Validation of The Numerical Rating Scale For Pain Intensity and Unpleasantness in Pediatric Acute Postoperative Pain: Sensitivity To Change Over Time
Validation of The Numerical Rating Scale For Pain Intensity and Unpleasantness in Pediatric Acute Postoperative Pain: Sensitivity To Change Over Time
Validation of The Numerical Rating Scale For Pain Intensity and Unpleasantness in Pediatric Acute Postoperative Pain: Sensitivity To Change Over Time
Abstract: This study evaluates the construct validity (including sensitivity to change) of the numer-
ical rating scale (NRS) for pain intensity (I) and unpleasantness (U) and participant pain scale prefer-
ences in children/adolescents with acute postoperative pain. Eighty-three children aged 8 to 18 years
(mean = 13.8, SD = 2.4) completed 3 pain scales including NRS, Verbal Rating Scale (VRS), and faces
scales (Faces Pain Scale-Revised [FPS-R] and Facial Affective Scale [FAS], respectively) for pain inten-
sity (I) and unpleasantness (U) 48 to 72 hours after major surgery, and the NRS, VRS and Functional
Disability Index (FDI) 2 weeks after surgery. As predicted, the NRSI correlated highly with the VRSI
and FPS-R and the NRSU correlated highly with the VRSU and FAS 48 to 72 hours after surgery.
The FDI correlated moderately with the NRS at both time points. Scores on the NRSI and NRSU at
48 to 72 hours were significantly higher than at 2 weeks after surgery. Children found the faces scales
the easiest to use while the VRS was liked the least and was the hardest to use. The NRS has adequate
evidence of construct validity including sensitivity for both pain intensity and unpleasantness. This
study further supports the validity of the NRS as a tool to measure both intensity and unpleasantness
of acute pain in children.
Perspective: This article evaluates the construct validity including sensitivity of the Numerical Rat-
ing Scale for pain intensity and pain unpleasantness over time in children after major surgery. The
NRS could be used by clinicians to assess these 2 different dimensions of children’s pain experience
in acute pain settings.
ª 2012 by the American Pain Society
Key words: NRS, validation, acute postoperative pain, children, adolescents.
he numerical rating scale (NRS) is one of the sim- (worst pain possible; most hurt possible). In contrast to
plest and most frequently used instruments in clin- the abundance of data on the reliability and validity of
ical practice to measure a child’s pain intensity in other pediatric pain scales, such as the Oucher,3,4 Faces
children 8 years and older.34 Children verbally rate the in- Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R),17 Pieces of Hurt Scale,16
tensity of pain on a scale from ‘‘0’’ (no pain) to ‘‘10’’ the Visual Analog Scale (VAS),24,33 and the Wong-Baker
FACES Pain Rating Scale,40 very few studies have
Received October 4, 2011; Revised December 14, 2011; Accepted evaluated the psychometric properties of the
December 23, 2011. NRS.1,2,7,26,34,35,37 The NRS is recommended for use in
M.G.P. is supported by a Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral Award
from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). M.G.P. and adult clinical trials (IMMPACT),10 but it was not selected
A.M.P. are CIHR Strategic Training Fellows in Pain: Molecules to Commu- for use in children due to a lack of psychometric evi-
nity. M.G.P. is a recipient of a Lillian-Wright Maternal-Child Health Schol-
arship from York University and a trainee member of Pain in Child Health dence.25 Whereas the scales listed above are well sup-
(PICH). J.K. is supported by a CIHR Canada Research Chair in Health Psy- ported empirically,34 unlike the NRS, they have the
chology at York University.
The authors have no conflicts of interest.
disadvantage of requiring test materials. Validation of
Address reprint requests to Joel Katz, Department of Psychology, BSB the NRS in children is essential before it can be recom-
232, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONM3J 1P3 Canada. mended for use in clinical practice.
E-mail: [email protected]
1526-5900/$36.00 Recently, several studies have evaluated the psycho-
ª 2012 by the American Pain Society metric properties of the NRS in children with acute
doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2011.12.010 pain. The NRS showed good convergent, discriminant,
360 The Journal of Pain Psychometrics of NRS for Pain Intensity & Unpleasantness
and criterion validity in a clinical sample of children un- tively delayed, undergoing surgery for cancer, or not
dergoing surgery.26 In addition, the NRS correlated fluent in written and/or spoken English.
highly with other pain scales, and its distribution of
scores was comparable with those of the VAS and FPS-R
in children with postoperative pain.37 In contrast, a study Pain Measures
conducted among children with acute abdominal pain Three different pain measurement scales were used in
found poor agreement between the verbal NRS and this study: NRS, VRS, and faces rating scale (ie, FPS-R and
the VAS, colored analog scale, and the Wong-Baker Faces Facial Affective Scale [FAS]). All the pain measures used
scale.1 The NRS was sensitive to change following admin- have evidence of validity in children aged 8 years and
istration of analgesics, had adequate test re-test reliabil- older.13,15,17,24,37
ity, and a high correlation with the VAS in children and
adolescents presenting to a hospital emergency depart- 11-Point Numerical Rating Scale for Pain
ment.2 As well, a cut-off score of 4 or higher on the Intensity (NRSI) and Pain Unpleasantness
0 to 10 metric of the NRS discriminated between children (NRSU)
who, after surgery, perceived themselves as needing ver-
The NRS is a verbally administered scale that measures
sus not needing pain medication whereas a score of
pain intensity (‘‘how much pain do you feel right now?’’).
higher than 6 discriminated between children who
The NRS can also be used to measure pain unpleasant-
were dissatisfied versus satisfied with treatment.35 Fi-
ness (‘‘how unpleasant/horrible/yucky is the pain right
nally, in a study comparing pain scales on the first 3
now?’’). The end points represent the extremes of the
days after pectus excavatum repair, children’s verbal
pain experience. There are no agreed upon NRS anchors
NRS scores were higher than their FPS-R and VAS scores.
for measuring pain intensity and unpleasantness in chil-
Moreover, the rate of decrease in pain over the 3 postop-
dren.34 As such, the following anchors were used in the
erative days was significant for the FPS-R and VAS but not
present study: for pain intensity, 0 = ‘‘no pain at all’’ to
the verbal NRS,7 suggesting that the latter scale is less re-
10 = ‘‘worst possible pain’’; for pain unpleasantness, 0 =
sponsive to change over time than are the former scales.
‘‘not at all unpleasant/horrible/yucky’’ to 10 = ‘‘most un-
Together, these studies have provided valuable psy-
pleasant/horrible/yucky feeling possible.’’ Preliminary
chometric data on the NRS for children with acute
data suggest that the NRSI has good construct validity
pain. In light of the findings described above,7 it is espe-
in a sample of children with acute postsurgical pain,
cially important to evaluate whether the NRS is sensitive
aged 7 to 17 years.37
to change9 and if it is a valid measure of other dimen-
sions of the pain experience, such as pain unpleasant- Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Intensity and
ness. The primary objective of the present study was to
Unpleasantness (VRS12)
evaluate the convergent and discriminant validity of
the NRS for pain intensity (I) and unpleasantness (U) in The VRS is a 4-point Likert scale designed to measure
children after surgery. Convergent validity of the NRS is pain intensity and pain unpleasantness. Patients are
examined by looking at its relationship with other pain asked to choose the best descriptor of the intensity and
scales whereas discriminant validity is evaluated by ex- unpleasantness of their pain at the present moment.
amining the relationship of the NRS with scales that mea- For pain intensity, the 4 possible choices are: 0 = ’’No
sure a similar, but nonidentical, construct; in this case, pain,’’ 1 = ‘‘A little bit of pain,’’ 2 = ‘‘A medium amount
functional disability. Research has shown that the rela- of pain,’’ 3 = ‘‘A lot of pain.’’ For pain unpleasantness,
tionship between functional disability and pain levels is the 4 choices are: 0 = ‘‘Not at all unpleasant/yucky/horri-
not always strong; changes in pain levels are not highly ble,’’ 1 = ‘‘A little bit unpleasant/yucky/horrible,’’ 2 = ‘‘A
correlated with changes in functional disability, and medium amount unpleasant/yucky/horrible,’’ 3 = ‘‘A lot
vice versa.27 The present study also examined the sensi- unpleasant/yucky/horrible.’’ The 4-VRS correlates highly
tivity of the NRS to change over a 2-week period after with other measures of pain.15
surgery; its equivalence with other pain measures; and
the scale participants liked best and found the easiest
Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R17)
to use. The FPS-R is a visual scale composed of 6 faces illustrat-
ing an increasing level of pain intensity. Children are
asked to choose the face that best describes the intensity
Methods of the pain they are currently experiencing. Scores range
from 0 to 10 with the faces representing the lower and
Participants and Recruitment higher levels of pain intensity coded as 0 and 10, respec-
Children between the ages of 8 and 18 years undergo- tively. The FPS-R is highly correlated with the visual ana-
ing either orthopedic (eg, scoliosis, osteotomy, plate log scale (r = .93) and with the colored analog scale (r =
insertion tibial/femur, open hip reduction, hip capsulor- .84), showing strong validity.17
rhaphy) or general surgical procedures (eg, thoracotomy,
thoraco-abdominal surgery, Nuss or Ravitch procedure Facial Affective Scale (FAS22-24)
for pectusexcavatum repair, sternotomy, laparotomy) The FAS is a self-report, visual scale assessing the ex-
were eligible to participate in this study. Participants tent to which the pain experience is unpleasant. Chil-
were excluded if they were developmentally or cogni- dren are asked to select 1 of 9 faces (of which 4 show
Page et al The Journal of Pain 361
pain) that best represents how they feel about their Convergent Validity
pain. The child is told that each face represents how
Convergent validity was determined by correlating the
a person would feel ‘‘inside’’ when experiencing pain,
NRSI-1 and NRSU-1 with 2 other scales measuring pain in-
and is asked ‘‘to point to one of the faces which looks
tensity (FPS-R and VRSI-1) and pain unpleasantness (FAS
like how you feel down inside – not how your face looks
and VRSU-1), using Pearson correlations. Spearman cor-
but how you really feel inside.’’ Each face is coded using
relations were also examined between the NRSI-2 and
the affective magnitude ratings22 ranging from .04 to
VRSI-2; and the NRSU-2 and VRSU-2. Moderate (r > .30)
.97. The scale has good convergent validity as evidenced
to high (r > .70) correlations18 would indicate adequate
by a higher correlation with the colored analog scale for
convergent validity. In addition, the NRSI should corre-
pain unpleasantness than to the colored analog scale for
late more strongly with other measures of pain intensity
pain intensity.28
compared with pain unpleasantness; similarly, the NRSU
Functional Disability Inventory (FDI38) should correlate more strongly with other measures of
pain unpleasantness compared with pain intensity. As
The Functional Disability Index (FDI) is a 15-item scale such, 2-tailed, paired samples t-tests6 were used to com-
that measures difficulties children experience complet- pare the strength of the correlation coefficients between
ing specific tasks (eg, ‘‘Walking to the bathroom,’’ ‘‘Eat- the NRSI-1 and FPS-R compared with NRSI-1 and FAS and
ing regular meals,’’ and ‘‘Being at school all day’’). The between the NRSU-1 and FAS compared with NRSU-1 and
FDI typically uses a 5-point Likert Scale yielding total FPS-R. The strength of the correlation coefficients be-
scores ranging from 0 to 60. Unintentionally, a 4-point tween the NRSI-1 and VRSI-1 compared with the NRSI-1
Likert scale was used in this study. Children were asked and VRSU-1 and between the NRSU-1 and VRSU-1 com-
to rate each item on a scale from 0 (no trouble) to 3 (im- pared with NRSU-1 and VRSI-1 were also examined using
possible). Total scores range from 0 to 45. The FDI has a t-statistic.6 A t-statistic was used to account for the lack
been used with many pediatric populations, including of independence between correlation coefficients (ie,
children with chronic pain19,21,30 and postsurgical pain.13 the NRS is part of both correlation coefficients being
The study was reviewed and approved by the Research
Discriminant Validity
Ethics Boards of the Hospital for Sick Children and York Discriminant validity was determined by correlating
University. Initial contact with potential participants the NRS with scores of functional disability. Research
was made by nurses, known to the patients, who were has shown that the relationship between functional dis-
not part of the research team. Potential participants, ability and pain levels is not always strong; changes in
who expressed an interest in hearing more about the pain levels are not highly correlated with changes in
study, were approached by a research team member 48 functional disability, and vice versa.27 As such, moderate
to 72 hours after surgery. After obtaining informed writ- correlations (.30 < r > .70) between the NRSI-1, NRSU-1,
ten parental consent and consent or assent from chil- NRSI-2, and NRSU-2 with the FDI would indicate ade-
dren, a research team member read to children a set of quate discriminant validity.
questionnaires including the NRSI-1, NRSU-1, VRSI-1,
VRSU-1, FPS-R, and FAS, and recorded their responses Sensitivity to Change Over Time
to each item. The order of administration of question- Pearson correlations were examined between the
naires was randomized ( NRSI-1 and NRSI-2 and between the NRSU-1 and
com) within participants to minimize potential order NRSU-2. Paired samples t-tests were used to compare
and fatigue effects. Telephone follow-ups were con- changes in mean pain intensity (NRSI) and mean pain
ducted approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hos- unpleasantness (NRSU) ratings from 48 to 72 hours after
pital by a research assistant who verbally administered to surgery to 2 weeks after surgery. It was expected that
children the NRSI-2, NRSU-2, VRSI-2, VRSU-2 and FDI. Par- pain intensity and pain unpleasantness scores 2 weeks
ents also completed measures, but these results will not after surgery would be lower than their respective in-
be presented here. hospital scores. As such, significantly lower scores at
the 2-week assessment would indicate adequate ability
Data Analysis of the NRS to detect changes in acute pain levels over
The validity of the NRS was examined using construct time. The sensitivity to change over time of the VRS
validity (convergent and discriminant validity) as well (VRSI-1 with VRSI-2 and VRSU-1 with VRSU-2) was also
as responsiveness (sensitivity to change over time). Data examined. Given that the VRS is an ordinal scale, Wil-
were screened for normality; non-normality was ad- coxon ranked signed test was used. Because the NRS
dressed using appropriate transformations. Welch statis- is scored on an 11-point rating scale and the VRS is
tics were used to analyse transformed variables. scored on a 4-point scale, it was expected that the
NRS would be more sensitive to change over time.
Construct Validity The NRS is a continuous measure whereas the VRS is
Construct validity was examined using convergent val- considered as ordinal and, as such, no direct statistical
idity, discriminant validity, and sensitivity to change over procedures can be used to compare their sensitivity to
time. change.
362 The Journal of Pain Psychometrics of NRS for Pain Intensity & Unpleasantness
Equivalence of Pain Scales Results
In order to examine the equivalence of pain scales, ab- Skewness and kurtosis significance testing (estimate/
solute pain score differences between the NRSI-1 and standard error >3) did reveal non-normality for the
FPS-R were examined. Both the NRSI and the FPS-R are FAS, NRSI-2, and NRSU-2. Exponential transformation
scored on a scale from 0 to 10. If children’s pain reports was used on the FAS to achieve normality and square
on these 2 scales are equivalent, then the pain score dif- root transformation was used on both the NRSI-2 and
ference should be equal to zero. Score differences for NRSU-2. All subsequent analyses are performed using
pain unpleasantness were not examined given that the these 3 transformed variables (FASt, NRSI-2t, and NRSU-
NRSU is an 11-point scale and the FAS uses 9 faces of 2t) unless otherwise specified.
which 4 show pain (range of scores .04 through .97)
and, as such, direct comparisons between the scales can-
not be made. Recruitment
We also examined the equivalence of the VRS and NRS Recruitment took place between July 2008 and Sep-
by comparing the NRSI-1, NRSU-1, NRSI-2, and NRSU-2 tember 2010. Of the 4,054 children who underwent or-
across levels of the VRSI-1, VRSU-1, VRSI-2, and VRSU-2, thopaedic or general surgery during this time period,
respectively. It was expected that scores on the NRSI-1 3,150 were excluded because they did not undergo 1 of
would increase significantly from 1 category to another the 11 surgeries included in this study and another 370
on the VRSI-1 (eg, NRS scores corresponding to the VRS children were excluded because they were younger
category ‘‘a little bit of pain’’ would be lower when com- than 8 years of age. Another 131 potential participants
pared with those corresponding to the category ‘‘a were excluded because they had cognitive or develop-
medium amount of pain’’). A series of 4 Bonferroni- mental delay (n = 34), were noncommunicative (n =
corrected (a = .0125), 1-way univariate analysis of vari- 31), had severe cerebral palsy (n = 44), their parents
ance (ANOVA) tests was performed using the 4 levels of were not fluent in written and spoken English (n = 19),
the VRS scale as the factor and the participant’s corre- had cancer (n = 2) or had congenital insensitivity to
sponding NRS score as the dependent variable. Signifi- pain (n = 1). Among the 403 eligible participants, 255
cant main effects were explored with multiple were not approached due to time constraints or logistical
comparisons using Bonferroni corrections. When the as- reasons (already discharged [n = 71], in the PICU [n = 21],
sumption of homogeneity of variance was violated, sleeping [n = 22], parents absent [n = 40], undergoing ad-
Welch F-statistics and Games-Howell post hoc tests ditional medical procedures [n = 6], or research staff not
were used. available [n = 95]). Of the 148 eligible participants who
were approached and asked to participate, 65 (43.9%)
Children’s Preferences for Pain Scales and declined. A total of 83 children took part in this study
Their Ease of Use and 83% of them (n = 69) completed the 2-week tele-
phone follow-up (mean number of days from the initial
After completing the NRSI-1, VRSI-1, and FPS-R, chil-
assessment = 15.62, SD = 2.2).
dren were asked: 1) ‘‘Which one of the three scales did
you find easiest to do? And which one did you find hard-
est to do?’’ 2) ‘‘Which one did you like doing best? And Descriptive Statistics
which one did you like doing least?’’ and 3) ‘‘Are there A total of 83 children (girls = 56 [67.5%]) between the
any other things about the three ways of measuring ages of 8 and 18 years (mean = 13.8, SD = 2.4) and 1 of
the pain you feel that you would like to tell us?’’ Children their parents (mothers = 63 [75.9%], mean age = 43.4,
also answered the same questions after completing the SD = 5.9; fathers = 20 [24.1%]; mean age = 46.1, SD =
pain unpleasantness scales (NRSU-1, FAS, and VRSU-1). 8.2) participated in this study. The ethnicity of partici-
Multinomial logistic regression analyses were used to ex- pants included Caucasian (64%), Asian (12%), African-
amine if age and gender significantly influenced which Caribbean or African-Canadian (8.4%), Middle Eastern
pain scale children liked best and found easiest to use. (4.8%), and ‘‘other’’ or unspecified (7.2%). English was
Chi-square Goodness of Fit was used to examine differ- the first language spoken at home for the majority of
ences in children’s opinions of ease of use and likability children (89%). Most parents had at least a college/un-
of pain scales. dergraduate university degree (74%). Almost one-third
of parents (31.7%) reported currently experiencing
Sample Size Estimation pain problems while one-quarter of all parents (24.4%)
Sample size was calculated based on the primary reported past or current chronic pain (pain that lasted
objective of this study (to examine the convergent for 3 months or longer). Most parents with ongoing
and discriminant validity of the NRS for both pain pain problems (75%) also reported experiencing past/
intensity [I] and unpleasantness [U]). As such, sample current chronic pain.
size was calculated a priori for Pearson correlations The children in this sample underwent surgery for sco-
using G*Power v. Sample size analysis showed liosis (spinal fusion) (n = 42, 50.6%), osteotomy (n = 25,
that 84 participants would be required to find a signif- 30.1%), Nuss or Ravitch procedure for pectus excavatum
icant correlation of r = .30 at a = .05 (2-tailed) and repair (n = 8, 9.6%), laparotomy (n = 7, 8.4%), and tho-
power = 80%. All analyses were conducted using racotomy (n = 1, 1.2%). Approximately half of the chil-
SPSS v.19.0. dren had never had surgery in the past (n = 44, 53%)
Page et al The Journal of Pain 363
whereas 39 (47%) had undergone, on average, 2 Table 1.Descriptives of Pain and Functional
(SD=1.6) surgical interventions in the past (range = Disability Scales
1–7). The majority of children retrospectively reported
no pain (n = 36, 43.4%) or a little pain (n = 31, 37.3%)
prior to the present surgery, while the remaining partic- TOTAL SAMPLE GIRLS BOYS GENDER DIFFERENCES
ipants reported a medium amount (n = 13, 15.7%) or MEAN (SD) MEAN (SD) MEAN (SD) T DF P
a lot (n = 3, 3.6%) of pain. Significant differences were NRSI-1 (0–10) 3.86 (2.3) 4.06 (2.3) 3.44 (2.4) 1.15 81 .252
not found in elapsed time from initial assessment to FPS-R (0–10) 3.41 (2.3) 3.67 (2.3) 2.85 (2.2) 1.54 79 .126
follow-up (P = .160) or in pain intensity or pain unpleas- NRSU-1 (0–10) 4.57 (2.8) 4.98 (2.8) 3.70 (2.6) 2.01 81 .048
antness scores 48 to 72 hours after surgery (NRSI: P = FAS* (0.04–.97) .64 (.2) .66 (.2) .60 (.2) 1.30 52.14 .200
.217; NRSU: P = .355) and 2 weeks after discharge
(NRSI: P = .078; NRSU: P = .260) across the different types (RANGE) (RANGE) (RANGE) c2 DF P
of surgical procedures.
VRSI-1 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 3.47 3 .325
Chi-square test revealed significant gender differences
VRSU-1 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 2 (0–3) 7.74 3 .052
across types of surgical procedures (c2 = 23.25, P < .001)
in that fewer boys had surgery for scoliosis than expected PAIN AND FUNCTIONAL DISABILITY SCALES MEASURED 2 WEEKS AFTER SURGERY
and more boys had a Nuss or Ravitch procedure than MEAN (SD) MEAN (SD) MEAN (SD) T DF P
NRSI-2* 2.28 (2.2) 2.32 (2.2) 2.20 (2.1) .26 39.99 .800
Mean total scores and standard deviations (median
and range were used for the ordinal VRS scale) on the NRSU-2* 2.57 (2.6) 2.73 (2.7) 2.23 (2.3) .72 42.01 .478
pain scales measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery and 2 (0–10)
weeks after discharge from hospital are presented in FDI (0–45) 19.61 (8.8) 21.15 (8.0) 16.32 (9.4) 2.19 66 .032
Table 1. Compared with boys, girls reported significantly
higher levels of pain unpleasantness 48 to 72 hours after
surgery (NRSU-1: mean score girls = 4.98 6 SD, mean
score boys = 3.70 6 SD) and functional disability 2 weeks VRSI-2 (0–3) 1 (0–3) 1 (0–3) 1 (0–2) 3.47 3 .325
VRSU-2 (0–3) 1 (0–3) 1 (0–3) 1 (0–3) 2.21 3 .531
after discharge from hospital (FDI: mean score girls =
21.15 6 SD, mean score boys = 16.24 6 SD). Girls and Abbreviations: NRSI-1, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured 48 to
boys did not differ significantly on any other measures. 72 hours after surgery; VRSI-1, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured
Correlation coefficients presented in Table 2 show that 48 to 72 hours after surgery; FPS-R, Faces Pain Scale Revised measured 48 to
age was not significantly correlated with functional dis- 72 hours after surgery; NRSU-1, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness
measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; VRSU-1, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain
ability or any of the measures of pain intensity or Unpleasantness measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; FAS, Facial Affective
unpleasantness (all P > .05). Scale measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; NRSI-2, Numerical Pain Rating Scale
measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital; VRSI-2, Verbal
Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge
from hospital; NRSU-2, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness mea-
Construct Validity sured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital; VRSU-2, Verbal Rat-
ing Scale for Pain Unpleasantness measured approximately 2 weeks after
Convergent Validity discharge from hospital; FDI, total score on the Functional Disability Inventory
measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital (in this study,
As shown in Table 2, the NRSI-1 and NRSU-1 corre-
the Functional Disability Inventory was measured using a Likert scale ranging
lated significantly with the FPS-R and VRSI-1 and the from 0 [no trouble] to 3 [impossible]).
FASt and VRSU-1, respectively. The NRSI-2t and NRSU- *Transformed variables were used for the FAS, NRSI-2 and NRSU-2 to examine
2t significantly correlated with the VRSI-2 and VRSU-2, gender differences using Welch t-statistics (original scores are presented for
means and standard deviations.
The NRSI-1 correlated significantly more with the FPS-R
(another measure of pain intensity) than it did with the
FASt (a measure of pain unpleasantness) (t [1, 80] = Sensitivity to Change Over Time
2.68, P = .01). The NRSI-1 also correlated significantly Correlation coefficients between the NRS and VRS 48
more with the VRSI-1 than it did with the VRSU-1 (t [1, to 72 hours after surgery and 2 weeks after discharge
80] = 3.41, P < .01). Similarly for pain unpleasantness, are shown in Table 2. Using the nontransformed NRSI-
the NRSU-1 correlated significantly more strongly with 2 and NRSU-2 data, results showed that scores on the
the FASt than it did with the FPS-R (t [1,80] = 2.23, P = NRSI-1 and NRSU-1 were significantly higher than scores
.03). The NRSU-1 also correlated significantly more on the NRSI-2 (mean change = 1.49; t[68] = 5.25; P <
strongly with the VRSU-1 than it did with the VRSI-1 .001; effect size =.68) and NRSU-2 (mean change =
(t [1,80] = 2.38, P = .02). 1.89; t[68] = 5.30; P < .001; effect size = .72), respectively.
In addition, significant differences were found between
Discriminant Validity the VRSI-1 and VRSI-2 (z = 4.272, P < .001) as well
As shown in Table 2, significant, moderate correlations as between the VRSU-1 and VRSU-2 (z = 3.638, P <
were found between pain intensity and unpleasantness .001). As such, both the NRS and VRS for pain intensity
48 to 72 hours and 2 weeks after discharge from hospital and unpleasantness showed a significant decrease
and functional disability (FDI) measured 2 weeks after from 48 to 72 hours to 2 weeks after discharge from
discharge from hospital. hospital.
364 The Journal of Pain Psychometrics of NRS for Pain Intensity & Unpleasantness
Correlation Coefficients and Partial Correlations Controlling for Age and Gender on
Table 2.
Various Pain Scales
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2.FPS-R .20 .73** .70** .55** .64** .60** .32** .12 .41** .22 .48**
3.NRSI-1 .19 .76** .70** .51** .66** .40** .45** .20 .56** .28* .41**
4.VRSI-1y .17 .71** .75** .46** .50** .52** .28* .18 .43** .30* .29*
5.FASt .11 .57** .51** .49** .71** .58** .32** .27* .40** .35** .29*
6.NRSU-1 .07 .68** .66** .49** .71** .61** .29* .06 .38** .16 .29*
7.VRSU-1y .02 .57** .40** .47** .54** .67** .27* .09 .34** .23 .28*
8.NRSI-2t .05 .32** .45** .28* .32** .30* .24 .82** .84** .75** .52**
9.VRSI-2y .12 .27* .35** .28* .31* .18 .24 .80** .76** .72** .31*
10.NRSU-2t .01 .41** .56** .41** .40** .39** .30* .84** .77** .784* .51**
11.VRSU-2y .05 .32** .38** .35** .36** .30* .30* .75** .75** .83** .38**
12.FDI .11 .43** .43** .29* .29* .35** .33** .49** .41** .50** .38**
Abbreviations: FPS-R, Faces Pain Scale Revised measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; NRSI-1, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured 48 to 72 hours after
surgery; VRSI-1, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; FASt, Facial Affective Scale measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery (ex-
ponential transformation); NRSU-1, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; VRSU-1, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Un-
pleasantness measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; NRSI-2t, Numerical Pain Rating Scale measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital (square root
transformation); VRSI-2, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital; NRSU-2t, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain
Unpleasantness measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital (square root transformation); VRSU-2, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness mea-
sured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from hospital; FDI, total score on the Functional Disability Inventory measured approximately 2 weeks after discharge from
hospital (in this study, the Functional Disability Inventory was measured using a Likert scale ranging from 0 [no trouble] to 3 [impossible]).
NOTE. Pearson correlation coefficients are displayed below the diagonal while partial correlation coefficients controlling for age and gender are displayed above the
*indicates significance at the P = 0.05 level.
ySpearman correlation coefficients were used below the diagonal for the VRSI-1, VRSU-1, VRSI-2 and VRSU-2.
**indicates significance at the P = 0.01 level.
Equivalence of Pain Scales Overall, as shown in Table 5, children liked the FPS
As shown in Fig 1, 55 (68%) of children rated their pain best, primarily because they reported that it better de-
within a 1-point difference on the NRSI and FPS-R, while scribed the pain they felt. The VRS was the least-liked
there was a 2-point difference or less for 71 (88%) chil- scale mainly because it did not offer enough choices to
dren and a 3-point difference or less for 78 (96%) chil- describe their pain. Children who liked the NRS best, re-
dren. A 4-point difference or more was only found in 3 ported that they were more familiar with this type of
children. Age was not significantly correlated with the scale and found numbers easier to use when quantifying
distribution of differences in pain scores between the their pain. There were no significant effects of age or
NRSI and FPS-R. There were also no gender differences gender on children’s best-liked scale, least-liked scale,
in the distribution of differences in pain scores between
the NRSI and FPS-R (t[79] = .092, P = .927).
Table 3 shows that for both pain intensity and pain un-
pleasantness measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery and 2
weeks after discharge, scores on the NRS increased signif-
icantly as scores on the VRS increased (from ‘‘No pain’’ to
‘‘A little bit of pain’’; to ‘‘A medium amount of pain’’; to
‘‘A lot of pain’’). The 1 exception to this pattern was that
for the NRSI-2t, significant differences were not found
between ‘‘A medium amount of pain’’ and ‘‘A lot of
pain’’. Fig 2 shows box plots of (untransformed) NRS
scores across categories of the VRS for both pain intensity
and unpleasantness.
Abbreviations: NRSI-1, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; NRSI-2t, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Intensity measured 2
weeks after discharge (square root transformation); NRSU-1, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness measured 48 to 72 hours after surgery; NRSU-2t, Numer-
ical Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness measured 2 weeks after discharge (square root transformation); VRSU-2, Verbal Rating Scale.
*Indicate that Welch F-statistic and Games-Howell post hoc tests were used to adjust for violation of the assumption of homogeneity of variance.
scale they found easiest, or scale they found hardest to sults showed that the NRS for pain intensity and pain un-
use (P = .416–.942). pleasantness has good convergent validity (correlated
highly with the VRSI and VRSU as well as FPS-R and
FAS, respectively); discriminant validity (moderate corre-
Discussion lations with the FDI); and sensitivity to change over
The goal of this study was to provide additional sup- a 2-week period. Results of the 1-way ANOVA suggested
port for the validity of the NRS (for pain intensity and that the NRS can be used interchangeably with the VRS,
pain unpleasantness) in children after major surgery. Re- and examination of score differences between the NRS
NRSU - NRSI is most familiar and pain is easier to quantify
with numbers
- Number have a greater range of response;
more precise
- Numbers allow you to avoid talking about the pain
FAS - Faces scale is more expressive. It describes - Faces are too subjective; don’t discriminate enough; confusing
feelings better - Need to look at the scale and it’s too tiring after surgery;
- Faces scale is more natural takes too long
- Faces are more fun to answer - It’s difficult to see the pain in each face
VRSU - Words describe better than numbers - Words don’t offer enough choices; too vague
Abbreviations: NRSI, Numerical Rating Scale for Pain Intensity; VRSI, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Intensity; FPS-R, Faces Pain Scale Revised; NRSU, Numerical Rating Scale
for Pain Unpleasantness; VRSU, Verbal Rating Scale for Pain Unpleasantness; FAS, Facial Affective Scale.
NOTE. Some children reported they found all 3 pain intensity scales (n = 7) and pain unpleasantness scales (n = 6) to be equivalent in terms of ease of use and likeness.
NRS was able to detect, the absence of a difference be- Consistent with the findings from Miro et al26 as well
tween boys and girls on the other measures is not consis- as von Baeyer et al, the present results did not show
tent with pediatric14 and adult32 patient samples an association of age with NRS pain intensity ratings,
showing that females score higher than males on pain or differences in ratings across pain measures in children
unpleasantness. It is also possible, however, that this re- of 8 years of age and older. These results suggest that the
sult represents a difference in the way girls use numbers NRS has adequate validity across age groups. It is impor-
to quantify pain unpleasantness compared with boys tant, however, to keep in mind when choosing to use the
and as such the observed difference on the NRSU could NRS in younger children that the child’s ability to reason
be attributed to the type of scale used (ie, numerical). numerically is essential to valid self-reports, and that no
Another possibility is that the difference observed in one scale will be optimal across child age groups.5,34 It is
pain unpleasantness ratings is an artifact of the gender important to examine whether the verbally administered
difference observed in the type of surgical procedures NRS can also be used by younger children, including 6-
underwent by girls and boys. If this were the case and 7-year-olds. Although the NRS has been validated
though, one would also have expected similar differ- in children as young as 6 years old,26 future validation
ences in pain intensity scores. studies of the NRS in young children should examine
Children favored the faces scales (FPS-R and FAS) over their cognitive ability to understand quantitative infor-
the VRS in terms of likability and ease of use for both mation and their tendency to select the extreme num-
pain intensity and unpleasantness. Findings suggest bers on the NRS compared with other scales (eg,
that the VRS was liked best by the fewest number of par- FPS-R).26 Young children also tend to provide answers
ticipants and liked least by the most, indicating that it is to questions regardless of their understanding and
not the preferred scale. There were no significant gender such bias can only be determined with multiple testing.36
or age differences in children’s preferences for pain There are several limitations to this study. First, this
scales or for the scale they found easiest or hardest to study assessed pain-related measures only after surgery,
complete, suggesting that the same scale could be used but not before. It was thus not possible to examine sen-
across age groups and genders. These results contrast sitivity of the NRS to change from baseline to postsur-
with those of a previous study which found that even gery. In addition, the sample size did not allow for an
though all age groups and both genders tended to pre- examination of the validity of the NRS in each age group
fer the FPS-R, this tendency was more pronounced for separately. The 17% attrition rate from the initial assess-
girls and younger children.26 ment to the follow-up might have led to a reduction in
368 The Journal of Pain Psychometrics of NRS for Pain Intensity & Unpleasantness
the power to detect effects at the follow-up and as such, strating that the NRS is a valid measure for pain intensity
with no attrition at the follow-up, we might have found and unpleasantness, and it is sensitive to change in the
even larger correlation coefficients. Furthermore, a 4- weeks following major surgery. Using the NRS to measure
point scale was inadvertently used for the FDI instead both the sensory and affective dimension of children’s
of the standard 5-point scale. It is possible that the re- pain experience has the advantage of facilitating compar-
duced variation in responses may have influenced the isons across these dimensions and reducing the burden on
observed relationship with pain scales. Additional stud- children who need to familiarize themselves with only 1
ies should replicate these findings using a 5-point FDI measurement tool. Future avenues for research include
scale. Lastly, the NRS was administered verbally, while the evaluation of different anchors to measure the pain
the FPS-R and FAS relied on a visual component. It will experience24 as well as the examination of how children’s
be important for future studies to compare the validity familiarity with the NRS influences their self-reported
of a written administration of the NRS with the verbally pain experience. In addition, research remains to be
administered NRS (also referred to as the Verbal Numer- done in order to translate self-report pain scores on the
ical Scale1,2) as well as with the FPS-R and FAS to rule out NRS into a clinically meaningful tool to guide treatment
any potential administration effects. intervention. Lastly, most studies evaluating the validity
of the NRS have examined this scale against other pain
scales, which in turn have been validated against other
Conclusion pain scales.8 As such, it would be helpful for future re-
Notwithstanding these limitations, the results from this search to evaluate the validity of the NRS against other
study add to the emerging literature on the psychometric types of pain measurements, including biological markers,
properties of the NRS in pediatric populations by demon- qualitative descriptions, and behavioral observations.
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