Determinants of Implementation of County Water and Sanitation Programme in Maseno Division of Kisumu West SubCounty, Kisumu County, Kenya
Determinants of Implementation of County Water and Sanitation Programme in Maseno Division of Kisumu West SubCounty, Kisumu County, Kenya
Determinants of Implementation of County Water and Sanitation Programme in Maseno Division of Kisumu West SubCounty, Kisumu County, Kenya
ISSN: 2455-3689 Volume 3 Issue 2 ǁ February 2019 ǁ PP 32-46
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The provision of water and sanitation globally, is threatened by climate change
and pollution. Many industrialized and developing countries alike are struggling to achieve universal safe water
coverage of 100% piped water connection to households and adequate sanitation. Water scarcity has imposed
burden on women in their daily lives. Inadequate sanitation and outbreaks of infections have affected the health
of the general population in Africa, Kenya in particular. Further to the above background, this study
endeavored to establish the overall influence of determinants of implementation of water and sanitation
programme in Maseno Division of Kisumu West Sub-county. Anchored on the role’s theory, the target
population for the study was 31600 households. From this, a sample size of 380 respondents plus one water
company manager and two field officers was drawn for Maseno division under study. Data was collected
through questionnaire forms administered by research assistants. Pilot testing of the study was administered at
Manyatta slums in Kisumu Central Sub-county. To uphold the content validity, the contents of qualitative data
was discussed with the supervisors before conclusions and generalizations were made. Reliability was tested by
Kunder-Richardson(K-R)20 formula based on the split half reliabilities of data from all possible halves of
instruments. Quantitative approaches using statistical package namely frequencies, means and percentages
were analyzed and presented in tables.
On the first objective, the study established that the majority of the households (48.7%) noted that lack of
adequate financial allocation led to underdeveloped pipe network. The County government did not put in place
adequate measures to address the issues of rural water capital investment programmes in successive financial
budgetary provisions. On the second objective, the study established that there was lack of skilled human
resource on the ground to ensure sustainability in service delivery. On the third objective, the study established
that, although 89.5% of the respondents were aware of the county government’s role in the provision of water
and sanitation services, most of the water projects in the community were initiated by the community themselves
and donor NGOs. The study further established that necessary active participation by stakeholders was not fully
accommodated by the county government and this did not promote the decision-making process to ensure
commitment, accountability and sustainability. The forth objective established that majority of respondents
(60.5%), cited inadequate infrastructure of pipe network for proper waste disposals and hence the majority
(95.5%) used pit latrines for waste disposal. For findings, it was strange to note that very few households had
septic tank connections. Since sanitation is a component of water safety, the county government was required to
partner with relevant development agencies to construct safe latrines, well covered for proper waste disposals.
As for effective management, majority of respondents (63.7%) returned the verdict of not effective. The study
concluded that most people draw water from natural sources like rivers, wells and there was shortage of skilled
man-power. It was therefore recommended that there is need for adequate financial allocations, adequate
community participation and efficient management. For further studies, devolution as a concept and
management challenges need to be investigated further. Secondly, the impact of failure in water and sanitation
sector in the other sub-counties of Kisumu County need further attention.
Background to the study : The study reflected on the provision of water and sanitation services across the
world in terms of determinants of implementation for example finances, management capacity, stakeholders’
participation and infrastructure. It captured the overall situation across the world, regionally, nationally and up
to the local level. Globally, in the United Kingdom the main threat to safe water resources is pollution and
climate change. The same is encroaching into Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya notwithstanding. Despite the looming
threats in UK's water resources, it has remained one of the few industrialized counties that have achieved
universal safe water coverage of 100% piped water connection. (WHO/UN1CEF, 2010) and adequate sanitation.
In the United States (US), outbreaks of infections, etiology associated with drinking water were reported with
increased risk of gas troenteritis (WHO, 2004). In the Philippines, an odds ratio (OR) of 1.92 for diarrhea was
reported following consumption of water contaminated with levels of Escherichia Coli (a faucal indicator of
bacteria) from an unprotected water source (WHO, 2004). During 2000 millennium summit held in New York,
member counties of the United Nations agreed on eight set goals to reduce poverty by 2015 one of which was to
be reduced by half the proportion of households that do not have access to clean water and proper sanitation
(Guilanin et al, 2005).
In America, there is still significant number of areas where water scarcity imposes burden on women in their
daily lives and inadequate sanitation has affected the health of the general population. Japan has made it a
priority through JICA to help other counties to attain the UN millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by
2015.Japan has been the largest donor in clean water and sanitation and has spent Us $7 billion in five years
from 2003-2007 being 38% of all the bilateral donor funds (Stockholm,2010). In Ludz Poland with a population
of 800,000 people, use most of the rivers as sewerage thus leading to pollution that has diminished deficiency of
sewerage purification by waste water plant during wet weather (Kostzyn et al). The same effect is in Niragua,
Canada with 110,000 inhabitants whereas sanitation sewerage systems are lacking leading to contamination of
creeks with waste water which in turn contaminated Lake Cocibocas. Since this Lake is a potential source of
water supply source for the region, it is crucial to stop its pollution. A similar fate threatens Lake Victoria in
Kisumu County of Kenya. Proper management of positive addition to the environment that lead to improved
food security, health and economic development (WHO/UNICEF J.M.P, 2004).
Water and sanitation are essential services and all the eight millennium development goals (MDGs) are directly
or indirectly related to access to water. Goal No.7 Target 10 aims to halve the proportion of world population
without sustainable access to safe drinking water between 1990 and 2015. It is a key target in its own right but
achieving that target is critical to the attainment of other goals (UNDP, 2006). The importance of water for
health and development has been shown in outcomes of a series of international policy forums such as the
World Water Conference in Mardelpiata, Argentina (WHO, 1977), Almar-Atta Primary Health Care
Declaration, (WHO, 1978), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (WHO, 2000) and the Johannesburg
World Summit for Sustainable Development Goals, (WHO 2000). The UN General Assembly declared the
period from 2005-2015 as International Decade for Action on water for life (WHO, 2005).
The United Nations as part of its millennium development goals expressed its commitment by 2015 to reduce by
half, the people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Current estimates are
that there are still 1.1 billion people without this access (WHO/UNICEF, 2006). A lot of progress is being made
in widening coverage of 'improved water samples' such as protected wells, springs, boreholes and household
connections. However, results from recent assessment in six pilot countries found that 31% of drinking water
samples form exceed WHO guideline values (GV) and national drinking water standards in the pilot countries
for fiscal contamination as the leading source of infection and disease (RADWG, 2006).
In 2010, The people of Kenya recognizing the aspirations of all for a government based on the essential values
of human rights equity, freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law, exercised their sovereign and
inalienable right to determine the form of governance of their country and having participated fully in the
making of a new constitution, adopted and enacted a devolved system of Government (The Constitution of
Kenya, 2010).Through Legal Notice No. 16 of 2013, TA identified and transferred the functions: these included,
Agriculture, health services, water and sanitation, cultural activities, transport (roads) animal control, trade
development, planning and developments. No environmental Conservation (some specifics), public works
(storm water/sanitation services) and control of drugs. The rider to these devolved functions was that the county
government was to ensure the coordinating of the participation of communities and locations in governance at
the local level and assist communities and locations to develop the administrative exercise of the functions and
powers and participation in governance at the local level. To what extent this was achievable in Kisumu County
is well articulated at the abstract section of this research paper (Legal Notice No.16 of 2013).
The Kenya Vision 2030 blueprint aims at transforming the country into an industrialized middle-income country
providing high quality life to its entire citizens by the year 2030. Water sector has developed policies and
strategies to support attainment of vision 2030 goals. These include Medium Term Plan (2012) and National
Water Services Strategy [NWSS] (2015). The goal of the NWSS is to ensure sustainable access to safe water
and basic sanitation to all Kenyans and also to halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to
quality services by 20I5. The progressive goals of both the Medium-Term Plan (2012) and NWSS (2015) are to
increase investments in water services (new facilities, extensions, augmentation etc), to reverse the declining per
capita availability of water, to increase access to safe water to 72% and 59% in urban and rural areas
respectively as well reduce non-revenue water to about 30%. In addition, it aims at increasing access to safe
sanitation to 70% and sewerage coverage to 40% and 10% in urban and market growth centers in rural areas
respectively. It also intends to strengthen a national/county monitoring and information system on water services
(Kenya Vision 2030 Blueprint).
In this region, Kisumu County in particular, there has been water services boards mandated to achieve the above
scenarios namely, Lake Victoria South Water Services Board (LVSWSB) mandated to source for funds, develop
infrastructural assets, implementation and licensing of water companies e.g. Kisumu Water and Sewerage
Company (KIWASCO) through service provision agreements (SPA) others include, NY ANAS, Nyakach,
Nyando and Nandi Services-covering Nyakach and Nyando Sub-Counties of Kisumu County, Gulf Water Co-
covering Kisumu West and Seme Sub-Counties. However, the Nandi wing has since been withdrawn to Kericho
County (LVSWSB, 2014).
The funds required are for electricity bills, salaries for staff, repairs and maintenance, water treatment and
distribution. The stakeholders’ support is expected to ensure success of the entire process of water provision
programme. This study endeavored to establish the overall influence of determinants for water provision in
Kisumu West Sub-County so as to give a general overview of any achievements by county Government of
Kisumu, water and sanitation being amongst the devolved functions of the county governments according to the
2010 constitution (Constitution of Kenya, 2010).
Further to the above background, this study endeavoured to establish the overall influence of determinants for
water provision in Kisumu West Sub-County so as to give a general overview of any achievements by County
Government of Kisumu, water and sanitation being amongst the devolved functions of county governments
according to the 2010 Constitution (Constitution of Kenya, 2010).
Statement of the Problem: The main problem is with the management of water and sanitation and supply of
clean water services under devolved system of governance as provided for in the Constitution of Kenya (2010).
This is a new concept in the water services sector. Resource allocation that is perceived to be adequate to
support the implementation of provision of clean water and sanitation services is one critical issue in most parts
the country. Kenya’s key water provision indicators have deteriorated over time yet water and sanitation
services are key compliments to health. Water can be a dangerous conveyor of known health problems like
bilharzia, malaria, typhoid to name but a few and if not managed could lead to other menaces like floods,
landslides, runoffs. Water is therefore an important commodity for the survival of human kind (WHO/UNICEF,
Prolonged droughts in Kenya have led to loss of livestock, reduced food production, loss of lives due to
shortage of water and yet these situations could be i managed through well-known technologies of irrigation
channels that could be translated into economic production for improved lifestyles of our people. It is
noteworthy that implementation of country water and sanitation programme is critical to the attainment of better
health standards in a manner responsive to the population needs and that decentralization of planning and
implementation of water and sanitation services is a suggestion that is one of the solutions that could help
narrow the gaps in health outcomes by ensuring the provision and supply of clean water services across the
villages (WHO/UNICEF, 2013). Most research programmes have focused on the effectiveness of specific
interventions rather than on the effectiveness (distribution networks) of the implementation process or the
relationship between implementation and outcome (adequate supply), but reviews of research offer strong
support that the level of implementation affects the outcomes obtained in promotion and prevention programme
as it is in health care. It is therefore imperative that counties (Kisumu County) focus their attention on the way
water resources program are managed in order to improve health and food security outcomes for a healthy
community within the county. This study undertook to establish key determinants of implementation and
management of County water supply program so that they are given proper attention in terms of provision,
control offer decision making and way forward in the water sector (Durlak and Duupre, 2008).
Financial Allocations and Water and Sanitation Management Programme: Financial Sustainability of
water services can only be ensured when a right mix of finances for all key expenditure categories, namely;
capital investments (hardware software), capital maintenance (one off major repair investments) and operational
expenditures (daily operation costs) can be ensured. The Kisumu County’s Resources Mobilization Plan aims at
making the public, politicians and technical staff aware of the way the sector should and can be financed and
work hard to get the support from all stakeholders. Traditional sources on focus include government funding,
donor Agencies, Consumer Private Sector funding will be sought as a new source of financing. Kisumu County
further relies on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework to provide an opportunity to do business with
private investors. It is hoped that this mutual arrangement, key for successful attraction of private sector
investment will be that the county water departments WSPs and consumers create the environment where
investors can expect reasonable returns with acceptable risks (Source's County Strategic Plan 2015). The
Kisumu County Budget and Financial Process for financial stability of water services, assurance recognizes the
fact that there will be a right mix of finances for all key expenditures. Categories (CapEX, OpEX, CapMan Ex,
ExpDs). In order to achieve the mix, the County Government Budget Process observed the following steps: -
First step is to identify and estimate how big the expenditures for these categories will be for the planning
period. The second step is to identify the expected costs related to the outcome areas, which all fall in the
categories of CapEx, CapMan Ex and ExpDs. The third step is to identify how and by who the expenditures of
these different categories can be financed.
Table 2.1: Unit Costs by MWI (2005) and Kisumu County Water Department
KES/pers Point source Rural piped Rural piped Rural piped Rural piped
scheme scheme scheme scheme
Key: It is interesting to note from the County’s budget projections that Water Service Governance was allocated
Kshs.83 M as ExpDx as support costs for County and NGO's Water Service Management Kshs.13 M,
infrastructure Kshs.3.1 M out of which only Kshs.163,000/= was allocated for Rural Water Capital Investment,
and a whooping Kshs.200 M was set aside for capacity building i.e. Capacity Development Plan. Finally, the
budget provided for Kshs.8 M for resource mobilization.
Based on the infrastructure targets an estimate is made of how much one-off capital investments will be required
for new infrastructure and an estimate is made for the recurrent cost which are calculated on a yearly basis and
cover daily operation and maintenance, the support cost incurred by the Water Service Authority (County Water
Department) and the expenditures for major repairs and rehabilitation. The latter was an important component of
the asset management plan and are yearly reservations based on the life time of system components.
Ideally the budgets for these different expenditures are based on a good analysis of the costs of running the
water services in Kisumu County. Unfortunately, the required detailed information is not directly available and
requires too much time and resources to retrieve in the context of this strategic plan. For water the budgets are
based by using the unit costs as have been calculated in MWI (2005) and translated to the values of 2014. (See
table 1.).
• The same assumptions as were made for the target population calculation
• For direct support costs (ExpDs) no data are available and the value of US $ 2/person/year has been
selected. This is the average that comes from the WASH Cost benchmark that ranges between 1-3 USD.
Table 2.2 below summarizes the required budgets for Kisumu County for rural infrastructure. For urban
sanitation no unit costs are provided by the County Water Department, therefore estimates of the Busia Water
Office have been used. Only unit costs for one-off initial capital investments are used as other data are lacking.
• Government
• County Government
• Donor Agencies
• Public Private Partnerships
• Affordable tariffs
Table 2.2: Estimated Required Expenditures for Rural Water Infrastructure Kisumu County 2015-19
Technology Average Investment Investment KES CapEx KES KES OpEx KES ExpDs
Type Population Target Target CapManEx
Served 2015- Population Population
2009 Rehabilitation
Rural Point Sources 502,634 0 0 0 29,336,072 9,746,364 100,426,227
Piped 63,714 17,375 40,541 103,366,854 4,172,333 9,717,681 12,730,085
Schemes with
Piped 28,318 20,755 20,755 60,003,839 1,857,621 4,179,648 5,657,816
Schemes with
TOTAL 594,665 38,130 64,296 163,370,693 35,366,026 23,643,693 118,814,123
The Kisumu County budget for water and urban sanitation is shown accordingly but no provision on Rural
Sanitation at all, painting a glime picture of the County's commitment to service delivery on sanitation in the
rural community during the projected financial expenditure in the first phase of devolution (2013-2017).
This state of affairs shows disparity in budgeting for infrastructure (piped scheme) in rural areas as urban gets
above Kshs.5000 and rural is below Kshs.5000 capitation (see table 2). (Kisumu County Budget 2015-2017).
In the year 2002, UNDP established an organization called Cap-Net, as an international network for capacity
building in sustainable water management. It is addressing the need for capacity to implement reforms in the
water sector. Its composition is made up of a partnership of autonomous international, regional and national
institutions. Evidence available indicate that Cap- Net has partnered with European Union water initiative
finance Working group to deliver training on strategic financial planning that brings together regulators, water
companies and national planers to understand the gaps in financing for water and sanitation and the actions
required to close those gaps. Conceptual Framework
The framework above conceptualized the increase in population (households) with access to safe water in Maseno Division of
Kisumu West-Sub County by 2017 as the dependent on key four independent variables namely: financial allocation,
management capacities, stakeholders’ participation and infrastructure. The Conceptual framework thus shows the
operationalization of variables under each determinant for the implementation of the county water and sanitation programme
focusing on Maseno Division of Kisumu West Sub-County in particular.
Research Design: The approach that was adopted was both qualitative and qualitative using descriptive survey
design. Cross sectional as a form of descriptive study design was applied for the study. It is found necessary and
suitable for this work since it involves gathering data in order to answer questions based on the current status of
the subjects of study. According to Babbie (1993) cross sectional descriptive study design are best suitable for
collecting information on population at a single point in time. In this study the effort to determine the
implementation of water and sanitation program vis a vis financial resources, management capacity, stakeholder
participation and infrastructure adopted questionnaire-based survey approach besides using the key informal
guide. The benefits associated with the survey design include ease of establishing correlation between variables
and comparison anonymous completion of questionnaires, possibility of response biases notwithstanding. Target
Population and Sample Size This study targeted a population of 31,600 households of Kisumu West Sub-County
in addition to one Water Company Manager, two Field Officers. This is the target population from which the
sample was drawn, for Maseno Division under study.
Households 31,600
Field Officers 2
Total 31,603
From Table 3.1 above, targeted population was 31,603 which consisted of 31,600 households, 1 water company
manager and 2 field officers.
Response Return Rate
This section discusses the social and demographic characteristics of the respondents. This includes gender of the
respondents, age of respondents and number of people in the households.
Gender of the Respondents : This section represents findings on the gender of respondents, the study sought to
know the gender representation of the respondents. Figure 4.1 illustrate the frequency and percentage of gender
of the respondents.
The findings above illustrate that out of the 380 respondents 147 are male and 233 are female this corresponds
to 38.7% and 61.3% respectively. The finding shows that majority of the respondents are female. This was
considered important as it could reveal information on gender bracket of the respondents who largely took part
in the study. Figure 2 illustrates the gender of respondents and which people are more likely to be affected by
the outcomes and challenges on water and sanitation.
Household Population: This section discusses the household population of the respondents
The findings above illustrates that out of the 380 respondents 165 have below 5 members, 216 have between 5-
10 members and 55 are members with above ten in one household, this correspond to 37.9%, 56.8%, and 5.3%
respectively. The finding show that majority of the respondents are between 5-10 members in one household.
(Figure 4).
This section discusses the sources of water available for the community
Lake 1 .3 .3 30.8
Wells 139 36.6 36.6 67.4
Rivers 98 25.8 25.8 93.2
Vendor 22 5.8 5.8 98.9
Others 4 1.1 1.1 100.0
Total 380 100.0 100.0
This section sought to present findings on the different sources of water that is used by the community of
Maseno Division of Kisumu West Sub-County. The findings illustrate that out of 380 respondents, 139 draw
water from wells, 116 from piped water, 98 from rivers, 22 from vendors and 4 from other sources like roof
catchments, small streams et cetera. This corresponds to 36.6%, 30.5%, 25.8%, 5.8%, and 1.1% respectively.
The findings therefore show that the three major sources of water for the community were wells, piped and
rivers (Table 4.5 above).
After identifying the main sources of water and finding out the extent to which households are connected to
piped water, this section sought to find out how reliable these sources are. The findings illustrate that out of 380
respondents, 196 (51.6%) agreed that the water reliability was good, 93 (24.5%) however, said that the water
was not reliable. This cohort of respondents were those relying on piped water as source, 91 (23.9%
respondents) said it was very reliable. These are the households whose main source of water was either wells,
rivers or both. The findings show that Maseno Division, my area of study, had water mainly from natural
This section sought to find out the safety of drinking water vis-à-vis their sources. The findings above illustrate
that out of 380 respondents 115(30.3%) disagreed with the safety of drinking water, 105(27.6%) agreed that the
water was safe for drinking, 92(24.2%) strongly agreed to the safety, 37(9.7%) were neutral and 31(6.2%) of
households strongly disagreed. If we consider those who disagreed plus those who strongly disagreed
148(38.3%), the findings show that the households are not happy with the safety of drinking water and therefore
some action should be taken to remedy the fear amongst the households.
To ensure access to safe and affordable water and sanitation for all will not be easy particularly in developing
countries, only if the gates will be raised to investment when governments establish sound regulatory
frameworks, including provisions for sustainable cost recovery for the services rendered. Investors however can
measure themselves at least in one respect. As opposed to the challenges of previous years, water offers
investors the refreshing alternative of stable returns all in the name of the public good.
Community Participation and Effects: This section discusses the extent of community participation and
effects thereon.
This section sought to find out whether the respondents were aware of the importance of community
participation in the provision of services by the various actors, national government, county governments, NGOs
and donors. The responses indicated that community participation was necessary especially by the County
Government to ensure the concept of ownership, sustainability and equity are achieved. It further promotes
accountability and responsibility among community members. The findings show that the stakeholders in the
process of providing water services did not conduct this aspect adequately.
The concept of participation implies participation as either a means or instrumental participation and
participation as an end or transformative participation. Participation as a third form is also identified as cosmetic
participation (also referred to as token participation) .The quality of participation varies depending on where in
the project cycle participation occurs: planning implementation, monitoring and evaluation. However,
instrumental participation is the model that describe a co-opting practice, to mobilize labour and reduce costs in
which they (local people) participate in our projects. Participation within this paradigm aims at transforming
people from traditional to modern citizens within the political economy of the developing country. This study
recommends this type of participation in the water and sanitation sector. Stakeholder participation therefore has
direct influence in the implementation of water and sanitation program. It is prudent to note here that
transformative participation enables local people to become involved in their own development and promotes
self-reliance in decision making.
The full community participation would reduce maintenance cost on infrastructural networks for the supply of
water services. This could be ascertained from the responses above. Out of 380 respondents 147(38.7%)
approved, 120(31.6%) were not aware since it was not a common practice by service providers to conduct
adequate public participation amongst the community members, 63 (16.6%) did not feel the effect of community
participation. The findings show that there was luck of community participation in this area of study.
Pipe Network and Water Availability : This section discusses the extent of pipe network and availability
across the villages.
This section sought to find out the extent to which piped water served the community under study. Out of 380
respondents, 230 responded in the negative that they were not served by piped water and 150 responded in the
affirmative that they were served by piped water. This corresponds to 60.5% and 39.5% respectively. The
findings show that Maseno Division under study has inadequate piped water into the households. (Table 4.9.1).
This section sought to find out the rate of flow of piped water, availability and frequency. The findings below
illustrate that out of 380 respondents, the majority did not know how often water came through the pipes despite
the availability of the network. The findings show that the flow of piped water was irregular. This section sought
to find out on cost and affordability of water charges. Most respondents were willing to pay for water at the rate
of 500/- per month but since flow of water was unreliable, they felt this charge was too high. However, if there
is flexibility to sooth customers by determining what local households population can afford, then the cost factor
is none issue.
Cost and water affordability : This section discusses the water charges and affordability
The area under study had very few meter boxes to charge the volume of water consumed by each household.
They were on a flat rate charge at 500/- per month. Out of 380 respondents, 305(80.3%) said they did not have
meter boxes, 30 (7.9%) did not know about meter boxes. Only a few 45(11.8%) had meter boxes in their homes.
When the poorest cannot pay there are better ways of ensuring they have access to water and sanitation than
keeping prices low for all. Tariffs can be designed so that higher income consumers cross-subsidize the most
vulnerable poor households to be provided with income support to cover part of their water bills: for example in
Chile, the poor are provided with water vouchers to help pay their water bills. A better option in many
developing countries like Kenya is to subsidize access not consumption. Pit Latrines Covered Vs Uncovered and
The findings above and below illustrate that most households have pit latrines for use even though some have
septic tanks to dispose wastes. In East Karateng’, for example, the administration of the area developed a policy
that warned the community members against the disposal of wastes in the open field or nearby bushes.
Billboards were affixed in those open areas with clear warnings. “East Karateng’ Sub-location is an open
defecation free zone (ODF)-Onge Pielo Oko E Bungu Kata E Pap East Karateng’ Kae.” See Billboard below.
Literature review findings for example reveal that many communities in the developing countries like in
Mumbai India, one out of twenty people defecate in the open for lack of toilets. People were willing to
contribute to the capital cost of constructing 330 community toilet blocks and pay for their maintenance through
membership scheme and user fees. A large number of people (400000) benefited from the Mumbai Slum
Sanitation project which has become a model for similar initiatives under India’s Policy on national urban
sanitation. The same approach could be adopted by the county government through our national clarion of
harambee spirit. Pay toilet blocks are found in the urban areas of Kenya and could easily be replicated to
neighboring sub-counties like Kisumu West Sub-county, the study area of this research project
Summary of Data Analysis : This section has been arranged in line with the objectives of their study; to
establish the influence of financial allocation on the implementation of county water and sanitation program in
Kisumu West Sub County of Kisumu County, to determine the extent to which stakeholders participation
influences the implementation of county water and sanitation program and to establish the extent to which
infrastructure influences the implementation of county water and sanitation program. The first objective of this
study was to establish the influence of financial allocation on the implementation of county water and sanitation
program in Kisumu West Sub County of Kisumu County, Kenya.
The study established that the majority of the respondents draw water from wells, piped and rivers. It is obvious
that rivers are not safe sources of water due to uncontrolled contamination activities that are rampant along the
river valleys. The community members have resorted to drawing water from the rivers due to the inability of the
county government and its agencies to provide safe drinking water and sanitation program. The study also
established that the majority of respondents were not connected to piped water. The county government needs to
put a substantial budget to develop water network across the county to enable households to be served
adequately. Financial allocation to this sector must be adequate to develop the necessary infrastructure on the
ground from a main source across the village into the households. The study further established that financial
sustainability of water services for capital investments maintenance and daily operational costs are inevitable
but there was no evidence that the county government had put in place such measures. A rural water capital
investment is necessary to ensure successful implementation program.
The second objective of the study was to determine and assess how implementers influence the implementation
program, the extent management capacities would influence the process of implementation. The study
established that the county government has not put in place enough human resource on the ground to provide
sustainable service delivery, water being an essential commodity that needs to be properly treated and handled.
Skilled manpower should be adequate to relate professionally with the consumers. The study also established
that there was shortage of officers to manage the sector across the Sub-County under study. When respondents
are asked how effective the management in provision of water and sanitation program was, the majority (63.7%)
returned the verdict of not effective. There was poor response to repairs and maintenance of broken pipes and
exhaustion of overflowed septic tanks. Key informants who were interviewed during the study confirmed that
there was serious shortage of officers in the field to provide required services.The third objective of the study to
determine the extent to which stakeholders’ participation influences the implementation of county and water and
sanitation program in Kisumu West Sub County of Kisumu County.
The study established that the respondents (89.5%) were aware of the county government’s role in the provision
of water and sanitation services. The respondents stated clearly that most of the water projects in the community
were initiated by the public (themselves) and donor NGOS. When the respondents were probed further, of who
provided the funds for water and sanitation programs the majority again said the public themselves. The
findings showed that active participation by stakeholders in the process of establishing any project in the water
sector, is extremely necessary to ensure commitment accountability and sustainability. The two major
stakeholders in this case is County Government and the Community. The study further established from the key
informants that key stakeholders should be accommodated in the water and sanitation programs to determine
achievement of set objectives by involving them in decision making process.
The fourth objective of the study was to determine the extent of which infrastructure influences the
implementation of county water and sanitation program in Kisumu West Sub-County of Kisumu County. The
study established that in terms of Pipe Network across the sub-county the majority of respondents (60.5%)
responded in the negative that they were not served by pipe water, and even the few who had pipe network into
their households did not get regular flow of water’ It also emerged in the study findings that a lot of pipe
networks were blocked and water could not flow to the households. The County Government did not take an
initiative to repair broken and blocked pipes across the village and this discouraged the consumer without
proper, reliable and adequate network of pipes service delivery in this sector cannot succeed.
Apart from pipe network, the study further established that the region of study did not have main sewer line for
waste disposal for a healthy sanitation program. The findings show that for sanitation purposes, the main
method of waste disposal was through pit latrines, and very few houses had septic tanks despite the availability
of piped water into their homes; main reason was that the flow of water into the piped households was extremely
irregular and unreliable. Sanitation delivery is a component of water safety. The study found that most of the
respondents require the County Government to partner with relevant development agencies to construct safe
latrines for proper waste disposal as a health requirement.
The main purpose of this study was to find the determinants of implementation of county water and sanitation
program in Kisumu West sub-county, Kisumu County, Kenya. In terms of the stated research objectives, the
following findings emerged from the study. On the first objective, the study established that the majority of the
Kisumu West Sub-County community draw water from the following sources; wells, rivers and piped water, and
even those whose households were connected to piped water were very few. The county government did not
provide substantial budget for the water and sanitation program, siting lack of adequate funds or simply poor
Adequate financial allocation to this sector for the development of the infrastructure was not only necessary but
mandatory for project implementation, maintenance and sustainability on service delivery. To this extent we
conclude that financial allocation to this sector influences the implementation of county water and sanitation
program greatly. On the second objective, the study assessed the failure of county government in putting in
place enough human resource on the ground to provide sustainable service delivery. Water by all standards is an
essential commodity for healthy living standards and need to be handled by skilled manpower. Shortage of
officers to manage the sector impacted negatively on coverage and quality of service delivery. Lack of adequate
and qualified staff in this sector led to poor response to repairs and maintenance of broken/blocked pipe
networks across the village. There was no initiative on capacity building to equip the consumer with necessary
skills for better management of the sector. The implementers need to be effective to influence success and
development of water and sanitation program.
On the third objective, the study explored the extent to which stakeholders’ participation influences the
implementation of county water and sanitation program. The respondents are aware that the county government
has a major role in the provision of services in this sector in terms of funding and conducting public
participation program to the community. Stakeholders need to be accommodated fully by involving them in
decision making process, to ensure achievement of set objectives. On the fourth objective of the study, it was
determined that there was lack of adequate pipe network across the sub-county, thus denying the people of
Kisumu west sub-county opportunity of accessing safe drinking water and proper waste disposal. The danger to
this is a likely outbreak of water borne diseases since the majority source of water were wells and rivers. The
study further established that there was no sewer line infrastructure for waste disposal. The community used pit
latrines which were not covered and therefore need for construction of safe latrines for proper waste disposal.
Adequate infrastructure promotes the implementation of water and sanitation programme.
Recommendations : The study made the following recommendations for policy action:
1. Funds allocation for water and sanitation programs should be adequate over subsequent financial years by
the county government to ensure adequate infrastructural development of the water and sanitation sector.
2. Community participation and perception as a component to safe water and sanitation facilities should be
exhausted; by involving the community members in the implementation of projects from initiation stage
and in decision making process to ensure a sense of ownership and sustainability.
3. In terms of water and sanitation delivery, the county government and any other development partners
should ensure that there is a good efficient plan for water distribution with improved water pipe network
across the sub-county and the county in general, water treatment by water providers with reduced water
cost, orientation and awareness programme on improved sanitation programme.
In regard to efficient management of the water and sanitation sector, there should be a deliberate effort to recruit
adequate, skilled, trained and motivated human resource well equipped with regalia for quick response and
maintenance of the supply network for improved and sustainable service delivery.
Limitation of the study : This study was limited to descriptive research design. Not all respondents were
prompt in answering the questions as per the expectations of the researcher. The study relied solely on the
responses from the respondents that are prone to biases. As a solution to this, the researcher explained precisely
to the respondents the significance of the study so as to convince them to give truthful information for the study.
The researcher also ensured that the study is started at an opportune time for the smooth completion of the study
at the right time within the available limited resources.
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