
(10 mg/mL in ■2.5 g/L (0.05 N) of■2S (USP38) sulfuric
Acceptance criteria: After 5 min, any pink color in the contains the equivalent of 600 µg/mL of potassium. Di-
Sample solution is not more intense than that from the lute as required to obtain NLT 3 solutions at concentra-
Standard solution (NMT 2 ppm). tions that span the expected value in the Sample
Sample solution: Transfer 1.00 g of Sodium Chloride
Change to read: to a 100-mL volumetric flask. Add water and swirl to
dissolve, dilute with water to volume, and mix.
• LIMIT OF BROMIDES Instrumental conditions
[NOTE—Prepare the Sample solution and the Standard so- (See Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 〈852〉.)
lution concomitantly.] Mode: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Standard solution: To 5.0 mL of a solution containing Analytical wavelength: 766.5 nm
3 µg/mL of potassium bromide add 2.0 mL of pH Flame: Air–acetylene
4.7 phenol red TS and 1.0 mL of chloramine T solution Analysis
(0.1 mg/mL), and mix immediately. After 2 min, add Samples: Standard solutions and Sample solution
0.15 mL of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate, mix, and dilute Measure, at least three times, the emission intensity of
with water to 10.0 mL. the Sample solution and the Standard solutions. Pre-
Sample solution: To 0.5 mL of the solution prepared pare a calibration curve from the mean of the read-
for the test for Appearance of Solution add 4.0 mL of ings obtained with the Standard solutions, and deter-
water, 2.0 mL of pH 4.7 phenol red TS, and 1.0 mL of mine the concentration of potassium in the Sample
chloramine T solution (0.1 mg/mL), and mix immedi- solution.
ately. After 2 min, add 0.15 mL of 0.1 N sodium thio- Acceptance criteria: NMT 500 ppm
sulfate, mix, and dilute with water to 10.0 mL.
Instrumental conditions
(See Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy 〈857〉.) Change to read:
Mode: ■UV-Vis■2S (USP38)
not more intense than that in the Standard solution pared with distilled water.]■2S (USP38)
(NMT 25 ppm). ■Sulfate standard solution A: To 181 mg of potassium
• LIMIT OF POTASSIUM (where it is labeled as intended for sulfate in a 100-mL volumetric flask add a few mL of
use in the manufacture of injectable dosage forms, peri- 30% alcohol. Swirl to dissolve, dilute with 30% alcohol
toneal dialysis solutions, hemodialysis solutions, or to volume, and mix. Immediately before use, transfer
hemofiltration solutions) 10.0 mL of this solution to a 1000-mL volumetric flask,
[NOTE—The Standard solution and the Sample solution and dilute with 30% alcohol to volume (10 µg/mL of
may be modified, if necessary, to obtain solutions of sulfate).
suitable concentrations adaptable to the linear or work- Sulfate standard solution B: To 181 mg of potassium
ing range of the instrument.] sulfate in a 100-mL volumetric flask add a few mL of
Standard solutions: Dissolve 1.144 g of potassium water. Swirl to dissolve, dilute with water to volume,
chloride, previously dried at 105° for 3 h, in water. and mix. Immediately before use, transfer 10.0 mL of
Dilute with water to 1000 mL, and mix. This solution
this solution to a 1000-mL volumetric flask, and dilute the relevant dosage form monograph(s) in which Sodium
with water to volume (10 µg/mL of sulfate). Chloride is used can be met. Where the label states that
Sodium chloride solution: 50 mg/mL of Sodium Chlo- Sodium Chloride must be subjected to further processing
ride in water during the preparation of injectable dosage forms, the
Barium chloride solution: 250 mg/mL of barium chlo- level of bacterial endotoxins is such that the requirement
ride in water under the relevant dosage form monograph(s) in which
Standard solution: To 1.5 mL of Sulfate standard solu- Sodium Chloride is used can be met.■◆■2S (USP38)
A add 1 mL of Barium chloride solution. Shake, and al- that Sodium Chloride is sterile, it meets the requirements
low to stand for 1 min. To 2.5 mL of the resulting sus- for Sterility under the relevant dosage form monograph(s)
pension add 15 mL of Sodium chloride solution and in which Sodium Chloride is used.■◆■2S (USP38)
Change to read:
• ■◆
■2S (USP38)LABELING: Where Sodium Chloride is intended
. .
Analysis: To 20 mL of the solution prepared for the Add the following:
test for Appearance of Solution add 0.1 mL of
bromothymol blue TS. ■ • USP REFERENCE STANDARDS 〈11〉
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5 mL of 0.01 N hydro-
USP Endotoxin RS
chloric acid or 0.01 N sodium hydroxide is required to ■2S (USP38)
change the color of this solution.
Sample: 1.000 g
Analysis: Dry the Sample in an oven at 105° for 2 h.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%
Change to read:
• ■◆