Fabrication of Semi-Automatic Drainage Cleaner For Floating Materials

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Fabrication of Semi-Automatic Drainage Cleaner for

Floating Materials
Vikram Kedambadi Vasu1, a), Praveena B A1, Aman Kumar Ranjan2, Amit Sharma3,
Ashwin Sathyanandan4, Bhaskar Pathak 2, b)
Vikram Kedambadi Vasu: [email protected]
Bhaskar Pathak: [email protected]

Abstract. Water is the basic need for the existence of life on earth. In spite of 70% water on earth majority of water is
not suitable for drinking purpose. There is a huge demand of clean water as it is used for a variety of purpose such as
drinking, bathing, cleaning, cooking etc. Waste particles present in water can cause serious health issues that can
damage the life of human beings. The chief function of the semi-automatic drainage system is to collect, as well as
dispose the solid waste in the waste bucket by the help of claws. Solid waste in drainage water includes empty bottles,
polythene bags, papers etc. Solid waste in drainage water can lead to blockage of the drainage system. In order to avoid
such situation these impurities are needed to be taken out time to time for the continuous flow of drainage water. Drain
blockage can be cleaned continuously by the help of model using the drive system to remove the solid waste and threw
it into waste bucket. Semi-Automated Drainage Cleaner is designed with the objective to initiate the efficient working
of system. Semi-Automated Drainage Cleaner automatically removes the solid waste from water in the drainage
system each time any solid wastes appear, and claws which are driven by chain sprocket grasp the solid waste and
dumps it into the waste bucket to avoid blockage. It reduces the cost of manual labor as well as reduces the threat to
human life.

Keywords: Semi-automatic drainage system, Garbage Collection Container

1. Introduction
Semi-Automatic Drainage Water Cleaning overcomes all sorts of drainage problems and promotes blockage
free drains promoting continuous flow of drain water. In the modern era there have been adequate sewage problems
where sewage water needs to be segregated to clean our surrounding environment. If we look around we can find
many issues related to health and our environment is also degrading at a very rapid rate. The devastating change in the
environment is because of the increase in pollution level where the increase in the population of the society and due to
such factors, the consumption of resources has also increased to a certain extent where the management of the garbage
is a big issue and here we are implementing our ideas to manage the drainage of the society to unblock all the
blockages that are generally caused due to the non-biodegradable items which generally flow and blocks the savage.
This will really help humans who are physically involved into the drainage system to manage the blockage and
becomes the victim of many diseases which could be chronic and acute and get them self-soak in dirt.
Elangovan K., et.al. reviewed about drainage cleaning to replace manual work to an automated system because the
manually cleaning system is harmful to human life. For toxic and nontoxic gases wastage thrown into the drainage,
this project works efficiently to dispose of the waste. PLC controller from Siemens was used in the treatment system of
drainage wastewater control by the stepper motor, compressor, gas exhauster, pressure valve, and the liquid level, flow
and other analogy variables to achieve automatic control of sewage wastewater treatment [1]. Nitin Sall, et.al. suggests
using wastewater technology that removes, rather than destroys, pollutants in a drainage system. The flow of used
water from homes, business industries, and commercial activities is called drainage water [2]. Ganesh UL, et.al.
suggests that the drainage pipes are very dirty. It is harmful to human life while cleaning the drainage systems. To
solve this problem, they implemented a mechanical semi-automatic drainage [3]. Prof S.D. Anap, et.al. showed
blockage is the major cause of the pollution and flooding in the metro cities. They explained the design of the
cost-effective, easy method to control the water level of the tank wirelessly and automatically. They have designed the
drainage blockage detection system to avoid such problems [4].
Ndubuisi C. Daniels, et.al, showed the drainage system cleaner machine used to remove garbage and their drainage
system cleaner has three major parts which are the Propeller, the Cleaner, and the Pan, all make it up for its effective
functioning [5]. N. Prabhushankar, et.al, proposed work was to remove drainage water by the pneumatic operated
spring return reciprocating pump. showed dewatering of drainage is generally done using a centrifugal pump, but
using the centrifugal pump is not much effective in complete removal of the suspended and heavy solids and also it
consumes a lot of electric power for its operation. Manual work can be reduced while cleaning [6].

2. Objectives and Methodology of the Proposed Work

Urban litter (alternatively called trash, debris, flotsam, jetsam, floatables, gross pollutants, rubbish or solid waste) has
become a major problem in modern society. It typically consists of manufactured materials such as bottles, cans,
plastic and paper wrappings, newspapers, shopping bags, cigarette packets and hypodermic needles, but it can also
include items such as used car parts, rubble from construction sites and even old mattresses. In today’s era automation
plays a very important role in all industrial applications for the proper disposal of sewage from industries and
household is still a challenging task. Drain pipes are used for the adequate disposal of waste and unfortunately
sometimes there may be a threat to human life during the cleaning of blockage in the drain pipes or it can cause serious
health issues because of the pertaining problems like malaria, dengue, etc. In order to overcome this problem as well as
to save human life we implement a design Semi-Automatic Drainage Cleaning System. Design of the project is done
in order to use it in an efficient way to control the disposal of waste along with regular filtration of drains, removal of
solid waste in order to avoid blockage in drains to promote continuous flow of drainage water which ultimately
reduces the threat to human life.
The methodology proposed of the current work is as shown in Fig 1(a)

Fig 1(a) Methodology of Proposed Work

3. Development, Analysis and Mechanism of Semi-Automatic Drainage Cleaner

3.1 Development
Design consists of application of scientific principle, technical information, and imagination for development of new
mechanism to perform specific function with maximum economy and efficiency. Hence careful design approach has
to be adopted as shown in figure 2(a). The components used in this Darin Waste Water Cleaner are AC geared motor
rapper and lower shaft, ball bearings, backside waste bin, adjustable plates, chain drive. The material used for C.I for
frame, for ball bearing the type of Bering used is pills block ball bearing made of C.I, galvanized steel is used for waste
bin. The drain cleaner machine helps us to clean small or big sewage through its mechanical design and functioning.
This machine consists of parts such as motor, shaft, chain, sprocket, lifter, collecting bin etc. When power is given to
the machine then motor starts functioning which gives rotation to the shaft and through the help of shaft, the sprockets
which are fixed to the shaft rotates. Due to the rotation of the sprocket, the chain connected to the sprocket rotates. As
the chain rotates the two lifters which are connected to the chain at half length of the chain starts rotating as well.
When one lifter completes one round from down to upward direction, it takes all the garbage material like waste
bottles, plastic, tins, etc, on the grid and drops it in the collecting bin attached at the back. Since there are two lifters,
the collection rate of garbage will be more. This is how this machine helps us clean sewage or any garbage from water.

Fig 2(a) Development of Model Fig 2(b) Analysis of the Model

3.2 Analysis of the Model

This semi-automatic drainage cleaner will be installed in the Drainage system and will be made
according to the desire drain size, this will have a claw like structure fixed at the bottom and will circulate over the
chain drive on which it will be fixed and will rotate according to the programmed timing. The von Misses yield
criterion (also known as the maximum distortion energy criterion) suggests that yielding of a ductile material begins
when the second deviatoric stress invariant reaches a critical value. It is part of plasticity theory that applies best
to ductile materials, such as some metals. Prior to yield, material response can be assumed to be of a nonlinear elastic,
viscoelastic, or linear elastic behaviour. Here, the minimum and maximum equivalent stress that can be tolerated by
the above structure is 4.3589e-16 and 8.0584e5 Pa. The blue region shows the region with least stress while red shows
the maximum. Here, the minimum and maximum deformation on the above structure that can be tolerated is 0 and
4.215e-9m. The blue region shows the region with least stress while red shows the maximum. Maximum deformation
is at the end of the mesh because it is cantilever and hence load will be concentrated at the end. The structure is tested
for the maximum load of 10Pa. Here, the minimum and maximum deformation on the above structure that can be
tolerated is 0 and 3.4092e-5m. The blue region shows the region with least stress while red shows the maximum.
Maximum deformation is at the centre of the mesh because it is simply supported and hence load will be concentrated
at the centre. The structure is tested for the maximum load of 10Pa as shown in the figure 2(b).

3.3 Mechanism of the Model

This semi-automatic drainage cleaner will be installed in the Drainage system and will be made according to the desire
drain size, this will have a claw like structure fixed at the bottom and will circulate over the chain drive on which it will
be fixed and will rotate according to the programmed timing. This timing will depend upon the flow rate of the
drainage system and will vary according. This claw like structure will be made to rest at the bottom of the structure and
the mesh like structure will be installed in it that will resist the flow of the trash and will allow easy flow of drain water
through it. The claw like structure will confiscate the trash flowing along with water and will carry it up to top and will
dump it in the garbage bin provided at the back of the semi-automatic drainage cleaner. While this circular moment
takes place, the claw carrying the garbage will stay at the top and another will come down. Semi-automatic drainage
cleaner will have two jaws for confiscating the trash flowing through the drainage water. There will a motor house
installed at the top of it where the electric structure will reside and will be in capsuled in metal sheet structure taking at
most care that water will not flow into it and the electric circuit will remain safe as shown in figure (3).

Fig 3 Final model of Semi-Automated Drainage Cleaner

4. Conclusions
In recent past there have been many research carried out on waste water management. The current work also
stands one of them with ideology & new technology. Many specific empirical studies have been carried out and
categories such as drainage cleaning system and its automation have been studied to a great depth. We focus more on
making the system mobile in the drainage. Some of the points to be noted are (i) The cleaner functioned more
effectively during the heavier rains which had more volume of running water with garbage and high velocity, (ii) The
system moved well in the drain to collect the floating waste so as to reduce human labour and (iii) In the treatment
system of drainage waste water control by the motor, roller chain and sprocket, lifter and the collecting bin to achieve
semiautomatic control of sewage waste water treatment was achieved with high results.

5. Future Scope
The work carried out is a simple drainage water cleaner machine, which is automatically operated. Further
modifications can be done to improve the performance of the machine. Modifications are as follows: (i) Instead of
battery power, the motor can be run using solar power, by fitting solar panels to the setup, (ii) During the real time
application, the size of the machine will be big so that more lifter pans can be fixed to the chain and a bigger motor can
be used to increase performance and rate of collecting waste and lastly (iii) A sensor can be placed in the collector bin
so as to give an alert when the collecting bin becomes full. The concept of this project is very useful in monsoon
because in rainy season our drains are usually over flowing and it can be blocked by solid wastes. This project can be
incorporated with “SWACCH BHARAT ABHIYAAN” which is a revolution in present times. In India as drains and
sewage paths are open, so this project or mechanism can become very handy and use to clean them.

We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to the management of Nitte Meenakhsi Institute of Technology
and Dr. Sudheer Reddy J, Professor and Head of the Mechanical Engineering department for providing the facilities to
carry out this work. I also would like to express my gratitude to the entire department of Mechanical engineering for
their co-operation and suggestions without which this project would not have been a successful one.

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