Pizza Mnagement Python
Pizza Mnagement Python
Pizza Mnagement Python
Pizza Management System here, greatly simplifies the ordering process for both
the customer and the restaurant. System presents an interactive and up-to-date
menu with all available options in an easy to use manner. Customer can choose
one or more items to place an order which will land in the Cart. Customer can
view all the order details in the cart before checking out. At the end, customer
gets order confirmation details. Once the order is placed it is entered in the
database and retrieved in pretty much real time. This allows Restaurant
Employees to quickly go through the orders as they are received and process all
orders efficiently and effectively with minimal delays and confusion.
This software is supported to eliminate and in some way reduce the hardships
faced by the existing system. It is aimed at assisting the user to concentrate on
their other activities rather than having to keep up with the records and thus
leading to better utilisation of resources for the organisation. Thus this system
will allow hotels and restaurants to increase scope of business by reducing the
labour cost involved.
Build your own pizza – This system will help customers in ordering custom
pizzas. So the customer will pick exactly the things which he/she wants in their
pizza. This will surely enhance the image of the pizzeria and customer
satisfaction will be more.
Online Payment- This system will give the option to the customer for online
payment. This will make pizza buying experience cash free.
Better Knowledge- This system will provide customer all the details of his
order before making the order. This confirmation will help customers to check
the items ordered with their prices.
Know Delivery Time- This system will show the time by which the order will
be delivered to the customer. For pick-ups, customers can fix the time by which
they will pick their order.
Reduce Paper Work- As most of the things will be performed online, it will
reduce the usage of paper for the pizzeria.
Improves Efficiency- This system will make things easier for staff as whole
ordering process is done by the customer only.
Hardware/Software Interface:
This section lists the minimum hardware and software requirements needed to
run the system efficiently.
Hardware Interface:
• Pentium Processor
• 60 MB of free hard-drive space
• 128 MB of RAM
Software Interface: