Valuation Shares Goodwill
Valuation Shares Goodwill
Valuation Shares Goodwill
valiation of goodwill
3. Capitalization Method
4. Annuity Method.
The first step under this method is the calculation of average profit based on past few
years’ profit. Past profit are adjusted in respect of any abnormal items of profit or loss
which may affect future profit. Average profit may be based on simple average or weighted
If profits are constant, equal weight-age may be given in calculating the average profits i.e.,
simple average may be calculated. However, if the trend shows increasing or decreasing
After calculating future maintainable average profits, the next step is to determine the
number of years’ purchase. The number of years of purchase is determined with reference
to the probability of new business to catch up with an existing business. It will differ from
industry to industry and from firm to firm. Normally the number of years ranges between
3 to 5.
(ii) Calculate future-maintainable profit before tax after making past adjustments.
(iii) Calculate Average Past adjusted Profits (taking simple average or weighted average as