Musical Terms
Musical Terms
Musical Terms
in free time
moderato moderate speed eg: allegro moderato = moderately fast.
molto very; much eg: allegro molto = very fast
morendo dying away
mosso movement
moto movement
niente nothing
nobilmente nobly
non not
nuovo new e.g. di nuovo = again
obbligato obligatory Indicates that an instrument has a special role
and is essential.
ossia or; alternatively Often used to indicate a simpler version of a
difficult passage.
ostinato persistent Generally refers to a persistently repeated
rhythmic or melodic figure.
parlando speaking A direction for a singer to sing in a
conversational style.
patetico with deep feeling
pausa pause
per by; for; to
perdendosi dying away
pesante heavy
piacevole pleasant
piangevole plaintive
pianissimo (pp) very soft
piano (p) soft
più more e.g. più forte = louder
pizzicato plucked An instruction to string players to pluck the
strings, rather than bow them.
placido calm; peaceful
pochettino (poch.) rather little
poco a little e.g. poco a poco = little by little
possible possible e.g. presto possible = as fast as possible
precipitando rushing; headlong
presto very fast
prima first (Prima; Primo) e.g. prima volta = first time;
tempo primo = revert to the speed at the
beginning of the piece of music
quasi as if; resembling e.g. quasi recitativo = like a recitative
rallentando (rall.) gradually getting
rigoroso strict
rinforzando (rf; rfz) reinforcing
risoluto bold; strong
ritardando (rit.) gradually getting
ritenuto (rit.) held back
ritmico rhythmically
rubato with some
freedom of time
scherzando playful; joking Also scherzoso.
scherzo joke; jest A movement in a piece, generally light and
humerous in nature.
seconda second (Seconda; secondo)
semplice simple; plain
sempre always e.g. sempre staccato = always detached
senza without e.g. senza misura = freely (not in time)
segue go straight on
sforzando (sf; sfz) forced; accented
simile (sim.) in the same way
slargando getting slower
slancio enthusiasm
smorzando (smorz.) dying away Both tone and speed
soave gentle; smooth
solenne solemn; grave
sonoro resonant; with rich
sopra above
sospirando sighing
sostenuto sustained
sotto below eg: sotto voce = in an undertone
spirito spirited
spiritoso spirited
staccato detached
strepitoso noisy; boisterous
stretto quickening the Also means overlapping entries of a fugue
speed subject.
stringendo gradually getting
subito suddenly
tacet silent A direction that a particular part has nothing to
play in a section of music.
tanto so much
tempo speed eg: a tempo = return to the previous speed,
after a slowing down or speeding up.
teneramente tenderly
tenuto held
tosto swift; rapid
tranquillo calm
trionfale triumphant
triste sad; sorrowful
troppo too much eg: allegro ma non troppo = fast, but not too
tutti all; everyone
veloce swift
vigoroso vigorous; strong
vivace lively
vivo lively
voce voice
volante flying; fast
volta time e.g. prima volta = first time
volti subito (V.S.) turn the page at
amour love
animé animated; lively
apaisé calmed
assez enough;
avec with
cédez yield; relax the
comme as; similar to e.g. come prima = as before
douce sweetly Also doux
emporté fiery; impetuous
en animant becoming more
en cédant yielding
en dehors prominent A direction to make the melody stand out.
en mesure in time
en pressant hurrying on
en retenant holding back
en serrant becoming quicker
et and
flottant floating
gracieux graceful
joyeux joyful
légèrement light
lent slow
librement freely
lointain distant
lourd heavy
mais but
modéré at a moderate
moins less
peu little
plus more
presser hurry
ralentir slow down
retenu held back
sans without e.g. sans ralentir = without slowing down
sautillé springing
sec crisp; dry Suppress the sound as quickly as possible - do
not allow it to reverberate.
seul alone
serrer hurry; quicken
sonore resonant; with
rich tone
sous under
très very
un one
vif lively
vite quick
vivement lively