Madras University Exam Paper

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APRIL 2012 60114/BTF2A/


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What does ‘‘Operations Research’’ mean?

ö\¯»õ´Âß ö£õ¸Ò GßÚ?

2. Write a short note on LPP assumptions.

LPP&Cß AÝ©õÚ[PøÍ £ØÔ ]Ö SÔ¨¦ ÁøµP.

3. What does ‘Assignment’ mean in OR?


4. Mention the meaning of Optimal Solution in Transportation.

÷£õUSÁµzvÀ Ezu© wºøÁ Gߣuß ö£õ¸øÍU SÔ¨¤kP.

5. What are ‘Events’?


6. State the meaning of ‘‘Time Calculation’’.

‘‘÷|µ PnUQhÀ’’ Gߣuß ö£õ¸øÍU TÖP.

7. Mention the elements in a ‘‘Queue’’.

Á›ø\°¯¼ß £[SPøÍU SÔ¨¤kP.

8. What does ‘‘Float’’ mean?

‘‘Float’’ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

9. Narrate the meaning of ‘‘Dummy’’ Activity.

""h®ª'' ö\¯À£õmiß ö£õ¸øÍ GkzxøµUPÄ®.
10. What is meant by ‘‘Multi channel’’?

‘‘£ÀÁÈ £o’’ Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò ¯õx?

11. State meaning of Pay-Off Matrix.

Dmk Fv¯ AoU÷PõøÁ°ß ö£õ¸øÍU TÖP.

12. What is meant by Saddle point?

C¸UøP ¦ÒÎ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

13. Explain the Simplex Method of solving LPP.

LPP&°øÚ wºUP Simplex •øÓ°øÚ ÂÁ›.

14. A dietician wishes to mix two types of food in such a way that
the Vitamin content of the mixture contains at least 8 units of
Vitamin A and 10 units of Vitamin B. Food I contains 2 units
per kg of Vitamin A and 1 unit per kg of Vitamin B while the
Food II contains 1 unit per kg of Vitamin A and 2 unit per kg of
Vitamin B. It costs Rs. 5 per kg to purchase Food I and
Rs. 8 per kg to purchase Food II. Prepare a mathematical model
of the problem stated above.

Kº EnÄ {¦nº C¸ÁøP EnÄ P»¨¦ u¯õ›UQÓõº. AvÀ

SøÓ¢u£m\® øÁmhªß A 8 A»S® øÁmhªß B 10 A»S®
C¸UP ÷Ásk®. EnÄ I&CÀ J¸ Q÷»õÂÀ 2 A»S øÁmhªß
A&²®, 1 A»S øÁmhªß B&²® EÒÍx. EnÄ II&CÀ J¸
Q÷»õÂÀ 1 A»S øÁmhªß A&²® 2 A»S øÁmhªß B&²®
EÒÍx. EnÄ I Áõ[P 1 Q÷»õ ¹. 5&® ; EnÄ II Áõ[P 1 Q÷»õ
¹. 8&® AhUP©õQÓx. ÷©ØTÔ¯ÁØÔØS Pou ÁiÁø©¨¦

2 60114/BTF2A/
15. A company manufactures 3 types of products which use precious
metals silver and gold. Due to the shortage of these metals, the
government regulates the amount that may be used per day. The
relevant data with respect to supply, requirements and profits
are summarized in the table below :
Product Silver required Gold Required per Profit per unit
per unit / Grams unit / grams Rs.
A 2 3 500
B 4 2 600
C 6 4 1,200

Daily allotment of silver and gold is 160 grams and 120 grams
respectively. How should the company divide the supply of
scarce precious metals? What is the optimum profit? (Use
Simplex method)
J¸ {ÖÁÚ® 3 ÁøP ö£õ¸mPÒ EØ£zv ö\´¯ C¸ •UQ¯
ö£õ¸mPÒ öÁÒÎ ©ØÖ® u[P® £¯ß£kzxQÓx. CUPÛ©[PÒ
SøÓÁõP EÒÍuõÀ Aµ_ J¸ |õÒ £¯ß£õmiøÚ
Pmk¨£kzxQÓx. Cx öuõhº£õÚ ÂÁµ[PÒ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ :
ö£õ¸mPÒ öÁÒÎ u[P® Kº A»QØS C»õ£®
(J¸ A»QØS) Qµõ® (J¸ A»QØS) Qµõ® ¹.
A 2 3 500
B 4 2 600
C 6 4 1,200

vÚ\› öÁÒÎ ©ØÖ® u[P® JxURk •øÓ÷¯ 160 Qµõ® ©ØÖ®

120 Qµõ®. C¢u {ÖÁÚ® GÆÁõÖ PÛ© AΨø£ £Q¸®? Cuß
Ezu© C»õ£ AÍÄ GßÚ? (Simplex •øÓø¯ £¯ß£kzxP)

16. Write down the dual of :

Minimize Z = 7 X 1 + 10 X 2

S.t. 10 X 1 + 13 X 2 > = 50

7 X 1 + 9 X 2 < = 40

3 X 1 + 5 X 2 = 20

X1 , X 2 ≥ 0 .

3 60114/BTF2A/
«a]Ö Z = 7 X 1 + 10 X 2

S.t. 10 X 1 + 13 X 2 > = 50

7 X 1 + 9 X 2 < = 40

3 X 1 + 5 X 2 = 20

X1 , X 2 ≥ 0 .

17. Four jobs can be processed on four different machines, one job on
one machine. Resulting times in minutes vary with assignments.
They are given below:

I 42 35 28 21
Jobs II 30 25 20 15
III 30 25 20 15
IV 24 20 16 12

Find the optimum assignment of jobs to machines and the

corresponding profit.
|õßS £oPøÍ |õßS C¯¢vµ[PÒ, JßÖUS Kº £o Ãu®
ö\´²®. JxURmiøÚ ö£õ¸zx ö\¯À ÷|µ® Aø©²®.
AÆÂÁµ[PÒ R÷Ç uµ¨£mkÒÍÚ. ({ªh[PÎÀ)

I 42 35 28 21
£oPÒ II 30 25 20 15

III 30 25 20 15
IV 24 20 16 12

C¯¢vµzvØPõÚ Ezu© JxURmiøÚ²® Cuß C»õ£zøu²®

4 60114/BTF2A/
18. Draw a network for the following project:
Predecessor A B C D E F G H J K
Successor – CD GEF G F J H J K –

RÌPõq® vmhzvØS Áø»¤ßÚÀ £h® ÁøµP.

•ß A B C D E F G H J K
¤ß – CD GEF G F J H J K –

19. Consider the game G with the following Pay off matrix. Show
that G is strictly determinable, whatever λ be and determine
the value of G.
Player B
B1 B2

Player A A1 2 6

A2 –2 λ

Âøͯõmk G&US EshõÚ Dmk Fv¯ AoU÷PõøÁ

uµ¨£mkÒÍx. Âøͯõmk G •ØÔ¾® PnUQh¨£k® GÚU
PõmkP. ( λ G¨£i C¸¨¤Ý®) ©ØÖ® G Cß ©v¨ø£ PnUQkP.
õº B
B1 B2

õº A A1 2 6

A2 –2 λ

PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

20. A farmer has 1,000 acres of land on which he can grow paddy,
wheat or soya beans. Each acre of paddy cost Rs. 100 for
preparation, requires 7 man-days of work and yield a profit of
Rs. 30. An acre of wheat costs Rs. 120 to prepare, requires 10
man-days of work and yields a profit of Rs. 40. An acre of soya
beans costs Rs. 70 to prepare requires 8 man-days of work and
yields a profit of Rs. 20. If the farmer has Rs. 1 lakh for
preparation, and can count on 80,000 man-days work, formulate
the mathematical model.
5 60114/BTF2A/
Kº ÂÁ\õ°°h® 1,000 HUPº {»® EÒÍx. AvÀ AÁº ö|À,
÷Põxø© ©ØÖ® ÷\õ¯õ £°›kQÓõº. ö|À £°›h JÆöÁõ¸
HUP¸US® u¯õº£kzu ¹. 100, 7 ©Ûu |õmPÒ £o ©ØÖ® C»õ£®
¹. 30 EÒÍx. ÷Põxø© £°›h JÆöÁõ¸ HUP¸US® u¯õº£kzu
¹. 120, 10 ©Ûu |õmPÒ £o ©ØÖ® C»õ£® ¹. 40 EÒÍx. ÷\õ¯õ
£°›h JÆöÁõ¸ HUP¸US® u¯õº£kzu ¹. 70, 8 ©Ûu |õmPÒ £o
©ØÖ® C»õ£® ¹. 20 EÒÍx. A¢u ÂÁ\õ°°h® ¹.1 C»m\®
EÒÍx. ÷©¾® 80,000 ©Ûu |õmPÒ £o EÒÍx. CuØPõÚ Pou
ÁiÁø©¨ø£ u¯õ›UPÄ®.

21. The ABC manufacturing company makes two products P1 and

P2 . Each of the products requires time on a cutting machine and
a finishing machine. Relevant data are:
P1 P2
Cutting hours per unit 2 1
Finishing hours per unit 3 3
Profit per unit Rs. 6 Rs. 4
Maximum Sales (unit per week) – 200

The number of cutting hours available per week is 390 and

number of finishing hours available per week is 810. How much
should be produced of each product in order to achieve maximum
profit for the company?
ABC EØ£zv {Ö©® C¸ ö£õ¸mPÒ P1 ©ØÖ® P2 u¯õ›UQÓx. C¸
ö£õ¸mPÐUS® ÷uøÁ¯õÚ öÁmk C¯¢vµ® ©ØÖ® •iÄ C¯¢vµ
÷|µ® ÷uøÁ²ÒÍx. E›¯ ÂÁµ[PÒ :
P1 P2
Kº A»S öÁmh ÷|µ® 2 1
Kº A»S •iUP ÷|µ® 3 3
Kº A»SUS C»õ£® ¹. 6 ¹. 4
AvP ÂØ£øÚ A»S (¤µv Áõµ®) – 200

öÁmh EÒÍ ÷|µ® ÁõµzvØS 390. •iUP EÒÍ ÷|µ® ÁõµzvØS

810. «¨ö£¸® C»õ£® Aøh¯ JÆöÁõ¸ ö£õ¸øͲ® G¢u
AÍÂØS {Ö©® EØ£zv ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®?

6 60114/BTF2A/
22. Using Big M method,

Minimize Z = 4 X 1 + X 2

S.T. 3 X 1 + 4 X 2 > = 20

X 1 + 5 X 2 > =15

X1 , X 2 > = 0 .

Big M •øÓ¨£i wºUP

«a]Ö Z = 4 X 1 + X 2

S.T. 3 X 1 + 4 X 2 > = 20

X 1 + 5 X 2 > =15

X1 , X 2 > = 0 .

23. Find the minimum cost solution for the following transportation
problem which has cost structure as

To Availabilities

16 19 12 14

From 22 13 19 16
14 28 8 12

Requirements 10 15 17

RÌPõq® ÷£õUSÁµzx PnUQØUPõÚ SøÓ¢u£m\ ö\»Ä wºøÁ

RÌPõq® ÂÁµ[PÎÀ C¸¢x u¸P.

16 19 12 14

öuõhUP® 22 13 19 16

14 28 8 12

÷uøÁ 10 15 17

7 60114/BTF2A/
24. A project has the following characteristics :
Job Duration Days
i− j t0 Tm Tp

1–2 3 6 15
1–6 2 5 14
2–3 6 12 30
2–4 2 5 8
3–5 5 11 17
4–5 3 6 15
6–7 3 9 27
5–8 1 4 7
7–8 4 19 28

Draw the network using the nodes relation with expected timing
and find the critical path using CPM.
Kº vmhzvß ußø©PÒ ¤ßÁ¸©õÖ :
£o £oPõ»® |õmPÒ
i− j t0 Tm Tp

1–2 3 6 15
1–6 2 5 14
2–3 6 12 30
2–4 2 5 8
3–5 5 11 17
4–5 3 6 15
6–7 3 9 27
5–8 1 4 7
7–8 4 19 28

CPM £¯ß£kzv Gvº£õºUS® Põ» AÍÂߣi J¸ Chµõº¢u

Áø»¨¤ßÚÀ £h® ÁÈ u¯õ›UPÄ®.


8 60114/BTF2A/

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