Building & Inspecting PV Systems Nec PDF

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The presentation discusses PV system basics, applicable codes and standards, electrical installation issues, and guidelines for permit and field inspection of PV systems.

Applicable codes and standards discussed include the NEC Article 690, ICC and UBC building codes, UL 1703 and UL 1741 standards, and IEEE 929 and IEEE 1547 interconnection standards.

The NEC allows for additional overcurrent protection devices up to 120% of the busbar rating at the AC point of connection. Connection can also be made on the line side of the main breaker with double-barrel lugs or bolt-on lugs.

BUILDING & INSPECTING Overview of Presentation

y Basics
• Introduction to relevant Codes and Standards
• Summary of PV Electrical Installation Issues
Presented by − DC wiring considerations
− NEC Article 690 overview
Bill Brooks, PE − Wiring methods
− System grounding
Brooks Engineering
• Summary of Changes in the 2005 National Electrical Code
• Permit and Field Inspector Guidelines for PV Systems

What are the applicable codes and

standards for PV systems?
• Electrical codes - NEC Article 690 - Solar
Photovoltaic Systems
• Building codes – ICC, UBC
PV Codes and • UL Standard 1703, Flat-plate Photovoltaic
Modules and Panels

Standards 101 • IEEE 929-2000, Recommended Practice

for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV)
Systems (approved in January 2000)
replaced with IEEE 1547 covering all distributed
• UL Standard 1741, Standard for Static
Inverters, Converters, and Controllers for
Use in Independent Power Systems

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 1


IEEE 929-2000 Recommended Practice for

Utility Interface of UL 1741 Standard for inverters, converters,
Photovoltaic (PV) Systems and controllers for use in Independent Power
• Represents an excellent • First released in May of
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®

primer on PV inverter
interconnection issues. Prepared by the Utility Working Group of 1999 Subjects 1741 333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
Standards Coordinating Committee 21, on Photovoltaics March 3, 1999

• One area of concern is when • Matched requirements TO: Industry Advisory Group of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for Power Conditioning
Units for Use in Residential Photovoltaic Power System s,
Electrical Council of Underwriters Laboratories Inc.,

of IEEE 929-2000
Copyright © 1998 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. Subscribers to UL's Listing Services for Photovoltaic Charge Controllers (QIBP),

building officials have

Subscribers to UL's Listing Services for Photovoltaic Power Systems
345 East 47th Street Accessories (QIIO),
Subscribers to UL's Listing Services for Power Conditioning Units for Use in
New York, NY 10017, USA Residential Photovoltaic Power Systems (QIKH), and

required utility approval All Rights Reserved

• Revised to match the SUBJECT:
Subscribers to UL's Listing Services for AC Modules (QHYZ)

Request for Comments on the Proposed First Edition of the Standard for Static
Inverters and Charge Controllers, UL 1741; PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DAT E

before issuing a permit. This is an IEEE Standards Project, subject to change. Permission is hereby granted for

new requirements in
Attached as Appendix A for your review and comment are proposed requirem ents for UL 1741.
IEEE Standards committee participants to reproduce this document for purposes of Questions regarding interpretation of requirements should be directed to the responsible UL Staff.
Please see Appendix B of this bulletin regarding designated responsibility for the subject product
IEEE standardization activities, including balloting and coordination. If this document
• IEEE 1547 is a generic
is to be submitted to ISO or IEC, notification shall be given to the IEEE Copyrights

interconnection standard for

Administrator. Permission is also granted for member bodies and technical committees
of ISO and IEC to reproduce this document for purposes of developing a national
IEEE 1547 ((new IEEE Please note that proposed requirem ents are of a tentative and early nature and are for review
and comm ent only. Current requirements are to be used to judge a product until these
requirements are published in final form.PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE

standard that covers all

The proposed requirements will necessitate a review and possible retest of currently Listed
position. Other entities seeking permission to reproduce portions of this document for products. Therefore, UL proposes that the new requirements becom e effective 18 m onths after

all distributed generators and

publication. This is intended to provide m anufacturers with sufficient time to submit modified
these or other uses must contact the IEEE Standards Department for the appropriate products for investigation and to implem ent the necessary changes in production. Please note
license. Use of information contained in the unapproved draft is at your own risk. that this also includes the time that will be needed by UL to conduct a review of the modified

is nearly identical to IEEE 929 IEEE Standards Department

distributed generation product.


The first edition of the Standard for Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in

in its testing requirements for

Copyrights and Permissions Photovoltaic Power Systems, UL 1741, was proposed in the subject bulletin dated August 1,
1997. The proposed Standard has been significantly revised since then. The revisions are a
445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331 result of the comments UL received from industry members regarding the proposed draft. In
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA addition, the revisions were made to align the proposed Standard with the Ninth Draft of

consistency. Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems, P929, and other UL
Standards. This bulletin proposes the revised first edition of the Standard for Static Inverters and
Charge Controllers for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems, UL 1741.

What is UL 1741 and how does it

relate to IEEE 929 and IEEE 1547?
Primary Concerns for the
Building Official
• UL 1741 is the UL test standard that is used for
the listing of PV inverters, charge controllers, and
• Mounting structurally sound
other BOS equipment.
• It continues to be updated as all new standards • Roof properly weather proofed
are over the first several years of
implementation. • Electrical equipment correctly
• 1741 incorporates the testing required by IEEE
929 (&1547) (frequency and voltage limits, power specified and installed according
quality, non-islanding inverter testing)
• 1741 testing includes design (type) testing and to Electrical Code.
production testing.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 2

Mounting Structurally Sound
Mounting Structurally Sound
• Two main types
yp of loading
g to consider • Most modern truss roofs are capable
p of
− dead load (typically 3-5 lbs./ft2 for standard standoff handling the extra 3-5 lbs./ft2 dead load
install and 2-12 lbs./ft2 for integrated products) provided that the roof is not masonry. Masonry
− wind load (85mph is typical for California) roofs often require a structural analysis or
• Structure must be capable of supporting dead removing the existing product and replace it
load and attachment method must be capable with composite in the area of PV array.
of keeping the PV array on the roof (or relevant • Attachment method must be capable of keeping
structure). the PV array on the roof (or relevant structure).

Post and flashing method

Weather Proofing of Roof
• Attachments must be properly sealed to
preclude leakage.
• Urethane caulks such as Sikaflex 1a are
both temperature and UV resistant.
Silicones and roofing tars are less
durable and can leak over time.
• Post and flashing method provides
excellent weather proofing

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 3

Electrical Safety is no joke…

NEC Article 690


NEC Sections Applicable to PV

PV Systems and the NEC
• Article 110: Requirements for Electrical
• Article 690 addresses safety standards I t ll ti
for the installation of PV systems. • Chapter 2: Wiring and Protection
− Most of the chapter--especially
• Many other articles of the NEC may also − Article 250: Grounding
apply to most PV installations. • Chapter 3: Wiring Methods and Materials
− Most of the chapter—especially
chapter especially
− Article 300: Wiring Methods
− Article 310: Conductors for General Wiring
• Article 480: Storage Batteries
• Article 690: Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 4

NEC Article 690: NEC Article 690:
Solar Photovoltaic Systems Solar Photovoltaic Systems
• I. General ((definitions,, installation)) • I. General ((definitions,, installation))
• II. Circuit Requirements (sizing, protection) − 690.1 Scope—PV Systems (only)
• III. Disconnect Means (switches, breakers) − 690.2 Definitions—PV Output Circuit, Inverter Input
Circuit—1 ½ pages of PV-specific jargon
• IV. Wiring methods (connectors) − 690.3—“Wherever the requirements of other articles
• V. Grounding (array, equipment) of this Code and Article 690 differ, the requirements
• VI. Markings (ratings, polarity, identification) of Article 690 shall apply”
− 690.4—Installation “Equipment: …shall be identified
• VII. Connection to Other Sources and listed for the application”
• VIII. Storage batteries − 690.5—Ground-Fault Protection—to reduce fire
• IX. Systems over 600 Volts hazards
− 690.6—AC Module—dc wiring is considered internal

Electrical Equipment Listing NEC Article 690:

• AHJs generally require listing for Solar Photovoltaic Systems
components and electrical hardware. • II. Circuit Requirements
q ((sizing,
g, p
• Some components available for PV − 690.7 Maximum Voltage—Table 690.7 and
manufacturers data. Max. 600Vdc for residential.
systems may not have applicable or any
− 690.8 Circuit Sizing and Current
listing. • 690.8(A) Max current = rated Isc x 1.25 = Imax
• Recognized testing laboratories include: • 690.8(B) Min ampacity and overcurrent = Imax x 1.25
• UL − 690.9 Overcurrent Protection
• 690.9(A) Generally required on all source circuits—
• ETL Semko (Intertek) exception: a.)no backfeed; and, b.) total Imax less than
• CSA conductor ampacity.
• TÜV − 690.10 Stand-Alone Systems
• Inverter output need only meet demand.
• No multi-wire circuits on 120V inverters.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 5

NEC Article 690: NEC Article 690:
Solar Photovoltaic Systems Solar Photovoltaic Systems
• III. Disconnect Means ((switches,, breakers)) • IV. Wiring
g methods
− 690.13—Need to disconnect all conductors − 690.31(A) FPN—PV modules get HOT
connected to building. No disconnect in grounded − 690.31—single conductors outside conduit allowed
conductor in array.
− 690.14—Location—details and options (more to − Table 690.31—temp. correction must be applied to
come) conductors.
− 690.17—Switch or Circuit Breaker—Warning sign − 690.33—requirements
q for connectors.
h liline and
d lload
d energized
i d iin open position.
ii − 690.35—Ungrounded PV Power Systems

NEC Article 690: NEC Article 690:

Solar Photovoltaic Systems Solar Photovoltaic Systems
• V. Grounding
g ((system,
y , equipment)
q p ) • VI. Markings
g ((ratings,
g ,ppolarity,
y, identification))
− 690.41 System Grounding − 690.53—DC PV Power Source—4 items; rated
• Over 50Vdc must be grounded or comply with 690.35 current, rated voltage, max voltage, max current
− 690.42 Point of System Grounding Connection—one − 690.54—Interactive System Point of
point, at GFP device if provided. Interconnection—rated ac current and voltage
− 690.43 Equipment Grounding—metal likely to − 690.56—Sign at service entrance when PV
become energized must be grounded—listed disconnect not located at the service disconnect.
equipment can be used to bond modules to support
− 690.45 Size of EGC—Table 250.122 with GFP
− 690.47 Size of GEC—ac use Table 250.66; dc use
Table 250.166

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 6

NEC Article 690:
Solar Photovoltaic Systems
• VII. Connection to Other Sources
− 690.60 Listed inverters for grid-connected systems SSummary off K
Key PV-Related
PV R l t d
− 690.61 inverter deenergize when utility is out (part of
listing process) Changes for the 2005 and
− 690.64 Point of Connection
• 690.64(A) Supply Side—230.82
2008 National Electrical Code
• 690.64(B) Load Side—dedicated breaker; 120% of busbar
or conductor; 2008 NEC
C requires sign and breaker location
to obtain 120% allowance for all PV systems.
• VIII. Storage Batteries
• IX. Systems over 600 Volts

I. General [2008 NEC] I. General [2008 NEC]

690.4 (D) Equipment Installation 690.5 Ground-Fault Protection
• “Inverters
Inverters, motor generators,
generators photovoltaic • “Grounded
Grounded dc photovoltaic arrays shall be
modules, photovoltaic panels, ac photovoltaic provided with dc ground-fault protection.”
modules, source-circuit combiners, and charge • Exception No. 1: Ground-mounted or pole-mounted
controllers intended for use in photovoltaic photovoltaic arrays with not more than two
power systems shall be identified and listed paralleled source circuits and with all dc source and
dc output circuits isolated from buildings
for the application.”
• Exception No. 2: PV arrays installed at other than
• Modules listed to UL1703 (soon UL1730); all dwelling units shall be permitted without ground-
combiners, controllers, and Inverters listed to fault protection where the equipment grounding
UL1741 conductors are sized in accordance with 690.45.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 7

I. General [2008 NEC] I. General [2008 NEC]
690.5 Ground-Fault Protection (cont.) 690.5 (C) Labels and Markings

• “Manual
Manual operation of the main PV dc • Inverter and battery (if used) must have a sign
disconnect shall not activate the ground-fault • A warning label shall appear on the utility-
protection device or result in grounded interactive inverter or be applied by the
conductors becoming ungrounded.” installer near the ground-fault indicator at a
p all conductors or
• GFP must either open visible location, stating the following:
deenergize the inverter output. • WARNING, ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD, IF A

II. Circuit Requirements [2008 NEC] II. Circuit Requirements [2008 NEC]
690.7 Maximum Voltage. 690.7 Maximum Voltage.
• New table and calculation option. • Example Calculation
• Table 690.7 is now graduated in 4ºC increments. • Shell SQ-175PC has a Voc Temperature
• “When open-circuit voltage temperature Coefficient in their literature of:
coefficients are supplied in the instructions for • αVoc = -129 mV/ºC; Voc =44.6V
listed PV modules, they shall be used to • Coldest expected Temp
25 C
calculate the maximum photovoltaic system • Vmax (per module) = 44.6V + [-129 mV/ºC x
voltage as required by 110.3(B) instead of using (1V/1000mV) x (25C–(-25C))] = 51.05 Volts.
Table 690.7.”
• Table 690.7: Vmax = 44.6V x 1.20 = 53.52V

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 8

II. Circuit Requirements [2008 NEC] II. Circuit Requirements [2008 NEC]
690.9(A) Circuits and Equipment 690.9(A) Circuits and Equipment
• “Photovoltaic source circuit, photovoltaic output • (a) There are no external sources such as
circuit inverter output circuit,
circuit, circuit and storage parallel connected source circuits, batteries, or
battery circuit conductors and equipment shall backfeed from inverters.
be protected in accordance with the
• (b) The short-circuit currents from all sources do
requirements of Article 240.Circuits connected
not exceed the ampacity of the conductors.
to more than one electrical source shall have
• FPN: Possible backfeed of current from any source of
overcurrent devices located so as to provide
l including
i l di a supply l th
throughh an iinverter
t iinto
t th
overcurrent protection from all sources. photovoltaic output circuit and photovoltaic source
• Exception: An overcurrent device shall not be circuits, is a consideration in determining whether
required for circuit conductors sized in adequate overcurrent protection from all sources is
accordance with 690.8(B) and located where one provided for conductors and modules.
of the following apply:”

II. Circuit Requirements [2008 NEC] III. Disconnecting Means [2008 NEC]
690.10 (A) Inverter Output —for Article 690.13 (All Conductors)
Stand-Alone Systems.
• “The ac output from a stand-alone inverter(s) • Clarification on switches in grounded
shall be permitted to supply ac power to the conductor only as part of Ground Fault
building or structure disconnecting means at Protection (690.5).
current levels less than the calculated load • “A switch or circuit breaker that is part of a
connected to that disconnect. The inverter ground-fault detection system required by
output rating or the rating of an alternate 690.5 shall be permitted to open the grounded
energy source shall be equal to or greater than conductor
d t when h th thatt switch
it h or circuit
i it b breaker
the load posed by the largest single utilization is automatically opened as a normal function
equipment connected to the system. Calculated of the device in responding to ground faults.
general lighting loads shall not be considered as The switch or circuit breaker shall indicate
a single load.” the presence of a ground fault.”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 9

III. Disconnecting Means [2005 NEC] III. Disconnecting Means [2005 NEC]
Article 690.14 (Additional Provisions) Article 690.14 (Additional Provisions)
• Clarification on location of PV Disconnecting Means and
• Clarification on location of PV Disconnecting Means Location of Inverters in Not-Readily-Accessible
and Location of Inverters
In erters in Not-Readily-Accessible
Not Readil Accessible Locations
• New Section (D) Utility-Interactive Inverters Mounted in
Locations Not-Readily Accessible Locations. Utility-interactive
inverters shall be permitted to be mounted on roofs or
• (1) Location—New Exception: Installations that comply other exterior areas that are not readily accessible.
with 690.31(E) shall be permitted to have the These installations shall comply with (1) through (4):
− (1) A direct-current photovoltaic disconnecting means shall be
disconnecting means located remote from the point of mounted within sight of or in the inverter.
entry of the system conductors. − (2) An alternating-current
alternating current disconnecting means shall be
mounted within sight of or in the inverter.
• 690.31 (E) addresses placing PV Output Circuits in a − (3) The alternating-current output conductors from the inverter
and an additional alternating-current disconnecting means for
metallic raceways. the inverter shall comply with 690.14(C)(1).
− (4) A plaque shall be installed in accordance with 705.10.

Article 690.31 [2005 NEC] Article 690.31 [2008 NEC]

Wiring Methods Permitted Wiring Methods Permitted
• New 690.31(E) related to PV Output Circuits in • New language in 690.31(A) “Where
t lli raceways.
• “(E) Direct-Current Photovoltaic Source and Output
photovoltaic source and output circuits
Circuits Inside a Building. Where direct current operating at maximum system voltages
photovoltaic source or output circuits of a utility-
interactive inverter from a building-integrated or greater than 30 volts are installed in readily
other photovoltaic system are run inside a building or
structure, they shall be contained in metallic accessible locations, circuit conductors shall
raceways or metal enclosures from the point of
penetration of the surface of the building or structure b installed
be i t ll d in
i a raceway.” ”
to the first readily accessible disconnecting means.
The disconnecting means shall comply with 690.14(A)
through 690.14(D).”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 10

Article 690.31 [2008 NEC] Article 690.31 [2005 NEC]
Wiring Methods Permitted Wiring Methods Permitted
• New language in 690.31(B) • New Fine Print Note in 690.31(A)

• “(B) Single-Conductor Cable. Single- − “FPN:

“FPN Photovoltaic
Ph t lt i modules
d l operatet att
elevated temperatures when exposed to
conductor cable type USE-2, and single- high ambient temperatures and to bright
conductor cable listed and labeled as sunlight. These temperatures may
photovoltaic (PV) wire shall be permitted in routinely exceed 70°C (158°F) in many
exposed outdoor locations in photovoltaic locations. Module interconnection
conductors are available with insulation
source circuits
i i ffor photovoltaic
h l i module
d l rated for wet locations and a temperature
interconnections within the photovoltaic rating of 90°C (194°F) or greater.”
array. Exception: Raceways shall be used
when required by 690.31(A).”

Side Note on Temperature Side Note on Temperature

310.10 FPN No. 2 [2005 NEC] 310.15(B)(2)[2008 NEC]
• New Fine Print Note (below) • “(c) Conduits Exposed to Sunlight on Rooftops.
Where conductors
d t or cables
bl are iinstalled
t ll d iin
− “FPN No. 2: Conductors installed in conduits exposed to direct sunlight on or above
conduit exposed to direct sunlight in rooftops, the adjustments shown in Table
close proximity to rooftops have been 310.15(B)(2)(c) shall be added to the outdoor
shown, under certain conditions, to temperature to determine the applicable ambient
experience a temperature rise of 17
17°CC temperature for application of the correction
factors in Table 310.16 and Table 310.18.
(30°F) above ambient temperature on
FPN: One source for the average ambient
which the ampacity is based.”
temperatures in various locations is the ASHRAE
handbook — Fundamentals.”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 11

Side Note on Temperature Article 690.31 [2008 NEC]
310.15(B)(2)[2008 NEC] Wiring Methods Permitted
• Table 310.15(B)(2)(c) Ambient Temperature • New language in 690.31(F)
Adjustment for Conduits Exposed to Sunlight On • “(F) Flexible, Fine-Stranded Cables.
or Above Rooftops Temperature Adder Flexible, finestranded cables shall be
Distance Above Roof to Bottom of Conduit °C °F terminated only with terminals, lugs,
0 – 13 mm (1⁄2 in.) 33 60 devices, or connectors that are identified
Above 13 mm (1⁄2 in.) – 90 mm (31⁄2 in.) 22 40 and listed for such use.”
Above 90 mm (31⁄2 in.) – 300 mm (12 in.) 17 30
Above 300 mm (12 in.) – 900 mm (36 in.) 14 25

Article 690.33 [2008 NEC] Article 690.33 [2008 NEC]

Connectors Connectors
• New language in 690.33(C) • New language in 690.33(F)
• “(C) Type. The connectors shall be of the • “(E) Interruption of Circuit. Connectors shall
latching or locking type. Connectors that are be either (1) or (2):
readily accessible and that are used in • (1) Be rated for interrupting current without
circuits operating at over 30 volts, nominal, hazard to the operator.
maximum system voltage for dc circuits, or • (2) Be a type that requires the use of a tool to
30 volts for ac circuits, shall require a tool open and marked “Do Not Disconnect Under
for opening.” Load” or “Not for Current Interrupting.” ”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 12

Article 690.35 Ungrounded
Article 690.35 Ungrounded Photovoltaic Power Systems
Photovoltaic Power Systems [2005, 2008]
• “Photovoltaic power systems shall be permitted to
operate with ungrounded photovoltaic source and
• Ungrounded systems have not been prohibited, output circuits where the system complies with
690.35(A) through 690.35(G).
but the 2005 NEC was the first code cycle − (A) Disconnects. All photovoltaic source and output circuit
conductors shall have disconnects complying with 690, Part III.
where the requirements are specifically called − (B) Overcurrent Protection. All photovoltaic source and output
circuit conductors shall have overcurrent protectioncomplying
out. with 690.9.
− ((C)) Ground-Fault Protection. All p
photovoltaic source and
• Included is an exception in 690.41 for output circuits shall be provided with a ground-fault protection
device or system that complies with (1) through (3):
consistency. • (1) Detects a ground fault.
• (2) Indicates that a ground fault has occurred
• (3) Automatically disconnects all conductors or causes the inverter
or charge controller connected to the faulted circuit to
automatically cease supplying power to output circuits.

Article 690.35 Ungrounded

Grounding—Numerous Changes in
Photovoltaic Power Systems (cont.)
− (D) The photovoltaic source and output conductors shall consist of the following: 2005 & 2008
− (1) Nonmetallic jacketed multiconductor cables
− (2) Conductors installed in raceways, or • 690.42 Point of System Grounding Connection
− (3) Cond
ctors listed and identified as Photovoltaic
Photo oltaic (PV) Wire installed as
exposed, single conductors.
− (E) The photovoltaic power system direct-current circuits shall be permitted to • 690.43,.45,.46 Equipment Grounding
be used with ungrounded battery systems complying with 690.71(G).
− (F) The photovoltaic power source shall be labeled with the following warning at • Grounding Electrode Systems 690.47—Changed in
each junction box, combiner box, disconnect, and device where the ungrounded
circuits may be exposed during service: 2005 and completely rewritten in 2008.
• 690.48 Continuity of Equipment Grounding Systems
UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED • 690.49 Continuity of Photovoltaic Source and
LEAKAGE PATHS AND/OR GROUND FAULTS. Output Circuit Grounded Conductors
− (G) The inverters or charge controllers used in systems with ungrounded
photovoltaic source and output circuits shall be listed for the purpose.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 13

690.42 Point of System 690.43 Equipment Grounding
Grounding Connection [2008 NEC] [2008 NEC]

• Misleading FPN needed more information: • “Devices listed and identified for grounding
• FPN: Locating the grounding connection point as close as the metallic frames of PV modules shall be
practicable to the photovoltaic source better protects permitted to bond the exposed metallic
the system from voltage surges due to lightning. frames of PV modules to grounded
• “Exception: Systems with a 690.5 ground-fault mounting structures. Devices identified and
protection device shall be permitted to have the
listed for bonding
g the metallic frames of PV
i d grounded
d d conductor-to-ground
d t t d bond
b d
made by the ground-fault protection device. This modules shall be permitted to bond the
bond, where internal to the ground-fault exposed metallic frames of PV modules to
equipment, shall not be duplicated with an the metallic frames of adjacent PV
external connection.” modules.”

690.45 Size of Equipment

690.43 Equipment Grounding
[2008 NEC] Grounding Conductors [2008 NEC]
(Size matters—or maybe not)
• “Equipment grounding conductors for the • “(A) General. Equipment grounding conductors in
h t lt i source and d photovoltaic
h t lt i output
t t
PV array and structure (where installed) circuits shall be sized in accordance with Table
shall be contained within the same raceway 250.122. Where no overcurrent protective device
is used in the circuit, an assumed overcurrent
or cable, or otherwise run with the PV array device rated at the photovoltaic rated shortcircuit
circuit conductors when those circuit conductors current shall be used in Table 250.122.
250 122 Increases
leave the vicinity of the PV array” in equipment grounding conductor size to address
voltage drop considerations shall not be required.
The equipment grounding conductors shall be no
smaller than 14 AWG.”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 14

690.45 Size of Equipment 690.46 Array Equipment
Grounding Conductors [2008 NEC] Grounding Conductors.[2008 NEC]
• “(B) Ground-Fault Protection Not Provided. For • “Equipment grounding conductors for photovoltaic
other than dwelling units where ground-fault modules smaller than 6 AWG shall comply with
protection is not provided in accordance with 250.120(C).”
690.5(A) through (C), each equipment grounding • This matches new language at the beginning of 690.43
conductor shall have an ampacity of at least two that states, “An equipment grounding conductor between
(2) times the temperature and conduit fill a PV array and other equipment shall be required in
accordance with 250.110.”
corrected circuit conductor ampacity”
• Enjoy reading the FPN…. Faults 3-5 series strings might
not blow string fuse so EGC must be oversized when no
GFP is provided—generally irrelevant.

690.47(C) Systems with Alternating-Current 690.47(C) Systems with Alternating-Current

and Direct-Current Grounding Requirements and Direct-Current Grounding Requirements
[2005 NEC] [2008 NEC]
• “Photovoltaic power systems with both alternating- • “Systems with alternating current and direct-current
current and direct-current (dc) grounding requirements grounding requirements shall comply with items (C)(1)
h ll b
be permitted
itt d tto b
be ggrounded
d d as d
ib d iin (1) or through (C)(8):
− (1) Where photovoltaic power systems have both
− (1) A grounding-electrode conductor shall be connected between
the identified dc grounding point to a separate dc grounding alternating-current (ac) and direct-current (dc)
electrode. The dc grounding-electrode conductor shall be sized grounding requirements, the dc grounding system shall
according to 250.166. The dc grounding electrode shall be be bonded to the ac grounding system.
bonded to the ac grounding electrode to make a grounding − (2) A bonding conductor between these systems shall
electrode system according to 250.52 and 250.53. The bonding
conductor shall be no smaller than the largest grounding be sized as the larger of the dc requirement in
electrode conductor, either ac or dc. accordance with 690.45, the ac requirements based
− (2) The dc grounding electrode conductor and ac grounding on the inverter alternating current overcurrent device
electrode conductor shall be connected to a single grounding rating and 250.122, and the system bonding
electrode. The separate grounding electrode conductors shall be requirements of 250.28.”
sized as required by 250.66 (ac) and 250.166 (dc).”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 15

690.47(C) Systems with Alternating-Current 690.47(C) Systems with Alternating-Current
and Direct-Current Grounding Requirements and Direct-Current Grounding Requirements
[2008 NEC] [2008 NEC]
− (3) A conductor that serves as both an equipment − “(4) A bonding conductor or equipment grounding conductor
grounding conductor and as part of the bond between that serves multiple inverters shall be sized based on the
ac anddddc systems
t ffor an iinverter
t iincorporating
ti g d
dc sum off applicable
li bl maximum
i currents
t used d iin it
item (2)
ground-fault protection shall meet the requirements − (5) A common ground bus shall be permitted to be used for
for equipment bonding jumpers in accordance with both systems.
250.102 but shall not be subject to the requirements − (6) A common grounding electrode shall be permitted to be
for bonding jumpers in accordance with 250.28. A used for both systems, in which case the grounding electrode
single conductor shall be permitted to be used to conductor shall be connected to the ac ground system
perform the multiple functions of dc grounding, ac bonding point.
di anddb
di b between
t ac and
dddc systems.”
t ”
− (7) Grounding electrode conductor(s) shall be sized to meet
the requirements of both 250.66 (ac system) and 250.166 (dc
• Allows properly sized single grounding conductor system).
(bonding jumper sized to 250.122) to be used for − (8) For systems with utility-interactive inverters, the
multiple purposes. premises grounding system serves as the ac grounding

690.48 Continuity of Equipment Grounding 690.49 Continuity of Photovoltaic Source and

Systems [2005 NEC] Output Circuit Grounded Conductors [2005 NEC]
• “Where the removal of equipment disconnects • “Where the removal of the utility-interactive
the bondingg connection between the grounding
g g inverter or other equipment disconnects the
b di connection
bonding ti b between
t th
the grounding
electrode conductor and exposed conducting electrode conductor and the photovoltaic
surfaces in the photovoltaic source or output source and/or photovoltaic output circuit
grounded conductor, a bonding jumper shall be
circuit equipment, a bonding jumper shall be installed to maintain the system grounding
while the inverter or other equipment is
installed while the equipment is removed.” removed.”
• This clarifies the intent that the array frames • This clarifies the intent that the system
grounding of the array circuit must be
must be continuously grounded when any grounded with a bonding jumper when the
portion of the equipment is removed. inverter is removed.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 16

2008 NEC Complete Rewrites
Article 690.64 (B)(5) [2005 NEC] Article 690.64 Point of
• Clarification on not requiring individual clamping of
Connection (B) Load Side
circuit breakers for 690.60 (utility-interactive)
inverters. Many inspectors will try to require clamps
• “Where distribution equipment, including
because they are not familiar with PV systems. switchboards and panelboards, is fed
• “Circuit breakers, if backfed, shall be identified for simultaneously by a primary source(s) of
such operation. Dedicated circuit breakers backfed electricity and one or more utility-interactive
from listed utility-interactive inverters complying with inverters, and where this distribution
690.60 shall not be required to be individually equipment is capable of supplying multiple
clamped to the panelboard bus bars. A front panel branch circuits or feeders, or both, the
shall clamp all circuit breakers to the panelboard bus interconnecting provisions for the utility-
bars. Main circuit breakers connected directly to
energized feeders shall also be individually clamped.” interactive inverter(s) shall comply with (B)(1)
through (B)(7).”

Article 690.64(B) (cont.) Article 690.64(B) (cont.)

• “(1) Dedicated Overcurrent and Disconnect. • “(3) Ground-Fault Protection. The
Each source interconnection shall be made at a interconnection point shall be on the line side of
dedicated circuit breaker or fusible disconnecting all ground-fault protection equipment.
means. Exception: Connection shall be permitted to be made to
• (2) Bus or Conductor Rating. The sum of the the load side of ground-fault protection, provided that
there is ground-fault protection for equipment from all
ampere ratings of overcurrent devices in circuits ground-fault current sources. Ground-fault protection
supplying power to a busbar or conductor shall devices used with supplies connected to the load-side
not exceed 120 percent of the rating of the terminals shall be identified and listed as suitable for
busbar or conductor. In systems
y with p
panelboards backfeeding.
f g
connected in series, the rating of the first • (4) Marking. Equipment containing overcurrent
overcurrent device directly connected to the devices in circuits supplying power to a busbar or
output of a utility-interactive inverter(s) shall be conductor supplied from multiple sources shall be
used in the calculations for all busbars and marked to indicate the presence of all sources.”

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 17

Article 690.64(B) (cont.) Article 690.64(B) (cont.)
• (5) Suitable for Backfeed. Circuit breakers, if • “(7) Inverter Output Connection. Unless the
backfed, shall be suitable for such operation. panelboard is rated not less than the sum of the
FPN: Circuit breakers that are marked “Line” and “Load” ampere ratings of all overcurrent devices
have been evaluated only in the direction marked. Circuit supplying it, a connection in a panelboard shall
breakers without “Line” and “Load” have been evaluated be positioned at the opposite (load) end from the
in both directions. input feeder location or main circuit location.
• (6) Fastening. Listed plug-in-type circuit The bus or conductor rating shall be sized for the
breakers backfed from utility-interactive loads connected in accordance with Article 220.
inverters complying with 690.60 shall be Appermanent warning g label shall be applied
pp to
permitted to omit the additional fastener the distribution equipment with the following or
normally required by 408.36(D) for such equivalent marking:
applications.” • WARNING

Electrical Code Compliance:

Inspector Guidelines
• Many PV systems may not comply with
for PV Systems
the NEC because:
− Designers, installers, and inspectors have
little experience with PV systems—
particularly the code requirements. available at
− Listed equipment is not widely available for
PV components and dc hardware.
− Suggestions that PV systems are easily
designed/installed by untrained personnel.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 18

Overview of Presentation Funding Source for Guidelines
• Introduction/Rational for Guidelines
• Permit Guidelines for Small-Scale PV Systems
• Worked with Renewable Energy
− Site Diagram Technology Analysis Project of the
− One-line Diagram
− Major Component and Array Electrical Information Pace University Law School Energy
− Provisions for PV Power Source Disconnect
− Array Mounting Information Project in developing these
− Costs of Permits
• Field Inspection Guideline
id li ffor the
th UU.S.
S DDepartment
t t
− Equipment, conduit, and wiring installed according
to plans
of Energy.
− Structure attached according to plans and directions
− Appropriate signs installed

Why do we need
Inspector Guidelines?
• provide a framework for the permitting and
• Variations in compliance requirements—some are
p of PV systems
insufficient to protect the public, others may not
• two separate guidelines since jurisdictions
be consistent with established standards.
normally treat the process in two steps.
• Need a predictable process with uniform
− First is the plan check stage where the
information is reviewed for accuracy and enforcement of code requirements for
completeness j i di ti
l authorities
th iti andd installing
i t lli
− Second is the field inspection stage where the
installation is reviewed for compliance with the contractors.
approved plans

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 19

Ain’t that purdy…. …and this is so much

What is the basic approach used to

What are the objectives of the develop the guidelines?
guidelines? • Originally based on the 2002 NEC, Article 690, and various
• Facilitate the installation of safe systems
y at a guidelines from a few jurisdictions and using input from
minimum of cost. several experienced professionals including installers and
• Provide guidance on what information should inspectors throughout the U.S. It has since been updated for
be provided for permitting. the 2005 National Electrical Code.
• Discourage “fly-by-nights” from the industry by • In addition to national experts, California has over 25,000
making them do all the steps that a good
installer does.
does systems that have been inspected by local jurisdictions. This
is an experience base not previously available.
• Raise the professionalism of installing
contractors. • Approach is to establish a set of best practices that will help
ensure that the public safety is preserved when an
installation meets these guidelines

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 20

Who will benefit from these
• Jurisdictions in charge of public safety in the
built environment (authority having Permit Guidelines
jurisdiction or AHJ). for
• Plan checkers and field inspectors tasked with Small-Scale
reviewing PV systems.
• Installers who need consistent criteria in which
PV Systems
to have their systems reviewed.

Site Diagram
• Drawing does not need to be to scale,
but it should basically show were the
major components are located.
• If array is ground mounted, it should
show that it conforms with allowable
• It can be used to call out conduit and
wiring if desired.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 21

One-line Diagram
• Should have sufficient detail to call out the
electrical components
components, the wire types and
sizes, number of conductors, and conduit type
and size where needed.
• Should include information about PV modules
and inverter(s).
• Should include information about utility
disconnecting means (required by many

Major Component and Inverter information

Array Electrical Information • Model number and manufacturer’s “cut sheets”
for the specific model.
• Inverter information • Li
ti i th
the iinverter
t lilisted
t d tto UL1741 and
labeled “Utility-Interactive”? For a current list of
• Module information compliant inverters, visit the California Energy
Commission’s website.
• Battery information (if used)
p gy g g g g

• New York Type-Tested Inverters are listed at:

• Maximum continuous output power at 40oC

• Input voltage range

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 22

Module information Typical PV Module Label
• Manufacturer’s “cut sheets” for the specific
• Listing. The module should be listed to UL 1703.
For a current list of modules that are listed to UL
1703, visit the California Energy Commissions

• Listing label information

Battery Information (if used)

Array electrical information
• Manufacturer’s
Manufacturer s “cut
cut sheets
sheets” for the • Number of modules in series
specific model. • Array operating voltage
• Nominal battery voltage for the system • Array operating current
(This is 2 Volts per cell for lead-acid
• Maximum system voltage
b tt i
batteries. A 24-cell
24 ll lead-acid
l d id b battery
tt would
have a nominal voltage of 48 volts.) • Array short circuit current

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 23

Wiring and overcurrent protection AC Point of Connection
• Wire type • 690-64 (B) allows the installation of
• Conductor ampacity additional
dditi l overcurrentt d
i up tto 120% off
− The maximum PV Source Circuit Current
− Minimum Source circuit conductor ampacity busbar rating.
− Photovoltaic Output Circuit ampacity − 100-Amp Panel allows up to 20 Amp breaker.
− Inverter Output Circuit ampacity − Main breaker can be derated. (e.g. 125-amp
• Overcurrent protection busbar can take a 100-Amp and a 50-amp
− Inverter Output Circuit overcurrent protection breaker)
− NEC 690.64 (B) covers the requirements for Point − Connection can also be make on the line side of
of Connection the main breaker (with double-barrel lugs or
− Source circuit overcurrent protection bolt-on lugs)

Provisions for the photovoltaic power

source disconnecting means: Array mounting information
• 2002 NEC essentially requires that conduit be run
exterior to the building or provide a disconnect in a • If roof mounted:
dil accessible
ibl location
l ti att the
th nearestt point
i t th
the wires
enter the building for a rooftop PV system. − Weight of PV array in pounds per square
• This requirement is a very real problem especially for foot.
integrally-mounted systems and systems being installed − Age of roof—if older than 30 years, may need
on new homes.
to supply additional information.
• Guidelines provide two alternatives for jurisdictions still
on the 2002 NEC: yp ((comp,
− Roof type p, tile,, metal,, thatch,, etc….))
− Allow a rooftop disconnect with a sign at the service entrance − Provide roof mounting detail.
− Require interior wiring to be installed in metal raceways.
• The 2005 NEC has solved this problem by requiring metal − Identify method of sealing penetrations.
raceways for this wiring.

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 24

Array mounting information
Costs of Permits
• If ground mounted:
− Show
Sh array supports, fframing • Small
S ll PV system
t ((up tto 4 kW)
kW): $75 - $200
members, and foundation posts and • Large PV system (up to 10 kW): $150 - $400
− Provide information on mounting
structure(s) construction. • For systems above 10 kW, consider a permit cost
− Show detail on module attachment of $15 - $40 per kW.
method to mounting structure.

Equipment, conduit, and wiring

installed according to plans

Field Inspection •PV module model number

matches plans and cut sheets
o g

Guideline •PV modules are properly

grounded with lugs on each
module and mounting rails or
some equivalent grounding

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 25

Equipment, conduit, and wiring Structure attached according to
installed according to plans plans and directions
• Check that wiring is consistent with callouts on plans
(number of modules)
• Check that cable and conduit is properly supported
• Where plug connectors are used for module wiring, inspect a
sample of the connections to make sure that connectors are
fully engaged

What are the next steps needed

Appropriate signs installed to propagate these practices?
• A guideline is not law and must be adopted voluntarily by
•Sign construction the AHJ.
•Photovoltaic Power Source • Influential building officials and chief electrical inspectors
need to understand what is needed for safe PV
•AC point of connection
installations, provide feedback to these guidelines, and
•inverter matches one-line then incorporate them into their standard practices.
l i power system • Articles in code official newsletters can help spread the
•Optional Standby System word that these guidelines are available and are being
used by jurisdictions.
(if battery-backed unit)

Inspecting PV Systems for Code-Compliance 26

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