So Robotic Process Automation For Healthcare en
So Robotic Process Automation For Healthcare en
So Robotic Process Automation For Healthcare en
Robotic Process
Automation for Healthcare
One of the primary challenges facing healthcare organizations
is managing and processing information spread across many
Success Story
internal and external sources, including clinical applications,
lab information systems, third-party portals, insurance portals, Efficiently verifying health insurance eligibility
radiology information systems, scheduling applications, ERPs A nationwide leader in medical supply distribution was
and HR applications. Integration across these systems is often struggling to verify health insurance eligibility for potential
complex, and most healthcare organizations still often rely customers due to highly manual processes. Millions of
on humans to perform manual labor-intensive tasks to dollars of insurance denials were the result. With RPA, the
process information. medical supply distributor now automates the retrieval of
Finally, there is a solution that automates virtually any manual, client coverage data from insurer web portal sites,
repetitive, task that needs to be applied to content to ensure catching potential eligibility issues early while meeting the
it is accessed and acted on as part of critical healthcare business customer response times mandated by their service level
processes. A new digital workforce made up of intelligent agreement.
software robots is helping healthcare organizations automate RPA helped this company verify thousands of patients’
the flow of information from multiple EHRs, partner ecosystems, insurance eligibility daily while saving $1 million annually.
finance and accounting systems, and payer portals without
complex coding.
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