Edtpa Lesson Plans 1
Edtpa Lesson Plans 1
Edtpa Lesson Plans 1
In this lesson, students will use a soap bubble to complete different challenges. After the
challenges, students will relate the characteristics of the soap membrane to the structure and
function of the cell membrane.
Total Time
65 minutes
Bio.1.2.1 Explain how homeostasis is maintained in a cell and within an organism in various
environments (including temperature and pH).
Language Objectives
SWBAT define cell membrane
SWBAT define the parts of the cell membrane.
Formative Assessment
After students have received instructions for the class about the overarching theme of the
activity, safety instructions, and directions for the materials, they will receive a slip of paper
with the challenge instructions. There are two challenges for this activity. After the students
have set up their materials, they will call the teacher over and I will give them their first
challenge. One they have completed the first challenge, they will call me over again and I will
ask them how they were able to complete the challenge. The first challenge is to put their
finger through the bubble membrane and the second is to move a paper clip through the
bubble membrane without popping it or without the paperclip touching the bubble membrane.
In order for students to move to the next challenge, they must show me that they completed
the first one. As I am waiting for students to complete challenges, I will walk around to make
sure students are trying to figure it out and provide hints that are struggling with the
Summative Assessment
After the notes about the cell membrane and how it can be modeled by a bubble membrane, I
will give students an exit ticket that they will need to complete by the end of class. I will collect
the exit tickets and review them for accuracy.
10 mins Pass out Exit Ticket Students will I will walk around to
and explain to complete the exit make sure students
students that the ticket questions. are answering the
answers should be They will each need questions
filled out by the end to complete their own completely and that
of class. sheet individually but all students are
may talk to their understanding the
groups to share their majority of the
answers. content. I will collect
completed exit
tickets and review
them to see if there
is any content I need
to review in class
the next day.
Lesson Plan [2]: [Gummy Bear POE]
In this lesson, students will Predict, Observe and Explain (POE) what will happen when they
leave a gummy bear in solutions with different concentrations of solutes.
Total Time
70 minutes on day 1
20 minutes on day 2
Bio.1.2.1 Explain how homeostasis is maintained in a cell and within an organism in various
environments (including temperature and pH).
Language Objectives
- SWBAT define osmosis.
- SWBAT explain the difference between hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic.
Academic Language Functions
- Students are using language to make predictions, summarize observations, and
create explanations for the change in the gummy bear size using their understanding
of water movement based on the type of solution the gummy bear was in.
Academic Language Forms
- Content-specific vocabulary:
-Osmosis, hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic, solution, solute, concentration
- Support Vocabulary:
- Predict, observe, explain, dilute
- Linguistic structures that support the academic language function:
- Sentence started will be projected on the board as an example of how students
will relate the size of the gummy bear to what type of solution the gummy bear
was in.
What will happen to the size What happened? Why did this happen?
of the gummy bear when ● The gummy bear in
placed in each solution? _________
the same because
water moved ______.
Formative Assessment
I will walk around the classroom to make sure students are on task and will ask them probing
- “What observations can you make about the gummy bear?”
- Check to make sure the answers are observations and not inferences.
- “What was moving to make the gummy bear grow/shrink?”
- Correct Answer: water
- “What type of solution was this gummy bear in?”
- “Which gummy bear was your control?”
I will also be reading student responses on their sheets while they are working to ensure
students are making connections with the content and using complete sentences to explain
their work.
Summative Assessment
I will collect their charts with their predictions, observations and explanations to grade for
accuracy and completion.
40 mins Pass out labs. Walk Students will work Walk around
around asking through lab including classroom asking
probing questions. creating a procedure, formative
Help students move determining their assessment
through creating a variables, and questions.
procedure and experimental setups, -questions:
checking procedures and collecting data. What is your
before groups set up Students need to independent
their experiment. record the volume of variable?
the gummy bear What predictions are
before the 24 hours you making?
to calculate change
in volume.
20 Minutes on Day 2 Explain to students Students will gather Teacher will walk
how to gather data their experimental around to different
and provide setups from Day 1 groups to make sure
sentence starters to and gather data, students are on task
students who need make observations and on track to finish
scaffolding to create and create in 20 minutes, and
explanations for why explanations for why answering questions
the gummy bear the gummy bear that students have
changed size after changed sizes when while asking probing
they were placed in placed in different questions about
different solutions. solutions. their explanations.
Lesson Plan [3]: [Osmosis Socratic Seminar]
In this lesson, students will conduct a Socratic seminar to gather evidence to discuss the
occurrences in the article in terms of water movement and solutions created.
Total Time
70 minutes
Bio.1.2.3 Explain how specific cell adaptations help cells survive in particular environments
(focus on unicellular organisms).
Language Objectives
- SWBAT define osmosis
- SWBAT explain if a solution is hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic compared to a cell.
Academic Language Functions
- Students are using language to make predictions, gather evidence, and support their
claims, ask for clarification, and agree or disagree with their peers.
Academic Language Forms
- Content-specific vocabulary:
- Hypotonic, Hypertonic, isotonic, osmosis
- Support Vocabulary:
- Solution, silutes, dilutions
- Linguistic structures that support the academic language function:
- As a class, we will create sentence starters to help students agree with
someone, respectfully disagree with someone, ask for clarification, or introduce
another question. The sentence starters will stay on the board for students to
refer back to throughout the seminar.
Formative Assessment
I will listen to students as they hold a socratic seminar and make notes on who is speaking,
how many times each student speaks, and whether or not the student used a sentence
starter, used evidence to support their claim, or introduced a question. I will also be prepared
to step into the conversation to help students remain on task or move forward from a topic
they have been talking about for too long. I will also be monitoring the students on the outside
of the circle to make sure they are actively listening to the conversation and taking notes on
their rubrics.
Summative Assessment
I will ask for all the rubrics to be collected so that I can review how students marked each
other. Alsong with the students scores of each other, I will refer back to my notes to assign
each student a grade from 1-100 on how well they performed during the Socratic seminar.
- Rubrics for each student to fill out for their assigned partner
- Desks arranged with an inner circle and an outer circle with room for students to
change seats
- Two readings for the class.
- Half of the class will be assigned to read one article and the other half will read
a different article. Assigned readings were given out 3 days prior to the socratic
40 mins Teacher will direct Half of the class who Making notes on
students to where read the same article who is talking and
they need to be. will start on the listening to
Teacher will hand inside of the circle. conversation. If the
out rubrics to the Students on the conversation dies
group that is on the outside will fill out the down or the content
outside. Teacher will rubrics while listening of the conversation
listen to the group to the conversation. is incorrect, give a
discussion and take Each group will talk chance for students
notes on the for about 10 minutes to redirect each
conversation and (until the other or introduce
who including how conversation finishes another topic, but
many times each naturally) and then the teacher can step
person talked and the two groups will in to ask another
what the students switch roles. question or address
added to the misconceptions if
conversation. needed.
10 minute class Teacher will ask Students will think Teacher will listen to
debrief students to think about and answer feedback and repeat
about the the questions for the it back to students to
discussions and teacher and the class let students know
asks the class to hear and share that the teacher
-What did you like their opinions about hears their
about the socratic the socratic seminar. comments.
-What could we do
differently if we did
this again in the
-What other topics
do you think a
socratic seminar
would be good for?
Lesson Plan [4]: [Transport Candy Lab]
In this lesson students will model diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion and active transport
using different candies. Students will draw what their models look like and answer questions
about each mode of transport.
Total Time
90 minutes
Bio.1.2.1 Explain how homeostasis is maintained in a cell and within an organism in various
environments (including temperature and pH)
- Compare the mechanisms of active vs. passive transport (diffusion and osmosis).
Language Objectives
- SWBAT determine if a cell is in an isotonic, hypotonic or hypertonic environment.
- SWBAT determine the concentration gradient of a cell.
- SWBAT determine whether the type of transport is active or passive.
Academic Language Functions
- Students are using language to describe what is happening in the model of cell
Academic Language Forms
- Content-specific vocabulary:
-Osmosis, diffusion, isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, concentration gradient,
carrier protein, channel protein, active transport, passive transport
- Support Vocabulary:
- Cell membrane, phospholipid bilayer, ATP, substrate
- Linguistic structures that support the academic language function:
- Students will create a key to remember which structures the different candies
Formative Assessment
I will ask students to raise their hands at checkpoints through the lab to show me their model
of each step of the lab and I will ask them questions to check for understanding
- “What do the m&m’s represent”
- Possible answers: water, sugar, salt, any substrate
- “What substrate is moving through the membrane?”
- Possible answers: water, sugar,
- “Which way is the sugar/water/substrate/Skittles moving?”
- Possible answers: in the cell, out of the cell, from high to low, from low to high
- “Which side of the cell membrane has a higher concentration gradient?”
- “Is this transport system using energy?”
There will be teacher checks after each section of the worksheets to ensure that the teacher
is checking for any alternate conceptions.
Summative Assessment
- I will collect the completed packets to grade for completion and accuracy.
- Skittles (original colors)
- Pull apart Twizzlers
- Gummy bears
- Smarties
- Life savers
- Paper Towels
Candy Modeling Packet for each student
10 mins Hand out student lab Listening to teacher Watch students nod
worksheets that they and thinking about head and make sure
will complete during the connections they are listening by
lab. Gather students between previous having their eyes up
attention and review classes and what front, phones away,
that substrates and they are doing today. and not talking.
water and can move - Students will -Answer questions
in and out of cells. make about demonstration
predictions without giving away
- Sets up about what which prediction is
cornstarch will happen in correct.
and iodine the
demonstratio demonstratio
n that n (which way
explaining the iodine
how much solution will
cornstarch is move)
in each part
and what
iodine is.
15 mins -Pass out new cady Turn in lab Check and grade
extra candy to all the worksheets. Eat labs and take notes
students for them to new, clean candy. of trend or commons
eat. -Complete Exit alternative
-show students the Ticket on notecard. conceptions based
results of the on labs and exit
cornstarch and tickets.
iodine experiment
-pass out notecards