Student Teaching Edtpa Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template

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Student Teaching edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Science Central Focus: Water quality/water pollution

Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:

3.E.2 Compare the structures of the Earth’s
surface using models or three-dimensional
diagrams. 3.E.2.1 Compare Earth’s saltwater Date submitted: 4/8/2019 Date taught: 3/20/2019
and freshwater features (including oceans, seas,
rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, and glaciers).

Daily Lesson Objective: The student will understand how important filtration is for contamination and polluted water.
They will show comprehension by scoring 4 out of 5 correct.

21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and


Prior Knowledge: The students read on the how all water comes from one source, so it has been recycled million times
over. They also learned about pollution and treatment of water.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

I will present students with a jug of water, 4 different sized plastic containers, 3 minutes
plastic cups, paper towels, coffee filters, small clothes, rocks, sponges, rubber
bands and cotton balls. I will show them the jug of dirty groundwater I
collected. I will ask them if anyone wants to drink it? They will say no, and
I’ll ask why not? They will say something like “it’s dirty” or “it has stuff in
1. Engage
it”. I will instruct them to think of a way that they can use the supplies I
provided, to find a way to clean the water. I will instruct them that they will
have 10 minutes to work on figuring out what tools will give them the cleanest
water and it it’s possible to get clean drinking water after polluting it.

Before they start experimenting, I will ask each of them what tools they think 10
will work best. I will pour the water for the students, so it limits the amount of minutes
water spilled. Since I will have 4-5 students, I will be able to see all of their
work at the same time. I will give them 10 minutes and I want them to try at
least 4 different tools/supplies.
2. Explore
If they get stuck or frustrated, I will tell them to try different combinations and
that there is no right or wrong answer. I want them to realize that the more
processes the water goes though, the cleaner it gets. If they still need help, I
can let them work with a partner.

When they are finished, I will ask:

• What did you find that worked the best?
• Were there any materials that made the water worse?
• Did you use any sort of process in the challenge?
3. Explain
• What might you do differently next time?
• Is it easy or hard to clean water?
I want the discussion to move to everyone uses water and everyone’s pollution
makes the water worse.
• What if you had to clean all the water you used?
• What are pollutants that make water dirty/unsafe? How can we
prevent pollution?
• What the water contaminates and water pollution?

I want the students to see that while there was no right or wrong way, there
were more effective ways of cleaning up the water. While we had grass
blades, dirt and rocks in our water, real water contaminates are much worse
and can cause serious health issues in humans and in wild life. Students can
reflect on how contaminated water can make humans sick.

Based upon the students’ answers about what tools worked best, I will filter
the water in the 4 different sized containers. Since the ocean container is much
bigger, they will be able to see how much harder it is to filter a bigger body of
water. I will ask,
“Is it easier to filter the water or not get the water dirty in the first place?”
4. Elaborate “What were the contaminates in the water?”
“Was the water polluted?”
The students should reflect and see that if we don’t put contaminated in the
water to begin with, then we won’t have to do as much work cleaning it up.

I will observe the students as they build their filtration systems as formative
5. Evaluate
Assessment Methods of
As summative assessment, the students will take a 5-question quiz on Kahoot
all objectives/skills
pin 721182. They will need to score at least an 80% to show understanding.

6. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

Materials/Technology: Kahoot access, jug of dirty water, cups, rubber bands, cotton balls, rocks, coffee filters, small
clothes and 4 varying sizes of Tupperware.
Reflection on lesson:

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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