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Experiment 4: Monitoring Particulate Matter (PM10) by High Volume Sampler

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Experiment 4: Monitoring Particulate Matter (PM10) by

High Volume Sampler
Group members:
1. Gloria lynn Michelle (55213116055)
2. Muhammad Hafiz Imran Bin Hasnul Nizam (55213116090)
3. Muhammad Shabran Bin Shuhaimi (55213116089)
4. Adwa Amirun Aiman Bin Abd Razak (55213116079)

1 2 3 4 5
1.0 INTRODUCTION (10%) &
1. State the background to the experiment
2. Summary of theories including formulations
related to the experimental work.
3. State the objectives of the experiment
(point form)
2.0 METHOD (20%)
1. Explain step by step used in performing this
experiment. Pictures are best.
3.0 DATA & RESULTS (10%)
1. Include the raw data as taken in the lab
together with the re-copied data.
1. Explanations of the referred tables and/or
graphs are presented
2. Discuss on the findings and relations to the
theory and objective of experiment.
3.Must shows the sample of calculation if
4.Any citing must tally with those in the
1) Answer your objectives.
2) Summary of the results relates to the
3) Recommendation for future studies
6.0 FORMAT (5%)
7.0 APPENDIX (5%)

Air pollution which contained within ambient (outdoor) air and household (indoor) air are
becoming an increasingly environmental risk to health which causing one death per nine persons
annually (Organization, 2016). Ambient air pollution alone is killing almost 3 million people per
year mainly due to non-communicable disease which is known as chronic disease such as chronic
respiratory disease (Organization, World Health Organization, 2018). As air pollution being
deemed as public health emergency, it would affect several sectors such as health sector to save
countless life from suffering diseases caused by ambient air pollution.

Within air pollution, there are a few of air pollutants that can be considered as major
primary which are Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Sulfur Oxides
(Sox), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and also particulate matter (PM).
Particulate matter can be defined as a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets that are found
in air with size range from nanometer in diameter to around 100 micrometer (μm) (Kasim, 2018).
Within PM, there are sulphates, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, black carbon, mineral dust
and water (Organization, Ambient Air Pollution, 2016). The most health-damaging particles size
is ranging from PM10 and less due to its capability to penetrate and reside within the lung which
can cause bad health effect.

Small particle pollution can cause health impact even at very low concentration. Thus,
World Health Organization (WHO) under Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) has recommended the
lowest concentration of PM possible are:

Figure 1: Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) from WHO (Organization, Ambient Air
Pollution, 2016).

Sources of air pollution can be categorized into two which are natural sources and
anthropogenic sources (man-made sources). Natural sources of air pollution can be categorized
come from dust from which formed within large area of land without vegetation, smoke and CO
from wildfires and also volcanic activity which produce sulfur, chlorine and ash particulates
(Kasim, 2018). Meanwhile, for anthropogenic sources it can be divided into three categories which
are stationary sources such as smoke stacks of power plants, mobile sources which are caused by
transportation such as cars and motorcycles and also from nuclear weapon, toxic gases and
rocketry that are often used in military (Kasim, 2018).

Figure 2: PM10 High Volume sampler Lab 17 UniKL MICET

In order to measure amount of PM in ambient air, Thermo Anderson PM10 High Volume
sampler is used. Collected contaminant within filter paper will be analyzed after 24 hours of
collection to identify if there are any lead (Pb) contained within air in sampling area.

Figure 3: Thermo Thermo Anderson PM10 High Volume sampler (Eric Stevenson, 2009)


There are several objectives in this experiment, which are:

 To measure amount of PM10 within ambient air
 Conducting analysis of Metallic Air Pollutants to find if Lead presence is within
permissible limit according to Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines


1) Initial weight of the filter paper is taken by using analytical balance

2) PM10 High volume sampler is transferred to the sampling location.


3) The filter is installed onto the PM10 High volume sampler.

4) The Dickson chart is installed.


5) The PM10 High volume sampler is switch on and leave for 24 hours.

6) After 24 hours, the filter paper is collected and weigh by using an analytical balance.


Table 1:Tabulated Data of PM10 & Lead Analysis

PM10 & Lead Analysis

Site /Station : Environment Air Pollution Lab (Lab 17)
Sample Date : 18th March 2019

Collection Date : 19th March 2019

Time : 4.30 pm
Initial Filter Weight : 4.34 g
Gross Filter Weight : 4.40 g
Net Particulate Weight (A) 0.06 g
60000 µg
Flow Rate (from the Dickson Chart) 35 cfm
: 0.99109 m3/min (B)
Total Sample Time (from the 24 hours
Dickson Chart) : 1440 min (C)
Total Air Volume (D) : 1427.1696 m3
Particulate Concentration : 42.0413 µg/ m3
Exposed Area : 553.5 cm2
Area collected for Pb Analysis (E) : 34.1946 cm2
0.006 mg

Calculation Details:
 Total Air volume = B x C = 0.99109 m3/min x 1440 min

= 1427.1696 m3

 Particulate concentration = (A) µg / (D) m3

= 60000 µg / 1427.1696 m3
= 42.0413 µg/ m3

This experiment was operated the Thermo Anderson PM10 high volume sampler
equipment where completely assembly blower motor. The speed blower was sucked a volume of
air through the filter paper. The particles with the larger size than 10 µm will trapped on the filter
paper whereas, the particles with smaller size than 10 µm will passed through the filter paper
(Scientific, Volume, & Sampler, n.d.). This high-volume air sampler was operated for 24hour to
collect suspended particulate matter. The filter paper was weighted and recorder before and after
the experiment to obtain the particulate concentration. The particulate matter was measure where
the large particle was trapped can be seen on the surface of filter paper.

These particles come in various sizes and shapes and consist of chemicals. Some sources
directly from construction sites, unpaved roads, fields, smokers or fires. Almost all the particles
are formed in the atmosphere due to complex chemical reactions such as sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides, which are pollutants emitted from power plants, industries and automobiles
(EPA.gov, 2018a)

Refer to figure 4 where show particulate matter with different size .The combination of
solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air such as dirt, soil dust, pollens, molds and
aerosols. It may also consist of heavy metals such as copper, lead, zinc and others (World Health
Organization, 2015a). Several particles are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye that
cannot be filtered. While small particles cannot be seen and go through into filter paper.

Figure 4: Size comparisons for PM particles (EPA.gov, 2018)

Based on the data obtained in Table 1, the net particulate matter weight is 0.06 g. This
indicates that the particulate matter that trapped on the filter paper is less. The particulate
concentration was calculated where the value is 42.0413 µg/m3. Refer to National Ambient Air
Quality Standards; the accepted particulate concentration for industrial, residential and rural areas
is 60 µg/m3 (Kushwaha, et al., 2016). Therefore, from the data obtained in this study, the
particulate concentration is accepted. Through this result obtain can be assumed that the
environment UniKL MICET can consider safe due the value particulate matter does not exceed 60
µg/m3 and there is no sources which can cause air pollution.

There is few probabilities that affected the experiment such as; due to the windy day where
the strong wind might affected the particulate matter is hard to suck into the high volume air
sampler. The high ambient temperature also will affect particulate matter, this is due to the dryness
and dust will be obtain.

In term of health, the diameter of 10 µm or less, can penetrate and lodge deep inside the
lungs, the even more health-damaging particles are those with a diameter of 2.5 µm or less. This
is because 2.5 µm can penetrate the lung barrier and enter the blood system. Chronic exposure to
particles contributes to the risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as
of lung cancer (World Health Organization, 2015b).

The figure 5 showed the Dickson chart recorder where to measure the sampling flow rate.
The high volume air sampler gives a reading on the Dickson chart which been recorder with red
line and the reading obtained was 35 cfm.

Figure 5: The sampling flow rate measured by Dickson chart recorder.


The objective of this experiment is to measure the amount of PM10 within the ambient air
specifically at Lab 17 at UniKL MICET. Besides, this experiment aims to conduct analysis of
Metallic Air Pollutants to find if lead presence is within permissible limit according to
Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines. Based on the results obtained, the initial weight
of the filter is 4.34g while the final weight is 4.40g after left for 24 hours inside the high volume
sampler. Meaning, the net particulate weight trapped is 0.06g. Aside from the weight, the flowrate
of the particulate matter is measured as well to determine the wind speed since it affects the
transport and the dispersion of air pollution, hence, this is taken into consideration. According to
Dickson Chart, the flowrate measured is 0.99109 m3/min. On the day of the experiment, the
weather is very humid and there was less movement of air. Consequently, less particulate matter
enters the High Volume Sampler. As for the measurement of PM10, the results obtained is 42.0413

µg/ m3. The amount of PM10 in the ambient air for 24-hours period is considered as low according
to Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines and within the permissible limit. This might
due to less vehicles pass through the location and the nature of the location itself in which it is
university area, not an industrial area. Moreover, there were few buildings within the sampling
location. Consequently, the Pb concentration is low as well. Overall, it can be concluded that the
area where Lab 17 is located is not polluted and within the permissible limit according to
Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines.

As for recommendations, the Dickson Chart should be taken out and the air flowrate must
be recorded as soon as the 24 hours is due to get more accurate results. The overdue time would
result an inconsistent data. Next, during the digestion procedures, it is advisable to cover the top
of the beaker with aluminium foil to avoid vaporisation due to heating process. Overall, safety
precautions should be taken since the lead analysis involves the usage of HCl and the digestion
procedures should be done inside the fume chamber to avoid inhaling the chemicals.

1. EPA. Gov. (2018a). Particulate Matter ( PM ) Basics What is PM , and how does it get
into the air ? Size comparisons for PM particles What are the Harmful Effects of PM.
Retrieve from: https://www.epa.gov/pm-pollution/particulate-matter-pm-basics
2. Kushwaha, K., Sundar, K. M. S., & Karthikeyan, S. (2016). Assessment of heavy metals
from respirable suspended particulate matter (PM10) in Thiruvottiyur, Chennai, India.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 3(8): 796 – 802.
3. Scientific, T., Volume, H., & Sampler, A. (n.d.). Thermo Scientific MFC-PM 10 High
Volume Air Sampler.
4. World Health Organization. (2015a). Ambient (outdoor) air quality and health. World
Health Organization, (May 2018), 1–8. Retrieve from: https://www.who.int/news-
5. World Health Organization. (2015b). Ambient (outdoor) air quality and health. World
Health Organization, (May 2018), 1–8. Retrieve from: https://www.who.int/news-

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