OPEN ACCESS Allergic rhinitis (AR) is associated with various developmental issues that affecting dentition.
Citation: Siao M-J, Chen G-S, Lee W-C, Horng J-T, We aimed to determine whether AR is associated with an increased risk of traumatic dental
Chang C-W, Li C-H (2017) Increased risk of dental injuries (TDIs) in Taiwanese individuals. We used the Taiwan National Health Insurance
trauma in patients with allergic rhinitis: A
Research Database (NHIRD) to conduct a nested case-control study. We compared an AR
nationwide population-based cohort study. PLoS
ONE 12(7): e0182370. cohort with a matched cohort of patients without AR. New TDI cases were determined dur-
journal.pone.0182370 ing our study period. To compare TDI risk between our study cohorts, we used Cox propor-
Editor: Luo Zhang, Beijing Tongren Hospital, tional regression analysis, and hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were
CHINA calculated to quantify the association between AR exposure and TDI risk. In total, 76749
Received: March 10, 2017 patients with AR (31715 male; 45034 female) were identified. In the AR and the non-AR
cohorts, 312 patients in total had TDI. Patients with AR had a significantly higher risk of TDI
Accepted: July 16, 2017
than those without AR (aHR = 1.92; 95% CI = 1.459–2.525; P < 0.001). The risk of TDI was
Published: July 31, 2017
markedly higher in the AR cohort, except in the 3–12-year-old group, and with a CCI 1.
Copyright: © 2017 Siao et al. This is an open AR patients had a future risk of TDI, indicating a potentially linked disease pathophysiology.
access article distributed under the terms of the
The association between AR and TDI is greater among general patients. Clinicians and
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and caregivers should be aware of potential TDI co-morbidity in patients with AR.
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Competing interests: The authors have declared association with development of dental malocclusion [7–13], including an anterior open bite
that no competing interests exist. and a large overjet [14].
This raises the question of whether AR may lead to traumatic dental injury (TDI). TDI is a
serious dental public health problem that results in fractured, displaced, or lost teeth and can
have significant negative functional, esthetic, and psychological effects. In addition to pain and
increased infection risk, the consequences of TDI include changes in physical appearance and
speech defects, and can thus affect the patient’s quality of life. TDI is more time-consuming
and costly to treat than many other outpatient accidental injuries [15].
TDI occurs frequently in children and young adults, comprising 5% of all injuries. Boys are
generally injured more frequently than girls [16]. Generally, the most frequently affected teeth
are the maxillary central incisors (93.3%) [17,18]. These teeth usually protrude and may have
inadequate lip coverage [19,20]. The Angle class II, division 1 malocclusion has also been
found to be more prone to dental trauma [21] (Fig 1). The etiologies of TDI comprise a broad
spectrum of variables, including oral and environmental factors and human behavior [22].
Nevertheless, very few studies have focused on the association between AR and TDI
Our study aimed to determine the risk of TDI in patients with AR in Taiwan. We con-
ducted a retrospective cohort study to estimate the relative risk of the incidence of TDI in a
nationwide AR cohort, as compared with a non-AR cohort selected from a 1 million repre-
sentative population. We hypothesized that we would be able to predict the tendency for TDI
in AR patients. In the high-risk group, more attention was given to prevention of TDI by pre-
ventative and interceptive orthodontic treatment and by providing a safe environment. Fur-
thermore, these findings may be used to influence public policies in long-term care and
Fig 1. A 13-year-old boy with a history of allergic rhinitis (AR) suffered dental trauma injury at the left
maxillary incisor due to sport accident. The profile shows lip incompetence, a weak lip, and an acute
nasal labial angle. The oral finding was Angle class II malocclusion with a large overjet and
proclinating incisors. Consent to publication was obtained form the parents of the patient (S1 File.)
Study design
This study employed a retrospective cohort study design.
Data source
The Taiwan National Health Insurance Program was established in 1995. This system provides
universal health coverage and equal medical access to all Taiwanese individuals. In 2011, the
coverage rate of the National Health Insurance was 99.6%; almost the entire population of Tai-
wan (23 million) was enrolled in this program. A computerized database (Taiwan National
Health Insurance Research Database, NHIRD) was set up, derived from the Taiwan National
Health Insurance Program and managed by the Taiwan National Health Research Institute
(NHRI), which is a nonprofit foundation established by the government. The NHIRD includes
patients’ demographic information, encrypted identification numbers, sex, birth dates, admis-
sion dates, diagnostic data and procedures, dates of diagnosis, dates of medical treatment,
International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)
diagnostic codes, and drug codes.
Study population
We conducted a nested case-control study using the NHIRD. From 2000 to 2008, nationwide
cohorts were identified on the basis of diagnostic codes: AR and non-AR codes. The cohorts
included in our study included individuals aged > 3 years.
Ethics statement
The NHIRD encrypts patients’ personal information to protect privacy, and provided
researchers with anonymous identification numbers associated with relevant claims informa-
tion, including the patient’s sex, date of birth, medical services received, and prescriptions.
Therefore, patient consent was not required to access the NHIRD [23].
Outcome measurement
As outcomes, we focused on the risk of dental trauma with AR. During our study period, we
determined all physician-diagnosed dental trauma cases. Diagnostic codes for dental trauma
included ICD-9:873.63—open wound of tooth (broken) (fractured) (owing to trauma), with-
out mention of complications—and 873.73—open wound of tooth (broken; fractured; owing
to trauma), complicated.
Statistical analysis
Chi-square tests were used to compare the baseline characteristics between our two cohorts.
We used Cox proportional regression models to compare the risk of dental trauma and to
determine adjusted hazard ratios (aHR), which were adjusted for patients’ age, sex, and their
Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) score. The non-AR data were used as a reference. A P-
value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The cumulative incidence curves of
dental trauma in the study cohort were estimated using Kaplan-Meier analyses and the differ-
ences between the two cohorts were compared using the log-rank test. All analyses were per-
formed using SAS software, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).
In total, 76749 patients with AR (31715 males; 45034 females) were identified during the
period of 2000–2008, as shown in Table 1. The maximum follow-up period was 8 years, and
the average follow-up period was about 6 years (AR: 6.00 ± 1.72 years; non-AR: 6.16 ± 1.80
years). The ages in the study cohorts were classified into four groups: primary and mixed den-
tition (3–12-years-old), early permanent dentition (12–29-years-old), middle permanent den-
tition (29–50-years-old), and older permanent dentition ( 50-years-old).
There were no significant differences between the AR and non-AR cohorts in terms of age,
sex, and duration of follow-up, as shown in Table 1. Deyo’s CCI [24] was used for designating
systemic disease status into three groups (low, moderate, and high). However, there were sta-
tistically significant differences in the CCI score between AR and non-AR cohorts.
During our study period, 312 dental trauma cases were identified in the cohorts, involving
218 patients with AR and 94 without AR, as shown in Table 2. After adjusting for age, sex, and
CCI score groups, respectively, the risk of dental trauma was higher in the AR (aHR = 1.920;
95% CI = 1.459–2.525; P value < 0.001) than in the non-AR cohort. Both males and females
showed clear significance in this respect (aHR = 1.873 and 1.982, respectively). A positive rela-
tionship was seen in the AR cohort as compared to the non-AR cohort in the age groups with
early permanent dentition (12–29-years-old), middle permanent dentition (29–50-years-old)
and, older permanent dentition ( 50-years-old). For the CCI (0) group, which had fewer sys-
temic diseases, displayed a higher risk of TDI in the AR than in the non-AR cohort
(aHR = 1.783, P < 0.001). In fact, the Kaplan—Meier model (Fig 2) also showed a higher risk
in the AR than in the non-AR cohorts overall.
TDI is a condition with a poor prognosis that influences appearance and function. Our aim
was to estimate the risk of TDI in patients with AR, to determine the need for further preven-
tive treatment and for measures to make the environment safe. The database used in this study
was released for research purposes by the National Health Research Institutes in 2008. As of
2007, 98.4% of Taiwan’s population (approximately 22.96 million) was enrolled in the
NHIRD. The data of the present study were retrieved from 1 million randomly sampled
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of patients with allergic rhinitis and those without non-allergic rhinitis.
Descriptor Allergic Rhinitis
Yes No
(n = 76749) (n = 76749)
Age (years) mean ± SD 32.74 ± 18.38 32.97 ± 18.07
(P value = 1.000)
Age group (years) 3–12 11458 14.93% 11458 14.93%
12–29 23585 30.73% 23585 30.73%
30–49 27804 36.23% 27804 36.23%
50 13902 18.11% 13902 18.11%
Sex Female 31715 41.32% 31715 41.32%
(P value = 1.000) Male 45034 58.68% 45034 58.68%
CCI score\Mean 0.46 ± 0.87 0.09 ± 0.42
(P value < 0.0001)
CCI Low (0) 53461 69.66% 71969 93.77%
CCI Moderate (1) 16166 21.06% 3309 4.31%
CCI High ( 2) 7122 9.28% 1471 1.92%
enrollees from the total NHIRD. In this nationwide, population-based, randomized, and longi-
tudinal study, we demonstrated an increased risk of TDI in AR patients, which was 1.92-fold
higher than that in the non-AR cohort, after adjustment for sex, age, and medical comorbidi-
ties. In each group, the risk of TDI was markedly higher in the AR cohort, except in the 3–-
12-year-old group, and with a CCI 1. In the CCI (0) group in particular, excluding most
systemic diseases would be more near really risk of TDI with AR. These results support our
hypothesis that patients with AR have a higher prevalence of TDI,
Airway obstruction is the main syndrome of AR, even if it is not a continuous phenome-
non. AR is considered to be one of the major causes of airway obstruction in children [25],
which can induce a loss of habitual physiological nasal breathing. This consequently alters the
child’s growth pattern, causing changes in the adenoids [26], long-face syndrome [27], and
Table 2. Incidence and hazard ratios of dental trauma among patients with allergic rhinitis as compared with those without non-allergic rhinitis,
based on demographic characteristics and comorbidity.
Allergic rhinitis Yes No Adjusted HR (95% CI)
Variables Event Rate Event Rate
All 218 0.47 94 0.20 1.920 ***(1.459–2.525)
Sex Female 90 0.45 37 0.18 1.982** (1.291–3.042)
Male 128 0.49 57 0.21 1.873** (1.310–2.276)
Age 3–12 25 0.32 11 0.14 1.612 (0.704–3.689)
12–29 57 0.40 30 0.20 1.721*(1.045–2.832)
30–49 70 0.44 37 0.23 1.626* (1.043–2.534)
50 66 0.81 16 0.19 3.333** (1.745–6.369)
CCI score \ Mean
CCI Low (0) 135 0.42 88 0.20 1.783 ***(1.323–2.404)
CCI Moderate (1) 54 0.56 6 0.27 1.702 (0.708–4.096)
CCI High ( 2) 29 0.73 0 0.00 5333978 (0.000)
* P <0.05;
** P <0.01;
*** P < 0.001
Fig 2. Kaplan-Meier model for estimating dental trauma-free allergic rhinitis patients and non-allergic
rhinitis patients.
respiratory obstruction syndrome [28] have been reported, which affect craniofacial develop-
ment. On one hand, these diseases are expected to result in reduced hypotonicity of the upper
and lower lips [6,29], increased incisor proclination [30], anterior open bite, and Class II mal-
occlusion [15]. On the other hand, the oral predisposing factors of TDI are inadequate lip cov-
erage and increased overjet, with dental protrusion [31–37]. Consequently, the characteristics
of soft tissue and malocclusion may be the reason for the increased risk of TDI in patients with
In our study, we excluded patients with cerebrovascular disease and epilepsy to avoid the
factors of iatrogenic injury and illness. However, the risk of TDI may be affected by the pres-
ence of other systemic diseases that cause oral complications, such as periodontitis or trismus.
Deyo’s CCI score differed significantly between the AR and non-AR cohorts, with the AR
cohort having more systemic diseases. This tendency may elevate the risk of TDI. To identify
the health levels in patients with AR, we used the CCI to discriminate between patients with
AR and those without AR, in 3 groups: low (CCI = 0), moderate (CCI = 1) and high
(CCI 2). We found statistically significant differences between cohorts in the low CCI group
(aHR = 1.783, P-value = 0.0001), but not in the moderate and high CCI groups. The results
expressed the risk of TDI between AR and non-AR patients affected by systemic diseases; the
CCI = 0 group approximated the risk of TDI between AR and non-AR patients without sys-
temic diseases.
In the various age groups, the primary and mixed dentition group did not attain statistically
significant differences between the groups (Table 2). In the primary and mixed dentition
group, dental arch development continued to progress; unstable occlusion and tooth position
may confound the influence of AR. After maturation of permanent dentition, the effect of AR
persisted statistically significantly in the early, middle, and older permanent dentition groups.
Moreover, in the older permanent dentition group, the risk of TDI was markedly elevated in
the AR cohort (3.3-fold higher than that in the non-AR cohort), which may be because the
dentition keeps changing over time, particularly in older patients, as the tissue supporting the
teeth is lost. The change in older patients with AR and the accompanying features (mouth
breathing and tongue thrusting) may accelerate formation of Class II malocclusion and may
increase the TDI risk [38].
AR also affects human behavioral disorders, such as ADHD and oppositional defiant disor-
der, particularly among children [39]. Nevertheless, in our study, the early and middle perma-
nent dentition groups had similar results, but the differences were not significant between the
primary and mixed dentition groups (3–12-years-old). This may be because the environment
plays a more important role than human behavior [22]. The prevalence of TDI in children
may depend more on caregivers, family, and school.
The study had the following limitations. First, the NHIRD did not include orthodontic and
cosmetic patients; such corrections may reduce the developmental disorder caused by AR. Sec-
ond, the maximal follow-up time of our study was 8 years; however, developmental disorders
caused by AR persist life-long. Although there were clear differences in the follow-up time
between patients with AR and those without AR (Fig 2), further long-term follow-up studies
are required.
In conclusion, this large-scale, nationwide, population-based, longitudinal study demon-
strated an association between AR and the risk of TDI. Although the exact mechanism is pres-
ently unclear, these findings may provide further insights into the association and possible
shared pathophysiology between AR and TDI. The importance of prevention measures for
TDI in patients with AR should be emphasized by ensuring a safer environment. Furthermore,
these findings may be used to influence public policies in long-term care and childcare.
Supporting information
S1 File. Patient consent form.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Ming-Jhih Siao.
Data curation: Jorng-Tzong Horng, Cheng-Wei Chang.
Formal analysis: Ming-Jhih Siao, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Cheng-Wei Chang.
Funding acquisition: Ming-Jhih Siao, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Cheng-Wei Chang.
Investigation: Jorng-Tzong Horng, Cheng-Wei Chang.
Methodology: Cheng-Wei Chang.
Project administration: Ming-Jhih Siao, Cheng-Wei Chang.
Resources: Jorng-Tzong Horng, Chung-Hsing Li.
Software: Jorng-Tzong Horng, Cheng-Wei Chang.
Supervision: Gunng-Shinng Chen, Wei-Cheng Lee, Chung-Hsing Li.
Validation: Gunng-Shinng Chen, Wei-Cheng Lee, Chung-Hsing Li.
Visualization: Ming-Jhih Siao, Gunng-Shinng Chen, Cheng-Wei Chang, Chung-Hsing Li.
Writing – original draft: Ming-Jhih Siao.
Writing – review & editing: Ming-Jhih Siao, Chung-Hsing Li.
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