Non-Invasive Detection of Anemia Using MATLAB IRJEMS Paper PDF
Non-Invasive Detection of Anemia Using MATLAB IRJEMS Paper PDF
Non-Invasive Detection of Anemia Using MATLAB IRJEMS Paper PDF
M.R.N Tagore5
1U.G. Student, Department of ECE, VVIT, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
2U.G. Student, Department of ECE, VVIT, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
3U.G. Student, Department of ECE, VVIT, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
4U.G. Student, Department of ECE, VVIT, Nambur, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
The primary component which contributes to the We first take a picture of the anterior conjunctiva of the
pigmentation found in human blood is Hemoglobin. It eye in adequate lighting, with a standard back facing
has a bias in reflecting the red component of the light camera of a smartphone. We pull the lower eyelid softly
falling on its surface compared to the green component with the thumb and take the photograph so that the
which it primarily takes in. This is the key reason for the
anterior conjunctiva is in focus and as magnified as
deep reddish appearance of hemoglobin [5]. Hence, by
comparing the red and green components of the RGB possible. The image has considerable effects according
color spectrum of the conjunctival pallor, it is the quality of the picture. Improper picture may affect
determined that a person is either Anemic or Non- the whole process. So, the picture should be taken with
Anemic. Many people are vulnerable to anemia, due to the best camera available. The photo should be taken
lack of proper healthcare and medical facilities in with stable hands as excessive shaking could blur the
underdeveloped countries. This situation can be image and may result in erroneous readings. Also taking
alleviated if an indication of anemia can be estimated
without involving expensive blood tests, which are the picture in daylight is recommended.
unavailable in many of these areas. Even the availability
of doctors or medical workers is inconsistent. Detecting
the presence of anemia in a patient, using non-invasive
methods, which does not include expensive tests or even 3.2 Image Processing using MATLAB
the presence of a doctor or medical worker is of great
help. The presence of anemia in a person can be an The image that is captured is uploaded to MATLAB (Fig.
indication of other diseases like jaundice and lack of 2), and then converted to gray scale (Fig. 3). imfreehand
nutrition. The detection of anemia can serve to indicate tool, in MATLAB image processing toolbox, is used to
the presence of other diseases as well. select the required region using the cursor (Fig. 4). The
outer part of the selected image is converted to black
3. METHODOLOGY (Fig. 5). The original image is now compared to this gray
scale image (Fig. 5) and this gray scale part is cropped in
A flow chart constituting the entire process is presented
the original image (Fig. 6).
in Fig. 1
Fig- 3: Gray Scale Image Fig- 4: Gray Scale Image with selected part
Then, extract the RGB color of Anterior Conjunctiva. The algorithm decides the state of a patient by averaging
Next, the red color intensity of the RGB spectrum was the color intensity of the red and green spectrum and
compared to the green color intensity to determine then comparing the two values. A suitable threshold is
whether the person was anemic or non-anemic. Then, estimated and if the difference between the two
the mean red pixel intensities and green pixel intensities spectrums is greater than the threshold value then the
are calculated. Compared to non-anemic patients, we algorithm labels that patient as Non-Anemic. The
found that the difference between the two means was difference is calculated as:
small for anemic patients. To determine the threshold
value, a number of eye images of a subject whose anemia Mean red color intensity – Mean green color intensity
level was previously known, were analyzed. Based on
So in case of moderately anemic patients, the value of the
inspection of data for anemic and non-anemic patient we
difference can also come out to be negative. This
manually selected a threshold difference of means. We
happens when the mean red color intensity is less than
found that a mean difference of 1.5 was suitable for our
the green color intensity.
given data.
The deficiency of red blood cells or Anemia still persists
to be one of the major causes of health hazard in many
underdeveloped regions throughout the world [1]. The
first step towards mitigating the risks of anemia is the smartphone with suitable regulation in sufficient
early detection of this syndrome. Most conventional lighting. The image taken is next transferred to a
methods of anemia detection rely on a chemical blood computer by any means.RGB spectrum of the anterior
test performed on the intravenously acquired blood conjunctival pallor is processed bya computer program
sample of the patient in question. However, due to the that processes the image to extract and compares it with
lack of proper medical facilities or hospitals in many a pre-determined threshold value to conclude whether
areas, this intravenous method of anemia detection the subject is anemic or not. The value of the threshold is
becomes highly inconvenient at certain times. In many determined based on our collected data so the quantity
patients, the detection of anemia is eventually delayed of the data has a considerable impact on the accuracy of
until it causes irreversible organ damage which may the system and a larger and more diversified collection
even lead to death in certain occasions. of data injected into our algorithm would substantially
boost the accuracy. Furthermore, the threshold of
Our method of the detection of anemia requires no anemic and non-anemic patients can also depend on
intravenous blood samples and can be quite his/her geographical location which can be incorporated
conveniently administered requiring only the availability into the program if data from different regions is
of a camera enabled smart phone which is becoming available. In the less developed regions of the world.This
increasingly available in recent times. The process is method of anemia detection can prove to be a vital
user friendly with requires no prior specialized skills to method in the fight against anemia. This can result in a
operate making it very convenient to administer. significant increase in the health conditions in those
areas along with a sufficiently less deaths caused by the
The table below shows the patient’s actual anemia state
as per the blood test report, their hemoglobin level and effects of anemia. Moreover, this method can also be
the predictions made by our algorithm. used to detect the lack of blood caused by other means
like blood loss due to physical injury of various organs of
the body.
TABLE 1: List of patients with their actual anemia state
and the predictions made by our algorithm. REFERENCES
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