Bill Nye Earths Seasons

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Bill Nye: Earth’s Seasons

1. Earth’s seasoms
______________ affect everything on Earth.

2. Why do we have seasons on Earth?

the earth is tilted
3. When Earth is towards the sun it’s _______________.
daytime When Earth is away from the sun
it’s ____________..
nightime When Earth is tilted toward the sun, it’s ________________.
summer Tilted
away it is ________________.

4. What angle is the Earth tilted on it’s axis?

23 1/2 degrees

5. It’s hot in the summer because we get sunlight ______________.

headon It’s cold in the winter
because we get sunlight at an ________________.

6. What device did Bill use to show that the Earth is turning on
it’s axis? foucalt's pengalum

7. During the ____________

summer season Alaska only gets a couple
of hours of darkness a day.

8. How long does the Earth take to go around the sun?

365.25 days

9. The __________
axis staying pointed the same way in space is
the reason for the seasons.

10. The ___________

shadow on a sundial goes the same direction as the hands on a clock.

11. What do June 21 and December 21 have in common?

solstices the longest days of the year

12. When are days and nights the same length all over the world? What are the dates for
these? equinox's march 21 and september 21

13. The ____________

position of the sun in the sky changes from day to day and month to month.

14. A ______________
tilted Earth is why we have seasons.

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