Paket C: Please Choose The Correct Answer Among A, B, C or D!
Paket C: Please Choose The Correct Answer Among A, B, C or D!
Paket C: Please Choose The Correct Answer Among A, B, C or D!
Paket C
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VII/2
Please choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D!
1. My mother works in a national library. She helps 13. The classroom is…
people who want to borrow books. My mother is… a. Clean
a. Library c. Teacher b.Comfortable
b. Book seller d. Librarian c. Big
2. Zila is good at study. He can answer all the tests d. Dirty
well. She is…
a. Cheerful c. Smart 14. What is the man’s profession?
b. Kind d. Stupid a. Mechanic
3. What is the function of the thing in b. Teacher
the picture? c. Receptionist
a. To sweep floor d. Post man
b. To clean table
c. to boil water The Text is for questions no. 15 -17
d. to put soap My name is Yani. I have a pet. Its name is Miki. Miki
4. Use… to you will not feel cold. is a dog. It is funny and energetic. It is smart. It can
a. A towel c. pillow differentiate between its milk and mine. Miki always
b. A jacket d. hat entertains me when I feel bored. Miki also likes doing
5. Angga : what is your father’s job, Budi? what I ask. I really love him.
Budi : My father is a barber. He… 15. Whose pet is it?
a. Treat sick people c. sends letter a. Miki c. Susanti
b. Teach students d. cuts people’s hair b. Yani d. Nilo’s friend
6. The following are things in the classroom, except… 16. Those are Miki’s characteristics, except…
a. Blackboard c. Eraser a. Energetic c. Funny
b. I am really sorry d. Chalk b. Careless d. Smart
7. What does use of butterfly for flower? 17. What does Miki do when Yani bored?
a. To beautify c. To take flower a. Love c. Jumping
b. To do pollination d. To fertilize flower b. Crying d. Entertains
8. Which one is the function of a bee? 18. What is the worms do to the ground?
a. Produce milk c. Produce a food a. Fertilize c. Protect
b. Produce egg d. Produce honey b. Destruct d. eat
9. The girl is… The dialogue is for question 19-20
a. Smart Bara: The room is….(19). Would you turn the AC?
c. Beautiful Rino: Well, I am trying to find the…(20).
b. Lazy 19. a. Clean c. Hot
d. Diligent b. Messy d. Cool
20. a. AC c. Fan
10. Arrange these words! b. Remote d. Room
a. Person my brother is patient ***Essay***
b. My Brother is patient person
c. My person brother is patient 21. Aditya is my neighbor. He is a waiter in a restaurant.
d. My brother patient person is He always goes to works by motorcycle. He also wears
11. What is the characteristic of the uniform when he works. In the restaurant, he serves
man? costumers friendly and politely. He gives the menu,
a. Generous take orders, serves the food and gives them the bill. All
b. Arrogant costumers like him, because he is diligent and hard
c. Handsome worker.
d. Friendly 22.
12. He is a… 23. Please answer the questions below based on the text!
a. Pilot 1. What is Aditya’s job?
b. Driver 24. 2. Where does he work?
c. Dentist 3. How does he serve the costumers ?
d. Police 4. What are Aditya’s activities in the restaurant?
5. Why do the costumers like him?