Summary of Tables Declaration Preface Chapter 1 - Introduction
Summary of Tables Declaration Preface Chapter 1 - Introduction
Summary of Tables Declaration Preface Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Network Rail – the organisation 10
1.2 The Author – Subject of Reflection 12
1.3 The Role and Responsibilities of an NR Project Manager 14
1.4 Guide to Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) 16
1.5 The Vital FDM Project 19
1.5.1 Introduction 19
1.5.2 Why Commission the Project? 20
1.5.3 Project Objectives 21
1.5.4 Key Stakeholders 22
1.6 Reflective Practice Dissertation – Personal Learning
Objective and Structure 24
2.1 Introduction to Conflict Management 41
2.2 Conflict Management Concepts and Models 44
2.2.1 Theory of the Cause of Conflict 44
2.2.2 Levels of Conflict 45
2.2.3 Conflict Management the APM Way 47
2.2.4 3-Step Turnbull Process 51
2.3.5 McSwain & Treadwell 5 Styles of Conflict Management 52
2.4 Personal skills, tools & techniques 54
4.1 Reflective Practice – A Quick Introduction 55
4.2 Reflective Practice Theory 56
4.2.1 Fish and Coles (1998) 58
4.2.2 Schon (1983) 61
4.2.3 Kolb (1984) 62
4.3 Key Principles of the Methodology 64
Appendix 1 – Network Rail Project Manager Job Description 102
Appendix 2 – Examples of GRIP Products 105
Appendix 3 – Network Rail Change Management Manual 109
Appendix 4 – Learning Log Template (Change) 153
Appendix 5 – Learning Log Template (Conflict) 154
Figure 3. GRIP 16
Figure 4. Plan-Do-Review 17
A Project Manager to hone his skills must learn from and grow with each
experience in his daily duties. How is this learning to take place?
Key change issues and resulting conflicts within a new technology project
are identified and the process is documented via the use of learning logs
throughout the project lifecycle for critical evaluation against theoretical
concepts and models that are reviewed and discussed.
Can any new effective and efficient improvements be made? If so how?
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not be made without the permission (in writing) of the author.
The ownership of any intellectual property rights which may be described in this
dissertation is vested in the University of Manchester, subject to any prior
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without the written permission of the University, which will prescribe the terms
and conditions of any such agreement.
The Author is currently working as a Senior Commercial Manger for Network Rail.
Having previously undertaken a BSc (Hons) degree with the submission of a
research project, this dissertation is the first reflective practice dissertation
The author believes NR to be a ‘tall’ organisation that promotes matrix
project teams. It is an organisation with many hierarchical layers and
relatively small spans of control. Such an organisation has the advantage
of being able to closely monitor and control performance as long as
communication lines are well maintained. However such an organisation
also creates a dependency on managers who may fail to delegate
effectively, and decisions being slow and problematic due to the many
management levels.
NR’s organisation is also one of a strong existing role culture. All the
management teams have clear job descriptions, and co-ordination and
decisions are made at the top of the organisation. Performance above role
is not an active feature within the existing culture. The author believes NR
is in the very early stages of promoting a transition from a transactional
organisation to transformational organisation.
1.2 The Author – Subject of Reflection
The Author has worked in the railway industry since 2002 employed by
both AMEC SPIE Rail UK Ltd (ASRUK) and Network Rail Ltd (NR). He has
spent his professional career to date undertaking both Project and
Commercial Management on various track and signals maintenance and
renewal projects for the London Underground and mainline infrastructure
(refer to details in Fig. 1).
Project Manager for District Line track circuit renewals (£1m)
2002-2005 Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager for Jubilee, East London and
ASRUK District Line Track Maintenance (£34)
2002-2005 Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager for Baker Street & Gloucester
ASRUK Road diamond crossing renewal (£2m)
The Author undertakes the project management of the full life cycle of
railway projects in accordance to the Guide for Railway Investment
Projects (GRIP) as detailed:
Whilst undertaking the above roles the Author has experienced on most
projects the implementation of both change control and conflict
management and its impact to the success of a project, so therefore has a
good understanding of the risks and opportunities faced by the Project
Manager during change, and the effects of conflict and its management to
deliver successful projects.
1.3 The Role and Responsibilities of an NR Project
The role of the Project Manager at Network Rail is to lead the safe delivery
of projects to achieve cost, time and quality objectives within corporate
guidelines and develop appropriate delivery and supply strategies and
plans for specific projects.
The key Project Manager deliverables can be broken down into Process,
Systems and People described as the Project Management Framework
(refer to Fig. 2).
Project Control Cycle
Basic skills and systems training
Development of capability
A full job description for a Project Manager in Network Rail can be found in
Appendix 1.
For all projects delivered by Network Rail, the key corporate guideline that
must be abided by is the Guide to Railway Investment Projects that will be
described in the next section.
1.4 Guide to Railway Investment Projects (GRIP)
There are eight stages of a project life cycle as defined by Network Rail for
all projects that reflect how far a project has progressed towards
completion as shown in Figure 3 below.
Fig. 3. GRIP
1 Output Establishes the scope of the investment in terms of the
Definition incremental network capability required by the investment’s
“client”. This is described in terms such as journey time,
capacity, loading gauge etc. It may also require the scoping
of asset renewal.
2 Pre-feasibility Ensures that asset condition, safety or standards
requirements are identified and included in the scope of the
Ensures that investment is aligned with organisational
strategy and contributes to targets.
Identifies the constraints on the network that prevent the
delivery of the client’s outputs and defines the incremental
capability that must be delivered by the investment.
Provides confirmation that the outputs can be economically
delivered by addressing the identified constraints.
3 Option Develops options for addressing the identified constraints
Selection and delivering the required incremental network capability.
Assesses the options and selects the most appropriate one,
together with confirmation that the outputs can be
economically delivered.
4 Single Option Develops the selected single option to the point of
Development engineering scope freeze and in sufficient detail to allow
finalisation of the business case and scheduling of
implementation resources.
5 Detailed Design Produces a complete and robust engineering design that
allows risks, costs, timescales, resources and benefits to be
fully understood prior to commitment to implementation.
6 Construction, Delivers the asset change / renewal to the appropriate
Test and specification and provides confirmation that the asset and
Commissioning system work in accordance with their design and that they
deliver the incremental network capability.
7 Scheme Introduces the asset into operational use and obtains
Handback acceptance of the Works. The key product from Scheme
Handback is acceptance of the Project Works.
8 Project Close Ensures that the project is closed out in an orderly manner
Out with updated asset management information, capitalised
assets, settled contractual accounts and any contingencies
and warranties are put in place. Logging up and other
funding arrangements finalised and assumed business
benefits are captured in the Business Plan.
At each stage of the project lifecycle, GRIP defines the outputs required. In
GRIP terminology an output is a ‘product’. An example of this can be found
in Appendix 2.
Fig. 4. Plan-Do-Review
At the end of each stage a Stage Gate Review (SGR) is held that is a
progress meeting between the Client and Project Manager whereupon the
health of a project is checked before progressing on to the next stage
within the project lifecycle or requesting additional investment
authorisation. Stage gate reviews are crucial to the progress of a project
and therefore must be planned at the project outset and included in the
project management plan and programme.
1.5 The Vital FDM Project
1.5.1 Introduction
The objective of the project is to replace safety critical Vital Reed FDM
systems with new frequency immune transmission equipment transmitting
data between the trackside units and the controlling interlocking. The
proposed system could also be used in other applications such a level
crossing control, where transmission rates with older style equipment is
The feasibility study on the project lead to Network rail adopting the
proposal for the introduction of 1421 SHDSL Modem and AA48 HD Link.
The replacement system is a new product to the Railway, and required
formal acceptance prior to the implementation works. A full Safety case
was developed as part of the project along with a Hazard log for this
particular application.
1.5.2 Why commission the Project?
Network Rail commissioned the project due to the following three reasons:
3. The current FDM systems are life expired and spares are not readily
available. This contributes to poor reliability of the overall signalling
systems within the prescribed areas. The current systems are
considered to be in the top ten catastrophic signalling risks to Network
Rail nationally.
1.5.3 Project Objectives
To deliver the renewal of all the Vital Reed FDM systems in the
Wessex, Sussex and Kent Areas and recovery works to the agreed
cost and timescales
1.5.4 Key Stakeholders
Train and Freight Operating Companies – customers to Network
Rail who lease the use of routes on the railway infrastructure and
require an efficient and reliable railway.
1.6 Reflective Practice Dissertation – Personal Learning
Objectives and Structure
For the Author to become a more effective Project Manager he must learn
from and grow with each experience in his daily duties. In order for this
learning to take place, the Author needs to create an environment of
critical openness and fairness in his reflection. It is particularly important
that fairness is built into the reflective practice and that less successful
application of core skills are recognised and analysed.
A review of the theoretical concept and application of reflective practice
will also be undertaken to effectively review and record the current
practices of the Project Manager.
This dissertation will critically reflect upon and focus on the different stages
of the change and conflict management process undertaken on the Vital
FDM project from the initial understanding of why the change and conflict
originated and how it has been managed and controlled, to how new
processes and methods of change control and conflict management can
be implemented.
an infinite amount of resources available relating to the process, concepts and
models of change management.
This section on change management theory will be split into two sections. The
first will be the physical process of change management that will focus on
industry guidelines. The second is the project management techniques in the
form of concepts and models that could be applied to manage change from
educational resources.
2.2 The Process of Change Management
The 5th Edition of the APM Body of Knowledge (APMBOK) prescribes that
a project must have an effective change control process in place and be
familiar with its operation and that it is the Project Managers responsibility
to ensure this is the case.
6. Implement. Action to implement change.
The first process is to ‘Establish Baselines’ and has three elements. The
first element is to ‘prepare and organise’ which is to determine what the
work is and who will do it. The second element is to ‘plan, schedule and
cost’ which is to determine when the work will be done and with what
resource. The third element is to actually ‘authorise’ the baseline work.
This element is designed to set a baseline to identify change.
The second process is to ‘Manage and Control Work’ and has two
elements. The first element is ‘Work Management’ which is to determine
how work is being done. The second element is ‘Review and Control’
which is to determine whether the work is on time and how much it is
costing. This element is designed to mitigate change by continuous
evaluation of the project progress against the baseline.
The third process is to ‘Manage Change’ and has a single element which
is the actual change management itself. This element is to determine how
the change will be controlled.
The fourth and final process is to ‘Manage Risk’ and has a single element
also which is risk management. This element is to understand uncertainty
and how it will be provided for. This element is designed to mitigate
change by proactive project management.
The PCC process and how its elements interact are shown in Figure 5
The PCC is managed by the identification of two key factors; key roles and
responsibilities and the Change Management process.
Network Rail procedures dictate that to manage change effectively, the
first step is to determine the roles and responsibilities of the key players in
the change. It is the Project Managers responsibility to identity the roles
that have responsibilities for change management during the project
lifecycle and give an outline of what is expected of individuals appointed to
these roles. This is done by the use of a RACI Matrix which is an
organisational tool used to understand and define how individual job roles
are involved in, and contributes to the change process by labelling each
role as either Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform.
4. Approve/Reject Change. Following the evaluation the Project
Manager (or the appropriate delegated Authority) rejects, approves,
or requests re-evaluation.
There are many well documented change management theories with their
respective applications, potential merits, and disadvantages. This section
will focus on 3 different theoretical models to change management:
Kotter’s Eight Steps
Six Change Approach
This section will however proceed with a look at the ‘Formula for Change’
otherwise known as the ‘Gleicher’s Formula’.
2.3.1 Formula for Change
The formula was created by Richard Beckhard and David Gleicher. The
formula provides a model to assess the relative strengths affecting the
likely success or otherwise of change.
D x V x F > R
The formula is based on the principle that three factors must be present for
effective change to take place. The factors as shown in Figure 6 above
The theory states that if the product of the three factors is greater than R
(Resistance) then change is possible. Due to the multiplication of D, V and
F, if any one factor is absent or low then the end product will be low and
therefore may not be capable of overcoming the resistance.
The formula suggests that it is designed more for reactive change as
dissatisfaction is the first factor of the formula. Whether this formula could
be applied to neutral change is debatable however this also raises the
question as to whether change can ever be neutral in the first instance.
The formula would be good to apply as a change management model
where circumstances require a change to facilitate recovery.
2.3.2 ADKAR
The five key goals defined by ADKAR are sequential and cumulative. The
process of change management must obtain each element in sequence in
order for a change to be implemented and managed successfully.
3. Get the vision right - get the team to establish a simple vision and
strategy, focus on emotional and creative aspects necessary to
drive service and efficiency.
4. Communicate for buy-in - Involve as many people as possible,
communicate the essentials, simply, and to appeal and respond to
people's needs. De-clutter communications - make technology work
for you rather than against.
5. Empower action - Remove obstacles, enable constructive
feedback and lots of support from leaders - reward and recognise
progress and achievements.
6. Create short-term wins - Set aims that are easy to achieve - in
bite-size chunks. Manageable numbers of initiatives. Finish current
stages before starting new ones.
7. Don't let up - Foster and encourage determination and persistence
- ongoing change - encourage ongoing progress reporting -
highlight achieved and future milestones.
8. Make change stick - Reinforce the value of successful change via
recruitment, promotion, new change leaders. Weave change into
2.3.4 Six Change Approach
4. Negotiation and Agreement – Suggests that Managers can
combat resistance by offering incentives to employees to not resist
5. Manipulation and Co-option – Co-option as a patronizing gesture
to bring a person into a change management group for the sake of
appearances rather than their substantive contribution.
6. Explicit and Implicit Coercion – The act of a Manager explicitly or
implicitly forcing people into accepting change by making clear that
resisting to change can lead to personal negative change.
This model tackles an issue that is not covered in the previous two models
which is the concept of employee resistance to change. The Author
believes this to be an important factor in the successful implementation of
change management. It addresses and classifies the resistance factors
found in people albeit it is a generalisation as it must be stressed that
there is, and should be, no textbook answers or solution to understand the
mentality of people as it would be dependent on each unique circumstance
and mentality of a person.
2.4 Personal skills, tools & technique
The Formula for Change and each of the three models reviewed in Section
2.2 have their respective advantages and disadvantages. The principle of
the Formula for Change is evident in each of the three models however
they focus and theorise on different schools of thought in how to best
implement successful change management. This does not however
discount certain similarities between the theories, for instance the need to
focus on employees.
The Author in past experience has never sought to theorise his own
personal change management techniques. It is applied using the principle
of four main divisions to what is believed to be the most effective change
management practice available to be utilised in the lack of mainstream
theoretical knowledge. The four divisions are described below.
Processes – the Author believes that documentation of strategy
and plans for programme management is vital. This mitigates the
possible eventually of change. The management of change is kept
to a simple and stringent process that is implemented only when
definitely required. The philosophy of prevention not cure is heavily
Ohlendorf (2001) states that managers spend 42% of their time on
reaching agreement with others when conflict occurs. Conflict may arise
among many different parties both internal and external including:
Lower productivity
Lower morale
Causes more and continued conflicts
Causes inappropriate behaviours
that conflict is almost a requirement in a successful project. Other benefits
This dissertation will not touch on the topic of conflict prevention, but
management of conflict only. We shall assume that prevention of conflict will
occur with the appropriate application of all other project management
techniques to ensure an environment for conflict does not materialise.
This chapter on conflict management theory will review concepts and models
that could be applied to manage conflict from educational resources.
3.2 Conflict Management Concepts and Models
This chapter will focus on the concept and models of conflict resolution
however we shall firstly review the different causes and levels of conflict
that may arise.
There are numerous theories on the cause of conflict however in its basic
form, various studies refer back to a single theory, that of the Approach
Avoidance theory.
Dean & Eaton (1995) describes the two tendencies that causes conflict:
This theory is a very simplistic view of the causes of conflict but it can be
viewed that due to the vast nature of the topic, such a simplistic view
provides the foundations for further studies. The basic principle is that an
approach is required for an end goal with avoidance being the determining
factor for conflict. The single anomaly is the conflict that is created from
not having a defined end goal, or at least being unsure of it, that is
apparent in the Approach-Approach conflict theory. This principle shall be
applied as a basis of discussion throughout this dissertation.
The skill of evaluating the level of conflict will assist a project manager in
determining the appropriate selection of responses to conflict resolution. It
however must always be taken into consideration that conflict may involve
various different levels of conflict. This section will review two differing
theories on the levels of conflict.
The first theory on the levels of conflict is described by Duffy (2001) who
prescribes four levels of conflict:
Level 3: Goals or Purpose. This level of conflict is where parties cannot
agree on a common goal. Negotiations at this level requires patience and
This theory appears to focus on the concept of the final goal with
communication and agreement of that goal key in the management of the
Level 4: Fight/Flight. This level of conflict arises from parties moving from
a want to resolve a problem to removing the problem and its facilitators.
Level 5: Intractable. The highest level of conflict arises from when
personalities have become the issue with no clear understanding of the
problem itself. Conflict may now be seen as being unmanageable. This
level of conflict requires the removal of the facilitators of a problem with
intervention form higher authorities most likely. It is deemed that at this
level no reconciliation is possible and the management technique shifts
from resolution to damage limitation causing a lose/lose outcome.
This theory focuses on the problem as a source of conflict with the addition
of people orientated factors playing an ever more increasing role in the
escalation of a conflict. In terms of real life experience this theory can be
deemed more appropriate to defining differing levels of conflict.
The 5th Edition of the APM Body of Knowledge describes a model that
focuses on the tension between relationships and goals in conflict. A
project manager when becoming engaged in conflict must deal with two
major concerns that are to achieve his goals and preserve relationships
that may affect his project. These two major concerns will determine how a
project manager acts ion a conflict situation. Therefore the Association of
Project Managers (2006) describes five methods of conflict management:
tension between people. By seeking solutions that satisfy both
themselves and the other person they maintain the relationship.
The final outcome will be for a solution to be found that achieves
their own goals and the other person’s goals and they want all
tensions and negative feelings to be fully resolved.
requires one to smooth over conflict in fear of harming the
and when issues can be left unresolved without effecting the goals
of the project. Of course such skills would also require to be
complemented with timing.
The Author believes that although all five techniques are valid, the
Avoidance/Withdrawal and Accommodating/Smoothing techniques would
require a period of time before the effects of the technique would become
Accommodating Collaborating
Avoiding Competing
Leas (1998) adds a sixth method to the above which is Supporting. This
technique is whereby one provides support to the person who is
experiencing conflict. It involves strengthening, encouraging or
empowering one party so they can handle their difficulties. The Author
believes this is a crucial sixth factor as it views conflict in the 3 rd party that
the above perhaps does not. Conflict management does not need to be
resolved by a project manager, or a body of authority, and as such, a
softer approach to management such as supporting is a welcome and
important addition.
Turnbull (1967) suggests a three step process model for resolving conflict:
Step 1: Assess Potential Conflict. This step is broken down into four
factors. The first is to obtain as much information as possible as many
conflicts are the result of misinformation. The second factor is to buy as
much time as possible as delay means reducing the time for formulating a
strategy to act wisely. The third factor is to assess the individuals involved
in the conflict and identify their motives. The fourth and final factor is to
explore the emotional temperature of the conflict on the basis that humour
or distraction may lower anger levels.
Step 2: Diffuse Public Conflict. This step is broken down into four
factors. The first is to inform the whole group of the facts of the situation to
help with later decision making. The second factor is to find out and ask
about the history of the conflict from those concerned. The third factor is to
engage those in conflict with people who can help them reach a
constructive engagement. The fourth and final factor is to delay action until
there has been time to attempt to manage the conflict.
Step 3: Solve Conflict Problems. This step is broken down into five
factors. The first is to consider all the gathered facts, feelings and opinions
about the conflict. The second is to list options to the problem, considering
possible positive and negative consequences of each. The third is to list
the options in the order of priority. The fourth is to depersonalise the
options to avoid focus on the personalities of those involved. The fifth and
final step is to develop a consensus for the option that most resolves the
conflict, even if it involves compromise.
Style 1: The Problem Solver. A style where one refuses to deny or flee
the conflict, presses for conversation and negotiation of the conflict until a
satisfactory conclusion is reached. The Author believes such a style would
be most effective with groups that share common goals and whose conflict
stems from miscommunication.
Style 2: The Super Helper. A style where one constantly works to help
others and give little thought to self. This is the ‘Messiah’ who is often
passive in their own conflicts but always assists others to solve their
conflicts. The Author believes such a style is similar to that of the
Accommodating/Smoothing technique discussed in the previous section.
Style 3: The Power Broker. A style whereby the solutions are more
important than relationships. Even if a person leaves the group or project,
as long as a solution was achieved, they are satisfied. It can be used when
substantive differences are so contradictory that mutually inclusive goals
are not possible.
Style 5: The Fearful Loser. A style whereby one runs from conflict
probably because they are personally insecure. This tends to produce
hostility and a weakening of leadership. The Author believes such a style
is similar to that of the Avoidance/Withdraw technique discussed in the
previous section.
3.3 Personal skills, tools & technique
The Author in past experience has never sought to theorise his own
personal conflict management techniques. The current techniques utilised
by the Author is vague and unstructured. The principle always applied
through experience has been to identify a goal, review the conflict, and
resolve on an ad hoc basis if required with little thought of future project
consequences. The application of conflict management is done in practice
with no inception of theoretical models. This will be expanded upon later in
this dissertation.
Reflective practice means looking at what you do, thinking about why you
do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-
evaluation. The learning process in reflective practice begins with the
examination of an individual's own actions and contrasting the actions to
the ideal of the practice. The process is intended to result in behavioural
changes that improve professional performance.
4.2 Reflective Practice Theory
practice to develop and improves one performance by both knowledge
and experience.
6. Decisions and resolutions of uncertainty. This implies that decision
making to reach resolutions is developed as the process and
application of reflective practice strengthens in one self.
7. Empowerment and emancipation. On the basis that emancipation is
a result of taking a critical overview of self, the principles of reflection is
no different. Therefore emancipation and empowerment cannot take
place without reflection.
8. Other outcomes that are unexpected. This involves the use of
reflective practice allowing the exploration of other outcomes to any
given situation become apparent if studied therefore assisting the
process of learning.
9. Emotion. This is an outcome whereby it can be considered that
reflection is due to the actual process of reflection. Could it be that we
are unable to reflect unless the principles of reflection are embedded in
ones personality. A question that may arise is to what level can
reflection be taught?
There are many theoretical models and concepts available ranging from
general to specific industries. This section will review three different
theoretical models.
4.2.1 Fish and Coles (1998)
The Technical Rational (TR) view appears to be concerned with finding the
best way towards a predetermined end on the assumption that higher
quality processes lead to higher quality outputs – a scientific process. The
author believes that in terms of project change, the TR view represents the
key characteristics of a transactional organisation where practice is
structured and inflexible. The Author believes this view would be
inappropriate for conflict management as ‘soft’ management is more
appropriate, a management style that is not always scientific in nature.
management. Currie & Golding (2002) states that “the nature of
management is complex, ambiguous, contradictory and uncertain; it is also
recognised as a social and political activity”. If this interpretation of
management is to be considered the author believes that the TR approach
can be deemed to be overoptimistic about the capabilities of an individual
to master the rules, laws, systems and skills due to the very inherent
nature of management. However the Author believes such interpretation
summarises the complexities of conflict and its underlying influence of
social and political activity.
and motivators to a professional are equally important to their practice, a
factor that cannot immediately be derived from the PA view.
4.2.2 Schon (1983)
section. The Author believes that KiA is describing similar principles to that
of the TR view and RiA to that of the Pa view. As explained in the previous
chapter, the Author believes that both change and conflict management is
more suited to that of the PA, and therefore, RiA. Although the reasoning
behind this has been already explained, Schon (1983) introduces a
different perspective that is the RoA approach. This approach does not
question or differentiate KiA or RiA but provides an all encompassing
approach of reflecting upon an event regardless whether it was
undertaken using a technical, artistry, or a mixture of both. The simple
principle that whatever we do, however we do it, can always be reflected
upon to improve our future actions. The Author believes this is the
fundamental principle of reflective practice and can be applied to any
management technique as well as any other aspect of life.
Kolb (1984) identifies four distinct learning styles (or preferences), which
are based on a four-stage learning cycle. This section will focus on the
learning styles rather than the interaction it has with the learning cycle.
Converging (doing and thinking) – The concept steered towards
solving problems utilising their prior learning of ideas and theories
preferring technical perspectives rather than people perspectives.
Accommodating (doing and feeling) – The concept of being
hands on relying on intuition rather than logic. This style has a
preference to act on instinct rather than logical analysis.
As previously discussed the Author believes that both change and conflict
management is more akin to the PA and RiA view than the TR and KiA
view. The four learning styles described by Kolb (1984) immediately falls
into the two categories described before. The Diverging and
Accommodating styles describing the principles behind PA and RiA, and
Assimilating and Converging describing the principles behind the PA and
These four styles like the model described by Fish and Coles (1998) does
not intimately specify the principles of RoA described by Schon (1983).
4.3 Key Principles of the Methodology
The basis of this dissertation will reflect the Professional Artistry (PA)
approach. This is due to the belief by the Author that in terms of change
and conflict management, the PA view represents the activities undertaken
where the Author is able to exercise innate creativity in solving problems.
Its view defines a perspective whereby processes undertaken is critically
and dynamically reassessed whilst actually taking place and actual
practice is the most important tool which is the methodology this
dissertation is based on.
This will support the learning style to be adopted from Kolb (1984) for this
dissertation which will be the Accommodating style. The Author believes
this is the best style as it allows for Schon’s view of reflective practice to
be utilised as the Author believes it is intended.
Stage 1 will be conducted with the use of a learning log. The learning log
is to be used to conduct focused, concise and analytical reviews of current
practices and processes for specific activities based, in this dissertation,
around the concept of change and conflict management.
The learning log for change designed and utilised for this dissertation has
the following headings (a template can be found in Appendix 4):
The learning log for conflict designed and utilised for this dissertation has
the following headings (a template can be found in Appendix 5):
the result of the reflection may provide an option to decide to do something
in a different way, or just reinforce that what is being done is the best way.
The Author believes this is what professional development by reflective
practice is all about.
On reflection the two key issues to arise during this stage was that no
option selection of technology took place, and that an assumption was
made that the technology utilised in North America would be immediately
compatible in the UK.
The consequence of no option selection taking place was that this caused
immediate conflict between the Client and Train and Freight operating
companies. This was due to the apprehension by the train and freight
operating companies of the new untested technology being utilised to
resolve an issue without any other option being reviewed. This can be
deemed as being a level 2 conflict as described by Duffy (2001) whereby
conflict has occurred due to a difference of opinion over how things should
be done. However the ultimate decision was to be made by the Network
Rail client and it was deemed that the project would continue under their
terms, therefore no selection of technology. This can be viewed as using
the forcing technique described by the Association of Project Managers
(2006). Such a position to resolve the conflict was taken by Network Rail
due to their position of authority and power of decision as the asset
owners of the railways.
5.2 GRIP Stage 4 and 5: Single Option Development and
Detailed Design
The Vital FDM project was always considered high risk and complex due
to the new technology being introduced to the national railway
infrastructure. The timescales required to undertake the works due to its
emergency nature and its dependency on gaining a safety case and
product approval for the new technology meant that the principle of quality
management through all aspects of the project was a priority issue.
However the safety and product approval processes had a major impact
on the delivery of the project because:
WRSL had been assured during their early meetings with the client
that a pragmatic approach would be taken during the approval
process that did not happen.
It is clear from the above that there was no ‘hands on’ ownership of the
safety and product approval process. Such a ‘champion’ identified with an
ability to RiA would have assisted in smoothing the quality management
and approval process, a process that in this particular situation was of an
extremely high priority and political nature. The ‘champion; mentioned
would on reflection be lead by the project manager, however also
practised by the project members, especially those considered to be the
‘mature’ experienced and senior members of the team.
Due to the lack of any other guide on managing relationships, the client
project team also used the contract to manage relationships that may have
affected the efficiency of the process. This was not conducive to an
effective project delivery environment as Johnson & Scholes (2002) states
that “a key aspect of an organisation’s configuration is the ability to
integrate the knowledge and activities of different parts of an organisation
and with other organisations”. It would have been expected for both
respective PM’s KiA to have been applied at this stage of the project yet it
was not evident. The change itself from the pragmatic approach assured
to the WRSL by Network Rail to a contractual approach would have been
a major contributor to the conflict that occurred – a clear example of an
approach-avoidance conflict.
interest of both parties seem more promising”. The common ground in any
project would be the requirement to deliver the project for a particular gain
amongst all stakeholders – and in this case would have been the
acceleration of the safety and product approval process to deliver the
project to programme. This form of conflict appears to have stemmed from
parties not understanding the common ground was ultimately the project
goals, a level of conflict that could be considered a Level 3 by Duffy
The reaction to the requirement for a change was clearly identified by the
delays. The following actions were applied and recorded for future
management team, project team and support teams from both
Network Rail and WRSL.
Emergency meetings were set up with those responsible for
approvals and a joint presentation with senior management enabled
the concerns to be tabled, agreed in a positive manner, and
actioned. Regular meetings to take place to support more effective
communication and promote common understanding. This level of
conflict is at Level 3 as described by Leas (1985) whereby a third
party is being brought in to mediate the situation. The techniques
used by senior management were of a compromising and
accommodating nature.
Network Rail, at a senior corporate level, needs to communicate the
corporate strategy for the investment and ensure there is an
alignment between all stakeholders.
Roles to be defined clearly in terms of the Approval process. This is
the simplest of conflict management and, if applied early enough in
the project, prevention that should have been communicated.
5.3 GRIP Stage 6: Construction, Testing &
However the weekly management committee was the only formal forum
available and enforced within the contract. This was maintained even
when the project programme slipped considerably and therefore costs
escalated. Also due to the political nature and complexity of the project,
the Network Rail Project Manager did not share his true feelings with the
project team and WRSL until he was in a very public forum. Upon
reflection this must have made it extremely difficult for the principle
contractor to manage the project. What was clearly missing was
communication at different levels and especially with the respective project
teams. Communication planning had not been taking place and
administrative processes were insufficient.
It can be argued that time should have been invested early in the project to
develop strong personal relationships at project level to reduce the impact
of any project problems and therefore potential conflict. Such productive
relationships would have encouraged key players to support each other
and work together for solutions. It was only after the project went into crisis
mode and senior players got involved did all the parties work closely
together with the sole aim of delivering the project. It can be considered
that perhaps the past working relationships between all stakeholders prior
to this project were not fully investigated to ensure that no inherent
conflicts were being imported to such a critical project.
After the first team development workshop early in the phase the
other proposed workshops were not implemented that would have
improved team building. This was changed immediately. Clear need
of the meeting was communicated to all relevant people although
attendance was enforced. This was enforced by the use of the
Network Rail change control process. This initially lead to
resistance however was negated once the benefits of the change
became apparent.
Plans to co-locate were not implemented early on and became a
source of tension later as to where the co-located venue should be.
The focus shifted totally to business activities and relationship
activities were not part of any Project Management strategy. The
issue was changed with the use of empowering project members so
therefore take responsibility and initiative to communicate.
It is thought that Network Rail undertook too much of a contractual
stance in terms of the meetings and communicating in contractual
tones. Again this was ended by change by explaining the effect it
was having on the delivery of the project to all members. This
relaxation of commercial relationship was agreed with senior
management. Such a accommodating and therefore cooperative
approach provides the opportunity for a facilitator approach to be
taken to manage conflict and allows also for conflicts to be at a level
whereby the Problem solver style as described by McSwain and
Treadwell (1981) to be practised.
It is clear that due to the nature of the project, the Project Manager did not
practice a PA approach but practised a TR view following rules as set out
in the contract for communication. It was felt that such a new technology
project required efficient systems, with the best technical expertise with
performance that was visible to the sponsors. Yet upon reflection, such a
large project should have given the freedom to the Project Manager to
apply creative thinking and allow the project members to exert more
sapient authority and increase communication amongst them.
To apply RoA and the lessons that can be learnt and applied in future
accommodating conflict resolution techniques without ever losing
sight of the key goals of the project.
A good communication plan is essential. Communication is a key
skill that applies to both change and conflict management. The
Author believes from experience that good communication is the
basic foundation of any successful project.
Involve and promote active participation of key stakeholders in the
project during all stages. Such participation should hopefully not
allow any conflicts to progress beyond level 1 for both theories
described by Leas (1985) and Duffy (2001).
Pay attention to and address cultural differences be they corporate
or national. In regards to conflict management this is a critical
factor. Cultural differences are a strong factor in the manifestation in
levels of conflict. When cultural ideals, and therefore values and
personalities become involved, you immediately provide an
environment for the highest levels of conflict. Such levels of conflict
would require very strong conflict resolution skills.
Ensure sound project processes are in place and utilised. This also
applies to both change and contract management. Processes such
a the 3-Step Turnbull process for conflict management, and both
the Network Rail and Association of project manager processes for
change management could be briefed, or documented as a
template for promoting success.
Clarify expectations, roles and responsibilities at outset of project.
Promote Team Development opportunities.
5.4 GRIP Stage 7-8: Scheme Handback and Project Close
This GRIP Stage is intended to introduce the asset into operational use
obtain acceptance of the Works and then ensure that the project is closed
out in an orderly manner with updated asset management information,
capitalised assets, settled contractual accounts and any contingencies and
The RT24 Cost Reimbursable design and build contract was not
awarded. Instead an RT24 Lump sum design and build contract was
awarded. This was due to GRIP Stages 1-3 not being completed in full
which led to uncertainty of anticipated final price.
6.2 Way forward for the Project and its Management
At the time of writing, this project, via methods of formal change control,
has had the completion date extended by a further year from July 2007
to July 2008. The outstanding objectives still remain applicable
however additional support for both the project team and senior
management team have now been drafted to ensure completion to the
revised project completion date.
It has been concluded by external parties that the key factor for the
project not being completed on time was due to the poor management
of relationships. Due to the high risk nature of the project and it’s
change in contracting strategy to a lump sum contract, the Network Rail
team focused on protecting their contractual position rather than
focusing on resolving problems through collaboration.
each other for non-delivery. This resulted in members avoiding
taking responsibility for objectives that deteriorated the situation.
Personality clashes between stakeholders.
Destructive communication patterns strongly associated with
methods, pride & loyalty, philosophy & culture, team build, education &
The Formula for Change does identify what seems are key principles
for managing change. Dissatisfaction is a common reason for change
regardless of the issue in question. Vision of what is possible is the
definition of the end product of change and the First steps is a process
that any change must go through at implementation. The effective
application of this theory however rests on whether the products of the
three principles are greater than Resistance.
The application of this formula solely depends on how the products are
measured along with the resistance. As a principle this formula states a
common sense approach to change management and should only be
used as a high level formula for those new to the technique of change
management. Therefore this formula will be used as a basis to
challenge change management concepts and models.
Kottor’s eight steps focus again on people management. Of the
available models the Author believes this to be the most effective. This
model would be effective if implemented as it is clear and prescriptive
in its recommendations to manage change with clear differentiation in
stages that appear manageable. However it appears to assume that
people will respond to each stage and that the drivers will be effective
for everybody. As a process there are doubts about the suitability of
increasing urgency and applying continual pressure by persistence.
The resistance of people may be affected dependent on the principle
that urgency, pressure and persistence may induce a negative
response to change and consolidate or worsen existing resistance.
Specific concepts the Author believes needs to be applied to new
technology projects are as follows:
The two tendencies described by Dean & Eaton (1995) appears top be
the definitive approach upon further reading to the three different
generic types of conflict. The two basic tendencies of Approach and
Avoidance describes the two basic principles of moving towards a
given goal; the tendency to want out of pleasure or satisfaction and the
tendency to not want due to not wanting the end goal. The Author
believes that this principles to all aspects of every day life, not just that
of conflict management. Everyday people make choices and decisions
based on an individual’s needs and wants. The three generic types of
conflict are base don two extremes, that being the pursuit of a goal
despite it being incompatible (potentially win-win), and the conflict that
arises due to the end goal not being desirable to either conflicting
parties (potentially lose-lose). The third type is a conflict that arises
from a desire to both do and not do something. This conflict describes a
potential win-lose situation.
In the case of the Vital FDM project it is noted that the end goal is both
beneficial to Network Rail and WRSL as Network Rail has a contractor
who can install the new technology system and WRSL being the
contractor who can install at profit. The conflict arises from the
contractual approach adopted by Network Rail in contradiction of earlier
promises to ensure a pragmatic approach to the management of the
The two theories on levels of conflict by Duffy (2001) and Leas (1985)
are similar in principle although Leas goes on to suggest that the final
additional step is whereby no reconciliation is possible and damage
limitation is the way forward. However the Author believes that both
theories are not static or conclusive in its categorisation of a conflict.
The Author believes that when levels are used to categorise conflict,
certain levels may merge with one another whereby overlaps of
characteristics of each level occurs. It also fails to describe the effect of
intensity of the conflict at each level and whether this would thus
change the order of levels. On reflection the general problems in whole
never went beyond that of Level 3 referring to the Leas (1985) theory
and Level 2 of the Duffy (2001) theory. This is demonstrated whereby
the pragmatic approach promised by Network Rail that never
materialised is in the Authors opinion a Level 2 conflict according to
Duffy (2001), and when the project was at GRIP stage 4 the existing
adversarial relationships between the stakeholders would be
categorised as a Level 3 conflict by Leas (1985).
Upon reflection the project has moved from a Competing and Power
Broker technique and style of conflict management portrayed by
Network rail to what is now a Confronting and Problem Solving
technique and style. This Competing technique is most apparent when
the project strategy dictated that the project delivery focus would shift
totally to business activities ignoring relationship activities. The original
basis of the Competing style is upon reflection due to the immaturity of
the Network Rail project team whereby experience and skill sets were
lacking to manage conflict in any other way. In future such issues need
to be resolved by the allocation of an experienced project manager and
extensive targeted training to provide the knowledge to project team
members and also other stakeholders of the consequence of poor
conflict management.
Define potentials for conflict prior to project start.
Leaders who are able to effectively communicate the negative
connotations associated with clearly identified conflict situations
to the ‘owners’ of the conflict.
Define the levels of conflict and ascertain the sources of conflict
as soon as possible so that manifestation of the conflict is
Predetermine and agree options for tackling conflict with project
stakeholders and communicate clearly.
Ensure help is available to all stakeholders to ascertain their
priorities and alternatives, and keep them on track – always
know and communicate the end goal.
Keep the process of conflict management in continuous
implementation. Conflict management should be an ongoing
Avoid dealing with the central conflict point; instead tackle the
issues around it which will have the effect of chipping away at
the problem until it gradually erodes.
7.2 Personal skills, tools & techniques
The model has 7 interdependent factors that must all have the same
levels of commitment to successfully manage change.
Capacity for change is crucial. Change can only be implemented
successfully of all the tools and resources are available. A
readiness assessment should be undertaken by all groups.
7.2.2 Change Management
Step 1: Problem focus, not people focus. This step is whereby all
project stakeholders treat one another with respect, avoiding conflict
instigators by giving attention instead to the issues itself. Each side
should be encouraged and helped to understand the other’s fears,
perceptions, insecurities and desires. Parties should think of
themselves as partners in a side-by-side search for a fair agreement
which is advantageous to each side. This is in the belief that such a
method would not allow conflict to ever increase beyond that of level 2.
you remove a further factor that may manifest conflict, which is the
principle of conflict itself, a common goal will always appear which are
the common goals that persuaded conflicting parties to engage in a
This four step process does not prescribe an exact process to resolve a
conflict by means of finding a single resolution that must be agreed but
provides the stepping stones to action so that there is the best chance
of success in allowing a project to be successfully delivered despite
conflict. It must be noted however that this model is based on the
capable implementation of other key project management skills such as
maturity, communication and listening.
7.3 The Process of Reflection and Learning
In Section 4.3 it was advised that the basis of this dissertation would
reflect the Professional Artistry (PA) view as described by Fish and
Coles (1998) as that in terms of change and conflict management, the
PA view represents the activities undertaken where the Author is able
to exercise innate creativity in solving problems. On reflection, taking
such a singular approach to artistry has lead to many problems arising.
The view to be adopted for a new technology project should be based
on both the PA and TR view depending on the circumstances of a
given change or conflict. Broadly, the TR view would have been
appropriate when managing the early GRIP stages whereby the lack of
rules, scope and definition requires the PM to control and apply greater
technical expertise. The Author believes that such a view would have
ultimately led to less change and potentially less conflict.
The PA view was appropriate however for the later GRIP stages
whereby the problems and issues in being able to deliver the project
are more regular and therefore the use of creativity, trust in sapiential
authority, and ability to embrace uncertainty are key attributes.
Both change and conflict are dynamic and without action, the primary
initiative to mitigate the extent of the change or conflict would be lost.
Without such reflection the process of expanding and improving upon
ones experience would be affected in terms of speed and level.
7.4 Concluding Reflections
designed to be descriptive but applies what were deduced as key
factors that are not required in any sequential order but require equal
commitment to ensure success.
Conflict will always occur in every kind of relationships. Conflict arise
when interests or values are challenged and when needs are not being
met. It is therefore essential to provide the right conditions to ensure
conflict management never ‘snowballs’ and that conflicting parties are
allowed to seek win-win solutions, common goals, so that conflict can
be turned into opportunities to grow. In the case of this dissertation, the
successful delivery of the Vital FDM project.
Kotter, J & Cohen, D (2002) The Heart of Change: Real Life Stories of
How People Change Their Organizations, Harvard Business School