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PT3 Practices Essay

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PT3 Practices



You plan to take your friend out for dinner to one of these restaurants.
In about 50 words, write an e-mail to your friend.
In your email:
 state the restaurant you plan to take him / her to
 give reasons to support your choice
 add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Sample Answer 1

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Dinner at Kamzai Restaurant

Hello Siva,
I am writing to invite you for dinner with my family. We are going to Kamzai Restaurant. It serves
the best Japanese takeaway in Kuala Lumpur. There are 50 different types of sushi and Japanese
noodles. I know you love Japanese food so you will surely enjoy the dishes. I hope you can join us.

Your friend,

Sample Answer 2

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Dinner at Chennai Café

Hello Siva,
I am writing to invite you for dinner this Tuesday with my family. We are going to Chennai Cafe.
It serves delicious South Indian dishes. It is well-known for its fish head curry but there are special
vegetarian dishes on Tuesdays that we shouldn’t miss. I hope you can join us.

Your friend,
Sample Answer 3 Sample Answer 5

To: [email protected] To: [email protected]

From: [email protected] From: [email protected]
Subject: Dinner at Warong Malaysia Subject: Dinner at Spicy Siam

Hello Siva, Hello Siva,

I am writing to invite you for dinner with my I am writing to invite you for dinner with my
family. We are going to Warong Malaysia. It family. We are going to Spicy Siam,
serves the best Malaysian cuisine including Kuching’s first and only revolving
our favourite chicken rendang, nasi restaurant. Let’s enjoy a 360 degree bird’s-
lemak and traditional cakes. It isn’t easy to eye view of Kuching. The bright lights in the
find a restaurant which serves delicious night sky will be a perfect accompaniment to
traditional cakes, so let’s try them. I hope the delicious Thai food served. They also
you can join us. serve our favourite durian ice cream. I hope
you can join us.
Your friend,
Kev Your friend,

Sample Answer 4 Sample Answer 6

To: [email protected] To: [email protected]

From: [email protected] From: [email protected]
Subject: Dinner at Golden Dragon Subject: Dinner at Jojo Cafe
Hello Siva,
Hello Siva, I am writing to invite you for dinner with my
I am writing to invite you for dinner with my family. We are going to Jojo Cafe. It offers a
family. We are going to Golden Dragon range of English dishes including your
Restaurant. There are aquariums filled with favourite pasta too. I cannot wait to have
live fish and lobsters. We can pick the their traditional English fish and chips.
seafood of our choice and the chef will steam Listening to some live music while enjoying
it for us. This means that it is freshly some delicious food will be a new dining
prepared, hence a treat to our taste buds. experience for us. I hope you can join us.
I hope you can join us.
Your friend,
Your friend, Kev

You wish to recommend a book to your friend.

In about 50 words, write an e-mail to your friend.
In your email:
 state the book you have chosen
 give reasons to support your choice
 add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Sample Answer 1 Sample Answer 3

To: [email protected] To: [email protected]

From: [email protected] From: [email protected]
Subject: A Good Book to Read Subject: A Good Book to Read

Hi, Wee Ling. I would like to recommend a Hi, Wee Ling. I would like to recommend a
book to you. It is entitled ‘Ani and Anita book to you. It is entitled The Tiger and The
Book 1’. The author is Arman Ahmad. It is Rabbit’. The author is S.L. Chan. It is about
about two best friends and their experiences how the animals and the wise rabbit deal
exploring the outdoors, camping and making with a cruel tiger who threatens their
new friends. I know you love adventure peaceful life in the jungle. I know you love
stories so you should read this book. Their animal stories so you will enjoy reading how
adventure continues in 'Ani and Anita Book the tiger is tricked into leaving the jungle
2’ forever. I hope you enjoy reading this book.

Your friend, Your friend,

Aida Aida

Sample Answer 2 Sample Answer 4

To: [email protected] To: [email protected]

From: [email protected] From: [email protected]
Subject: A Good Book to Read Subject: A Good Book to Read

Hi, Wee Ling. I would like to recommend a Hi, Wee Ling. I would like to recommend a
book to you. It is entitled The Joy of book to you. It is entitled Tim and the Lucky
Reading’. The author is Rajan Murthy. It is Coin’. The author is Terence L. The main
about a young girl who has to help her character, Tim, buys food for an old beggar
parents in the farm and look after her and as a reward is given an old coin. Soon
younger siblings because her family is poor. Tim discovers that he has a lucky coin. I
She wants to go to school as she loves to know you like heart-warming stories and
learn. I know you will love this book this is the one. I hope you enjoy reading this
because you like reading about characters book.
who overcome obstacles to achieve their
dreams. I hope you enjoy reading this book. Your friend,
Your friend,

You wish to watch one of these movies with your friend.

In about 50 words, write a note to your friend.
In your note:
 invite him / her to join you for the movie
 give reasons to support your choice of the movie

Sample Answer 1

To: Joy

How have you been keeping? I would like to invite you to watch a movie with me. The movie is
‘Aliens vs Humans’. It is now showing in Mahkota Cineplex. The movie is about aliens which I love.
You too, right? It goes into the future in the year 2315. An alien species from another planet has
taken over the world. Fortunately, a group of human survivors is all out to destroy these aliens. It
would be very exciting to see how these human survivors try to reclaim the world for the human
race to live in. A war breaks out between the aliens and humans. I hope that man wins so that
humans will have a place to live in.
I wish you could join me. Please do let me know. Thanks and bye.

From: Kanapathy

Sample Answer 2

To: Joy

How have you been keeping? I would like to invite you to watch a movie with me. The movie is
‘House of No Return’. It is now showing in Mahkota Cineplex. The movie is based on a horror story
which I love. You too, right? Penny, the main protagonist is greeted by strange words when she
moves into Manor Hall with her family. After moving around for the past years, Penny, her husband,
mother and children are looking forward to a normal family life in their new home. It is exciting
because strange and mysterious things are happening in the house and Penny senses a paranormal
presence. I hope Penny and her family get to live a normal life at the end of the movie.
I wish you could join me. Please do let me know. Thanks and bye.

From: Kanapathy
Sample Answer 3

To: Joy

How have you been keeping? I would like to invite you to watch a movie with me. The movie is
‘Dragon Story: The Return’. It is now showing in Mahkota Cineplex. It is the second part of the
movie ‘Dragon Story’ which we have watched last year. I am sure you will want to watch this sequel
as the first part was captivating. In this movie, Matthew the dragon rider and his dragon, Drago
have to save the world from the evil Suran and his band of human-eating dragons, the Gadragons.
I hope Matthew and Drago can win against them.
I wish you could join me. Please do let me know. Thanks and bye.

From: Kanapathy

Sample Answer 4

To: Joy

How have you been keeping? I would like to invite you to watch a movie with me. The movie is
‘Robonoids: The Rise of The Black Moon’. It is now showing in Mahkota Cineplex. The movie is a
science fiction which I love. You too, right? The movie begins with the finishing of the war between
the humans and the Robonoids. The machines have vanished as the humans recover from the war.
But, greedy businessmen and scientists work together to recreate the Robonoids which go out of
control. I look forward to this movie as it brings us to an adventure where good fights evil and
freedom comes up against slavery.
I hope you could join me. Please do let me know. Thanks and bye.

From: Kanapathy

You plan to visit one of these places in Kuala Lumpur

In about 50 words, write an e-mail to your cousin
In your email:
 state the place you plan to visit
 give reasons to support your choice
 add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Sample Answer 1

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Visit to the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park

I am excited for the school holiday is around the corner. This coming holiday, I plan to pay a visit to
the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park. It is the largest free-flight walk-in aviary in the world. The bird park
offers an up-close-and- personal experience with a wide variety of bird species. I will be able to
learn their names, habits and behaviours. There is also a bird show in the afternoon. I can’t wait for
the holidays to come. Share with me your holiday plan too!

Your cousin,

Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected] To: [email protected]
Subject: A Night Excursion City Tour on an From: [email protected]
Open-top Bus Subject: Visit to the Star Trek Exhibition

I am excited for the school holiday is around I am excited for the school holiday is around
the corner. This coming holiday, I plan to the corner. This coming holiday, I plan to
join the Hop-on, Hop-off Night Excursion visit the Star Trek Exhibition at the National
City Tour. It will be a unique experience Science Centre. I will be able to check out
because I will be touring the city on an open- the spectacular model of the Enterprise
top bus! The city tour will start at Batu Caves spaceship and take a photo with Captain
which houses the magnificent statue of Lord Kirk! You know how much I loved watching
Muruga. After that, I will be able to shop at Star Trek and this is a dream come true for
Petaling Street. The tour will end at Budaya me. I can’t wait for the holidays to come.
Restaurant where I can enjoy some delicious Share with me your holiday plan too!
satay while watching a cultural show. I can’t
wait for the holidays to come. Share with me Your cousin,
your holiday plan too! Trini

Your cousin,

You plan to visit the Gunung Gading National Park in Sarawak.

In about 50 words, write a note to your cousin
In your note:
 persuade your cousin to join you
 give reasons why your cousin should join you

Sample Answer 1

To: Sharma
From: Steve
Subject: Guning Gading National Park

How’s life? I would like you to join me on a trip to Gunung Gading National Park in Sarawak this
coming school holiday. I am very sure you will like it as you are a nature lover. The park itself is
surrounded by dense rainforests. On top of that, we can have a dip in the many crystal clear streams
and waterfalls there.
Remember that day you told me that you would like to see a real Rafflesia? The Rafflesia is a very
special star attraction in this park. So join me to fulfill your wish. Besides, we can go jungle trekking
and along the way watch some of the wild animals such as civet cats, wild boars, monkeys and even
giant squirrels. We can watch them in their natural habitat. It would be fun!
I do hope you can join me. Please let me know.

Your cousin,
Writing a SPEECH or TALK


You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Cycling has many advantages. As the chairman of the Cycling Club, you are asked to give a speech
on the benefits of cycling.

o burn calories
o heart pumps faster
o reduce the risk of heart disease
o healthy outdoor activity

When writing out your speech:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other benefit of cycling
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Opening address - greet principal, teachers and students - state topic of speech
Body : Elaborate on the details of the speech
Paragraph 1: cycling improves endurance- burns calories - encourage people to cycle
Paragraph 2: makes lungs expand - push oxygen into body - good for the heart
Paragraph 3: makes us go outdoors - fresh air - sunlight
Paragraph 4: fits into any lifestyle - needs only bicycle and safety gear
Conclusion : Ending of speech - express hope that audience take up cycling

Sample Answer

Good morning, teachers and fellow students. I am Roberto Lopez, the president of the
Cycling Club. The title of my speech today is The Benefits of Cycling.’
I am sure many of you here today love cycling. Cycling improves both endurance and aerobic
capacity. It burns a lot of calories in a fun way that encourages people to cycle.
Cycling makes the lungs expand to push oxygen into the body. This causes the heart to pump
faster to transport oxygen in our body.
Cycling also exposes us to sunlight. Our body can produce vitamin D with the help of mild
sunlight. Therefore, we get healthy sunlight on our skin and exercise at the same time when we
Cycling is a cheap form of exercise as well. Apart from the bicycle and safety gear, no other
equipment is needed. You can go cycling with no fear. Cycling is also can activity that can
strengthen your family band. It can surely be a family’s recreational activity.
My fellow students, you should try to cycle after listening to my speech.
Thank you.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Students are exposed to danger near or within the school. As the head prefect, you are asked to
give a speech on ways students can protect themselves.

Ways to protect yourself:

o walk with friends
o walk with older person
o do not take short cuts
o report to principal

When writing out your speech:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other form of protection
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Opening address - greet students - topic of speech
Body : Explain how to protect yourself as a student and give details in speech.
Paragraph 1 : walk with friends-older person-do not take short cuts
Paragraph 2 : report cases to school authorities - guide - what needs to be done
Paragraph 3 : join anti-crime clubs - safeguard yourself
Conclusion : Necessary to protect yourself from danger - end speech

Sample Answer

Good morning to the principal, teachers, and fellow students. Today, I would like to give a
speech on ways that students can protect themselves from the crimes happening near or within
the school.
Tine first method is by not walking alone. You should walk in a group with friends or with an
older person. Remember, never take short cut because they are usually quiet or deserted areas. If
you think you are being followed, immediately go to the crowd. It is difficult for the criminal to
harm you when they are many people.
If you do fall victim to such crimes, immediately report the incident to school authorities.
They will aid you and guide you on what needs to be done.
It also helps if you can join anti-crime clubs. This way, you can raise the level of awareness
concerning the dangers and prevention of crime.
Always remember that danger may be lurking at any corner so you should always be
Thank you.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You are from the police department. You are asked to give a talk on the precautions that shall
be taken against burglary.

o lock doors and windows
o grills
o install house alarm
o install chain to doors – padlocks

When writing out your talk:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other precaution against burglary
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Opening address - greet audience - introduce self - topic of talk
Body : Explain what precautions can be taken against burglary
Paragraph 1 : lock doors - windows - fix grills
Paragraph 2 : install house alarm - chain doors - padlocks
Paragraph 3 : inform police - when away - patrol area
Conclusion : By taking precautions - less risk of burglary

Sample Answer

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Inspector Ramly from the Bukit Kuda Police
Station. Today, I am going to advise all of you through my talk entitled ‘Precautions Against
The prime time of the burglaries is 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. I would advise you to lock up your
house securely. Make sure you lock all doors and windows. Fix your window grills as well.
As the burglars nowadays are quite clever, it was easy for them to intrude into your house
although you have locked your house securely. The other things you can do to make it difficult for
break-ins are by installing a house alarm and by attaching chains to all doors with padlocks.
Furthermore, you should inform the police and your neighbours when you and your family
members are away. When the local police know you are not around, they will send police cars to
patrol your area.
By taking these precautions, burglary is less likely to occur. Take these guidelines into
account if you have not already been doing so all this while.
Thank you.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You are the head prefect of your school. Your advisory teacher has asked you to give a speech on
the proper conduct and dressing in school.

Proper conduct and dressing:

o uniform – complete – neat
o boys – short hair – no long or dyed hair
o girls – long hair – need to tie up
o no jewellery

When writing out your speech:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other proper conduct and dressing in school
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Opening address - greet principal - teachers, and students - topic of speech
Body : Provide details in speech on proper conduct and dressing in school
Paragraph 1 : neat - complete uniform - white shoes
Paragraph 2 : boys - keep short hair - do not dye
Paragraph 3 : girls tie up hair - no jewellery
Paragraph 4 : never fight - smoke - do not play truant
Conclusion : Hope obey school rules - thank audience

Sample Answer

Good morning to our principal, teachers and my fellow students. Today, I would like to give
a speech concerning the students’ conduct and dressing in school which is not to be taken lightly.
The first thing I want to address is the school uniform. Remember to wear your complete
uniform on the requested days. Wear white socks with your white shoes. No other colours are
Another concern is the boys’ hair. You ought to keep short hair to maintain neatness. Never
keep long hair and do not dye your hair to school. Do not go to school with various types of
For girls, you can keep long hair but you need to tie it up neatly. You are also prohibited to
dye your hair to school. In addition to this, no jewellery is allowed.
Furthermore, I would also like to remind you about your conduct in school. There shall be
no smoking, fighting and truancy allowed. Strict punishments will be given to those who break
the rules.
I hope that everyone will be able to obey our school’s rules and regulations. Following the
rules and regulations can surely train you to become a more responsible person.
Thank you.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

In conjunction with your school’s “Anti-drugs Week”, you have been asked to give a speech on the
dangers of drugs to the body.

o Hallucinate depressed
o Amphetamines – suddenly energized
o cocaine – HIV – AIDS

When writing out your speech:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other danger of drugs to the body
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Opening address - greet principal and teachers and students - topic of speech
Body : Provide details in speech on danger of drugs
Paragraph 1 : drugs can be found anywhere
Paragraph 2 : Amphetamines - suddenly energized
Paragraph 3 : cocaine - HIV-AIDS
Paragraph 4 : ecstasy - damage brain – depression
Conclusion : Drugs bring more harm rather than good

Sample Answer

Good morning to the principal, teachers, and friends. I would like to give a speech entitled
The Danger of Drugs to Our Body’.
Nowadays, drugs can be found anywhere. Drugs can be harmful or helpful depending on
the dosage of intake. We usually consume drugs which contained in medicines.
Drugs can treat sick people. However, excessive taking of drugs can bring harm to our
body. There are many dangers of drugs that can be found. A drug named Amphetamines may
make you feel suddenly energized. This drug might be used illegally by athletes.
A drug named cocaine can cause you to have HIV or AIDS if you share needles with others.
Cocaine can also damage your heart.
Ecstasy, on the other hand, can make you hallucinate and depressed. It also raises your
body’s temperature that will increase the risk of your organs to be destroyed.
In conclusion, drugs can bring more harm than good. Always refer to your doctor is you
want to take any medicine and follow the doctor’s prescription.
Thank you.
Expressing an OPINION


You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The environment of co-educational schools which have students of both genders may bring
different perspectives. Write your opinion on the good and bad points of co-educational schools.

o boys and girls exchange ideas
o both genders learn from each other

o may distract students’ attention
o relationship may affect studies

When writing out your opinion:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other advantage or disadvantage of co-educational schools
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Co-educational schools - both boys and girls have good and bad points
Body : Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of co-educational schools.
Paragraph 1 : advantages; boys and girls exchange ideas - learn from each other
Paragraph 2 : sense of competition - motivate them to try harder
Paragraph 3 : disadvantages; distracts attention -may end up in relationship -
negatively affect studies
Conclusion : Advantages are more than disadvantages - preventive measures - guidance - curb

Sample Answer

A co-educational school is a school where both genders study together. Studying in a co-
educational school has its advantages and disadvantages.
One of the advantages is that boys and girls get to exchange ideas and opinions. They can
learn from each other. They can even have a study group and discuss on topics or lessons that
they do not understand. As such, this interaction is healthy and wholesome.
Additionally, a healthy sense of competition is promoted between the genders; each trying
to outdo the other and improving at the same time. This healthy competition will motivate
students of both genders to do their best.
Conversely, co-educational learning may prove to be distracting if students are interested in
the opposite gender and might end up being in a relationship while still in school. Such
relationships may affect their studies negatively as students might lose focus.
In conclusion, there are more advantages than disadvantages of co-educational. With
proper preventive measures and guidance, the school’s disadvantages can be curbed.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Do you think that the death penalty should be implemented? Write out an argument to express
your view. In your argument, explain your reasons.

o Harsh punishment
o revengeful act in itself
o not humane

o deter others from committing unspeakable crimes
o no chance of the criminal escaping
o reduce maintenance cost

When writing out your opinion:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other reasons for your argument
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : The death penalty should be implemented
Body : State your arguments for the death penalty
Paragraph 1 : deterrent to those intend to get involved in crimes
Paragraph 2 : once executed - no chance of escaping
Paragraph 3 : no more maintenance costs - put to better use
Paragraph 4 : ends the suffering of victim’s family - the knowledge that the
criminal is not out there anymore
Conclusion : The death penalty - as justice to victim and family

Sample Answer

The death penalty is the most severe form of punishment. I find that in some unspeakable
instances, this punishment should be implemented.
The first reason why this type of punishment should be imposed is because it will act as a
deterrent to those who intend to get involved in unspeakable crimes.
There are instances when convicts escape from prison. By implementing the death penalty,
the criminal will no longer have the chance of escaping.
When a prisoner is detained, there are a lot of maintenance costs involved. If the death
penalty is imposed, this will allow taxpayers’ money to go to better use.
The death penalty, to a certain extent, provides the knowledge that the criminal is no longer
out there helps to put to rest the suffering of the victim’s family. Additionally, the victim’s family
will feel safer to know that the criminal is gone. There are some cases where the criminal will
search for the victim’s family to pay revenge or anything violent.
In conclusion, I believe that death penalty for the criminals should be imposed as it brings
justice to the victim and victim’s family.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Advertisement can give advantages and disadvantages to the consumers. Express your views
regarding to the advantages and disadvantages of advertising. Explain reasons for your argument.

Advantages of advertising:
o inform consumers about products
o advertise offers and discounts

Disadvantages of advertising:
o higher prices from cost of advertising
o false information – mislead consumers

When writing out your opinion:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other reasons for your argument
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Advantages and disadvantages of advertisement
Body : State your arguments for advertising
Paragraph 1 : provides information of new products
Paragraph 2 : sales - offers - can compare prices
Paragraph 3 : creates competition - ensures quality
Paragraph 4 : commercials make life interesting
Conclusion : Generally - good for consumers and companies - if the intention is not to mislead

Sample Answer

Advertisements are an everyday part of our lives in this new age of consumerism. In my
opinion, advertising is beneficial rather than detrimental.
Advertisements provide new information about products even before we personally see
them. This gives some details to the consumers and allows them to make decision about the
Furthermore, advertisements inform consumers about special offers, discounts and
packages. People who want to budget their spending will benefit from such advertisements. It
will also benefit the consumers in a way that they can plan their shopping according to the date or
day of the special offers.
Advertisements also create competition amongst manufacturers. In the long run, different
brands will try to outdo one another and this will result in a higher quality of the products.
Above all, advertisements make life more interesting. Some advertisements are even
educational in nature.
On the whole, I support advertisements as long as they portray the truth rather than mislead

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Some students prefer to go to a day/normal school and some of them prefer to go to a

residential/boarding school. Which would you prefer to study in? Write an argument to express
your view and reasons.

Day school:
o can stay with own family
o if sick – parents can look after
o can study better

Residential school:
o learn to be independent
o make own decisions
o only have to walk to school

When writing out your opinion:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other reasons for your argument
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Your viewpoint - studying in a residential school is better
Body : State your arguments for a residential school
Paragraph 1 : learn to be independent
Paragraph 2 : make own decisions - can study better
Paragraph 3 : can make friends from other towns - easier to take part in school
Paragraph 4 : family can visit on weekends - go home during holidays
Conclusion : If given a choice - would study in a residential school

Sample Answer

In my personal opinion, studying in a residential or boarding school is better than in a day

The most important factor is that students are forced to independent in a residential school.
Residential schools also have strict rules which help to mould a more disciplined individual.
Another factor is that students constantly need to make their own decisions. This builds a
strong character in them. This also teaches them to be a leader and know how to handle situations
they are facing.
A residential school usually houses students from different areas. Consequently, students get
to mingle with those from different backgrounds and origins. Students also do not need to worry
about transportation since they live within the school’s premises.
The boarding school students can always have their family visit during the weekends. They
can also go home and spend more time with the family during the holidays.
In conclusion, I would study in a boarding school because it has a lot of advantages rather
than disadvantages to offer students.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Malaysia has produced a lot of locally-made products to the consumers. However, some
consumers prefer to buy imported products. Do you prefer to buy and use locally-made products
or imported products? Explain reasons for your argument.

Local Products:
o cheap and reasonable
o lack quality
o always available

Imported Products:
o expensive – certain items
o quality products
o sometimes limited

When writing out your opinion:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other reasons for your argument
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Your viewpoint - but local products
Body : State your arguments for buying local
Paragraph 1 : local products – cheaper
Paragraph 2 : high availability - across country
Paragraph 3 : may be low quality - share same technology
Conclusion : Prefer buy local products

Sample Answer

As consumers, we are spoiled with the choice of local and imported products. Compared to
imported products, I prefer to buy locally-made products.
I prefer buying local products because they are cheaper. This is due to cheaper production
costs compared to imported products.
Furthermore, local products have high availability whereas imported products are limited.
I can find local products across the country. Many imported products could only be found in big
supermarkets. We can find local products at our near grocery stores which is convenient for us.
It is a common assumption that locally-made products are low in quality. However, we are
now blessed with technology that can produce locally-made products with the same quality as
imported ones.
In conclusion, I prefer buying local products because they are cheaper, readily available, and
have good quality.
Writing an ARTICLE


You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Jogging is good for your health. Write an article on the benefits of jogging and describe the
beneficial effects of jogging.

o cheap – no special gear required
o can be done anywhere
o suitable for young and old
o burns calories

When writing out your article:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other benefits of jogging
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Jogging - should be encouraged among the young and old
Body : State the benefits of jogging for those who do it
Paragraph 1 : cheap-no special gear – can be done anywhere- anytime
Paragraph 2 : burns calories - eases tensed and stiff muscles
Paragraph 3 : makes body fit – trim down weight
Conclusion : Jog three times a week - increase jogging gradually – know limits

Sample Answer

The Many Benefits of Jogging

Jogging is a great exercise. All one needs is a proper pair of running shoes. Jogging should be
encouraged among the young and old, but in differing doses.
As a form of exercise, jogging is most probably the cheapest form as there are no special
gears needed. Additionally, one can jog at any time, provided there is enough lighting and
conducive weather.
The benefits of jogging include raising our fitness level, burning a great deal of calories and
easing stiff and tensed muscles. In fact, jogging is rated as the number one calorie-burning
exercise alongside cycling.
If you think you have gained some weight, jogging is the best exercise for you to get back in
shape. This is an excellent activity to shed some inches around the waist.
Most importantly, we ought not to rush into it immediately but increase our running distance
gradually. Jogging three times a week will surely help our overall well-being.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Leisure time is the free time when you can participate in enjoyable activities or hobbies.
Write an article on how you can pass your leisure time well.

Ways of passing leisure time:

o reading – gain knowledge
o exercise – healthy
o doing charity work – helping others

When writing out your article:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other ways of passing leisure time
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Leisure time - important - rest and relax
Body : Share some constructive ways of passing one’s leisure time
Paragraph 1 : reading – gain knowledge
Paragraph 2 : do exercise – keep fit
Paragraph 3 : do charity work – rewarding
Paragraph 4 : do household chores – strengthen bond
Conclusion : Involve in beneficial activities - own good

Sample Answer

Ways of Passing Leisure Time Constructively

Leisure time is important to everyone as it helps us to rest and relax. It also aids in taking
our minds off the hectic routines of life.
A pastime like reading can be relaxing. It is an opportunity to gain knowledge and broaden
one’s horizons and vocabulary.
Doing exercise is another constructive pastime. Exercising helps us relax and pass the time
while keeping us fit as a fiddle. It is good for our health as well.
Getting involved in charity work is also good. There is no greater reward in life than to help
others who are burdened. Be a volunteer and cheer them up.
Above all, doing household chores would be the best way to pass your leisure time. Doing
chores with your family will strengthen the bonds you have with them.
Time is given to us all in equal measure. It is better to involve ourselves in beneficial
activities for our good.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

There are different types of pollution that exist in our world. Write an article on the topic of
pollution. Explain the sources and effects of pollution.

Types of pollution:
o air pollution – smoke and poisonous gases
o noise pollution – loud engines
o water pollution – industrial waste

When writing out your article:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other types of pollution
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Pollution – four main types
Body : Explain the different types of pollution
Paragraph 1 : air pollution – caused by exhaust tunes
Paragraph 2 : noise pollution – affects hearing
Paragraph 3 : water pollution – by illegal waste – toxic waste
Paragraph 4 : land pollution – chemicals contaminate the soil – garbage
Conclusion : Aware – negative elements – live in a better world

Sample Answer

The Types and Sources of Pollution

There are four main types of pollution that bring harm to our world.
The main type of pollution is air pollution. All living things are affected when we breathe in
the air. Air pollution can be caused by exhaust fumes which contain harmful substances.
Another type of pollution is noise pollution. Noise pollution affects our hearing. The sources
of noise pollution include the loud revving of engines and loud vehicle horns.
Water pollution is one of the most lethal forms of pollution as more than 85 percent of Earth
is covered with water. The rivers become polluted by illegal waste dumping and toxic waste
Land pollution can also bring harm to the Earth. Land pollution is anything that damages or
contaminates the land. Some causes of land pollution include garbage, mining and farming.
We should be more aware of the negative elements affecting our surroundings so that we
could take the proper steps to make this world a better place to live in.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Students should take part in sports as playing sports can bring a lot of benefits to them. Write an
article on the benefits of playing sports to students.

o a great way to make friends
o a healthy activity
o a good way to manage stress
o develop good qualities – discipline

When writing out your article:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other benefits of sports
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 120 words
Sample Answer:

The Benefits of Sports to Students (TITLE)

Playing sports has numerous benefits to everyone, especially students. Students who play
sports will reap many benefits from this activity. (INTRODUCTION)
There is no better way to make new friends than by playing sports. This is because the
people we meet during games would most likely share the same interest as us. (POINT 1/BODY
With today’s hectic lifestyle, we tend to get stressed out. Taking part in sports is an excellent
outlet to channel all our pent up stress in a positive manner. (POINT 2/BODY CONTAINS)
In addition, we would develop admirable qualities such as tolerance, understanding, and self-
discipline. This is because all games require us to have those traits. (POINT 3/BODY CONTAINS)
On top of that, playing sports is an excellent pastime. It is a healthy activity that would keep
our body fit and our minds alert. There are varieties of sports to choose from. Pick any sports that
you like and fill your leisure time. (POINT 4/BODY CONTAINS)
In conclusion, playing sports brings many benefits. Students should pick up a sport and reap
the benefits today. (C0NCLUSION)

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Students consume fast food more than they should. Write an article about the disadvantages of
fast food. Explain the negative effects of consuming excessive fast food.

Disadvantages of fast food:

o more calories
o obesity
o addictive ingredients

When writing out your article:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other disadvantages of fast food
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Sports students –eat – fast food
Body : Explain the disadvantages of fast food to students
Paragraph 1 : contains too much calories - salt – often deep-fried
Paragraph 2 : obesity - contains more fat
Paragraph 3 : addictive ingredients - artificial seasoning
Paragraph 4 : expensive - home-cooked meals cost less
Conclusion : Fast food – more disadvantages

Sample Answer

Disadvantages of Fast food

Students nowadays consume too much fast food. Fast food is indeed delicious but it is
definitely unhealthy. It is proven that fast food leads to various health problems.
Fast food is dangerous because it is high in calories. The calories are from excessive sugar
and salt. Fast foods are also often deep-fried, which is an unhealthy way to make food.
Fast food is also the main cause of obesity. Research has proven that fast food contains more
fat than home-cooked meals.
Fast food also contains addictive ingredients. Fast food restaurants use a lot of artificial
seasonings. Artificial seasoning is not only addictive but hazardous to our health as well.
Additionally, fast food is very expensive. A home-cooked meal costs less than a set of fast
In conclusion, students should refrain from eating too much fast food as it brings more
disadvantages rather than advantages.


You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The rate of dengue cases have increased in our nation recently. Write a news report about rising
rate of dengue cases. Use the notes to help you write.

o dengue on the rise

o city areas – worst hit
o last year – 400 cases – 50 deaths
o public to watch out for dengue symptoms

When writing out your news report:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other detail you can include in you news report
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Name of town - day - headline - Dengue on the Rise in the Country
Body : Provide details pertaining to the rise in dengue cases
Paragraph 1: city areas - worst hit - industrial areas - last year 400 cases - 50 deaths
Paragraph 2: public advised - be alert watch out for symptoms
Paragraph 3: join anti-dengue campaign – fogging - cleaning the surroundings
Conclusion : Public cooperation needed - set up committee set up

Sample Answer

Dengue on the Rise in the Country

SHAH ALAM, Tues:- The public has expressed growing concerns relating to the alarming rise of
dengue cases throughout the country.
More recently, the worst-hit areas are in the city, especially the industrial areas. Last year
alone, there were over 400 reported cases and 50 deaths. This is one of the highest we have
The public is strongly advised to watch out for symptoms and seek immediate treatment if
any of the symptoms are found. The symptoms of dengue are like headache, rashes or red spots
on your skin, vomiting, nausea and fever.
In addition, the public is also encouraged to join anti-dengue campaigns and attend talks on
the subject matter. Anti-dengue campaigns usually involve fogging and cleaning of the
surroundings or ‘gotong-royong’.
To curb the rise of dengue, public cooperation is needed to destroy dengue breeding areas.
This could be achieved by setting up a committee for this purpose.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Some members of a syndicate team were arrested red-handed by the police rescuing team for a
baby-for-sale syndicate recently. Write a news report regarding to the incident. Use the notes to
help you write.

o arrested baby-for-sale syndicate

o smuggling teenage girls to bear babies
o first – discovered several pregnant girls in shack
o childless couples bought the babies

When writing out your news report:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other detail you can include in you news report
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Name of town - day - headline - ‘Arrest of Baby-for-sale Syndicate’
Body : Provide details of the report and arrest
Paragraph 1 : baby-for-sale syndicate - some members arrested
Paragraph 2 : discovered pregnant girls in shack - smuggling teenage girls - to bear
babies for sale
Paragraph 3 : girls imprisoned - birth - sold babies to couples
Conclusion : couples who bought babies contact the police

Sample Answer

Arrest of Baby-for-sale Syndicate

KUALA TERENGGANU, Mon: A baby-for-sale syndicate was discovered operating in an abandoned

shack by the outskirts of the town.
Several members of the syndicate who were found on site were apprehended immediately by
the police rescuing team. Others are still on the loose and the case remains under investigation.
While awaiting the return of the other syndicate members, the police discovered a number of
pregnant teenage girls in the shack, along with a couple of babies. From the details gathered, it
seems that the teenage girls were smuggled to bear babies for sale.
The young girls were imprisoned till they gave birth. The syndicate then sold the babies to
childless couples who were desperate for children.
The police team has deployed a special team to look further into the matter. Meanwhile, the
couples who bought the babies are urged to contact the authorities. It is hoped that the couples
can give a full cooperation to the police team in handling this care.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

A college student was slashed on her arm in a snatch theft incident recently. Write a news report
of the incident. Use the notes to help you write.

o college girl – robbed of tuition fees

o slashed in arm
o witness direct speech concerning the incident
o snatch thieves escaped on motorcycle

When writing out your news report:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other detail you can include in you news report
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Name of town - day - headline - ‘College Girl Robbed of Tuition Fees'
Body : Provide details of the incident
Paragraph 1 : college girl holding envelope - just out of bank - robbed and slashed
in arm
Paragraph 2 : witness - Puan Salmah - said: “Two men on a motorbike approached
the girl with a knife...”
Paragraph 3 : they escaped - ran away - on a motorcycle
Conclusion : Police investigations - being carried out - appeal for more witnesses

Sample Answer

College Girl Robbed of Tuition Fees

PETALING JAYA, Fri:- A college girl, Melissa Chan, 23, was slashed in the arm and robbed of her
tuition fees.
Melissa, who was just coming out of the local bank had her money-filled envelope snatched
from her after suffering a slash in the forearm. She had just stashed the cash in the envelope with
the hope of not losing it.
A witness, Puan Salmah, who saw the entire robbery, said, “Two men on a motorbike
suddenly approached the girl with a knife. The incident happened in the blink of an eye.”
The robbers escaped as quickly as they had come. Melissa, however, was able to make out
the licence plate registration number of the motorbike. She immediately called the police and
reported the unfortunate event.
The police are working on these leads and investigations are being carried out. The police
are appealing for more witnesses to come forward with greater details. Please contact the
Petaling Jaya Police Station or call Inspector Kamal at 03 34234215.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

300 participants participated in a family treasure hunt yesterday. Write a news report of the
treasure hunt. Use the notes to help you write.

o Family Motor Treasure Hunt

o to foster closer family ties
o started at the Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club
o ended at SOGO (KL) Departmental Store
o Proceeds are for charity

When writing out your news report:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other detail you can include in you news report
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Name of city - day - headline - ‘Family Motor Treasure Hunt’
Body : -
Paragraph 1 : Provide details of the treasure hunt
Paragraph 2 : treasure hunt organized by the Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club
- to foster closer family ties quote by club president
Paragraph 3 : started at club - ended up at SOGO KL Department Store
Paragraph 4 : theme was ‘Family Togetherness Promotes Values’
Conclusion : Proceeds for charity - generous donations from public

Sample Answer

Family Motor Treasure Hunt

KUALA LUMPUR, Sun:- The Family Motor Treasure Hunt organized by the Kuala Lumpur Golf and
Country Club yesterday was a huge success.
The treasure hunt was planned out with the objective of fostering closer family ties amongst
the residents of the area. The event was also aimed to strengthen the neighborhood ties in the
The president of the organizing club said, “We felt that it was about time that family members
break the ice and get to know one another better by doing interesting activities together.”
The treasure hunt began at the club and ended at SOGO KL Department Store. It lasted for six
hours but the participants were having so much fun that they did not feel the time goes by.
The theme of the event was ‘Family Togetherness Promotes Values’ and clearly by the end of
the treasure hunt, there were smiles on everyone’s faces.
The proceeds of the Family Motor Treasure Hunt have been channeled to charity. The club
expresses a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to the generous support and donations from the public.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Pak Mail, who is known as the cat saviour has passed away due to heart complication today. Write
a news report about the incident. Use the notes to help you write.

o more than 100 cats as pets

o passed away due to heart complication
o wife – proceeds his ‘legacy’

When writing out your news report:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other detail you can include in you news report
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Name of city - day - headline - ‘Cat Saviour Dies’
Body : Provide details of the incident
Paragraph 1 : more than 100 cats - didn’t ask for charity
Paragraph 2 : diagnosed - 2 years ago - Puan Asa - continue legacy
Conclusion : Cat lovers - funeral - respects

Sample Answer

Cat Saviour Dies

JELEBU, Wed:- Pak Mail, who was known as the cat-saviour, passed away today due to heart
complications. He was very well-known for his kindness in taking care of stray cats.
He owned more than 100 cats in his home and provided food and shelter for them. He did
not even ask for charity to take care of the cats. He took care of his cats by using his own savings
and some of his pension money. Many cat lovers were very sad upon hearing the news of his
He was diagnosed with heart disease two years ago when he went for his usual medical
check-up. The cats now will be taken cared by his wife, Puan Asa, who will continue the legacy of
her husband.
Some of the cat lovers came to Pak Mail’s funeral to show their last respect in honour of his
honest and noble work for the stray cats.

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You are facing problems in your studies lately. Write a letter to your friend to share with him/her
about your problems. Use the notes to help you write.

Problems: When writing out your letter:

o not enough time to study o you may use the notes given
o have to help father in shop o suggest one other problem in your
o noisy at home cannot concentrate studies
o tired at night o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Address - date - salutation – greeting - state purpose of letter
Body : State the problems you face in your studies and ask for advice.
Paragraph 1 : not enough time to study - have to help father in shop
Paragraph 2 : tired every night - dozing off
Paragraph 3 : house noisy - cannot concentrate
Conclusion : Please advice on what to do - give tips on studying and scoring – ending - signature

Sample Answer

No. 10, Jalan Melati 2/10,

Off Jalan Tun Perak,
75300 Melaka.

10 August 2015.

Dear Nani,
How are you doing? Are you coping well in your studies? I am writing this letter to you because I
need your advice. Recently, I’ve found that it is very difficult to focus on my studies. I am really
I always find myself not having enough time to study because I have to help my father at his
shop. By the time I get home, I only have time to finish up my homework and no time to do my
Another problem is that, I am always too tired to study. If I force myself to go on, I just end
up dozing off as I’m reading. I think I am getting weaker and have no energy.
The other difficulty is my house is not conducive to study in. With my brothers constantly
watching television and battling over video games, I cannot concentrate on my revision.
Sometimes, the loud music from my brother’s room is really distracting me.
Please advise me on what to do as I’m afraid I will fail my exam. I would really appreciate
you help and hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye.

Yours truly
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your friend wrote to you about her father having chest pains due to excessive smoking. Write a
reply letter and explain to her on how she can advise her father to lead a healthy life. Use the
notes to help you write.

Ways to improve health:

o quit smoking
o exercise
o healthy eating

When writing out your letter:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest one other way to lead a healthy life
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Address - date - salutation – greeting - state purpose of letter
Body : Advise friend to tell father to lead a healthy life and quit smoking
Paragraph 1 : quit smoking
Paragraph 2 : start exercising
Paragraph 3 : eat healthily - avoid fatty food - manage stress
Conclusion : Manage stress properly - stress to friend’s father - importance of health - prevent heart
problems - ending - signature

Sample Answer

No. 22, Jalan SS26/6, Taman Mayang,

47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

22 February 2015.

Dear John,
I hope you are in the best of health. When I received your letter, I was surprised to hear about
your father’s health condition. I found some health tips in an article recently that I think your
father can benefit from.
The first thing you must ask him to do is quit smoking. If your father quits smoking, his
body will begin to gradually mend itself and readapt to its normal state.
Furthermore, you can ask your father to start exercising. Remind him to do warm-ups
before embarking on activities like jogging or swimming.
Ask your father to eat healthily. Proper nutrition will help his body to fight against diseases.
It is also important for him to manage his stress properly because if he doesn’t, there is a risk of
heart problems.
I really hope he will listen to your advice. It is never too late to change his lifestyle. I have to
pen off now. Please keep in touch and take care.

Yours truly,
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You have transferred to a new school in the city. Write a letter to your friend about your life in a
new school. Use the notes to help you write.

New school: When writing out your letter:

o name of school o you may use the notes given
o quite big o suggest one other detail about your life in
o friendly classmates a new school
o helpful teachers o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Address - date - salutation – greeting - state purpose of letter
Body : Give details about new school and state feelings
Paragraph 1 : name is SMK Puteri Wilayah - located in Kuala Lumpur city centre
Paragraph 2 : friendly classmates - helpful teachers - feel at home
Paragraph 3 : have joined societies and clubs – like drama
Paragraph 4 : selected to join debate team
Conclusion : Send photos - keep updated

Sample Answer

No. 36, Jalan Keramat 3, Taman Seri

Keramat, 53100, Kuala Lumpur

22 February 2015

Dear Sara,
I hope you are in high spirits these days and not still sad over my family having to move to Kuala
Lumpur recently.
I wonder how things are back there? As for me, my new school is SMK Puteri Wilayah. It
is located in Kuala Lumpur city centre.
The students in the school are very warm and friendly. As soon as they found out I’m a
newcomer from Ipoh, they welcomed me with open arms. I fit right in and feel very much at
home now. They are very kind to me.
At first, I was missing our school, but I soon began to get involved in school societies and
clubs. I especially love the Drama Club. It is an active club in the school. You know it has been my
dream to act and that was a perfect choice for me to become the member of the club.
Additionally, I have also been selected for the school debate team. As you can guess, this
was based on my past records.
I shall send you some photos soon. Do update me on how things are getting on there. Till
then, take care and goodbye.

Yours truly,
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your friend has written to you about his/her feelings against studying in a residential school as
his/her father wants him/her to study there. Write a reply letter to him/her about the advantages
of studying in a residential school. Use the notes to help you write.

Advantages: When writing out your letter:

o near classrooms o you may use the notes given
o make friends from other towns o suggest one other advantages of studying
o join school activities in a residential school
o learn to be independent o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Address - date - salutation – greeting - state purpose of letter
Body : State the advantages of studying in a residential school to advise friend
Paragraph 1 : advise friend - listen to father - he wants you to study in a residential
school for your own good.
Paragraph 2 : near - classrooms - join school activities - can make friends - from all
Paragraph 3 : learn to be independent – responsible - learn to live and make
Conclusion : Hope feel better - keep in touch - signature

Sample Answer

No. 20, Jalan Sg Petani 2,

08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman.

22 February 2015

Dear Jane,
How are you? My family sends their greetings to you. We all understand how difficult it must be to
adapt to your new lifestyle in a residential school.
There are in fact many advantages of studying in such a school though it may be difficult to
see them at such an early stage.
One of the main advantages is the location of the hostel is near the classrooms. This will
save your time to travel. Additionally, you get to join in various co-curricular activities. You will
also get the chance to make friends with people from all over the country thus broadening your
Studying in a boarding school will train you to become independent and responsible. You
have to learn how to live and make decisions on your own.
I really hope you will feel better soon. Be strong and I know you can handle this. Keep in
touch and take care.

Yours truly,

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your cousin will be sitting for an examination. Write a letter giving him/her tips on how to
prepare for his/her examination.

o pay attention – organize – time table

o group study – exchange notes – discussion
o avoid – last minute – enough rest

When writing out your letter:

o you may use the notes given
o write why it is important to prepare for an examination
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Sample Answer

No. 15,
Jalan Bunga Raya,
88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

20 August, 2016.

Dear Pei Yee,

I hope you are doing fine. The year-end examination is just around the corner. Here are a few tips
to help you prepare for your examination.
First, please do always pay attention in class when the teacher is teaching. If you cannot
understand, by all means raise your hands and ask. Ask until you are clear. Do not be
embarrassed if your classmates laugh at you. What is important is that you understand what is
being taught at class. Once you have understood the lessons, your next duty is to prepare yourself
for revision. Arrange your timetable in such a way that it is not too light on one day and too heavy
the next day. Be consistent and stick to your timetable.
Next, I would advise you to form a group study with friends whom you are close with and
those who are willing to share their knowledge. Set a day and time when all of you can meet.
Determine a topic so that all of you can come well prepared. During the group discussion, you can
exchange notes with your friends.
Last but not least, do avoid last minute revision or you will end up burning candles at both
ends. The effects of last minute revision are a muddled mind and a nervous body as you lack sleep
and rest. Having enough rest is very important on examination days. When you have enough rest,
you will be able to think through any problem as your mind is clear.
I hope these tips are useful to you. All the best.

Your cousin
Pay Lee
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You went on a holiday with your family to a hill resort. Based on the pictures and notes below,
write a letter to tell your friend about your holiday.

o short walk – greenery – fresh air – butterflies and birds

o thrilling rides – funfair – games – win prizes
o shopping – watched movies – variety of shops

When writing out your letter:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest why it is good to go on family trips
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Sample Answer

2/8, USJ 4,
51000 Subang Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

21 March, 2016.

Dear Fanny,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I would like to tell you about my holiday with my family
at a hill resort, that is the popular Genting Highlands. We were there for two days.
My Dad did not drive as he wanted to relax and enjoy himself. Therefore, we took the coach.
We started our journey early in the morning. An hour later, we reached Genting Highlands and
checked into the luxurious Genting Highlands Resort Hotel.
After that, we took a short walk in the park that was full of greenery. The scenery there was
breathtaking. Butterflies and birds were flying here and there, adding colours to the beautiful
scenery. It was so lovely to be able to breathe in the fresh crisp air that surrounded us. It was cold
but we loved it.
That evening, we went to the outdoor theme park. My brother and I took a ride on the roller
coaster. It was thrilling but we enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. There was a funfair with games
like throwing hoops, basketball and archery. My brother excelled at throwing hoops. He won the
first prize which was an air fryer. It was the perfect gift for my Mum as she had always wanted an
air fryer.
The next day, we went shopping at the shopping arcade in the hotel. There were many shops
selling a variety of goods. My Dad bought a silk batik baju kurung for Mum. We also watched a
movie there before heading home.
Well, that’s about all. Hope to hear from you soon.

Your best friend,


You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your society wishes to visit a bread factory. As the secretary of the society, write a letter to the
manager of the factory to ask for permission to visit the premises. Use the notes to help you write.

Nature of visit: When writing out your letter:

o how many are participating o you may use the notes given
o date and time of visit o suggest one other nature of visit to the
o purpose of visit bread factory
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction : write name - addresses - date - salutation - purpose of letter-to ask for permission
Body : State the intention to visit factory and plans for the visit
Paragraph 1 : purpose of visit - date and time
Paragraph 2 : bus parking - request for tour
Paragraph 3 : buy products at discounts
Conclusion : Appreciate an early reply - express thanks – signature

Sample Answer
Eliza Arshad,
The Secretary,
Science Society,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permai,
47600 Subang Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
The Manager,
Miss Bread Factory,
Lots 7 - 1 0 , Jalan Ragum, Section 15/17,
40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
28 JUNE 2015.
Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,
Permission to Visit Factory
On behalf of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permai’s Science Society, I would like to ask for your permission to
visit your premise.
The main purpose of our visit is to learn more about the process of bread making. Your factory is our perfect
option as it is famously known in Malaysia. Besides, your factory offers a nice selection of bread. This field trip is
to fulfill our planned activities of the year. We are hoping to visit your factory at 10 a.m. on 1 September 2016.
We would like to request for a designated parking space for our school bus and a guided tour of your factory.
We would be grateful if you can appoint someone who can explain the various stages of the bread making process.
I would also like to enquire if we would be able to receive discounts if we buy your products as we are keen to buy
I am hoping to receive a favourable reply from you.
Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The park in your housing area is not in good condition. You have decided to write a letter of
complaint to the town council. In your letter, highlight the poor condition of the park. Use the
notes to help you write.

Poor conditions: When writing out your letter:

o very dirty o you may use the notes given
o hawkers wash glasses and plates o suggest one other poor condition of the
o full of flies park
o broken benches o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction : write name - addresses - date - salutation - purpose of letter to notify
Body : Complain about the bad condition of the park
Paragraph 1 : hawker stalls - wrappers thrown everywhere
Paragraph 2 : unattractive conditions - vandalism
Paragraph 3 : uncut grass - dangerous creatures
Conclusion : Appeal for action - clean up park - express thanks in advance – signature

Sample Answer

Arun Mehra,
No. 2, Jalan Pemaju U1/3, Section U1,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

The Town Council,

Section U1,
40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
22 APRIL 2015.

Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,
Bad Condition of Residential Park
As mentioned above, the purpose of this letter is to notify you of the very poor upkeep of the residential
park in my area. It is so bad that the residents have mostly stopped going there altogether.
As there are several hawker stalls operating there, food wrappers and leftovers are strewn all over. The
park is covered with all the litter. Not only have that, some of the food wrappers, only that, which contains
stagnant water, had becoming the place for mosquitoes to breed.
The park also shows unattractive conditions when items like benches, swings, garbage bins and seesaws
are damaged because of vandalism. Many of these facilities have become dangerous to children.
To make matters worse, the grass is uncut and some parts are covered with long thatch grass that could be
the home of dangerous creatures like centipedes and snakes.
On behalf of all the residents of this section, I implore that you take the necessary action to remedy this
Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The residents in your area are disturbed with the noise caused by the hawker stalls on the
roadside of the houses. The nuisance is further aggravated by the heavy traffic. You decide to
write a letter of complaint to the town council about the situation. Use the notes to help you write.

Complaints: When writing out your letter:

o hawker stalls – roadside o you may use the notes given
o noisy-dirty o suggest one other complaint about the
o customers park cars in front of gates hawkers
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction : write name - addresses - date - salutation - purpose of letter - to complain
Body : Provide details about the troublesome hawker stalls
Paragraph 1 : neighbourhood become chaotic
Paragraph 2 : noisy - dirty - throw garbage on roads
Paragraph 3 : customers park cars - in front of gates - obstruct traffic
Conclusion : Appeal for action against hawkers - express thanks in advance - signature

Sample Answer

Wong Kai Ding,

No. 78, Persiaran Mewah
Bandar Tun Razak,
56000 Cheras,
Kuala Lumpur.

The Town Council,

56000 Cheras,
Kuala Lumpur.
10 FEBRUARY 2015.

Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,
Nuisance caused by Hawker Stalls at Residential Area
I wish to direct your attention to the above- mentioned nuisance which is becoming worse by the day.
These stalls suddenly began operating in my neighbourhood about three months ago.
I am uncertain if they have the proper license to do so, but their business has caused my neighbourhood to
lose its peaceful charm and become chaotic instead. During weekends, they operate until late night that
distracts our rest.
Due to these hawker stalls, the roadside has become busy and noisy. The neighbourhood conditions have
degraded to become dirty and smelly. Plus, they throw garbage on the road and anywhere they want.
Customers are now crowding here. They park their cars and motorbikes all over the place and block our
gates. This is obstructing the flow of traffic.
On behalf of all the residents here, I appeal for explanation and immediate action to be taken against these
hawkers by the town council.
Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

A tuition centre is recently opened in your residential area. You wish to take tuition classes as you
will be sitting for the PT3 examination this year. Write a letter of enquiry to ask for more details
about the tuition centre. Use the notes to help you write.

Enquiries: When writing out your letter:

o subjects taught o you may use the notes given
o tuition fees o suggest one other enquiry about the
o time tuition centre
o how to register o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words
Writing Outline
Introduction : write name - addresses - date – salutation - purpose of letter
Body : Enquire about the tuition centre
Paragraph 1 : subjects taught - PT3
Paragraph 2 : tuition fees - fee structure
Paragraph 3 : class time – duration
Conclusion : Appreciate speedy reply - express thanks - signature

Sample Answer

Salih Rahman,
No. 13, Taman Amanjaya,
08000 Sungai Petani,
Kedah Darul Aman.

Excellent Tuition Centre,

56000 Cheras,
Kuala Lumpur
18 MARCH 2015.
Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,

Enquiries about Excellent Tuition Centre

I wish to enquire about Excellent Tuition Centre and how I can register as a student.
I will be sitting for my PT3 examination this year. I am quite weak in Mathematics and Science
subjects. Do you have class for those subjects? What other subjects are taught in your tuition centre?
My parents would love to send my sister to your tuition centre as well. Do you have classes for UPSR
I would also like to know about the tuition fees. How much should I pay for one subject? Please send
me your fee structure and the fees to be paid every month.
I believe the lessons are conducted after the school session. At what time is the class usually held? Do
you have weekend classes?
If I have to fill up an application form, I would appreciate if you could send me the form to the address
above. I would appreciate a speedy reply for I have to make the necessary arrangements.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You are studying in a residential school. Write a letter of complaint to your principal to inform
him about the unsatisfactory condition of the school canteen.

o floor – dirty – dustbins – rubbish – cockroaches – rats

o food – uncovered – flies – dirty – plates – forks – spoons
o food – expensive – not tasty – small portions lack variety

When writing out your letter:

o you may use the notes given
o suggest ways to improve the situation
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Sample Answer

Farid bin Mohd.

Suffian SMK Selandar,
Jalan Anggerik,
81100 Johor Bahru.

The Principal SMK Selandar,

Jalan Anggerik,
81100 Johor Bahru.
20 January 2015

Dear Sir,
Unsatisfactory Condition of the School Canteen
I would like to bring your attention to the above title. The school canteen is in a horrible state.
The floor of the canteen is always dirty and filthy. Although the food scraps and leftovers are
thrown into the dustbins provided around the canteen, these dustbins are not covered. As a
result, the canteen is infested with vermin such as cockroaches and rats. This is detrimental to the
canteen users as the vermin might carry diseases.
The canteen is responsible for serving healthy food to the pupils. But, we noticed that the canteen
operators often leave the food uncovered. It is very unhygienic as the flies can settle on the food.
Moreover, the plates on which the food is served are unclean, and so are the forks and spoons.
Food sold at the canteen is very expensive. For instance, the chicken burger is sold at RM5.00 per
piece and drinks at RM3.00 per cup. They are comparatively more expensive than the foods and
drinks sold at other food outlets. The canteen food is also tasteless. Besides, there is not much
variety as they serve the same menu every day.
It is recommended for the school to have another canteen operator as this will increase
competition. Consequently, the condition of the school canteen would improve.
I hope that Sir will look into the matter highlighted above.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Interpreting a CHART, GRAPH or TABLE

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Study the bar graph below and answer the question that follows.
The Number of Passes in Subjects for Students of SMK Bintang

The Number of Passes in Subjects for The bar graph on the left shows
the results obtained by the
Students of SMK Bintang
students of SMK Bintang. In your
report, describe the performance
of the students in the various
Science subjects.
Bahasa Malaysia
When writing out your report:
English o you may use the details
Geography o add any other relevant
History information
o write in not less than 150
Art words
Percentage 0 20 40 60 80 100

Writing Outline
Introduction : The bar graph shows students performance in tests through the number of passes in
SMK Bintang.
Body : Explain why there are more passes in some subjects than others
Paragraph 1 : art and learning subjects show high number of passes - like subjects
Paragraph 2 : results in languages are average - reasons
Paragraph 3 : poor performance in Science and Mathematics - difficult and many
students are not interested
Conclusion : Personal opinion on overall results

Sample Answer

The Number of Passes in Subjects for Students of SMK Bintang

The bar chart shows the number of passes in the various subjects for students of SMK Bintang.
From the graph, Art, History and Geography show the highest percentage of passes. The
explanation for this could be because Art is an abstract subject and requires minimum revision.
As for History and Geography, it can be safely assumed that the students of SMK Bintang like these
The percentage of passes for English and Bahasa Melayu are only average and more needs to
be done to improve the students’ performance in these core subjects.
The poorest performances are in Science and Mathematics which only has passing rates of 45
percent and 40 percent respectively. These are considered poor overall performance of the
students. Factors such as lack of interest and difficulty are the most probable reasons.
The overall results are encouraging. But more needs to be done to improve the performance
of those students who did not make it through.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Study the information in the pie chart and write a report. In your report, explain the reasons for
his high monthly expenditure.

Mr. Khairy's Monthly Expenses When writing out your report:

o you may use the details given
(RM) o add any other relevant
500 Food information
o write in not less than 150

800 1500 Children's




Writing Outline
Introduction : Mr Khairy's monthly expenses - as a family man - has to spend on children
Body : Analyse the monthly expenses for Mr Khairy who draws a salary of RM4000 per month.
Paragraph 1 : highest on food - RM1500 - explain
Paragraph 2 : followed by rental - RM1000 - does not own a house
Paragraph 3 : children’s schooling - RM800 - 20%
Paragraph 4 : followed by petrol - RM500, entertainment - lowest - only RM200
Conclusion : Due to high costs of living - Mr Khairy spends all his salary - does not save

Sample Answer

Mr Khairy’s Monthly Expenses

The pie chart shows the monthly expenses of Mr. Khairy. He draws a monthly salary of
RM4000, yet he has many items to spend it on.
The main portion of his salary goes to feeding himself and his family. Sometimes, Mr. Khairy
brings his family to eat outside. This totals RM1500.
Mr. Khairy does not own the home and his family are is living in. He rent the home and pays
a rental of RM1000 monthly.
He also spends RM800 on his children’s schooling. This may include the money paid for his
children’s transport to and from school, pocket money, school fees and tuition fees.
Mr. Khairy spends about RM500 for petrol and with the uncertainly of fuel prices, it is likely
that Mr. Khairy will have to make adjustment for this in the near future. Additionally, he uses the
balance RM200 for entertainment.
On the whole, Mr. Khairy’s cost of living is very high. Consequently, he uses all his earnings
for living expenses and none for saving.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Study the table below and answer the question that follows.

2013 2014 2015
Australia 60 000 80 000 70 000
Japan 60 000 70 000 85 000
Singapore 80 000 80 000 90 000
The Number of Tourists that Visited Malaysia (2013 - 2015)

The table above shows the number of tourists that visited Malaysia in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Study the
information in the table to write a report about the different groups of tourists visiting Malaysia. Explain
the reasons for the figures.

When writing out your report:

o you may use the details given
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : The table shows different groups of tourists visiting Malaysia from 2013 to 2015.
Body : Analyse the details of the figures showing visits by different groups of tourists
Paragraph 1 : the largest group to visit country during those years- Singaporeans –
they are next door
Paragraph 2 : followed by the Japanese - in Malaysia lower costs - attract them
Paragraph 3 : the only group – decreasing - Australians - they go somewhere else –
travelling less
Conclusion : General increase in tourism in Malaysia - from 2013 to 2015 - reasons for this

Sample Answer
The Number of Tourists that Visited Malaysia (2013-2015)
The table presents various groups of tourists visiting Malaysia from four different countries
from the years 2013 to 2015. The three countries are Australia, Japan, and Singapore.
The largest group of tourists to visit Malaysia is from Singapore. This may be due to the fact
that Singapore is one of our closest neighbours and because the Singaporean currency is stronger than
in Malaysia. They opt to spend or doing shopping in Malaysia so that they can save their money.
The Japanese is the second largest group of tourists to come to Malaysia. The natural
attractions that Malaysia has to offer interests the Japanese. Things in Malaysia are also far more cost-
effective than in Japan.
The smallest groups of tourists are the Australians. It is the only group to show any sign of
decrease. Perhaps in the more recent times, more Australians have opted to go elsewhere or are
travelling less.
Generally, a clear increase in tourism can be observed from the years 2013 to 2015. This may
be because Malaysia has a lot to offer.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Study the table below and answer the question that follows.

Modes of Transport to School

Modes of Transport to School
The bar graph on the left shows
the different modes of transport
Car of the 950 students of SMK
Tanjung Karang. Study the
information in the graph and
Walk to School
write a report for your school
magazine. In your report, explain
the reasons for the different
modes of transport.
When writing out your report:
o you may use the details
Bus given
o add any other relevant
No. of Students 0 100 200 300 400 500
o write in not less than 150
Writing Outline
Introduction : How students travel to school - their means of transport
Body : Analyse the students’ modes of transport to and from school
Paragraph 1 : greatest number of students go to school by bus - 450 out of 950
Paragraph 2 : second highest - cycle - for those who live near school
Paragraph 3 : the others walk if they are near school
Paragraph 4 : the least go by car
Conclusion : Many students live near school - can walk or cycle

Sample Answer
Modes of Transport to School of SMKTanjung Karang Students
The bar graph shows the results of a survey of how the students of SMK Tanjung Karang travel
to school.
From the graph, it can be observed that almost half the students travel by bus. This is a
reasonably cheap form of transport. Plus, it is safer for the students as the bus pick and sends them
right in front of their doors.
The second most popular means of transport is travelling by bicycle. A total of 250 students
use this mode of travel possibly those who live closer to the school.
150 students walk to school. These are most likely those who live really close by. Additionally,
it is cast-saving.
The least number of students, commute to school by car. It is likely that these students’ parents
or guardians fetch them to and from school.
On the whole it is safe to say that a majority of the students live at close proximity to the school
and transport is not really a big issue.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Study the table below and answer the question that follows.

Sales of Baju Kurung by Lisa Boutique from Sales of Baju Kurung by Lisa
Boutique from June to September
June to September 2016 2016

Aug-20 The bar graph above shows the sales of

baju kurung by Lisa Boutique from June
to September 2016. Study the
Jul-20 information in the graph and write a
report on it. In your report, explain the
Jul-20 reasons for the results.
Jun-20 When writing out your report:
o you may use the details given
o add any other relevant
o write in not less than 150
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
No. of Pieces

Writing Outline
Introduction : Sales of baju kurung - amount sold in four months
Body : Analyse the sales of baju kurung by Lisa Boutique
Paragraph 1 : sales - low - no festivities
Paragraph 2 : increase in sales –Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Paragraph 3 : sales dropped - festivities over, have new clothes
Paragraph 4 : sales increased again - Hari Raya Aidiladha
Conclusion : Sales of baju kurung based on festivities

Sample Answer

Sales of Baju Kurung by Lisa Boutique from June to September 2016

The bar graph shows the sales of baju kurung by Lisa Boutique from June to September 2016.
In June, the sales of baju kurung is low may be due to the fact that there is no festivities in that month.
In July, the sales doubled. It may be caused by people searching for new baju kurung to
celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. As it is not a-day celebration, people opt to buy more baju kurung with
different pattern and designed to be worn the next days.
Sales decreased in August may be due to the fact that people already have a new set of clothes
and do not want to buy new ones when they attend functions or weddings.
Finally, sales increased again in September. This may be because of Hari Raya Aidiladha and
people want to wear new clothes for the celebration.
In conclusion, the sales of baju kurung by Lisa Boutique increase during months with festivities
and: decreases in other months.
DESCRIBING a Place or Scene


Writing Outline
Introduction : The night market - a typical scene in Malaysia
Body : Give details of the description of a typical Malaysian night market.
Paragraph 1 : aroma of food - stalls - selling fish - meat - vegetables
Paragraph 2 : bargaining going on between hawkers and customers
Paragraph 3 : people pushing their trolley carts - baskets - bags - laden with goods
Conclusion : Scene - representative of country - different races and clans get together

Sample Answer

The scene of a night market is a typical sight in Malaysia. In fact, it is a weekly event in most
places. There will be many people to come and buy all sorts of things.
The night market scene has become part of the Malaysian lifestyle. Almost at once, the rich
aroma of food greets one’s nostrils. The sight of stalls selling fish, meat and vegetables and other
items are very pleasing to the eyes.
Everywhere one turns, there is abundance of activity going on; children crying for toys,
housewives bargaining, people choosing fruits and many other scenes.
Some people even do their weekly shopping at the night market and can be seen pushing their
portable trolley carts or carrying baskets with goods. An additional advantage that the night market
has is the customers’ ability to bargain and save even more.
The night market scene clearly represents the richness and diversity of our country. Here we
can witness people of different backgrounds get together.

Writing Outline
Introduction : Pangkor Island - visited by locals and foreign tourists
Body : Describe Pangkor Island as a holiday destination.
Paragraph 1 : long stretches of quiet beaches - unspoilt – natural
Paragraph 2 : different activities - sunbathe - read -paint- swimming
Paragraph 3 : inhabited by village folk - tourism industry
Paragraph 4 : wide range of sun and sea activities - scuba diving - windsurfing
Conclusion : Deal - holiday - family – friends

Sample Answer

Nothing compares to pristine white sandy beaches outlined with swaying palms and cascading
waves. Such is Pangkor Island visited by locals and foreign tourists alike.
The island is blessed with long stretches of quiet beaches that remain unspoilt and natural. The
island’s winds and waves sing and dance together in an eternal rhythm.
Visitors usually find calmness in the ambience of the place. They simply sunbathe, read, paint
or spend hours swimming. They also enjoy the sunrise and sunset of the beach.
Originally, the island was only inhabited by village folk. Now that tourism has picked up,
hoteliers and those in the service industries settled down there and make their living.
Tourists can try all sorts of activities. There is a wide range of sun and sea activities offered
such as scuba diving, windsurfing and snorkeling. For kids, they enjoy building sandcastles and play
among themselves.
Pangkor Island is certainly an ideal place to have a holiday with family and friends.
There were continuous performances of various sorts by students, including skits, pantomimes,
dances, singing and even classical plays.
In the end, the concert was successful, made possible by sheer dedication and teamwork of
everyone involved.

Writing Outline
Introduction : School concert – long awaited event – preparation
Body : Describe the school concert
Paragraph : interesting scenes – full of life – commendable effort by students
Paragraph 1 : stage - colourfully decorated – beautiful - commendable effort by
Paragraph 2 : stage - colourfully decorated – beautiful - lights – props
Paragraph 3 : performers in costumes - students on duty
Paragraph 4 : performances by students - dances – plays
Conclusion : School concert - time when students show talent - excellent teamwork

Sample Answer

It was a day long-awaited for. Hours of practice, careful planning and setting up went into the
preparations for the big event: The School Concert.
The event was full of life. The students had put in a commendable effort in the preparations for
the concert and the build-up of excitement was very clear.
The stage in the school hall was very attractive. It was colourfully decorated with beautiful
lights and props. The students displayed their creativity in the layout of the stage, wordings and
overall setting of the hall.
As the concert started, the audience clapped as the first group of colourfully-dressed
performers in full costumes stepped onto the stage. They performed zapin, a traditional Malay dance.
They danced beautifully and did not fail to entertain the audience.

Writing Outline
Introduction : Traditional wedding - interesting event to attend
Body : Describe a traditional wedding in Sarawak.
Paragraph 1 : couple dressed in traditional attire
Paragraph 2 : headman sprinkles beads over heads
Paragraph 3 : chanting and praying
Paragraph 4 : after ceremony - food and rice wine served
Conclusion : Beating of drums - dancing - merry - making - whole night

Sample Answer

When it comes to the richness of cultures and traditions, nothing compares to a wedding.
In Malaysia, our multicultural citizens offer an even greater diversity. One such wedding is that of a
traditional wedding in Sarawak. The traditional weddings in Sarawak are influenced by the elements
of rituals and beliefs.
The man and woman of the day are dressed in their very finest - their tribal traditional attire.
They looked nice and they are ready to begin the ceremony.
The village headman then sprinkles beads over the couple’s heads and that shows the
beginning the ceremony.
The ceremony may be unique from tribe to tribe just as the ethnic costumes, music and dances
may differ. Usually, they involve some chanting and praying of blessings upon the newlyweds’ lives.
At night, there is singing and dancing together.
Once the ceremony is over, as it is customary, food and rice wine is served. The rice wine is
also called ‘tuak’ locally.
It is hard for anyone to miss the wedding with all the harmonic beating of drums, joyous
dancing and merry-making that often lasts the whole night.
Writing a RECOUNT

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You and your brother visited your uncle’s fruit orchard. Write a recount of the visit. Use the notes
to help you write.

o we like durians
o went to uncle’s orchard
o workers plucked durians – durian fest
o ate many - satisfied

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o suggest the ending of the recount
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Setting - orchard - uncle - invited
Body : Describe how you enjoyed a durian feast.
Paragraph 1 : spent - whole day - workers - gather durians
Paragraph 2 : had feast of durians - ate to satisfaction
Paragraph 3 : uncle packed baskets of durians - brought home
Conclusion : Had fun - would surely visit again

Sample Answer

My brother and I like durians a lot. It was a dream-come-true for us when Uncle Mat invited us
over to his orchard during the durian season last month. We asked for permission from our parents
and off to the orchard by taxi.
We spent the whole day at the orchard. Uncle Mat asked his workers to gather the durians.
They brought all the big ones to where we were. We were very excited to see such big durians.
Uncle Mat opened the durians with ease and the three of us had a durian feast. We ate so many
durians until we were absolutely satisfied. The durian flesh was sweet and heavenly. We had really
satisfied our cravings.
Once we were done, Uncle Mat asked his workers to pack up the baskets of durians to be
brought back for our parents and neighbours. At the end of the day, Uncle Mat drove us home and
gave the durians to my parents.
We had such a memorable time that we promised to visit the orchard again as soon as we
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

There was a robbery at a bank. Write a recount of the incident. Use the notes to help you write.

o the bank was not crowded

o two masked robbers rushed in
o clerk handed a bag of money
o police car came

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o suggest the ending of the recount
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Setting – in bank - few people
Body : Describe how two masked robbers robbed a bank.
Paragraph 1 : one robber had gun - knocked down security guard
Paragraph 2 : demanded - bank vault - hidden button
Paragraph 3 : police car came - robbers - caught
Conclusion : Unforgettable experience

Sample Answer

Last Monday, I went to the bank to replace my damaged ATM card. The bank was surprisingly
not very crowded.
As I was up at the counter, I heard a sudden shout which shocked me out of my wits. Just then,
two masked robbers rushed in. One of them was holding a gun while the other knocked down the
security guard and took his weapon.
They demanded the bank clerk to hand them the cash from the bank vault. Fortunately, one of
the bank staff pressed a hidden button which triggered the security alarm.
Within moments, the siren of a police car could be heard outside the bank. They were very
quick in doing their job. In a panic, the two robbers tried to run but the police stopped and caught
them before they could escape.
Truly, the experience of being held up in a bank during a robbery is something I will never
forget. Bad things can happen if the police did not arrive just in time.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You gave a surprise birthday party to your mother. Write a recount about the surprise to your
mother. Use the notes to help you write.

o planned a surprise birthday party to mum

o father’s car broke down
o pretended to forget mum’s birthday
o father and mum went to take father’s car

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o suggest the ending of the recount
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Setting – mum’s surprise birthday party
Body : Describe how the surprise was done.
Paragraph 1 : discussed with sister - agreed
Paragraph 2 : father’s car - broke down
Paragraph 3 : mum follows father - take his car - surprised - restaurant
Conclusion : Mum was very excited – cross

Sample Answer

Three days ago was my mum’s birthday. I discussed with my sisters to make a surprise party
for my mum and they agreed with my plan.
I also told my father about it as we needed his help. The night before my mum’s birthday, my
father told her that his car broke down and he must send his car to a workshop.
The day that we are waited for has finally arrived. We pretended to forget it was mum’s
birthday. So did my father. Mum looked sad but we knew that she would be excited afterwards.
That night, father told mum that she has to follow him to get his car from the workshop.
Without any question, mum followed his request. The truth was father brought mum to her favourite
restaurant to celebrate her birthday. As she stepped into the restaurant, we surprised her with her
favourite carrot cake and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ song to her.
She was very excited and crossed at the same time because of the surprise. However, the plan
did work well.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

You have lost your wallet on your way to school. Write a recount about the incident. Use the notes
to help you write.

o helped teacher bring workbooks

o went back to class to take wallet
o the wallet was missing
o reported to classroom teacher

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o suggest the ending of the recount
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Setting – school - wallet lost
Body : Describe how you lost your
Paragraph 1 : recess - went back to class - took wallet
Paragraph 2 : went to see the teacher - report
Paragraph 3 : a boy - stole - wallet
Conclusion : Forgave the boy

Sample Answer

Classes ran smoothly as usual. My mathematics teacher asked for my help to bring the
workbooks to the teachers’ room. I really liked to help my teachers as it was a nice thing to do.
When, it was time for recess, I went back to my class to get my wallet. However, I could not
find it. My wallet was missing! I asked my friends about it but no one seemed to know.
I went to see my classroom teacher and told her what had happened. Then, a student from
another class heard our conversation and came straight to us.
The girl said she saw a boy opened my bag when everybody was out for recess. My teacher
went to see the boy and the boy admitted that he stole my wallet. He regretted for his bad behaviour
and asked for my forgiveness.
I forgave him and asked him to never do the same mistake again. It was never nice to steal
someone’s belongings. The boy was very thankful since I forgave him.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your English teacher has all the qualities a teacher should have. Write a recount about your
teacher’s qualities that Use the notes to help you write.

o Miss Cindy – English Language teacher

o skills to manage many students
o imparts knowledge
o a student-teacher rapport

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o suggest the ending of the recount
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Setting – Miss Cindy - English teacher
Body : Describe how Miss Cindy is.
Paragraph 1 : skills to manage students
Paragraph 2 : imparts knowledge - good command of language
Paragraph 3 : can be related to students - join students’ activities
Conclusion : Express deep love for her job

Sample Answer

Miss Cindy is my English teacher. She always has the qualities of being a good teacher. She
once told us that teaching is a noble profession. She had always wanted to become a teacher when
she was in school.
She has the skills to manage many students. She knows how to control us without getting mad
at us. She has good time management and organizational skills too. She teaches us with patience and
everybody loves her.
Additionally, she imparts knowledge. As an English language teacher, she has a good
command of the language. She would not be a good teacher if she did not master the language on the
first hand.
The most important thing about her is that she can relate to her students. She builds a strong
student-teacher rapport and encourages us to be more receptive to the lessons taught. She always
joins us on excursions and co-curricular activities.
On the whole, Miss Cindy has the key ingredients of being a great teacher. She expresses a
deep love and passion for her job.
Writing a REPORT

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows a scene at a typical night market. It is full of lights and noise. Based on
the picture and notes given, write a description of the night market scene.

o Pleasant aroma from food stalls

o Stalls selling fish, meat and vegetables
o People pushing trolley cart

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o state one other scene at the night market
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Clean-up activity was organized on Sunday, 5 June 2016
- all residents in the neighbourhood participated in the clean-up
Body : Describe the clean-up activity.
Paragraph 1 : purpose is to clean up the neighbourhood that is poorly kept
Paragraph 2 : each group given a rubbish bag and gloves - collect rubbish thrown
carelessly into drains and on the ground
Paragraph 3 : allowed residents to socialize with their neighbours
Conclusion : The neighbourhood is clean again
-hope that the residents will work to keep the neighbourhood clean

Sample Answer

Clean-up Activity in Taman Seri Cahaya

On Sunday, 5 June 2016, the residents of Taman Seri Cahaya came out and spent the day
outdoors to participate in the clean-up activity organized by the Residence Association of Taman Seri
The purpose of the activity was to clean up the neighbourhood since it was in a less than
satisfying state.
Before the activity started, residents were divided into small groups and were handed rubbish
bags and gloves. The groups were then directed to areas that they needed to clean. They collected
rubbish that was thrown carelessly into the drains and on the ground.
The clean-up also allowed the residents to socialize with their neighbours and the residents
utilized the chance they were presented with well. Besides, having such an event is good for health
just like they are doing exercises.
By the end of the activity at 3 p.m., Taman Seri Cahaya once again turned into a clean
neighbourhood. It is hoped that the residents will make an effort to always keep it clean.

Reported by,
Taman Seri Cahaya.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows the popular holiday destination, Pangkor Island. Based on the picture
and notes given, write a description of the island as the popular holiday destination in Malaysia.

o Quite and pristine beaches

o Cool shade of the virgin jungle
o Fresh produce from fishermen

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o state one other scene at the holiday destination
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Paw Print Society organized a rescue effort on 22 May 2016
– 50 volunteers joined in the effort
Body : Describe the details of the rescue effort.
Paragraph 1 : organized to save stray cats in the neighbourhood
Paragraph 2 : catch and keep stray cats in individual cages, gathered in one place –
clean and treat the strays from infections
Paragraph 3 : help to advertise and put the strays up for adoption
Conclusion : Successful rescue effort - many of the strays now have proper homes

Sample Answer

Rescue Effort of Strays in Taman Gemilang

On 22 May 2016, the Paw Print Society organized a rescue effort in the Taman Gemilang
housing area. The rescue effort was joined by 50 volunteers that wanted to help the cause.
The rescue effort was organized to save stray cats that were seen prowling around the
housing area. There were also some reports that the stray cats were harmed by some irresponsible
people. Thus, these cats should be saved.
The rescue effort started at 9 a.m. where the strays were caught and put into individual cages
before being gathered in one place. Once all the strays were caught, the volunteers then cleaned and
treated the strays from any infections.
Since the strays were homeless, the volunteers used different means to help advertise and put
the strays up for adoption.
At the end of the day, the rescue effort was a success with many of the strays now having new
homes although some were transported to an animal shelter waiting for adoption. It is hoped that
there won’t be any more strays in the future.

Reported by,
Paw Print Society Rescue Effort.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows a scene at a school concert. Use the picture and notes given to write a
description of the concert.

o Stage colourfully decorated – props

o Performances – dances – plays
o Students in colourful costumes

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o state one other scene at the school concert
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Fire broke out in the neighbourhood - happened late at night
Body : Describe the details of the fire.
Paragraph 1 : owner not at home when house started to catch fire
- neighbour saw the glow of the fire and called the fire department
Paragraph 2 : five firefighters came to control the fire
- manage to put out fire under half an hour - cause of fire was a spark
from short circuit that caught the curtains
Paragraph 3 : not a lot of damage occurred - no life was lost
Conclusion : Ensure that inflammable materials are kept far away from electrical points

Sample Answer

Fire at Taman Muhibbah

A fire broke out late at night in one of the houses in Taman Muhibbah on 19 October 2016.
The owner of the house was not at home when the house started to catch fire. A neighbour
saw the glow of the fire coming from the house and immediately called the fire department.
Ten minutes later, firefighters came to the site and managed to put out the fire in under half an
hour. After investigating, the cause of the fire was a spark from a short circuit that caught the
curtains and set it ablaze.
The owner of the house was immediately called back to assess the damage on the property but
initial assessment found that not a lot of damage occurred and no life was lost. That was a total relief.
The fire department reminded everyone to ensure that inflammable materials should be kept
far away from electrical point so that incidents like this don’t happen again in the future.

Reported by,
Resident of Taman Muhibbah.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows a Science Fair. Use the picture and notes given to write a description of
the wedding ceremony.

o Purpose - students exhibit science projects

o class – convert into exhibition hall – demonstration
o Giving our prizes

When writing out your recount:

o you may use the details given
o state one other scene at Science Fair
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Science Fair on 18 July 2016
Paragraph 1 : purpose of the fair - allow students to exhibit their science projects
Paragraph 2 : classes were converted into exhibition halls for the students to
exhibit their projects - there were also some science demonstrations
during the fair
Paragraph 3 : a prize was given to the best science project before the fair ended
Conclusion : Hope that more fairs like this will be organized in the future

Sample Answer

Science Fair at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Nilam

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Nilam organized a Science Fair on 18 July 2016. Students from
schools in the district came to participate in the fair.
The fair was organized to allow students to exhibit their science projects that they have done.
It was also organized for students to showcase their skills and talent.
In order for the science projects to be exhibited, classrooms were converted into exhibition halls.
Apart from the science project exhibits, there were also some science demonstrations done by the
science teachers in the exhibition halls.
Before the fair ended, a prize was given to the science project that was considered the best out of
all the exhibits. This was given to encourage students in their endeavours in making science projects.
The fair was considered a success in that it not only allowed students to showcase their
knowledge in science but also to share the knowledge that they have. It is hoped that more fairs like
this will be organized in the future.

Reported by,
Science Club,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Nilam.
Writing a DIALOG

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Charles and James talk about camping and why people camp. Based on the notes given, write out a
dialogue between them. In the dialogue, explain the details concerning the topic.

When writing out your dialog:

o you may use the details given
o elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Charles asks James about camping.
- all residents in the neighbourhood participated in the clean-up
Body : James gives Charles the reasons why people go camping and includes some camping tips.
- reasons for camping: escape everyday life - enjoy the outdoors
- camping tips: where to choose campsite - have water - clean up campsite
Conclusion : In the end - Charles learns more about camping from James

Sample Answer

Charles : Hello, James. Is it true that you go camping often? May I know why?
James : Hello, Charles. Yes, it’s true. I do it because I think it’s fun. However, people like
camping for different reasons. Some go camping to escape the everyday life. Others
simply enjoy sleeping outdoors. For me, I love to enjoy the nature.
Charles : This makes me think that camping away from home is a good way for family members
and close friends to spend quality time together.
James : It is. This is because everyone hardly sees each other since everyone is always busy
with school, work and other stuffs.
Charles : What do you usually do when you go camping?
James : I make sure that there is a water source nearby. Water is essential for camping since
you’ll need it for drinking, cooking and cleaning up.
Charles : We could cook while camping?
James : Sure you can, but you need to find a good campsite first before you can do that and
remember to clean up afterwards.
Charles : Thanks, James. I know more about camping now.
James : No problem, Charles. Let’s go camping together one day.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Haris and Balan are discussing the importance of sports in school. Based on the notes given, write
out a dialogue between them. In the dialogue, describe the importance of sports.

Importance of sports
o Schools should emphasize on sports
o Keep fit
o Physical activity is good
o Do not interfere with studies
o Way to relax
o Mentally alert

When writing out your dialog:

o you may use the details given
o elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Haris and Balan discuss the importance of sports.
Body : Describe the benefits of sports to students.
- way to relax - physically fit - does not interfere with studies - mentally alert
Conclusion : Agree that sports is good for students

Sample Answer

Haris : Balan, some of my friends say that taking part in school sports is a waste of time and energy.
Do you agree with that?
Balan : Of course not. In fact, schools should emphasize more on sports. They are good for students.
Haris : How is playing sport good for us?
Balan : The physical activity helps us to relax and keep our bodies fit. Believe it or not, playing
sports can even adapt positive values among us and strengthen our friendship bond. Playing
sports is also a good way to take a break from our studies.
Haris : Does playing sports not negatively affect our studies?
Balan : Generally, it doesn’t provided that it is done in moderation.
Haris : But wouldn’t students be tired after playing sports?
Balan : That’s not actually true. Playing sports sends plenty of oxygen pumping into the brain. This
helps us to be mentally alert which is good for studying.
Haris : You are absolutely right, Balan. After listening to you, I tend to agree more with you. I hope
I can play sports with you one day.
Balan : I hope so too.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Jeremy and Kalsom are discussing the pros and cons of watching television and reading Based on
the notes given, write out the dialogue between them. In the dialogue, explain the good and bad
points of the two activities.

When writing out your dialog:

o you may use the details given
o elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Jeremy and Kalsom discuss watching television.
Body : Jeremy and Kalsom express different views on watching television
- Jeremy finds watching television a waste of time-boring-prefers reading
- Kalsom likes watching television - it is relaxing - learns a lot from documentaries
Conclusion : Share views on watching television and reading - reach compromise

Sample Answer

Jeremy : Kalsom, have you ever thought that watching television is a waste of time?
Kalsom : Not at all, Jeremy. In fact, I find watching television relaxing.
Jeremy : Personally, I would discourage people from watching television. I think reading is a
much better and more educational pastime.
Kalsom : Actually, television is more educational than you think. I have learnt so much from
programmes like documentaries, news and others. Sometimes when I get bored, I
watched the cartoon programme. It is lots of fun. Although reading offers you a wide
range of knowledge too, I get bored by reading.
Jeremy : Watching television strains the eyes and gives me a headache though. Plus, the
programmes are pretty boring.
Kalsom : Some programmes might be boring but not all of them are. There are certain
programmes that are educational and yet very interesting. You should give watching
television a chance.
Jeremy : I think we should compromise and try each other’s interest in earnest.
Kalsom : That is a very good idea, Jeremy. Let’s start today. We could meet again tomorrow and
see if our views change.
Jeremy : I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodbye, Kalsom.
Kalsom : Goodbye, Jeremy.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Fikri and Daisy are discussing the necessity of examinations. Based on the notes given, write out
the dialogue between them. In the dialogue, describe the necessity of examinations and if it
should be retained or abolished.

Fikri’s opinion:
o Examinations should be abolished
o School are becoming too examination-oriented
o Students suffer from examination fever

Daisy’s opinion:
o Examinations assess the students’ performance
o Students do revision
o Best way to give grades

When writing out your dialog:

o you may use the details given
o elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Dialogue between Fikri and Daisy on examinations.
Body : State the different views about examinations in the dialogue
- Fikri is against examinations
- Schools are becoming too exam- oriented – not good for long-term learning
- Daisy says having examinations is the best way of assessment
– keeps students on their toes
Conclusion : State if it is possible to abolish examinations and why

Sample Answer

Fikri : Lately I’ve been thinking that examinations should be abolished, Daisy.
Daisy : What makes you think that, Fikri?
Fikri : Examinations take the fun out of learning.
Daisy : Isn’t sitting for exams a part of learning?
Fikri : Yes, it is. However, we do it too often that schools are becoming exam-oriented. Some
students are also studying for the take of exams, and not for a lifetime education. Right after
the examination, they will forget everything.
Daisy : But Fikri, exams are necessary to assess our performance. Furthermore, it encourages us to
study harder to prepare for the exams.
Fikri : That’s the reason why students suffer from exam fever.
Daisy : That only happens if they are ill-prepared. Anyway, it is also a systematic way to give
students grades. It enables students to be graded under equal measures, which is fair.
Fikri : But as long as we have subjective papers, I believe different examiners will grade the
students differently.
Daisy : Perhaps you’re right but until a better means of evaluation is found, we cannot afford to do
away with exams. Our education system stresses on them; as does the job market.
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Hamizah and Jeslina are discussing the advantages of the Internet. Based on the notes given, write
out the dialogue between them. In the dialogue, describe the advantages of using the Internet.

When writing out your dialog:

o you may use the details given
o elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
o add any other relevant information
o write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction : Hamizah and Jeslina discuss the advantages of the Internet.
Body : Describe the advantages of the Internet.
- Hamizah says that the Internet is part of our daily lives - easier find materials for
assignments - gain new knowledge from the information
- Jeslina says that it is useful to watch videos of events - could not attend - read up on
world not attend - read up on world news - know what is happening - easier to makes
friends from all over the world
Conclusion : They agree that the Internet is advantageous.

Sample Answer

Hamizah : Hi, Jeslina. Have you noticed that the Internet has become part of our daily lives?
Jeslina : Hello, Hamizah. Yes, I do. The Internet offers its users many advantages is the reason
why we always use it.
Hamizah : I agree. It is easy to find relevant materials for any of my assignments using the
Internet. Sometimes, I make a research as well. What do you use the Internet for?
Jeslina : I use it to watch videos of events that interest me but which I couldn’t attend.v I also
read up on world news to know what is happening around the world.
Hamizah : That is brilliant. The Internet truly allows us to gain a lot of new knowledge.
Jeslina : Apart from the knowledge, it is also easier to make friends from all over the world
through the various social networking sites. Right now, I have so many friends from all
over the world.
Hamizah : It really does offer a lot of advantages but we should always remember to use it wisely
and be careful.
Jeslina : That’s true.

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