An Undergraduate Electrochemical Laboratory Experiment
An Undergraduate Electrochemical Laboratory Experiment
An Undergraduate Electrochemical Laboratory Experiment
Since the discovery of the intrinsically conducting poly- this actuator are controlled by the applied current and the
mers in the 1970s, these materials have been extensively stud- position by oxidation depth of PPy films (12). This can be
ied owing to their potential applications. In fact, the Nobel demonstrated by calculating the consumed charge during dif-
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Prize in Chemistry for the year 2000 was awarded to Alan J. ferent extent of bending under several electrical conditions.
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Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, and Hideki Shirakawa for the The consumed energy during a given bending can be related
discovery and development of conductive polymers (1). The to the cell temperature or to the electrolyte concentration.
conducting properties, volume changes, ability to store In this way, the trilayer is a compact device working as ac-
charge, color changes, and porosity changes among others tuator and sensor simultaneously. To fabricate a trilayer ac-
make of these polymers multifunctional materials (2, 3). tuator (PPy film兾adhesive polymer兾PPy film), it is necessary
There is currently a tremendous increase in both academic to obtain ClO4−-doped PPy films. The electrochemical
and corporate research on technological applications of these method is advantageous in terms of the ease of controlling
polymers. A number of recent articles have appeared in mul- the growth rate and the film thickness, the enhanced electri-
tidisciplinary journals summarizing the technological cal properties, and the relatively inexpensive polymerization
applications of these polymers (4); a few lab experiments procedure.
based on these polymers have been outlined in this Journal The experiment can be adjusted to fit either one or two
(5–7). lab periods: one lab of six hours or two labs of three hours.
At the beginning of the last decade, the first actuator One lab can be used to synthesize the doped PPy films (three
devices based on intrinsically conducting polymer (CP) were hours) and the other lab to fabricate the trilayer device and
proposed (8, 9). The performance of these actuators focused to evaluate the sensing and actuating properties (three hours).
on the volume changes undergone by the polymer when sub- If conducted over two lab periods, the polymer should be
mitted to an electrical current (3, 10). The volume change evaluated within 72 hours of its synthesis. The coated work-
of the CPs can be exploited in actuators in numerous ways: ing electrode should be kept in a desiccator after the synthe-
in layered devices that bend when one or more CP layers is sis. These experiments are appropriate for visualizing and
the active layer, in fibers that elongate and contract, in understanding smart materials, electrochemistry and polymer
bundles, valves, and so forth. The use of these polymers as science concepts. They are suitable for courses dealing with
actuator materials has been widely studied in the recent years electroactive material and electrochemical synthesis and char-
owing to the resemblance to muscles. The CPs have an array acterization. The synthesis of conducting polymers as actu-
of potential applications as artificial muscles since they are ating and sensing devices is suitable for undergraduate
capable of producing moderate displacement when they are materials laboratory and electrochemical laboratory experi-
submitted to an electrochemical reaction. For a detailed re- ments.
view of artificial muscles based on these polymers see ref 11. The objectives of this experiment are: (i) electrochemi-
cal synthesis of ClO4− doped PPy, (ii) fabrication of a sens-
Experimental Overview ing and actuator device based on PPy, (iii) observation of the
bending ability of this device in aqueous solution, and (iv)
We describe the synthesis of ClO4−-doped polypyrrole performance of temperature monitoring by this device.
(PPy) films and the fabrication of a trilayer device: PPy
film兾adhesive polymer兾PPy film that shows actuating and Summary of the Procedure
sensing properties. This device bends under the influence of
about 10 mA of current or 1 V potential. The bending angle Synthesis of ClO4−-Doped PPy Films
can be up to ±180 in a LiClO4 aqueous solution. The per- In the first part of this procedure ClO4−-doped PPy films
formance of this device is comparable to the bimetal effect are electrochemically synthesized. The setup requires a four-
in thermostats and is discussed in detail in the Supplemental compartment cell and a power source that generates poten-
Material.W tial square waves (potentiostat). The potentiostat should
No external electrode is required in the trilayer device. generate square waves of potential from 300 mV for 2 s to
One of the PPy films acts as the working electrode and the 872 mV for 8 s for a period of 90 minutes, versus Ag兾AgCl
other PPy film as counter and reference electrode. This is a reference electrode (13). The power source is capable of gen-
compact system that does not require auxiliary electrodes. The erating either a constant voltage or a constant current to the
movement of the trilayer actuator is controlled by an elec- working electrode for the evaluation of the trilayer (potenti-
trochemical reaction. The direction and movement rate of ostat–galvanostat).
Supplemental Material
Appropriate precautions should be taken in working with
reagents for the synthesis of the polypyrrole and the charac- Background material on conducting polymers, a detailed
terization of the trilayer. Pyrrole is harmful by inhalation, experimental procedure, and a student handout are available
ingestion, or skin absorption. Acetonitrile is highly flam- in this issue of JCE Online.
mable, an irritant, and toxic by inhalation, ingestion, or skin
absorption. It may cause serious damage to the eyes and is a Literature Cited
possible teratogen. Lithium perchlorate is a strong oxidizer
and incompatible with combustible materials. It is a skin, eye, 1. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Home Page. http://
and respiratory irritant. Sulphochromic mixture is a corro- (accessed May 2005)
sive combination of strong, extremely corrosive and highly 2. Mac Diarmid, A. G. Angew. Chem. 2001, 113, 2649.
toxic reagents. 3. Otero, T. F. In Handbook of Organic Conductive Molecules and
Polymers, Vol. 4; Nalwa, H. S., Ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New
Summary York, 1997; p 519.
4. Saxena, V.; Malhotra, B. D. Current Appl. Phy. 2003, 3, 293.
This experiment is written to serve as a laboratory project 5. Sadik, Omowunmi A.; Brenda, Sharin; Joasil, Patrick; Lord,
and to provide experience in smart materials and electrochem- John. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 967.
istry. It is used to demonstrate the potential application of 6. Lewis, T. W.; Wallace, G. G. J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 703.
conducting polymers to convert electrical energy into me- 7. Bunting, Roger K.; Swarat, Karsten; Yan, DaJing; Finello,
chanical energy at low voltage or current. The performance Duane. J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 421.
of the device is explained using electrochemistry and solid- 8. Otero, T. F.; Angulo, E.; Rodríguez, J.; Santamaría, C. J.
state chemistry. In this article, a PPy-based actuator is shown; Electroanal. Chem. 1992, 341, 369.
however, other conjugated conducting polymers can be stud- 9. Baughman, R. H. Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 1991,
ied and evaluated as actuating and sensing materials. The 51, 193.
ClO4−-doped PPy is easily synthesized and the experiment can 10. Jager, E. W. H.; Inganäs, O.; Lundström, I. Science 2000, 288,
be adapted to sense temperature or electrolyte concentration. 2335.
11. Cortés, M. T.; Moreno, J. C. e-polymers 2003, No. 41. http://
Acknowledgment (accessed May 2005).
12. Otero, T. F.; Cortés, M. T. Chem. Commun. 2004, 3, 284–
MTC wishes to thank Science Faculty of Universidad 285
de los Andes for financial support. She also wishes to thank 13. Cortés, M. T.; Vera, E.; Duran, O.; Moreno, J. C. Instrum.
Toribio Fernández Otero for leading her doctoral thesis in Sci. Technol. 2004, 32, 479.
the University of the Basque Country and for his valuable 14. East, Gaston A.; del Valle, M. A. J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77,
guidance and continuous support. 97.