Bac Honorarium Guidelines

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There were exhaustive discussions of that same topic in this forum. So many that I have to
choose only one for your reading (click here.

monalisadomen wrote:
Under sec. 3.4 of BC 2007-3 ... "manner of payment of honoraria and overtime pay to entitled
government personnel to be charge against collections from successfully completed procurement
projects (activities prior to awarding of contracts to winning bidders)".
please help since our COA is asking for gppb guidelines regarding the meaning of successfully
completed procurement projects.

The underlined is your interpretation, right? To be able to understand the context of

"successfully completed project" we should read the entire text, and not just a section of
the guidelines. Careful reading (back) to DBM BC 2004-5a, Sec. 5.4:

5.4 The average amount of honoraria per month over one year shall not exceed twenty five
percent (25%) of the basic monthly salary. The honoraria, however, shall be paid only upon the
successful completion of each procurement.

Now it is clearer to see that successful completion refers to the process from which a
procurement is initiated from pre-proc, advertised, opened bids, evaluated, post qualified,
resolved, recommended, and approved award and was issued Notice of Award in effect.
Contract signing and the rest of the process will already fall under Contract Implementation.
The completion therefore, is not on the project itself but for the procurement process.

However, you should realize that honoraria is NOT mandatory - as it MAY only be granted,
not that it SHALL be granted. And be careful in your computations so as not to exceed your
25% cap.

Grand Master

Number of posts: 2458

Age: 37
Company/Agency: City Government of Bacoor [Region IV-A, Province of Cavite]
Occupation/Designation: Office of the City Legal Service (OCLS) / Certified National Trainer - PhilGEPS
Registration date: 2008-10-31

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