Engineering Structures: V. Sarhosis, S.W. Garrity, Y. Sheng
Engineering Structures: V. Sarhosis, S.W. Garrity, Y. Sheng
Engineering Structures: V. Sarhosis, S.W. Garrity, Y. Sheng
Engineering Structures
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Article history: A study of the influence of the brick–mortar interface on the pre- and post-cracking behaviour of low
Received 24 February 2014 bond strength masonry wall panels subjected to vertical in plane load is presented. Using software based
Revised 25 October 2014 on the Distinct Element Method (DEM), a series of computational models have been developed to repre-
Accepted 9 December 2014
sent low bond strength masonry wall panels containing an opening. Bricks were represented as an
Available online 10 February 2015
assemblage of distinct blocks separated by zero thickness interfaces at each mortar joint. A series of sen-
sitivity studies were performed supported with regression analysis to investigate the significance of the
brick–mortar interface properties (normal and shear stiffnesses, tensile strength, cohesive strength and
Brickwork masonry
frictional resistance) on the load at first cracking and ultimate load that the panel can carry. Computa-
Wall panels tional results were also compared against full scale experimental tests carried out in the laboratory. From
Opening the sensitivity analyses it was found that the joint tensile strength is the predominant factor that influ-
Interface parameters ences the occurrence of first cracking in the panel, while the cohesive strength and friction angle of the
interface influence the behaviour of the panel from the onset of cracking up to collapse.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction ture [10]. Also, depending on the magnitude and direction of shear
and normal stresses applied on masonry, different failure modes
Masonry is a combination of units such as stones, bricks or blocks occur (Fig. 1).
usually laid in a cementitious or lime mortar. It is probably the old- This paper focuses on low bond strength masonry. Experimen-
est material used in construction and has proven to be both simple tal evidence [2,3,9] has shown that cracking of such masonry is as a
to build and durable. In spite of its simplicity of construction, the result of the de-bonding of the masonry units from the mortar
analysis of the mechanical behaviour of masonry structures remains joints and the post-cracking response up to collapse is influenced
a challenge. Masonry is a heterogeneous, anisotropic material by the characteristics of the unit-mortar interface. Low bond
whose mechanical response is non-linear even under low stress lev- strength masonry can be encountered in historic constructions
els. It is the presence of mortar joints in a masonry structure, that where mortar has been deteriorated over time, as well as brick
create a resistance to tensile stress, that is markedly less than the and stone arch bridges, tunnels linings and earth retaining walls
material’s resistance to compression. When subjected to very low where the unit-mortar bond has been disrupted by the action of
levels of stress, masonry behaves approximately in a linear elastic water leeching through the masonry over a long time. Low bond
manner. This becomes increasingly non-linear after the formation strength masonry can also be found in more recent examples of
of cracks and the subsequent redistribution of stresses through construction. Experience shows that many low to medium rise
the uncracked material as the structure approaches collapse. The domestic masonry buildings in UK contain low bond strength mor-
behaviour of masonry is complicated even further by the inherent tar. This is often caused by the use of low cement content mortar
variations in the natural materials used, variations in workmanship, due to lack of quality control on site. A typical example of cracked
the effects of deterioration caused by weathering processes and the brickwork above a window opening is shown in Fig. 2. The need to
development of other defects during the life of the masonry struc- better understand the pre- and post-cracking behaviour of low
bond strength masonry in order to inform decisions concerning
repair and strengthening has led to the development of several
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Engineering, Cardiff University, CF24 3AA
numerical methods of analysis [18,15]. These tend to be focusing
Cardiff, Wales, UK. Tel.: +44 7725071212.
E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Sarhosis).
on either the micro-modelling approach where individual masonry
0141-0296/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11
units (i.e. bricks, stones) and the mortar are modelled separately, 2. Numerical modelling of masonry structures with UDEC
or on the macro-modelling approach in which masonry is consid-
ered as composite material. 2.1. Overview
The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the brick–
mortar interface on the pre- and post-cracking behaviour of low UDEC is a numerical program based on the distinct element
bond strength masonry wall panels with openings subjected to method for discontinuous modelling [12]. When used to model
vertical in plane load. Given the importance of the masonry unit- brickwork structures, the bricks are represented as an assemblage
mortar interface on the structural behaviour of low bond strength of rigid or deformable distinct blocks which may take any arbitrary
masonry, the micro-modelling approach based on the Discrete Ele- geometry. Rigid blocks do not change their geometry as a result of
ment Method (DEM) of analysis has been adopted in this study. the applied loading and are mainly used when the behaviour of the
The software used was the Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) system is dominated by the mortar joints. Deformable blocks are
which was developed initially to model sliding rock masses in internally discretised into finite difference triangular zones and
which failure occurs along the joints [7]. This has similarities with each element responds according to a prescribed linear or non-lin-
the behaviour of low bond strength masonry. An additional feature ear stress–strain law. Mortar joints are represented by zero thick-
of UDEC is the capability to predict the onset of cracking; this is ness interfaces between adjacent blocks. In DEM, the unknowns
important when considering in-service as well as near-collapse are solved explicitly by the differential equations of Newton’s Sec-
behaviour of masonry structures. Typical examples of masonry ond law of motion at all bricks and the force–displacement law at
structures modelled using UDEC are described by Schlegel and all contacts. The force–displacement law is used to find the contact
Rautenstrauch [23], Zhuge [25], Lemos [13], Sarhosis et al. [22]. forces from known displacements while Newton’s second law
The UDEC model developed by Sarhosis and Sheng [20] to sim- gives the motion of the blocks resulting from the known forces act-
ulate the pre-and post cracking of low bond strength masonry wall ing on them [7]. Convergence to static solutions is obtained by
panels with openings has been adopted in this study. Bricks were means of adaptive damping, as in the classical dynamic relaxation
represented as an assemblage of distinct blocks while the mortar methods [13,17]. Large displacements and rotations between the
joints were modelled as zero thickness interfaces which can open blocks, including their complete detachment, are also allowed with
and close depending on the magnitude and direction of the stresses the sequential contact detection and update as the calculation
applied to them. A series of sensitivity studies were performed progresses.
supported with regression analysis to investigate the significance
of the brick–mortar interface properties on the load at first crack-
ing and ultimate load that the panel can carry. Results from the 2.2. Joint interface model
developed numerical models are also compared against a series
of full scale low bond strength masonry wall panels with openings At the interfaces, the bricks are connected kinematically to each
tested in the laboratory. other by set of point contacts. These contact points are located at
(a) Joint tensile (b) Joint slip (c) Cracking of unit in (d) Unit diagonal (e) Masonry
cracking direct tension tension crack crushing
Fig. 1. Failure modes in masonry [14].
Fig. 2. Damage in a masonry wall above a window opening (Courtesy of Bersche Rolt Ltd).
V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11 3
6 courses (450mm)
6 courses (450mm)
Fig. 4. Typical masonry wall panel with opening tested in the laboratory.
the outside perimeter of the bricks and are created at the corners of
the bricks and the zones [13]. In the normal direction, the mechan-
ical behaviour of mortar joints is governed by Eq. (1):
Drn ¼ JKn Dun ; ð1Þ
where JKn is the normal stiffness of the contact, Drn is the change
in normal stress and Dun is the change in normal displacement.
Similarly, in the shear direction the mechanical behaviour of mortar
joints is controlled by a constant shear stiffness JKs using the fol-
lowing expression:
Dss ¼ JKs Dus ; ð2Þ
where Dss is the change in shear stress and Dus is the change in
shear displacement. Stresses calculated at grid points along contacts
are submitted to the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion which limits
shear stresses along joints. The following parameters are used to
define the mechanical behaviour of the contacts (Fig. 3): the normal
Fig. 6. Comparison of experimental against numerical results. stiffness (JKn), the shear stiffness (JKs), the friction angle (Jfric), the
cohesion (Jcoh), the tensile strength (Jten) and the dilation angle
Is error
acceptable? NO
(Jdil). For the proposed model, there is a limiting tensile strength, strength, i.e. rn > Jten, then rn = 0. For shear, the model uses the
Jten, for the mortar. If the normal stress (rn) reaches the tensile explicit incorporation of Coulomb’s frictional behaviour at contacts
between the brick units. Thus, slippage between bricks will occur
when the tangential or shear force (ss) at a contact reaches a critical
Table 1
Range of material parameters.
value smax defined by:
Unit parameters Symbol Value Units jss j P Jcoh þ rn tanðJfricÞ ¼ smax : ð3Þ
Elastic parameters
Density d 2000 kg/m3
Elastic modulus E 6050 MPa 3. Computational model of brickwall panels with opening
Poisson’s ratio v 0.14 –
Interface joint parameters
Joint normal stiffness JKn 50–90 GPa/m
The computational model developed by Sarhosis and Sheng [20]
Joint shear stiffness JKs 30–85 GPa/m to study the mechanical behaviour of single leaf thick brickwork
Inelastic parameters
Joint friction angle U 20–40 Degrees
Joint cohesion Jcoh 0.05–0.15 MPa Jfric=25° Jcoh=0.050 MPa
Joint tensile strength Jten 0.05–0.15 MPa Jfric=25° Jcoh=0.075 MPa
Joint dilation angle W 0 Degrees Jfric=25° Jcoh=0.100 MPa
Jfric=25° Jcoh=0.125 MPa
Jfric=25° Jcoh=0.150 MPa
Fig. 8. Influence of inelastic interface parameters. Fig. 9. Influence of the inelastic interface parameters on the load at first cracking.
6 V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11
wall panels with openings under vertical in plane load has been
adopted for the parametric analysis in this study. The model was
validated against a series of different in geometry large-scale
masonry wall panels tested in the laboratory. The geometry of
the masonry wall panel used in this study is shown in Fig. 4. Each
brick of the panel was represented by a deformable block sepa-
rated by zero thickness interfaces at each mortar joint. The zero
thickness interfaces between adjacent blocks were modelled using
the elastic-perfectly plastic Coulomb slip failure criterion with ten-
sion cut-off. UDEC also provides a residual strength option to sim-
ulate tension softening effects. However, this was not selected as
the bond strength of the masonry used in the research was much
lower than that exhibited by modern masonry materials. As a
result, any tension softening effects were likely to be an order of
magnitude smaller than the bond strength and so were considered
to be insignificant. Cracking due to
Fig. 5 compares the experimental against the computational
tensile stresses
development of cracks at different stages of loading for a typical
masonry wall panel with opening. Both experimental and numer-
ical results showed that there were four notable features of the Fig. 11. Cracking at the soffit of the panel.
behaviour of the wall panels namely: (a) initial flexural cracking
in the soffit of the panel; followed by (b) the development of flex-
ural cracks in the bed joint of each support; with increasing load panel, points (d–e). This is accompanied by further opening of the
leading to (c) propagation of diagonal stepped cracks at mid depth; cracks until the panel suddenly collapses, point (e). It is important
and (d) collapse as a result of shear failure. to note that once first cracking has occurred, the sequence of
Fig. 6 compares the experimental against the computational events to collapse happens very quickly with little warning of
load versus mid-span displacement responses. The experimental impending collapse. Such non-linear load deflection behaviour
curves stop at a point before ultimate load has been reached. appears to result from the ability of masonry, once a joint has
Deflections at ultimate load were not taken for safety reasons cracked, to maintain a substantial proportion of its moment of
and to avoid damage of the dial gauge. Only the value of the ulti- resistance over a considerable change in strain because of the resis-
mate load has been recorded. From Fig. 6, the predicted ultimate tance of the mortar/unit interface where the masonry units over-
load (4.6 kN) of the masonry brickwork wall panel compares quite lap. The little peaks in the curve shown in Fig. 6 represent
well with that obtained experimentally (average load 4.7 kN). Also relaxation of the loading and moment re-distribution in the panel
from Fig. 6, the load versus mid-span displacement curve starts at due to the formation of a new crack. When a crack propagates,
zero load with zero displacement. With the application of the there is an abrupt loss of stiffness in the panel.
external load, an initial elastic range can be observed up to point
(a). At point (a), an initial flexural tensile crack occurs in the soffit 4. Methodology
of the panel, at or close to the point of maximum bending moment,
accompanied in the test by a relaxation of the applied load at con- A series of computational experiments (or parameter sensitivity
stant transverse deflection. As the applied load increased, a non- studies) were developed to study the influence of the brick–mortar
linear response (a–b) is produced. This is accompanied physically interface on the mechanical response of the masonry wall panels
by the formation of two horizontal cracks at the bed joint of each subjected to vertical in-plane loading. The computational experi-
support, point (b). These cracks propagate from the each end of ments devised to assess parameter sensitivity were based on a fac-
the panel, which suggests that they occurred as a result of the torial approach; that is one in which several parameters were
in-plane rotation/overturning of the brickwork due to flexure. As considered together rather than separately. According to Barren-
the applied load is increased further, diagonal shear stepped cracks tine [5], factorial designed experiments are more efficient than
propagate, point (c), until the masonry wall panel reaches its ulti- studying one factor at a time and can generate a distribution of
mate load, point (d). Further attempts made to apply the external possible collections of parameter values. This is because factorial
loading show a reduction in the load that can be sustained by the designed experiments allow a study of the effect of each material
Fig. 10. Distribution of the principal stresses just before the occurrence of the first crack.
V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11 7
parameter on the response variable as well as the effects of inter- Fig. 9a, the joint tensile strength influences the initiation of first
actions between the different material parameter on the response cracking in the panel. The lower the value of the joint tensile
variable. Such a strategy follows the methodology developed by strength is, the earlier the occurrence of first cracking in the panel.
Abdallah et al. [1] to study the vulnerability of masonry buildings This reduction is linear. Also, the frictional resistance of the joint
to mining subsidence and Idris et al. [11] to study the complex age- and the cohesive strength has no influence on the occurrence of
ing phenomena of ancient tunnel masonry structures. The method- first cracking in the panel (Fig. 9b and c).
ology used to determine the influence of the interface material The fact that joint tensile strength is the predominant factor
properties on the mechanical response of low bond strength that influences the occurrence of first cracking in the panel, agrees
masonry is presented at Fig. 7. with the observations made during the full scale tests in the labo-
Two parameter sensitivity studies were carried out. In each
case, studies were carried out to investigate the influence of the
interface properties on the mechanical behaviour of masonry wall
panels with respect to:
ratory. The application of the external vertical load at mid span of (a) When the value of the angle of internal friction of the inter-
the panel induces high compressive stresses at the corners of the face ranges from 20° to 30°, then:
opening and horizontal tensile stresses at the top of the soffit of The ultimate load that the wall panel can carry increases
the panel (Fig. 10) which results in the formation of vertical cracks with an increase of frictional strength of the interface.
in the soffit of the opening due to tensile failure (Fig. 11). The ultimate load that the wall panel can carry increases
with an increase of interface cohesive strength.
5.1.2. Influence of the inelastic interface parameters on the ultimate The ultimate load that the wall panel can carry increases
load with an increase of interface tensile strength.
Fig. 12 shows the influence of the inelastic parameters of the (b) When the value of the angle of internal friction of the inter-
interface on the ultimate load that the masonry wall panel can face ranges from 30° to 40°, then:
carry, as obtained from the results of the computational experi- The tensile, friction and cohesive strength is not propor-
ments. The influence of each inelastic material parameter on the tional to the ultimate load that the wall panel can carry.
failure load can be summarised as follows:
(a) Rotation and contact of bricks forms an arching action
in which lines of thrust pass through the hinges
Joint opened
Fig. 13. Mechanical behaviour of bricks under shearing. Arrows indicate forces while the red dotted lines indicate the line of thrust. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 14. Joints opened during shearing as observed from the numerical analysis. Black dots indicate hinge locations while the red dotted lines indicate the lines of thrust. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11 9
The influence of the friction and cohesive strength on the The hinge mechanisms observed in the low bond strength
ultimate load that the panel can carry are significant. masonry wall panel under investigation are illustrated in Fig. 13.
The influence of the interface friction and cohesive Such mechanisms have been identified both from the experimental
strength on the ultimate load are also significant but less tests carried out on full scale masonry wall panels (Fig. 15) as well
than that of the tensile strength. as during the computational simulations (Fig. 14). The mechanism
shown in Fig. 13a has been identified at the middle of the panel
Also, from Fig. 12 can be observed that there is a highly non-lin- where diagonal shear occurred. The mechanism shown in
ear and coupled interaction between the inelastic material param- Fig. 13b occurred both at the middle of the panel, where diagonal
eters (joint friction, joint cohesion and joint tension) which exerts a shear occurred and at the panel’s supports as a result of a rocking
significant influence on the load carrying capacity of the masonry motion. The third mechanism, Fig. 13c, was found in the middle of
wall panel. Displacements due to external load applied to the the panel after failure when detachment of the bricks has occurred
low bond strength masonry wall panel are accompanied by the and the panel has failed. The arrows at Fig. 13 represent the resul-
opening of cracks at the brick–mortar interface and shear sliding tant forces due to the gravitational load, the external load applied
of the bricks. As the load increases in the panel, hinges are formed in the masonry panel and the interaction between the neighbour-
(see Fig. 15) as bricks slide and rotate against each other. According ing bricks.
to Mifsud [16], the development of hinge formation depends on the A Least Squares Regression (LSR) analysis has been carried out
material properties of masonry, the geometric characteristics, the and relationships between the inelastic parameters and the ulti-
confinement of masonry as well as the load distribution in a struc- mate load that the under investigation low bond strength masonry
ture. From the sensitivity study of the inelastic parameters of the wall panel can carry have been obtained. From the analysis of var-
brick–mortar interface it was observed that there is a threshold iance (ANOVA) it was found that:
value for the joint friction angle (i.e. when Jfric = 30°) where the
monotonic behaviour breaks down and affects the ultimate load (i) the contribution of the inelastic interface parameters on the
carrying capacity of the panel. For values of joint friction angle ultimate load is ranked in the following order of importance:
ranging from 20° to 30°, the ultimate load carrying capacity of (a) Jcoh; (b) Jfric; and (c) Jten; and
the panel increases as the joint friction angle increases. However, (ii) Jcoh and Jten together exhibit a significant influence on the
when the value of joint friction angle ranges from 30° to 40°, an mechanical response of the wall panel close to failure. The
increase in the joint friction angle will not necessarily result in aforementioned has been evident in the experiments where
an increase in the ultimate load carrying capacity of the panel. diagonal cracks propagated from the middle of the panel
With the increase of the joint friction angle in the panel (i.e. when towards the top before failure occurred.
Jfric > 30°), deformations at the brick–mortar interfaces were not
‘‘elastic’’ in any sense. Large displacement discontinuity between 5.2. Influence of the elastic interface parameters
the bricks occurred without much loss in strength of the panel. It
seems that the panel sustained cracks which held in place by the The second parameter sensitivity study deals with the influence
confining action of surrounding bricks due to hinge development of the elastic interface parameters (i.e. JKn, JKs) on the load at first
[8]. However, the aforementioned displacement discontinuity cracking and the ultimate load that the masonry wall panel can
was not evident when values of joint friction angle in the panel carry. A series of 72 computational experiments were undertaken.
were below 30°. Further numerical and experimental studies are Values of normal and shear stiffness were obtained from Table 1. In
required to investigate the extent of displacement discontinuity each of the computational experiments, the value of normal stiff-
and hinge formation, although these will not form part of this ness was kept constant while the value of shear stiffness was var-
study. ied by increments of 5 GPa/m. Representative responses of the load
No contact,
no arching
Fig. 15. Mechanical behaviour of bricks under shearing. Black dots indicate hinge locations and the red dotted lines indicate the lines of thrust. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
10 V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11
against mid-span displacement curves obtained are shown in 5.2.2. Influence of the elastic interface parameters on the ultimate load
Fig. 16. For all cases, the inelastic interface parameters kept con- Fig. 18 shows the influence of the interface elastic parameters
stant and equal to: Jfric = 33°, Jcoh = 0.5 MPa and Jten = 0.1 MPa. (JKn and JKs) on the ultimate load carrying capacity of the masonry
The angle of dilation assumed zero [15]. wall panel. From Fig. 18, the trend of the curves shows that an
increase in shear stiffness will result in an increase in the load car-
5.2.1. Influence of the elastic interface parameters on the occurrence of rying capacity, irrespective to the normal stiffness. Also, for the
first cracking range of values of the joint stiffness considered in this study (i.e.
Fig. 17 shows the relation between the elastic interface param- from 50 to 90 GPa), the load variation was found to vary by approx-
eters and the load at which first cracking occurs in the panel. From imately 1kN.
Fig. 17, when shear stiffness is kept constant, an increase in the
normal stiffness results to a lower load at first cracking. Also, an
analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been carried out and found that 6. Conclusions
the contribution of the interface elastic parameters on the load at
first cracking is ranked in the following order of importance: (a) Masonry is a heterogeneous, anisotropic composite material
JKn and (b) JKs. whose mechanical response characterised by high non-linearity.
Mortar joints act as a plane of weakness in masonry and their
mechanical properties influence the global behaviour of the
4.0 masonry structure. This paper deals with the influence of the
3.5 brick–mortar interface on the pre- and post-cracking behaviour of
3.0 low bond strength masonry wall panels containing openings and
Load (kN)
1.5 Jkn=60 GPa failure. A parametric study supported with regression data analysis
was also carried out to evaluate the influence of the elastic proper-
Jkn=65 GPa
ties (joint elastic stiffnesses) and inelastic properties (joint tensile
1.4 Jkn=70 GPa
strength, joint cohesive strength and frictional resistance of the
Jkn=75 GPa brick–mortar interface) on the load at first cracking and the ultimate
1.3 Jkn=80 GPa capacity of the wall panel. Results of the parametric analysis have
Jkn=85 GPa compared against full scale experimental tests carried out in the lab-
oratory. From the parametric study it was found that:
Jkn=90 GPa
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
a. Joint tensile strength is the predominant factor that influ-
JKs (GPa/m) ences the occurrence of first cracking in the panel. An
increase in the joint tensile strength will result in a higher
Fig. 17. Influence of normal and shear stiffness on load at first crack.
load at which first crack occurs in the panel.
b. Joint normal and shear stiffness also influence the occur-
rence of first cracking. However, their contribution is lower
compared to that of the joint tensile strength. An increase
JKn=50 GPa of normal stiffness under constant shear stiffness will con-
JKn=60 GPa tribute to a lower load to cause first cracking.
Ultimate Load (kN)
JKn=55 GPa c. For the ultimate load that the masonry wall panel can carry,
JKn=65 GPa
the contribution of the inelastic joint interface parameters
are ranked in order of importance as: (i) joint cohesion; (ii)
3.5 JKn=70 GPa
joint friction angle; and (iii) joint tension.
3.3 JKn=75 GPa
d. The influence of the cohesive strength and friction angle of
3.1 JKn=80 GPa the interface together exhibits a significant interaction capa-
2.9 JKn=85 GPa ble of influencing the mechanical response of the wall panel
JKn=90 GPa at the near-failure condition.
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 e. With the application of the external load, hinges are formed
JKs (GPa) as bricks slide and rotate against each other. Hinge develop-
ment influence the ductility and the ultimate load carrying
Fig. 18. Influence of normal and shear stiffness on the ultimate load capacity. capacity of the low bond strength masonry wall panel.
V. Sarhosis et al. / Engineering Structures 88 (2015) 1–11 11
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