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Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM)

p-ISSN: 2394-1545; e-ISSN: 2394-1553; Volume 4, Issue 8; October-December, 2017, pp. 559-564
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Leadership Skills and Competencies of

Students at Universities in India
Ayesha Rehman1 and Ayesha Farooq2
Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—The purpose of this study was to examine the leadership The literature on leadership skills has found out that there
skills and competencies of students and to find out the differences on is a focus on college students [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
the basis of gender and type of course on eight distinct scales. The 24].
Student Leadership Outcomes Inventory defined these eight scales. A
total of 239 participants participated in the study. Sampling method This has been due to the belief that the development of
used was convenience sampling type. Participants were reported to leadership skills is a responsibility of higher education.
have moderate levels of leadership skills on all eight scales. Students themselves believe several skills should be developed
However, differences by gender were found on the Cognitive during their college careers. Time management skills, reading
Development/Critical Analysis scale of the instrument while
skills, and public-speaking skills were among those identified
differences by type of course were found on the Technology scale of
the instrument. The findings show that the students possess various
by students as key to success in college[25]. With students
well-developed leadership skills and competencies. being more savvy consumers, institutions are becoming even
more conscious of providing what their consumers want,
Keywords: Leadership, skills, competencies, students, universities. whether that consumer is the student or the employer.

1. INTRODUCTION As a result, colleges and universities have introduced

courses and programs for students designed
Students have an opportunity to develop diverse leadership to promote those leadership skills. These skills have been
abilities during their schooling and college years. Preparing categorized into Technical skills that
future leaders is a basic priority in higher education, but
doubts have been raised about whether this goal is being reflect the specialized knowledge, tools and techniques
achieved or not [1]. Colleges and universities are mostly that leaders either possess or employ. Conceptual skills
focusing on graduating students who will succeed in their includes intelligence, judgment, ability to see the big picture,
careers[2,3,4]. Colleges and universities have perceived that and to envision change. Finally, human skills encompass the
most jobs which are high-paying in nature require a college ability to work with and through others [11].
degree and they have adjusted their curricula to reflect the
skills and competencies needed to earn these jobs [5].To some It has been noted that participation in leadership activities
degree the skills and experiences employers seek vary greatly had more impact on student development than affective
from study to study. Employers report that they look for measurements of the students’ commitment to their personal
candidates who possess transversal abilities in several and social development in college[20]. Involvement in
disciplines such as reading, writing, creative thought, personal leadership activities, and therefore leadership development,
organization, easy integration in working groups, has been associated with gains in practical and interpersonal
organizational efficiency and leadership capacities[6,7,8]. competence [26], intellectual development [27], development
of altruism [28], and commitment to common social
In general, employers look for students who have
completed a bachelor’s degree and possess a broad skill set purposes [29]. Additionally, leadership development
[8].Many employers specifically seek leadership skills among programs have become a
the graduates they hire [9,10,6,11,12]. Usually, employers are major part of the holistic student-development goals of
more interested in students who are leaders[13]. A study was student affairs divisions [30,31].
conducted at Florida State University, as per the results of the
study employers feel that it is important for graduates to have Programmes to promote leadership development have
leadership experience[14].Employers nowadays are urging taken both curricular [32,33,34 ] and co- curricular [33,35]
colleges and universities to ensure that students graduate with forms. Other work has been done to combine these two areas
leadership skills[15]. into a comprehensive leadership development program [36].
560 Ayesha Rehman and Ayesha Farooq

Early leadership experiences provide individuals with the In the fourth scale cognitive development and critical
tools they need to succeed academically, in the workforce, and analysis skills were examined. The fifth scale examined
in other social arenas [37] organization and planning on the part of participants. There
were five items in this section. Each item dealt with an ability
2. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY related to organization and planning. The sixth scale dealt with
the self-confidence of participants. Diversity awareness was
The purpose of this study was to examine the leadership skills the focus of the seventh scale. The eighth scale dealt with the
and competencies of students. This study was aimed at participants’ knowledge of technology.
determining the skills in eight distinct subgroups related to
leadership: self-management, interpersonal, problem- 5. METHOD OF ANALYSIS
solving/decision-making, cognitive development/critical
analysis, organization and planning, self-confidence, diversity Descriptive statistics of the responses were generated through
awareness, and technology. SPSS 16.0. First, the data were coded. Tests of differences
(independent sample T-test) were deployed to test whether
This study was designed to answer the following research
differences existed between males and females as well as the
type of course opted by students. .
(1) What are the leadership skills and competencies of the
university students? 6. RESULTS
(2) Are there differences in leadership skills and Question one: What are the leadership skills and
competencies of university students on the basis of competencies of students?
In order to address this question, descriptive statistics was
(3) Are there differences in leadership skills and calculated for the overall scores in each of the eight scales
competencies of university students on the basis of the represented on the questionnaire. The results are summarized
type of course that they are pursuing? in Table 1. The data indicated that the participants scored
highest on the Self-confidence scale (M = 4.33), and lowest on
3. METHODOLOGY the Organization and planning scale (M = 3.83).
Population and sample Table 1: Descriptive Statistics - leadership skills and
competencies students
The sample has been drawn from two universities- Aligarh N Mean Std. Deviation
Muslim University (Central University) and Bundelkh and Self-management 239 4.1088 .48668
University (State University). A total of 239 students Interpersonal skills 239 3.9965 .49187
participated in the study. Sampling method used was Problem solving/decision 239 3.9791 .64966
convenience sampling type. The result sample included 124 making
males and 115 females. Students were told that the Cognitive development/ 239 3.8695 .57368
participation was voluntary, and were assured that their critical analysis
responses were anonymous. Organization and planning 239 3.8393 .68841
Self-confidence 239 4.3326 .74135
4. INSTRUMENTATION Diversity awareness 239 4.1883 .64667
Technology 239 3.8996 1.15152
The instrument used to collect data was adapted from the
Question two: Are there differences in leadership skills
modified Student Leadership Outcomes Inventory (SLOI)
and competencies of students on the basis of gender?
(Vann 2000, 2004)[38]. The instrument used for the study
consisted of 29 items distributed to eight scales. The second research question presented in the study asked if
Each scale asked participants to respond using a Likert- there were any differences by gender in the leadership skills of
type scale between 1 and 5, 1 being Strongly Disagree, and 5 participants. A t-test was run on each of the eight scales. A
being Strongly Agree. summary by gender of each scale is shown in Table 2. A
significant difference (Sig<0.05) was found on the Cognitive
The first scale had five items that examined the self- Development/Critical Analysis scale.
management skills of participants.
The interpersonal skills of participants were the focus of
the second scale. This section included six items. The third
scale dealt with Problem-solving/decision-making and
included three items.

Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM)

p-ISSN: 2394-1545; e-ISSN: 2394-1553; Volume 4, Issue 8; October-December, 2017
Leadership Skills and Competencies of Students at Universities in India 561

Table 2: Results of t-test on differences in leadership skills and Table 3: Results of t-test on differences in leadership skills and
competencies of students on the basis of gender. competencies of university students on the basis of type of course.

Gender N Mea Std. F Sig. Course N Me Std. F Sig.

n Deviati an Devia
on tion
Self- MALE 12 4.153 .44474 2.35 0.12 Self- PROFESS 149 4.1 .5147 1.928 0.166
management 4 2 2 6 manage IONAL 275 6
FEMA 11 4.060 .52594 ment NON – 90 4.0 .4372
LE 5 9 PROFESS 778 5
Interpersonal MALE 12 3.973 .49313 0.47 0.82
skills 4 1 9 Interpers PROFESS 149 4.0 .5141 1.885 0.171
FEMA 11 4.021 .49141 onal IONAL 213 7
LE 5 7 skills NON – 90 3.9 .4523
Problem MALE 12 3.954 .65895 1.70 0.19 PROFESS 556 5
solving/decis 4 3 3 3 IONAL
ion making FEMA 11 4.005 .64131
LE 5 8 Problem PROFESS 149 3.9 .6759 0.310 0.578
solving/d IONAL 843 9
Cognitive MALE 12 3.874 .53281 4.04 0.04 ecision NON – 90 3.9 .6071
development 4 2 7 5 making PROFESS 704 7
/ critical FEMA 11 3.864 .61704 IONAL
analysis LE 5 3
149 3.8 .5962 0.454 0.501
Organization MALE 12 3.916 .64573 0.95 0.33 Cognitiv PROFESS 966 1
and planning 4 1 3 0 e IONAL
FEMA 11 3.756 .72537 develop NON - 90 3.8 .5345
LE 5 5 ment/ PROFESS 244 0
critical IONAL
MALE 12 4.266 .67906 0.13 0.71 analysis
Self- 4 1 0 8
confidence FEMA 11 4.404 .79993 Organiza PROFESS 149 3.9 .7104 0.414 0.520
LE 5 3 tion and IONAL 007 0
Diversity MALE 12 4.129 .68036 0.73 0.39 planning NON - 90 3.7 .6413
awareness 4 0 8 1 PROFESS 378 8
FEMA 11 4.252 .60471 IONAL
LE 5 2 Self- PROFESS 149 4.3 .6391 2.631 0.106
confiden IONAL 758 1
Technology MALE 12 3.814 1.16429 1.38 0.24 ce NON – 90 4.2 .8844
4 5 1 1 PROFESS 611 1
FEMA 11 3.991 1.13552 IONAL
LE 5 3
Diversity PROFESS 149 4.2 .6271 1.035 0.310
Question three: Are there differences in leadership skills awarenes IONAL 248 9
and competencies of university students on the basis of s NON – 90 4.1 .6769
type of course? PROFESS 278 1
The third research question presented in the study asked if
there were any differences by type of courser in the leadership Technolo PROFESS 149 3.7 1.244
skills and competencies of participants. A t-test was run on gy IONAL 852 25 9.656 0.002
each of the eight scales. A summary by type of course of each
scale is shown in Table 3. A significant difference (Sig<0.05) NON - 90 4.0 .9557
was found on the Technology scale. PROFESS 889 0

Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM)

p-ISSN: 2394-1545; e-ISSN: 2394-1553; Volume 4, Issue 8; October-December, 2017
562 Ayesha Rehman and Ayesha Farooq


The present study results from a research carried out in two The findings have various implications for those who teach
Indian universities. The aim of this study was to find out the leadership in classes, those who conduct leadership workshops
prevalent leadership skills and competencies among students and course coordinators at universities.
and determine whether any differences existed on the basis of
The present study reported moderate scores on the eight
gender, type of course.
leadership scales measured. This would suggest that students
Prominently, eight categories were used to measure the possess these skills to a moderate degree. Leadership course
leadership skills and competencies: 1)self-management; 2) and program coordinators can focus more of their attention on
interpersonal relations; 3) problem solving/decision making; a wider range of leadership skills. This study has found skills
4) cognitive development/critical analysis; 5) organization and related to Cognitive Development/Critical Analysis to be
planning; 6) self-confidence; 7) sensitivity for the diversity; 8) significantly less developed among female students than males
technology. students. Therefore, our findings might assist the leadership
educators tomake an effort by incorporating certain activities
For each item, students were requested to respond to the
which can help the students to develop more of their cognitive
extent to which they agree or disagree with the item. Students
development skills. It should also be noted that various
responded on a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1
intervention programs can to be developed by the universities
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) which led to 3 as the
specifically for the students of non-professional courses so
mid-point of the response range. That is, mean scores over 3
that they can develop the leadership skills and competencies in
suggests that respondents had achieved the skill to some
a better way as this will be beneficial to the students in the
extent, whereas mean scores below 3 suggests that they had
long run.
not achieved the skill to any great degree.
If educators better understand what leadership skills a
Among the categories, means ranged from a high score in
student possess, they can more effectively design curricula
the area of Self-Confidence (M = 4.33) to a low score in the
that bridge the gap between the beliefs about leadership and its
area of Organization and Planning (M = 2.13).
effective practice [1].
Implications for future research
In finding out the differences in leadership skills and
competencies of students on the basis of gender, a significant Similar studies can be conducted by drawing sample from
difference (Sig<0.05) was found only in one domain i.e. other population. More than two universities can be
Cognitive Development/Critical Analysis scale. Females were considered for the study. A distinction can also be made on the
reported to have higher level of skills than males in five basis of public and private university and the results could be
categories: ‘Interpersonal-skills”(F=4.02,M=3.97);“Problem- further compared.
solving”(F=4.00,M=3.95);“Self- This study measured leadership skills and competencies
confidence”(F=4.40,M=4.26);“Diversity- on eight scales. Future studies could expand these eight scales
awareness”(F=4.25’M=4.12); to include additional leadership skill categories.
“Technology”(F=3.99,M=3.81),although these differences are
not statistically significant. REFERENCES
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Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM)

p-ISSN: 2394-1545; e-ISSN: 2394-1553; Volume 4, Issue 8; October-December, 2017

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