Fixed Functional
Fixed Functional
Fixed Functional
Advance Access publication 19 May 2015
Systematic Review
Correspondence to: Moschos A. Papadopoulos, Department of Orthodontics, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Den-
tistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail: [email protected]
Objective: To assess the treatment effects of fixed functional appliances (FFAs) in treated versus
untreated Class II patients by means of lateral cephalometric radiographs.
Search methods: Unrestricted electronic search of 18 databases and additional manual searches
up to October 2014.
Selection criteria: Prospective randomized and non-randomized controlled trials reporting on
cephalometric angular measurements of Class II patients treated with FFAs and their matched
untreated controls.
Data collection and analysis: Skeletal, dental, and soft tissue cephalometric data were annualized
and stratified according to the time of evaluation in effects. Following risk of bias evaluation, the
mean differences (MDs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated with random-effects
models. Patient- and appliance-related subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses were performed
with mixed-effects models.
Results: Nine studies were included (244 patients; mean age: 13.5 years and 174 untreated controls;
mean age: 12.8 years) reporting on cephalometric effects directly after the removal of FFAs. FFAs
were found to induce a small reduction of SNA angle (MD = −0.83 degree/year, 95 % CI: −1.17 to
−0.48), a small increase of SNB angle (MD = 0.87 degree/year, 95 % CI: 0.30–1.43), and moderate
decrease of ANB angle (MD = −1.74 degree/year, 95 % CI: −2.50 to −0.98) compared to untreated
Class II patients. FFA treatment resulted in significant dentoalveolar and soft tissue changes. Several
patient- or appliance-related factors seem to affect the treatment outcome. Long-term effectiveness
of FFAs could not be assessed due to limited evidence.
Conclusions: According to existing evidence, FFAs seem to be effective in improving Class II malocclusion
in the short term, although their effects seem to be mainly dentoalveolar rather than skeletal.
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email: [email protected]
114 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2016, Vol. 38, No. 2
Participant characteristics Studies on human patients with Class II malocclusion of Patients with craniofacial syndromes and/or cleft lip palate
any age or gender Patients with temporomandibular joint disorders
Animal studies
Intervention Orthodontic treatment with fixed functional appliances Patients with Class II malocclusion treated with extrac-
tions, Class II elastics, orthognathic surgery, or removable
functional appliances
Comparison Untreated patients with Class II malocclusion matched Studies without an untreated Class II control group
for age and gender
Outcome Studies providing angular skeletal, dentoalveolar and soft Studies providing only linear cephalometric measurements
tissue cephalometric measurements from lateral cephalo- Electromyographic evaluation
metric analysis Evaluation employing 3D imaging techniques
Cost-benefit analysis
Study design Randomized controlled clinical trials Unsupported opinion of expert
Prospective controlled clinical trials Editor’ s choices
Replies to the author/editor
Books’/conferences’ abstracts
Cross-sectional surveys
Case series without a control
Case reports
Case-control observational studies
Cohort studies
Retrospective clinical trials
Narrative reviews*
Systematic reviews*
the exclusion criteria were fulfilled. In order to investigate only methodological limitations were judged to exist when a pCCT col-
the effects of FFAs, data concerning any previous or subsequent lected less than 17 points on the modified checklist (41).
phases with fixed appliances were not included, since fixed appli-
ances are likely to alter the effects caused by functional treatment Risk of bias across studies
(30). After the elimination of duplicates, the decision for the selec- If a sufficient number of trials were identified (n > 10), reporting
tion was made by taking into consideration the title, abstract, biases (small-study effects or publication bias) were planned to be
and, when it was considered necessary, the full text of the respec- assessed through the inspection of a contour-enhanced funnel plot
tive articles. Multiple reports pertinent to the same trial/patient (42), Begg’s rank correlation test (43), and Egger’s weighted regres-
cohort were grouped together. When the same trial was published sion test (44). If the tests hinted towards the existence of publica-
in various languages, the English version was preferred. Finally, tion bias, the Duval and Tweedie’s trim and fill procedure (45) was
articles including at least one treatment arm with FFAs were planned to be performed.
selected. The overall quality of evidence (confidence in effect estimates)
for each of the main outcomes was rated by using the Grades of
Data collection process and data items Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation
Reason for exclusion Excluded articles on the basis of Excluded articles on the
title and abstract basis of full text
Animal studies 1 1
Patients treated with extractions, Class II elastics, or orthognathic surgery 89 8
Studies without or inappropriate comparison group 144 73
Investigation not relevant to the subject of this study 5604 39
Evaluation employing 3D imaging techniques 7 6
Books’/conferences’ abstracts 72 —
Cross-sectional surveys 4 —
Case reports 62 —
Retrospective clinical trials 68 80
Narrative reviews 9 —
Systematic reviews 23 —
Meta-analyses 4 —
Ongoing studies — 2
No angular cephalometric measurements — 10
Removable functional appliances — 22
No discrimination between treatment with fixed functional appliances and fixed — 4
orthodontic appliances
Sum 6087 245
Table 3. Characteristics of the studies included in the current systematic review. CCT†, prospective controlled trial with historical control; CCT, prospective controlled trial; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; Gp1/2, treatment group; Ctr, control group; ME, maxillary expansion; M/F, males/females; m, months; NR, not reported; TMJ, temporomandibular joint.
Skeletal growth time* Risk of Conflict of
A/A Study Design Setting Characteristics of patients Interventions No. of patients (M/F) Age in years (SD) stage (m) Outcomes bias interest
1 Alali (57) CCT University; Syria Class II/1 malocclusion, overjet > 4 mm, ANB > 4° Fixed lingual Gp: 21 (10/11); Ctr: Gp: 13.2 (0.9); Peak Gp: 8.0; Skeletal, dental 16 NR
and APg/NL < 80º, SNB < 76º, pubertal growth mandibular growth 17 (7/10) Ctr: 12.5 (2.1) Ctr: 8.0
spurt peak modificator
V. F. Zymperdikas et al.
2 Baysal and Uysal RCT University; ANB > 4°, SNB < 78°, overjet ≥ 5 mm, SN-GoGn Cast splint Herbst Gp: 20 (9/11); Ctr: 20 Gp: 12.7 (1.4); Pre-peak and Gp: 15.8; Skeletal, dental, High Internal
(58) Turkey 32° ± 6°, crowding in dental arches ≤ 4 mm, (ME) (11/9) Ctr: 12.2 (1.5) peak Ctr: 15.6 soft tissue risk
bilateral Class II molar and canine relationship
≥ 3.5 mm
3 de Almeida et al. CCT† University; Class II/1 malocclusion with bilateral distal molar Herbst (modified) Gp: 30 (15/15)**; Ctr: Gp: 9.8 (NR)***; Pre-peak and Gp: 12.0; Skeletal, dental, 23 NR
(59, 60) Brazil relationship > one-half cusp, presence of mandibu- 30 (15/15) Ctr: 9.7 (NR) peak Ctr: 12.0 soft tissue
lar deciduous second molars, ANB ≥ 4.5°
4 Gunay et al. (61) CCT† University; Skeletal and dental Class II malocclusion due Forsus Fatigue Resist- Gp: 15 (6/9); Ctr: 12 Gp: 15.0 (1.2); Post-peak Gp: 5.3; Skeletal, dental, 18 NR
Turkey to retrognathic mandible, normal or low-angle ant Device (3/9) Ctr: 14.1 (1.4) Ctr: 6.0 soft tissue
growth pattern, post-peak growth period, no
extracted or congenitally missing permanent teeth,
minimum crowding in the lower dental arch
5 Karacay et al. (62) CCT Military Active growth period, normal or mildly prog- Gp1: Forsus nitinol Gp1: 16 (9/7); Gp2: Gp1: 13.6 (1.2); NR Gp1: 5.3; Skeletal, dental 22 NR
Medical Acad- nathic maxilla, retrognathic mandible, horizontal flat spring; Gp2: Jas- 16 (10/6); Ctr: 16 Gp2: 14.0 (1.9); Gp2: 5.2;
emy; Turkey or normal growth pattern, Class II molar per jumper (NR) Ctr: 13.8 (1.4) Ctr: 6.0
relationship, overjet < 7 mm, minimum crowding,
permanent dentition
6 Latkauskienė (63) CCT† University; Lithu- ≥ End-to-end Class II molar relationship bilater- Stainless steel crown Gp: 40 (20/20); Ctr: Gp: 13.6 (1.3); Peak and post- Gp: 12.0; Skeletal, dental 25 NR
ania ally or more severe, permanent dentition, no Herbst 18 (11/7) Ctr: 13.9 (1.6) peak Ctr: 12.0
active hard tissue lesions, no previous orthodontic
treatment or tooth extractions, no bone level
problems, no TMJ complaints, no tooth size,
form, and number anomalies, no facial develop-
ment or mental syndromes, no pregnancy
7 Oztoprak et al. (64) CCT† University; Class II malocclusion due to retrognathic mandi- Gp1: Sabbagh Gp1: 20 (9/11); Gp2: Gp1: 15.3 (1.2); Post-peak Gp1: 5.2; Skeletal, dental, 23 NR
Turkey ble, SN-MP = 25°–35°, post-peak growth period, universal spring Gp2: 20 (8/12); Ctr: 19 Gp2: 15.1 (1.0); Gp2: 5.2; soft tissue
no extracted or congenitally missing permanent Forsus FRD (5/14) Ctr: 14.8 (1.3) Ctr: 6.0
teeth, minimum crowding in the lower arch
8 Phelan et al. (65) CCT† Private practice; Class II/1 malocclusion of a half or full cusp, Sydney magnoglide Gp: 31 (19/12); Ctr: 30 Gp: 13.5 (1.2); Pre-peak, peak, Gp: 12.0; Skeletal, dental 22 External; non-
Germany overjet ≥ 6 mm, ANB > 3.5°, and non-extraction (15/15) Ctr: 13.0 (1.6) and post-peak Ctr: 12.0 profit
treatment plan
9 Uyanlar et al. (66) CCT University; SNB < 80°, SN-ML ≤ 32°, post-peak growth Sabbagh universal Gp: 15 (7/8); Ctr: 12 Gp: 15.2 (1.1); Post-peak Gp: 5.2; Skeletal, dental, 19 NR
Turkey period, no extracted or congenitally missing spring (3/9) Ctr: 14.1 (1.4) Ctr: 6.0 soft tissue
permanent teeth, minimum crowding in the lower
dental arch
No. Variable Studies Post–pre in FA* Post–pre in Ctr* MD 95% CI P value 95% PI P value τ2 I2 (95% CI)
1 SNA 9** ↓ (−0.57) ↑ (0.13) −0.83 −1.17, −0.48 <0.001 −1.58, −0.08 0.202 0.069 27% (0, 66)
2 SNB 9** ↑ (1.07) ↑ (0.11) 0.87 0.30, 1.43 0.003 −0.84, 2.57 <0.001 0.435 72% (32, 84)
3 SN-Pg*** 2 ↑ (1.45) ↑ (0.24) 1.29 −0.52, 3.09 0.162 NA <0.001 1.588 94% (NA)
4 ANB**** 9** ↓ (−1.95) ↓ (−0.13) −1.74 −2.50, −0.98 <0.001 −4.30, 0.82 <0.001 1.019 87% (78, 92)
5 NA-Apg**** 5** ↓ (−3.01) ↓ (−0.96) −1.86 −5.06, 1.34 0.254 −13.68, 9.95 <0.001 11.120 90% (78, 94)
6 SGo:Nme (%) 4** ↑ (1.31) ↑ (1.29) 0.71 −0.09, 1.51 0.080 −1.04, 2.46 0.424 0.000 0% (0, 68)
7 SN-ML 8** ↑ (0.16) ↓ (−0.43) 0.48 0.04, 0.92 0.031 −0.07, 1.03 0.949 0.000 0% (0, 56)
8 NL-ML 2** ↑ (0.28) ↑ (0.15) 0.13 −0.95, 1.20 0.818 NA 0.776 0.000 0% (NA)
9 SN-NL 6** ↑ (0.41) ↓ (−0.29) 0.54 −0.23, 1.32 0.168 −1.30, 2.39 0.181 0.284 34% (0, 73)
10 SN-OP 4** ↑ (8.44) ↓ (−1.58) 10.09 7.22, 12.96 <0.001 −0.96, 21.13 0.099 4.442 52% (0, 82)
11 y axis*** 2** ↑ (3.65) ↑ (0.34) 3.06 −2.18, 8.29 0.252 NA 0.002 12.881 90% (NA)
12 1s-SN**** 6** ↓ (−6.49) ↑ (0.93) −7.50 −10.88, −4.11 <0.001 −18.32, 3.33 <0.001 12.209 79% (44, 89)
13 1i-ML**** 9** ↑ (8.20) ↑ (0.25) 7.99 3.56, 12.42 <0.001 −8.34, 24.32 <0.001 42.595 96% (95, 97)
14 1s-1i***** 3** ↓ (−4.59) ↓ (−1.48) −8.32 −13.38, −3.25 0.001 −57.04, 40.41 0.190 8.038 40% (0, 82)
15 1s-NA 2 ↓ (−3.38) ↑ (1.16) −4.24 −6.09, −2.40 <0.001 NA 0.233 0.572 30% (NA)
16 1i-NB 2 ↑ (4.60) ↑ (0.36) 4.20 2.48, 5.91 <0.001 NA 0.195 0.684 40% (NA)
17 1i-VL 3** ↑ (18.67) ↓ (−1.13) 19.78 15.50, 24.06 <0.001 −24.38, 63.94 0.129 7.319 51% (0, 85)
18 N′SnPg′ 2 ↑ (1.88) ↓ (−0.19) 2.01 1.05, 2.96 <0.001 NA 0.622 0.000 0% (NA)
19 Nasolabial angle 5** ↑ (0.49) ↑ (0.49) 0.03 −2.39, 2.45 0.979 −4.83, 4.89 0.347 0.802 10% (0, 68)
20 Mentolabial angle 2 ↑ (10.00) ↓ (−5.19) 14.99 8.09, 21.88 <0.001 NA 0.233 7.337 30% (NA)
21 H angle 4** ↓ (−2.14) ↓ (−2.01) −1.95 −3.16, −0.74 0.002 −4.61, 0.70 0.908 0.000 0% (0, 68)
22 ANSMe:Nme****** 3** ↑ (0.89) ↑ (0.63) Omitted
23 Gonial ratio 3** ↑ (1.99) ↑ (0.23) 1.62 −0.66, 3.90 0.164 −23.17, 26.41 0.080 2.452 60% (0, 87)
24 S-Ar/Ar-Go 2** ↓ (−3.86) ↓ (−4.77) 0.49 −3.48, 4.46 0.809 NA 0.667 0.000 0% (NA)
Bold values indicate statistically significant differences between the functional appliance and the control groups at the 5% level.
*Results from random-effects meta-analysis of the post–pre differences in each group to provide an overview of the effect’s direction.
**Pooled trial arms included.
***High heterogeneity identified; however, our confidence in the calculation of heterogeneity is limited due to the small number of studies. Furthermore, it would affect only the estimation of the effect magnitude, not its
direction (i.e. all studies lie on the same side of the forest plot).
****High heterogeneity identified; however, heterogeneity is explained by differences between subgroups. Caution is warranted on the interpretation of the overall effect estimate; estimates for subgroups are to be pre-
*****Initial analysis included four studies (MD = −3.14; 95% CI = −15.95 to 9.67; P = 0.631; τ2 = 160.559; I2 = 95%), but the study of Alali (57) (fixed lingual mandibular growth modificator) was omitted to achieve
******High heterogeneity identified, which remained unexplained; meta-analysis of three studies (MD = 0.13; 95% CI = −2.17, 2.42; P = 0.915; τ2 = 3.472; I2 = 85%) was omitted, as studies were distributed on both sides
of the forest plot and elimination of a single study was not straightforward.
European Journal of Orthodontics, 2016, Vol. 38, No. 2
method error of the cephalometric analysis (where reported), 3. the Study characteristics and risk of bias within studies
improvement of the GRADE classification, and 4. the study design. The characteristics of the 10 included studies (9 datasets) are
presented in Table 3. Seven of them took place at a university,
one at a military academy, and one at a private practice, includ-
ing 418 subjects, from whom 244 were patients with a mean
Study selection age of 13.5 years that received a FFA treatment and 174 were
From the initially identified 9115 records, 6342 remained after exclu- untreated individuals with a mean age of 12.8 years that did not
sion of duplicates and 6087 additional records were excluded on the receive any treatment at all. The majority of the patients were
basis of screening (Table 2). A total of 255 full texts were assessed treated with the original design of the corresponding FFA, while
for eligibility (Figure 1), with 10 articles (57–66) having at least one in two studies, the FFAs were either modified or incorporated
treatment arm with a FFA and being included in the systematic review. additional elements for maxillary expansion. All included studies
Two articles reported (59, 60) data from the same study/cohort and provided data on skeletal and dentoalveolar changes, while five
were grouped together. Thus, 9 unique datasets were finally included reported additionally on soft tissue cephalometric outcomes and
in the qualitative and quantitative synthesis of this systematic review. three studies reported on cephalometric ratios.
Figure 2. Forest plot of the mean difference of the SNA, SNB, and ANB angles (Post-Pre increments in °/year) between FFAs and control groups based on the
random-effects model together with the 95% confidence interval (CI) and the 95% prediction interval (PI).
120 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2016, Vol. 38, No. 2
Table 5. GRADE summary of findings table for the main outcomes of the systematic review directly after treatment with fixed functional
appliances. CI, confidence interval; Ctr, untreated control group; mo, month; FFA, fixed functional appliance; GRADE, Grades of Recom-
mendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation.
Annualized SNA change The SNA increased on average The mean SNA decreased in the 418 (9) ⊕⊕⊖⊖ Low —
from baseline (follow-up: by 0.13° per year in the Ctr FFA groups by 0.83° per year
5.2–15.8 months)* groups (range −0.52° to 0.80°) (95% CI: 0.48°–1.17° decrease)
compared to the Ctr groups
Annualized SNB change The SNB increased on average The mean SNB increased in the 418 (9) ⊕⊕⊖⊖ Low Effect magnitude af-
from baseline (follow-up: by 0.11° per year in the Ctr FFA groups by 0.87° per year fected by appliance
Patients: receiving orthodontic treatment to improve Class II malocclusion. Settings: university clinics (Brazil, Lithuania, Syria, Turkey), private practice (Ger-
many), and military academy (Turkey). Intervention: FFAs (fixed lingual mandibular growth modificator, Forsus fatigue resistant device, Forsus nitinol flat spring,
Herbst, Jasper jumper, Sabbagh universal spring, Sydney magnoglide). Comparison: untreated patients from follow-up or historical controls. All judgements start
from ‘low’ due to the vast inclusion of non-randomized studies.
*From cephalometric analysis.
**Upgraded by two for effect magnitude; very large effect (cephalometric norm + 2 standard deviations + 1° for method error), which was included in the
mean effect, the confidence interval, and the prediction interval, while no serious limitations were found. Furthermore, magnitude of incisor inclination change
significantly associated with duration of functional appliance treatment (dose-response effect).
Results of individual studies, synthesis of results, 0.83 degree/year was induced by FFAs. The effect of FFAs on the
and risk of bias across studies skeletal relationships of the maxilla to the mandible was favour-
Effectiveness of FFA treatment directly after appliance removal able, with the ANB angle being on average 1.74 degree decreased
Meta-analyses could be performed regarding only the short-term annually (P < 0.001) compared to the untreated group, indicating
effectiveness of FFAs (i.e. from the time point of placement of the a moderate improvement of the skeletal Class II jaw relationships.
corresponding FFAs until immediately after their removal) com- Finally, as far as the vertical skeletal relationships are concerned,
pared to natural growth (as indicated by the data of the untreated no significant effects could be found, except for annual increases
control individuals) for 24 cephalometric variables, including 11 of the SN-ML and SN-OP angles by 0.48 and 10.09 degree/year,
skeletal (5 sagittal and 6 vertical), 6 dental, 4 soft tissue variables, respectively. The later indicates a clinically significant effect on the
and 3 ratios (Table 4). In short, many skeletal, dental, and soft tissue inclination of the occlusal plane during mandibular advancement.
variables were found to be significantly affected by FFA treatment. With regard to the dentoalveolar changes, treatment effects were
With regard to the skeletal changes in the sagittal plane, the evident on all variables corresponding to the upper and lower dental
skeletal growth of the mandible was slightly affected by FFAs, arches. Significant retroclination of the upper incisors was observed
with the SNB angle being on average 0.87 degree/year greater compared to the untreated group, as seen from the 1s-SN (−7.50
than the untreated group (Figure 2). Further, a statistically sig- degrees/year) and 1s-NA (−4.24 degrees/year) angles. Additionally,
nificant slight restriction effect on the maxillary growth of about the lower incisors were significantly proclined, as seen from the
Table 6. Details of the performed subgroup analyses. MD, mean difference; CI, confidence interval; PSG, P values for difference between subgroups; FFRD, Forsus fatigue resistant device;
FLMGM, fixed lingual mandibular growth modificator; FNFS, Forsus nitinol flat spring; JJ, Jasper jumper; SUS, Sabbagh universal spring; SM, Sydney magnoglide; SS, stainless steel.
V. F. Zymperdikas et al.
SNA (n = 11) SNB (n = 11) ANB (n = 11) NA-APg (n = 6) SN-ML (n = 10)
n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG
Patient related
Gender ratio 11 0.190 11 0.710 11 0.080 6 0.002 10 0.368
Skeletal growth stage
Pre-peak and peak 3 −0.92 (−1.35, −0.50) 0.316 3 1.23 (−0.12, 2.57) 0.401 3 −2.05 (−3.43, −0.67) 0.218 2 −4.89 (−9.21, −0.57) 0.135 3 0.46 (−0.09, 1.00) 0.440
Post-peak 4 −0.11 (−1.81, 1.59) 4 0.48 (−0.31, 1.27) 4 −0.49 (−2.03, 1.06) 4 0.72 (−3.06, 4.50) 4 0.95 (−0.07, 1.98)
Appliance related
FFRD 2 1.31 (0.00, 2.62) 0.284 2 0.43 (−0.65, 1.49) 0.082 2 0.94 (−0.42, 2.30) 0.017 2 4.08 (1.38, 6.78) 0.060 2 1.41 (−0.39, 3.21) 0.881
FLMGM 1 −0.90 (−1.62, −0.18) 1 2.84 (1.98, 3.70) 1 −3.59 (−4.35, −2.83) 1 −7.16 (−8.93, −5.39) 1 0.30 (−0.92, 1.52)
FNFS 1 −1.48 (−7.22, 4.26) 1 4.37 (−1.02, 9.76) 1 −7.19 (−9.67, −4.71) 1 −0.43 (−9.76, 8.90)
Herbst 3 −0.75 (−1.27, −0.23) 3 0.55 (0.24, 0.86) 3 −1.22 (−1.58, −0.86) 1 −2.75 (−3.79, −1.71) 2 0.50 (−0.12, 1.11)
JJ 1 −1.27 (−6.82, 4.28) 1 2.62 (−2.40, 7.64) 1 −4.32 (−6.41, −2.23) 1 −1.83 (−9.22, 5.56)
SUS 2 −1.64 (−3.18, −0.09) 2 0.55 (−0.63, 1.72) 2 −1.77 (−2.90, −0.64) 2 −2.54 (−5.13, 0.05) 2 0.74 (−0.51, 1.98)
SM 1 −1.30 (−2.01, −0.59) 1 0.60 (−0.15, 1.35) 1 −1.60 (−2.18, −1.02) 1 0.20 (−0.75, 1.15)
Herbst design
SS crown 1 −0.50 (−1.08, 0.08) 0.095* 1 0.70 (0.22, 1.18) 0.607* 1 −1.10 (−1.55, −0.65) 0.236*
Cast splint 1 −1.17 (−1.61, −0.74) 1 0.35 (−0.15, 0.85) 1 −1.63 (−2.20, −1.06) 1 0.56 (−0.23, 1.35) 0.802*
Modified 1 −0.40 (−1.20, 0.40) 1 0.60 (−0.06, 1.26) 1 −1.00 (−1.54, −0.46) 1 0.40 (−0.57, 1.37)
Construction bite
Single step 2 −0.86 (−1.60, −0.12) 0.444 2 0.44 (0.04, 0.84) 0.452 2 −1.31 (−1.92, −0.69) 0.765 1 −2.75 (−3.79, −1.71) 0.436 2 0.50 (−0.12, 1.11) 0.542
Stepwise 7 −0.27 (−1.20, 0.66) 7 0.68 (0.27, 1.09) 7 −1.89 (−3.37, −0.40) 4 0.72 (−3.06, 4.50) 6 0.89 (−0.12, 1.89)
Table 6. Continued
n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG n MD (95% CI) PSG
Patient related
Gender ratio 8 0.168 8 0.497 11 0.377 6 0.104
Skeletal growth stage
Pre-peak and peak 2 0.06 (−0.47, 0.59) 0.052 1 −4.24 (−6.19, −2.30) 0.035 3 0.16 (−5.12, 5.43) 0.010 2 0.51 (−5.05, 6.07) 0.824
Post-peak 4 1.93 (0.70, 3.17) 4 −10.92 (−13.92, −7.92) 4 18.89 (12.50, 25.28) 4 −0.44 (−3.64, 2.76)
Appliance related
FFRD 2 1.60 (0.08, 3.11) 0.397 2 −10.60 (−15.89, −5.30) 0.151 2 24.51 (21.59, 27.43) 0.002 2 −2.75 (−6.45, 0.96) 0.348
FLMGM 1 0.00 (−0.63, 0.63) 1 −6.72 (−9.88, −3.56)
FNFS 1 −1.79 (−6.55, 2.97) 1 −11.54 (−17.93, −5.15) 1 11.03 (5.47, 16.59)
Herbst 1 0.20 (−0.78, 1.18) 1 −4.24 (−6.19, −2.30) 3 3.92 (2.25, 5.59) 2 0.51 (−5.05, 6.07)
JJ 1 0.03 (−4.21, 4.27) 1 −12.03 (−20.39, −3.67) 2 16.15 (6.07, 26.23)
SUS 2 2.59 (0.46, 4.72) 2 −11.07 (−14.71, −7.44) 2 13.31 (9.95, 16.67) 2 3.01 (−1.71, 7.73)
SM 1 −2.20 (−4.24, −0.16) 1 0.40 (−1.05, 1.85)
Herbst design
SS crown 1 5.40 (3.38, 7.42) 0.102* 0.084*
Cast splint 1 2.74 (1.33, 4.15) 1 −2.15 (−6.26, 1.96)
Modified 1 4.00 (1.58, 6.42) 1 3.54 (−1.45, 8.53)
Construction bite
Single step 1 0.20 (−0.78, 1.18) 0.135 1 −4.24 (−6.19, −2.30) 0.009 2 3.06 (1.84, 4.28) 0.057 2 0.51 (−5.05, 6.07) 0.824
Stepwise 6 1.57 (0.42, 2.72) 6 −11.13 (−13.71, −8.55) 7 15.34 (8.39, 22.30) 4 −0.44 (−3.64, 2.76)
caution due to the presence of considerable heterogeneity and their planned patient- and appliance-related factors in this review while
indirect nature. In a comparative evaluation of the Forsus™ Nitinol reporting biases could not be formally assessed (80).
Flat Spring and the Jasper Jumper (15), the superiority of the latter
in advancing the mandible was reported. Finally, contrary to the pre-
sent study, a previous systematic review (8) reported that the Herbst Conclusions
appliance was found to produce more favourable results in mat- According to existing evidence, the following conclusions can be
ters of increased mandibular growth compared to other functional drawn on the short-term effectiveness of FFAs:
appliances. However, only the Herbst appliance and the Mandibular
Anterior Repositioning Appliance were included from FFAs, while no 1. The treatment effects of FFAs on the skeletal tissues in patients
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