Lebanon: Andrea Calvo y Tess Dougall
Lebanon: Andrea Calvo y Tess Dougall
Lebanon: Andrea Calvo y Tess Dougall
Andrea Calvo y
Tess Dougall
1. Geographical location , capital and major cities
2. Demography: population, ethnic groups , religions
3. Politics: type of government , policies
4. Customs and traditions
5. Present situation: war?, famine?, poverty? Etc
6. What is ECOSOC and what projects, or work do they
do in your country.
7. Relate your country with topic:Gender violence,
gender wage gap, women in education.
8. What is your country doing to improve the situation?
9. Webs and sources used
Geographical location
Lebanon is located in Western Asia. It borders with
Israel to the south and Syria to the north. Its capital is
Beirut (nearly 2 million inhabitants), Zhale, Tripoli
and Sidon are other major cities. It has a moderate
mediterranean climate.
The population of Lebanon is of 6 million
The ethnic groups include numerous Islam and
Christian groups
The major languaje is arabic.
Lebanon is a semipresidential parliamentary
democratic republic. Religion is very connected
to politics, the president has to be a Maronite
Christian. Michel Aoun is the actual president
and Saad Hariri is the prime minister.
Some of the policies are:
The labour code which consists on maternity
Law organizing marketing of child feeding products
and tools that is meant to provide healthy and safe food
to young children by protecting, promoting and
supporting breast feeding.
The MOHP strategy plan consists on improving:
public health, reducing child and maternity mortality.
Customs and
Traditional clothes (country side): women wear
traditional colourful skirts and men wear a
traditional sherrwal (baggy trousers).
● The traditional Lebanese dish is siyyadiyeh which
consists on fish cooked in saffron, rice with onions,
sumac and tahini sauce and its served with the
national drink arak, an aniseflavoured liqueur.
The Muslim holidays in
Lebanon are based on the
Islamic lunar calendar, one of
them is Eid alFtr is a three
day feast at the end of
Ramadan month.
The National holidays are:
Workers Day
Martyrs Day
Independence Day
Christmas, which is
celebrated the 25th of
Present situation
The Great Famine of Mount Lebanon (1915-1918) was caused by the
World War I it was a period of starvation and 200,000 people died.