Coir Board Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Bye Laws, 1969

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1.‘,3•Rift Tro 51u y,(40-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

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The Gcmette of ;India

%MT 3-3Q-4 u. (
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)

ITTP-1-*-7 sichi

*. 454 ] qmi , ifocicut, Amti 27, 1999/31MT 5, 1921

No. 454] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1999/SRAVANA 5, 1921
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WT03110 599 ( ).—ch,--it*i siki, cm-Rz-drri 37fiTr-Tzp7, 1953 (1953 *-T 45) *1" %TriT 27 ( 1)* (45 (sr) gill
Nqt a1 *-f mc1141 a 1-7 TT twt,i( 1t1 4;) Trt (.1411co(ul, P-1-4Aul artai-ftF) "B-q-fe - q, 1969
*147 4149' ct)(4* rot; ztr-fafi.T -z-wr z-if' tTRT 27 otil 3-TeTRT (2) V- 3-1.44.ER MohIPIcr olicilt;

1. (1) t•3-q--1.ifilA ail TifkRr 7T21 -Ot cpictAuf, fa-ENT * 34-F) wcr-rafil, 1999 t I
(2) "4 (1\314A 51.n1qp-r 17 1;1
-a-fti 4 -sr-
2. *TRA-Yi fTzi7uT 31Tt a-TtftF) 31T-f44, 1969 m'1 ztr-ferftT 5 * -F-Trff 147(91 -t71--fg- ft,T •7110,

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1. *It 1:f'4, f".-g*T 3-TRI*M4 , (11 711 a1911 13,500 To 0119

2. *It 1; 'NTRT c1-1 711 9,000 To W1 t, 13,500 To t
3. *It 117, *717 (c11 TiT -14-1 I-1 4,000 To 74 alfqWt, f
T alftl- 9,000 To *f G1)4*
1:1 ,)ct-1 711 (1-14-11-1 4,000 To 71T'31314
4. *It IT; co-R1o51 3IRTW-1 ch4f t
[-cmoTto 2(1 )/99-4,,

felgur -ztr 9TR7 ' (tqvil > -'iTo3iTo 200 'IT{N§f 18 1969 * SRI 5110h qic1 ch1 Tit 79'4
14-10 tqct 510 -47N-9- 1-*--z1T 1T 1T
-403-110 2279 12 1975
2.*1037T0 4389 lift 20 loll-sit, 1976
3, ---roaTio 4372 17 -10P-oit, 1983
4. *103-70 1075 (t) Tfti 22 -loi+-oK, 1988
5. .ToalTo 779 (1) 23 aTIT-0,71992
2219 G1/99 (1)
(Department of Small Scale Industries and Agro and Rural Industries)
New Delhi, the 27th July, 1999
S. 0. 599(E).—The following bye-laws further to amend the Coir Board Services (Classification, Control and Appeal)
Bye-laws, 1969 made by the Coir Board, in exercise of powers conferred by Clause (d) of sub-section (1) of Section 27 of the
Coir Industry Art, 1953 (45 of 1953) read with bye-laws 1 5 and 16 of the Cnir Poqrd(1rrirnriqartinn of Rminpcs, Conditions of
Service of Employees and Maintenance of Accounts) Bye-laws, 1955 and confirmed by the Central Government, are hereby
published as required by sub-section (2) of section 27 of the said Act, namely :-
1. (1) These Bye-laws may be called the Coir Board Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Amendment Bye-
laws, 1999.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Coir Board Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Bye-laws, 1969, Bye-Law 5 shall be amended,
namely :—
Classification of Posts :

All posts under the Board's service shall be classified as follows :—

SI.No. Pay of maximum of the scale of the Grouping posts Group

1. Not less than Rs. 13,500 A
2. Not less than Rs. 9,000 but less than Rs. 13,500
3. Over Rs. 4,000 but less than Rs. 9,000
4. Rs. 4,000 or less

[F. No. 2(1)/99-Coir]

Foot Note :—The principal Bye-Laws were published in the Gazette of India vide S. 0.
No. 200 dated the 18th January, 1969
and subsequently amended vide-
1. Notification S. 0. 2279 dated the 12th July, 1975.
2. Notification S. 0. 4389 dated the 20th November, 1976.
3. Notification S. 0. 4372 dated the 17th November, 1983.
4. Notification S. 0. 1075(E) dated the 22nd November, 1988.
5. Notification S. 0. 779(E) dated the 23rd October, 1992.

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054

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