placed in a culture dish containing 3 mL of chemically Patient number 2 received two blastocysts. A positive
defined commercial medium: IVF Medium (Medi-Cult, level of -hCG (66 IU/L) was observed 12 days after transfer
Copenhagen, Denmark) or IVF-50 (Scandinavian IVF Sci- and increased 2 and 4 days later (126 and 218 IU/L). At 28
ence, Gothenborg, Sweden). Retrieved oocytes were fertil- days after retrieval, transvaginal US showed a single gesta-
ized by conventional IVF with 50,000 spermatozoa per mil- tional sac containing two embryos (with positive heartbeats),
liliter added to the culture media 3–5 hours after retrieval. both with a crown-rump length of 4 mm. At 7 weeks’
Fertilization occurred 18 –20 hours after insemination gestation, the lengths were 13 mm and 12 mm. Each embryo
(day 1). Those oocytes with two pronuclei and two polar had its own amniotic cavity. Amniocentesis at 14 weeks’
bodies were maintained for another 24 hours in the same gestation (by patient request) revealed a karyotype of 46,XX
culture conditions. Triploid embryos were discarded. for both embryos. During the pregnancy, twin-twin transfu-
sion syndrome was observed. The patient was hospitalized
On day 2, the embryos were classified based on the for meticulous monitoring of the fetuses. Because the ho-
number of blastomeres and percentage of cytoplasmic frag- meostatic balance between the fetuses deteriorated over the
ments. After grading, the zygotes were transferred to a new gestational course, two girls (1,250 and 1,150 g) were de-
culture dish containing 3 mL of S2-20 medium (Scandina- livered by cesarean section at 28 weeks’ gestation.
vian IVF Science) and were cultured in a group until the
embryo reached the blastocyst stage. Progression and quality
were observed daily. The blastocysts characterized by an DISCUSSION
expanded cavity and an eccentric inner cell mass (ICM) were
considered good blastocysts and were scored as grade BG1 We are currently using a defined, commercially available
or BG2. The BG1/BG2 blastocysts were transferred mostly culture medium (S2-20) to maintain the growth of human
at days 5– 6 after retrieval. zygotes to the blastocyst stage in a sequential culture. Be-
P (Progeffik; Effik Laboratories, Madrid, Spain) at 600 tween January and October 1998, 94 blastocysts were trans-
mg/d was given throughout the luteal phase. If a gestational ferred to 41 patients (2.3 embryos per transfer), and only 2
sac with a positive heartbeat was detected by US, P was patients (4.8%) developed monozygotic twinning.
slowly decreased and discontinued by week 12. A search of the existing body of literature on monozy-
Institutional review board approval was not required be- gotic twinning after blastocyst transfer using the MEDLINE
cause the interventions performed in this study were not computer database failed to identify any other case. To the
considered human experimentation, and all them are com- best of our knowledge, this is the first report of monozygotic
monly used in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. twinning after blastocyst transfer without ZP manipulation.
In patient number 1, two blastocysts were transferred at Although monozygotic twinning in IVF has been related
day 5 after retrieval. A positive level of -hCG (658 IU/L) to SUZI, ICSI, and assisted hatching, we do not know at
was observed 12 days after transfer and increased 2 days which moment, or by which mechanism, the ICM segre-
later (1,248 IU/L). Transvaginal US (28 days after retrieval) gates. However, we think that (apart from genetic origin)
showed two gestational sacs, one with an embryo with a some trauma may occur during transfer of the embryos to the
crown-rump length of 6 mm and the other containing two uterus. Other possible mechanisms may include changes in
embryos with crown-rump lengths of 5 mm and 3 mm. All of the ZP or in the intercellular unions by the culture media.
the embryos had a heartbeat. The last two embryos shared
the same amniotic cavity. At 8 gestational weeks, transvag- 1. World Collaborative Report on In Vitro Fertilization. Preliminary data
inal US examination showed two gestational sacs only, one for 1995. J Assist Reprod Genet 1997;14:251S– 65S.
2. Geva E, Amit A, Lerner-Geva L, Lessing JB. Embryo transfer and
with a single embryo with a crown-rump length of 23 mm, multiple gestation. How many transfers are too many? Hum Reprod
and the other with an embryo of 23 mm, plus a vestige of an 1998;13:2988 –9.
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embryo (seen as a hyperechogenic image of 5 mm). The zation: who’s afraid of single embryo transfer? Hum Reprod 1998;13:
course of this pregnancy was normal, and two children were 2663– 4.
4. Alikani M, Noyes N, Cohen J, Rosenwaks Z. Monozygotic twinning in
born at 37 weeks’ gestation by cesarean section (weights of the human is associated with the zona pellucida architecture. Hum
2,850 g and 2,760 g, respectively). Reprod 1994;9:1318 –21.