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EMC Documentum Composer: Building A Documentum Application Tutorial

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EMC® Documentum®

Version 7.1
Building a Documentum Application Tutorial
EMC Corporation
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Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
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Table of Contents
Chapter Creating the insurance claims application .................................................. 5
Prerequisites .................................................................................................... 5
Configuring the connection broker in the dfc.properties file,............................ 5
Creating the Composer project .......................................................................... 6
Creating the type .............................................................................................. 7
Creating the installation parameters .................................................................. 12
Creating the alias set......................................................................................... 13
Creating the permission sets.............................................................................. 15
Creating the lifecycle ........................................................................................ 17
Installing the project to a repository ................................................................... 20
Testing your Documentum application in Webtop .............................................. 23
Building a Documentum application tutorial 3
Table of Contents
4 Building a Documentum application tutorial

Creating the insurance claims

This tutorial describes how to build a sample Documentum application in Composer, install it to a
repository, and use the custom artifacts within Webtop. The following list describes the artifacts that
you will create when going through the tutorial:
• A custom type, insurance_claim, represents an insurance claim form.
• A lifecycle, claim_lifecycle, contains the states that support a typical insurance claim process.
Objects of type insurance_claim are attached to this lifecycle.
• Two permission set templates, claim_processors and claim_adjudicators, that define users who
can process and approve the insurance claims that are attached to the claim_lifecycle lifecycle.
• An alias set, claim_aliasset, is used in conjunction with the two permission sets, so that the
application does not have to define specific users during design time.
• Two installation parameters, processing_parameter and adjudication_parameter, allow you to
specify the values for the aliases in the alias set at installation time.
This tutorial is tested and verified with Composer 6.5 SP2 or later. The tutorial should function
with all versions of Content Server that Composer supports, but has been tested with a 6.5 SP2
environment. Before beginning the tutorial, make sure you have completed the following tasks:
• Obtain access to a Documentum repository (5.3 SP6 or later).
• Obtain access to a Webtop installation that is connected to the Documentum repository.
• Install Composer on your system.
• Configure the connection broker in dfc.properties for your Composer installation.
Configuring the connection broker in the dfc.properties
Configuring the connection broker
Repository access is handled by the Documentum connection broker. Before you start Composer for
the first time, you need to specify the IP address for the connection broker.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 5
Creating the insurance claims application
To configure the connection broker:
1. Edit the dfc.properties file in the <Composer_root>\plugins\com.emc.ide.external.dfc_1.
00\documentum.config directory and specify the host or IP address for the dfc.docbroker.host[0]
property. For example:
2. Save your changes.

Creating the Composer project

A Composer project contains a logical set of artifacts that function together to fulfill a business need.
You must create a project before creating the artifacts.
To create the Composer project:
1. Start Composer and select a workspace.
2. Start a new project by clicking the File > New > Project... menu item. The New Project wizard
3. Select Documentum Project > Documentum Project and click Next.
6 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
4. In the Project Name field, type InsuranceApp and click Finish. Composer will take a few
moments to create the project.
5. If you are prompted to switch to the Documentum Artifacts perspective, click Yes. This
perspective enables features that are useful in creating Documentum applications. Your new
project appears in the Documentum Navigator view of Composer.

Creating the type

When the project is created, you can now add artifacts to it. The insurance claim type represents the
insurance claim forms that get submitted by health care offices. Documents of this type need to be
processed and reviewed before being paid out by the insurance provider.
To create the type:
1. In the Documentum Navigator view, right-click the InsuranceApp > Artifacts > Types folder and
select New > Other.... The New wizard appears.
2. Select Documentum Artifact > Type from the list and click Next.
3. In the Artifact name field, type insurance_claim and click Finish.
4. On the General tab, click Select... for the Supertype field, select dm_document from the list, and
click OK.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 7
Creating the insurance claims application
5. On the Attributes tab, click New and select newattribute1 from the list on the left.
6. In the Structure section, specify the following values for the fields:
• Name — status
• Data type — STRING
• Length — 20
8 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
7. Expand the status attribute node and click on Value mapping. The Conditional Assistance and
Value Mapping Table sections appear on the right side.
8. In the Conditional Assistance section, click on New....
9. Click on the Fixed List radio button and type
Submitted,Processing,Adjudication,Paid,Denied for the Values field. This list
populates a drop down menu where the user can select the status during the creation of an
insurance claim document in Webtop.
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Creating the insurance claims application
10. Select the List is complete checkbox and click OK. This prevents any custom input to be entered
for the status attribute.
11. Click the New button four more times and specify attribute properties for each newattribute item
in the list according to the information below:
• Name — date_of_service
• Data type — TIME
• Name — physician_name
• Data type — STRING
• Length — 50
• Name — patient_name
• Data type — STRING
• Length — 50
• Name — procedure_code
• Data type — INTEGER
12. In the Display configuration list section of the Display tab, click New.... The Display
Configuration window appears. This window lets you configure a new view in Webtop so the
custom attributes are displayed when an insurance_claim object’s properties are viewed.
13. In the Configuration Label field, type Insurance claim attributes. This will be the name
of the tab as displayed in Webtop.
10 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
14. Select the Custom Attributes only check box. The list displays only the attributes that you
15. Select all of the attributes in the list (date_of_service, patient_name, physician_name,
procedure_code, status) and click Add, then OK.
16. In the Application Interface Display section, type Insurance claim for the Type Label field. This
text is displayed in the drop down menu when selecting a type for a new document in Webtop.
17. Save the type.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 11
Creating the insurance claims application
18. Check the Problems tab to see if there are any errors with the type. If there are errors, make sure
you have completed all of the necessary steps above.

Creating the installation parameters

You need to create two installation parameters for the two aliases in the alias set that you will create
later in this tutorial. The two aliases allow you to specify users who have the rights to process and
approve insurance claims. With installation parameters, you can specify the values for the aliases
during the installation of the application.
To create the installation parameters:
1. In the Documentum Navigator view, right-click the InsuranceApp > Artifacts > Installation
Parameters folder and select New > Other....
2. In the New wizard, select Documentum Artifact > Installation Parameter and click Next.
3. In the Artifact name field, type processing_parameter and click Next.
4. Select User Installation Parameter from the Parameter Type drop down menu.
5. In the Description field, type This parameter represents the user that specifies
the processor.
12 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
6. Click Finish.
7. Save the installation parameter.
8. Create another installation parameter with the following settings:
• Artifact name — adjudication_parameter
• Parameter Type — User Installation Parameter
• Description — This parameter represents the user that specifies the adjudicator.
9. Check the Problems tab to see if there are any errors with the installation parameters. If there are
errors, make sure you have completed all of the necessary steps above.

Creating the alias set

This alias set is used by the permission set that you will create later in this tutorial. The alias set
allows you to set approved reviewers of the insurance claim during installation time instead of at
design time. This allows more flexibility for the application to run in different environments and
scenarios. The alias set contains the following aliases:
• processing_user — This alias represents a person who is authorized to review submitted claims
and check them for completed information.
• adjudication_user — This alias represents a person who is authorized to approve or deny
processed claims.
To create the alias set:
1. In the Documentum Navigator view, right-click the InsuranceApp > Artifacts > Alias Sets folder
and select New > Other....
2. In the New wizard, select Documentum Artifact > Alias Set and click Next.
3. In the Artifact name field, enter claim_aliasset and click Finish. The Alias Set pane appears
in Composer.
4. In the Description field of the General section, type Alias set for claim_processors
and claim_adjudicators permission sets.
5. In the Aliases section, click on Add. The New Alias window appears.
6. Specify the following information for the fields and click OK:
• Name — processing_user
• Type — User
The alias is added to the aliases list.
7. Ensure that the alias that you just created is highlighted and click on the Parameter radio button
in the Value section.
8. Click on the Select button for the Parameter field and select the processing_parameter
installation parameter from the list.
9. Specify the following text for the Description field: A user authorized to process
submitted claims.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 13
Creating the insurance claims application
10. Add another alias to the alias set with the following information:
• Name — adjudication_user
• Type — User
• Description — A user authorized to approve or deny claims.
• Parameter — select the radio button and choose adjudication_parameter
11. Save the alias set.
12. Check the Problems tab to see if there are any errors with the alias set. If there are errors, make
sure you have completed all of the necessary steps above.
14 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application

Creating the permission sets

Permission sets or ACLs (access control lists) allow you to set permissions for objects in the
The permission sets that you will create allow you to specify who can access the documents that are
attached to the lifecycle and who can change the states of the document. The alias set that is used in
conjunction with these permission sets let you specify these users at installation time.
To specify the permission sets:
1. In the Documentum Navigator view, right-click the InsuranceApp > Artifacts > Permission
Sets folder and select New > Other....
2. In the New wizard, select Documentum Artifact > Permission Set and click Next.
3. Fill in the fields with the following information and click Finish:
• Artifact name — claim_processors
• ACL Class — Template
The Permission Set Template pane appears in Composer.
4. In the Description field of the General section, type Authorized insurance claim
Building a Documentum application tutorial 15
Creating the insurance claims application
5. In the All Users and Groups section, click on the Add Alias button. The ACL Entry Details
section appears on the right side.
6. Click Select... for the Owner Alias field. The Documentum AliasSet Artifact window appears.
7. Select claim_aliasset.processing_user from the list and click OK.
8. Select Write (includes Browse, Read, Relate, and Version) from the Permissions drop down
9. Select the following check boxes from the extended permissions table:
• Change Location
• Change State
• Change Permissions
16 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
10. Save the permission set.
11. Create another permission set named “claim_adjudicators” by using the “adjudication_user”
alias. Specify Write permissions and select the Change Location, Change State, and Change
Permissions check boxes.
12. Check the Problems tab to see if there are any errors with the permission set. If there are errors,
make sure you have completed all of the necessary steps above.

Creating the lifecycle

When you have completed creating the type, alias set, and permission sets, you can now create the
lifecycle that objects of type insurance_claim can be attached to. The lifecycle represents the states
that an insurance claim can be in:
• Submitted — This state represents the claim being submitted for approval. Upon entry of this
state, the permission set is set to “claim_processors” so that only users that are part of this
permission set have the ability to change the state of the document.
• Processing — This state represents the claim being processed and checked for completeness.
• Adjudication— This state represents the claim being reviewed and verified. Upon entry of this
state, the permission set is set to “claim_adjudicators” so that only users that are part of this
permission set have the ability to change the state of the document.
• Paid — This state represents the insurance claim being paid.
• Denied— This exception state represents the insurance claim being denied.
To create the lifecycle:
1. In the Documentum Navigator view, right-click the InsuranceApp > Artifacts > Lifecycles folder
and select New > Other....
2. In the New wizard, select Lifecycle and click Next.
3. In the Artifact name field, enter claim_lifecycle and click Finish.
The claim_lifecycle artifact is added to the Lifecycles folder in your project. When the lifecycle is
added, the Properties tab containing a General tab appears on the bottom frame of Composer.
Settings that you change in the General tab apply to the entire lifecycle. If you do not see the
Properties tab, click on the Show Properties icon on the toolbar.
4. In the General tab, click Select... for the Primary type field and select insurance_claim in the
list that appears.
5. Click on Add... in the Alias sets section, select claim_aliasset from the list, and click OK
6. Click on the Normal State button and click on the white canvas to add a new state. When the
state is added and selected, the Properties tab is populated with more sections: Overview, Entry
Criteria, Actions, Post Change, and Attributes. Changes that you make in these sections apply
to the state itself and not the entire lifecycle.
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Creating the insurance claims application
7. In the Overview section, fill in the fields with the following information:
• Name — Submitted
• Description — Claims in this state have been submitted by an insurance customer
• Allow attachments directly to this state and Allow scheduled transitions from this state —
select the check boxes.
8. In the Actions section, click on Set attribute. The Set Attribute window appears.
9. Select the status attribute from the Attribute drop down menu.
10. Select the Specify a value radio button, type Submitted for the field, and click OK.
11. In the Actions section, click on Set permission set. The Permission Set window appears.
12. Click on the Select... button, select claim_processors from the list, and click OK.
13. Click OK.
14. Add four more states specifying the following information for each state:
18 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
The Processing state
• Overview section
— Name — Processing
— Description — Claims in this state are ready to be verified to have complete and accurate
— Allow demotion to previous state — select the check box
• Actions section
— Set Attribute — select the “status” attribute from the attribute drop down menu and
specify Processing for the value
The Adjudication state
• Overview section
— Name — Adjudication
— Description — Claims in this state are being investigated for validity.
— Allow demotion to previous state — select the check boxes
• Actions section
— Set Attribute — select the “status” attribute from the attribute drop down menu and
specify Adjudication for the value
— Set permission set— select the “claim_adjudicators” permission set from the list
The Paid state
• Overview section
— Name — Paid
— Description — Claims in this state have been approved and paid out to the insurance
— Allow demotion to previous state — select the check boxes
• Actions section
— Set Attribute — select the “status” attribute from the attribute drop down menu and
specify Paid for the value
The Denied state (create an Exception State instead of Normal State)
• Overview section
— Name — Denied
— Description — Claims in this state have been denied through findings from the
adjudication process
• Actions section
— Set Attribute — select the “status” attribute from the attribute drop down menu and
specify Denied for the value
15. Click on the Connection button to create connections between the states in the following manner:
• Connect Submitted to Processing.
• Connect Processing to Adjudication.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 19
Creating the insurance claims application
• Connect Adjudication to Paid.
• Connect Adjudication to Denied.
16. Save the lifecycle.
17. Check the Problems tab to see if there are any errors with the lifecycle. If there are errors, make
sure you have completed all of the necessary steps above.

Installing the project to a repository

Your Composer project is now complete, so you need to install the project to a repository to use it.
To install the project to a repository:
1. In the Documentum Navigator view, right-click the InsuranceApp project and click Install
Documentum Project.... The Install Wizard appears.
2. Fill in the fields with the following information:
• Repository name — Select the repository that you want to install the artifacts to. This should
be a development repository where your artifacts won’t affect production repositories. If
you cannot select a repository, then you did not specify a valid connection broker in your
dfc.properties file as described in Configuring the connection broker in the dfc.properties
file,, page 5
• User name — The user name to login to the connection broker
• Password — The password to login to the connection broker
You can accept the default values for the rest of the fields.
20 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
3. Click Login. If your login is successful, the Next button is enabled. If the Next button is not
enabled, verify your login credentials and try again. Click Next. The Edit Installation Parameter
File Values window appears.
4. For the processing_parameter row, specify a user that is in the repository for the Override Value
column. This will assign the appropriate person to be able to process the insurance claims. For
simplicity, specify the username that will install this project.
5. For the adjudication_parameter row, specify a user that is in the repository for the Override Value
column. This will assign the appropriate person to be able to approve or reject the insurance
claims. For simplicity, specify the username that will install this project.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 21
Creating the insurance claims application
6. In the Installation Parameter File field, specify Installation Parameters\insuranceapp.
installparam. The installation parameters are saved to this file so you can use them for
a future installation.
7. Click on Finish to install the application to the repository. If no errors are returned, your
application installed correctly.
22 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application

Testing your Documentum application in

After installing the application , verifying the application with Webtop is a simple way to test out
its functionality.
To test your Documentum application in Webtop:
1. In Webtop, create a test insurance_claim document
a. Click on File > New. The New Document wizard appears and displays the Create tab.
b. Fill in the fields with the following information:
• Name — test insurance claim
• Type — Document (insurance_claim)
c. Click Next. The Info tab is displayed.
d. Scroll to the bottom of the Info tab to view the custom attributes that we created for the
insurance_claim type. Fill in the custom fields with the following information and click
• date_of_service — Choose today’s date
• patient_name — Test patient
• physician_name — Test physician
• procedure_code — 11
• status — leave blank (Remember that only documents can be attached to the Submitted
state in the lifecycle. When we attach this document to the lifecycle, it will update the
status to Submitted.)
Building a Documentum application tutorial 23
Creating the insurance claims application
2. Right-click the newly created test insurance claim document and select Lifecycle > Apply. The
Apply Lifecycle screen appears.
3. Select the claim_lifecycle from the list and click OK. The document is now attached to the
4. Right-click the test insurance claim document and click on Properties. It will display that the
document is attached to the claim_lifecycle and that the state is set to submitted.
24 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
5. Click on the Insurance claim attributes tab to view the document’s properties. The status of the
document has been set to submitted by the lifecycle.
Building a Documentum application tutorial 25
Creating the insurance claims application
6. Click OK to leave the Properties view.
7. Right-click the document in Webtop and select Lifecycle > Promote to promote the document to
the Processing state.
8. Right-click the document in Webtop and select Properties. You should see that the Current State
of the document has been updated to Processing.
Congratulations! In this tutorial, you have successfully:
• Created a type.
• Created an alias set with two aliases.
• Created two permission set templates.
• Created a lifecycle.
• Installed the artifacts into a repository.
26 Building a Documentum application tutorial
Creating the insurance claims application
• Attached a document to a lifecycle.
• Promoted the document to the next state in the lifecycle
Building a Documentum application tutorial 27

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