Finger Knuckle
Finger Knuckle
Finger Knuckle
A. Acquisition of finger-knuckle images In order to determine the chain of points, the image is
The knuckle image acquisition task was performed by use skeletonized and then the points of ends and bifurcations of the
of a special device. This device consists of a box with a digital furrows are marked on the image. Location of such points is
camera and three LED-type lights. During acquisition process, determined by imposing of the 3x3 mask on each image pixel.
the camera focuses on the index finger knuckle. By using a Then, for each black pixel the value of J is calculated by
dedicated application the image is captured directly from the following equation:
camera and used in further stages. Proposed device is presented 1 1
in Fig. 2.
J ( x, y ) I ( x a, y b),
a 1 b 1
x [2,..., W 1], y [2,..., H 1],
pT ( x, y ) if J ( x, y ) 2
p ( x, y ) B .
p ( x, y ) if J ( x, y ) 3
C. Verification stage The knuckle image Kv is compared with all N knuckle
In order to compare two knuckle images by means of images stored in the database for the person who claimed the
identity. As a result of comparisons, we obtain the set .
LSCA method we need to create two sets K A {c1A , c2A ,..., cmA}
General principle of construction of the set is shown below:
and K B {c1B , c2B ,..., cnB } , describing images being compared.
These sets are obtained from Algorithm 1.
{d ''( K v , K1A ), d ''( K v , K2A ),,..., d ''( K v , K NA )}
Before comparison, the coordinates of all points of chains
are normalized to the interval [0, 1] and centered:
where KiA is the i’th knuckle image belonging to the person
n being verified, N is the number of all knuckle images in the
j 1
sj database of the person being verified.
s S, s i i s i
i 1,..., n Next, the knuckle image Kv is compared with knuckle
images of the other users, randomly chosen from the database.
The results of comparisons are stored in set :
j 1
q Q, q i i q i
i 1,..., n
{d ''( K v , K1B ), d ''( K v , K 2B ),,..., d ''( K v , K NB )}
In least-square counter alignment method comparison
between two chains of points is given by the following formula
[18]: where KiB is the i’th knuckle image which belongs to any
person from the database, but not the person being verified.
d ( S , Q) min S t , , k (Q) F After creating the sets and , the mean values of each
t2 , [ , ), k 0
of these sets are calculated as follows:
where a , ,k - is the operator of translation by the vector
t 2 , rotation by the angle [ , ) , and scaling by the mean{} mean{ }
factor k > 0,
The ultimate decision of user verification depends on values of
- denotes the Frobenius norm of the matrix M. sets and :
The LSCA method requires that the data being compared,
must have the same number of elements. In the case of knuckle genuine knuckle if
images, this condition is not always fulfilled, because each forged knuckle otherwise
knuckle furrow can have a different length (number of points).
In our work we used scaling method called Fixed Number of
Points (FNP) to equalize the length of furrows being compared. III. EXPERIMENTS
This method was described in detail in [13,16]. The detail
description of the least-square method is presented in the work The database used in experiments contained 150 finger
[10]. knuckle images, collected from 30 people, 5 images for each
The equation (5) allows comparison between two chains of
point. In order to compare all furrows in two sets KA and KB we Evaluation of the effectiveness of our method was
use the following equation: conducted by detection of forgeries during verification stage.
An image of a person being verified was compared with his/her
images stored in the database, and also with randomly selected
1 images of the other people. By calculating the accuracy, we
d '( K A , K B )
m min d (c
i 1
i , c1 ),..., d (ci , cn ) ,
measured the effectiveness of our method.
During the testing stage, the influence of two following
where K A {c1A , c2A ,..., cmA} and K B {c1B , c2B ,..., cnB } . parameters on this method were examined:
It should be noted that coefficient (6) is not symmetrical, parameter N - the number of all knuckle images in the
therefore, the final equation for comparing two knuckle images database of the person being verified, see eq. (8) and
is as follows: (9),
parameter FNP - length (number of points) of the
d ''( K A , K B ) min( d '( K A , K B ), d '( K B , K A )) furrows being compared.
The results of the tests carried out for different values of the
In the verification phase, an unknown person claims parameters FNP and N are presented in Table 1.
identity and provides a knuckle image Kv to be verified.
N Mean
25 50 75 shorter chain longer chain
1 91.45 0.50 91.75 0.33 90.68 0.77 89.26 0.36 89.80 0.92 90.59 0,58
2 92.77 0.33 91.52 0.25 91.59 0.69 89.16 0.40 89.55 0.38 90.80 0,41
3 92.37 0.14 91.71 0.19 91.65 0.38 88.95 0.58 89.38 0.14 90.81 0,29
4 91.70 0.30 91.48 0.32 91.82 0.25 88.92 0.24 89.41 0.25 90.67 0,27
5 92.23 0.07 91.94 0.13 92.04 0.19 89.25 0.08 88.76 0.49 90.84 0,19
6 91.81 0.18 91.75 0.07 91.99 0.07 89.38 0.12 89.26 0.23 90.84 0,13
7 91.72 0.15 91.95 0.06 91.99 0.20 89.41 0.17 89.15 0.11 90.85 0,14
8 92.19 0.06 91.94 0.10 91.84 0.08 89.19 0.05 88.72 0.15 90.8 0,09
9 91.98 0.19 91.87 0.10 91.99 0.04 89.30 0.08 88.99 0.21 90.2 0,13
10 91.95 0.06 91.93 0.09 91.89 0.06 89.39 0.03 89.23 0.14 90.8 0,08
Mean 91.96 0,20 91.78 0,16 91.75 0,27 89.22 0,21 89.22 0,30
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