HAZOP For Blasting Chamber
HAZOP For Blasting Chamber
HAZOP For Blasting Chamber
Team Members: Vadivelu, Kumar, Mucius, Yu Jye, KS Kang, Akash, Magesh & Stephen Beti
Date: 10-10-18
3 Traffic hazards - hit by trucks, forklifts, lorries, Injuries and even • Yard traffic management Already in practice at yard
etc death procedure is in practice
4 Mechanical hazards: Contact with moving Injuries to body • Work instruction for operating Under preparation and
machinery parts, hit and blasting chamber shall be target completion by 20-
trap, minor developed and implemented for 10-18
property guidance
damages • Guarding on rotary parts of grit Implemented
recovery units
• Safety signs and barricades As per yard practice
5 Hit by blast abrasives propelled at high Eyes injury and • PPE - Suitable eye and body As per yard practice
velocities injuries to other protection.
parts of the body • Keep clear when blasting is in As per yard practice
6 Generate static electricity May cause fire • Proper earthing is mandatory for Under preparation and
and explosion in the structure in blasting and the target completion by 20-
the presence of scaffolding. To be insisted from 10-18
solvents the blasting and painting
standard procedure
7 Overpressure of blast pot, air hoses Causing injuries • Safe work procedure Under preparation and
and even death target completion by 20-
• Control of high air pressure with Strictly follow to equipment
cut-off switches from connection diagram for
compressor, monitoring gauges, blasting chamber as part of
pressure relief valves Work instruction for
operating blasting chamber
8 Rupture of blasting hoses Causing injuries • Regular and routine inspection Already in practice at yard
to nearby persons of blasting hose conditions
9 Presence of toxic and flammable gases Suffocation, fire, • Gas monitoring system in place Already in practice at yard
Intoxication and • Permit to work system Already in practice at yard
explosion • Exhaust thru dust collector Dust collector installed and
system to be tested during
commissioning. Add a de-
mister (only during
painting) to avoid the filter
choke up.
• Fresh air input thru dehumidifier Dust collector installed and
to be tested during
10 Poor ventilation / Oxygen deficiency Suffocation and • Gas monitoring system in place Already in practice at yard
asphyxiation • Exhaust thru dust collector Dust collector installed and
system to be tested during
• Fresh air input thru dehumidifier Dehumidifier installed and
to be tested during
commissioning. To avoid
manual error both the dust
collector and de-humidifier
is turn on at the same time
by close loop circuit.
11 Fluids line burst Cause injuries • Safe work procedure Under preparation and
and ground target completion by 20-
pollution 10-18
• Control of fluid line pressure Strictly follow to equipment
with cut-off switches from connection diagram for
compressor, monitoring gauges, blasting chamber as part of
pressure relief valves Work instruction for
operating blasting chamber
12 Paint is atomized at very high pressure Penetrates skin • Compliance to appropriate PPE As per yard practice
and cause health while spray painting
issues • Adhere to work instruction for Under preparation and
operating spray painting gun target completion by 20-
13 Inhalation of harmful solvents and paint mist Dizziness, long • PPE with respiratory protection As per yard practice
during application term health while painting in progress
concerns, • Adhere to work instruction for Under preparation and
sensitisation operating spray painting gun target completion by 20-
14 Slip, trip and fall due to poor housekeeping Serious injury: • Use designated walkway. As per yard practice
Bruise, twisted • Wear safety shoes As per yard practice
ankle, laceration, • Good housekeeping and adhere Under preparation and
knock on head, to work instruction for operating target completion by 20-
fracture blasting chamber 10-18
• Vacuum recovery unit to collect
grits Included in facility
15 Falling from heights / objects fall from height Body injuries or • Use scaffold only with safe to Already in practice at yard
/ unsafe scaffold even death, use-OK tag
property • Wear appropriate PPE as per Already in practice at yard
damages the working height safe work
Note: Commissioning of the new blasting chamber to be completed with the implementation of the above stated safeguards and as per Task Risk
Refer to appendix 1 for the approved PPE list to be used during Blasting and painting operation by blasters and painters respectively.
Approved PPE for Blaster and Painter
5 Blaster Helmet