Application To Polly Biddut Samity
Application To Polly Biddut Samity
Application To Polly Biddut Samity
Dear Sir,
As per above mentioned account No, I got power connection line in my house, at the year
1989.After few years, I shifted my family at Chittagong city. In the mean time my semi pacca
house damaged and from your office, power line has dis-connected and electric meter has taken.
Up to this period, I paid all due bill.
Now, I construct a new building at the same plot for the purpose of living. So, I need a Power
connection again and I already complete wiring works of the building. For your consideration I
attached here copy of previous electricity Bill, 2 copies Photo and my national ID Card.
So, my humble request to re-connect the power line at my house and I will be great full to you.
Your’s faithfully,
(Amirul Ahsan)