20190329011144blue Royale Brochure Full - 2019-03 (March 12)
20190329011144blue Royale Brochure Full - 2019-03 (March 12)
20190329011144blue Royale Brochure Full - 2019-03 (March 12)
A worldwide medical dollar plan that gives you complete freedom of choice for the best medical care
Blue Royale offers one of the most comprehensive range of medical insurance benefits available in the Philippines.
It offers you complete freedom of choice to be treated by whom you please, when you please and where you
please—anywhere in the world! Blue Royale provides an impressive coverage limit of US$ 2,000,000 each year.
You are also assured of swift reimbursement of eligible charges.
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Frequently Asked Questions
(For New Applicants)
Q: Do I need to undergo a physical examination before I can get a Pacific Cross Insurance plan?
A: No, applicants normally do not need to undergo a physical exam. All you have to do is answer the application form and
medical questionnaire as truthfully as possible. Failure to answer the questions in the declaration in full, concealment, or
misrepresentation of any significant condition will affect your Policy and the payment of your claims.
Daily Limit for Philippine confinement US$ 300 US$ 600 US$ 850
Daily Limit for Overseas confinement Private Room Private Room Private Room
up to US$ 1,000 up to US$ 1,500 up to US$ 1,500
Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Care Unit, Telemetry As Charged As Charged As Charged
Major Out-Patient Care As Charged As Charged As Charged
Consultation in Doctor’s Office up to 90 days
covers Professional Fees of general practitioner, Specialist, Chinese medicine practitioner, immediately (with or (with or
Acupuncturist, and herbalist necessary for the treatment of a covered disability after without prior without prior
Physiotherapist or Chiropractor necessary for the treatment of a covered disability hospitalization hospitalization) hospitalization)
Prescribed Medicines and Supplements
covers take home medicines for maintenance drugs and supplements including herbal and (i.e., available
Chinese medicines, vitamins, food supplements, and hormone supplements/replacement only as a Post-
therapy necessary for the treatment of a covered disability Hospitalization
Diagnostics, X-rays and Laboratory Tests necessary for the treatment of a covered disability Follow-Up Care
Surgical Appliances and Devices Benefit via
includes durable medical equipment and corrective devices as prescribed by the Attending Reimbursement)
Physician and approved by Pacific Cross
Executive Check-Up (ECU) Package* US$ 200 US$ 500 US$ 600
Available to each Insured Person starting on his/her second year with Pacific Cross, provided
that he/she has any of the Blue Royale Plans (A, B, or C) the preceding year and is covered
under Blue Royale Plan A, B, or C upon Policy renewal. The Insured Person must be 20 to 65
years old upon effective date/renewal date. ECU package may be availed of at any hospital
or clinic within the Philippines. One time package availment per year, to a limit of
* ECU availment may be done after full payment of annual premium or after full payment
of both semi-annual premiums.
* Group accounts’ ECU is subject to underwriting guidelines.
*Availment of services through our designated assistance provider, limit per year of As Charged and on top of the
Maximum Coverage Limit
*Availment of services not through our designated assistance provider, limit per year of As Charged and part of the
Maximum Coverage Limit
The actual cost will be paid via reimbursement by the Company subject to the limits specified which
will form part of the Maximum Coverage Limit of the plan provided that such assistance is a result of
a covered illness, accidental injury or death occurring during the Period of Insurance.
covering biologically based mental illness and degenerative brain disorder as defined in
the Policy. Coverage is subject to the inner limits of In-Patient, Emergency Out-Patient and
Out-Patient Benefits under an aggregate limit of US$ 5,000 per year with a lifetime limit of
reimbursement of burial expenses if the Insured Person dies during the Period of Insurance
due to an Accident covered by the Policy, up to a limit of
Pacific Cross Health Care Card Included (IP & ER only) Included Included
treatment at all Pacific Cross accredited medical facilities in the Philippines, up to plan limits
with no-cash-outlay
Plan A Plan B Plan C
PERSONAL ACCIDENT BENEFIT Coverage is available as an option;
includes coverage for death, dismemberment, as well as total and from US$ 100,000 to US$ 500,000.
permanent disablement caused directly and solely by accident Rates for Class 1 (Standard Risk)
Occupation = US$ 1.32 per US$ 1,000
Covers new clients age 16 to 60.
Renewable until age 65.
DENTAL BENEFIT 1st Year: US$ 1,000 1st Year: US$ 1,000 1 ndYear: US$ 1,000
pays 80% of charges via reimbursement, annual limit of 2nd Year Onwards: 2nd Year Onwards: 2 Year Onwards:
US$ 2,000
US$ 2,000 US$ 2,000
(Included in
Core Benefits)
The following dental benefits are covered from the 1st year onwards:
Dentures (as a result of accident only), Routine Oral Examination (not to exceed 2 per
year), Oral Prophylaxis (not to exceed 2 per year), Fluoride Treatment (1 treatment per
year), Amalgam Filling (per surface), Anterior Fillings (per surface), Root Canal Fillings,
Simple Extraction, Pits & Fissure Sealant (1 treatment per year only), Dental X-rays and
Diagnostics, Medications necessary and directly related to the dental treatment (i.e.,
pain reliever, antibiotics, disinfectant and antiseptic)
The following dental benefits are covered from the 2nd year onwards:
Complex Extraction, Surgical (Impacted Wisdom Tooth/Apicoectomy), Periodontal
Surgery, Crowns, Bridges, Compound Inlay/Onlay, Gold Inlay/Onlay, Porcelain Inlay/Onlay
0-3 4-18 19-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65
Core Benefits $ 1,294 $ 1,354 $ 1,380 $ 1,509 $ 1,624 $ 1,766 $ 2,127 $ 2,254 $ 2,544 $ 2,682 $ 2,872
Dental Benefits 310 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634
Travel + 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69
Core Benefits 1,563 1,656 2,250 2,807 3,080 3,350 3,612 3,836 3,980 4,312 4,954
Dental Benefits 310 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634
Vision Benefits* 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165
Travel + 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69
Core Benefits** 1,963 2,430 2,802 3,523 3,778 3,973 4,139 4,312 4,440 4,793 5,524
Travel + 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69
*Vision Benefits under Plan B are only available for groups of 21 members or more who all opt for the benefit (no exception).
**Dental and Vision benefits are already included.
The Documentary Stamp Tax (DST - US$ 4.00) should be deducted from the Core Benefits Premium before applying any discount and/
or loading (i.e., additional premium). The DST should be added back after all discounts and loadings have been applied, then add the
premium for any applicable optional benefits.
If you are paying on semi-annual mode, please note that 8% surcharge and DST charge will apply. The amounts of your first and second
installment will vary with the former being slightly higher than the latter due to DST.
As with all insurance, there are some important points you should know before entering into a contract. In this section,
we identify some key Policy provisions.
1. Your coverage begins 30 days after the date shown on your 4. Certain conditions are permanently excluded from being
Policy. However, you already have immediate coverage covered. These conditions include:
for accidental injury. • Cosmetic surgery or related complications, contact
lenses, hearing aids and prescriptions thereof, except
2. A Pre-Existing Condition is a disability or illness which those that may be required for reconstructive surgery
existed before the commencement of cover. The existence • Suicide, attempted suicide, or intentional self-inflicted
of a Pre-Existing Condition can be medically determined injury
given its natural history or the manner of development • Pre-Existing Conditions unless such have been declared
of a disease, which means you may or may not be aware and approved by the Company
of its presenting symptoms. Pre-Existing Conditions are • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
also those that are known to you because you have felt • All contraceptive methods of birth control; screening
its signs and symptoms regardless if this prompted you and/or treatment pertaining to infertility
to seek for treatment, medication, advice, or diagnosis. • Pregnancy related expense and screening, childbirth
(including surgical delivery), miscarriage and abortion,
When you answer our Medical Questionnaire, please including their complications, pre-natal or post-natal
ensure that you tell us about all your medical conditions care as well as nursing care for the newborn unless
and symptoms happening at any time in the past and/ provided in the schedule of benefits
or present, known and/or suspected, whether or not • Weight treatment, management, and its complications
treatment or professional advice was sought. We will • Confinement wholly for routine medical examinations
then notify you accordingly of the Company’s decision or check-ups
to insure or not to insure, or to impose special terms.
5. Your contract is guaranteed renewable up to age 100.
3. While your Policy is issued in the Philippines, it provides However, we reserve the right to adjust your premium and
coverage when you are overseas for an unlimited number other Policy conditions upon written advice 45 days prior
of trips. However, please note that the maximum period to each renewal.
of cover is for 90 days per trip only. Beyond that, your
plan will be subject to additional premium. If you reside 6. Your contract contains a provision on the Insured Person's
overseas, please advise us as your premium may need to right to Free-Look Period.
be adjusted.
7. For full details, please refer to the Policy.
Pacific Cross is a Unit 2, Pavilion Mall, Philexcel Business Park,
PARTNERSHIP OF TRUST. Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines
We build and value enduring Tel. Nos.: +63 45 499-5424, +63 45 499-5428
relationships. We consistently prove that E-mail: [email protected]
we are worthy of the highest confidence
— by our strict standards, the integrity of DAVAO
2nd Floor, Left Wing, Door No. 6, Matina Town Square,
our promises and the results we deliver.
MacArthur Highway, Matina, Davao City, Philippines
In the event of a crisis, we assure you that Tel. No.: +63 82 297-7314 Telefax: +63 82 297-7151
Pacific Cross will be your friend and ally. E-mail: [email protected]
www.pacificcross.com.ph V04.19_TAL&FN