Republic Services Holiday Schedule
Republic Services Holiday Schedule
Republic Services Holiday Schedule
To acknowledge our nation’s holidays and allow our employees time with their families, your service may be impacted
on the following days:
CHRISTMAS DAY - December 25, 2018 NEW YEAR'S DAY - January 01, 2019
Residential - Service will run one day behind throughout the Residential - Service will run one day behind throughout the
holiday week, beginning with services scheduled for the holiday week, beginning with services scheduled for the
holiday. holiday.
Business Small Container - Service scheduled on the holiday Business Small Container - Service scheduled on the holiday
will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the rest will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the rest
of the week anticipate regular service day or one day later. of the week anticipate regular service day or one day later.
Large Container (Industrial) - Service scheduled on the holiday Large Container (Industrial) - Service scheduled on the holiday
will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the
remainder of the week will receive service as normally remainder of the week will receive service as normally
scheduled. scheduled.
MEMORIAL DAY - May 27, 2019 INDEPENDENCE DAY - July 04, 2019
Residential - Service will run one day behind throughout the Residential - Service will run one day behind throughout the
holiday week, beginning with services scheduled for the holiday week, beginning with services scheduled for the
holiday. holiday.
Business Small Container - Service scheduled on the holiday Business Small Container - Service scheduled on the holiday
will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the rest will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the rest
of the week anticipate regular service day or one day later. of the week anticipate regular service day or one day later.
Large Container (Industrial) - Service scheduled on the holiday Large Container (Industrial) - Service scheduled on the holiday
will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the
remainder of the week will receive service as normally remainder of the week will receive service as normally
scheduled. scheduled.
LABOR DAY - September 02, 2019 THANKSGIVING DAY - November 28, 2019
Residential - Service will run one day behind throughout the Residential - Service will run one day behind throughout the
holiday week, beginning with services scheduled for the holiday week, beginning with services scheduled for the
holiday. holiday.
Business Small Container - Service scheduled on the holiday Business Small Container - Service scheduled on the holiday
will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the rest will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the rest
of the week anticipate regular service day or one day later. of the week anticipate regular service day or one day later.
Large Container (Industrial) - Service scheduled on the holiday Large Container (Industrial) - Service scheduled on the holiday
will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the will be collected one day later. Scheduled customers for the
remainder of the week will receive service as normally remainder of the week will receive service as normally
scheduled. scheduled.
If you have questions about your trash or recycling pickup schedule or other services, want to add new services, or
need to change your service, please contact 800-299-4898.