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distribution, supply sectors, the NPC is now primarily mandated to perform
missionary electrification function through the Small Power Utilities Group
(SPUG) and is responsible for providing power generation and associated
power delivery systems in areas that are not connected to the transmission
o Meanwhile, under EPIRA, PSALM is mandated to sell the assets of NPC
and assume its liabilities. NPC is retained but will perform missionary
electrification. Clearly, they have different functions.
Assuming that PSALM is a successor-in-interest of NPC, the sale of the two
hydroelectric plants cannot be considered “in the course of trade or business”
under Sec. 105 of the NIRC.
o The function of PSALM is limited to selling the assets of NPC. It is for the
purpose of privatizing NPC assets to liquidate the financial obligation of
NPC. Hence, the sale of the power plants was an exercise of governmental
function mandated by EPIRA.
o PSALM is not a mere trustee of NPC’s power assets. Sec. 49 of EPIRA
vested ownership to PSALM. As owner of the assets, PSALM sold them
pursuant to the mandate of EPIRA.
The sale of power plants is not an incidental transaction subject to VAT. Precisely,
the law mandates PSALM to sell those assets.
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