Personal Monthly Budget 1
Personal Monthly Budget 1
Personal Monthly Budget 1
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
Phone $60 $100 -$40 CDs $0
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
W as te removal $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
Licens ing $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Federal $0
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 $100 Video/ DVD $0 $50 -$50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
Cable $0 Live theater $0
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
Ins urance $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment $0
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning $0
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 $100 Video/ DVD $0 $50 -$50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
Cable $0 Live theater $0
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
G roceries $0 Other $0
Dining out $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2 $0
Food $0 Charity 3 $0
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Other $0 Attorney $0
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails $0
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
Electricity $50 $60 -$10 Movies $0
G as $200 $180 $20 Concerts $0
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal $0
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
Bus / taxi fare $0 Credit card $0
Ins urance $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
H ealth $0 Other $0
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1 $0
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2 $0
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys $0 LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Other $0 Attorney $0
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails $0
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees $0
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
Electricity $50 $60 -$10 Movies $0
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 $0 Student $0
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
Fuel $0 Other $0
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State $0
H ome $0 Local $0
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
G as $200 $180 $20 Concerts $0
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State $0
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account $0
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys $0 LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails $0
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees $0
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
Electricity $50 $60 -$10 Movies $0
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account $0
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
G roceries $0 Other $0
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees $0
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
W ater and s ewer $0 Sporting events $0
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other $0 Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
Bus / taxi fare $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
H ealth $0 Other $0
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1 $0
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys $0 LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Clothing $0 TOTAL PROJECTED COST $2,060
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
W ater and s ewer $0 Sporting events $0
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other $0 Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
Bus / taxi fare $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
H ealth $0 Other $0
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1 $0
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
Food $0 Charity 3 $0
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony $0
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Clothing $0 TOTAL PROJECTED COST $2,060
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
G as $200 $180 $20 Concerts $0
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
Supplies $0 Other $0
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
Vehicle payment $250 $250 $0 Student $0
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Federal $0
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account $0
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming $0
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other $0
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning
H ealth club $0 TOTAL ACTUAL COST $2,040
Organiz ation dues or fees $0
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 $100 Video/ DVD $0 $50 -$50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
Cable $0 Live theater $0
W as te removal $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
Ins urance $0 Credit card $0
Licens ing $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State $0
H ome $0 Local $0
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account $0
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment $0
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning $0
H ealth club $0 TOTAL ACTUAL COST $2,040
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 $100 Video/ DVD $0 $50 -$50
Phone $60 $100 -$40 CDs $0
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
Cable $0 Live theater $0
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 $0 Student $0
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
Fuel $0 Other $0
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State $0
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming $0
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment $0
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other $0
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning $0
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 $100 Video/ DVD $0 $50 -$50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
Vehicle payment $250 $250 $0 Student $0
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
Fuel $0 Other $0
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account $0
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming $0
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment $0
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
Phone $60 $100 -$40 CDs $0
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal $0
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
Licens ing $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State $0
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony $0
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning
H ealth club $0 TOTAL ACTUAL COST $2,040
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
Cable $0 Live theater $0
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other $0 Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
Bus / taxi fare $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
Licens ing $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Federal $0
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
Phone $60 $100 -$40 CDs $0
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
W as te removal $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
Licens ing $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Federal $0
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
Food $0 Charity 3 $0
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony $0
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Clothing $0 TOTAL PROJECTED COST $2,060
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 $100 Video/ DVD $0 $50 -$50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
Cable $0 Live theater $0
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
Ins urance $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account $0
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2 $0
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Other $0 Attorney $0
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony $0
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails $0
Clothing $0 TOTAL PROJECTED COST $2,060
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
Electricity $50 $60 -$10 Movies $0
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
Supplies $0 Other $0
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 $0 Student $0
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
Fuel $0 Other $0
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State $0
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
G roceries $0 Other $0
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1 $0
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2 $0
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys $0 LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees $0
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
-$40 $0
Phone $60 $100 CDs
Electricity $50 $60 -$10 Movies $0
G as $200 $180 $20 Concerts $0
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
Maintenance or repairs $0 Other $0
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal $0
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
$0 $0
Bus / taxi fare Credit card
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
Fuel $0 Other $0
Maintenance Total $0 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
H ealth $0 Other $0
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1 $0
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2 $0
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys $0 LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Other $0 Attorney $0
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other
Medical $0 Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails $0
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees $0
Total $0 $0 $0
H OUSING Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference ENTERTAINM ENT Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$100 -$50
Mortgage or rent $1,500 $1,400 Video/ DVD $0 $50
Phone $60 $100 -$40 CDs $0
-$10 $0
Electricity $50 $60 Movies
$20 $0
G as $200 $180 Concerts
$0 $0
W ater and s ewer Sporting events
$0 $0
Cable Live theater
$0 $0
W as te removal Other
$0 $0
Maintenance or repairs Other
$0 $0
Supplies Other
Other $0 Total $0 $50 -$50
Total $1,810 $1,740 $70
LOANS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Pers onal
$0 $0
Vehicle payment $250 $250 Student
Bus / taxi fare $0 Credit card $0
$0 $0
Ins urance Credit card
$0 $0
Licens ing Credit card
$0 $0
Fuel Other
Maintenance $0 Total $0 $0 $0
Total $250 $250 $0 TAXES Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference State
$0 $0
H ome Local
$0 $0
H ealth Other
Life Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 SAVING S OR INVESTM ENTS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Retirement account
FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Inves tment account $0
$0 $0
G roceries Other
Dining out Total $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 G IFTS AND D ONATIONS Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
Charity 1
PETS Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Charity 2
$0 $0
Food Charity 3
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
G rooming
Toys $0 LEG AL Projected Cos t Actual Cos t D ifference
$0 $0
Other Attorney
Total $0 $0 $0 Alimony
Payments on lien or judgment
PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cos t D ifference Other $0
Medical Total $0 $0 $0
H air/ nails
Dry cleaning
H ealth club
Organiz ation dues or fees
Total $0 $0 $0