RPMS Index For Sy 2018-2019 Final
RPMS Index For Sy 2018-2019 Final
RPMS Index For Sy 2018-2019 Final
Means of Verification
1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/ or inter-
observer agreement form about knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas.
2. Lesson Plans/ modified DLLs developed highlighting integration of
content knowledge within and across subject areas.
3. Instructional materials highlighting mastery of content and its
integration in other subject areas.
Means of Verification
1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/ or inter-
observer agreement form about using differentiated, developmentally
appropriate learning experiences.
2. Lesson Plans/ modified DLLs developed highlighting differentiation
in content, product, process, learning environment or others
according to learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and
3. Instructional materials developed highlighting differentiation in
content, product, process, learning environment or others according
to learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
4. Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
7. Planned, managed and implemented developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts
Means of Verification
1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/ or inter-
observer agreement form about using developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning process.
2. Lesson Plans/ modified DLLs highlighting developmentally
sequenced instruction that meet curriculum goals and varied teaching
3. Instructional materials used to implement developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning process to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts.
4. Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
8. Participated in collegial discussions that use
teacher and learner feedback to enrich teaching
Means of Verification
1. Personal notes of teachers on LACs/ FGDs / meetings with
proof of attendance.
2. Minutes of LAC/FGD sessions on use of teacher and
learner feedback to enrich teaching practice with proof of
3. Others (Please specify and provide annotations)
9. Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate
teaching and learning resources, including ICT , to
address learning goals.
Means of Verification
1. Certificate of Recognition or Participation
2. Certificate of Training
3. Certificate of Speakership
4. Committee involvement
5. Advisorship of Co-curricular activities
6. Book or Journal Authorship/ Co-authorship/ Contributorship
7. Coordinatorship / Chairpersonship
8. Coaching mentoring learners in competitions
9. Mentoring pre-service / in service teachers
10. Others (Please specify and provide annotations)