Aerospace Propulsion Dept of ANE, MRCET: 2.1:euler's Turbo-Machinery Equations
Aerospace Propulsion Dept of ANE, MRCET: 2.1:euler's Turbo-Machinery Equations
Aerospace Propulsion Dept of ANE, MRCET: 2.1:euler's Turbo-Machinery Equations
The fluid in a stream tube enters the control volume at radius 𝑟𝑖 with tangential
velocity 𝑣𝑖 and exits at radius 𝑟𝑒 with tangential velocity 𝑣𝑒 . For a compressor or pump
with steady flow, the applied torque 𝜏𝐴 is equal to the change in the angular
momentum of the fluid, which is
𝜏𝐴 = [𝑟𝑒 𝑣𝑒 -- 𝑟𝑖 𝑣𝑖 ]
The input power is𝑊̇𝑐 = ω 𝜏𝐴 = [𝑟𝑒 𝑣𝑒 -- 𝑟𝑖 𝑣𝑖 ]
This equation is known as Euler’s pump equation. Application of the first law of
thermodynamics to the flow through the control volume gives
Similarly, for a steady flow turbine, the output torque 𝜏𝑜 is equal to the change in
angular momentum of the fluid, or
𝜏𝑜 = [𝑟 𝑣 --𝑟 𝑣 ]
𝑔𝑐 𝑖 𝑖 𝑒 𝑒
This equation is often referred to as Euler’s turbine equation. Application of first law of
thermodynamics to the flow through the control volume in a turbine gives,
2.2.1: Compressors:
Types of Compressors: Two types of compressors are used in gas turbine engines, the
centrifugal compressor and the axial flow compressor. The axial flow compressor
allows multi-staging and is more popularly used in present day engines.
Centrifugal Compressor-Construction: : The centrifugal compressor consists of four
main parts.
The inlet casing with converging nozzle: The incoming air from air inlet is
accelerated by the converging nozzle and is guided in to the impellor inlet. The
outlet of the inlet casing is known as the eye.
Impellor: Energy transfer takes place in the impellor (rotor) which rotates at
high speeds. The kinetic energy and static pressure of the air rises due to the
rotational motion of the impellor
Diffuser: Diffuser (stator) receives the high energy air coming out of the
impellor. Diffuser constitute a number of diverging passages, where the kinetic
energy of the air is transformed into static pressure
The outlet manifold: It comprises of a fluid collector known as volute, which
guides the air from the outlet of impellor in to the combustion chamber.
Air enters the compressor near the hub of the impellor and is then compressed
by the rotational motion of the impellor.
The compression occurs by first increasing the velocity of the air (through
rotation) in the impellor. The rotating impellor imparts high velocity to the air.
The flow also experiences a centripetal acceleration due to the pressure head.
Hence, the static pressure of the air increases from the eye to the tip of the
The diffuser has a divergent passage which transforms the high kinetic energy of
the air at the outlet of the impellor in to static pressure.
Thus the rotating impellor imparts high velocity and increases the static pressure to
the air, while the diffuser slows down the air converting velocity in to static pressure.
A pressure ratio of 4:1 can be achieved in a single stage centrifugal compressor.
The rotating blades of the rotor impart kinetic energy to the air by doing work on the
air. The static pressure also rises due to the divergent passages of the rotor. The high
kinetic energy of the air is converted in to static pressure rise in the divergent passages
of the stator.
Each stage of axial flow compressor produces a small pressure ratio of 1.1:1 or 1.2:1,
at a high efficiency. For achieving high pressure ratios of around 12:1, multiple stages
are used. For a single rotational speed, there is a limit in balance of operation
between the first and the last stage. To obtain more flexibility and uniform loading of
each stage, a dual compressor with two different rotational speeds is generally used.
The annulus area decreases along the axial axis in the direction of flow. Since the mass
flow rate 𝑚̇= ρAV, the density ρ increases in the direction of flow as pressure rises.
Hence to keep V constant, we need to reduce the annulus area, as the flow progresses
to the high pressure stages.
Comparison between Centrifugal & Axial flow compressors
Centrifugal compressor offers high pressure ratios of up to 4: 1 in a single stage.
The axial flow compressor offers much smaller pressure ratios per stage, up to
1.2:1. Centrifugal compressors are more suited for smaller gas turbine engines.
Axial flow compressors have air flowing through axially, therefore multi staging
is possible. High pressure ratios of 12 and above are possible with use of axial
flow compressors. Multi-staging is not feasible with centrifugal compressors
since the air is turned and discharged radially outwards. Therefore, multi-
staging increases the frontal area, hence not feasible for aircraft application.
Centrifugal compressors are rugged in construction. They can operate efficiently
over a wide range of mass flow rates and speeds. Axial flow compressors are
sensitive to off design conditions.
Centrifugal compressors are simple to manufacture at low cost. Axial flow
compressors need accurate manufacturing and design specifications. For the
same pressure ratio, centrifugal compressors have low weight. They have low
starting power requirements.
Centrifugal compressors are bulky and have large frontal area for given mass
Axial flow compressors offer high peak efficiency at design point.
Axial flow compressors offer high ram efficiency since the air flows parallel to
engine axis.
One set of stator blades and one set rotor blades are called a stage.
A set of stator blades called the inlet guide vanes (IGV) are fitted ahead of the first
stage. The function of IGV is to guide the air correctly into the first stage rotor.
Similarly, one to three rows of stator or straightener blades are installed after the last
stage to straighten and slow down the air before it enters the combustion chamber.
The IGV passages are slightly convergent and the velocity increases slightly.
A cross section and top view of a axial flow compressorstage is shown below:
A row of inlet guide vanes is used deflect the incoming airflow to a pre-determined
angle towards the direction of rotation of the rotor. The rotor increases the angular
velocity of the fluid, resulting in increases in total temperature, total pressure and
static pressure. The following stator decreases the angular velocity of the fluid,
resulting in an increase of static pressure, and sets the flow up for the following rotor.
A compressor stage is made up of a rotor and stator.
2.3.1: Cascade:
The basic building block of aerodynamic design of axial flow compressors is the
cascade. The cascade is an endless repeating array of airfoils, that results from
“unwrapping” of the stators and rotor airfoils. Each cascade passage acts as a diffuser,
and the changes in the fluid velocity induced in the blade rowsof the stator and rotor
are same as that taking place in the cascade sections, upstream and downstream.
A cascade Section:
The cascade is mountedon a turntable so that its angular direction relative to the inlet can be varied
in the wind tunnel. Pressure, velocity and flow angles downstream are measured.
Following notation is used for representing the velocity of flow through the stage:
V = VR + U
Two repeating stages of compressor with a set of IGVs are shown below, along with
station numbers:
V1R is the relative velocity of flow entering rotor at station 1, obtained by subtracting
the rotor speed ωr from V1 vectorially.
The rotor blade passages act as diffusers and reduce the relative velocity from V1R to
V2R. The static pressure increases from P1 to P2.
The stator diffuses the velocity to V3, increasing the static pressure from P2 toP3.
The stator is designed such that velocity is diffused such that V3 is equal to V1.
Therefore, the velocity triangle of the second stage is a repeat of first stage.
• Wc = U ΔV
• flow angles at rotor inlet are 𝜶1 &𝜷1 and at rotor outlet 𝜶2 &𝜷2
• From the velocity triangles, work done& temperature rise per stage is equal to
Wc = U Va(tan 𝜶2 ‒ tan 𝜶1 ) = Cp ΔT
The input energy will reveal itself as rise in stagnation temperature of the air.
The work done above is also equal to rise in stagnation enthalpy of the air.
Using isentropic relationship, we obtain the pressure and temperature rise per stage
For a calorifically perfect gas, the static enthalpy rise is equal to the static temperature
rise. Since variation of 𝐶𝑝 over the relevant temperature range is negligible, the degree
of reaction can also be expressed in terms of temperature rise as
𝑹𝒙 = 𝑻𝟐 − 𝑻𝟏⁄𝑻𝟑 − 𝑻𝟏
Diffusion takes place both in the rotor as well as the stator and the static pressure rises
in both rotor and stator. Degree of reaction provides a measure of the extent to which
the rotor contributes to the overall pressure rise of the stage.
(a) the absolute axial velocity 𝑉𝑎 is constant through the stage and
(b) the air leaves the stage with the same absolute velocity with which it enters ie
𝑉3 =𝑉1 .
𝟏 𝑽𝒂
It can also be shownthat𝑹𝒙 = -- (tan 𝜶𝟏 – tan𝜶𝟐 )
𝟐 𝟐𝑼
Special Case: When Rx= 0.5:It gives 𝛼1 =𝛽2 and 𝛼2 =𝛽1 , the velocity triangles are
symmetric, equal pressure rise in rotor and stator. Also the velocities V1=V2R and
Fluid deflection (ᵝ2 --ᵝ1 ) is a parameter that affects the stage pressure rise. Excessive
deflection ie high rate of deflection leads to blade stall. Diffusion factor associates
blade stall with deceleration on the suction side of the aerofoil section. Diffusion
factor is measured on the suction side of the blades, and is expressed as below:
Diffusion Factor 𝐷∗ = (𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 --𝑉2 )/𝑉1 , where 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the ideal surface velocity at the
minimum pressure point and 𝑉2 is the ideal velocity at the trailing edge and 𝑉1 is the
velocity at leading edge.
2.3.6: Stage Loading Coefficient:The ratio of stage work to the square of rotor speed is
called the stage loading coefficient.
Flow Coefficient: The ratioof the axial velocity to the rotor speed is called the flow
coefficient and is defined as
ф = 𝐶𝑎 /U
The flow coefficient for modern axial flow compressor of aircraft gas turbine engines
are in the range of 0.45-0.55.
The flow coefficient variation will cause changes in the incidence of the flow over the
Work Done Factor 𝜆 (Loss due to blockage in compressor annulus area): Because of
the adverse pressure gradient in the compressors, the boundary layers along the
annulus walls thicken as the flow progresses. The main effect is to reduce the area
available for the flow below the geometric area of the annulus.
The stage temperature rise is always less than the design value. The reason for this is
that the radial distribution of the axial velocity is not constant across the annulus, but
becomes increasingly peaky as the flow proceeds, settling down to a fixed profile at
about the fourth stage. The change in the axial velocity affects the work absorbing
capacity of the stage.
The reduction in the work capacity is accounted for by use of the work done factor λ,
which is less than unity. The actual stage temperature rise is given by
∆𝑇0𝑆 = U𝐶𝑎 ( tan ᵝ1 -- tan ᵝ2 )
The mean work done factor will vary across the compressor stages due to the variation
in the axial velocity. The axial velocity distribution along the blade height in the first
stage and the fourth stage is shown below. The variation of mean work done factor
across the stages is also shown.
Flow Analysis: The flow of working fluid through the compressor is inherently three-
dimensional. This complex flow is analysed by dividing the flow in to three two
dimensional fields. The complete flow field is the sum of these less complex two
dimensional flow fields.
The two dimensional flow fields are called the through-flow field, the cascade field (or
the blade to blade field), and the secondary flow field.
The Through-flow Field: The through-flow field is concerned with the variation in the
fluid properties in only the radial r and axial z direction. As a result of through-flow
analysis, we obtain the axial, tangential and radial velocities as a function of z and r.
When axial velocity changes between successive stages as the flow proceeds,
conservation of mass requires that a downward flow of fluid occur between stations 1
and 2.
As a result of the flow field, axial velocity along the height of the blade will follow a
profile as shown below:
This change in the axial velocity along the height of the blade, causes the flow to turn
downwards along the axial direction, as shown below:
Cascade Flow Fields: The cascade field considers the flow behavior along stream
surfaces and tangentially through blade rows. (in the direction of zand θ ). The most
common method of obtaining performance data for different blade profiles is to run
cascade tests.
Cascade has porous end walls to remove boundary layer for a two dimensional flow.
The three dimensional flow is reduced to two dimensional plane flow in which
variations occur only in pitch-wise and stream-wise directions only. Radial variations
(along blade height) in the velocity field are therefore excluded.
Secondary Flow Fields: The secondary flow field exists because the fluid near the solid surfaces
(in the boundary layer), ie the blade surfaces and passage walls has a lower velocity than that in the
free stream (external to the boundary layer). The pressure gradients imposed by the free stream will
cause the fluid in the boundary layer to flow from regions of higher pressure to regions of low
Purpose: Dimensional analysis identifies correlating parameters that allow data taken under one set
of conditions to be extended to another set of conditions. These parameters are useful and necessary
because it is always impractical to accumulate experimental data for a number of possible operating
The quantities of pressure and temperature are made dimensionless by dividing them by the
respective sea-level static conditions. These are called the corrected parameters. The dimensionless
pressure and temperature are represented by δand θrespectively.
𝛿𝑖 =
𝜃𝑖 =
The corrected mass flow rate at engine station “i” , used in the performance analysis is defined as
𝑚̇𝑐𝑖 =
ᵟ 𝛿𝑖
√𝜃𝑖 , and
The corrected mass flow rate is a function of Mach number alone. A reduction in the engine power
(throttle) setting will lower the Mach number and the corrected mass flow ratein to the engine
compressor or fan. Since the entrance condition to turbine and the exhaust nozzle is choked, the
corrected mass flow entering these stations is constant. However, when the afterburner is engaged in
turbojet or turbofan engine, the nozzle throat area needs to be increased to maintain the corrected
mass flow rate increase.
𝑁𝑐𝑖 =
The corrected engine speed is related to the blade speed and hence the blade Mach number.
For gas turbine engines operating at maximum turbine entry temperature, the corrected thrust is a
function of only the corrected free stream total temperature. Similarly, the corrected thrust specific
fuel consumption and the corrected fuel mass flow rate depend on the flight condition and throttle
Let us consider the inlet and outlet stations of a multistage compressor as 1 & 2 respectively
The overall pressure ratio of the compressor will be
The compressor outlet pressure𝑃02 and isentropic efficiency𝜂𝑐 depend upon several physical
𝑃02 01 𝑁
, 𝜂𝑐 = f [ , ], for a given design, assuming D, R are fixed
𝑃01 𝑃01 √𝑇01
𝑃02 01
Then , 𝜂𝑐 = f [ ,𝑁⁄ ]
𝑃01 𝑃01 ᵟ √𝑇01
Of the above non dimensional parameters, the first one denotes the mass flow rate and the
second the speed. Compressor overall pressure ratio and isentropic efficiency are plotted
against the non dimensional parameters, as below:
𝑚 √𝑇 01 𝑃02
Plot of vs and η for varying speeds 𝑁⁄
𝑃01 ᵟ 𝑃01 √𝑇01
For a given speed, the range of mass flow for stable operation is very narrow.
At high rotational speeds, the constant speed lines become very steep, almost
The limitations at either end of speed lines are surging and choking.
The surge line denotes the locus of unstable operation of the compressor.
Surge is characterized by violent, periodic oscillations in the flow. Surge may
lead to flame blow-out in the combustion chamber. Surge can lead to
substantial damage to compressors and must be avoided. The operating line of
the compressor is therefore kept slightly away from the surge line, thereby
maintaining surge margin.
When the speed is reduced from point A to C, the mass flow falls off more rapidly than
the speed (N&U), and the effect is to decrease the axial velocity at the inlet. This
causes the incidence angle of the front stages to increase leading to stalling.
The effect on rear stages will be different. The speed reduction below design speeds,
the temperature rise and pressure rise will be lower than the design value. The density
will reduce, increasing the axial velocity (to compensate for drop in 𝝆 in quantity
𝝆ACa). This will cause choking of the rear stages.
Thus at low speeds, mass flow rate is limited by the choking of rear stages.
As speeds are increased, the density increase, causing the rear stages to un-choke, but
eventually, the choking will occur at the inlet.
If we consider moving from the design point A to point B on the surge line at the
design speed, the mass flow rate is slightly reduced (although there is a marginal
increase in the pressure ratio), causing axial velocity to reduce. This increases the
incidence, leading to rotor blades stall. This effect is severe on the rear stages. Surge
at high speeds is caused by stalling of rear stages.
Twin Spool Arrangement: Reduction in speed increases the incidence of the front
stages, while decreasing the incidence of rear stages. The incidence could be
maintained by running the rear stages at higher speed than the front stages
2.6: Working Principle of Axial Flow Turbine: A stage of axial flow turbine consists of a
stator nozzle and a rotor. The flow of gas comes from the combustion chamber with
high internal energy (𝑇01 , 𝑃01 and 𝑉1 ) and is made to pass through the stator where a
large part of its internal energy is converted to kinetic energy.
The transfer of energy occurs in the rotor as the high speed gas flow impinges on the
rotor blade, and as the flow is made to turn while flowing through the passage
between the blades. The turning of the gas produces a change in the momentum of
the gas which creates an impulse force causing the rotation of the rotor.
Turbines using the fundamental principle of impulse force for making the blades rotate
are called impulse turbines. The amount of energy given up by the gas is decided by
the energy level of the incoming gas, and by the amount of turning executed by the
gas in the blade passages. The energy transfer occurs as per the Newton’s laws of
Motion, based on the rate of change of momentum of the gas in the direction of blade
Based on the principle of energy transfer, we have two types of axial flow turbines.
Impulse Turbines: High energy flow is first accelerated in the stator nozzle and made
to impinge on the rotor blade with high momentum and then made to take a huge
turn through the passage between the rotor blades.
Reaction Turbines: The flow is accelerated in the rotor blades by making a converging
blade passage in addition to the large turning. Jet effect creates a reaction force as per
Newton’s third law.
The stator nozzle accelerates the flow where the absolute velocity increases. Rotor blades turn the
flow, reducing the absolute velocity, while accelerating the flow by increasing the relative velocity.
Gas enters the stator nozzle blades at an angle 𝛼1 with an absolute velocity 𝐶1 . The absolute
velocity 𝐶1 is increased to 𝐶2 in the stator nozzle blades.
The rotor blades turn the gas reducing the absolute velocity to 𝐶3 leaving the rotor at an
angle 𝛼3 . The change of momentum produces the impulse force.
The relative velocity 𝑉2 increases to 𝑉3 in the converging passages of the rotor in the reaction
turbines. However, in the impulse turbines 𝑉3=𝑉2.
The rotor blades are designed such that the flow is turned near axial direction for entering
the next stage.
The first stage stator nozzle blades are designed such that gas leaves the stator with a local
mach number near to unity. 𝑀2 is therefore equal to unity.
If on the other hand, in case of a multi-stage axial turbine, then 𝐶1 and 𝛼1 are designed to be equal
to 𝐶3 and 𝛼3 so that the same blade shapes can be used for successive stages.
Because the blade speed increases with increase in radius, the shape of velocity triangles vary from
root of the blade to the tip. The above velocity triangles are drawn for a mean diameter.
The quantity (𝐶𝑤2 +𝐶𝑤3 ) represent a change of whirl (or tangential) component of the absolute
velocity and represents the change of momentum per unit mass flow of the fluid.
The annulus of the turbine is flared to accommodate the decrease in density as the gas expands
through the turbine. This will keep the axial flow velocity 𝐶𝑎 is kept constant through the turbine.
= tan 𝛼2 -- tan 𝛽2 = tan 𝛽3--tan 𝛼3 ,
𝑊𝑠 = U(𝐶𝑤2 +𝐶𝑤3 ) = U𝐶𝑎 (tan 𝛼2 + tan 𝛼3 ) = U𝐶𝑎 ( tan 𝛽2+ tan 𝛽3)
The work-done factor as we applied in compressor is not necessary in case of turbine because the
flow is accelerating and there is no adverse pressure gradient in turbine. Therefore the growth of
boundary layer along the annulus walls is very much less. /
For a steady flow energy state, 𝑊𝑠 =𝐶𝑝 ∆𝑇0𝑆 , where ∆𝑇0𝑆 is the stagnation temperature drop across
the stage.
We usually use 𝐶𝑝 =1.148 kJ/kg K and 𝛾 = 1.333 and 𝛾/(𝛾—1) = 4., R= 0.287 kJ/kg K
∆𝑇0𝑆 =𝜂𝑠 𝑇01 [1−(𝑝01 ) ]where𝜂𝑠 is the isentropic stage efficiency based on stagnation or
total temperature of the stage and is referred to as total-to-total stageefficiency.
1. The gas flow is accelerated through the turbine while the flow is decelerated
through the compressor.
2. The blade-to-blade passage is convergent in the turbine while the passage is
divergent in the compressor.
3. The gas flow is speeded up in stator nozzle of turbine while the flow is diffused
in the stator of a compressor.
4. The flow faces an adverse pressure gradient in the compressor while the flow
encounters a pressure drop in the turbine.
5. Work is done on the gas by the compressor while work is extracted from the
gas in the turbine.
6. Due to the adverse pressure gradient, the number of stages in the compressor
are higher while the turbine extracts the work, as required to drive the
2. The turbine blades are thicker than the compressor blades to withstand very
high temperatures. Turbine blades need to be thicker to allow for cooling
Prof. V. Ravi Page 25
Aerospace Propulsion Dept of ANE, MRCET
4. Each stage is defined by three radii, at the hub, mean and tip sections.
5. Initially the blade sections at hub, mean and tip are decided and then the blade
shape along the height is defined using at least 10 sections generated through
two-dimensional design computations.
6. Once the blade sections are generated, cascade testing is used to calculate
velocity and Mach number distributions over pressure and suction surfaces.
8. The blades are designed withstand steady and unsteady stresses. The steady
stresses arise out of centrifugal and pressure loading and thermal stresses.
Unsteady stresses arise out from interaction between rotating blades and
stationary blades, thermal gradients of gas flowing into the turbine from
combustion chamber.
11.In general, there are types of mechanical stresses for turbo-machines. They are:
Centrifugal stresses
Gas bending stresses
Thermal stresses
2.8: Turbine Maps: To obtain high power/weight ratio from the turbine, the flow
entering the first stage rotor is usually supersonic and the sonic condition is reached in
the minimum passage area in the stator nozzle. The corrected mass flow rate is based
on this minimum throat area.
The performance map of the turbine is drawn between the total pressure ratio
and corrected mass flow rate for different corrected speeds and component