Jawaban Peer Teaching Idah-1

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Kunci jawaban

Generic Structure Paragraph

1. Title a. Tourists coming to Raja Ampat is expected to
prepare their finance is in best time as they have
to spend about 20 million rupiah per person for
this amazing experience.
2. Identification b. Since a 2-hour speed boat journey from Sorong
to Waisai Harbor in Raja Ampat, the eyes have
been spoiled with blue sea and crystal clear
views. The view is even more amazing when
entering Raja Ampat territory. Although the
average air temperature of 45 degrees Celsius,
that is not a reason not to go to this tourism
object since it surrounded by this cluster of
beautiful coral islands.
3. Description of c. Raja Ampat
physical appearance
4. Description of view d. In Bahasa Indonesia, Raja Ampat means "Four
Kings", i.e. four kings who ruled four kingdoms
in the region, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati,
and Batanta. The name of Raja Ampat is taken
from the folklore that exist in the region.
5. Description of e. Raja Ampat regency in West Papua province is
qualities commonly called the "bird's head" has an area of
46,108 square kilometers, and nearly 80 percent
of it is ocean. The length of the beach reaches
4,860 kilometers. However, the inhabitants are
only about 60,000 in 35 islands of 610 islands.
The population is spread over 98 villages and 17

1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5.A
II. Write a descriptive text about tourism object in your hometown!
Pink Beach

Pink Beach or Pantai Merah Muda is one of the beaches in Komodo island, East Nusa
Tenggara. The beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink. The pink color of its
beach is a mixture of white sand beach colors mixed with crushed coral, shells, calcium
carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small, and also Foraminifera, microscopic
amoeba that has a red body shell.
At Pink Beach, there are so many marine organisms. No fewer than 1,000 species of fish,
260 species of coral, and 70 species of sponge can be found here. Having so much marine life,
this place is a proper spot for snorkeling and diving for sea sports lovers.

Pink Beach atau Pantai Merah Muda adalah salah satu pantai yang ada di Pulau
Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pantai ini disebut Pink Beach dikarenakan pasir pantainya
yang berwarna pink.Warna pink dari pantainya merupakan campuran dari warna pantai pasir
putih yang bercampur dengan serpihan karang, cangkang kerang, serta kalsium karbonat dari
invertebrata laut yang berukuran sangat kecil, dan juga Foraminifera, Amuba Mikroskopis yang
memiliki cangkang tubuh berwarna merah.
Di Pink Beach ini terdapat begitu banyak biota laut. Tak kurang dari 1000 spesies ikan,
260 spesies terumbu karang, dan 70 spesies sponge dapat Anda temui di sini. Karena memiliki
biota laut yang begitu banyak, tempat ini sangat cocok dijadikan tempat snorkeling maupun
menyelam bagi para pecinta olah raga laut.
Kunci jawaban
Generic Structure Paragraph
1. Title A. Tourists coming to Raja Ampat is expected to
prepare their finance is in best time as they have to
spend about 20 million rupiah per person for this
amazing experience.
2. Identification b. Since a 2-hour speed boat journey from Sorong to
Waisai Harbor in Raja Ampat, the eyes have been
spoiled with blue sea and crystal clear views. The
view is even more amazing when entering Raja
Ampat territory. Although the average air
temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, that is not a
reason not to go to this tourism object since it
surrounded by this cluster of beautiful coral
3. Description of c. Raja Ampat
physical appearance
4. Description of view d. In Bahasa Indonesia, Raja Ampat means "Four
Kings", i.e. four kings who ruled four kingdoms
in the region, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati,
and Batanta. The name of Raja Ampat is taken
from the folklore that exist in the region.
5. Description of e. Raja Ampat regency in West Papua province is
qualities commonly called the "bird's head" has an area of
46,108 square kilometers, and nearly 80 percent
of it is ocean. The length of the beach reaches
4,860 kilometers. However, the inhabitants are
only about 60,000 in 35 islands of 610 islands.
The population is spread over 98 villages and 17

1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5.A
II. Write a descriptive text about tourism object in your hometown!


This tourist attraction is about ± 34 Km from the center of Palangkaraya, with a travel time of
approximately 45 minutes using the vehicle to reached the top of the hill and then followed by
the trail.

Tangkiling Natural Hill located in the Banturung Village of Bukit Batu

District Palangkaraya Central Kalimantan, is an attractive tourist destination to visit.

While recreation in the open air, we can enjoy the natural scenery and view protected wildlife
such as alligators and deer.

Besides that, we can hiking on hill with a view of nature and hear the birds singing. This whole
broad tourist area is 2594 hectares with details covering 2061 ha nature reserve and 533 hectares
covering the Nature Park .

Kunci jawaban
Generic Structure Paragraph
1. Title a. Tourists coming to Raja Ampat is expected to
prepare their finance is in best time as they have
to spend about 20 million rupiah per person for
this amazing experience.
2. Identification b. Since a 2-hour speed boat journey from Sorong
to Waisai Harbor in Raja Ampat, the eyes have
been spoiled with blue sea and crystal clear
views. The view is even more amazing when
entering Raja Ampat territory. Although the
average air temperature of 45 degrees Celsius,
that is not a reason not to go to this tourism
object since it surrounded by this cluster of
beautiful coral islands.
3. Description of c. Raja Ampat
physical appearance
4. Description of view d. In Bahasa Indonesia, Raja Ampat means "Four
Kings", i.e. four kings who ruled four kingdoms
in the region, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati,
and Batanta. The name of Raja Ampat is taken
from the folklore that exist in the region.
5. Description of e. Raja Ampat regency in West Papua province is
qualities commonly called the "bird's head" has an area of
46,108 square kilometers, and nearly 80 percent
of it is ocean. The length of the beach reaches
4,860 kilometers. However, the inhabitants are
only about 60,000 in 35 islands of 610 islands.
The population is spread over 98 villages and 17

1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5.A
II. Write a descriptive text about tourism object in your hometown!

Ujung Pandaran Beach is a beach located in Kotawaringin Timur of Central

Kalimantan Province. It is located in 80 km away southern of downtown Sampit and
directly adjacent to Java Sea. Ujung Pandaran Beach is one of popular beach in Sampit
City. It is situated in Ujung Pandaran village, Teluk Sampit sub-district, Kotawaringin
Timur district, Central Kalimantan Province. The location which is far from city crowd
can give you good relaxation. It has soft white sands. You can find big woods around
carried by waves ashore.
Most of the local people are fishermen. You can see them fishing using boats. They
also make salty fishes, so salty arome will be the first welcoming you here. There’s an
annual rtual called Simah Laut to cast away disaster. It’s started on Syawal 10th (Islamic
calendar). They start the ritual by cleaning the beach, then they float ritual offerings. It’s
believed to welcome prosperity for local people. When dusk comes, the view at Ujung
Pandaran beach is so beautiful. You can enjoy the sunset while relaxing on some grottos
available here.
Ujung Pandaran Beach can reach by private cehicle or rented vehicle. If from
Sampit; It will take 3 hours using private or rented vehicle. The land route will let you to
see coconut farms and underbrush along the trip. It will go through asphalt, gravels and
cement roads. While from Palangkaraya; You can use either private or rented vehicle. If
you want to use public transportation, take the Palangkaraya-Sampit route from
Palangkaraya bus station. As you arrive in Sampit, take a bus to get you to Sampit Bay
where Ujung Pandaran Beach's location.

Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting adalah tujuan ekowisata yang terkenal secara internasional, yang
terletak di barat daya semenanjung Kalimantan Tengah. Pengunjung dari mancanegara datang ke
taman ini karena sifatnya yang menakjubkan. Ini disebut taman, tetapi tidak seperti taman yang
pernah Anda lihat di kota Anda, ini adalah hutan! Ini adalah hutan sungguhan, yang merupakan
rumah bagi hewan paling menarik di dunia: orangutan.

Meskipun taman ini adalah rumah bagi banyak hewan, melihat orangutan biasanya menjadi
alasan utama pengunjung untuk mengunjungi taman tersebut. Sebagian besar hidup mereka
dihabiskan di pohon-pohon di mana orangutan melakukan perjalanan dari cabang ke cabang
dengan memanjat atau mengayun dengan tangan panjang. (Physical appearance)

Untuk melihat orangutan, kita harus pergi ke Camp Leakey, yang terletak di jantung Taman
Nasional Tanjung Puting. Camp Leakey adalah tempat rehabilitasi bagi orangutan eks-tawanan
dan juga situs pelestarian. Ini juga merupakan pusat penelitian terkenal tentang orangutan. Di
sini pengunjung dapat melihat pemberian makan setiap hari kepada orangutan di anjungan hutan
sebagai bagian dari proses rehabilitasi ke habitat alami mereka. Untuk mencapai tempat itu, kita
harus naik perahu menyusuri sungai Sekonyer. (qualities/characteristics)

Bepergian di atas kapal menawarkan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Di siang hari, dalam
perjalanan ke Camp Leakey, Anda dapat melihat pohon-pohon yang penuh dengan bekantan,
monyet yang memiliki moncong besar yang hanya dapat ditemukan di Kalimantan. Di malam
hari, Anda dapat menikmati langit yang cerah dan bintang-bintang yang luar biasa terang sebagai
satu-satunya lampu untuk malam itu.(Description of view)

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