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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

Bioretention Design Specifications and Criteria

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION

Table of Contents

2.1 Introduction to Bioretention Siting and Design ...............................................2-3

2.2 Bioretention Site Applicability -

Guidelines on When to Use Bioretention for Your Site.....................................2-3

2.3 Stormwater Management Concept Plan ...........................................................2-3

2.4 Sizing Bioretention ...........................................................................................2-4

2.5 Sizing and Placement Procedure ......................................................................2-5

2.6 Location Guidelines...........................................................................................2-6

2.7 Integration and Site Distribution of Bioretention Areas ..................................2-6

2.8 Grading for Bioretention Developments ...........................................................2-8

2.9 Developing a Grading Plan for Bioretention .....................................................2-9

2.10 Sizing Bioretention for Water Quality………………………………………………. 2-11

2.11 Developing a Landscaping Plan for Bioretention............................................2-11

2.12 Bioretention Site Integration..........................................................................2-12

2.13 Bioretention Facility Performance Types........................................................2-15

2.14 Hydrologic Analysis for Bioretention Design ..................................................2-19

2.15 Component Design..........................................................................................2-19

2.16 Bioretention Site Submittal Requirements.....................................................2-21

2.17 Bioretention Design Specifications and Example Design Approach ...............2-23

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

Section 2.0 - Siting and Design Criteria

2.1 Introduction to Bioretention Siting and Design

Bioretention is an acceptable urban BMP option as identified in the Maryland Department of the
Environment’s “2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual Volumes I & II”, Section 2.7, BMP
Group 3 (Infiltration), and BMP Group 4 (Filtration).

Bioretention is flexible in design, affording many opportunities for the designer to be creative.
This design guide first goes into a step by step process of how to size and design bioretention to
accommodate the design storm runoff amount. After that, how to integrate the bioretention
facility(ies) into the overall site design is explored. Once this is done at a subdivision macro scale,
further analysis is performed at the micro or lot scale.

At the micro scale, several related issues are presented. The first issue is how to develop a grading
plan, sediment and erosion control plan, and the bioretention plans themselves. In this part of the
document, site constraints or restrictions are identified. Several example plans are also presented.

2.2 Bioretention Site Applicability

For various reasons, the application of bioretention may or may not be appropriate for your site.
The following general guidelines can assist the designer to determining when to utilize
bioretention for stormwater management:

1. Facilities can be placed close to the source of run-off generation.

2. The site permits the dispersion of flows and bioretention facilities can be distributed uniformly.
3. Sub-drainage areas are smaller than 2 acres and preferably less then 1 acre.
4. Available room for installation including setback requirements.
5. SWM site integration is a feasible alternative to end-of-pipe BMP design.
6. Suitable soils availability.

2.3 Site Evaluation

To begin, evaluate the site's existing topography and Hint: By limiting the
associated drainage patterns. Potential bioretention drainage area to less
facilities should be applied where sub-drainage areas are than 1 acre, and avoiding
limited to less than 1-2 acres, and preferably less than 1 creating berms > 3’,
acre. Generally, commercial or residential drainage areas pond approval/review is
exceeding 1-3 acres in size will discharge flows greater not required. than
the 5 cfs for a 10year storm event. When flows exceed this
level, the designer should evaluate the potential for erosion to stabilized areas. Typically, flows

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION

greater than 5 cfs for the 10-year storm event will require pipe enclosure across developed lots.
However, by employing drainage dispersion techniques and retaining existing contours,
concentrated quantities of flow can be reduced below these thresholds, eliminating or reducing the
need for a pipe conveyance system. This may be accomplished by dispersing larger drainage areas
to multiple bioretention facilities. This dispersion of flow technique can reduce the cost of
engineering design and site construction. In Addition to reducing the need for drainage pipe
conveyance systems, dispersion techniques can also eliminate the need for surface drainage

Bioretention Design Feature Functions

Design Feature Water Water Groundwater Wildlife Micro- Vegetative Natural O&M and Aesthetic
Quality Quantity Recharge Habitat Climate Buffering Area Public Improvements
Treatment Treatment Alteration Protection Safety
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
Time/Depth ? ? ?
? ?
Planting Soil
? ? ?
In-Situ Soil
? ? ?
System ? ? ?
Mulch Layer
? ?
Plant Material
? ? ? ? ?
Edge Protection
? ? ? ?
Table 2.1: Bioretention design feature functions to consider for SWM requirements

2.4 Sizing Bioretention

To size a bioretention facility, the designer has to first determine for what purposes it is intended.
For example, what are the site requirements for water quality and quantity control? What design
storm is required to meet the stormwater management criteria? Can the bioretention be used for
water quality and quantity control? Can the bioretention facility be used independently of other
BMP's, or will it be installed along with other practices?

The above questions may be answered at the

Hint: Where practical, place
stormwater management concept stage. Having
proposed impervious surfaces on
determined the design storm, the designer hydrologic soil groups C & D and may
use the following procedural outlines for preserve soil groups A & B to reduce sizing
bioretention areas for water quality and the net change in the CN value.
quantity criteria, adjusting accordingly to the
specific site constraints. Designers should pay
close attention to the stormwater management criteria and waiver conditions that could help reduce
the overall stormwater management control requirements.

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

2.5 Sizing and Placement Procedure

The following procedure may be followed by designers in order to utilize bioretention within a

Step 1: Delineate the development site drainage area in the pre and post development condition.
Delineate subdrainage divides for the post development condition, identifying strategic locations
for possible bioretention facilities.

Step 2: Using TR-55 methodology, determine the pre and post development CN for the proposed
development site. Adjust the CN value by measuring the actual impervious versus pervious areas.
Remember to incorporate other LID site design techniques to help reduce the post development
CN value. Methods such as increasing the percentage of disconnected impervious areas,
preserving wooded areas, and reducing impervious surfaces will minimize the amount of control

Step 3: Select the required design storm and design depth for the bioretention facility(ies). The
SWM Concept application submission shall identify the intent to utilize an LID approach through
the use of bioretention. The design storm used is dependent upon the objectives of the LID
approach which can vary from stream & ecosystem protection to load reduction for TMDL
requirements. Note: the design storm can vary significantly depending upon the stormwater
management objective.

Step 4: Determine the storage volume required to maintain runoff volume or CN. Use Chart
Series A: (as provided in the back of this manual) Pre-development Runoff Volume Using
Retention Storage.

Step 5: Determine the storage volume required to maintain the pre-development peak runoff
volume using 100% retention. Use Chart Series B: Percentage of Site Area Required to Maintain
the Predevelopment Peak Runoff Rate Using 100% Retention.

Step 6: Utilize the results from Chart Series A, B, and C to determine the percentage of the site
needed to maintain both the predevelopment peak runoff and the runoff volume.

Step 7: Determine appropriate percentage of site available for retention practices. If the
percentage of the site available for retention practices is less than the percent determined in step 5,
recalculate the amount of BMP required to maintain the peak runoff rate while attenuating some

See the design example that follows. This procedure is used in a design example presented later in
this chapter.

2.6 Location Guidelines

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Bioretention facilities may be used anywhere to achieve a degree of treatment. The location
depends in part on the type of facility employed. See Chapter 1 for specific bioretention types.
The following guidelines present some preferable locations for bioretention:

?On new residential subdivision lots or commercial lots, near the source of the runoff generation
from impervious surfaces. Locate facilities near the perimeters and edges to maintain typical
use of the property. Avoid locating near building areas (unless the design incorporates
adequate waterproofing measures), well heads, and septic systems.

?Areas upland from inlets or outfalls that receive sheet flow from graded areas.
?Areas of the site that are planned to be excavated or cut. Existing wooded areas or other
significant natural features should be avoided if possible, for the purposes of installing a
bioretention facility.

?When available, areas of USDA sandy, well drained soils should be used for siting the
bioretention areas. These soil types comprise the planting soils for bioretention areas, and
locating bioretention areas in these soils would minimize or eliminate the cost of importation
of planting soil.

?Stormwater Management Retrofit and Redevelopment Opportunities- Even where total

stormwater management control is not feasible, the addition of a retrofit bioretention facility
will provide some improvement in water quality.

2.7 Integration and Site Distribution of Bioretention Areas

The integration of bioretention areas across the development site is very important to achieve
proper stormwater management controls. Each site is unique, necessitating close attention to
subdrainage areas when evaluating the net impacts on the hydrologic characteristics. Once the
amount of site area to be dedicated to the bioretention area(s) is known, specific facility sizing can
be accomplished. To do this, the following steps should be followed in order to distribute the
facilities uniformly:
1. Delineate and sub-divide sub-drainage areas (preferably less than 1 acre drainage area). Find
local low points for each sub-drainage area and evaluate the location for suitability for
2. Using the volume derived from section 2.5 procedure above, (steps 1-7), and the total site area,
find applicable weighted area for each sub-drainage area. For example, if a sub-drainage area
represents 15% of the total drainage area for the whole development, then 15% of the required
volume control should be applied to that same sub-drainage area. Similarly, if only 5% of the
total drainage area for the whole development is located in a sub-drainage area, then 5% of the
volume requirement should be sited accordingly in the respective sub-drainage area.

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3. The allowable pooling depth should be no greater than 6". If pooling depths are less than 6”,
then the surface area and/or the volume of the facility must be expanded accordingly.
4. When siting bioretention
facilities to intercept drainage,
the designer should attempt to
use the preferred "off-line"
facility design. An example of
an off-line facility is shown in
Figure 2: Offline Bioretention.
Off-line facilities are defined by
the flow path through the facility.
Any facility that utilizes the same
entrance and exit flow path upon
reaching pooling capacity is
considered an off-line facility.

5. Whenever possible, underdrains

should be utilized for
bioretention discharge. The
underdrains may outfall to a
suitable location such as:
common space area, stream
Figure 2.1: Offline Bioretention
valley, drainage swale, roadside
open-section, or an existing enclosed drainage system.

2.8 Grading for Bioretention Developments

2.8.1 Site Grading for Bioretention

Siting the bioretention area(s) within a development requires the same information and analysis as
conventional site design to determine the existing hydrology. Evaluation of the sub-drainage
divides and flow paths will help determine how to best layout the proposed development making
best use of the existing contours to minimize grading. Preservation of existing natural features
(even within the development envelope) will help maintain existing flow patterns and flow paths
and disperse runoff instead of concentrating it in one location.

Clearing and grading operations must be carefully considered when integrating bioretention within
lot areas. In the case of a residential community, each lot should be independently designed to
ensure drainage from each lot is adequately handled- either by proper overland conveyance to a
bioretention facility, or by maintaining the original dispersed drainage patterns.

Once the site is evaluated to determine the flow patterns and soils, lot locations can be plotted to
maximize lot yield being careful to allow no more than two lots draining across a third lot.
Portions of the lot that are to remain undisturbed do not need to consider stormwater management
control for those areas if no new runoff is added and the flow patterns present in the
predevelopment condition have not been altered.

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After the lots have been positioned to maximize existing contours and to reduce graded areas,
attention must be focused to the portion of the lot that is to be developed. This portion of the lot
will generate new runoff, particularly from the new imperious areas. It is here that bioretention
areas must be located as close to the source as possible to intercept and absorb this new runoff.
Typically, placing the bioretention areas on the lowest portion of the individual lot will accomplish
this. Be sure to account for proposed improvements such as building footprints and areas that may
be used for pools or decks. The key point is to blend the bioretention facility into the lot in such a
way so that typical use of the property is not encumbered. The following section provides
suggestions for bioretention site grading design.

2.8.2 Site Grading Design Considerations

? Locate facilities away from traveled areas such as public pathways to avoid soil compaction.
Where facilities are placed near walkways, be sure to delineate boundaries and borders to make
pathways clear.

? Sloped areas immediately adjacent to proposed bioretention areas should be less than 20% but
greater than 2% to ensure positive flow at reduced velocities. Weep garden designs (see design
example in Chapter 3) can be used where steeper slopes are encountered.

? Proposed bioretention facilities may be situated at the same location as an interim sediment
control facility. If this is done, several activities must be performed to ensure residual
sedimentation does not hamper the effectiveness of bioretention:

1. The invert of the proposed facility must be 1' below the invert of the existing sediment
control facility.
2. Bioretention must have an underdrain discharge pipe.
3. During construction of the bioretention facility, sediment and runoff must be diverted.

? Cut and fill limitations should conform to existing County grading criteria for developed lots*.
Typically, areas that are placed in cut must have sufficient geotechnical investigation to ensure
that an adequate minimum distance (2') to the water table is maintained. For fill areas, berms
may be used to create depression areas for use in bioretention, but should be minimally used to
avoid being defined, classified, and regulated as a dam. Consult with the PGSCD and MD378
for questions regarding dam classification criteria.

? Minimize grading and limits of disturbance to maintain existing dispersion of flow. The more
disperse the flowpaths are, the smaller the resultant sub-drainage areas will be.

? Facilities that traverse residential property lines are prohibited. Maintain 2' minimum distance
from property lines. For residential cross-lot drainage, a surface drainage easement must be

? Where grading and excavation for underdrains or other drainage appurtenances are involved,
practice standard utility practices for setback criteria when in the vicinity of other utilities.

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Drainage systems designed to service the bioretention area are exempt from the setback
criteria. Stormdrain pipe joints in the vicinity of the bioretention area should be sealed to
prevent piping and possible subsequent cavitation.

*The Prince George's County Grading Ordinance currently does not have a provision for
bioretention. For this reason, it may be necessary to obtain a variance or waiver.

2.9 Developing a Grading Plan for Bioretention

In developing the grading plan, the sediment and erosion control practices used are a function of
the size of the drainage area. The drainage area contributing to each bioretention area should be
delineated for the site. The Rational Method "c" coefficient should then be determined for the
drainage area using the methodology specified in Chapter 4 of the Prince George's County
Stormwater Management Manual. Additionally, consult the Prince George's County Grading
Ordinance as well as the PGSCD for grading plan specifics.

2.10 Sizing Bioretention for Water Quality utilizing the MDE Unified
Stormwater Sizing Criteria

Bioretention may be used as an acceptable BMP in accordance with the MDE 2000 Stormwater
Design Manual, Chapter 2, Section 2.7.1, BMP Group 3 (infiltration practices) and BMP Group 4
(filtering practices). To be considered as a stand alone treatment of WQ v (water quality volume), a
bioretention facility must be capable of the following;

1. capturing and treating the required WQv,

2. removing 80% of the TSS,
3. removing 40% of the TP, and
4. having an acceptable longevity rate in the field.

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION

Performance Criteria for Bioretention Design

Critieria Filtration Design Infiltration Cpv Storage
Design Design
General Feasibility
Location All locations okay Insitu soils to be In-situ soils to be
with underdrain1 certified suitable certified suitable1
Drainage Area 2 acre max, 1 acre 1 acre max, ½ 1 acre max, ½
max. impervious acre max. imperv. acre max. imperv
Soils Infiltration See soil mixture In-situ soils 1”/hr In-situ soils 1”/hr
Rate specifications infiltration rate infiltration rate2
Clay Content < 5% <5% <5%
Hotspots Yes w/liner No w/o proper No
Water Table >2 vert. feet from >4 vert. feet from >2 vert. feet from
facility invert facility invert facility invert
Water Supply Well Maintain >100’ distance
Building Structures Setback >10’ , Setback >25’3, Setback >10’3,
downgradient downgradient downgradient
Septic System Maintain >50’ distance
Sloped areas Okay w/ weep Not recommended Not recommended
garden design greater than 20%
Property line
2’ minimum
Entrance Flow Surface sheetflow Surface sheetflow Surface sheetflow
Entrance Rip-rap, gabion Rip-rap, gabion Rip-rap, gabion
Treatment mattress, surge mattress, surge mattress, surge
stone, stone, stone,
Surface Pool 3-4 Hours 3-4 Hours 3-4 Hours
System dewater <48 hours <48 hours <48 hours
Overflow/ Outlet Safe overflow path Safe overflow path Safe overflow path
or approp. outlet or approp. outlet
Flow Path Off-line preferred; Where not feasible, in-line permissible
Flow Regulator Divert WQv
Media Filter Non-woven Filter none Non-woven Filter
Fabric or pea Fabric and liner
gravel diaphragm around facilty
Underdrain 4” dia. min. N/A 4” dia min.
Pretreat. BMP Surface Required Required
Grass Filter Strip Use where space permits. Not always feasible.
Surface Treatment Allowable where impervious area >75%
Pretreatment Vol. 25% of WQv N/A 25% of WQv

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Volume Entire WQv Entire WQv Entire WQv

filtered – pretreat. infiltra. – pretreat. filtered – pretreat.
volume volume volume
Porosity n = .25 for soil n = .25 for soil mix n = .25 for soil
mix; .40 for stone mix; .40 for stone
Landscaping See Landscaping


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2.11 Developing a Landscaping Plan for Bioretention

The designer/landscape architect can develop a landscaping plan for bioretention in similar fashion
to conventional site landscaping design. The main difference is essentially the integrated
stormwater management control- “functional landscaping” as well as the aesthetic appeal. Even
though the facility is being designed to capture and treat stormwater, the designer is cautioned not
to view bioretention as a wetland, pond, or other water feature. Rather, the designer should utilize
plant species that are tolerant to wide fluctuations in soil moisture content.

A landscaping plan developed for the purposes of bioretention should include the following

?Plan view of the facility

showing landscape features

?Plant and Material Schedules

?Spot grades and section

?Cross-section view
?Inflow and discharge

?Landscaping specifications

Figure 2.4: Portion of Typical Landscaping Plan for

Designers should use planting Bioretention
materials from our planting list in Chapter 3. Chapter 3 also provides other useful information
pertaining to landscape issues.

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

2.12 Bioretention Site Integration

When using bioretention in new

Site Plan w/ integrated
developments, many options exist
for designing and integrating
bioretention facilities. The design
phase of integrating bioretention
BMP's should begin early in the
land development process. Part of
that process involves determining
the appropriate development
envelope and constraints.

Fig. 2.5: Typical Site Plan w/ bioretention

The following sections in this

chapter describe the process of
utilizing bioretention to meet the
requirements of storm water management. Each section relates to the example provided,
indicating which issues and information are addressed at that stage. The first issue is site
integration and site constraints relative to bioretention.

Site integration is key to the management of stormwater runoff by the use of bioretention.
Essentially, this entails locating the facilities close to the source where the runoff is generated and
making use of landscaping options. This means strategically placing facilities throughout a
community, typically within residential lot areas. To do this, the designer must be aware of
various site constraints and setbacks established to prevent possible contamination and seepage
problems from occurring. Most of these setback and constraint criteria have been identified in the
following text.

2.12.1 Bioretention Site Integration Design Criteria

When attempting to integrate a bioretention facility into the proposed development envelope, the
designer must be cognizant of possible impacts to other development features. In particular,
setbacks from utilities, property lines, buildings and roadways should be determined. In addition,
areas of conservation to preserve trees and existing grading are also of concern when designing or
placing a bioretention facility. The following design criteria shall be incorporated into the design
technical plans and shown on the plan view (if applicable). County Right-Of-Way

Bioretention is allowed within the County's Right-Of-Way with the prior approval of the Director
of Public Works and Transportation.

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION Wellhead

Bioretention areas should be placed at least 100 feet from any source water location. Other
restrictions may apply. Consult with the Department of Health, Environmental Health Sanitarians
for specific conditions. Septic Field

When siting bioretention facilities, septic areas must be avoided, unless the septic field utilizes a
hybrid design specifically designed to accept surface water. Otherwise, maintain a 50' setback
from the septic field to avoid cross contamination. It is preferable to locate bioretention facilities
upgrade of any septic field and to divert any overflow path away from the field as well. Basement

When siting bioretention facilities on lots that will have a basement, the facility offset re-
quirements include the following:

? Minimum of a 25' setback down-gradient from the home foundation.

? If possible, facility invert shall be lower than the proposed basement floor elevation.

? Facility shall be located down-gradient from the home or building location. Building Foundation

Setback from a foundation or slab shall be 5' or greater. Basement setbacks apply whenever the
structure has a basement. Exceptions may be acquired for planter box bioretention facilities
located on industrial or commercially zoned property. For planter box bioretention facilities,
waterproofing membranes (as a minimum) adjacent to the building wall are required. Property Line

Bioretention facilities can not cross private property lines. Additionally, whenever possible,
bioretention areas should be sited on the same lot that generates the runoff. The perimeter of a
bioretention area shall be located at least 2' away from any property line. For weep garden designs,
locate at least 20' away from any down-gradient property boundary or line. Outlet Drainage

Overflow from bioretention areas must be safely conveyed to a suitable discharge point
(stormdrain system, stream channel, or swale). In-line facilities are discouraged due to possible
mulch-float problems. Off-line facilities are preferred to control drainage. Underdrain

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Underdrains are required for all residential lot facilities and recommended for all facilities in
general. Underdrain material shall be of approved material and have a hydraulic capacity greater
than the planting soil infiltration rate. Underdrains shall not be located within the groundwater
zone of saturation. Underdrains shall be perforated with ¼ - ½ " openings, 6" center to center and
a total cross-sectional area of at least (or greater than) 3 times the underdrain pipe hydraulic
capacity. Underdrain pipe material may be composed of PVC , rigid Schedule 40 or ADS pipe
material. Soil Restrictions

The main soil restriction for use in bioretention facilities is that the soil must have an infiltration
rate sufficient enough to draw down any pooled water within 3-4 hours after a storm event. This
requires that the soil infiltration rate exceed 1.5 inches/hour (USDA Classification of SAND). For
areas with unsuitable soils, this restriction can be overcome by importing the planting soil mix and
providing an underdrain system in the facility to help achieve the desired infiltration rate. For in-
situ soils, see Appendix B: Bioretention Soil Testing Criteria and Methodology.
100% Clay

100% Sand Figure 2.5: USDA Soil Textural Triangle 100% Silt Cross-Lot Drainage

Drainage from bioretention facilities shall not be directed to cross over another developed, private
portion of a lot. Drainage from a bioretention area must have a suitable discharge point. Suitable
discharge points include dispersing of flows to undeveloped lots, common space areas, or to the
County Right-Of-Way (R-O-W). If a site is not conducive for bioretention without affecting
another developed lot adversely, then there is the option of conveying the flow. See grading
section for example of swale grading between lots to the R-O-W.

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION Groundwater

Depth to groundwater below the facility invert shall be no less than 2'. Determining the depth to
groundwater shall be done by performing an actual soil boring or test pit similar to a percolation
test. Testing shall be conducted during specific seasonal periods. Contact the Health Department,
Division of Environmental Health, to determine the current criteria. Minimum Depth Criteria

Facilities using the specified soil mix can be as shallow as 1.5 feet in depth. For facilities designed
using in-situ soils, the minimum facility depth criteria does not apply. Rain Gardens may be very
shallow if the drainage area is less than ¼ acre. Slopes & Existing Grades

Generally, sloped areas exceeding 20% shall not be used for bioretention. However, a weep
garden design may be used on shallow slope conditions and where no downstream seepage
problems will impact buildings. Wooded Areas

Wooded areas should not be cleared to make room for a bioretention facility. If the bioretention
facility design incorporates the use of wooded areas as an integral part of the facility and preserves
the wooded area, then it is permissible. Design themes such as forest transition zones and ponded
wooded areas are examples of permissible designs. Median and Traffic Island Considerations

Any bioretention facilities sited within the County R-O-W must first be approved by the
Department of Public Works and Transportation. These facilities shall be approved on a case-by-
case basis by the Director of DPW&T. The Maryland State Highway Administration has begun to
incorporate bioretention within their roadway right-of-way extensively. When bioretention
facilities are located in close proximity to paved areas, curtain drains shall be utilized to prevent
lateral drainage under pavement sections. Curtain drain material shall consist of approved linear
materials. (see specifications table) Utility Clearance

Utility clearances that apply to storm drainage pipe and structure placement also apply to
bioretention. Standard utility clearances for storm drainage pipes have been established at 1'
vertical and 5' horizontal. However, bioretention systems are shallow, non-structural IMP's
consisting of mostly plant and soil components, with a flexible underdrain discharge pipe. For this
reason, other utilities may traverse a bioretention facility without adverse impact. Conduits and
other utility lines may cross through the facility but construction and maintenance operations must
include safeguard provisions. In some instances, bioretention could be utilized where utility
conflicts would make structural BMP applications impractical.

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2.13 Bioretention Facility Performance Types

The following facility performance types have been slightly modified to optimize the expected or
anticipated pollutant loadings based on the proposed land use. All of these facilities may be used
as high-hydraulic capacity filtration systems. High hydraulic capacity filtration systems are
defined as systems that are composed of essentially a shallow sandy soil mix, thick layer of mulch,
an underdrain/gravel discharge system, and placed off-line.

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No liner or geotextile
fabric allows the in-situ
soils to infiltrate to their
maximum capacity

In-situ soils must Soil medium consisting

have a high of 50-60% sand, 20-30
porosity to allow top soil, and 20-30%
runoff to infiltrate leaf compost allows a
at a rate of greater high infiltration capacity
than 1”/hr
Figure 2.6: Infiltration/Recharge Facility (enhanced infiltration)

This type of facility is recommended for areas where high recharge of groundwater would be
beneficial. Because there is no underdrain, the in-situ soils need to have a high infiltration rate to
accommodate the inflow levels. The infiltration rate of the in-situ soils must be determined
through proper soil testing/diagnostics. Preferably, facilities of this type should have infiltration
rates of 1"/hr or greater. Facilities must be at least 2.5 feet deep to allow adequate filtration
processes to occur. Siting of these facilities should be in areas where visibility is not a concern
because hydraulic overload can cause extended periods of standing water conditions. This facility
type is suitable for areas and land uses that are expected to generate nutrient runoff (i.e.; residential
and business campuses) that can be infiltrated and captured by the facility. Fresh mulch rather
then aged shredded bark mulch can be used to enhance denitrification processes.

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Place filter fabric over the

gravel blanket in the
vicinity of the underdrain Gravel Blanket around
pipe only. underdrain helps keep the drain
Underdrain discharge pipe free of possible soil transport

Figure 2.7: Filtration/Partial Recharge Facility

This type of facility is recommended for areas where high filtration and partial recharge of runoff
would be beneficial. This facility is designed with an underdrain at the invert of the planting soil
mix to ensure that the facility drains at a desired rate. The facility allows for partial recharge, as an
impervious liner is not used. The depth is also shallow (2.5’) to allow the facility to handle high
capacity flows if necessary. Siting of this performance type is suitable for visually prominent or
gateway locations in a community. The facility type is suitable for areas and land uses that are
expected to generate nutrient and metals loadings (residential, business campus, or parking lots).
Attention to mulch type and amount will ensure the adequate treatment of the anticipated loadings.

The facility shown above incorporates a filter material between the gravel blanket around the
underdrain and the planting soil above. The filter fabric does not need to extend to the side walls.
The filter fabric may be installed horizontally above the gravel blanket- extending just 1-2 feet on
either side of the underdrain pipe below. Do not wrap the underdrain with filter fabric.

Instead of using a filter fabric, the designer may opt to utilize a pea gravel diaphragm over the
underdrain gravel blanket.

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Discharge pipe

The gravel blanket area

may be used to achieve No filter fabric is
several different functions used on the side
when the underdrain pipe walls or at the
discharge elevation is set invert of the
higher facility
Figure 2.8: Infiltration/Filtration/Recharge

This type of facility is recommended for areas where higher nutrient loadings (particularly nitrates)
are anticipated. The facility is designed to incorporate a fluctuating aerobic/anaerobic zone below
the raised underdrain discharge pipe. This fluctuation created by saturation and infiltration into the
surrounding soils will achieve de-nitrification. With a combination of a fresh mulch covering,
nitrates will be mitigated through the enhancement of natural denitrification processes. This type
of facility would be suitable for areas where nitrate loadings are typically a problem (residential

The raised underdrain has the effect of providing a storage area below the invert of the underdrain
discharge pipe. This area also provides a recharge zone and can be used to meet the Maryland
SWM requirements. In addition, quantity control can also be augmented with this storage area.
The storage area is equal the void space of the material used. If #57 stone is used, an acceptable
void space ratio is 30%.

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A liner between the in-situ soils

and the planting soil medium
prevents the effluent from
penetrating into the ground and
reduces the likelihood of
groundwater contamination

By capping the
underdrain pipe, this
facility type may be used
to capture accidental
spills and contain the
level of contamination

Figure 2.9: Filtration Only

This type of facility is recommended for areas that are known as “hot-spots” (gas stations, transfer
sites, and transportation depots). An important feature of this type of facility is the impervious
liner designed to reduce or eliminate the possibility of groundwater contamination. The facility
provides a level of treatment strictly through filtration processes that occur when the runoff moves
through the soil material to the underdrain discharge point. In the event of an accidental spill, the
underdrain can be blocked and the objectionable materials siphoned through the observation well
and safely contained.

2.14 Hydrologic Analysis For Bioretention Design

The following information provides a step-by-step methodology for determining how large to
make a bioretention facility for addressing stormwater management quality and quantity control.
A site design example and accompanying hydrologic calculations are provided next to each step of
the process.

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2.15 Component Design

After the volume of bioretention has been determined, a detailed design of the individual
bioretention components can be done. The bioretention components are described in the following

2.15.1 Inflow Design

The inflow design is critical to the proper functioning of the facility. There are essentially three
key considerations to address for inflow: 1) velocity control to prevent excessive erosion; 2) equal
and uniform distribution of inflow across the surface of the facility; and 3) safe overflow or bypass
path. Several different inflow entrance designs may be used as shown below:
? Concrete wheel stops along perimeter facility
? Concrete/Macadam curb with curb-cut openings )(Figure 2.9)
? Sheet flow across paving and/or grass area (Figure 2.10)

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2.15.2 Discharge Design

For specific design types, see the Bioretention Performance Types section in this chapter.

2.15.3 Underdrain Specification

Where underdrains are specified, the following information provides guidance for underdrain
requirements. Underdrain Material Types

Underdrain systems may be composed of a variety of materials, with PVC pipe material
being the most commonly used. PVC pipe comes in 8-12' sections. Alternative pipe
material may include flexible ADS pipe. Other pipe materials may be substituted at the
designer’s prerogative and with concurrence of the County. Underdrain Connections

Pipe joints and storm drain structure connections must be adequately sealed to avoid piping
conditions (water seeping through pipe or structure joints). Pipe sections shall be coupled
using suitable connection rings and flanges. Field connections to stormdrain structures and
pipes shall be sealed with polymer grout material that is capable of adhering to surfaces.
Underdrain pipe shall be capped (at structure) until completion of site. Underdrains
connected directly to a storm drainage structure shall be non-perforated for a distance of at
least 5’ from the structure interface to avoid possible piping problems. Underdrain Perforations

Perforated PVC pipe sections are available from local hardware stores. The perforation
locations are not too critical for proper function, as long as the total opening area exceeds
the expected flow capacity of the underdrain itself. Commonly marketed perforated PVC
pipe has ¼ or ½" perforations, 6" center to center, along two or three longitudinal rows.
Whether or not the perforations are placed at the invert of pipe or elsewhere, depend upon
the design of the facility. Typically, the perforations are placed closest to the invert of the
pipe to achieve maximum potential for draining the facility. The perforations can be placed
near the top of the pipe if an anaerobic zone is intended. Water below the perforated
portion of the underdrain will have a tendency to accumulate during periods of saturation.
Otherwise, water will have a tendency to infiltrate into the surrounding insitu soils. See
specifications table for specifics relating to underdrain perforations. 4.7.4 No
perforations are to be within 5’ of where the underdrain system connects to a stormdrain
structure. Underdrain Locations

Underdrains are typically located at the invert of the bioretention facility to intercept any
filtered water that does not infiltrate into the surrounding soils. Soil and gravel cover over
the underdrain shall be at least 2' in depth. Placement of 2-3" gravel bedding is

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recommended beneath the discharge points- Underdrains must "daylight" or connect to an

existing drainage system to achieve positive flow. Suitable discharge points include:

? Grass swale areas, flush cut with sideslope areas

? Stormdrain pipe conveyance system

2.15.4 Observation/Cleanout Standpipe

An observation/cleanout standpipe shall be installed in every bioretention facility that has a depth
greater than 2’ and/or an underdrain system. The standpipe will serve three primary functions: 1)
it will indicate how quickly the bioretention facility dewaters following a storm; 2) it provides
maintenance cleanout port; and 3) it will be connected to the underdrain system to facilitate

The observation well must consist of a rigid non-perforated PVC pipe, 4 to 6 inches in diameter. It
should be located in the center of the structure and be capped flush with the ground elevation of
the facility. The top of the well shall be capped with a screw, or flange type cover to discourage
vandalism and tampering. Lock is not necessary.

2.15.5 Filter Materials

2.15.6 Gravels

Gravel bed materials are sometimes used to protect an underdrain pipe to reduce clogging
potential. Placement of the gravel over the underdrain must be done with care. Avoid dropping
the gravel high levels from a backhoe or front-end loader bucket. Spill directly over underdrain
and spread manually. The construction specifications for gravel used to protect bioretention
underdrains follows:

? Gravel stone size shall be no greater than ½”-1½” in diameter. (Blue stone, double washed,
#57 stone)
? The use of "pea gravel" in place of geotextile fabric is optional, but preferred
? Depth of the gravel shall not exceed 12"
? River-run, washed gravel is preferred.

2.15.7 Pea Gravel Diaphragm

Older specifications for bioretention utilized a geotextile fabric to filter water and soil before
passing through to the underdrain gravel blanket. The use of a pea gravel diaphragm has gained
acceptance because of the reduced likelihood of blockage. If a pea gravel diaphragm is used in
this manner, it should have a minimum thickness of 3-4” and a maximum thickness of 8”. Where
situations permit, a greater depth may be applied. A permeable filter fabric shall be placed over
the underdrain gravel blanket and beneath the pea gravel diaphragm- only where the underdrain is
located and extending 2’ to either side.

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2.15.8 Filter Fabric

Filter fabric is needed for two purposes in bioretention facilities: 1. Controlling transport of silt,
and 2. Controlling the direction of flow. In some older designs, the filter fabric placed on top of
the gravel bed is used to control sediment transport into the gravel bed, which otherwise may
become clogged. This filter fabric must meet a minimum permittivity rate of 75 gal/min/ft 2 and
shall not impede the infiltration rate of the soil medium. Filter fabric may be placed along the
"walls" of the facility to help direct the water flow downward and to reduce lateral flows. Filter
fabric must be placed along the sidewalls, (from the subgrade and over the stone) when installing a
facility in a median strip or parking lot landscape island to prevent lateral flow under pavement.

2.15.9 Liners

Where bioretention is used for areas that require groundwater protection (stormwater hot spots or
source water protection), a liner is employed. The minimum thickness for liners used in
bioretention applications shall be 30 mil. Any underdrain systems shall be placed above the liner
with a provision to cap the underdrain discharge pipe to confine drainage if needed. Care during
placement of the liner is necessary to avoid puncture. Soil medium placed over the liner should be
placed by hand shovel rather than construction equipment.

2.16 Soil Installation

2.16.1 Placement

Installation of soils must be done in a manner that will ensure adequate filtration. After scarifying
the invert area of the proposed facility, place soil at 8"-12" lifts. Lifts are not to be compacted but
are performed in order to reduce the possibility of excessive settlement. Lifts may be lightly
watered to encourage natural compaction.

2.16.2 Soil Compaction

Avoid over compaction by allowing time for natural compaction and settlement. No additional
manual compaction of soil is necessary. Rake soil material as needed to level out. Overfill above
the proposed surface invert to accommodate natural settlement to proper grade. Depending upon
the soil material, up to 20% natural compaction may occur. For facilities designed with a liner, no
scarification of the invert area is required.


It is very important to minimize compaction of both the base of the bioretention area and the
required backfill. When possible, use excavation hoes to remove original soil. If bioretention
areas are excavated using a loader, the contractor should use wide track or marsh track equipment,
or light equipment with turf-type tires. Use of equipment with narrow tracks or narrow tires,
rubber tires with large lugs, or high pressure tires will cause excessive compaction resulting in

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reducing infiltration rates and storage volumes and is not acceptable. Compaction will
significantly contribute to design failure.

Compaction can be alleviated at the base of the bioretention facility by using a primary tilling
operation such as a Chisel Plow, Ripper, or Subsoiler. These tilling operations are to refracture the
soil profile through the 12 inch compaction zone. Substitute methods must be approved by the
engineer. Rototillers typically do not till deep enough to reduce the effects of compaction from
heavy equipment.

Rototill 2 to 3 inches of sand into the base of the bioretention facility before back filling the
facility and placement of underdrain. Pump any ponded water before preparing (rototilling) base.

When back filling the bioretention facility, place soil in lifts 12” or greater. Do not use heavy
equipment within the bioretention basin. Heavy equipment can be used around the perimeter of
the basin to supply soils and sand. Grade bioretention materials with light equipment such as a
compact loader or a dozer/loader with marsh tracks.


In order to speed up the natural compaction process, presoaking the placed soil may be performed.
Significant settlement can occur after the first presoak, and additional settlement may occur
subsequent to the initial wetting. If time and construction scheduling permits, it is preferable to
allow natural settlement to occur with the help of rain events to presoak the soil medium.


Soil Texture And Structure:

Topsoil for bioretention shall have a sandy loam, loamy sand, or loam texture per USDA
textural triangle. Maximum clay content is <5%; soil mixture shall be 50-60% sand; 20-30%
leaf compost*; and 20-30% topsoil. The soil shall be a uniform mix, free of stones, stumps,
roots, or other similar objects larger than two inches. No other materials or substances shall be
mixed or dumped within the bioretention that may be harmful to plant growth, or prove a
hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. The planting soil shall be free of
Bermuda Grass, Quackgrass, Johnson Grass, Mugwort, Nutsedge, Poison Ivy, Canadian
Thistle, Tearthub, or other noxious weeds.
* Leaf compost is essentially composed of aged leaf mulch and provides added organic matter
to improve the health of the soil and ensure adequate soil structure.

Soil Testing:
Planting soil for bioretention areas must be tested prior to installation for PH and organic
matter. The soil should meet the following criteria (Landscape Contractors Association, 1986).

PH Range: 5.5 – 6.5

Organic Matter: 1.5 – 3.0%

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It is required that a sieve analysis, PH, and organic matter test be performed per each
bioretention area.

Soil Placement:
Placement of the planting soil in the bioretention area should be in lifts of 12 to 18 inches and
lightly compacted. Minimal compaction effort can be applied to the soil by tamping with a
bucket from a dozer or backhoe. Refer also to “compaction”.

Mulch Specifications:
Individual planting shall be mulched (refer to landscaping details, DRWG. C-16). Acceptable
mulch shall be shredded hardwood only. Mulch must be well aged, uniform in color, and free
of foreign material including plant material. Well aged mulch is defined as mulch that has
been stockpiled or stored for at least twelve (12) months.

Sand Specifications:
Provide clean sand, free of deleterious materials. Sand shall meet AASHTO M-6 or ASTM C-
33 with grain size of 0.02”- 0.04”.

Geotextile Specifications:
Geotextile fabric shall meet ASTM D-751 (puncture strength - 125 LB)
ASTM D-1117 (Mullen burst strength – 400 PSI)
ASTM D-1682 (Tensile strength – 300 LB)
Fabric shall have 0.08” thick E.O.S. of #80 sieve, and maintain 125 GPM per SQ. FT. flow

Gravel Filter Specifications:

Underdrain gravel blanket shall be double washed, #57 stone, 1-1/2” in size. Pea Gravel shall
be washed, river-run, round diameter, ¼ - ½ “ in size.

Inspection Requirements:
? The contractor shall arrange a “preconstruction meeting” with the owner and architect/
engineer prior to beginning work on the bioretention facility.
? At the completion of excavation to inspect sub grade preparation.
? During underdrain and filter installation.
? Back fill of soil into the bioretention areas. Soil certifications for back fill are required.
? The final topsoil layers should be thoroughly wetted achieve settlement of the soil/sand
backfill mix.
? Additional soil backfill should be placed as required to achieve the design top surface
? The work shall be inspected by the owner/architect prior to final stabilization and
? Sediment & erosion control practices may be removed upon approval by the County

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4.16 Typical Sequence of Construction for Bioretention

The sequence of construction for bioretention areas is closely tied to the grading plans for the
development. Because bioretention is a source control IMP, drainage area catchments are kept
relatively small and therefore, manageable during the construction phase for control of sediment.
Basic sediment control practices are employed for each lot. For a typical bioretention sediment
control plan, see Chapter 2.

A typical sequence of construction with typical construction schedule is provided at the end of this
chapter (page 4-17). The sequence of construction will vary for every project but the designer may
utilize this sequence of construction as a general guide. Variations to the sequence must be noted
and conveyed to the County inspector. The sequence of construction shall be place on the plans.

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Sequence of Construction For Bioretention

1. Install sediment control devices as shown on the plans.

-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
2. Grade site to elevations shown on plan. If applicable, construct curb openings, and/or remove
and replace existing concrete as specified on the plan. Curb openings shall be blocked or other
measures taken to prohibit drainage from entering construction area. At the end of each
workday, all excavations shall be protected by construction safety fencing or temporary
backfill as needed.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)

3. Stabilize grading within Limit of Disturbance except for Bioretention Area. Bioretention areas
may be utilized as sediment traps if the proposed invert of the bioretention facility is 1' lower
then the sediment trap.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
4. Excavate bioretention area to proposed invert depth and scarify the existing soil surfaces,
taking care not to compact the in-situ materials.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)

4a. Install underdrain system and observation wells, if specified

-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
5. Backfill bioretention area with planting soil as shown in the plans and detailed in the
specifications. Overfilling is recommended to account for settlement.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
6. Presoak the planting soil prior to planting vegetation to allow for settlement. This can be done
by water truck or allowing water to enter the pit from a rain event.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
7. Excavate or fill to achieve proper design grade, leaving space for the upper layer of mulch
and/or topsoil that will bring the surface to final grade and ready for planting.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
8. Plant vegetation specified in the planting plan for Bioretention Area.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)
9. Mulch and install erosion protection at entrance points; remove sediment control practices or
entrance blocks with inspector authorization.
-Construction time: __________ Day(s)

Total Estimated Construction Time: __________ Day(s)

Note: The times above represent construction time only and not the full duration of the individual activities. For
example, activity six (presoak) may be one month long allowing for natural settlement to occur before proceeding to
activity 7.

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4.17 Inspectors Checklist for Bioretention

The following checklist has been derived and modified from a checklist developed by the
Community Standards Division, Site Development Inspection Section for use when evaluating a
bioretention facility during different phases:

4.17.1 Bioretention Inspection Checklist

1. Pre-construction Meeting

? Approved Stormwater Management Plan

? Disseminate inspection requirements; what needs inspection
? Ticket and tag requirements & a copy of the geotechnical report (if available)

2. Excavation of Bioretention Area

? Suitable sub-grade materials

? Presence of moisture or water
? Dimensions and placement of excavation conforms with plans
? Sediment and erosion control devices in place

3. Installation Phase

? Optional sand layer placed per plan

? Backfill soil conforms with specifications and placed per details and specifications
? Correct placement of ground cover or mulch cover
? Correct placement of underdrains (size, schedule, location) where required
? Correct placement of filter fabric
? Proper placement of plant materials (type, size, quantity, tags)
? Proper grade establishment

4. Final Inspection and As-Built

? Original signed/sealed Certification Letter (for private facilities) and/or As-Built Plan (for
public facilites) from a Maryland Registered Professional Engineer
? Changes in grading, facility depth, size, soil medium, plant materials, etc., shall require an As-
built Plan whether private or public to reflect the changes.
? Maintenance Agreement/Covenant for bioretention facilities located on private property
? All landscaping installed/landscape warrantee documentation received
? Bioretention configuration, size and depth are in accordance with approved plans
? Landscaping certification documentation for bioretention facility(ies)
? Drainage area conforms to approved plan
? Drainage area completely stabilized

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2.16 Bioretention Site Submittal Requirements


Project Name: _______________________________________ Date Received: ____________

Project Address:_________________________________________________________________
Case #:_____________________

Accepted - Not Accepted - N/A

Plan Standard Notes & Specifications

_____ ______ ____ Notes on sediment & erosion controls.

_____ ______ ____ Sequence of Construction.
_____ ______ ____ Sediment control notes for bioretention facilities during construction.
_____ ______ ____ Specifications for construction materials.
_____ ______ ____ Specifications for planting soil medium requirements.
_____ ______ ____ Compaction Notes.
_____ ______ ____ Easements.
_____ ______ ____ Copy of concept letter.
_____ ______ ____ Storm drain notes.
_____ ______ ____ Stormwater management construction specifications.

Plan Layout

_____ ______ ____ Vicinity map.

_____ ______ ____ Owner / developer information.
_____ ______ ____ Approval box.
_____ ______ ____ Plan view of site & facilities.
_____ ______ ____ Cross-section along centerline of bioretention.
_____ ______ ____ Cross-section along stormdrain or flow path.
_____ ______ ____ Existing grades and proposed grades.
_____ ______ ____ Elevation at surface, ponding elevation.
_____ ______ ____ Standard detail for bioretention.
_____ ______ ____ Landscaping plan.
_____ ______ ____ Soil map.
_____ ______ ____ Inflow and discharge points/connections.

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Drainage Area to Facilities

_____ ______ ____ DAM delineated to each facility.

_____ ______ ____ Drainage area less than 2 acres max.
_____ ______ ____ Facilities located near source.
_____ ______ ____ Facilities not to be placed where concentrated water discharge exceeds
3 cfs.


_____ ______ ____ Existing and proposed contours with limits of disturbance.
_____ ______ ____ Spot elevations at entrance invert.
_____ ______ ____ Underdrain invert elevation and facility invert elevation.
_____ ______ ____ ½ inch contours for detail at facility.
_____ ______ ____ Not crossing properties and 2-foot min. from property lines.
_____ ______ ____ Not to be built in public right of ways.
_____ ______ ____ Not to be built where wooded areas would need to be cleared to
make room for the facility.
_____ ______ ____ Sloped areas exceeding 20% shall not be used for bioretention
except “weep-gardens” designs.
_____ ______ ____ 25 ft. setback from the home foundation.

Facility Components

_____ ______ ____ Pretreatment - Erosion protection: RipRap, Reno mattress, etc.
_____ ______ ____ Flow entrance – Curb cut, curb deflector, pipe outfall, etc.
_____ ______ ____ Ponding area – depth 6 inch max.
_____ ______ ____ Planting soil medium – 50% construction sand, 20-30% organic leaf
compost, and 20-30% topsoil with a max. of 5% clay content.
_____ ______ ____ Mulch and/or groundcover
_____ ______ ____ Filtering mechanism
- Gravel & Filter Cloth
- Peagravel
- Other _______________________
_____ ______ ____ Underdrain or outlet - Approved pipe material, pipe size perforation size.
_____ ______ ____ Safe overflow allowance

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Design Computations

_____ ______ ____ Facilities designed for water quality and/or water quantity control
_____ ______ ____ Method of Sizing:
MD Unified Sizing Methodolgy __________
Prince George’s LID Methodolgy __________
Prince George’s % DA Methodology __________
_____ ______ ____ Post Development RCN Value
_____ ______ ____ Geotechnical Report.

Landscaping Detail

_____ ______ ____ Plan view of landscaping.

_____ ______ ____ Plant list.
_____ ______ ____ Planting notes.
_____ ______ ____ Planting schedule and specifications.
_____ ______ ____ Standard detail for planting.
_____ ______ ____ Use bioretention plant list – (No exotic or invasive plants).


_____ ______ ____ Sediment / Erosion Control.

_____ ______ ____ Stormdrain permit for construction.
_____ ______ ____ Easement or Maintenance Covenant


First Review: Reviewer__________________________________________ Date___________

? Please complete all items checked “Not Accept” and return with corrections.

Second Review: Reviewer________________________________________ Date___________

? Please complete all items checked “Not Accept” and return with corrections.

? I hereby approve all items listed above being completed as per County

Reviewer’sSignature____________________________________________ Date___________

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Sign and date each phase of construction, as each one is completed. This is to confirm that
each phase was completed in compliance with County approved plans and specifications.
Refer to the Bioretention Guidelines located in The Bioretention Manual for any questions
on bioretention installation and specifications.

1) Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the County Inspector. Review sequence of

construction, dimensions and location of the facility, soil specifications and
landscaping, and required inspections and certifications.

? Required Inspections: Site engineer shall be present during the construction of the
facility in order for the engineer to certify the installation and completion of the
facility. The following inspections shall be approved in writing by the County
inspector prior to proceeding to next activity.

______________________________ _______________________________
Contractor/Developer Inspector

Excavation of Bioretention Area

1) Inspect the subgrade for proper depth, permeability, and presence of water. Also
inspect the dimensions and location of the area for conformity with the approved
stormdrain plan.

______________________________ _______________________________
Contractor/Developer Inspector

1) Scarify the bottom and sides of the facility before installation of any materials. Inspect
correct placement of the underdrain system, which includes pipe size, perforations,
pipe schedule, gravel bedding, filter cloth, and location of system.
* Inspectors must obtain tickets for materials used in the installation of the underdrain.

2) Inspect the planting soil medium for conformity with specifications and placed per
details and specifications. Avoid compaction of the soil.
* A soil certification for the planting soil medium will be required by the inspector.

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3) Inspect for proper placement of mulch layer. Also inspect for proper placement of
landscaping, including type, size, and quantity of plants.
* Inspectors must obtain tags for planting materials to verify plantings.

4) Inspect proper pooling depth of the facility.

______________________________ _______________________________
Contractor/Developer Inspector

Final Inspection
1) Inspect the bioretention configuration, size, and depth are in accordance with
approved plans.

2) Inspect the landscaping to verify compliance with approved plans.

3) Drainage area must conform to approved plan. Drainage area must be permanently
stabilized. Sediment controls devices shall remain in place until the contributing
drainage area to the bioretention facilities is permanently stabilized.

? For final inspection of a private facility, submit a copy of the Maintenance

Agreement/Covenant and an original signed/sealed certification letter from a Maryland
registered professional engineer for the completed facility. If any changes to the
facility (location, size, etc.), approved As-Builts are required.
- OR -
? For final inspection of a public facility, submit a certified As-Built plan, original
landscaping certification, and release of liens.

______________________________ _______________________________
Contractor/Developer Inspector



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2.17 Bioretention Design Specifications

The following chart itemizes the design specification standards that may be utilized in the
development of a bioretention facility. The specifications are to be used as a guideline only, and
may be substituted with an approved equal.

Component Specification Dimensions/Size Reference Notes

Underdrain Pipe Rigid Schedule 40 6-8" Diameter Slope @ ½%
Underdrain Perforations 1/2", 6" c to c, top & Smaller
sides perforation sizes
Underdrain Gravel Bed AASHTO M-43 1/2"-1" Diameter Washed Stone
preferred #57
Pea Gravel Diaphragm ASTM D 448 1/4"-1/2" diameter
Soil Medium Construction Sand;
- Sand PGCODER Grading .02" - .04" diameter Coarse Sand, less
- Top Soil Ordinance than 5% clay
- Leaf Compost
Impervious Liner 30 mil. minimum
Geotextile Fabric See SWM Design Non-woven ASTMD 4491
Mulch Material Raw Hardwood Varies -
Plant Material See Plant Listing Varies -
Observation well/cleanout Rigid Shield (no 4” or 6” Diameter Open at bottom or
stand pipe perforations) attached to
underdrain with
standard “T”

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

Bioretention Design Example Utilizing the Prince George’s County Stormwater

Management Sizing Criteria

The Prince George’s County Bioretention design criteria is based upon the Low Impact
Development hydrologic analysis presented in the “Low-Impact Development Hydrologic
Analysis 2000” companion document. The following example assumes the reader is familiar with
LID methodology. For a more detailed description and additional sizing examples, consult that
LID document.

LID Bioretention Design Example - Background Information

Several assumptions are made about the example site being presented:

1. 100% of the proposed site condition will have disconnected impervious surfaces with
uniformly distributed bioretention facilities, open section roadway, and grass swale

2. Site predevelopment condition is almost entirely wooded. Some wooded areas will be
preserved in the proposed condition. For our example, 0.54 acres of woods in good condition
will be preserved.

3. All other pervious surfaces are presumed to have a CN equal to grass in good condition.

4. Dispersed drainage patterns and pre-existing flow paths will be preserved. Site topography
will also be preserved as much as possible.

5. For our example, a portion (one sub-drainage area) of the entire site is being analyzed. The
hydrologic analysis of this portion will be used as a representative sample for the entire site.
The portion represents a typical “cross-section” of the proposed development conditions.

6. The Tc remains the same for both the pre and post condition.

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Given Data for portion of entire site:

Existing Condition
Land Cover Type Soil (HSG) CN Area (Ac) CN x Area % of site
Woods (good condition) “B” 55 3.36 184.8 100
Proposed Condition
Impervious Area “B” 98 0.6 58.8 18
Woods (good condition) “B” 55 0.54 29.7 16
Grass “B” 61 2.22 135.42 66
Tc = 15 minutes (both)

Existing site almost

entirely wooded

Figure 2.12: Site Plan - Existing

Site Information:

½ Acre Residential Zoning, 25 Lots, open section roadway, swale conveyance. See site plan for
details of layout. We need only analyze a portion of the whole site if proposed conditions are
typical throughout.

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

Procedure and Solution

Step 1 Determine the percentage of each land cover occurring on site:

For our example, this information is provided in the table above.

Step 2 Calculate the custom composite Curve Number for pre and post condition:

For conventional site design, the designer would refer to Figure 2.2a of the Technical Release #55
(SCS 1986). The conventional CN for our site would be 68.

Using the background information presented above, the custom predevelopment composite CN =
55 and the post development composite CNc = 67. (See Equation 4.2 in Chapter 4 of the LID
Hydrologic Analysis manual.)

Step 3 Calculate LID CN based on connectivity of the site imperviousness:

For our example, we will adjust that curve number to account for the disconnected imperviousness.
Remember, one of our assumptions when using uniformly distributed bioretention facilities is that
there is essentially 100% disconnected impervious surfaces. Therefore;

CNp = (55 x 0.54) + (61 x 2.22)/0.54 + 2.22) = 59.8

CNc = CNp + (Pimp/100) x (98 – CNp) x (1 – 0.5R), where R = 1.0

CNc = 59.8 + 0.179 x ( 98 – 59.8) x 0.5

CNc = 59.8 + 3.41 = 63.2; Use 63

Note: For bioretention, R (the ratio of disconnectivity) will always equal 1.0 because once
the water is intercepted, that portion of the drainage area is disconnected. This is true for
any BMP that intercepts runoff from impervious areas before the runoff enters a stream
channel directly.

Step 4 Determination of Design Storm:

Determine the amount of rainfall (P) needed to initiate direct runoff by using the following
equation –

P24 = 0.2 x [(1000/CNpre) – 10] (use CNpre for woods in good condition)

P24 = 0.2 x 8.18 = 1.64 inches

Step 5 Account for variation in land cover:

Multiply P24 by a factor of 1.5

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1.64” x 1.5 = 2.46” ; compare the one-year storm event (2.7”) and use the higher value.
Therefore, use P24 = 2.7”.

Step 6 Determine storage volume required to maintain Predevelopment Runoff Volume using
retention storage using Chart Series A:

In Prince George’s County, the proper storm to use is the SCS Type II Rainfall Distribution for a
24 Hour Storm. Therefore; Chart Series A, Type II should be used for this example.

In our example, 2.7” falls between the 2 and 3 inch storm charts, so both charts will be used to find
the solution through interpolation.

Using Chart A, Type II, 2” Storm, we get 0.09”.

Using Chart A, Type II, 3” Storm, we get 0.22”.

Through interpolation, we find the storage volume required to maintain the predevelopment runoff
volume using retention storage is 0.18”.

Applying the 0.18” to our site portion as shown in figure 2.11, (0.18” x 3.36Ac)/12 = 0.00504 ac-
ft; Use 0.051 ac-ft

Step 7 Determine Volume for Water Quality Control:

In Prince George’s County, a minimum requirement for water quality control is equivalent to the
first ½ inch of runoff from impervious surfaces.

For our site, we have 18% impervious areas, therefore, the water quality requirement is: (3.36
acres x .18) x 0.5”/ 3.36 = 0.09. This is less than 0.18”. Therefore, use storage for runoff volume
control to meet water quality requirement.

Step 8 Determine storage volume required to maintain predevelopment peak runoff rate using
100% retention.

Use Chart Series B Type II, 2’ and 3” storm charts

From 2 inch chart = 0.08”

From 3 inch chart = 0.25”

Interpolating, we get 0.20 inches (approximately 0.056 ac-ft).

Since this storage (0.056 ac-ft) is larger than the storage needed to maintain the pre-development
runoff volume (0.051 ac-ft), additional detention storage is needed to maintain pre-development
peak discharge.

Use chart Series C, Type II, 2” and 3” storm chart.

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From 2 inch chart = 0.06”

From 3 inch chart = 0.17”
Interpolating, we get 0.14 inches. Therefore; use hybrid facility design procedure to determine the
additional detention storage.

X = (50/(0.20 – 0.14)) (-0.14 + squareroot of [(0.14)2 + 4(0.20 – 0.14) x 0.18]

= 92.2%

Therefore, the required retention storage (0.18”) is 92.2% of the total storage. Therefore, the total
storage is

= 0.18/0.922 = 0.195”

Applied to our site = 0.195” x 3.36 acre/12 = 0.055 ac-ft (0.11 acres if 6” storage is used).

In order to reduce the surface area of the bioretention areas, the storage within soil layers in the
bioretention facilities is calculated. The additional volume is derived based on the following

1. The soil medium is comprised chiefly of minimally compacted sand/leaf compost mixture and
the void ratio is 30%.

2. The depth of soil medium available below the underdrain is 2 ft. This volume is used for
recharge and extended detention.

= 0.11 acres x 2.0 ft x 0.30 = 0.066 ac-ft

Therefore, the total storage is

Total = 0.055 + 0.066 = 0.121 ac-ft

Step 9 Determine bioretention sizing needed to accommodate volume requirements.

Use 6” maximum surface ponding depth, and at least one facility per lot.
0.05 Ac-ft/.5ft = 0.1acres needed for bioretention.
0.1 acres = 4356 sqft / 6 lots = 726 sqft per lot

Typical bioretention configuration = 25’ x 29’ on average.

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION

Figure 2.12 and Figure 2.13 above show the proposed site plan for the example provided. By
calculating the total volume needed to meet the stormwater requirements, the total bioretention
surface area is calculated based on the depth available. The facilities are uniformly distributed
throughout the site and placed at locations that can maximize each of the facilities efficiency.
Note that some areas go uncontrolled, while other areas will be controlled at a higher level to
compensate. In addition, portions of the site where the land cover has not changed from a
preexisting natural state, no control is required unless a flooding or erosion problem must be

Bioretention Sizing Chart

In order to simply the above bioretention sizing process, a chart has been developed. Known as
the Bioretention Sizing Chart (see next page), the post development runoff curve number is
compared the surface area of the facility as a percent of the contributing drainage area. Therefore,
the designer only needs to determine the post development RCN and the drainage area to use the
chart to come up with the surface area of a bioretention facility which is based upon the following
assumptions: 1. The surface storage depth is 6”.
2. Soil storage capacity is equal to 2 ½‘ of depth with a 30% void ratio, and no underdrain.In

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

Bioretention Sizing Chart

F l o w / R u n o f f 9 0 % T r e a t e d b y a B iorentention Facility
6 " D e p th of T o p S torage; 30" of Soil M i x w / 3 0 % P o r o s ity (no underdrain)
Runoff Curve Number (RCN)

30 Calculated Composite Post Development RCN = 78
Intersect the 90% line horizontally from the 78 value
A t that point of intersection, transpose a line vertically
20 to the x axis and read ~7.2.

10 The value 7.2 represents the ratio of the bioretetion

surface area to the total drainage area (%).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Facility Area/Drainage Area (% )

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Siting and Design Criteria BIORETENTION

Bioretention Design Example

Utilizing the MDE Unified Stormwater Management Sizing Criteria

The Maryland Department of Environment is in the process of developing new

stormwater management regulations that are more comprehensive and integrate
stormwater management controls into the site design. This approach follows a similar
approach to LID. In fact, LID is recognized by the MDE as meeting the new state criteria
for stormwater management. Bioretention is just one of the components of LID.
However, as this example presents, utilizing just distributed bioretention facilities
throughout a site design, the designer can achieve adequate stormwater management
controls that meet the State’s criteria.

For this example, excerpts have been taken from the Maryland Department of
Environment’s 1999 Draft Stormwater Management Regulations and from the Soil
Conservation Service’s Technical Release #55, Second Edition, June 1986. Additionally,
the example presented is specific to Prince George’s County Maryland. A copy of the
State Stormwater Management Regulations may be found on the internet at URL:

As presented in the Table 2.1 below, the State stormwater criteria attempts to have
stormwater management controls that are implemented to do five things:

1. Provide an element of water quality control through filtration/infiltration of

stormwater runoff.

2. Provide groundwater recharge for areas that are not considered hot spots, or where the
recharge will not compromise groundwater quality.

3. Channel Protection Volume Storage to help reduce stream degradation.

4. Overbank Flood Protection Volume to help control conveyance flooding problems.

5. Extreme Flood Volume for areas that do not regulate floodplain construction

In Prince George’s County, when a development proposal incorporates LID methodology

with distributed bioretention controls, disbursed drainage, disconnected impervious areas
and flow paths, several of the above criteria are not required. This is possible because
bioretention practices that are distributed throughout a watershed reduce or eliminate
downstream conveyance problems and channel degradation problems. Also, the extreme
flood control requirement is not required in Prince George’s County because the County
regulates all floodplains and prohibits new construction activities within the 100 year
ultimate 100 year flood plain area.

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria

MDE Bioretention Design Example - Background Information

Note: Utilize the same background information provided in the previous example that
utilizes LID methodology developed by Dr. Mow-Soung Cheng.

(1) Water Quality Volume Calculations

Utilize the MDE Water Quality Volume Equation:

WQv ? ??P ??Rv ??A??/ 12

For P, use 1.0” (Prince George’s County is in the Eastern Rainfall Zone)

For Rv, use equation: Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I)

- Our Example has 18% impervious surfaces, therefore;

Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(18) = 0.21

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For A, use site area in acres

Our example has an area of 3.36 acres

The Water Quality Volume Equation now equals:

WQv = [(1.0) (0.21) (3.36)]/12 = 0.06 Acft

(2) Recharge Volume Requirements (Rev)

The Recharge Volume Requirement is a fractional part of the total Water Quality Volume
and may be calculated by the following methodology and using the Specific Soil
Recharge Factor from the chart below:

From equation and table above, Rev = [(S) (Rv) (A)]/12 = site recharge requirement.

For S, (Soil Specific Recharge Factor) use HSG B. Our example has all “B” soils and the
S = 0.26.

For our example, we found that RV was equal to 0.21 and so...

Rev = [(0.26) (0.21) (3.36)]/12 = 0.015 Ac-ft

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(3) Channel Protection Storage Requirements

When utilizing bioretention and integrated LID techniques to address stormwater

management, channel protection storage requirements need to be calculated to meet MDE
criteria. The following excepts from the State manual have been included for

In our example, The Time of Concentration (Tc) from the site is 15 minutes or 0.25 hr.
With distributed bioretention facilities, and dispersed drainage, the Tc remains the same
as the pre-developed Tc. Time of concentration, Tc = 15 min. = 0.25 hr

Initial Abstraction, Ia = 200/cn – 2

= 200/63 – 2 = 1.17
Ia/P = 1.17/2.7 = 0.43

From Figure D-11.1, unit peak factor, qu = 460 csm/in

From Figure D-11.2, with T=24 hr, qo/qi = 0.040

Vs/Vr = 0.683 – 1.43 (qo/qi) + 1.64 (qo/qi)2 – 0.804 (qo/qi)3

= 0.628

Where Vr = Qa = 0.3” (2.7” rainfall with RCN = 63);

Therefore, Vs = 0.3” x 0.628 = 0.188”
= 0.188 x 3.36/12 = 0.053 ac-ft

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Therefore, the total storage required

= 0.06 + 0.053 = 0.113 ac – ft

Compare it with the storage needed for LID = 0.121 ac-ft

(4) Overbank Flood Protection Volume Requirements

According to the State criteria stated below, if a jurisdiction has no control of

conveyance, flood plain area, or downstream flooding will occur, Overbank Protection
Volume is required. In Prince George’s County, the Ultimate 100 year flood plain is
regulated. Additionally, where needed, conveyance system improvements may be
required offsite. Therefore, Overbank Protection Volume is not required for
developments utilizing bioretention for stormwater management controls.

(5) Extreme Flood Volume Requirement

Extreme Flooding Volume is not required for developments in Prince George’s County
except under extenuating circumstances. Extreme flood volume does not apply for
developments that have been approved for LID and/or bioretention installations.

In cases where required, follow the State requirements or the County requirements,
whichever are more stringent (conservative).

Total Stormwater Management Volume Requirement

In the final analysis, utilizing the State sizing methodology, the amount of Acre-feet
required for stormwater storage is 0.113 ac-ft. This compares favorably with the 0.121

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Ac-ft achieved by utilizing the LID sizing criteria. Therefore, for our example, the area
needed for bioretention facilities is about 725 sqft per lot, (25’ by 29’).

Bioretention Applicability with State Criteria

Designers intending on implementing a site design employing bioretention facilities are

strongly encouraged to use this Bioretention Manual in place of the MDE regulations and
standards that are applicable to bioretention. Many of the specifications detailed in the
MDE Manual have been based on our 1993 edition of the Bioretention Manual. Prince
George’s County has been modifying that criteria over the last 10 years to help ensure
successful installations. Those modifications have been itemized in the beginning of this
manual under the heading “Notice to Manual Users”.

As stated previously, the MDE has endorsed the use of bioretention and LID techniques
to meet the new State Stormwater Management Regulations. Within the State Manual,
bioretention is listed as an acceptable BMP for infiltration and filtration.

The following excepts from the State Manual are provided for convenience:

Used in conjunction with Non-Structural BMP’s, bioretention can easily meet the State’s
stormwater management criteria.

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Important Note:

The applicability of utilizing bioretention to meet the MDE stormwater management

criteria in the example provided above does not consider the credits that could be
achieved by environmentally friendly site development practices and principles.
Therefore, the designer could conceivably get additional storage volume reductions by
following the credit application portion of the State Manual in addition to the above.

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Example of Bioretention from the State Manual

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Comparison Examples Sizing Bioretention

The following examples show the results obtained by following the same methodology
detailed in the preceding pages of this chapter. Three example results are shown,
comparing the MDE Unified SWM Sizing methodology to the LID Sizing methodology.
The LID charts used in the examples have also been included at the end of this chapter
for ease of review and analysis by the designer.


1/2 Acre Residential Development (18% Impervious Area)
Site Are, A = 3.36 acres
Hydrologic Soil Group = B
Existing Runoff Curve Number = 55 (Woods, Good Conditions)
Proposed Runoff Curve Number = 68 (TR-55)
Using LID approaches w/ impervious area disconnection, RCN = 63
Time of Concentration, Tc = 10 minutes
LID Design Storm, P = 2.7 inches (one-year storm, Factor = 1.5)

Storage Requirement (Maryland Design Manual)

Water Quality Volume = 0.060 acre-ft
Groundwater Recharge Volume = 0.015 acre-ft (part of WQ volume)
Channel Protection Volume = 0.053 acre-ft
TOTAL VOLUME = 0.060 + 0.053 = 0.113 acre-ft

Storage Requirement (Low-Impact Development)

6” Bioretention Storage = 0.051 acre-ft. (0.102 acre area)
Additional Detention Storage = 0.004 acre-ft
2’ Soil Layer in Bioretention= 0.066 acre-ft
TOTAL VOLUME = 0.051+0.004+0.066 = 0.121 acre-ft

In the above example, the 2’ layer in the bioretention facility is equal to the void area
(30%) below the invert of a raised underdrain.

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BIORETENTION Siting and Design Criteria


1/2 Acre Residential Development (22% Impervious Area)
Site Area, A = 21.0 acres
Hydrologic Soil Group = B
Existing Runoff Curve Number = 55 (Woods, Good Conditions)
Proposed Runoff Curve Number = 69 (higher impervious area)
Time of Concentration, Tc = 0.21 hr.
LID Design Storm, P = 3.0 inches (greater than one-year storm, Factor = 1.8)

Storage Requirement (Maryland Design Manual)

Water Quality Volume = 0.434 acre-ft
Groundwater Recharge Volume = 0.109 acre-ft (part of WQ volume)
Channel Protection Volume = 0.584 acre-ft
TOTAL VOLUME = 0.434 + 0.584 = 1.018 acre-ft

Storage Requirement (Low-Impact Development)

6" Bioretention Storage = 0.788 acre-ft. (1.576 acres area)
Additional Detention Storage = 0.000 acre-ft (not needed)
1 Soil Layer in Bioretention = 0.475 acre-ft
TOTAL VOLUME = 0.788+0.950 = 1.238 acre-ft

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Commercial Area (63.3% Impervious Area)
Site Area, A = 3.00 acres
Hydrologic Soil Group = B
Existing Runoff Curve Number = 55 (Woods, Good Conditions)
Proposed Runoff Curve Number = 87
Time of Concentration, Tc = 0.16 hr.
LID Design Storm, P = 3.0 inches (greater than one-year storm, Factor 1.8)

Storage Requirement (Maryland Design Manual)

Water Quality Volume = 0.155 acre-ft
Groundwater Recharge Volume = 0.109 acre-ft (part of WQ volume)
Channel Protection Volume = 0.246 acre-ft
TOTAL VOLUME = 0.155 + 0.246 = 0.401 acre-ft

Storage Requirement (Low-Impact Development)

12" Bioretention Storage = 0.375 acre-ft. (0.375 acres area)
Additional Detention Storage = 0.000 acre-ft (not needed)
2' Soil Layer Layer in Bioretention = 0.225 acre-ft
TOTAL VOLUME = 0.375+0.000+0.225 = 0.600 acre-ft

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